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11 Mediation Rethinking the classroom challenge

You are going to rent out space in your school to various groups to raise money for language learning resources. This could
be your classroom or any other room or space in your school. Your challenge is to work together to think about how to
redesign the space for these situations. For each situation, take turns to describe the task and make sure everybody in the
group makes suggestions. At the end, be prepared to present the proposals you agree on to the class.

The local community wants to hold a ‘bring and buy’ sale, in which people bring second-hand clothes and objects
to sell at stalls. It is important to provide access for all members of the community, including those in wheelchairs.
Think about:
• How to arrange and organize the stalls
• Where to place the café serving hot drinks
• How to provide access for people in wheelchairs
• How to make sure people go round the bring and buy sale in the same direction.

A local football team wants to have a party to celebrate winning the league. Think about:
• Where to put the dance floor
• Where people will sit
• How to provide food and drink
• Where to put the DJ
• Who to ask for help in moving furniture and organizing the room.

A salsa dance club wants to hold a ‘danceathon’ (where people dance for a long time) to raise money. Think
• How to find space for lots of dancers
• Where the dancers can change clothes, and can sit and relax
• How to provide food and drink
• How to provide emergency health care if there is a problem
• What to do in bad weather (if you organize the event outside).

Your local amateur dramatic company wants to put on a musical. Think about:
• Where to put the stage
• Where the audience will sit
• How to provide refreshments
• Where the actors can get dressed
• How to organize tickets and programmes, and make sure people pay to come in.
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