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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 6, November-December 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Influence of Remote Work on the Performance of Executives in the

Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka the Intermediary
Impact of Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction
R. K. M Lankanath
Lincoln University College (LUC), Colombo, Sri Lanka

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: R. K. M

The study considers whether the effect of remote work on executive Lankanath "Influence of Remote Work
performance is mediated by the balance between work and personal on the Performance of Executives in the
life. It also explores whether job satisfaction acts as a mediator in the Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka
relationship between remote work and executive performance. In the Intermediary Impact of Work-Life
Balance and Job Satisfaction" Published
summary, the research aims to investigate how remote work in International
influences the performance of executives in the Sri Lankan Journal of Trend in
Telecommunication Sector. Additionally, it explores the intermediary Scientific Research
roles of work-life balance and job satisfaction in this relationship. and Development
This study is valuable for understanding the dynamics of remote (ijtsrd), ISSN:
work, especially in the context of the telecommunication industry, 2456-6470,
and how it may impact the well-being and performance of executives. Volume-7 | Issue-6, IJTSRD61196
Exploring the nuanced dimensions of remote work, work-life December 2023,
balance, and social support is particularly relevant when aligned with pp.430-435, URL:
the Sri Lankan Telecommunication Sector. The context of
telecommunication sector in Sri Lanaka, shedding light on the
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
dynamic nature of these concepts within the broader industry. The International Journal of Trend in
definition of remote work, characterized by working from a Scientific Research and Development
designated location facilitated by technology, resonates with the Journal. This is an
evolving landscape of the Sri Lankan telecommunication sector-IT Open Access article
based employees. Acknowledging challenges such as the absence of distributed under the
peer support and workplace isolation, the discussion emphasizes the terms of the Creative Commons
flexible and family-friendly nature of remote work, aligning with the Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
adaptability demanded by the sector. The significance of social (
support, essential for navigating stress in a remote work environment,
KEYWORDS: Remote Work,
finds resonance in the collaborative and interconnected nature of the
Telecommunication, Sri Lanka,
IT based employees in the telecommunication industry. Empirical
Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction
research findings underscoring the impact of social support on job
satisfaction and work-life balance resonate with the sector's
dedication to employee well-being. In conclusion, aligning these
critical themes and concepts with the Sri Lankan Telecommunication
Sector provides a robust foundation for forthcoming research,
ensuring its relevance and applicability within the sector's dynamic

The Background
Exploring work-life balance aligns with the sector's sector's proactive approach towards addressing
emphasis on balancing professional responsibilities evolving challenges.
with personal well-being. The autonomy afforded by
The emphasis on virtual meetings, online
remote work is recognized as empowering, reflecting
communities, and connections with peers aligns with
the changing dynamics within the IT based the collaborative ethos of the Sri Lankan
employees -Sri Lankan Telecommunication sector.
telecommunications sector. The study's objectives
Identifying a research gap in comprehending the
directly apply to the sector's evolving dynamics,
perceived social support of employees reflects the focusing on relationships between remote work -IT

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61196 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 430
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
based employees, work-life balance, and social 3. Analyze the consequential impacts of job
support. satisfaction at an intermediate level:
Theoretical Approach Analyze and assess the mediating impact of job
Based on the broaden-and-build theory, this research happiness on the correlation between remote work
suggests that maintaining pleasant emotional states at and executive performance, exploring how job
home, referred to as the family-work effect, can favor satisfaction enhances or diminishes the performance
employee performance and exploratory behaviors outcomes of remote work in the Telecommunication
while working remotely. The study also emphasis Sector.
ambidextrous leadership, which refers to a leader's Research Questions
capacity to inspire both exploratory and exploitative 1. What is the extent of the influence of remote
activities. The postulated associations are examined work practices on the performance of executives
in a distant work environment, considering the in the Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka?
contextual integration of flourishing among IT based
2. This study investigates the extensive impact of
employees who are participating in remote work and
remote work on executives' efficiency, providing
working alone from their residences. However,
a foundation for understanding the primary
exploring mediating and moderating roles of social
support aligns with the industry's emphasis on
fostering supportive networks. 3. How does work-life balance impact the
relationship between remote work and executive
Research Problem
performance in the Telecommunication Sector?
The incorporation of remote work practices in the IT
based employees -Telecommunication Sector in Sri 4. This study explores the intermediary role of
Lanka has brought about new dynamics that work-life balance, analyzing how it affects the
necessitate an examination of their influence on connection between remote work practices and
executive performance, work-life balance, and job the performance outcomes of executives.
satisfaction. Executives who work remotely face 5. How does job satisfaction impact the correlation
substantial hurdles due to the convergence of family between remote work and executive performance
issues, disruptions, and technological integration into in the Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka?
their familial responsibilities. An in-depth analysis is
required to fully understand how these factors can The Significance
lead to higher stress levels, especially when combined This investigation focuses on the role of job
with the simultaneous pressures of work and family satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between
commitments. Comprehending the complex remote work and executive performance. Its objective
connections among remote work, IT based is to offer insights into the elements contributing to or
employees’ effectiveness, work-life balance, and job easing this connection [2].
contentment in the distinct setting of the IT based The primary objective of the proposed study is to
employees of the telecommunication sector in Sri address a significant gap in existing research by
Lanka is essential for developing strategies that investigating the complex relationship between social
enhance remote work results in order to mitigate the support, remote working, and work-life balance in the
adverse impact to the organization, especially the information technology sector, specifically in IT
efficiency and the effectiveness of their based employees -Telecommunication Sector in Sri
responsibilities [3]. Lanka. Despite multiple studies on the influence of
Research Objectives social support in remote work, further investigation is
1. Investigate the Impact of Remote Work on required to investigate the role of social support as a
Executive Performance. mediator or moderator. Further analysis is needed to
Analyze the impact of introducing remote work clarify the effects of remote work on IT based
practices on the effectiveness of executives in the employees -Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka,
Telecommunication Sector in Sri Lanka. specifically focusing on its impact on employee well-
being. Furthermore, it is crucial to tackle the issues of
2. Evaluate the intermediary role of attaining a work-life balance, remote work, and social support
balanced state of harmony between professional within the information technology industry in Sri
and personal life: Lanka.
Assess how work-life balance mediates the
relationship between remote work and executive Despite the alleviation of the pandemic scenario,
performance, investigating its role in moderating or many information technology professionals in IT
enhancing performance results. based employees -Telecommunication Sector in Sri

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61196 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 431
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Lanka continue to be involved in remote work. The heavily influenced by social support. Employees who
primary objective of the proposed study is to offer receive substantial social assistance are more inclined
valuable insights into the challenges faced by IT to report a more favorable work-life balance [3].
based employees -Telecommunication Sector in Sri
The legitimacy of remote work as a working
Lanka in maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
arrangement has been questioned due to reduced
The findings of this study have the potential to
collaboration and job efficiency issues. The transition
influence organizational policies.
to remote work, particularly amid the worldwide
Literature Review COVID-19 pandemic, emphasized the significance of
The study examines the effects of remote working on social connections within the professional
the balance between work and personal life. It environment. The state of thriving at work, which
investigates how social support influences this encompasses energy and learning, is impacted by the
relationship among information technology personnel social environment in both the home and work
in and around the country. Using an empirical settings. Within a remote work environment, the
research approach, data was gathered from personnel circumstances for optimal performance may vary,
in the Information Technology (IT) industry through thus requiring an examination of the elements that
a questionnaire and survey method. The results contribute to the welfare of employees [3].
suggest a direct correlation between telecommuting
Most of the investigations have made numerous
and achieving a healthy equilibrium between work
notable contributions to the remote work on the
and personal life. Moreover, social support plays a
performance and they examine the effects of family-
dual role as both a mediator and a moderator,
work enrichment on thriving by investigating the
positively influencing work-life balance [1].
pleasant emotional experiences at home that
Enhanced social support, particularly from coworkers contribute to increased employee engagement when
and family members, amplifies the beneficial effects working remotely. Furthermore, it focuses on the
of remote work on achieving a harmonious work-life necessity for further investigation into the distinct
equilibrium. impacts of certain aspects of family-to-work
A study that found that hybrid work is positively enrichment, including examining the influence of
associated with social support and work-life balance. family work. Furthermore, the research presents a
This is consistent with the findings of the present sophisticated comprehension of how ambidextrous
investigation [4]. leadership can promote employee exploration,
broadening the existing comprehension of
However, remote working adversely affects work-life ambidextrous leadership behavior beyond its
balance. However, the study also emphasized the connection with employee inventive behaviors.
need for social support and work involvement in Finally, this study initiates an inquiry into achieving
reducing these adverse effects. The results of this success at work in a distant work and learning
investigation mirror those previous findings [5]. environment, expecting its significance to extend
Moreover, they conducted a study that expanded on beyond the current pandemic [3].
the Affective Events Theory. They investigated how
job engagement, home demands, and work-life Methodology
balance are interconnected, which aligns with the The proposed conceptual framework is derived from
current study's emphasis on remote work and social the models, and they investigated the impact of
support [4]. In addition, some the researchers remote work on the educational services sector's
examined the intermediary and moderating function balance between work and family life, highlighting
of social support in the setting of distant labor amid the challenges that have emerged because of the
the COVID-19 epidemic, corroborating the findings COVID-19 pandemic. In their research, the
of the present investigation regarding the noteworthy investigation emphasized the correlation between
role of social support [6]. telecommuting and work-related stress. Their specific
focus was on how occupational stress and job
The study highlights the significance of social support satisfaction mediate the influence of remote working
for remote employees, promoting the implementation on employee performance [9].
of organizational programs that encourage
engagement and connection. It highlights the need for The study investigates the impact of social support on
firms to adopt rules that promote work-life balance in work-life balance within the framework of remote
remote work environments. Although remote working work to enhance understanding. The analysis in this
provides flexibility, autonomy, and benefits to work- study employs the model proposed to examine the
life balance, the level of these good outcomes is moderating effects. The moderating impact proven by
a linking remote work with social support,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61196 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 432
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
demonstrating its influence on the effect. In addition, covariation. In addition, mediation paths are
when including the moderating impact into a incorporated to examine the hypothesis that the
structural equation modeling (SEM) route model, a impact of remote work on Performance is mediated
direct link is constructed from the moderator to the by work-life balance and job satisfaction [9].
endogenous construct of work-life balance [8].
Data Collection
Research Design Data collection entails the acquisition of information
Designing a structural equation modeling (SEM) from executives in the telecommunications sector in
route model to analyze the influence of remote work Sri Lanka, typically through surveys, interviews, or
on executive Performance in the telecoms sector in similar methodologies. SEM software is used to
Sri Lanka is a systematic procedure. The model estimate models and parameters and evaluate the
includes latent variables such as Remote Work, model's fit to the acquired data. Model evaluation
Work-Life Balance, Job Satisfaction, and utilizes fit measures such as CFI (Comparative et al.)
Performance, with each variable being assessed using and RMSEA (Root et al. of Approximation),
appropriate indicators. Remote work is evaluated emphasizing statistically significant routes and
based on metrics such as the frequency of remote mediation effects [7].
work, utilization of tools, and level of flexibility.
It is essential to analyze the results within the
Work-life balance is measured using indicators that
framework of hypotheses. The model's implications
examine the balance between one's professional and
about remote work's impact on executive
personal life. Job satisfaction is assessed by indicators
Performance are examined, considering the
that show satisfaction with job duties, tasks, and
intermediate functions fulfilled by work-life balance
general work experiences. At the same time,
and job satisfaction. The process emphasizes its
Performance is evaluated based on indications linked
iterative character, recognizing the possibility of
to job performance metrics and outcomes.
making modifications based on data and contextual
Hypotheses play a crucial role in guiding the creation factors, such as moderating variables that could
of models. These hypotheses propose relationships impact the relationships within the model.
such as the beneficial effect of remote work on work-
life balance (H1 and H2), the favorable impact of
Drawing from various studies, the literature review
work-life balance on job satisfaction (H3 and H4),
mirrors the sector's commitment to understanding
and the constructive influence of job satisfaction on
factors such as job satisfaction, occupational stress,
Performance (H5). Hypothesis 6 posits that the
and psychological job control and the following
influence of remote work on Performance is
hypotheses are formulated to address the research
moderated by work-life balance and job satisfaction.
gaps and objectives that have been identified, as
The measurement model delineates the relationships illustrated in the hypothetical framework presented
between unobservable variables and their measurable [6].
indications. The indicators for each latent variable are
1. Hypothesis 1 (H1): Remote work positively
meticulously selected. For instance, the frequency of
influences work-life balance.
remote work and the usage of collaboration tools are
chosen as indicators for Remote Work. Self-reported 2. Hypothesis 2 (H2): Remote work positively
work-life balance scores are used as indicators for influences job satisfaction.
Work-Life Balance. Satisfaction with tasks and roles 3. Hypothesis 3 (H3): Work-life balance positively
is considered as indicator of Job Satisfaction. Lastly, influences job satisfaction.
key performance metrics are utilized as indicators of
Performance [10]. 4. Hypothesis 4 (H4): Work-life balance positively
influences performance.
The structural model delineates the connections
between underlying variables, encompassing direct 5. Hypothesis 5 (H5): Job satisfaction positively
connections from Remote Work to Work-Life influences performance.
Balance, Job Satisfaction, and Performance. The 6. Hypothesis 6 (H6): The influence of remote
covariances between error terms of related variables work on performance is mediated by work-life
are considered, recognizing the presence of balance and job satisfaction.
unobserved factors that may influence their

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61196 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 433
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Population and the Sample Size
Table 3.1: Demography and Descriptive Statistics
Demographic Variable Category Percentage (%)
Male 52.49
Gender Distribution
Female 47.51
20-30 32.22
31-40 25.92
Age Groups
41-50 24.58
>50 17.28
Married 51.82
Marital Status
Unmarried 48.18
GCE (OL & AL) 11.62
Graduate 39.87
Post-Graduate 42.19
Other/ Technical 6.32
Yes 39.87
No 60.13
1-5 years 13.29
6-10 years 17.94
11-20 years 28.23
More than 20 years 10.64

Data Analysis Conclusion

Measurement Model Equations Conclusively, this research has offered perceptive
1. For Latent Variable X1 (Remote Work) measurement and structural models to comprehend
X1=λ11⋅Indicator1+λ12⋅Indicator2+…+ϵ1 the intricacies of remote work (X1), work-life
equilibrium (X2), job contentment (X3), and overall
2. For Latent Variable X2 (Work-Life Balance)
productivity (Y). The measurement models clarify the
connections between hidden variables and their
3. For Latent Variable X3 (Job Satisfaction) corresponding indicators, whereas the structural
X3=λ31⋅Indicator5+λ32⋅Indicator6+…+ϵ3 models emphasize the pathways and covariances
4. For Latent Variable Y (Performance) among these variables.
X3=λ31⋅Indicator5+λ32⋅Indicator6+…+ϵ3 The results indicate that remote work (X1) has a
Results and Discussion substantial impact on work-life balance (X2), job
Structural Model Equations: Paths from X1 to satisfaction (X3), and overall performance (Y). The
Other Variables structural equations highlight the significance of
X2=β21⋅X1+ζ2 remote work in influencing these results, with paths
X3=β31⋅X1+ζ3 indicating the intensity and direction of the
Y=β41⋅X1+ζ4 interactions.

Paths from X2 to Y Moreover, the study highlights the interdependence

between work-life balance, job happiness, and
performance. Improving remote work practices might
lead to a beneficial chain reaction, positively
Paths from X3 to Y impacting employee well-being and organizational
Y=β41⋅X1+ζ4 success.
The study has identified covariances, the links
Covariances between multiple latent variables' error terms (ϵ).
Cov (ϵ1, ϵ2) =σ12 These covariances further explain how various factors
Cov(ϵ1,ϵ3)=σ13 interact and influence the observable indicators.
The research suggests that organizations can improve
employee work-life balance and job satisfaction by
deliberately introducing and promoting remote work
arrangements. The study's suggestions, which involve

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61196 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 434
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