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 Values are dependent to ethics.
 Ethics and values support each other
 An ethics without values is hollow and shallow and, therefore, weak.
 Values without ethics are paralytic.

Values are values even they are not put into practice because primarily --- values are objective in relation to action.

 In principle, actions presuppose values.
 The radix of actions are the values of a person.
 The kind or quality of an act which a person performs is just a manifestation of his values.

 In interplay of values and ethics, it is the latter that serves as the carrier of values. However, values are also be carried by
culture, religion, beliefs, etc.

Economist perspective:
1.Value in Use
- is the capacity of an object to satisfy human needs or desires.
2. Value in Exchange
- amount of commodity obtained in exchange of another.

 The branch of philosophy that studies values is called axiology.
 Values refer to beliefs, ideas, or goals which we hold to be true and important in life.
 Thus, they refer to our ideals and principles that enable us to direct, understand, and evaluate our lives.


The elements of values:
1. Values are chosen FREELY
2. Values are chosen from ALTERNATIVES
3. Values are chosen REFLECTIVELY
4. Values are those which we PRIZE
5. Values are affirmed by their BEHOLDERS
6. Values are ACTED UPON
7.Values are done REPEATEDLY


Values are Subjective

 Existence and validity of values are dependent on the feelings or attitudes of the subject.

Values are Objective

 Existence and nature of values are independent to the subject.
 There is nothing to value if there is nothing to be valued.
 Values exist first before they are apprehended, desired, or craved.

Values are Relative

 Values have intrinsic limitation and imperfection.
 In themselves, values are not limited and are not imperfect. However, in the light of the subject who values value, value
becomes limited and imperfect.

Values are Bipolar

 Values do not exist alone; they always exist with their countervalues.
 Thus, values are either positive or negative.
 Positive and negative values are independent of each other.

Values are Hierarchical

 Hierarchy does not mean classification since the latter means division while former means ranking.
 When we rank values we establish order of importance or priority among them.

Intrinsic Values
 Values which are considered values in themselves.
Instrumental Values
 Values construed as desired good because of their worth to us and others.

Accidental Values
 Values subject to variability, temporality, and impermanence.

Natural Values
 Values that are permanent in nature. Also known as natural human values.

Primary Values
 Values that are chosen, acted upon, cherished and are necessary for human development.

Secondary Values
 Values that are obligatory in nature.

Religious Values
 Those that enable us to encounter the absolute God. Hence, this values aim for the absolute good

Cultural Values
 Values that embrace poetry, painting architecture, music, literature, society's model of living and etc.

Social Values
 These are understood as perfect, attributed to an object or attitude from the standpoint of relationship between means and ends
of society.
 e.g. patriotism, economic productivity, politics, liberty. and etc.

 Through these values, actions are viewed from the standpoint of conduct.
♦ In ethics, there are morally good and morally evil acts.
 Refer to those qualities of an act performed by man freely and knowingly. This entails that moral values involve our freedom
to choose and the indispensability of choosing
 Thus, moral values are characterized as basic values, permanent, universal, absolute, objective and freely chosen by us.

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