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Numerical Expressions Word Problems

Read the word problem and write a numerical expression based on the problem.

1. Becky and John each have four markers. Susie has twice as many as Becky and John
combined. How many markers does Susie have?

2. Ramir saw three times as many birds as his sister. His sister saw two cardinals and five blue
jays. How many birds did Ramir see?

3. You bought five erasers and shared them equally between you and four friends. Then your
teacher gave you three more. How many do you have now?

4. A gardener planted two rows of corn with six seeds in each row. He planted 31 more carrot
seeds than corn seeds. How many carrot seeds did he plant?

5. Alana danced for three times as long as her sister. Her sister danced for two quarters of an
hour. How long did Alana dance?

6. Lindy has three packs of markers with 10 markers in each pack. Viola has half
as many markers. How many markers does Viola have?

7. Your teacher had 25 pencils. She passed out 5 pencils to each

of the four groups of students in the classroom. How many
pencils does she have left?

8. A caterer baked five rows of five cupcakes. She baked seven more cakes than she did cupcakes.
How many cakes did she bake?

9. The Atwell family traveled 212 miles on Monday. They traveled twice as long on Tuesday. How
many miles did they travel in all?

10. Mom bought eight packs of five stickers to go in goody bags. She bought four times as many
candies as she bought stickers. How many candies did she buy?

Can you solve the equations?

Numerical Expressions Word Problems
Challenge answers in bold
1. (4 + 4) × 2 = 16 markers

2. 3 × (2 + 5) = 21 birds

3. (5 ÷ 5) + 3 = 4 erasers

4. (2 × 6) + 31 = 43 seeds

5. (15 × 2) × 3 = 90 minutes = 1 ½ hours

6. (3 × 10) ÷ 2 = 15 markers

7. 25 - (5 × 4) = 5 pencils

8. (5 × 5) + 7 = 32 cakes

9. (212 × 2) + 212 = 636 miles

10. (8 × 5) × 4 = 160 candies


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