Снимок экрана 2023-12-20 в 17.10.21

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Sample questions and mark scheme

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2


Task1 Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps.

You may go to this link to listen the task.
Travelling gives you many 1______________ experiences you cannot find in your own country. You
meet local people and get to understand 2_____________ cultures. It’s so exciting. I love planning trips
and doing some research on the country or countries I want to visit. Sometimes I like to plan everything in
advance, my flights, hotels and tours, etc. For me, the most 3 _____________ thing is arriving in a country
with no hotel reservation and no fixed plans. I prefer staying in hostels and guest houses. You get to meet
and talk to different and 4_______________ people and share information. I also like to visit places that
are off the beaten track. Being
5 ________________ with thousands of other tourists? It’s not my cup of tea.

Task 2 Listen and mark sentences True or False.

6. Travelling is very important for a person because of new ideas. _________

Total [6]

Task. Read the text and mark sentences True or False.

What do you know about planets?
Mercury is very hot during the day and very cold at night. It is also the fastest planet in the Solar system.
Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. One of its volcanoes, Mat and Olympia’s Mons, is named
after the Egyptian god of truth and justice. The beautiful blue color of Earth comes from the oceans which
cover 70 per cent of the planet. More than seven billion people live there. The fourth planet, Mars, is
named for the Roman god of war. Until 1976 scientists believed there could be life on Mars. Jupiter is the
largest planet that we know of. It is a very stormy planet because it spins so fast. Saturn is 100 times the
size of Earth, but it is even lighter than water, so it would float in a gigantic swimming pool! Uranus is
strange because it spins at an angle. Each pole of Uranus, north and south, has 42 years of sunlight, then 42
years of darkness. Neptune takes more than 160 years to go round the sun. It has the strongest winds in the
solar system – up to 2 400 kph. Pluto is not considered as planet anymore because of its strange orbit
True or False
1. People believe there is life on the planet Mars. ____
2. Earth is much lighter than Saturn. ____
3. The planet nearest to the sun is very hot at night. ____
4. Neptune is usually farther from the sun than Pluto. ____
5. After every 84 years the north pole of Uranus has light. ____
6. Pluto is a planet with very strange orbit. ____

Total [6]

Task. Write about your last trip.

Where you went?

What you did there?
What the weather was like in that place
How you felt coming home
What you will always remember about that place

Total [6]

Task You have to work in pairs. Choose one card and discuss the questions. You have one minute to
prepare and 2-3 minutes to talk.
You may use the questions:
1. What are the most interesting places in Astana?
2. Why do people enjoy visiting these places?
3. What is the most exciting place to visit?
4. How does it look like?
5. Why are these places popular among visitors?
6. Would you like to visit Astana again?
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Baiterek CenterofPeaceandAccord KhanShatyr Duman,Oceanarium


10°C 17:20
ОПоисĸ ENG
=Fog 19.12.2023

Total [6]
Total marks_ /24
Mark scheme
Listening, Reading and Writing
№ Answer Mark Additional information
1 wonderful; 1
different; 1
exciting; 1
interesting; 1
somewhere . 1
True; 1
1 true 1
false 1
false 1
false 1
false 1
false 1
1 writes with grammar accuracy; 1
2 demonstrates the rules of the Past Simple 1
Tense while writing;
3 makes up a story connecting sentences 1
into paragraphs.
4 writes own opinion; 1
5 writes appropriate words to complete 1
6 writes using a variety of correctly 1
structured sentence types to create
1 Describe the pictures 1
2 asks and answers questions; 1
3 chooses the right information; 1
4 uses nouns appropriately; 1
5 uses topical vocabulary. 1
6 chooses the right answer according to the 1
total 24

Stuart: Amy. So, how (are) you doing?

Amy: Oh, hi Stuart. School is so crazy these days, and when I’m not at school, I’m at work.

Stuart: Hey, listen. I’m getting together with Sara and Paul tonight, and a few of our other friends
are going to join us. [Oh.] And, we’re . . . well, we’re going out to eat and then watch a movie.
Why don’t you come with us?

Amy: Hey, I’d love to, but I have to cram for a test tomorrow.

Stuart: Ah, come on. We’re planning on having dinner around 6:30 and then seeing a movie at
7:30. We should be home by 10:30 . . . 11:30 at the latest. I mean you’re always saying that you
don’t have any friends . . . and that your love life . . . well, that you don’t have one. Come on!

Amy: I . . . I don’t think I’d better. I haven’t been feeling well lately.

Stuart: Yeah, because you study too much. Well, we’ll have a blast. Come on! Relax. [Well . . .]
And it’s Sara’s birthday, too. And we’re throwing her a small birthday party after the movie.
Come on. Best friends always stick together.

Amy: Oh. Okay.

Stuart: Great. I’ll pick you up at 6:00.

Amy: Okay. See you then, but I have to be back by 10:30.

Stuart: Ah, 10:30 . . . Midnight. It’s all the same. See you at 6:00.

Total marks 24

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