Role of Sleep-Wake Cycle On Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythms and Hypertension

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Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680

Role of sleep-wake cycle on blood pressure circadian rhythms

and hypertension
Michael H. Smolensky , Ramón C. Hermida b, Richard J. Castriotta c,
Francesco Portaluppi d
School of Public Health, RAS-W606, The University of Texas-Houston Health Sciences Center, 1200 Herman Pressler, Houston, TX 77030, USA
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación, Campus Universitario, VIGO (Pontevedra) 36200, Spain
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, 6431 Fannin,
MSB 1.274 Houston, TX 77030, USA
Hypertension Center, University of Ferrara Via Savonarola 9, I-44100 Ferrara, Italy

Received 23 June 2006; received in revised form 8 November 2006; accepted 11 November 2006
Available online 26 March 2007


Stages of different depth characterize the temporal organization of sleep. Each stage exerts an effect on blood pressure (BP) reg-
ulation and contributes to its 24-h variation. The main determinant of the circadian influences of sleep and wakefulness on BP is the
daytime sympathetic and nighttime parasympathetic prevalence, but many other physiologic mechanisms known either to induce
sleep or determine arousal may play an important role in the mediation of sleep influences on BP. Alteration of one or more of such
mechanisms may be reflected in altered circadian BP rhythms. Sleep- and arousal-related mechanisms and phenomena that affect
circadian BP rhythms include neurohumoral sleep factors (arginine vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal peptide, somatotropin, insulin,
steroid hormones and metabolites, and serotonin among others) and waking factors (corticotropin-releasing factor, adrenocortico-
tropin, thyrotropin-releasing hormone, endogenous opioids, and prostaglandin (E2)). Pathologic respiratory variations (sleep-disor-
dered breathing) and insomnia are major causes of the sleep-related alteration of the circadian BP profile, including loss of the
expected normal decline in BP by 10–20% from the daytime level. A great number of medical disorders can cause insomnia, but
objective sleep studies have been performed only in a minority of them. Overall, the sleep-related pathophysiological mechanisms
actually involved in causing altered circadian BP rhythms in different normotensive and hypertensive conditions are not completely
understood. In any case, changes in the circadian BP rhythm are known to be strongly related to one’s risk of cardiovascular mor-
bidity and mortality, thus representing strong prognostic indicators worthy of further investigation.
Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Circadian rhythm; Sleep; Blood pressure; Essential hypertension; Secondary hypertension; Autonomic nervous system; Autonomic
failure; Sleep-disordered breathing; Insomnia

1. Introduction

Day–night patterns in blood pressure (BP) are closely

tied to the 24-h sleep-wake cycle and are influenced by
several endogenous circadian rhythms as well as cyclic
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 713 500 9237; fax: +1 713 500 exogenous factors. Moreover, a number of sleep disor-
E-mail addresses: (M.H.
ders and acute and chronic medical conditions can alter
Smolensky), (R.C. Hermida), Richard.J. BP and cause hypertension. Exploration of the topics of (R.J. Castriotta), (F. Portaluppi). sleep, BP circadian rhythms, and hypertension requires

1389-9457/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680 669

an understanding of the (i) different types of 24-h BP co-existing medical condition. Super-dipping BP pat-
patterns found in health and disease, (ii) circadian terns (> 20 mmHg decrease in sleep-time BP mean rela-
rhythm and cyclic environmental determinants of such tive to daytime mean) may occur in those with
BP changes, and (iii) definition of hypertension, taking autonomic dysfunction or those treated too aggressively
into account inherent 24-h activity-sleep BP variation. with antihypertensive medications, particularly when
ingested in the evening, or in those persons who evidence
2. Day–night patterns in blood pressure ‘white coat’ – pseudohypertension, which is abnormally
high BP only in the presence of medical personnel in
The conventional, homeostatic perception is that BP clinical settings [9], and who are treated aggressively
and heart rate (HR) are relatively constant during the with BP-lowering medications.
24-h sleep–wake cycle, except when affected by exercise, Alteration of the circadian rhythm of the neurohu-
stress, and other ambient influences. Thus, in the moral factors that affect the autonomic nervous and car-
absence of medical complications, such as diabetes or diovascular (CV) systems, secondary to various
renal disease, the conventional criteria recommended pathological conditions, results in persistent change of
for the diagnosis of hypertensive persons is the clinical the 24-h BP pattern. A blunted or reversed sleep-time
diastolic BP (DBP) consistently P90 mmHg and/or decline in BP has been reported in persons with ortho-
the clinical systolic BP (SBP) consistently P140 mmHg static autonomic failure [10], Shy-Drager syndrome
[1]. [11], vascular dementia [12], Alzheimer-type dementia
However, DBP and SBP in actuality undergo rather [13], cerebral atrophy [14], cerebrovascular disease
large amplitude 24-h patterning, as documented by [15,16], ischemic arterial disease after carotid endarter-
ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) technology, which ectomy [17], neurogenic hypertension [18], fatal familial
enables the convenient and reliable automatic around- insomnia [19], diabetes [20], catecholamine-producing
the-clock measurement of BP and HR. ABPM criteria tumors [21,22], Cushing’s syndrome [23], exogenous glu-
for the differential diagnosis of normotension versus cocorticoid administration [24], mineralocorticoid
hypertension differ from conventional ones. The diagno- excess syndromes [25], Addison’s disease [26], pseudohy-
sis of hypertension by means of 24-h ABPM is made poparathyroidism [27], sleep apnea syndrome [28], nor-
when the activity mean SBP P135 mmHg and/or DBP motensive and hypertensive asthma [29], chronic renal
P 85, sleep-time mean SBP P120 mmHg and/or DBP failure [30,31], severe hypertension [32], salt-sensitive
P70 (often termed nocturnal hypertension), or 24-h essential hypertension [33], gestational hypertension
mean SBP P130 mmHg and/or DBP P80 mmHg [2]. [34], toxemia of pregnancy [35], essential hypertension
In persons with normal BP and uncomplicated essen- with left ventricular hypertrophy [36], renal, liver, or
tial hypertension, BP declines to its lowest levels during cardiac transplant [37–39] related to immunosuppressive
nighttime sleep, rises abruptly with morning awakening, treatment, congestive heart failure [40,41], and recombi-
and attains near peak or peak values during the first nant human erythropoietin therapy [42]. A circadian
hours of diurnal activity [3]. In the so-called normal dip- profile characterized by daytime hypertension and
pers, the sleep-time BP mean is lower by 10–20% com- sleep-time hypotension has been described in hemody-
pared to the daytime mean [4]. In addition to this namic brain infarction associated with prolonged distur-
profound, sleep-related nocturnal decline, the typical bance of the blood–brain barrier [43]. In these patients,
circadian pattern of BP exhibits two daytime peaks, the range of variation in the BP level between daytime
the first around 9 a.m. and the second around 7 p.m., activity and nighttime sleep is significantly increased
with a small afternoon nadir around 3 p.m. In healthy from expected – to 20% for SBP and 23% for DBP.
young adults, the immediate morning rise of SBP
amounts to about 20–25 mmHg. However, in the 3. Mechanisms of 24-h BP patterns
elderly, who have less compliant and elastic arteries,
the morning rise in SBP can be as great as 40–60 mmHg. The 24-h BP variation is primarily the result of the (i)
Bed-bound subjects, whether normotensive [5] or hyper- exogenous cyclic day–night alteration of physical and
tensive [6], and persons with fixed HR [7] also exhibit mental activity, stress, and other ambient events coupled
significant BP decline during sleep, which is more pro- with the sleep–wake cycle and (ii) endogenous circadian
nounced for women than men [8], attesting to the role rhythms in neurohumoral and other biological func-
of an endogenous circadian mechanism in BP tions. Although it is argued that the former are more
regulation. important than the latter, it is impossible to clearly sep-
Other 24-h BP patterns are also known. Non-dipping arate their relative influence upon the BP 24-h variation.
(<10 mmHg decrease in sleep-time BP mean relative to For sure, the effects of physical and mental activity
daytime mean) and even rising (mean sleep-time BP account for a predominant proportion of the day–night
greater than daytime mean) patterns are common in sec- variation [44–46] as demonstrated by studies of shift
ondary hypertension, that is, hypertension caused by a workers who show a close linkage between activity
670 M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680

and BP even on the first 24-h of night work [47–51]. tides, neurotransmitters, etc.) exhibit significant circa-
However, an intrinsic component of human circadian dian variation in their secretory pattern that is
BP rhythmicity, which is masked by external influences, superimposed on their feedback control systems. While
also plays a role [52]. An endogenous basis for the 24-h the secretion of these substances is typically episodic, it
BP variation, that is, a relationship between the circa- is probable that the secretory episodes are ‘‘gated’’ by
dian clock and the BP rhythm, is suggested by labora- mechanisms that are coupled either to sleep itself, or
tory rodent studies showing that lesioning of the to an endogenous pacemaker which usually is predomi-
suprachiasmatic nucleus (the master pacemaker clock) nantly (though not solely) circadian.
abolishes the BP and HR circadian rhythms without
affecting the sleep–wake and motor activity cycles 4. Neuroendocrine integration of BP rhythms
[53,54]. Rodents are nocturnally active animals and
show increased nighttime BP values compared to Circadian rhythms in ANS function are well known;
decreased daytime BP values during their rest period. sympathetic tone is dominant during the diurnal activity
Thus, the relationship of BP level to activity level is span, while vagal tone is dominant during most of the
underlined in both human beings and laboratory nighttime sleep span [58–61]. This day–night oscillation
rodents. of the ANS is strongly linked to the sleep–wake circa-
The mechanisms of 24-h BP patterns are clearly influ- dian rhythm and plays a dominant role in the observed
enced also by genetic factors. Using standard quantita- 24-h BP variation in normotension and in uncompli-
tive genetic variance component analysis of 260 cated essential hypertension. In diurnally active persons,
healthy siblings without antihypertensive medications the plasma level of norepinephrine and epinephrine is
from 118 Swedish families, Fava et al. [55,56] demon- highest in the morning, during the initial hours of day-
strated that circadian BP variability, and in particular time activity and is lowest during nocturnal sleep [62].
nighttime BP level, assessed by ambulatory monitoring, Urinary catecholamine excretion also exhibits marked
are under genetic control. Hence, BP dipping is a herita- circadian rhythmicity of comparable phasing [63]. The
ble trait which can be mapped by linkage analysis. relationship between the 24-h variation in plasma dopa-
Genetic control of arterial stiffness is the likely mecha- mine and norepinephrine/epinephrine levels is strong,
nism of this heritability [55,56]. indicating a dopaminergic modulation of the circadian
The sleep–wake cycle is a coordinated process involv- rhythm of sympathetic nervous system activity [64].
ing rhythmic changes in sensory, motor, autonomic, In humans, catecholamine sulfates are biologically
endocrine, and cerebral processes. However, each of inactive. In normotensive recumbent subjects, the circa-
the changes occurring with sleep may also occur inde- dian pattern is opposite that of the biologically active
pendently of sleep itself [57]. Hence, sleep seems to be free catecholamines [65]. Plasma noradrenaline and
a biological process or system that integrates and mod- adrenaline sulphates peak during the initial portion of
ulates a variety of other systems. The sleep–wake cycle the sleep span. Before the customary time of daytime
results from the alternation of mutually inhibitory inter- awakening, the concentration of both free noradrenaline
actions of arousing or activating systems (cholinergic, and adrenaline suddenly increases, while their sulpho-
serotonergic, and histaminergic nuclear groups of the conjugate counterparts decline. Thus, the nocturnal
rostral pons, midbrain, and posterior hypothalamus decrease in the level of biologically active catechola-
plus cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain) and of mines may be the consequence of the activation of an
hypnogenic or deactivating systems on the other hand endogenous system of sulphoconjugation; conversely,
(medial preoptic–anterior hypothalamic region and deactivation of the same system late during the sleep
adjacent basal forebrain and medial thalamus and span may contribute to the significant morning increase
medulla). Cyclic variation in autonomic nervous system in the concentration of biologically active catechola-
(ANS) activity plays an important role not only in the mines. The genetic control of catecholamine sulphocon-
mechanism of the sleep–wake rhythm, but also in medi- jugation and deconjugation is primarily accomplished
ating the influence of sleep and wakefulness on CV func- by two enzymes – phenolsulphotransferase and aryl sul-
tion and BP, in general. phatase [65]. Temporal modulation of the gene expres-
Serotonin, arginine vasopressin, vasoactive intestinal sion of these enzymes most likely contributes to the
peptide, somatotropin, insulin, and steroid hormones circadian rhythm in sympathetic activity.
and their metabolites are involved in the induction of Environmental factors, especially the alternation of
sleep, and CRF, ACTH, TRH, endogenous opioids, light and darkness in conjunction with the activity-sleep
and prostaglandin E2 are involved in activation and cycle, significantly influence the day–night pattern of
arousal. The cyclic 24-h pattern in these chemical medi- catecholamine concentration. The level of norepineph-
ators is bound to be reflected in the phasic oscillations of rine, but not epinephrine, is strongly affected by activity,
BP and CV parameters. It is common knowledge that arousal, and posture [66]. The circadian rhythm in the
most biologically active substances (e.g., hormones, pep- plasma norepinephrine metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-
M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680 671

hydroxyphenylglycol, also is evoked by day–night differ- [75]. This condition constitutes a unique, albeit dra-
ences in physical activity and posture. In contrast, the matic, opportunity to assess the effect of chronic sleep
24-h pattern in the plasma dopamine metabolites, deprivation on human circadian rhythms, including
homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, those of BP and HR. In FFI, a dominant 24-h rhythm
is regulated by a circadian oscillator that is unaffected is detectable in both CV parameters [19], but the noctur-
by the sleep-activity cycle [67]. Indeed, the nocturnal nal BP decline is lost during the early stage of the dis-
decrease in norepinephrine is observed even in healthy ease, even though the normal nocturnal HR decline is
volunteers kept awake for 24 hours by a regimented rou- preserved. This rhythmic component persists, although
tine of forced activity and food consumption every hour. with lower amplitude and shifted phase, for several
These findings suggest the circadian change in norepi- months after the total disappearance of sleep. Complete
nephrine secretion is controlled by a biological clock obliteration of significant 24-h variation is found only
whose activity is apparent only when the influence of during the terminal stage of FFI. Important features
sleep, posture, and activity is removed [68]. Nonetheless, of FFI are the progressive alterations of neurohormonal
the evidence is compelling that the observed 24-h [76,77] and CV rhythms [19], indicating it disturbs, and
changes in ANS activity and biogenic amines are not eventually obliterates, the endogenous circadian-time
explained by a single controlling influence. Temporal structure. Changes in pituitary–adrenal functioning
patterns in external stimuli are at least as, if not more, seem to play a major role in the pathogenesis of the
important than endogenous clock mechanisms. Finally, hypertensive condition of FFI [19].
other humoral factors, such as those of the renin–angio-
tensin–aldosterone system, the hypothalamic–pituitary– 5. Circadian organization of human sleep
adrenal system, the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid sys-
tem, the opioid system, and various vasoactive peptides, Normal sleep consists of the non-rapid eye movement
are well known to affect the circadian organization of (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) states.
the CV system and BP circadian rhythm (for a review NREM predominates during the first half of nighttime
on this subject, see [69]). sleep and typically constitutes 75–80% of the total sleep
Disturbances of the circadian rhythm of ANS activity time. In contrast, REM sleep, which is associated with
and neurohumoral factors that play a role in central dreaming, predominates during the second half of the
and/or peripheral BP regulation result in alteration of sleep span and typically comprises 20–25% of the total
the typical 24-h BP pattern. An imbalance of sympa- sleep time. The normal adult human enters sleep
thetic versus parasympathetic activity is the major deter- through NREM sleep, and typically the first REM sleep
minant of the alteration. This is true not only for the episode does not occur until 80–90 min later. Thereafter,
various forms of neurogenic dysautonomias but in dia- NREM and REM sleep alternate cyclically with a per-
betes and chronic renal failure in which change in the iod of 80–90 min. The duration and organization of
circadian BP pattern is minimal [70] or absent [71] sleep are strictly circadian-time dependent [78]. REM
before the onset of autonomic neuropathy. In chronic sleep, although characterized by poikilothermia, is nev-
heart failure, tonic activation of the sympathetic ner- ertheless closely coupled with the circadian rhythm of
vous system throughout both the activity and sleep core temperature [79], which in turn is controlled by
spans is present and seems to be the major determinant the biologic clock (SCN), independent of the sleep per-
of changes to the BP rhythm. Experiments on labora- iod [80,81].
tory rats demonstrate that the altered BP 24-h pattern
of heart failure is independent of changes in the locomo- 6. Role of sleep in circadian BP variation
tor activity rhythm [72]. An identical imbalance of the
circadian rhythm of autonomic activity has been dem- Sleep is the most important and consistent source of
onstrated in essential hypertensive patients who exhibit circadian BP variation. Sleep stages are reflected by con-
a blunted sleep-time BP decline [73]. However, absence sistent changes in BP [82]. The deepest sleep stages, 3
of the normal sleep-time BP fall does not necessarily and 4, coincide with the lowest BP levels; whereas, the
imply an obliteration of the 24-h BP rhythm, as seen less deep stages, 1 and 2 and REM sleep, correspond
in chronic renal insufficiency [74]; in individuals with to relatively higher BP levels, although these are lower
this medical condition, a significant BP circadian than awake-state BP level. Fluctuations in BP, amount-
rhythm of reduced amplitude and shift from a day to ing to as much as 40 mmHg during REM sleep, do not
sleep-time peak (i.e., reversed dipping pattern) is originate in the sleep-induction (pontine tegmental) area
common. of the brain of REM sleep itself; rather, they originate in
A non-dipping BP pattern is also found in those diag- the forebrain and, thus, are likely to be uninfluenced by
nosed with the rare medical condition of fatal familial sleep [83].
insomnia (FFI), a prion disease characterized by the A significant BP increase takes places in the morning
total and sustained disruption of the sleep–wake cycle in diurnally active persons, and there is considerable
672 M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680

debate as to whether it commences before or after awak- decreases by 0.4–1.5 l/min and pulmonary arterial pres-
ening and as a consequence of arousal from sleep and sure rises by 4–5 mmHg, but, nonetheless, remain within
change from supine to upright posture [84]. It is difficult the normal range. Changes in the sensitivity and func-
to determine the precise timing of the arousal status of tioning of homeostatic mechanisms account for the
individuals who make up group studies, and this might oscillatory phenomena which also occur, with similar
explain the different interpretations of the BP curves periodicity, in other pathophysiologic states [91,92] or
by authors of various investigations. Deep (delta or with sleep onset [93]. The instability associated with
slow-wave) sleep prevails during the first half of night- the transition from the mixed (neurogenic and meta-
time rest, and this is coincident with the nocturnal BP bolic) control of breathing typical of wakefulness to
decline. During the last half of nighttime sleep, REM- the purely metabolic state typical of NREM sleep is
related and brief arousal-related episodes of BP and the underlying cause of the periodic oscillations [94].
HR rises are more frequent. This is the likely explana-
tion of why intra-arterial data for a large group of nor- 7. Sleep-related alterations of the circadian BP profile
mal subjects, aligned relative to the time of waking,
show that the early morning rise of BP commences prior Stage organization of sleep is also reflected in varia-
to awakening; thus, its attribution to arousal alone tions of autonomic functioning [60]. On the other hand,
seems highly implausible. Wrist actigraphy, a tool com- a driving effect of the ANS on the circadian BP profile is
monly used in sleep studies, has helped identify two dis- well established [95–97]. Sympathetic-nerve activity dur-
tinct patterns of morning BP rise – one being defined by ing deep NREM sleep is lower than it is during wakeful-
a gradual rise that commences before awakening as seen ness. It increases during REM sleep to the same, or
most commonly in young persons, and the other being greater, level seen in wakefulness. During NREM sleep,
defined by a steep BP rise that commences after waking the activity of the sympathoadrenal branch of the sym-
as seen most commonly in elderly persons showing pro- pathetic nervous system decreases, probably due to
nounced responses to mental stress [85]. A growing entrainment to the sleep–wake cycle; whereas, the low
number of studies indicate that the extent of the BP rate activity of the noradrenergic branches seems mainly
of rise coincident with the commencement of diurnal dependent on the assumption of horizontal body pos-
activity constitutes an independent predictor of hyper- ture during sleep [98]. Sympathetic nervous system activ-
tensive target organ damage and risk of acute CV events ity, overall, seems to be down-regulated during REM
at this time of day [9,86]. Recent investigations reveal sleep, whereas awakening selectively enhances epineph-
that the 24-h pattern and the characteristic morning rine levels and subsequent orthostasis activates promi-
peak in the occurrence of both ischemic [87] and hemor- nently the noradrenergic branches [98]. During REM
rhagic [88] stroke is the same in normotensive and sleep, a concomitant reduction in coronary blood flow
hypertensive persons. Moreover, other CV events, such [99] and increased occurrence of coronary spasm [100]
as acute aortic dissection, display prominent 24-h varia- can be demonstrated. Not surprisingly, therefore,
tion, with a significant morning peak, both in hyperten- REM sleep is associated with an elevated risk of myo-
sive and normotensive subjects [89]. Taken together, cardial ischemia in individuals with coronary artery dis-
these observations favor the hypothesis that the magni- ease or vasospastic angina [100,101]. Thus, REM sleep
tude of the morning BP surge (whether in the presence constitutes a period of potential CV risk due to the dra-
or absence of hypertension) is a crucial determinant of matic phasic sympathetic, BP, and HR fluctuation.
one’s risk to rupture of a vulnerable and critically weak- Loss or reversal of the expected normal physiologic
ened arterial wall [90]. sleep-time BP decline may result from a large number
Important additional influences of sleep on BP may of medical disorders that can cause insomnia. Unfortu-
be exerted through variation in respiration. During sleep nately, objective studies have not been performed in the
onset and light NREM sleep, breathing often becomes majority of these conditions, even though polysomno-
periodic with sporadic central apneas. Oscillations of graphic data demonstrating sleep disturbances are avail-
3–5 s and 20–30 s in breathing are synchronous with able in CV diseases [102,103], autonomic failure [11,104–
oscillations of cortical electroencephalographic (EEG) 107], rheumatoid arthritis possibly in relation to cortico-
activity, BP, HR, and oxygen saturation. During deep steroid therapy [108,109], chronic renal failure [110],
NREM sleep, breathing becomes regular, and BP and hyperthyroidism [111], Cushing’s disease, exogenous
HR decline. During REM sleep, breathing and HR glucocorticoid administration [112–115], and FFI
become irregular and central apneas or hypopneas last- [116,117]. It is worth mentioning that sleep disturbances
ing a few seconds occur sporadically, often in associa- may be induced also by a variety of acute and chronic
tion with bursts of REM. Hypertensive peaks, common medical conditions, such as allergic rhinitis
sometimes as great as 30–40 mmHg from baseline, occur (sleep-time exacerbation of nasal obstruction often
abruptly and continue for the entire duration of the accompanied by sleep-disordered breathing) [118,119],
REM episode. During sleep, alveolar ventilation atopic dermatitis [120,121], asthma (which occurs
M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680 673

nocturnally in 75% or so of sufferers) [122,123], osteoar- and increase in BP variability) [137]. Some have postu-
thritis (an arthritic condition characterized by inflamma- lated that snoring alone is a risk factor for hypertension
tion and pain that builds during the course of daytime and cardiovascular disease, but this is based on older
activity and in many is most severe at night) [124], epidemiological questionnaire studies conducted with-
chronic pain syndrome (pain threshold is lowest over- out polysomnography and before Guilleminault’s
night) [125], peptic ulcer disease and gastric–esophageal description of UARS [138,139]. A more recent study
reflux disorder (which tend to be most severe in the late failed to find an increased risk of hypertension or CV
evening and very early morning hours after midnight) disease in polysomnographically verified PSD with the
[126], congestive heart failure (dyspnea and increased exclusion of OSA and UARS [140].
work of breathing become worse overnight) [127], noc- The changes in CV function that accompany OSA
turnal polyuria [128–130], and voluntary chronic sleep events are now well recognized. HR and BP initially fall
loss/deprivation [131]. If chronic, these medical condi- with the onset of apnea but then rise acutely with termi-
tions result in persistent sleep onset insomnia and/or dis- nation of apnea. As a result, BP variability and average
turbed and discontinuous nighttime sleep, and, as a BP levels are increased [137]. CV reflex tests [141] reveal
consequence, increased risk of higher than normal noc- significantly higher HR and plasma levels of norepi-
turnal BP levels (i.e., nocturnal hypertension) and end- nephrine in subjects at rest and greater BP response to
organ injury to the blood vessels, brain, eye, kidney, head-up tilting, with significantly reduced respiratory
and heart. It is usually assumed that discomfort is the arrhythmia, lower baroreflex sensitivity index, and lower
major cause of poor sleep, sometimes leading to a gener- Valsalva ratio associated with an enhanced HR brady-
alized stress from disruption of sleep [132–134]. cardia induced by the cold face test. Collectively, these
Although relatively little is known of the pathophysio- findings reveal sympathetic overactivity that is associ-
logic mechanisms involved in the genesis of the sleep dis- ated with the blunting of reflexes dependent on barore-
turbances of many of these pathologic conditions, ceptor or pulmonary afferents and normal or greater
circadian processes have been determined to play a dom- than normal cardiac vagal efferent activity.
inant role in the pathophysiology in some; however, this One-half or more of all those diagnosed with OSAS
is beyond the scope of this article. On the other hand, are hypertensive, not only during nighttime sleep but
two conditions, namely sleep-disordered breathing and also during daytime activity [28,142,143]. Conversely,
autonomic failure, for which the relationships between several studies have found an approximately 30% prev-
sleep and BP have been extensively, though not com- alence of sleep apnea among individuals diagnosed with
pletely, investigated, are reviewed below in detail. primary hypertension [144–147]. Several hypotheses
have been advanced to explain how snoring and sleep
8. Sleep-disordered breathing and circadian BP profile apnea result in the sustained daytime elevation of BP
and ultimately daytime hypertension. Several factors
Sleep-disordered breathing includes snoring and sleep are candidate mechanisms for the long-term diurnal ele-
apnea [135] and upper airway resistance syndrome vation of BP, including the direct effects of episodic hyp-
(UARS) [136]. These can be distinguished from primary oxaemia and hypercapnia on chemoreceptors and
snoring disorder (PSD), in which there is snoring with- sympathetic activity [148,149], modification of the CV
out apneas, hypopneas, hypoventilation, sleep disrup- system (including fluid balance) in response to marked
tion, or daytime sleepiness. An obstructive apnea in fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure during obstructed
adults is a complete cessation of airflow lasting P5 s breathing [150], generalized stress from sleep disruption
with continued effort to breathe; a hypopnea is P50% (‘arousal effect’) [132–134], genetic factors, and age. The
decrease in airflow for P5 s; and a respiratory-related relative contribution of each factor is unknown, and the
arousal (RERA) is a transient arousal which terminates role of recurrent hypoxia is particularly controversial
an episode of breathing with flow limitation or exagger- [151–154]. Conceivably, the concerted action of several
ated effort by esophageal pressure monitoring, but does factors hypoxia, negative intrathoracic pressure, inter-
not meet the criteria of apnea or hypopnea. The average mittent BP changes, sleep arousals, and metabolic or
number of abnormal events per hour of sleep (apnea endocrine factors possibly only in conjunction with a
index, apnea/hypopnea index, and RERA index) serves particular age and specific genetically determined char-
to quantify sleep-disordered breathing. A snoring index acteristics could cause hypertension. Whatever the cau-
P10 conventionally defines the presence of snoring, and sal factors, the common mechanism shared by
an apnea/hypopnea index P10 defines the presence of hypertension and OSAS is sympathetic system activa-
sleep apnea. Based on these criteria, PSD and non- tion [134,141,155–158], which somehow becomes
apneic sleep-disordered breathing (UARS) can be differ- chronic or acts as an intermediary, changing hormonal
entiated from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome balance and/or causing vascular remodeling.
(OSAS), in which alterations of the circadian BP profile Recent studies suggest that OSA leads to endothelial
are found (i.e., obliteration of the sleep-related BP fall dysfunction with impaired endothelium-dependent
674 M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680

flow-mediated dilation, which improves with continuous sympathetic efferent lesion is less severe than the sympa-
positive airway pressure (CPAP) [159]. This may be thetic efferent lesion. A greater increase in sensitivity to
related to the intermittent hypoxia of OSA [160]. The norepinephrine infusion is detectable more in PAF than
OSA-associated endothelial dysfunction may be more MSA patients with autonomic failure, providing further
closely related to the apnea-hypopnea index in women evidence that the lesion in PAF is more distal. Patients
than men, suggesting more vulnerability to associated with MSA alone have normal responses to physiologic
CV disease in women than men [161]. Intermittent and pharmacologic tests [137].
hypoxia also induces long-term facilitation of carotid Complete obliteration of the circadian changes in BP
body sensory activity, which may contribute to persis- is found in PAF patients, whereas the normal circadian
tent reflex activation of sympathetic nerve activity and profile of BP is reversed in MSA patients with auto-
BP in OSA [162]. nomic failure. This is in contrast to those of the MSA
The data of various investigations suggest that undi- group without autonomic failure, who have a normal
agnosed sleep-disordered breathing might play a role in dipper BP pattern [137]. This finding is consistent with
the genesis of BP pattern alteration in some, if not all, the notion that normal day–night BP changes depend
non-dippers diagnosed as essential hypertensives. This on proper functioning of the sympathetic nervous sys-
is more likely to be the case for males, since in the adult tem. The low morning BP level, which corresponds to
population the prevalence of sleep apnea is much higher the peak incidence of postural symptoms, is thought to
among men than women [163–167]. To test this hypoth- result from nocturnal polyuria and natriuresis; this is
esis, a polysomnographic study was undertaken on a substantiated by the improvement obtained with admin-
representative population of male essential hypertensive istration of desmopressin (synthetic antidiuretic hor-
non-dippers [168]; the study documented the blunted mone) [174].
sleep-related fall and increased variability in BP in rela- Sleep abnormalities (fragmentation of sleep with
tion to apneic snoring in 10 of 11 non-dippers. Hence, greater than normal sleep latency, muscle tone, and
undiagnosed apneic snoring appears to play a role also abnormal movements, decreases in REM and stage 3
in the genesis of the non-dipper circadian BP profile. and 4 sleep, and REM sleep behavior disorder) are com-
mon in MSA, in the presence or absence of autonomic
9. Autonomic failure and circadian BP Profile failure. However, they are not found in PAF patients,
suggesting not only that the disruption of sleep is mainly
Autonomic failure can occur in a ‘‘pure’’ form (PAF), due to central nervous system lesions [137], but also that
previously termed ‘‘idiopathic orthostatic hypotension’’ autonomic failure can induce nocturnal BP dysregula-
[169], or in association with a neurodegenerative disease tion, independent of sleep abnormalities. Whether the
termed multiple system artrophy (MSA), without other effect of MSA on sleep is primary or secondary to the
neurological signs. The term MSA, first used by Graham discomfort caused by neurologic signs is a matter of
and Oppenheimer in 1969 [170], refers to a sporadic continuing debate [175]. When OSAS is present, no
adult-onset neurodegenerative disease variously change in BP or HR is found in persons with autonomic
described in the past as striatonigral degeneration, olivo- failure, in contrast to the usual brady-tachyarrhythmia
pontocerebellar atrophy, or Shy-Drager syndrome, and increased BP after a single apnea found in the
according to the clinical predominance of parkinsonism, MSA group without autonomic failure [137]. This find-
cerebellar signs, and autonomic failure, respectively ing suggests that autonomic vasomotor reflexes play an
[171–173]. The prognosis of MSA with autonomic fail- important mediator role in the hypertensive response to
ure is usually determined by the progression of neuro- apnea.
logic features over the course of six or so years. On
the other hand, the natural history of PAF is slow, grad- 10. Prognostic relevance of altered circadian BP rhythms
ually progressing over some 10–15 years.
Everyone with autonomic failure evidences severe The sleep-time BP level is the most sensitive predictor
symptomatic postural hypotension, but persons with of CV mortality – stroke, acute myocardial infarct, and
MSA and autonomic failure show normal plasma nor- sudden cardiac death [176]. Absence of the normal 10–
epinephrine levels when resting in the supine position 20% decline in BP during sleep appears to carry a higher
without significant increase when subjected to ortho- heart and cerebral risk since the amount of time during
static stress. Subjects with PAF differ, evidencing very the 24 h when BP is elevated and impacts target tissues
low plasma norepinephrine levels when resting in supine and organs is prolonged. Accordingly, the average
position without increase when subjected to orthostatic sleep-time BP level and the magnitude of the sleep-time
stress [137]. Patients with autonomic failure reveal a BP decline are significantly correlated with target organ
sympathetic efferent defect which is more pronounced damage to the heart [36,177–182], brain [9,15,183,184],
in PAF, suggesting the lesion is more completely distal and kidney [185–189]. A large prospective study demon-
in this group. In both PAF and MSA patients, the para- strated that CV morbidity is higher in non-dipper than
M.H. Smolensky et al. / Sleep Medicine 8 (2007) 668–680 675

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demonstrated by higher echocardiographic indexes of zation, has yet to be sufficiently addressed [192].
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