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To: Head Department of Industrial and Commercial Arts

Kyambogo University

Thru: The Chief Security Officer

Kyambogo University

Date: 23/SEPT/2022
Dear sir,
Re: Vaccation of GMAID House Boys’ Quarter
Reference is made to your letter written to me dated 12th September 2022, of
which I received with humility.
This has prompted me to write this correspondence to humbly inform you that;
“the boys’ quarter in question,” was not officially allocated to me, but it was
allocated to Mr Mutebi Ronald officially for security reasons. In addition, Mr
Mutebi Ronald is my official husband, and as much as l am a house wife, am
also a staff of Kyambogo University, Security Department.
Because of the important facts stated above, I hereby humbly advise you; to
communicate the subject stated in your letter, dated 12th September 2022, to
the right person.
Forwarded for consideration
Yours Faithfully

Musenero Susan
Guard Kyambogo University Security Department
Mob No: +256782-480922, e-mail:
C.c Dean School of Arts & Industrial Design
C.c University Secretary
C.c Estates Manager

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