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Consensual – perfected by mere

2. Bilateral – entered into by 2 or more
persons with reciprocal rights and
PARTNERSHIP - is a contract whereby two or
more persons bind themselves to contribute
3. Principal – does not depend upon the
money, property, or industry to a common fund
existence of any other contract
with the intention of dividing the profits among
4. Commutative – one partner’s
themselves or in order to exercise a profession.
undertaking is equivalent to those of
5. Preparatory – entered into for the
1. Has a separate juridical personality from purpose of engaging in a lawful business
the partners; 6. Onerous – partners are obliged to part
2. Based on a valid contract; with their money, property, or industry
3. The persons forming the partnership 7. Nominate – has a special nomenclature
must have legal personality/capacity; given by the law
4. There is a mutual contribution of
money, property or industry; RULES ON THE LEGAL CAPACITY OF PERSONS
5. The contribution is made to a common TO ENTER INTO A PARTNERSHIP
fund; Has legal capacity:
6. Entered for a lawful business;
7. The primary purpose is to obtain profits; 1. Any person capacitated to enter into a
8. The partners intend to divide the profits contract.
(and losses) among themselves.
Has no legal capacity:

1. Persons suffering from Civil Interdiction;

LEGAL EFFECTS OF PARTNERSHIP HAVING A 2. Minors (below 18 years old);
SEPARATE JURIDICAL PERSONALITY 3. Insane or demented persons:1
4. Deaf-mutes who do not know how to
The partnership can, in general: write;
1. acquire and possess property of all 5. Incompetent persons.
kinds Has limited legal capacity:
2. incur obligations
3. bring civil and criminal actions 1. Those who are prohibited from making
4. can be adjudged insolvent even if the donations or advantage to each other
individual members be each financially cannot enter into a universal
solvent partnership2;
5. unless he is generally sued, a partner 2. Corporations3;
has no right to make a separate
appearance in court, if the partnership 1
Unless contracted during a lucid interval, i.e. has
being sued is already represented
clarity of mind at the time of the execution of the
Only particular partnership is allowed
There must first be an express authorization by
statute or charter
1. De jure – has complied with all the
requisites for its lawful establishment;
2. De facto – not established in accordance
with law but the relationship is actually
In determining whether a partnership exists, existing as if it had been so established;
these rules shall apply: 3. Universal – may be based on all present
properties4 or all profits5;
1. Except as provided by article 1825, 4. Particular - has for its object
persons who are not partners as to each determinate things, their use or fruits,
other are not partners as to third or a specific undertaking, or the exercise
persons; of a profession or vocation.
2. Co-ownership or co-possession does not 5. General – partners are liable pro rata
of itself establish a partnership, and subsidiarily/solidarily with their
whether such co-owners or co- separate property for partnership
possessors do or do not share any obligations;
profits made by the use of the property; 6. Limited – has one or more general
3. The sharing of gross returns does not of partners and one or more limited6
itself establish a partnership, whether partners;
or not the persons sharing them have a 7. Secret – the existence of certain
joint or common right or interest in any partners is not made known to the
property from which the returns are public;
derived; 8. Notorious – all existence is made known
4. The receipt by a person of a share of the to the public;
profits of a business is prima facie 9. Commercial/Trading – exists for the
evidence that he is a partner in the transaction of business;
business, but no such inference shall be 10. Professional – exists for the exercise of
drawn if such profits were received in profession;
payment: 11. Fixed-Term – has a definite period of
a. As a debt by installments or existence based on a duration of time;
otherwise; 12. Particular Undertaking – has a definite
b. As wages of an employee or period of existence based on the
rent to a landlord; completion of a particular project or
c. As an annuity to a widow or transaction, etc.;
representative of a deceased 13. At-will – has no definite period of
partner; existence.
d. As interest on a loan, though
the amount of payment vary
with the profits of the business; KINDS OF PARTNERS
e. As the consideration for the sale
of a goodwill of a business or 4
The partners shall contribute all their present
other property by installments properties into the common fund
or otherwise. All that the partners may acquire by their industry
or work during the existence of the partnership shall
KINDS OF PARTNERSHIP be included in the profit, to be divided among the
Not personally liable for partnership obligations
1. Capitalist – contributes money or partner, to save the venture, shall be
property; obliged to sell his interest to the other
2. Industrial – contributes industry or partners.
service; 3. Right to Apply Payment Received to
3. General – liability to third persons Partnership Credit - If a partner
extends to his separate property; authorized to manage collects a
4. Limited - liability to third persons is demandable sum, which was owed to
limited to his/her capital contribution; him in his own name, from a person
5. Managing – designated to manage the who owed the partnership another sum
affairs of the partnership; also demandable, the sum thus
6. Partner by Estoppel – not a partner but collected shall be applied to the two
liable as such for the protection of credits in proportion7 to their amounts,
innocent third persons; even though he may have given a
7. Sub-partner – not a partner, but who receipt for his own credit only; but
contracts with a partner concerning the should he have given it for the account
share of the latter in the partnership; of the partnership credit, the amount
8. Ostensible – takes an active part in the shall be fully applied to the latter.
business, and whose existence is known 4. Right to Return of Credit Received – A
by the public; partner who has received, in whole or in
9. Secret - takes an active part in the part, his share of a partnership credit,
business, but whose existence is not when the other partners have not
known by the public; collected theirs, shall be obliged, if the
10. Silent – does not take an active part in debtor should thereafter become
the business, and but whose existence insolvent, to bring to the partnership
is known by the public; capital what he received even though
11. Dormant – does not take an active part he may have given receipt for his share
in the business, and whose existence is only.8
not known by the public; 5. Right to Indemnity for Damages - Every
12. Original – has been a partner since the partner is responsible to the
constitution of the partnership. partnership for damages suffered by it
through his fault, and he cannot
compensate them with the profits and
benefits which he may have earned for
the partnership by his industry.
1. Right to Contribution – partnership has However, the courts may equitably
the right to the contribution of the lessen this responsibility if through the
partners who promised them at the
perfection of the contract. 7
Take note that the application of the payment is IN
2. Right to Additional Contribution - If PROPORTION to the amounts of the debt between
the partner and the partnership, hence pro rata. The
there is no agreement to the contrary,
higher the amount of the demandable loan payment,
in case of an imminent loss of the the higher the share in the sum paid.
business of the partnership, any partner 8
Similar to the previous provisions, but contemplates
who refuses to contribute an additional the entirety of the sum paid by third persons instead
share to the capital, except an industrial of a pro-rated application of the payment to the
demandable loans
partner’s extraordinary efforts in other having an associate should be a
activities of the partnership, unusual manager.9
profits have been realized. 2. Right to Inspect Partnership Books - The
partnership books shall be kept, subject
to any agreement between the
partners, at the principal place of
a. For specific/determinate things, where business of the partnership, and every
only the use is contributed: borne by partner shall at any reasonable hour
the Partner have access to and may inspect and
b. For specific/determinate things, where copy any of them.
ownership is transferred to the 3. Right to a Formal Account - Any partner
Partnership: borne by the Partnership shall have the right to a formal account
c. For fungible/consumable things: borne as to partnership affairs:
by the Partnership a. If he is wrongfully excluded
d. For things contributed for sale: borne by from the partnership business
the Partnership or possession of its property by
e. For things brought and appraised in the his co-partners;
inventory: borne by the Partnership b. If the right exists under the
f. For things lost due to the fault of any of terms of any agreement;
the partners: such Partner is liable for c. As provided by article 180710;
damages to the Partnership d. Whenever other circumstances
render it just and reasonable.
RESPONSIBILITY FOR ADVANCES MADE BY 4. Property Rights - The property rights of
PARTNERS a partner are:
The partnership shall be responsible to every a. His rights in specific partnership
partner for the amounts he may have disbursed property11;
on behalf of the partnership and for the b. His interest in the
corresponding interest, from the time the partnership ; and
expenses are made; it shall also answer to each c. His right to participate in the
partner for the obligations he may have management13.
contracted in good faith in the interest of the 9
This is a “sub-partner”
partnership business, and for risks in 10
ARTICLE 1807. Every partner must account to the
consequence of its management. partnership for any benefit, and hold as trustee for it
any profits derived by him without the consent of
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTNERS the other partners from any transaction connected
AMONG THEMSELVES with the formation, conduct, or liquidation of the
partnership or from any use by him of its property.
1. Right to Associate Another in Share - The partners have equal rights to possess
Every partner may associate another partnership property for partnership purposes, but
for other purposes, the consent of their partners is
person with him in his share, but the
associate shall not be admitted into the 12
A partner’s interest in the partnership is his share
partnership without the consent of all of the profits and surplus after its dissoluton
the other partners, even if the partner 13
Management of the partnership shall be governed,
primarily, by the agreement of the parties in the
Articles of Partnership. Should there be no
agreement, all the partners shall be considered as
Note: The partner who has been appointed void, but the Partnership shall remain
manager in the articles of partnership may valid and the profits shall be distributed
execute all acts of administration despite the as if there was no such agreement.14
opposition of his partners, unless he should act 7. Obligation to Render Information -
in bad faith; and his power is irrevocable Partners shall render on demand true
without just or lawful cause. The vote of the and full information of all things
partners representing the controlling interest affecting the partnership to any partner
shall be necessary for such revocation of power. or the legal representative of any
A power granted after the partnership has been deceased partner or of any partner
constituted may be revoked at any time under legal disability15.
8. Obligation to Account and Act as
If two or more partners have been entrusted
Trustee - Every partner must account to
with the management of the partnership
the partnership for any benefit, and
without specification of their respective duties,
hold as trustee for it any profits derived
or without a stipulation that one of them shall
by him without the consent of the other
not act without the consent of all the others,
partners from any transaction
each one may separately execute all acts of
connected with the formation, conduct,
administration, but if any of them should
or liquidation of the partnership or from
oppose the acts of the others, the decision of
any use by him of its property.
the majority shall prevail. In case of a tie, the
matter shall be decided by the partners owning
the controlling interest.
5. Right to Profits and Obligation for TO THIRD PERSON
Losses – Profits and losses shall be
1. Obligation to Operate under a Firm
distributed in conformity with the
Name - Every partnership shall operate
partnership agreement.
under a firm name, which may or may
If only the share in profits has been stipulated: not include the name of one or more of
the share in losses shall be in the same the partners. Those who, not being
proportion. members of the partnership, include
their names in the firm name, shall be
In the absence of any stipulation, the share in
subject to the liability of a partner.
the profits and losses of the capitalist partners
2. Liability of the Partnership – The
shall be in proportion to their contributions.
partnership is primarily liable for
The Industrial partners’ share in the profit shall contracts entered into in its name and
be determined by the capitalist partners as for its account, under its signature, and
may be deemed just and equitable. by a person authorized to act for it. All
partners, including industrial ones, shall
The industrial partners shall not be liable for be liable pro rata with all their property
losses. and after all the partnership assets have
6. Exclusion of Partner from Share - A 14
An agreement which excludes a partner from
stipulation which excludes one or more
losses is valid as to the partners, but not to third
partners from any share in the profits is persons/creditors.
This obligation pertains to those information not
agents of the Partnership. reflected in the partnership books.
been exhausted, for the contracts which assignee’s promise to pay the
may be entered into in the name and debts of the partnership;
for the account of the partnership, b. Dispose of the good-will of the
under its signature and by a person business;
authorized to act for the partnership. c. Do any other act which would
However, any partner may enter into a make it impossible to carry on
separate obligation to perform a the ordinary business of a
partnership contract16. partnership;
d. Confess a judgment;
Note: The industrial partner is not exempt from
e. Enter into a compromise
this liability, however, he/she can recover the
concerning a partnership claim
amount he has paid from the capitalist partners
or liability;
unless the partnership agreement provides
f. Submit a partnership claim or
liability to arbitration;
3. Liability of Partners for Partnership g. Renounce a claim of the
Contracts - Every partner is an agent of partnership.
the partnership for the purpose of its
No act of a partner in contravention
business, and the act of every partner,
of a restriction on authority shall
including the execution in the
bind the partnership to persons
partnership name of any instrument, for
having knowledge of the restriction.
apparently carrying on in the usual way
the business of the partnership of which 4. Conveyance of Partnership Real
he is a member binds the partnership, Property - Where title to real property
unless the partner so acting has in fact is in the partnership name, any partner
no authority to act for the partnership may convey title to such property by a
in the particular matter, and the person conveyance executed in the partnership
with whom he is dealing has knowledge name; but the partnership may recover
of the fact that he has no such such property unless the partner’s act
authority. An act of a partner which is binds the partnership under the
not apparently for the carrying on of provisions of the first paragraph of
business of the partnership in the usual article 181817, or unless such property
way, does not bind the partnership has been conveyed by the grantee or a
unless authorized by the other partners. person claiming through such grantee to
Except when authorized by the other a holder for value without knowledge
partners or unless they have abandoned that the partner, in making the
the business, one or more but less than conveyance, has exceeded his authority.
all the partners have no authority to:
Note: Where title to real property is in the name
a. Assign the partnership property
of one or more but not all the partners, and the
in trust for creditors or on the
record does not disclose the right of the
General Rule – the partners are only subsidiarily partnership, the partners in whose name the
liable, i.e. only after the assets of the partnership title stands may convey title to such property,
have been completely exhausted. Exception – in case
there is wrongful act or omission and misapplication
of money or property by a partner in the ordinary 17
No. 3 of the Rights and Obligations of the Partners
course of business. to Third Persons
but the partnership may recover such property b. When no partnership liability
if the partners’ act does not bind the results, he is liable pro rata with
partnership under the provisions of the first the other persons, if any, so
paragraph of article 1818, unless the purchaser consenting to the contract or
or his assignee, is a holder for value, without representation as to incur
knowledge. liability, otherwise separately.
When a person has been thus
Where the title to real property is in the names
represented to be a partner in an
of all the partners a conveyance executed by all
existing partnership, or with one or
the partners passes all their rights in such
more persons not actual partners, he is
an agent of the persons consenting to
5. Liability of Partners - An admission or such representation to bind them to the
representation made by any partner same extent and in the same manner as
concerning partnership affairs within though he were a partner in fact, with
the scope of his authority in respect to persons who rely upon the
accordance with this Title is evidence18 representation. When all the members
against the partnership. of the existing partnership consent to
6. Liability of a Partner by Estoppel - When the representation, a partnership act or
a person, by words spoken or written or obligation results; but in all other cases
by conduct, represents himself, or it is the joint act or obligation of the
consents to another representing him to person acting and the persons
anyone, as a partner in an existing consenting to the representation.
partnership or with one or more
persons not actual partners, he is liable 7. Liability of an Incoming Partner - A
to any such persons to whom such person admitted as a partner into an
representation has been made, who existing partnership is liable for all the
has, on the faith of such representation, obligations of the partnership arising
given credit to the actual or apparent before his admission as though he had
partnership, and if he has made such been a partner when such obligations
representation or consented to its being were incurred, except that this liability
made in a public manner he is liable to shall be satisfied only out of partnership
such person, whether the property, unless there is a stipulation to
representation has or has not been the contrary19.
made or communicated to such person
so giving credit by or with the
knowledge of the apparent partner DISSOLUTION AND WINDING UP
making the representation or
consenting to its being made: DISSOLUTION - is the change in the relation of
a. When a partnership liability the partners caused by any partner ceasing to
results, he is liable as though he be associated in the carrying on as
were an actual member of the
partnership; 19
Hence: Liability is limited to share in partnership
property for EXISTING obligations while his separate
This pertains to the admissibility of evidence in a property may be included for SUBSEQUENT
court of law. obligations.
distinguished from the winding up of the a. By any event which makes it
business. unlawful for the business of the
partnership to be carried on or
WINDING UP – the process of settling business for the members to carry it on
affairs after partnership dissolution. in partnership;
b. When a specific thing, which a
TERMINATION – The point in time after all the partner had promised to
partnership affairs have been wound up. contribute to the partnership,
CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION perishes before the delivery; in
any case by the loss of the
1. A partnership may be dissolved without thing, when the partner who
violation of the agreement between the contributed it having reserved
partners, as follows: the ownership thereof, has only
a. Termination of the definite term or transferred to the partnership
particular undertaking; the use or enjoyment of the
b. The express will of any partner, same; but the partnership shall
who must act in good faith, when not be dissolved by the loss of
no definite term or particular the thing when it occurs after
undertaking is specified; the partnership has acquired
c. The express will of all the partners the ownership thereof;
who have not assigned their c. By the death of any partner;
interests or suffered them to be d. By the insolvency of any
charged for their separate debts, partner or of the partnership;
either before or after the e. By the civil interdiction of any
termination of any specified term or partner;
particular undertaking; 4. A partnership may also be dissolved by
d. The bona fide expulsion of any court decree21, as follows:
partner from the business in
accordance with such a power a. A partner is declared “insane”
conferred by the agreement in any judicial proceeding or is
between the partners; shown to be of unsound mind;
b. A partner becomes incapable of
2. A partnership may be also dissolved
performing his part of the
based on a violation or contravention of
partnership contract;
the agreement between the partners c. A partner has been found guilty
where the circumstances do not permit of such conduct as tends to
a dissolution under any other provision affect prejudicially the
of this article, by the express will20 of business;
any partner at any time; d. A partner’s willful and
3. A partnership may also be dissolved by persistent breach of
operation of law, as follows: agreement;
e. The business of the partnership
can only be carried on at a loss;
No justifiable cause is required but if the no
justifiable cause or no cause at all was given, he/she
may be liable for damages. He/She cannot be
compelled to stay as a partner. 21
To be filed in court
f. Upon application by the as if the partnership had not been
purchaser of a partner’s dissolved unless:
g. Other circumstances which If dissolution was by act of any partner:
render dissolution equitable.
a. The partner acting for the
5. A partnership is also dissolved in the
partnership had knowledge of
following instances:
the dissolution23; or
a. When a new partner is
admitted into an existing If dissolution was by death or insolvency of
partnership; a partner:
b. When any partner retires;
a. The partner acting for the
c. When the other partners assign
partnership had “knowledge or
their rights to the sole
notice” of the death or
remaining partner;
d. When all the partners assign
their rights in the partnership
4. With respect to third persons, a partner
property to third persons.
can still bind the partnership even after
Note: If in case of the expiration or completion dissolution in:
of partnerships with a fixed term or for a a. Transaction in connection with
particular undertaking, respectively, the winding up the affairs of the
partners continue the same without making any partnership;
new agreement, the firm becomes a b. Completing transactions
partnership at will.22 unfinished at dissolution;
c. Transactions that would bind
the partnership if dissolution
1. When the firm is dissolved, a partner had not taken place when the
can no longer bind the partnership. other party or creditor: had
2. A dissolved partnership still has the extended credit to the
personality for the winding up of its partnership prior to the
affairs: dissolution, or though he/she
a. The firm is still allowed to did not extend credit, he had
collect previously acquired known the partnership prior to
credits dissolution, and had no
b. The firm is still bound to pay off knowledge or notice of the
its debts. dissolution, the fact of
3. Where the dissolution is caused by the dissolution was not advertised
act, insolvency, or death of a partner, in a newspaper of general
each partner is liable to his co-partners circulation in the place where
for his share of any liability created by the partnership business is
any partner, acting for the partnership, regularly carried on.
5. With respect to liability for transactions
after dissolution, the liability of a
Hence, any partner may, at his sole pleasure,
dictate the dissolution of the partnership at will but 23
Hence, only one partner is liable
he must act in GOOD FAITH. 24
Same, only one partner is liable
partner shall be satisfied out of having knowledge of the dissolution and
partnership assets alone, when such the person or partnership continuing
partner had been, prior to dissolution: the business.
a. Unknown as a partner to the
person with whom the contract The individual property of a deceased
is made; and partner shall be liable for all obligations
b. So far unknown and inactive in of the partnership incurred while he
partnership affairs that the was a partner, but subject to the prior
business reputation of the payment of his separate debts.25
partnership could not be said
to have been in any degree due
to his connection with it. RIGHTS OF CREDITORS OF A DISSOLVED
NOTE: A partnership is in no case bound by any
act of a partner after dissolution: Creditors of the dissolved partnership are also
creditors of the person or partnership
o Where the partnership is dissolved
continuing the business:
because it is unlawful to carry on the
business, unless the act is appropriate 1. If the business is continued without
for winding up partnership affairs; or liquidation, and the cause of the
o Where the partner has become dissolution is:
insolvent; or a. Admission of new partner;
o Where the partner has no authority to b. Retirement or death of any
wind up partnership affairs; except by a partner and his/her rights to
transaction with one who — partnership property are
 Had extended credit to the assigned to a partner/s or third
partnership prior to dissolution person/s;
and had no knowledge or notice c. Retirement of all but one
of his want of authority; or partner, and their rights to
 Had not extended credit to the partnership property are
partnership prior to dissolution, assigned to the remaining
and, having no knowledge or partner, who continues the
notice of his want of authority, business26;
the fact of his want of authority d. Wrongful dissolution by any
has not been advertised in the partner, and the remaining
manner provided for advertising partners continue the
the fact of dissolution. business ;
6. A partner is discharged from any
existing liability upon dissolution of the
partnership by an agreement to that 25
General Rule: Dissolution does not, by itself,
effect between himself, the partnership discharge the existing liability of any partner.
creditor and the person or partnership Exception: when there is an agreement to that effect
continuing the business; and such between himself, the partnership creditor, and
agreement may be inferred from the person or partnership continuing the business.
course of dealing between the creditor Either alone or with others
Either alone or with others
e. Expulsion of a partner, and the Only General partners have the right to manage
remaining partners continue the partnership.
the business28.
A Limited partner shall not become liable as a
2. If the cause of the dissolution is the
general partner unless, in addition to the
retirement or death of any partner, and
exercise of his rights and powers as a limited
the business is continued with the
partner, he takes part in the control of the
consent of the retired partner or the
representative of the deceased partner,
without assignment of their rights to
partnership property:
3. If the cause of the dissolution is the RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY OF A GENERAL
assignment by all the partners or the PARTNER
representatives of their rights to A general partner shall have all the rights and
partnership property to one or more powers and be subject to all the restrictions and
third persons who promise to pay the liabilities of a partner in a partnership without
debts and who continue the business. limited partners.

However, without the written consent29 or

LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ratification30 of the specific act by ALL the
limited partners, a general partner or all of the
CHARACTERISTICS general partners have no authority to:
1. Formed by compliance with statutory 1. Do any act in contravention of the
requirements; certificate;
2. Business is controlled or managed by 2. Do any act which would make it
one or more general partners, who are impossible to carry on the ordinary
personally liable to creditors; business of the partnership;
3. Its obligations or debts are paid out of 3. Confess a judgment against the
the partnership assets and the partnership;
individual property of the general 4. Possess partnership property, or assign
partners; their rights in specific partnership
4. One or more limited partners contribute property, for other than a partnership
to the capital and share in the profits purpose;
but do not manage the business and 5. Admit a person as a general partner;
are not personally liable for partnership 6. Admit a person as a limited partner,
obligations beyond their capital unless the right so to do is given in the
contributions; certificate;
5. The limited partners may have their 7. Continue the business with partnership
contributions back, subject to property on the death, retirement,
conditions prescribed by law. insanity, civil interdiction or insolvency
of a general partner, unless the right so
to do is given in the certificate.
Prior authorization (before the fact)
Either alone or with others 30
Confirmation of the act (after the fact)
NOTE ALSO: A person who has contributed to
the capital of a business conducted by a person
or partnership erroneously believing that he has
The contributions of a Limited partner may be become a limited partner in a limited
cash or property, but not services. partnership, is not, by reason of his exercise of
the rights of a limited partner, a general partner
1. A limited partner is liable to the with the person or in the partnership carrying
partnership: on the business, or bound by the obligations of
a. For the difference between his such person or partnership; provided that on
contribution as actually made ascertaining the mistake, he promptly
and that stated in the certificate renounces his interest in the profits of the
as having been made, and business, or other compensation by way of
b. For any unpaid contribution income.
which he agreed in the
certificate to make in the future
at the time and on the
conditions stated in the
certificate. A limited partner shall have the same rights as a
2. A limited partner holds as trustee for general partner to:
the partnership:
1. Have the partnership books kept at the
a. Specific property stated in the
principal place of business of the
certificate as contributed by
partnership, and at a reasonable hour
him, but which was not
to inspect and copy any of them;
contributed or which has been
2. Have on demand true and full
wrongfully returned, and
information of all things affecting the
b. Money or other property
partnership, and a formal account of
wrongfully paid or conveyed to
partnership affairs whenever
him on account of his
circumstances render it just and
reasonable; and
NOTE: These liabilities of a Limited partner can 3. Have dissolution and winding up by
be waived or compromised only by the consent decree of court;
of all members; but a waiver or compromise 4. to receive a share of the profits or other
shall not affect the right of a creditor of a compensation by way of income, and to
partnership who extended credit or whose the return of his contribution.
claim arose after the filing and before a 5. Loan money to, and transact other
cancellation or amendment of the certificate, to business, with the partnership, and,
enforce such liabilities. unless he is also a general partner,
receive on account of resulting claims
Even if a limited partner has rightfully received
against the partnership, with general
the return in whole or in part of the capital of
creditors, a pro rata share of the assets.
his contribution, he is nevertheless liable to the
partnership for any sum, not in excess of such
return with interest, necessary to discharge its
liabilities to all creditors who extended credit or
whose claims arose before such return.
The retirement, death, insolvency, insanity or
civil interdiction of a general partner dissolves
the partnership, unless the business is
continued by the remaining general partners:

1. Under a right so to do stated in the

certificate, or
2. With the consent of all members.

NOTE: The estate of a deceased limited partner

shall be liable for all his liabilities as a limited
THE LAW ON CORPORATIONS 1. Public - Formed or organized for the
government as a portion of the State.33
CORPORATION - is an artificial being created by 2. Private - A corporation is created by
operation of law, having the right of succession operation of law under the Revised
and the powers, attributes, and properties Corporation Code.
expressly authorized by law or incidental to its
existence. NOTE: A government-owned or –controlled
corporation, when organized under the
ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES OF A CORPORATION Revised Corporation Code, is still a private
corporation. But being a government –
1. Artificial Being – exists by fiction of law owned or –controlled corporation makes it
and can only act through its directors, liable for laws and provisions applicable to
officers, and employees. the Government of its entities and subject
2. Created by Operation of Law (“Creature to the control of the Government.
of the Law) – The consent of the State is
3. Quasi-Public - A cross between private
necessary either through a special law31
corporations and public corporations.34
or a general law32.
4. De Jure - A corporation organized in
3. Right of Succession (“Strong Juridical
accordance with the requirements of
Personality”) – Has the capacity for
the law.
continuous existence despite changes in
5. De Facto - A corporation claiming in
stockholders/members or by any
good faith to be a corporation under the
transfer of shares by a stockholder to a
Revised Corporation Code. It exists with
third person.
a flaw in its incorporation: it falls short
4. Has the Powers, Attributes, and
of the requirements of law. It is the
Properties Expressly Authorized by Law
result of an attempt to incorporate
and Incident to Its Existence (“A
under an existing law coupled with the
Creature of Limited Powers”) – As a
exercise of corporate powers.
mere creature of law, it can exercise
6. Corporation by Estoppel - All persons
only such powers as the law may
who assume to act as a corporation
choose to grant it, either expressly or
knowing it to be without authority to do
so shall be liable as general partners for
NOTE: Like Partnership, a Corporation has a all debts, liabilities and damages
separate juridical personality distinct from the incurred or arising as a result thereof.
stockholders or members composing it, as
opposed to the partners in the former. Where a group of persons misrepresent
themselves as a corporation (ostensible
corporation), they are subsequently
estopped from claiming lack of
CLASSIFICATION OF CORPORATIONS corporate life in order to avoid liability.

A third party who assumes an obligation

to an ostensible corporation cannot
Gives rise to a government corporation
i.e. the Revised Corporation Code. Gives rise to a 33
E.g., barangay, municipality, city, and province
private corporation 34
E.g. school districts, water districts
resist performance by alleging the Filipino-Alien equity ownership is NOT
ostensible corporation’s lack of in doubt.
7. By Prescription – achieved corporation NOTE:
status on account of the passage of
time.35 For Corporations engaged in the exploitation of
8. Stock - One which has a capital stock natural resources – Only Filipino citizens or
divided into shares and is authorized to corporations whose capital stock are at least
distribute to the holders such shares, 60% owned by Filipinos can qualify to exploit
dividends, or allotments of the surplus natural resources.
For Corporations engaged in Public Utilities –
9. Non-stock - A corporation where no
No franchise, certificate or any other form of
part of its income is distributable as
authorization for the operation of a public utility
dividends to members, trustees, or
shall be granted except to citizens of the
Philippines or corporations organized under the
10. Close – the issued stock of all classes
laws of the Philippines at least 60% of whose
shall be held of record by not more than
capital is owned by such citizens.
twenty persons; shall not list in any
stock exchange or make any public For Corporations engaged in Mass Media –
offering any of its stocks.36 “Ownership of mass media shall be limited to
the citizens of the Philippines, or to
corporations, cooperatives, or associations,
The following are the Tests to determine the wholly-owned and managed by such citizens”.37
nationality of a Corporation:
For Corporations engaged in Cable Industry –
1. Place of Incorporation Test - Principal CATV as “a form of mass media which must,
doctrine on the test of the nationality of therefore, be owned and managed by Filipino
a corporate identity in the Philippines. A citizens, or corporations, cooperatives, or
corporation is a national of the country associations, wholly-owned and managed by
under whose laws it has been organized such citizens pursuant to the mandate of the
and registered. Constitution.” 38
2. Control Test - A corporation shall be
For Corporations engaged in Advertising
considered a Filipino corporation if the
Industry – “xxx only Filipino citizens or
Filipino ownership of its capital stock is
corporations or associations at least 70% of
at least 60%, and where the 60-40
whose capital is owned by such citizens is
The Roman Catholic Church is a corporation by allowed to engage in the advertising agency.”
prescription, with acknowledged juridical personality
inasmuch as it is an institution which antedated by 3. Grandfather Rule - It is a method of
almost a thousand years any other personality in determining the nationality of a
Europe corporation which in turn is owned in
Any corporation may be incorporated as a close
part by another corporation by breaking
corporation, except mining or oil companies, stock
exchanges, banks, insurance companies, public
utilities, educational institutions and corporations 37
Hence, 100% owned and managed by Filipinos
declared to be vested with public interest. 38
Hence, 100% owned and managed by Filipinos
down the equity structure of the dissolution, and in the management of
shareholder corporation.39 its affairs, without any preference.
2. Preferred shares – issued with par value
COMPONENTS OF A CORPORATION and may be given preference in the
distribution of dividends and the
1. Corporators – those who compose the
corporate assets during liquidation, or
Corporation, whether as stockholders of
such other preferences.
a stock corporation or
3. Par Value shares – have a value fixed in
members/trustees of a non-stock
the certificates of stock and the articles
of incorporation.
2. Incorporators – those recorded in the
4. No Par Value shares – do not have par
Articles of Incorporation as originally
value but are issued for a consideration
forming the corporation.
of at least P5.00 per share.42
3. Promoter – takes initiative in founding
5. Voting shares – have the right to vote.
and organizing the business or
6. Non-voting shares – do not have the
enterprise and receives compensation
right to vote.
therefor. He is an agent of the
Incorporators but not the corporation.40 NOTE: The Revised Corporation Code only
4. Subscribers – those who agreed to take authorizes the denial of voting rights (hence
and pay for original, unissued shares of non-voting rights) in the case of redeemable
a corporation formed or to be formed. shares and preferred shares, provided, that
there shall always be a class or series of shares
CLASSIFICATION OF SHARES that have complete voting rights.
The classification of shares, their corresponding Holders of non-voting shares shall, nevertheless,
rights, privileges, restrictions, and their stated be allowed to vote on the following matters:
par value, if any, must be indicated in the
articles of incorporations. a. Amendment of the articles of
Each share shall be equal in all respects to every b. Adoption and amendment of bylaws;
other share, except as otherwise provided in the c. Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage,
articles of incorporation and in the certificate of pledge, or other disposition of all or
stock.41 substantially all of the corporate
1. Common shares – basic class of stocks. properties;
Owners of these are entitled to a pro d. Incurring, creating, or increasing
rata share in the profits of the bonded indebtedness;
corporation and its assets upon e. Increase or decrease of authorized
capital stock;
This test is used when there is doubt as to the
f. Merger or consolidation of the
percentage of Filipino ownership of a Corporation
especially when there is Corporate Layering (i.e. a corporation with another corporation
Corporation owns shares of stock of another or other corporation;
Corporation) g. Investment of corporate funds in
He/She persuades people to subscribe (“invest”) to another corporation or business
future shares of stocks of a proposed Corporation.
This is a preparatory act in the process of
This is called the Doctrine of Equality of Shares 42
These cannot be issued as preferred shares
purpose in accordance with the Revised controlled and its affairs are so conducted as to
Corporation Code; and make it merely an instrumentality, agency,
h. Corporate dissolution. conduit or adjunct of another corporation.”45

When corporate veil is pierced, the corporation

7. Founders’ shares – issued to organizers
and persons who are normally treated as
and promoters of a corporation in
distinct from the corporation are treated as one
consideration of some supposed right or
person, such that when the corporation is
adjudged liable, these persons, too, become
8. Redeemable shares – those permitted
liable as if they were the corporation.46
to be redeemed or repurchased by a
corporation and may be issued by the The following is the test to determine whether a
corporation when expressly provided in corporation is a mere alter ego (The Three-
the articles of incorporation. They may Pronged Test):
be repurchased from the holders upon
the expiration of a fixed period, 1. Control47, not mere majority or
whether or not there are unrestricted complete stock control, but complete
retained earnings. domination, not only of finances but of
9. Treasury shares – those issued and fully policy and business practice in respect
paid for, but subsequently reacquired by to the transaction attacked so that the
the issuing corporation through corporate entity as to this transaction
purchase, redemption, donation, or had at the time no separate mind, will
some other lawful means. Such shares or existence of its own;
may again be sold for a price fixed 43 by 2. Such control must have been used by
the Board of Directors. the defendant to commit fraud or
wrong48, to perpetuate the violation of a
NOTE: Treasury shares have no voting rights and statutory or other positive legal duty, or
are not entitled to dividends or assets as long as dishonest and unjust act in
they remain in the Treasury. contravention of plaintiffs legal right;
DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE VEIL OF 3. The aforesaid control and breach of
CORPORATION FICTION duty must have proximately caused the
Piercing the corporate veil is warranted when injury or unjust loss49 complained of.
“the separate personality of a corporation is NOTE: Piercing is also warranted when a
used as a means to perpetrate fraud or an illegal corporation ceased to exist only in name as it
act, or as a vehicle for the evasion of an existing re-emerged in the person of another
obligation, the circumvention of statutes, or to corporation to evade its unfulfilled financial
confuse legitimate issues.”44 obligations.
It is also warranted in alter ego cases “where a 45
This is the second kind.
corporation is merely a farce since it is a mere 46
General Rule: The corporation shall pay for its own
alter ego or business conduit of a person, or liabilities as such. Exception: The persons composing
where the corporation is so organized and it committed fraud, bad faith, etc. to the prejudice of
third persons.
Not necessarily par value, as long as it is the best 47
Also known as the Instrumentality test
price obtainable and reasonable. 48
Also known as the Fraud test
This is the first kind. 49
Also known as the Harm test
INCORPORATION AND ORGANIZATION OF coordination with the proper
2. Incorporation – which includes:
Capital Stock – is the amount fixed in the
a. Drafting and execution by the
articles of incorporation to be subscribed and
incorporators of the articles of
paid in cash, kind, or property at the
incorporation and such other
organization of the corporation or afterwards,
documents required for
which fund is used to conduct its operation.
registration of the corporation;
Capital – the value of the actual property of the b. Filing with the SEC of the
corporation. The corporation’s net worth articles of incorporation;
(stockholder’s equity) is arrived at afgter c. Payment of filing and
deducting the liabilities from its assets. publication fees; and
d. Issuance by the SEC of the
Authorized Capital Stock – is the capital stock certificate of incorporation.
divided into shares with par values.50 3. Formal Organization and
Subscribed Capital Stock – is the total amount of Commencement of Transactions –
the capital stock subscribed whether fully paid which includes:
or not. a. Adoption of by-laws and its
filing with the SEC;
Outstanding Capital Stock – is the portion of the b. Election of the Board of
capital stock issued to subscribers minus the Diretors/Trustees and officers;
treasury stocks. c. Establishment of principal
Stated Capital – is the capital stock divided into office; and
no-par value shares. d. Providing for subscription and
payment of capital stock.
Paid-up Capital – is the amount paid by the
stockholders on subscriptions from unissued NUMBER AND QUALIFICATION OF
shares of the corporation. INCORPORATORS

1. Any person, partnership, association, or

Steps in the creation of a corporation: 2. Singly51 or jointly with others but not
more than 15 in number;
1. Promotion – the act of bringing a
3. For lawful purpose;
corporation into existence by
4. Natural persons who are licensed to
determining the corporate purpose,
practice a profession, and partnerships
evaluating the potentiality of the
or associations organized for the
proposed business, developing plans,
purpose of practicing a profession, shall
and financing the expenses related to
not be allowed to organize as a
putting up the corporation, and
corporation unless otherwise provided
under special laws;
Par value shares are required in case of 5. Incorporators who are natural persons
corporations issuing preferred shares, as well as in must be of legal age; and
the case of banks, trust companies, insurance
companies, building and loan associations, and 51
In case of a single incorporator, it shall be a One-
public utilities. Person Corporation (OPC)
6. Each incorporator of a stock corporation incorporation shall indicate the primary
must own or be a subscriber to at least purpose and the secondary purpose or
one (1) share of the capital stock. purposes: Provided, That a nonstock
corporation may not include a purpose
which would change or contradict its
A corporation shall have perpetual existence nature as such;
unless its articles of incorporation provides 3. The place where the principal office of
otherwise. the corporation is to be located, which
must be within the Philippines;
A corporate term for a specific period may be 4. The term for which the corporation is to
extended or shortened by amending the articles exist, if the corporation has not elected
of incorporation: perpetual existence;
Provided, that no extension may be 5. The names, nationalities, and residence
made earlier than three (3) years prior addresses of the incorporators;
to the original or subsequent expiry 6. The number of directors, which shall
date(s) unless there are justifiable not be more than fifteen (15) or the
reasons for an earlier extension as may number of trustees which may be more
be determined by the Commission: than fifteen (15);
7. The names, nationalities, and residence
Provided further, that such extension of addresses of persons who shall act as
the corporate term shall take effect only directors or trustees until the first
on the day following the original or regular directors or trustees are duly
subsequent expiry date(s). elected and qualified in accordance with
8. If it be a stock corporation, the amount
Stock corporations shall not be required to have of its authorized capital stock, number
a minimum capital stock, except as otherwise of shares into which it is divided, the
specifically provided by special law.52 par value of each, names, nationalities,
and residence addresses of the original
subscribers, amount subscribed and
Articles of incorporation – is the document paid by each on the subscription, and a
prepare by the persons establishing a statement that some or all of the shares
corporation and filed with the SEC containing are without par value, if applicable;
the matters required by the Revised Corporation 9. If it be a nonstock corporation, the
Code, i.e.: amount of its capital, the names,
nationalities, and residence addresses
1. The name of the corporation;
of the contributors, and amount
2. The specific purpose or purposes for
contributed by each; and
which the corporation is being formed.
10. Such other matters consistent with law
Where a corporation has more than one
and which the incorporators may deem
stated purpose, the articles of
necessary and convenient.
With minimum capital stock: 1. Insurance
companies (P1 billion); Investment house (P300
million); pawnshops (P100k); and mining companies
(P100 million).
NOTE: An arbitration53 agreement may be
provided in the articles of incorporation.



This is an alternative manner of settling disputes

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