You Are Young Not Stupid 1

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The Uncommon Life You Must Live


CHAPTER 1: You Are Young
CHAPTER 2: Your Mind
CHAPTER 3: Work It
CHAPTER 4: Failure Is Nothing
CHAPTER 5: Procrastination
CHAPTER 6: Your Friends
CHAPTER 7: The Love Letter



I dedicate this body of work first to God; The giver of life,
creator of the universe, and, every being in it.

I also dedicate this piece to every person in their prime seeking

to make meaning out of life. I acknowledge your urgent need for
this and did something about this demand.

I dedicate this work as my project to redeeming humanity and

in a larger context, encouraging young individuals to make the
most of their prime.

Words used in this piece like “Stupid” and the like are in no way
means of hurling or demeaning the reader whose fault is

The use of words like "Stupid" in this book is not articulated to

insult or belittle the reader whose mistakes are highlighted.

This is a book written with an unconventional style, featuring

stories that are not necessarily picked to mirror anyone’s story
in real life.

You Are Young, Not Stupid is a piece written for
purposeful living. A point came in my life when I
realized that if I didn't live a purpose-driven life, I
wouldn’t be happy even in Heaven. I fought so many
battles in an attempt to live an uncommon life.

The absence of a formal University education was the

first challenge I was confronted with but that didn’t
stop me. I discovered who I was and I learned in time
through the help of the HOLY SPIRIT that I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me. So I
started my learning cycle — I took courses and
underwent several trainings both online and offline
and till today, I'm still learning and striving to
become who I want to be.

This book is not a Google searched material; it's a

compendium of personal and life experiences that
will provide insights and answers to some questions
you have in your journey of BECOMING.

As you diligently read through, I assure you of

getting nothing short of answers to your troubled
and pressing life questions.

You are young and not stupid, living an uncommon

life is mandatory.

“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to
become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein

This stage of your life calls for an emergency and you are not
permitted to be stupid in your dealings.

As a young person, I tell you this: when you learn more than
you earn, you will earn even during the rain. The value you
carry is what defines you and I will not do well if I fail to tell
you how much value you’ve got.

It's a good thing to be certified by a formal institution but my

question to you is, “Are you valuable?”

I’m not a motivational speaker but it won't hurt if that tag

would make you get all that I have in store for you.

It feels good to be young and It is an absolute privilege. To be

young means to be endowed with strength, energy, and
potential; to be young is second to nothing, I bet you nothing
feels like it.

Dear young one, before you continue reading, I want you to

close your eyes and imagine yourself as the richest human on
earth. Have you done that? It feels good, right?

Oh yes, I know it will feel good but the question is, how were
you able to picture yourself as the richest without so much

It is because it all happened in your mind and the mind is the

fastest route to follow when in haste.

Your future achievements are intricately connected to the

realms of your mind and thoughts. Everything you will become
is tied to your mind and thoughts.

You just have to discover yourself by yourself because nobody is

coming to discover you. To be young is challenging and
competitive but don't be stupid.

An average young person wants to feel included; he wants his

tongue wet at all times; he wants to be famous but he doesn’t
want stress.

In our generation today, I noticed everyone is busy— a

pervasive busyness especially among us, THE YOUTHS.
Everyone is in a haste trying to chase something even when it is
not running.

While It may be true that your mates are doing better than you
right now, you need to discern that your age mates may not be
in your time clique.

Once you understand this, you will not want to chase after life
the way you do.

To be famous is a very good idea but life is beyond fame. I know
a lot of people who got famous at the expense of the inherent
value God gave them and what I mean by value here is their
gifts and talents. You see, it is your gift that will make way for
you, not your desire to beat or outpace time (Reference–
Proverbs 18 vs 16).

The problem we have is that we young people love it easy and

stress-free. Do you not know that when you get to the top all
juicy, you will fall back with a broken juice cup? (Think about

The mystery behind the fall of those who have been on top
without a consistent and ongoing process is attributed to ease!

My desire is for you not to rise and fall like the unstable U.S.
dollar that keeps fluctuating in the Nigerian exchange market.
There is a way to rise and stay at the top unshaken.

Albert Einstein asserted that you should not just become a

person of success but rather a person with value. The Bible
called to our attention that it is the gift of a man that makes way
for him.

So why are you still wondering how to become successful in

life? Why not discover your gifts, your talents, your strengths
and weaknesses?

Why do you want to succeed within the blink of an eye when

you did not grow into youthfulness the very first day you were
born? Dear, you are young, not stupid!

I’m not going to lie to you and that’s because I’m also a young
fellow. There may be differences in age range, but relatively, we
are all young.

The truth is bitter but it is better to eat the bitter truth now
than later.

For every young mind out there, I want you to know there’s
work to do, you can not desire the lion’s share and then do the
ant's work.

Have you discovered yourself? If yes, what did you discover?

What are your gifts? What is your purpose on the earth? When
you find answers to these questions, it doesn’t end there, the
work continues.

I know a very young and vibrant rising star in the music

ministry who got carried away by accolades and awards, is he
talented? Yes, very talented.

But hear me: Most people are not interested in how you
became this good; they just want you to be good. Yes, be very
good at what you do. What you do is your gift, and by
nurturing it, you become a premium box of value — a high-
value asset.

The young music minister got carried away by accolades. He

was thinking it was time to entertain the audience but to his
greatest shock, he had gathered fans he couldn't keep because
he was young and stupid.

He became a very beautiful house without a roof, the people

who took refuge in him left one after another and to date, he is

still struggling. The time for self-development is never a waste,
don't neglect it.

You are young, embrace your youth; it is time to work, it is time

to plant and wait, it is time to make mistakes and learn, it is
time to encounter failure and still stand to say, "I will try

“The waiting period of a man is not a waste of time, his

waiting hours are for time redemption” – Pastor Emmanuel
Arinze Eze

When you discover your gifts, it’s not time to make money, no,
it is not. You have to work to become the better version of
yourself that speaks only value. As you evolve into a person of
value, you also become indomitable.

Apostle Joshua Selman said and I quote, “The world system is

designed to obey him who is consistent”.

As a Young person, you have nothing to do with small thinking,

unproductive habits, laziness, and fear of failure.

Failure is what makes for success and you should not fear it!

I dare you to be different, stop chasing fame and frames,

discover your gifts, work on them, become valuable, remain
unbeatable, and don't be stupid. - King-KY

“Whatever you hold in your mind consistently is exactly what
you will experience in your life.” – Tony Robbins

Your mind is a Compendium of possibilities; yes! it is possible

to host millions of ideas in your mind and your ability to pick
an idea and start working on it is evidence of your self-

It might interest you to know that a lot of young people do not

know what they want. I have met people in my age range and
while we conversed, I understood that most of them are more
aware of the things they don’t want than the things they truly

Many young people do not want to make mistakes, they don’t

want to disappoint their parents, they are also seeking to evade
stress and lots more.

Today, we have people who are fighting to please a particular

person or persons; they try their best to follow and conform to
the ideas and opinions of people they perceive as successful for
fear of being called different or weird.

You find people, especially young people, who grow weary of

trying new ideas, they harbor wrong motives towards

everything new and go about having endless wishes hoping they
have this or that…

My dear, don’t be one of them. Life on its own is a risk and if we

are to have all we crave just by merely wishing, I would have
told you so.

Your mind is a place of programming, and the moment you

confess that " Yes, I can" in your mind, you will find yourself
doing the used-to-be-impossible things, but first, you have to
agree with your mind. It all starts with attuning your thoughts.

The glory of young men is their strength, And of old men is

their gray hair. (Proverbs 20 vs 29)

So a youth supposedly should be known for strength but we

have more youths sleeping than those working, I don’t mean to
instigate negatively but even if you are negatively affected by
my line of thoughts then it defines the category of the youth you
belong to.

Why should a young man be doing nothing and yet expect

something? That is a “stupid” mindset and you should deal with

When you go into the streets, you will find a lot of young minds
who are jobless and yet think less of themselves. Indeed, you
are not the cause of this predicament but I want you to know
that even the biggest problem in your life right now is just
waiting for you to stand up, and confront it.

In our world today, we have many borrowed ideas from our

parents and our elders. These borrowed ideas determine how

we perceive the world and influence how we respond to societal
challenges. They told us that the only way to be successful in
life is to go to school and acquire certificates. Is that true? Yes,
but not totally. This was a factual statement many years ago,
but several revolutions down the line, the focus has tilted to a
value-driven economy.

So listen to me: not everyone is called for schooling and

acquiring certificates. Some of us are born hustlers, and some
of us are born with an innate capacity for creativity.
I know of a young Nigerian pencil addict. His name is Mech’s
Pencil. Without attending any formal art school, he draws like a

Young One, hear me out: I’m not against the idea of you going
to school. Undeniably, proper education is the key to success
but come on, we've been singing that song for a long time now.
Even as students, what are you passionate about?

What are the things you derive joy in doing? Why are you on
Earth? What is your mind telling you about yourself?

Are you among those who came to catch the cruise or were you
born to make a difference?

Do you know that your destiny is in your hands? Why not listen
to the voice from within, why not hear your instinct? Are you
among those who go to school and work for others or among
those who are born with a hustler spirit and entrepreneurial

Discover yourself now and take action because you are the only
one who knows yourself. You hold the ultimate authority over
your own identity. What is your instinct telling you about

And to our dear African parents, forgive me for what I am about

to say, but it is true.

Dear beloved parents, it is an error to impose a specific career

choice on your children.

It is true you’re our parents and you wish the best for us. It is
also true that we wouldn’t have come this far without your
guidance and instructions, but please, grant us the grace to
make decisions regarding the career we choose to pursue.


Peter Jake is a young Nigerian whose dream was to become a

poet. The way he constructs his ideas into a paper and calls it a
poem is something beyond man’s imagination. He was zealous
and passionate about becoming better but his parents were
never in support of his ideas.

His mum always questions him, "Peter, are you insane? Why on
earth would you want to become a poet when there are other
reputable professions?

Peter hates it when you belittle his aspirations; he retreats to

his room, shedding tears because he feels helpless. His parents
insisted he become a medical doctor knowing fully well the boy
wouldn’t take a cup of wine doing it.

Long story cut short,

Peter spent years in the science world, not out of passion but to
please his parents. He finally graduated and at his graduation
ceremony, he took off his academic attire and draped it on his
mother's shoulder expressing gratitude " Mum thank you for all
you did for me. I am now a graduate and I know that I have
made you happy but this has never aligned with my true

I am grown now and so, I want to chase my dream as a poet".

That was how Peter left home to look for what makes him
happy — poetry.

If you were Peter's father or mother how would you feel? The
truth remains that a lot of young people are engaging in
pursuits not out of genuine passion but in a quest to please
their parents.

Dear parents, I am pleading on our behalf: before coercing your

children to become in life what you want, please ask them
about their aspirations. Since you want them to succeed, it has
to be attuned to their passions; it has to be something that
makes them productive and they can do it effortlessly.

Your job is to correct, support, and encourage them. Please we

beg you our dear lovely parents. At this point, you might be
wondering why I am taking the time to address our parents.

The truth is that our parents may not get to see this book or
even read through it. However, I believe that you, the reader,
will one day become a parent. When you become a parent, do

not deny your children the opportunity to make choices
regarding the careers they want to pursue.

Most of the things we were created to be are within us and right

in our thoughts and minds, so all you have to do is follow your
mind — 90% of what comes from the mind are not illusions,
they are not lies.

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you

love. It will not lead you astray” – Rumi

In a nutshell, all I have been saying is you should follow your

heart; those ideas you’ve got in you are catalysts to help you
become who the Lord wants you to be.

Shun laziness and face the stress because the stress you face
now will turn to joy at the end of the tunnel if only you don’t
give up.

Your mind is your arsenal; all the ammunition you need to

conquer is stored right there, you only have to train your hands
on how to handle each weapon.

When you meet people who made a difference in their world,

they made up their minds first to make a difference.

Why not sit down, listen to your instinct, and then take decisive
actions? You are the only one who can make yourself better—
the chief designer of your betterment.

You are a child of God and in this Kingdom, we become by

believing, The world will tell you that seeing is believing but I
say unto you that believing is seeing. When you believe it in

your mind, work it out and see it happening. (Hebrews 11 vs

Believe in your mind’s calculations, run with careful

observation, and see yourself in your destination – King-KY

“Either you run the day or the
day runs you.” – Jim Rohn

Life provides options for so many things, and nature has

presented choices to us and most of the time, the choices are in
two ways. For instance, it’s either you're walking, moving, or
standing. If you're not sleeping, you are awake; when not
standing, you are seated; if you are not giving a smiling face, it’s
a sad one.

Now to those choices given to us, we have the right and power
to make decisions on which to follow, but to some, we can’t

We didn’t choose our parents and that’s because we can’t make

such choices; we don’t have the power to choose the number of
years we are to spend on earth. If there are things we are not
allowed to choose for ourselves, why will you let people
(including yourself) rob you of that part of your life where you
have the power of choice? You are YOUNG, NOT STUPID!

Can I tell you that even at this stage, it is not compulsory to

work; you may choose not to work. However, put in mind a
popular saying “There’s no food for a lazy man”. The same
principle also applies to women.

The knowledge you have is enough to form a foundation.
Believe you are meant for more —you are a world of infinite

But all knowledge and beliefs without consistent and

proportionate work will result in nothing.

The most influential woman in the world as of 2007 and the

“Queen of media”, Oprah Winfrey said something
spectacular about her work, and I'd like to quote her.

“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever

your goal is, you can get there if you’re willing to work”.

To be willing means to be deliberate, even if it doesn’t appeal to

you, keep working. When You get tired, remember the reward
ahead and strive the more.

Nothing goes for nothing, you will eventually pay for everything
valuable you get whether you are willing or not. Why not strive
intentionally now my dear friend?

You will have to pay a price for everything you will have in life.
Even as a child of God, you will have to pay the price of letting
go of your old sinful ways which is called repentance before
receiving the life of Christ.

If you want to become a professional in any field at all, you will

have to pay for years of study and training. Even as you are
reading through the pages of this book, you must pay attention
to understand.

One of the slogans I use for my students in Millionaire Quarters
– an academy where I train people in sales and marketing is
"Chase knowledge first"

When you get knowledge and understanding first, you become

a premium box of value which means you become an essential
part of people's lives.

As a Young person, you have no business wanting things done

fast. If you are seeking to build wealth, learn patience!

You don't have anything to do with unrealistic expectations and

be willing to put in the work required because it pays off.
Sometimes it will cost you sleep and even money, but always be
ready to pay the price.

The Bible said in Lamentations 3 vs 27, It is good for a man

to bear the yoke while he is young.
So this should bring you to an understanding that as a young
mind, it is not time to show off.

It is not time to party around, going from one clubhouse to

another; it is not time to be lazy. When I was younger, my Dad
used to say to me that "Dirty hands for oily lips". Each time he
said that I would grumble and sometimes shout out loud that I
was tired but then he would say something again: "A word is
enough for the wise".

I was very little then— seven or eight years old, and most of the
time he said that to me while we worked on the farm under the
scorching sun.

It took time, but later I understood that the dirty hands he
talked about meant work and then oily lips were the rewards.

Life is not a bed of roses and it will never be. Why not get your
hands dirty at work, learn a skill and master it, get something
doing, and don’t just sit there wishing? If wishes alone could
bring greatness, then I would have been the most wealthy youth
in the world.

You can never be successful in an area you were not trained -

Apostle Joshua Selman

We are not banking on trial and error; the spirit of God is in us

and He doesn’t endorse laziness and lack of knowledge, He will
teach us all things. So when you are devoted to becoming a
better version of yourself, the spirit will be there to assist you.

The book of Isaiah chapter 1 vs 19 says, "If you are willing

and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land".
To reap the blessings of God is to be willing and obedient—
willingness and obedience are the password — get it.

It is a whole lot of price, but you can pay it and get rewarded at
the end. I dare you to fall in love with a vision and you will have
nothing short of an uncommon life.


Fail as fast as possible, gather the experiences, and become" –

Kingsley Nnaemeka

In this chapter, I want you to pay close attention because every

time I communicate with young people, I discover that the
major thing they fear is failure. What if I told you that failure is
a process?

Well, that sounds strange, so let's analyze this school of thought

and see what we will find.

In life what you call success is not what other people call
success and so also is failure. They are subjective terms.

I didn't have the luxury of furthering my education to the

University level when I wanted to — this could have been a
stumbling block for many young people.

For so some people success is not excessive wealth, they just

want enough money to afford daily bread. some people's
definition of success may not be what you call success, so it

A pregnant woman is looking forward to birthing a child, that's

her success; a student wants to clear all his papers with straight
As — that's his success.

For some people, it is to leave Nigeria and relocate to Canada
while some people find fulfillment in marriage. Human needs
and aspirations are endless, so if my definition of success
doesn't align with yours, then I believe that what people call
failure for you shouldn't be accepted.

The hardest truth about success is that failure is part of it. If

you accept that failure is nothing then you will be able to try
again when it looks like you've failed in a thing.

I used to tell myself that the reason why I failed at my first

attempt was an answer to the question: "Was I prepared

Therefore, failure is nothing but a test of how prepared you are

to get what you are looking for.

You should be afraid when you don't encounter failure because

you may be building what is fragile and it may crash.

As a young person, the advantage you have is strength— your

strength is a valuable asset so when you try something at age
twenty and it doesn't work, be ready to try again at age twenty-
one. Every time you encounter failure, extract the lessons and
the experiences because you will need them.

Rather than fearing failure, fear more about the actions you've
not taken to become a better you. Be more afraid of a time
spent wishing and not working. Fear the opportunities you
might miss because of your wrong mindset toward life, and
above all, be afraid of missing out on purpose!

“The only difference between success and failure is the ability
to take action.” – Alexander Graham Bell

If you discover you are not working then know that you are
procrastinating. If there’s something that should be
characterized as a smooth criminal, it should be

I died a thousand times in my mind when procrastination was

dealing with me even though I never knew what it was labeled
as. I was not comfortable with what was happening to me then;
I left a lot of things unfinished, discarded so many life-changing
training, and missed so many great opportunities. Before I
stood up to procrastination, I wasn’t sure of who I was; I never
knew I was a premium person of value. I accepted whatever
came my way; I was indecisive and unwilling to invest in self-

Nothing motivated me, and my life lacked direction then. But to

the glory of God, I can now say that old things have passed
away. When I was suffering from procrastination, I got so many
opportunities but I never took them. I harbored negativity
towards everything that seems tedious; I was what you would
call a lazy Ass.

I took charge of my life and I noticed that most of the things
that appear like tedious work have sweet rewards attached to

Let me share with you a very relatable story.

Once upon a time, the devil decided to destroy the world. He

summoned in all his little demons to create some destructive

It was Anger who came first, he asked for permission to sow

discord among siblings, turning them against each other. He
would make people angry to the point where they destroy
themselves. Then lust came and requested to pollute minds and
extinguish love, transforming people into beasts.

Next up was Greed which offered to destroy humankind with its

most uncontrolled passions & desires.

The Devil was not yet satisfied with any one of them, but then
the last demon came, he said, “I will speak persuasively to
people about all that God wants them to be. I will tell them
what their plans are, and encourage them to be honest,
ambitious, and brave. I will encourage them to embrace the
good purpose of life!” The Devil was intrigued, the demon
continued: "But I will tell them there is no need to hurry. They
can postpone and do them tomorrow. I will advise them to wait
until their conditions become more favorable before they start".

The Devil, impressed and amused, declared, “You are the

one who shall go to earth to destroy humankind”. The
demon’s name was Procrastination which is failure’s most

successful strategy.. A lot of people who are destined to be
great and successful have allowed procrastination to destroy
their dreams.

The best time to start is now; there will never be a perfect time
for you to get started. You are a premium person of value and
sincerely you are in charge of your thoughts and mind. You do
not have to allow the devil’s assistance in the guise of
procrastination to keep you on the ground. Don’t die an
innocent prisoner; don’t be caged by procrastination.
Dear young mind, you are doing well already and I know you
can do better.

Getting an idea should be like sitting on a pin; it should make

you jump up and do something. – E. L. Simpson

In other words, the only thing that will destroy procrastination

is action. Get up and work; procrastination is a thief of time

“Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is made by
the friends we choose.” – Tennessee Williams

Let me share with you another story:

There was a time when corruption thrived, and in those days

injustice was at its peak and if you must stay out of trouble, you
need to bribe those who are coming to cause you trouble.

So on this fateful day in the city of Buga, the policemen got hold
of a young man who was well-known in the city as a
nontroublesome person.

Onlookers whispered, questioning why Dele was arrested.

"What has Dele done to be in the police van?".

Almost everyone who saw what happened was surprised but

they couldn't question the policemen directly.

Take note, Dele was innocent and had done nothing to be

arrested but he was arrested anyway — remember I told you
that corruption was the order of the day

The policemen in those days did not care if you were guilty or
not. Once they get to the street and get hold of you, you would
either pay for your freedom or rot in prison

So when Dele arrived at the police station with these unjust

men, they bundled him down from the van and forced him to

keep quiet as he pleaded his innocence. Despite his protests, he
was handcuffed, tied up, and labeled a Criminal.

After 24 hours, He was told by the policemen to call any of his

friends who would come to bail him. He gladly took the phone
and started calling his friends.

Now pay attention here!

The first friend was telling him that he didn't have 30k, and the
second friend was crying in disappointment that he wished he
had 30k.

The 3rd friend also sympathized with him for being arrested
but the truth remains that he doesn't have 30k.

Dele reached out to more than 10 of his friends, yet none could
come to his aid for a small amount of money like 30,000 Naira.
He ended up in police custody, experiencing heartbreaks and so
many other things he couldn't believe happened but this story
is not about Dele. The story is about YOU and please I want you
to be honest in answering the following questions.

Do you have a friend or friends who can come to your aid if you
were unjustly arrested like Dele?

Do you have friends who can give up their money for your

Let's consider this scenario: if you were kidnapped and the

ransom demanded was 30k, with the condition that you must
not get the money from any other source except your friends.

Do you have such friends who will come with 30k for you or
you will remain with the kidnappers?

Listen to me, you are a person of value and what that means is
very simple, a friend of a thief can be a thief right?

So why would a value-filled personality like you who thinks

only of positivity have negative thinkers around you as friends?

Don't you know that your network determines your net worth?

Have you seen an eagle chilling with chickens?

Have you ever seen a lion going to a goat to beg for food?

What connection does light have with darkness?

The reason why I'm pouring out these questions is to help you
decide on what to do with the value you carry.

You can't choose your parents, and you also can't choose the
day you will die; same with the day of birth, but trust me you
can choose who stays in your life and who shouldn't.

Yes! You have a hundred and one percent right to choose your
friends. You should surround yourself with those who
communicate just like you, who see like you, who believe in
what you believe in, and who are ready to work it when it's time
for work.

That's the more reason why the Bible says that iron sharpens
iron. You are an iron and so therefore get attracted to a fellow

iron, for a time will come when you will need to be sharpened
and the only thing that can do so is a fellow iron.

Those who think like you will encourage you when you feel like
giving up; they will hold your hands when you are falling; they
will not always be happy with your mistakes but your mistakes
won't make them go away

They are for you, with you and always going to show up for you.

King Solomon said something in the Holy Bible and I quote

"If either of them falls, one can help the other up. But pity
anyone who falls and has no one to help them up"
Ecclesiastes 4:10

Dear young mind, when I say choose your friends, I don't mean
you should do that verbally!

You shouldn't walk up to them and be like, you are my friend or

you are not my friend. No, please.

Friends are chosen by certain attributes and I'm going to

mention a few

A goal is defined as the object of a person's ambition or effort,
an aim, or desired result.

When choosing a friend, you should be able to identify common


The person may not have the same talent as you but what are
the person's desired results even with his talents?

The ability or willingness to endure the existence of opinions or
behavior that one dislikes or disagrees with is called tolerance.

I have so many male friends and we are all young — Dave, Josh,
and Luke are the closest to me.

These three do not make a move without informing me and

most times, what I suggest is taken seriously. it is vice versa but
even as transparent as we seem to be, there are things the four
of us will never be in agreement with.

Take, for instance, Dave is a Chelsea fan but Josh belongs to

Barcelona, and Luke on the other hand doesn't even know any
football club. Lol!

If we are to argue about football, trust me there would be so

many disagreements among us but we are willing to keep
moving together even if we don't agree on that part.

You will not disqualify a person just because he doesn't like all
that you like.

When I said earlier that they will not always be happy with your
mistakes but your mistakes don't make them go away, I was
talking about tolerance.

To believe means to accept that something is true, especially
without proof.

I have told you that you are a premium box of value and when
you've unboxed yourself, you will discard some shabby and
shallow beliefs which have served as limitations to other

When you get to that level, you will always feel positive, the
thoughts of negativity may come but you'd discard it almost

What happens when you choose friends who don't believe in

what you believe in?

Let me tell you another story: Mark was 23 years old and his
friend Ben was 20 years old.

Mark believes that the best way to go about becoming

successful financially is by starting a business, so he joined a
business school to learn business.

Ben on the other hand held the belief that learning business
was a waste of time. He is the kind of person we have today
(yahoo boys).

When Ben got his first car through fraud, Mark simply told him
that they couldn't be friends anymore and that was because
Mark had warned Ben multiple times but Ben held on to what
he believed in.

A few years after they parted ways, the law caught up with Ben,
and everything he got through fraudulent means was
confiscated by the government.

That is what wrong belief systems can do to anyone who doesn't

want to resist positive learning.

So in choosing your friends, consider what they believe in and

assess it with what you believe in and see if you two can work
and walk together.

Remember "Life is partly what we make it, and partly what it is

made by the friends we choose.”

"If I claim to love you and never told you the truth even when
it will hurt, it's a fake love" – king-KY

Dear young mind, this is me saying I love you.

And this love letter is from my heart to you and that's because I
do love you.

I'm so excited to be a part of our generation and just like I told

you in chapter 1, stop chasing after fame and frames, discover
your gifts, and work on yourself.

You are like a magnet and what magnets do is to attract what is

like itself.

A magnet can never attract a rubber— it doesn't attract things

that are not iron in nature. That's how you also should not
attract those who don't add value to your life as friends.

If it gets to a point where you are tired, learn to rest, but don't
stay in the place of rest for too long. A place of rest is very
sweet, but it may turn into a comfort zone.

I have seen a lot in a short while and I would like to share with
you these things, just pay attention.

To be young is an amazing feeling —nothing beats that feeling,
but at the same time, at this stage of your youthfulness, a lot

This is a period where anything you do or don't do may be used

against you in the law court of time.

If a time comes when you are no longer young and you can't be
proud of old age, you will only gnash your teeth in regret
wishing you did what you were supposed to do now.

When I told you that there is work to do, I'm saying that to live

a happy life you need to work now! Procrastination will set in

but trust me You shouldn't give it a chance at all.

Another thing you should know is that you don't make sense
until you've made sense, you are nothing but a young mind.

You may be full of potential but nobody will listen to you until
you've made a significant amount of sense and this kind of
sense you should make doesn't come by talking, It comes by

Don't be surprised If your family members are not buying into

your dreams and visions. Most people who made it through
didn't get back from family but were later accepted by everyone
when they made sense.

So focus on making sense and don't forget to think and plan

long term.

There is a long list of problems associated with youths in this
generation and one of them is hesitation.

I have met a good number of young people and once I engage

them in a conversation, I get to hear things like:

"Oboy, if I just try this one and e no work, na to try another


70% percent of the young people I have met are living with such
a mentality and I'm telling you that it is wrong.

Don't live a life of trial and error, you shouldn't try to see
whether it will work or not.

You should do things and see it work for you. When starting a
new venture, be it business or anything at all, think long-term.

Short-term thinking has destroyed a lot of dreams and I'm

speaking from my own experience.

Don't test the waters, get into it, swim through, and come out a
great swimmer.

Five years from now, you should be a great person but the truth
remains that there's work to do.

This love letter may not be the type you enjoy reading but you
must see this letter of mine. It is a universal principle so it will
remain relevant in time.

The rules are very simple, discover yourself, work on your
skills, become good, avoid procrastination, get friends who
would motivate you, and then keep working.

I want to keep writing but I just discovered that the persons

who will get this message would not need to keep flipping over
too many pages.

My father used to say, "A word is enough for the wise" and I
know you are wise.

So have a good time as I will say goodbye for now, till we meet

See you at the top. I love you.

The messages, experiences, and lessons shared in this piece are
but a means to ensuring you legally make the most of your
youth by leveraging opportunities. This book provides insights
and deep-rooted knowledge of the world around you.

Let the stories and everything compiled in this resource be a

jailbreak for the expansion of your tentacles.

I cannot but wait to see you soar. I believe that you'll invest in
the future you seek to have.

Cheers! You made it this far, and you can make it further
through the implementation and manifestation of results.

Your brother,

Kingsley Nnaemeka

Get connected with Kingsley for value here:

King Of Value


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