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<question>«Beowulf» was written by...

<variant>unknown writer
<variant>Daniel Defoe
<variant>Edmund Spencer
<question>The original inhabitants of Britain were:
<variant>Celtic people
<variant>French people
<variant>Spanish people
<question>In Chaucer’s short lyrics we see the influence of:
<variant>The French poetry
<variant>The Roman poetry
<variant>The German poetry
<variant>Italian poetry
<question>William the Conqueror spoke:
<variant>Norman – French
<variant>Norman – English
<variant>English – French
<variant>Spanish – French
<variant>Italian – German
<question>The language of the ruling class in 12th – 13th centuries was:
<variant>Norman – French
<question>The language spoken at the monasteries in 12th – 13th centuries was:
<variant>Norman – French
<question>The language of the common people in 12th -13th centuries was:
<variant>Norman –French
<question>The major form of literary expression in England during the Romantic Age was___.
<question>____ made Byron the most celebrated poet of the world.
<variant>Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
<variant>Hours of Illness
<variant>She Walks in Beauty
<variant>The Triumph of Life
<question>The second generation of “Romantic Age” English writers were….
<variant>Byron, Shelley
<variant>G.Chaucer, O.Wilde
<variant>O.Wilde, W.Scott
<variant>Shelley, Chaucer
<variant>O.Wilde, Byron
<question>The Romantic writers were concerned with____.
<variant>freely imaginative idealizing fiction
<variant>love between men and women
<variant>life of common people
<variant>life of rich people
<question>Renaissance a Greek word by origin which means:
<variant>to give birth
<variant>be born
<variant>being born
<question>Shakespeare’s tragedies appeared in _____ of creative activity.
<variant>the second period
<variant>the first period
<variant>the third period
<variant>the fourth period
<variant>the fifth period
<question>The period of European history and culture from 14th – 17th centuries is known as…
<variant>Victorian Age
<variant>The Middle Ages
<variant>The Norman period
<question>Shakespeare’s literary work is divided into:
<variant>three periods
<variant>two periods
<variant>four periods
<variant>six periods
<variant>five periods
<question>The work by which Thomas More is best remembered today is…..
<variant>Robinson Crusoe
<variant>Hard Times
<question>The sonnet is a poetical form that appeared in…. in the 14th century.
<question>J.Milton wrote about the spirit of the revolution in his work ….
<variant>”Paradise Lost”
<variant>“On His Blindness”
<variant>“Pride and Prejudice”
<variant>“Mac Flecknoe”
<variant>“The Pilgrim Progress”
<question>A deep hatred for … was expressed in literature of the Enlightenment.
<question>D.Defoe was …….. .
<variant>a great master of realistic detail
<variant>a Romanist
<variant>a great master in writing drama
<variant>a great master in writing comedy
<variant>a humanist
<question>J.Swift criticized …. in his masterpiece “Gulliver’s Travels”
<variant>parody on science
<question>D. Defoe’s work “Robinson Crusoe” is … .
<variant>a study of a man in relation to nature
<variant>a work of fiction
<variant>an account of adventures
<variant>an essay
<variant>a novel
<question>Both Beowulf and the dragon died and the poem ended with Beowulf’s …
<question>…. is a collection of tales told by pilgrims on their way to Canterbury.
<variant>”The Canterbury Tales”
<variant>“Paradise Lost”
<variant>“Robinson Crusoe”
<variant>“Dombey and Son”
<question>The word “renaissance” in Greek means …..
<variant>giving birth
<variant>to be born
<question>English literature begins with:
<variant>Canterbury Tale
<variant>Robinson Crusoe
<variant>Italian poetry
<variant>Gulliver’s Travels
<question>The first truly great figure and the father of Medieval English literature:
<variant>Geoffrey Chaucer
<variant>King Edward III
<question>The ancestor of the present-day English, which was brought by the Germanic tribes:
<question>The epic poem that consists of 3,000 lines.
<variant>A History of the Church and People.
<variant>The Norman Conquest.
<variant>Canterbury Tales.
<variant>Robinson Crusoe.
<question>What are the period of Romanticism?
<variant>The last decade of the 18 century – 1830.
<variant>The first decade of the 17 century – 1830.
<variant>The 17-18 centuries.
<variant>The 19 century – 1830.
<variant>The 18 century
<question>Romanticism as a literary current can be regarded as a result of…
<variant>The Industrial Revolution in England and the French Bourgeois Revolution
<variant>The Civil War
<variant>The Industrial Revolution in France
<variant>The Industrial Revolution in England
<variant>The French Bourgeous Revolution
<question>The year of the Norman Conquest is:
<question>The main heroic text of Old English is:
<variant>Dear’s Lament
<variant>The Battle of Maldon
<variant>The Wanderer
<variant>The Canterbury Tales
<question>Who was the greatest writer of the 14th century and the creator of a new literary language?
<variant>Geoffrey Chaucer
<variant>Robert Burns
<variant>Thomas More
<variant>Bernard Shaw
<variant>William Langland
<question>What is the greatest work of Chaucer?
<variant>The Canterbury Tales
<variant>The House of Tame
<variant>The Legend of Good Women
<variant>The Parliament of Towls
<variant>The Legend of Robin Hood
<question>What form was “The Canterbury Tales” written in?
<variant>a series of stories written in verse
<variant>historical ballads and folk-songs
<variant>a poetic history of England
<question>What is the Chaucer’s contribution to the development of the English language?
<variant>All variants are correct.
<variant> He summed up all types of stories that existed in the Middle Ages.
<variant>He showed true picture of life of the 14th century
<variant>He was the creator of a new literary language.
<variant>He wrote “The Canterbury Tales”
<question>What period did the Renaissance embrace?
<variant>between the 14th and 17th c.
<variant>between the 12th and 15th c.
<variant>between the 15th and 17th c.
<variant>between the 16th and 18th c.
<variant>between the 17th and 18th c.
<question>What did Christopher Marlowe an English dramatist of 16th c. write?
<variant>Doctor Faust
<variant>Romeo and Juliet
<variant>Oliver Twist
<question>What is “a short narrative in verse with the refrain following each stanza”
<question>What was the name of the “outlaw” from the English ballad?
<variant>Robin Hood
<question>The period of the Renaissance -
<variant>14th – 17th c.
<variant>14th – 16th c.
<variant>13th – 14th c.
<variant>14th – 18th c.
<variant>14th c.
<question>The literary and spoken Middle English was mostly ____
<question>Geoffrey Chaucer was not ____
<variant>A ploughman
<variant>A diplomat
<variant>A poet
<variant>All variants
<variant>A soldier
<question>What does the word “renaissance” mean?
<variant>it means “rebirth” in French and was used to denote a phase in the cultural development
of Europe between the 14th and 17th c.
<variant>it means the faith into the good future
<variant>it means movement, the members of which fought against the poverty
<variant>it means the unity of all nations
<variant>All variants
<question>In what country did the Renaissance start first
<variant>in Italy
<variant>in France
<variant>in German
<variant>in England
<variant>In Sweden
<question>Shakespeare’s first tragedy was ____
<variant>Romeo and Juliet
<variant>King Lear
<variant>King Henry IV
<question>“Paradise Lost” is _____
<variant>A poem
<variant>A tragedy
<variant>A comedy
<variant>A novel
<variant>A tail
<question>“Paradise Lost” was published first in ____
<variant>10 books
<variant>8 books
<variant>12 books
<variant>2 books
<variant>5 books
<question>A sonnet has _____ lines
<variant>They vary
<question>______wrote 'Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise'.
<variant>Rudyard Kipling
<question>The greatest poet of the Middle English period is ______, the father of English poetry.
<variant>Geoffrey Chaucer
<variant>William Langland
<variant>John Milton
<variant>John Lyly
<variant>Lewis Carroll
<question>The keynote of the Renaissance is ____________.
<question>The English Renaissance period was an age of ______.
<variant>poetry and drama
<variant>drama and novel
<variant>novel and poetry
<variant>romance and poetry
<variant>novel and romance
<question>In which century were Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales written?
<variant>13th – 14th
<variant>16th – 17th
<variant>15th -16th
<variant>14th – 15th
<variant>10th -11th
<question>What country and city is the setting of ‘Romeo and Juliet’?
<variant>Italy, Verona
<variant>France, Paris
<variant>England, London
<question>What was Geoffrey’s final work?
<variant>The Canterbury Tales
<variant>Complaint to His Purse
<variant>Troilus and Criseyde
<variant>The House of Fame
<variant>The Parliament of Fowls
<question>How is Gulliver fed in the Lilliputian government?
<variant>the villages around the capital provide six beeves (oxen)
<variant>guns and cannons
<variant>Ate turtle’s eggs
<variant>No food
<variant>they vary
<question>What is the land called in Gulliver's Travels?
<question>The period between 1450 and 1600 in European development is known by what term, initially
used by Italian scholars to express the rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture?
<variant>The Renaissance
<variant>Pre - Renaissance
<variant>Critical Realism
<question>What is the technical name for a 14-lined poem in rhymed iambic pentameters?
<variant>epic poem
<variant>folk song
<question>What is the Old English heroic poem, surviving in a single copy dated around the year 1000,
featuring its eponymous 6th century warrior from Geatland in Sweden?
<variant>Canterbury Tales
<variant>Anglo – Saxon Chronicle
<variant>A Night in November
<question>Which one of the following terms is often called for the England's national poet, William
<variant>Bard of Avon
<variant>Supreme poet
<variant>Master Dramatist
<variant>Bard of London
<question>How do Claudius and Laertes plan to kill Hamlet?
<variant>Laertes will poison the tip of his sword and stab Hamlet
<variant>destruct a large nature by material ambition
<variant>portray the emptiness of a sensual passion
<variant>Leave him on an island
<variant>Kidnapped by pirates
<question>In Swift's Gulliver's Travels, by what trait are the Brobdingnagians primarily characterized?
<variant>They're incredibly large
<variant>They're incredibly small
<variant>They're slavishly devoted to science
<variant>They continue to age but never die
<variant>They're intelligent horses
<question>What are the major traditions of Anglo-Saxon poetry?
<variant>Anglo-Saxon poetry was heroic
<variant>Anglo-Saxon poetry has a strong beat and alliteration
<variant>Anglo-Saxon poetry is elegiac
<variant>Anglo-Saxon poetry did not introduce problems
<variant>Anglo-Saxon poetry was written down
<question>Which play does the line "To be or not to be" come from?
<variant>King Lear
<variant>Richard II
<variant>Julius Caesar
<question>Shakespeare’s comedies include the charmingly fantastic:
<variant>'Midsummer Night's Dream'
<variant>'Richard III
<question>Which plays by William Shakespeare are the longest in his repertoire?
<variant>Romeo & Juliet
<variant>Much Ado about Nothing
<question>Writing verse was very common in Shakespeare’s days. It was called…
<question>In Verona, Italy, there lived two families who hated one another.
<variant>The Montagues and Capulets
<variant>the Capulets and Benvolio
<variant>Mercutio and the Capulets
<variant>Tybalt and Montagues
<variant>Lady Capulet and Juliet
<question>Which of the following did not attend the University of Cambridge?
<variant>William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
<variant>Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-92)
<variant>Rupert Brooke (1887-1915)
<variant>Ted Hughes (1930-1998)
<variant>Lord Byron (1788-1824)
<question>Shakespeare makes fun of the Puritans in his comedy (play)?
<variant>Twelfth Night
<variant>The Tempest
<variant>Henry IV
<variant>Romeo and Juilet
<question>Leonato's daughter: Beautiful, sweet, gentle, and demure, she is wrongfully accused of
unfaithfulness and publicly humiliated on her wedding day(Much Ado about nothing).
<question>According to legend, who was King Arthur's father?
<variant>No one knows... It's a mystery
<question>The Arthurian legends are examples of what form of writing?
<variant>Medieval Theatre
<variant>Folk Tales
<variant>all variants are correct
<question>What did the round table symbolize? (King Arthur and knights of the round table)
<variant>all people who seat around the table are equal
<variant>all tables of that period were round
<variant>all variants are correct
<question>What does chivalry mean?
<variant>all variants are correct
<variant>very polite, honest, and kind behaviour, especially by men towards women
<variant>the system of behaviour followed by knights in the medieval period of history, that put a high
value on honour, kindness, and courage
<variant>gallant or distinguished gentlemen
<variant>knights, noblemen, and horsemen collectively
<question>What is a ballad?
<variant>A type of poem.
<variant>A bow and arrow.
<variant>A type of dance.
<variant>A romantic movie.
<variant>all variants are correct
<question>Robin Hood and his band of merry men spent their days doing all of the following except
<variant>horseback riding
<variant>shooting bows and arrows
<variant>all variants are correct
<question>The golden age of English literature
<variant>The Elizabethan age
<variant>Middle English Period
<variant>Neoclassical Period
<variant>Old English
<question>Who is Robinson Crusoe?
<variant>the hero of the novel
<variant>the famous writer of the Renaissance
<variant>Daniel Defoe’s friend
<variant>Daniel Defoe’s son
<variant>all variants are correct

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