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Hannah Joy O.

Casuyon BSEd English 3A

West Visayas State University – HCC
a. Evalu
ate the 2 40% 12 1-5 30
ess of the
b. Class
ify and
information 2 40% 12 21 - 24 6 - 10
to draw
or justify
c. Build
between 1 20% 6 25 - 27 11 - 20
and existing
TOTAL 5 100% 30
Instructions: Identify the synonyms of the following words. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Unaware:

A. Unconscious
B. Falling asleep
C. Awake
D. Out of sight

2. Drunk:

A. Sleepy
B. Tipsy
C. Inebriated
D. Drink

3. Sleepy:

A. Unaware
B. Somnolent
C. Tipsy
D. Sleeping

4. Charming:

A. Winsome
B. Handsome
C. Pretty
D. Innocent

5. Innocent:

A. Evil
B. Angel
C. Charming
D. Ingenuous

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

6. Upon reading the story of David Swan by Nathaniel Hawthorne, why do you think the three major things that could change his life
passed his way?

A. Because he is sleeping.
B. Because he passed away.
C. Because David Swan is tired.
D. Because David Swan is resting.

7. If the main character of the story David Swan is not sleeping, he could have had two fortunes in his life. What do you think are

A. Love and Friendship

B. Love and Peace
C. Love and Death
D. Love and Wealth
8. Because David Swan is sleeping that he did not sense the strange things that happened to him, both good and bad. What do you
think this implies?

A. All the chances coming to us are aware about us, yet we are not aware about them.
B. Both good and bad chances are equally forgotten and/or taken for granted as we journey through life.
C. Life is both a matter of choice and chance.

9. David was ignorant about all the things that happened to him while he was asleep and had no clue even after he woke up. All those
people who passed by him were aware that he is asleep and does not sense anything nor will remember anything after he wakes up.

A. All the chances coming to us are aware about us, yet we are not aware about them.
B. Both good and bad chances are equally forgotten and/or taken for granted as we journey through life.
C. Life is both a matter of choice and chance.

10. David chose to rest and later fell asleep, thus missing several chances of his life which could have determined his outcome.

A. All the chances coming to us are aware about us, yet we are not aware about them.
B. Both good and bad chances are equally forgotten and/or taken for granted as we journey through life.
C. Life is both a matter of choice and chance.

(11 – 20) Essay.

Instructions: Explain the given phrase. Answer in the minimum of 10 sentences and maximum of 15.
“If we did know about these incidents, then our contentedness would be disturbed by feelings of hope, fear, joy, and
disappointment and we would not know any peace.”

21. Where is David Swan headed to?

A. New York City

B. Boston
C. Paris

22. What does the couple, the young woman, and the thieves symbolizes?

A. Wealth, Health, Love

B. Wealth, Fortune, Hate
C. Wealth, Love, Death

23. Who is David Swan?

A. The sleepy boy

B. The writer
C. The boy who fell asleep

24. Who is the author of David Swan?

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne
B. Nathaniel Hawthorn
C. Nathanelle Hawethorn

25. What is the significance of the story's ending, where David Swan returns home and resumes his old life unchanged?
A. The story raises questions about whether David Swan's encounters are a result of chance or predetermined fate. The sudden twists
in his journey suggest that his destiny is out of his hands, emphasizing the theme of fate.
B. The story's ending suggests that despite the extraordinary events he experienced, David Swan remains fundamentally unchanged.
This highlights the theme of the transient nature of events and the resilience of human nature to adapt and return to normalcy.
C. Nature acts as a powerful force throughout the narrative, often dictating the course of events beyond human control. It symbolizes
the unpredictability and uncontrollable aspects of life, reinforcing the idea that humans are merely actors on a larger stage.

26. How does the theme of fate versus free will manifest in "David Swan"?

A. David Swan undergoes several transformative experiences, such as when he is mistaken for dead and later revived. This motif
emphasizes the potential for change and growth in seemingly ordinary lives.
B. The story raises questions about whether David Swan's encounters are a result of chance or predetermined fate. The sudden twists
in his journey suggest that his destiny is out of his hands, emphasizing the theme of fate.
C. David Swan's passivity serves as a contrast to the dynamic and transformative nature of the events that unfold around him. It
highlights his vulnerability and lack of control over his own destiny.

27. How does the motif of transformation manifest in the story?

A. Hawthorne's use of nature imagery, such as the winding river and dark forest, represents the unpredictable and ever-changing
nature of life. It serves as a backdrop for David Swan's journey and reflects the transient and transient nature of human existence.
B. David Swan's passivity serves as a contrast to the dynamic and transformative nature of the events that unfold around him. It
highlights his vulnerability and lack of control over his own destiny.
C. David Swan undergoes several transformative experiences, such as when he is mistaken for dead and later revived. This motif
emphasizes the potential for change and growth in seemingly ordinary lives.

(28 – 30) Answer in not less than 5 sentences.

If you where the author of David Swan will you agree to the ending of the story? Why?

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