Bte2601 Assignment 03

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Name: Dimpho Mothakgodi

Student number:11256427

Unique number:

Module code: BTE2601


Due date: 20 July 2023


I Dimpho Mothakgodi
Student number: 11256427

1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s

policy in this regard.
2. I declare that this assignment is my own work, where I used someone
else’s work, whether printed source, the internet or any other source, I
have given proper acknowledgement and included complete reference
3. I did not use another or current or previous student’s work, submitting it
as my own.
4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the
intention of submitting it as their own work.

Signature: D. Mothakgodi Date: 19 July 2023

Question 1

1.1 consistency: curriculum documents and approaches must be consistent

and be well organized, meaning they must be coherent.

Assessment and Evaluation: curriculum documents and approaches must

include assessment both formal and informal assessment to see progress
of students.

Flexibility: curriculum should be flexible enough to accommodate the

needs of individual students.

Relevancy: curriculum documents approaches must be relevant to the

needs of students and experiences of real-life situations.

1.2 Resources and materials: the program should have appropriate resources
and materials like textbooks and other materials to support learning.

Support: this program should be able to provide relevant support to

learners to help them succeed in the learning program.

Curriculum design: the curriculum should be designed to ensure that the

learning objectives are should include a sequence of topics and
assessment that are learners needs and objectives.

Instructional strategies: the program should give effective instructional

strategies to facilitate learning. This may include group work and hands on

Identifying the learning objectives and outcomes that the program aims to
achieve and how they will be measured and evaluated.

Needs assessments: this involves identifying the learning needs of the

target audience. It includes analysing their knowledge and skills to
determine what they need to learn or improve.
1.3 Validity refers to the extent to which an assessment accurately measures
what it intends to measure. In my classroom to ensure validity I will align
assessment with learning objectives and content covered in the curriculum.
Example: if the objective is for students to understand and apply
mathematical concept, I will design a task that requires learners to solve
real life maths problems.

Reliability: the assessment should be reliable in the lives of students using

clear and consistent pedagogical methods that can be dependable in the
future. To achieve this, I will ensure that the assessment is well planned
and structured with clear instructions and rubrics.
Example: when grading essays, I will use a rubric that clearly outlines the
criteria for each grade, and I will ensure that I am consistent in my grading.

Fairness: this principle implies that all learners should be given a chance to
demonstrate their own knowledge and skills. In my classroom I will ensure
that my students have equal access to learning resources and
Example: using different forms of questions such as multiple choice, fill in
the missing words and essay writing to ensure that all students can engage
in the assessment and demonstrate their knowledge.
Question 2

2.1 Inclusive education: is about looking at the way our schools, classrooms,
programs and lessons are designed so that all children can participate and
learn. Inclusion is also about finding different ways to develop friendship,
relationship and mutual respect between all children and between children
and teachers in the school. Inclusive education is not something that a child be
ready for. All children are always ready to attend regular schools and
classrooms. Their participation is not something that must be earned.

2.2 The 2001 white paper on special needs education aimed to provide a
comprehensive and inclusive framework for addressing the educational needs
of students. To effectively implement this white paper several key strategies
are necessary:

Individual education plans: the white paper emphasizes the needs for
personalized education plans for students with special needs. Implementing
this strategy involves developing and implementing IEPs for each student,
which outlines the specific goals, objectives and support services required.

Inclusive education: the white paper emphasizes the importance of inclusive

education, where students with special need are educated in regular schools
alongside their peers. Hence a strategy for implementing this would involve
facilitating inclusive practices in schools by providing necessary service and

Early identification and intervention: recognising and addressing special needs

at an early stage is essential. The white paper advocate for early identification
and intervention programs to ensure that students need are met promptly.
Implementing this strategy requires establishing appropriate assessment
methods and training teachers to identify students with special need.
Parents and community involvement: collaboration between parents, schools
and wider community is crucial for successful implementing white paper. This
strategy involves actively engaging parents in decision-making processes,
providing them with information and support.

Regular monitoring evaluation: implementing the white paper strategy

requires regular monitoring and evaluating progress and effectiveness of the
strategies and interventions implemented.

2.3 focus and equality: social rights approach emphasizes the importance of
equality in the distribution of resources and opportunities. It aims to ensure
that everyone has access to the basic services and opportunities regardless of
their social status.
Human dignity: the approach places a high value on inherent worth and dignity
of every human being. This means social rights must be respected, protected
and ensure that people can live with dignity.
Recognition of social rights: the social right approach recognises that social
rights, such as right to education, healthcare, employment and social security
are fundamental human rights that are essential for people to live with dignity
and respect.

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