Roles of Nuns

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It’s our reason for being. It’s rare in the U.S.
What is Monastic Life All About?

The Buddha’s teachings—the Dharma —exist and flourish where four or more
fully ordained monastics regularly perform the sangha rites established in
Buddha’s time. We do this at Sravasti Abbey.
Monastic life is about living ethically—refraining from harm and helping
others. It’s living simply as the Buddha did, practicing in community to
strengthen compassion and wisdom.

It is a beautiful way of life.

Why Be a Buddhist Monastic?

The choice to become a Buddhist nun or monk comes from a deep spiritual
longing. When we ordain we follow the Buddha’s example. Dharma study,
practice, and service are the full time focus.

Wishing to tame our unruly minds, we live by ethical guidelines—precepts—

laid down by the Buddha himself. Turning away from craving and greed, we
commit to a simple life. Cultivating a heart of love and compassion for all
beings equally, we are celibate.

Monastic life is a life of self-discipline. By voluntarily following the Buddha’s

guidelines to pacify body, speech and mind, we create peace in a chaotic

Why We Need Monasteries

Since the Buddha’s time, monasteries have been centers of learning and
practice. Fully ordained monks and nuns sustain the Buddha’s teachings to
the present day.

Monastic communities practice, preserve, and share the Buddha’s teachings

on the three higher trainings—ethical conduct, concentration, and wisdom. It
is our full-time focus.

To date there are very few places for Western nuns and monks to train and
live. For Buddhism to develop deep roots in the United States, and thrive for
generations to come, monasteries are essential. They are a resource for
promoting the universal values of love, compassion, and wisdom for people of
all faiths and walks of life.
Monastics get lots of questions

Are all Buddhists monastics? 

Why do you shave your head? 

Why do you choose to live this way? 

What are the monastic precepts? 

How does a Buddhist monastery help


More to Discover
Considering Ordination?
The aspiration to ordain is beautiful and noble. Taking your time before
you ordain supports your monastic life to flourish.

Learn More >

Monastic Mind
Having a monastic mind benefits our Dharma practice whether we are
monastics or lay practitioners.

Learn More >

Training at the Abbey
“How can I join your community?” is a common question with a long
answer. Visiting is the first step.

Learn More >

Living in the Vinaya

Three sangha ceremonies make the Dharma grow strong. We do them at
Sravasti Abbey.

Learn More >


“As Lama Yeshe used to tell us, ‘A monastery is not yours; it belongs to
everyone, because its purpose is to benefit all living beings.”

Ven. Thubten Chodron

“The flourishing of the Buddha’s teachings in a particular place is

determined by the existence of fully ordained monks and nuns and
male and female lay practitioners. Thus the existence of monks and
nuns and the practice of Vinaya, the Buddhist monastic discipline, are
very important.”

His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama

“The Abbey gives skies full of benefit to sentient beings because they
can meet the Buddhadharma and hear teachings. There is nothing
more important.”
Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
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Sravasti Abbey
692 Country Lane
Newport WA 99156 USA

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