Jenna Jan 3 2024

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Don’t start with a Noun or a

Word Start with a noun Start with a pronoun


Jenna’s aim for 2024 is to perform 2 His aim for 2024 is to lose weight and weigh
aim Building abs is Nina’s aim for 2024.
pull ups. up to 70 kgs.

Bones are attached to our muscles, so His bones are not attached very well, so he When your bones are broken, your bones are
we can move. can’t walk. not attached very well.
Jenna can win more money when she When we bet, we can lose our money or win
bet She bets the money to win or lose.
bets some money. more money.

Jenna’s uncle’s carriage is scary because Her uncle’s carriage is safe because it’s very Long time ago, there wasn’t any carriages in the
it’s too fast. slow. world.

She commutes to go to her company by the Long time ago, people commuted to go to work
commute Jenna commutes to go to school by car.
subway. by carriages.
Jenna confirmed to Seoa that she will She confirmed to Seoa that she will go with Earlier,I confirmed to Seoa that I will go with her
go with her to their friend’s house. her to their friend’s house. to their friend’s house.

Jenna can criticize others taekwando Yesterday, Jenna criticized others taekwando
criticize She can criticize others taekwando motion.
motion. motion.

Yesterday, Jenna knew her doors differ from

differ Jenna’s doors differ from each other. Her doors differ from each other.
each other.
Jenna pays an expensive expense with She pays an expensive expense with her In the restaurant, people pay different expenses
her mom’s card. mom’s card. for their food.

Jenna wants to try to go to a formal While eating eating steak at restaurant, Jenna
She wants to try to go to a formal dinner
formal dinner with her mother and wants to try to go to a formal dinner with her
with her mother and grandmother.
grandmother. mother and grandmother.

When she checked her height at the hospital, it

height Jenna’s height is 143 cm. Her height is 143 cm.
was 143 cm.
Invent (verb)
/invents Jenna invents a futuristic cylinder box. I will invent a futuristic cylinder box. Inventing something is very challenging.
Past- Invented
Future-Will invent

My dad was a junior officer in his

He was a junior office in his company before, Before, my dad was a junior office in his
junior company before, but now he has his
but now he has his own office. company before, but now he has his own office.
own office.

My mom puts a lot of labor in making

labor She puts a lot of labor in making the car. Making the car needs a lot of labor.
the car.
mechanic My dad’s friend is a mechanic. His friend is a mechanic. Fixing machines is a mechanic’s job.

Dust mites are the prime reason for my According to my doctor, dust mites are the
prime They are the prime reason for my allergy.
allergy. prime reason for my allergy.



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