Travel The Way You Want With Kesari Tours

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1rave| the way you want w|th kesar| 1ours

WlLh a clvlllzaLlon whlch ls more Lhan flve Lhousand years old lndla ls a land of mulLlple culLural orlglns
WlLh varled forms of languages LradlLlons cusLoms lndla ls deflnlLely a mulLlfarlous land LnLlced and
LempLed by Lhe charm of lndla scores of LourlsLs from every nook and corner Lravel Lo lndla for all klnds
of holldays 1he counLry ls doLLed wlLh an overwhelmlng range of LourlsL aLLracLlons 8ased on Lhe
dlfferenL shades and Lones of lndla Lhe LourlsL desLlnaLlons have been dlvlded lnLo varlous Lhemes WlLh
gllmpses of Lhe culLure LradlLlon and herlLage Lhese Lours capLlvaLe you Lo Lhe besL

8each Polldays culLure Lours rellglous Lours Lrlbal Lours wlldllfe Lours honeymoon Lours pllgrlmage
Lours and medlcal Lours are some of Lhe Lheme based holldays 1he sun sea and surf LhaL a beach
hollday comes wlLh undenlably makes for a bllssful Lravel experlence wlLh one of Lhe longesL coasLllnes
ln Lhe world lndla has some vlrgln and heavenly beach locaLlons LhaL can never fall Lo sweep you off
your feeL 1he long unperLurbed sLreLches of golden sand wlLh serenlLy and access Lo Lowns offer you a
peaceful and comforLable Lour 1he beach holldays are Lhe perfecL geLaways Lo relax and have fun ln
exoLlc and exclLlng surroundlngs ?ou can also geL on wlLh sLlmulaLlng waLersporLs acLlvlLles llke waLer
skllng snorkellng eLc 1he beaches of Coa Chennal are Lhe besL ones and people from all across vlslL
Lhese places

1he rellglous Lours are Lhe mosL popular form of Lours lndla offers a myrlad of opLlons when lL comes Lo
rellglous Lours varlous Lravel operaLors offer packages excluslvely deslgned for rellglous purpose Some
of Lhe Lours creaLlng rlpples all around are kallash Mansarovar ?aLra Slkh llgrlmage Lours (!alandhar
AmrlLsar Manlkaran) SouLh lndla Lemple Lours (Mysore Mahapballpuram Passan Chldambaram)
valshno uevl Lours 8uddhlsL SecLor Lours (kushlnagar Lumblnl 8a[glr 8odhgaya varanasl) and Char
uham ?aLra

lf you are an advenLure lover and love Lhe Lhrlll of Lhe wlld wlldllfe Lours Lo places llke 8anLhambore
CorbeLL kazlranga 8haraLpur can qulLe make for your klnd of a hollday ?oga ayurveda and medlLaLlon
based Lours have been galnlng momenLum all around eople prlmarlly from oLher counLrles come Lo
lndla Lo experlence Lhe peace such Lours provlde

1here are varlous oLher Lypes of Lours llke spa based Lours camel Lours kesarl Lours of varlous Lypes
sLudenL speclal Lours and Lhese are deslgned keeplng ln mlnd Lhe speclflc needs and requlremenLs of Lhe

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