Viva Questions II Cs Lab

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II PUC Computer Science Lab Manual

VIVA Questions
9. What is an inline function?
Ans: It is a short function where compiler replaces function call with its
1. Mention the different access specifiers in C++
Ans: Private , Public and Protected
10.What is function overloading?
2. What is the significance of scope resolution operator (: :) in C++ ?
Ans: two or more functions have same name, but differs in number of
Ans: To define the member functions outside the class. arguments or data

3. Which is the default access specifier in C++. type of arguments.

Ans: private 11.Mention any one need for function overloading.

4. What is an object? Ans: It is easier to understand the flow of information and debug (Any
Relevant Answer).
Ans: Instance of a class (Or Any Relevant Definition) .
12.Define constructor.
5. Define class.
Ans: A Constructor is a special member function used to initializing the
Ans: Class is a way of grouping objects having similar characteristics.
(Or Any Relevant objects of a class automatically.
13.What is destructor?
Ans: A destructor is a special member function used to de-initializing
6. Which operator is used to invoke data members and member
functions? the objects of a class automatically.

Ans: Dot (.) operator.

14.What is default constructor?
7. What is an array?
Ans: A constructor with zero arguments or No arguments is called as
Ans: An array is a set of homogeneous elements under the same name default constructor.
and same data type. (Or Any Relevant Definition)
15.Explain any one rule for writing constructor.
8. Define data structure.
Ans: constructor name should be same as that of class name. (Any
Ans: A data structure is a specialized format for organizing and storing rule)
data. Page 2
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II PUC Computer Science Lab Manual II PUC Computer Science Lab Manual

16.Define pointer? 24.What is web page?

Ans: A pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another Ans: Webpage is an hypertext document on the World Wide Web
variable. (website)

17.Give an example for linear data structure. 25.Mention any one example for web browser.

Ans: Array / stack / queue / linked list. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer,
Safari. (Any One)
18.Define stack.
26.Mention the Difference between Check Box and Radio Button
Ans: STACK is a special type of data structure where data items are
inserted and deleted from one (same) end called top of the stack Ans: Check Box : Can choose one or more options

19.What is an inheritance? Radio button : Can choose only one option

Ans: Inheritance is the capacity of one class to inherit properties from 27.Name text formatting tags in HTML
another class.
<B> : Bold <I> : Italics <U> : Underline (Any Formatting Tag)
20.What is base class?
28.What is XML
Ans: It is the class whose properties are inherited by another class.
XML is an Extended Mark Up Language for documents containing

HTML information (Any Relevant Definition)

21.What is the purpose of <img> tag? 29. Mention table tags in HTML

Ans: To insert an image in a webpage. <TH>: Table Header, <TR>: Table Row, <TD>: Table Data.

22.What is the purpose of <tr> tag in html? SQL

Ans: To insert row in a table. 30.Mention the DDL Commands in SQL

23.What is DHTML? Create , Alter and Drop Commands

Ans: Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML) refers to web 31. Mention the DML Commands in SQL
content that changes each time it is viewed. (Any Relevant Definition)
Insert , delete and update Commands Page 3 Page 4

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II PUC Computer Science Lab Manual

31. Mention the difference between delete and drop command in SQL

Delete command - deletes the records of the table temporarily.

Drop command - deletes the structure of the table permanently.

32. What is primary Key?

Primary key is a unique column in table which uniquely identifies each

row of a table.

33. Differentiate between order by and group by commands in SQL

Order by – Sort the records in ascending or descending order of the

specified column.

Group by – List the identical records / data into groups.

34.Which command is used to add new columns to the table

Alter Command.

35.Which command is used to retrieve records of the table

Select Command.

36. Mention any one Group function in SQL

Count() / Max() / Min() , SUM() / AVG() / Distinct()

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