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(Countable Quantifiers)
Nama : Nilai:
Kelas :7-
Tanggal :
1. Many digunakan untuk kata benda yang?
a. Benda yang tidak dapat dihitung
b. Benda yang dapat dihitung
c. Bisa keduanya
d. Benda yang dapat di bagi
2. sementara MUCH digunakan untuk kata benda yang?
a. Countable
b. Uncountable
c. Counted
d. Incountable
3. Quantifier yang digunakan untuk kata benda sedikit yang tidak dapat dihitung adalah...
a. Few
b. A litte
c. Any
d. Some
4. __________ students prefer to learn on their own for the exam
a. Some
b. Few
c. A little
d. A big
5. There are some apples in my bag. artinya?
a. Ada beberapa buah apel di tas aku
b. Ada banyak apel di tas aku
c. Ada banyak sekali apel di tas aku
d. Ada sedikit apel di tas aku
6. He's a shy boy and only have ............ friends in the math class
a. Many
b. Some
c. Few
d. Little
7. You may have meat because there Isn't .... eggs At home
a. Any
b. No
c. One
d. Some
8. I have ........ mango in the basket
a. Little
b. A few
c. Many
d. Any
9. There are ..............

a. Tomato
b. A tomatoes
c. Three tomato
d. Three tomatoes
10. There ... an apple on the table.
a. Is
b. Am
c. Are
d. Aren’t
11. There aren't ___ oranges.
a. A
b. An
c. Much
d. Any
12. There are __________ people in the room. It is very crowded.
a. Not enough
b. Too few
c. Too little
d. Too many
13. I have ___ apples in my bag.
a. A
b. An
c. Some
d. Any
14. I have just moved to Hong Kong. I have _______ friends but I am sure I will make __________
a. A few – many
b. Many – a few
c. Few – some
d. A little – a few
15. These ingredients _________ not ________ to make 12 cakes!
a. Are – too much
b. Are – enough
c. Is – enough
d. Is – too much
16. _________ students prefer to learn on their own for the exam
17. would you want to add _________ (Sedikit) sugar to my coffee?
18. Make a sentence with nouns of countable quantifier (a, an, each, every, and several)!

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