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. Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.

XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///


Betül AKAN *, Funda ER ÜLKER **, Agah Sinan ÜNSAR***

ABSTRACT observed that private bank employees resist

more to change than state bank employees.
Resistance to change is a significant factor that
has a direct effect on change efforts. If the Keywords: Organizational
employees are well-informed about the Communication, Change, Resistance, Banking
organizational change process, and if their Sector
opinions are asked regarding the decisions to
be taken in explanation of the change process, JEL: M 10
the employees would adopt the change process
and it would help breaking their resistance to 1. INTRODUCTION
change. Accordingly, it is aimed in this study to
analyze the influence of organizational Over the past few decades organizations have
communication on resistance to change. Recent experienced significant change. Whether
studies may accept that effective global environment changes, work force
organizational communication is one of the changes, technological changes a strongly
primary determinants of resistance to change. competitive environment or an economic
In line with the purpose of the study, data have environment that is increasingly volatile,
been collected through questionnaire method organizations have been forced to adapt to
from 406 state and private bank employees in and, when possible, anticipate such change by
Marmara Region (Turkey).The data obtained reinventing themselves through
have been analyzed through exploratory factor organizational redesign, changing the
analysis, correlation analysis and Mann- organizational culture or using some other
Whitney U difference test. Multiple regression means (Self 2016, p. 1). Change in
analysis has also been made in order to explain organizations is complex, continuous,
the characteristics of the relations, which have iterative, uncertain (Lozano 2015, p. 207),
been determined through correlation analysis. necessary and inevitable. The quality
According to the results of the research, a movement, continuous improvement, action
positive, but insignificant relationship has been learning organizations, advanced technology,
observed between goal setting and critical competition, new consumer media, new
communication, which are the two sub- distribution methodologies, etc., all alter the
dimensions of resistance to change and landscape of the familiar (Maltz 2008, p. 2).
organizational communication. It has been
observed that a very insignificant part of the Change is one of the major issues in all
variability in employees’ resistance to change organizations, and the ones that resist to
levels has been explained through goal-setting change do not stand a chance to survive. Thus,
and critical communication. In has also been the organizations need to go through change
effectively. However, the employees resist to

* Namık Kemal University, Hayrabolu Vocational School, Turkey,

** Namık Kemal University, Hayrabolu Vocational School,Turkey,
*** Trakya University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Turkey,


change for various reasons (economic, in order to influence other people’s behaviors
sociological, psychological and rational). or to come to a certain conclusion. The
Resistance to change obstructs effective and interaction among people, organizations and
abundant use of organizational resources and institutions occurs by means of
leads to administrative failure. Therefore, the communication (Demirtaş 2010, p. 413).
resistance of the employees to change should Within organizational context, communication
primarily be eliminated for administrative is defined as exchange of information and
progress (Tunçer 2013, p. 373). opinions between the components of the
organization (internal environment) and the
In business world, communication is external environment of the organization for
necessary for conducting business in an implementing organizational goals and for
efficient manner. Any business involves two carrying out daily activities within the
types of communication: external organization (Tınaztepe 2012, p. 55).
communication that is directed to the actors According to another definition;
in the business environment, and internal organizational communication can be broadly
communication or organizational defined as communication with one another in
communication that is directed to employees the context of an organization (Rho 2009, p.
(Spaho 2013, p. 103). Within this context, the 1).
concept of communication plays a significant
role in organizations in this process of change. Communication is one of the central
Bovey and Hede (2001), suggested that components of every organization; therefore,
resistance is the most critical factor in poor it is clear why is the better understanding of
and stagnating change processes in service communication efficacy the key to the overall
business. If the managers want to prevent organizational success (Turkalj & Fosić 2009,
resistance in the process of change, they p. 34). Thus, communication is a process,
should give more weight to communication which both directly and indirectly affect the
management (Kozak Akoğlan & Genç 2014, p. performance of the organization (Karcıoğlu et
83). al. 2009, p. 60). Communication has crucial
impacts within or among workgroups in that
This study aims to bring forward the way organizational communication is a channel to
effective communication in organizations flow information, resources, and even policies
influences the resistance of the employees to (Rho 2009, p. 1).
change. For this purpose, the related literature
has been reviewed in the first part of this Weihrich and Koontz state that the function of
study, and then the methodology and findings communication in the organization is to
have been presented. connect the employees of that organization in
order to reach mutual goals. Hence, the
importance of communication in the
2. THE NOTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL organization is important because of (Turkalj
CHANGE -the company’s goal setting and their carrying
2.1. Organizational Communication -the development of plans towards their
Communication is the process of conveying -human and other resources management in
feelings, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and the most successful and appropriate way,
behaviors verbally, non-verbally or in writing

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. The Effect of Organizational Communication Towards Resistance to
Change: A Case Study in Banking Sector ///

-the choice, the progress and the performance Change has become a central theme in the
evaluation of the organization members, study of organizations. During the past
-the management, guiding, motivating and decade, scores of articles have been dedicated
creating a climate in which people want to to exploring the process and management of
contribute, and an entire industry has emerged around
-the control over realization. the practice of change management. Although
the interest in change among organizational
The organizations keep changing and they are scholars continues to rise, our understanding
becoming more complex structures along with of the concept remains limited by several
the ever-changing and rapidly emerging flawed assumptions relating to change and to
global trends. The contributors of these the nature of organizations (Grubbs 2001, p.
organizations, the employees, keep adapting 376).
themselves to ever-changing conditions and
raising their expectations. Effective Thus, while change is the empirical analysis of
communication is the key factor that ensures the differences in the structure, quality or the
harmony in the light of these changes between status of an organizational entity that occur in
the organizations and the employees the course of time (Çapraz 2009, p. 4);
(Tanrıverdi et al. 2010, p. 102). organizational change is the movement of an
organization away from its present state and
2.2. Resistance to Change towards some desired future state to increase
its effectiveness (Lunenburg 2010, p. 1).
The concept of change, which is substituted
for other concepts, such as innovation, reform, As detailed in Table 2.1 and in the discussion
and progress, is a different, yet relevant that follows, there is great similarity from text
concept (Güçlü & Şehitoğlu 2006, p. 241). to text in the description of causes of
According to Smith (2005), in the late 1940s resistance to change and in strategies for
the phenomenon of organizational resistance overcoming it (Dent & Goldberg 1999, p. 27-
to change has become a distinct field of study. 28).
One of the most well documented findings
from studies of individual and organizational
behavior is that organizations’ and members’
resistance to change (Islam et al. 2010, p.

Change, the process of moving to a new and

different state of things is a constant for
organizations in order to survive and stay
competitive (Abdel-Ghany 2014, p. 297).

Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

Table 2.1: Resistance to Change: Causes and Strategies

Dubrin &
Authors Kreitner Griffin Aldag & Schermerhorn (1993)
(1992) (1993) Stearns(1991) (1989)

Causes of resistance

Surprise X
Inertia X
Misunderstanding X X X X
Emotional side effects X X X X
Lack of trust X X X X
Fear of failure X X
Personality conflicts X X X X
Poor training X
Threat to job status/security X X X X X
Work group breakup X X X X
Fear of poor outcome X
Faults of change X
Uncertainty X X X

Strategies for overcoming

Education X X X X
Participation X X X X X
Facilitation X X X X
Negotiation X X X X X
Manipulation X X X X X
Coercion X X X X
Discussion X

Financial benefits X
Political support X

Source: Dent & Goldberg 1999, p. 28

Some symptoms existing within an been implemented to solve the problem, 3.

organization overtly reveal the need for a Poor employee motivation due to various
change. In the following cases, for example, reasons (Çolakoğlu 2005, p. 66-67). Hence, it
the need for a change within the organization is time to expand our understanding of
is evident. 1. Continuous reoccurrence of the resistance to change, including its sources and
same problems, 2. Failure to come to a its potential contribution to effective change
conclusion, although various strategies have management (Ford et al. 2008, p. 362).

Employees’ resistance to change within an positive or negative. The fact that resistance is
organization may both be considered as perceived, in a sense, as feedbacks from the

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. The Effect of Organizational Communication Towards Resistance to
Change: A Case Study in Banking Sector ///

party (a person or a group) that is subject to 2.3. Organizational Communication and

change, and that these feedbacks are used to Resistance to Change Relationship
correct any
Fundamental to the success of organizational
potential mistakes is considered as the change is the acceptance of the change by
positive side of resistance. Some change employees. Within this context, the work of
agents may also be utilized to eliminate or Kubler-Ross (1973), who argued that all
mitigate resistance to change. These are: humans go through 5 stages of ‘grief’ (denial,
participation, explicit or implicit oppression, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance)
manipulation and cooptation, bargaining, when faced with a loss or change, has been
communication and education. Almost seen as relevant and has been applied to the
everything on a personal and organizational management of organizational change.
level continuously change as to form and Wiggins (2009) uses the model to help guide
substance. Change is agonizing for reasons, communication and support during the period
such as breakdown of previous relationships, of change, which she suggests should be
excessive stress, continuous self-perpetuation, tailored to the stage of change that the
and loss of prestige and interests. However, employees have reached. For example, after
not every process of change should go through the news of change is delivered, employees
the same process. As long as change becomes need to be given information to tackle their
a lifestyle, the grief will eventually diminish, denial. Once the information has sunk in and
and it will broaden the horizons of the they experience anger, bargaining and
employees and the organizations (Koçel 2011, depression they require various kinds of
p. 685-687). There are many discussions in support. Once employees have begun
the literature about resistance to change, accepting the situation they need a vision to
focusing on how change requires the culture put their commitment into (Barnard & Stoll
of the organization to change first, including 2010, p. 5).
changes in employees’ values and beliefs and
in the way they enact these values and beliefs Communication commonly exists in daily life
(Yuh - Shy 2011, p. 1). at work. Managers and employees use
communication to collaborate, exchange
Change is perceived as uncertainty for the knowledge, information and get people
employees and meets little or much motivated. Communication includes different
resistance. However, it is possible to use aspects, such as: timing, communication
various methods to decrease or eliminate this approach, the content of the message, etc. It is
resistance. The change approach selected to crucial for managers to be aware of is that it is
prevent resistance to change must provide impossible to successfully implement change
clear-cut advantages to the employees. It must process without an effective communication.
not be forgotten that the employees have their Barrett argues that “without credible
own period for change and their willingness communication, and a lot of it, the hearts and
and support for change is a little dependent on minds of the troops are never captured” (Yang
this (Okutan & Okutan 2013, p. 131). 2014, p. 15).

Implementing planned change is almost

always difficult; communication problems are

Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

commonplace. Organizational leaders face the communication. The level of community spirit,
challenge of how to best communicate the trust, motivation, commitment, job security
changes affecting their stakeholders in such a and participation must be satisfied and
way so as to encourage acceptance, minimize increased so that the employees may
resistance, and enhance the implementation understand the idea behind the change and
of the change (Messer 2006, p. 36). address the needs competently. This gives rise
to the commitment to change which finally
Figure 2.1 depicts the change communication results in successful organizational change
model derived from the literature review. It (Husain 2013, p. 47-48).
shows the impact of various variables on

Figure 2.1. Change Communication Model

(Source: Husain 2013, p. 48)

As a result, communication is one of the most The employees should believe the fact that
important organizational instruments to change will have positive outcomes both for
ensure cooperation, solidarity and harmony themselves and their organizations in order to
within an organization. If this instrument can eliminate resistance to organizational change
be used effectively within the change and to make sure that they accept and adopt
management process, it will have significant change. This belief grows stronger as the
contributions to carry out a successful change employees get more opportunities to have a
process. A proper communication should be voice in the decision-making and
established through dialogue in order to implementing processes, and the
reveal the necessary subjects within the organizational change becomes more likely to
process of change (Tunçer 2013, p. 392). have successful outcomes (Kerman & Öztop
2014, p. 17).

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. The Effect of Organizational Communication Towards Resistance to
Change: A Case Study in Banking Sector ///

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY the purpose and model of the research are as

3.1. The Purpose, Scope and Limitations of
the Study H1: There is a statistically significant
relationship between the goal setting and
The purpose of this study is to examine the resistance to change.
effect of organizational communication on
resistance to change. This study has some H2: There is a statistically significant
thematic and practical limitations. The subject relationship between the informing and
of the research is limited to examination of the resistance to change.
effect of organizational communication on
resistance to change. Due to time and cost H3: There is a statistically significant
limitations, the research is limited to cover the relationship between the critical
employees of state and private banks in communication and resistance to change.
Marmara Region. This research does not
intend to generalize the results, and the H4: There is a difference between the sub-
results are limited to the banks within the dimensions of organizational communication
scope of this study. scale and the types of banks the employees
are working.
3.2. Research Model and Hypotheses
H5: There is a difference between the
The research model assumes that resistance to change dimension and the types
organizational communication has an of banks the employees are working.
influence on resistance to change. The
research hypotheses developed in line with

Figure 3.1. Research Model

3.3. Sample and Measures consist of 406 bank employees. From the 450
questionnaires that have been sent out, 426
The sample of the research is composed of have been returned, representing a response
public and private banks in Marmara Region rate of approximately 95%. After elimination
of Turkey. The participants of the study of cases having incomplete data and outliers,

Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

406 questionnaires (90%) have been accepted 3.4. Statistical Analysis

as valid and included in the evaluations. In SPSS for Windows 20.0 program is used to
this study questionnaire method is used for analyze the data obtained by the
data collection. Convenience sampling method questionnaire. Factor analysis is used to test
is preferred. Questionnaire form contains two the variables related to organizational
measurements related to organizational communication and resistance to change
communication, and resistance to change. dimensions. Cronbach Alpha values determine
the reliability levels of the scales that were
Organizational Communication Scale: computed. In order to test the hypotheses, the
Yüksel’s (2005) scale has been used for analysis of Pearson Correlation is used and
measuring informing, goal setting and critical multiple regression analysis is used to explain
communication. the relationships among the organizational
communication and resistance to change.
Resistance to Change Scale: The scale of
Altındiş et al., (2011) has been used for 4. RESEARCH FINDINGS
measuring the resistance of the employees to
change. 4.1. Demographical Findings

For answers to the statements of survey, a According to the obtained data, there were
Likert-type metric, that is, expressions with 164 males (40%) and 242 females (60%)
five intervals has been used. Anchored such; surveyed, which amounted to 406
"1- strongly disagree, 2- disagree, 3- respondents. Majority of the respondents
uncertain, 4-agree, 5-strongly agree. were between the age of 18 and 29 years
Questionnaire also contains sixteen questions (64%). The educational level of the
to determine demographic characteristics of respondents ranged from High School (9%),
the employees. Associate Degree (37%), Bachelor’s Degree
(49%), and Post Graduate (5%). 84% of the
Table 3.1. Scales and the Number of Variables
employees have been working in this sector
between 0-9 years and 13% of the employees
Scales The Number of
have been working in this sector between 10-
19 years. In addition, 49% of the employees
have been working in public banks and 51%
of them in private banks.
Informing 6
Goal-Setting 5
4.2. Factor Analyses and Reliability
Critical 5

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) test that is used for

Resistance to Change 20
basic components analysis for the
Demographic 16
organizational communication variables
showed that the size of the sample was
sufficient (KMO value .84) for factor analysis.
Barlett test conducted to determine whether
the data for organizational communication

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. The Effect of Organizational Communication Towards Resistance to
Change: A Case Study in Banking Sector ///

conformed to normal distribution or not 1.00. These factors explain the 73.786% of the
produced a significant result (2130.929; total variance. Table 4.1. shows the factors,
p<0.000). Through factor analysis of the factor loadings and the internal consistency
organizational communication variables and coefficients calculated for each factor.
Varimax Rotationed Factor Loadings, three
factors obtained with self-values greater than

Table 4.1. Rotated Factor Loadings with Calculated Organizational Communication Measures

Factor 1: Goal-Setting (explained variance = 32.107%; Cronbach’s Alpha =.89 )

11. My manager informs me about future plans related to my work group. .864
10. My manager explains the reasons for the business calendar (program). .811
12. My manager sets useful goals for me to achieve. .770
9. My manager asks for my opinions about how to do the work.

Factor 2: Informing (explained variance = 23.961% ; Cronbach’s Alpha =.87)

1. I can ask for explanations when I do not understand the instructions of my manager. .905
2. My manager informs me about the reasons for changes regarding my job. .772
3. My manager informs me about the rules and policies of the establishment. .758

Factor 3: Critical communication (explained variance = 17.717%; Cronbach’s

Alpha =.66) .875
14. My manager criticizes the way I do my job in front of others. .520
22. My manager has a critical approach towards my personality.
21. When I believe the instructions of my manager are wrong/misleading, I begin to

6 items, which were considered to have lower 4.3. Findings on the Research Hypotheses
factor loadings at the end of the factor
analysis, were excluded from the scope of the It is examined whether the answers given to
scale. The internal consistency coefficients organizational communication scale show a
(Cronbach Alpha values), which were normal distribution, and whether the
obtained at the end of the reliability analysis variances are homogeneous. According to the
performed for the remaining three factors, are analysis, normal distribution and
.89 .87 and .66, respectively. The internal homogeneity of the variances hypotheses
consistency coefficients of resistance to have been rejected (p<0.05). Thus, Mann-
change is computed also .86. These results Whitney U test, which is generally used to
show that the scales used in this study have determine the differences between two
sufficient reliability for social sciences. continuously-measured independent groups,
is used to determine the sectors having
differences (Kalaycı 2010, p. 99). Table 4.2.

Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

shows the test of the differences of the sub- prioritized by the private bank employees
dimensions of organizational communication than the state bank employees. Mean ranks of
scale in accordance with the fact that whether state bank employees regarding “Critical
the employee is working for a state or a Communication” are very low (190.49)
private bank. comparing to the mean ranks of the private
bank employees (215.88). Thus, it may be
Table 4.2. Test of the Differences of the Sub- concluded that the private bank employees
dimensions of Organizational Communication and managers are more critical and
Scale in Accordance with the fact that interrogative than the state bank employees
Whether the Employee is Working for a State regarding the subjects related to their jobs
or a Private Bank and organizations.

It is examined whether the answers given to

Sub- Mean Rank Type p
resistance to change dimension show a
dimensions Publ Priva of Test
normal distribution, and whether the
ic te Mann-
variances are homogeneous. According to the
analysis, it has been determined that the data
ey U
did not show a normal distribution (p<0.05)
Goal-Setting 185, 220,1 17121, ,0
and the variances were homogeneous
97 9 50 03
(p>0.05). Since the data were not normally
Informing 196, 210,3 19169, ,2
distributed, non-parametric tests have been
32 4 50 29
applied, even though homogeneity
Critical 190, 215,8 18016, ,0
assumption has been ensured (Altunışık et al.
Communicat 49 8 50 29
2012, p. 168). Thus, Mann-Whitney U test has
been applied in this study to determine where
the difference occurred. Table 4.3. shows the
As it is seen in Table 4.2. since p<0.05, there is
test for the differences in resistance to change
a difference between the statements of the
scale in accordance with the fact that whether
employees regarding “Goal-Setting” and
the Employee is working for a State or a
“Critical Communication” according to the fact
Private Bank.
that whether the employee is working for a
state or a private bank. Thus, H4 hypothesis
As it is seen in Table 4.3., since p<0.05, there is
has been accepted regarding “Goal-Setting”
a difference between the statements of the
and “Critical Communication” sub-dimensions.
employees regarding “Resistance to change”
There is no difference in the statement
dimension according to the fact that whether
regarding “Informing”, since p>0.05. ıt may
the employee is working for a state or a
also be concluded that there is no difference
private bank. Thus, H5 hypothesis has been
between state and private banks regarding
accepted regarding “Resistance to Change”
informing the employees on their jobs or the
dimension. Mean ranks of state bank
rules and policies of the establishment. Mean
employees regarding “Resistance to Change”
ranks of state bank employees regarding
are very low (185.24) comparing to the mean
“Goal-Setting” are very low (185.97)
ranks of the private bank employees (220.88).
comparing to the mean ranks of the private
Thus, it may be concluded that the private
bank employees (220.19). It may be
concluded that “goal-setting” is more

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. The Effect of Organizational Communication Towards Resistance to
Change: A Case Study in Banking Sector ///

bank employees resist more to change than organizational communication and resistance
the state bank employees. to change, are given in Table 4.4.. Correlation
analyses results indicate a positive and
The findings, which have been obtained as a significant relationship among resistance to
result of the Pearson Correlation Analysis change and goal setting (r=141, p<0.01); also,
carried out to determine the relationship a positive and significant relationship among
between the goal setting, informing and resistance to change and critical
critical communication dimensions of communication

Table 4.3. Test for the Differences in Resistance to Change Dimension in accordance with the fact that
whether the Employee is Working for a State or a Private Bank

Dimension Mean Rank Type of Test p

Public Private Mann-Whitney U
Resistance to 185,24 220,88 16976,50 ,002

Table 4.4. Correlation Matrix

Determinants 1 2 3 4

Resistance to 1.00
Change 0.141** 1.00
Goal- Setting 0.082 1.00
Informing 0.344**
Critical 1.00

(r=344, p<0.01). These results support the Table 4.5. The Regression Analysis for Resistance
hypotheses H1 and H3. According to the to Change
correlation analysis among resistance to R² F β t p

change and informing of the employees, there Goal-Setting ,020 ,141 2,869 ,0
is no significant relationship. Taking this 8.229 04
result into account, the hypothesis H2 is

Regression analysis was conducted to Table 4.6. indicates the results of the
evaluate the relationship between the regression analysis, which is used to measure
resistance to change and goal setting. the critical communication on resistance to
According to regression analysis findings change. Model summary in Table 4.6. shows
shown on Table 4.5.; 2% of the variance in how much critical communication variables
resistance to change is explained by goal explain resistance to change. 11.8% of the
setting. The regression model, explaining the variance in resistance to change is explained
impact of goal setting on resistance to change, by critical communication. The regression
is valid (with F=8.229; p<0.01).

Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

model, explaining the impact of critical

communication on resistance to change, is
valid (with F=54.075; p<0.01).
Table 4.6. The Regression Analysis for Resistance to Change

R² F β t p

Critical Communication ,118 54.075 ,344 ,000



5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The results of other studies on different

sectors in literature also supports this study
Within organizations, change is a process that conducted in banking sector. It is also
is both constant and necessary, yet the idea of observed that the employees in different
organizational change has been recognized as sectors resist to change due to some reasons,
evoking fear and is not always embraced by such as lack of communication, insecurity and
the members of an organization (Baldomir & fear of change.
Hood 2016, p. 27). Resistance to change is
more likely when the change process is seen The purpose of this study is to examine the
as a complex and requires considerable effect of organizational communication on
adaptation. Individuals facing such change resistance to change. For this purpose, the
need to let go of their old habits and work literature is reviewed and the hypotheses are
patterns and adopts new ones (Radzi & developed. The significant findings were
Othman 2016, p. 73). However, if the found on the relation among resistance to
management fails to interfere at the right change, goal setting and critical
time, the resistance of the employees will communication. Therefore, hypotheses H1 and
increase and lead to negative outcomes. This H3 are accepted. This research, however has
resistance will eventually have a negative certain limitations. This research is based on
influence first on internal, and then external the banks in Marmara Region in Turkey,
communication (Bulut & Arbak 2012, p. 10). therefore, we cannot make any
generalizations. Any other research may
Gürses ve Helvacı’s (2011) findings in their result in different findings. In this research, no
study “The Reasons for Teachers’ Resistance direct effect of informing on resistance to
to Change in Schools” indicate that elementary change is observed.
school teachers show resistance to change in
“mild” level and this resistance is the result of The following statements are related to goal
lack of information regarding change process, setting, which is one of the sub-dimensions of
and their reluctance to take new charges and organizational communication: “My manager
responsibilities. It has also been concluded informs me about future plans related to my
that the resistances resulting from the work group”, “My manager explains the
school’s lack of capacity are “high”, and that reasons for the business calendar (program)”,
the resistances resulting from the fear of “My manager sets useful goals for me to
getting harmed by the change and from the achieve”, “My manager asks for my opinions
fact that the school managers cannot handle about how to do the work”. Mean rank of
change are “low”.

/// Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016
. Economic Review – Journal of Economics and Busines, Vol. XIV, Issue 1, May 2016 ///

“goal-setting” dimension in state banks is private bank employees and managers are
relatively low comparing to that more critical and interrogative than the state
of private banks. In this case, informing the bank employees regarding the subjects
employees regarding their future plans and related to their jobs and organizations.
goals is more prioritized in private banks than Although personal or professional criticism of
in state banks. the employees is more common in private
banks, it may also be concluded that the
The following statements are related to employees have more power to interrogate
critical communication, which is one of the and express the incorrect practices than the
sub-dimensions of organizational state bank employees.
communication: “My manager criticizes the
way I do my job in front of others”, “My The fact that the mean rank of the following
manager has a critical approach towards my statements are higher in private bank
personality”, “When I believe the instructions employees than the state bank employees may
of my manager are wrong/misleading, I begin be interpreted as the private bank employees
to interrogate”. Mean rank of “critical resist to change more than state bank
communication” dimension in state banks is employees: “I feel insecure about the process
relatively low comparing to that of private of change”, “the changes in my work place
banks. Thus, it may be concluded that the would bother me”, “I feel stressed when there
are changes in work plans”, “I feel Future researches can be conducted with
uncomfortable when I think about getting different and larger samples. Additionally, it
used to new rules”, “I never change my work is possible to compare different sectors. This
flow plans once I prepare them”, “My opinions can be accepted as a limitation for our study.
never change in time, on the contrary, they are On the other hand, we believe that our
pretty consistent”. The fact that the employees findings may contribute to the management
in public sector are not afraid of losing their literature and future studies. In this context,
jobs or accommodating themselves to changes the effect of organizational communication
may result in less resistance to change. towards organizational learning can be
examined the same or different sectors.
Both practitioners and scientists agree that
organizational change communication is the References
most effective strategy to improve employee
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