Busting Loose Affirmation Process Mini Process

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Busting Loose

Affirmation, The Process, & Mini Process

Busting Loose Affirmation
I am the power and presence of God, creating everything I experience, everything.
There’s no power out there, not in anyone, not in anything.
I am in Infinite Abundance, right here, right now.
Infinite Power to create anything I want.
Infinite knowledge and wisdom.
Infinite feelings of joyfulness and peace.
Infinite feelings of unconditional love, and appreciation for all my creations.
Infinite supply of money to express appreciation with, right here, right now.

1. Once you notice any form of discomfort, dive right into the middle of it. Don’t resist,
just go into the discomfort fully.
2. Feel the discomfort energy fully, even magnify it as much as you can. Don’t judge, or
try to figure out why it is there, just feel it as intensely as you can knowing that the
more intensely you feel it, the more power that can be reclaimed
3. When it reaches a peak, tell the truth about it—“None of this is real. It is all made up
by my expanded self so I can claim back my power from this egg (belief pattern).”
Say your universal affirmation of who you truly are. “I am the power of Infinite Spirit
here and now!” (for example). Take a deep breath and feel the truth of your universal
affirmation and say it again. Repeat as many times, until you integrate the truth fully.
4. Reclaim your power from it—“I reclaim my power from this creation NOW!” Really
feel the power coming back into you from the belief.
5. Feel the power of who you are even more intently—feel it surging through you.
Restate your universal affirmation and feel its truth.
6. Be grateful for the experience, the discomfort, the power you have reclaimed, and
yourself for having created it all.

Mini Process
When you notice limitation is at work in your life (but there is no discomfort present), do
steps 3 through 6 of the process above. Simple as that.
2593 Young Avenue, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, 805-469-9847
patrick@magicofthesoul.com www.livingpurposeinstitute.com

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