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SECTION A – 10 MARKS; Multiple Choice

1. The giving up of citizenship and taking oath of allegiance to the country one intends to become a
citizen is known as…………..
A) Marriage B) Principle of declaration C) Renunciation D) Rule of residence

2. …………………………is an example of the over the counter substance.

A) Cocaine B) Dagger C) Heroine D) Piriton

3. Taking something often that your body does NOT need and for wrong reasons is referred to as . . .
A) Drug tolerance B) Substance abuse C) Psychological addiction D) Psychological addition

4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of good governance?

A) Political intolerance B) Citizen Participation C) Respect for human rights D) Separation of
5. When an alien obtains full rights and privileges of a natural citizen of his or her adopted state and there is
no discrimination of any sort, the naturalisation is said to be……..
A) Complete B) Neutral C) Partial D) Renounced

6. Which statement below best describes election rigging?

A) Offer regular opportunities for people to change government
B) Being involved in bribery, fights, cheating during elections
C) Political rallies, indoor meetings, door to door, canvassing, use of posters and wearing T-shirts with
campaign messages
D) Verification of results and resolving election related disputes and complaints

7. Explain the importance of a referendum.

A) It makes the opposition to be voted into power B) It allows those in power to continue ruling
C) It allows citizen participation in law making D) It brings a unitary government

8. Mr Zulu is a Principal at Apex Medical School, he was offered Five Thousand Kwacha (K5, 000) bribe
by Miss Chola so that he can give a place to her daughter in the institution. What should Mr Zulu do as a
responsible citizen?
A) Ask her to add on the amount B) Accept the money and offer her a place
C) Accept the money but deny her a place D) Report her to relevant authorities

9. Mr Chanda is a Zambian working in Botswana. He was transferred to Namibia two years ago and married
an Angolan woman. Lately, they had a child born in Angola. According to the rule of Jus Soli, the child
will be a citizen of……….
A) Zambia B) Botswana C) Namibia D) Angola

10. Which quality of a good citizen states that one should be willing to attempt several times in order to
accomplish worthwhile goals?
A) Courage B) Conscience C) Patriotism D) Perseverance


11. In the process of Constitution making and adoption, which method ensures that most citizens are
involved and that no any political leader manipulate in the constitution making?

12. A constitution that is based on the conventions, traditions and customs of the society is said to be

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13. ………………………. aspect of citizenship acknowledges the value of self discipline and self control.

14. What do you call the kind of repatriation in which a naturalised citizen loses her/his citizenship after
being expelled from that country by the state for committing a serious crime? ………………………

15. The government which is legitimate, competent, accountable and respects human rights and rule of law
is called………………………………………………

16. Mention one characteristic of elections in the good governance.

17. Mr Mungala a Civic Education teacher taught his grade 10 pupils that people have human rights even
when they are not recognised, promoted or protected by those in power. Which characteristics of
Human Rights was he referring to?..................

18. What type of corruption is widely practiced in Zambia and usually involves small payments?

19. List any TWO civil and political rights

SECTION C – ESSAY 5 marks.

Write an essay with well connected sentences stating the Qualifications on a Zambian Citizen.

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