1、展会相关话术-淘宝店铺:稚谊 唯一微信:bb60218891

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• 1. 遇⻅犹豫/观望的客户,问候并且快速甄别是否是⽬标客户。展会上遇到形
Hi, how are you Sir/Madam, are you looking for something?
How are you doing? What products are you looking for?
Hi, good morning! How can I help you? As you can see, we are a steel tube
manufacturer, are you looking for this product? If yes, please come in and we can
have a co ee together.
Hi, are you looking for a particular product? We supply steel pipes from China.
May I know if you are a trader or an end-user? Do you need this product/material
for your own production or for trading purposes?
Just for my le keeping purpose, I need to know your company type. Are you a
trader or manufacturer or stockholder? Oh, you are from a construction company,
that’s nice.
Please this is my business card, may I have yours?
Hi, I have noticed that you are looking for steel pipe, are you? What a coincidence,
we are a steel pipe maker, would you like to visit our booth? Please follow me.
Our stand is located in 313-E, please nd the location map, it’s just over there, go
straight from here, second right turn and you will nd us on your left side.

• 2. 介绍公司

We are a trader specialized in heavy machine and equipment trading from China;
We are one of the best suppliers in the market for Chinese origin Aluminum sheets
and my name is Michael, the manager of this company.
We are a professional furniture factory from China, we have been in the market
since 2011. Currently, we are ranking top 10 from China, in terms of annual sales

• 3. 介绍产品
Please have a look at our company brochure and products catalogue.
As you can see, this video is a detailed introduction to our production line. Thanks
to the most advanced production line imported from Germany, we can supply
excellent quality at a relatively competitive price.
These samples can show you more details about how we control the surface
Our products are more durable than any similar ones in the market.
We have made updates for this latest generation camera.
This is our most recent developed product, with its special design and unique
features, it easily became our top selling item.

• 4. ⾃我吹捧 抓住机会在合适的时机给客户洗脑。这样的话不需要多,关键在
We may not be the cheapest in the market, but we do o er decent quality.
We are very strong in quality control and cargo inspection, therefore we leave no
headache to our clients.
This model hasn’t been marketed yet, but we know it’s going to be a top seller.
Once it appears in the market, I’m sure it’ll become the most popular product.
We have been in the market since 2011, and personally I believe the only reason
for us to survive that long is we always keep our quality level above the average.


• 5. 挖掘客户需求:和客户座谈的时候务必要初步了解客户的情况,了解客户的
I would love to hear about your requirement, and if you don’t mind, I will write them
down for le keeping.
Just for my information, are you looking for spare parts or a whole set of
What is the end application for you to purchase our material?
What should we do to have your order? I mean, you will not place your order with
anyone who o ers low prices in the market.

• 6. 交换联系⽅式
Please nd my business card, and you can nd my mobile number here, just add
me as your WhatsApp or WeChat friend, we can make online communication, at
your convenience of course.
May I have your business card? Oh, thank you so much. Sorry, I don’t nd your
mobile number there. It’s very important because I would add you on WhatsApp.
Is this your WhatsApp number? Can I add it? Great!
So this is your business email address, right?
Please check our website, it contains vast information about our company and
You can scan this barcode to add me as your WeChat friend.
May I know your extension number or direct landline so that I can reach you
without being transferred by the receptionist?
On which number do you prefer for us to contact you? Your mobile or landline?

• 7. 赠送样品,⼩礼物,预约询单/电话回访/会⾯
Would you like to take a piece of our sample to test the quality?
Thank you so much for visiting us. Please take this little souvenir with you. This is a
perfect tool for your desk and hopefully, it will remind you of us every time when
you use it.
We would love to provide you with a free sample.
Help yourself with some sweets and would you like to have a cup of tea?
Kindly send us your inquiry when you are available.
Should we make an appointment for a phone call communication at your
convince? Please let me know when you will be available to receive my follow up
phone call?
I would love to invite you to visit our factory/o ce next week, please let me know if
you are available by then.
I believe our products/services/solutions perfectly t in your system, you have to
test our services. I will send you our company brochure for your better

8. 后续跟进话术: 客户在展会上会拜访很多供应商,就好像你记不住客户⼀般,客户
Hi, Mr XXX, this is Michael calling, how are you, Sir? I don’t know if you still
remember me, but we met at the canton fair last week.
Hi, this is Michael, do you still remember us? You visited our booth on the rst day
of the exhibition. We had a co ee together in our booth around 3 pm in the
afternoon. We are XXXX company, the steel pipe maker.
You told me to contact you by this mobile number and today I’m making a follow-
up phone call. I’m wondering if you have already read our company brochure?

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