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This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.

HMV Heavy (Dense) Media Vessel - normally single stage
HMC Heavy (Dense) Media cyclone - normally single stage
CCJ Coarse Coal (Baum style) jig - normally a two stage float reclean unit
FCJ Fine Coal (Batac or similar) jig - normally a two stage float reclean unit
MJ Mineral (Pan-Am or similar) jig - normally a two stage float reclean unit
WOC Water-Only cyclone - normally a two stage circuit, in coal a sink reclean with 2nd stage float recirculation to 1st sta
TAB Table - normally a single stage
SPR Spiral - normally a single stage

Raw data was taken from old notes, a curve was fitted to the data to determine general characteristics.
This was then used to calculate curves for each device based on separating gavity and assumed Ep.
Ep: From empiracal data a method using a unique formula for each device Ep =F1*F2*(F3*SG-F4)

F1: Where F1 is calculated from the SG and the Ave Size

Ave Size uses Ave = e((ln(top)+ln(bot))/2)
F2: Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance
F3: empirical factors determined by testing and unique for each equipment (generally)
F4: empirical factors determined by testing and unique for each equipment (generally)

The actual equipment curves are calculated from normalized curves upon which a regression
analysis was run. This curve is then used to calculate a unique curve from the input data.

Ep: Ep is an abbreviation for Ecart Probable Error and is a measure of the precision of separation.
It is defined as the specific gravity at which 25% of the feed reports to clean coal (D25),
minus the specific gravity at which 75% reports to clean coal (D75), all divided by 2, or:
Ep = (D25 - D75)/ 2
Ave Size If the product is closely sized, average size may be takeen as the arithmetic mean of the
top and bottom sizes.
For 65 M x 100 M : Ave. Grain Size = (0.212 + 0.15)/ 2 = 0.181 mm
In dealing with a wide size range or unsized coal more precision is needed.
The best average uses the specific surface area of the average size particle. This equals
the specific surface area of the sample.
For a given size distribution the average size is then:
Ave. size = 100 / (sum(f/x for x = 1 to N))
f = volume abundance for each size (% wt. x 600/x size (mm))
Calculating the surface area requires a great deal of information that may
not be available.

Work is based on data from Process Performance Spreadsheet

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
oat recirculation to 1st stage feed



on of separation.

This equals

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
To use enter the re in the highlighted cells
The information below is taken from a feasibility study performed on a potential coal mine in Canada.
It has been modified from the original. It is included as reference data.
Canadia Coal Project
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
100.00 9.50 46.90 30.82
Direct Float Sink
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash
1.30 16.52 3.65 1.01 16.52 3.65 1.01 100.00 18.44
1.30 1.35 29.25 5.80 1.08 45.77 5.02 1.05 83.48 21.36
1.35 1.40 18.25 9.90 1.04 64.02 6.41 1.05 54.23 29.76
1.40 1.45 8.29 15.67 1.40 72.31 7.48 1.09 35.98 39.83
1.45 1.50 4.82 21.32 1.86 77.13 8.34 1.14 27.69 47.07
1.50 1.55 3.25 24.45 1.98 80.38 8.99 1.17 22.87 52.49
1.55 1.60 2.87 27.92 2.37 83.25 9.64 1.21 19.62 57.14
1.60 1.70 3.74 33.08 2.65 86.99 10.65 1.28 16.75 62.15
1.70 1.80 2.24 40.49 2.99 89.23 11.40 1.32 13.01 70.50
1.80 1.90 0.97 47.39 3.36 90.20 11.79 1.34 10.77 76.74
1.90 9.80 79.65 3.42 100.00 18.44 1.54 9.80 79.65
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
9.50 0.50 36.20 2.18
Direct Float Sink
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash
1.30 26.00 2.33 0.94 26.00 2.33 0.94 100.00 22.18
1.30 1.35 22.57 5.51 0.86 48.57 3.81 0.90 74.00 29.15
1.35 1.40 13.34 8.61 0.88 61.91 4.84 0.90 51.43 39.53
1.40 1.45 7.92 12.86 1.00 69.83 5.75 0.91 38.09 50.36
1.45 1.50 3.43 17.57 1.29 73.26 6.31 0.93 30.17 60.20
1.50 1.55 2.58 22.01 1.43 75.84 6.84 0.94 26.74 65.67
1.55 1.60 1.61 29.93 1.75 77.45 7.32 0.96 24.16 70.34
1.60 1.70 2.06 33.13 1.96 79.51 7.99 0.99 22.55 73.22
1.70 1.80 1.37 40.72 2.22 80.88 8.54 1.01 20.49 77.25
1.80 1.90 1.06 48.85 2.40 81.94 9.06 1.03 19.12 79.87
1.90 18.06 81.69 2.43 100.00 22.18 1.28 18.06 81.69
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
0.50 0.15 7.60 0.27
Direct Float Sink
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash
1.30 32.30 1.90 0.91 32.30 1.90 0.91 100.00 20.94
1.30 1.35 16.50 4.65 0.89 48.80 2.83 0.90 67.70 30.03
1.35 1.40 10.98 6.98 0.85 59.78 3.59 0.89 51.20 38.20

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
1.40 1.45 7.12 9.84 0.97 66.90 4.26 0.90 40.22 46.73
1.45 1.50 4.68 13.28 0.87 71.58 4.85 0.90 33.10 54.66
1.50 1.55 3.17 17.59 1.06 74.75 5.39 0.91 28.42 61.48
1.55 1.60 2.03 22.31 1.26 76.78 5.83 0.92 25.25 66.98
1.60 1.70 2.05 28.96 1.60 78.83 6.44 0.93 23.22 70.89
1.70 1.80 1.45 37.28 1.92 80.28 6.99 0.95 21.17 74.95
1.80 1.90 1.04 48.28 2.18 81.32 7.52 0.97 19.72 77.72
1.90 18.68 79.36 3.00 100.00 20.94 1.35 18.68 79.36
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
0.15 0.00 9.30

Coarse Circuit Dense Media Vessel

Top Bottom % Wt Sep.Gr. % Wt % Ash %S
100.00 9.50 46.90 1.55 Predicted 78.70 8.67 1.16
Theoretical 80.38 8.99 1.17
Fines Circuit Water-only Cyclone (2 Stage sink reclean)
Top Bottom % Wt % Wt % Ash %S
9.50 0.15 43.80 1.70 Predicted 69.66 8.77 1.01
Theoretical 81.87 8.39 1.00
Not Included
Top Bottom % Wt Plant
0.15 0.00 9.30 % Wt % Ash %S
Predicted 67.42 8.71 1.09
Theoretical 73.56 8.69 1.08

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
mine in Canada.




This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
This ia an example of how to moel a single stage process.
It is a manual process and care needs to be used in using it.

Heavy Media Vessel

Top Sz: 150.00
Btm Sz: 10.00
Ave Sz: 38.73
Sep Gr: 1.55
F1: 0.68
F2: 1.00
F3: 0.047
F4: 0.05
Ep: 0.015
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
100.00 9.50 46.90 30.82 Theoretical
Direct Float First Stage
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S SG
1.30 16.52 3.65 1.01 16.52 3.65 1.01 1.30
1.30 1.35 29.25 5.80 1.08 45.77 5.02 1.05 1.35
1.35 1.40 18.25 9.90 1.04 64.02 6.41 1.05 1.40
1.40 1.45 8.29 15.67 1.40 72.31 7.48 1.09 1.45
1.45 1.50 4.82 21.32 1.86 77.13 8.34 1.14 1.50
1.50 1.55 3.25 24.45 1.98 80.38 8.99 1.17 1.55
1.55 1.60 2.87 27.92 2.37 83.25 9.64 1.21 1.60
1.60 1.70 3.74 33.08 2.65 86.99 10.65 1.28 1.70
1.70 1.80 2.24 40.49 2.99 89.23 11.40 1.32 1.80
1.80 1.90 0.97 47.39 3.36 90.20 11.79 1.34 1.90
1.90 2.70 9.80 79.65 3.42 100.00 18.44 1.54 2.70

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Predicted Clean Coal
First Stage Direct Cummulative
Normalized Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
-16.16 -68.44 0.00 1.00 16.52 3.65 1.01 16.52 3.65 1.01
-12.93 -18.66 0.00 1.00 29.25 5.80 1.08 45.77 5.02 1.05
-9.70 -3.75 0.00 1.00 18.25 9.90 1.04 64.02 6.41 1.05
-6.46 -0.47 0.00 1.00 8.29 15.67 1.40 72.31 7.48 1.09
-3.23 0.02 0.02 0.98 4.71 21.32 1.86 77.02 8.32 1.14
0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.63 24.45 1.98 78.65 8.66 1.16
3.23 0.98 0.98 0.02 0.05 27.92 2.37 78.70 8.67 1.16
9.70 4.54 1.00 0.00 0.00 33.08 2.65 78.70 8.67 1.16
16.16 32.28 1.00 0.00 0.00 40.49 2.99 78.70 8.67 1.16
22.63 109.67 1.00 0.00 0.00 47.39 3.36 78.70 8.67 1.16
74.34 5569.36 1.00 0.00 0.00 79.65 3.42 78.70 8.67 1.16

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
This ia an example of how to moel a multi-stage process.
It is a manual process and care needs to be used in using it.

Water Only Cyclone: WOC Two stage sink reclean

Top Sz: 9.50 9.50
Btm Sz: 0.15 0.15
Ave Sz: 1.19 1.19
Sep Gr: 1.80 1.90
F1: 0.87 0.87
F2: 1.00 1.00
F3: 0.33 0.33
F4: 0.31 0.31
Ep: 0.246 0.275
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
9.50 0.50 36.20 2.18
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S
1.30 26.00 2.33 0.94
1.30 1.35 22.57 5.51 0.86
1.35 1.40 13.34 8.61 0.88
1.40 1.45 7.92 12.86 1.00
1.45 1.50 3.43 17.57 1.29
1.50 1.55 2.58 22.01 1.43
1.55 1.60 1.61 29.93 1.75
1.60 1.70 2.06 33.13 1.96
1.70 1.80 1.37 40.72 2.22
1.80 1.90 1.06 48.85 2.40
1.90 18.06 81.69 2.43

Top Bottom % Wt Ave

0.50 0.15 7.60 0.27
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S
1.30 32.30 1.90 0.91
1.30 1.35 16.50 4.65 0.89
1.35 1.40 10.98 6.98 0.85
1.40 1.45 7.12 9.84 0.97
1.45 1.50 4.68 13.28 0.87
1.50 1.55 3.17 17.59 1.06
1.55 1.60 2.03 22.31 1.26
1.60 1.70 2.05 28.96 1.60
1.70 1.80 1.45 37.28 1.92
1.80 1.90 1.04 48.28 2.18
1.90 18.68 79.36 3.00
Calculated Feed Calculated Recycle

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Top Bottom % Wt Ave Top
9.50 0.15 43.80 1.19 Theoretical 9.50
Direct Float
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S Sink
1.30 27.09 2.24 0.93 27.09 2.24 0.93
1.30 1.35 21.52 5.40 0.86 48.61 3.64 0.90 1.30
1.35 1.40 12.93 8.37 0.88 61.54 4.63 0.90 1.35
1.40 1.45 7.78 12.38 1.00 69.32 5.50 0.91 1.40
1.45 1.50 3.65 16.61 1.20 72.97 6.06 0.92 1.45
1.50 1.55 2.68 21.10 1.35 75.65 6.59 0.94 1.50
1.55 1.60 1.68 28.34 1.65 77.33 7.06 0.95 1.55
1.60 1.70 2.06 32.41 1.90 79.39 7.72 0.98 1.60
1.70 1.80 1.38 40.09 2.17 80.78 8.28 1.00 1.70
1.80 1.90 1.06 48.75 2.36 81.83 8.80 1.02 1.80
1.90 2.70 18.17 81.27 2.53 100.00 21.97 1.29 1.90

Calculated Feed
Top Bottom % Wt Ave
9.50 0.15 56.79 1.19 Theoretical
Direct Float First Stage
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S SG
1.30 26.01 2.24 0.93 26.01 2.24 0.93 1.30
1.30 1.35 21.42 5.40 0.86 47.43 3.67 0.90 1.35
1.35 1.40 13.41 8.37 0.88 60.85 4.70 0.90 1.40
1.40 1.45 8.45 12.38 1.00 69.30 5.64 0.91 1.45
1.45 1.50 4.17 16.61 1.20 73.47 6.26 0.92 1.50
1.50 1.55 3.24 21.10 1.35 76.70 6.89 0.94 1.55
1.55 1.60 2.17 28.34 1.65 78.87 7.48 0.96 1.60
1.60 1.70 3.00 32.41 1.90 81.87 8.39 1.00 1.70
1.70 1.80 2.23 40.09 2.17 84.10 9.23 1.03 1.80
1.80 1.90 1.77 48.75 2.36 85.87 10.05 1.06 1.90
1.90 2.70 14.13 81.27 2.53 100.00 20.11 1.26 2.70

2nd St Feed
Direct Float Second Stage
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S SG
1.30 3.27 2.24 0.93 3.27 2.24 0.93 1.30
1.30 1.35 3.14 5.40 0.86 6.42 3.79 0.90 1.35
1.35 1.40 2.29 8.37 0.88 8.71 4.99 0.89 1.40
1.40 1.45 1.67 12.38 1.00 10.38 6.18 0.91 1.45
1.45 1.50 0.95 16.61 1.20 11.34 7.06 0.93 1.50
1.50 1.55 0.85 21.10 1.35 12.19 8.04 0.96 1.55
1.55 1.60 0.66 28.34 1.65 12.84 9.08 1.00 1.60
1.60 1.70 1.18 32.41 1.90 14.03 11.05 1.07 1.70
1.70 1.80 1.11 40.09 2.17 15.14 13.17 1.15 1.80
1.80 1.90 1.08 48.75 2.36 16.21 15.53 1.23 1.90
1.90 2.70 14.13 81.27 2.53 30.34 46.15 1.84 2.70

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Calculated Recycle

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Bottom % Wt
0.15 12.99
Direct Float
Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
1.30 22.38 2.24 0.93 22.38 2.24 0.93
1.35 21.10 5.40 0.86 43.47 3.77 0.90
1.40 15.03 8.37 0.88 58.51 4.95 0.89
1.45 10.71 12.38 1.00 69.22 6.10 0.91
1.50 5.93 16.61 1.20 75.15 6.93 0.93
1.55 5.10 21.10 1.35 80.24 7.83 0.96
1.60 3.80 28.34 1.65 84.04 8.76 0.99
1.70 6.19 32.41 1.90 90.23 10.38 1.05
1.80 5.08 40.09 2.17 95.31 11.97 1.11
1.90 4.16 48.75 2.36 99.48 13.51 1.16
2.70 0.52 81.27 2.53 100.00 13.86 1.17

Predicted Clean Coal

First Stage Direct Cummulative
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
-2.03 0.1258 0.1258 0.874 22.74 2.24 0.93 22.74 2.24 0.93
-1.83 0.1468 0.1468 0.853 18.28 5.40 0.86 41.02 3.65 0.90
-1.63 0.1708 0.1708 0.829 11.12 8.37 0.88 52.14 4.65 0.90
-1.42 0.1982 0.1982 0.802 6.78 12.38 1.00 58.91 5.54 0.91
-1.22 0.2290 0.2290 0.771 3.21 16.61 1.20 62.13 6.12 0.92
-1.02 0.2626 0.2626 0.737 2.39 21.10 1.35 64.51 6.67 0.94
-0.81 0.3030 0.3030 0.697 1.51 28.34 1.65 66.02 7.17 0.96
-0.41 0.3943 0.3943 0.606 1.82 32.41 1.90 67.84 7.84 0.98
0.00 0.4970 0.4970 0.503 1.12 40.09 2.17 68.97 8.37 1.00
0.41 0.6085 0.6085 0.391 0.69 48.75 2.36 69.66 8.77 1.01
3.66 1.0266 1.0000 0.000 0.00 81.27 2.53 69.66 8.77 1.01

1.8 1.9
Predicted Clean Coal
Second Stage Direct Cummulative
Sink Float % Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
-2.19 0.112 0.1118 0.888 2.91 2.24 0.93 2.91 2.24 0.93
-2.00 0.129 0.1287 0.871 2.74 5.40 0.86 5.65 3.77 0.90
-1.82 0.148 0.1477 0.852 1.95 8.37 0.88 7.60 4.95 0.89
-1.64 0.169 0.1692 0.831 1.39 12.38 1.00 8.99 6.10 0.91
-1.46 0.193 0.1934 0.807 0.77 16.61 1.20 9.76 6.93 0.93
-1.27 0.220 0.2203 0.780 0.66 21.10 1.35 10.42 7.83 0.96
-1.09 0.248 0.2484 0.752 0.49 28.34 1.65 10.92 8.76 0.99
-0.73 0.321 0.3209 0.679 0.80 32.41 1.90 11.72 10.38 1.05
-0.36 0.404 0.4045 0.596 0.66 40.09 2.17 12.38 11.97 1.11
0.00 0.497 0.4970 0.503 0.54 48.75 2.36 12.92 13.51 1.16
2.91 0.995 0.9952 0.005 0.07 81.27 2.53 12.99 13.86 1.17

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Predicted 1st Stg Sink
Direct Cummulative
% Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
3.27 2.24 0.93 3.27 2.24 0.93
3.14 5.40 0.86 6.42 3.79 0.90
2.29 8.37 0.88 8.71 4.99 0.89
1.67 12.38 1.00 10.38 6.18 0.91
0.95 16.61 1.20 11.34 7.06 0.93
0.85 21.10 1.35 12.19 8.04 0.96
0.66 28.34 1.65 12.84 9.08 1.00
1.18 32.41 1.90 14.03 11.05 1.07
1.11 40.09 2.17 15.14 13.17 1.15
1.08 48.75 2.36 16.21 15.53 1.23
14.13 81.27 2.53 30.34 46.15 1.84

Predicted 2nd Stg Sink

Direct Cummulative
% Wt % Ash %S % Wt % Ash %S
0.37 2.24 0.93 0.37 2.24 0.93
0.40 5.40 0.86 0.77 3.90 0.90
0.34 8.37 0.88 1.11 5.26 0.89
0.28 12.38 1.00 1.39 6.71 0.91
0.18 16.61 1.20 1.58 7.87 0.95
0.19 21.10 1.35 1.76 9.27 0.99
0.16 28.34 1.65 1.93 10.89 1.04
0.38 32.41 1.90 2.31 14.43 1.18
0.45 40.09 2.17 2.76 18.60 1.34
0.53 48.75 2.36 3.29 23.50 1.51
14.06 81.27 2.53 17.35 70.32 2.34

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Heavy Media Vessel
Top Sz: 150.00
Btm Sz: 10.00
Ave Sz: 38.73
Sep Gr: 1.50
F1: 0.68 y = 3.7425x-0.4676
F2: 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance
F3: 0.047
F4: 0.05
Ep: 0.014

First Stage
1.4 -7.21 -0.8134 0.0000 y = 0.0002x5 + 0.0042x4 + 0.0436x3 + 0.2231x2 + 0.5784x + 0.6
1.43 -5.40 -0.1860 0.0000 y = 0.25x + 0.5
1.45 -3.60 0.0043 0.0043 y = -0.002x5 + 0.0236x4 - 0.0779x3 - 0.0265x2 + 0.5319x + 0.29
1.48 -1.80 0.1126 0.1126
1.50 0.00 0.5000 0.5000
1.53 1.80 0.9213 0.9213
1.55 3.60 0.9790 0.9790
1.58 5.40 1.0529 1.0000
1.60 7.21 1.6935 1.0000
1.63 9.01 3.4515 1.0000
1.65 10.81 6.8773 1.0000
2.70 86.46 8949.0137 1.0000

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
if guaranteeing performance

0.0436x3 + 0.2231x2 + 0.5784x + 0.645

0.0779x3 - 0.0265x2 + 0.5319x + 0.2983

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Heavy Media Cyclone
Top Sz: 50.00
Btm Sz: 0.15
Ave Sz: 2.74
Sep Gr: 1.60
F1: 0.88 y = -0.0028x3 + 0.0598x2 - 0.3723x + 1.5081
F2: 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance
F3: 0.037
F4: 0.015
Ep: 0.039

First Stage
1.25 -9.00 -1.0823 0.0000 y = 1E-05x6 + 0.0005x5 + 0.0082x4 + 0.0685x3 + 0.3092x2 + 0.72
1.30 -7.72 -0.4094 0.0000 y = 0.25x + 0.5
1.35 -6.43 -0.1207 0.0000 y = 0.0004x5 - 0.0091x4 + 0.0882x3 - 0.4074x2 + 0.9152x + 0.16
1.40 -5.14 -0.0093 0.0000
1.45 -3.86 0.0270 0.0270
1.50 -2.57 0.0505 0.0505
1.55 -1.29 0.1804 0.1804
1.60 0.00 0.5000 0.5000
1.70 2.57 0.9696 0.9696
1.80 5.14 1.1655 1.0000
1.90 7.72 2.1725 1.0000
2.70 28.30 3120.5507 1.0000

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
- 0.3723x + 1.5081
25 if guaranteeing performance

+ 0.0082x4 + 0.0685x3 + 0.3092x2 + 0.7224x + 0.7231

+ 0.0882x3 - 0.4074x2 + 0.9152x + 0.1633

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Coarse Coal Jig: CCJ 1st Stg 2nd Stg
Top Sz: 150.00 150.00
Btm Sz: 1.25 1.25
Ave Sz: 13.69 13.69
Sep Gr: 1.50 1.60
F1: 0.92 0.92
F2: 1.00 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if pred
F3: 0.11 0.11
F4: 0.01 0.01
Ep: 0.142 0.152

First Stage Second Stage

1.25 -1.76 0.1052 0.1052 1.25 -2.30 0.0430 0.0430
1.30 -1.41 0.1683 0.1683 1.30 -1.97 0.0763 0.0763
1.35 -1.05 0.2443 0.2443 1.35 -1.64 0.1240 0.1240
1.40 -0.70 0.3306 0.3306 1.40 -1.31 0.1885 0.1885
1.45 -0.35 0.4169 0.4169 1.45 -0.98 0.2615 0.2615
1.50 0.00 0.5032 0.5032 1.50 -0.66 0.3420 0.3420
1.55 0.35 0.5895 0.5895 1.55 -0.33 0.4226 0.4226
1.60 0.70 0.6758 0.6758 1.60 0.00 0.5032 0.5032
1.70 1.41 0.8167 0.8167 1.70 0.66 0.6644 0.6644
1.80 2.11 0.8990 0.8990 1.80 1.31 0.8029 0.8029
1.90 2.81 0.9482 0.9482 1.90 1.97 0.8855 0.8855
2.70 8.44 1.2295 1.0000 2.70 7.22 1.0678 1.0000

1.25 -1.757629 0.1052 1.25 -2.297623

1.30 -1.406103 0.1683 1.30 -1.969391
1.35 -1.0546 0.2443 1.35 -1.6412
1.40 -0.7031 0.3306 1.40 -1.3129
1.45 -0.3515 0.4169 1.45 -0.9847
1.50 0.0000 0.5032 1.50 -0.6565
1.55 0.3515 0.5895 1.55 -0.3282
1.60 0.7031 0.6758 1.60 0.0000
1.70 1.4061 0.8167 1.70 0.6565
1.80 2.1092 0.8990 1.80 1.3129
1.90 2.8122 0.9482 1.90 1.9694
2.70 8.4366 1.2295 2.70 7.2211

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
y = 0.0002x2 - 0.0243x + 1.2129
n or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance

SG 1st Stg 2nd Stg Ovrl

1.25 0.1052 0.0430 0.00452 y = 0.0118x3 + 0.1364x2 + 0.5221x + 0.6656
1.30 0.1683 0.0763 0.012841 y = 0.2455x + 0.5032
1.35 0.2443 0.1240 0.030286 y = 0.0043x3 - 0.0606x2 + 0.2896x + 0.5174
1.40 0.3306 0.1885 0.062331
1.45 0.4169 0.2615 0.109002
1.50 0.5032 0.3420 0.172114
1.55 0.5895 0.4226 0.249134
1.60 0.6758 0.5032 0.340062
1.70 0.8167 0.6644 0.542616
1.80 0.8990 0.8029 0.721783
1.90 0.9482 0.8855 0.839666
2.70 1.0000 1.0000 0.999998

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Fine Coal Jig: FCJ 1st Stg 2nd Stg
Top Sz: 75.00 75.00
Btm Sz: 0.10 0.10
Ave Sz: 2.74 2.74
Sep Gr: 1.60 1.65
F1: 1.35 1.35
F2: 1.00 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if pred
F3: 0.114 0.114
F4: 0.1 0.1
Ep: 0.111 0.119

First Stage Second Stage

1.25 -3.15 0.1021 0.1021 1.25 -3.36 0.0927 0.0927
1.30 -2.70 0.1240 0.1240 1.30 -2.94 0.1116 0.1116
1.35 -2.25 0.1497 0.1497 1.35 -2.52 0.1335 0.1335
1.40 -1.80 0.1796 0.1796 1.40 -2.10 0.1589 0.1589
1.45 -1.35 0.2140 0.2140 1.45 -1.68 0.1880 0.1880
1.50 -0.90 0.2753 0.2753 1.50 -1.26 0.2212 0.2212
1.55 -0.45 0.3876 0.3876 1.55 -0.84 0.2898 0.2898
1.60 0.00 0.5000 0.5000 1.60 -0.42 0.3949 0.3949
1.70 0.90 0.7247 0.7247 1.70 0.42 0.6051 0.6051
1.80 1.80 0.8624 0.8624 1.80 1.26 0.7906 0.7906
1.90 2.70 0.9381 0.9381 1.90 2.10 0.8935 0.8935
2.70 9.89 2.0867 1.0000 2.70 8.83 1.6237 1.0000

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
y = 0.0013x2 - 0.063x + 1.513
n or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance

SG 1st Stg 2nd Stg Ovrl

1.25 0.1021 0.0927 0.009464 y = 0.0007x3 + 0.015x2 + 0.1185x + 0.3482
1.30 0.1240 0.1116 0.013835 y = 0.25x + 0.5
1.35 0.1497 0.1335 0.019991 y = 0.0051x3 - 0.064x2 + 0.2935x + 0.512
1.40 0.1796 0.1589 0.028538
1.45 0.2140 0.1880 0.040238
1.50 0.2753 0.2212 0.060901
1.55 0.3876 0.2898 0.112354
1.60 0.5000 0.3949 0.197459
1.70 0.7247 0.6051 0.438505
1.80 0.8624 0.7906 0.681791
1.90 0.9381 0.8935 0.838151
2.70 1.0000 1.0000 0.999998

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Mineral Jig: MJ 1st Stg 2nd Stg
Top Sz: 75.00 75.00
Btm Sz: 0.10 0.10
Ave Sz: 2.74 2.74
Sep Gr: 1.60 1.65
F1: 1.35 1.35
F2: 1.00 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if pred
F3: 0.11 0.11
F4: 0.1 0.1
Ep: 0.103 0.110

First Stage Second Stage

1.25 -3.41 0.1185 0.1185 1.25 -3.63 0.1098 0.1098
1.30 -2.92 0.1391 0.1391 1.30 -3.18 0.1279 0.1279
1.35 -2.44 0.1630 0.1630 1.35 -2.73 0.1483 0.1483
1.40 -1.95 0.1913 0.1913 1.40 -2.27 0.1720 0.1720
1.45 -1.46 0.2254 0.2254 1.45 -1.82 0.1999 0.1999
1.50 -0.97 0.2946 0.2946 1.50 -1.36 0.2331 0.2331
1.55 -0.49 0.3906 0.3906 1.55 -0.91 0.3062 0.3062
1.60 0.00 0.5102 0.5102 1.60 -0.45 0.3979 0.3979
1.70 0.97 0.8161 0.8161 1.70 0.45 0.6430 0.6430
1.80 1.95 0.9690 0.9690 1.80 1.36 0.9009 0.9009
1.90 2.92 1.0053 1.0000 1.90 2.27 0.9864 0.9864
2.70 10.72 15.4859 1.0000 2.70 9.54 10.0471 1.0000

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
y = 0.0013x2 - 0.063x + 1.513
n or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance

SG 1st Stg 2nd Stg Ovrl

1.25 0.1185 0.1098 0.013004 y = 0.0118x3 + 0.1364x2 + 0.5221x + 0.6656
1.30 0.1391 0.1279 0.017794 y = 0.2455x + 0.5032
1.35 0.1630 0.1483 0.02418 y = 0.0043x3 - 0.0606x2 + 0.2896x + 0.5174
1.40 0.1913 0.1720 0.032904
1.45 0.2254 0.1999 0.045047
1.50 0.2946 0.2331 0.068665
1.55 0.3906 0.3062 0.119581
1.60 0.5102 0.3979 0.203017
1.70 0.8161 0.6430 0.524774
1.80 0.9690 0.9009 0.873008
1.90 1.0000 0.9864 0.986442
2.70 1.0000 1.0000 0.999998

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Water Only Cyclone: WOC Two stage sink reclean
Top Sz: 50.00 50.00
Btm Sz: 0.13 0.13
Ave Sz: 2.50 2.50
Sep Gr: 1.60 1.65
F1: 0.76 0.76
F2: 1.00 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if pred
F3: 0.33 0.33
F4: 0.31 0.31
Ep: 0.166 0.178

First Stage Second Stage

1.25 -2.11 0.1186 0.1186 1.25 -2.24 0.1071 0.1071
1.30 -1.81 0.1492 0.1492 1.30 -1.96 0.1329 0.1329
1.35 -1.51 0.1865 0.1865 1.35 -1.68 0.1641 0.1641
1.40 -1.21 0.2313 0.2313 1.40 -1.40 0.2014 0.2014
1.45 -0.90 0.2845 0.2845 1.45 -1.12 0.2454 0.2454
1.50 -0.60 0.3486 0.3486 1.50 -0.84 0.2974 0.2974
1.55 -0.30 0.4199 0.4199 1.55 -0.56 0.3583 0.3583
1.60 0.00 0.4970 0.4970 1.60 -0.28 0.4251 0.4251
1.70 0.60 0.6646 0.6646 1.70 0.28 0.5731 0.5731
1.80 1.21 0.8130 0.8130 1.80 0.84 0.7341 0.7341
1.90 1.81 0.9024 0.9024 1.90 1.40 0.8458 0.8458
2.70 6.63 1.2331 1.0000 2.70 5.88 1.1384 1.0000

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
y = -0.0028x3 + 0.0598x2 - 0.3723x + 1.5081
n or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance

SG 1st Stg 2nd Stg Ovrl

1.25 0.1186 0.1071 0.012705 y = 0.0051x3 + 0.0645x2 + 0.2954x + 0.5026
1.30 0.1492 0.1329 0.019828 y = -0.0068x3 + 0.0265x2 + 0.2646x + 0.4971
1.35 0.1865 0.1641 0.030599 y = 0.0062x3 - 0.0745x2 + 0.3301x + 0.5125
1.40 0.2313 0.2014 0.046575
1.45 0.2845 0.2454 0.069806
1.50 0.3486 0.2974 0.103675
1.55 0.4199 0.3583 0.150417
1.60 0.4970 0.4251 0.211275
1.70 0.6646 0.5731 0.380863
1.80 0.8130 0.7341 0.596809
1.90 0.9024 0.8458 0.763249
2.70 1.0000 1.0000 0.999998

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Concentrating Table
Top Sz: 50.00
Btm Sz: 0.15
Ave Sz: 2.74
Sep Gr: 1.60
F1: 1.06 y = -0.0983Ln(x) + 1.1566
F2: 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance
F3: 0.25
F4: 0.08
Ep: 0.338

First Stage
1.25 -1.03 0.2433 0.2433 y = 0.0002x4 + 0.0055x3 + 0.0526x2 + 0.2388x + 0.4399
1.30 -0.89 0.2784 0.2784 y = 0.25x + 0.5
1.35 -0.74 0.3153 0.3153 y = 0.0144x3 - 0.1527x2 + 0.5408x + 0.3498
1.40 -0.59 0.3523 0.3523
1.45 -0.44 0.3892 0.3892
1.50 -0.30 0.4261 0.4261
1.55 -0.15 0.4631 0.4631
1.60 0.00 0.5000 0.5000
1.70 0.30 0.5739 0.5739
1.80 0.59 0.6477 0.6477
1.90 0.89 0.7216 0.7216
2.70 3.25 0.9888 0.9888

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
anteeing performance

+ 0.2388x + 0.4399

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
Spiral Concentrator
Top Sz: 50.00
Btm Sz: 0.15
Ave Sz: 2.74
Sep Gr: 1.60
F1: 1.06 y = -0.0983Ln(x) + 1.1566
F2: 1.00 Prediction or guarantee, 1.0 if predicting performance, 1.25 if guaranteeing performance
F3: 0.25
F4: 0.08
Ep: 0.338

First Stage
1.25 -1.03 0.2433 0.2433 y = 3E-06x6 + 0.0001x5 + 0.0018x4 + 0.0147x3 + 0.0651x2 + 0.149
1.30 -0.89 0.2784 0.2784 y = 0.25x + 0.5
1.35 -0.74 0.3153 0.3153 y = 0.0004x3 - 0.0109x2 + 0.095x + 0.6813
1.40 -0.59 0.3523 0.3523
1.45 -0.44 0.3892 0.3892
1.50 -0.30 0.4261 0.4261
1.55 -0.15 0.4631 0.4631
1.60 0.00 0.5000 0.5000
1.70 0.30 0.5739 0.5739
1.80 0.59 0.6477 0.6477
1.90 0.89 0.7216 0.7216
2.70 3.25 0.9888 0.9888

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.
anteeing performance

0.0147x3 + 0.0651x2 + 0.1498x + 0.347

This information is provided as an eample only, no guarratees of

performance results is given or implied.

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