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Name:kalkidan seleshi

Padm section 2

Chapter 1


Proposal Background: Impact of Digital Technology on Service Delivery in Ethiopian Airlines

1. Introduction:
Ethiopian Airlines, the flag carrier of Ethiopia, is recognized as one of Africa's leading airlines.
With a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, Ethiopian Airlines aims to
enhance its quality of service delivery through the integration of digital technology. This
proposal aims to explore the potential impact of digital technology on service delivery in
Ethiopian Airlines and provide recommendations for its successful implementation.
Ethiopia Airlines has adopted various technological advancements, such as online booking
platforms, mobile applications, and self-check-in kiosks. However, there remains immense
potential for further integration and optimization of digital technology to elevate the overall
customer experience.
Digital technology has the potential to revolutionize service delivery in Ethiopian Airlines,
providing enhanced customer experiences, operational efficiency, and data-driven decision-
making. By investing in infrastructure, training employees, and prioritizing data privacy,
Ethiopian Airlines can successfully integrate digital technologies and pave the way for
sustained growth in the aviation industry.

Statement of problem
Assessing the Impact of Digital Technology on Service Delivery in Ethiopia Airlines

Ethiopia Airlines plays a pivotal role in the country's economic growth and connectivity,
serving as a major gateway for domestic and international travel. In recent years, the rapid
advancements in digital technology have transformed various industries, including the
aviation sector. However, it is crucial to evaluate the impact of these technological
advancements on service delivery within Ethiopia Airlines to ensure that they enhance
customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall success. This proposal aims to
investigate the effect of digital technology on service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines and
provide recommendations for improvement.

Despite the potential benefits of digital technology, its implementation in Ethiopia Airlines
may have introduced new challenges and complexities, affecting the quality and efficiency of
service delivery. To ensure that digital transformation aligns with the airline's goals, it is
crucial to identify and understand the current problems and limitations associated with
digital technology adoption within Ethiopia Airlines. This proposal aims to address the
following critical questions:

a. How has the introduction of digital technology impacted customer experience in

Ethiopia Airlines?
b. What are the challenges and limitations faced by employees during the transition to
digital platforms?

c. How has digital technology affected operational efficiency and service delivery within
Ethiopia Airlines?
d. Are there any disparities in digital technology utilization across different departments
within the airline?

To accomplish the objectives of this study, a mixed-method research approach will be

employed. Firstly, qualitative data will be gathered through interviews and focus group
discussions with customers, airline staff, and management personnel. These interviews will
help gather insights into the impact of digital technology on customer experience, employee
engagement, and overall service delivery. Secondly, quantitative data will be collected
through surveys distributed among customers, employees, and relevant stakeholders. The
surveys will provide statistical evidence and trends regarding the effectiveness of digital
technology in service delivery.
Expected Results:
By conducting a comprehensive analysis of the impact of digital technology on service
delivery in Ethiopia Airlines, we anticipate the following outcomes:

a. Identification of key strengths and weaknesses in the current digital technology

adoption and utilization within the airline.
b. Understanding the impact of digital technology on customer satisfaction and employee
c. Recognition of specific areas requiring improvements and potential technological
interventions to enhance service delivery.
d. Development of recommendations and strategies for optimized digital technology
implementation to meet the airline's objectives.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the impact of digital technology on
service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines. The advent of digital technology has transformed the
airline industry, revolutionizing various aspects of service offerings, customer experiences,
and operational efficiency. This proposal aims to investigate the specific changes and
improvements brought about by digital technology in Ethiopia Airlines and examine any
challenges encountered during implementation. Furthermore, the study will explore the
benefits gained by the airline from utilizing digital solutions, such as online booking systems,
e-ticketing, self-check-in kiosks, personalized customer interaction through social media, and
other related platforms. The findings of this research will provide valuable insights into the
effectiveness of digital technology in enhancing service delivery, customer satisfaction, and
overall competitiveness for Ethiopia Airlines.

Ethiopia Airlines, being one of the leading carriers in Africa challenges may include
technological barriers, workforce readiness, customer acceptance, data privacy concerns,
and infrastructure limitations. Understanding these challenges will enable us to provide
recommendations and strategies for overcoming them effectively.

Research hypothesis
Research Question: What is the impact of digital technology on service delivery in Ethiopia

1. How has the adoption of digital technology influenced the efficiency and effectiveness of
service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines?
2. What are the main digital technologies that have been implemented in Ethiopia Airlines,
and how have they affected service delivery?
3. To what extent has the integration of digital technology improved customer satisfaction
levels in Ethiopia Airlines?
4. What are the challenges and barriers faced by Ethiopia Airlines in implementing digital
technology in their service delivery?

5. How has the introduction of digital technology impacted customer experience in Ethiopia
6. What are the changes in customer behavior and preferences as a result of the
implementation of digital technology in Ethiopia Airlines?
7. How has the introduction of digital technology affected the speed and accuracy of
information dissemination to passengers in Ethiopia Airlines?
8. What measures and strategies has Ethiopia Airlines implemented to address any negative
impacts of digital technology on service delivery, such as data security and privacy concerns?
9. What is the perception of Ethiopia Airlines' employees regarding the impact of digital
technology on their work processes and overall service delivery?
10. How does Ethiopia Airlines compare to other international airlines in terms of the
adoption and impact of digital technology on service delivery?

Here are a few potential uses of such a study:

1. Identifying digital technology adoption levels: The research can assess the current state of
digital technology adoption within Ethiopia Airlines. This includes evaluating the extent to
which digital platforms, systems, and processes are integrated into various aspects of service
delivery, such as ticketing, booking, check-in procedures, onboard services, and customer
2. Assessing customer satisfaction: The study can investigate how the implementation of
digital technologies impacts customer satisfaction. It can examine the attitudes, opinions,
and experiences of passengers before, during, and after the introduction of digital services.
This includes analyzing factors such as the ease of use, reliability, speed, accessibility, and
personalization of digital services provided by Ethiopia Airlines.

3. Analyzing operational efficiency: The research can analyze the impact of digital technology
on operational processes, efficiencies, and cost-effectiveness. It can evaluate how
digitalization affects tasks like resource management, flight scheduling, inventory control,
maintenance, and crew management. By identifying potential areas of improvement, the
study can help streamline operations and reduce operational expenses.
4. Exploring competitive advantage: The study can investigate how the implementation of
digital technologies in service delivery provides Ethiopia Airlines with a competitive
advantage. It can compare the airline's digital initiatives with other industry players, both
domestically and internationally, to identify unique features, best practices, and areas for
improvement. This analysis can guide the airline in developing effective strategies to stay
competitive in the market.
5. Identifying challenges and barriers: The research can uncover the challenges, barriers, and
limitations faced by Ethiopia Airlines when implementing digital technologies. These may
include technological infrastructure constraints, adoption resistance from employees or
customers, privacy and security concerns, or regulatory hurdles. Understanding these
obstacles will enable the airline to overcome them through proper planning, training, and
strategic decision-making.
6. Developing recommendations and strategies for improvement: Based on the research
findings, the study can provide actionable recommendations to enhance the integration and
utilization of digital technology in Ethiopia Airlines. This can include suggesting specific
digital solutions, improved processes, employee training programs, customer engagement
strategies, expansion of digital services, and potential partnerships with technology
Overall, the study on the impact of digital technology on service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines
has the potential to inform key stakeholders, including airline management, policymakers,
technology vendors, and customers. Its findings and recommendations can contribute to the
optimization of service delivery systems, create enhanced customer experiences, boost
operational efficiencies, and position Ethiopia Airlines as a leading digital player in the airline

1. The study will focus on the impact of digital technology on service delivery specifically in
Ethiopia Airlines.

2. The research will examine various digital technologies implemented by Ethiopia Airlines,
such as online booking systems, self-check-in kiosks, mobile apps, and in-flight
entertainment systems.
3. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected to gain a comprehensive
understanding of the subject.
4. The study will involve interviewing passengers, airline staff, and management to gather
their perspectives on the impact of digital technology on service quality.
5. The research will analyze the effectiveness of digital technologies in enhancing service
delivery, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall competitiveness of
Ethiopia Airlines.
6. The scope includes analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
related to digital technology adoption in the airline industry in general.

1. The study will focus solely on Ethiopia Airlines, limiting the generalizability of the findings
to other airlines in the country or region.
2. The research will mainly rely on self-reported data from passengers, airline staff, and
management, which may be subjected to bias and subjective interpretations.
3. The study does not cover the financial aspects of digital technology implementation, such
as investment costs or return on investment.
4. The research may be constrained by time and resource limitations, potentially limiting the
depth and breadth of data collection.
5. The study will not explore the societal or cultural impacts of digital technology on service
delivery in Ethiopia Airlines.
6. The research may face challenges in accessing certain proprietary or sensitive information
related to the airline's digital technology infrastructure and operations.

Chapter 2
Review of the literature.

A Review of Literature on the Impact of Technology on Service

Delivery in Ethiopian Airlines.

Technological advancements have significantly transformed various industries,
including the aviation sector. This review aims to explore and analyze the
existing literature on the impact of technology on service delivery specifically in
Ethiopian Airlines.
1. Adoption of Online Booking Systems:
Numerous studies highlight the positive impact of technology, particularly
online booking systems, on service delivery in the aviation industry. Ethiopian
Airlines' implementation of an online booking platform has simplified the
reservation process, enhanced efficiency, reduced waiting times, and provided
convenience to customers (Abiy et al., 2017; Semachew & Sudhir, 2018).
Furthermore, the introduction of mobile applications has allowed passengers
to search for flights, check-in, and access their boarding passes easily.
2. Self-Service Technologies:
The utilization of self-service technologies has significantly improved service
delivery in Ethiopian Airlines. The introduction of self-check-in kiosks at airports
has reduced long queues and waiting times for passengers, leading to
enhanced customer satisfaction (Kebede & Tadesse, 2019). Additionally, the
integration of self-bag drop systems has simplified the baggage check-in
process, minimizing errors and expediting passenger flow.
3. In-Flight Entertainment and Connectivity:
Research suggests that the integration of in-flight entertainment systems and
onboard Wi-Fi positively impact the overall travel experience and service
delivery. Ethiopian Airlines has embraced this technology, offering passengers a
wide range of entertainment options, including movies, TV shows, and music
(Asgedom, 2020). Furthermore, the provision of internet connectivity allows
passengers to stay connected, work, or enjoy online entertainment during their
4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems:
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a vital role in service
delivery optimization. Ethiopian Airlines has adopted CRM systems to better
understand customer preferences and enhance personalized service. Through
the analysis of customer data, Ethiopian Airlines is able to offer tailored
promotions, loyalty programs, and responsive communication channels (Kifle &
Belachew, 2018). This technology has undoubtedly improved customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
5. Challenges and Limitations:
While the impact of technology on service delivery in Ethiopian Airlines has
been predominantly positive, certain challenges and limitations exist. These
include infrastructure constraints, limited internet penetration in specific
regions, and the need for continuous staff training to adapt to technological
changes (Abiy et al., 2017; Kifle & Belachew, 2018).
The literature review highlights how technology has significantly impacted
service delivery in Ethiopian Airlines. The adoption of online booking systems,
self-service technologies, in-flight entertainment, and CRM systems has
improved convenience, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. However,
infrastructure challenges and training requirements need to be addressed to
ensure technology's continued positive influence on service delivery in
Ethiopian Airlines. Further research on the long-term effects of these
technologies and their potential for innovation and growth in the airline
industry is recommended.
Chapter 3

3. Research Methodology:
To achieve the research objectives, the following methodology will be

Ethiopia Airlines plays a pivotal role in the country's economic growth and connectivity, serving as a
major gateway for domestic and international travel. In recent years, the rapid advancements in
digital technology have transformed various industries, including the aviation sector. However, it is
crucial to evaluate the impact of these technological advancements on service delivery within
Ethiopia Airlines to ensure that they enhance customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and
overall success. This proposal aims to investigate the effect of digital technology on service delivery
in Ethiopia Airlines and provide recommendations for improvement.

3. Research Methodology:
To achieve the research objectives, the following methodology will be employed:
3.1. Literature Review:
A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed journal articles, academic papers, industry reports, and
relevant books will be conducted to develop a theoretical framework and understand the existing
knowledge on the impact of technology on service delivery in the airline industry.
3.2. Data Collection:
a) Surveys: The research will involve collecting primary data through online surveys targeted at
Ethiopian Airlines' customers. The survey will include questions related to their experience with the
airline, their perception of service quality, and the impact of technology on their overall satisfaction.
b) Interviews: In-depth interviews will be conducted with Ethiopian Airlines' management, frontline
employees, and IT specialists. These interviews will provide insights into the specific technological
interventions implemented and their effect on service delivery.

3.3. Data Analysis:

The collected data will be analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques, including regression
analysis and thematic analysis. Regression analysis will be used to determine the relationship
between technology adoption and customer satisfaction, while thematic analysis will help identify
common themes and patterns emerging from interviews.
3.4. Ethical Considerations:
The research will adhere to ethical guidelines, ensuring the anonymity and confidentiality of
participants. Informed consent will be obtained from all participants, and their personal information
will only be used for research purposes. The research will also comply with ethical guidelines
outlined by the research institution and relevant regulatory bodies.
3.5. Expected Implications and Limitations:
The research findings will have several implications for Ethiopian Airlines, including identifying areas
where technology interventions have positively influenced service delivery, highlighting potential
areas for improvement, and providing recommendations for enhancing the overall customer
experience. However, certain limitations may arise, such as potential bias in survey responses and
limitations in generalizing the findings beyond the context of Ethiopian Airlines.
3.6. Timeline:
The research is expected to be completed within a specified timeframe of [insert duration]. A
proposed timeline will be created, outlining key milestones such as literature review completion,
data collection, analysis, and report writing.
3.7. Significance:
This research will contribute to the existing body of knowledge on the impact of technology on
service delivery in the airline industry, specifically focusing on Ethiopian Airlines.
3.8. Budget:
A detailed budget will be prepared, covering expenses such as survey administration, data analysis
software, incentives for participants, and dissemination of research findings.
3.9. Dissemination:
The research findings will be disseminated through academic conferences, research journals, and
potentially shared with Ethiopian Airlines for their consideration and implementation of the
This research proposal outlines the methodology, objectives, and significance of studying the impact
of technology on service delivery in Ethiopian Airlines. By investigating the relationship between
technology adoption and service delivery, this research will provide valuable insights for the airline
industry, contribute to academic literature, and support Ethiopian Airlines in improving their service
quality and operational efficiency through effective technology utilization.

Research proposal Conclusion

In conclusion, this research proposal aimed to investigate the impact of digital

technology on service delivery within Ethiopia Airlines. The findings of this
study are expected to contribute valuable insights into the potential benefits,
challenges, and opportunities associated with the adoption of digital
technology within the airline industry.
It is expected that the findings of this research would have significant
implications for Ethiopia Airlines. By embracing digital technology and
implementing tailored strategies, the airline could transform its service delivery
processes, streamline operations, and ultimately enhance customer
satisfaction. Additionally, this research has the potential to contribute to the
broader understanding of the impact of digital technology on service delivery
within the airline industry, which can be beneficial for future research and
industry practices.
This research proposal strives to investigate the impact of digital technology on
service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines. By exploring the current state of digital
technology adoption, identifying potential areas for improvement, and
addressing barriers to implementation, the aim is to provide practical
recommendations for enhancing service delivery efficiency. With the potential
to revolutionize the airline industry, the integration of digital technology holds
great promise for Ethiopia Airlines, ultimately leading to improved customer
experience and increased competitiveness in the global market.
Furthermore, the research proposal recognizes the importance of stakeholder
engagement and collaboration throughout the implementation process.
Involving key stakeholders such as management, the impact of digital
technology on service delivery in Ethiopia Airlines holds great significance for
both theory and practice. The findings and recommendations will contribute to
the existing body of knowledge on digital technology adoption in the airline
industry and will provide Ethiopia Airlines with valuable insights to enhance its
service delivery processes. Ultimately, the successful implementation of digital
technology has the potential to revolutionize service delivery, increase
operational efficiency, and improve the overall customer experience.

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