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Tell Me About Yourself

Good Afternoon Mam / Sir

I'm Roldan Prago 36 Year Old Single From Tanauan City Batangas
I'am Patient I'am A Hard Working Person For 11 Years Experience I Worked As A
Security Guard
In The Company Posting Such As Supermarket, Department Store And Bank And I Those
I'am Happy To Say That I 'have Learned A Lot Skills Like To Treat Customers And
Handle Complaints,
I Just Also Want To Share That I Have A Very Good Working Relationship With My
Former Co-workers And Supervisor As well.

Why Should We Hire You?

You Should Hire Me Because I'am Hard Working , Honest, Proficient In Computers And
Fast Learner.

You Should Hire Me Because I Process The Skills That You Need Me For The Position
I'am Self Motivated I'm Positive Person And I'can Stay Focused Whenever The
Situation Gets Tough.
And Also, I'dont Have Any Call Center Experience I'm Always Practicing My English
Communication Skills
And Also Watching Youtube Videos For Me To A Better Understanding About The BPO
So Now I'am Confident That Can Do The Job, And Im Fully Aware About the Importace
of Working With A Quality Customer Service,
And Of Course I'm Always Willing To Support Any Company Initiative.

What Is Your Expected Salary?

Base On My Research, We will Salary Is 13 Thousand Peso And Above Per 1 Month And
That Depends On My Ability,
But For Me There Is No Problem Even If My Salary Is Lower That Is Based On My
Ability ,
And But I Am A Open To A Negotiation, And I'want To Grow In This Company.

What Is Call Center?

Call Center Is A Plat Form Where Individuals, Known As Call Center Agents,
Communicate With Customers To Provide Information, Resolved Problems,And Promote
Product Or Services.

Why Do Want To Work In This Company?

I Research You Company Before Applying For The Job , And I Was Impressed With you
Values And Your Track Record Of Achievements,
I Want To Work For This Company Because I Will Get To Collaborate With Other Like
And I would To Get Put My Skills, Qualities And Experience To Good Use In A Role.

Do You Already Have Call Center Experience?

I Have No Call Center Experience Yet

How About A Job Experience From The Different Agency?

I Don't Have A Problem With That Because That Was My Previous Job,
I Can Still Use It Because There Is No Difference In My Previous Experience Such As
Customer Service.

Do You Have A Pending Application From The Different Company

I Don't Have Any Pending Applications With Other Companies Because I Just Thought
About It
Even If I Apply To Others, I Will Not Be Given The Opportunity To Learn How To
Become a Call Center.

Are You Currently Employed Right Now?

I Still Don't Have A Job Right Now.

Do You Have An Existing Medical Condition?

As Of Now I Don't Have Any Problems With my Health Like Severe Stomach Pain.

Do You Have Already Experienced Working Abroad?

No: Sir I Have Never Had The Experience Of Working In Abroad.

If Ever You Will Consider For The Position Are You Willing To Work Onsite?

Yes I can .

How Long Do You Think You Will You Stay With The Company? For How Many Years

"I'd Like To Work With Your Company As Long As I Feel As Though I'm Making
Continuous Contributions To Its Success

Are you Willing To Work On Shifting?

No Problem, I know That Will Be Having Shifting Schedule And I'am Prepared For I't.

Work Overtime During Holiday And Rest Day?

Yes I Can't Definitely No Problem.

What Is The Reason Why You Want To Work With Here?

I Want To Work In A Call Center Because I Have A Deep Passion For Conversation And
Finding Ways Help, Clients To Solve Problems.

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