Pain Management in Amavata With Rasnasapataka Kashaya

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 6, November-December 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Pain Management in Amavata with Rasnasapataka Kashaya

Dr. K G Muddapur
Assistant Professor, Department of Kaya Chikitsa, SMVVS RKM AMC and Hospital, Bijapur, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. K G

Amavata is a disease caused due to the vitiation or aggravation of Muddapur "Pain Management in
Vayu associated with Ama. Vitiated Vayu circulates the Ama all over Amavata with Rasnasapataka Kashaya"
the body through Dhamanies, takes shelter in the Shleshma Sthana Published in
(Amashaya, Sandhi, etc.), producing symptoms such as stiffness, International
Journal of Trend in
swelling, and tenderness in small and big joints, making a person Scientific Research
lame. Rasna saptaka Kashaya which contains 8 herbs have Tikta and and Development
katu rasa. These drugs have dipana and pachana properties which (ijtsrd), ISSN:
helps in clearing ama from body. Katu rasa is also known for 2456-6470, IJTSRD61255
improving intestinal motility acting as Vatanulomka. which possess Volume-7 | Issue-6,
the property of shulaghna, shothaghna, immunosuppressive and have December 2023, pp.559-561, URL:
antioxidant property too. From Ayurvedic point of view these herbs
act as deepana, pachana and work on ama and agni and reduces the
symptoms of amavata. Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
KEYWORDS: Amavata, agni, ama Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The clinical condition in which aggravated vata is  Use of katu and tikta drugs for ama shodhana
associated with metabolic toxins (ama) and mainly (detoxification)
affects joints is termed as ‘amavata’. The word ‘ama’ Tikta rasa has the qualities of pitta kaphagna, deepana
literally means, undigested, toxic or unwholesome (Agnikar) and laghu.
product, which is produced in the body due to
weakening of digestive fire. The disease is initiated Katu rasa is shleshmhara laghu and agneya (deepana).
by the consumption of virudhahara in the pre–  Virechana i.e. purgation (Shodhana Chikitsa -
existence of mandagni, virudha chesta nishchalatwa Purification Process)
and taking food after snigdha bhojana. In it, vitiated
vayu circulates the ama all over the body through  Abhyantara sneha (internal medicine) The line of
dhamani; takes shelters in the sleshma sthana treatment given in ayurvedic classics to treat
(amashyas; sandhi etc.) producing symptoms such as amavata, basically is to achieve the following
stiffness, swelling and tenderness in the small and targets:
large joints, making a person lame1. Rasnasaptak Kwath (RSK)2
Chikitsa Sidhanta of Amavata2 Rasna Saptak Kwath is a liquid dosage form i.e.
Langhanm swedanam tikta deepanaani katuni kashaya, which contains 8 herbs having the
cha……. shothahara (anti-inflammatory), shulaghna
(analgesic), antioxidant, immunosuppressive activity.
The main causative factor behind this disease is ama The present reference of RSK is taken from
(endogenous toxins), therefore the first line of Yogratnakara and bhavaprakasha. Researches
treatment in the management of amavata should be revealed that these herbs play significant role in
removal of already existed ama. The line of treatment reducing the symptoms of Amavta. This review gives
given in Ayurveda text is as follows: an idea about pharmacological action of eight herbs
 Langhana (Fasting) of RSK.
 Swedana (Fomentation)

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 559
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Contents of RSK  Shunthi (as anupana)
 Rasna Indication of Rasnasaptaka kashaya :
 Amrita 1. Jangha shoola
 Aragwada 2. Uru shoola
 Devadaru 3. Prushta shoola
 Trikantaka 4. Trika shoola
 Eranda 5. Parshwa shoola
 Punernava 6. Amavata
Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Doshaghnata Karma
3 Amapacana, Sothhara,
Rasna Tikta Guru Ushna Katu Kaphavatahara
Tikta Balya Dipana, Rasayana,
Amrita4 Laghu Ushna Madhura Tridoshashamaka
Kasaya Jvaraghna, Amavataghna
Aragwada5 MadhurTikta Guru Ushna Madhua Tidosha shamak Rechana, anulomaka,
Guru, Bramhana,
Gokshura6 Madhur Sheeta Madhura Vtahara,
Snigdha Vednasthapana, Sothara,
Madhur, Katu, Amapachna, vtashamana,
Eranda7 Tikshna, Ushna Madhura Kaphavatasamaka
Kasaya, vednstapana
8 Madhur, Shothahara, Anulomana,
Punernava Ruksa Usna Madhua Vatasheleshmahara
Tikta, Kasaya, Mutrala
Devadaru9 Tikta Ushna Katu VataKaphahara shothahara, amahara
Laghu, Dipana, Pacana,
Sunthi10 Katu Ushna Madhura Vatakaphahara
Snigdha Anulomana amdoshahara
Table 1; Pharmacology of herbs in RSK
Anupana: Nagar churna indulgence in consumption of viruddha ahara in the
Pathya in Amavata11 presence of mandagni (weak digestive power). Ama
 Yava (Undigested food) and Vata are mainly held
 Kulatha responsible for the disease, derangement of the kapha
 Raktashali dosha, especially shleshmak kapha, which produces
 Shigru joint pain and swelling with tenderness, can be
 Karavella correlated with rheumatoid arthritis13
 Shunthi Tikta and katu rasa drugs have dipana and pachana
 Lashuna sanskarita takra properties which have a significant role in clearing
ama from body. Katu rasa is also known for
Apathya in Amavata11,12
 Dadhi improving intestinal motility acting as Vatanulomka.
 Matsya In terms of guna, these drugs have Laghu (light),
 Guda ushna (hot), and tikshnaguna which are the cause of
agnivardhaka (digestive stimulant) property and
 Ksheera
 Masha therefore after clearing ama from body, these drugs
 Pista clear excess kapha and vata from the body. These
 Abhishyandi, Guru, Picchila drugs further prevent the production of ama and clear
blocked channels i.e. srotoavarodha and help to move
 Virudha ahara, Vishmashana
 Asatmya pakva dosha from Sakha to kostha14. Maximum
ingredients of RSK have vatasleshmahara property
 Vegadharana, Ratrijagarana
which reduces doshic vata and kapha from the body
Discussion and reduces the symptoms of amavata.
The main causative factor of the disease is Ama
(Undigested food or toxins), which is caused due to
As RSK is a formulation, which possess the property
malfunctioning of the Agni and metabolism. The
of shulaghna, shothaghna, immunosuppressive and
disease is found mainly in person with continuous

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 560
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
have antioxidant property too. From Ayurvedic point [7] Dravya guna vijnana vol-2 edited by prof.
of view these herbs act as deepana, pachana and work Dshant kumar Lucas; choukambha
on ama and agni and reduces the symptoms of viswabharati Varanasi; Reprint 2019; pg no.390
amavata. This preparation has less or no side effects [8] Dravya guna vijnana vol-2 edited by prof.
help in the treatment of Amavata. Hence, the Dshant kumar Lucas; choukambha
management of this disease is merely insufficient in
viswabharati Varanasi; Reprint 2019; pg no.354
other systems of medicine.
[9] Dravya guna vijnana vol-2 edited by prof.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD61255 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 6 | Nov-Dec 2023 Page 561

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