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Dedicated to a teacher who has changed my life.

Some teachers teach us syllabus and some inspire us along
with teaching.

This book is dedicated to the most respectable “MR.

JAVED RIAZ”, a teacher who has inspired me,
groomed me, and who is my ideal.




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8. I HURT HIM 17


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This book is dedicated to my best teacher, ‘SIR JAVED

He is my teacher, who has taught me at Alian High School
and College Muzaffarabad.
I’ve named this book ‘GROOMER’ because he has
groomed me.
In this book, I have explained about him and told the
reason why I choose him as my favorite teacher and my
ideal. I’ve also explained how he has inspired and
groomed me.

“He is a real gem, I got

In many aspects, he has inspired me a lot”



Since childhood, we spend much of our time, with teachers.
We are with our teachers every day for almost 7-8 hours. But,
the question is who is the teacher?
“A teacher is the one who teaches others or whose occupation
is to instruct.”

When we grow, we meet different kinds of teachers.

Some are rude, some are humorous, some are very strict, and
some are very kind. Some are very passionate about their duty
while others just want to show their presence. Everyone has a
unique nature.

Mostly, we get a teacher who just comes to class,

gives the lecture, and then leaves the class.
Imagine MR. X is your English teacher. He has to take your
class at 8:00. He came to class at 8:10 AM, delivered his
lecture, and left the class at 8:35 AM. He has delivered his
lecture but he doesn’t utilize 15 minutes, which he can. In
those 15 minutes, he can teach the students something other
than the syllabus, which can help them in their practical life.
I’m not saying that the syllabus, which he taught isn’t helpful,
of course, it is. But some life lessons are not part of the

He has done his duty but according to me, the duty of teacher
isn’t just to teach the syllabus but to teach the students about
life lessons, how to face challenges in life, how to be the
best, how to deal with failures, how to survive in this
society, how to deal with negativity, and above all, how to
treat people, how to talk to people, how to argue, and how to
convince people.


As I said, we meet different kinds of teachers, but there are
very few, who truly inspire their students. Once, I and my
friend were discussing the role of teachers, and he asked me,
“Fahad, I’ve seen your posts on social media, those are
mostly about teachers. Whenever we discuss something, you
mostly discuss teachers. Why do you do so, and tell me, what
is the definition of best teacher according to you?”
“Firstly, as much I know, teachers, here in our country, are
the most underrated creature. This means just look, at how
other countries treat teachers and they are successful just
because of this. I want to tell people how teachers play their
role. I post about them to appreciate them, and you know
very best, appreciation works as fuel. I don’t say that
nobody cares about them or that just I do it. There are but in
a lesser amount.
Secondly, as concerned with the definition of the best
teacher. According to me, Teachers are the creation, who
has the power to change society, and then ultimately the
world. The real teachers are those who don’t just teach you
from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, but are those who are there for
you every time, whenever you need them, who guide you,
who motivate you, who lift you and always appreciate your
little actions, who don’t just focus on your education, but
on your character and behavior also.”

These are the teachers who inspire their students through

their actions. For instance, imagine Mr. Y is your
Chemistry teacher. He came to your class on the time,
delivered his lecture, and make sure that you are not getting
bored by doing different activities. In the last five minutes,
he asked you about yourself. How are you, if you are facing
a problem e.t.c. And you can share your problem with him
because you know that he is going to motivate you and
might be he can give you the solution to your problem.
Now, remember Mr. X, the English teacher, about which,
I’ve told you in the last topic, and compare him with Mr. Y.
Who will be the best according to you?
Your answer will be Mr. Y. Isn’t it? Yes, it is and it should
Because, he is paying attention to his student instead of just
teaching them what’s written in books, which they can read
themselves or can easily learn from YouTube.
Now, let me give you another example. Mr. Z is your
Biology teacher. He is the same as Mr. Y, but there is a
little bit of difference between these two. Let me explain
this difference.
You are graduated from college but Mr. Z is a teacher, to
whom you can go at any time, he will be there for you. If
you are facing a problem you can easily tell him. If you nee
-d any sort of guidance, you can ask him to guide you, and
surely he will guide you. He is there for you even after
college life.
Now, tell me who is the best among these three.
Your answer will be Mr. Z. Because, he is doing all this
for you, without expecting anything in return.
Teachers like Mr. Y and Mr. Z are the ones who inspire
their students. It is hard to find such teachers but not

Mr. Javed Riaz, to whom I am going to dedicate this book,

is like Mr. Z. I feel so blessed to have him in my life. His
actions inspired me a lot. Whenever I need any sort of
guidance or moral support, I can contact him without any
hesitation, because I know, he is there for me.


It was April 12, 2016. I was sleeping peacefully in my

room. Around 8:00 AM, my mother came to my room.
“Fahad, get up. Don’t you have to go for admission?” She
said while pulling the blanket off my face.
“Mama, let me sleep,” I replied to her in a sleepy voice.
“No way. You are getting late.” She said loudly.
“Ok Ok. Just give me 5 minutes” I said.
“It is already 8;00 AM. You are getting late. Sohail is
waiting for you.”
Mr. Sohail is my elder brother. I had to go with him to
school for admission.
“Oh Mama, you wouldn’t let me sleep. Ok, go. I am
coming” I replied to her.

I got up unwillingly. I took bath and went for breakfast.

Then, I got ready. I was going for the entrance test to get
admission to class 9th at Alian High School and College,
which was the most prestigious institute in our area. I badly
wanted to get admission there.
“Attempt test carefully. May Almighty bless you with
success,” My mother said to me and prayed for me.
“OK, I’ll,” I replied to her.
“Let’s come Fahad.” My brother said to me.
“Just give me a minute. I am coming.” I said to him while
tying shoelaces.
I was going with zero preparation but I was confident that I
would get admission easily. I was very happy on that day
because I was about to get admission to my dream institution. I
stepped into Alian. The three-storied red building, our national
tree Chinar in the ground, beneath which some students were
sitting. There were also some other trees on which birds were
chirping. All this was touching to my heart.

I was unaware of the fact that I am going to meet a person; who

is going to inspire me, who is going to groom me, who is going
to change me, who is going to make me confident, who is going
to tell me that yes, I can do everything, who is going to be my
ideal and my favorite teacher, and for whom I’ll write a book.

We entered the Principal office, which was on the ground floor.

We greeted the Principal Mr. Iftikhar Butt. Then, after some
time, one teacher asked me to come to another room to attempt
the entrance test. I went with him to the room, where some other
students were also attempting the test. Sir gave me the paper. I
was expecting MCQs based test but it was the theory. The test
consists of 4 portions. One was of Urdu, one was of English, one
was of Mathematics, and one was of Science.

Mr. Javed Riaz was my invigilator. He was wearing

Shalwar Kameez, I don’t remember the exact color. He was
wearing glasses. His beard was a little bit brown, and his
moustaches were trimmed like pencil. This was the first day
when I met him. I attempted the test and got passed. The
Principal Mr. Iftikhar Butt asked my brother to fill out the
application form to proceed with the further admission
procedure. I was very happy when I came to know that I got

"Dear, you should get a haircut and your hairstyle should be

changed.” Sir Iftikhar Butt asked.
"OK Sir, I'll." I replied to him.
Then, we came back home.


I had passed the test and Sir Iftikhar Butt asked me to join
the classes the next day, which was on April 13. But I
decided to join classes from the next week because there
was a marriage of my uncle that week.

April 19, 2016, was the day when I was going

to Alian for the first class. I was not wearing the School
uniform because we were busy with my Uncle’s marriage
and I could not have time to buy the uniform. Sir Iftikhar
Butt came to our class and asked me,
“Have you passed the test?” He asked.
“Yes Sir, I have.” I replied to him.
“OK. Sit.” He said to me as I stood up to answer him.
Then, He went back.

I choose Biology because I want to become

a doctor, as it is a dream of everyone as a child or you can
say that it is inculcated in our minds since childhood by
parents, teachers, and society. It is considered the only way
to success besides Engineering. Oh! I got off the topic.

It was my first day. Our Biology teacher was

absent. So, Sir Javed Riaz came to our class, as he is also a
Biology teacher. He gave us the lecture but I didn’t pay
attention. On that day, I came to know that his name is Mr.
Javed Riaz. I was getting bored. It might be because I was
trying to get fit into this new environment or my zero
interest in Biology. But also I didn’t listen to the lecture
carefully. I spent all my time looking at the walls, and fans
in the classroom. It was his first lecture but I had not
enjoyed it because of my own mistake.


Sometimes, a miracle happens in our lives because of our

good deeds or because the Almighty wants us to bless with
the best. He wants us to get more than what we deserve. A
miracle also happened to me and I call it a miracle because
it changed my life and it happened unexpectedly.

Respectable Sir Javed Riaz was a Biology

teacher in our school. He used to teach Biology to class 10th
as his subject was Biology. The mam who was supposed to
teach us Pakistan Studies was in UAE on vacation. So, no
teacher wanted to teach us Pakistan Studies because of their
busy schedule. The Principal asked Sir Javed Riaz to teach
us Pakistan Studies until our mam came back from UAE.

So, He started teaching us. His teaching style was

extraordinary. It was like someone was telling a story or I
was watching a documentary. Indeed, this was a miracle and
it happened because Almighty want Sir Javed Riaz to
inspire one of his students. Almighty wants him to make one
of his students self-confident, and self-believer. That student
was me. Just see, how Almighty did it indirectly for me. The
teacher whose subject was Biology was going to teach
Pakistan Studies. Certainly, I can say that this happened just
for me. How this miracle changed my life or how it made
me self-confident and self-believer, I have discussed in the


Some people are multitalented and they can do everything

so perfectly, it seems like they are expert in that field. They
have God-gifted qualities. Sir Javed Riaz is one of those
who possess this quality. He does everything very perfectly
with full dedication.

I still remember, one day, our Chemistry teacher was absent.

So, Sir Javed Riaz came into our class and called Aqeel
Zaibal, a student of our class, on stage to present yesterday's
topic. He presented very well. When he came back to his
seat, Sir appreciated him, and we also clapped for him. Then
he said,
"Anybody, voluntarily come here, and present the topic"
I looked around, but nobody was willing to go to the stage. I
raised my hand and Sir called me. I went on stage but I
couldn't utter a single word out of my mouth.
"You can go back to your seat." Sir said to me after waiting
for a minute to listen to something from me.
I came back.

Again, one day, our Maths teacher was absent, so he came

to our class. Just by looking at an example, he solved a
question. I was just amazed. I started thinking how a man,
who has studied Maths till only 10th, can solve that much
difficult question. Undoubtedly, he is a multi-talented and
and intelligent person.
"Whoever will solve the next question first, I'll give him
10rupees." He said to us.
I solved first among all and said to Sir, "Sir, I've done.
Check it."
"Well done, here are your ten rupees. Take it" He said to me
while taking money out of his wallet.

During the last days of our class 12th, he has helped us in

preparation for Physics.

Apart from this, he was the one who arranges events. He

was the organizer and the proof of this is that after him,
there was not even a single farewell or welcome party that
could be arranged, because he was the one who was
interested in all this.

.I have never seen someone who is too passionate about his
profession as Sir Javed Riaz, and I'm sure that I will never. I
still remember, after the summer vacation of 2016, Sir
Javed met an accident and his leg got injured. With the
injury, he used to come to school to teach us. If he wanted,
he could take a rest but he didn't. Because he preferred his

When I joined Alian again for intermediate, I got a chance

to learn Biology and life lessons, once again from Sir Javed
Riaz. He managed his University studies along with teaching
very well. He was truly dedicated to his job. He used to
teach us first 35 minutes and then he went to University. He
made our groups for group studies for the rest 35 minutes.

One day, when I was in 1st year, he told our class that he got
selected for Govt. job and he has to say goodbye to us. I was
happy for him but very upset for myself because somehow
he was the reason for joining Alian again in intermediate.
After the matric result, I want to study in Muzaffarabad, and
I have told my father. Everything was final. One day he was
coming to Muzaffarabad to find a room for me, where I
could live on rent. I, at home, started thinking about that
how will I say Goodbye to some of my friends and teachers,
specifically Sir Javed Riaz. Because, I was much attached to
him, and I'm a sensitive person, it's still hard for me to say
Goodbye to my loved ones. So, I told my Father, "Papa, I'll
join Alian again and it's my final decision."
"Ok. My dear son. It's good." He replied to me.

When he told me this news, I felt like nothing would ever be

the same. Biology will no longer be my favorite. How will I
spend the next 1.5 years?

The next day, When I entered Alian, I was amazed to see

him, standing on the ground. He was there and told me that
he will go to job after three days. He had three days off in a
week. So, he used to come from Rawalakot, on those three
days, just to teach us.


After our annual examination of 10th, we had to go to

school for practical work. During our practicals, our juniors
arranged a farewell party for us. I and my two other friends
had already decided that we would not come to the party.
But we were not expecting the worse consequences as the
result of our that decision. Sir Javed Riaz got too much
angry with us. He didn't allow us to join his classes and also
refused to check our laboratory reports.

We deserve that because we hurt him. We were his best

Students and he was not expecting all this from us. But,
what we did was wrong. Just imagine someone to whom you
have a lot of expectations, which he can easily meet, but he
doesn’t because of his own mistake, wouldn't you get hurt?
We did the same with Sir Javed Riaz.

He used to ignore us. It seems like a mini-apocalypse is

happening. You are a sensitive person, who notices every
minute thing around you and getting ignored by your
favorite person, was a big trauma for me. I started hating
myself. I sent him some messages on messenger, and I still
feel guilty about those messages.


Whenever I have a discussion with my college friends,

University friends, family, or even with Almighty, Sir Javed
is the important part of my discussion. I talk too much about
him, that even my University colleagues are inspired by
him. Moreover, sometimes, I also post about him on
Facebook and WhatsApp. Most of my college friends used
to ask me questions which are;
"Why did you choose him?"
"Why he is your favorite?"
"Which quality of his inspired you a lot?"
"Why he is your ideal?"
When these questions were asked repeatedly, I thought to
write a detailed post. But one day, a wave thought hit my
mind, which was writing a book about him.

Throughout my academic career, I found many hardworking,

passionate, and motivated teachers but there is always one
who possesses some unique qualities which made them our
favorite. Here are some incidents which made Sir Javed
Riaz my favorite.

When I joined Alian, I was a dumb student. I was

intelligent but I was not the one who believes in himself,
who can't speak well in front of even two people. I was good
at studies but that isn't enough. When Sir Javed Riaz was
assigned to teach us Pakistan Studies, he came up with an
amazing idea. He asked us to learn the answer of questions
by heart and the next day we had to present in front of the
whole class, on stage, in the form of speech. He made our 5-
6 groups of almost 6-7 students in each. The next day, he
asked me to come to the stage for the speech on the answer
which was assigned to us. I became nervous because I had
stage phobia. I went to the stage. My height was short as
compared to dice, he asked me to stand up on a stool. So
that, the ones who were sitting on the last bench of the class
could see my face easily. My legs were shivering but
somehow, I did it. When I was delivering the speech, I
forgot the second point of the answer. I remained silent for
approximately one minute. He didn't order me to go back to
my seat. Instead, he encouraged me to speak. After some
time, the point came to mind and I delivered the whole
answer in form of speech. I won this for my group.
Everyone appreciated me. On that day, I realized that it's not
much difficult to talk to people. I believed in myself that
Yes, I can because I did, and this happened just because of
him. He continued this strategy and it really helped me a lot
to build self-confidence. I started believing in myself that if
I want to do something, then I can. It's because of him that
today I don't hesitate to talk even in front of hundreds of
He developed leadership qualities in me.
When I was in my first year of Intermediate, he used to
to teach us the first 35 minutes, and then we had to study in
groups for the rest 35 minutes. He made me the leader of my
group. This act made me a leader.

The best thing about him that inspired me was his unique
teaching methodology. He used to teach us Pakistan Studies
in such a way that it seems like he is telling a story. Till
10th Biology wasn't my favorite subject but when I got a
chance to learn Biology from him, I took interest in Biology.
After this, I came to know about this fact;
"It's not the subject that is our favorite, it's the teacher who
made it our favorite."
I'm saying all this because neither Biology was my favorite
before 10th, nor it is after 12th. It was he, who made
Biology my favorite. In the last days of class 10th, he
always came to my desk and ask me if I am facing some
problem and encouraged me to do hard work. If a teacher
appreciates his Students, encourage them then tell me why
any student can hate him. I never ever thought that I could
get 100% marks in any subject because nobody ever told me
that it is possible. I used to think that it is impossible. Sir
Javed Riaz told me that with hard work everything is
possible. He told me Yes, you can. Unfortunately, I couldn't
just because of one mark but he made me realize that it is
possible. He made me a potential being.

When it was the last day of class 10th, a tea party was arran-
ged for us. But, I have to left early because my father was
waiting for me. I went to the office to say him, and the other
teachers goodbye.
"OK Sir, I have to go. Goodbye." I said to Sir Javed Riaz.
"No way. How can you go? You"ve to attend the party." He
said to me.
"Sir, My father is waiting for me. I' have to go with him to the
market. So, I have to go." I told him the reason.

He took me to the office and told Sir Iftikhar Butt, "He is the
first student, I believe he will get full marks in my subject."
Ahh! But I couldn't.

Then he hugged me and said, "Goodbye my dear.'

I came back. I was assured that we will meet again soon.

I left college but I always tried to stay in contact with him

because he is a real gem. Who wants to lose a gem?
Obviously, no one. I want to learn from him throughout my
life. He was the first teacher, whom I added on WhatsApp.
One day there was a post on Facebook which was, "Who is
your ideal Teacher? Mention him/her."
I mentioned him. He replied to my comment on Facebook,
and sent me the screenshot of my Facebook comment on that
post, and again said thanks on WhatsApp. After which, I
sent him a long paragraph, in which I had written about him.
He again said Thanks to me and added the screenshot of that
paragraph to his status. Now, remember my definition of the
best teacher, which was the one who teaches you throughout
life, appreciates your every little act, and who lift you up.


He is a very down-to-earth personality. I've never ever seen

attitude or ego in him. He is always polite to everyone
around him. The way he responds to my texts is
unexplainable to me. I still remember when it was my first
day at University, I missed Alian, my teachers, and some
fellows very badly, and I still miss them. When I came back,
I was still thinking about Alian, tears popped out of my
eyes. At night, I decided to send a text to Sir Javed Riaz. I
greeted him and asked him about my health.
"I am fine. How is my Fahad?" He replied to me.
When I read "My Fahad". I just forgot everything because it
made me so emotional. It might be nothing to you but for
me, it means a lot. It gave me goosebumps, and what I was
feeling, I can't put down in words.
I'm also fine Sir, by the grace of Almighty." I replied.
"Sir, Have I disturbed you?" I asked him because I always
think that whenever I text someone, might be I am
disturbing them.
"No, my dear. Just order. Your Sir will always be there for
you, anytime." He replied to me.
How can be someone so humble and down to earth that he is
asking his Student to order?
"Actually Sir, today was the first class at University. I
missed you all so much. I thought I should contact you." I
told him the reason for the message.
"No problem dear. Whenever there's any issue, contact me.
Your Sir will always be there. Love you. May Almighty
bless you with success." He replied to me.
"It is true, he is always there for me, whenever, I need him.

He has won my heart so many times. Once there was an

event in college. I went to college but he wasn't there. I
missed him too much. In the evening, I sent him a text in
which I told him that I missed his presence at college today.
We talked a lot and he said to me one thing which was;
You've high status among students. When your favorite
teacher tells you this, how'll you feel? That feeling can't be
put down in words.

Some people can change you and Sir Javed Riaz has
changed me, I can say this without any doubt. Once, I had
an interview. The anchor asked me, "How can teachers play
their role in society?"
I replied to him with my thoughts regarding the question. I
told the story that how Sir Javed Riaz influenced me. When
Sir Javed Riaz watched the video, he sent me a text.
"You are my proud. Love you. Thank you for that much
He appreciated that little act again. Man, he won my heart
too many times.

As I said before, there is always a person whose words have

the power to heal us. We can share our problems with
him/her because we know that he/she can give us the best
advice. For some it's parents, for some it's siblings, for some
it's friends, but for me, it's Sir Javed Riaz.
I never shared my problems with my parents and siblings
because I know they will be worried about me, and I don't
want this. I don't even share my problems with anyone. I
want to face them alone but I only share with Sir Javed Riaz
when I'm at the worst stage.

It was the final examination of 3rd semester. Our University

was closed due to strikes, professors were sending notes of
lectures, which we haven't studied because classes were also
off for the last two weeks. I was too depressed at that time. I
told him about my situation. He replied, "I will call you in
the evening."
In the evening, around 7:14 PM, he called me. He asked me
about my problem.

"Are you mad? You are getting worried over these little
things. The ones who have big goals, don't lose hope.
You've excellent reading and writing skills. You can,
believe in yourself. Stay close to Almighty, pray to him, he
will surely help you and you'll get mental peace."
We talked for almost 14 minutes. He guided me and gave
me courage. His words helped me to regain my energy.

After this conversation, I wrote this poem.

I texted him one day
I said; Sir I can't, I lost my believe

He called me in Eve
He said; yes, you can. I believe

Don't lose your heart

There are big goals, you've to achieve

Cry in sujood, seek help from Allah

Mental peace, finally you will receive

Don't take stress of these Lil things

These aren't the things to grieve.

Recently, I again experienced the worse stage of depression.

If suicide wasn't prohibited in Islam, might be I had ended
my life. I wrote a post about depression.

"I'm always there for you. I always said to you that

whenever you are facing a problem, share it with me. But,
you don't. Just chill. Be relax. Don't put the burden on your
mind. Focus on your studies. Try to stay normal. Make your
life easy. You have to face practical life." He replied to me
and gave me many prayers.

"May Almighty bless everyone with a teacher like you," I
replied. Because, yes, he is really, always there for me to
guide me, to motivate me, to listen to my problems, to give
me the solution. He has some power in his words because,
believe me, after the conversation with him, the depression
disappeared. I, who was thinking about why suicide was
prohibited, who wanted to get rid of his life, had again found
a reason to live.
"And a student like you also." He replied to me. When I read
this, I got so emotional that tears popped out of my eyes.

Once he uploaded a picture of him on WhatsApp status.

"Sir, It should be dp on Facebook," I replied to him.
"OK." He replied to me.
One minute later, a notification popped on my mobile
screen, which was;
Javid Riaz updated his profile picture.
When I saw this, what I was feeling, I can't put down it into
my words.

I would like to mention some of his compliments here;

"You are my proud." But, I have not done anything yet on
which I can make him feel proud.
"The ones like you are priceless."
"My dear child is a person full of love and sincerity."
"Students like you are the source of pride. You are my
"Whenever, I have assigned any task to you, you proved to
be the best fit for that task. You are my tiger."
"Nowadays, having such obedient and loyal students are
priceless and it is a teacher's fortune to have such priceless
These and much more. His every single word means a lot to

He groomed me. He made me a self-believer. He polished my

skills. He motivated me. He encouraged me. I can say that he
has done more than his duty. Now, tell me why shouldn't I
make him my favorite teacher, and my Ideal?
I will wait for your answer.
You can send your answer at;


Sir, I hope you are well. I don't know how to say thanks to you,
how to admire you. You have done a lot for your students, and
I am not the only one who is saying all this. Every student of
you will say the same or even better than this. The purpose of
writing this is to appreciate you and to tell others that the
purpose of teaching isn't just to teach the syllabus. I want to tell
them how to inspire students.
I want to tell them that students need moral support too because
our academic system is broken. More than 80% of youth get
depressed due to this. It is the moral duty to provide support to
students. I want to tell them how much the words of a teacher
mean to their students. Most importantly, I want to tell some of
my college colleagues and some other people who used to ask
me why did I choose you?

Sir, I feel so blessed to have such a cooperative teacher like

you. I am still in contact with some other teachers of Alian, but
I don't know why I feel so close to you. Might be because of
this reason that I have spent a lot of time with you than with
others or might be because of the reasons I have told in the
previous chapter. My heart gets overwhelmed every time I
realize that I am blessed to have you. You have a special place
in my heart. I know we don't talk often but I always know that
you are such a person, I can go to any time and you will be
there for me. I remember you, your words, your care, and your
all kind of gestures toward me, and I am forever grateful for
Sir, I still remember how much we used to enjoy in your class.

Sometimes, I wish, we can learn from one teacher only from
the first day of school. So, I would've chosen you.

Your voice is blessing to my ears

I wish, all the time, I can hear

Your voice and your words have some power. I have saved
your chats and the compliments you have given to me in my
Google Drive.

Your actions have inspired me a lot.

You're a real gem, I got
In many aspects, you inspired me a lot.

But, it doesn't mean that you need to always send me messages.

I know you have too many responsibilities and you have a busy
life routine. I also know very well that you are there for me.
Whenever I do something wrong, scold me or whatever but
don't ignore that. I need your guidance throughout life. I will
always be pursuivant of you, and I know very well you don't.
Whenever you assign a task to me, I feel so honored.

You are my ideal. You are my inspiration. You have played an

important role in my life. Keep motivating me. Keep inspiring
me. I am not just your student, but also a fan of you. I am sorry
as many times I have hurt you and didn't meet your expectatio-

Sir, if I didn't meet you, might be, I wouldn't be a writer. I

started writing by writing those long paragraphs for you and I
don't know when I come this far that I decided to write a book.
The credit of this journey also goes to you.
Thank you Sir for the respect and love you give to me.
Thanks for always being there for me. Thanks for always
motivating me. Thanks for guiding me. Thanks for the moral
and emotional support. Thanks for everything you have done
for me. These 6000-7000 words are not enough to say thanks to
you. It's just a little effort from my side.

May Almighty bless you with everything you desire. May

Almighty bless you with sound health, wealth, prosperity, and
respect. May Almighty protect our this Student-Teacher bond
from evil eyes and make it more strong.

Stay blessed Sir. I still lack those words through which I can
explain about you.





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