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Student expectations for on-line classes

Before class/When you join a class

1. Complete the before class activities allocated on the Moodle pages.
2. Joining the Zoom class on computers works much better than on phone and it frees phones
for use in in-class/synchronous activities.
3. Have all resources you may need, including class notes, pen, paper, calculator,
headset/headphones (with microphone) and mobile phone. Please also check your internet
connection for signal strength, reliability and stability.
4. Do not log in to the zoom class with 2 devices in the same room; there will be a sound
feedback screech that will deafen everyone.
5. Turn off your Microphone in app if not speaking, if they do wish to talk to the class, to press
and hold the spacebar.
6. You teacher may also ask you to mute your camera in app as well, as the increased bandwidth
requirement of videos can cause lagging and even the meeting to stall.

Click to mute.
Click again to unmute.
During Class
7. Class respect is still the same; “do to others as you would have them do to you”.
8. Do not close Zoom until the class has ended.
9. Zoom classes will not be recorded, as some students may have privacy concerns.
10. Engage in class discussions; no not activate zoom and walk away as your teacher will be taking
11. Quick Quizzes will be the first activity in each session.
12. Videos and on-line activities will be posted in the chat box (see below). Click when asked to,
watch the video and return.
13. Attendance will still be taken; to do this, open the chat box and type your student number into
the chat box as a message to everyone. Your teacher will tell you when to do this (generally at
the start of the first class break) and then copy and paste the responses.
Do not type anything else while this is happening.

Ensure Everyone is selected.

(If not, click on the drop-down menu and select Everyone.)

14. If you need to leave (bathroom/kitchen/etc.) please do so and return immediately.

Please do not take your device into the bathroom with you.

After classes
15. Assessments are all submitted on-line
a. Experiments – Use the provided results documents and answer the report quizzes
before they are due. During on-line delivery periods, you do not need to submit your
handwritten result notes.
b. Topic Tests – Use the correct quiz to complete your test. The tests are available for
approximately a week. During this time you need to click in to the test and complete
it. Tests should take you no more than 60 minutes, however you have 90 minutes to
complete them. Please ensure you read all instructions prior to undertaking the
c. Lessons – Complete these as normal before class each week.
16. Rewatch any videos provided in the before class lessons and review the class content

Tips to enjoy on-line classes

 Watch out for your background: People have been embarrassed by household
members walking around behind them.
 Make sure you are sitting somewhere quiet and comfortably; we have 2 and 3 hour
classes which may be a long time to sit uncomfortably. Get up and move if you need

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