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Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

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Influence of the ratio of Fe/Al2O3 on waste polypropylene pyrolysis for high

value-added products
Ning Cai a, Sunwen Xia a, Xiaoqiang Li a, Lin Sun a, Pietro Bartocci b, Francesco Fantozzi b,
Haozhe Zhang c, Hanping Chen a, Paul T. Williams d, Haiping Yang a, *
State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074, PR China
Department of Engineering, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti 67, 06125, Perugia, Italy
Institution of Resource & Environment, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, 454150, PR China
School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK


Handling editor: Cecilia Maria Villas Bôas de Thermo conversion technology has been considering as a promising one to realize the high value of waste
Almeida plastics. However, low selectivity of target products limited the further utilization fundamentally. Herein,
alumina supported with different iron ratio catalyst was introduced to improve the properties of products. The
Keywords: results show that the hydrogen in gaseous product increased dramatically with the increase in the iron ratio, and
Waste plastics
the maximum content was 82 vol% while the ratio of iron and alumina was 2:1. For liquid oil, the yield suffered
Iron catalysts
from an apparent reduction, while the content of naphthalene increased first and then decreased and reached the
Carbon nanotubes maximum of over 70 area% when the iron and alumina was 1:2. Simultaneously, carbon deposits yield on
Hydrogen catalysts increased with the increase iron ratio, and the maximum one of approximately 42 wt% was obtained
from the catalyst with ratio of 1:1. Further research shows that the carbon deposits on the catalyst were
composed of abundant carbon nanotubes (CNTs), varying from ~8 to 20 nm of diameters. This study presents a
feasible strategy to deal with plastics.

1. Introduction NPVs of $149 MM and $96 MM, respectively (Bora et al., 2020), let
alone catalytic pyrolysis where more valuable products such as
A recent analysis showed that a worldwide cumulative total of hydrogen (H2) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) could be gathered (Faisal
approximately 8300 million tonnes of plastic waste was generated as of et al., 2014). Barbarias et al. (Barbarias et al., 2018) found that the
2017, and approximately 60% of the waste was landfilled or discarded introduction of a catalyst can dramatically promote H2 production.
(Geyer et al., 2017). Furthermore, as COVID-19 has become a global Similar results were obtained from Wu et al. (Wu and Williams, 2010),
since the beginning of 2020, personal protective equipment (PPE), who demonstrated a higher H2 yield in the presence of a catalyst. The
usually made of plastic, has become essential to prevent infections. It production of liquid products was also explored during the catalytic
was estimated that approximately 129 billion face masks and 65 billion pyrolysis process. López et al. (López et al., 2011) found that liquid
gloves are being consumed monthly, which means that hundreds of products produced from the pyrolysis of waste plastics contain lower
millions of tonnes of plastic waste are being produced (Prata et al., molecular weight aromatic hydrocarbons. Williams (2020) concluded
2020). Traditional disposal approaches like landfilling not only causes that many carbon deposits, i.e. CNTs, are produced in the presence of
pollution to the natural environment but leads to the spread of the virus. transition metal catalysts.
In order to avoid the virus’s spread, some essential pre-treatments like Apparently, the physical and chemical properties of the catalysts
uperization should be introduced before landfilling process. This is not play an important role in the catalytic process. Li et al. (Li et al., 2017)
an economically viable solution for such large quantities of waste. found that catalysts with a high BET surface area and uniformly
Thermal chemical conversion is considered to be an economically dispersed iron oxide particles exhibit a better catalytic activity in terms
profitable approach to the utilization of waste plastics (Miandad et al., of H2 yield. Abdul-Wahab et al. (Abdul-Wahab and JacksonS, 2013)
2017). It has been reported that fast pyrolysis and gasification have total obtained optimised hydrogenation results with a smaller and better

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Yang).
Received 21 January 2021; Received in revised form 26 June 2021; Accepted 5 July 2021
Available online 6 July 2021
0959-6526/© 2021 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

dispersion of catalyst metal particles. However, Chen et al. (Chen et al., Fe/Al2O3 catalysts were prepared using the impregnation method.
2005) found that a smaller crystal size results in a higher saturation Typically, for the preparation of a Fe/Al2O3 catalyst with a mass ratio of
concentration of carbon, leading to fast deactivation and a lower final Fe to Al2O3 of 1:10, 7.21 g of Fe(NO3)3⋅9H2O was placed in ethyl alcohol
carbon yield. In addition, Janardhan et al. (Janardhan et al., 2014) (50 mL) and stirred for 30 min at 25 ◦ C, and when the Fe(NO3)3 was
found that a lower pore volume of the catalyst decreases the activity of completely dissolved, 10.00 g of Al2O3 was introduced and used as the
the catalyst, and Jia et al. (Jia et al., 2020) reported that moderate substrate material. The mixed solution was stirred for several hours at
metal-support interactions lead to optimal CNTs. Moreover, Yao et al. 50 ◦ C with a thermostatic magnetic stirrer until the solution became a
(Yao and Wang, 2020) proved that bimetallic catalysts exhibit higher slurry. The slurry was then dried at 105 ◦ C in a thermostatically
yields of hydrogen and carbon deposits. All of these results proved that controlled oven for 12 h, and the dried solid was ball milled to produce
the catalyst type or properties play an essential role in the process of particles smaller than 0.08 mm. Later, the prepared material was
plastic recycling. calcined at 800 ◦ C under an air atmosphere at a heating rate of 10 ◦ C
Iron-based catalysts have been widely used in thermal conversion min− 1 and held at 800 ◦ C for 2 h. The obtained catalyst sample was
processes because of their low cost and high efficiency (Ramadhani designated as Fe1Al2O310. The other Fe-based Al2O3 catalysts with
et al., 2020), and Al2O3 has been extensively used as a support material different ratios were prepared using the same method with an altered Fe
owing to its competitive price, excellent mechanical strength, and and Al2O3 input. The catalysts prepared were designated as Fe1Al2O320,
thermal stability (Yao and Wang, 2020). For example, Jin et al. (Jin Fe1Al2O310, Fe1Al2O35, Fe1Al2O32, Fe1Al2O31, and Fe2Al2O31, with
et al., 2013) reported that a Fe/Al2O3 catalyst leads to a higher yield of Fe:alumina ratios of 1:20, 1:10, 1:5, 1:1, and 2:1, respectively. Notably,
hydrogen for catalytic methane decomposition. In addition, Xu et al. (Xu only ferric species and aluminium oxide were left after the complete
et al., 2014) obtained similar results, showing that Fe/Al2O3 catalysts evaporation of alcohol, and there was no loss during the preparation
exhibit better effects on the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane. process. Therefore, the practical ratio of Fe in the as-obtained catalysts
Moreover, Fe–Al catalysts have also been used in the thermal conversion should be the same as the pre-set value. Simultaneously, to avoid the
of waste plastics, and preferable H2 yields and/or carbon production influence of heat and mass transfer, pure aluminium oxide was used as a
were obtained from Yao et al. (2020a). Although there have been sig­ control group to show the influence of the Fe introduction. Notably, the
nificant efforts made in waste plastic recycling, most studies have catalyst was not reduced prior to its utilization.
concentrated on parts of the products, such as syngas (Kumagai et al.,
2017) and liquid fuel (Rodriguez et al., 2019), the co-production of
syngas and char (Veses et al., 2020) or H2 and carbon nanotubes (Wil­ 2.2. Catalytic-pyrolysis experimental system
liams, 2020). However, the relationship of the ratio of Fe/Al2O3 with
plastics pyrolysis behavior and product is not clear. Therefore, building The catalytic pyrolysis experiments were carried out in a two-stage
the relationship of catalyst composition with product characteristics and fixed-bed reactor, as shown in Fig. 1. Upper stage and lower stage of
revealing the catalytic mechanism of waste plastics are of great signifi­ the reactor are corresponding to the pyrolytic stage and catalytic stage,
cance for the efficient pyrolysis and high-quality utilization of waste respectively. After condensation, liquid oil or gaseous products was
plastic. collected with liquid N2 and ice-waste separately. For each trial, a
Herein, various ratios of iron catalysts were introduced to further catalyst (0.5 g) was placed into a quartz catalyst holder in the lower
study the catalytic pyrolysis properties of PP, and the catalytic process catalyst stage of the reactor. Nitrogen was introduced into the reactor at
and the physicochemical properties of products for different situations a flow rate of 500 mL min− 1 for 30 min to purge the reactor and produce
were analyzed in detail. Furthermore, the relationship between the an inert atmosphere, followed by a gas flow rate of 100 mL min− 1, which
product features and Iron ratio was discussed, and the possible reaction was used throughout the experiment. The lower catalytic stage was
mechanism was explored in depth. It is significant for catalyst design preheated to 800 ◦ C at a heating rate of 20 ◦ C min− 1. Once the catalyst
and plastics wastes pyrolysis. stage temperature had stabilised, a 1 g plastic sample (ground particles
of 1–2 mm) held in a quartz holder was introduced into the middle of the
2. Experimental methods upper pyrolytic stage and heated at a rate of 10 ◦ C min− 1 to 500 ◦ C and
kept isothermal for 10 min. The reaction time for each pyrolysis catalysis
2.1. Materials and catalyst experiment was set to 30 min.
Liquid oil and gaseous products were collected separately using
The raw plastic waste material used in this study was waste PP separate repeated experiments. Liquid oil was cooled and collected with
collected from disposable lunch boxes. Proximate and ultimate analyses liquid nitrogen, and the gaseous products were collected using an ice
are presented in Table 1. The proximate analysis showed that the ma­ water condensing system. The carbonaceous solid deposited onto the
terials used contained abundant volatile matter, up to nearly 100 wt%. catalysts in the lower quartz holder was collected at the end of the
Carbon and hydrogen comprise approximately 99 wt% of the poly­ experiment. The gas yield was determined by combining the total gas
propylene according to the ultimate analysis. volume, gas density, and gas volume determined by a mass flow
Iron nitrate nonahydrate (Fe(NO3)39H2O, ≥98.50%) and nanometre- controller (Chen et al., 2018). The yields of the solid and liquid products
sized (10 nm) aluminium oxide (Al2O3, ≥99.99%) were purchased from were calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively. In addition, the
Sigma Aldrich (China). Absolute ethanol (≥99.70%) was purchased hydrogen yield and efficiency were evaluated using Eqs. (3) and (4),
from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (China). All chemicals were respectively. Each experiment was carried out at least three times, and
of analytical grade. the average data were calculated from three sets of data with an error of
less than 5%. However, part of the visible yellow liquid oil adhered to

Table 1
Proximate and ultimate analyses of the polypropylene.
Sample Proximate analysis (wt.%)ar Ultimate analysis (wt.%)db

M Ash V FC C H S Oa

Polypropylene 0.04 0.06 99.87 0.03 85.18 13.74 0.17 0.86

M, moisture; V, volatiles; FC, fixed carbon; ar, as received; db, dry based.
Calculated by difference.

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

( )
LHV MJ/Nm3 = 0.126 × CO + 0.108 × H2 + 0.358 × CH4 + 0.665
× Cn H m (5)

The crystalline structures of the fresh catalysts were determined by

X-ray diffraction (XRD) (Philips X’Pert PRO, Japan) with a 2θ range of
15–80◦ and a scanning speed of 7◦ min− 1. The crystal sizes of Fe2O3 and
Fe were calculated using the Scherrer equation from the (1 1 0) and (1
0 4) lattice planes, respectively. The specific surface areas, total pore
volumes, and pore size distributions of the catalysts were investigated
using nitrogen adsorption measurements at 77 K with a Brunauer
Emmett Teller (BET) analyser (Quantachrome IQ, America).
Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (Agilent 7890B/5977A,
United States) was used to identify the components of the liquid product
with an HP-5MD capillary column. To be exact, a 1-mL liquid sample
was injected into the GCMS for detection. The GCMS parameters were
set as follows: injection temperature of 300 ◦ C, split ratio of 20:1, and
carrier gas (He) flux in the column of 1 ml min− 1. The organic compo­
nents were further determined using mass spectral libraries (NIST14.L).
The particle size and surface morphology of all reacted catalysts were
visualised through transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using a
high-resolution transmission electron microscope (HR-TEM) (JEM-
2100F, Japan). A thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was conducted to
analyse the thermal stability of the carbon products deposited on the
catalyst during the catalytic pyrolysis of polypropylene using
temperature-programmed oxidation (TPO) from Setaram Labsys
Evo1150 (China). For each test, approximately 10 mg of a solid carbo­
naceous material was heated to 800 ◦ C under an air atmosphere (flow
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of catalytic-pyrolysis system.
rate of 50 mL min− 1) at a heating rate of 20 ◦ C min− 1. Raman spec­
troscopy was applied to analyse the degree of graphitisation of the
the inner wall of the reactor, which have difficulty to collect, leading to a deposited carbon, scanning from 800 cm− 1 to 3200 cm− 1, using a Raman
partial loss of quality. Hence the mass balance about 90 wt%. instrument with an excitation wavelength of 532 nm (LabRAM HR 800

( )
Mass of spent catalyst − mass of fresh catalyst
Solid yield carbon yield = × 100% (wt%) (1)
Mass of plastic used

Mass ​ of ​ spent ​ condenser − ​ mass ​ of ​ clean ​ condenser

Oil ​ yield ​ (liquid ​ yield) = × 100% ​ (wt.%) (2)
Mass ​ of ​ plastic ​ used

Evolution, France). In addition, the crystalline structures of the reacted

catalysts were determined through XRD.
Mass ​ of ​ H2 ​ produced ( )
H2 ​ yield = 1
​ mmol ​ g−plastic (3) 3. Results and discussion
Mass ​ of ​ plastic ​ used

Total ​ mass ​ of ​ H ​ in ​ hydrogen 3.1. Characterisation of fresh catalysts

Hydrogen ​ efficiency = ​ (%) (4)
Theoretical ​ mass ​ of ​ H ​ in ​ plastic
The prepared solid fresh catalysts were characterised through XRD
and BET. The XRD patterns are shown in Fig. 2a. The pure nano-Al2O3
2.3. Characterisation of pyrolysis products support material exhibited approximately ten peaks at between 2θ = 30◦
and 70◦ , among which four apparent peaks are located at 2θ = 31.5◦ ,
Gaseous products were collected and quantified by gas chromatog­ 32.8◦ , 59.9◦ , and 67.4◦ corresponding to the (0 0 4), (2 0–2), (3 1–3),
raphy (GC) (Panna A91, China). To separate and analyse as many species and (2 1 5) planes of Al2O3.
as possible in the gas sample, two different modules, equipped with a However, with the introduction of a small amount of Fe (Fe/Al2O3 <
thermal conductivity detector (TCD) and a flame ionisation detector 1:5), the peaks for Al2O3 apparently weakened, and several weak peaks
(FID) were used. The TCD detector was used to detect the permanent associated with Fe2O3 were also observed. Upon further increasing the
gases, O2, H2, N2, CO, and CO2, using argon as the carrier gas at a GC Fe content (Fe/Al2O3 > 1:5), several distinct cuspidal peaks located at 2θ
column temperature of 80 ◦ C. The FID detector was used to determine of 24.2◦ , 33.2◦ , and 35.7◦ were observed, corresponding to the (0 1 2), (1
hydrocarbons, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, and C2H2 at a GC column temperature 0 4), and (1 1 0) planes of Fe2O3, respectively (Aboul and Awadallah,
of 170 ◦ C, and nitrogen was used as the carrier gas. The relative volume 2018). This suggests that iron oxide crystallises more fully and exhibits a
yields of the different gas compounds were calculated from the GC larger crystal size. As the Fe content was further increased, there was no
compositions. The LHV of the gaseous products was calculated using Eq.

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

Fig. 2. a) XRD diffraction patterns and b) BET analysis of fresh Fe-based Al2O3 catalysts.

Table 2
Crystal sizes of Fe2O3 and Fe of the fresh and reacted catalysts, respectively.
Sample Fresh catalyst (Fe2O3) Reacted catalyst (Fe)

peak half average peak half average

position peak size position peak size
width width

(o) (o) (nm) (o) (o) (nm)

Al2O3 – – – – –
Fe1Al2O320 32.726 0.624 13.121 45.286 0.998 8.526
Fe1Al2O310 32.780 0.603 13.576 45.670 0.857 9.951
Fe1Al2O35 33.260 0.281 29.199 44.946 0.749 11.354
Fe1Al2O32 33.412 0.250 32.861 44.627 0.374 22.681
Fe1Al2O31 33.298 0.156 52.563 44.720 0.281 30.252
Fe2Al2O31 33.292 0.125 65.702 44.732 0.25 34.035

Table 3
Pore structure parameters of all fresh catalysts.
Sample S BET V total Daverage (nm)

(m2 g− 1) (cm3 g− 1)

Al2O3 130.65 1.04 31.74 Fig. 3. The yield of different products from catalytic-pyrolysis of
Fe1Al2O320 126.52 0.98 31.01 polypropylene.
Fe1Al2O310 106.37 0.77 28.99
Fe1Al2O35 103.33 0.68 26.44
Fe1Al2O32 78.08 0.43 26.04 tendency and decreased with an increase in the Fe:Al2O3 ratio. Both the
Fe1Al2O31 70.50 0.41 22.97 highest total pore volume and average pore diameter were obtained for
Fe2Al2O31 49.06 0.31 25.32 pure Al2O3, at 1.04 cm3 g− 1 and 31.74 nm, respectively. This suggests
that the addition of Fe blocked some of the internal pores. This may be a
disadvantage for catalytic reactions (Sun et al., 2018). In addition, the
visible peak corresponding to Al2O3, and all peaks were related to Fe2O3.
pore size distributions of the different fresh catalyst samples are shown
The exact crystal size of the Fe-based species (Fe2O3), calculated from
in Fig. 2b (inset). An obvious peak at approximately 30 nm, corre­
the peak position and half peak width, is shown in Table 2. As can be
sponding to a mesoporous structure, was observed, and the pore volume
seen, the half-peak width decreased continuously with an increase in
tended to decrease correspondingly. This was consistent with the total
iron, corresponding to a better crystallinity. As expected, the average
pore volume and average diameter data for the different catalysts, as
Fe2O3 particle size continued to increase, varying from approximately
presented in Table 3.
13 to 65 nm, which was positively correlated with the added iron
The isothermal adsorption curves and pore size distributions of the 3.2. Effect of Fe/Al2O3 on product distribution
fresh catalysts are shown in Fig. 2b. As can be seen, all catalysts
exhibited type II isotherms and H3 hysteresis loops, the latter at higher The product yield produced from the catalytic pyrolysis of the
relative pressures (near 0.5–1.0), resulting in slit-type pores forming the polypropylene waste is shown in Fig. 3. The main products from the
stacking of plate-like particles, which is often seen in mesoporous ma­ catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene with Al2O3 alone were mainly gas
terials, as presented in previous studies (Cai et al., 2020a, 2020b; Cao (~45 wt%) and liquid oil (~27 wt%) with a limited solid carbon
et al., 2021). The specific surface areas (SBET), pore volumes, and deposition (~16 wt%). There was negligible char residue from pyrolysis
average pore diameters of all Fe/Al2O3 fresh catalysts are listed in owing to the almost complete volatilisation of the polypropylene used
Table 3. Apparently, when Fe was introduced, the surface area (SBET) (Yao et al., 2017). With the introduction of Fe to Al2O3 (Fe1Al2O320),
decreased gradually from pure Al2O3 at 130.6 m2 g− 1 to 49.1 m2 g− 1 for the yield of solid carbon deposits increased with a corresponding
the Fe2Al2O31 catalyst. decrease in the liquid oil yield. When the Fe content in the catalyst
The total pore volume and average pore diameter showed a similar increased as the Fe to Al2O3 ratio increased from 1:20 to 1:2, the yield of

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

solid carbon deposits increased rapidly, whereas that of the liquid oil zero-valent iron using H2 (Eq. (7)) or other reducing gases. Furthermore,
showed a corresponding decrease; however, the gaseous product yield the reduced iron metal particles could be in a quasi-liquid state and
seemed to be relatively stable. It might suggest that more hydrocarbons promote catalytic cracking reactions and decomposition of hydrocar­
were converted into carbon deposits because of the increased presence bons, resulting in a decrease in hydrocarbon gases and an increase in H2
of Fe particles on the catalyst (Shen et al., 2014). In addition, the carbon content (Aboul and Awadallah, 2018). Simultaneously, complex chem­
deposits yield obtained from Fe1Al2O310 was comparable to that ob­ ical reactions occur; hydrocarbons react with H2O to release CO and H2
tained from other research (Yao et al., 2018). A further increase in the Fe (Eqs. (9) and (10)) (Yang et al., 2015), and a water–gas shift reaction
content of the catalysts showed that the yield of different products might occur between C or CO and H2O (Eq. (11)) (Wu and Williams,
exhibited a lower influence. The maximum yield of the solid carbon 2009). All of these reactions result in an increase in H2 content, which is
deposit (approximately 42 wt%) was obtained for the Fe1Al2O31 cata­ associated with the final gaseous products. Ultimately, remnant C was
lyst. This means that a better catalytic activity of the Fe-based catalysts converted into solid carbon in the presence of magnetic iron (Eq. (8))
was obtained under this condition, with a minimum liquid mass yield (Chen et al., 2001). In addition, the hydrogen content continually
(3.3 wt%). By contrast, further increasing the ratio of Fe slightly reduced increased even when the ratio of Fe was higher than 50%. It has been
the yield of solid carbon and increased the amount of liquid oil. This reported that Fe can accelerate dehydrogenation reactions during cat­
might be ascribed to the larger Fe particles in the catalyst, which not alytic process, leading to the increase of hydrogen simultaneously (Xia
only blocked the pores in the Al2O3 support but also reduced the cata­ et al., 2019). Moreover, combining with the products distribution, in­
lytic reactivity on the surface (Yang et al., 2019). The mass balance in all verse trend has been observed that more hydrogen was gathered but less
experiments was calculated to be within the range of 88–96 wt%. The carbon deposits were collected. This might indicate a quite different
mass loss can be attributed to the pyrolysis vapors that condensed on the conversion process for waste PP with the presence of different ratio of
inner walls of the quartz reactor during the catalytic pyrolysis process, iron catalysts.
also even some large hydrocarbon is difficult to vaporized and be
(C3 H6 )n → CH4 +H2 +C2 H4 +C2 H6 + × × × ) + oil (6)
detected with the GC system used in this study.
Fe2 O3 +H2 →Fe + H2 O (7)
3.3. Composition of the gas products
CX Hy →C + H2
The composition of the gas derived from the catalytic pyrolysis of
polypropylene with different catalysts is shown in Fig. 4. As shown in CX Hy +H2 O→CO + H2 ​ (9)
Fig. 4a, the gas products mainly contained small molecule hydrocarbons
such as CH4 (54.8 vol%), C2H4 (20.5 vol%) and a small quantity of C2H6 CO + H2 O→CO2 +H2 ​ (10)
without the presence of Fe. Simultaneously, approximately 22.8 vol%
H2 was also observed in a gaseous state. This is produced from the C + H2 O→CO + H2 (11)
hydrogen abstraction reaction, a reaction mechanism that occurs during
the pyrolysis of polypropylene and is necessary to break the chemical with respect to the LHV calculated from Eq. (5), the LHV of the gaseous
bonds of polypropylene and for the release of volatiles (CH4, C2H4, and products produced over the Fe:Al2O3 catalysts decreased owing to the
macromolecular hydrocarbons) at high temperatures (Hu et al., 2020). increase in hydrogen content with the continuous increase in iron.
Notably, propylene and some other larger gas molecules such as propane However, all of the LHV values were still within the range of medium
were produced during the catalytic pyrolysis process. However, this is heating values and exceeded the minimum threshold value of 7 MJ
not reflected well in Fig. 4a owing to its limited content. The thermal Nm− 3 as stipulated by the Chinese National Standard for fuel gas for
decomposition process of polypropylene plastic can be described by Eq. urban residents (Gao et al., 2017), providing the possibility for a sub­
(6). It should be noted that no CO2 or CO was detected, which further sequent direct utilization. As can be seen, the H2 yield increased with the
illustrates the excellent chemical stability of the substrate Al2O3. increase in Fe, and the maximum H2 yield was ~62 mmol g− 1plastic
When the Fe/Al2O3 catalysts were introduced into the catalytic (Fig. 4b), which was higher than that gathering from
system, CO was detected, which confirmed that iron oxide was involved microwave-initiated catalytic deconstruction of 55.6 mmol g− 1plastic (Jie
in the reaction and the oxygen from the Fe2O3 was transferred to carbon et al., 2020). The theoretical H2 yield was ~70 mmol g− 1plastic if the
oxides. As the ratio of Fe increased, the volume fractions of CH4 and hydrogen in PP was fully transferred into H2, which means that
C2H4 decreased and the H2 content increased continuously. At the same approximately 90% hydrogen efficiency was obtained from the catalytic
time, CO increased with the increase in Fe content, which might be pyrolysis of PP, indicating that over 90% of the hydrogen contained in
attributed to the fact that the catalytic reforming reaction was PP was extracted. This is pretty much higher than that obtained from
strengthened with Fe loading. The catalytic reforming process can be other researches (Jie et al., 2020). There is no doubt that Fe based
described as follows: First, Fe-based species (Fe2O3) were reduced to catalyst can promote the formation of CNTs, releasing hydrogen at the

Fig. 4. a) Gaseous product distribution and b) yield and efficiency of hydrogen obtained from the catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene.

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

to naphthalene, anthracene, and pyrene, respectively. It is worth noting

that naphthalene, anthracene, and pyrene were present with no branch
chains, which suggests that the existence of iron catalyst can not only
promote Diels–Alder reaction from chain hydrocarbon but facilitate the
removing of branches, leading to the formation of more stable aromatic
compounds like naphthalene without branches. Moreover, these aro­
matic compounds are thought to be precursors for the formation of
carbon layers (Park et al., 2019b). Moreover, Fig. 5 shows that naph­
thalene comprised more than 70% of the composition of the product oil
from the Fe1Al2O32 catalyst. Naphthalene is one of the most important
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons used in industry, and such a high
concentration produced during the process can be attractive owing to its
commercial recovery (Bendebane et al., 2010). However, with a further
increase in the Fe to Al2O3 ratio, the number of aromatic compounds
with more than 16 carbon numbers further increased, leading to the
simultaneous release of hydrogen, which was consistent with the
gaseous results. This suggests that too much metal introduced in the
catalysts reduced the reactivity, resulting in a deterioration in the
quality of the liquid product. There are plenty of PAHs in liquid oil,
which play a major role in the bio-oil quality (Wang et al., 2020). It is
possible for liquid oil to be applied as additives to jet fuel after further
chemical refinement (Lakshmikandan et al., 2021).

3.5. Structure of solid carbon deposits

Fig. 5. Carbon distribution of liquid oil from catalytic-pyrolysis of poly­
propylene with different catalysts. The carbon deposits on the catalyst produced from the catalytic
pyrolysis of polypropylene in relation to the different Fe:Al2O3 catalysts
same time. Notably, the much higher hydrogen contained in the gaseous were further characterised and analyzed. A TEM analysis was conduct­
products can also be further used for metallurgy, or as a hydrogen source ed, and TEM images of the carbon deposits are as shown in Fig. 6.
for proton exchange membrane fuel cells after further processing The deposited carbon materials were mainly of a fibrous type, the
(Khodakov et al., 2007). length of which varied from approximately 100 nm to several microns.
To be exact, for carbon deposition on a Fe1Al2O320 catalyst (Fig. 6a),
many claviform substances related to the support material can be
3.4. Properties of the liquid oil observed. In addition, a small number of carbon nanotubes with metal
nanoparticles inside can be clearly observed, with a lattice size of 0.203
The carbon chain length distributions of the organic constituents in nm, which corresponds to Fe, further proving that it participated in the
the liquid oil product from the catalytic pyrolysis of waste poly­ process of reduction and the formation of the CNTs (He et al., 2021). By
propylene in relation to the different Fe:Al2O3 catalysts used are illus­ increasing the ratio of Fe, a large number of CNTs intertwining with each
trated in Fig. 5. As can be seen, with pure Al2O3, the liquid oil obtained other can clearly be seen (Fig. 6c). With a further increase in the ratio of
was rich in hydrocarbons (wax) or aromatics with a wide range of car­ Fe to Al2O3, the observable carbon was almost entirely made up of CNT
bon numbers, varying from C6 to C20. Notably, substances with larger materials, and little claviform Al2O3 was observed (Fig. 6e, g, i, and k).
carbon numbers could not be detected because of limitations to the Notably, a few irregular black substances can be observed for the reacted
instrumentation. The components in the liquid oil are relatively complex Fe2Al2O31 catalyst, which were attributed to the large iron particles
and consist of over half of the monocyclic and dicyclic aromatic com­ produced from the reduction process (Fig. 6k), originating from the
pounds (Xu et al., 2020). In addition, a small number of compounds excess introduction of iron. As shown in Fig. 6, it seems that catalysts
containing three, four, or even five benzene rings, such as pyrene and with lower Fe ratios led to tip-growth owing to the widespread presence
benzo[e]pyrene, were also detected. Widespread aromatic compounds of metal particles in the middle of the CNTs. By contrast, almost no metal
can be formed through the Diels–Alder reaction and dehydrogenation particles could be seen in the middle or top of the CNTs obtained for an
process (Park et al., 2019a). In addition, the presence of Lewis acid sites Fe catalyst with a higher ratio (>1:1), which means that the base-growth
within the catalysts also contributed to the formation of aromatic mechanism dominated the growth process of the CNTs. This might be
compounds, especially for the liquid oil obtained from Fe/ZSM-5. related to the different interactions between the active metal and the
Furthermore, acid sites are significantly conducive to the formation of substrate material. Furthermore, the stress limitation of the carbon
carbon deposits, which are the major source of amorphous carbon (Che formation process may also lead to the diversity of formation
et al., 2019). mechanisms.
In the case of catalysts containing Fe, the carbon number range of the The inner diameter distribution and standard deviation analysis of
compounds contained in the liquid oil was almost unchanged, and only the CNTs produced were calculated using a mathematical and statistical
small changes were observed in the liquid composition when the content analysis (Fig. 6). Clearly, the carbon deposits on the Fe1Al2O320 catalyst
of Fe was less than 10% (the ratio of Fe to Al2O3) was less than 1:10. For (Fig. 6b) were thinner than those on the other catalysts, and the average
example, there was an increase in benzene and naphthalene and a inner diameter was approximately 8.30 nm. In addition, the smallest
decrease in xylene and 2-methyl naphthalene. It may be suggested that, standard deviation was obtained with the Fe1Al2O320 catalyst, reflect­
in the presence of a catalyst, the branched chain on xylene or 2-methyl ing the uniform distribution of the CNTs. As shown in Fig. 6b, d, f, h, j,
naphthalene was removed, and more stable substances such as benzene and l, the average inner diameter (between 9.80 and 23.87 nm)
and naphthalene were formed. When the ratio of Fe to Al2O3 reached increased with the increase in Fe content, and the results were consistent
1:5, the composition of the liquid oil collected changed significantly, with the size of the iron particles (Fig. 7a and b). However, there were
and only three types of organic compounds were detected, and the some gaps in the values between the average inner diameter and the
corresponding carbon numbers were C10, C14, and C16, corresponding particle size, which might be due to the variety of carbon layers and the

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

Fig. 6. TEM images and inner diameter distribution of solid carbon deposits from the catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene in relation to the different Fe:Al2O3ca­
talysts. (a, b) Fe1Al2O320, (c, d) Fe1Al2O310, (e, f) Fe1Al2O35, (g, h) Fe1Al2O32, (i, j) Fe1Al2O31, and (k, l) Fe2Al2O31.

Fig. 7. a) Diameter comparison for reduced Fe particles and b) the produced carbon nanotubes.

Fig. 8. a) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and b) derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) of the solid deposits obtained from the catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene.

Fe particle size from a tensile deformation and self-stress of the original particles. Similar results have been obtained by other researchers (Liu
unstable larger particles (Lin et al., 2007). Therefore, the inner di­ et al., 2018). For example, Cheung et al. (Cheung et al., 2002) obtained
ameters of the carbon nanotubes were smaller than the average size of CNTs with average diameters of 3, 7, and 12 nm from ethylene using Fe
the iron particles with respect to the large size of the reduced Fe nanoparticle catalysts with average diameters of 3, 9, and 13 nm,

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

respectively. In addition, almost no amorphous or disordered carbon and no obvious peak associated with carbon was present because of the
was observed in the reacted Fe-based catalysts, which further confirmed small amount of amorphous carbon deposited. With the addition of a
the importance of iron in the growth of CNTs. small amount of Fe (Fe1Al2O320), the peaks for Al2O3 became much
Temperature-programmed oxidisation (thermogravimetric analysis weaker. Simultaneously, the carbon peak was difficult to detect owing to
(TGA) and derivative thermogravimetry (DTG)) was applied for the its relatively low degree of graphitisation. When the ratio of Fe to Al2O3
different reacted Fe: Al2O3 catalysts, the results of which are shown in was increased to 1:10, an obvious broad carbon peak was observed at 2θ
Fig. 8. As shown in Fig. 8a, the carbon deposits on the reacted pure Al2O3 = 26.3◦ , indicating that the metal species played an indispensable role in
revealed a significant thermal stability at temperatures of lower than the formation of graphite carbon. Furthermore, the presence of iron,
400 ◦ C, which can be ascribed to the stability and high crystallinity of originating from the reduction of ferric oxide, was confirmed by the
the carbon materials (Zhang et al., 2015). When the temperature was main peak at 2θ of the 44.7◦ peak when the Fe content was sufficiently
increased to 400 ◦ C, the carbon began to oxidise and underwent a rapid high (Fe1Al2O32, Fe1Al2O31, and Fe2Al2O31). Our previous study also
weight loss stage between 400 ◦ C and 500 ◦ C, representing a weight loss confirmed that hematite was initially reduced to magnetite at lower
of approximately 25% of the initial weight. An obvious weight loss peak temperatures (approximately 400 ◦ C), and further, the magnetite was
could be observed from the DTG curve associated with reacted Al2O3 at reduced into unstable wustite and finally iron with the consumption of
approximately 475 ◦ C (Fig. 8b), which could be related to the oxidation the reducing gas (H2) (Yao et al., 2018). The crystal size of the reduced
of amorphous carbon, which was not as stable as graphite carbon (Yang Fe particles increased with the increase in the Fe content, varying from
et al., 2015). As the reaction temperature was further increased to 8.526 to 34.035 nm (Table 2). Combining the results discussed above,
approximately 600 ◦ C, a slower rate of weight loss was observed, which the particle size plays a key role in the catalytic reforming waste plastics
might be related to the oxidation of a small amount of graphite-type process, which not only determines the yield of various products, but
carbon, which has a higher thermal stability. There was an inflection also affects their composition and properties.
point, located in around 550 ◦ C, between the two-combustion process The degree of graphitisation of the carbon deposit on the reacted
and this can be used as the diacritical point of amorphous and graphite catalysts was evaluated using a Raman spectrometry analysis, the results
carbon. Apparently, pretty much more amorphous carbon was gathered of which are shown in Fig. 9b and Table 4. Three peaks were observed at
from pure Al2O3 catalyst. When Fe was introduced into the catalysts, the approximately 1340 cm− 1 (D band), 1580 cm− 1 (G band), and 2670
temperature at the start of weight loss and weight loss peak temperature cm− 1 (G′ band) in the Raman spectra. The D band corresponds to the
shifted to higher temperatures (over 100 ◦ C). With an increase in the amorphous or sp3 disordered structure in the carbon materials, which is
ratio of Fe to Al2O3, the maximum weight loss continued to increase. associated with finite graphitic planes and some other forms of carbon
Apparently, the weight loss peaks of the reacted Fe/Al2O3catalysts were such as carbon rings with defects (Sveningsson et al., 2014). The G band
at higher temperatures of approximately 600 ◦ C, and the peak strength is usually attributed to the planar motion of ordered sp2-hybridised
increased with an increase in the iron ratio. This was ascribed to the carbon atoms in the graphite layers, which is closely related to the de­
widely formed graphite carbon (mainly CNTs, as shown in Fig. 6). gree of graphitisation of the carbon materials, and the G′ band is con­
Notably, the TG method can only be used to estimate the amount of nected with the stacking order of carbon atoms (Chernyak et al., 2019).
different types of carbon, while the structure in detail should refer to The number of disordered and defective sites in the carbon structure can
other advance instruments. In addition, when the ratios of Fe and Al2O3 be estimated from the relative peak intensity ratio of the D to G bands
were 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1, there was a slight mass increase at approximately (ID/IG), and the larger ID/IG ratio, which is related to a lower degree of
400 ◦ C–500 ◦ C, which was associated with a fairly high content of iron graphitisation. As shown in Table 4, the ID/IG value of the carbon de­
and the corresponding oxidation during the high-temperature TGA posits on the reacted Al2O3 was 0.98, indicating a relatively low
process (Wu and Williams, 2009). At the end of the TPO analysis, the graphitisation. With an increase in the Fe content in the catalysts, the
residual mass of the solid powder remaining in the crucible was value of ID/IG exhibited a tendency to decrease, which implied that the
consistent with the yield shown in Fig. 3, and the main components were existence of Fe promoted the formation of graphite layers and increased
aluminium oxide or a mixture of iron and aluminium oxides (Cai et al., the degree of graphitisation. In addition, the intensity ratio IG’/IG is
2021). frequently used to describe the existence and purity of the carbon
The physical structure of the reacted catalysts was further examined nanotubes produced, and a higher intensity of the IG’/IG ratio corre­
through XRD (Fig. 9a), and the crystal sizes of the iron particles inside sponds to a higher purity (Yao et al., 2018). As for the reacted Al2O3,
were calculated (Table 2). The diffraction peaks of the reacted Al2O3 only D and G bands could be detected, which could be ascribed to the
appeared to be similar to that of fresh Al2O3, which further reflected the widespread presence of amorphous carbon. For the carbon deposits
thermal stability of Al2O3. Almost all peaks were associated with Al2O3, obtained from the Fe-based catalysts, an apparent G′ peak was observed

Fig. 9. a) XRD diffraction patterns and b) Raman spectroscopy of the solid deposit residue from the catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene.

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

Table 4
Degree of graphitisation of solid deposits from the catalytic-pyrolysis of polypropylene.
Reacted Al2O3 Fe1 Fe1 Fe1 Fe1 Fe1 Fe2

Catalyst Al2O320 Al2O310 Al2O35 Al2O32 Al2O31 Al2O31

ID/IG 0.98 0.99 0.89 0.69 0.54 0.58 0.57

IG’/IG – 0.32 0.52 0.65 0.64 0.66 0.68

at approximately 2750 cm− 1, which further reflected the formation of

Table 5
CNTs. The values of IG’/IG for the reacted Fe1Al2O320, Fe1Al2O310,
The raw cost data of catalytic pyrolysis waste PP.
Fe1Al2O35, Fe1Al2O32, Fe1Al2O31, and Fe2Al2O31 catalysts were 0.32,
0.52, 0.64, 0.65, 0.66, and 0.68, respectively, which might mean that Number Item

there is an increase in the purity of the CNTs with increasing Fe content. 1 Plastic sample for catalytic pyrolysis (t/y) 100
This is supported by the TG results, which showed that the solid deposit 2 Price of plastic sample (USD/t) 60
3 Catalyst for catalytic pyrolysis (t/y) 50
from the catalysts with a higher Fe content lost more weight at TPO
4 Price of catalyst used (USD/t) 1100
temperatures of above 600 ◦ C. 5 Electricity (kwh/year) 426573
However, according to the results reported above, it seems that the 6 Price of electricity (USD/t) 0.11
continuous introduction of Fe does not result in significantly enhanced 7 Water (t/year) 120
catalytic effects. The introduction of high iron content not only de­ 8 Price of water (USD/t) 0.0756
9 Number of people 2
creases the specific surface area of the catalysts but also forms larger 10 Salary (USD/y) 5000
metal particles. Both of these factors lead to a decrease in the catalyst 11 Total (USD/y) 117932.102
activity, which results in an unsatisfactory performance (Zhou et al.,
2014). Therefore, it is important to select a suitable metal load to ach­
ieve a good catalytic effect. properties of iron catalyst are comparable to that of bimetallic catalyst
In order to further this catalytic pyrolysis process, more analysis was like nickle-iron. Moreover, the additional use of other transition metal
introduced. Based on experiments and corresponding data, preliminary like nickel or cobalt inevitably increase the cost of the thermal conver­
material flow was presented (Fig. 10). Starting from 1 g plastic sample, sion technology. As a result, inexpensive iron-based catalyst adds a
up to 42 wt% of the feedstock can be converted to carbon deposits with promising option with excellent efficiency for hydrogen, aromatics and
the presence of iron catalyst (Fe1Al2O31), which is comparable to that CNTs productions from waste resources.
obtained from bimetallic catalyst (Yao et al., 2017). Thereinto, pretty
much higher purity of CNTs, over 300 mg, can be gathered. Simulta­ 4. Conclusions
neously, approximately 50 wt% gaseous products and over 82 mg
hydrogen were collected. In addition, liquid products were rich in aro­ In this paper, the characteristics of the products and possible reaction
matic hydrocarbons, in which the selectivity of naphthalene is more mechanisms were discussed for catalytic-pyrolysis waste PP in the
than 60 area% from Fe1Al2O31 catalyst. presence of iron catalysts at 800 ◦ C. The introduction of iron metal to
In order to further identify the economic viability, the cost break­ catalysts can dramatically suppress the formation of liquid oil, promote
down of the process has been presented in Table 5. The costs of catalytic the generation of carbon deposits, and release large amounts of
pyrolysis were mainly calculated by the price of plastic sample, catalyst, hydrogen simultaneously. When the ratio of Fe/Al2O3 catalyst was 1:1,
electricity water and workers (Li, 2018). The raw data was obtained the maximum yield (~42 wt%) was obtained. Simultaneously, around
from experimental data in this work, biomass pyrolysis (Xia et al., 2018) 50 wt% gaseous products and less than 5 wt% liquid oil were gathered.
and polygeneration system (Gao et al., 2017). Notably, the initial capital The carbon deposits contained abundant CNTs with high degree of
investment and equipment depreciation were neglected because the graphitisation, and the inner diameters varied from a few to dozens of
process is the main consideration. Apparently, catalyst and electricity nanometres. The growth mechanism of CNTs follows a top-growth and
accounted for the most two parts in the process, and both of these base-growth mechanism and this is related to the size of the metal
accounted for more than 90 percent of cost. To be exact, they were 50k particles. Gaseous products contained more hydrogen than other com­
USD and 47k USD, respectively. As mentioned before, the catalytic ponents. To be exact, over 60 vol% hydrogen and almost 60% hydrogen

Fig. 10. Material flow of the catalytic pyrolysis process.

N. Cai et al. Journal of Cleaner Production 315 (2021) 128240

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