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Juson, Jed Mars R.



Create a FIVE WHY’S ANALYSIS with the following problems. The analysis must be sequential and for the
explanation, please provide at least 3 sentences.

1. Scaffolding collapses
WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1ST WHY Why there is no fall protection? Does not have any notices. PPE not
required. Area is to crowdy because of
materials causing to slip or trip.
2ND WHY Why there is lack of training? Simple instruction does not understand
by a worker. Not being a professional.
Worker’s neglect what happens after
3RD WHY Why workers not wearing PPE? Workers uncomfortable wearing PPE
doing work. Lack of parts of PPE why
worker not wear PPE. Poor management
that worker does not understand why
need to wear PPE.
4TH WHY Why there is no strategic control? Worker will follow what management
tells them, if there is no control the
worker will do what they want not what
is needed. Poor operational
performance that can be caused by
scaffold failure. Poor planning of
management will lead to
misunderstanding by workers.
5TH WHY Why there is Incompetent workers? Workers erect scaffolds falling. Not
following standards. Can’t perform job
well because of job satisfactorily.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause because of lack of fall protection by the workers, notices and standards
are must whenever it comes on risk. Area must be clear and does not have any
problem. The more workers focused on work without thinking any of accident or
incident the worker will be safe under the safety protection.

2. Hacked Social Media Account

WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1 WHY Why password is easy to see? No idea how to change password. Easy
to analyze. Based on name passwords.
2ND WHY Why people interest on your account? People interest on your account because
of your privacy. Information on your
account interested to them. Number of
Followers and likes might be interested
to them.
3RD WHY Why your password or account revealed? People sees your password or account in
public. Unnoticed saved password on
web. Unnoticed that people are around
on you.
4TH WHY Why people want to post something on People that know your password want
your account? to post something. Want to destroy your
reputation. To reveal your own identity.
5TH WHY Why they want to revenge? Unsatisfied what they want to do on
you. Your account will have advantage
to them because of private messages.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause of why people want to hack your account is because they are interested
on your account. Because it has information that will be advantage to them,
payment details or financial gain or accounts that messaged in your account. Interest
of people to hack your account is the most common caused it is because of they are
attracted on you, attracted on what you do, or attracted on something about money.

3. Building Fire
WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1 WHY Why does fire alarm do not work? Damaged fire alarm. Long time no use
on fire alarm. Fire alarm is fake.
2ND WHY Why there is no fire extinguisher? No money to buy fire extinguisher. Fire
is not an issue to them. No back up for
emergency occurrence.
3RD WHY Why there is no proper action? Guards or workers have lack of training.
Panic is the reason why they can’t
perform. People only think about there
selves when it comes to incident.
4TH WHY Why no fire exit? Do not want to establish fire exit. Safety
hazard is not priority. Fire exit signs are
not existing.
5TH WHY Why there is no emergency button? Can’t afford to buy emergency button.
Not properly informed on how to use it.
Afraid that it might caused to much
panic for people.
ROOT CAUSE Fire alarm is the most important when it comes to safety control on building fire. Fire
alarm needs to be the most priority to be noticed by all person that will not be panic
when they hear an alarm. Fire alarm cost is much higher, but it is the most needed
when it comes to safety control.
4. Elevator suddenly stops
WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1ST WHY Why elevator power is insufficient? Power of elevator is not sufficient
because of required power. Workers is
not noticing any problem within the
power. Because of electrical brownout
or black out.
2ND WHY Why there is no maintenance? Maintenance cost more. No workers
want to maintain elevator because of
money. Lack of workers in the area.
3RD WHY Why program is incorrect? Having an error on codes. System failure
because of hijack. Program failure
because of programmer’s lack of
attention on the problem.
4TH WHY Why there is no emergency button? Emergency button is not their focused.
Emergency button is not working.
Focused on design only.
5TH WHY Why there is a problem on the rope Rope used is not stronger. Rope is
holding the elevator? holding with a lot of people. Rope is cut.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause of why elevator is suddenly stop because of program is incorrect. Even
there is a lot of people on it when the elevator sense that it has a lot of people it will
stop but not suddenly. Program is the most important because it works the whole
elevator from programs to button and electricity that runs the elevator.

5. Worker contacted with equipment

WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1ST WHY Why wires of equipment have holes or Wires is being exposed. Worker that
cut? used equipment does not have
attention. Damage wire caused electric
2ND WHY Why workers have lack of training? Equipment used by the workers is
heavy. Don’t have any idea on how to
use equipment. Information is too
3RD WHY Why not wearing PPE? Not being comfortable wearing PPE.
Company does not provide PPE. PPE is
not priority by the company.
4TH WHY Why does not change the equipment? Too much cost. Equipment is used by
the workers because of comfortability.
Not changing the equipment is not their
5TH WHY Why not used appropriate equipment? Company not focused on changing the
equipment. Company only wants to
complete task but not what is in it.
Buying only fake equipment.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause of worker contacted with equipment is workers lack of training or how to
use it. The worker has also lack of understanding the information given in the
training program. Attention is also the must when using tools or equipment, proper
using this is a must.

6. Electrical Blackout
WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1 WHY Why electrical wires or lines are Lines or wires are too revealing or
damaged? exposed. Electrical wires are wets
caused by rains or flood. Caused by
human error.
2ND WHY Why Lack of Electricity? Natural causes because of the
environment. Overload electricity result
of electrical black out. Failure of human
intervention by maintenance or fixing
3RD WHY Why electrical worker cut the lines? Too much overload of electricity.
Jumper of another lines that workers
lead to cut. Wrong cut of electricians
causes to electrical blackout.
4TH WHY Why can environment cause electrical Unnatural phenomenon leads to
blackout? blackout. Uncontrollable weather
caused trees to affect lines. Too much
exposed on the outside area.
5TH WHY Why there is no control on blackout? Power is insufficient. Total blackout on
area. Natural causes is too harmful.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause of electrical blackout is the environment is uncontrollable. Weather,
floods, wind etc. can cut off lines and signals. Leading to electrical blackout because
of massive or huge weather in a area.

7. Cellphone Battery not charging

WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1 WHY Why there is no battery percent added? Charging pin is not working. USB wire
not connected to the adopter. Charge is
2ND WHY Why there is no electricity? Caused by the environment. Blackout or
brownout. Wires are cut.
3RD WHY Why socket is not compatible? Socket is not for charger of cellphones.
Adopter is not compatible on the socket.
220 and 110v.
4TH WHY Why battery of cellphone bloat? Charging is too long. Charging while
playing or using phone leads to battery
bloat. Misused of charger of the
5TH WHY Why can’t USB wires add up my battery Wrong used of USB port. USB wires are
percentage? cutted. USB Wire insulation exposed.
ROOT CAUSE Root cause on why cellphone battery is not work or adding battery percentage it is
because of charging pin is damaged. Even it is plug when it is not working it will not
be charged. USB charging port pin when it is not working the charger battery will not
work also.

8. Thesis Prototype not working

WHY’S WHY Description Explanation
1 WHY Why there is an error? Failing on codes. Mistype because of
keyboard. Lack of attention on what is
2ND WHY Why does program not work? Errors in codes. Compatibility issue
between the system and the prototype.
Components in a prototype is not
3RD WHY Why system is not compatible with a Components used in prototype is too
prototype? chip. System used is not appropriate to
connect system to the prototype.
Loading takes time because of non-
4TH WHY Why there is a part not working? Loosen parts of prototype. Codes are
not working or loading. Parts used are
not compatible with in the program.
5TH WHY Why the method is incorrect? Prototyping is too early. Too much love
on prototype does not focus on the
essence or important used of the
prototype. Striving on perfection is too
much, not noticing the errors and
ROOT CAUSE Codes are the most complex problem when it comes on system success on
prototyping. Codes are the most used in order to work or run the system and the
prototype. When there is an error in codes prototype will not work, it might work
but it will destroy it system or parts of the prototype.

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