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MLT Assignment No.


💡 Note: Agar Jaada Lamba Feel Hoo Toh Aaap Chhota Karke Bhi Likh
Sakte Hai. IT’S YOUR CHOICE! 🌹

1. Explain the concept of Bayes theorem with an example.

2. Explain Bayesian belief network and conditional independence with example.

3. What are Bayesian Belief nets? Where are they used?

4. Explain Brute force MAP hypothesis learner? What is minimum description

length principle

5. Explain the k-Means Algorithm with an example.

6. How do you classify text using Bayes Theorem

7. Define (i) Prior Probability (ii) Conditional Probability (iii) Posterior Probability

8. Explain Brute force Bayes Concept Learning

9. Explain the concept of EM Algorithm.

10. What is conditional Independence?

Ques: 01 → Explain the concept of Bayes theorem with an

Bayes' Theorem is a fundamental principle in probability theory and statistics. It
calculates the probability of an event based on prior knowledge of related events. It's
expressed as P(A|B) = [P(B|A) * P(A)] / P(B), where P(A|B) is the probability of event
A occurring given that event B has occurred.

MLT Assignment No. 02 1

For instance, consider a medical test for a rare disease. P(A) represents the
likelihood of having the disease, P(B|A) is the probability of testing positive if you
have the disease, and P(B) is the overall probability of testing positive. Bayes'
Theorem helps adjust the initial probability based on test accuracy.

Pic Example:

Ques: 02 → Explain Bayesian belief network and conditional

independence with example.

A Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) is a graphical model representing probabilistic
relationships among variables. Nodes represent variables, and edges show
dependencies. Conditional Independence (CI) is a key concept: if two nodes are
conditionally independent given their parents, they're independent once the parent
nodes are observed.
For example, consider a BBN for diagnosing a medical condition. Variables might
include symptoms, test results, and the disease itself. If symptoms are conditionally
independent given the disease node (meaning symptoms are unrelated once the
disease is known), the network can efficiently model complex relationships for
accurate diagnosis.

Ques: 03 → What are Bayesian Belief nets? Where are they



MLT Assignment No. 02 2

Bayesian Belief Networks (BBNs) are graphical models representing probabilistic
relationships among variables. They consist of nodes representing variables and
directed edges denoting dependencies. BBNs use Bayesian probability to quantify
uncertainties and update beliefs based on new evidence. They find applications in
various fields like healthcare for diagnosis, finance for risk assessment, natural
language processing, and more. BBNs are especially valuable in scenarios where
uncertainty, interdependence, and complex causal relationships need to be modeled
and analyzed.

Ques: 04 → Explain Brute force MAP hypothesis learner? What

is minimum description length principle?

The Brute Force MAP (Maximum A Posteriori) hypothesis learner exhaustively
evaluates all possible hypotheses to find the one with the highest posterior
probability. It considers every combination of parameters, making it computationally
The Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle is an information-theoretic
approach to model selection and inference. It posits that the best model strikes a
balance between simplicity and fit to the data. Here are its key points:

1. Encoding Complexity: MDL quantifies the complexity of a model by considering

how much information is required to encode it.

2. Data Compression: It seeks a model that minimizes the total length needed to
encode both the model itself and the data under that model.

3. Occam's Razor: MDL embodies the principle of preferring simpler models,

aligning with Occam's Razor, which favors simpler explanations when they are
as effective as complex ones.

4. Trade-off: MDL helps to navigate the trade-off between model complexity and
how well it fits the data.

5. Universal Coding: It provides a foundation for a universal code capable of

encoding any data efficiently.

6. Algorithmic Information Theory: MDL is closely related to algorithmic

information theory, which deals with the shortest description of objects.

MLT Assignment No. 02 3

Ques: 05 → Explain the k-Means Algorithm with an example.

The k-Means algorithm is a clustering technique used to partition a dataset into K
distinct, non-overlapping subgroups. It minimizes the within-cluster variance, aiming
to maximize similarity within clusters and dissimilarity between them.
For example, let's say we have data points in 2D space (x, y). We want to divide
them into 3 clusters (K=3). Initially, three random points are chosen as cluster
centroids. Each data point is assigned to the nearest centroid. The centroids are then
recalculated as the mean of their respective points. This process iterates until
convergence, refining cluster assignments. The result is three clusters optimized for
minimal within-cluster variance.

The below diagram explains the working of the K-means Clustering Algorithm:

Ques: 06 → How do you classify text using Bayes Theorem

Text classification using Bayes' Theorem involves using the probability of a document
belonging to a particular class given its words. First, calculate the prior probabilities

MLT Assignment No. 02 4

of each class. Then, for each word in the document, compute its conditional
probability given each class. Multiply these probabilities. Finally, normalize to get the
posterior probabilities. The class with the highest posterior probability is the
classification result.

Ques: 07 → Define (i) Prior Probability (ii) Conditional

Probability (iii) Posterior Probability

(i) Prior Probability is the initial likelihood assigned to an event before new
information is considered. It's based on existing knowledge or historical data.
(ii) Conditional Probability, denoted as P(A|B), is the likelihood of event A occurring
given that event B has already happened. It quantifies the relationship between
(iii) Posterior Probability is the updated likelihood of an event occurring after
incorporating new evidence or information. It's computed using Bayes' Theorem,
combining prior knowledge with the latest data, providing a more accurate estimate.

Ques: 08 → Explain Brute force Bayes Concept Learning

Brute force Bayes Concept Learning is a method for learning concepts from labeled
examples. It involves exhaustively considering all possible hypotheses and selecting
the one with the highest posterior probability given the data. This approach computes
the likelihood of observing the data under each hypothesis and combines it with prior
probabilities. While theoretically comprehensive, it can be computationally expensive
for complex datasets due to the need to evaluate a large number of hypotheses. As a
result, it may not be practical for high-dimensional or large-scale learning tasks.

Ques: 09 → Explain the concept of EM Algorithm.


MLT Assignment No. 02 5

The EM (Expectation-Maximization) algorithm is an iterative method for finding
maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimates in models with latent

It has two steps: E-step and M-step.

In the E-step, it estimates the values of the latent variables based on current
parameter estimates.

In the M-step, it updates the model parameters to maximize the expected log-
likelihood computed in the E-step.

The process iterates until convergence, refining parameter estimates with each

EM is widely used in various fields, including machine learning, statistics, and

signal processing.

It's particularly useful for problems where some data is unobserved or missing.

Ques: 10 → What is conditional Independence?

Conditional independence is a statistical concept stating that two random variables
are independent of each other given the knowledge or information about a third
variable. In simpler terms, knowing the value of the third variable makes the
relationship between the first two variables irrelevant. This concept is crucial in
probabilistic modeling and graphical models like Bayesian networks, where it helps
simplify the representation of complex relationships among variables.

MLT Assignment No. 02 6

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