Global WarmingI

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Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due to

effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels
or from deforestation, which trap heat that would otherwise escape from Earth. This is a
type of greenhouse effect. t refers to the gradual warming of global-average
temperatures due to the slowly increasing concentrations of man-made atmospheric
greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide. The potential warming effect of the extra
is through its ability to absorb and emit infrared radiation, which is the type of
radiation the Earth continually loses to outer space in response to heating by sunlight.
This makes carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas, albeit a weaker one in the atmosphere
than water vapor. The net effect of greenhouse gases on is to keep the lower layers of
the atmosphere warmer that they otherwise would be without those gases. Therefore, it
has seemed reasonable to assume that an increase in greenhouse gases would lead to
So as an T students ,there are many ways we can do to help reduce global
warming which is happening right now. Viewed from the side of T, nformation
Technology student role is now increasingly assist human life. take an example, such
technology most widely used in Philippines today is the mobile phone. t seems that all
societies are now using it for purposes related to the day, as well as the existence of the
internet that can help a person to interact without being limited space and time. But with
the technology, it's time we act. As nformation technology students, we know much
about technology and the effects of it; advantage and disadvantage .And we are
knowledgeable enough to change bad habits that can affect and give rise to global
f had to say things we can do to reduce global warming, there are many ways
such as turning off unused lights again. Good when you're sleeping or you're traveling
out of the house for a not for long. Avoiding standby position on your electronic
equipment. The most common example is a PC Computer, UPS, or transformer.
Another is using rechargeable batteries, using equipment with rechargeable batteries to
reduce the amount of garbage on this earth. Lower the temperature of the air
conditioner, Avoid using the maximum temperature. These are the few simple things but
would really be helpful in the reduction of global warming.
Another thing that we can do is being more careful about leaving things turned on like
the television, computer, and the lights. A lot of people are taking time away from the
television, instead, they spending more time outdoors. This helps our planet out a lot.
Now more people are even riding busses, walking to school, and riding their bikes to
lower the amount of greenhouse gases in the air. Planting trees and recycling also
helps. f you recycle, less thrash goes to the dump, and less trash get burned. As a
result, there are fewer greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.
Still as students, this is what requires the information technology field to think
hard to create an environmentally friendly technology. Environmentally friendly
technologies are not simply measured by the level of exhaust emissions produced, but
also much needed energy consumption in an industrial process, because energy is
generally also found in nature in the form of minerals and non-energy minerals because
energy is generally also found in nature in the form of minerals and non-energy

Chapter V
n recent years, as the use of T devices has skyrocketed so have the related
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, particularly because of the large amounts of energy
consumed by data centers, places where large numbers of computers and related
hardware are housed. This increase of T-related CO2 emissions is getting recognized
as a problem that could contribute to the acceleration of global warming.

The point here is that green T has two different aspects. On one hand, the use
of T will continue to expand more broadly and rapidly because of its convenience,
which then presents the challenge of reducing T-related CO2 emissions. This is defined
as the "greening of T." On the other hand, there is opportunity to reduce CO2
emissions in society by taking advantage of T, which can be called "greening with T."
There is a general worldwide consensus there is climate change occurring, but
many still claim it's not man made, but a natural earth cycle. While this may contain
some truth, most believe it is caused from the burning of fossil fuels and man in general.
The bottom line it is coming (if not already here) and we have to figure out what we can
do. Waters rising will be a disaster, food will be affected and we gotta plan for
catastrophies .

think everyone has known and understood the problem, cause and solution for
global warming. n conclusion, global warming, the gradual warming of the earth from
human activity, is an important concern to all of us. f you want to know why we have
global warming, listen for the falling trees, watch the industrial smokestacks darkening
the sky and smell the exhaust fumes we are pumping into the air.

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