Attendance Notice 1

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रामजस कॉलेज RAMJAS COLLEGE

दिल्ली दिश्वदिद्यालय UNIVERSITY OF DELHI

यूदििदसिटी एन्क्लेि, दिल्ली – 110007 UNIVERSITY ENCLAVE, DELHI – 110007
िू रभाष: 27667706, फैक्स : 27667447 Phone : 27667706, Fax : 27667447
ई-मेल: E-Mail :,
िेबसाइट : Website :

Date : 21-01-2024


The students of Semester II, IV and VI of the College are hereby informed
that 66.67% attendance in classes is mandatory as per the University of
Delhi Rules for appearing in the examinations.

The students are directed to attend their classes regularly as per the
timetable notified by the College.

If the attendance of any student is found less than 66.67%, the Competent
Authority of the College may render the student ineligible to sit for the
Annual Examination and he/she may be detained as per the Universtiy

Further, in case any class is not held as per the schedule timetable, the
student shall inform the undersigned about the same on the email id

Principal (Acting)

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