Critical Analysis of Bacon

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Critical Analysis of Bacon

Of Studies
Francis Bacon is considered to be the Father of English Essay. He is a man of Renaissance
who introduced the spirit of learning and stress on the importance of inculcating knowledge.
He said”Knowledge is power” that reflected the Renaissance thirst for knowledge is seen in
his propagation through his essays. His essays are mainly aphoristic and lucid. He wrote
many essays and has been evaluated by many Neo-Classical poets and other critics as well.

The essay discusses the avail of studying. Its purpose is to persuade one to study and to guide
one on how to study if one is to make the best of what one reads meaning a practical
application. Bacon highlights that studies comes best from experience but the knowledge
becomes vague if it is of no use in practical supply. In this essay , Bacon states that of
education and earning a knowledge. He aphoristically articulated that, “studies serve for
delight, for ornament, and for ability.” Bacon felt that some people gain knowledge for pure
delight. People, who acquire knowledge for delight, do so because they enjoy it. For instance,
those who play sports practice and learn about their sport because they want to, not because
they have to. There are, however, some people who gain knowledge for mere ornament.
These people only want to improve themselves in the eyes of others. These are the people
who try to better themselves by bragging about their achievements and accomplishments in
conversation with others.

There are those who gain knowledge for ability. They want to show that they are able to do
something. They learn for themselves in their free time. Ability is widely used in the area of
business, those who are well educated rather than those who are not better run a company.
Bacon strives to persuade us to study, and tells us how to study if we are to make the best of
what we read. He does this by using many rhetorical devices and substantiations to prove his
arguments. Bacon attempts to prove to us that “studies serve for delight, for ornament and for
discourse” by showing us how education is used and can be used in our lives.
Education is meant to be preparation for the real world. Bacon encourages studies, he warns
that studying heavily can lead to laziness and being idle. If one uses one’s knowledge too
often in a conversation with others, then one is bragging himself and to be guided solely by
one’s studies one becomes a scholar rather than a practical man. According to Bacon,
dishonest men condemn education; stupid men admire education; but wise men use education
as their real world experience dictates.

Bacon returns to addressing the effects of reading, conversation, and writing: reading creates
a well-rounded man; conversation makes a man think quickly; and writing, by which Bacon
usually means argument essay writing, makes a man capable of thinking with logic and
reason. History, Bacon argues, makes men wise; poetry, clever; mathematics, intellectually
sharp; logic and rhetoric, skilled in argument.

Of Ambition is an argumentative essay by Francis Bacon, in which he argues about the
benefits and outbursts of being ambition. He demonstrates various situations in which
ambition is highly useful and one can appoint a highly ambitious person. While he also
makes the audience aware of the positions on which appointing an ambitious person might
invite problems for them.

Brevity, directness, wit, and to the point arguments are one of the qualities that Bacon’s essay
contain. The systematic way of writing makes bacon’s essay to move from one point to
another logically. Moreover, the subject matters he discusses in his writing style are all based
on the real life and the reader found an epigrammatic wisdom in it. With the use of
metaphors, similes referring to various historical stories makes his essay comprehensible and

Bacon starts the essay by using the simile of choler for ambition. Ambition is something that
induces in a man a spirit to achieve something in his life. Such ambitiousness can be
benefitting as well as harmful. Bacon deals with the topic purely on political merits and
demerits. He mentions the various position on which ambitiousness is highly required. These
include a post of a soldier, a post of security guard etc. on such posts, an ordinary person
cannot survive as requires a life-threatening risk.

For the post like administration etc. an ambitious man is highly restricted as they involve
dependency on other posts which highly challenging for them.

This essay is not only for the guidance of the emperors of his time, however, it proves to be
persistence throughout the ages. Even his arguments are valid for the present time as well.
This essay contains some guiding principles for the head of the state when they are about to
hire the ministers. He mentions various criteria for the ministers. If these criteria are filled in
a candidate he should hire him. They should hire the people who are sensitive to their duty,
love their work and are ambitious, people who are driven by their conscience and love to
work more with a willing mind.


Of Simulation and Dissimulation is Bacon’s argumentative essay to guide the men actions in
their public, personal and business lives.


Simulation and dissimulation are the words that are normally considered as antonyms.
However, they are synonyms. Simulation and dissimulation are one and the same things with
a minute difference in them. A Dissimulation is an act of letting people misunderstand you
and you don’t correct them. While simulation is the act of misguiding people of one’s real
self by one’s actions or talks.

Bacon, in the essay, argues three degrees by which one can conceal his real self. These are
reservation, dissimulation, and simulation, respectively. Bacon discusses that simulation and
dissimulation, both, are convenient and advantageous but the fruitful use of them obliges
brainpower and a strong heart. He defines dissimulation as when a person let false sign and
opinions about him/her without correction. So dissimulation permits others to misinterpret
one about his behavior and actions. On the other hand, bacon defines simulation as a person
who lies about himself to hide his real self. In both the cases people are misguided but in
different ways. In first people misguide themselves while in the other they are misguided.
These two, simulation and Dissimulation are the two degrees of concealing oneself. The third
level that Bacon mentions at the first is the most highly ranked virtue to conceal oneself by
closeness or reservation. Reservation is to veil oneself necessarily that no one notices his/her
actions. Bacon claims secrecy to be most requisite and it can be both, morally and publically.
Secrecy is just like a mystery whom everyone reveals himself, while the talkative person
losses his effectiveness by taking sense and nonsense both.

Secrecy, simulation, and dissimulation, all are important in one’s public, private, business
and political life. But the excessive practice of any one of these three could be treacherous.
Bacon advised that the best composition that a man could have is openness in fame and
opinion, reservation in the habits, dissimulation for a particular use, and a strength to pretend
(in necessary condition).


Of Simulation and Dissimulation, by Francis Bacon, is the best description of how one should
live his life. Secrecy, simulation, and dissimulation, no matter are most of the times necessary
but one should not practice them in excess. Each of these three has their own uses. It is best
described by Bacon that how to use them and when to use. In political career, a person is
always troubled by many opinion and argument. If one doesn’t correct them and let them
misinterpret things, then dissimilation here is very dangerous. Even, sometimes, a person is
considered as weak who practices dissimilation as they don’t have the strength of telling the
truth. Similarly, a person should not always practice simulation as it will deprive one from
the fundamental principle of one life which is trust and belief.

To live a happy life one should be modest in dealing with people. Bacon advised that the best
composition that a man could have is openness in fame and opinion, reservation in the habits,
dissimulation for a particular use, and a strength to pretend (in necessary condition).

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