English12 q2 w8 Sonia I. Villagonzalo

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Lesson Plans for Multigrade Classes Teacher 3/ San Isidro E/S
Grades I and II Buguey North District
Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: 2 Week: 8
Grade Level Grade 1 Grade 2
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates Listening Comprehension
understanding of text elements to see the relationships between known and new
information to facilitate comprehension
Information heard to make meaningful decisions
Oral Language
Grade level appropriate words used to communicate inter-and intra
personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings
Familiar literary text and common expressions for effective oral
interpretation and communication
Phonological Awareness
The letter-sound relationship between Mother Tongue and English for
effective transfer of learning
Vocabulary Development
Suitable vocabulary used in different languages for effective
Sentence construction for correct expression
The concepts of nouns, verbs and adjectives for roper identification and
Alphabet Knowledge
The alphabets in English in comparison to the alphabets of Filipino and
Mother Tongue
Concepts about narrative and informational text for appreciation
Study Strategies
Useful strategies for purposeful literacy learning

Performance Standard
The learner Oral Learning
Independently takes turn in sharing inter and intra personal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using appropriate words
Uses appropriate expressions in oral interpretations and familiar stories
Listening Comprehension
Correctly presents text elements through simple organizers to make
inferences, predictions and conclusions
Uses information from theme-based activities as guided for decision
making and following instructions
Alphabet Knowledge
Distinguishes similarities and differences of the alphabets in English and
Mother Tongue/ Filipino
Phonological Awareness
Effectively transfers the knowledge of letter-sound relationship from
Mother Tongue to English
Uses familiar vocabulary to independently express ideas in speaking
Book Knowledge
Correctly identifies book parts and follows reading conventions
Properly identifies and describes people, animals, places, things, and
uses them in a variety of oral and written theme-based activities.
Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically correct sentences in
different theme-based activities
Makes personal accounts on stories/texts us expression of appreciations
to familiar books
Study Strategies
Independently uses strategies in accomplishing literacy-related tasks

Competencies Oral Language

Talk about one’s activities/ responsibilities in school
Study Strategy
Engage in a variety of ways to share information( e.g.-role playing,
reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and tell)

Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talkshow, etc,

Listening Comprehension
Ask and answer simple questions9 who,what where,when) about text

Book and print Knowledge

Recognize the common terms in English relating to part of book (e.g.
cover, title page, etc.) book orientation

Vocabulary Development
Determine the meaning of words using clues( Total Physical Response
through realia, picture, body movements, context clues, etc.)

Phonological Awareness
Supply words that rhyme with word

Adjectives ( EN2G-llf-j-5)
Recognize descriptions of things ( color, shape, size, height, weight,
length, distance, etc)

Day 1
Lesson Objectives To To ask and answer simple questions (what, who, where, when )about
text listened to
Process Skills: Writing

Values Integration: Neatness Process Skills :Reading, Listening

Values Integration: Cleanliness

Subject Matter Answering Wh-Questions
Learning Resources CG, BOW, LM, TG, real objects/ pictures
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
 Whole Class  Ability Groups
Use these letter icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
methodology and assessment introduction), where you may address all grade levels as  Other (specify)
activities. one group.  Combination of Structures
 Mixed Ability Groups
DT Direct Teaching  Grade Groups
GW Group Work Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
IL Independent Learning
A. Pre- Reading
A Assessment 1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock the words through actions/ pictures/ realia
a. active
b. tidy
c. mad
d. empty
e. tired
f. waited
g. fell asleep
2. Motivation
Ask: Do you play with your friends?
Did you experience playing mud
3. Motive Questions
What were the things Dennis forgot to do?
B .During Reading
-Setting the standard for listening
- The teacher reads the story “Dennis Long Day” (Appendix 1)

C ,Post Reading
1. Who played with mud at the yard?
2. What were the things Dennis forgot to do?
3. Where did Dennis played?
4. Who did Dennis wait for?
5. Why did father’s friends laugh at Dennis?
6. Do you washed yourself after playing?

The teacher shows an objects and let the pupils tell Group the pupils into 3 groups
something about it
. Group 1.
Read with the group the short story and answer the questions that
Follows.( Appendix 2)
Group 2
Provide an activity card. ( their answer must be written on a
manila paper.( Appendix 3)
Group 3
Write 5 sentences about your responsibilities in the school.
Appendix 4

Draw the objects that are inside the pocket chart Presentation of output by group.
The teacher will provide discussion in answering wh-questions.
Provide more scaffolding to strengthen the skill.

(Appendix 7 ) (Appendix 8)

( Appendix 9) (Appendix 10)

Day 2
Lesson Objectives To To recognize description of things ( color, shape, size,

Process Skills Writing height, weight , length, distance, etc)

Values Integration: Neatness Process Skills: Writing, Speaking,

Values Integration: Alertness

Subject Matter Recognizing the Description of Things( color, shape, size,)

Learning Resources CG, BOW, LM, Objects,

Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):

Use these letter icons to show  Whole Class  Ability Groups

methodology and assessment Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
activities. introduction), where you may address all grade levels as  Other (specify)
one group.  Combination of Structures
DT Direct Teaching  Mixed Ability Groups
GW Group Work
 Grade Groups
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
IL Independent Learning
A Assessment Show real objects and let the pupils describe each objects. (Prepare beforehand the objects paying attention to its color,
shape and size).
Write their answer on the board and let them read.

Show a picture and let the pupils say something about it. Discuss their answer.( Appendix 11)
Say: All things that we see have their own unique descriptions. These will differ them from the rest. Things may vary in size, shape and
color. We call them descriptive words.
Ask: What can you say about this ball? etc.
Provide more guided practice and oral language to strengthen the skill.

(Appendix 12) Distribute real objects to each group and classify them according
their color, shape, and size. Write yours answers on the activity card.
Appendix 13A

( Appendix 13B ) (Appendix 14 )

A (Appendix 15 ) A (Appendix 16 )

Day 3
Lesson Objectives To: Answer the summative test with at least 80% mastery To: Answer the summative test with at least 80% mastery

Subject Matter Writing Answering the summative test

Learning Resources
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
 Whole Class  Ability Groups
Use these letter icons to show Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Friendship Groups
methodology and assessment introduction), where you may address all grade levels as  Other (specify)
activities. one group.  Combination of Structures
 Mixed Ability Groups
DT Direct Teaching  Grade Groups
GW Group Work Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
IL Independent Learning
Tell the pupils the standards in taking the test
A Assessment A A
(Appendix 17 ) ( Appendix 18



CG, BOW, LM pp.171, 198-200

Prepared by: Checked by: Validated by:


TeacherDesignation EPS – Filipino/MG Coordinator

Prepared by:
Appendix 1 Teacher 2
Day 1 Grades 1 and 2
By Leah N. Baustista

Dennis was known for being active. He wanted to do everything every

day. He forgot many things about keeping his body clean and his room tidy.

One day, he played with mud at the yard. He placed mud and stone in
every corner. Then, he would hung his toys by the door’

After that, he would jump around with empty bottles and cans. “ Join
me,” he would tell his friends.

Night fell, he was tired. Dennis waited for his mother to clean him up.
He fell asleep at the table. Father’s friends came to visit.

They all laughed at what they saw. Dennis was covered with mud and
leaves. “ Dennis had a long day, “Father said.


Day 2, Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Direction: Read the story and answer the questions that follow
My little brother loves to play ball. He tosses it, rolls it, and shoots it into
the ring. He has five different balls. It was a gift he received from Dad.

1. Who loved to play ball?

2. What did he do with the ball?
3. Who gave the balls?


Day 1 Grade 2 English 2 / Q2 /W8

Direction: The leader reads the story and let the member answer the questions
after reading.

Bea has a new baby brother. His name is Michael. He was born just six
months ago. When Michael can’t sleep. Bea sings him a song. She sings “Rock-
a- Bye-Baby.” Then, Michael goes to sleep.
1. Who has a baby brother?
2. What is the name of her baby brother?
3. What song does she sing to her baby brother?
4. How old is her baby brother?


Day 1 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Direction: Write 5 sentences about your responsibilities in school.

Answer the following questions.

1. What are your role being a class officer?

2. Who are your companions in your group work?


3. Where do you usually work during ground improvement?


4. When do you avoid going out?


5. Why should you respect teachers?



Day 1 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Take a look at this picture of a school. Let the pupils tell something about it.
This is my school, ______________________________.

Appendix 6

Day 1 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Encircle the letter that is different to the group

1. a o a a
2. p p b p

3. h n n n

4. m m m w

5. d b b b


Day 1 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer

1.Who is our present president of the Philippines?

a. Pres. Aquino b. Pres. Marcos c. Pres. Dueterte

2. Maria and Princes went to the school early. Where did Maria and Princes

a. in the market b. in the school c. in the playground

3. Analisza lost her pocket, What Analiza lost?

a. money b. bag c. pocket

4. Lina and Tina are best friend, they are in Grade 1? What grade are Lina and

a. Grade 3 b. Grade 2 c. Grade 1

5. What Grade are you in?

a. grade 1 b. grade 3 c. grade 2


Day 1 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Encircle the different word with different letter

from the group

1. bag dog boat

2. ax ox open
3. man mango watch

4. Lita Tessie Lorna

5. pet goat gate


Day 1 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Direction: Place a / if the statement is a responsibilities of the school and x if


1. ______Dante finish his assignment.

2.______Roy wash the dishes.

3.______The grade 2 pupils attend the flag ceremony every morning.

4.______Dona cook their breakfast every morning.

5.______The children read their book silently inside the room


Day 2 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Write the big letter of the given letter at the left


2. p_______

3. z _______

4. h_______

5. m_______

6. l _______


9. f _______



Day2 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Box the small letter of the given big letter on the left

1.B p d b

2.Q p q g

3. G p q g

4. F f t l

5.Z s z c

Day 2 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Group 1
Direction: From the real objects given to you, write the name and description
according to size, shape and color. Write your answers on the template below.

Name of Object Size Shape Color


Group 2

Draw the real objects given to you and write the size, shape and color.

1. 2.

This is a _________________. This is an _________________.

Its color is ____________. Its color is ____________.
Its size is ______________. Its size is ______________.
Its shape is ___________.
Its shape is ___________.


Day 2 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Direction: Underline the adjectives in each sentence.

1. The ball is round.

2. There are big apples inside the box.

3. The house is big.

4. The girl is pretty.

5. The table is long.


Day 2 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Direction: Encircle the different letter from the group

1. B B B D

2. Q G G G

3. D D P D

4. R F F F

5. M M M W

Day 2 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Direction: Underline the adjectives in each sentence

1.The elephant has a big ears.

2.There are many mangoes inside the box.

3.The table is round.

4. Princes wear a red dress.

5. The pants of Rowel is short.


Day 3 Grade 1 English 1/Q2/W8

Summative Test

Direction: Ring the letter that are different from the group

1. k k h k

2. n m n n

3.t t f t

4. f t f t

5. s s z s

6. y g y y

7r r d r

8. b d d d

9. p p q p

10. j j g j

Day 3 Grade 2 English 2/Q2/W8

Summative Test

Direction: Underline the adjectives in each sentence.

1. The boy is tall.

2. The dog is has a small tail.

3. Ana is pretty.

4.The house is big.

5. The elephant has a big ear.

6. There are three red balloon on the table.

7. The yellow mango is sweet.

8. The pencil is short.

9. My mother is kind.

10. The baby is cute.

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