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St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang, Inc.

Bayambang, Pangasinan
S.Y. 2023 – 2024

Transforming Dried Banana Leaves and School Papers into Eco-

Friendly Fuel Briquettes


Carvajal, Sean Paul C.

Castillo, Brian James A..

Dela Cruz, Angel B.

Ferrer, Kaira Sheen D.

Flores, Vince J.

Junio, Rhyzza NIcole F.

Macaraeg, Haina Marie R.

Ramos, Clarisse Anne F.

Tugade, Rheymark John C.



Background of the Study

Dried banana leaves and school papers, often relegated to the status of mere waste materials,

wieldsignificant influence in perpetuating environmental challenges associated with

waste accumulation. This study embarks on an innovative journey, seeking to

transcend the conventional perception of these abundant materials by transforming them into

eco-friendly fuelbriquettes. The motivation behind this research stems from a critical need

to address the pressing concerns of waste management while concurrently establishing a

resilient solution that taps into the potential of these overlooked resources. By repurposing

dried banana leaves and school papers into eco-friendly fuel, the study not only aims to

mitigate the environmental impact of traditional waste disposal but also endeavors to

contribute to the development of a sustainable and renewable energy source, aligning with the

imperative for eco-conscious practices in our contemporary world.

The disposal of dried banana leaves and school papers poses a dual environmental challeng,

with landfill waste and associated ecological impacts. Conventional waste management

methods struggle to cope with the escalating volume of these materials, exacerbating

environmental pollution and contributing to greenhouse gas emissions during decomposition.

As the global waste crisis intensifies there is an urgent need for alternative, sustainable

solutions to manage and repurpose these readily available waste materials.

This study seeks to address the identified problem by investigating the feasibility and

effectiveness of utilizing dried banana leaves and school papers as raw materials for eco-friendly

fuel briquettes. By experimenting with different ratios of these materials, the aim is to optimize

the composition of the briquettes, ensuring both technical viability and environmental

friendliness. Beyond the technical aspects, the research delves into the economic viability of

adopting this alternative fuel source.

The transformation of waste materials into fuel briquettes epitomizes a circular economy ethos,

emphasizing sustainable resource management, waste reduction, and environmental impact mitigation.

In this study, discarded dried banana leaves and school papers undergo a metamorphosis

from conventional waste to valuable resources, aligning with a cyclical approach that challenges the

linear 'take, make, dispose' model. By repurposing waste into an eco-friendly fuel source, the

research not only addresses immediate waste management concerns but also contributes to the

creation of a sustainable and using resources again and again in short recycling, resonating with

contemporary ideals of responsible resource management and environmental stewardship.

The initiative to convert waste into a valuable energy source aligns with a holistic vision that

seamlessly integrates environmental, social, and economic considerations. Its not only champions

environmental benefits by reducing waste and moving away from harmful disposal practices but

also recognizes the economic advantages embedded in repurposing waste into eco-

friendly fuel sources. Additionally, by aligning with key United Nations Sustainable Development

Goals, the study actively contributes to the global mission for a sustainable and equitable future.

In conclusion, this study underscores its significance in contributing to sustainable development

through a multifaceted approach. The alignment with circular economy principles, evident in the

repurposing of waste materials into fuel briquettes, exemplifies a commitment to resource efficiency

and a reduction in environmental impact. Additionally, by transforming waste into a valuable energy

source, the study not only addresses immediate concerns but also contributes to the overarching goal

of sustainable development, yielding both environmental and economic benefits. Moreover, the

research actively strives to mitigate environmental degradation associated with traditional waste

disposal methods, presenting a proactive solution to minimize the overall environmental footprint. As

the study embodies a commitment to a comprehensive approach, emphasizing the harmonious balance

of ecological integrity and economic prosperity, it positions itself as a pivotal strategy within the

broader landscape of sustainable development.

Statement of the Problem
The conversion of dried banana leaves and school papers into eco-friendly fuel briquettes

presents both promise and challenges.

This study addresses the following key questions to shed light on the

effectiveness, lifespan extension, and associated challenges and opportunities of

this transformation:

1. How does the effectiveness of transforming dried banana leaves and school

papers into eco-friendly fuel briquettes compare to traditional wood?

2.In what ways can the lifespan of fuel briquettes made from banana leaves andschool

papers be extended?

3. What challenges and opportunities are associated with the conversion processof dried

banana leaves and school papers into eco-friendly fuel briquettes?

This research aims to provide insights into the effectiveness, longevity, challenges, and

opportunities surrounding the utilization of dried banana leaves and school papers as

materials for eco-friendly fuel briquettes. By doing so, it contributes to the advancement of

sustainable energy solutions.


Ho: There is no significant difference both in the environmental impact and economic

viability between eco-friendly fuel briquettes made from dried banana leaves and school papers

and those made from wood bark briquettes.

H1: Eco-friendly fuel briquettes made from dried banana leaves and school papers offer a

significantly better overall trade-off between environmental impact and economic viability

compared to wood bark briquettes.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the result of this study will be of great to the following:

Community of Bayambang. The findings of this research offer the residents of Bayambang valuable

practical insights into waste reduction strategies, presenting an innovative approach to transforming waste

into a beneficial resource.

Educational Institutions. Schools stand to benefit from the study's guidance on minimizing paper

waste through recycling initiatives, particularly in the creation of eco-friendly fuel briquettes.

This not only aligns with environmental sustainability but also offers a tangible solution for

schools to manage their paper waste more efficiently.

Future Researchers. This study serves as a foundational resource for future researchers
intrigued by

the prospect of repurposing dried banana leaves and school papers into eco-friendly fuel

briquettes. It

provides a solid starting point for those interested in exploring sustainable fuel alternatives,


continued advancements in the field.

Scope and Delimitations

Definition of Terms

School Papers. Used paper materials within a school setting, including written assignments, worksheets,
printed documents, and student publications. These papers contribute organic matter to the fuel briquettes.

Dried Banana Leaves. Banana leaves that have been dehydrated, either naturally or artificially, through the
removal of moisture. They provide fibrous material for the briquettes' structure.

Fuel Briquettes. Densely packed blocks of compressed biomass (organic material from living or recently

living sources) used as an eco-friendly alternative fuel for cooking and water heating in households. They


*Sustainability: Derived from renewable resources, reducing reliance on conventional fuels.

*Cost-effectiveness: Often cheaper than traditional fuel sources.

*Eco-friendliness: Reduce waste and emit lower greenhouse gases compared to other options.

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