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M: I think it’s time I advertised my car repair garage more aggressively.

Do you think a newspaper advertisement would be effective?

W: Maybe, but I really think you should set up a Web site. I’m actually
surprised you don’t have one yet.

1. A, 2. C, 3. D, 4. B, 5.A, 6. C, 7.A, 8.C, 9.A, 10. C, 11.B, 12.C, 13. D,

14.C, 15.A, 16.D, 17.D, 18.A, 19.C, 20.D, 21.D, 22.B, 23.C, 24.A, 25.B,
26.A, 27.B, 28.C, 29.D, 30.B

M-Am: I can't believe I'm here on time! My car wouldn't start this
morning and I had to take the train, which usually takes about twenty
minutes longer.
W-Am: It's a good thing you made it in. The meeting is in half an
hour. I'm wondering if we should use the conference room instead of
this office.
M-Am: You're right. Let's take the coffee and doughnuts and all the
handouts over there.

M-Br: Susan, could you reschedule my nine o'clock client
tomorrow? I need to take my car to the repair shop.
W-Br: Sure, Mr. Miller. When is the earliest you could see him?
M-Br: The mechanic told me that my car should be ready by ten. So,
let's say eleven. I'll be in the office by then.
W-Br: OK, I'll ask him to come in at eleven.
W-Am: I’m worried about the production rate on assembly line
number three. The machine that seals the mobile phone boxes isn't
running as fast as it should, and it's slowing down the whole process.
M-Cn: Oh, we've had trouble with that machine in the past. Instead of
having it repaired again, I think we'd better just replace it.
M-Au: I agree. But we should try to get a new one put in as soon as
possible, or we might have to shut down that assembly line.
W-Am: OK, I’ll call the company that supplies that equipment.
M-Cn: Yes, see how soon we can get it installed.

M-Am: Hey, Vicki. Have you had any problems using your
computer this morning? I can't log on to mine.
W-Am: Our passwords expired last night. You have to go to the
technical services office to have a new one set up.
M-Am: OK... that's down on the first floor by the machine room, right?
W-Am: It's on the first floor, but you need to turn left at the reception
desk and go all the way down that hallway. It’s right next to the
security office.
W-Br: Have you seen the long power cord ? l need it to set up my
laptop for the presentation for the vice president.
M-Cn: I haven't seen that long cable for a while . All we've got are
two very short cords. Do you think we should postpone the meeting?
W-Br: No, we can't do that. Why don't we print the presentation, and
the vice president can look at everything on paper.

W-Am: Nathan, do you have time this afternoon around two or three
o'clock? I’d like to talk to you about my project proposal-my idea for
a new travel app.
M-Au: Yes, about the app-I read your report last week, and I was
impressed with your idea. Unfortunately, this week is really busy. I have
client meetings all day today, and every afternoon the rest of the week.
What about Friday at 10 o'clock?
W-Am: I can wait until next week.
M-Au: Great. That works for me.

W-Am: Robert, have you received your new access card? I got mine
on Friday.
M-Am: Friday? I still don't have mine. I have to ask a security guard
to open the door for me every day
W-Am: Maybe you should speak to someone in the security office
about issuing you a card.
M-Am: You're right. I'll go there after lunch.

M-Cn: Hi. I just noticed they started some construction work in the
lobby. Do you know what that's all about?
W-Am: I was going to ask about that too. Um, our payment processing
team was just moved here to headquarters. Maybe it's related to that.
W-Br: No, it’s just regular renovation work-to improve the lobby's
overall appearance.
M-Cn: Oh, OK.... It was time for something like that.
W-Br: I'll say. I heard the crews will even put up antique (cổ) photos
showing the company's foundation ceremony-more than a
century ago.
W-Am: It's amazing we've been in business for so long. We have quite a

W-Br: Hi, Jim. I hear you're going to the jazz concert on Friday. Can I
ask you a favor?
M-Cn: Sure, what do you need?
W-Br: A few of us from the graphics department are also attending the
concert, but we have a meeting until six o'clock on Friday. Since there
are no assigned seats, we were wondering if you could save a few
places for us.
M-Cn: That shouldn't be a problem. I don't have any meetings on Friday
afternoon, so I plan to get there when the doors open. How many
should I reserve?
W-Br: Hmm... I'm not sure yet if Eduardo is joining us. Why don't I
send him an e-mail right now, and I’ll let you know how many seats to

W-Br: I hear that we've had some unhappy customers recently
M-Cn: Yes, I'm afraid that's true. In fact, l've just been talking with one
of them.
W-Br: Oh. Well, uh, what did the customer say?
M-Cn: She wasn't at all happy. Our driver picked her up on time, but
there was heavy traffic on the way to the airport, and she nearly
missed her flight.
W-Br: Mmm. We should probably take a look at roadwork scheduled in
the area. It might be affecting traffic more than we realized.
M-Cn: Right. And we have some other issues to consider as well. Look
at the rest of these comments-we'll need to decide what to do.

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