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Pest Elimination Division

Integrated Pest Management Program with Ecolab Pest Elimination Services


1. Purpose

To have an integrated pest management (IPM) and Ecolab Integrated Pest Management
(IPM) to prevent pest infestation or the undesirable effects of pest infestation from
contaminating food, food contact surfaces, storage, service and other work areas. To use
only such methods as comply with industry codes and ensure the safety of food product,
people and environment.

To design and undertake a pest management program that meets food safety in HACCP
and other requirements necessary be validated by Food Safety Authority.

Ecolab will use or encourage the following measures in order of priority:

a. Preventive methods to discourage and exclude pests such as sanitation,

elimination of pest habitat and denial of access to buildings.
b. Approved mechanical, physical and biological methods.
c. Permitted chemicals and treatments.

There shall never be direct or indirect contact between foods and prohibited pesticides.

2. Scope

2.1: Value Added services

Description Coverage Frequency
Added Services

To report for potential or actual

Technical and Pest Total As needed and
activities and suggest on preventive or
Risk Assessment program monthly
treatment measures

Pest Trending Total

To generate pest monitoring trending Quarterly
Report program

Discussion of quarterly progress and Total

Technical Review Quarterly
pest monitoring trending program

Site Staff Training Pest Awareness Training Program All site staff Annually

Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 1

Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

2.2: All Routine Services Scope and Target Pests:

Pesticides/ Frequency
Target Pest Service Description Location
Devices Used Of Service

Crawling Twice a Perimeter,
Residual Spraying Flufenoxuron/
Insect month Exterior Building
Lamda cyhalothrin
(Cockroach &
Cockroach Bait & Twice a Certain permitted
Ants) Baiting
Ant Bait month area

Install and service 2 units Contrac/Stratagem/ Outside area

Twice a
of Rodent Bait Stations in Talon in Rodent (Building
Rodent (Roof month
2nd perimeter Bait Stations perimeter)
Rat, Sewer
Rat and
Install and service 8 units
of Rodent Life Twice a
Mouse) Bait no poison Inside area
Trap/Rodent Glue Trap month
Stations in 3rd perimeter

Alpha- Twice a Exterior building,
Residual Spraying
Cypermethrin month Drainage, and
Flying Insect
Twice a Outside area,
(Common Baiting Fly Bait
month Garbage
Inside area
Insect Defense Twice a
Trapping and monitoring (Production,
Program (Maxima month
Washing area)
Cypermethrin /
Cold fogging Alpha- As needed Offices
Mosquitoes Drainage
Apply larvacide at (Stagnant
potential breeding sources ABATE As needed water/Potential
at external areas mosquito
breeding place)
Install and monitoring 2 SPI monitoring & every two
Product Pest
units SPI monitoring trap devices (X-Lure month Storage
- Tribolium sp
with lure attractant MST) replacing
- Lasioderma

Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 2

Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

3. Offered Program Price

NO Type of Service Detail Price

Value Added Services & Integrated

1 As above description IDR 2.000.000
Pest Management Program

Install and service 3 units

2 Flying Insect Monitoring devices fly catcher (STEALTH IDR 1.050.000
Stored Product Insect Monitoring Install and service 2 trap
3 IDR 400.000
devices of X-Lure MST

TOTA L IDR 3.450.000

Note :
• The above price does not include VAT and is applied for 12 months contract
• If any additional fly catcher will be charge IDR 350.000/unit/month rental fee and
additional SPI monitoring (X-Lure MST) will be charged IDR 200.000/unit/month
rental fee.
• Ecolab will provide visit twice a month to cover service under adequate supervision
to perform the service in a good and compliance with standard and applicable laws
and regulation.

4. Definitions

Pest Elimination Program means the organized activities involving preventive design,
sanitation, monitoring and control to avoid infestation, spoilage or contamination of foods.

Pesticide means any substances that contains and active ingredient; or any preparation,
mixture or material that contains any one or more of the above active ingredients as one of
its constituents, is defined as a pesticide in the Pesticides Act.

Approved means compliance with standards acceptable to Indonesian Pesticide Board

(Ministry of Agriculture)

5. Responsibilities

Overall Responsibility
The pest management program is a mutual responsibility of DPOInternational and Ecolab.

5.1 Documentation System

A documentation system will be undertaken as outlined in the section on Documentation and

5.2 Implementation and Maintenance

Ecolab is responsible for the implementation, maintenance and servicing of all pest control
devices stated in the Pest Elimination Program.

Ecolab will report on structural defects and other factors conducive to potential pest activities
and suggested remedial action and assist in devising appropriate pest control strategy and
will apply pesticides as and if necessary along with such other specialized control techniques
as may be required.
Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 3
Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

DPOInternational is responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of buildings

to prevent the entry or establish of pests or their becoming a problem on the exterior.

5.3 Monitoring Program and Interpretation Information

Pest activity will be monitored with such devices and inspection techniques as appropriate.

These include non-toxic adhesive traps; bait stations etc and activity will be recorded for
immediate and future remedial action.

A pest activity register will be available for DPOInternational staff to enter sightings to be
acted on.

5.4 Service Program

The program includes a minimum frequency of servicing as outlined in the procedures.

5.5 Actions in Case of a Risk of, or Actual Foods Contamination

DPOInternational to hold and/or recall that contaminated foods. Pest Elimination Service
Specialist to be notified and undertake immediate investigation as to origin, cause and
corrective action necessary

5.6 Training and Competence

Ecolab to provide personnel with knowledge of pest biology and appropriate training on
control strategy for Integrated Pest Management program.

5.7 Health and Safety

Only pesticides and chemicals approved by Indonesian Pesticide Board (Ministry of
Agriculture) and such other protocols as applicable.

All site and general occupational safety and health regulation requirements to be complied

To provide Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) as applicable.

Ecolab will provide training in proper preparation techniques to ensure compliance with
health and food safety regulation before application of pesticides.

DPOInternational site staff to cover product and product contact surfaces as and if required
before treatment and to wash product contact surfaces where required with potable water.

5.8 Prevention
Procedures will be documented to ensure all building are designed, constructed and
maintained to prevent pest entry and establishment.

Ecolab will train on request site personnel on aspects conducive to pest prevention.
Integrated Pest Elimination Training Program for Site Staff will be carried out to improve
awareness on product safety, basic pest biology and proper housekeeping practices.

Structural deficiencies will be assessed and DPOInternational shall action where possible
and practical such suggestions for preventive and remedial action conducive to prevention of
pest infestation and to comply with industry design standards.

Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 4

Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

5.9 Elimination of Food Sources

DPOInternational will have a documented sanitation and housekeeping program for the
site. Refuse handling and other available food sources for pests will be such as not to
encourage pests.

6. Procedures

Recommended Measures and Treatments

Good facilities and site management practices to prevent pest are the primary
• Sanitation
• Physical barriers
• Entry prevention
• Light, including UV-light traps (Stealth Flying Insect Defense System)
• Control odor & other attractants (Food & water sources)
• Ventilation & Positive Air

Permitted Treatments
• Physical traps
• Mechanical traps
• Approved substances (Pesticides) Applications

6.1 Vertebrate Pest Management

6.1.1 Rodent Control

DPOInternational undertakes to maintain at least of 1 ~ 2 meters wide clear way vegetation
and rubbish free around all buildings especially external planter boxes in surrounding

DPOInternational will maintain good building security to deny rodent entry. Broken door
(wooden & roller shuttle) need to be repaired to prevent entries of pest. Door seals need to
be installed and maintained at all doors.
Ecolab Pest Elimination Services will establish and maintain a system of rodent control
appropriate to the site and in compliance with such industry guidelines, approvals and
standards as applicable. Three lines of defence will be provided where possible and
deemed necessary.
The first line of defence will be placed along the security fence at approximately 10~15
meter intervals as feasible and deemed necessary with due regard to pest risk, safety, work
activity and suitable locations.
The second line of defence will be around the exterior walls of the buildings at approximately
10~12 meter intervals.
Exterior rodent bait stations are to be of tamper resistant construction where there is public
safety at risk and where possible fixed in place that clamp the bait.
The third line of defence will consist of interior rodent control devices (Ecolab Non-toxic
Trapper Glue Boards) to be of a type to ensure people and food safety. Interior devices
where applicable will be placed at designated areas, either side of doorways or potential
entry points and strategically located at appropriate intervals within. Ecolab service
specialists will decide on the location and total number of Trapper to be used in the infested

Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 5

Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

All rodent control devices to be identified on a location plan and will be replaced if there is
damage or missing.
To inspect and service the system weekly. Where significant activity is noted above
established threshold limits for rodent control devices during an inspection, this will initiate
additional action. If thresholds are exceeded one/or more of three courses of actions are
a. To increase the amount of bait contained in the station
b. To increase the frequency of inspection and/or
c. Increase the number and density of rodent control devices until activity subsides.
Threshold levels below which bait consumption or interception is acceptable before extra
control measures required will be as follows
1. Perimeter - 60 % baits consumed
2. Exterior buildings - 30 % baits consumed

6.2 Invertebrate Pest Control

DPOInternational will secure buildings as feasible against invertebrate pest entry. All
accessible food sources are to be eliminated by a documented housekeeping program. All
incoming goods are to be inspected for invertebrate pest infestation.
6.2.1 Crawling insects
Ecolab to undertake an invertebrate pest control strategy using appropriate techniques of
inspection and targeted and/or Baiting System & Residual Spraying Treatment using
approved insecticides / methods as necessary with due regards to people, product and
environment safety.
Crawling insect monitoring devices where applicable will be placed at designated areas,
either behind stove and underneath cabinet or potential harborages and strategically located
at appropriate intervals within. Ecolab service specialists will decide on the location and total
number of devices to be used in the infested areas.

To records observation, action taken and action to be taken and lodge for site reference.
6.2.2 Flying Insect Defense Program
DPOInternational to undertake a Flying Insect Defense Program consisting Ecolab
STEALTH Maxima Type correctly positioned plus physical exclusion by screens, strip
curtains, air curtains, and fast opening doors as feasible.

Equipped with
full flies
attractant glue
board and 2
units of 15 watt
UV-A bulb
Ecolab service specialists will decide on the location and total number of Stealth Maxima Fly
Traps to be used in the areas.
Fruit Flies program will be implemented as and when fruit flies and other small flies
infestation found at internal areas. Space treatment with Dry Sanitizing or ULV Misting
treatment as and when fruit flies infestation.
Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 6
Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational
Pest Elimination Division

Ecolab to undertake spot treatment with Baiting System of remote, suitable non-food
contact surfaces where flies land and exterior areas if necessary. Inspection and services
are to be done at a twice a month interval or more frequently if activity dictates the necessity.
7. Records
A surveillance system of recording by way of a service log will be maintained for historical
reference, trace back and improvement planning.
All rodent control devices and Stealth units are noted on location plan with a reporting code
to record observations and action taken.
All substances used are to be documented including trade name, amounts used, and
method of application, when used and by whom.
A pest activity report will be prepared on all pests covered in the scope listing observations,
action taken and to be taken and by whom.
Building reports will be made detailing structural defects and sanitation issues conducive to
pest problems and suggested additional action.
Ecolab will be guidance when external audit.
8. Documentation and Report will include:
• Scope of Services
• Integrated Pest Elimination Programme
Service Records
• Service Summary Report
• Rodent Elimination Device Plan & Report
• Stealth Flying Insect Unit Plan & Report
• Pest Sighting Sheet
• Inspection and Monitoring Reports
• Training record
Health and Safety
• List of pesticide used
• Labels and MSDS
• Pesticide Boards Certificate for each pesticide used
• Pest control license from government
• Service Specialist license from Ministry of Health
• Liability insurance
We are looking forward to hear from you shortly and we await for the good news from you.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Iwan Setiawan
Associate District Manager
Pest Elimination Division
PT. Ecolab Technologies and Services
HP : 0815 4607 8428
Email :

Proposed Date: January 04, 2019 7

Ecolab Pest Management Program – DPOInternational

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