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Stefan Marinov's seasonal puzzle

With yet another holiday season brewing up in the Northern Hemispehere, readers may wish to brood on a conundrum
devised by an anti-relativist. No prizes are offered for a solution.

STEFAN Marinov, the exiled Bulgarian ductors arranged as two concentric circles. cuit is rotated about its centre? Relativity
physicist now living in Graz in Austria, is Equal electrical currents are circulated in theory naturally predicts that the voltage
himself a puzzle. He is indefatigable in the each, but in opposite directions. The across the sliding conductor would be the
prosecution of what seems to be his only simplest way of creating this arrangement same as in the first experiment, and with
cause, which is to prove that Einstein's is to cut through the concentric pair at the same polarity. On the other hand,
theory of relativity is a pack of lies. some point and to join the loose ends in questions may be raised about the degree
Marinov claims, among other things, to pairs by short lengths of straight conduc- to which the pattern of magnetic forces
have shown by direct measurement that tor. An electromotive force applied any- generated by the current is dragged
the velocity of light differs according to where along the conductor will engender a around the ring by its rotation. Maybe
the direction of its travel along a fixed current which must be everywhere uni- there is a smaller voltage, but with the
path. He has also partly developed what form. At the bridged gap, there will be same polarity. What, asks Marinov, is the
he says is a perpetual motion machine, a equal currents flowing in opposite direc- answer?
kind of Wimshurst machine driven by an tions, so their influence on the magnetic The second conundrum is superficially
electric motor which, when last inspected fields in the concentric gap will be zero. simpler: simply rotate the apparatus in its
at this journal's London office, was said to The device is thus a means of arranging own plane, about the centre of the con-
require a car battery for its operation. that there is a uniform magnetic field in centric circles. (There will be a small vol-
But most of Marinov's work is theoret- the space between the concentric circles in tage due to the Earth's magnetic field, but
ical. Over the years, he has bombarded a direction perpendicular to their plane this may safely be neglected.) Is there now
this and other journals with a series of (downwards into the plane of the paper a voltage, and with what polarity? If the
papers with titles such as "The myths in when the current in the circuit flows in the answer to the first question is "Yes" the
physics" and "Violations of the laws of direction indicated). The sensor in the answer to the second must be "No", and
conservation of angular momentum and experiment is a conductor long enough vice versa. Readers are invited to make up
energy". Details of his correspondence just to bridge the gap between the con- their minds before reading on.
with several editors may be found in his centric circles and mounted on thin insul- Marinov's own answers are unambigu-
series of volumes called The Thorny Way ating supports in such a way that it can be ous. Vice versa wins the day. When the
of Truth, of which seven volumes have made to slide around the circle. The underlying concentric circuit is rotated
now been published by International objective is to measure the voltage across and the slider is kept fixed, there is no
Publishers (East-West) at Graz, of which the sliding conductor, either by a standard voltage across the movable conductor.
Marinov appears to be the sole owner. voltmeter or by a condenser whose But when the whole apparatus is rotated
(From time to time, Marinov threatens accumulated charge will be a measure of about its centre, the voltage across the
to immolate himself in front of a British the voltage in a steady state. now-moving sliding conductor is identical
embassy or consulate if he cannot get an with that obtained when the slider is mov-
answer to a question about the publication ing relative to the concentric circuit.
of one of his papers. Some years ago, The implications are evidently impor-
when embarked on such an enterprise tant. The null answer to Marinov's first
outside the British consulate at Genoa, question implies that relativity has vanished
Marinov ran away when the police through the window, the affirmative
approached. Afterwards he explained answer to the second implies that an
that he had done so because he was in Italy isolated apparatus carrying a circulating
illegally, without a visa. Mercifully, he has current will generate a voltage when
not threatened to immolate himself on rotated, which raises forbidden questions
Nature's account for many months.) about absolute space. Indeed, Marinov
Part of everybody's difficulty is that has devised a gedanken measurement of
too little is said about the details of the The simplest case is when the sliding the Earth's velocity through space by
experiments whose results are said to conductor is at rest. Then there is no vol- stretching his concentric circuit into a
contradict common expectation for even tage. Right? Next comes the case in which linear version of it. He also claims that
sympathetic critics to be able to provide the sliding conductor moves at uniform these violations of simple expectation are
constructive statements of how they and speed around the concentric gap, always the basis on which his perpetual motion
Marinov part company. Another is that pointing along a radius of the concentric machine is built.
Marinov's single-minded zeal for his own circles. As the slider moves, it will cut What is the truth? Nobody is quite sure,
conviction considerably outstrips the zeal through magnetic lines of force at a con- for nobody has done the experiments -
of those who may disagree. But from time stant rate, so there will be a constant vol- not even Marinov. Indeed, one's confi-
to time, in Marinov's copious writings, tage across the ends. The polarity of the dence in the whole enterprise is somewhat
there are relatively simple arguments that slider will depend only on the direction of undermined by Marinov's flat statement
appear accessible even to those still at high the current in the concentric circuit, and that he does not bother to repeat exper-
school. Here is one series of gedanken not on whether the slider moves clockwise iments whose outcome must be obvious.
experiments presented as if it were a or anticlockwise. Right again? For one whose confidence in his own het-
Christmas puzzle (the original intention), Now comes the tricky part, at least so erodoxy appears to be sustained only
with some helpful (or misleading) hints for far as Marinov is concerned. What hap- by his confidence that experiments will
its solution. pens if the sliding conductor is fixed in prove him right, Marinov seems curiously
The figure shows a pair of circular con- space, but the underlying concentric cir- passive in the business. John Maddox
NATURE · VOL 346 · 12 JULY 1990 103
© 1990 Nature Publishing Group

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