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 Over 5 ½ years of experience in design, development & implementation of business
software applications in Client/ Server and web-based environments.
 Delivered responsibilities as Sr Software Engineer, Team Lead & Software Programmer.
 Experience in design and development of applications using applications using ASP.NET,
C#.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, MS Visual Studio.NET, .NET Framework
 Experience also includes design and development of applications using Visual Basic 6.0,
COM/COM+, ASP, ActiveX, ADO, IIS, Visual Studio 6.0, Visual Source Safe, MS Visio.
 Knowledge & experience in n-tier architecture, OO design & development, Web Services
using .NET, SOAP, XML.
 Knowledge of MS Content Management Server, MS Share Point Portal and MS Index
 Expert in databases and database technologies including SQL Server, Access, SQL,
 Functional domain experience includes Banking software, ERP, Education & Software
Products with leading clients.
 Highly motivated with the ability to work independently or as an integral part of a team and
Committed to highest levels of professional and personal excellence
OP Systems Windows 2000/NT/XP, Windows 95, Linux 8.x, MS DOS
Languages C, C++, C#.NET, , XML/XSL/XSLT
Tools/Technologies Visual Basic 6.0/5.0, MS.NET, COM/COM+, ADO.NET/ADO,ODBC, ,
Visual Studio.NET/6.0, Visual Interdev, Visual Source Safe, IIS,
MTS, SOAP, NDoc, NUnit
RDBMS MS SQL Server 2000/7.0/6.5, MS Access
Packages MS Office Tools


March 06 to Present Software Developer (Consultant) Amerigroup , VA

EDIFileWatcher Windows service: Created windows service, which holds a filewatcher to

crab incoming HTML file and convert that to PDF. Created service installer to deploy the
windows service at the server.
 Involved in C# coding for creating all the necessary classes for windows service
 Customized the installer according to our needs.
 Tested thoroughly before deploying for all the possible outcomes while handling the
.Net 2.0 Migration: Involved in complete migration from asp and few 1.1 to
2.0 of along with the updates. These updates included new
development and new functionality throughout the site. Mainly involved in the member
section where we even had to consider the globalization of the site i.e. for the multi
language. Worked on the Master page as well as CSS style coding for the each content page.
 Worked on creating login page for the members and adding roles and authentication for
the site.
 Proposed and worked on the idea of moving the data from static content to database
(which was frequently updated).
 Worked on Localization of the website for English and Spanish with resource file.

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 Created stored procedure and modified existing views and stored procedures
according to the requirement.
 Created user control which can be reused among different pages.
ASP.NET 2.0 and 1.1, C#.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, TSQL, SQL Server 2000, Visual
studio.NET 2005.

July 05 to Feb 06 Software Developer, Banklink, Newyork,NY

Remote Deposit II : This product makes the Bank user to deposit the check remotely with
help of the scanner based on the rules set by Check 21.   Check 21 allows banks to use
substitute checks as the legal equivalent of the original documents. Instead of paper checks,
banks are able to process check information electronically through our product. Whenever a
user scans a check, after going through all the validations the check is deposited to his
account. Ensure images are suitable for processing and settlement using industry-leading
Image Quality and Usability Assessment (IQA/U). Increase the accuracy of balanced deposit
with extremely accurate Courtesy and Legal Amount Recognition (CAR/LAR) software.
Customers need only a computer with an Internet connection, a desktop scanner and our
software to scan and balance batches of checks for deposit. With proper authorization the
user has the ability to modify the fields.
 Worked mainly on the business layer as well as application layer and database.
 Created stored procedure and tables to save and modify the checks.
 Worked on the scanner (C++) code which interacts with our product to get information
regarding the check.
 Involved in C# coding the functionality like Saving, MICR modifying and deleting the
 Worked on XML to retrieve data from the scanner.
 Used NUnit for unit testing as well as Ndoc for documentation.
Server 2000, Windows.NET Server 2003, NUnit, NDoc

April 05 to June 05 Software Developer, Compass Technologies, Inc, Exton , PA

WhiteStar: Develop a new “access control and alarm monitoring” user interface that is
highly functional, reliable, simple to operate, expandable, fully documented and thoroughly
tested by QA. It is developed on a .NET platform from ground-up as an internally
modularized system encompassed in a stand alone console. System is used for tracking
alarms, card activity, vehicles, and allowing user to open and close the doors manually
when needed. C++ is used to communicate between hardware and GUI part.
 Involved in development of requirements gathering of the system.
 Worked on GUI part according to the customer requirements (Completely Customized).
 Created classes in C# for remoting objects from client to server.
 Implemented server-side business logic using C#
 SQL is used to control to design and develop tables.
ASP.NET, ASP, C#.NET, C++, ADO.NET, HTML, JavaScript, TSQL, SQL Server 2000,
Windows.NET Server 2003

Jan 05 to March 05, Software Developer, Maxum Specialty Insurance Group, Duluth,GA

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Trucking Online and Endorsement: The system will provide the capability for brokers, agents
and underwriters to process selected endorsements for their customer’s policies in
Transportation Division. The Transportation Division is a wholesale dedicated general agent
unit that will write motor carrier liability, physical damage and cargo coverage for the owner
operators and small trucking risks. The system would generate policy PDF dynamically with all
the coverage and endorsement attached to it.

 Requirement Analysis, Design and Development.
 Database design and development using SQL Server.
 Developed design documents using OO Methodology.
 Development using C#.NET to incorporate business logic and implemented back-end
connectivity using ADO.NET.
 Developed various stored procedures and triggers using SQL Server.
 Developed numerous user controls for GUI.
 Data was stored in XML format for User Fill-In Data.
 Designed and developed User Interactive PDF by creating bookmarks.
 Developing Test cases and subsequently unit testing of various modules developed.
ASP.NET, C#.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, IIS, Visual Source Safe, TSQL, SQL Server 2000,
Windows.NET Server 2003

Oct 04 to Jan 05, Software Developer, Media Affiliates, NYC

Custom Content Editing System (CES): This project was intended to redesign & upgrade the
existing site for the affiliates and partners of the company to reflect new capabilities. The
present site consisting of various ASP pages & SQL database was not meeting the expectations
of present business requirements. The system was redesigned keeping in mind present and
future business requirements using ASP.NET, C#.NET, IIS and SQL Server.
 Involved in Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Design and Development.
 Involved in development of the prototype for client presentation and project acquisition.
 Evaluated MS Content Management Server & Share Point Portal for suggesting
 Database design and development using SQL Server.
 Developed design documents using OO Methodology.
 Design & Development of User Interfaces using ASP.NET, ASP, XML, HTML & JavaScript.
 Development using C#.NET to incorporate business logic and implemented back-end
connectivity using ADO.NET.
 Developed various stored procedures and triggers using SQL Server.
 Implemented various reports using Crystal Reports.
 Data was stored in XML format for fast recovery.
ASP.NET, ASP, C#.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, JavaScript, IIS, Visual Source Safe, TSQL, SQL
Server 2000, Windows.NET Server 2003

Aug 03 – Sep 04, Software Developer, Cinch Connectors, IL

E-Synergy: This project was a complete business solution (ERP) covering areas of
manufacturing industry along with financial aspects. Financial aspects include fixed assets,

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multi-currency and global tax management. Some of modules implemented are Sales &
Marketing, Purchase, PPC (MRP, CRP), Logistics Inventory, Plant Maintenance, HR (Human
Resources), Finance (Accounts, Costing, Fixed Assets), Manufacturing (Production), QC
(Quality Checking) and Engineering. Modules were implemented with .Net Framework, based
on the Service Oriented Approach and using the Web Services technology for cross language
portability. Application is completely web enabled and is implemented using ASP.NET & Web
services on IIS. Reports are generated using Crystal Reports, which are completely web
enabled with exporting option to word, excel, PDF, RTF from the NET.
 Involved in design, development, testing and support.
 Worked on SQL Stored Procedures, Triggers, Functions and Views.
 Worked mainly on Sales, Purchase and PPC modules.
 Involved in unit testing, integration testing, QA Support and client support.
 Design and Development of User Interface using ASP.NET, HTML & JavaScript.
 Development to incorporate business logic using C#.NET & data connectivity using
 Generated complex reports like MRP and CRP.
 Generated different kinds of Reports for Admin including Graphical Reports using Crystal
 Involved in implementation, testing and debugging of the application.
C#.NET, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, VisualStudio.NET, IIS, XML, HTML, JavaScript,
TSQL, SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000

Feb 03 – Aug 03, Software Developer, Isys Technology, Memphis, TN

Education Testing System (ETS): Created a full-scale education and testing system on Isys
intranet to train staff on particular skills. The system pre-tests Isys employees, offers tutorials
to improve their skills and follows up with a post-test to ensure that skills were learned and
can be applied. The tests are administered and maintained via web-interface on the intranet.
The system enables employees to take the tests and tutorials at their convenience scheduling
around normal work commitments, reduces Isys training costs, and allows for ease of grading
and recording data on employee’s skill levels.
 Involved in database design, coding and unit testing.
 Developed various ASP.NET/HTML pages for retrieving the user information.
 Wrote interfaces using VB.NET class files which encapsulate business logic and calling
them from ASP.NET web forms.
 Written client validation scripts in JavaScript Language.
 Used ADO.NET technology to connect to database.
 Used ASP.NET web server controls like Data grid, Repeater.
 Developed reports to show the user’s scores in the tests.
 Written functions in VB.NET to reuse the code in multiple web pages.
 Written Stored Procedures to improve system performance.
 XML was used extensively and converted XML from one format to another.
.NET Framework, ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET, XML/HTML, IIS, Java Script, SQL Server
2000, Windows 2000 Server

Jul 00 – Dec 02, Software Developer, Maini Infosolutions, Bangalore, India

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TLNGF is basically Travel portal where in Tourist /Customers can search and book
accommodations at various hotels /restaurants online. TLNGF also consists of admin module
where in the travel agents can register themselves and define Rooms, Attractions, Cancellation
Polices, Special Prices, Discount Prices & Packages. Customers can login to portal search for
the accommodations, attractions and packages. And then they can book the same and make
payments online.
 Designed, developed and implemented front end screens using C# for the admin tool.
 Involved in testing and debugging.
 Coded the data Access layer of the component, which uses ADO.NET objects.
 Wrote stored procedure to increase the system performance.
C#.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, IIS, VisualStudio.NET, XML, HTML, JavaScript, Visual
Source Safe, TSQL, SQL Server 2000, Windows-2000
Inventory Tracking System (Jun 01 – Apr 02): This product was developed for Suma Springs
PVT LTD, Bangalore, mainly to track the inventory system. Security levels were also taken care
while implementing. Reports generated, may be further migrated to Word, Excel and HTML
format. Stock Status Report, Stores Ledger Report, and Customer Wise Raw Material Planning
Report, Delivery Challans, Customer Wise Dispatch Report are some of reports generated.
Schedules are maintained like Customer Schedules, Production Schedules. Important modules
were Stores, Purchase, Sales, Manufacturing (production), and Administration etc.
 Requirement Analysis, Design & Development.
 Design and Development of user interface using ASP, HTML, VBScript and JavaScript.
 Developed components using VB and COM for business requirements.
 Used ADO for connecting to backend database Access.

Visual Basic 6.0, COM, ASP, HTML, JavaScript, IIS, MTS, MS Index Server, ADO, TSQL,
SQL Server, Windows NT.
Mail Client (Jul 00 – May 01): Following SMTP (RFC 821)/POP3 (RFC 1081) protocol
standards the mail client has been developed by creating a communicating stream between the
SMTP and POP3 server. A stricture to implement a file structure in the form of a database has
been implemented to store information regarding Mail server profile (IP address), user profile. A
HTML parser has been included for sending mail in the form of a HTML page (ie.) sending a
mail with bold font, colored text. For attachments with mail base 64 encoding has been utilized
to encode the attachments, a decoder for base 64 has also been written. The client allows
creation of multiple profiles.
 Involved in the system study on low level basis.
 Design and development of User Interface using Visual Basic.
 Developed components to create User Profiles, add/modify/delete user’s appointments
/recurring appointments & user contact details into database server using VB, ActiveX.
 Developed SMTP (RFC 821) & POP(RFC 1081) compliant Components for sending and
receiving emails using Visual Basic.
 Developed Base 64 Encoder/Decoder for Encoding/Decoding email Attachments.
 Developed stored procedures for database operations using TSQL.
 Used ADO to connect to backend database SQL Server.
 Testing, debugging and maintenance.

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Visual Basic 6.0, COM, Active X, SMTP, POP, ADO, TSQL, SQL Server 6.5, Windows NT

 Bachelors in Engineering, BE (Electronics & Communication)

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