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Must Have

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Basic Copywriting Prompts

Write a sales letter using the AIDA model about (Insert topic)

Write a sales letter using the PSA formula about (Insert topic)

Write a cold email using the AIDA model about (insert topic)

Give me 10 headline variations about (insert topic)

Write a short story about (insert topic)

Sales Copy Prompts

Write sales copy using the AIDA model about (describe your product and the

Write sales copy using the PSA formula about (describe your product and the
name) Write a before and after bridge about (describe your product and the

Write features and benefits about (describe your product and the name)

Write features, advantage, and benefits sales page about (describe your product
and the name) Write marketing angles about (describe your product and the

Write a pain, agitate, solution sales page about (describe your product and the
name) Write a problem, promise, proof sales page about (describe your product
and the name)

100 Must Have Prompts 02

Landing Page Prompts
Write a call to action for (describe your product and the name)

Write 10 calls to action headlines for (describe your product and the name)

Write 10 landing page hero text examples for (describe your product and the
name) Write a sub header for (insert header)

Generate 10 questions people may have about (describe your product and the

Generate 10 customer testimonials for (describe your product and the name)

Amazon Listing Prompts

Write 5 Titles for Amazon listing (describe your product)

Write 10 bullet points for Amazon listing (Brand Name, describe your product,
What's the advantage of your product)

Write a description for Amazon listing (describe your product)

Find 100 most searched keywords (describe your product)

Find who is my target Audience (Iron Supplement)

Разработка ChatGPT потребовала огромных затрат времени и

ресурсов. По данным OpenAI, для обучения модели
потребовалось эквивалент сотен лет процессорного времени и
миллионы долларов.

100 Must Have Prompts 03

Website Copy Prompts
Write 10 hero text examples for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write a subheader about (insert headline)

Write a short paragraph about (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write a listicle about (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write meta description for (insert page copy)

Generate 10 questions people may have about (describe your product and the name)

Summarize what people will find on the next page (describe the other page)

Blog Post Prompts

Generate 10 blog ideas for (describe your blog topic)

Generate 20 blog keyword ideas for (describe your topic or niche)

Write a blog outline for (describe your blog topic)

Write a blog intro for (describe your blog topic)

Write 10 bullet points about (insert blog topic)

Write a blog conclusion for (insert blog topic)

Write an entire blog section based on (insert bullet point or headline)

ChatGPT получил признание за свой потенциал изменить область

искусственного интеллекта и обработки естественного языка,
несмотря на свои ограничения.

100 Must Have Prompts 04

Email Marketing Prompts
Generate 10 catchy subject lines for (describe your product and, or topic)

Generate 10 lead magnet ideas for (describe your product and, or topic)

Write preview text for (insert your headline or sales copy)

Write a welcome email for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write a social proof email for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write an abandoned cart email for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write a cancelation email for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Write a sales email in the AIDA model for (describe your product, service, or topic)

Cold Email Prompts

Generate 10 catchy cold email subject lines for (describe your product and the

Generate 10 catchy follow-up email subject lines for (describe your product and
the name)

Write 2 follow-up emails for (describe your product and the name)

Write a thank you note for (describe your product, service, or topic)

С более чем 175 миллиардами параметров ChatGPT занимает одно

из лидирующих мест среди самых больших ИИ-моделей в мире,
что позволяет ему выполнять сложные языковые задачи с
безупречной точностью.

100 Must Have Prompts 05

Video Script Prompts
Generate 10 youtube video ideas for (insert topic)

Write a video script with an outline about (insert topic)

Generate tags for a youtube video about (describe your topic or insert headline)

Generate 10 catchy subject lines for a youtube video about (describe your topic
or insert headline)

Write a sales video script using the AIDA model for (describe your product and the
name) Write a compelling hook for a video about (insert topic)

Generate a youtube video description with an engaging into about (insert topic)

Twitter Content Prompts

Generate 10 tweet ideas about (insert topic)

Write a short, compelling tweet about (insert topic)

Write a tweet headline that will get attention about (insert topic)

Write a tweet hook about (insert topic)

Write a short text hook about (insert topic)

Write a product sales tweet promoting (insert product or service)

Write a relatable experience tweet about (insert topic)

Write a full twitter thread about (insert headline or topic)

(Insert tweet) rewrite

Generate shower thoughts about (insert topic)

Generate hard truths about (insert topic)

100 Must Have Prompts 06

Instagram Prompts
Generate 10 Instagram post ideas about (instert topic)

Generate 10 Viral giveaway captions about (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate 10 instagram captions for(insert topic)

Generate 20 hashtags for (instert Instagram caption)

Create Instagram product showcase for (instert product followed by name)

(Instert Instagram caption)

Write a compelling Instagram caption about (insert topic)

Product Description Prompts

Generate a product description for (Describe product followed by the name)

Generate 10 features and benefits for (describe product followed by the name)
Generate a product description based on (instert headline)

Write a longer (instert product description)

(Insert product description) rewrite using the AIDA model

(Insert product description) rewrite to be shorter

Будущее ChatGPT и языковых моделей AI остается

неопределенным, но они готовы сыграть ключевую роль в
развитии передовых технологий и приложений.

100 Must Have Prompts 07

Facebook Ads Prompts
Generate 10 Facebook ad ideas about (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate 10 Facebook ad headlines about (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate a Facebook listicle about (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate Facebooks ad link description for (instead of ad headline)

Write Facebooks ad primary text for (insert product, service, or topic)

Google Ads Prompts

Generate 10 Google text ad ideas about (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate 10 Google text ad headlines about (insert product, service, or topic)

Write Google ads description about (insert product, service, or topic)

Business Prompts
Generate 10 brand mission statements for (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate 10 mottos for (insert product, service, or topic)

Generate a value proposition for (insert product, service, or topic, and include a
product or company name)

Write a business plan for (insert business idea)

Generate 10 marketing strategies for (insert business idea)

100 Must Have Prompts 08


Must Have

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