Computer Sc. Practical File - XI 2023-24

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List of Programs for Practical File - XI


Program 1: Write a python code to input a string and display all the vowels present in it.

Sample input: COMPUTER

Sample output:

Program 2: Write a python code to input a string in lowercase replace the letter E with *symbol in the
given string. Display the new string.

Sample Input: computer science

Sample Output: comput*r sci*nc*

Program 3: Write a python code to input a string and change the case of each letter upper case to
lowercase and vice versa. Display the new string

Sample Input: WeLcOME tO python LanGuAGe

Sample output: wElCome To PYTHON lANgUagE

Program 4: Write a python code to input a string and check whether it is a palindrome string or not. (A
word is said to be the palindrome if it is a reads the same after reversing the letter)

Sample Input: madam

Sample Output: madam

A ward is a palindrome

Program 5: Write a python code to input a string convert into uppercase and display the string in
alphabetical order of its letters.

Simple Input: computer

Simple Output: CEMOPRTU

Program 6: Write a program code to input a sentence in the lowercase. Convert the first letter of each
word of the sentence in uppercase and display the new sentence.

Simple Input: we are learning python language

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List of Programs for Practical File - XI
Simple Output: We Are Learning Python Language

Program 7: Write a python code to input a sentence in the lowercase. Enter a word separately and find
the frequency of the given word in the sentence. Finally, display the frequency of the ward.

Sample Input: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Word to be searched: the

Sample output: frequency of word ‘the’=2

Program 8: Write a program that reads a line by user and prints its statistics like:

Number of uppercase letters

Number of Lowercase letters

Number of alphabets

Number of digits

Program 9: Write a program that enter a string and display the string without vowel characters.

Sample Input: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Sample output: th qck brwn fx jmps ver th lzy dg.

Program 10: Write a program that enter a string and display the alternate characters in a string.

Simple Input: computer

Simple Output: cmue

Program 1: Write a python code to accept a number of integers (using negative as well as positive) in a
list find and display the following

Sum of negative numbers

Sum of positive even numbers

Sum of positive odd numbers

Program 2: Write a program code ine python to accept 10 integer numbers in a list find and display the
sum of first five integers and the products of next five integers

Program 3: Write a program in Python to enter a set of numbers in a list find and display the maximum
and minimum numbers among them without using inbuilt function Max and min().

Program 4: Write a program in Python to accept a set of letters in a list find and display the frequency of
vowels and consonants present in the list without using the inbuilt function.

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List of Programs for Practical File - XI
Program 5: Write a python code to accept a set of names in a list enter or name separately and search
for it in the given list of names if found then display search is successful otherwise display the name has
not been enlisted.

Program 6: Write a program code in Python to input the integer numbers in a list. Display those numbers
which are buzz numbers.

Aur number is said to be a Buzz number if it is divisible by 7 and ends with the digit 7.

Program 7: Write a python code to accept the integers in 2 list. Find and display the frequency of each
element of list L1 and L2.

Program 8: Write a program code in Python to accept the names and marks in Computer Science of
students of your class into different lists. Display the name of student who has secured the highest

Program 9: Write a program code to input some words or names in a list display only those words or
names that begin with ‘A’ vowel.

Program 10: Write a python code to accept a set of words in the list and display only those words which
are palindrome.


Program 1: Write a program to enter N numbers in a tuple NUM and find the sum, maximum and
minimum vlaues from the tuple.

Program 2: Write a program to enter N numbers in a tuple NUM and print the tuple in ascending order
of name.

Program 3: Write a python code to accept a set of numbers in a tuple. Display all the unique numbers.

Program 4: Write a program code to accept the name of a student and create a dictionary by assigning
marks secured by him/her in English, Maths and Science subjects as shown below:

Eng: 65

Maths: 82

Science: 75

Display the name of the student along with the total marks and average.

Program 5: Write a Python code to create a dictionary containing four products with their names as keys
and their sales as values respectively. Display the dictionary with names of the product having the
highest sale.

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