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Parent Page: The Beginning

Week of: October 30th Session Title and Scripture Joseph and His Brothers God Called Moses Memory Verse Leviticus 19:18 Jeremiah 29:11 Life Application
I can live with joy regardless of my circumstances.

Northside Kids Sunday Morning Life Groups

November 6th

I can develop and use my abilities and talents in ways that please and honor God. I can trust that God cares for me Keepinginthe Word:

November 13th

The Isrealites left Egypt

Nahum 1:7

November 20th

The Israelites Crossed the Red Sea

Psalm 18:3

I can know that God has the power to protect me.

Monday:Genesis36 Tuesday:Genesis37 Thursday:Genesis38 Friday:Genesis39

Answersforkids: Q: IfIamGodschild,thenwhydoesntHekeepmefromge ngsickorhurtonearth? A: AndGodwillwipeawayeverytearfromtheireyes;thereshallbenomoredeath,nor sorrow,norcrying.Thereshallbenomorepain,fortheformerthingshavepassedaway (Revela on21:4). We o en ask ques ons like: Why am I sick? Why do people have to die? Why did my pet die? Well, Jonathan, this is not the way God created the world to be. You see, a er God created everything in the universe, He said it was all very good. If the world had stayed this way, nothing bad would ever have happened. But God created Adam with the ability to choose right and wrong. And even though Adam enjoyed everything in the Garden, and was even the head over all the earth, he s ll chose to do something terribly wrong. He chose to disobey God. Well, God made it clear that if Adam disobeyed Him by ea ng the fruit from the tree, then he would die. From that very rst sin, all living things would have to die. Sickness is part of dying. And even when you get sick and then get well again, it is s ll a reminder that the world is no longer very good, the way God made it, because we all sin against Him. But there is great news! If you are Gods child and believe in Jesus Christ, the Bible says there will one day be a place that is very good again; a place without the sickness and death that comes because of sin. MoreQues

Saturday:Genesis40 Trythissite! h p:/dailyaudio

Northside Kids Ministry 4347 Sunset Blvd Lexington, SC 29072 Phone: 803-461-1823 Fax: 803-796-9788 E-mail:


AllScriptureisgivenbyinspira onofGod,andisprotablefordoctrine,forreproof,forcorrec on,for instruc oninrighteousness,thatthechildofGodmaybecomplete,thoroughlyequippedforeverygoodwork.

Our an cipated schedule for this Sunday is as follows: 3:45pm5:00pm: Solo audi ons for 1st5th graders 5:00pm5:45pm: KidShape choir rehearsals in their normal rooms 5:45pm6:15pm: Kids will eat dinner in their choir rooms 6:15pm7:00pm: Combined choir rehearsal in Kids Worship Room 7:00pm7:30 pm: Missions classes in Kids Worship room (all together)

Online Registra ons will be up this week: Cost per basketball player: $65 and cheerleader: $70 if registered before December 1. A er: $75. Includes: Basketball Player Kit: Contact Lford@northsidebap or 803 4670815 for more info or to volunteer!

Each Wednesday night kids from 2yrs to 6th grade gather at Northside to learn how to hide Gods word in their hearts and apply its truths to their individual lives. Registra on fees are $45 and covers all uniform, book, and award expenses for the club year. Wecurrentlyneedsponsorsfor15clubbers. If you could help meet this need please see David or Lori Ford or mark the subject line of a check dropped in the oering.

Got a friend that youve wanted to invite to church? Now is the me! Bring your friends on Sunday, October 23rd to 9:15 and 10:45 Services. Special Guest Speaker in Adult Services: Tony Nolan Thereisspecialgi forallkidsa endingNorthsideKidsMinistry

FallFes val:October31stfrom57pm
Please take home rolls of s ckers to invite your classmates to Northsides Annual Fall Fes val at our Recrea on Property at 105 Ginny Lane, Lexington, SC 29072 on Monday, October 31st ! See you there! S ll need Volunteers for setup, teardown, and game booths. Sign up in your Life Groups today!

Northside Kids Parent Promise: 1. 2. 3. 4. Because Children are important to God, we screen all volunteers. Because we believe that the most important relationship a child will ever have is with our Savior Jesus Christ, everything we do will focus on how to get, build, and maintain that relationship. Because we believe that Gods Word is the foundation for all we do, we will make it the focus of our activities and model that mindset in our daily lives. Because we believe that the family unit is Gods perfect plan to grow a child, we will gladly walk beside you as you train up your child, and will offer programs to support the Biblical nurture and admonition of each child that will come through our doors.

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