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A. 2. cruise: picture 6 - summer camp: 4 - interRail journey: 2 B. City monuments museum sightseeing tour Seaside beach getting a tan sun cream water sports sea sunbathing Mountain adventure orienteering sightseeing bird watching rafting cliff mountaineering Camping in the mountains Rope; fire; insect repellent; tent; sleeping bag; stream; camp stove; hiking boots; torch; trunks; gloves; scarf; sightseeing 4. a table; 6. b 6. a 5. or shower; 7. e 7. e d) took photos e) had fun Countryside bike riding picnicking sightseeing bike riding bird watching nature walks horse riding Cultural holiday abroad Airport; boarding card; tour; shopping arcade; monument; art gallery; luggage; brochure; travel guide; museum; cathedral - adventure holiday: 5 - package holiday: 1 - foregn tour: 3

C. Beach holiday Swimsuit; sand; seagull; fish-rod; spade; shell; bucket; flip-flops; wave; sunscreen; lighthouse; skis; towel D. 1. stay; 2. accommodation; 3. types; E. F. 1. d. 1. b 2. f. 2. d 3. a. 3. f 4. c 4. c 5. f 5. g

6. home stay; 7. residential; 8. Hotel

G. a) get a suntan

b) buy souvenirs

c) go sightseeing

H. 1. city guide; 2. interesting; 3. visit; 4. have lunch; 5. a few blocks from; 6. going shopping; 7. buy souvenirs; 8. a lot of money; 9. credit card; 10. wonderful plan


1. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple of to3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present be. simple. a. b. c. d. e. f. Is Is/ isnt are are Is/isnt Are/am (1) is (2) is (3) is (4) is (5) speaks (6) goes (7) studies (8) plays (9) goes (10) watches (11) listens (12) are

2. Complete the table with the 3rd person singular of the verbs in the Present Simple. -s communicates uses speaks stays plays does passes finishes watches -es He studies hurries -ies

4. Write these sentences in the negative: a. I dont speak English. b. I dont play chess in my free time. c. Sheila doesnt send e-mails to America. d. My parents dont come everyday to my school. e. Alice and I dont study at the same school. f. Peter doesnt like science and technology. g. Mike doesnt have swimming classes on Tuesdays.
Teacher Elsa Maximiano Published in: Teacher Elsas Blog at 1 /2

5. Choose the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. a. is reading b. has c. cries d. walk / am going e. are working f. is studying B. PAST SIMPLE EXERCISES 1. Write the following verbs in the Past Simple. Try Enjoy Look Record Study Hug Compose Refer Change Watch Wash S Regular verbs tried enjoyed Looked recorded Studied Hugged Composed Referred Changed Watched washed S Irregular verbs See Know Make Feel Go Sing Think Sell Write Be Do saw knew Made Felt Went Sang Thought Sold Wrote Was Did 6. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. a. revise b. isnt learning c. do you think d. does e. dont know f. concentrates/ is studying

2. Complete these sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. a. organised b. sold c. were/bought d. made e. was / died f. wrote 3. Write these sentences in the negative. a. didnt enjoy b. didnt visit c. didnt like d. didnt let 4. Write questions for the underlined answers. a. When was your brother born? c. Where was your brother born? c. Did you like the concert? d. Who did they give the computer game to?

Teacher Elsa Maximiano Published in: Teacher Elsas Blog at

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