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EE1302 Introduction to Electrical Engineering

Unit 10: Domestic Installation

10.2 Protective Schemes in Domestic Installation

Protection should be provided for following cases.

1. Electric shock to human beings.
2. Electric faults in domestic electrical installations
a. Short circuit faults (phase to neutral faults) – As a result of which large currents will
flow and damage may occur to wires, insulators, switches, etc., due to overheating;
b. Overload (Flowing high current greater than the rated current for a long period) –
As a result of overload, insulation failure can take place resulting a short circuit fault.
3. Insulation failure (fault between the phase conductor and non-current carrying metallic
parts of an electrical equipment) – As a result of which high voltages may appear on the
frames of equipment and may be dangerous to a person coming in contact with it.

Protective Schemes and their protections

1. For electric shock to human beings

2. For short circuit faults/ Overloading

3. For insulation failure

Characteristics of a protective equipment

Protective equipment must possess the following features:
• Certainty and reliability of operation under fault conditions and non-operation under
normal conditions.
• Discrimination
• Speed of operation
• Simplicity, low initial and maintenance cost
• Easy adjustment and testing

Dr. R.P.S. Chandrasena, “Unit 10: Domestic Installation, “ Technical brief lecture notes, Department of
Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Ruhuna.

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