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As we all know, Japan is one of the country who has the best

modern technology in the world. Due to the punctuality ethics,

these sunrise country subways is also has been categorised as
the punctual yet the fastest subways on earth! Based on an
article Insider, June 15, 2020, Martha Sorren states that it was
unbelievable to see a subway system run with such accuracy
and there will always be new trains every three or so minutes,
in case if you missed one. Not only that, Japanese people also
has high respects and genteel for elderly or injured people,
pregnant woman and women with young children where there
will be some seats reserved for them.

Vending machine in Japan is a paradise. There are almost

more than 5 million vending machines in Japan. This vending
machine is not only selling cold or common type of beverages,
Japanese vending machine even sells transportation tickets
such as subways tickets, umbrellas for unexpected wet
weather, fresh fruits or vegetables and a even handmade
origami! This mind blowing idea is one of the ways to reach
out to the markets in innovative ways since this country
technology is way more advanced than other countries. Those
vending machines can be easily access mostly in stations or
along busy streets.

In Japanese household it is compulsory for everyone to take

off their shoes when entering the house at the “genkan” or the
entryway of the house. It is consider for one of their traditions
since Japanese is very particular about the hygiene of their
environments. Not to forget, there is even a specific ways to
put your shoes at the genkan where the front of the shoes
should face the entrance door. These habits of taking off our
shoes is one of the factor that shaped the behaviour of
Japanese people.

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