Computer-Studies MES 2016

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October 2016
1 hour 45 mins

Students answer on the Question Paper.


Write your name, the name of your school and your class/section in the spaces provided

Write in dark blue or black ink.

You may use a soft pencil for any diagram.
Do not use correction fluid.

Check that this document consists of 19 printed pages and one blank page.
Any discrepancy in the document must be immediately notified to the responsible officer in
your school.

This paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B.

Section A
Answer all questions.

Section B
Answer all questions from any three options.

All answers must be written in the spaces provided.

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

The total of the marks for this paper is 100.

© MoE&HR, TE&SR & MES 2016

Answer ALL questions.

Question 1

For each of the questions (i) to (x) below, four options (A, B, C and D) are given. Choose and
circle the correct one.

(i) Select the most appropriate output device for producing a hard copy of a receipt at a
supermarket till.

A Printer

B Plotter



(ii) A virus is a

A software designed to protect the computer system.

B software designed to damage the computer system.

C hardware designed to damage the computer system.

D hardware designed to protect the computer system.

(iii) Which one of the following statements is TRUE?

A A LAN is a Logical Area Network, allows peripherals to be shared and has a file
server for storing software.

B A LAN is a Local Area Network, allows data to be shared across the Internet and
has a file server for storing software.

C A LAN is a Local Area Network, allows peripherals to be shared and allows users to
share data.

D A LAN is a Logical Area Network, allows data to be shared and has a file server for
storing software.

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(iv) A bank uses a variety of computer systems. Customer accounts are stored on a

A palmtop computer.

B personal computer.

C laptop.

D mainframe computer.

(v) Multimedia is the presentation of information by a computer system using

A text and video only.

B audio and video only.

C text, images, sound and video.

D text and images only.

(vi) One way of preventing health hazards when working with a computer system is to

A place the screen at a higher level than our eye level.

B avoid using arm and wrist rest.

C avoid using screen filters.

D take regular breaks.

(vii) When data is input in a computer for processing, the output is usually called

A product.

B process.

C resultant.

D information.

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(viii) The clipboard on a computer stores data temporarily

A when the computer is switched off.

B in the ROM.

C when it is being copied.

D on the desktop.

(ix) A browser is

A a software to read a source code.

B an antivirus software.

C a software to display web pages.

D a software to search for information on the internet.

(x) Goods sold in a supermarket have a bar code. Which piece of information is provided by
the bar code?

A Item price

B Date of manufacture

C Item number

D Supermarket name


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Question 2

For each property in the table below, encircle the correct type of storage when using a

Property Options

(i) is volatile. ROM RAM Hard disk

(ii) is slowest to access. Hard disk ROM RAM

(iii) has the highest capacity. CD DVD Hard disk

(iv) is an optical medium. Hard disk CD RAM

(v) is part of the main memory. RAM Hard disk Pen drive

(vi) is ideal for backing up large files. CD DVD RAM


Question 3

In the diagram below, label the components of a computer system using the following terms.

Input device, main memory, backup storage, output device, CPU


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Question 4

Match the features in Column A to their corresponding descriptions in Column B by drawing

an arrow as shown in the example below.

Column A Column B

A company which provides the user with

(i) Bit
a connection to the Internet.

To move the displayed position of the

(ii) Thesaurus
application up and down the screen.

(iii) Algorithm Garbage In Garbage Out.

Is the use of communication links to

(iv) ISP conduct meetings between people who
are geographically separated.
A sequence of well defined instructions
(v) GIGO
used to solve a problem.
Allows a user to select a word in a text
(vi) Vertical scroll bar and to be offered a range of words with
similar or related meaning.

(vii) Video conferencing It is a 1 or a 0.


Question 5

Tick (  ) True or False next to each of the following statements below.

True False

(i) One Kilobyte is 1024 bits.

(ii) A search engine is used to find web pages.

The hard disk and the USB pen drive are examples of
secondary storage.

The keyboard, the mouse and the hard disk are all
examples of hardware.

It is quick to send the same message to many people using


A touch screen can be used both as an input and output

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Question 6

All banks provide their customers with online banking and ATM facilities.

(a) What does ATM stand for?

______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(b) In order to use the ATM the user must have his card and his PIN.

What does PIN stand for?

______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(c) Give one reason why the user must know his PIN.

______________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) List four advantages available for customers at an ATM.

(i) ___________________________________________________________________

(ii) ___________________________________________________________________

(iii) ___________________________________________________________________

(iv) ___________________________________________________________________ [4]

(e) Give one reason why it is not safe to keep your card and PIN together.

______________________________________________________________________ [1]

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Question 7

Complete the table below by using the most appropriate term from the list given.

E-learning E-banking Information Searching

Network Communication E-commerce

Statement Term

(i) Nowadays people buy and sell goods and services over the

(ii) Many students use the internet to follow courses with

Universities abroad and locally.

(iii) Many people use the internet to transfer funds, pay bills,
view and check their accounts.

(iv) People use the WWW to do research of all sorts.

(v) A group of computers linked together in order to share

resources such as hardware and software.

(vi) Many people use the internet to send e-mails. All social
media websites like Facebook are becoming more popular
to chat and share files with friends.


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Question 8

A company, BLUE LAGOON LTD, which develops software, cannot find people with the
appropriate skills in the local area. It decides to offer teleworking contracts.

(a) (i) What is teleworking?


____________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Give two ways in which teleworking could help the company in this situation.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ [2]

(b) BLUE LAGOON LTD is planning to place an advert on the Internet which will highlight
the advantages of teleworking to employees.

(i) Give two advantages of teleworking to employees.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Give two disadvantages of teleworking to the company.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________ [2]

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This section consists of four options: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database and Program

Answer ALL the questions from any three (3) options.

Option 1 : Word Processing

Question 1

Study the letter/text in Table 1 carefully and answer the questions which follow.
For each question from (i) to (vii), four options (A, B, C and D) are given.
Choose and circle the correct option.
Table 1

ABC Library
24 George Avenue
Rose Hill

28th June 2016

 S

Mr Alam Wang Our reference: EA/17

17th Mile Road Your reference: XY/15
Triolet 3rd Reminder

Dear Mr Wang T

Overdue Book

My records show that the book ‘Treasure Island’ which was loaned to you on
24/03/16 has still not been returned despite the two previous reminders which we
had sent. As this is your third reminder, you are required to do the needful within a
delay of seven days. Please be informed that, as per the regulations, you will be
fined for the cost of the book plus any outstanding fees. This figure currently
stands at Rs 450.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about this
Yours sincerely
James DEAN
Libray Manager

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(i) The text at P is

A fully justified.

B bold and centred.

C right aligned.

D left aligned.

(ii) To place the image shown at Q in the space at R as well, the user should

A find and replace.

B crop the image.

C copy and paste.

D cut and paste.

(iii) The font style of the text at T is

A bold.

B italic.

C regular.

D underlined.

(iv) The way to position the text as shown at S is to use

A a left tab.

B a right tab.

C a centre tab.

D right alignment.

(v) The word 'Libray' at U should be 'Library'. This mistake could have been found
automatically by

A using print preview.

B proof reading.

C using a spelling checker.

D using find and replace.

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(vi) Which feature would change the word “libray” to “library”?

A Drag and drop.

B Find and replace.

C Save and print.

D Print preview.

(vii) To print this document in a layout that is tall and narrow, the page setup should be set to

A align left.

B wide margins.

C portrait orientation.

D landscape orientation. [7]

Question 2

(i) Give the steps required to insert a page number on each page of a document.



______________________________________________________________________ [2]

(ii) Give the steps required to insert a table having 5 columns and 4 rows in a document.



______________________________________________________________________ [2]

(iii) Explain how you will print a document.



______________________________________________________________________ [2]

(iv) Explain why it is a good idea to print preview your document before printing it.

______________________________________________________________________ [2]

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Option 2 : Spreadsheet
Question 1

A bookshop owner uses a spreadsheet to calculate the profits on the sales of books as shown
in Table 2.

(a) For each question from (i) to (iii), four options (A, B, C and D) are given. Refer to
Table 2, choose and circle the correct option.

Table 2
1. 0-33-080006-7 300 320 20 20 400
2. 0-54-050306-4 400 450 50 25 1250
3. 0-26-034606-3 250 240 -10 10 -100
4. 0-42-056706-1 325 360 35 40 1400
5. 0-22-050006-3 450 500 50 23 1150
6. 0-13-070006-5 300 340 40 50 2000

(i) The formula in cell D2 that calculates the profit per book is

A = C2 + B2.

B = C2 / B2.

C = C2 – B2.

D = C1 * B2.

(ii) Which of the following values displayed would automatically change if the selling
price of all the books was reduced by 5%?

A F2:F7 and E2:E7.

B D2:F7 and B2:B7.

C D2:D7 and F2:F7.

D F2:F7 and E2:E7.

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(iii) The shop owner must add details about another book. He must

A insert a row.

B insert a column.

C increase the height of last row.

D increase the width of column A. [3]

(b) (i) Which row contains the labels?

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) Give the cell reference/address of the cell that contains 0-26-034606-3.

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iii) Give the cell range that contains numeric data.

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iv) Write down the formula which has been entered in cell F2.

___________________________________________________________________ [1]

(v) Describe two ways of editing a formula in a given cell.

1. _________________________________________________________________ [1]

2. _________________________________________________________________ [1]

(vi) The name of the author of each book has to be inserted in the spreadsheet. Explain
how you will proceed to do so.


___________________________________________________________________ [2]

(vii) If the value of cell C4 is changed to 250, give the address of two other cells (other
than C4) which will change and what will be their content.

1. Cell: __________ Content: ______________

2. Cell: __________ Content: ______________ [4]

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Option 3 : Database
Question 1

(a) Use the following terms to fill in the blanks next to the descriptions below.

query sorting searching field record

(i) A number of items of information about a single object or person. _______________

(ii) A question to a database. _______________

(iii) Organising records in a particular order. _______________

(iv) A single data item of a specified type. _______________

(v) Looking through a database for a particular data item. _______________


(b) A bookshop owner uses a computerised database to store information about books.
Table 3 shows part of the database.

Table 3
BookID BookTitle Author Price(Rs) Available(Y/N)

AM120922 Summer Time Erwin Shah 100.00 Y

BR140671 Moonlight Night William Bloke 100.00 Y

CD130096 Here Today James Donan 120.00 Y

AC110012 Little Woman Helen Caroll 160.00 Y

KO140822 Sport Cars Niki Lauda 180.00 N

IF130745 Carl Lewis Rosie Tannen 100.00 Y

JJ130492 Going Nowhere James Donan 100.00 N

KL110134 Little Woman Kumar Saha 100.00 Y

(i) State the number of records shown in the database.

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

(ii) State the number of fields shown in the database.

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

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(iii) Identify the field you would use as a key field in this database and give a reason for
your answer.

Field : __________________________________________________________ [1]

Reason : __________________________________________________________ [1]

(iv) State the data type for entries Available(Y/N).

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

(v) Write down the BookID which will be listed when the following search condition
is used.

Author = ‘James Donan’ AND Available(Y/N) =‘Y’

__________________________________________________________________ [2]

(c) For each question from (i) to (iii) below, four options (A, B, C and D) are given.
Refer to Table 3, choose and circle the correct option.

(i) The price of the book titled ‘Here Today’ is

A Rs 100.00

B Rs 120.00

C Rs 160.00

D Rs 180.00

(ii) The year of publication for each book has to be included in the database. This will
require a new

A record.

B field.

C row.

D cell.

(iii) The search condition to find all the books that cost over Rs 100.00 is

A Price(Rs) = 100.00

B Price(Rs) > 100.00

C Price(Rs) < 100.00

D Price(Rs) > = 100.00


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Option 4: Program Flowchart
Question 1

(a) Algorithmic problem-solving often involves flowcharts.

Fill in the blanks using terms from the following:

loop, flowchart, selection, sequence

(i) A ________________ is a diagrammatic representation of the steps involved

in an algorithm.

(ii) A ________________ is a number of instructions that will be executed one

after the other.

(iii) A ________________ is a section of a program that can be executed again

and again.

(iv) A ________________ is an algorithm construct which takes execution to

different parts of the program usually on the basis of the value of one or more


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1 Start

2 Total = 0

Read mark

4 Total = total + mark

5 Have all 5 marks No

been entered?


6 Average = total/5

7 Write average

8 End

(b) Study the flowchart above carefully and then write the number of the flowchart symbol
representing each of the following.

(i) An input instruction __________________________________________ [1]

(ii) An output instruction __________________________________________ [1]

(iii) A decision __________________________________________ [1]

(iv) A process __________________________________________ [1]

(v) Complete the following sentence:

The loop starts with symbol 3 and ends with symbol __________ . [1]

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(c) Using the flowchart in part (b) and using the data set 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 dry run the
algorithm by completing the table.

Input Total Have all marks Average Output

been entered

2 2 No


(d) Explain what changes can be made to the flowchart so that the average of ten numbers can
be calculated.

____________________________________________________________________ [1]

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