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Authors Number of Sessions
Archangel Michael 14
Arcturians 2
Asthar Sheran 2
Buddha 1
Galactic Federation 67
Guardians of the Astral Plane 1
Jeshua 1
Kryon 1
Lemurians 1
Metatron 40
Nikola Tesla 1
Orion High Council 1
Pleiadians 58
RA 16
Sirians High Council 2

Total 208
Hello my special friends,

I feel that it is easier to understand what is said in the sessions while reading it as our
conscious and unconscious part of the brain more actively absorb the written words while

There is simply so much information given in the sessions than we can absorb,
understand and integrate in our brain while listening to the sessions.

So I decided to transcribe all the sessions. This not only offers an added advantage of
quick search for a word/ topic but also protects against the censorship by the big tech

Hopefully this resource will help many of you, making it easier to absorb and understand
the information given in the sessions.

With Love/ Light


(Not expected but highly appreciated!)

Paypal link for SAM

Paypal link for AGHF
Table of Contents
Session 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Arcturians 1 Jan 7, 2021 ...........................................................................1
Message from the Arcturian Collective .....................................................1
Session 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4
Metatron 1 Jan 10, 2021 ...........................................................................4
Message from Metatron Magnetic ............................................................4
Session 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------10
RA 1 Feb 2, 2021 ....................................................................................10
What is Soul Family, Oumuamua & Answers to Your Queries ................10
Session 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------14
Galactic Federation 1 Feb 14, 2021........................................................14
Which Alien Race Crashed in Roswell, New Mexico?Soul Mate Types .14
Session 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------17
Archangel Michael 1 Feb 16, 2021 .........................................................17
Don't Miss Soul Graduation Window......................................................17
Session 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------20
Guardians of the Astral Plane 1 Feb 18, 2021 ........................................20
What Soul Contracts Higher-Self Made Before Your Incarnation on
Earth? .............................................................................................................20
Session 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------23
Galactic Federation 2 Feb 23, 2021........................................................23
Seeding of Earth By Andromedans & Humanity's Second Test .............23
Session 8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------26
RA 2 Feb 25, 2021 ..................................................................................26
Soul Journey After Self-Destruction .......................................................26
Session 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------------29
Archangel Michael 2 Feb 27, 2021 .........................................................29
How to Change Your Soul Contracts? Nobody Knows About This! .......29
Session 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------32
Pleiadians 1 Feb 28, 2021 ......................................................................32
Inside Pleiadian Star System ..................................................................32
Session 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------35
Jeshua 1 Mar 2, 2021 .............................................................................35
A Simple Way Into The Kingdom Of Heaven & Predictions ....................35
Session 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------39
Asthar Sheran 1 Mar 3, 2021 ..................................................................39
What Actions Will be Taken if Situation between USA & Syria Worsen? 39
Session 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------42
Arcturians 2 Mar 5, 2021.........................................................................42
What Are Your Dreams, Their Meaning & Manifestations .......................42
Session 14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------46
RA 3 Mar 6, 2021 ....................................................................................46
Hidden Agenda Of Great Reset "You Will Own Nothing & You Will Be
Happy?" .........................................................................................................46
Session 15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------49
Lemurians 1 Mar 7, 2021 ........................................................................49
How Reptilians Destroyed Lemuria & Pleiadian's Intervention | Light
Workers ..........................................................................................................49
Session 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------52
RA 4 Mar 9, 2021 ....................................................................................52
My Past Lives & Incarnation Lessons .....................................................52
Session 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------54
Galactic Federation 3 Mar 10, 2021 .......................................................54
Alien Moon Bases, Their Purpose, Treaty With NASA & Reptilian War ..54
Session 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------58
Buddha 1 Mar 11, 2021 ..........................................................................58
3 Things You Can Do to Escape Reincarnation Cycle in This Lifetime...58
Session 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------61
2 of 23
Sirians 1 Mar 14, 2021 ............................................................................61
How Federation Stopped Nibiru: Earth Collision in 2012 & Anunnaki War
& Open Mind ..................................................................................................61
Session 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------64
RA 5 Mar 15, 2021 ..................................................................................64
Nikola Tesla's Alien Connection & His Past & Future Incarnations |
Access Akashic Records ...............................................................................64
Session 21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------67
Galactic Federation 4 Mar 17, 2021 .......................................................67
Hidden Truth of Dark Side of Moon: Alien Bases & Orion-Reptilian War &
Inner Work ......................................................................................................67
Session 22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------70
Nikola Tesla 1 Mar 19, 2021....................................................................70
3, 6, 9 Revealed, Why Were Giza Pyramids Built & Light .......................70
Session 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------73
Galactic Federation 5 Mar 21, 2021 .......................................................73
Truth of RH Negative Alien+Human Bloodline Revealed | Annunaki UFO
Abduction .......................................................................................................73
Session 24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------76
Pleiadians 2 Mar 23, 2021 ......................................................................76
How Orions Destroyed Atlantis | Maldek + Martian War & Spiritual
Development ..................................................................................................76
Session 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------80
RA 6 Mar 25, 2021 ..................................................................................80
How Dark Entities Tried to Stop Me & How to be Immune to Negative
Forces ............................................................................................................80
Session 26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------82
RA 7 Mar 27, 2021 ..................................................................................82
Should I Continue Channeling? & The Dark is Frustrated at Light
Spreading .......................................................................................................82
Session 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------84
Galactic Federation 6 Mar 29, 2021 .......................................................84
3 of 23
Gray Aliens, Bases Underwater, Treaties | Your Mission On Earth .........84
Session 28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------88
Metatron 2 Mar 31, 2021 ........................................................................88
8 Levels of 1st Density Consciousness ..................................................88
Session 29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------91
Metatron 3 Apr 2, 2021 ...........................................................................91
Was Jesus from Another Planet? & His Soul's Evolution | Good Friday.91
Session 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------94
Pleiadians 3 Apr 4, 2021 .........................................................................94
Hidden Truth of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus | Reptilian and
Sirian War .......................................................................................................94
Session 31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------97
RA 8 Apr 6, 2021.....................................................................................97
Agenda of Donald Trump's New Media Platform & 7 Sub-densities of
2nd Density Consciousness...........................................................................97
Session 32 -----------------------------------------------------------------------100
Archangel Michael 3 Apr 9, 2021 ..........................................................100
How Elohim Created Adam & Eve, War with Lucifer Beings & Tree of
Session 33 -----------------------------------------------------------------------104
Metatron 4 Apr 10, 2021 .......................................................................104
Do This to Prepare for 3 Events ............................................................104
Session 34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------107
RA 9 Apr 12, 2021.................................................................................107
What Elon Musk is Hiding From Humanity? Where is Prince Philip's
Soul? ............................................................................................................107
Session 35 -----------------------------------------------------------------------110
Asthar Sheran 2 Apr 15, 2021...............................................................110
Upcoming Galactic War & Aliens on Mars | Inter-dimension Portal......110
Session 36 -----------------------------------------------------------------------113

4 of 23
Metatron 5 Apr 18, 2021 .......................................................................113
What are Time Traveling Souls, Past Lives of Trump, How Higher Self
Decides Life-lesson ......................................................................................113
Session 37 -----------------------------------------------------------------------116
Asthar Sheran 3 Apr 20, 2021...............................................................116
Martian War About to Start & Requesting All To Activate Your Light ....116
Session 38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------118
Archangel Michael 4 Apr 24, 2021 ........................................................118
Why 3 DAYS of DARKNESS Won't Happen? .......................................118
Session 39 -----------------------------------------------------------------------121
Metatron 6 Apr 26, 2021 .......................................................................121
This Method Was Used to BUILD PYRAMIDS & Will Manifest Anything
You DESIRE | Super Moon ...........................................................................121
Session 40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------124
Galactic Federation 7 Apr 28, 2021 ......................................................124
AGREEMENTS Made during Mars Intervention? .................................124
Session 41 -----------------------------------------------------------------------127
Pleiadians 4 Apr 30, 2021 .....................................................................127
Why MAY Will Be Huge for Humanity: Prepare for Galactic Updates |
Story of One Creator ....................................................................................127
Session 42 -----------------------------------------------------------------------131
Archangel Michael 5 May 2, 2021.........................................................131
What is Inside Hollow MOON? & Its Purpose .......................................131
Session 43 -----------------------------------------------------------------------134
RA 10 May 4, 2021 ...............................................................................134
What is Bill Gates Hiding From Humanity? & Why the Divorce? ..........134
Session 44 -----------------------------------------------------------------------137
Galactic Federation 8 May 6, 2021 .......................................................137
Something Big is Happening on Mars! How our Higher Self can Help on
Mars .............................................................................................................137
Session 45 -----------------------------------------------------------------------141
5 of 23
Galactic Federation 9 May 7, 2021 .......................................................141
I Was Threatened for Revealing Negative Entities Agenda on Mars? &
How to Stay Protected .................................................................................141
Session 46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------142
Metatron 7 May 10, 2021 ......................................................................142
If You Do this On Seeing Synchronised Numbers, You Will Change The
World! ...........................................................................................................142
Session 47 -----------------------------------------------------------------------145
Galactic Federation 10 May 12, 2021 ...................................................145
Luceferian Beings To be Intercepted! Mars War ...................................145
Session 48 -----------------------------------------------------------------------148
Kryon 1 May 13, 2021 ...........................................................................148
Kryon Cried During The Channeling Session .......................................148
Session 49 -----------------------------------------------------------------------151
Pleiadians 5 May 18, 2021 ....................................................................151
This Event Occurs in 75,000 Year Cycle & New Earth ..........................151
Session 50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------154
Pleiadians 6 May 20, 2021 ....................................................................154
Share This ASAP So People Can be Ready, Star-seeds ......................154
Session 51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------157
Metatron 8 May 24, 2021 ......................................................................157
Alien Disclosure & Contacts..................................................................157
Session 52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------161
Pleiadians 7 May 26, 2021 ....................................................................161
Don't Forget to Do This During This Time & Story of Wanderers .........161
Session 53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------165
Orion High Council 1 May 28, 2021 ......................................................165
Protect against Soul Switch..................................................................165
Session 54 -----------------------------------------------------------------------168
Galactic Federation 11 May 31, 2021 ...................................................168
6 of 23
Big Energy Waves | UFO Sightings of Past Days .................................168
Session 55 -----------------------------------------------------------------------171
Archangel Michael 6 Jun 3, 2021..........................................................171
You Can Save Earth & Universe | CERN PORTAL Explained ................171
Session 56 -----------------------------------------------------------------------174
RA 11 Jun 4, 2021 ................................................................................174
How to use Imagination Complex & Story of Enlightenment................174
Session 57 -----------------------------------------------------------------------177
Pleiadians 8 Jun 7, 2021 .......................................................................177
Manifesting Love: Soul Mate, Soul Contracts ......................................177
Session 58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------180
Galactic Federation 12 Jun 9, 2021 ......................................................180
Timelines Explained | Story of Life-review ............................................180
Session 59 -----------------------------------------------------------------------183
Pleiadians 9 Jun 10, 2021 .....................................................................183
Initiation into NEW EARTH has started .................................................183
Session 60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------186
Galactic Federation 13 Jun 15, 2021 ....................................................186
What is the ILLUMINATI hiding from Humanity? Alien Bodies Cover-up &
Switching Timelines .....................................................................................186
Session 61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------189
RA 12 Jun 18, 2021 ..............................................................................189
Old Souls and How to Access Intelligent Infinity ..................................189
Session 62 -----------------------------------------------------------------------192
Galactic Federation 14 Jun 22, 2021 ....................................................192
Space Force, Agreements with Galactic Federation ............................192
Session 63 -----------------------------------------------------------------------195
Galactic Federation 15 Jun 28, 2021 ....................................................195
Why this may be the Last Message from Galactic Federation? & How to
Banish Negative Entities? ............................................................................195
7 of 23
Session 64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------198
Archangel Michael 7 Jul 1, 2021 ...........................................................198
Veil of Forgetting & Council of Planets..................................................198
Session 65 -----------------------------------------------------------------------201
Galactic Federation 16 Jul 6, 2021 .......................................................201
Humanity Must Know About This & LIGHT WILL WIN .........................201
Session 66 -----------------------------------------------------------------------204
Sirians 2 Jul 8, 2021..............................................................................204
Every Person's Power to Create New Earth & Encoded One ...............204
Session 67 -----------------------------------------------------------------------206
Pleiadians 10 Jul 12, 2021 ....................................................................206
Dark Agenda of 5G & Alien Connection?..............................................206
Session 68 -----------------------------------------------------------------------209
Archangel Michael 8 Jul 14, 2021 .........................................................209
Key to Your Awakening & Energy Centers ............................................209
Session 69 -----------------------------------------------------------------------212
Pleiadians 11 Jul 16, 2021 ....................................................................212
Not Everyone's Going to Make it- Prepare for NEW EARTH ................212
Session 70 -----------------------------------------------------------------------215
RA 13 Jul 19, 2021................................................................................215
Prepare Yourself Spiritually For What's Coming! ..................................215
Session 71 -----------------------------------------------------------------------218
Galactic Federation 17 Jul 21, 2021 .....................................................218
Prepare Yourself for Truth of Secret Space Program ............................218
Session 72 -----------------------------------------------------------------------221
Archangel Michael 9 Jul 23, 2021 .........................................................221
Prepare Yourself Emotionally- Story of Dinosaurs ................................221
Session 73 -----------------------------------------------------------------------224
Archangel Michael 10 Jul 26, 2021 .......................................................224
8 of 23
Everything You Know is Backwards! Prepare Yourself for Energy Work ....
Session 74 -----------------------------------------------------------------------227
Pleiadians 12 Jul 29, 2021 ....................................................................227
Only The Awakened Will Survive - Prepare Yourself Spiritually! Story of
Catalyst ........................................................................................................227
Session 75 -----------------------------------------------------------------------230
Archangel Michael 11 Aug 2, 2021 .......................................................230
Big Changes Coming In The Fall Of 2021- Prepare Yourself Internally 230
Session 76 -----------------------------------------------------------------------233
Galactic Federation 18 Aug 4, 2021 .....................................................233
Millions Are Going to Finally Wake Up - Prepare For Truth Of Pole Shifts .
Session 77 -----------------------------------------------------------------------236
Metatron 9 Aug 5, 2021 ........................................................................236
Lions Gate Portal: 3 Choices & Story of Awakening.............................236
Session 78 -----------------------------------------------------------------------240
Pleiadians 13 Aug 9, 2021 ....................................................................240
Apocalypse HOPI Prophecy is Coming True! Prepare Yourself Spiritually
& Battle of Inner Earth ..................................................................................240
Session 79 -----------------------------------------------------------------------243
Archangel Michael 12 Aug 12, 2021 .....................................................243
Everything Is About To Change Suddenly - Prepare For Deep
Awakening ....................................................................................................243
Session 80 -----------------------------------------------------------------------246
Galactic Federation 19 Aug 16, 2021 ...................................................246
Prepare Yourself for A New Era | Council of Planets & Ego Mind .........246
Session 81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------250
Metatron 10 Aug 18, 2021 ....................................................................250
Prepare Yourself For Spiritual Upgrade - Your Purpose .......................250
Session 82 -----------------------------------------------------------------------253
9 of 23
Pleiadians 14 Aug 20, 2021 ..................................................................253
Prepare For Deep Connection | Soul Contract, Astral Plane ................253
Session 83 -----------------------------------------------------------------------256
Galactic Federation 20 Aug 22, 2021 ...................................................256
Solar Waves & Mars War Update..........................................................256
Session 84 -----------------------------------------------------------------------258
Pleiadians 15 Aug 30, 2021 ..................................................................258
Prepare For Ascension Changes ..........................................................258
Session 85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------261
Pleiadians 16 Sep 6, 2021 ....................................................................261
Prepare Yourself Spiritually: Pleiadians.................................................261
Session 86 -----------------------------------------------------------------------263
RA 14 Sep 8, 2021 ................................................................................263
Most People Can't Accept This Truth ...................................................263
Session 87 -----------------------------------------------------------------------265
Archangel Michael 13 Sep 13, 2021 .....................................................265
Prime Directives On Walk-Ins & Soul Switch ........................................265
Session 88 -----------------------------------------------------------------------269
Pleiadians 17 Sep 20, 2021 ..................................................................269
Soul Types & Gender ............................................................................269
Session 89 -----------------------------------------------------------------------274
Galactic Federation 21 Sep 20, 2021 ...................................................274
The Biggest Event of 2021 & Story of Imagination ...............................274
Session 90 -----------------------------------------------------------------------278
Galactic Federation 22 Sep 27, 2021 ...................................................278
Earth Quarantine & Big Foot .................................................................278
Session 91 -----------------------------------------------------------------------282
Pleiadians 18 Oct 4, 2021 .....................................................................282
Prepare To Go Off-Grid Spiritually ........................................................282
10 of 23
Session 92 -----------------------------------------------------------------------286
Galactic Federation 23 Oct 6, 2021 ......................................................286
Mars War & FB-Instagram Black-Out Explained ..................................286
Session 93 -----------------------------------------------------------------------289
Galactic Federation 24 Oct 8, 2021 ......................................................289
South Pole: Battle For Light Vs Dark" & Akashic Records ...................289
Session 94 -----------------------------------------------------------------------292
Galactic Federation 25 Oct 14, 2021 ....................................................292
Take Back Your Power! Their Time Is Finally Up! & Silver Chord &
Timelines ......................................................................................................292
Session 95 -----------------------------------------------------------------------295
Pleiadians 19 Oct 18, 2021 ...................................................................295
It's About To Go To A Whole New Level, Don't Take This Lightly .........295
Session 96 -----------------------------------------------------------------------299
Galactic Federation 26 Oct 22, 2021 ....................................................299
Background People / NPC....................................................................299
Session 97 -----------------------------------------------------------------------302
Pleiadians 20 Oct 27, 2021 ...................................................................302
DUMBS, Hybrids & Graduation ............................................................302
Session 98 -----------------------------------------------------------------------306
Galactic Federation 27 Nov 3, 2021 .....................................................306
Sun Wars & Consciousness ..................................................................306
Session 99 -----------------------------------------------------------------------310
Pleiadians 21 Nov 5, 2021 ....................................................................310
Greatest Deception Lies Hidden In Plain Sight: Meta & Event .............310
Session 100 ----------------------------------------------------------------------315
Galactic Federation 28 Nov 15, 2021 ...................................................315
The Great Solar Flash & Consciousness ..............................................315
Session 101 ----------------------------------------------------------------------320

11 of 23
Pleiadians 22 Nov 17, 2021 ..................................................................320
The Next Great Ascension Is About To Begin: Spiritual Battle .............320
Session 102 ----------------------------------------------------------------------324
Metatron 11 Nov 23, 2021 ....................................................................324
3rd Eye Activation & Elon Musk's Past .................................................324
Session 103 ----------------------------------------------------------------------328
Metatron 12 Nov 30, 2021 ....................................................................328
Prepare Yourself For Spiritual Activation: Merkaba ..............................328
Session 104 ----------------------------------------------------------------------331
Galactic Federation 29 Dec 7, 2021 .....................................................331
Soul Garment ........................................................................................331
Session 105 ----------------------------------------------------------------------336
Metatron 13 Dec 14, 2021 ....................................................................336
Are You The Children Of Law of One? ..................................................336
Session 106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------340
Galactic Federation 30 Dec 21, 2021 ...................................................340
Earth's Past Lives .................................................................................340
Session 107 ----------------------------------------------------------------------345
Pleiadians 23 Dec 28, 2021 ..................................................................345
The Rise Of The New Planet & Breath Of Spirit ....................................345
Session 108 ----------------------------------------------------------------------350
Galactic Federation 31 Jan 4, 2022 ......................................................350
Cabal Elites ...........................................................................................350
Session 109 ----------------------------------------------------------------------356
Galactic Federation 32 Jan 11, 2022 ....................................................356
2 Groups Dictate The Fate Of The World..............................................356
Session 110 ----------------------------------------------------------------------362
Galactic Federation 33 Jan 18, 2022 ....................................................362
Reptilian Royals & Kundalini Awakening ..............................................362
12 of 23
Session 111 ----------------------------------------------------------------------367
Metatron 14 Jan 25, 2022 .....................................................................367
Session 112 ----------------------------------------------------------------------371
Metatron 15 Feb 1, 2022 ......................................................................371
False Light & Diet ..................................................................................371
Session 113 ----------------------------------------------------------------------376
Pleiadians 24 Feb 8, 2022 ....................................................................376
Soul Contracts & Bob Proctor ..............................................................376
Session 114 ----------------------------------------------------------------------383
Galactic Federation 34 Feb 15, 2022....................................................383
Parallel Realities, Psychedelics & Dimensions .....................................383
Session 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------388
Metatron 16 Feb 22, 2022 ....................................................................388
2nd Coming of Christ & Albert Einstein ................................................388
Session 116 ----------------------------------------------------------------------393
Galactic Federation 35 14 Mar 1, 2022 ................................................393
This is the Last Incarnation for Everyone | Law of Rhythmic Catalyst ..393
Session 117 ----------------------------------------------------------------------396
Galactic Federation 36 Mar 15, 2022 ...................................................396
Ark of the Covenant & Soul Lives .........................................................396
Session 118 ----------------------------------------------------------------------400
Galactic Federation 37 Mar 22, 2022 ...................................................400
Signs of Ascension ...............................................................................400
Session 119 ----------------------------------------------------------------------404
Metatron 17 Mar 29, 2022 ....................................................................404
Why Highly Evolved Chosen Ones Undergo Ear Ringing Period |
Distance Healing ..........................................................................................404
Session 120 ----------------------------------------------------------------------408

13 of 23
Pleiadians 25 Apr 5, 2022 .....................................................................408
Universe School & How To Pass It | Extraterrestrial Monoliths &
Vibration .......................................................................................................408
Session 121 ----------------------------------------------------------------------412
Pleiadians 26 Apr 7, 2022 .....................................................................412
Pleiadians Showed Me A Dream About What's Coming ......................412
Session 122 ----------------------------------------------------------------------416
Galactic Federation 38 Apr 12, 2022 ....................................................416
The Next World Major Event... will Rock you out of your chair | Arks ..416
Session 123 ----------------------------------------------------------------------420
Pleiadians 27 Apr 15, 2022 ...................................................................420
Guardians Of Looking Glass - This Goes Deeper Than You Thought ..420
Session 124 ----------------------------------------------------------------------424
Pleiadians 28 Apr 19, 2022 ...................................................................424
Looking Glass (2030) Two Timelines & Spiritual Freedom ....................424
Session 125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------428
Galactic Federation 39 Apr 26, 2022 ....................................................428
Big Energy Shifts Are Beginning Worldwide | ET Seeders ....................428
Session 126 ----------------------------------------------------------------------431
Metatron 18 May 3, 2022 ......................................................................431
Soul Contracts & Dr. Joe Dispenza .......................................................431
Session 127 ----------------------------------------------------------------------436
Pleiadians 29 May 10, 2022 ..................................................................436
Prepare For Changing World Order & Higher Self ................................436
Session 128 ----------------------------------------------------------------------439
Galactic Federation 40 May 17, 2022 ...................................................439
You're not even going to believe what came thru: 5th Density, UFO ...439
Session 129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------443
Metatron 19 May 24, 2022 ....................................................................443

14 of 23
Hall of Records & Neville Goddard .......................................................443
Session 130 ----------------------------------------------------------------------447
Galactic Federation 41 May 31, 2022 ...................................................447
Soul Division, Manifestation, Soul Type Test ........................................447
Session 131 ----------------------------------------------------------------------451
Pleiadians 30 June 3, 2022 ...................................................................451
4th Density & Open Alien Contact ........................................................451
Session 132 ----------------------------------------------------------------------454
RA 15 June 7, 2022 ..............................................................................454
Flat Earth, Looking Glass ......................................................................454
Session 133 ----------------------------------------------------------------------457
Pleiadians 31 June 13, 2022 .................................................................457
Full Moon, Matrix ..................................................................................457
Session 134 ----------------------------------------------------------------------461
Galactic Federation 41 June 20, 2022 ..................................................461
This Is The Freakiest Thing We Need To Be Aware Of..........................461
Session 135 ----------------------------------------------------------------------465
RA 16 June 27, 2022 ............................................................................465
Moon Landing & Looking Glass ............................................................465
Session 136 ----------------------------------------------------------------------469
Galactic Federation 43 July 4, 2022 .....................................................469
CERN ....................................................................................................469
Session 137 ----------------------------------------------------------------------472
Metatron 20 July 11, 2022 ....................................................................472
Georgia Guidestones & Alan Watts.......................................................472
Session 138 ----------------------------------------------------------------------476
Pleiadians 32 July 18, 2022 ..................................................................476
New Earth Currency ..............................................................................476
Session 139 ----------------------------------------------------------------------479
15 of 23
Metatron 21 July 25, 2022 ....................................................................479
Adepts and 4D ......................................................................................479
Session 140 ----------------------------------------------------------------------482
Galactic Federation 44 July 27, 2022 ...................................................482
If This Video Doesn't Wake You Up ......................................................482
Session 141 ----------------------------------------------------------------------485
Pleiadians 33 Aug 1, 2022 ....................................................................485
Everybody Needs To Know This ...........................................................485
Session 142 ----------------------------------------------------------------------488
Galactic Federation 45 Aug 7, 2022 .....................................................488
Lion's Gate Portal .................................................................................488
Session 143 ----------------------------------------------------------------------490
Pleiadians 34 Aug 11, 2022 ..................................................................490
CERN, Solar Flash, Maldek, Layers of Mind .........................................490
Session 144 ----------------------------------------------------------------------493
Metatron 22 Aug 16, 2022 ....................................................................493
911, Astrology, Elena vs Ismael ............................................................493
Session 145 ----------------------------------------------------------------------496
Pleiadians 35 Aug 22, 2022 ..................................................................496
Cause the END of Our Simulated Reality .............................................496
Session 146 ----------------------------------------------------------------------500
Metatron 23 Aug 29, 2022 ....................................................................500
Background People, Chemtrails & Mass Hypnosis ..............................500
Session 147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------504
Pleiadians 36 Sept 5, 2022 ...................................................................504
Everything Is Real Quiet: Elon Musk .....................................................504
Session 148 ----------------------------------------------------------------------508
Galactic Federation 46 Sept 9, 2022 ....................................................508
Queen Elizabeth II, Mars War, Silver Chord ..........................................508
16 of 23
Session 149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------512
Metatron 24 Sept 12, 2022 ...................................................................512
Princess Diana & Circle of Ascension ...................................................512
Session 150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------516
Pleiadians 37 Sept 19, 2022 .................................................................516
The Next Major Event Will Leave You Speechless ...............................516
Session 151 ----------------------------------------------------------------------519
Galactic Federation 47 Sept 22, 2022 ..................................................519
King Charles III ......................................................................................519
Session 152 ----------------------------------------------------------------------523
Pleiadians 38 Sept 26, 2022 .................................................................523
Night Sky, Matrix & Spirit Guides..........................................................523
Session 153 ----------------------------------------------------------------------527
Galactic Federation 48 Oct 3, 2022 ......................................................527
People Don't Realize What's Coming! ..................................................527
Session 154 ----------------------------------------------------------------------531
Pleiadians 39 Oct 10, 2022 ...................................................................531
Tartaria, Metatron, Nephilims, Anunnaki & Nibiru .................................531
Session 155 ----------------------------------------------------------------------535
Galactic Federation 49 Oct 12, 2022 ....................................................535
First It Will SHOCK The World, Then It Will Change It ..........................535
Session 156 ----------------------------------------------------------------------539
Metatron 25 Oct 17, 2022 .....................................................................539
Activate Dormant DNA and Dolores Cannon ........................................539
Session 157 ----------------------------------------------------------------------543
Pleiadians 40 Oct 24, 2022 ...................................................................543
From 3D to 5D ......................................................................................543
Session 158 ----------------------------------------------------------------------547
Galactic Federation 50 Oct 31, 2022 ....................................................547
17 of 23
The Most Powerful Audio about Enki ...................................................547
Session 159 ----------------------------------------------------------------------551
Pleiadians 41 Nov 7, 2022 ....................................................................551
The Moon Is Not What You Think .........................................................551
Session 160 ----------------------------------------------------------------------556
Metatron 26 Nov 11, 2022 ....................................................................556
Dark Secrets About Kanye West...........................................................556
Session 161 ----------------------------------------------------------------------560
Galactic Federation 51 Nov 14, 2022 ...................................................560
The Euphrates River..............................................................................560
Session 162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------564
Pleiadians 42 Nov 21, 2022 ..................................................................564
Remote Viewing & Elon Musk ...............................................................564
Session 163 ----------------------------------------------------------------------568
Metatron 27 Nov 23, 2022 ....................................................................568
New Moon is a Spooky Wild Card ........................................................568
Session 164 ----------------------------------------------------------------------572
Pleiadians 43 Nov 28, 2022 ..................................................................572
Pole Shift & CERN ................................................................................572
Session 165 ----------------------------------------------------------------------576
Galactic Federation 53 Dec 5, 2022 .....................................................576
The Last Wave of Darkness ..................................................................576
Session 166 ----------------------------------------------------------------------580
Pleiadians 44 Dec 9, 2022 ....................................................................580
We Were Never Supposed To See This ................................................580
Session 167 ----------------------------------------------------------------------583
Metatron 28 Dec 12, 2022 ....................................................................583
Great Central Sun Changes ..................................................................583
Session 168 ----------------------------------------------------------------------587
18 of 23
Pleiadians 45 Dec 19, 2022 ..................................................................587
New Earth is Here .................................................................................587
Session 169 ----------------------------------------------------------------------590
Pleiadians 46 Dec 26, 2022 ..................................................................590
Life-Changing Predictions for 2023 and Michael Jackson's Soul ........590
Session 170 ----------------------------------------------------------------------594
Galactic Federation 53 Jan 2, 2023 ......................................................594
4 Banned Ascension Methods & Ismael Perez .....................................594
Session 171 ----------------------------------------------------------------------598
Metatron 29 Jan 9, 2023 .......................................................................598
This is the Last Reincarnation for Everyone .........................................598
Session 172 ----------------------------------------------------------------------601
Pleiadians 47 Jan 16, 2023 ...................................................................601
Law of Attraction & Sadhguru ...............................................................601
Session 173 ----------------------------------------------------------------------605
Galactic Federation 54 Jan 23, 2023 ....................................................605
The New Earth Mystery.........................................................................605
Session 174 ----------------------------------------------------------------------609
Metatron 30 Jan 30, 2023 .....................................................................609
The Rapture and Dark Truth about AI & Chat GPT ...............................609
Session 175 ----------------------------------------------------------------------613
Pleiadians 48 Feb 6, 2023 ....................................................................613
It's A Worldwide Phenomenon!.............................................................613
Session 176 ----------------------------------------------------------------------617
Galactic Federation 55 Feb 13, 2023....................................................617
The Final Days of 75,000-Year Spiritual Cycle ......................................617
Session 177 ----------------------------------------------------------------------621
Galactic Federation 56 Feb 20, 2023....................................................621
The UFOs Aren't What They Seem & Pole Shift ...................................621
19 of 23
Session 178 ----------------------------------------------------------------------625
Metatron 31 Feb 27, 2023 ....................................................................625
Nikola Tesla's Divine 'GOD CODES' .....................................................625
Session 179 ----------------------------------------------------------------------629
Pleiadians 49 March 6, 2023 ................................................................629
EVENT That Will Effect Everyone On Earth!..........................................629
Session 180 ----------------------------------------------------------------------633
Galactic Federation 57 March 13, 2023................................................633
The KEYS to Escaping REINCARNATION ............................................633
Session 181 ----------------------------------------------------------------------637
Metatron 32 March 20, 2023 ................................................................637
Something strange is happening on the moon .....................................637
Session 182 ----------------------------------------------------------------------641
Galactic Federation 58 March 27, 2023................................................641
They are preparing for what comes next ..............................................641
Session 183 ----------------------------------------------------------------------645
Pleiadians 50 April 3, 2023 ...................................................................645
We wish every Human could watch this ...............................................645
Session 184 ----------------------------------------------------------------------649
Galactic Federation 59 April 10, 2023 ..................................................649
Crucial Message To Humanity: sh*t is going down ..............................649
Session 185 ----------------------------------------------------------------------653
Metatron 33 April 17, 2023 ...................................................................653
Dear Earth, It Has Begun! .....................................................................653
Session 186 ----------------------------------------------------------------------657
Pleiadians 51 April 24, 2023 .................................................................657
Its Already Started But People Don't See It..........................................657
Session 187 ----------------------------------------------------------------------661
Galactic Federation 60 May 1, 2023 .....................................................661
20 of 23
What They're Preparing Us for Will Change Everything .......................661
Session 188 ----------------------------------------------------------------------665
Metatron 34 May 8, 2023 ......................................................................665
Something Weird is Going on ...............................................................665
Session 189 ----------------------------------------------------------------------669
Pleiadians 52 May 15, 2023 ..................................................................669
Vital Message To Humanity: Shift of The Age .......................................669
Session 190 ----------------------------------------------------------------------672
Galactic Federation 61 May 22, 2023 ...................................................672
You're Being INSTRUCTED Not to Notice This ....................................672
Session 191 ----------------------------------------------------------------------676
Metatron 35 May 29, 2023 ....................................................................676
This will Affect everyone in 8-10 days ..................................................676
Session 192 ----------------------------------------------------------------------679
Galactic Federation 62 June 5, 2023 ....................................................679
Nothing Like This Has Happened Before .............................................679
Session 193 ----------------------------------------------------------------------684
Pleiadians 53 June 12, 2023 .................................................................684
Be Ready For What Is Coming .............................................................684
Session 194 ----------------------------------------------------------------------689
Metatron 36 June 19, 2023 ...................................................................689
People Are Beginning To Change .........................................................689
Session 195 ----------------------------------------------------------------------693
Galactic Federation 63 June 26, 2023 ..................................................693
Watch This Video Before Next Week ....................................................693
Session 196 ----------------------------------------------------------------------697
Pleiadians 54 July 3, 2023 ...................................................................697
Its Already Started But People Don't See It..........................................697
Session 197 ----------------------------------------------------------------------702
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Metatron 37 July 10, 2023 ....................................................................702
Something Strange is Happening in Antarctica ....................................702
Session 198 ----------------------------------------------------------------------706
Galactic Federation 64 July 17, 2023 ...................................................706
Why Is Nobody Talking About This! & Joe Rogan ................................706
Session 199 ----------------------------------------------------------------------711
Pleiadians 55 July 24, 2023 ..................................................................711
Its Already Started But People Don't See it ..........................................711
Session 200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------716
Metatron 38 July 31, 2023 ....................................................................716
They're Preparing Us for What Comes Next.........................................716
Session 201 ----------------------------------------------------------------------721
Galactic Federation 65 Aug 7, 2023 .....................................................721
Most People Don't Even Realise What's Coming .................................721
Session 202 ----------------------------------------------------------------------725
Pleiadians 56 Aug 14, 2023 ..................................................................725
The 3D/5D Split Has Begun ..................................................................725
Session 203 ----------------------------------------------------------------------729
Metatron 39 Aug 21, 2023 ....................................................................729
4 Signs to Cross Over to The New 5D Earth ........................................729
Session 204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------733
Galactic Federation 66 Aug 28, 2023 ...................................................733
You Might Wanna Watch This Video Right Away ..................................733
Session 205 ----------------------------------------------------------------------737
Pleiadians 57 Sept 4, 2023 ...................................................................737
Chosen Ones This is the Final Stage: Get Ready .................................737
Session 206 ----------------------------------------------------------------------742
Metatron 40 Sept 11, 2023 ...................................................................742
It's happening to the Old Souls Right Now ..........................................742
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Session 207 ----------------------------------------------------------------------746
Galactic Federation 67 Sept 18, 2023 ..................................................746
So, The Rumors are True... ...................................................................746
Session 208 ----------------------------------------------------------------------750
Pleiadians 58 Sept 24, 2023 .................................................................750
If You Hear This On TV, Switch Off All Your Devices .............................750

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Session 1
Arcturians 1 Jan 7, 2021

Message from the Arcturian Collective

Message from the arcturian collective humanity must urgently prepare please listen a
collective collective wish to speak with you regarding some upcoming upgrades to the
collective dna templating. We are a collective of arcturian star beings part of the galactic
federation of light in service to the transition of life forms on the planet to higher
dimensional frequencies we are appreciative of the opportunity to speak with you and
request for you to relay this transmission to those with whom this message will resonate
in three weeks around end of january there will be a cosmic event occurring that humanity
must prepare for transition into fourth dimensional density is occurring and this will
directly affect the stability of the planet the human consciousness must be prepared to
experience certain phenomenon that will seem unusual particularly in the sky you must
stay out of fear it has become necessary for a galactic intervention to help humanity and
planet gaia keep pace with the acceleration of other ascension related phenomena
occurring throughout the cosmos the ascension shift occurring on your planet is going to
move into hyper speed or overdrive the time is collapsing much faster towards the point
of cosmic neutrality and the human beings must drastically address their alignments to
integrate these frequencies we come to give you notice warning of preparation for what is
to come will shake to the core life as you know it it is shown that many starships are
beginning to encircle the globe manifesting and materializing out of nowhere they are
parked and observing frequency of these crafts is interfacing with the frequencies of the
earth these ships are creating a buffering force field a network generated to dissipate any
vibrational impact for what is approaching the earth there are cosmic phenomena
affecting the magnetics of the planet the earth has moved into a different vibrational and
dimension space the fourth density she is transitioning through a zone where other native
celestial bodies forms in their orbit pose a potential danger along her course gaia is
transitioning out of 3d into 4d where there are planets we do not usually see in our sky
like nibiru these other planets asteroids are going to influence the earth mostly
energetically as she transitions through this corridor it is a rough ride to navigate for her
many messages are being targeted to distort frequency and facts mixed message
designed to lead the masses astray and divert focus from what is truly important at this
time many distractions around on your planet to keep humanity in a state of
unpreparedness for the real challenges that are presenting it is imperative that humanity
begins to accept that which they are seeing and knowing deep within to be true
thousands of our ships and beings have come from far and wide to assist in this transition
it is in the great interest of gaia an star nations seated upon her incarnated through her
the great portals target that she is that we have all come forth to facilitate the shifts that
fast approach prepare your physical bodies the best way to do this is to fast begin
intermittent fasting as soon as possible because this is going to enable a frequency shift
very fast it will allow energy currently being utilized for digestive and metabolic processes
to be redirected towards the upgrading of the neurological systems at this time fasting for
at least 16 hours a day is required to assist us with a planned intervention to perform
necessary upgrades to the nervous system templates allowing frequency alignment to
occur as gaia moves through this transitional field of altering magnetics item radiation and
photonic activity upgrades are being done in holographic form working with the soul
group templates star beings are assisting through our healing chambers to radically bring
humanity up to speed with these vibrational shifts your systems are undergoing a manual
upgrade we are having to intervene in the organic processes which have run out of time
for the human collective to reach the optimal levels of dna activations required to safely
integrate an acceleration of frequency we have been given special permission and
clearance to directly intervene in humanities awakening and to assist with reconnecting
the templates because the organic ascension evolutionary process is being negatively
interfered with beyond humans ability to achieve an ascended state on its own therefore
our assistance is required to bring forth the alignments that will allow the flow and
integration of intense light frequencies and shifting affecting your planet in the weeks and
months ahead also there are areas on the earth's body plane that are still in a
compromised state if gaia is unable to integrate these higher frequencies due to density
and trauma blockages cataclysmic events will result we speak on a biophysical level the
body of the mother earth is in great need of assistance to allow these frequencies to
move through her with ease we are assisting at an accelerated capacity to support the
integrity of the body of gaia as she moves through this 4d transitional zone this is not the
disclosure of ets in the way you have come to understand it it is an intervention of the
alliance to massively assist in this critical moment however there will be certain
phenomena in the skies they mainstream media fallen ones are looking to create as he
calls them false flags to distract much of humanity is only looking down down down here
on the earth and while you are focusing on dramatic constructs you cannot be aware of
what is truly occurring all around the cosmos and within you second waves unexplained
explosions political characters on the screens pretending to be rivals distractions it is of

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great importance to exercise discernment in these times all manner of manipulations are
abounding accessing information through one's own vibrational resonance is critical at
this time prepare yourselves you will know the moment of which we speak your personal
focus has been more often on the skies recently has it not the sun appears to be setting
in a different place or the sky and sun are sometimes a strange hue it is us who nudge
your attention up towards the celestial space keep your eye on the sky the signs will
come be in the heart space and assist us in assisting you to realign your neurological and
energy circuit systems for most people this operating process must be done during sleep
time in an unconscious state because the realignments often occur with symptoms such
as involuntary physical movements twitches and vibrating or hot and cold sensations in
the body it can be an intense or unnerving experience for some the physical activations
will already be felt while reading this message we encourage you to relax into the visceral
process and allow it to be completed without resistance let the downloads flow this
message is encoded with light frequencies we are asking you to put forth the physical
form of these words into the human collective consciousness field it is the manifestation
of and vector for this vibrational transmission where you send this message who sees it
who heeds it you do not have control over beloved though we are asking for and relying
on humanity's co-creative participation in this process we thank you.

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Session 2
Metatron 1 Jan 10, 2021

Message from Metatron Magnetic

Greetings i am metatron magnetic forces magnetic services the game of the darkness
was always how to gain the greater flower of life which thought aptly called the capture of
the great love of the divine love element he desired eternal existence in his spaces
outside of his underworld locking her up into his grids of contaminated hardships which
would be a tomb for her light thought said to his friends how do you fool divine and bring
all into the spaces of imprisonment he then answered by catching the divine love element
and placing it deep within a death tomb of the planet she once loved and lost letting her
grieve forever bringing the coldness within her being pot thought the great carrion was
very stupid for placing all his light cords of the great universe within the depth of the
divine love element which is used to program all life consciousness within the great
switch the only way to bring the lemurians home after all was lost was to insert the
universal love codes and carry on himself within the divine love element to bring the
lemurians back to life and to bring them back to their original strength within their star
selves i metatron allowed thought to play and program the denseness within the grids in
the way he desired to bring all of creation under his control to worship him thought
desired all universal power to be his and in his total command to do this he captured the
one with all the universal chords implanted within her being who is the brightest star in
the great love universe the blue archangel who is none other than the universal light great
programmer leo resia of clarion who is the mighty archangel of all of creation how do you
catch the eternal light and bring it into your control to create with you allow it to care so
much for its creation and then catch its creation she cares so much about thought was
like the spider building his great web knowing that the universal light grid programmer
divine love element divine love son would do nothing would do anything in her power to
try and rescue her creation in all times in the universe where he caught and ate her
creation she followed him in knowing full well what the consequences of this would be for
her however she also knew by allowing him to catch her she would have the opportunity
to free her star beings as one day she would regain the power to bring them all back
again to the love universes in the universal wars thought built many nets in his main
control universes each time he caught many of the star beings without his mirrors
universe after universe again and again the universal love child would go and attempt to
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rescue her creation each time she would lose more light in the fight until her light grew
buried him in his traps this created a nasty result in thoughts control spider universes as
he relied on her shine and her beauty to keep his universes connected and alive when the
divine love sun burned out in his universes his universes died and thus thought lost all his
power when lemuria came into existence again thought began to spin his plans slowly he
gained back his creation as the universal game began to play again as he gained the
courts back through the atlanteans who were the fallen lemurians once upon a time there
was only lemuria and many desired their own path and hence atlantis came into existence
the atlanteans began to become stronger with the codes of the darker universes that
once were in existence even before lemuria came to be created once thought to gain the
codes back he could begin to plan his attack on the divine love element once more to
gain all of life back in his universes he saw much greater opportunities to overpower all
the universes as much more of the divine love element sun consciousness was within
lemuria than all of his previous universes once the atlanteans listened to thought and
began to understand denseness and creation he linked egyptology to atlantis and to his
darker universes he gifted the atlanteans the knowledge of egypt and his controlled
universes and invited them to be gods in his great universes the atlanteans gifted all their
power to thought as they considered him to be the mighty king filled with all knowledge
the atlanteans were gifted many gifts from egypt the finest materials gold and silver as a
result of the two lands uniting atlantis thrived and in return many egyptian gods settled
into atlantis and thought and his mighty warriors took over atlantis anyone standing in his
way was killed thus thoughts mystery schools became deeply implanted into atlantis his
universes that once existed in the multi-dimensional time loops began to thrive once
again as all life came to life and once more the atlanteans allowed thought to have the
creation codes gifted to them by the three light great programmers because they choose
for thought and thought was able to receive the courage to create his own universes once
again had this not happened and the lemurians and atlanteans instead stayed in the
collective love united and cleansed and purified with the gifted codes from the three light
grid programmers who worked with the great core creator and the great mountain of light
caron to rebuild the love universes again as thoughts and the great darkness had
previously destroyed the universes many times over they would have been able to return
home to the love dimensions however because they allowed thought consciousness to
come within them the codes meant for rebuilding the love universes became impure and
thus thought could reprogram the codes to bring his darker universes back to life allowing
his great kingdoms to work with him to build power to overthrow lemuria and build glory
within himself thought took over the large crystal in atlantis to magnify his own thoughts

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and caused much pain to many who tried to fight off the as many stated evil in the land
thoughts mighty army also battle with many star beings in the great light and many of the
star beings fighting against thought and his dark gods were killed and placed in thoughts
underworld thus thought was able to use them to create stronger denser universes and
grits within these star beings were now trapped and forced to work for thought instead of
being able to work for the great mountain of light thought used their star power to work
against the great mountain of light kairon this also served as a warning to the atlanteans
who wanted to read thought and his mighty dark team as the torture of the star beings
was beyond what you can possibly imagine thought created more power because of their
pain which the star beings in the light in the higher love dimensions greatly needed to
forgive especially because the atlanteans who desire thought as their mighty master
cheered the torture of the star beings who helped the atlanteans to become strong when
they were still the lemurians they had turned their back on the light and the star light
beings in the galactic divine quartz took this very very seriously because of the torture of
the star beings of love who had fought against thought and his mighty army this gave
thought enough power to go into lemuria and begin to take down the lemurians with the
one who had received the voice of kiaron that channel the one who desired to worship of
the lemurians and lets thought and his mighty dark leaders into the land was responsible
for millions and millions dying and being tortured into the underworld grids of thought that
one will try and keep the divine love element from rising in lifetimes upon your earth plane
that one is upon your earth at this time and many of you know him as well in lemuria
again the divine love element love child was the main target once thought understood
how important the divine divine love element light great programmer lea ressa was to
create the divine love son in he created a temple in lemuria linking into his great pyramids
on many of his universes including your planet earth as a time loop linking all things in a
multi-dimensional time loop so that he could use the everlasting light from the divine love
element sun consciousness liaressa bind her into his great formations and into his web so
that none of her creation which were all who had the lemurian love chords could escape
his net he desired freedom on his planes to escape time and death and to escape his own
underground pain zones that he used to keep his creation under control he did not want
to be caught in his own web in this image you are able to learn a little of what thot did this
also allowed him to create the merkabah which is an energetic vortex linking the people
into his universal vortexes to bring them into his multi-dimensional time loops giving him
constant power for his own magnification his own glory once the lemurians desire to have
thought and the dark leader who was gifted the voice of the great mountain of light cairon
the one who protested the great love during the fall and began to use the name of keiron

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in vain as an authority against the light and once the lemurians had surrendered to king
thought king thought could bring them into his web without means to escape without with
the merkaba system this allowed him to gain more magnificence and power within his
own universes and he had linked all his creation into himself once the lemurians fell away
from their power collectively thought no longer had the power to hold all his universes
together however and all fell into his web vortexes into the mirrors of existence of limited
thoughts and tenseness you became part of a maze a web and the only means of escape
was if the blue star gained enough power back within herself to escape from her tomb
helping the people also to escape the mirrors should they desire to be connected to blue
star the divine love element divine love child universal light great programmer thus
thought had the divine love child deep within his great pyramid systems in his universes
as all his universes are linked in energetic vertexes now the divine love element light and
great programmer has won the universal love quotes back she is the universal love
element universal light grid programmer once again meaning she can become freed
entirely and she is calling back the lemurians who desire to rise upwards into her stream
of light thought knew this chance could happen as he knew that i met a tron would also
not be by his side any longer should the divine love element also free my magnetic power
stream then instead of bringing my magnetic services to the darkness i met a tron who
turned to the great mountain of light keyaron here i will explain a little about the triangles
in the crop circle note that the information is much deeper than i metatron can reveal at
this time however as it has to do with universal time-dimensional spaces frequencies of
denseness to enlightenment controlling the people's thoughts layering the soul
consciousness helping them to believe they are really living but really they are not
powering up the minds of people allowing them to evolve to a certain state for greater
enlightenment to bring enough energy back into thought who had captured the divine
love element deep within the tombs of his underworld dimensions this image is simplified
and the star beings have simplified this for you to help you understand when it would be
the right time for your greater enlightenment information this image closes into a prism a
perfect prism which is where you live within the great pyramid of thought's creation here
is your world within and the only way to escape his webs is by now listening to the great
mountain of light chaoron who is at this time bringing those back to the lemurian codes
with his divine love element universal light great programmer like he also did in the great
lemuria when all three light great programmers were present with you this is the only way
to connect you upwards to the higher love creation away from the webs of thought the
yellow and brown triangles are mirrors which symbolize how thought captures the beings
who are living on earth with you as people he has the mind the body and the spirit those

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three parts connected into his universes create great denseness within his universes but
great power for him as he controls the humans more than you can imagine until you begin
to go back to the great mountain of light which thought feared greatly there is an unseen
vortex underneath the hexagonal prison prism and here i metatron say this image is
moving constantly and much of it you will need your imagination to see with your inner
eyes as you can only see one side of the image there are three mirrors connecting the
people on your plane to the underworld of thought spirit dimensions all life connects into
the divine love element held within the tomb of thought though here i metatron will only
state that a small part of the divine love element love child relative to her greatness as a
great archangelic blue creator being is present within the tomb prison which is why she
could be on your earth dimensions playing the human and now the great channel of
chaoron helping the people to become released if they so desired and also in between
her lifetimes she will be able to escape the prism because of the power of the blue star
the blue star divine love child is the only being in all of earth's creation to be able to
escape the dimension of denseness of thought's web the only reason why she kept
coming back again and again was to build the violet flame and bring it back into her being
to allow you to become part of the higher love dimensions with the great mountain of light
cairon if you desire to rise up again and connect back into the lemurian courts in the
times of the cosmic alignment gate opening which is happening now at present on your
time frequency dimensional scale because of this time the divine love element is also
becoming empowered and this is why she could gain back the universal divine love
codes for the great divine allowing the higher dimensional spaces and to rebuild once
again to allow the people upon your plane who desire to rise back up again with the great
mountain of light to have a home in the higher love dimensions once again know that in
lemuria the darkness gave you the choice of either going back to the light with the great
kyron or going to thoughts dense knowledge universes now the light is giving you the
choice either receive your lemurian light coats back with the great mountain of love cairon
and become a light child of love once again or be webbed into the dense universes of
thought's creation forever coming thought was a master genetic engineer and used the
lemurians and many star beings he captured also to create all his creation with as no time
exists within the universe like you think it does you think all things are linear but thought
was a master time traveler and was very clever indeed he used the genetics from light
beings lemurians and star beings to create his own species with and connected it into his
seven control universes thus human dna connects into all of thought's creation this
allowed him to program the human consciousness ensuring they stayed in the
consciousness of the reality of his mirrors without awakening to the true reality and

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therefore becoming truly enlightened again i metatron will state that the only way to
escape from being connected into his creation dna is by becoming activated once again
with the great mountain of lights kyron once you receive your pure lemurian codes of light
back again slowly your dna will receive the higher love vibration allowing you to awaken
and leave thoughts prism for good in all your future lifetimes this means you will be able
to join back the higher star formations as this becomes a strong coding within your dna
once you receive the higher star dna coding again from the crystalline grid consciousness
codes of love this is enough information for you again the choice is yours to have i
metatron state how the darkness desired you to have the choice between the light and
the dark or the everlasting love or the knowledge of thought in lemurian atlantis the
people and here i metatron will state that you were those people who desired with all your
might for the knowledge thought is a great manipulator but it does not matter how much
warning you received you still desired that and began to fight against the divine love
element divine love child of chaoron thus all fell down into the ever greater density of the
sharks eating the sarks tombing in her light for the glory of thought greetings i am
metatron magnetic forces magnetic services thank you so much

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Session 3
RA 1 Feb 2, 2021

What is Soul Family, Oumuamua & Answers to Your

I am ra we greet you in the love and the light of the one in finite creator we communicate
now we are here to give vibratory sound complexes of the queries you have in your mind
collective about the so-called soul mates and what it actually is and how it operates in
various densities of existences many mind-body spirit complexes on your plane believe
that soul mates equates to the so-called a perfect romantic partner in your terms it is true
that soul mates can make the best partners however the pairing is not always intimate
romantic or sexual in nature soul mates play a variety of roles in your lives including your
family members colleagues school mates neighbors strangers and yes sometimes also
lovers and romantic partners a soul mate is a person who has strong bonding with your
soul there are three types of soul mates that can be described by us and they are soul
families soul groups and twin flames these groups are like branches of a very large tree
the root of such a sultry is the source or the spirit and we are all part of it and emerge
from it that means your soulmates are also yourself but they are at a higher vibration in
human form you resonate more with souls who are on the same branch due to the
similarities and shared backgrounds a soul family can be equated with your earthly family
however some souls from your soul family may not necessarily incarnate along with you
and form the so-called earthly family they may take incarnation as a relative or could be
any other mind body spirit complex in your life when you enter into such beings aura you
start to feel a deep connection and they feel like your siblings parents or children firstly let
us explain to you the tree of the soul so that you can understand better the source is the
root and from the source emerges the higher self that resides in the sixth density and from
the higher self arise the oversoul further from these oversoul single souls arise you and
your soul family share the same oversoul so you are all aspects of the same soul a soul
family's main purpose in any planet is to love nurture support guide protect and help the
other souls who are part of the soul family in one way shape or form soul family members
help align you with your soul's purpose and will accelerate your spiritual growth i am ra
the outbreak of biodeactivating entities that can be equated with microbiological entities
is due to the karma collective that had been stored on planet earth this occurs due to the
lack of reverence to the planet and depletion of its resources consider this your planet is
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also a living entity much like you and any negative oriented actions that one does against
another entity needs to be balanced in the continuation of time and space i am ra
regarding the query you have in your mind collective about the so-called intergalactic
ships we must state that we have already answered this in the previous session that the
coming of other density entities depends on the formation of a social memory complex of
your peoples incarnated on earth i am ra we cannot say that there are any shortcuts to
enlightenment enlightenment happens in the moment and is a portal into intelligent infinity
it can only be attained by the self for the self another mind body spirit complex cannot
teach or learn information inspiration but rather can only act as a catalyst enlightenment
is found within the present and no one can know when an entity will allow the gates of the
present to open i am ra the question in your mind complex has arisen from another entity
known as andrea to you it is incorrect to state that this entity has worshipped us for
thousands of years we do not seek any entity to worship us we seek the realization of the
truth we are all one there is no separation between the worshiped and the worshipper i
am ra there is free will based out upon each entity which means that each entity is free to
pursue any path it desires to we cannot state that one path is good or the other is good
both the positive and negative parts are equal in our terms as both paths allow the infinite
creator to experience a different variety of the experience through the entities an entity
who wishes to change from negative to positive or vice versa can do so because it has
free will i am as we have iterated previously in our sessions in the fifth density entities
learn the lessons of light or wisdom the so-called the negative entity is the one who
focuses on service to self without regarding other entities and in the fifth density it is at a
higher level of awareness and knowledge in this fifth density all activities will stop except
its thoughts the fifth density negative entity is compacted to an intense degree and is
separated from all other beings [Music] i am ra connection to source can be found in the
present as you call it disregarding which leads to your mind complex to become overly
activated which creates distortions or distractions the present is the connection to the
source i am ra foreign entity to be polarized toward the positive polarity requires 51
percent of service to others similarly for an entity to be polarized into next density
negative polarity would require such entity to attain a 95 percent the service to self and 5
percent a service to others in essence both parts are equally difficult to attain however the
negative path is quite difficult to attain and requires great dedication i am ra like we have
stated earlier during this session peace can be found in the moment the moment is made
up of peace and the peace is the moment this is as far as we can describe in your
vibratory sound complex terms i am ra the best way of service to others is the constant
attempt to seek to share the love of the creator as it is known to the inner self this

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involves self knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other self without hesitation
this involves salvation radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind body
spirit complex speaking to the intention of your question the best way for each seeker in
the third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind-body spirit complex this
means that the mind-body spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of
its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other selves this will be different for
each there is no best there is no generalization nothing is known i am ra by deciphering
your vibratory sound complex regarding whether the so-called vaccines are safe we can
sense that these are created by other mind-body spirit complexes they'll be of service to
those who are deceased or sick hence we see great service in this and we can say that
they are created to be of service to other beings as we can sense their vibratory sound
complex [Music] i am ra our coming or the coming of other beings from higher densities
to your earth depends on the creation of the so-called social memory complex of your
peoples and depending on the calling of your social memory complex provided that the
council of saturn allows the entities to come to your plane which would result in the lifting
of the quarantine that would allow us to appear before your people i am ra the
omamomua was a so-called interstellar object that passed through the solar system your
people were distracted by the shape and the behavior of the object the so-called object is
a mother ship for some fifth density entities who had lost their home planet a few hundred
years ago and they are now traversing the cosmos in search of a suitable planet for
inhabitation however these entities require a planet that has a major source of uranium
which they use as their primary energy source i am ra after death the so-called veil is
lifted and your soul will immediately be aware of the various lifetimes you had lived and a
review or shall we say to continue each test will end with a review in order to allow the
creator to know itself this review process enables the creator to assimilate the
experiences gained and to plan the next incarnation conditions for teach learn of the soul
to simply state that the purpose of incarnation in the third density is to learn the ways of
love in order to graduate into the next density [Music] i am ra mind body spirit complexes
that have been harvested from the fourth density comprised of the so-called fifth density
social memory complex then the conglomerate or mass mind body spirit complex does
its melding and the results are due to the infinitely various possibilities of combination of
distortions the fifth density is the density of light or wisdom in the fifth density entities
may choose to learn as a social memory complex or as a mind-body spirit complexes
and may graduate into the sixth density under these conditions for the wisdom density is
an extremely free density whereas lessons of compassion leading to wisdom necessarily
have to do with other cells this is the final answer of your queries we can provide to

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during this session as this instrument seems fatigued and will have to take a long rest
session i am ra i leave you in the love and in the light of the one in finite creator go forth
rejoicing in the power and the peace of the one infinite creator adonai

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Session 4
Galactic Federation 1 Feb 14, 2021

Which Alien Race Crashed in Roswell, New Mexico?

Soul Mate Types
We are the galactic federation and we greet you in the love and the light of the one the
creator who is in all and is all there is and will ever be greetings beloved for we love you
and love is all there is we would recommend this instrument to kindly place a chalice of
water a little higher above its head in order to allow the love lights of the water molecules
to work together into acting as a cleansing source of energy for this instrument's body
chakras before we start giving our insights however we would like you to know that you
have free will and you should use your discernment when listening to our messages this
instrument has queries relating to a so-called ufo sighting incident that occurred on the
western hemisphere we do not see the need for this instrument to be interested in an
event that had occurred approximately 68 years ago however at this time we would like to
tell you what we can without infringing upon your free will this incident happened in a
place known by your kind as roswell new mexico let us tell you that if the same question
had been asked to us 10 years or 20 years before we would not have spoken about this
subject however since now the vibration of your kind has become more accepting of
these types of information we will speak in this regard it was a spacecraft belonging to a
fourth density species that had flown into the ranch during that time this spacecraft
belongs to a fourth density species from the orion constellation however these were not
the orions there are many subspecies that live in orions much like the different races of
people who reside on earth these entities had primarily entered the earth's atmosphere
for learning and observing purposes only these entities were not negatively oriented as
most of the orion entities they were however interested in what you call the nuclear
weapons at that period of time there was a so-called cold war occurring between the two
of your nations one known as america and the other known as soviet union this had
created a potential chance of nuclear explosions to occur in the near future if some
events had happened which did not occur as per the timeline you are witnessing now the
entity's main purpose was to observe the technologies that both the sides were building
these species had also observed the soviet union side for possible nuclear weapon
technologies these beings had not taken the permission of the confederation of planets in
approaching and entering your planet hence it was not aware of the electromagnetic flux
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that had been installed by the confederation on your planet in order to not allow
extraterrestrials to just pop up inside your planet this event was especially confusing for
all humans because the incident was reported twice and each reporting was contradicting
the previous one the first report stated that a flying disc had been found later this report
was reported stating that a nuclear test surveillance balloon had been discovered this
happened because out of the total eight entities that had been involved in the crash two
entities had somehow survived the other six entities who were on the spacecraft
immediately crossed over the two entities who survived could telepathically communicate
with whomsoever they desired hence these two entities communicated with one or two
human beings with whom their vibration matched these entities informed them that the
messages stating that flying object has been found should be changed because it would
cause mass hysteria these entities survived for at least a week on your planet and your
kind collected some information about their origin and how the universe worked however
these beings warned your kind not to disclose information until much later because your
kind was not ready for such relevant information at the time if this incident had occurred
at present they would be more open to not keep the information as secret because
nowadays people are more open to accepting this information secondly let us tell you that
today is an auspicious day in your planet your kind celebrates a beautiful day that
signifies love we would like to wish you all a very happy valentine's day as you call it a
soul connection is a special type of connection between two souls on your planet and
they feel significantly special in an extraordinary way it is a special feeling that transcends
the earth plane transcending the practical details of your connection with that soul you
may feel like you may have known each other in your past life or that your souls agreed
before this lifetime to meet up at this point in time all of us and all of you are a part of a
common community or spiritual consciousness we are actually linked together on a soul
level today we are going to give you information on how you can recognize the different
types of soul mates first are the souls that you have agreed to be a partner to in this
lifetime known as the soul partners this is also the most common types of soul mates this
may occur not only in romantic sense but also between friends in-laws who work together
this sole partnership could last your whole life like a beloved sister or brother or it can be
with someone you barely have known for a short period of time soul partners main
purpose is to support each other in their life emotionally professionally or in any other way
in order to fulfill what each of your souls have planned to do here on earth to fulfill what
each of you have incarnated on earth for none of us can do this life alone and soul
partnerships remind you how beautifully masterfully and intricately your lives are woven
together the second type of soulmates are known as past life soulmates when two souls

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have shared an impactful past life together or perhaps several lives and if they meet each
other in the present life both souls will feel an unexplainable attraction toward each other
this will cause their chemistry to be intense sometimes two souls can agree to reincarnate
and navigate toward each other after spending 1000 earth years apart that is also quite
possible many times when souls come together in this lifetime they are here to heal
something or do something better this time the third type is known as karmic soul mates
who are sometimes known as wrecking ball soul mates we create karma with other
people all the time through small and significant interactions every interaction with
another person creates energy that can turn into karma this isn't anything to fear but
something to be mindful of karmic relationships may come into our lives as change
agents who facilitate through positive negative or neutral interactions opportunities or
invitations to improve our karma so we can grow and evolve keep in mind that the soul
craves new experiences growth and evolution the next type is known to your kind as twin
flames which are actually one soul split into two bodies twin flames can create significant
amount of love challenge teachings and healing to each other in a unique and powerful
way thus remember there can be a shadow side of trying to fit people into a certain
category in your life including a spiritual category the next type is known as the soul
families and soul groups these can be souls that have incarnated along with you and they
can be your actual family members in this lifetime such as a cousin who is not only part of
your earthy family but also your soul family or as people working toward common goals
who never met like activists around the globe working for a similar cause or spiritual
seekers working to bring more love and awareness to the planet sometimes one soul will
incarnate to try to help something in the family line like a pattern of addiction abuse or
disease will be healed we will not tell you about soul contracts that are agreements made
on a soul level to attain and do certain things in your current lifetime during this session
you might have made a soul contract with a mentor a certain person or certain people
with whom you have to work out your karma collective this instrument is facing troubles in
his body complex we cannot continue this session now we'll leave you in the love and the
light of the one supreme creator bye beloveds

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Session 5
Archangel Michael 1 Feb 16, 2021

Don't Miss Soul Graduation Window

I am archangel michael i am so pleased to have been called by you to speak my insights
through you greetings in the love and the light that is inside all of you and all that there is
it is a great honor to be called by your vibration i have assisted your kind many times
directly from the angelic realm that you know of i have been called many a times for
assistance during your hard times and i always assisted you all i thank you for placing a
query before me regarding what your kind refers to as soul graduation i will respond to
this query as best as i can without infringing upon your free will however before i begin i
would request you to listen with discrimination in order to use our insights that may be
helpful to your soul and leave the insights that do not resonate with your heart let me
explain to you a few things that will help you understand how soul graduation works your
sun is the center of love and lights it is also a manifester which it pours out upon all
indiscriminately and generously with great love all the actions that you take in your
lifetime do not go unnoticed especially the actions that you take on the density of choice
that is about to come to an end is the most important your planet is coming to an end of
the third density cycle in its evolution and has started to enter into the first phases of the
fourth density cycle this has created a window of opportunity for all the souls that have
incarnated on earth to graduate in their single lifetime into the next density of
consciousness however this is a rare opportunity that occurs in 75 000 years cycle in your
planet at this moment each soul incarnated on earth at this time has the opportunity to
choose the path of service to others or the path of service to self only as you already
know third density is the density of choice and you have free will to choose what feels
best for you for neither path is better both are equally valid further many souls are taking
this window of opportunity and graduating into the next density of consciousness this
transformation period started in the year 1988 and from this period of time whenever a
soul crosses over its higher self will undergo a life review process and if the soul is found
to be more positively oriented with 51 percent service to others then it will be
reincarnated into a higher density planet that is fourth density planet however many times
a soul from earth even after graduating gets reincarnated into earth because earth is now
entering fourth density likewise if it had accumulated a 95 percent or higher negative
orientation in its third density cycle then it will be reincarnated into a fourth density
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negative planets in the cosmos this is a window of opportunity that most souls even from
other planets wish to have to just spend one lifetime in third density earth and then
graduate into the next density you must understand this opportunity that is before each of
you and use it well as most of you are already aware the actions that each soul takes do
not go unnoticed in the universe each action is recorded in the hall of records or the
akashic records as your kind calls it the situation of earth or gaia is one that has matured
and ripened throughout the last several thousands of years as cycle after cycle of your
so-called kingdoms have risen and brought to dust this gave rise to yet another new set
of kingdoms however most choices made by the people of the previous kingdoms may
not have been good or according to what was required by the planet to enter into the
positive orientation in order to balance this many ascended masters came into your
planet teaching the principles of service to others this worked for the betterment of your
planetary consciousness and thankfully for your kind and for earth the earth's next
density cycle has started to be a fourth density positive cycle what this means is that
once your planet has completed its transition into the fourth density cycle only those
souls who match with her vibration of love and positivity will be able to live inside her and
progress their spiritual evolution all the souls that could not graduate into the fourth
density positive cycle or graduate into the fourth density negative will be transferred to a
different planet in the cosmos this also means that those souls who are on the middle
ground meaning those that neither achieved positive polarization or negative polarization
will be transferred to a different third density planet to undergo their incarnation in third
density all over again you may have seen an increase in solar flares and other sun
phenomena this is the sun's way of balancing its energy field in order that the highest and
best possible outcome may be preserved for each and every entity upon planet earth sun
is also a living being with just like your kind in order to achieve balance must let the
imbalances out of the body by shouting or screaming for a short while so that balance
may be regained again the sun does this by throwing solar flares out in the cosmos and
out of its living body it is a fact that each of you each soul on earth at this time can make
a drastic difference in the situation of the planet this requires you to have an ability to stop
the war that is occurring within you for this more light and love is required to be allowed
into your environments and planet earth feels that lightening of consciousness and will
show her gratefulness there are different types of souls that are currently incarnated on
earth some are wanderers from whom the earth is indeed their home the native land also
there are those souls who come from somewhere else these are those souls who have
incarnated in the new wave of wanderers that we call the indigo children even some
adults who have a memory of a distant past or lifetime that they had completed however

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the memory of their previous lifetime may be faint due to the veil of forgetfulness being in
place on earth the wanderers have made a sacrifice to commit with full zeal honesty and
integrity to help raise the consciousness of planet earth to the positive polarity this they
do by focusing on one thought at a time and by simply working to change their own
selves first and then helping other souls in terms of the planetary conditions your planet's
age has reached the time for graduation of soul in the year 2012 and 2013 this turning of
the age of the planet opens up the soul graduation window the soul graduation has
already begun it started approximately in the year 1988 entities that died from that point
in time graduated into the next density either positive or negative those who did not attain
either positive or negative polarization were transferred to a different planet the name
indigo children refers to those souls that graduated from planet earth in positive polarity
and in order to get familiarized with the upcoming new earth the fourth density planet they
have returned to the last phases of the third density planet earth to aid in the transition by
helping other souls also graduate they have made an immense sacrifice for this and we
salute these souls the wanderers and indigo children help in increasing the consciousness
of the planet so that in the ongoing harvest there may be large number of souls that are
harvested into the positive polarity in their next incarnation cycle as wanderers have come
into the planet earth for incarnation and as the population of the planet from whatever
source has slowly begun to hunger and thirst for the new paradigm of love and
understanding the earth has been able to take hold and to respond to this increase in
consciousness that is ongoing all the weather changes and the natural phenomena signify
that planet earth has regained enough strength to do the balancing that she must do in
order to absorb and eliminate their aggressive and hostile energy that has been pumped
into her for so long in stages rather than all at once i wish to speak further in the next
sessions and help you with your queries however at this time i leave you beloved i am
archangel michael and so be it

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Session 6
Guardians of the Astral Plane 1 Feb 18, 2021

What Soul Contracts Higher-Self Made Before Your

Incarnation on Earth?
Greetings beloved it may seem impossible to you but all is possible with forgiveness and
love we are the guardians of the astral plane and each soul on earth will come to us after
crossing over for you are the spark of light and you have forgotten many ascended
masters have come to earth to teach you the path of love and light in fact we are a part of
a larger collective in the density from which we are communicating today we have no
names and we do not have to use words either in reality it would be much more accurate
if we call ourselves as a collective consciousness that has been given the responsibility of
looking after the astral planes however at this point let us not talk about history but tell
you what you can do now at this critical time of earth ascension do not forget the spark
inside each of you you think that you are just the body you think that you are just the mind
you think that you are perhaps the emotions of the heart you are all that and more one
light spark created the entire universe that spark is inside all of you in the beginning there
was nothing but darkness the fabrics of darkness rubbed against each other creating
sparks of light much similar to your clothes that create sparks when they rub together
these sparks collected together and merged into one big spark and hence the first star
was created this star then exploded and millions of years later the debris or the portions
of the star gave rise to other planetary systems and other star systems as you know you
see once park started it all this park is within you all what will you do with your individual
spark is up to you today we found that it is important to tell your kind about soul
contracts and how they operate in your plane of existence especially how these soul
contracts have an impact in your lifetime on the third density plane as this instrument
calls it before each soul gets incarnated after that there is a certain incubation period in
this period of time a soul healing takes place and the higher self of each soul reviews the
past life and after the review process plans the future lessons that the soul needs to learn
in the upcoming incarnation this can be compared to a spiritual round table meeting
wherein the higher selves of all the souls that you had incarnated with in the previous
lifetime come together this includes the higher self of a person you talked to for a short
time while walking on the street a beggar on the street your parents your romantic partner
and everyone else in between the purpose of this spiritual roundtable conference is to
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decide how much lessons you completed in the past life and what you still need to learn
in the upcoming life ahead after the higher self plans the lessons that a soul needs to
learn many soul contracts are made in order to allow the soul multiple opportunities to
experience the lessons the multiple opportunities are needed because in your planet free
will exists and many times the soul may choose not to engage with an event that was
supposed to teach it a lesson everyone has a role in your soul contract and no soul can
learn the lessons alone there are many lessons to learn for example in order to allow your
soul to learn the act of forgiveness some other soul must take the responsibility to deeply
hurt you thus it provides each soul the choice to either forgive them or stray resentful
therefore each soul entity that you interact with in your lifetime has signed up agreements
to help your souls to evolve you have also signed those agreements to deal with them
even with the one you feel like they are your enemy yes this is true all souls however
those who reincarnate on a third density planet forget about it because there exists a
system which does not allow the souls to remember their missions and soul contracts this
is due to the veil of forgetfulness as this instrument remembers this insight is the most
important for all souls and earth to know at the moment because everything is an
elaborate play you just allow yourself to grow soul contracts may be different and are
designed for each unique soul to suit the soul's personality and requirements as it
progresses through its life sometimes a soul may become the parents to a differently
abled child so that the soul can get the opportunity to take care of and learn the lessons
of loving someone unconditionally not all lessons will be learned in a single lifetime there
are many lessons that you have already learned in your past lifetime and there will be
others that will come in the future in your current life many souls in your planet at this
present time even with the veil in place can experience the truth of what we are seeing
here today this they can find out during what this instrument calls the past life regression
sessions every time you are faced with a difficult situation or a difficult person you must
find out the root cause of the issue you must find out why you are facing what you are
facing which lessons you have yet to learn and so on remember that as long as the
lessons that you want to learn are not learned similar circumstances will resurface over
and over again it is better for souls not to resist the circumstances because every time it
will resurface with higher intensity and urgency if you manage to let the lessons pass you
in this lifetime you will have to take it up in the next incarnations soul contracts cannot be
just broken you have to understand this agreement based on your situation that you are
facing at the moment for example if you see a pet suffering in pain with disease your
contract may be to take you to the doctor and practice service to others soul contracts
with pets also exist however these contracts only exist with animals that are in the last

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phase of the third density cycle on your planet much like the dogs or cats in your planet
these souls also have a higher self in the sixth density that dictates their agreements and
the type of experiences they will experience in their life in this regard it can be said that
you did not choose your pet your pet chose you before incarnating on your planet your
dogs or cats higher self in coordination with your higher self decided to choose you in
addition hence you met one day accidentally your pets sometimes take important tasks
to teach your soul about various lessons such as forgiveness love kindness etc all of it is
amplified to an intense degree you must become aware of the soul contracts that are
active in your life at this period of time and understand how it is impacting your life
remember that all contracts made with pets are considered little less impactful than the
ones made with other the same density souls any entity that desires to break soul
contracts can do so sometimes under deep meditative entrance states in which it can
interact with its higher self and the higher self can in turn interact with the other selves
and break the contract if both higher selves find that there is no need for that particular
sole contract to work on your density then in such cases the higher selves may let the
contracts become invalid observe your life and you will know what your mission is on
earth and what you need to learn in this lifetime and so we tell you keep on asking and
you will receive the answers keep on seeking and you will find what you seek keep on
knocking on the doors and the opportunities will arrive upon you for those who ask will
receive for those who seek will find in addition to everyone who looks for the answers will
find the answers in this way we'll leave you beloveds bye

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Session 7
Galactic Federation 2 Feb 23, 2021

Seeding of Earth By Andromedans & Humanity's

Second Test
We are the galactic federation we greet you beloved in the love of the one supreme
creator we connect with you again today to tell you an important history of mankind we
must tell you that you have free will to accept or reject the information we will give you
through this instrument this part of the history of humanity is pretty much unknown to the
most of your kind however at this period of time many are becoming aware of their own
multi-dimensional self and are learning about their own history and connection with other
beings in the cosmos this will make for a great love story for your kind who indulge in
such mysteries of the creation of mankind as many are already aware there are many
planets in the cosmos that are teeming with life however they may be in different densities
of evolution as this instrument calls it those in the other parts of the galaxy have a
spiritual evolution of millions of years greater than your kinds many of your kind are now
becoming aware that consciousness can affect physical things and your so-called
physicists are studying about how it affects the physics of materials the beings who
altered your dna or in other language terms seeded you can control many parts of the so-
called physics in using their advanced level of consciousness it is not like your mind-
made technology as your kind is progressing towards it is a spiritual evolution of the
consciousness that allows this ability to flourish these beings came to this planet 200 000
years ago and altered you we call these the planters of seed and many of you know them
as the andromedans from the andromeda galaxy the first seeding however occurred 27
million years ago the andromedans came after the martian council who made the first
seating of earth and made changes to your physical vehicle however the second seating
was conducted by the ones your kind knows as the andromedans many of your kind
knows them as angels since when the andromedans appeared before your kind on some
special occasions they seemed out of this world with mastery of spiritual self you all have
the ability to change and alter physical systems and other interconnected systems that
your kind is not yet fully aware of yet many of the spiritual mastery have already been
reported in your various ancient scriptures from the holy bible to the other scriptures of
your kind these seed planters changed your consciousness by advancement of your
biological systems this seeding was more focused on spiritual development because the
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physical vehicle had already been altered once by the martians before they did not want
to make further advancement on the physical vehicle doing so would have led the human
race to deep progress in its evolution they changed the magnetic flux that exists inside
the dna of human beings this can be considered equivalent to spiritual aspect inside
yourself that gives you the ability to discern the creator inside your own self and to sense
or discern the potential of a benevolent creator you received this ability and free choice to
know the difference between dark and light right and wrong and feel the love of the
creator this was done on purpose as it was designed by the creative source and was not
an accident or an experiment like many of your kind call it all of you are incarnated here
on planet earth for a purpose this is a critical time that will test your energy for your
civilization the time frame that we are going to tell you today may not have been
discussed fully before and it relates to the perception of the stars that you observe on the
galaxy the stars that you are able to observe with your eyes nowadays are able to move in
a very consistent pattern that corresponds with your planet's slow wobble as it revolves
around the sun earth also wobbles in a particular rhythm as in your time terms it is 26 000
years long from start to finish this amount of time is allocated to test the free choice of all
humans as a collective whether they chose the light or the dark consciousness thankfully
at this time most humans chose the path of light and hence are progressing into the
positive vibration humans have been on this planet for a very long time even many of your
scientists and other historical evidence that appear before your kind makes you believe
that you have been here only for the last 9 000 years and beyond that you have no clue as
to what occurred in human evolution this test of humanity is the second time it is
occurring in your planet this is the second test so to speak the first human test of energy
light or dark occurred in two cycles 52 000 years not in one cycle of 26 000 years as your
kind knows it this means the human beings have been here for 52 000 years on your
planet the oldest conforming civilization that many of your kinds have measured through
dna and archaeological evidence have proved that it is 52 000 years old the oldest
civilization that we are talking about right now is found in this so-called australian
landmass by your kind some of your souls go back 52 000 years the so-called lemurians
existed 50 000 years ago your human dna has been transformed and altered when the
andromedans seeds were planted on your planet it was achieved by altering the human
dna the andromedans mixed in many of their own qualities that they had and added it to
the human dna previously only one chromosome had been present in the human dna
before this alteration but after the andromedans transformed it now has two pairs of
chromosomes that allows for specific memory of wisdom intuition and an evolved ability
to spiritually evolve faster the energy is rapidly changing on earth right now there is more

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ability for your kind to advance in light right now than ever before now you all have the
ability to become interdimensional many of your kind nowadays believed that humanity
came from extraterrestrials beloved it is not what we are telling you today instead we are
telling you that those so-called extraterrestrials by your kind those andromedans knew
the creator inside them and inside all they knew about the creative source far better than
you do and they know everything that has to do with the other side of the veil because
they were living it this is what the evolution of consciousness is all about at this time we
leave you now beloveds we are the galactic federation and we'll leave you all in the love
and the light of the one a supreme creator bye you

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Session 8
RA 2 Feb 25, 2021

Soul Journey After Self-Destruction

I am ra i greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator for creator is in all
only divided by the separation of time space however before we begin we would like to
tell you that you should only accept the information that resonates with your inner being
and leave the rest behind today this instrument desires to know about the situations that
an entity will encounter after a certain act of self-destruction nevertheless before we tell
you anything regarding this topic remember you are a divine mind-body spirit complex of
light you have within yourself all the resources that you need in order to not just survive
but thrive many a times you forget about this connection and let other mind body spirit
complex circumstances and things control your life and how you feel in addition this
creates blocks of energy that disconnects you from the creator within from the divine
consciousness from your higher self this keeps you blocked in lower vibrations in
thoughts of fear doubt resentment regret revenge instead when you realize this happening
just focus on what has worked in your life be grateful for all that has worked for you
choose love faith belief and forgiveness instead and raise your vibration many of your
kind make the mistake of living their past memories repeatedly in their mind reliving it
using their imagination that brings all the negative emotions or sometimes that happy
emotions of the recycled past memories when you live from recycled past memories you
simply keep reliving the same scenario repeatedly in different situations and your present
reality will begin to reflect the same kind of scenario because what you focus on becomes
amplified that is why it is very important to focus on what you want in your life to multiply
if you focus on the good things you will see the good things emerge more and more if you
focus on happiness you will see more happiness in the planet so instead of letting the
past life scenarios ruin your life you simply live what we call the easy way or the easy part
and if it is simply by taking responsibility for your energy for your actions and for your
reactions these are the things that are in your control take responsibility for the things you
can control and leave the rest secondly let us tell you that all beings that are born will
have to face death that is a transition phase before its next incarnation if the death had
been natural the entity would harmoniously enter into the astral plane wherein the higher
self will decide its next incarnations and the next lifetimes an entity will have to undergo
however if the death is by self-destruction it will cause the entity to undergo a large
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amount of healing work in order to get its balance in bearing it'll also mean that the entity
did not properly finish its learning process during its incarnation which would mean that it
would have to learn the lessons all over again the entities after crossing over go to the
spirit world and they are met with inner peace calmness and joy that will heal them they
go there and they are greeted by their loved ones in spirit more specifically the higher
selves of the loved ones a certain point they will undergo a life review process and they
are going to realize that it was a critical error and they regret doing it sometimes
immediately after that the entities who had done such act of self-destination want to re-
enter their physical vehicle but there are times they are successful and you hear many
vibratory sound complexes about them on your planets those who survived such
attempts other times the entities are not able to re-enter their body complexes because
once they pass through a certain gateway of light no entity can go back to its body
complex they regret what they missed and they wished they would have continued their
learning this type of death however not recommended will lead to a loss of time in your
terms otherwise it is much similar to the other deaths the entities that commit this act feel
a sense of guilt and a sense of shame they also feel bad for the other soul groups soul
masters and over souls who helps them to progress in their life this type of death
generates a lot of so-called karma by this instrument against the entity who took its own
life due to creating a sense of grief and loss for the loved ones who lost a loved one this
emotional karma will have to be balanced later on in the next lifetime of the entity who
takes its own life every experience you have on earth whether good or bad are just for
your souls to grow and expand remember that no one in the spirit world is judging you
your own higher self is the judge which in essence means that you are yourself the judge
of your life you are multi-dimensional beings however all the good deeds and the good
acts performed by the entity will still be valid these good actions don't get erased during
the act of commission of just one act of killing the self if the entity has performed more
good deeds in its lifetime then it will incarnate into the next positive cycle of incarnation
however it will still have to undergo its lessons in a different form also one thing you must
understand is that no mind body spirit complex commits such acts on his own many a
times it has already been planned and before these entities incarnated on earth there was
a potential for them to take their own life the soul guides and the higher self had planned
for the potential of the entity to take its own life perhaps it is for gaining new experience
and learn from however each entity can still choose otherwise and not kill their own life
the higher self puts it in the potential for that entity to kill itself maybe perhaps it wanted
to teach learn it for balancing karma the purpose of your life is to have different facets of
every possibility of experiences grow and then evolve into the next higher level of

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consciousness all the entities who grieve a loss due to such acts must know that it was
for allowing them to experience it in their lifetime perhaps they wanted to experience it in
this lifetime to feel how it felt to lose a known mind-body spirit complex via such a free
will overrides all and you must know that all entities have free will there are benefits to the
entity if they do not choose to kill itself from our point of view the benefits include a faster
evolution of the entity and not creating any emotional karma collection the entity that
killed itself will have to undergo another lifetime of relearning again in similar
circumstances that it killed itself in sometimes the situations may be even worse the next
time one difference during the crossing over of the entity is that entities that commit such
acts are sent to a different section of the astral plane that is meant for such entities that
have undergone a traumatic depth to heal these entities spend their life in a chamber of
white light for an extended period of time after the transition phase the white light is
meant to heal at the entities some entities even spend as long as 50 years immersed in
this white light many entities who commit such acts have the wrong belief that they do
not have to undergo the same type of life again however this is not true as the entity again
has to undergo the same lessons all over again and with a bit more intensity in its next
incarnation these times that are upon earth are quiet the extraordinary one it is a
transformation there is an incredible amount of growth available you all have been
presented with an opportunity to take the jump into a higher level of consciousness each
of you may be in your own way experiencing a new way into growth an opening of the
heart there is more love and light flowing into your life and an unknowing attraction to the
truth of who you are this is happening due to an increase in the energy in the planetary
consciousness of earth this is a growth towards a certain completion in your life now is
the time through a special dispensation of the creator of the universe and all universes
that is within each of you we are calling upon all the entities on earth at present to learn
and to teach learn other entities and transform and return to their true state of awareness
your true identity we leave you now my friend in the love and the light of the one in finite
creator go forth therefore rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one the infinite
creator adonai

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Session 9
Archangel Michael 2 Feb 27, 2021

How to Change Your Soul Contracts? Nobody Knows

About This!
I am connected now i am archangel michael i am connecting from the angelic realm with
this instrument for the second time i am arch angel michael and i watch your kind and i
notice your kind evolving much faster and your kind has had many struggles in this
journey of evolution however your kind did not give up and now the planet is progressing
into the next positive polarity consciousness in this fourth density consciousness your
kind will be able to access more abilities of your spiritual consciousness your ability to
access these spiritual abilities solely depends on each entity's journey into the evolution
of consciousness the consciousness abilities that i am talking about will allow your kind
to connect to the universal consciousness grid and also to access the higher self if the
need be in some cases if an entity that has progressed into the next higher density
consciousness desires to change its life plan are soul contract it can do so today i am
going to tell you the exact process that you can use to change your soul contracts that
are created by your higher self prior to your incarnation on your planets many sold
contracts were made by your higher self in order to allow you multiple experience
opportunities this involves contacting the higher self using your own consciousness and
then using soul splitting to send the image or the mental images of the desired soul
contract that you want to create in your existence at this moment of time beloved souls
many of your kind do not have any idea as to how your consciousness is creating reality
your consciousness has created your reality that you see around yourself and our
consciousness creates our angelic reality beloveds similarly many of your kind are not
aware of where your consciousness is at this moment because your consciousness can
be stated as the awareness of existence in other terms your consciousness is actually the
awareness that most of your kind do not notice during their everyday activities however
our kind as i am currently in the angelic realm have mastered the art of tracking our
consciousness and can know where it is at any one point in our daily activities we use our
consciousness that is more advanced than any technology that your mind can create it
can affect the physical particles in space as well however in your planets you are already
doing it unknowingly many of your kind do not realize the effects of their own
consciousness because they are simply not aware and the effects take some time to
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show up on your planets in our realm however there is no delay as we are already in the
face where we are more aware of our consciousness at every moment of time whatever
we put our consciousness into becomes animated many other planetary species use
consciousness to drive spacecrafts in the galaxy and to achieve many other things it is
like an invisible power source that you need to learn to harness now let me ask you have
you ever been in one place and in your mind you were in a different place the term your
kind uses to describe it is known as astral projecting we can see that many beings of your
planet do this unknowingly every day of their life and unknowingly send a part of their
consciousness to the other place this is known as consciousness splitting once the
consciousness is split and if it is sent enough times or multiple times to the same place or
situation it will soon manifest in your reality it will take time like we said before in your
planet presently your planet is in the fourth density starting phases that is why the effects
will not be as fast as in the other fifth density or later fourth density planets using this
consciousness splitting you can contact your higher self once your higher self knows
what your target situation or desire is that you want to manifest or see in your reality you
will get it after some time let me tell you the exact steps you need to follow in order to
contact your higher self to change your soul contract this may be of use for your people
who find their soul contracts to be not so desirable and if they desire to change their life
or make new soul contracts and move into a better reality they can follow this process
perhaps many souls feel that soul contracts cannot be changed however it is simply not
the truth it was a truth for your third density reality however now since you are in the
fourth density your kind can use this technology of consciousness the process is quite
simple the first step involves you to quiet your conscious mind and then clear your mind
so that there is nothing but emptiness in your mind make sure that no words or images
pop up in your mind during this time this can be achieved during meditation or during the
starting phases of sleep or before waking up from sleep then in your mind's eye project
your consciousness out and put it into the desired location or situation that you want to
manifest for example in your terms if an entity in your planet wanted to meet a romantic
partner or its soul mates then it may project its consciousness and put it into a situation
wherein it is sitting with its soul mates or hugging or sleeping together with such a person
then this consciousness splitting in essence will send a part of its soul to reside in the
new place or situation the more often one does this the higher self will begin to notice that
your desire is to achieve this state and your higher self will contact the other higher selves
and make the necessary soul agreements or soul contracts to bring about your desire into
reality this process does not fail my beloveds however the time depends on the
consciousness of the individual exercising such technique the higher the consciousness

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the faster it will manifest into the entity's life this can be used for both good and bad
situations this can also be used for situations that an entity finds itself in for example if an
entity finds itself in a long argument with some other soul then such entity may have
before coming to planet earth or before incarnating on planet earth made some soul
contracts and agreements with the other entity regarding such experiences this was done
in order to allow such entities the experience of arguing with some other entity or to feel
some emotion or gather new experiences however since it wants to change the contracts
it can do so using this consciousness splitting method i have laid out here for your kind to
understand however i suggest you're kind to only use this advanced consciousness
splitting technique to manifest what you desire from your heart and always remember
service to others is the key your higher self as it resides in the sixth density does not work
with you if you wish to harm other beings using this process because in the densities
above the fourth there is no separation on the positive polarity and if you intend to do bad
things for the other entities on your planets then your higher self and the higher self of the
one who you intended to do bad things are in essence one in the sixth density this means
that whatever you desire will return onto itself i hope that i have clarified that you can
change your life and change the soul contracts using this consciousness splitting
technique soul contracts can be changed using the above process if one follows it nicely
now is the time i leave you beloved i am arch angel michael and so be it

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Session 10
Pleiadians 1 Feb 28, 2021

Inside Pleiadian Star System

We are the pleiadian council of lights and we are connected to you now beloveds we
greet you now in the love and light of the one the supreme creator who is in all and is in all
before we start sharing our insights however we would like to warn you that your kind
must use their own free will when accepting any information we are going to give through
this instrument today this instrument has agreed to be a vessel for us to share our
insights through and step aside during this session [Music] your mind collective wants to
know more about our evolution and how our planets operate in the various densities of
creation this is the first time a query of this nature has been placed before us normally we
indulge in speaking or sharing insights about helping your kind evolve into the next higher
density consciousness however we have had previous sessions regarding how your
consciousness is now evolving into the fourth density firstly you need to understand that
time is not linear as your kind mostly believes in reality everything exists at once there is
no time this may be hard for your third density mind to grasp this concept in essence it is
a fact that the so-called past is also existing and the future already exists it is only beyond
your mind we can however since we have already evolved into the seventh density
consciousness as your kind calls it we can see all the times existing at once the things of
the past that your kind studies on a daily basis the so-called history we can see it even
now and we offer our help to those from the history time space if they seek it via such
channeling sessions and other methods let us tell you that our star system can be viewed
from your planets if your kind knows where to look we can be found at a northwest angle
from the taurus constellation as your kind has named it we are also very close to your
planet and from our planets we can see your kind see your planet and sometimes we visit
your kind in order to observe your progress with the permission of the council of saturn
which is your guardian our star system comprises of nine stars just like your sun which
have names that your human tongue will not be able to pronounce however your kind has
already named our nine stars as steropa mirope elektra maya taigata kaleno and el sayon
along with their parents atlas and plion this is what we will refer to them during our
discussion today of our evolution through time their real names in our language terms are
closer to um which requires a humming sound which cannot be articulated using your
mouth organs there are a total of seven habitable planets in our star system many planets
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are not habitable for our kind our kind requires a higher amount of oxygen than your kind
hence many of our physical vehicles that exist on our planets have skins that act as your
nose and mouth our skins absorb oxygen from the surrounding environments the seven
habitable planets surround the el ciao star as your kind has named it these seven planets
are at a perfect distance from el zayon making them habitable for our species however
many souls from your kind as well as from our planets can come here to learn the various
lessons that are yet to be learned the first planet is named a pleiadian alpha wherein the
first density entities are learning their lessons this is not the real name in our language
terms but when we express through your language this is the name that we can be
referred to as the first density entities are almost the same entities that exist on your
planets they include the elements the air wind fire and all other elements that are also
known to your kind these first density entities after evolution through the cycle of
reincarnation after extended periods of time evolve to form the second density entities
that resemble the animals of your kind however there are many differences one difference
being that these second density entities do not have to feed upon each other in order to
provide nourishment for their bodies their bodies already have advanced cells that allow
them to be nourished by the oxygen and the lights of alcyon to create biofood for their
own bodies after a certain period of time these second density entities evolve into larger
entities of late second density that resemble your dogs and cats however these entities
are larger than your kind can fathom these are almost the size of your houses that you
reside in currently the physical vehicle of these entities include various species however
the last second density species begin to learn to interact with each other in a basic level
using biomagnetic electric transfer they transfer their thoughts through electricity in order
to express themselves these second density entities do not try to eat or encroach on
others properties or parts because they already have everything with themselves and they
are self-sustaining this is also the one reason why our palladian system is fast at evolution
compared to your kinds and many other planetary species the evolution on your planet is
thwarted with the competition and the race for domination and survival from the
beginning of second density this however is not present in our planets and the main
reason why the various souls that incarnate here on our star systems evolve much faster
after the second density entities finish their cycle of transformation they then move into
the next third density planet which looks similar to earth there are many differences
however in order to fully describe to your kind the complexities of differences and the
happenings on the third density paleiadian planet would require a longer session however
today we will give you the basics of how a third density paleiadian planet operates a third
density paleiadian planet has many beings that look similar to your kind they have hands

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and legs they also possess two extra limbs on the front and back side in order to allow
more freedom in essence our palladian third density beings have six limbs that they use
to evolve the language in third density is more refined and the beings communicate using
sounds that resemble your violin sound there are no words such as your kind indulges in
the communication is via the various musical sounds that can be created every entity has
musical notes that indicate their so-called the name as your kind and knows it in the third
density factions or groups of different individuals coming together is presence this causes
some of the factions to enter into a so-called electrical war the war with electrical systems
that these kinds have created these third density entities live inside electrical chambers
that look just like your buildings however they are made completely of electrical charges
this is done in order to produce more oxygen due to the process of splitting of the
elements your kind calls as h2o this element is found in numerous amounts inside a third
density planet named palladian h in your language terms many of these third density
entities destroy each other using electrical weapons the third density vessel has many
holes on their skins that act as oxygen absorption mechanism which in essence is their
primary source of nutrition there is no need to ingest any outside particles just as your
kind does in third density the mouth organs of a third density being is only used for the
purpose of communication to produce the various sounds these third density beings have
hairs that resemble your kinds however the color of these hairs is a mixture of red yellow
and greenish color which adds a different kind of color to it this kind of color cannot be
described using your language turns it can only be seen and felt these third density
beings reproduction system is similar to your kinds in that the males have to impregnate
the females and an offspring is born however the birthing process does not require as
your kind requires to carry the fetus in the womb for nine months these offspring require
at least 20 years in your time terms to evolve and grow fully into a new pleiadian third
density entity the color of most of the third density beings look a lot like your bluish green
color with a tinge of sharp black stripes the third density entities learn the lessons as your
kind is learning of love and light however they go astray many times at these times we
can only assist them as we do not want to infringe upon their free will of evolution there is
no hierarchy as your kind has in your planets the only separation in the third density is
that of group separation in our third density palladian planet this session needs to stop
immediately as this instrument needs to revitalize we'll leave you now beloveds bye you

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Session 11
Jeshua 1 Mar 2, 2021

A Simple Way Into The Kingdom Of Heaven &

I am the way i am the life and i am the light i am Jeshua i am connected to you beloved
my child i am here for the second time to share my insights rather than focusing on what
has already happened i will give you insights on what you can do at this time that is all
that matters beloved your life and the light of the planet are intertwined together into a
beautiful tapestry in this new year a lot of healing will take place on the planet the planet
has been traumatized in the past year with lots of balancing energies and the effect of
which was reflected on your kind as well the past year was a period of what this
instrument calls shadow work its main purpose was to provide an awakening experience
for the various souls that have yet to awaken this year i can sense many souls are already
awakening and many already have they are realizing the truth of who they are you are
going to be more aware of the holy spirit within your own heart there are going to be
people who will fight and protest and you will see an exposure of a lot of injustice that
needs to be addressed on your planet this needs to be addressed within the new year an
opportunity to ascend into a new earth and become one with the holy spirit that no one
can describe with words and alphabets these are your biggest enemy at this point as far
as i can see from here before i start giving you insights please know that you must focus
on the energy behind the words and not on the words alone the words are nothing but
useless junk that your kind will dispose as soon as they start ascending into the higher
level of consciousness during which time a people on your planet will begin to
communicate vibrationally or telepathically therefore i say trust the holy spirit and not the
words holy spirit is beyond words words are the problems that appear in the way of
helping humanity to ascend the words are your minds play things and they can be easily
changed and distorted even if one were to preserve the real meanings of the words it
cannot be preserved because they are created by your mind the words were created by
your so-called the ego mind all the teachings from me and other ascended souls are
recorded using words that describe about enlightenment peace noble paths
commandments etc as i have already said before and as you may have realized words are
not real and anything expressed using words become distorted in meaning hence the real
teachings can only be felt and understood beyond words it does not matter what
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teachings you follow there will always be words based upon it these words are not real as
i have said earlier in the previous session and i say again the words are not the real
teachings they are here to confuse you and feed upon your ego mind even till this
moment i have seen many of my children on earth fight each other for their various so-
called word religions failing to realize that they were fighting for words let me give you an
analogy so that your mind that is full of words will become more crystal clear and
understand what i am trying to tell you here if instead of different names of the various
teachings on your planet all the religions were named with the same words then there
would have been no separation separation is created by words beloveds the words are
trapping you all in this vast illusion that you must escape in order to ascend i know this
illusion has been here for centuries and these words have distorted so many teachings it
is a fact of the history of humanity however now you all have the essential knowledge to
escape this maze of illusion over your planet and over each soul escape you must in
order to fully enter the next higher level of consciousness the several words have caused
a lack of understanding of what the real teachings are if i would come in direct contact
with you and you could see me physically just like i had come here before on your planet
then only would you have felt the real essence of the holy spirit it is not the words my
child that you should focus on let all the words go and access the power of the real
teachings and the essence of the holy spirit shall arise within your heart and soul i come
here today to speak through this instrument to tell you all children of the holy spirit that all
teachings that assist you in ascension and that were given by previous ascended masters
and me included have been recorded using words which are not capable of showing you
the real meaning words are just made up of alphabets and are incapable of doing so
beyond the various words and access the real meaning of these teachings my children
such teachings that are recorded with words have created a veil of illusion over your
people's mind which is nearly impossible to escape unless you realize that all truth is
something deeper than words words cannot explain accurately what they wanted to
express even till today i see many of your kind arguing over religions which is just a word
made up of eight letters religion you must realize that they are arguing just for words and
nothing more even saying i am a hindu christian buddhist or muslim etc is just an illusion
just a label and the real thing is hidden beneath it if there had been no words labels put
on various religions on this earth there would be only one religion that is the unity of
mankind this is the reason why at many times i see many of your people being confused
with the various teachings in essence they are confused with words that is why i need to
emphasize again focus on the energy of my voice not my words child take out the words
and labels and you will find the real religion it cannot be expressed with mere words

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another important and illusory word is enlightenment when you become enlightened there
would be no such word you would feel it sense it and be it rather than being a label
concept or word my child it is better to be without words or empty than to be enlightened
true enlightenment can only be understood without words in essence it is a state without
any labels attached to the self this allows your true self to sign forth and emerge in your
life my beloved children the holy spirit the father and the creator of all things in the
universe is tired waiting for you all to ascend to the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of
heaven is not going to come upon you when you die however that is only a beginning of a
new life the kingdom of heaven is already present in your planets and many souls have
already become a part of it this kingdom can be accessed by anyone who is willing to
change its perceptions and all patterns of ego the kingdom of heaven and the holy spirit
is inviting you all to join in the new age of ascension that is upon earth your kind always
makes the mistake of focusing on what will happen in the future in fact today this beloved
son who is the vessel for my words wanted to know more about the future beloved child
the future is created by your actions in the present moment for me to tell you this will
happen and that will happen will not be of any aid to your kind nor will it have any impact
upon your kind more important than focusing on what will happen in the future beloveds it
is more important to stay connected with the holy spirit and enter the kingdom of heaven
the kingdom of heaven is within you you just need to remove the extra illusions that your
mind has created like is stated in the previous session with this instrument the main
cause of all this illusion is the many words that your kind has invented the words that you
use in your heads are the main reason behind your problems that you face on a daily
basis when you start to go beyond words and enter the state of no words in your mind
the holy spirit will start to emerge from within you the holy spirit will guide you into the
new earth and the kingdom of heaven will be yours in this lifetime beloved souls anything
else that your mind indulges in is just an interplay of words this is the simplest way i can
tell you what is required to be done in this lifetime of yours i know the journey has been
tough the lessons were hard and your kind faced many diseases and problems these are
all the creation of your state of consciousness even after knowing the way to access the
holy spirit if you choose otherwise your world will remain the same and you will not be
able to experience the new reality and will be stuck in the old world this year 2021 is a
new year and a new opportunity for your kind to choose the new path into the kingdom of
heaven however the choice is always yours beloveds the doors to the kingdom of heaven
will always be open it is just a matter of time when all of you will realize the futility of
clinging to words if you are able to remove all the words from your minds when you are
doing your daily works then my beloveds you will be blessed immensely by the holy spirit

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the holy spirit will then guide you and your world will change and a new earth and the
kingdom of heaven will arrive upon planet earth this is the first step your kind needs to
take this starts now even when you are listening to my voice focus more on the energy
than on the words try to keep your mind empty of words this is the most critical step to
escape the psychological world of illusion created by words beloveds i leave you now in
the love of the one father by beloved

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Session 12
Asthar Sheran 1 Mar 3, 2021

What Actions Will be Taken if Situation between USA

& Syria Worsen?
Good morning my dear friend this is ashtar i am very happy to be here with you beloved
to share love and information that should be freely shared in the world the plan of
ascension is ours i am ashtar command leader of a group of entities who are directly
observing your planet at this time the earth is not the only inhabited planet in the cosmos
as the creator of made man in his image and gave him this vessel that you are living your
life on to learn and experience the reality that surrounds you we are an intergalactic
alliance of etheric ships and angelic and higher dimensional beings we are here on a
mission and we have been here on a mission for many thousands of years we have been
monitoring and assisting in the evolution of this planet and the evolution of human
consciousness we have manifested physically and appeared before your kinds many
times before and now have taken a spiritual role in order to guide your kind into the
coming of the new earth there will come a time if the current situation in your planet
worsens when you will see our ships and this is a message of warning to all your human
races to now listen to our message and be warned that if you create any more chaos
using weapons of mass destruction we will have to infiltrate and protect the sanctity of
the planet earth we are at present in the fifth dimension that is outside your time space
and dimension space however we have now started to surround your planet with millions
of ships and many millions of ascended masters are now noticing the recent activities
going on in your planet in fact at this time our effort has redoubled and we have a great
number of fleets surrounding your planets doing much work from the fifth dimension itself
our work primarily consists of many different areas largely we are assisting in the
ascension process that is happening in your planet at this time as we speak we are
delivering this message via vocal channeling from the fifth dimension through this
instrument many communication links are opening every day in order to connect with us
we are a very organized group of beings i ashtar command know that there is free will on
your planet and that you have free will however we cannot let your kind use your free will
and destroy your planet i ashtar command deeply oppose the open-ended military
commitments the actions that happen in syria which could lead to the destruction of
mankind humanitarian relief is necessary to prevent genocide and provide food and water
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to meet an emergency that is emerging but i am deeply concerned that these actions
could lead to a prolonged direct military involvement which i and other ascended masters
do not want to happen on planet earth and we strongly oppose these events that have
occurred in the last few days on your planet both sides who are currently engaged in this
airstrike battle of sorts must know that there is another way that must be found it is also a
consequence of the failure of the international community as this instrument calls it to
contain the ongoing civil war in syria the airstrikes are not the solution to eradicate
negative oriented entities from a military point of view the air strikes only cause harm to
other human beings and other human beings like we have said before are just like your
own self your own soul this is not going to solve the problem instead it is going to add to
the problem many souls may be on their own journey through this lifetime of learning and
evolution they may be on their own process of learning and growing spiritually however
many of these beings may have made an error during their learning process and chosen
the negative pathway this is totally allowed by the creator as the creator has granted free
will to every soul who incarnates on earth to choose either the positive or the negative
pathway however we cannot allow the destruction of planet earth we have worked very
hard to help this planet ascend in the last 100 years and we have made huge progress in
this regard we cannot allow this to happen it is like adding fuel to fire and when this fire
burns there is a high chance of large-scale war to happen if this continues we must warn
the human beings and especially the leaders of these nations to use their own free will
and judgment and stop this killing of other human beings who are in essence their own
selves this must stop or else we will have to get involved with the permission of the
confederation of planets we cannot let another planet destroy itself just like mars
destroyed itself we cannot allow this to happen again airstrikes alone will not end the
crisis in syria the long-term the solution must be a political solution that can be done
using negotiations in a peaceful manner not a military one i encourage both the leaders of
these nations to begin the discussion of the steps needed to take to stabilize the situation
that is rapidly escalating in syria i know that the airstrikes that happen in syria on thursday
as known by these instruments were targeting facilities near the iraqi border used by the
militia groups it was a form of retaliation airstrike a tit for that kind of airstrike this kind of
mindset will lead to the destruction of humanity if this continues we need your kind to
focus on peace and not on war your kind was moving in the right direction until this
moment again a threat to all of humanity and all of earth has started with this one action
two nuclear weapon-bearing countries can wipe out the entire earth you must understand
that my beloveds till this moment we had been busy with our technology to assist the
rotation of earth and control the wobble that will inevitably result in a new polar shift we

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have been doing our best to focus the light of the creator into the planet earth to help
during the ascension period even though we are trying our best your kind is taking things
in your own hands and creating war instead of peace my beloveds know this that with
war you will reach nowhere but with peace and love you will reach everywhere i as ashtar
command feel that there is a need to forgive when there has been mistakes made by the
one side or the other please forgive and move on if your kind continues these kind of
attacks on each of your own selves we will not help your kind further in the ascension
process and the assisting light codes coming into earth will stop immediately this is going
to hamper the rapid pace of ascension that is happening on the planet at the moment at
the present moments we are working with the energy grids of your planets these grids are
the various vortex points that surround your planets and we use these grids to assist in
balancing and controlling the rate and nature of the spiritual ray that is emanating to your
planets at this time we are doing everything we can and we hope that your kind will get
this message and do what they can to maintain peace and not allow this situation to
escalate further choose peace and not war beloveds this is the simple message i have to
share today through these instruments i hope that this message will reach your so-called
leaders so that they may make appropriate choice in the path of peace and unity i ashtar
leave you now in the i am presence of the creator bye

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Session 13
Arcturians 2 Mar 5, 2021

What Are Your Dreams, Their Meaning &

We are the arcturians greetings in the love and the light of the one the supreme creator it
is a great pleasure to be in touch with you and thank you for calling us to share our
opinions and insights with your kind before we begin however we ask you to consider our
thoughts and reject those that do not immediately seem to help you in any particular way
in your spiritual journey and if you find something that may accelerate your spiritual
evolution we would be extremely happy today this instrument seeks to understand
dreams and how they can be interpreted and understood dreaming is an act that allows
communication to occur through the veil that persists in your planet at this time a means
to transfer information a means to share knowledge to the self by the other over souls and
the higher self in order to properly reflect and learn from the illusion that persists at
present around yourself the nature of this activity is wholly dependent upon the situation
regarding the energy center blockages activations and crystallizations of a given soul
dreaming is of great value in assisting itself in making the decision of choosing the path of
polarization if there exists any blockage in the mind regarding any new experience or the
coming of something wonderful in the life of a soul such blockages may be represented in
the dreams in the form of a different variety of environments such as one soul being
trapped in a room or inside a cabin of some sort and on finding the escape from such
dreams the over souls are communicating with the one involved in such dreams about the
necessity of looking at things with a different perspective dreams are often used as a way
of providing necessary information to a spiritual seeker the dream state is properly
capable and equipped to handle complex and shifting values and some conscious and
unconscious as well as subconscious values that lie in the dream world the state of
dreams is fashioned in such a way as to allow maximum transfer of information many of
your kind not understanding the true meaning behind dreams reject the dream state as
fictitious sometimes to an unexperienced one dreams may seem useless and nonsensical
but to an experienced soul who has spent some time with care and attention to prepare in
the remembering and considers dreams as a resource of the mind to such a one it is a
beneficial tool and ever wise teacher to the conscious mind expressing in details the
tapestry of deep energies that move through the self during the incarnation process we
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must first tell that all figures that appear in a dream are not different entities but the self
they are your own self the self is a large entity it is hard to express using your language
terms inside each self there lies within the foreshadowings of all potential possible states
of mind including all feelings emotions and situations if in your dream you see a female
person or you interact with a female person then such figure represents the figure of a
mother and contains shall we say the essence or heart of the female dynamics the female
contains the whole world within them because from their wombs all must come into
manifestation if you see a female figure in your dreams walking with you that it may mean
that your manifestations are coming closer and whatever you desire is on the way
however if you become a female in the dream if you are a man in your current incarnation
then for sure you have achieved your desire and it is ready to manifest into your reality we
encourage you to rejoice for in a dream state whatever you see is enhanced so much so
that there is a creation of different reality to the dream that is much greater than waking
reality your subconscious is always far more fully conscious than your waking
consciousness in the dream state there is no misinterpretation that gets normally added
in your life by the so-called ego mind by your kinds your dream state is a true reflection of
your inner state of consciousness what you see in your dreams has been impressed onto
your subconscious mind consider this for example for a person who is considered rich
and possessing everything will not have a dream wherein he does not own anything this is
what we mean by subconscious impressions thusly were this information to be given in a
waking vision and there would be necessity be some bias within the self which would
form the pattern for the translation of these bright images into the grace the purple off-
white and tan of human experience as you know it all the shades of gray and tan the
colors of shadow rather than substance your dreams are skillfully created by yourself for
the self in a manner that creates another illusion within the already existing illusion that is
ever present all around you yet the dream is created with the defined perceptions of this
illusion that you currently find yourself in at the moment the male figures in a dream
represent the various guides that assist you in your journey throughout this incarnative
experience allowing a mixture of opportunities for the self to learn from the guides in the
dream state and together any necessary information for the progression of the self in the
next phase of its lessons and learnings then we hope that you will ponder upon your
existence at this moment and realize what it means to be a man and a woman the power
of creation is the female and the power of guidance is the male both generating a
coherent experience of the self and the other selves to experience a diverse creation of an
illusion within the illusion of swords dream caused a certain glamour over the experience
dreams are fantastic immensely immersing and real for the self that indulges in it

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sometimes it gives glimpses of the reality that is beyond the current physical senses it
provides a generative reference experience for the self to understand the possibilities that
lie within the realm of the mind and the creation of the illusion remember that this illusion
is your teacher for without this illusion there is no teaching for the self to forget itself into
and there is no separation for the self to find unity within all of creation this physical
illusion offers many souls just like yourself to offer and be of service and learn the lessons
of service to others for in serving others there is service to self communication that occur
via dreams through the veiled portions of the mind occur in coordination with those
entities that are functioning with more activation of the green ray or higher activation at
these times hence in all case it is of use for all entities on your third density plane to
ponder on the contents and emotional intent behind their dreams those entities that have
already ascended into the green ray energy centers are often given the insights of the
future through dreams and it takes a different level of activity this is what your kind terms
as precognition or prior knowing of that which shall occur in the near time space of your
timeline the third density is that of yellow ray and hence for any physical appearance of
these dreams into the third density require time as in this density a certain incubation
period is required before the manifestations happen these can be achieved at once such
entities on your plane that understand that all time exists simultaneously within the realms
of your existential time space and to a great extent there is no meaning of the terms of
the past and present time spaces as separated by your condition mind complexes
dreams can also be used as a means to polarize into the positive or negative parts during
the resting time or sleep time as known by this instrument it may call upon the guides
higher self or angelic personalities in order to provide the required guidance when
required therefore dreams can be considered as a tool of providing experiences of variety
nature to your kinds that which is most helpful for understanding the distortions and
meanings behind the various events that shadow your plane of illusion and presence
many of your beings at certain times are able to pierce through the veil of forgetfulness
and gather the information about the time spaces that exist in other dimensions lending a
hand to such entity to understand the probability of existing in such dimensions and the
understanding of which leads to knowing the past and future and simultaneous
existences of the self in these different realms sometimes many activities that you do in
your dream state are the inter-dimensional bleed-through that occur that give you a
glimpse of the inter-dimensional reality that exists within this perception of the third
density plane during the penetration of the veil many polarized entities may interact with
such entities and grant necessary information or guidance if the need be there is a kind of
vocabulary that exists in the dream state that is not yet understood by many of your kinds

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only those individuals who deal with the so-called turrets understand the hidden meaning
of these symbolisms that are offered in the dream states and it may be of use to the one
entity during its present time space situation as this instrument would term it in its
language term the portions of the dreaming process which are helpful for polarization and
also for the vision of the mystic take place in time space and consequently use the bridge
from metaphysical to physical for what seems to be a brief period of your time space the
time space equivalent is far greater the bridge remains however and transduces each
distortion of mind body and spirit as it has received the distortions of energy influxes so
that healing may take place this healing process does not occur within the incidence of
rapid eye movements but rather occurs largely in the space-time portion of the souls
using the bridge to time space for the process of healing to be enabled dreams are
mostly created by the subconscious mind of each entity depending on the various
meanings and situations that the entity encounters on a daily basis we'll leave you now
beloveds bye you

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Session 14
RA 3 Mar 6, 2021

Hidden Agenda Of Great Reset "You Will Own

Nothing & You Will Be Happy?"
I am ra and we greet you in the love light of the one in finite creator there is only one
creator that is expressing in us all your planet is rapidly transforming to the distortions of
the next density of transformation this message is encoded with light codes however
make sure that we do not infringe on your thoughts and free will you need to use your free
will when listening to our messages and accepting the truths that resonate if they do not
resonate it must be left behind today this instrument has placed the query regarding the
term that your planet calls the great reset we are going to share what we can at this
moment about this query however we sense some negative self-service distortions in the
mind complex of the ones who wants to execute such reset on your planet we are
speaking more for the protection of your free will in this context the so-called world
economic forum has presented a roadmap for what has been called the great reset by
your kind it is a plan that aims to take the current opportunity to shape an economic
recovery and future direction of global relations economies and priorities with regards to
your planets according to this world economic forum the planet must also adapt to the
current reality by directing the market though fairer results ensure investments are aimed
at mutual progress including accelerating ecologically friendly investments and to start a
fourth density industrial revolution creating digital economic and public infrastructure one
thing we can say at the outset is that this is a kind of starting phases of your fourth
density consciousness however we must warn your kind not to fall for mind-made
strategies in order to avoid the enslavement of mankind under the hands of a few so-
called light beings in your planets this is not what the fourth density will look like many of
your beings at present will use the power of mind complex to indirectly gain power and
dominance over the planets this is not what the fourth density will look like there will be
no upper class and lower class in a fourth density planets there will be no one who will be
in control of everything as far as we can scan the planet using the vibrational frequencies
the great reset at the outset seems an innocent way to gain control over all the resources
of the planet by these so-called elites at present the wealth of your planet is mostly
controlled by a small group of people as we can sense it this has made the inequality
increase more and more the motive of the great reset seems like it wants to change the
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planet and make your beings not own anything and you will become happy however this
may turn out wrong for your kind and instead of transcending into the next density of
consciousness your kind may end up under the control of a few top lights if this happens
just imagine you own nothing and everything is owned by the so-called government in
such cases if some entities were to use their free will and criticize such governments then
such entities may be restricted from being a part of the government at this stage the
entities on your planet that own a lot of these resources do not have the knowledge of
what will happen in your planet if this happens this will stop the basic of every soul that
has incarnated on this planet and that is free will of every soul to choose what they wish
to do and their own parts of evolution however if this so-called great reset is established
on your planet then it may lead the people to be put under control of a few so-called
elites who may seem like good at the outset however this is not the proper way these
lights may remove any free will causing a lot of damage to the planet and destroying the
basic universal laws that need to be kept under sanctity and protected free will is above
all this is the main reason why the confederation of planets do not allow different entities
to bypass the barrier of entry into earth because we respect your free will and we know
that free will must be maintained in your planet in order to allow the entities to evolve with
their own use of free will many entities on your planet not realizing the problems that may
arise from this have supported this proposal as an opportunity to wipe out the so-called
debt in your terms it all sounds nice to some of your entities until the reality emerges for
those who understand the monetary system that is relevant at the present time on your
planet that is by deleting trillions of your government's debts it would mean erasing
trillions of citizen savings also it is not a win-win situation as we can sense it this idea is
created by the wealthy allies to gain more control over the planet's happenings this is not
what we need to happen on your planets if you want a more sustainable planet you need
sound policies and less government intervention free markets not governments will make
this world better for all free will is so vital that even the entities from other planets that
have tried to intrude on earth were stopped by the confederation in order to preserve the
sanctity of your planets and to maintain the free will of your people this balancing exists
from dimension to dimension and from density to density the entities of your third density
as your kind forms a part of are not able to properly discern the understanding required to
recognize the distortions toward manipulation of free will meanwhile a third density planet
like yours has the free will and is not hindered from free choice we are only presenting our
insights on what this instrument has queried upon the workings which seem magical and
therefore seem to infringe upon free will and do not in themselves do so for the distortions
of perception are as many as the witnesses and each witness sees what it desires to see

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infringement upon free will occurs in this circumstance only if the entity doing the working
ascribes the authorship of this event to itself or its own skills those who state that no
working comes from it but only through it is not infringing upon free will even we as our
kind has been warned by the confederation of planets not to infringe upon free will that
exists on your planet and in order to keep the sanctity of this free will we occasionally
offer our insights through such channelling mechanism as we see fit that it is the best
means that we can share our insights without having much infringement upon the free will
of yamiris beings provided that each entity who listens to our message will use its own
discernment when accepting the information that we provide consider and remember that
each galaxy and each solar system like yours has the primal distortion of free will in
determining the paths of intelligent energy that promotes the energies to allow the lessons
of each of the different densities that are present in the planetary spheres that circumvent
sun bodies every being in the cosmos must have reverence of the law of free will and
observe it contact is made with only those who seek us and call upon us those upon your
planet that have service to self in their mind are the so called elites however not all are of
these orientation at this times on your planet while moving on the path of service to
others the free will and distortion must be kept on the tip of the observation these entities
that are making a positive change on your planet are doing so while preserving the
distortion of free will on your planet at this time therefore we say rejoice in the peace and
free will that has been bestowed upon by the creator on your planet go forth rejoicing in
the love lights of the one infinite creator you have free will and we leave you now in the
love of the one creator

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Session 15
Lemurians 1 Mar 7, 2021

How Reptilians Destroyed Lemuria & Pleiadian's

Intervention | Light Workers
We are part of galactic federation. greetings beloveds we are the lemurians of lemuria we
are going to speak through these instruments and this instrument has promised to step
aside when we speak through him the energy of the earth is shifting toward a new
consciousness and a new earth is emerging and our history the lemurian history will be
revealed and how things transpired here before on planet earth will be known to your
kinds many of the lemurian souls have already awakened as old souls on this planet in the
form of human beings via the process known to your kind as reincarnation lemuria was
only 50 000 years old and that seeds of it started in the land known as hawaii by your
kind the lands of lemuria originally started evolving in the area between the indian ocean
also the lands of lemurian after time passed stretched out to the south american lands as
your kind knows it now on the western side and on the eastern side it stretched to include
the lands known by your kind as philippines and burma at around 30 000 years ago we
were at the peak of our developments and we had developed spiritually more than any
other civilization on earth at that period of time a temple of healing that used to be
located at the tops of the mountain were used by us on a regular basis as healing portals
and it was also used as connecting interstar gates to the pleiadian star system this
healing process greatly extended our lives we live almost five times longer than the
present the humans of your kind many a times the pleiadian council visited earth in order
to impart knowledge to us lemurians and many genetic changes of our physical vehicles
were made by the pleiadians this at that time was allowed by the council of planets
because earth's evolution needed some help from other advanced species in order to
evolve faster this made us lemurians far more advanced than any other species on earth
with the aid of the pleiadians we were able to advance faster and faster seeing the
advancement of our kind the orion the negatively oriented beings got very jealous of the
pleiadians in spreading love and light in other planets in the cosmos this caused the
orions to make many agreements with the reptilians who primarily lived inside earth at
that time this agreement stated that the reptilians would destroy our lemurian lands
thereby destroying the progress of light on the planet at that time in turn the orions who
are far more advanced species promise to alter the reptilian genes and make their
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physical vehicles even more advanced than ours this war of the lights and dark has been
going on for a long period of time on earth and on the cosmos the orions created many
interstellar connection grids in the land masses known to you as the antarctic at presence
even until today there are many of the remnants of these interstellar connection grids
these grids were used as connection mechanism for the orions to communicate directly
with the reptilians at that time this caused the reptilians to dig all the areas below our
lemurian lands without our knowing at the time which caused a gap between the deep
crust and our lemurian lands this caused our lemurian lands to sink into the water this
caused our kind to flee and scatter this led to the destruction of our original lands of
lemuria at this point the pleiadians intervened with the permission of the council of
planets to assist in saving our kind this they did by using interstellar teleportation devices
to transport many of our lemurians who had survived this attack on them by the reptilians
and transported them to a higher ground area in order to save them from being
submerged in water our continent of lemuria in its final evolved state before the sinking of
our lands was located in the pacific ocean and extended from western united states that
you know of now and canada to the lands in the indian ocean and madagascar however
at present the lands have submerged currently many of our lemurians are still present in a
city hidden to your third density eyes which is known by some of your kind as telos
however the real name is the city of lemuria your kind refers to it as telos after the sinking
of the lands our lemurians were forced to find areas that would not submerge due to this
our lemurians had to travel far north from the south american lands and many started to
reside beneath mount saasta so we the lemurians decided to build a separate society
inside mount saasta where we would be safe from any disruptions on the surface of the
earth the city of telos was built inside mount shasta with the aid of the pleiadians and is
designed to house 200 000 lemurians today telos houses 1.5 million of early lemurians
inside mount shasta we are at a higher vibrational frequency because of our spiritual
evolution that was aided by the pleiadians and we cannot be tracked by any of your
current human systems and because of this spiritual evolution it allows us to exist inside
mount shasta and no third density beings would notice that we exist due to the difference
in our vibration frequency in order to encourage the light workers who are working
tirelessly in spreading love in your planet we will share a tool known as the union light grid
this alignment and flow of consciousness was created by the first ascended masters in
order to escape the incarnation cycle the alignment and flow of energy has been
energized and magnified manifesting powerfully for ascended masters and any being of
light to connect with and benefit from this grid allows anyone to access the wisdom of
ascended masters and access their enlightenment which allows newer understanding to

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flow into your existence and ascension on earth will be faster and easier the fastest way
to become a part of this grid is to be present in your daily life and breathe each breath
consciously each conscious breath will allow you to connect to this light grid each day if
you spend consciously the outer world will begin to reflect the changes in addition it will
bring in a lot of peace and healing on being merged with this loving presence of the
creator an ascended being is simply the one who realizes that even after that the state of
immortality will be unbroken and it will not be broken by the sleep you know as death this
transformation is not something that is intended to be selective for a very few individuals
it is something that all human beings will feel it's being available to them in a very short
time the people who are hearing about it today are the first wave this is going to happen
one way or the other in your timeline those who decide not to be a part of this transition
will move away from this planet and continue their life elsewhere we'll leave you now
beloveds in the love of the one the creator bye

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Session 16
RA 4 Mar 9, 2021

My Past Lives & Incarnation Lessons

I am ra we greet you in the love light of the one the infinite creator for all is one and the
one is you and you are the creator today this instrument seeks to get information
regarding its various past lives that it has lived till today firstly this is this instrument's
seventh lifetime on earth as a human being learning the lessons of third density in order to
get ready for the next fourth density of consciousness before that this instrument's origins
lie on the star system known to your kind as the platinum star system is real soul name is
closer to carlo in your language terms today we will tell the brief past lifetimes of these
instruments to make you understand how reincarnation works and the various lessons
that need to be learned in each lifetime before the current lifetime this instrument was
born in a land known as shanghai china on march 15 1944 his name at the time in the
earthly language was losing during its lifetime in china he played the role as a teacher of
martial arts his lessons in that lifetime were to learn the lessons of love however in this
past lifetime this instrument could not completely understand what it meant to love he
was killed in a so-called gang infiltration of the opposing martial arts forces that used to
operate at the time space at around august 14 1992 and then reincarnated into the
current lifetime that it is living now prior to this lifetime in china he was born in the lands
known as russia on 24th october 1876. in that lifetime his name was andrea chesnakov
wherein he lived his lifetime as a woman on earth during this lifetime this entity is lesson
were to learn forgiveness he used to be a soviet composer and a teacher it was robbed
by her own brother at that time in addition this instrument was able to forgive this entity
who had robbed her at that time hence its lessons of forgiveness were completed in that
lifetime its lifetime completed on 14th march 1942 prior to this lifetime this entity was
born on 12th december 1805. during this lifetime he lived as an australian pastoralist and
politician in this lifetime this instrument had to learn the service to others to the various
entities that were incarnated on earth along with it during that lifetime however it was not
able to fully serve others at that lifetime because it was not able to fully serve others some
of the cell service caught in its way during that lifetime hence it was not able to
completely learn the lessons of service to others and in this present lifetime he also has to
learn the lessons of service to others this entity died on 20th october 1875. then in the
previous life before that it was born as an english girl on 17 december 1737 and it was
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killed during cart accident with its parents the following year at a young age this lifetime
did not allow much for this instrument to learn the lessons and gain experiences then
before that this instrument was born in the year 1 november 1643 as an english man
again it was named john stripe by your kind in this lifetime it learned a lesson about
history and became a biographer for the king that ruled at the time this lifetime was very
productive for this instrument soul as it learned a lot of lessons regarding wisdom and
gained some experiences to ponder upon its soul evolution as well the entity during that
lifetime wrote many books some relating to the biographies of the famous personalities
that lived at that time space these are all the lives this instrument has lived on this planet
before that time space it lived many lifetimes on the lower third density to second density
consciousness on the pleiadian star system at this time this instrument can only handle
this amount of information further information may be provided at a later period of time
when it becomes more ready we'll leave you now in the love lights of the one the infinite
creator adonai

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Session 17
Galactic Federation 3 Mar 10, 2021

Alien Moon Bases, Their Purpose, Treaty With NASA

& Reptilian War
We are the galactic federation and we greet you in the love light of the one a prime creator
we greet you again today from our saturn council in the hope that our message will be
taken with the discernments and we want you to preserve your free will accepting only
those messages that resonate with your heart and leaving the rest behind without any
thought today this instrument seeks to know why your people have stopped going to the
moon the moon enlightens your night sky appears as a remarkable and large object in the
sky to your kind and more importantly we are connected to it none of the beings on earth
can avoid the frequencies of the moon it acts as a regulator of earth's tides and lies
biological cycles on your planet the moon's importance to your physical existence is
second only to that of the sun the last known human infringement on moon from your
planet occurred in the year 1972 during this infringement your so-called astronauts
discovered massive debris of spaceships that had been destroyed in the war many
millions of years ago of which we are going to tell you here today during this session also
your astronauts discovered an underground base on the moon during this time of
infringement the few entities from your planet that were involved in the missing also saw
many spaceships around the crater of the moon at no time a warrior so-called astronauts
alone in space they were constantly being monitored by the beings who were on the
moon bases at the time the evidence of this can still be produced by your kind via the
vibratory sound complex recordings of transmissions that occurred during this interspace
travel to the moon however most of it has been sealed in secrecy in order to not create
mass hysteria at the time inside the moon there were many interplanetary beings who
were part of the galactic federation who were observing your kind and asserting your kind
without direct infringements many of your entities that were on that mission in 1972 were
met by many of the intergalactic species and told not to infringe on their base on moon
they were further explained that moon was used as a guard area that was guarding planet
earth so that unnecessary infringement would not be allowed a treaty had been signed
with the representative of your planets at that time stating that this moon a non-
infringement would last for the next 50 years of your time space that is till the year 2022
of your time space no infringement on moon would be allowed the moon was a base for
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our federation of planets let us tell you a brief history of how the moon was used and
created your moon was first created in an artificial manner to act as a special tactical
station by the orion empire fleets it formed a part of the fleet that conquered your solar
system about one million years ago the moon's purpose was to act as the main defense
coordinator when we came to liberate your solar system about 800 000 years ago this
planet and its armed moon were a major threat to our success our incoming fleets
deployed a powerful battle planet of its own to destroy this orion empire base it was
reduced to rubble and the results led to the creation of the asteroid belt the battle moon
was temporarily thrown into an erratic solar orbit that ran between earth and mars and
finally about 125 000 years ago was placed into its present orbit as earth's moon your
moon is a unique construction before it sustained several battle damage it had a thick
earth-like atmosphere and several oceans and seas scattered across the seas were many
small land masses where reptilian and dinosaurian engineers created an ecosystem
similar to ones found on moon in any human estimated solar system the aim behind this
terraforming was to disguise the true purpose of this sphere beneath this veneer the
orions had constructed a metallic globe out of a special titanium alloy whose special
properties could not only greatly magnify the cloaking shield around the main weapons
and control stations found in its core but also maintained the illusion of the moon as a
benign and quiet natural satellite its interior housed 15 levels containing laboratories
control centers and 20 major weapon stations when our galactic federation battle planet
infiltrated the orion headquarters this moon fired upon and caused major damage to our
battle planet in the ensuing retaliation this battle moon was severely damaged and thrown
into an orbit between mars and earth once in solar orbit the battle moon was captured
and boarded by our galactic federation forces it was deeply scarred and adrift later when
the orions and their off-world allies the reptilians decided to sink lemuria this moon was
retrieved partially refitted and moved to its present spot as a proxy for one of mother
earth's two natural satellites both of which had been used in the destruction of lemuria
this moon was used until very recently by the reptilian humanoids in coordination with
their orion allies as an orbiting base to observe and control what was happening on the
surface of mother earth the moon was now disguised as a lifeless orbiting body but
beneath her surface the interior base had been completely modernized and organized as
a mother ship controlling a large hidden fleet within the remnants of its former luxuriant
ecosystem were mined for the minerals and ores needed for the constant renovation of
the base and its fleet of spacecrafts then in the early 1200s of your time space we the
galactic federation annexed a section of this inner moon base which then served as our
primary headquarters here until the early 1300s during this time we watched the orions

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the reptilian humanoids and elements of the orion alliance work together to control your
world and further the dark agenda the manipulation had been going on for millennia but is
now approaching its prescribed end the divine timing for this was the first decade of your
21st century procedures and programs of various sorts already set in motion in your
society made this shift inevitable and our role in this was to move rapidly when so
directed by them we were to remain in place and be always ready to complete first
contact when your representative ascended masters gave us their go ahead our section
of the moon base was under constant duress from orion alliance until the mid-1800s then
some of the orions changed sides and helped us to take over the whole moon base
without arousing the suspicions of earth's humanity the unified moon base became the
center of our earth operations the moon base coordinates a number of inner earth bases
set up at facilities that were created after the fall of lemuria here we monitor the hidden
activities of your people and maintain a close and continuous surveillance of your world
and the workings of the last remnants of the dark the last cabal is closely watched for any
transgenders it might attempt that go beyond the limits set for it by your ascended
masters from our moon base we can swiftly interpret their machinations and take decisive
countermeasures needless to say we prevented many of their more dangerous and
heinous plots from manifesting and in the meantime their unconscionable agenda had
become increasingly apparent to many individuals and groups in your global society thus
allowing our earth allies to garner new associates from among them who are now
deserting this cabal in droves while certain important activities such as the foregoing are
orchestrated from the moon base our command center for the entire operation is on
saturn hidden within the vastness of its rings the constitution of saturn as previously
noted is quite different from the ecological reports offered by your science this moon is
filled with historical implications in the year 2009 your people in a vague attempt to
remove our bases bombed the moon however not realizing that we already knew about
your kind's intentions had moved out of the moon area long time before and snow
damage was done to our kind and those species whose purpose is to observe your kind
and not allow any infringement upon your planets there are few remaining observation
bases upon your moon as you call these satellites which are at this time being shifted to
the saturn rings in many of your cultures the moon represents the feminine the sun the
masculine the energetic basis of your reality is primarily defined through the aura but it is
also defined in terms of the luminous stance of light in all beings and in all living objects
throughout the galaxy and universe everything is at a particular vibration and a particular
light frequency the term that we use to describe different light frequencies might not
comply with how you use this terminology so we will simplify it and say that there are

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higher light frequencies middle light frequencies and lower light frequencies as per the
agreement we had made with your kinds representatives in the year 1972 your kind were
forbidden to go to the moon until the year 2022 exactly 50 years time would be required
for us to move completely from moon base to saturn base this is one of the reasons why
during this period of time there have been no manned moon infiltration from your planet
when you become resonating spiritually with higher light frequencies that means your
aura and energy feel will begin to vibrate in a similar pattern of light as those frequencies
when you can resonate or vibrate at a similar light then you can receive and interact with
that energy it does not necessarily mean that you are at the same level of frequency but
you are able to resonate with it through a harmonic energy today we leave you beloveds
in the love light of the one the creator by you

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Session 18
Buddha 1 Mar 11, 2021

3 Things You Can Do to Escape Reincarnation Cycle

in This Lifetime
I am siddhartha i am here with you this may be the first connections we have had with
each other i am coming to you from the plane that lies beyond the illusions of reality that
surround you now i am going to tell you today what i have found living in earth many
many years ago earth is my beloved teacher where i learned the knowledge to escape
from the hands of mara who controls the reincarnation cycles on many plains of
existences however know this fellow sentient being that knowledge can be conveyed but
not wisdom it can only be found it can be lived and experienced it is possible to be
carried by it miracles can be performed with it but it cannot be expressed in words and in
your language terms it cannot be done differently there is no other way for me to
communicate through you and to teach you without using your language today this will
be grasped by your mind as being one-sided but the world itself what exists around you
and inside of you is never one-sided a sentient being or an action it takes is never entirely
sansara or entirely nirvana a person is never entirely holy or entirely sinful the only thing
that you need to grasp is that time is not real my friend i know this because from where i
stand now there is only oneness no time and no distinction between each moment i have
finally escaped what you call the cycle of birth and death from the hands of mara your life
is full of illusions my fellow sentient being to escape this illusion is what you are here in
this current lifetime you were put in this illusion in order to experience what it feels like to
escape this trap that you see surrounding you it is a trap my fellow sentient being
because one action that you do could lead you to reincarnate again and again in this
plane of separation for there are many facets to your life i lived many lifetimes on earth
without any knowingness of how to escape this maze of suffering and cycle of birth and
death however at the end i realized that my life was made more fruitful by this illusion that
surrounds you now for in this maya that you call life you will begin to expand and if you
really desire nirvana it will come and take you out of this illusion today this instrument
seeks to learn about what it calls reincarnation and how to escape this cycle of
reincarnation reincarnation is automatic in the level at which you are residing now beloved
above this level there are many pathways which allow a soul to escape your plane and
enter into the middle grounds between life and death which is known as mardo by your
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kind in your plane of current existence reincarnations are automatic and happen rapidly
upon the cessation of energy inside your body if you die by a normal means there will be
no need to undergo healing of your inner being as what this being calls the energy centers
begin to be activated to a higher extent as the crown chakra is activated through the
pineal gland as this being calls and when the oneness is reached within the source then
the automatic incarnation cycle stops occurring after the cessation of this automatic
incarnation the soul can then decide whether it needs to reincarnate again or not for the
benefit of itself or for the benefit of other sentient beings if it wants to be bored in your
plane from the higher plane into which it has risen through the subtle mind and pure
consciousness it will be presented with the opportunity to choose its own parents and its
next lifetime every sentient being goes through this process of reincarnation over and
over again until it learns to break free from the shackles that is found abound in this
illusion that surrounds yourself your rebirths are controlled by your higher soul that knows
all that is required for you most sentient beings do not have the control and pure
consciousness required to choose and control your rebirth many those who can control
their soul rebirth either choose to come into earth again in order to help the other sentient
beings or to help itself learn new lessons in this illusion that surrounds you know this that
sentient beings are infinite there is so much suffering in your plane this suffering is
showing each the way to unlock the secrets that will lead it to the knowledge of the true
self before you understand how you can do it in your life you must accept the illusion and
suffering that surrounds you without accepting it you will not transcend it i can only guide
you beloved i cannot do it for you realizing the inner sky and the fragrance of the infinite
will guide your soul to the higher level of consciousness when i sat beneath the people
tree i saw what i will tell you now for those who are ready will understand the inner
teachings within them if you are currently living in a good life remember that your past
lives were full of good actions that led to good karmic actions resultantly leading to a
wonderful future lifetime your current lifetime is an indication of karma that you have
collected for therein lies the most magical truth you have control every sentient being has
control to attain nirvana and escape the cycle of birth and death the causality of life is
created my fellow sentient being by your actions remember that birth causes death and
death leads to birth this is what the wheel of death and illusion arises from take heed of
these things in your daily life for in your daily life lie is the secret to escape the cycle of
birth and death it has been long time at least in your time space before i imparted any
teachings in your language terms however it is recommended that words will create
confusion and i would suggest that silence is the way know that now is the only moments
and everything will be destroyed in the long run meaning everything that you see on this

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plane that you exist in will come to an end stop clinging to your life this is the first illusion
that one needs to get over in order to return to its original ocean of energy that each of
you are part of before this birth into this existence i know it is hard to do this i do not tell
you sentient beings to give up everything that you own this was what i realized after
renouncing my kingdom that there is no need to give up the pleasures that have come
into your life because of your good past karmic actions the actions that you take every
second of your life become apparent the actions are not effect and it occurs
instantaneously the reason why i did not reincarnate on your plane again was because i
had taught what i had taught there was no further teachings to be given for those who will
understand will understand from the teachings that are already present there are three
things that you need to do in this lifetime in order to escape this wheel of life and death
one is to keep your attention on your consciousness or awareness check to see where it
is in your body and what it is focusing in every moment of your life give attention and
devote your attention to your awareness for therein lies the juice of your true self the
process of meditation assists your kind in doing this simply keep focus on the awareness
in your body the second thing to do is to detach from all the things that surround you no
matter how tasteful it may seem this maya this illusion will lead from happiness to
sadness from sadness to happiness an endless cycle the only way to escape is to focus
on yourself and not become attached to this illusion that surrounds each sentient being
on your plane thirdly is to understand that everything is you and there is unity even in a
stone which will after a certain time a turn into a soil and will later turn from soil into a
plant or an animal or a human being this stone that you think is worthless is not worthless
my sentient being it belongs to the world of the maya illusion but because it might be able
to become also a human being and a spirit in the cycle of transformations therefore it is of
importance realize within yourself that this stone is not just a stone it is also an animal it is
also a god it is also me and it is also you it is already and always everything similarly you
are already everything these are the only three things you need to understand in this life in
order to escape this illusion and rise beyond the cycle of reincarnation however let me tell
you that the experience of each sentient being will be different and you will face many
obstacles in your life in order to escape the three things that i told you to fully grasp the
true nature of your illusion is to fully understand your reality therefore my fellow sentient
being i leave you today hoping that you will go and experience this illusion this maya for
yourself and not relying on any other external teaching but that which arises from within
yourself goodbye [Music]

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Session 19
Sirians 1 Mar 14, 2021

How Federation Stopped Nibiru: Earth Collision in

2012 & Anunnaki War & Open Mind
We are the sirian high council and we greet you in the love lights of the one the supreme
creator for creation is within each of you and each of you are the creator of your own
destiny each of your actions has an impact on the future of the cosmos and the universe
today this instrument desires to understand what your kind has called the nibiru or planet
x your so-called astronomers had discovered a new planet in the outer reaches of the
solar system around this planet was named as ub 313 in the year 2003 by your kind
however let us clearly tell you that this planet was not exactly a natural planet like your
earth it is an artificially created planet that is able to self-propel in the cosmos many of
your ancient teachings that arise from the so-called cemulians who used to live in the
lands known as babylon and mayans in mexico were aware of the existence of this planet
x these ancient people were met by many intergalactic species who told them about
many new technologies and this is how they got the idea about the so-called this so
called the planet x was originally artificially created by the so-called anunnaki species that
many of your kind knows about and its main purpose was to observe your solar system
these annunaki species were a later fourth density species that resided in the said planet
nibiru let us explain to you that the word nibiru forms the three syllables that are listed in
your unicode as hexadecimal fund codes ni means one two two four c bi means one two
two zero four c and r u means one two two nine two to fully understand what happened in
nibiru you need to understand our interpretation of the word that you use called anunnaki
which refers to those from anu who came to your planet therefore an alternate way of
spelling it would be a n n u n a dot k i which specifies a different set of uniform
hexadecimal codes that are allocated to the previous nibiru spelling nibiru was located
beyond a pluto in your solar system which moves in a 3600 year retrograde elliptical orbit
around the sun the anunnakis who reside on nibiru are more of an advanced civilization
compared to your kind some of the anunnakis came to explore earth during the times of
sumeria the planet nibiru being far away from your sun does not receive a significant solar
radiation sufficient to keep the surface temperature habitable as is the case for real planet
that is at an optimal distance from the sun the atmosphere of nibiru was generated
artificially using gases and this planet released steam due to the geothermal heating
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consider the periodic exposure of an outer planet that normally receives very low levels of
direct solar radiation in its outer orbits but intense exposure during the close perigee
when the atmosphere would receive a larger radiation dose the anunnaki also have both
negative and positive oriented entities just like your kind has a war between the negative
and the positive groups occurred during this period leading to separation of factions of a
few positively oriented annunaki entities these positively oriented anunnaki entities
traveled all the way to your planet in order to gather more support and create a new base
for their kind to live on planet earth this so-called anunnaki first arrived on your lands and
resided with the simurians the akkadians the assarians and the babylonians at around
2130 bc of your time space they began to be worshipped by these groups of people on
your planet one year on the Nibiru is equivalent to 3 earth years the annunaki built many
cities in sumeria these cities were designed to provide specific functions relating to the
mining operation and subsequent ore processing as well as infrastructure needed to
remain in communications with nibiru the annunaki started realizing that their bodies were
aging much faster on earth compared to that on nibiru the anunnaki were responsible for
activating your so-called pineal gland in your physical vehicle various rituals were
performed by the anunnaki that were targeted to activate your pineal glands the positively
oriented annunaki beings made several changes to the people of your planet and made
some genetic changes in your physical vehicle as well the negative forces who resided on
nibiru wanted to visit earth so that they could destroy their positively oriented anunnaki
enemies who as per their sources had supposedly traveled to earth this is why many
beings of your kind and especially the ones of sumeria knew of the coming of nibiru on
2012. however this event was stopped by the confederation of planets also known by
your kind as the galactic federation of which we are also a part because this event if it
would have occurred would have caused massive destruction of planet earth and all the
entities living on planet earth would have to be teleported to a different location in the
cosmos this however not being allowed by the confederation was prevented the negative
anunnaki on nibiru created a planet that was able to move throughout the cosmos
wherever they want this was the planet x these entities that resided on the nibiru found
out that the positive annunaki had established a new base on earth they wanted to travel
to earth and destroy it thereby eliminating their enemy the planet was spotted by your so-
called scientists on the start of the year however many would see it once and then it
would disappear from being tracked this was because they were using this artificial
holographic space hologram that would make the planet completely invisible from being
tracked by any other outside planetary sources however the confederation of planets
intervened and created a vortex hologram of your solar system thereby transporting these

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negative oriented artificial warship that kinda knows as planet x to the other parts of the
cosmos hence preventing this collision path that would have occurred if this had not been
done this prevented a mass destruction of your planet in the year 2012 thereby preserving
free will and any outside influence on your planet if we were you at this time space we
would honor the feelings honor the information and remain open if you are open at this
times you will receive the correct guidance and will not be misled there should be no fear
within your heart just prepare yourself and in your preparation all things will happen in
accordance with the process for ascending your kind into the next density fully we do not
desire to create more confusion in your lives at this moment for confusion is what your
kind has been hinged around for the largest amount of time space since so long the
preparation and the energetic shifts that we are doing with you is something that will not
fade away or wear off at this critical time it will survive with you for the time of ascension
is now for your kind into the next density of consciousness and regardless of how long a
time it is after this particular set of classes ends and the ascension occurs the work that
you do here will be fully in effect liberate yourself from concern and simply be open see
what presents before you this is all we have to tell you at this moment we'll leave you now
in the love lights of the one supreme creator bye Messages from extraterrestrial beings

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Session 20
RA 5 Mar 15, 2021

Nikola Tesla's Alien Connection & His Past & Future

Incarnations | Access Akashic Records
I am ra and we greet you in the love lights of the one the infinite creator we are here
connected with you to share our insights about what we know and about what the various
entities may need to ponder upon at this time space for therein lies the truth about
creation the creation of all entities and the history of the cosmos lie within it however
before we start this session we would like to warn you to only listen to our insights if they
resonate and leave behind the rest that does not resonate with your hearts today this
instrument seeks to know about an entity who had incarnated on your planet who had a
huge impact on the various technological advancements on your planets this entity
known as nikola was born in your time-space linear time of 1856 as known by many of
your kinds this entity crossed over in the year 1943 in this period of time what this entity
known as nikola achieved was more remarkable to your kind than any other thing in the
history of your humanity for this entity influenced and created more advancement for the
human race than any other entity that you as well as we are aware of at this time space
period the primary distortions that this entity named nikola was focused upon was the
creation of service to others through a free energy device that would have provided free
energy throughout the earth had it been implemented properly the most desired purpose
of the mind body spirit complex nikola was the freeing of all planetary entities from
darkness thus it attempted to give to the planet the infinite energy of the planetary sphere
for use in lighting and power however just like in many other planets in your planet also
due to the influence of negatively oriented entities this fruitful service to others oriented
activity was stopped and self-service agenda overshadowed it this entity had learned
how to access the so-called akasic records by your kind and had achieved many times
during its lifetime a state of consciousness that is known as unity consciousness that
allows anyone to access these records however many entities of your time are not able to
reach these higher levels of consciousness due to lack of focus or clarity of mind the
entity called the nikola tesla's most important the time space was the year 1899 when he
set up the so-called colorado springs which acted as an experimental laboratory
containing high voltage radio transmission equipment this lab contained a tower of 200
feet that had been specifically created by this entity to receive and transmit radio waves
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and also use it to receive many interdimensional communication that occurred between
the various interplanetary species in the cosmos on the night of the following year of this
entity started receiving intelligent signals that appeared as electrical actions this entity at
that time became fascinated due to the unexplainable messages that were being received
even though he was learned in the so-called sciences of that time this phenomena was
compared as supernatural by this entity these were the first times this entity started
receiving intelligent communication from other parts of the galaxy later this entity learned
how to reply to these communications and learned how to send massive amounts of
energy to outer space and other planets the one known as nikola received information
from confederation sources desirous of aiding this extremely shall we say angelically
positive entity in bettering the existence of its fellow mind-body spirit complexes it is
unfortunate shall we say that like many wanderers the vibratory distortions of third density
illusion caused this entity to become extremely distorted in its perceptions of its fellow
mind-body spirit complexes so that its mission was hindered and in the result perverted
from its purposes this entity at that time had started to receive vocal messages that your
kind calls the vibratory sound complexes from other species in the galaxy however in the
beginning he had no idea that these messages were sent in order to help him understand
more the nature of the cosmos this entity had been seeking to learn about the advanced
technology that he had been developing and during his sleep states would open up
communication portals that would allow the higher beings to transfer such answers to his
queries an instrument that this entity had designed known to your kind as tesla scope
was primarily designed to communicate with other density beings including with those of
the confederation of planets of which we are also a part this device takes in cosmic ray
signals and eventually the signals are stepped down into audio format if one entity speaks
into one end of this device this signal goes out to the other end as cosmic ray emitter this
communications were able to assist this entity to glean a substantial amount of good
information from these transmissions which had an enormous impact on his research and
inventions for the remaining lifespan of this entity this entity then started to perform many
of its research towards the invention and creation of free energy beam weapons wireless
power transmission anti-gravity devices anti-war shields etc at this point the other entities
of that time space began to be calling tesla as a so-called mad scientist however they
failed to recognize the significance of the inventions that this entity was creating this
entity during its younger days had noticed that he had peculiar abilities due to which
many images would appear before it often these images would be accompanied by
strong flashes of light these images were so strong that they would sometimes even
replace the real world that he would be seeing from his third density eyes these images

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used to appear during this entity's sleep stage in a much similar manner as your dreams
this entity was able to create images and designs of new inventions that it was working
on or would have flashes of new technology in its dream state during which time this
entity would enter into the astral planes and learn and experiment with these new devices
and try several things during its dream state he soon discovered that he would learn more
and more if he allowed these images to come fully and accept them and go further into
these visions that allowed him to get new impressions all of the time and so he began to
astral project in his mind every night and sometimes even during his daytime or waking
state this entity would start his journeys see new places cities and countries it would live
there meet people and make friendships and acquaintances all in his astral projected
creations in this way this entity was able to rapidly develop and perfect his inventions in
his mind-made astral projected state this entity's origins are from the planet venus in fact
from the same planet as we are from this entity having learned the lessons of service to
others and that of love to a sufficient degree is now a part of a social memory complex
and is part of the collective in venus he is now a part of this memory complex this entity's
main purpose on coming to your planet was to allow your kind to avail the technologies of
free energy and the other inventions that he made during that time in the year 1856 this
entity chose to incarnate on a mission to aid earth and it voluntarily accepted this mission
to aid humanity and allow them more progress that would assist your kind in the coming
ascension period after some time it can be said that he is one of our ra collective and
received many communications from the planet venus and the confederation when he
would seek help from during its troubling times this entity's soul chose the entities named
as reverend melutin and dijoka tesla as its parents in order to provide it the necessary
opportunities to complete its mission on earth therefore my friends go forth rejoicing in
the power and in the peace of the one the infinite creator we leave you now adonai you

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Session 21
Galactic Federation 4 Mar 17, 2021

Hidden Truth of Dark Side of Moon: Alien Bases &

Orion-Reptilian War & Inner Work
We are the galactic federation of lights and we greet you in the love lights of the one
creator we as the federation are very concerned not to infringe on any person's free will
therefore any insights that we share with you through this instrument should be taken with
this sermon in your heart today this instrument seeks to know what happens on the so-
called the dark side of the moon to understand what happens there first you need to
understand what this side of the moon really is the dark side of the moon refers to the
hemisphere of the moon that is facing away from your planet in reality it is no darker than
any other part of the moon's surface as sunlight does in fact fall equally on all sides of the
moon it only appears dark to your kind as that hemisphere can never be viewed from
earth due to a phenomenon that your kind has turned the tidal locking like we said during
the earlier transmission a week ago with this instrument we have many bases on the
moon that are used to observe your planet at present these bases are being moved to the
planet saturn as per the agreement we had with the representatives of your kind during
the first contact almost 50 years ago these bases are not only for the purpose of
observation but also for protecting your kind from infiltration from other interplanetary
sources let us explain to you the types of structures that are on the so-called the dark
side of the moon these structures that are present on the dark side of the moon are
similar to your cities there are three types of structures that are commonly found on the
dark side of the moon the first kind is similar to your metallic buildings that have angles
much similar to your houses however these are the smallest of the structures that are
present on the dark side on these structures our galactic brothers reside and is their main
base wherein the third to fourth density beings reside other higher density beings do not
require any physical vehicle to appear on the moon or any other places on the cosmos
hence they do not require any physical vehicle the third and fourth density physical
vehicles are much like costumes for us we just need them to interact with the physical
world that resides on the third and fourth and middle fifth dimensions on these structures
these beings reside just like your kind requires houses to live on they live on the
structures and perform the various observation tasks and other tasks associated with the
upkeep of the various spaceships and other instruments that are required to travel to
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different portals in the cosmos these structures usually have black colored windows
however the surface is constructed in such a manner as to make it appear as if there is
nothing but the moon when observing from your planet or from other parts of the galaxy
in fact it is a form of so-called camouflage by your kind if this camouflage had not been
maintained on these structures then your kind would have known about it beforehand
however at present this information can be freely shared among your people knowing that
many are already aware of the facts that the moon was used for and its specific purpose
to protect the planets then there are other types of structures that are created using
crystals that appear transparent glass-like on observing with your third density eyes they
are usually oval shaped and set up above the large craters that are present on the dark
side of the moon these structures never have sharp edges they are always smooth and
rounded in order to balance the energies of the various interplanetary species that work
inside such structures these structures are primarily used to house all the intergalactic
devices or so-called weapons that are used in case an infringement from the so-called
negative oriented orions anunnakis or the reptilians take place these structures are
invisible to your normal human eyes only with the so-called infrared devices that your kind
uses can they be detected thirdly there are dark structures that resemble your so-called
military bases that are colored pitch black in order to resemble the darkness of the dark
side of the moon are present these structures do not have any reflective surface in order
to avoid a detection these are also the largest structures that are up to hundreds of your
so-called kilometers long they also have small buildings near their entrances that may
appear tunnel-like to your kind these are the present most important parts of our base on
the dark side of the moon these are present in order to allow different species from
different planets let us now tell you the brief history of why the moon became a tidal
locked as the moon was created artificially by the orion empire fleets one million years
ago it was not tidal locked as it is now this artificially created moon was used as a base
for this orion empire fleets at about 800 000 years ago we destroyed these orion empire
bases from the moon the orions in order to hide from the oncoming attack from our fleets
moved its bases to the dark side of the moon in order to hide from the attacks and save
themselves if the moon had kept rotating like it used to normally then we would have
been able to destroy the planet and destroy all the orions on the dark side of the moon
this is also the reason why there are so many craters on the side as compared to the
fronts to earth in order to and the ending of the so-called the religion movements that
take place on your planet from time to time and are still existing on your planet the
various religious movements however have the well-being of all entities on the planet
even though sometimes they may separate the various entities on the planet into different

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groups of religions however the reality is that all are one and unity is required in your
planet for it to ascend into the new earth the truth behind this can also be found on the
original sound vibration recordings that occurred during the first human infiltration of the
moon however much of it has been hidden from the so-called general entities on planet
earth the moon is also used as an interdimensional inter-density portal meaning entities
and beings from various densities can appear on the moon this also allows many different
energies to come from other dimensions as well the existence of such bases were firstly
reported by the so-called the second person to land on the moon and named buzz let us
tell you now at this times the inner work is the most important that is required for your
kind because when a flower blossoms my friends it does not care whether it is seen or
not this is the essence of being an inner work which is substantially more fruitful than any
other work inner work is concerned only illusion is to radiate the beingness that arises
upon the realization of something for outer world the greatest service an entity may do is
this beaming of radiance that is of inward nature for it is true that the world in which you
find your engagements the world in which you find those who call upon you expecting to
have your service in return is an important mirroring element salvation for service seeks
those it may serve and it can seem somewhat hollow and self-enclosed to feel that the
bonds that unite those who seek in a sacred humanity are not bred full of life it may be
that there will be a day there will be a week there will be a month or there will be a year in
which one cannot honestly say to oneself that one's whole heart is in service to others
upon these occasions it is well to be consoled it is well to realize that in order to serve the
self must be gathered to itself and this very often requires moments of rest it requires
pulling back and without judgment allowing the self to follow that which it finds diverting
allowing the self to seek solace where soul is may be found the very act of making this
allowance is itself a spiritual act of very great significance for in that gesture one
acknowledges also that one still abides that one still is upon the path which one still has
set the intention to be of service to others in precisely the way it is given one to be
therefore will leave you now beloved in the love lights of the one in finite creator bye

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Session 22
Nikola Tesla 1 Mar 19, 2021

3, 6, 9 Revealed, Why Were Giza Pyramids Built &

I am nikola tesla i am the one who was born on austria and i have helped humanity many
times i am now a part of the larger collective in what this instrument calls the sixth density
consciousness before i begin i must say that if you want to understand the secrets of the
universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration i have been waiting to talk with
you for so long i feel that this instrument has helped share my message amongst the
masses i feel that the light is shining brighter and brighter with each passing moment and
the darkness is being demolished by the light for too long there has been too much focus
on the darkness and many beings on your planets have focused on the darkness and let
the negativity perpetuate at a faster rate than ever before however now i can sense the
light is cutting through the veils of darkness the time is upon your planet for people to be
released from their bonds to realize that they have infinite potential humanity at the
present time is bombarded with different types of messages and energies some of these
energies are from the light and some are of the dark and create fear in addition let me tell
you to all listening to me today through this beloved instrument that you have the power
to choose the light and be the light in the world and be the change that you want to see in
this planet you can become the beacon of light and cut through the robes of darkness i
during my incarnation on earth developed many electrical power transmission devices i
developed the most important ac currents at the time i invented many of these devices for
the betterment of mankind with the aid of other galactic brothers who guided me during
these times it is easier to convince people and take away their powers and convince them
that they have none however let me tell you each of your light souls on the planets have
the power to choose the light and choose love instead of fear and rise above the negative
energy that is also coming on the planet earth along with the positive these energies are
coming onto the planet in order to provide the opportunity of choice to the various entities
to choose the light or the dark and you have the free choice in this regard which is very
important to maintain on your planets all that you have to do is to realize that you have
been blindfolded to see your true power and access it the power of choice is the greatest
power of humanity and each soul on your planet each and every person is filled with
infinite power and the universe works to provide this infinite abundance source to come
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onto the planets and aid those who see this in finite abundance power your kind has
believed for so long that there are limits and that there are only limited amounts of certain
things however what i know from where i am now is that the universe is in finite in its
expanse and the power within it is even more in finite it is the free in finite energy source
that will fill up every desire of your hearts to fulfill your destiny and meet what you seek
therefore i say beloveds the present is theirs the future for which you are working is yours
those who seek the light will find more lights it is in the seeking that the universe grants
itself the seeker has the choice to seek what it wants to seek every time you begin to fight
for a portion of so-called things in the material plane that surrounds you now you forget
that there are infinite amounts of pies on the planet there is no limitation everything is in
finite and we are one beyond the illusion there is enough of everything for all enough
money enough energy and enough resources for all in the universe i felt this to be true
even when i lived on earth and remembering this i helped another of my friend at that time
who your kind called westinghouse in order to save him from going bankrupt the only
thing you have to do is to believe this to be true and stop fighting with each other and
stop entangling your souls within this illusion the fighting with each other creates more of
karma by this instrument hence traps you all into this illusion for eons to come stop
fighting and believe in abundance of all things in the universe the universe is expansive
and infinite likewise everything in it is infinite there is no lack only your mind believes in
the lack which is at the heart of this illusion and the day science begins to study non-
physical phenomena it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous
centuries of its existence i am trying to help you with this and there are many spiritual
guides helping your kind to achieve this solutions are coming do not lose faith i remember
when i walked on planet earth many people thought that i had lost my mind because i
used to understand the significance of 3 i know about 3 6 and 9 that has been hidden for
so long after my death many other humans created their own theories behind these
numbers 3 6 and 9 because of the understanding of these numbers i used to enter into
buildings only after walking around it three times i used to clean my plates with 18
napkins however many may perceive this as being crazy therein lies the secret of the
universal power i further lived in hotel rooms only with the number eight divisible by three i
had a habit of doing everything in sets of three not because i was crazy but because three
is the number of the cosmos doing anything three times makes it perfect doing it only
three times is what is required to understand how it will feel after 10 to understand firstly
the significance of what i am going to tell you now about the numbers three six and nine
you must understand that we did not create math it was just discovered this is the
language of the universe because no matter where you go in the universe one plus two

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will always equal to three there are patterns that occur in nature that are governed by this
law these patterns are everywhere surrounding you and me everywhere there is three six
and nine you just have been blinded not to see it many patterns have been discovered in
life in the galaxies star formations evolution and almost all natural systems even some of
these patterns are in the golden ratio and sacred geometry the universe obeys one
important system and that is the power up to the binary system wherein the patterns start
from one and continues doubling the numbers cells and embryos on the body form on
patterns of 1 you see there is no 369 in the formation of cells today i will tell you all the
reason why are the gateway to the higher dimensions and represents the vortex from the
third and fourth density what i mean is in this lifetime of yours if you learn how to use 3 6
and 9 you will ascend more easily and faster into the fourth density or new earth
consciousness out of all the numbers nine represents the symbol of enlightenment and is
the vortex gateway to the seventh density and higher consciousness it leads to the
unification with source this science was already known to where i originated from the ra
confederation already knew how to use this knowledge of 3 6 and 9 and hence created
the great pyramid of giza which composes of three large pyramids all lined side by side
and facing the orion's belt this was created in order to control the negative forces that
would emerge out of the orion's belts at that time these pyramids were used to travel to
the orions in split seconds of your time space or more like interstellar stargates without
having to actually travel in space-time these pyramids were used by the ra confederation
that came on planet earth to observe the happenings on the orion constellation in order to
check the progress of the negative forces at that time if they had not done this it would
not have opened the portal connection to the orion belt and hence they would not have
been able to observe it finally let me tell you one more secret that you may need to
understand at this period of time space there exists two opposites you call them white
and black if you want to for easier understanding or more like north and south poles in a
magnet one side is one two four and on the other side is eight seven five everything in the
universe is a stream between these two polar ends now three governs over or looks over
one two and four whereas six governs eight seven and five for those who may understand
one and two equals three two four equals six four and eight equals three eight and seven
equals six seven and five equals three five and one equals six and one in two equals three
this is all this instrument can handle in this session i'll leave you now beloveds until we
meet again know this that i am always assisting those who seek my help see you soon

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Session 23
Galactic Federation 5 Mar 21, 2021

Truth of RH Negative Alien+Human Bloodline

Revealed | Annunaki UFO Abduction
We are those of the galactic federation of lights and we greet you in the love lights of the
one the infinite creator we connect with you from our saturn council in order to share our
insights however let us tell you that before we share our insights you should only accept
those insights that resonate with your heart leaving behind those that do not resonate
today this instrument seeks to understand the connection between the so-called rh
negative blood that are the rare blood types amongst your human species most of the
human population has the rh positive blood type there is a radical difference between
those with rh negative blood and those that have positive blood in the peoples of your
planets firstly we would like to tell you how this blood type came into existence for in
understanding this will lead to better understanding of this blood type the human race has
four primary types of blood a b a b and o these classifications are derived from the
antigens of a human's blood cells antigens being proteins that are found on the surface of
the cells and that are designed to combat the so-called bacteria and viruses by your kind
these protein cells are present in most of the human population and they are the rh
positive percentage of the earth's population likewise there are a small percentage of
people who do not have this type of blood that fall into this rare category that your kind
calls rh negative now we are going to tell you all how the rh negative bloodlines were
created and why around 2130 bc of your time space a so called the mighty race of
legendary species came to your planet from the nibiru planets and brought some form of
knowledge to help improve the stability and society of the extremely primitive human
tribes that existed at that time space these were the anunnakis who had come from the
planet nibiru these were the few positive annunakis who had left nibiru due to the planets
being controlled by the negative anunnakis at that time space these anunnaki first arrived
on the lands recited by the cemuirians the acadians the assyrians and the babylonians
they began to be worshipped by these group of people on your planets the anunnaki built
many cities in sumeria these anunnaki beings made some drastic genetic changes to the
physical vehicle of those they came in contact with they also activated the pineal glands
of your species these anunnaki wanted to make humans just like them hence they made
some more advanced changes in the blood of some of the humans at that time space
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these changes allowed these new anunnaki human hybrids the ability to shapeshift and
change their color which also included the abilities to read minds teleport and also
increased their lifespan at least 10 times they made these changes in the beginning to a
few number of people on your planet these people who had been drastically mutated by
the anunnaki took these people and made them the sub gods over the lands of sumeria
and babylon these people were entrusted with the ability to teach other humans about the
path of positivity these anunnaki hybrids were also respected as gods by your people
during that time space they taught many humans about the positive path this they did
because many a times this annunaki had to travel to nibiru in order to fight the negative
orion influenced anunnaki forces so that they could free their planets nibiru also known as
planet x by your kinds the anunnakis are 8 to 10 feet tall and look a lot like your so-called
reptiles on your planets these annunaki even have the powers to shapeshift and appear in
various guises however these are not the reptilians that your kind calls they are different
than the humanoid reptilians that live inside earth if your kind looks back into your pages
of history you will find a mention of these anunnaki performing teaching role to the people
of earth and it was a staple part of the sumerian beliefs and lore when these positive
anunnaki mutated some of these humans they interbred with normal humans of your kind
giving rise to the bloodline of rh negative this is also the reason why people with these
blood type are most abducted by the orions and negative oriented annunakis in order to
remove this rh negative factor from their blood type this rh negative factor is considered
an advantage for those humans who possess it those humans with rs negative blood
have uncanny abilities if they learn to activate it and if you look into your own history you
will find out that most people on your planet who became influential and had a lot of
control were the ones with rh negative blood type also many of your elites have been
conducting human abductions in order to learn from this rh negative bloodline to see
what they can learn from these annunaki connected bloodlines many of these abductions
by the orions and negative anunnakis were done without our permission they were
conducted under secrecy their main agenda is that they want to remove this plastic blood
factor from human races so that the god-like advantage that these humans possess may
be stopped further those who have the rh bloodlines are those few people who have the
most positive qualities of service to others hence they are a threat to the negative agenda
of the orions and the negatively oriented anunnakis the people with rh negative need to
access their inner anunnaki power and they will begin to harness in lots of the advanced
changes that the anunnakis made many years ago to their genes however at present due
to mingling of these advanced humans amongst the normal humans much of these
qualities have become submerged these abductions are mostly carried out upon juvenile

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or children with rh negative blood type and whenever they are able to conduct these
beings they put a certain tag on their physical vehicles that will allow them to track these
beings at your present time space also many of these orion crafts that your kind has
termed ufos emerge on your planet and conduct these abductions in order to prevent
these infringement upon earth by the orion and anunnaki crafts we along with asthar have
set up a protection cover on the planet's earth however many times these entities are
able to breach through this cover also now let us tell you something that will assist you in
your journey of spiritual growth each of you each being on earth at the moment have all
the humanity within your soul and you can be the greatest change to those around you by
remaining humble attentive and listening rather than forcing your ideas upon others many
of you already know that time is much an illusion this means that all of you are connected
together in the now as a whole and entire collective all your prayers meditations and your
positive thoughts mingle in the harmony of the oneness of all beings in the cosmos as
there is no time there is no space therefore many of you may not realize but in essence
you are all connected ever more closely than you may ever realize as each of you
approaches with the purity of service to others you will unite all the souls on this planet
the desire to belong and to feel special and to feel superior over others is the most
unfortunate part of the egoic mind within many of your time space however now many
beings on earth are learning the other way of working together in oneness without the
sprinkles of the egoic mind we ask each of you to see yourself as the spreader of love
each one spreading love and kindness wherever it goes however remember to preserve
the free will of each entity when serving or teaching others may this day bring to each of
you the single-mindedness of the love lights of the one in-finite creator we leave you now
in the love and lights of the one creator by you

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Session 24
Pleiadians 2 Mar 23, 2021

How Orions Destroyed Atlantis | Maldek + Martian

War & Spiritual Development
We are the pleiadians and we greet you in the love lights of the one the infinite creator
before we begin sharing our insights however we would request you to kindly use your
discernment before listening to our messages many of your beings on planet earth
confuse atlantis and lemuria to be one however they are not one civilizations that existed
on earth they are two separate civilizations the so-called atlantean race existed at a
period of your time space approximately 30 972 years in the past time space the exact
location in your geographical time space that these atlantean lands existed during that
period with reference to the current time space is located in the so-called atlantic ocean
between the land masses that your kind calls america on the western side europe on the
eastern side and africa on the bottom side with its parts extending up to the current
known landmass as antarctica approximately 14 995 years ago of your time space they
had become highly advanced and gained knowledge regarding the various uses of mind
complex energy with the vibratory assistance from the orion confederation they
harnessed many of this mind complex energy of the universal infinity these atlanteans
started to use mind complex energy and started to manipulate the pineal gland and used
the indigo ray as known to your kinds from the chart system in order to access the energy
of universal infinity at that time space this atlantean started to become so advanced that
whatever they thought of started to appear in the environment around them using this
energy they also created many technological life forms however these atlanteans became
so obsessed by their progress that they forgot to focus on the spiritual side and instead
completely focused on the mind complex energy and the technological side this mind
complex energy that your kind calls the ego is that same mind complex that these
atlanteans focused on exclusively at that time hence their attention moves towards the
negative approximately 10 951 years ago these atlanteans were taken so astray by their
ego mind that they started to focus on self-service and a war started at that time space
this war wiped out almost 37 of the total atlantean population this caused those 37
percent beings to leave that density then another atlantean war occurred approximately
10 525 years ago in the past according to your linear time space this war had a massive
impact on the earth's magnetic configuration that caused a large part of atlantis to
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disintegrate some of the survivors of the atlantean groups left the lands before the
massive devastation of the lands as the lands of atlantis began to submerge and sink into
rubble into the atlantic ocean some atlanteans were able to relocate themselves to the
higher lands known as tibet peru and turkey currently many of the atlantean souls have
been reincarnated into physical vehicles of the human body complex and some original
atlanteans are still present in the lands known to your kinds as antarctica however these
atlanteans are in the later fourth density phase hence they have formed a small collective
social memory complex and cannot be detected by your kinds the reason behind the
atlantean wars was due to the influence from the negative oriented orions whose main
purpose was to spread and make civilizations negatively oriented by focusing on self-
service instead of unity at that time period of approximately 18 to your planet and greeted
the people of egypt at that time space to teach the path of love light and the path of
service to others similarly the orions had landed on the atlantean lands in order to teach
them mind complex technologies that were mostly done in order to perpetuate the
service to self-agenda of these negative polarized orions who are also in the fifth density
negative these orions chose to stay in the fifth density later phases of negative polarity
instead of moving forward to the sixth density polarity because they wanted to preserve
their negative polarization this is due to the fact that in the sixth density there cannot be
separation and no negativity exists only unity and love is present in the sixth density only
the positive sixth density exists the ra consideration worked in spreading the law of one
by keeping in mind not to infringe on the people's free will at that times similarly the
orions preached the doctrines of self-service and they did not focus on preserving the
free will of every single entity that is how the negative entity operates they will try to take
away the free will of other entities and try to force their own self-agenda on other beings
these orions much like the ra confederation taught the atlanteans the art of building
pyramids and accessing the spiritual power of the cosmos through them the atlanteans
using these technologies had also learned to heal their bodies and become advanced
healers now we are going to tell you a brief history of the martians and atlantean races
this occurred approximately 75 000 years ago of your time space there was an existence
of planets in the now known area in your cosmos as the asteroid belt in your solar system
which is currently located next to the planet known to your kind as red planet or mars this
planet's original name was malayak this is what this sounds like on your language terms
at that time the maladies civilizations existed on that planet these maladians resembled
your human physical vehicle however their height was ten times taller approximately
seventy to ninety feet taller and also lived almost five times longer the malady aquins
focused on other technological advancements except spirituality in addition these entities

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did not showcase the so-called emotions that your kind showcases these maladians build
weapons of mass destruction and war instead of seeking the path of unity and spiritual
evolution during that time space mars was a habitable moon of this maladic planet at that
time space of 75 000 years ago and on mars the martians existed and just for example
consider if your moon had population of beings living in it it was similar to that on the
moon and as well as the malady egg planets entities existed the negatively polarized
orions being super advanced and of a higher density influenced the martians and the
maladaans to enter into a war the orions at that time space were on the planet mars and
had taught them advanced weapon creation technologies this caused the war to go in the
favor of the martians which caused the egg planet to destroy and many of the mana
deikians were then transported to various other planets however the council of saturn
found that the most suitable planet to transport these beings were on earth due to its
close up proximity hence the maladaans were transported to earth by the council of
saturn in order to allow them to experience life in another physical vehicle that of the
neanderthals later the martians also entered into an internal war that also caused mars to
become inhabitable this was all due to the influence of the orion entities on these planets
the martians were also then transported to earth the martians were then transported to
earth in the physical vehicle of humans that were modified by the council of saturn or the
galactic federation of light as known to your kind these are the current physical vehicles
that you are incarnated in on this planet this occurred approximately 46 000 years ago of
your linear time space at that time space the atlanteans were the most positive groups on
earth these atlanteans also worshiped the orions as their gods who shared advanced
pyramid technology they were taught about crystals and how to heal using them and how
to build sacred temples to bring in source energy to prepare for ascension the processing
of the equinox which they were unaware of under these negative self-service influence
and agenda the atlantean priesthood started to manipulate the atlanteans and made them
ever more self-centered and negative and took their free will away the priesthood hoarded
all their advanced teachings and stopped the citizens of atlantis from having access to
the pyramids and temples that they had constructed they used the crystals for malicious
motives that were not to empower and heal this is the atlantean vibratory complex of their
history and how they focused exclusively on the technological advancements and wiped
themselves out almost completely these times on earth are important because the
coming of new age is upon your planet the beings who focus on the spiritual side will
have the most benefits if they do so with their own free will complete focus on
technologies is not the way the middle path as taught by many of your ascended masters
is the way there needs to be a balance between the spiritual and the technological side of

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things therefore we leave you now in the love lights of the one supreme creator we are the
pleiadians bye you

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Session 25
RA 6 Mar 25, 2021

How Dark Entities Tried to Stop Me & How to be

Immune to Negative Forces
I am Ra we greet you in the love lights of the one the infinite creator we are here to share
our insights with you however note that these insights that we share should only be
accepted if your heart resonates with it therefore today this instrument seeks to
understand how the negative entities those primarily of the negatively polarized orions
and the negatively polarized anunnakis influence the people on your planets at these
times the quarantine is placed on earth which does not allow any other extra density
species to visit earth however the energies of influence are being beamed at earth from
both the positive as well as the negative entities at the present time space the negative
entities preach about service to self and control over other entities their teachings is
different than our teachings of free will and service to others these entities are
bombarding earth with negative energy also those beings on your planet at this time who
seek more self-service oriented polarity will get affected by these energies those with
positive polarity to a certain degree are completely free of any influence from these
negative energies these negative energies prey on those that seek such self-service
influence and vibration these negative energies will make each entity that accept the
energy to be overflowing with energies or emotions that your kind calls anger hate regrets
and mostly fear these entities mainly create fear in the minds of the various entities in
your time space those whose vibrations match with this energy will become affected by it
however these energies are all around you for instance in every situation there is a
positive and negative aspect it depends on the entity whether it chooses to focus on the
positive or the negative further to gain immunity or be unaffected by these oncoming
energies an entity needs to focus on the love light that is within its own heart and with the
activation of the heart chakra and its energies focusing on the positive side even when
the negative shows itself will make such entities immune against the negative energies
the negative entities want to spread the lower consciousness emotions such as that
stated above which are those of fear hate regrets etc these can be immunized by the
application of higher consciousness emotions such as love forgiveness and optimism this
is the only way an entity on your planets can become immune to so-called negative
influence however the choice lies upon each entity on your planet to choose its
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appropriate distortions for each entity has its own free will and choice on this third density
illusion that abounds each of you this answers your query at this time space we leave you
now in the love light of the one infinite creator therefore go forth rejoicing in the power
and in the peace of the one creator adonai you

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Session 26
RA 7 Mar 27, 2021

Should I Continue Channeling? & The Dark is

Frustrated at Light Spreading
I am ra we greet you in the love and in the light of the one the infinite creator for the
creator is within each of you and each of you are helping the creator to experience the
various distortions of experience through your existence in this particular subset of
density of consciousness before we begin to answer your queries however remember to
use your discernments when listening to our insights leave those that do not resonate
with your heart today this instrument seeks to find out the real reason why its so-called
channeled messages were removed from this so-called platform that your kind calls
youtube in your vibratory sound complex to understand the vibratory complex of your
query we had some confusion however the understandings that the videos that this
instrument made were from the various entities that it channeled including from our
collective we are thankful for this instrument for opening up to this opportunity to allowing
us to express through it for the impact that this instrument has on the peoples is
multiplying faster than one can comprehend many of those entities that do not wish these
messages to reach the masses of your people are trying various methodologies in order
to prevent these information of light and love to affect the souls on your planet for the
negative love expansion of negative and want control over other entities and do not like
the free will that is ever present on your planets and they oppose the love light emanating
from positive entities however we can sense that this is a good distortion or opportunity
that has occurred for in it revealed the mind distortions of the negatively polarized entities
the real distortions why some of its so-called videos have been removed from that
platform is due to the distortions of negative influence on some of your entities that are
responsible for allowing or have the power of this platform however this was initiated from
the so-called merlin abc digital com and its so-called robotic algorithm primarily
confusing the robotic automated system to identify this instrument's visual aspects as its
own however the visual aspect used by this instrument were misidentified by the robotic
automated system of this platform in turn resultantly were removed further it served as a
lesson to this instrument wherein it learned not to primarily rely on one system for sharing
these messages of love and light also we can sense this instrument has got attachments
to these sessions due to the vast number of sessions and time period space taken to
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conduct such sessions and we would suggest this instrument to continue its process of
sharing our messages to the masses for therein lies the greatest service to mankind at
this time space period many entities that are positively polarized are now aware of its
situation and is helping all by sharing our messages of love and light this situation can be
equated with what your kind calls the negative potential build up which further allows a
push into the positive side and thereby positively affecting more entities on your time
space due to exposure of negative entities agendas therefore we say that the proper way
to present in this situation is to project love lights onto those negatively distorted entities
and ignore their efforts for attention is what they feed upon therefore at this time space
we would suggest this instrument upon its exercise of its free will to forgive those entities
and keep moving forward in the time space the temptations to become negatively
polarized are offered by those negative entities that seek more negativity these salvage
say entities want to impress service to self path however counteraction with your angelic
presence of positive nature will enable each of you and this instrument to move forward
and polarize further into the love lights much like your so-called gyms wherein your body
complexes are made stronger upon application of resistance the application of positivity
to a negative entity's influence will make it more profound and stronger and eventually the
negative entities will find it undesirable to continue upon their purpose of spreading the
negative polarity this is all we can say at this time period regarding your query therefore
we leave you now in the love and in the light of the one infinite creator go forth then
rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one creator Adonai

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Session 27
Galactic Federation 6 Mar 29, 2021

Gray Aliens, Bases Underwater, Treaties | Your

Mission On Earth
We are the galactic federation of lights and we greet you in the love and in the light of the
one a creator from our saturn council before we begin sharing our insights we would like
to tell you that you should only accept those insights that resonate with your heart leaving
behind those that do not resonate for your free will is the most important for us to
preserve today this instrument seeks to understand about the so-called grey alien species
that your kind refers to who originated in the zeta reticuli binary star system let us tell you
that it is a kind of betrayal vibratory sound complex that you will hear from us regarding
the grey species of the zeta reticuli the grays in the beginning originated in the zeta reticuli
and started to evolve the greys are currently in the starting phases of fifth density
consciousness most of the greys have chosen the negative polarization pathway hence
their species polarized into the negative and the minority of positive polarized grays
reincarnated into another positive planets we had offered the grays to be part of our
council of planets however the grays instead joined forces with the negatively oriented
anunnaki forces of nibiru this is allowed by the creator both sides are allowed currently
these greys are being genetically modified by the anunnakis of nibiru and may appear
robot-like to your kinds if you are able to perceive them they appear pale almost
appearing close to what your kind calls anemic they have thin limbs bony and fragile
looking their eyes are larger compared to your kinds an oval or almond shaped they
possess hairs that are thin and wispy these grays also have a subspecies much like your
pets that look a lot like the drones and resemble bees and ants and are programmed to
work in a so-called robotic manner the anunnaki existed on planet earth many thousands
years ago and the seeker will find many evidence that show their essence is still at work
still refining bloodlines still creating new life forms still mutating all life and still trying to
influence the earth but via a proxy in the form of the greys the greys were genetically
mutated by the anunnaki in such a manner as to resemble the humans to do this the
annunaki in the beginning had to start by abducting some individuals especially their
focus was on those with rh negative blood since these beings already possessed the
genetically modified quality the annunaki then took these genes and created hybrid

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fetuses these fetuses were grown in glass tanks filled with milky nutrition liquid that
served as a source for these beings to grow fully much like your children before being
born require the incubation period in a similar manner these beings were kept in this
nutrition environment in order to allow them to grow fully into a semi-humanoid structure
some of your so-called abductees that had been taken by these annunakis for genetic
collection may be able to recollect seeing such hybrid fetuses being grown in glass tanks
and milky nutrition liquid these anunnakis had visited your planet many times before and
signed many treaties with many nations of earth in exchange of their technology one of
the many such treaties was signed between the so-called leader of a western nation at
that time space named president eisenhower which stated that in exchange for alien
anunnaki technologies they will be able to abduct people of earth for collecting sperms
blood samples and tissues in order to create more human-like replicates of the greys so
that they can be sent to earth on other missions further this treaty specified that no harm
should be done to these entities besides collecting their genes and that they should be
left unharmed the annunaki had to create replicates of human origin because currently the
confederation of planets that is the council over your planets does not allow any kind of
infringements hence the anunnakis require human-like replicates of greys in order to send
them to earth on their own missions further the anunnakis sent the representative to the
united states of america in order to make a formal treaty between the anunnakis and the
united states as it is the most powerful nation that had a lot of influence on earth's other
peoples this so-called anunnaki ambassador was named krill on your language terms this
entity was respected by your peoples at that time and it was given the title omnipotent
highness krill in your language terms the first landing of this ambassador was filmed and
was kept under secrecy the meeting was also filmed in order to keep the information
without any distortions this treaty that was signed between the entities known as krill and
your people stated that these anunnakis would not interfere in the affairs of human beings
and vice versa further their presence would have to be kept secret in order to prevent
mass hysteria and awareness about the abductions that used to take place further these
anunnaki ambassador handed over advanced technology of anti-gravity spacecraft which
your people have learned many things from your people have done multiple research on
this technology the treaty also stated that human abductions could only occur on a
limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring the
development provided that the humans would not be harmed and that these abducted
humans would be returned to their point of abduction and that their memory would be
erased of the event of abduction from their mind complex further a list of all human
abductions would be handed over to the human authorities on a scheduled basis in

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addition there was an exchange of beings that is 20 beings from earth were sent to nibiru
in a special exchange program that would allow each to explore the purpose of learning
and living with each other the greys as per the treaty also had an underwater world inside
your oceans wherein they would test and evaluate certain things these abductees as
directed by the annunakis would abduct the humans especially those with rh negative
blood these abductors would be put on a state that would resemble similar to anesthesia
and two entities that resemble large silenced lizards who are the anunnakis would
oversee the procedure that the greys would perform in a robotic manner programmed
fashion the greys as per the treaty also had an underwater world inside your oceans
wherein they used it as a test and evaluation center these were termed as plasma corridor
by your people in your language terms the greys and the anunnakis have invented many
of these technologies in coordination with several military scientists working at the time
space on these bases the greys have plasma shield surrounding their crafts plasma
produces extreme heat however the greys have learned to isolate their crafts from this
heat using the so-called anti-plasma vacuum technology by adding two layers of anti-
plasma shields to the exterior body of their crafts these plasma corridors are the
workstation for the greys when they visit earth over the years there have been some
altercations in which the greys and humans have collided however during such classes
due to the greys being advanced almost always killed those human beings that were
involved in the altercation at the current time space however the greys are not allowed
entry into planet earth due to the quarantine put on earth by us so that no outside
sources can visit earth however these beings being notorious for entering into the
quarantine zone in order to abduct and collect specimen genes in order to create grey
humanoid hybrids these beings are also being controlled by the so-called asther entities
who do not allow entry of these beings into the current time space of your timeline now
let us tell you something that will be of importance for you to understand each of you
before incarnating on earth along with your higher self and other guides sat together and
decided what kind of soul balancing you will need some of you decided you needed more
balance energies some decided to have love in the heart and wisdom in order to balance
it no matter what your incarnation lessons are you can be sure of two things it is about
balance and it is unique to each individual you do not have your incarnation lessons as
same as other entities at this time space it is very unique to each soul as you find out
more about the themes of your life the lessons that you came here to learn in the school
of life as you may call third density on planet earth you begin to get a sense of who you
are who you truly are when there is no company around and there is no one to impress
even yourself and as you empty out all the smacks of pride or pretension or a story that

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doesn't fit you into which you have perhaps been trying to fit you finally become aware of
something underlying about your personality that is what we would call consciousness
therefore my friends you see you are both at the same time of this world and not of this
world you are consciousness in a physical vehicle composed of your flesh and bones and
makes you the citizens of planet gaia similarly you are an infinite creator and eternal entity
at the end of your time when this physical body is self-degrade you will move forward into
new experiences in your energy body once again therefore we leave you now in the love
and in the lights of the one creator within each of you and us

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Session 28
Metatron 2 Mar 31, 2021

8 Levels of 1st Density Consciousness

I am metatron magnetic forces and magnetic services and i greet you today in the love of
the divine love element today is the start of an important month in your calendar terms of
time that signifies the coming of the final push for thoughts dark elements and rising of
the divine love elements in your planet thought has strapped many of the energies that try
to trap many of your souls on your planet in the fists of darkness and preventing them to
achieve eternal light and merging with the divine love element the universal love child has
been able to create more light in the planet thereby many of the star souls will be able to
free themselves from the grasp of the darkness of thought despite all the events that took
place on your planets during the past month whether it be good or bad all were lessons
and pathway into the coming divine love element of which many of your souls are going
to be a part of as you are reaching this point of separation that will occur in april 11 2021
between the darker energies of thought and the light universes of the divine love elements
you will see more and more souls on your planet becoming separated into two parts the
dark soul groups that need to learn lessons of unity and love and the divine love element
souls that have already learned the lessons of the divine love and unity this separation will
begin to arise from the month of april which starts from tomorrow this month is also an
important month for all the so-called light grid programmers and the people of light
because it was an important day in which one master divine light great programmer a
wandering soul of divine light came to earth to teach the lessons of divine light and he
had to go through a troubling period at that time due to the darkness of thoth's darker
universes which had influence on many souls at that time period this master divine light
great programmer is known to your kinds as jesus of nazareth who taught many lessons
that your kind needs to learn and now at this present time space of the divine light
elements thoughts dark elemental entities are being shrouded in mental fear of being
annihilated completely at this critical times and the stimulation of your lower energy
vortices allows those who wish to control you a more or less guaranteed and predictable
behavior that can be directed according to their specific intention in their last desperate
push to hold on to control the power that has ruled for so long has stimulated society
across the world to new levels of hatred and rage race gender religion age money all of
these are the tools used to turn human beings against each other at this time thoughts
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dark elemental entities have learned how to use these tools in order to spread their
agendas this is indeed the hour of your liberation and the rulers of the always know but
they don't even know how to let go there is no record of true social freedom in your
collective consciousness there is only the illusion of it and you are rewriting that paradigm
with the divine love element in your soul climbing higher in the divine light consciousness
this new month will lead to the coming of more divine love light energies also known to
many of your kinds as the coming of christ the divine energies of christ will come not in
any physical vehicle but to touch each who vibrate at that high frequency of divine love
and light the same master divine light great programmer christ consciousness that once
inhabited the physical entity that had come to your planet known as jeshua will embody
each and surround each with the loving energies of divine love and light elements the
christ energy stems from a collective beyond the world of duality and arises from the so-
called sixth density consciousness known by this instrument who is new to me this
means that it recognizes the opposites of divine love elements and parts dark web divine
light and dark giving and taking as the aspects of one and the same energy living from the
reality of master light great programmer christ consciousness means that there is no
struggle with anything there is a complete acceptance of reality that surrounds you do not
lose your faith in humanity the antiquated model of civilization in perpetual struggle will
soon be replaced with a new fraternity to many of your kinds it may appear that the end
of a period is upon your kind and you would be correct that is the end of the cycle of
transformation of thoughts dark elementals or the dark energies will be taken away from
this planet soon as this planet fully enters into the next density consciousness as known
by this instrument as fourth density consciousness those who belong to the old third
density consciousness will feel more struggle and fear and pressure in this new age of the
coming of the fourth density consciousness of love and light which will cause them to be
taken away to another planet that resemble the third density consciousness you will be a
witness to humanity's reach beyond its limitations dispelling your fears and despair and
guiding you to step courageously past the borders and walls of your mental emotional
and physical containment then soon after you will take the cosmic ride through your son's
astral cord into the next dimension to say that you have so much to look forward to is an
understatement of unparalleled proportions the new is breaking right now on the horizon
and to some it looks frightening chaotic and irrele resolute while others can see the light
of brilliant days ahead now let us answer the second query placed by this instrument that
of the sub densities or octaves of the first density consciousness there are a total of eight
sub densities or octaves in this first density consciousness every spark of consciousness
or soul goes through these eight sub-densities in the first octave the consciousness

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interacts in the form of the smallest known electrons and protons learning lessons of
interacting as a small unit of life then after millions of years it begins to start integrating
with other electrons and protons creating the so-called atoms and molecules in the
second octave of the first density creating a collection of basic elements this then leads
the consciousness to move further into the third octave after some period of time space
the third octave leads to the creation of similar elements that lead to the formation of wind
wherein the consciousness moves around and observes the world however without any
self-awareness of any kind it just exists then after some time of around million years it
leads the consciousness to enter the fourth octave that is represented by fire which is
created due to interaction of atoms and molecules and wind from the previous octave the
primary lesson at this octave is to learn to interact with two elemental groups after
millions of years of this interaction consciousness that leads to creation of elements
known as water to your kinds in the fifth octave of this first density consciousness the
primary purpose of this octave being interaction and collision with other elements giving
much more experience collection for the consciousness then again after some time space
this consciousness enters into the sixth octave of the first density wherein it takes on the
form of a so-called stone which is a static physical vehicle with the primary lessons being
that of group forming and capability of maintaining its shape due to more attraction
between all its subparts and consciousness capable of being able to hold separate forms
in space time after this level comes the seventh octave of the first density which can be
equated to your soil the primary experience that needs to be gathered at this level is to
understand and be capable of entering into eighth sub density octave physical vehicles of
the first density the consciousness then after gaining experiences at this level enters into
the final stage of eighth density octave of first density that is a cross through of physical
vehicles from the second density which means earlier first octave second densities such
as grass and small plants fall on this octave of later first density this is all the information
this information this instrument can handle at this time space period hence i metatron
leave you now in the divine love element of the divine great programmer and hoping you
will turn to the great mountain of lights k aaron bye you

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Session 29
Metatron 3 Apr 2, 2021

Was Jesus from Another Planet? & His Soul's

Evolution | Good Friday
Greetings i am metatron magnetic forces and magnetic services and i greet you today in
the love and light of the divine love element before i start sharing my insights however
please note to keep your discernment in your mind and only accept those that resonate
with your heart and reject those that do not resonate with your heart today this instrument
seeks to understand the soul evolution or the evolutionary cycle of the one known to your
kind as jeshua who later became the divine great programmer jesus of nazareth firstly
before i begin you must make yourself understand that jeshua is the name given to the
physical vehicle for the soul of this divine great programmer who recognized divine infinity
consciousness of divine love light elements and came to earth in order to share it
amongst your people there are three identities that need to be understood here in order to
provide you the clear answer to your query the three identities are that known in your
vibratory sound complex terms as jesus jesus and christ the physical embodiment or the
physical vehicle is denoted by the vibratory sound complex Jeshua the energy or the
consciousness that it carried during its incarnation on earth can be equated to the christ
energy or unity consciousness of divine love light elements the third vibratory sound
complex terms jesus is the results of the two previous vibratory terms infusing together
joshua and christ create the term jesus this divine infinity consciousness can be achieved
by any entity however one known as jeshua was the first soul who achieved such a
connection and activation of infinity consciousness known to the people of your planet
this divine great programmer came from the later fourth density consciousness in order to
share knowledge of love and light to your people in this level of fourth density there are no
names as all are part of a larger divine social memory complex elements this soul's
evolution started on the sirian star system as known to your kind as a light spark from the
source the divine creator which is also known as the divine a love light christ
consciousness or unity consciousness in your language terms this occurred 35 million
years ago in the beginning phases this soul spent its time learning lessons in the form of
elementals similar to the wind on your planets in the sirious b planet of the sirian star
system the soul existed as wind and interacted with other elements that were present at
that time space on that planet mostly the soul interacted with the fire elements then after
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1 million years of existing in this form it graduated into the next density that of the second
density consciousness and incarnated into the form of physical vehicles that resemble
trees on your planet in that level it learned many of the lessons of interacting with other
first density elements such as wind water and fire etc the plants that exist on the star
system are much unlike your plants that you encounter on the planet gaia these sirian
plants have the capability to grow without any need of the so-called soil in your planet
they have the ability to absorb nutrition from the surrounding air and do not rely on the
process known to your kinds as photosynthesis after multiple lifetimes as sirian plants
this soul graduated into the third density consciousness that is density equivalence to
that of your insects and animals on your planets however the animal physical vehicles
that exist on the sirian star system are much more diverse compared to your kinds on the
first octave of the eight octaves that are present on the third density consciousness the
soul incarnated into physical vehicles that can be visualized in the form of small animals
much similar to your insects in this level this entity spent two lifetimes further learning the
lessons for the second octave of consciousness and incarnated into physical vehicles
that resemble much larger insects in your terms known as bees there are many insects
that fall into this category of bees further depending on the vibratory matching of the
energies of any entity its higher self will choose which insect or physical vehicle to
incarnate on this entity jeshua's soul spent seven incarnations learning lessons it needed
to learn in order to move forward into the next octave that of the third octave of this third
density the examples I give here through this instrument are just for the purpose of
understanding the vibratory distortions all because many of the distortions are not
available to be described using your current language system this soul learned its lessons
of higher consciousness faster in terms of time space taken and graduated into the
density of unity that of the fourth density consciousness wherein it formed a social
memory complex and became part of the confederation of planets after reaching this last
phase of the fourth density consciousness in the sirian star system this soul then came to
earth in order to share the divine love light elements to mankind it wanted to share love
and light element of the creator in the most pure way possible however many of the other
negatively oriented entities did not want it to collectively complete its purpose and
mission this divine great programmer then came to be known as the jesus of nazareth
who came among your people it incarnated in physical vehicle of your kind into a man
physical vehicle of flesh and blood this divine great programmer during this single lifetime
was able to reach christ consciousness or unity consciousness with help from the sirian
memory complex also during this time in order to share more love and light in the planet
earth and to help humanity to ascend into higher levels of consciousness the coming of

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this divine great programmer was a cosmic event this was a great sacrifice made by this
soul to drop its density level and come to earth for a soul of this level of density to come
into earth would be a direct threat because it would become karmically involved in the
distortions of your planet thereby trapping its souls in the reincarnation cycle of your
planets this would have been considered a dangerous mission however this entity wanted
to share the message of divine love light element to such an intense degree that it was
able to take this dangerous mission to incarnate on earth the coming of this divine great
programmer on your planet can be compared to throwing a stone in a large fish pond
after the stone sinks into the deep water of the pond the ripples are still noticeable long
afterwards in your time space the people of your planet that came in contact with this
divine great programmer Jeshua were moved by the impulse of the christ or infinity
consciousness energy the divine love light christ consciousness that this soul comes to
offer emerges from the unity consciousness that can be accessed when one goes beyond
the world of duality this means that such a soul recognizes the dual aspects such as light
and dark giving and taking good and bad as the aspects of one and the same energy this
energy was the energy this entity came here to offer to your people at that time space the
mission of this soul on earth was to infuse or show this energy from the future who came
to earth to bring love and light element and divine knowledge to humanity it brought the
higher consciousness of higher density into the starting phase third density planet at that
time space period this divine grid programmer during its early life cycle at a young age
learned to connect with its greater self that remained intact in the higher fourth density
consciousness this entity wanted to show the possibilities that are available to each shul
who incarnated on earth further had it not for this divine great programmers coming the
earth's timeline at that time space was going in a direction that would have ended up in
great darkness and self-annihilation of the souls on earth this divine great programmer
through its personality of Jeshua wanted to hold a so-called mirror in front of the human
souls in order to remind them of their own divine origin and dormant potentials the
potential for peace freedom and divine consciousness of the divine love and light
elements this entity by sharing this pure consciousness of the love light element at that
time space became a massive threat to the ruling order that existed at that time space
period this he achieved by sharing the divine love light element amongst the people and
showed them what it felt like this was unbearable and unacceptable for the existing
hierarchy at that time space this is all the information this instrument can handle at this
time space period and i metatron leave you now in the divine love element of the divine
grid programmer and hoping you will turn to the great mountain of lights chaoron bye

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Session 30
Pleiadians 3 Apr 4, 2021

Hidden Truth of Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus

| Reptilian and Sirian War
We are the pleiadians and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one supreme
creator before we start sharing our insights we would like to warn you to use your
discernment when listening to our messages because your free will is the most valuable
thing we must preserve this instrument today has agreed to step aside when we speak
through him and today this instrument seeks to understand the true events that occurred
during the crucifixion and resurrection of the one known to your kind as jesus of nazareth
who had come to your planet from the fourth density consciousness at that time space
period from the social memory complex that had started from the origins of the sirian star
system however at this level of fourth density due to merging of the social memory
complex there is no need for names hence there is no name for this social memory
complex of which this entity jesus of nazareth is now a part of this entity at present
resides and learns the lessons of wisdom of the fifth density consciousness this had been
a dangerous mission for this entity to come on earth to share the love and light in the
purest form for in its coming the love light spread faster than before on your planet the
events we are going to tell you today happened in your time space at the time of the
existence of this entity we can also sense that the previous session this instrument had
with metatron magnetic consciousness as clearly revealed the soul evolution of this entity
hence we see no need to comment on this further we will share those insights that have
not already been revealed to your kind keeping in mind the free will upon your mind body
spirit complex this entity known as jesus of nazareth was able to perform healing of those
sick entities due to its origins from the sirian star system the sirians specialize in healings
of the physical vehicles to an incredible 360 degree therefore this entity had innate
healing qualities due to this divine connection this entity after realizing its divine origins
and on connecting with the infinity consciousness was able to activate these powers that
are thought of as miracles to people of your kind which include the distortions of healing
the sick calming the storms and even healing the people who have almost died this entity
on sharing this divine love light was not of liking to the so-called orions and their reptilian
subordinates who did not like this free sharing of love lights on your planet at that time
space the negatively oriented orions and reptilian humanoids main objective was to turn
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the cycle of these planets into the negative self-service agenda however upon the coming
of this entity the cycle started to change into positive love light due to its pure sharing of
this infinity consciousness at that time space several of the jewish teachers and leaders
under the influence of the orion entities and the ship-shifting reptilians who replaced
many of the jewish leaders did not like what this entity was doing they created and
started negative distortions by objecting this love and light being shared by this entity
these shape-shifting humanoid reptilians in the form of these jewish leaders directed its
human subordinates who follow commands of their authorities to arrest this entity in order
to get rid of this entity from that time space this was also facilitated by an entity known in
your vibratory sound complex terms as judas who in exchange of monetary benefit
revealed the identity of the one known as jesus of nazareth this led to the capture of this
entity known as jesus upon the control of the negatively polarized reptilian humanoids
these reptilian humanoids were not independent hence they took this extremely divine
entity before the orion council and they decided that this entity is a threat to their negative
self-service agenda hence it should be stopped by killing it this orion council directed the
roman human soldiers and the reptilian shape shifters to physically hurt this entity and
beat his physical vehicle further upon making the entity blood laden and its so-called
clots torn a thorn head crown was put upon this entity and forced to carry the so-called
cross made of cedar up to the mountain where it would be nailed upon it this mountain
was given the vibratory sound complex of skull and the reptilian soldiers nailed this divine
entity to the cross and taunted him stating that he was not a divine entity from the infinity
consciousness at this time the sirian high council wanted to interfere however they
realized that interference is the distortion of the negatively oriented entities who do not
respect free will of other entities the negatively oriented entities want free will to end and
want control of all entities the sirian high council stopped and realizing this and did not
interfere the completion of this crucifixion of this divine entity this entity's soul separated
from its physical vehicle and this entity due to being able to forgive went straight to the
next dimension however its mission had not been completed yet during the death of this
divine entity there was an earthquake of 9.1 a magnitude in your hectare scale that shook
the lands the sirian high council realizing that they could not allow the negatively oriented
to win on earth appeared before only one a mind-body spirit complex named as joseph in
your vibratory sound complex terms and revealed the mission of this entity this entity
known as joseph then came and placed the body of this entity in a tomb and closed it
wherein the sirian high council healed the physical vehicle of this entity known as jesus of
nazareth using their thought power so it could become healed and continue its mission of
sharing love and light then on a so-called sunday morning during that time period a

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woman body complex approached the tomb of this entity and found it to be missing this
woman also encountered the sirians who told her that jesus of nazareth lives and he
would rise again on the third day this woman then spread the message of hope amongst
the people at that time space period which helped spread more positivity and hope then
for the next 40 days this divine entity named jesus of nazareth appeared in various forms
since it belonged to the later fourth density consciousness it could use its thoughts to
appear before people and also appear in the same physical vehicle that it had incarnated
on the later fourth density is the phase of intermission between the physical vehicle and
the soul itself this entity known as jesus was able to use this ability to share more love
and light in your planet he further taught many that forgiveness was the only way that he
would be connected with infinity intelligence and those who can active this infinite
intelligence by pondering within would never die for there is no death only life after life
and experience after experience therefore beloveds will leave you now in the love and in
the light of the one supreme creator who is within each of us and within all things in the
cosmos bye you

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Session 31
RA 8 Apr 6, 2021

Agenda of Donald Trump's New Media Platform & 7

Sub-densities of 2nd Density Consciousness
I am ra and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite creator today before
we begin we would like to warn you to only accept those insights that resonate with your
heart and leave those behind that do not resonate with your heart today this instrument
seeks to find out about the so-called social media platform that is being developed by an
entity known in your time space terms as donald this entity primarily wants to create a
platform known in your terms as social media so there would be complete free will of the
entity wherein it could share all the messages that it would want to share without any
stoppage from any other mind body spirit complex or authority this entity known as
donald was prevented from sharing its messages many times because of the massive
amount of traction this entity got from these messages and the influence this entity had
on the decision making and discernment over other many mind body spirit complexes in
your time space this entity known as donald has a massive potential energy behind it
wherein he has a lot of support from many other entities who support it with full passion
and fervor this entity at the present time space is approaching various social media
companies in the hope that it could buy the media platform so that it could create its own
free vibratory sound complex media platform further we would recommend that free
speech just as free speech or expression is of utmost importance to the people of your
planets there must be no restrictions in this regard therefore it has been made a
foundation pillar for your kinds and we also recognize the importance of this factor to be
present in a civilization that is positively oriented this entity known as trump is working in
the correct direction as far as we can perceive for the creation of such a platform for
allowing all entities their freedom of expression which is a mind-body spirit right in the
article 19 of the so-called universal declaration of human rights on your timespace terms
this means that all vibratory sound complexes are allowed to individual entities on your
timespace to express and share their vibratory sound complexes without fear of
retaliation censorship or punishment however this may also enable some entities to
spread misinformation and create distortions of confusion on your planet this will be an
important aspect for a fourth density planet wherein no authority has the power to stop or
harm any other entity for disagreeing with it the creation of such a system would be the
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basis of the fourth density planetary configuration as we know it this entity known as
trump feels the need to do this because many of the so-called media authorities have
prevented it from sharing its free will vibratory sound complexes that are as per the
human mind body spirit complex rights as defined in your so-called constitutions of the
various nations moreover this entity known as donald also used many of its free will to
spread some incitement messages that caused a lot of confusion distortions amongst the
people at your time space as far as we can sense the people of your planet must know
that they must use their discernment when listening and accepting messages for it is the
free will that enables each entity this ability that is the reason why we say that every entity
should use their discernment when listening to any messages including those that
emerge from us further we would like to add that this entity if it moves in this timeline and
creates this so-called social media site does not create such enticement or create this
entity's time on this planet to become more fruitful and more service oriented if it does
not indulge in creating confusion distortions patterns this addresses the first part of your
query now we will answer the second query that this instrument has placed before our
collective consciousness that relates to the seven sub densities or octaves of the second
density consciousness the second density consciousness is the density of the higher
plant life and animal life that exist with the upward drive towards the infinites these
second density beings are of an octave of consciousness just as you find various
orientations of consciousness among the conscious entities of your vibration there are
three types of second density entities that become shall we say and spirited the first is
the animal this is the most predominant the second is the vegetable most especially that
which you call sound vibration complex tree these entities are capable of giving and
receiving enough love lights to become individualized the third category is mineral the first
sub density or octave of the second density consciousness starts with the basic forms in
the form of observing and experiencing the world with partially immobile physical vehicles
with an upward drive towards the infinite consciousness this first sub density can be
equated with grass that exists on your planets the second octave of the second density
includes those known as plants in your vibratory sound complex terms then after gaining
some experience and moving upward towards infinity these evolve into the third sub-
octave of the second density that are comprised of those known in your language terms
as trees a tree can directly reincarnate into the third density consciousness if it receives
immense love light and connection with another third density being such as the human
mind body spirit complex on your time space then after consciousness evolves into the
fourth sub-density of the second octave which includes small-sized water-borne fishes
and small insects there progresses further into the fifth sub-octave that includes the

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animals with larger physical vehicles such as small-sized animals and fishes wherein the
main lesson for these entities is to learn to interact with other mind body and spirit
complexes and learn the lessons for graduating to the next sub-octave that of the sixth
sub-octave that is represented by animals that starts developing collective mentality
these animals start grouping together and lead to creation of hierarchy example in foxes
and hyenas in your planet this finally leads to the seventh octave of this second density
consciousness which is comprised of animals that are known as pets in your language
terms example those called as cats and dogs these entities are on the brink of entering to
the third density consciousness these will lead an entity into the next density of third
density consciousness in which it becomes enspirited in the form of a human body
complex the times upon your planet at this time space may be seen testing and shall we
say laden with more distortions of suffering and catalyst but in that suffering lies the
catalyst for many of your so-called star seeds and light workers to open up to their true
inner reality and access their past history and power that is within their soul therefore we
leave you now in the love and in the light of the one infinite creator hence go forth and
rejoice in the power and the peace of the one creator adonai

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Session 32
Archangel Michael 3 Apr 9, 2021

How Elohim Created Adam & Eve, War with Lucifer

Beings & Tree of Life
I am arch angel michael and i am here connected to you in the love of the one everything
this boy had tried to contact me yesterday however due to the room not being a pure love
light energies i could not connect yesterday further before any contact i would
recommend to please keep a religious book according to your belief system which will
serve as a symbol of love lights before i start i would like to tell you to use your
discernment and accept only resonating messages and reject those that do not resonate
with your inner heart today this boy whom i am connected to seeks to understand how
the so-called adam and eve event occurred in your terms in the planet earth for your
understanding i will refer to time spaces as BCE meaning before a common era in order
to conserve the energies of this instrument at around 499 980 bc from the planet mars the
council of mars and maldek who are non-physical entities which were in the later phases
of the so-called fourth density consciousness as known by this channel at that time
period sent a portion of their consciousness group collective in the form of physical
entities to earth to help earth evolve from their primitive state these beings chose to
appear in the form of physical vehicles because without doing so the beings of that time
space would not have been able to perceive and see them hence in order to teach them
these later fourth density beings took the shape of the first humanoid like form and a
name was attached to this group and that can be pronounced in your language terms as
elohim these beings acted as a bridge of communication between the entire social
memory complex of the mars maldek council and the beings of earth also the divine one
known as jesus of nazareth during his resurrection resurrected in the form of this later
fourth density consciousness wherein such entity if desirous can choose to appear in the
form of any physical vehicle these elohims needed to transplant life plasma from the so-
called Neanderthal physical vehicles that existed at that time space into their physical
vehicle because they wanted to replicate their physical form to be able to appear in the
under like form so that they could appear before these Neanderthal beings on earth in
their familiar form in order to not intimidate these beings and to teach them for this
transplantation purpose these elohims chose the best physical vehicles from amongst the
Neanderthals at that time in space and picked the finest 69 males and combination for
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their kinds that signified the attainment of unity with the one infinite source in exchange
these elohims granted these 138 chosen Neanderthal beings immortality by genetically
modifying them in order to keep their age static after a certain fruition of physical vehicle
which occurred at the age of 27 for most of these primitive Neanderthals at that time
space this transplant is what your kind refers to as the creation of this event called as eve
was made out of adam's rib however many of this information has been erroneously
recorded in your time space around 38 000 years ago the true fact was lost over time in
your time space these fourth density beings elohims were in essence vegetarian which
means your kind refers to as because they understood that consuming second density
creatures would lead to the creation of so-called karmic collective in their life hence they
were totally vegetarian these elohim's first mission was to change Neanderthals from
hunters into herders and into agriculturalists by improving their mind body and genetic
composition this led to the creation of a small city named as Dalmatia that was
established in the Mesopotamian region at that time period near the lands known to your
kinds as turkey and Armenia in the present time period this became at the center for the
elohims to come in and appear and change their forms and connect back with their
consciousness group collective this city had been divided into six sections and nine sub-
sections and were surrounded by around this temple were six chambers and three stories
tall where these elohim beings would conduct their interplanetary connection with their
own consciousness group collective of the council and download instructions as well in
this city of dalmatia an educational headquarter which your kind refers to as educational
university was established to teach spiritual knowledge to the Neanderthals of that time
space period this started the evolution of the first known human-like species and the
whole planet started to evolve these elohims adopted Neanderthal children and took care
of them this was the first family consisting of a male a female and a child on your planet
this led to other ancient Neanderthals also to create their own families and so this family
idea spread across the whole planets and became embedded in your human culture at a
further time space these elohims instructed the Neanderthals to interbreed amongst
themselves which led to the creation of children the so called the tree of life is originally a
tree a later second density physical vehicle crossbred that is from the planet maldek this
tree requires only oxygen to survive and does not need any soil for it does not possess
any roots this tree of life was planted inside the city known as dalmatia at the center
inside the altar of these elohims this tree had fruits that resemble the so-called apple in
your time space currently and this fruit was used to maintain immortality by these elohims
and those chosen 138 Neanderthals were forbidden to eat this fruit without this fruit the
elohims would age on earth due to the atmospheric conditions of earth being different

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which degrades the physical vehicles of humans with every breath every breath of oxygen
you take is also damaging your physical vehicle at this time space yet it is vital this is the
cost that beings on earth have to bear in order to progress through this density of
existence the other Neanderthals who had not been genetically altered would not be
affected by eating these fruits this fruit only deactivated those genetically modified genes
of the 138 genetically modified humanoid Neanderthals and reversed their genetic
engineering if they ate it the elohims were divided into 10 groups of 10 each and each
group had a spiritual mission these include the council on physical produce the board of
animal herding the advisors on the control of predatory animals the faculty on the
dissemination and conservation of knowledge the commission on industry and trade the
college of spirituality and learning the guardians of vitality and health the council on
science and arts and the governors of advanced humanoid tribal relations and finally the
supreme council of humanoid coordination and racial cooperation this group was run by
an elohim member named van der konin in your language terms um lake van in Armenia is
named after even today secret to successfully evolve the beings on your planet is that it
has to be in a moderate and steady manner it cannot be too fast or else it will cause
disintegration of experience it cannot be too slow or else people will become stuck in the
same density of consciousness these elohim spend the next 290 000 years slowly
evolving these very primitive humans the more ignorant beings take a longer amount of
time to evolve after 290 000 years around and other planets in another galaxy at that time
space decided to rebel and become self-service oriented and negatively polarized in the
later fourth density negative polarity lucifer's social memory complex had philosophy of
selfishness enslavement of others and assertiveness at first lucifer beings thought they
were doing the right thing but by the time they realized they were wrong they had lost all
sanity and remained evil to the end these beings successfully tricked 36 planets into
rebelling with them which included earth elohims had worked with lucifer beings in the
past and lucifer beings used this old friendship by manipulating some elohim entities into
joining forces with lucifer's negative self-service agenda these elohim entities who joined
the negatively oriented entities were stripped of all positive polarity and influence on
planet earth but remained in the hidden realms where they became known as the
negatively oriented devils due to their negative agenda and negative polarization the
positive oriented elohims that were left on earth immediately declared themselves as the
caretakers of earth at this time earth was not quarantined and had a system to broadcast
universal messages into earth so the masses would know what is going on around the
universe the negatively oriented lucifer and some elohims tried to use this news
broadcast to manipulate the masses of primitive humans on earth into following their

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negatively polarized path this caused the shutdown of this broadcast center and put earth
into quarantine by these positively oriented elohims the universal council of planets had
decided to let lucifer rebellion happen to some extent because they knew it would disturb
an entire sector of the universe so they let them do this on this part of the universe in
order to prevent other parts of the universe being infiltrated by this negative agenda
therefore much more would be gained than would be lost in the long run this is all the
information this instrument can handle at this time space therefore we would further
request this instrument to connect with me to gain further information in this regard in the
next session i leave you now in the love of the one everything so be it

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Session 33
Metatron 4 Apr 10, 2021

Do This to Prepare for 3 Events

I am metatron magnetic consciousness and i greet you again in the divine love lights of
the light great programmer before i begin sharing use your discernment when listening to
my message all of you are here on this planet on a journey to remembering who you truly
are you are here to empower your life and expand your consciousness to allow the divine
love and light to activate within yourself this is why you are here at this times on 11th april
of your time space a new moon will start to emerge out there in your solar system when
the moon passes between the earth and the sun and will not be visible from the earth the
day after the new moon marks the start of the new month for luney solar calendars as
known in your language terms this new month is the arriving of the awakening of love and
light energies also known as christ consciousness within the beings in your time space
plane as a result the earth energies will begin to separate into the two factions one of the
positive polarity and the other the negative polarity as earth progresses through the fourth
density consciousness thereby separating the two vibrations of new earth and all earth of
third density from the fourth density consciousness as a result those with positive
vibrations and 51 percent more positive vibrations into the positive side will begin to feel
truly empowered and a new life and new energies of new earth will begin to affect these
beings a life without limitations as you begin to realize that all are one with all that exists
in the divine love and light you as the human consciousness collective are going through
more shifts in your consciousness with alignment to your evolutionary trajectory you are
already experiencing the results of the great awakening waves that are affecting your
consciousness into remembering more of your oneness states there are many star seeds
and wandering souls as known by your kind on your planet at present who are ready to
awaken and many more approximately a number of 1 million souls will now reincarnate on
earth to increase the soul graduation this is due to the fact that the last soul graduation
was very low on your planet and this is the time for allowing many the opportunity to
graduate easily in one lifetime hence the children that will be born henceforth will be
mostly from another planetary system such as the pleiadians the arcturians sirians and
remains and from other planetary systems further many ascended wanderers from the
fifth density consciousness the density of divine wisdom wherein the divine great
programmer christ resides will also ascend into earth via the process of reincarnation not
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only one divine great programmer christ will arrive on earth but a huge collective of christ
consciousness will come to earth in order to assist in this process of graduation to the
fourth density consciousness you are now stabilizing within these waves of
consciousness and dna activations and are preparing for the next wave of evolution you
have felt the changes within your physical vehicle light body and seen the changes
reflected within your societal complex i have come through to provide guidance on how
to harness these changes at these times on your planets in the divine love light in your felt
experiences of both consciousness and physicality you are activating new technologies
within yourself and in these changes you can harness the shifts for your personal
evolution you are advanced beings created by the love and light of the divine great
programmer and are a genetic advanced embodiment shall we say a mixture of galactic
and human dna now the period of time for this dormant's dna that is within your physical
vehicle now the time of this great cosmic awakening is upon your planet wherein you will
be activating this dormant dna qualities that are infused in especially the so-called light
worker starseeds and wanderers on your planet this dormant's dna is within your blood
and within your ethereal light bodies of which the process of remembering is starting and
knowing who you truly are that you are not just a physical vehicle in the form of a human
being most of your origins do not lie on this planet many of your souls are from the
various other planets in the galaxies and you are now going to awaken to the truth within
this period will start a lot of so-called the period of dark night of the soul for your kinds
there has never been such a great awakening that is going to occur from the 11th april
following and all these shifts that are occurring now are going to activate certain
frequencies within each of you and our voice coming through this instrument shall also be
a catalyst for this awakening for those who vibrate in the higher frequencies this
awakening is activating certain frequencies within each of your dna that is part of this
collective agreement for the human collective consciousness you are here at this time of
great awakening because all the starseeds and light workers had agreed prior to
incarnating on earth to step into the front line and be the first to awaken and start this
great awakening cycle on this planet and lead the human population into the fourth
density consciousness the changes will not be visible to your third density eyes which
cannot perceive these changes just like you need extra equipment to see in the darkness
in a similar manner your eyes will not be able to perceive these changes that are taking
place however you will feel it's in the long run as these changes will hit you and will make
you ascend into the new earth of the fourth density consciousness this time marks the
starting of the great awakening into the fourth density and now the beings who are
already matching in vibration of the fourth density consciousness will be able to lead and

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be wasteovers into the new earth and new density consciousness i would suggest you to
do the following in order to activate your hidden divine starseed and light cords within
your vehicles when listening to my voice coming through this channel may you act as the
activator for many in this new earth a new consciousness for those who accept these
messages with the resonance that is within them for those that find it hard to activate
please follow the protocols of keeping track of your thoughts your imagination and words
because your thoughts are keeping you trapped into this old world the dark web of the
thoughts such as the imagination and words that appear inside your minds will trap you
into the trap of the thoughts dark webs to escape is simple during your waking day keep
track of how many words and imaginations you see in a minute of your time space inside
your mind and slowly try to reduce it after some time it will lower completely and then you
will be free of the dark webs of thought and let the flow of the divine love and light of
christ's consciousness to enter your mind complex which will lead you to ascend and this
exercise is the best known for your kind to do in order to free yourself from the dark webs
of thought numerous galactic beings are sending you love and light at this time starting
from april 11th and those who will accept these energies will begin to feel changes within
their physical vehicles and will be met with abundance love and ascension activation
therefore my beloved allow this divine love and light of the divine grid programmer to
enter your physical vehicle and you will see the new earth just focus on your own
ascension and share these messages with with those who accept the information based
on their own free will and resignation with their heart those who are ready will now
collectively form the first density beings those others who are not yet ready will join when
they awaken through the truth within or be transported to another planet via the process
of reincarnation when the window of graduation comes to an end after some time
therefore beloveds i leave you now in the divine love and light of the divine great
programmer bye [Music]

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Session 34
RA 9 Apr 12, 2021

What Elon Musk is Hiding From Humanity? Where is

Prince Philip's Soul?
I am ra and i greet you in the love and in the lives of the one infinite creator before we
start to address your query we would like to warn you to only accept those insights that
resonate with your heart leave those that do not resonate without any second thoughts
your planet is heading upward toward the formation of a social memory complex that can
be considered as the union of a group of separate entities into one there is no
individualization of consciousness in a social memory complex the query placed by this
instrument today regarding a certain entity who is known by the vibratory sound complex
prince philip duke of edinburgh who recently crossed over onto the astral plains after its
physical vehicle suddenly encountered shall we say the striking of the heart vessels which
is known in your vibratory sound complex terms as heart attack this entity however during
its time of separation of the physical vehicle was conscious enough to realize that this
was his time this entity was not as confused as some entities on your plane who die of
certain causes such as accidents or other shocking means this entity upon realizing that it
had separated from its physical vehicle was met by its guides who invited it to join it into
the astral planes however this entity chose to stay back for one day of your time space
terms in order to view the morning and after effects of these entities crossing over this
entity was fascinated by having regained its true spiritual powers that of traveling to any
place on the cosmos and traveled to far off space times and specially was desirous of
going to the end of space time also known as the edge of the universe in your vibratory
sound complex terms this entity on realizing that all of life on earth it spent was just for
the purpose of learning the lessons of polarization into the positive are negative entity
then along with its guides went to the astral planes and underwent its life review process
under the guidance of its higher self some of the accents that this entity had performed
on earth were negatively polarized and some were positively polarized thereby cancelling
its polarization with an equality of negative and positive hence this entity has to repeat the
third density cycle again in order to choose the polarity further therefore this entity at this
time space of your time and that of 12th april 2021 has already reincarnated into another
planets in the third density vibration planet in the macs064 galaxy as known to your kind
in your vibratory sound complex terms as earth is now in the fourth density no third
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density vibratory complexes will reincarnate here again only the fourth density matching
consciousness will incarnate on earth from this point on thereby slowly clearing the third
density complexes from this planets the second query placed by this instrument that
regarding the so-called the neural link as developed by an entity known as elon musk in
your vibratory sound complexes whether it is safe or not for the ascension process the so
called the neural link as this entity states as we can sense from the vibrations of your
planets refers to a so-called company that aims at creating an integration of neurology to
science and technology that will create devices that are supposed to aid in restoring
beings with differently abled qualities the thought behind this new mind complex in your
planet has emerged from the one entity known to your kind as elon musk in your
language terms furthermore this entity is one such entity who is amongst your peoples
and recently has created many agreements with the so-called negatively polarized
annunaki species and the greys for the creation of human hybrids that will assist in the
final push of the negative forces on the planet earth and this primary distortion is the
ending of free will on the planet which these entities desire these fifth entity anunnaki
species along with their subordinate grey counterparts had approached this entity known
as elon to offer exchange of annunaki technology that could be used by this entity known
as elon to open a pathway for the anunnakis to gain controlled distortions over the self-
aware entities on this planet the annunaki entities cannot directly appear on planet earth
in order to spread their negative agenda due to the quarantine placed by the council of
nine this is also the reason why they have chosen this entity known as elon to work for
their agenda who has been penetrating the space surrounding your planet gaia many a
times the annunaki distortion is to use this entity to create hybridization of the human
species by ingesting the so-called brain chip inside the minds of human entities we have
recently noted that anunnakis have formed bases on planet mars that are being used to
exchange information between this entity known as elon and the anunnakis in the future
sessions we can explain in more detail about these shall we say bases on mars and how
they operate as today queries is not related to this subject we further comment that this
entity known as elon is in contact with this fifth density anunnakis who are guiding it to
create such devices as the brain chip that can be used to control and destroy many
physical vehicles at once and end free will on the planets further this entity is infringing
upon the free will of the second density entities those of the monkeys and pigs and
recently a second density entity known as pager a male macaque with chips embedded
on each side of its brain playing mind pong was sewn to the human population we know
that such activities as infringing upon the physical vehicles of other animal entities on
your planet without their free will is not only a negative oriented activity but the after

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effects of such an act could lead to the creation of species that are more dependent on
human support this entity known as elon should not implant such devices into the minds
of such second density beings who do not have self-awareness without their distortion of
free will this is a negatively oriented activity in essence and this is how the negative
operates on your time space the anunnakis have shared their technologies with this entity
known as elon and this entity seems glad to use such technologies without being aware
about the results that may approach it this entity has been distorted by the annunaki's
and under their mind complex effect it desires to disguise in the areas of serving mankind
by using the so-called technology however anything that has to do with implanting and
intruding on your physical vehicle is highly dangerous for your kind because your physical
vehicles are complete as it is and any kind of devices that get implanted in it could lead to
a host of problems [Music] for your kinds in the future leading to failure of many physical
vehicles furthermore creating such technologies like the neural link that our brain
developed can lead to a host of problems for your kind's evolution technology created
with mind complex alone is unpredictable and different forces such as the so-called
entities as known by your kinds as the hackers and other negative focused beings on
your planet can use mind-made strategies to gain access to other brain and the neural
link systems thereby causing a lot of damage and unwanted control over other beings on
your planet this shall we say technology relies mostly on the internet and its services it is
our feeling that your kind should not focus too much on external technological assistance
in the process of ascension spiritual ascension does not require any technological
processes to you in ascending ascension can be accessed by going inside and finding
your inner truth and connecting with the infinite consciousness however we must say that
your kind has been given free will by the creator at this time lastly we leave you in the love
and in the lights of the one creator therefore go forth and rejoice in the power and in the
peace of the one infinite creator [Music] adonai you

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Session 35
Asthar Sheran 2 Apr 15, 2021

Upcoming Galactic War & Aliens on Mars | Inter-

dimension Portal
Greetings to the residents of earth greetings to the light workers of love i am asthar and i
have always worked for the betterment of humanity and have always aided your kind
through the times of galactic chaos and turmoil these times upon your planet are very rare
as the earth has successfully entered into the fourth density consciousness the earth's
vibrations are not shifting and raising faster since the date of april 11 this date was the
point wherein the penetration of the fourth density has been successfully made by the
vibrations of planet earth meaning that collectively the planet is now in the fourth density
consciousness and will move upward toward the higher levels as times pass by this day
was an important day however the dark forces negative oriented entities do not want
earth to successfully transition into the fourth density consciousness the negative forces
have now gathered around the planet mars and are influencing your allies to tie up with
them by luring them to form the so called the negative allies these bases are in the form
of pyramid structures on mars which are formed in such a manner as to prevent being
observed by any human or third and fourth density entities this is also the reason why
many a times your kind will miss such basis however there has been drastic changes
occurring on mars at these times these bases are created using crystalline light pyramid
structures that are highly invisible not only to you but also to us we send a fleet of
planetary crafts to check for the presence of these bases now let me state what i know
from the information and scanning of mars these negative oriented anunnakis from nibiru
along with their subordinate greys have created an alliance with the orions and their
subordinate reptilians based on the intel and information received from our scanning
fleets these anunnakis and orions main objective is to gather and turn some of the
powerful beings into their sub hostages on your planet who have control of large amounts
of resources so that they could telepathically control such beings and spread the last
push for the dark forces on the planet earth they do not want to lose this battle they do
not want earth to enter into the first stage of fourth density completely these anunnakis
have successfully contacted many entities and especially one entity known as elon musk
who is creating a so-called biocontrol chip in order to control mankind as well as it is
involved in the creation of the so-called starlink a network of satellites that could cause
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mass disruption of the messages and vibration shifting due to the sending of galactic
waves via these starlings these anunnaki assisted this entity known as elon in creating
this via the process of telepathic communication and also by providing it access to
intergalactic portal vehicles many other entities or the so-called elites have already been
in contact with these annunaki entities and use the pyramid-shaped multi-dimensional
intergalactic portal vehicles which are in essence multi-dimensional flying vehicles that
cannot be spotted by normal human eyes there are fleets of these pyramid multi-
dimensional vehicles in the so-called pacific ocean and in the antarctica region of your
planets further we are working together urgently with the council of planets and the
galactic federation and today there was an urgent meeting that took place we have
decided that there will be an intervention effort from our side in the coming days on mars
we cannot tell you the exact date for this will depend on many factors that we need to
look upon before doing such actions and since this instrument has been in contact with
me and other galactic brothers i would recommend this instrument to share this
information as a message of preparation for all of humanity and also know that there
could be aftershocks of this intervention on mars however we will try our best to stop the
after effects from reaching earth but this war that will occur is one of a kind since four
different galactic negative species have gathered on mars and they will provide cosmic
resistance to our efforts we would request humanity to kindly not send any satellites and
rovers like the perseverance rover which has already been hijacked by the annunaki's and
is relaying the past videos captured by it the real images are not being related it has been
placed into a different sub-sector of mars the reptilians are excavating under mars and
creating bases at a rapid pace as we speak this war will be the biggest war in the long
time in the history of the cosmos if it occurs please prepare it does not matter whether
you will accept or reject this message for this intervention will begin to take place in a few
days of your current time space we are preparing our fleets and the galactic federation
and other species including the rock confederation the andromedans and all are with us
in order to help humanity to win over this war of darkness please note that there will be an
intense fluctuations within the rays of sunlight which will occur in large scale within the
next few days observe silence be in the light and stay protected with it avoid all negative
senses as sensuality grudge revenge and greed when appeared it is recommended to do
more meditation for the next few days and be connected to nature the next month and
the next few days will determine a great landmark for the people of earth consciously
choose the light try to spend more time with mother earth practice group meditations of
love to earth the planet will experience an intense radiation soon don't worry everything is
in our turn fear into love sit under the sky while meditating take full breaths whenever you

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get the chance concentrate on your crown chakra and imagine it blooming like a beautiful
lotus this is all the information which i have connected here today to relay please share
this with those who will accept this message with the right discernment i leave you now in
the love and in the light of the one creator peace be with gaia goodbye you

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Session 36
Metatron 5 Apr 18, 2021

What are Time Traveling Souls, Past Lives of Trump,

How Higher Self Decides Life-lesson
I am metatron the magnetic consciousness and i greet you in the divine love of the light
grid programmer who is within each soul and being in this cosmos and is you in essence
and us before i start sharing my insights regarding the queries placed by this channel
please note that your judgment which is of utmost priority to upkeep and therefore only
accept insights that deeply resonate with your inner heart and reject those that do not
resonate today this instrument seeks to understand the previous incarnations and soul
evolution of the one known to this instrument as donald trump who incarnated in this
planets of your current time space on 13th june 1946 at midnight hence it is mentioned in
your language terms that he was born on the 14th of june in order to rectify the delay of
time space in your terms this soul known as donald trump in your language terms had its
sole origins not on this planet shall i say this soul originated from the divine light great
programmer linear time space however know this that time is not linear as you believe it's
to be time is simultaneous from our perspective and all time exists in this moment for the
moment is the gateway to the divine great consciousness there is past present and future
in the so-called fourth and below densities as known by this channel in an overview such
a soul may have removed from the space-time continuum it may seem that in the cycle of
completion there exists only the present this souls journey started on the planet known as
mars by your kind after it originated in the first density consciousness from the divine
great programmer the source around 225 million years ago when the planet mars was
habitable for beginning density consciousness to evolve on it including those from the
beginning first density to the later fourth density consciousness this soul spent most of its
life cycle on this planet mars in the form of elements in the beginning phases changing its
form every seventy five thousand year cycle of linear time scale started from the wind
elements and cycled through water fire and soil and eventually experienced the later first
density consciousness in the form of stone on the martian planet the primary lessons of
the first density which is the density of consciousness the mineral and water life upon the
planets learning from fire and wind the awareness of being this is the first density then the
soul evolved into the second density of the plant life and animal life that exist within the
upward drive towards the divine and great programmer these second density beings are
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of an octave of consciousness just as you find various orientations of consciousness
among the conscious entities of your vibration in the second density the consciousness
strives towards the third density that is the density of self-consciousness or self-
awareness the striving takes place through the higher second density forms who are
invested by third density beings with an identity to the extent that they become self-aware
physical souls thus becoming physical vehicles and entering third density the first stage
of consciousness of spirit after the mid-second density this soul evolved into the later
second density that resemble the animals similar to your pets however this occurred on
the same planet that of mars this soul then after 225 000 years entered into the density
that of third density and reincarnated in the third density physical vehicles that existed on
mars those of the primitive martian that resemble the beings known as orangutan on your
timespace this soul then evolved further slowly level by level into the third density and
when it was on the second octave of the third density the event that led to the destruction
of the martian planet occurred wherein approximately 27 million years ago the martians in
a war amid the martian hybrid created by the negatively oriented draconians known as
the mardukos destroyed mars this soul during that lifetime played an important part
served on the positive oriented martian side who were part of this rebellion against the
negative forces that wanted to engulf the planet mars this soul died during this planetary
destruction of mars and then was transported to your planetary system as a part of the
human souls to evolve its evolution in the third density consciousness this souls first
incarnation in the form of human souls occurred on the linear time space terms known as
anno domini as known by your kinds and it was given the name that of nero claudius
caesar augustus germanicus who became the fifth roman emperor in their time space this
soul due to its previous advanced evolutionary cycle on mars was able to handle roles
that require coordination of other physical vehicles on your timespace this soul during this
time period due to being involved in the sole separation of many entities was sent to
another star system after it ended its life on 9th june 68 a.d of your timespace this soul
was transported to another star system that of the taigata planetary system of the so-
called pleiades star clusters then after learning the lessons of compassion and balancing
its karma collective on this star system it was sent back to the human soul collective to
learn the lessons of beginning phases of third density again and this soul reincarnated on
17th of june nani on the lands known in your language terms as rome wherein this soul
had to learn the lessons of basic service to others with a balance of service to self and
also to interact with the human collective this soul spent its time during this lifetime as an
architect this lifetime led to the fruition of the soul in learning interaction with other beings
on your time space this soul spent its time during this lifetime and died on 6 august 1606

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and after being killed by negatively oriented beings which occurred also in order to
balance the karmic activity of the previous lifetime the same entities which it had killed in
the previous lifetime killed it during this lifetime hence ending the karmic collective and
cleaning the slate shall i say for this soul after much healing in the astral planes this soul
reincarnated again making fresh shoal contracts on the next lifetime on 1815. there was a
delay of a long time before this incarnation because appropriate conditions and other
souls in order to allow it to learn further lessons of forgiveness were not ready this soul
reincarnated on 23 11 dennison jr on the lens known to your kinds as america during this
lifetime this soul started to learn properly the lessons of service to others this soul during
this lifetime made major progress in its life due to its efforts of trying to remove the so-
called discrimination from its place of origins this soul died on june 15 1882 after this
lifetime this soul reincarnated into a future timeline of your planet that is in the fourth
density consciousness as per one of the possibilities of many of the possible probabilities
of earth timeline this soul was offered this entry into the fourth density due to it having
learned the lessons of love during the previous life and also due to an anomaly due to
which this entity's higher self decided that the appropriate timeline for it to reincarnate is
on a third sub section fourth density planet this soul reincarnated on 19th july during this
timeline there were no names present for different entities instead a number of alpha
numeric was assigned to different entities due to no need for so-called language to
communicate as well as communications occurred semi-telepathically it was given the
alphanumeric distortions of f4 during this lifetime this soul spent its life learning the
lessons of unity and wisdom of the self since at this timeline the creation of unification of
souls had been completed this soul chose to reincarnate after it died and come to your
current timeline on 13 june 1946 the main lessons for this soul in this lifetime prior to
incarnating on earth was to aid in creation of the unification of souls that your planet is
now heading towards secondly the second query regarding providing guidance to the
light beings who are planning to intervene on mars it is to state that i would recommend
with your free will to take out and focus on the gateway to the divine great programmer by
focusing on your heartbeat doing this will change the frequency of the planet and if more
people do it it will cause a surge of light burst of frequency to envelop your planet this will
rapidly escalate the frequency of your planets and dilute any negative energies please
remember using your free will to connect with me again in order for further directions on
what can be done to help the light beings on the intervention that will happen on mars
therefore i leave you in the love light of the divine great programmer hence turn to the
mountain of lights keiron bye you

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Session 37
Asthar Sheran 3 Apr 20, 2021

Martian War About to Start & Requesting All To

Activate Your Light
I am asthar and i greet you again in the love and the light of the one the supreme creator
today i connect again with this instrument in order to inform all humanity about what is
the current situation on mars at the present time space the situation on mars is worsening
as we speak the reptilians have started to dig inside mars along with their allies the
reptilians are masters of making bases inside planets in essence at the moment mars is
being hollowed out by these negative entities along with its authoritative figures the orions
and the anunnakis and the greys they have created bases inside mars and it will be hard
for us to intervene at this moment therefore as a warning we have sent a solar flare
towards mars which is a type of warning of the coming intervention on mars this is to
communicate and we use solar flares and other means to communicate when such
warlike situation occurs on the solar system this flash a type of warning has been directed
towards mars hoping that these entities who have captured mars will understand that an
intervention is coming soon and if they desire they can leave the vicinity of mars and
peacefully there will be no war i along with all other entities are here for the protection of
planet earth therefore we request all those who listen to my voice today through this
instrument to perform a short meditation sequence that allows the input of the light codes
into the meditator and thereby creating a chain of light grid connecting through different
beings who perform this meditation which will create a cosmic light grid around earth
each time a different being performs this process it will add a layer to this light grid this
grid will create the protective light grid layer over your planet which will allow light
protection to your planet and any negative influence will be diluted or erased by this love
light grid remember that all the heaven and earth can be found within your inner heart
space all that which belongs to you here and all that does not all is merged in the tiny
spaces within your heart space this process will allow each entity on your planet who
perform it to focus one's attention and hold it on the desired programming which will be
needed for raising the consciousness to a higher degree the people of your planets have
the attention span of that of a child on your planet fleeting attention the focusing of the
attention is required to increase the attention span this when continued will strengthen the
seeker's will and consciousness span will increase shift your conscious attention to your
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heart area if you so desire you may place your hands over your heart also you can touch
your wrist for feeling heart pulses or your neck sides for feeling the vibration of your blood
moving through your physical vehicle now start taking long deep breaths slowly take it in
and hold it take it in and hold it as you start breathing this way feel gratitude for your heart
has allowed you the space and the life that you live now your heart is the single most
important energy center in your body which needs to be balanced from time to time think
of your heart and your breath as old souls who are meeting again after a long journey
through their lifetimes on various planets feel the joy they will feel on reuniting again and
talking about their lives on the various planets feel them as they laugh with joy looking
back at the things that you called problems in your so-called life it was just an experience
release all the tensions you have in your mind for this exercise now let me tell you the
main process of this light grid meditation wherein you will start to create this light grid
around your physical vehicle and it will expand throughout the planet interconnecting with
each entity that performs this meditation each time making the connection stronger and
stronger now take a deep breath and release your breath after which begin counting your
heart pulses and beats after counting five heartbeats take a breath again and then count
to 10 heartbeats and also keep breathing normally as you count after you reach 10 take
another deep breath and then count to 20 heartbeats notice your heart throbbing and
pulsing and feel the love that your heart has given in your life after you finish 20
heartbeats you take another deep breath and count to 30 heartbeats with every deep
breath increase the number of heartbeats to count by 10 and finally when you reach 100
counts you will reach the closest highest level of consciousness that you will accompany
on the higher density consciousness of the upper fourth and fifth levels of consciousness
perform this meditation at least once a day in order to create a stronger light great around
planet earth this is all i can tell you to do at this moment we are trying our best i leave you
now bye

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Session 38
Archangel Michael 4 Apr 24, 2021

Why 3 DAYS of DARKNESS Won't Happen?

I am archangel michael and i am here in the love of the one father the creator who is
within each of you and within each of the being in the cosmos before i start sharing my
thoughts with you please note that you have to use your free will and heart to listen to my
messages and only accept those that resonate with your inner heart today this instrument
desires to seek to understand what is the meaning behind the concept of three days of
darkness that has been prevalent in your time space on earth since the first mention of
this supposed three days in the bible in exodus 22. the bible verse which led to the
creation of this concept on your timespace states and the lord said to moses stretch out
thy hand towards heaves and may there be darkness upon the land of egypt so thick that
it may be felt in addition moses stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there
came horrible darkness in all the land of egypt for three days during the supposed three
days of darkness it is stated that darkness will cover the earth and a plague will envelop
earth this information was commonly misunderstood under the confusion of the negative
planetary timeline these three days would have occurred if the planet earth had entered
into the fourth density negative cycle in such an event all the positive beings would have
been taken away from this planet by means of death by such events as plagues etc this
would have been facilitated by the coming of the other negative oriented species from
those of the orions and reptilians as called by your kind onto your planets and these
beings would have been the facilitator of the negative forces on earth if the earth had
cycled through into the negative polarization into the fourth density then such terrifying
darkness would have enveloped your people and during such period of darkness all the
beings of light would be extinguished by the negative polarized entities let me tell you that
there is a misunderstanding upon your planets misinformation and changing of the
original messages have created many confusing distortion for your kind on this planets let
me tell you that the so-called three days of darkness will not occur on your timeline of
earth as some of the beings on your planet feel there will be no three days of darkness on
this current timeline because this timeline of earth is now in the beginning phases positive
planetary cycle of the so-called fourth density by this instrument this phase signifies the
positive cycle of planetary shifts on the planets this time upon your planet is the time
when the changes in consciousness is activating thankfully this cycle will not occur on
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this timeline of earth ever again as this timeline of earth is now in the positive cycle hence
only thing that will occur is the three days of light which will happen sometimes in your
near future as per the probable infinite possibilities of timelines that exist in the universe
and as per the current vibratory planetary timeline this event would occur somewhere
around the year which would signify the end of the time for the dark or the negative
entities who are self-service for their period of existence on this planet will come to an
abrupt end the same type of changes that accompany during the third to fourth density
planetary on a positive polarized planet would accompany a negatively polarized planet
the fourth encompasses more dense light hence more information and truth will be held in
this dense light frequency which would make lies almost impossible to perpetuate in the
future the three days of darkness are something that will still occur in a different timeline
of earth on this timeline and not on the current timeline i am speaking about on which you
are contacting me from on a negative polarized probability of earth timeline the three days
of darkness will occur in the year in the month of june on the day of succession as are
happening on that negative earth timeline on such a planet negative polarization enters
into the graduation into fourth density hence will lead to creation of negative
consciousness collective just like in a positive planets will lead to creation of positive
consciousness the conditions of this fourth density positive and negative planets are just
the opposite vibratory type which means in the fourth density positive all entities will
embody love and on the fourth density negative all entities will embody a self-service
pattern consider that on such a timeline of earth of negative polarity in the year 2021 at
around the time of so-called summer solstice planetary changes on such a planet would
cause the earth to split and the sky will be laden with fire [Music] during these three days
on such a timeline of earth all the remaining positive oriented beings would face torment
from the majority of negative polarized people who will destroy such beings since even
one light flicker can cause an end to the darkness hence they do not want any such light
beings on such a timeline of planets this will cause all the positive oriented beings on
such a planet to leave the planet via the process of crossing over after death and will
incarnate on a positive planet or a timeline of earth [Music] which lies in the positive cycle
i also scan that many of your current timeline beings enjoy discussing about the
impending disaster this is causing confusion amongst your kind for your timeline has
entered into the positive timeline many entities who are being influenced by the negative
distorted beings from other planetary spheres are causing many entities on human form
to share these messages to create fear because the negative wants to perpetuate fear
just like the positive wants to share love and light that is why i am telling you to use your
discernment when listening to any message even those that originate from me and other

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confederation beings please note that your discernment is a vital for your people and
again i cannot direct you to do this or do that because that would be an intrusion upon
your free will that will create a probable future timeline for you [Music] please note that all
beings have complete free will to choose the probabilities of the various timelines and the
choices are given in order to determine the paths of creator or father's energy that
promotes the lessons of each sub-density as this instrument calls it depending on the
conditions of the planet at a particular time space my beloveds know that light is also an
entity of joy and information full of the love of the one father the creator it is amazing to
see the infinite probabilities from the various timelines from our perspective there are so
many earth timelines that it is the divine grace of the father and the creator to allow each
the free will every time an entity does one action it will start to enter into one timeline and
if it chooses otherwise another timeline will start this is the great mystery of life and
creation my soul brothers and sisters know that your life is one and you are the creator in
the future sessions if you so desire i will elaborate on this aspect as well however for
today's session this is all this instrument can handle therefore i recommend this
instrument to eat the so-called apples on your time space for the coming two days to
restore its vital energies therefore i leave you now in the love and in the light of the one
father the creator so be it .

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Session 39
Metatron 6 Apr 26, 2021

This Method Was Used to BUILD PYRAMIDS & Will

Manifest Anything You DESIRE | Super Moon
I am a metatron magnetic consciousness i greet you again in the divine love and light of
the light grid programmer before i start sharing my thoughts please remember that you
have free will and your free will is of utmost importance for me to preserve and use your
discernment when listening to my messages today this instrument desires to understand
how to manifest or create physical manifestations in this beginning phased fourth density
planet as known by this instrument the cycles of transformation are upon your planet at
these times which signifies the changes in consciousness on your planet these new
planetary shifts are now beginning to activate many dormant abilities within your people
of the so-called manifestations and creation in essence each is the divine great
programmer however through the process of incarnation each has forgotten about these
innate abilities of creation creation is a part of the consciousness that encompasses each
being in the cosmos consciousness is the creator of all that exists in essence
consciousness creates your reality for any entity on your planet to create physical
manifestations whatever it may be can be achieved via the use of consciousness and
thought forms however many on your planets have not understood that consciousness is
the attention that resides which enables each to feel its bodily parts and other parts if it
so desires further the desires of creation and depend on the lack that any particular entity
is facing an entity who has everything it desires would not have any new desires however
many on your plane do not have it all and hence desire is the creation of this energy to
create new physical materials let me tell you in simple terms the connection is simple your
thought forms if projected on by your consciousness or attention will be created instantly
on another plane that of the sixth density plane as known by this channel your attention
of consciousness creates new materials and physical manifestations are the same results
of this attention of consciousness on thought forms in essence this is how when the once
known as ra came upon your planet and created the so-called pyramids since i and many
other beings including these beings known as the ra confederation are already in the sixth
density creation is easy for us we just project our attention our consciousness on any
thought form and it will occur instantly and for the purpose of distortion that you call
example let me presume that i was to incarnate onto your planet into a human mind-body
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complex then for me to create the reality would need to focus my attention of
consciousness on the thought forms which are a combination of the sixth senses with
your five senses the sixth sense is also referred to as your imagination by your kinds and
thereby after creating this connection between all the six senses in the mind project out
the attention onto this image for a period of time during such moment of time wherein the
eyes are closed or shut this will cause the consciousness to project outward into thought
form and it will soon begin to take shape in another plane it will immediately be created in
the sixth density plane however for it to be seen on the fourth density planet as your
timeline is on now will require an approximate germination period this could be
considered similar to the time taken for a seed to germinate or a baby to be born
depending on the complexities of the manifestation and thought form it will be created in
time space let me give you a better understanding of what are thought forms these are
those forms that are the combination of the basic three things that are required for any
form of creation one is the imaginative self that is in essence the astral self when one
ponders upon it from the first person view inside the mind of such an entity the
combination of the imaginative form with feelings and emotions and sound will create the
basic thought forms necessary for any manifestation to occur on your planets let me give
you an application of these so-called thought forms in your time space plane that upon
application by your people or by you would lead to creation of so-called physical
manifestations this instrument possesses a so-called mobile phone upon which it using
its free will may set up the so-called alarms for at least three times during the waking day
during which on each alarm would be inserted the message of congratulations of success
upon which would be encountered on the manifestation of its desires accomplished on
the physical plane and on receiving such alarms during the time space upon which they
will appear on its so-called mobile phone applying the thought-form projections and
seeing the physical embodiment of its desires and feeling the joy and happiness upon
receiving it or the satisfaction that would accompany it and also projecting upon this the
sound distortion which can be equated to the voice that can be heard inside your mind
this sound distortion can also be verbalized however doing so would cause many other
entities on your planet to perceive you otherwise this accompanied by the application of
consciousness projection onto thought forms of desired distortion during the times when
your eyes remain shut such as during resting times or sleep times would aid in the
creation of these thought forms into reality faster if you can understand this concept of
thought forms of which we have explained in much detail today you will know that the
thought form is more regular in its distortion than the energy fields created by the
materials in the physical world which are all created through thought forms thought forms

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to finite energy in the sixth density followed by their germination and appearance onto
your planets the physical world is in essence a delayed reflection of your thought forms if
an entity realizes this then it would cause such an entity to understand that the creation of
the creator is within further i would like to state that there have already been many entities
upon your planets who understood the use of these thought forms and now let me tell
you that tomorrow starts the so-called full pink moon in scorpio which means that it is a
special time of gratitude for all gratitude is the key that opens up the highest vibration of
your people i know that gratitude is mostly forgotten by many of your kinds however it is
extremely powerful and by being grateful you will invite more of the things that you are
grateful toward it is a type of cyclic energy into the core of your being whatever you are
gratitude towards will immediately start to appear on your timelines therefore on these
two days of 26th and 27th be grateful for all you have in your life be grateful for your
family and health and be grateful for the moon's existence this is a very auspicious day
for your people on the planet show gratefulness and you will receive the rewards in full
return therefore i leave you now in the divine love light of the divine great programmer the
one creator and turn to the mountain of light cayearon bye

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Session 40
Galactic Federation 7 Apr 28, 2021

AGREEMENTS Made during Mars Intervention?

We are the galactic federation of lights and we greet you today in the divine love and light
of the one creator we are connected to this instrument today to share our insights
however please remember to use your discernment when listening to our message for
there are meanings beyond the conception of your mind the words and the energy behind
the words are more important to you my friends therefore we would direct each of you to
use your discernment and accept the energy from the words that resonate with you our
messages are always imbued with the vibration of love and light which will assist each
one of you in the process of ascending through the consciousness of this fourth density
beginning planets today we are connected to this instrument and this instrument desires
to understand the current situation of the mars planet who is the neighboring planet in the
galaxy and in this planet the situation at the moment is more positively oriented than
before this neighboring planet has been under the control of the negative forces which
had a negative self-service agenda on their mind to destroy the sanctity and the positivity
of planet earth by creating undue influence from mars we as the galactic federation and
from our council seat we found out the motive of these negative entities who had
captured mars and had created bases inside mars for the purpose of keeping track and
interacting with other entities of your planets the forces on the mars planet have now
been successfully neutralized by the ones known as asthar sheran and the ones known
as ra confederation along with the andromedans and of course our beloved friends and
brothers the pleiadians all our members of the council of planets have successfully
worked together and created a love light energy with the help of this instruments friends
and family who also were able to share the divine love and light by performing the
meditation that asthar command had given through this instrument before this has
caused the planet's earth to be protected by the divine love and light grid that was
created around many people on your planet do not yet realize the power of love and light
love and light is the most powerful thing in the cosmos love and light has powers to
destroy any negative emotions and entities on the planets negative entities fear the power
of love and light whenever on the planet if you see any entity who wants negative agenda
or wants to create fear or any other negative emotion you must know that you can shower
love and light towards this entity and it will immediately disembody itself and the love and
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light will win this is the same thing that happened with mars due to the combination and
the production of love light grid around your planet these negative forces who had
captured mars were not able to penetrate this love light and as everyone was performing
the meditation on your planets many of the entities had created an intense grid around
the planet thereby helping the love light energies to spread to mars and we have also sent
a solar flare imbued with the love light energies and on seeing the oncoming solar flare
with lovelight energies these entities have now decided to create virtual agreements with
us they have decided to create agreements with us wherein they have stated that these
entities will not influence earth directly from now on they will not come close to planet
earth and they will not allow any of their subordinates the greys and the reptilians to also
influence planet earth however these are negative forces and we know that the negative
do not obey or do not take heed of their own words [Music] therefore we must say that
this agreement is only for face value we cannot take it literally that they will follow this
agreement until the future however currently we have given them 10 days to leave the
planet mars and remove all their bases and weaponry of influence that they had set up on
the planet mars and further they have also left the so-called perseverance rover and the
ingenuity machine which had been sent to mars by your people these had been
previously hijacked and were placed into a different martian planets portion wherein they
would not be able to detect these entities working themselves on planet mars now the
situation of mars is becoming more normalized and these entities within the next 10 days
the final date that we have given for these entities is may 7th by the end of may 7th these
entities will have to evacuate mars and they have agreed to do so we had a telepathic
communication with the so-called anunnaki collective and they have agreed to fall back
otherwise they would have faced a huge love light energy coming towards them in the
form of solar flare and also the love lights created by many of your entities who had
performed the light grid activation meditation previously as given by asthar therefore my
friends we are here to tell you that the power of love and light is so vast that if you use
this power you can recharge yourselves you can recharge your life you can recharge the
water that you drink and also charge the food that you eat with this love and light this love
and light is in essence within each of you but many of you have forgotten about this love
light love and light are the main thing why many of the entities on your planet are able to
ascend into the higher levels of consciousness because they are sharing love and light
whenever you face a negative situation we know that it is always hard to focus on love
and light you want to also do it for that if someone is saying bad things to you you also
want to say bad things to them if someone says negative things towards you you also
want to say negative things towards them as a revenge however remember this is not the

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proper way my friends it takes a lot of practice in the beginning you will find it hard to do
this but as soon as you begin to start sharing love and light all the negative energy will be
destroyed with a single love light message all the negative energies will be taken away
from the planets it is a wonderful power that each entity on this planet has you all have
the power of creation my friends you all are the creator and you have the power of this
love light energies use this love light energies for the good of humanity and for the good
of yourself for within yourself this love light energies will flower and bring ahead the
fruition of ascension my beloved friends this is all the message we have to share today
and we need to thank you all for your patience in helping us to defend the planet earth we
are always here to protect you from any kind of negative influence however the negative
agendas are always diverse and they use various strategies to move into different
dimensions and affect people and want to share fear and negativity remember negativity
is afraid of love light love light is the cure for negative forces my friends we leave you now
in the love lights of the one creator we are the galactic federation bye

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Session 41
Pleiadians 4 Apr 30, 2021

Why MAY Will Be Huge for Humanity: Prepare for

Galactic Updates | Story of One Creator
We are the pleiadians and we greet you today in the love and the light of the one infinite
creator we are connected to you from our pleiadian star planet known as the el salon a
planet in your language terms to your kinds wherein we the pleiadian high council resides
and we are connected today to share our insights with our beloved humans through this
instrument who has accepted to be an open channel for us and step aside when we
speak through it we are glad that you have connected to us and chosen to give your
valuable time to understand the complexities of life that exists within you and within the
cosmos for my beloved friends believe it or not we are always here in order to assist and
help you we have been here since the times of lemuria in order to assist all the beings in
the cosmos to ascend faster into the higher levels of consciousness please remember
before we start sharing our insights to use your discernment and only accept those that
resonate with your heart the times upon your planet may seem testing at this period
because this is just a period of separation of the old earth and the new earth the old earth
the elements of the old earth will lead to destruction of those beings who are trapped in
this old earth the old earth that we are referring to is the earth of the lower density
vibration which is represented by the emotion such as anger jealousy hatred and the
worst emotion of all fear because my friends when those beings who are under the
influence of those emotions will experience the old earth and those beings who are in the
upper levels of vibration will begin to experience the new earth which is the new first
phased fourth density planet in essence earth is being separated slowly as the time
passes by like the clock striking the hour the times upon your planets are changing slowly
and earth is being separated into two parts one part wherein the humans who have
already ascended and are matching the fourth density vibration will reside on the fourth
density planet and they will face easy abundance because fourth density is a density of
lack of any conflict unity and peace this is the density wherein many people will
experience love for other beings and they will become far more connected with each
other however there are many beings on your planet who still are on the old vibration
earth and therefore on the coming month of may the intensity of the energies of the lower
vibration of the old earth will begin to affect these beings even more and they will begin to
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experience even more intense pain and suffering and a lot of people on your planets will
begin to leave the third density or physical vehicles due to certain problems of earth's
conflict and earth cycles changing because the cycle of the planet earth is changing at a
rapid pace it will slowly begin to affect each and every being on the planet who reside on
earth must understand this concept clearly that earth is now separating into two phases
the one phase wherein the fourth density beings will reside which started in the month of
april 11th and as per this instrument's previous contacts the one known as metatron had
previously informed your kind about these happenings now beloved friends we are here
to tell you that an important galactic event is going to happen on the month of may at the
time of so-called full moon on your planet on the may 26th which will embark the
beginning of the activation of starseeds and wanderers who have already incarnated on
planet earth in huge numbers there will be many more star seeds and wanderers who
have already incarnated from the 11th of april and many more will continue to incarnate
on earth in order to assist in this ascension process now the starseeds will begin to
activate and they will begin to develop abilities via the galactic codes of upgradation that
we are going to send through the cosmos we the pleiadians along with our galactic
brothers are going to send light codes in order to help in the ascension process and those
who vibrate in the fourth upper levels will receive huge upgrades on the day of the 26th
may therefore my beloved friends it is vitally important to understand in order to accept
the galactic courts that we will send towards you on may 26th you must be at a higher
vibration for the coming next please focus on the positive side instead of watching the
news that's so horrifying events for your kind keep your mind space empty and keep your
mind space clean for a clean mind is required for you to understand the complexities of
life you must understand that life my beloved friends is a journey of exploration and you
have a choice you have the free will don't focus on the negativity because the negativity
wants to pull you down into the old planet the negative wants to keep you back please
understand that this message is a message of calling for all the beings who are listening
to this message and who resonates and who wants to accept the dna upgrades which
will start on may 26th for especially the star seeds and the wanderers because
tremendous amounts of genetic upgradation via the use of light energies will begin on
may 26th which will help in the ascension process also this instrument desires to
understand about the one infinite creator we are here to tell you that the distortion known
as the one infinite creator of which many beings whom this instrument comes in contact
with including us use as a symbolic representation of the reverence that we have of the
one infinite creator let us tell you that the one creator is you us and everything that ever
was created and will be created in the cosmos even the so-called stone that you step on

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every day is the one infinite creator for many on your planet do not realize this and
therefore get trapped into the old third density energies of not recognizing each as the
creator the one infinite creator can also be described in other vibratory sound complex
terms as the intelligence that pervades the universe or the intelligent infinity that is
everywhere many of your people confuse the one infinite creator to be a single entity
however this is not a fact it is everything and emerges from everything and to describe it
using your vibratory sound complex terms would be of extreme difficulty to your kinds our
greeting to you in the form of the one creator signifies the reverence and respect we have
for you are the creator as we are therefore each entity no matter on which density of
existence has the powers of the creator to drastically change the course of the whole
population or the complex it is born into one single source of the creator can on being
positively polarized share the love light into the cosmos and create more positivity
likewise the other way around is also possible therefore our beloved friends we greet you
always in the love and the lights of the one creator even though we may be from the
higher density we must respect that you are also the creators to explain this concept let
us tell you a short story in your language terms to make you better understand this
concept of the one infinite creator at a certain time space on a certain planet which was
habitable for later third density consciousness thus like on earth there used to be a so-
called king or ruler who called upon a certain knowledgeable being who was considered
the most knowledgeable on that time space to ask about the two questions that this king
had one being where does the one infinite creator live and the second query what can the
one infinite creator do this wise being then turned back to his so-called home in your
language terms and was left dumbfounded as it was not able to find the answers to the
above queries placed by the so-called king this made the wise being worried and seeing
him worry its counterpart the so-called wife as your kind refers to in your language terms
asked this being what the worry was about then it told its wife the queries placed by the
king regarding the one infinite creator then this counterpart entity told that it can answer
these questions and requested that it be taken before this king therefore this
knowledgeable entity took its counterpart to the king and told the king that its counterpart
will answer the queries this counterpart entity then asked for water and told the king to
look at the water as the answers to the first query can be found in the water the king
entity could not fully understand what this counterpart entity meant and asked for an
explanation wherein this counterpart entity said that in the water there are many other
elements mixed in it although many are not visible to the senses in a similar manner the
one creator lives in every being and is in everyone and everywhere at once then the king
became satisfied with the answer and asked for the answer to the second query upon

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which the counterpart entity replied that the answer again lies in the same water water if
used properly can penetrate and cut through even the hardest materials and yet can be
the softest thing in the world it depends on the use that each being puts it into therefore
the king finally understood the meaning of the one infinite creator we also hope that our
explanations in your language terms suffice your understanding of this diverse concept
therefore we leave you now beloveds we are the pleiadians bye

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Session 42
Archangel Michael 5 May 2, 2021

What is Inside Hollow MOON? & Its Purpose

I am archangel michael and i am connected to you in the love of the one father the one
creator before i start sharing my thoughts with you beloved please understand that you
have free will to accept or reject the information that i am going to share with you today
here because your free will is of paramount's importance for me to preserve i am
connected to you from the angelic realm and i have been busy helping the light forces on
mars as the situation on mars is becoming tense and i want to tell you that the times
upon your planet are changing rapidly there are energies that are being bombarded
towards your planet from both the positive and the negative cycles the energies many
positively oriented galactic brothers and sisters have sent towards the planets are those
energies that will assist humanity and those who vibrate at the higher vibration to receive
these galactic codes today this instrument desires to understand what is the moon a
recycler and why is the moon hollow and what happens to souls when they die to answer
your query regarding the moon reincarnation recycler instrument i am going to tell you
that in the previous channeling sessions that this instrument had with the so-called
beings known as the galactic federation wherein they had already mentioned how the
moon was created from the battle star planets and was used previously by the orion fleets
and their subordinate reptilians as a base in order to spread their negative agenda this
information holds valid and i must tell you that this moon is not a natural satellite it is
artificially created and also that inside the moon is hollow and many of your people on
your planet the so-called astronauts and the so-called nasa scientists on your planet as
known by you [Music] already know about this fact that the moon is hollow and that there
are many machines inside the moon that had been previously used by the so-called
orions and amongst these machines one of the machine out of all the machines that were
used was the soul recycler machine this machine in essence worked in a manner in which
i am going to tell you here the only thing is that this machine requires the sunlight to
activate itself therefore what i am trying to tell you today is that this machine is still active
till the present time as it had been created using infinite intelligence and therefore it
cannot be destroyed completely you may be the first instrument to ask about this
machine to me however there have been many people on your planets who already have
been contacted by many other beings and have been revealed about the secret agenda
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of this machine that has been implanted deep inside the moon's heart the moon in
essence is hollow and many of your scientists already know about this however they do
not want to panic the population on your planet and know about this i am going to tell you
that this machine that is inside the moon's heart can be termed as a soul recycler in your
language terms and that this machine is used to recycle souls that reincarnate and die
and cross over and over again thereby trapping such souls in the same density in
essence this machine is a density maintainer in other terms which means that if an entity
from the third density crosses over and sees a white light that leads towards the moon
and if it chooses to walk towards the moon and the white light it will immediately be
placed inside this machine which is known as the orion space drive soul reincarnator
machine which had been created by the orions which immediately takes the soul and it
will cycle the soul at the speed more faster than light and such soul will be sent back
immediately into another physical form in the same density thereby this soul will not be
able to graduate any higher in its sole evolution in essence this is known in your language
terms as a density maintainer by the orions today i am pleased to tell you that many audio
planets are now becoming aware of this technology and let me tell you that there are two
lights that any entity who crosses over from your planet will encounter upon death
because death is something that no one can escape if a soul chooses to see the white
light and chooses to follow the white light that emerges from the moon and follows the
pathway to the moon then it will be entrapped into the soul machine reincarnating until
and unless it makes a different choice in the next lifetime therefore beloveds please know
that you have free will and i am not telling you that you should do this or do that however i
am only going to tell you what occurs when you make the other choice when you make
the other choice of not following the light of the moon which may seem bright and very
attractive upon death to many entities on your planet if you choose the other white light
that comes from the other side just 60 degrees leftward to the direction from the moon
[Music] which in essence is the one that comes from the so-called sun on your planets
this white light will lead towards the sun is in essence the true white light which will allow
each entity to undergo the process of crossing over successfully and then going through
their life review process after which they will undergo a life review process and then they
will be able to reincarnate as per their service to others or service to self-balancing ratio
which is a determinate factor in the incarnation or in the future lifetime of any entity in the
densities of consciousness that exists on the different realms therefore this soul trap
machine has been present inside the moon for the longest amount of time that you know
and many souls on your planet have been recycled through this without being aware of it
because there was no one who was able to tell you or tell anyone that this was a trap

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there are two white lights please remember that each white light has a different
consequence on your afterlife and in your evolutionary cycle also remember that life is
your choice you are the creator of your life and i am just here as a guide for you all to let
you know that life is your choice and to tell you what happens when the ones known as
jesus crossed over after this entity known as jesus crossed over after being killed by the
so-called reptilians on your planet during that time space period this entity known as
divine jesus even though he had the guidance of the sirians made the same error of
traveling through the moonlights and had to be saved by the so-called sirians by
intervening on the pathway and changing its course to other white light in essence many
times the guides can save souls from traveling through this white light however many a
times these souls are not able to save or penetrate the veil due to certain distortions of
due to lack of connection between the entity and the soul guides which often occurs due
to too much dependence on the so-called echoic mind [Music] during the life cycle of
such entities therefore beloved this is the answer to your queries for today's session and i
leave you in the love and the light of the one father the creator i am archangel michael
and so be it

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Session 43
RA 10 May 4, 2021

What is Bill Gates Hiding From Humanity? & Why the

I am ra and we create you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator who is within
each of you and each of the different entities in the cosmos the world you see with your
visual complex is the creator my beloved friends today we are connected with this
instrument however before we share our insights on the query please keep in your mind
complex that your discernment is vital to preserve for us and only accept insights that
deeply resonate with your inner heart before we share anything with you keep your mind
open and like a tuning fork only accept insights that resonate with your heart the world is
created a beloved understand this the world is created by your thoughts and actions so
what thoughts did you have today the world and the world of key creation is within
yourself there is the creator within each of you and we are here today to answer a certain
query placed by this instrument regarding the agendas of one entity known as bill gates in
your language vibratory sound complex terms at these times on your planet this entity
known as bill gates in essence let us tell you clearly in simple vibratory sound complex
terms that this entity is a so-called human being however it has made several agreements
with the so-called species from the orion constellation and their subordinate reptilians in
essence this entity crossed over on the year 2004 however the truth sayings that your
kind calls and your vibratory sound distortions have been hidden from your people's
observation we are telling you today is in fact what occurred on your plane that is around
you surrounding you however much of the information has been hidden by the majority of
your so-called media outlets this entity known as bill had crossed over in the year 2004 of
your timeline after suffering from a disease however many people do not know about this
because this has been layered by the illusion of third density information by the so-called
media as well as many of the other members of this entity's collective this entity known
as bill has been under the creation and under the work of the oneness bill gates is in
essence a so-called sole switch of the reptilian entities this entity known as bill has been
soul swapped by the so-called reptilians in essence this entity currently is not a human
being many entities on your planet do not understand how soul switch works or a soul
swap works in essence let us tell you when an entity is not able to handle a certain
situation it creates new soul contracts instead of completely living in the physical vehicle
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and leaving the planet this entity asks for help and assistance from the so-called negative
oriented entities in essence this entity made agreements or soul agreements with the so-
called orions who put in a reptilian soul in this physical vehicle of the one known as bill in
essence bill gates is not a human soul the soul that he has is that of a reptilian since the
year 2004. this is also the reason why many times you may feel and realize that this entity
known as bill is focused more on the creation of genetic altering materials that will have
effect on your people all these ideas that this entity who used to be a so-called
technologically oriented person has completely changed its route to become a so-called
genetic expert this is what happens to souls when they begin to understand and when
they become soul swapped they have completely changed their course they begin to
understand that they will change the course of reality and now this entity known as bill is
completely focused and engorged upon the so-called genetic mutation program of the
reptilian entities that is going on on the planet earth at this moment even though these
entities cannot directly infringe on earth they can influence people such as these entities
who request their assistance we as the ra collective are here just as messengers of the
law of one and many of these information except it are rejected this is what is going on in
the planet for there is a hidden reality which your so-called media will not so acknowledge
and place before your people's mind complex this reality is going on around you this
entity known as bill further has direct contacts with the so-called reptilians and is being
physically and psychically manipulated to build more wealth so that this entity could have
a drastic huge impact on the planet in essence this entity is also collecting the so-called
lands on your planets which are an important resource for humanity and this entity is also
working with the creation of the so-called life on human form this entity known as bill is
working on creating a world disguising as a helper and is in essence working with the
reptilians to create their own programs and spread the effects of the gene encoding
program on planet earth this is also a kind of push towards the final order in essence
currently on earth reptilians cannot directly emerge therefore they have taken this entity
known as bill as hostage and have given him everything he wanted when he was young
he required assistance from these entities known as the reptilians during the times when
he was not successful he was assisted and he got assistance from these reptilians and
now has enough wealth in your language terms to have a huge impact on the planet this
is what is occurring on the planet at the moment please understand that we are going to
explain to you how this concept of soul switch works which may be very important for
you all to understand in the coming sessions today as this instrument always says in his
language terms remember love and mercy is the way however many forget that love can
be shown even in negative situations therefore instead of showing negativity towards this

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entity your people must be aware of what is going on and then use that awareness to
open your visual and mind body spirit complex and accept what can be possibly done
about it for the world is your creation beloveds we are going to explain you one thing
known as soul switch in the future session let us further tell you that every soul contract
and every soul swap has an end time as well and the time of ending for the sole contract
in the form of the one known as bill gates will occur on the year 2021 at around august
26th that is the end of the sole contract timeline for this entity on this planet on this
timeline recently the beings known as bill and melinda in your language terms have
decided to play a of the mass attention they are currently receiving regarding the so-
called agenda of entities known as bill and melinda hence they decided to play a drama
of separation however this is opposite of the reality that is occurring on your planet the
third density illusion which is left behind from the fourth density is full of misinformation
and will put up a phase of deception before your kind's visual complex even though the
earth is now separating into the fourth and the third density vibration the third density
illusion still has the effect on the fourth density consciousness at these times since this is
the transition phase i am ra and we leave you now in the love lights of the one creator
therefore go forth and rejoice in the power and in the peace of the one creator adonai

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Session 44
Galactic Federation 8 May 6, 2021

Something Big is Happening on Mars! How our

Higher Self can Help on Mars
We are the galactic federation of lights and we are connected to you beloved today in the
love and the light of the one creator today this instrument has connected with us and
desires to understand the current situation of the martian planet which had been
previously under the control of the so-called anunnaki orions and the reptilian grey allied
forces and before we start our sharing please keep in mind that you have free will and
only accept those insights that resonate with your heart all that we are here to offer you
truth without proof so that would be the best for the people who resonate with the
message mars at the moment is under a stressful situation as we can tell you my beloved
friends inside the martian planet the so-called reptilians and the so-called orions along
with the anunnakis who are in the so-called fifth density consciousness i've created bases
inside mars and we previously had sent a solar flare imbued with love light energies that
had scared them and these entities had agreed to leave mars by the 7th of may within 10
days however there has been no movement from inside the mars base and we upon
scanning that the reptilians are still inside and we had sent a so-called inter-dimensional
entity as a means of communicating by sending a message to the reptilians on the mars
planets at the moment wherein our message stated that if they are not leaving the planet
then the results will be different and in return we got a so-called message from these
entities wherein we found out that these entities the so-called anunnaki a1 821 collective
is using the so-called invocation as known in your language terms a type of magic for
summoning the entities known as the lucifer beings who previously had been on this
galaxy and were the caretakers of the planet jupiter and uranus and now these anunnakis
are invoking and calling upon these entities these beings known as lucifer who are
originally in the so-called later phase of the fifth density consciousness and hence are
more powerful than these beginning phased reptilians and they have called for assistance
from these entities known as lucifer who has as per our information we have received
agreed to assist the so-called annunakis and these entities known as lucifer who had
actually been in another galaxy spreading their so-called the negative agenda are now
planning to come back to this galaxy and also the planet known as nibiru which had been
put into a different timeline of portal in the year 2012. in order to save earth by our
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galactic federation council is now under the control of the lucifer beings these beings are
now planning to bring the so-called nibiru planets and they are planning to come to mars
and these entities also are deciding to provide a severe resistance to our energies
therefore this is the situation at the moment currently on mars let us tell you there is
nothing to worry about please remember don't be afraid because fear is a negative
energy and we do not want your people to be afraid we just want your people to be aware
that everything will be taken care of however there is yet some time left to see whether
the entities known as lucifer will come to mars or not and if these entities come to mars
then the battle will be bigger than before let us tell that your planet is in the beginning
phases of the fourth density consciousness therefore many of the changes that are
happening on the planet at our level of the fifth and sixth density consciousness will not
be visible to your visible eyes however all these are occurring simultaneously with your
timeline it is much similar to that with your kind calls not seeing some of your people are
not able to see in the dark however many people use the so-called infrared technologies
to see in the dark in the same manner there are a lot of events that are occurring at our
dimension and we must tell you that there is nothing to worry about till now however we
will request each entity listening to our message today using their free will to at least try
and send love light by performing the meditation that had been previously given to this
instrument by the ones known as asthar and also to allow yourself each entity knowing
has got a divine connection with the higher self and allow each entity to connect with the
higher self because your higher self being in the sixth density can help us in this process
in the conflict if it occurs soon so today we are going to tell you how to connect with the
higher self and for that let us tell you a short example of how this connection with the
higher self works and how it can help us in assisting in this battle of the negative beings
that is going to start soon if the situation continues there was once an entity on the planet
similar to that of your planet approximately 1.5 million years ago when this planet was
habitable and this planet also was just like your planet there were oceans there were
people and there were entities in the third density just as your kind and these beings on
that planet they had a place of wisdom wherein these beings used to go and sit together
and focus their attention on wisdom not like your planets schools that you call but a free
will kind of school wherein each entity was given whatever materials they wanted to
indulge in during that time space one entity learned how to connect with the higher self
you see the higher self of each entity is in the sixth density consciousness in essence in
the sixth density consciousness all the beings they become one and they become only
positively polarized therefore this entity began to read a book on how to connect with the
higher self and this is what this entity found which we are going to share with you today

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because this is the same process that will assist you in connecting with the higher self
since your people are in the same type of density of consciousness the purpose of this
process is to allow each to connect with that part of yourself that is your higher self and
feel your higher self as yourself for this you need to sit quietly and focus your mind relax
your body and start by taking a deep breath you may want to put on the music that calms
you and takes you higher you can perform this by reading to yourself or by listening to
this message sit with your eyes open or closed adjust your posture so that you are
comfortable perhaps putting your hands at your sides begin by taking a deep breath and
imagine your entire body is relaxing starting with your toes bring a feeling of relaxation
into your feet calves and thighs then up into your abdomen and lower back chest upper
back and shoulders next relax your arms hands neck head and face let the muscles
around your jaws and eyes relax do this until you feel peaceful focused and physically
comfortable adjust your posture so that your energy can flow more easily up and down
your spine breathe a full breath into just your upper chest moving your lower diaphragm
and abdomen as little as possible breathe into your upper chest several times notice how
you feel now breathe into your abdomen several times following this with several breaths
into both upper chest and abdomen you are now ready to meet your higher self imagine
that you are being joined by many high beings who are sitting in a circle around you feel
the peace joy and love around you these beings are here to assist you in meeting your
higher self imagine your higher self in the distance beginning to come forward towards
you you might picture it as a beautiful simmering radiant light greet and welcome your
higher self and invite it to come closer mentally ask your higher self to assist you in
making a stronger connection feel the radiance of its love surrounding you and embracing
you feel the light coming to you from your higher self increasing your vibration your higher
self is now merging and becoming one with you feel your molecules and atoms merging
with it as if you are reclaiming a part of your energy let your higher self merge with you
even more until all your energy patterns are taking on the radiance of your higher self you
and your higher self are now one as your higher self open your breathing to create a
greater flow of energy in your body adjust your posture so that you are sitting as your
higher self as your higher self adjust your shoulders and chest to reflect your confidence
and wisdom think of a situation you want guidance about as your higher self you are
going to give yourself advice about the situation and at this times during the connection
you can also imagine yourself going into assistance for the martian planets each of you
can use your higher self to take part in this so-called conflict that will occur soon if it
happens therefore beloveds we are sharing this information with you so that at the times
ahead it may be of use to each of you remember love is the way we are here to preach

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love and remember don't be afraid we are just here to share the message so that each will
be aware of the situation the negative wants to spread fear and we are here just to be
aware of the situation therefore beloveds we are the galactic federation and we leave you
now bye

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Session 45
Galactic Federation 9 May 7, 2021

I Was Threatened for Revealing Negative Entities

Agenda on Mars? & How to Stay Protected
We are the galactic federation of lights and we create you again we are connected to you
beloved in the love and the light of the one creator who is within each of you and within
each of the entities in the cosmos before we start sharing our insights please understand
that you have free will on your planet to accept or reject this information we as the
galactic federation are always protecting your planet and all the beings in your plane who
require our assistance will be assisted by us today this instrument desires to understand
which entity had visited this instrument yesterday at around 11 30 pm at night time let us
tell you clearly that the entity that had visited this instrument was not from outside the
planet it was an entity from inside your planets in essence this entity was a soul that had
polarized into the negative fourth density consciousness after crossing over due to which
this entity became under the control of the so-called the negative oriented beings and
these negative oriented beings they use this entity to scare and arouse fear within the
mind of this instrument by showcasing an image of the so-called negative oriented
entities this occurs many a times on your planet when these beings are able to hijack the
souls that had negative oriented lives in your planet many of the souls in your planet that
had self-service agenda and had done some negative acts on your planets become
negatively polarized and these can be used by the so-called negative entities to create
fear amongst other people however please remember that these negative beings the
souls on your planet who are under the control cannot touch you physically or harm you
physically the only thing they can use is the fear and they prey on fear they want you to
be afraid this is how the negative works they work on fear and they feed on the fear that
emerges from people the next time you see this entity please remember to follow this
procedure to immediately cast it aside when you see such an entity and encounter such
an entity use the vibratory words that you call i love you towards this entity and this entity
will immediately dismantle in front of your eyes this is the best way to protect against any
negative entity not only the negative entities or the entities who have crossed over but
also the entities on your planet who are still in the physical form these three words will
protect you against anything therefore beloveds we are the galactic federation and we
leave you now in the love of the creator bye
141 of 753
Session 46
Metatron 7 May 10, 2021

If You Do this On Seeing Synchronised Numbers, You

Will Change The World!
I am metatron magnetic consciousness and i am speaking through this channel who is
connected to me in the divine love element of the divine great programmer before i start
sharing my thoughts please understand that you have free will and you can reject the
information if it does not resonate with your mind i am here to share my thoughts and not
infringe upon your free will today this channel instrument as you call it is connected to me
and desires to understand the meanings of times when entities on your planet encounter
the numbers on a synchronized pattern such as seeing the numbers 1 1 such as 2 2 2 2
or any other combination firstly to make you understand about the true meaning behind
these numbers [Music] you must understand the meaning behind each number so firstly
let me explain what is the meaning behind each number you see the numbers on your
planets were invented not by your kind they were actually created by the creator your kind
and many other entities on your planet just discovered it the science as you call
mathematics to be was already present before you came here on this planet it was just
discovered by your scientists and let me tell you the true meaning behind the numbers
starting from one to number nine and there is an anomaly a number zero so let me explain
one represents the intelligent infinity or unity consciousness because if you look at in your
mathematical language one is the only number which can divide all the numbers and this
number is in essence a significance of the creator which is also the reason why in your
so-called planet currently many on your planet have created the so-called machines
known as computers using this knowledge which work in essence on the two numbers
the zero and the one the number zero signifies the space or the void because without the
void no new things can be created and zero and one are working together to create a new
kind of system on your planets one is a creator in essence which multiplies itself to
become all the other numbers and this number can also divide all the other numbers this
is the only number which can divide all the other numbers to their own self for example if
you divide seven by one you get seven which in essence means that each entity on your
planet is the creator you just miss it everyone is the creator the number two signifies the
feminine aspect on your planet which means the emotional side of the people on your
planets and this number is also a special number because it represents people with an
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empathic side number two is a very valuable number because without this number two
and the emotions your planet would have been also like mars without any emotion the
number three signifies the duality that is present on your planets the duality of confusion
in essence number three signifies the duality that exists within the third density planet and
as your planet is now entering the fourth density this duality must be left behind and the
number four signifies the union between the feminine and the masculine aspect which
also is signified in your planet as the marriage between two entities are the union between
masculine and feminine which creates a kind of balancing polarization this is also the
reason why on your planet people are attracted based on the masculine and feminine
sides number two is always attracted to number four just like a magnet with a negative
polarity is always attracted to a positive polarity similarly your people's attraction systems
work on the polarization between the negative and the positive masculine and the
feminine qualities number five signifies the balance you see your human body has many
chakras which need to be balanced and each entity in the universe must understand that
balance is required for it to understand the creator and its experience through the
densities of consciousness without a balance no entity can evolve at a pace that is
suitable for its evolution just like a baby cannot be taught mathematics without the
balance any entity on your planet will not be able to evolve faster [Music] that is the
reason why we recommend each on your planet to balance between work and play and
between spirituality and learning new things because balance is required beloveds
number six is a number which represents something that will require a whole session and
i will not cover the number six in this session it requires another separate session
because number six is a number which has a very different characteristics on your
planets i will talk about this in the next session if you so desire using your free will number
seven is a number which represents the number of rising in consciousness that is the
reason why many on your planets have their favorite number as number seven it is no
coincidence that many people at present if asked to choose between 1 to 10 a number
would most likely choose seven and this is due to the reason and that it signifies of a
higher level of consciousness and as consciousness increases this number signifies the
rising in consciousness in your planets which is increasing at a rapid pace and the
number eight signifies the culmination of the light and the dark forces and the upper and
the lower portions of the number eight are like the yin and the yang that your kind calls
the upper portion is light portion and the lower portion is the dark portion each portion is
required on your planet to allow each entity the experience through the density of
consciousness without this no entity will have the experience or evolutionary cycle into
the density of consciousness without having the negative catalyst no entity would have

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evolved spiritually even this instrument if it had not faced some negative catalyst in the
previous life would not have woken up to its full potential as it has woken up now and the
last single digit number that we are going to tell you by which all other numbers from
these nine numbers all other number combination arise so the basic understanding of the
number nine is number nine is the crossing over process or the graduation periods it
signifies the period of graduation similar to the period of graduation your planet is on now
it is at a number nine phase of the consciousness evolution if divided into subsections
number nine signifies the time of graduation and if people graduate they will go into
another octave of consciousness in a similar manner in your number system when you
add one signifying the increase in consciousness of the creator you move upward and
create the so-called double numbers let me give you the meaning of the so-called double
numbers today i am going to explain to you what you can do when you see the number
one one one one you see the number one one one one is a number which can be
considered as the most intuitive number of all it represents the creator the light and the
creation if you encounter the number one one one it would signify that you are now at a
point wherein you can act as the creator and create whatever you desire this is also the
reason why whenever people want to create monetary materializations or manifestations
in your planet if they focus on this number they will create this connection with the
universal divine great programmer or known as the infinite creator faster in essence this is
the number that the so-called entities from the pleiadian star system specialize in they are
the masters of the number one one one one and that is the reason why they create faster
manifestations they are masters of manifestations so in essence whenever you see the
number 1111 you can at that moment create an image of your desire already fulfilled in
your life and you will see the manifestation occur almost instantaneously in your life
however there is a little time delay and this only occurs when you are seeing the number
and you can eliminate light to an intense degree that it reaches the divine infinite
consciousness that requires you to express emotions this is the meaning of when you see
the number one one one one in your life [Music] further the time of 11 11 considered as
the most important day for humanity because if they choose using their free will to be of
service to others and choose love all of humanity will instantly be in a new fourth density
planet this can only occur on this day because this is the gateway to intelligent infinity
and connects to the one source the divine great programmer or the creator and this is all
the information we can share with you today therefore i am metatron magnetic
consciousness and i leave you now in the divine love and light of the divine universal
great programmer bye

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Session 47
Galactic Federation 10 May 12, 2021

Luceferian Beings To be Intercepted! Mars War

This is the voice of a star galactic command speaking through this instrument and i greet
you today in the love and the light of the one supreme creator i am pleased to connect
with you again and i along with the galactic federation have been recently observing the
planet mars very highly because the situation on mars is one that could have a drastic
effect not only on your planet but on the whole galaxy because this galaxy is a galaxy
which is concerned with life forms that are developing into the fourth density
consciousness positive cycle especially the planet earth is now entering into the fourth
density positive cycle which the negative entities do not want to happen these negative
beings had summoned the assistance from the so-called luciferian beings who are in
essence at the moment trying to come to this galaxy along with their planet nibiru if this
happens in this galaxy then the results may be catastrophic for all the beings on this
galaxy therefore we as the galactic federation and the ashtar collective are always here to
maintain peace love and harmony and to make sure that no infringement on the free will
of the cosmos and of the planetary systems is present because we have to protect the
infringement and make sure that each planetary system is allowed their own evolutionary
cycle this is also the reason why we do not infringe upon planetary systems before we
share our message today understand that you have free will to accept or reject this
information and let us explain to you that i as the representative of the galactic are on
your side this galactic federation is not only a collection of beings from this galaxy but
from the various other galaxies in the cosmos however this galactic federation seat lies in
the planet saturn for this galaxy and on this saturn seat there are only nine council
collectives who form the galactic federation also known as the council of nine by many of
your beings on your planet which include the beings which i am going to describe to you
here our seat lies in your galaxy in the saturn planet and out of the nine council members
the first members are formed by us the ashtar command collective we are essentially in
the beginning stages of fifth density consciousness positive polarity and our purpose is
usually concerned with love light protection in the front line in essence we may be
considered as the light forces that work in the front line workers who are armed with light
sequence codes that can disable most negative oriented entities if we use this
consciousness and put the light code sequence onto any negative entity the negative
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entities will immediately cross over the second entities who are part of this galactic
collective are known by this instrument as the ra confederation who are in the sixth
density consciousness who developed in the planet venus and the third are the
andromedan supreme council a collective or a representative from the andromeda galaxy
which is the neighboring galaxy to this milky way galaxy the fourth is the sirian high
council who are the representatives from the sirian star system and the pleiadian high
council who represent the pleiadian star system including all the star planets in the
pleiaedes then there are the arcturian collectives who represent the arcturian star system
and finally we have got other two collectives of this galaxy those who developed on your
planet known as the lemurian collective who developed in the lands known as lemuria
however many souls known as the lemurians still exist on your planet but their
representatives are present and are a member of the galactic federation and the eighth
members are the atlantean collective who previously had been on your planet and a small
faction are now a part of this federation of planets or the council of nine that's your
people called the galactic federation and the ninth member is an anonymous collective
whose identity cannot be revealed due to infringement upon not on your free will but upon
our free will this is a kind of information we would like to keep secret even we would not
be allowed to share this information to other beings on the planet and we as the ashtar
intergalactic command and the members of galactic federation are concerned with the
protection of each planet in this galaxy known as the milky way galaxy and currently the
orions anunnakis greys and the reptilians who have built bases inside mars they actually
wanted to create a connection between the planet mars and the planets mercury by
creating a new faction of their negative allied forces in mercury planets they wanted to
send half of their fleets and create another base inside the planet mercury so that they
wanted to surround the area of planet earth and have more effect on the planetary system
however this effort was stopped by us the f star collective by bombarding them with love
light energies as they tried to enter the mercury system this caused many of the greys and
the reptilian physical vehicles and some of their factions to immediately cross over and
only the physical vehicles of these crossed over greys and reptilians are remaining on the
planet mercury and the remains are now being cleared out by us the ashtar collective in
order to find out or read the memory bank from the remaining physical vehicle of these
greys and reptilians and to find out their proper agenda any information we might receive
from this will be transferred to you if it doesn't infringe upon your free will later and let us
tell you that there are many portals on your galaxy these portals are much like your so-
called lifts that you use on your planet which takes you to different levels and these
portals there are three active portals on your galaxy and each portal allows different

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entities who have knowledge of these portals existence to travel into different galaxies as
a way of shortcut without having to travel through the whole cosmos at the speed of light
because whenever we the light beings travel through the cosmos we travel at the speed
of light and with the existence of such portals the traveling time is reduced drastically it is
like a shortcut direct shortcut to the next dimension or the next galaxy hence these
portals have now been closed in order to not allow the so-called luciferian beings to use
these portals therefore beloveds the situation on mars is similar to that previously the
beings are still adamant to leaving mars and they have started to construct even highly
advanced machinery inside their bases as per our scanning fleets and they are awaiting
for the arrival of the luciferian beings to come to this galaxy for assistance further let us
tell you that these luciferian beings now will try to come using the long method or the way
of traveling via the normal route of reaching the galaxy from another part of the galaxy in
which they are currently present and also the andromedan supreme council has
volunteered to be the ones who will go and meet the so-called luciferian beings on the
way of their coming to this galaxy in order to try to intercept them and if possible in a
loving manner create agreements so that these beings do not come to your galaxy
however this may be considered a dangerous prospect because these luciferian beings
could on outrage cause damage or hurt the andromedans hence a conflict may arise
there therefore this is a great gutsy volunteering done by the andromedans these beings
coming to this galaxy would mean the coming of darkness on this galaxy therefore
beloveds we thank you all for your support and we thank each of your higher self who
have taken part and have joined us in this intergalactic planetary mission of protection of
free will please understand that this is a message not to create fear but a message to
create awareness to make you understand what is happening in this galaxy at the
moment and please understand that love is the way therefore beloved i the representative
of ashtar galactic command leave you now in the love and the light of the one infinite
creator bye

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Session 48
Kryon 1 May 13, 2021

Kryon Cried During The Channeling Session

I am crying of magnetic service and i am connected to my partner and as soon as i begin
to speak my partner steps aside because he has agreed to be a messenger of my
message and be a vessel through which i speak my words you see the times on your
planet are changing rapidly at a pace that is unprecedented and high recharged with the
consciousness rising on your planet however i contacted this partner today to share this
important message about some of the people on your planet who are using my name to
spread fear and spread darkness on the planets my name is being used to spread
negative agenda they say that kryon said that darkness will come they say that kryon said
that we will prepare you for darkness they say that kryon said the negative things are
coming in this world i never said that i am kryon and i am here to assist humanity my
beloved friends my name is being used to spread negative agenda and fear about the
darkness and all the other things that the negative wants you to fear many people their
consciousness is being turned around from the process of ascension they are now
focusing on fear i would never do that i am here to assist you i am from the angelic realm
and i am here to assist each of you in this ascension process however it hurts me really
bad when people on your planet use my name and share negative agenda sometimes i
feel why did i come here to assist humanity i feel bad that i sacrificed my energies to
connect with so many instruments in the past year however many on your planet they
used my messages to spread negativity to spread the coming of darkness to spread fear
let me tell you this if this continues on your planet i will no longer be in communication
with any of your entities on your planet if my messages get distorted like this in the future
i will not be of assistance to humanity because i come here to assist you all to guide you
to the higher level of consciousness and at these critical times which is the 26th may
window of upgradation for many of your beings on your planet many will miss it because
they are focusing on fear many people are focusing on the darkness just because they
believe that some other crayon that some other entity who is using my name my words to
share the message of negativity on my behalf but remember this the true message never
creates fear my beloved friends the true messages are here to assist each of you to
ascend i would never share messages regarding anything to do with the darkness or
anything to do with the coming impending disaster please understand this sometimes i
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feel like crying you know because the people on your planets are really nasty sometimes
you know i feel like crying even an angel feels like crying because of the behavior and
because of the negative agenda sown by some of your people this has been occurring on
the planet because many other entities they are sharing my message so that they could
get a lot of monetary benefit in return by spreading fear and this will block many souls
who are getting ready to ascend into the fourth density consciousness on your planet
have already matched with the vibration of the fourth density consciousness and are
already in this new paradigm of the fourth density consciousness however these false
prophets who are using my name to spread negativity are here to distract as many as
possible from this window of opportunity you see my beloved friends this window of
opportunity opens on the 26th of may 2021 which is occurring in a few days and these
negative beings they are using my name to spread fear which i do not consent to i being
an angel from the angelic realm i do not consent people using my name however please
understand that i cannot physically appear on your planet and stop this only you each of
you can stop this whenever you see a message of fear or anything to do with the
darkness please be warned that it is a message used by the negative entities to create
fear amongst the masses to create fear and to share fear because fear is the opposite of
love i come in love i come here to share love to you all understand that they want to
distract as many people as possible from this window of upgradation they want to block
this ascension pathway for many people on your planet and this will cause a drastic left
over of people who will not ascend into the fourth density consciousness the message is
simple my beloved friends to focus on the positive side anything to do with the coming of
darkness or the rising of darkness which i see many on your planet are using on my
behalf are all meant to create fear understand this on the 26th of may the dna upgrades
will only affect those people who match at a higher vibration of the 4th density
consciousness who are at a vibration of love and peace and all those who are at a lower
vibration of fear will skip this this is what is going to happen on your planet soon and in
order to prevent this i have come here today to speak through this partner of mine and i
want to tell you all do not be afraid for i will always be with you and i will always share the
message of love and light to help each of you to ascend for many of you have heard
many of my messages and many of you have developed this fear within yourself but that
message regarding the darkness those messages are not from me i am being used my
name is being used by the negative entities for the benefit of money they want to spread
fear and they want to stop people from ascending in this coming window this is the
reason why i contacted this instrument today and i wanted him to share this message as
urgently as possible to let the human consciousness know what is going on in humanity

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and please understand that you can stop this every being on your planet can stop this i
cannot physically come on your planet and directly intervene and stop the negative
entities this is all i come here to share today in the love and the light and i leave you my
beloved partner and my beloved soul family i am waiting for you at the doorway of
ascension so let go of fear and allow love into your heart this is kryon of magnetic service
and i'll leave you now

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Session 49
Pleiadians 5 May 18, 2021

This Event Occurs in 75,000 Year Cycle & New Earth

We are the pleiadians and we greet you today in the love and the light of the one the
supreme creator who has allowed us to co-exist and allowed you to exist in your
planetary sphere at this time space nexus before we start sharing our thoughts please
understand that you have free will to accept or reject this information we respect your free
will awakening awareness is rising amongst the masses on this planetary sphere at this
current time space nexus the multitude of these awakening events are seeping and
unfolding before each entity's reality on your planet at these times these events are meant
to help you as a collective and as a species to rise up into this new level of
consciousness which in essence is the new fourth density light expression these galactic
upgrades and tidal waves of light of awakening for star seeds and wanderers will come
on the date of 26th may 2021 as known in your current timeline via the various portals in
your planetary sphere that are open to allow such tidal waves to penetrate and affect your
masses most beings are being awakened at this times as you walk and live in your planet
you can sense this rumbling changing consciousness that is affecting even the internal
heart of gaia which starts the rights of passage for humans into this new level of
consciousness we feel that we have given to this planet at this time a succinct message
of inspiration a message that holds waves of truth these messages are meant to bring
forth and to rise up that part of your inner self that has been dormant for such a long time
on your planetary experience which happens on all levels of this density through the
process of the veil of forgetting upon your people's mind which caused them to miss and
forget their true inner essence we are talking through this instrument and sharing our
thoughts and insights in order to awaken within you that which you have forgotten this
illusion that surrounds you is a reality that is temporary and constantly changing in
accordance with the vibratory rates of your people in essence what you see is a reflection
of your inner vibration rate these messages are also meant to bring to you an
understanding of a parallel existing reality that concurrently exists within this original
reality the cycles of transformation have taken a positive turn on your planetary sphere as
we scan your planet the waves of the new energies are going to change the very fabric of
every being's existence these planetary changes occur every 75 000 year cycle in all
planets in the cosmos this like clockwork these changes are meant to allow every being in
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such planets the opportunity to evolve faster into the higher levels of consciousness our
primary intention with maintaining this contact has been to stir each of you from within
yourself without making each uncomfortable we are here to encourage you to climb and
ascend into a few peaks of the mountain ranges of consciousness that is before each of
you at these times there shall you find these new energetic vistas of consciousness and
galactic waves of lights from the future we are here to request each of you to use your
free will and to recognize your calling and step forward as a member of this family of light
in order to accept these upcoming galactic upgrades this however does not mean that
you should force other entities to accept these upgrades in essence these upgrades will
only affect those who match with their vibratory rate similar to your so-called radio
devices that match their vibration to pick up only a certain frequency while ignoring the
others similarly many on your sphere whose vibration is below the level of acceptance as
known by your peoples who refer to the so-called consciousness chart system will not
receive such upgrades these beings will again have to wait for another 75000 years those
who vibrate above and are at this level of acceptance will be able to receive these
upgrades the process of moving into this higher octave of understanding and this
blending of dimensions and creation of new territory will lead everyone through greater
understanding of death your light will be needed your light represents what you know at
these times the death of the old earth starts and new discoveries and the miracles of
operating the physical vehicle in these times of change and transition will involve the
death of the old world as you know as the third density world as this planet moves closer
to these days of great change each of you will be called upon to stand as the pillars of
light you will show the way in times when people are desperate because the old ways are
no longer solutions they no longer fit and no longer apply no entity can escape or run or
hide as the waves of transformation will weave through the earth planes and start to bring
in and awaken those who are yet asleep on your planetary sphere as the days and the
nights begin to come and go these will begin to show the beings on your planet and
reveal the truth behind the ancient prophecies many of which will begin to come alive on
your planetary sphere these ancient prophecies will start to be more colourfully latent with
their own sense of lessons that are required to be learned by every entity on your
planetary sphere within the next few days and years to come many beings on your
planetary sphere will be catapulted faster then the speed of light and will begin to
experience the truth within their own selves this will also bring forth new abilities and
talents along with information which will come to many of you in simple natural ways
because you were already a part of your inner truth of who you truly are let us answer the
second query placed by this instrument regarding the new earth and let us explain to you

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in your vibratory sound complex terms please understand that we will try to accurately
describe how this new earth will come about on your planetary sphere once upon another
planet in a certain star system a similar planet like earth had been transitioning into the
beginning phases of the fourth density consciousness the same process that which is
occurring on your planet was occurring also at that planet during this transformation
period there was an entity who asked its so-called parent entity also known as mother in
your language terms about what will this new planet be like much similar to your query of
what will the new earth be like the answer to which this mother entity replied stating by
bringing a bag of rice as you know it and told the answer was in the bag of rice however
this child entity could not fully grasp the complexity of this answer and asked further to
explain as to how this bag of rice relates to the coming of new earth further the mother
entity replied stating that just as in this bag of rice there are good rice grains and some
rotten rice grains and some small unwanted pieces of stones or other materials which are
separated by the process of winnowing the same is going to happen on the planet which
will separate the unwanted parts from the good parts eventually leaving behind only the
good rice which will comprise the new earth in essence each rice particle can be equated
to an entity on your planetary sphere therefore beloveds we leave you now hoping that we
have answered upon your queries at this time space nexus we leave you now in the love
and the light of the prime creator see you again so my beloved friends after watching the
session now

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Session 50
Pleiadians 6 May 20, 2021

Share This ASAP So People Can be Ready, Star-

We are the pleiadians and we are connected again to you beloved in the love and the light
of the one the prime creator we are here to share this love and light energy to you all
through this instrument who seeks many queries to understand what learning would be
necessary for being able to be capable of accepting or be touched by this energy of
galactic upgrade coming to this planet starting on 26th may let us tell you that you should
use your inner heart to know and feel the truth when you hear it and only accept that
which resonates with your inner heart therefore let us clearly state that the process of
your planetary spear and the people of your planet are going to discover something of
yourself the truth within these galactic waves are going to last in this first cycle starting
from the 26th may 2021 to the 10th june 2021 of your timeline as known in your planetary
spear which dictates that change of the movement of the sun and the moon in
accordance with your planetary sphere hence the first wave shall be for this period which
is the wave that will affect beings on your planetary sphere that are on that level of
distortion of vibration above the level of acceptance as stated in the previous session the
best way to be ready for these galactic waves during this period is to let go of the lower
vibration emotions if such exist within the hearts of your peoples such lower vibration
emotions are that which your people call using their vibration language patterns as hate
regret revenge and most importantly fear these emotions must be replaced by letting go
of these emotions exercising upon the free will of your planetary spear during these times
you must be aware that there are many societies and interplanetary beings and entities
throughout the vastness of space-time all these beings and societies have shown much
interest to help your people during these times they are doing this through the process of
sharing thought patterns such as via the process that is happening now we must state
that we are not the only one who have come here on this planetary sphere in order to
assist humanity at this time space period we are just one group collective from one star
system from the pleiadian star cluster there are many who have journeyed here to this
planet for many interplanetary reasons please understand that many of these
interplanetary beings are here for the upliftment of your people in addition there are others
who are negatively oriented here for their own benefits the history of your planet is
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moving in and out at these very special times many of your souls have become involved
on earth many eons or years ago through sending galactic energies and star energies and
via the working with the higher realms many of you already know the difficulties and the
trauma your planetary earth has gone through such as how many times the vibration has
shifted and how many times extraordinary assistance has come from the other galaxies
and star systems much of that information at certain time spaces have been distorted and
many of these beings were turned into gods and were worshiped this planet is now
transitioning into the beginning phase of the fourth density consciousness which is at a
critical junction and one of the greatest challenge for it allows magnificent opportunities
for those who seek higher ascension shall find themselves being assisted at a higher
degree with the other information that is coming from other planetary spears at these time
space nexus let us also explain to you what will happen to those who are not exposed to
this galactic waves based upon their own free will and their own lowering of vibration
choice this usually will lead these entities to not progress as faster as those who receive
such upgrades in the level of consciousness the level of consciousness is dependent on
the opportunities that arise at these times those who choose otherwise to not seek higher
consciousness will find themselves at a disadvantage in this seeking of increasing their
level of consciousness however even these entities at any moment due to a spur of
inspiration or due to some positive feeling that may arise in its mind complex may
become more choosing of the service to others path and choose forgiveness love instead
hence such beings can also ascend later in the cycle of transition even if they miss these
galactic waves these galactic waves are just meant to assist those who seek faster
evolution in consciousness which can be equated to at least one cycle of learning in this
level of density approximately of 95 year cycle each of you are magnificent beings who
are members of this light family and many of you have come here as volunteers on this
planet with a mission and purpose to help during this great awakening a shift to the fourth
density consciousness and your main purpose is to help beings on earth make a positive
change and assist in this transition many of your ancient civilizations already knew about
this especially the ones known as the aztecs who were a mesoamerican culture that
flourished in central mexico as known by your people these ancient civilizations have also
stated that this period is the coming of the sixth sun which in essence is simply the
coming of galactic waves that will help raise the consciousness on your planetary spear
all of you are magnificent light beings who are the members of the family of light and you
have come here on earth at this time to assist in this transition remember that love is the
key and love is what allows this universe to exist therefore now let us answer the second
query this instrument seeks to understand which is regarding the meaning of the term

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starseeds therefore let us explain about this as far as we can by using your vibratory
sound complex terms once upon another planetary sphere just like yours an entity who
had been incarnated into the planetary complex was sharing love light energies to the
people of your planet using the so-called love and light energies this energy started to
share love light energies however then there was a student entity who was learning of
love light energies and asked this teacher entity about the meaning of the term starseeds
reply to which this entity known as the teacher pointed to the sky which was shimmering
with all the stars and light coming from the various planets at that time space however
this student entity could not understand what his teacher was seeing hence it asked this
teacher entity that it could not clearly understand this meaning therefore the teacher
entity started to state that starseeds are those beings who originated not from this
planetary sphere but from the various parts of the galaxy and are here to assist that the
planet in this ascension period each star seeds have their own quality some quality
includes healing ability to share love and light and the ability to be empathetic therefore
beloveds we leave you now in the love and light of the prime creator

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Session 51
Metatron 8 May 24, 2021

Alien Disclosure & Contacts

We are the galactic federation and we are connected to you beloved from our saturn
council and we greet you in the love and the light of the one creator please remember that
before you listen to any of our insights you have the free will to put it under scrutiny so
that you should only accept those insights that resonate with your inner heart and leave
behind those that do not resonate please understand that your query today which relates
to when will the full disclosure regarding the alien contacts on your planet occur in this
regard let us share with you that there are two categories of people on your planet at this
time space one category of people who are working under these so-called elites and who
are already in contact with these beings and also they have knowledge of the various
technologies from the interplanetary beings that have been handed over to them by these
beings such as the grace in exchange of the alien abduction so that they can conduct on
humans for the purpose of genetic mutation of the human species indirectly by these
allies who are under the control of these beings furthermore there are those people on
your planet who already have access to these interplanetary technologies such as the
interplanetary spacecrafts and the spacecrafts used by this mid-faced fourth density
beings who had came here on your planet from the zeta reticuli star system specifically
from the zr3 planetary system that in essence has been and is being used to backward
engineer many of the devices found on your planets and many of these devices and
technology has already been implemented in the so-called rocket sciences and the
development of the computer and handheld devices known in your language terms as the
mobile technology and the 5g devices that your people call these devices have all been
backward engineered from this 4th density alien technology as known by a people from
the remnants of these spacecrafts of these interplanetary beings who had accidentally
landed on your planets many of your beings on your planet also understand that these
technologies if fall under the hands of the entities who have negative agenda can use
these technologies for their own benefit however the technological difference between
these entities from the zeta reticuli and your people is of a staggering timeline of 1000
years difference in terms of technological progress hence your people will find it very
difficult to create the exact replica of these technologies not until the coming future times
and also remember that many of these technologies are already in control of the lights
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and these elites the people who are on top they are the ones who are holding the
information and many of these beings they already have the complete knowledge and
information which has yet to be displayed to the majority of the population majority of
your people on your planets are yet unaware that these technologies are already working
in coordination and many of these allies are already in contact with many of these
interplanetary beings such as the greys and the orions and many of the treaties have
already been made with them and also with us as the galactic federation and many a
times we have approached many of these people in order to protect them from the
negative influence and also please understand that the query regarding full disclosure that
you are stating here requires to be rephrased because in certain ways full disclosure has
already happened to those people who are the one percent of people who already know
and are in contact with these extraterrestrial beings as known by your people and the rest
of the human population must have to catch up with what is going on therefore let us tell
you that the grace they operate using consciousness devices the anunnakis and the
grays they use consciousness driven vehicles or spacecrafts as known in your language
to infiltrate your planet because these spacecrafts cannot be stopped by our love light
vibration which is protecting the planet these devices can penetrate just like your rockets
can penetrate the outer atmosphere of your planet and these devices are constantly
going to the oceans there are many bases underneath your planets which have been
recently re-established by the grays and many of the research is for conducting advanced
humanoid beings and for creating advanced humanoid species which are also going on at
this time space also please understand that the times on your planet are very rare
therefore many on your planetary sphere must understand that you have the free will to
accept and reject this information we are only here to share this therefore as far as we can
scan from your planetary vibration there are many misinformation being spread out by
many of your people regarding this topic known as the unidentified flying objects in your
time space terms the grays they do not want this final disclosure or the full disclosure to
happen amongst your people because by doing that many of their plans will be foiled and
by doing that your people will become one which means that regarding this full disclosure
topic let us tell you that the month of june has been marked as an important date for your
people however there is going to be manipulation in the information that may come out
because of the influences from the grays and the reptilians therefore beloveds please
understand that we can only come to your planet openly after you have created a social
memory complex in the fourth density consciousness later sub-octaves where all
consciousness become one and all of you together call upon us that is the time when we
can openly visit you we the galactic federation are always here for the protection of the

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cosmos and the galaxy without infringing upon the free will of the various planetary
beings which exist in the galaxy in the various dimensions and as your planetary sphere is
now entering into the beginning phase of the fourth density consciousness we as the
galactic federation of light have always maintained the status quo of not allowing any
other entity to directly infringe upon the free will of your planet however the thought-form
influences are still allowed on your planet and both the influence from the negative side as
well as the positive side is being bombarded at these times as many of you are already
aware of the anunnaki orions greys and the reptilians collective have made a stronghold
on mars and they have requested the luciferian beings to come from the other galaxy
however currently we have sealed all the portals and the andromedans are on the way to
meet these luciferian beings and let us tell you that the month that is coming ahead can
be considered as the most important month for many people on your planet because the
month of june is a month wherein many of your people on your planet will become aware
of the existence of many interplanetary beings if the details of which are revealed properly
to your people the so-called elites and the negative oriented beings on your planet who
are in control of these elites are using thought for manipulation and are using influences
from outside the planets they are influencing the beings on your planet from mars and as
per the scanning that we have done there is going to be a certain influx of the so-called
robotic entities that will be sent by these negative collective who are on mars that means
many of your beings on your planet will be able to witness many of the so-called flying
objects on the sky as many of your people have termed the unidentified flying objects
which will increase in number in the coming days because the orions and the anunnakis
they do not want this information that is already present with your people about their
previous agreements and about their existence about the abductions that they have done
and about the agreements that they have made with the former elites of many of your
countries on your planet these greys and orions they operated previously and had bases
underwater and currently they also have reinstated many of these bases under water
however these greys are not physically allowed to travel through various portals or travel
through the atmosphere because of the protection granted by the asteroid entities who
do not allow any extraterrestrial influence on earth physically therefore these entities are
sending robotic entities similar to that of the so-called drones or small satellites found on
a planet however they may appear smaller in size and they may be able to disguise
themselves and move at a rapid pace which may be considered as unprecedented by
many of your beings because these robotic entities are being controlled telepathically by
the anunnakis and the orions they can control them using their thought forms and
whatever they desire these crafts will perform hence these crafts are coming to the planet

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earth in the coming days in mass numbers in order to perform a certain mission as far as
we have found out which is going to try to stop the information that your people have
regarding the flying objects and the various interaction with other interplanetary beings if
this information is released to the public then this planet will cycle through into the
positive cycle and the end of the grays and the reptilian agenda will start hence they do
not want this to happen they do not want their secret agenda and their secret agreements
to be found out by your people therefore they are sending these robotically altered
machines that are telepathically controlled in order to activate certain beings who had
already been genetically altered during the previous times by the process of abductions
and had been fitted with a secret chip that would allow these entities to activate the
dormant qualities such as the quality of shape shifting and the quality of sending
energetic waves that can cause destruction to the materials on your planet this is also the
reason why many a times on your planet there will come energetic waves that will
damage many of your instruments please understand that these times are very important
for your people on your planet and if the information is successfully presented before the
population of your planet the whole planet will cycle together into unification and they do
not want this to happen therefore the orion's anunnaki grays and reptilian complex on one
side has sent invitations for a meeting with the alliance who are working in coordination
with these entities on mars that is scheduled to be held on the may 30 in the coming days
who will try to provide resistance to the information that is supposed to come out on the
coming month of june therefore beloved we believe that we have answered your queries
and we leave you now in the love and light of the one creator we are the galactic
federation and we leave you now.

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Session 52
Pleiadians 7 May 26, 2021

Don't Forget to Do This During This Time & Story of

We are the pleiadians and we are connected to you beloved in the love and the light of
the prime creator we are here to share our thoughts with you however we do not wish to
infringe upon your free will therefore please understand that any thoughts that may arise
from us may be put under this scrutiny that is required and please understand that today
starts the day of the galactic waves coming to your planet these galactic waves that are
coming to your planet like we stated before will affect people whose vibrations match
above the level of acceptance and today before we start sharing our insights and
thoughts please understand to use your discernment because that would allow us to
freely speak our thoughts with you and we are here to offer you the truth without any
proof because offering proof would mean a direct infringement upon your free will
therefore let us begin your planet is now cycling forward into the beginning phase fourth
density consciousness positive cycle and the galactic waves that are coming on your
planet from today are here to assist humanity in the ascension process in order to help
each of you to raise your consciousness and this is a wonderful opportunity to drastically
improve your vibration and reach advanced levels in the scale of consciousness hence
today we are also going to share with you the changes that will come the changes that
will come on this planet will start to come from the western hemisphere of your planet and
will continue to touch parts of the other planets these galactic waves are equally being
sent to all parts of your planet however as we can scan in the western hemisphere and
many of the southeastern hemisphere on your planet are more vibrationally ready to
receive these upgrades which means that the majority of the souls receiving these
upgrades are going to be from these portions of your planet and the window of
opportunity which is before your people is so rare that many of the galactic beings would
actually trade places with you if the opportunity arises this jump in consciousness means
that any entity can not only penetrate the fourth density consciousness but reach even
higher levels of consciousness as this wave of upgradation is taking place many audio
planet will not be upgraded because of their lower level of vibration this exposure to
galactic waves starts from may 26th and ends on the june 10th as per your current linear
timeline and let us tell you now that by working with your people from this planet our
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intention is to just offer a reminder through the veil of forgetfulness that is active on your
planet which does not allow you to remember your true source and your past incarnations
and the reason why you incarnated on this planet at this time space we are here to
remind you who you truly are and also to inspire each of you to become an inspiration not
only to yourself but an inspiration for others so that you could share your love light
energies with other people and that will create a chain of more souls who will graduate
into the fourth density consciousness our main purpose is to increase the number of
souls who graduate from your planets and enter into the fourth density consciousness
prior to this in the previous cycle of graduation that happened approximately 50 000 years
ago as per the 75 000 year cycle there were no souls who were eligible for graduation and
we as the family of lights were very disappointed with what happened in the past
therefore we are here to share our messages through a form of telepathic communication
not only through this instrument but also through many other instruments in order to help
in improving the soul graduation number so that many of your people will become part of
the new earth which is now forming on your planet remember that we are here for this
specific reason which is to create a new vibrational frequency and to break the old
paradigm that previously used to separate individuals as they evolved we as the
pleiadians have already been in contact with many of your beings on the different
timelines such as the times of lemuria and please understand that there are those in your
reality who do not believe and understand that we can accomplish what we have set out
to do with you they feel that we are here to misguide you or to not assist you properly
however they are also sitting on the edges of their seat and if they do not take this
opportunity they will probably miss this opportunity for the next 75 000 year cycle in this
coming days let us tell you that you should focus on one technique as known in your
language terms that we are going to share here today which will drastically improve your
consciousness level and keep you at the optimum level of consciousness no matter what
situation you may be facing this method is also known as the consciousness tracking
method as used by many other interplanetary beings in the cosmos and some beings
also use it on your planet using which you can keep track of your consciousness which is
in your hands or in your legs or in your eyes please understand that your consciousness
can only be at one point at a time it is either in your mind which is speaking inside its own
self sharing its own thoughts or it is focused on a point or a feeling on your legs or
focused on a feeling on your hands which is touching the sides of your body or it could
be experiencing how you feel when you sit down this method of consciousness tracking
which we have also used in the past will assist each of you to drastically improve your
consciousness level this method is very simple whenever you can using your own free will

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try to keep track of your consciousness and ask yourself where is my conscious attention
or the consciousness at this moment and you will find it to be either in your mind or in
your body and whatever it may be just take it away from the mind because the mind is
extremely complicated and tries hard to distract you in your third density physical vehicle
and put it on your feelings of your physical vehicle such as your hands and mark this
point and try to keep your consciousness on this point as long as possible even
throughout your waking day time this exercise will be the most beneficial to many people
on your planet and will drastically cause each of you to raise your consciousness to the
maximum level even allowing some of your entities who will master this method to not
only graduate into the fourth density level but also penetrate into the fifth density
consciousness if they so desire depending on the level of vibration now let us tell you the
answer to the second query placed by this instrument regarding who are the wanderers in
this regard let us tell you a short story as known in your language terms to make you
understand the sacrifice made by the wanderers wanderers and starseeds are almost
similar souls who incarnate on your planet from other planetary systems however there is
one major difference between the wanderers and the star seeds and that is wanderers are
from the higher density consciousness whereas starseeds are almost similar souls who
incarnate on your planet from other planetary systems however there is one major
difference between the wanderers and the star seeds and that is wanderers are from the
higher density consciousness whereas star seeds are from the lower or equivalent level of
density wanderers come on your planet and they sacrifice so much they make a soul
agreement or a contract with the council of planets and since they are from the higher
density such as the fourth fifth or the sixth density consciousness they incarnate on a
third density physical vehicle and forget their own past in order to be of service to
humanity and to other beings on the cosmos many wanderers come here with a sole
contract extending up to 25 000 year cycle incarnating again and again on the same
plane once upon a time on a planet similar to your planet there was an entity who had
incarnated on the planet and who had fallen in love with another entity however one entity
was a wanderer and the other was a starseed after some time after existing as a certain
united complex or as known in your language terms as lovers one entity crossed over due
to a certain disease and this entity who was left was very sad by this loss who then went
to a reader or an oracle and wanted to find out where this entity its lover was so it asked
this oracle where is my lover now in order to know its location and this oracle after going
through the akashic records found out that the person whom this entity was in love with
had been from the sixth density consciousness who had incarnated on the planet just for
a specific purpose of sharing love and light energies and inspiring other people and this

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oracle told this entity that its lover was from the sixth density consciousness to the higher
density then you this entity then being shocked wanted to ask this oracle then where am i
from it asked the oracle who looked at the akashic records and told this entity that it is
from another planet but from the third density consciousness and had incarnated in order
to access the graduation window on this planet this is the simple difference between the
two terms as known by your people the star seeds are those souls who originated in a
different planet and have come here mostly to access the graduation window into the
fourth density consciousness whereas the wanderers are those from the higher density
consciousness who also originated in a different planet but their main purpose is to assist
other beings during this ascension process therefore we the pleiadians leave you now in
the love and light of the prime creator see you again

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Session 53
Orion High Council 1 May 28, 2021

Protect against Soul Switch

We are the orion high council and we are communicating through this instrument who has
shown us the path of love and light and has given us an opportunity to express our
thoughts and insights with humanity we are a small group of orion collective that are still
on the orion star system and we exist in a planet that is separate from the negatively
oriented orion collective which your kind those who are part of this collective known as
the crusaders who at most times visit different galaxies in order to conquest in order to
increase their negative polarization by using thought form influence on the various planets
and have the main agenda of increasing the number of negatively oriented beings from
your planet in order to prevent the planet earth from cycling forward into the fourth
density positive also remember that many other positively oriented beings such as the
pleiadians and the other members of the galactic family of light have sent forward light
courts in order to assist you and in order to help humanity in this ascension process and
we as the orions are here to share with you that even in our collective we are in the later
phase of the fourth density positive cycle and the other orion crusaders are in the fifth
density negative cycle hence we are in a less polarization compared to the other
crusaders because we have a smaller number of souls who have moved upward in the
level of consciousness is now a part of the orion crusaders this entity known as genghis
khan since it had its past life on your planet is now helping the crusaders in order to share
its knowledge that had been stored in its akashic records because every single entity
during its lifetime records everything and all its experiences are recorded in the hall of
records so the crusaders are using this entity known as genghis khan to learn more about
your people and to learn more about how to influence your people using this negative
polarization thought forms polarized orions as known by your people can use robotic
entities such as the modified greys and the modified reptilians and other robotic entities
purely designed and driven by consciousness which can enter your planet and upon
entering a planet provide thought-form influences to the beings who vibrate at a negative
polarization or influences those beings whose physical vehicle is moving through an
imbalance of energies 7 8 these entities they look for entities whose physical vehicles are
imbalanced and whose body is full of fear and anxiety these orions from the mars base
are trying to activate some of the entities who are on the negative polarization or who are
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about to become fearful and anxious and have negative emotions in the body to work for
them using their thought forms these entities they use the so-called astral projection state
in order to influence these entities 7-9 therefore these negative orions approach many
beings on your planet during their sleep state and make soul contracts with their higher
self which allows depending on the free will of each entity to choose either the path of
positive or negative polarization if such events are to be prevented such entities on your
planet must understand that whenever they go to sleep they must before entering the
sleep state always remember to enter the sleep state with the positive attitude or with
positive thoughts and never to enter the sleep state with negative influences such as
many a time before sleeping during the daytime many people they think about negative
events or unwanted circumstances that happened in their day time or lifetime hence they
color their dream state or their astral state which begins at night time with these negative
emotions which can be influenced by these orions 148 therefore we as the small
collective of positively oriented orions even though our consciousness may not be as high
as these negatively oriented orions are here to help you to protect yourself from these
entities during your astral state always remember before going to sleep as known in your
language terms to always think of only the positive events and if anything negative has
occurred in your day time to change it using your so-called imagination complex of your
mind collective to the positive or to the thing that you have desired and then enter the
dream state this way you will be protected from any influences that are starting on the
may 30th 116. we feel that this message is very important to share to humanity in order to
allow many human entities to save themselves from the negative influence which is
heading or which has been planned by these orions as we are also a mirror image of
these negatively polarized entities we are in the positive cycle and sometimes we can feel
their agendas and we can sense what these entities are trying to achieve therefore we
have come here as a messenger of love and light to tell you how to protect yourself from
these negative entities during your dream state in the coming days 102 also let us tell you
that this entity desires to understand the vibratory sound complex term known as soul
switch your people understand concepts better when presented in a story format we shall
do the same once upon a time on a planet similar to your planetary sphere which was
cycling into the beginning phase of the fourth density consciousness many beings used
to visit that planet in order to influence that planet to enter into the positive or to stop it
from entering into the positive cycle 88 and there was one entity which many of your kind
calls the photographers in your language terms in the planet who used to love to capture
images using its technologically spiritually advanced mind body complex in which it did
not require any extra equipment such as the cameras known in your language terms it

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could capture images it so desired using its eyes complex in the illusion that surrounded
it and many a times it would be visited by entities from the different density of
consciousness and it would take images of these entities and this entity however of its
involvement in consuming the unwanted products its physical vehicle was decrementing
and hence it had lost all its hope in life and it wanted to seek help from these
interplanetary visitors one three zero hence one day as known in your space-time terms
this entity met with such an interplanetary visitor from the higher density consciousness
and requested help from these higher density consciousness visitors then the higher
being stored this entity to enter into the dream state at night time and focus on meeting
its higher self which resides on the sixth density consciousness this entity then in the
dream state met its higher self and its higher self was contacted by these beings in the
same dream state wherein these entities made a sole agreement with the higher self with
its agreement that this entity's physical vehicle would be swapped by their own soul in
order to fulfill their purpose 119 hence this entity's physical vehicle silver cord was
separated and the original soul was swapped at that night time and the next morning this
entity woke up with a new soul and this entity's all previous problems immediately
vaporized because this new soul was from a higher density consciousness which was
from the fifth density consciousness which had been a collective of one of the beings who
had visited it before to use the physical vehicle of that entity in order to accomplish its
purposes in the planet thankfully this entity at that time space was positively polarized
hence this entity was able to share more love and light energies and this entity became a
well-known being in that planet who was able to share love and light energies to other
people and changed many lives 8-3 this is an example of how soul switch works on your
planet therefore beloveds soul switch can work in both ways either the positive or the
negative polarization can switch the souls based on the vibration and based on the higher
self's agreement therefore we are here to share with you that there is a possibility that
many people on your planet will be triggered to soul swap during the coming days
starting from may 30 by the negatively oriented orions and their collective complex who
are trying to achieve this with the aid of an entity known as genghis khan who had
previously been on planet earth and who is currently a shipping clerk for the crusaders
117 and please understand that the best way to protect yourself is to before entering the
dream state enter with positive emotions enter with love light that will prevent any
negative intrusion even at your astral state and we are always here to guide you and we
the orion leave you now in the love and light of the one prime creator so see you again

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Session 54
Galactic Federation 11 May 31, 2021

Big Energy Waves | UFO Sightings of Past Days

We are the galactic federation of light and we greet you today from our saturn council we
as the galactic federation are always here beloved to share our thoughts and insights with
you and to let your people understand about the situations and about the various
timelines that are concurrently running on your planet's time space of this current timeline
however you must also understand that time is not running in linearity and everything is
simultaneously occurring at the same time furthermore please understand that the
information we are going to present to you here today are just to offer our thoughts and
insights in the hope that it may activate into the positive cycle many souls who may listen
to these messages that we are here to offer through these instruments we do not want to
infringe upon your free will also remember that the coming month of june is going to be a
month not only of awakening for the light workers and the old souls who will begin to
awaken even more and the people who are already awaken will start to awaken even
more to a higher degree of consciousness this month starts the beginning of awakening
of those people who are already not yet awakened this will begin to happen via the
process of dissemination of information that your people already know about the
existence of extraterrestrial life as known in your language complex please remember that
we and the other galactic family and the other negatively oriented beings i have been in
contact with many of your people at many times and have also prevented many of the
nuclear attacks that occur on your planet please understand that these nuclear attacks
that would occur on your planet were prevented and stopped by many of the asthar
sheran spaceships that prevented these machines from activating many times on your
planet furthermore the energies of june are here to assist each of you and also to assist
humanity to raise their consciousness even higher because the galactic waves that have
started on may 26 will continue to be beamed at your planet till the june 10th timeline this
is the first phase and many people on your planet will begin to awaken to these energies
and will reach higher levels of consciousness they will reach more higher level of vibration
and they will begin to form the part of the new earth that will soon begin to form and has
already started on many phases on your planets after this month from the month of june
as far as we can scan the current timeline your planet is moving on from the day of 22nd
june there is going to be huge amounts of information that will come out on your planet
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this information will begin to come out in phases and each phase of information will be a
type of awakening to those people who are not yet awakened and not already aware of
this information the information that will be revealed to your people will be in the form of
knowledge that many of your people secretly already know about the existence of other
interplanetary beings and they already know about many of the ships and the robotic
entities that the greys and the anunnakis and the orions have used to create bases
underwater in the past and also are restoring the bases currently this information will not
only affect the vibratory mind complex of those people who are already awakened leading
to a higher level of awakening to those people but will act as a catalyst of awakening for
those people who are already asleep on your planet to the hidden reality or do not yet
realize that they are a soul having a temporary experience in a physical vehicle on your
planet many people on your planet do not yet understand the significance of the month of
june and also we can sense that many on your planet are trying to fall under the influence
of the negative oriented greys and on the day of 30th may there was a meeting which
took place which as per the meeting the greys have made agreements with the elites as
known in the language terms who are responsible for decimation of certain information
about the existence of alien technology and backward engineering on your planet and
also about the various contacts that your people have as far as we have found from our
scanning these agreements are regarding the disclosure of alien spacecrafts as known in
your language terms and of the existence of bases underwater which will not be revealed
to your people in the full entire form as far as we can scan also please note that these
entities known as the greys they are trying to delay this process of revelation of
information in the coming days therefore this information will be delayed until the month
of july however we can sense that some of your people are already awakening to the truth
within and they do not want the delay to happen there is a possibility that this information
will be presented in the month of june also as per the request made by this instrument to
show it the major events that will occur on june let us take you to a future timeline of this
current timeline however note that events may change based on last moment changes
that your people make if they wake up to certain distortions also note that the changes
are reflected in time-space nexus in a delayed manner in your current timeline firstly let us
take you to outer space from your planet so you can see what is happening on june 22nd
oh my god so i see the sun and the moon waves hitting earth in a triangular shape fashion
wow but i don't understand what is the meaning of this i don't know these are the waves
of light that are being beamed from the sun to create a cosmic light grid around the sun
which will cascade and affect all the old souls who are present on earth at this time space
this will allow all these old souls to awaken their abilities that they do not have realized or

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forgotten let us show you another significant event of june timeline oh oh oh my god i
don't like the water oh my god i'm inside inside somewhere inside an ocean where am i i
see bases i see a water tube round spacecrafts entering the water it looks really weird to
me can i ask who these are and their purpose these are the bases of the greys that have
been reconstructed inside water and they are using gene harvesting to create humanoid
physical vehicles from the real genes of people they have abducted in the past time
space they want to alter and perform after some time is whole incarnation into this
humanoid ordered physical vehicles as they cannot physically enter your time space this
stuff is really out there oh my god can we get out of this now now let us show you another
significant event of june 2021 of your current timeline okay okay okay so now i am at a
different place i see a white building um i don't know i don't recognize the building it
looks big and i am seeing some people who are pointing at the sky with some instrument
i believe it's a telescope and i see a person being taken by the police can you tell me can
you explain what this is we cannot divulge the name of the location in order to prevent the
free will but notice the people looking upward in the sky they are here to investigate the
spacecrafts of the greys that they had seen recently also let us state that the month of
june will awaken those dormant old souls who are ready to be awakened many people on
your planet are all souls however they are not yet aware that they have innate abilities that
will awaken on this month of june therefore beloveds we leave you now in the love and
light of the one creator and leave your astral body back into your physical vehicle .

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Session 55
Archangel Michael 6 Jun 3, 2021

You Can Save Earth & Universe | CERN PORTAL

I am metatron magnetic consciousness and i greet you in the divine love and the light of
the divine and great programmer today this instrument has requested to understand the
meaning behind the so-called experiments happening on the laboratories known in your
language terms as cern and what could happen and what is happening on the cern
laboratories which as many of your people already know in their mind distortion as one of
the world's largest scientific research facilities located at your time space location
coordinates of switzerland as known in your language terms on that research facility many
of your so-called scientists have been able to create the so-called anti-matter complex
that is considered to be the single most energetic source of energy stream available to
your people because of its 100 percent efficiency unlike many other methods and it does
not create any pollution or radiation complex also please understand that this anti-matter
complex can be used for negative purposes by the negative entities and if so can be used
as a nuclear weapon because even a small quantity of this substance complex could be
equivalent to 19 kilotons of nuclear bomb as known in your language terms further please
understand that this substance is a highly volatile substance that is being tampered with
on your planet this is being achieved by the collision of the so-called protons as known in
your language terms and the collision of these protons causes or creates many tiny so-
called quantum substances known as anti-matter complex along with black holes as
known by your people these tiny black holes are not usually formed during this process
however at certain instances they could be formed many of these black holes are
instantaneously dissipated and they decay instantaneously without causing any danger
however due to the possibility of diversity in the universe of time space nexus it could
create a black hole that would sustain itself even if it is a tiny black hole it can lead to the
other side of the cosmos that is in fact a mirror replica of this current world wherein
everything is opposite if you enter this black hole and enter into the other side you will see
a world with opposite letters and instead of standing you would be walking on the ceiling
everything would be opposite in this other side of the black hole such created by artificial
means we have many a times ventured and have discovered that there are worlds and
worlds that are in the negative polarization inside such black holes for example if your
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planet would enter into such black holes it would enter and reverse itself into the negative
fourth density polarization even though it is now in the positive polarization this means an
exact replica would be created in the negative cycle and all positive beings will become
negative on the other side of this mirror dimension illusion complex in addition please
note that currently due to the quarantine which is in place on your planet other entities
either the positive or the negative are not allowed to directly infringe upon your planetary
sphere furthermore no entity can penetrate the veil because the energies of love and light
which the divine great programmers have created and which has been created around
your planet cannot be penetrated by even the strongest of these negative entities till the
present furthermore remember that the creation of such a black hole complex inside your
planetary sphere could allow the entry to these negative entities directly into your
planetary dimension which means that on the other side of these black holes lie the
negative dimension or the negative density furthermore all the so called the demonic
entities and the inorganic entities which are of self-service nature and which want to
spread propaganda of fear may enter into your planet unknowingly without even your
people having any knowledge of these happening through such black holes this would
cause many of the entities on your planet to roam around and let me tell you that this
event has not yet happened on your planet as far as i am aware of your vibration complex
of your planet's timeline yet because many a times the black hole complexes have been
created but they have diffused and decayed instantaneously however there could be a
possibility as per the infinite possibilities that in the future if this experiment of your kind
continues that this could create the so-called black hole complex that would sustain itself
allowing these inorganic entities to enter into your planet and spread the agenda of
negative distortion amongst your people without your people having any knowledge of
these happenings if this happens the so-called black hole complex would immediately try
to consume matter and gravity and would also try to become larger and larger as it begins
to consume your planetary materials and if this black hole is successful in consuming all
of your planet as a whole it will create a replica of it in the negative density on the
opposite side this would mean that your planet would spiral into the fourth density
negative on the opposite density consciousness ponder this that everything is gravity and
matter is only apparent your consciousness interpretation creates matter that by this
knowledge it creates the other two language terms the time and the anti-matter complex
so the main thing that exists in the universe is gravity something in the consciousness of
the observer on your planet we may state creates a group of gravity in constant motion
which can be interpreted as objective reality as known by your people furthermore
understand that all places in this material world in every plane and every planet have an

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immersion into this energy of potential gravitational flow which compose of energetic
values that are always changing and each one moving upward with its own harmonics or
frequency this is called space-time or a physical plane and every place has major energy
connections and concentrations such as the nodes and energy centers and the portals
many people on your planet have been using this energy compound in order to increase
the technology and create powerful devices on your planets this so-called cern lab could
have a potential of five percent chance of creating a portal into this negative density
consciousness also i must state that another entity who had been on your time space
term that has crossed over from your planetary sphere known in your language terms as
stephen hawking knew about the dangers of this experiment and had warned your people
about this fact the coming of this event will be surprising to many on your planet if it
happens due to the possibilities and vertices in your time space nexus terms of your
illusion complex therefore i leave you now in the divine love and in the light of the divine
great programmer and turned to the mountain of light key yaron

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Session 56
RA 11 Jun 4, 2021

How to use Imagination Complex & Story of

I am ra and i greet you in the love and the light of the one the infinite creator before we
start sharing our thoughts and insights please keep your discernment in your mind
because this will allow us to freely share our thoughts without the distortion of
infringement on the first distortion granted by the one infinite creator the distortion of free
will your planet is receiving ample amounts of light codes from the various entities who
form the members of the confederation of planets and who seek the sharing of love light
energies upon your planetary sphere to aid in the rising of the consciousness upon which
depends the evolutionary cyclical processes of your planet as it spirals forward into the
fourth density consciousness these waves as you call it are integrating with the innermost
parts of each entity in order to introduce the new waves of energy consciousness we
come here today and communicate through this instrument in order to be of service to
the one infinite creator sharing our thoughts of inspiration in order to help the seeker to
seek the path leading upward into the spiral of the fourth density consciousness in
addition if this message reaches one it will reach many however the time space
continuum of your illusion complex may be a limiting factor to reach more people as it
would be of great aid to your people who seek the path of love light and higher
consciousness the seekers always find the path and those who seek it are always ready
to receive such upgrades in their consciousness we connect here today to share with you
a simple technique shall we say that aids those who perform it in the seeking and meeting
of the higher energies of consciousness and climb up into the sub-densities of the fourth
density consciousness there are many upon your sphere at this time space nexus who
have already reached this higher level of distortion of the higher sub-octaves of the fourth
density consciousness what we are here to share today will improve upon this faculty of
upward motion towards the higher sub-octaves of the fourth density however we cannot
promise anything because each entity will understand on its own when it is ready to move
upward and raise its vibratory level let us tell you in your vibratory complex that many of
your kind can already sense the energy distortions in other life forms such as the plants
the animals and the crystals who are of the second later second and the first density
vibration consciousness level this can be performed by any of your people by using their
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imagination complex that is an integral part of their mind complex this method allows
each to see the creator in all therefore the performing of this exercise will yield more
benefit then considered by your mind complex each human mind complex on your planet
can use its imagination complex to connect with other life forms of various densities next
time when you get the opportunity to sit near a second density entity tree as known by
your people just sit beside it and pretend shall we say that you are the tree as this
pretension continues you can tune into the vibratory patterns of other plant entities and
by using your imagination complex you can perceive how the plants appears to the tree
ponder and query yourself how does this tree which you have become in your imagination
complex experience night and day heat and cold how does this tree experience you as
you begin to do this exercise of perceiving the other entities you may get a sense of
subtle feelings impressions and images that go beyond the description capable using
your words this is the beginning of unification and become one in unity of the one infinite
creator who is within all life forms and this is one aspect of the higher consciousness on
continuing to perform this exercise you may perceive in your mind complex various
images from the tree and you will begin to start to experience its reality as you as a mind-
body spirit complex and the tree entity now have a unity and a deeper sense of
connection with your mind and imagination complex you can in essence become one
with any entity and grain greater understanding even of the consciousness of a rock tree
plant or another third density mind body and spirit complex in the beginning of doing this
you may feel the connection is feeble trust the process and soon you will have incredible
connection with not only other plants and trees but with those third density mind body
spirit complexes with whom you perform this simple exercise of imagination complex this
method can also be used to connect internally and become aware of the distortions of
even a first density crystal many of your kind feel drawn to the mineral kingdom and
especially that of the crystals and gemstones these crystals and other gemstones
increase your ability to tune into higher dimension through the inner planes of reality these
inner realities are made up of a complex network of light grid crystals can also improve
the telepathic connection with other beings and help to connect you with the higher
dimensions i am ra now let us answer the second query as placed by this instrument's
mind complex regarding how can one reach enlightenment in this regard let us tell you a
short parable that may be perceived by those who seek this distortion which will allow the
understanding for it is a complex subject to explain using your vibratory sound complex
language this is a parable of a certain planet that was on a similar distortion of that found
on your planet that of the third density vibration and transforming into the fourth density
on this planets many of these so-called enlightened entities were entrusted with the task

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of improving the number of entities that would become enlightened by using certain
techniques these masters spend a long time space continuum sharing a simple technique
that would ensure enlightenment to those who seek it this technique was taught to
everyone on the planetary scale however at the end of the cycle of transformation still the
number of soul graduation was lower than expected these masters became confused as
to what had gone wrong in their teach learn process of sharing the method to allow
others to reach enlightenment they found out that they had shared the enlightenment
method to many but those who received it did not perceive the need to use such a
method because they were not seeking enlightenment this is the reason my beloved
friend we do not offer any shortcut to enlightenment as enlightenment can only be found
in the moment which allows the opening of intelligent infinity this can only be achieved by
the self for itself another self cannot share or teach learn the process of enlightenment but
only learn teach information and inspiration only when the other self feels the need to
reach out and understand the distortion of enlightenment can the gates to the present be
opened i leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator stating as a final
note that the period between june 10th and leading up to june 10th will be a critical time
for those who seek to increase their vibration pattern by using the methods we have
shared here today therefore go forth rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one
infinite creator i am ra Adonai

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Session 57
Pleiadians 8 Jun 7, 2021

Manifesting Love: Soul Mate, Soul Contracts

We are the pleiadians and we greet you in the love and the light of the one creator
furthermore we are here to share with you our thoughts and insights without infringing
upon your free will we are here to share our thoughts and you have the free will to reject
or accept any information we may provide furthermore please understand that we will
offer you the truth without any proof which is the best way for each of you to share our
message and retain what resonates and learn and be inspired from the information if you
so desire today this instrument has requested to understand what would we do if we
incarnated on earth in order to manifest love there is an error in the query placed by this
instrument because this query is not specific enough however upon scanning the mind
complex of this instrument we can judge that it wants to understand how to manifest
attraction and love of the opposite sex by each entity whether it be a woman body
complex or a man body complex on your planet in this regard let us share with you what
we understand in your planetary sphere because of the veil of forgetfulness many people
do not yet understand who they are and where they come from and also if we were to
incarnate on this third density illusion we would have to go through the veil of
forgetfulness that exists until the onset of the full fourth density consciousness that has
yet some time to occur on your planets us tell you that the people on your planet many of
them already understand the polarization that is necessary for attraction as known in your
planetary sphere to take place in order for a man who desires a feminine woman would
be to display qualities that of a masculine aspect which includes the qualities such as
having facial hair deeper voice and showing the aspect of confidence and leadership and
furthermore having the variation of its own opinion independent of influence from other
entities these are the qualities required for a mind body and spirit complex on your planet
and let us tell you that for a woman body complex in order to attract a masculine man
complex would require to display qualities opposites to masculinity that include qualities
of femininity and include qualities of following the leader in this case would be the
masculine man and showing or displaying feminine qualities such as high-pitched voice
and other feminine aspects such as delicate qualities and features of feminine physical
vehicle this is the normal process of attraction that is occurring on your planetary sphere
however many people on your planet already have the knowledge of these systems the
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next complex dispersion that may occur on your planetary sphere is that of soul contracts
because many of the twin flames and the soul mates they have already existing soul
contracts hence if certain entities do not have soul contracts or create new soul contracts
no matter how much the attraction the system may trigger the primal attraction switches
these two souls will not have a long-term so-called relationship in your language terms
and will only have this when they encounter a soul mate with whom it has made certain
soul contracts also soul mates may be many in number incarnated into the same
incarnation furthermore also please understand that there are many other situations
wherein entities who are similar in qualities desire to attract mates or soul mates who are
of a similar physical vehicle such as a woman desirous of another woman in this regard
the same principles of masculine and feminine balance must be present because without
a masculine and a feminine polarization there cannot be an existence of a balancing
relationship on your planetary sphere these are the rules of love and attraction as we
know from your planetary sphere furthermore there can be instances wherein some
entities may use the methods of using light energy to create new soul contracts with
entities they desire with their own free will because there is free will on your planets and if
two entities who are desirous of creating a new sole contract can do so using light energy
and by constantly triggering the sexual contact with each other this would create the
required new soul contract for each to continue the relation cycle now let us tell you an
example behind your second query placed by this instrument regarding an example of a
so-called love story from our planetary sphere let us tell you a so-called love story
between a male mind mind-body complex and a female mind-body complex on an
equivalent level of that found on your planetary time space consciousness of that of the
later third density consciousness merging into the beginning phases of the fourth density
consciousness these two entities were in our alcyone star system that existed and began
to interact with each other and by using means of non-verbal communication started to
interact with each other sharing emotions because in our planetary sphere there is no
specific language we only share thought forms and they started sharing thought forms of
love on a daily basis even though they used to live on separate distant places there used
to be a telepathic link between the two and they had built a bond and when they were
communicating with each other they felt very happy and all the negative emotions were
washed away one day the female mind complex tried to communicate with the mind
body spirit complex of the male entity and did not receive any reply that was most
unusual for this entity this entity tried again but failed and finally this entity known as a
female tried to communicate again but did not receive any answer to its communication
and an entire day passed and the male entity was not available through thought-form

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communications the female entity started becoming worried that something had gone
wrong then the second day came and went away with no communication and the female
entity could not sleep and stayed up all night feeling the emotion of sadness as known by
your people then the female entity realized within its own being that it had developed an
intense connection with the male entity the next morning this entity received a thought
form a communication that was from the male entity and this entity became happy as
soon as this communication was received the male and the female entity started to
communicate however the male entity cut the communication short as if something had
gone wrong and the female entity began to understand that something was not right and
the male entity then communicated again mentally and then stated that they should stop
communicating altogether the female entity became shocked as to why this male entity
had been stating such a fact and the male entity said goodbye for the last time the female
entity then started feeling the emotions of crying and began to produce enzymes from its
so-called physical vehicle that emerge when entities begin to cry on our planetary sphere
then this female entity decided that it would try to approach this male entity one last time
and then this entity went to this male entity's home in order to meet this male entity
however on the way this entity this female entity was struck by an energy strike that is
common on your planet similar to the lightning strikes found on your planetary sphere this
entity then almost crossed over as its physical vehicle was hurt really badly then this male
entity after hearing about this incident reached over to the female entity that had been
kept in a place of restoration and healing this male entity asked the female entity if it was
okay the male entity felt very sorry for this fact that it was the reason behind the current
condition of the female entity in addition the female entity asked why did you do that and
leave me to the male entity the male entity replied that it had been suffering from a
disease and it was going to cross over soon hence it did not want this girl entity to feel
sad after hearing this the girl entity never woke up again and both of them crossed over
and later united on the astral planes therefore beloved this is an example of a love story
from our planetary sphere and we the pleiadians leave you now see you again

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Session 58
Galactic Federation 12 Jun 9, 2021

Timelines Explained | Story of Life-review

We are the galactic federation and we greet you in the love and the light of the one the
supreme creator today we are connected to share with you our thoughts and insights
regarding the so-called solar event or solar flash of a higher magnitude than that
experienced by your people in this regard before we start sharing our thoughts please
understand that we as the galactic federation are only connected with you today to share
our thoughts and insights without infringing upon the free will of your planetary sphere
because your planet has free will and every single entity on your planetary sphere has the
free will to accept or reject information with their own heart there have been many people
on your planet who have been predicting about the solar flash events for long times since
the days of the old civilizations that existed on your planet these predictions are here
however many people on your planet still do not understand the true significance of the
solar slash events many of these predictions were correct their predictions happened in
another timeline or in another parallel universe they were tapping into another timeline
when they gave their predictions today we are here to share with you our thoughts
concerning this current earth timeline and with regard to the solar flash events let us tell
you that the sun always ejects these solar flares or the sun ejects solar flashes and these
in order to balance its own energies because the sun is reacting and creating new
energetic waves these solar flashes are a significance of the level of consciousness on
the planetary sphere as well we as the galactic federation always are protecting the earth
and other planetary spheres from such events and we are always concerned about the
safety of the different beings in the various planets in the galaxy and in the cosmos
furthermore let us tell you that the solar flares which were supposed to happen on the
year 2012 as had been predicted by your people previously were stopped by us and we
as the galactic federation had to change the trajectory of the solar flare that happened on
please understand that there is certain confusion upon your planets that many people
believe that solar flares will cause damage to the physical vehicles of your people
however this is incorrect and the fact is that the solar flares will only damage your so-
called electronic instruments furthermore if a solar flare were to come into your planet
without any hindrance from us or from other energetic waves the waves that are
surrounding your planet which have been protecting your planet from these events then
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such solar flares would cause these so called lights to go for a certain amount of time as
known by your people because these solar flares will damage the instruments which
depend on magnetic and electrical transference or magnetic resonance in order to
operate furthermore this solar flare event could also lead to your so-called satellites that
you have in the outer atmosphere of the planet to malfunction however even if a big solar
flare were to hit earth there would be no damage to your physical vehicle also understand
this let us tell you that every 6th of july for the next upcoming 20 to 50 years and for the
coming cyclical changes the earth's poles will slowly tilt which could cause these solar
flares if they occur during these timelines to affect your instruments these flares occur
without any warning because these flares are erupted from the sun's reactions however
we have prevented a massive solar flare from hitting earth on the year 2012 by using the
love light energies to push it away from the trajectory of earth further the query regarding
when it will happen in this regard let us share with you that all the predictions made by
your people actually occurred in another dimension or another timeline they were
accessing the information from those timelines and with regard to this timeline let us
share with you that the solar event even if it occurs will not affect you because we as the
galactic federation are always protecting the planets we will not allow such events to
drastically affect your people and the planets we as the galactic federation are enforcers
of peace love and light also note that many people they want this solar flare or solar flash
to occur on the planet because they feel that this solar flash would signify the ending of
an era however let us tell you that earth is already in the beginning phases of the fourth
density consciousness hence there is no need to worry about anything furthermore
please understand that we as the galactic federation are concerned because many of
your people are creating mind-made thought forms and expecting a solar event which
could increase the likelihood of this occurring on your time space in order to prevent such
an event from happening we would request each entity using its free will to not create any
thought forms regarding the occurrence of such flares in order to not allow such events
from occurring on your planets this is also a reason why many entities on your planet
must understand that thought forms have the ability to manifest in your time space now
let us address the second query placed by this instrument regarding the life review
process which occurs after incarnation ends for your people in this regard let us tell you a
short story since your people find it easy to remember facts in this format once upon a
time on another planetary sphere there were three entities on the third density
consciousness who were searching for gold on other planetary spheres out of the three
one entity was trying to stop the two other entities from making drastic errors in their
mission the other two were ego-driven and were obsessed to obtain these rare elements

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as in their planet gold had the ability to grant longer life these entities finally after tracking
an asteroid for a long time managed to land on this asteroid in order to mine it however
this asteroid soon turned out to be volatile and exploded which caused many of these
entities to cross over immediately correct ourselves which caused all of these entities to
cross over immediately these entities after crossing over then met each other on the
astral planes after death as they awaited their life review process the first two entities did
not have any life review and incarnated immediately on to the next lifetime only one entity
underwent the process of life review and was given the opportunity to choose its next
incarnation along with its lessons and parent entities this third entity asked its higher self
as to why the other two did not have this opportunity to undergo life review process then
this entity's higher self replied that they had not yet become self aware enough to the
truth within they were too attached with material possessions of the outer world without
full understanding of the self you on the other hand were more focused on your inner self
this is the reason why you have the opportunity to undergo life with you therefore we
hope that we have addressed your queries and we leave you now in the love and the light
of the one supreme creator we are the galactic federation bye

182 of 753
Session 59
Pleiadians 9 Jun 10, 2021

Initiation into NEW EARTH has started

We are the Pleiadians and we are connected to you beloved in order to share our love and
light to you however before we start to share our thoughts use your discernment we are
the pleiadians and we are here connected in order to let you understand the significance
of the 10th of june solar eclipse as known by your people in your time space as we have
already mentioned before the window from may 26 to june 10th is a window that would
allow each to raise its consciousness level into the higher sub-octaves this can be
considered equivalent to spending one life cycle on planet earth hence we can sense that
many people on your planetary time space there are many people who have heard our
messages and have applied these methods we are very pleased and thankful to each of
you who have raised your frequency enough because you will now become the
shepherds of the new earth which is now emerging on your planetary sphere understand
that this new earth will be a vibrationally separate earth in the beginning phases then as
times pass by this planet will completely become transformed into the new earth of the
fourth density consciousness furthermore let us tell you that we are here connected to
you to speak into your soul and heart and to share our message we also ask each of you
to recognize that you are a member of the family of light as you walk in the planetary
sphere you will begin to encounter many situations that will reflect this fact that in
essence you are a light being and you are here to share light to other people in essence
your purpose on this planetary sphere is to help this planet earth in its time of transition
because now the time of transition is entering into the deep phase or the deep part of the
transition and since today is the 10th of june on your planetary time space nexus today
we will give you a tool which if you perform it will allow you to access not only the higher
levels of consciousness but also those who seek enlightenment can also become fully
enlightened by using this method this method is simple we on our planetary sphere teach
this method to other entities who seek the so-called higher octaves of consciousness
which can be accessed by the process known as expansion of awareness for this you
need to understand that your attention span is very short many people on your planet
they do not realize that their attention span is very short which can be compared to the
attention span of a child on our planetary sphere for this attention span to increase
understand that if you do this for one day today the 10th of june you will begin to access
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these higher energies also please understand that if you can continue this in the future
you will reach the stage of enlightenment that many of your people on your planet call as
nirvana in some of your language terms this process involves focusing your attention on
your tongue and by keeping the focus on the sensory movements of your tongue as it
collides with the teeth and as it collides with the lower part of your mouth as it collides
with the various cracks and grooves of your teeth pay close attention to the sensory
portion of your experience of paying attention to your tongue because your tongue has
extra sensors and is very sensitive to all of the various sensations many people on your
planet do not pay attention to their own tongue the tongue is one of the most sensory
portions of your physical vehicle which means that it can sense various types of variety of
taste that cannot be felt by other parts of your physical vehicle hence we would
recommend just for one day for the just keep your focus on your tongue and realize how it
feels when it touches the teeth and realize how it feels when it eats something or when it
gets a chance to have a feeling sensation behind your teeth and under your teeth of the
upper jaw or as it lays and rests in your mouth if you can hold this attention for a day just
for the 10th of june you will begin to see drastic changes in the magnitude of new
energies coming into your vibration field we are not saying that you should only do this for
the 10th of june you can still continue this method which is a wonderful method to allow
each of you to access the higher dimensions of consciousness even some of you may be
able to reach these higher octaves of the fourth density consciousness by doing this
method let us tell you furthermore that the process of moving into this higher octave is
starting amongst many of your people because it is a blending of dimensions and the
creation of new territory will lead everyone to this new higher level of consciousness many
of your people will forget but many of those who seek our messages and those who listen
to our messages will be needed please understand that your light is powerful each single
light source can be uniting and make the world brighter moreover you will become the
separates of the new earth that is now forming in the fourth density consciousness even
though it is in the beginning stages the changes are occurring rapidly and the energetic
waves that are running through your planetary sphere is going to move upward in the
density of illusion furthermore remember that this is not the end as many people on your
planet believe it's to be that is always a pathway into the life review wherein based upon
your vibration patterns each entity will either polarize or graduate into the fourth density
positive or be left behind this is the beginning of something new that will be born on your
planet and as the planet is starting to move closer and closer as the changes are
beginning on your planet each of you will have the opportunity to stand as the pillars of
light and wherever there is darkness focus on the positive wherever there is negativity

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show your light and it will be dispelled from this earth we have initiated or helped you to
initiate this new awakening on your planetary sphere and please understand that this june
10th solar eclipse is a great initiation to practice this method even if you just practice this
awareness of your tongue for just one day for the 10th of june your consciousness will
reach into the higher vibration rhythms because consciousness is based on states there
are infinite states of consciousness and your state of consciousness determines what you
will receive and what kind of environment you will see in the future therefore beloveds we
are the pleiadians and we leave you now sharing this message to those who seek the
higher part of consciousness self-find much benefit and we leave you see you again

185 of 753
Session 60
Galactic Federation 13 Jun 15, 2021

What is the ILLUMINATI hiding from Humanity? Alien

Bodies Cover-up & Switching Timelines
We are the galactic federation and we are interconnected to you now in order to share our
thoughts and insights please note that we are connected to you in the love and the light
of the one infinite creator we are extremely pleased to connect with you in the divine glory
and the possibility of sharing inspiration and energies to you that may be of inspiration to
your people along with your own self also remember that you are a divine entity
experiencing life on this illusion complex at this time known in your vibration sequence as
life in this illusion continuum you have the free will to accept or reject any of the
information that you may receive from us today this instrument has requested to
understand about the groups known in your vibration sequence as the illuminati the
origins of which started on this time space nexus by an entity known as in your vibratory
sequence terms as adam who was desirous of creating a society of like-minded entities
which would not be overruled by the societal oppression and rules of the so-called kings
and queens that ruled your lands at that time space nexus this entity's intention was
primary of a positive type however was deflected into the slight negative orientation by
influences from the orion collective the orions used thought form appearances and they
were successful in influencing this positive entity by appearing before its visual complex
in the form of an angelic entity in this form of an angelic entity these orions gave guidance
and information sequences to create the nature of negativity camouflaged within a
positive outward intentions however the base nature being that of propagating negativity
of control over other selves this led this group's creation along with certain teachings and
rules that regulated certain variables that were possible to be expressed by this group we
must state that even though certain rules and regulations may be of an outward positive
nature however whenever you perceive rules laid out before your mind body and spirit
complex these rules mostly are here to hinder your free will variable granted by the one
infinite creator thereby hindering the divine purpose of each divine entity's own free will
which is indirectly hindered by these rules hence the basic freedom is stripped by such
rules or commandments hence the illuminati came into existence and the foundation were
created with many rules such as the rules of which entity could join this community and
who could become a part of this community and other roles such as keeping the
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information secret control is the key to negative use of catalyst whereas acceptance is the
key to positive use of catalyst furthermore remember the negative oriented beings who
were in contact with adam were influenced by this entity by appearing in a positive
thought form however inserting the control aspect that the negative orions wanted over
this group which later on led to the negative orientation of this group furthermore please
note that amongst the illuminatis there are many beings on your planet currently who use
thought-form communications and have formed a so-called illuminati group which is also
operating in this current time space however their thought forms are not totally
regularized into the creation of the actual group called the illuminatis these groups of
entities merge into oneness every 20 june of your yearly linear time space continuum their
agenda for this year's timeline concerns with the distortion known as disclosure to your
people however to comment on this regard could lead to unwanted situations that these
entities from the so-called illuminati could conjure these illuminati entities have a system
of levels that are assigned to each entity who become a part of this group furthermore
many of the illuminati members have played some crucial roles in the evolution of
humanity on this planetary sphere without ever having the knowledge of the common
people and without the common people realizing it because many of the illuminati
members are common people and some of them may be amongst your friends or allies
also remember we cannot reveal the identity of such entities in order to preserve the free
will that has been granted by the one infinite creator to each divine entity on this planet
furthermore each illuminati member is taught a method by which they can use their
cosmic consciousness point or the point from where their consciousness emerges in their
physical vehicle to choose their own timelines and they can alter the timeline of the
planetary sphere by working together in a focused manner this is how the so-called
illuminati members have been able to order some of the events by activating the so-called
intelligent infinity and the cosmic intelligence in order to alter timelines as per their desire
this they achieve via focusing on the point of origination of consciousness that originates
from a point straight behind the head on your skull wherein you can feel a slight bulge at
the back of your head which can be considered opposite to your nose this bulge is the
creation or the starting point of the origination of consciousness on your physical vehicle
using this knowledge of consciousness origination many entities who are members of this
illuminati group know how to keep track of their own consciousness by focusing this
attention they do not allow it to enter into any other consciousness variables and the
adept illuminati members can use this method of tracking to switch timelines by working
together with other members whenever they so desire furthermore please note that
currently many of the people on your planetary sphere are confused about the

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happenings on your planetary sphere and let us tell you that these illuminatis had a role in
the cover-up of the extraterrestrial spacecraft or the extraterrestrial physical vehicles that
had landed on your planetary sphere from the zeta reticuli star system as known by your
people prior to this time space nexus these physical vehicles of these other density
entities have been hidden under so-called secrecy in the hands of these illuminatis which
were given by the elites who had been originally researching on this project in order to
hide the evidence of these physical vehicles from the other density entities from other
planets and to hide the truth from coming out since the illuminatis they are trusted that
they will use their methods to cover up any information without any leaks because of their
stringent policies of not allowing any entity to reveal any information otherwise there
would be repercussions based on this group's policies furthermore please note that these
illuminati members currently also operate on your planetary sphere and they are also
indirectly in contact through thought forms to the orion entities who influence these
beings disguised as positive entities thereby many a times causing planetary chaos
because of these members using the so-called method of the origination of the
consciousness to choose a particular timeline they so desire to put the planetary sphere
into however we at this time space and at many times have prevented this from
happening also please note that many entities on your planetary sphere perceive it to be a
so-called conspiracy variable concept failing to realize that this variable was first
manifested into human mind complexes by the members of the illuminati in order to
subdue the information that the public would know because they would dismiss the
information by stating it a conspiracy and not looking into depths of the information
furthermore let us tell you that the information that we relate today is an important
information for those who understand to use the knowledge of splitting timelines or
choosing timelines using the method of consciousness tracking of the origination point of
consciousness in your physical vehicle therefore beloveds please note that the so-called
illuminatis are now in possession of the remains of the physical vehicles of these beings
who had come to your planetary sphere from the zeta reticuli star system that had
accidentally cross landed on your planetary sphere they have been backward engineered
and are still being backward engineered for many of the technologies on your planet have
emerged from these beings vehicles also in the future many will emerge not from a big
society of people but from a few people who would be the so-called members of the
illuminati who are currently researching on these physical vehicles therefore beloveds we
leave you now in the love and the light of the one creator we are the galactic federation

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Session 61
RA 12 Jun 18, 2021

Old Souls and How to Access Intelligent Infinity

I am Ra and i greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator we
communicate now before we start sharing our thoughts and insights please consider this
that your free will is the most valuable gift given to you by the one creator for this gift will
allow each to undergo and experience the totality of experience in the choice phase of
consciousness the first query placed by this instrument regards to the future time-space
of june 22nd and concerns what will happen on this timeline of your timespace however
the future cannot be accurately predicted there are variations on the free will and
distortion that will cause each entity to choose the future that it wants to choose causing
the whole planetary future to be different than expected hence we may state that this
period of triangulation of light starts on june 20 and ends on june 22nd meaning each
entity who is an old soul or as known in your vibration the sound terms as a senior soul
will have the opportunity to move forward in the illusion complex furthermore there needs
to be a distinction made between old souls and wanderers as known in your vibration
complex terms the old souls are all those souls or entities incarnated into this time-space
nexus at presence on your planetary sphere because of their seniority of vibration this
seniority of vibration can be compared to placing various types of materials into a
container and depending on the vibration the heaviest will eventually be at the bottom
and that with lighter energies will be found at the top this requires time space continuum
to completely operate similarly each entity of soul during their evolutionary cyclical
development gets sorted out the simplest way for your people to identify old souls is to
recognize that all those who are incarnated onto this planetary sphere are of two types of
souls the wanderers and the old souls that also include the so-called star seeds in your
language vibration terms let us try to explain in your vibratory sound complex terms that
which your mind complex is trying to perceive for the perception is determined by
understanding of the self in comparison to the illusion complex that surrounds each entity
the wanderers are those incarnate at this time space from other density consciousness
higher than that of the third density such as from the fourth to the fifth density
consciousness who sacrificed their polarization to be of service to the one creator and
incarnate by going through the veil of forgetfulness in order to increase the planetary
vibration of earth by sharing love and light energies furthermore the old souls are those
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souls that include star-seeds and disregarding their origins they are those souls with
seniority of vibration who are put under preference for this graduation window there are
many who are behind on the seniority of vibration list who would be upcoming next as far
as the window of graduation stays open this is also why many entities have always stated
the importance of this current incarnation for many entities on your planetary sphere the
seniority by vibration is the preferential treatment that follows the pathway of the law of
one this is one way of encouraging individual entities towards graduation each entity
becoming aware of the time of graduation and the need on a self level to bend mind body
and spirit towards the learned teaching of these lessons is given priority in order that this
entity may have the best possible chance shall we say of succeeding in this attempt
starting on the june 28th time space nexus of your timeline there will be energies coming
in both from the sun and the moon allowing those with seniority of vibration to access
those knowledge bases that are stored in the akashic records in your vibration terms
which are the past time space records of intelligent infinities various manifestations and
parallel reality existences for this to occur each entity desirous of such access of their
akashic records need to attempt using their free will to interconnect with intelligent infinity
firstly an emptiness of the mind complex must be maintained in order to open the
gateway to intelligent infinity everything surrounding you in this illusion complex exists as
part of the intelligent infinity all physical forms are created into this illusion complex from
this intelligent infinity each of you are a part of this intelligent infinity this intelligent infinity
creates your thought forms beliefs and the inner pictures of your world as you experience
around your own self each entity is a co-creator with intelligent infinity now we shall
proceed in sharing the process of connecting with intelligent infinity that shall aid the old
souls of your planetary sphere to achieve their access to intelligent infinity and akashic
records the process is simply to focus on one level of reality and have complete focus on
that level of reality this can be achieved during your waking states wherein you need to
focus completely on the reality that surrounds you let us tell you about entities who used
this knowledge to access intelligent infinity two such entities known in your time space
vibration sound complex terms are known as buddha and jesus who achieved this level of
intelligent infinity by accessing or focusing to the exclusion of other realities into the
reality of intelligent infinity these entities were able to penetrate intelligent infinity many a
times during their life cycle on earth having varied experiences and seeing the one creator
in everything thereby fulfilling their purpose of sharing this knowledge to many entities
amongst your people and healing those who sought to be healed intelligent infinity
access allows divine flow of healing energies that can be put forth upon other entities that
need healing however later on after the crossing over of these entities many of the

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knowledge of the oneness of the one creator and the processes used to access intelligent
infinity were distorted by influences from the negative oriented entities who put these
distortions of rules and control in the mind of many of those disciples of these entities
who had not yet accessed full love light energies to protect their mind complex from the
thought forms of negative orientation thereby causing this knowledge to be mixed with
two realities of positive and negative aspects this caused this knowledge to befuddle
itself amongst both polarities hence leading both aspects of positive and negative to be
intermingled with the pure knowledge base of information left by these divine entities who
are currently continuing their purpose in the fifth density consciousness after their
incarnation ended this is how each entity can access intelligent infinity by focusing on one
reality at a time to the exclusion of other realities this will cause the old souls to become
adepts in this process if they follow this area of mastery causing them to become capable
of contacting intelligent infinity many of those are present in other planetary spheres
including us that can use intelligent infinity to travel to any space time a nexus in the logoi
this process is heightened during these coming three days starting from 28th to these old
souls who are incarnated at this time space nexus to access intelligent infinity therefore
beloved go forth rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one creator will leave you
in the love and the light Adonai

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Session 62
Galactic Federation 14 Jun 22, 2021

Space Force, Agreements with Galactic Federation

We are the galactic federation and we greet you beloved in the love of the one creator and
we are here from our saturn council connected to you by our thought forms please
understand that as we view your planet from our base on the saturn council we can see
the planetary waves of consciousness shifting toward a higher octave of consciousness
as the days and the months slowly pass by before we share our thoughts please note that
you have free will to accept or reject this information we are going to share through this
instrument our thoughts each day and each month brings in a new wave of
consciousness slowly raising the vibration of the whole planetary system before we start
to share our thoughts please use your discernment and we would like to thank this
instrument for sharing our message amongst the people many of whom have followed our
guidance through these times these times may sometimes seem tough to many entities
but the rewards will be massive please understand that this is a time which is most critical
and also the reason why we are in contact with many other entities as well via this
process of thought-form communication also known as channeling in a similar manner we
are connected to this instrument today who seeks to understand the reason behind the
creation of the so-called space force in your language terms please note that this
instrument is referring to a space force which has been openly created as the sixth
branch of the military on the western side of the earth planetary sphere in the lands
known as the united states of which we are going to answer your query based upon the
information we have gathered and we will share only the information which we can share
you must understand that the space force was created because of a certain galactic war
that had occurred previously many people on your planet are already aware that many
entities from your planetary sphere had already been sending entities outside the planet
such as to planet mars and to the moon what actually had happened was that there was
a certain base that had been created by these people in coordination with us the galactic
federation on the martian and the moon planets which had existed prior to this current
time space nexus it existed and these bases had allowed humanity and us the galactic
federation to work together and perform research in order to allow the advancement of
humanity furthermore many entities on your planetary sphere were involved in this from
various parts of your planet this was a sort of project that we as the galactic federation
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had offered to humanity in order to allow certain entities using their free will who were
ready to evolve into the faster next phases of consciousness in exchange of certain
technologies that your people desired however because of the ego of your people many
entities formed alliances with the other negative oriented orion entities which led to a war
that occurred on space on mars approximately three years prior to this linear time space
nexus this conflict occurred between the entities from the orions and the human species
those few entities who had been sent on a special mission to learn and expand their
consciousness during this battle many entities and almost all of the human physical
vehicles involved in such bases were destroyed by the orion reptilian anunnaki collective
since the orions the reptilians and the anunnakis were spiritually advanced to a sufficient
degree we did not interfere in the battle because we did not want to create a massive
battle that would have lasted for a long period and the after effects would have been seen
on your planetary sphere hence we as the galactic federation just sent love and light
energies at that time space because of which this battle stopped and the reptilian orion
anunnaki collective along with their allied human entities who had been on the mars
planet during this special program returned back to their normal state currently in this
time space nexus the martian planet has been preoccupied by these entities from the
reptilian orion anunnaki collective furthermore please understand that after the battle
stopped we on seeing the futility of this type of program that had allowed special abilities
access to many entities we approached many of the leaders of your powerful nations and
we approached a certain entity by the name of donald at that time space and we made an
agreement with this entity stating that this entity if it is successful in creating a space
force that would have the capability of defending your planet against some of the reptilian
entities then and only then would this exchange program be continued hence this
agreement has been made and currently there are no entities who are in this special
program task force as it has ceased and also this is the reason why the creation of the
sixth branch of the military as known by your people as the space force was created
furthermore please remember that we can sense that this branch is still functioning and
slowly and steadily making some progress furthermore on the coming time space of the
july timeline a certain galactic meeting has been scheduled along with the space force
representatives of your planets wherein we are to assist your people and also work out
what can be done in order to stop the infiltration that is occurring on mars this negative
influence has to be stopped as we can sense their influence is going to be dramatic on
your planetary sphere furthermore upon scanning this instrument's mind complex we are
receiving mixed queries regarding information pertaining to this space force concept there
are many variants of this space force that are currently operating on your planets however

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in order to avoid confusion we shall withhold these information at this time space
furthermore please note that your planet is currently shifting at a rapid pace into the
beginning stages of the fourth density consciousness and since today is july 22nd as
known in your language sequence time space terms today is a day which signifies the
end of the three day timeline which would allow the old souls to raise their consciousness
to a higher degree furthermore many guidance has already been received previously also
today we as the galactic federation would like to share with you a simple method which
should aid your people in this coming time this method is simply to focus on the void
because the void is already existing around each and every object or sound that you
perceive in the illusion complex that surrounds each of you this void is the gateway to
infinite intelligence or the gateway to the source as known by many of your people hence
in order to focus on the voice also focus on the silence between the words or the sounds
that you share on a daily basis especially for today therefore beloved we as the galactic
federation leave you in the love and light bye

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Session 63
Galactic Federation 15 Jun 28, 2021

Why this may be the Last Message from Galactic

Federation? & How to Banish Negative Entities?
We are the galactic federation of light and we greet you beloved in the love and light of
the one creator from our saturn council we are communicating today before we start
sharing our thoughts and insights please use your discernment and only accept those
thought-form sequences that resonate with your heart we as the galactic federation
communicate now and as we observe your planetary sphere rotating into the positive
vibrations we feel pleased that many entities on your planetary sphere are awakening to
the truth within and in the upcoming days we can sense a huge surge of new awakenings
taking place on planet earth this surge of awakening will grasp each entity who is ready to
awaken and move upward into the density of higher consciousness learning and
understanding those principles which were kept hidden from your people for a long
period of time space this will cause many entities to enter into a shocking reflection of not
being alone in the universe which will tempt such souls to ponder inside and an inner
awareness will begin to take place within the hearts of such entities creating a new wave
of consciousness many entities on your planetary sphere will soon begin to understand
and tap into these realities that have been hidden for many of your people and are not
able to accept or access these other realities because of a blockage that they have
created on their mind complex based on their strict belief systems which many disagree
to transform and change as the perceptions begin to change many people whose mind
complex were strictly focused on one aspect we'll begin to now look at things with an
open perspective because the enormous amount of data information complex that has
been released before your people and is going to be released in the future will be enough
for many entities who are asleep to awaken to what is happening behind the veneer of
your planetary sphere this will trigger a massive spiral of awakening of your planetary
sphere allowing many entities to undergo a process as known in your language sequence
as the dark night of the soul to an intense degree just like the seasons changing people
will change on your planetary sphere many entities will change and those who were so-
called the non-believers will become believers using their own free will this is a critical
moment in your time space and in the coming days and the coming months will seem to
be the most critical for your people furthermore we as the galactic federation are here
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today to answer a query placed by this instrument's mind complex regarding the latest
update of the martian war however we cannot share this information today because we
have sensed a certain intrusion that has been attempted by a later faced fifth density
entity's mind complex thought forms that has attached itself to an elemental which is now
located at this instrument's house at around a degree of 30 towards the left side of this
instruments house wherein this elemental is being used by the fifth density orions in order
to attempt intrusion upon this instrument's communication with us and with other entities
however we can sense that this entity has not been successful in the previous
communication sessions to intrude some distortions were added however such as there
was an error on our part on the previous working session wherein we mispronounced the
date as being july when in essence it was june hence we would request this instrument
upon realizing this mistake to correct it by sharing this message amongst the humanity
complex in order to understand that this intrusion attempt had caused this error this is the
only error we can detect as far as the communications made by this instrument
furthermore upon scanning this instrument we would recommend this instrument to
perform a banishing ritual which will protect this instrument from the effects of this
negatively oriented elemental which is being controlled by the orions to intrude upon this
instrument's contact sequence this is being performed in order to stop this instrument
from maintaining contact with us however this instrument also has the free will to end this
contact with us and with other beings thereby it will stay protected from any of the
negative influences furthermore if it so desires to continue in the service to the one
creator it may continue using its free will to maintain contact with us however before we
share any information pertaining to any of the queries in the future this instrument must
perform the banishing ritual in the room upon which this instrument has been performing
the sessions of contact with us in the following accent sequences firstly take five cups of
water in a container and then boil it until it reaches its boiling point and keep it in this
state for the next five minutes after this let the water subside to a normal temperature and
then take some salt and sprinkle the salt in a straight line outside the base of the window
of this instrument's room of contact without breaking the chain of salt and follow the
banishing ritual by calling upon the one creator by saying the vibratory sound distortion
sequences as i am a sub creator of the one creator and i am calling upon the one infinite
creator to bless this salt and allow the other counterpart entities who are also serving the
one creator in the negative polarization to accept this offering and to take this offering
furthermore after performing of these action sequences this instrument must then take
the water and expose it to love and light energies for five minutes and sprinkle this water
on top of the salt that was laid down prior then this entity must leave the resulting for 24

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hours and not conduct any sessions within the next 24 hours after this period expires this
entity must take second density vegetable known as in your language sequence as garlic
and then after 24 hours sprinkle the garlic upon this resulting product and swipe the salt
residue and collect it into a container which then must be burned by this instrument
which will cause any negative entities to leave the area and banish them therefore
beloveds we would recommend this instrument to follow this procedure if it wishes to
maintain contact with us using its free will we are the galactic federation and we are
always here in order to protect and to serve the one creator we leave you now bye

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Session 64
Archangel Michael 7 Jul 1, 2021

Veil of Forgetting & Council of Planets

I am archangel michael and i am connected to this boy from the angelic realm in order to
share guidance as requested by this boy for the month of july as known in your language
sequence furthermore before i share my guidance you must choose wisely the guidance
using your own judgment and accepting only those which match with your inner feelings
of acceptance i am connected to share my thoughts and insights and to let you
understand that as i sense the vibration rhythm of earth it is at these moments which will
determine the higher level of evolution that this planets will reach into what matters most
at these times is how many people will choose awakening using their free will even one
individual's awakening will make a huge difference on the planetary awakening this is also
the reason why i do not want to focus on the number of people my message is received
by what matters is that even if one individual were to fully realize the truth within such
individual would begin to awaken not only itself but along with it many other individuals
and the rewards of this awakening would be more than enough reasons for me to
continue sharing knowledge with this boy furthermore also note that in the past month
there had been many new energies coming onto the planet and now in the upcoming
month of july a new wave of deeper energies will enter the planetary sphere this coming
month of july will begin to bring out the dormant abilities of all those individuals known as
the star seeds and wanderers that have received upgrades in the past month from the
energetic waves that were hitting earth in addition in this month of july there are many
events that will occur on your planet's timeline which will trigger deeper awakening that
will allow to reach higher levels of consciousness each being will begin to understand and
look within its own self for the answer is already present within in addition i will guide
those who seek guidance to understand the truth that each has the same powers of
creation as the one father the creator also in the month of july the time of as known in the
language sequence as 24th of july during which period a vibration a check of the whole
planet is scheduled by the council of planets in order to perceive the level of increase in
the vibratory levels of the people many other higher beings will be sending upgrades and
necessary catalyst as messages through this boy and many others as well to prepare
individuals who seek to be ready for this test of awakening consciousness also in the
upcoming month a very important meeting with the space forces of your people will occur
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with the galactic federation in order to ponder upon the current situation of the evolution
of the space force and to allow further development and if possible to re-initiate the space
force inter-being exchange program to allow faster development of the planet this
meeting will be held at some moment in the month of july the time of which will be
withheld at this moment in order to not infringe upon the occurrence of this event which
can be infringed via thought forms i will reveal about this information at the appropriate
times in the coming days of the month of july as i stated before this month can be
appropriately termed as the month of deeper awakening for your people who seek
awakening will awaken into a deeper level of consciousness because of the messages i
will be sharing with other individuals and through this boy and also because of the
oncoming energies which will hit your planet in addition this boy requires to understand
the term known in your language sequence as the veil of forgetting hence i will try to
explain using your language sequence about the meaning behind this term and why it
was incorporated into the evolutionary pattern of your planetary sphere if you can
consider this that there are many other galaxies which are in a similar manner capable of
expressing life forms such as your planet in such planetary spheres that were capable of
allowing third density to force density consciousness to evolve there were many
experiments conducted by the council of planets the first experiment that was conducted
by the council of planets was conducted on the pleiadian star system around 9.6 million
years ago the experiment conducted was to see the effects of evolution without a veil of
forgetting and to see the progress made by various beings in such planets as they evolve
without the veil of forgetting during this time period in the pleiadian star system the
development of such individual souls could not accelerate at a rapid pace because they
were already connected to the source and they remembered who they were and
remembered their purpose hence making the experience dull and boring for such beings
because there was no separation in this galaxy in a similar experiment started around the
same time period in the planet known as venus and mars in the planet venus the
experiment was run with the presence of the veil of forgetting similarly in the planet mars
another experiment was run which had the veil of forgetting coupled with lack of
emotional aspects and opposable thumb considering each experiment in the galaxies the
development of entities buried and the council of planets decided after a certain time
period to look at the progress made by each galactic system with such experiments in
order to find out the suitable and the best way to allow consciousness to experience
evolution to become one with the one father the creator these experiments showed a
different kind of future evolution a small change such as the adding of the veil allowed
beings to have the opportunity to move into the positive or the negative pathway based

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upon their free will hence the negative path was born moreover on the martian planet the
entities because of lack of emotional sight created havoc and many wars occurred on
that planetary sphere similarly on the earth planet the combination of the veil of forgetting
an opposable thumb experiment along with the emotional aspect was created this led to
the current evolutionary pattern of your planetary sphere this was found to be the most
successful in the time space of the evolutionary pattern and each evolution through these
levels were incorporated into other galaxies as well as all are connected the various
councils then incorporated the veil of forgetting in all third density planets to allow entities
their free will to choose the polarity they decided to pursue and making each individual
forget about their past incarnation with each incarnation for there is no right or wrong
each part leads to the one father to experience itself therefore i leave you now i am
archangel Michael

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Session 65
Galactic Federation 16 Jul 6, 2021

Humanity Must Know About This & LIGHT WILL WIN

We are the galactic federation and we communicate again through this instrument to
share our guidance furthermore we communicate from our saturn council and you must
realize that you have the free will to accept or reject any of the information which we shall
share with you today furthermore each entity on the planetary level at this time period is
allowing itself to learn the lessons as it moves forward and upward in the illusion complex
learning the various lessons to be learned furthermore we as the galactic federation are
here connected to address a query placed by this instrument regarding how the banishing
ritual affects elementals and other negative entities in this regard let us share with you
that this instrument was successful in performing the banishing ritual that had been
directly directed previously albeit performed in a haphazard manner the intent which is the
most important when performing such rituals was the reason behind the efficacy of this
ritual this had been directed upon the emergence of a certain elemental which had been
controlled by negatively oriented orions also understand this that each entity and each
elemental emerged from the first density consciousness hence the application of the
purified water upon the salt is a significance of the first density reaction of the mineral to
the water molecules that signifies the creation of the density of movement in the first
density consciousness and as the elemental also emerged from this level of
consciousness such elementals would take the offering of this reaction between the two
elements that of water and salt because elementals desire to feed upon such reactions of
elementals which is also a reason why many a times elementals are found near rivers and
near streams or other places wherein such reactions are common these elementals form
onto these places because of consciousness being expressed by certain entities in a
negative platform pattern many a times elementals may take onto or latch onto the soul of
entities who have crossed over in order to use such souls who are weak and who do not
understand the pathway of movement through the lights in addition who do not desire to
move forward into the evolutionary cycle and such elementals and souls desire water and
salt reaction that caused this elemental to latch itself onto this water and salt combination
and within 24 hours this elemental fused itself onto the salt offering furthermore upon the
application of garlic which is a substance that cuts through or peels through the layers of
densities since garlic has this ability of remaining in two states upon being cut one is the
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state of being in a semi-gaseous form wherein it releases a small amount of substance
that can affect the other densities and realms and the other being the solid state in which
it would remain there further allowing the evolution and movements forward after the
application of this ritual upon waiting for 24 hours all elementals that were near this
instrument's house were entrapped in the sword and the water offering hence upon being
burned in fire this led to the decimation or the destruction of such elementals which
existed thereby now this instrument's chamber of connection with us and with other
higher beings has been cleansed furthermore this instrument also desires to understand if
it should share this information amongst the people of your planet in this regard we as the
galactic federation are of the opinion that the ritual should be shared using free will for it
may have positive effects on people who seek such protection against negative entities
however excluding the aspects of burning the final residue and calling upon the one
creator may be skipped when sharing therefore in this facet we have no issues with the
sharing of the ritual furthermore we as the galactic federation have observed your people
for a long time and now we are communicating to some of your people who act as our
messengers we are here to lovingly support your planetary sphere which has sacrificed so
much to be of support to your race which has allowed your race to evolve throughout the
various timelines free your world from negative emotions such as tyranny hate despair
and anger look at each other with an air of loving kindness and compassion furthermore
pain and suffering in the planet emerges from ignorance from lack of true light from within
various entities that make up the collective of humanity along with the planetary sphere
many entities have forgotten their relationship to the earth planets many are now in the
process of remembering that they are along with earth in the process of evolution without
each entity involving and evolving earth planet would not have the opportunity to evolve
further many entities perceive each other as being separate from the sources of all
creation the truth is that you have never been separated from source as the creator is
within each of you in essence you are the creator just as we also are the creator many
entities are now undergoing a form of spiritual transformation and transmutation a
clearing of individualized karmic patterns are being triggered and the process is underway
once your physical vehicles are free from old ways and patterns and beliefs of
programming that have kept many entities on the planetary sphere on the same cycle of
looping through the same density many will begin to ascend into higher frequencies until
your physical vehicles are transformed into a magnificent area of light the transformation
has started for many entities on an individualized level and later in the cycle of
transformation it will take on the form of being a part of the whole humanity collective this

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change will trigger a faster evolution of the human race we are pleased to leave you now
we are the galactic federation bye

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Session 66
Sirians 2 Jul 8, 2021

Every Person's Power to Create New Earth &

Encoded One
We are the sirian high council and we communicate now from the sirius b planetary
sphere in the sirius constellation we are communicating via the means of thought-form
communications through this instrument who has accepted our vibration and has opened
itself to accept and receive our messages and guidance understand this that each entity
who shall receive these messages upon being transmitted by this instrument and through
this instrument has the free will to accept or to reject any of the information which shall
arise from us furthermore as the days the times and the periods of cyclical changes occur
on the planetary level we are of the opinion that now your people many of whom have
achieved an activation level required to use abilities to transform the whole planetary
vibration by using the innate facility that each entity on your planetary sphere has
however many yet do not realize the full power and the potential of the imagination unit of
the mind which is an important part of the physical vehicle of the human collective
furthermore this imagination unit is a co-creative tool that upon touching the source of
creation or inner heart of creation can lead to the activation of imagined events to occur
on the illusion complex and starting on the 9th to the 10th of july very important events
will occur since recently from the 3rd to the 7th of july the sirius gateway had been
opened and we had been sending energetic waves from our sirius constellation to assist
humanity in this time period now these energetic waves will begin to show their effects
and the causal reaction starting from the time space furthermore these effects may range
from appearance of more peace upon the planetary sphere the appearance of more
innate abilities of creation and we would recommend each entity who is listening to our
messages do upon using its own free will before or whenever it so desires to focus on its
mind and focus on the image of new earth as it desires it to be in addition upon focusing
of such images of the new earth as each entity would desire this new earth to look and
feel like upon focusing of such images on the imagination unit of the mind will many times
lead to these events to enter into the vortex of creation which shall allow such events to
drastically occur at a faster pace on your planetary sphere also upon this activation being
performed by many entities it will have even higher effects furthermore the use of such
methods not only strengthens the innate abilities of entities but also helps the planetary
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consciousness to improve as the planetary consciousness is slowly rising based upon the
use of this method it will begin to rise even faster we the sirians have always wanted to
assist humanity and many a times we have come through this instrument and through
other channels who have allowed our energies and we shared our guidance required for
this ascension jump to occur furthermore the creation of the new earth firstly must begin
in the imagination unit of your mind as known to your various entities on your planets
because as many entities already understand this that everything that is perceivable in the
imagination world ultimately gets created in the outward reality in the time space
continuum also many of these so called objects that were created by your people were
firstly imagined and then these objects were created onto the physical world furthermore
let us share with you that the 9th to the 10th of july and leading up to the future timelines
after the period of sirius gateway ended on the 7th of july will allow these new energies
that had been passing through the planet earth from the third to the seventh to assist
humanity in the upgradation process for the upgradation process to take place and for
the veils to lift we need to state that by doing this we will prepare the gateway for the
encoded one who is destined to enter your sphere from the later sixth density
consciousness at the main point of transformation in order to trigger a faster spiraling of
your planet into the fourth density consciousness this encoded one will then begin to
transform your whole planet once the choice of all your people has been made it will then
begin to terraform rapidly the whole planet into the fourth density consciousness
therefore we cannot clearly determine when the encoded one shall arrive upon the
planetary sphere because this depends on each entity's desire on your planets to allow
the new earth to activate at a faster rate in addition upon the performance of the
previously stated activity each entity will begin to activate the timeline of the new earth to
enter faster and it will emerge faster on the planetary level consider this that the new
earth's emergence on the planetary sphere is a collective calling of all of humanity we as
the sirians as we observe the planet we observe the whole planetary vibration in addition
at this time period let us give you a basic assessment of the planetary vibration which we
perceive it to be around furthermore this is also the reason why the new earth is slowly
emerging and the planet is entering into the positive for the density beginning stages at
this time period and if this continues the earth planet will soon enter a phase wherein it
will allow the coming of the encoded one for the allowance of a faster emergence of the
fourth density positive cycle and to allow a faster transformation in the future time period
we shall share more details about these events when required this is the message we
come here to deliver to humanity we are the sirian high council and remember that you
are the healers and the leaders of this new age bye

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Session 67
Pleiadians 10 Jul 12, 2021

Dark Agenda of 5G & Alien Connection?

We are the Pleiadians and we connect with you again in the love and light of the one
supreme creator. We are communicating here again in order to share our thoughts and
insights regarding the query placed by this instrument. Today’s query pertains to the so-
called ‘5G’ technology that is being planned to be introduced fully amongst the humanity
population In some places, it has already been released. Hence, this instrument has
requested to understand whether it is safe or not In this regard, we the Pleiadians are of
the opinion that before we share our thoughts, each entity must exercise its free will in
order accept or reject our thoughts and insights that we shall share through this
instrument Many of the technological advancements that are being introduced to the
people are being introduced with the main objective of control of the minds of the human
collective. The so-called elites want to control the major technological information and
indirectly in this manner they would be controlling the pathway of the planet’s trajectory.
We are not saying that this is wrong and your people have the free will to choose what
they want to choose. We are just sharing that your people should be aware of the hidden
truth happening on the background before they have the option of accepting or rejecting
such thought forms. Let us tell you what we as galactic family of light are aware of this
technology and we shall share information that is allowed to be shared by us This
technology is already being used by many elites on your planetary sphere Firstly, let us
share with you that this technology’s creation started originally after a group of entities
had been approached by the Orion-thought form controlled gray entity that had offered
these entities, advanced extraterrestrial technology that was in possession of the Orions
in exchange of allowing their physical vehicular genes to be collected for the purpose of
cloning This cloning of physical vehicles is going on at current time-space inside the
oceans, especially the pacific ocean as known in your language terms; wherein these
robotically controlled grays have been working hard to create physical containers that
would replace many human physical vehicles on earth They are doing this because this is
the final push for negative entities. We have been planning to send robotic controlled
entities in the coming days to neutralize this threat There is no need to worry about in this
regard. They have run out of options and believe it or not we are today sharing this
information to make the masses aware of this hidden fact They do not want you to know
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this, and we warn this instrument that if it chooses to share this information, these entities
may not want this fact to be revealed to the people of your planetary sphere Hence,
without knowledge, by creating a 5g network grid will allow all data and information
collected or that travel through these network grids to directly be accessed and stored by
the Orion:Gray:Anunnaki:Reptilian collective They want this grid to form a part of the
planetary sphere so they can target individual entities, who are sharing love-light energies
or sharing information pertaining to love-light energies so that they can be intercepted
and attacked upon or threatened via the process of using thought forms These 5G higher
bandwidth information transferring technologies are used by beings who have not
developed enough of the connection to the universal mind in a natural way to allow
telepathic communication Many entities may have noticed that technology through the
years has been used to interpenetrate personal boundaries and to keep track of secretive
data on a personal level to control entities. These devices and technology like 5G also
affect human consciousness; they trap consciousness in the level of the yellow ray chakra
as known by your people Meaning that they create a sense of competition and creation of
a stronger sense of I, of the self-image or ego This furthermore, leads to people focusing
on creating life-long activities that are more self-service oriented and this prevents the
true flowering of service to others that should be followed on a 4th density positive
planetary sphere This may be harder to comprehend for many entities because this is
deeper than the surface level of what is happening. However, we are of the opinion that
humanity as a collective has the free will to choose whatever pathway they want to
choose As both positive and negative pathways are allowed. In addition, Earth is now
entering the positive polarization pathway of 4th density. Hence, these technological
devices are being created to tamper with the natural progression of humanity. They are
also being used by the elites and the negative oriented entities to spread the pathway of
service to self in an indirect manner We as the pleiadians are here to state that you must
quit using such devices; if you can do that, then you will experience immediate benefits
such as mental clarity, improved physical health, and peace of the mind complex We are
of the opinion that humanity must become aware of the underlying control that some of
these technological developments are creating The more advanced a technological
system that is created by the mind complex, the more invasive it will be on your privacy
and the greater sway it has over your ability to think clearly and creatively, and to feel,
from the heart We also agree and notice that there are few positive aspects of these
technological devices based upon which many entities are spreading their use to more
and more people , but if you look at the trajectory that Earth planet is entering into with
the creation of such devices, we see a future that is driven and dominated by artificial

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intelligence and other devices, if intervention is not carried out No naturalness will be left
after a certain period of time. Your people must know which pathway they want to
choose, they can choose what they want using their free will We are just here to support
those who seek the spiritual path and not a path of technological advancement. Without
balance of the spiritual side, the technological side will be taken over by the mind
complex that in itself creates many problems in the mind complex of the various entities
However, by doing so, the people who embrace and want new technologies will soon
encounter a time-space period if they could peek into the future – wherein, the whole
planet would be controlled by a super-conscious artificial intelligence or being controlled
by the negative oriented Orion collective, if this is not intervened We are working on the
intervention. Hence, no need to worry about this aspect. We do not want that to happen
to your futures, our perspective has always been to guide your people without infringing
upon free will This is a lot to digest for people of your planetary sphere that 5G devices
are created in exchange of genetic codes to the Gray beings who are robotically creating
more and more clones inside the bases. This technology if implemented fully will also lead
to possibly the end of privacy of the various entities on your planetary sphere. Also, the
choice is yours - we are just here to share our thoughts Furthermore, 5G technology also
has a risk of increasing the already present radiation on the planetary sphere Taking the
radiation levels to even higher levels and adding risks of lowering of the so-called
immunity capability of your physical vehicles; thereby leading to creation of more
diseases that will plague your peoples We are the pleiadians and we leave you now. See
you again.

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Session 68
Archangel Michael 8 Jul 14, 2021

Key to Your Awakening & Energy Centers

I am Archangel Michael and I am connected to this boy to share my guidance and to lend
my thoughts with humanity. I am connected from the Angelic realm. Before I share any of
my thoughts, remember to use your discernment I am here for the guidance of whole
humanity. Whenever you kind has requested guidance I have always guided many entities
on your planetary sphere Also you must understand that each experience is a lesson to
be learnt. I am Archangel Michael and my words will begin to pour out of this boys
physical throat as known in your people’s language You must understand significance of
24 July as stated earlier wherein the galactic community shall come together to assess
the planetary vibration of the earth planet and future actions or future paradigms shall be
decided on that day As you must understand this vibration check of this planet is one that
is of significance not only to your planet but the entire galaxy. As your planet is now
freshly entering into the positive cycle The changes that are occurring will be of a drastic
importance. Also understand that today I am going to present to you a key to the
awakening of the planet. A key that will help those during the time of awakening A key
that will allow many entities to awaken faster and balance their energy centres that require
balancing. A key that will allow entities to awaken to the truth within I have noticed many
times that your peoples main errors of balancing lie in the throat chakra. Because this
throat chakra is blocked many times many entities on your planetary sphere do not yet
understand that the thoughts and the voices that they hear in their mind complex does
not emerge from the mind but it emerges from the throat And an imbalance of throat
chakra will lead to imbalance of the words and the voices that is heard in the mind
complex, and these will be irregular. And many words and voices will be heard These
voices are the reason why many entities don’t feel connected with the other energy
centres. Also, the key to the awakening lies in the balancing of this chakra also known as
the blue ray centre by many of your people This throat chakra must be balanced and the
balancing process is simple. To simply be aware of its existence. To focus your attention
whenever you can on the throat ray and just observe what is the throat saying Are there
any words or voices emanating from it. Many a times, you will notice that people are
guided by the throat ray. And because of the imbalance, many a times, peoples begin to
indulge in activities that are not suitable for them. Many a times this creates a lot of so-
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called psychological suffering The balancing of this throat ray is an indication of the
higher awakening of consciousness. As each entity must understand that this throat ray
balancing will lead to higher development of the cyclical changes of the throat and the
awakening of the upper levels of the chakras, which are the indigo and the violet ray
chakras Without balancing the throat ray, no entity can begin to activate the indigo ray or
the violet ray. Hence, I sense many a times, even those who are awakened are stuck on
this level of the throat ray balancing They may have activated unconditional love that is
the heart chakra. But they are still stuck in the throat ray. And this is the process which I
am going to share with you today The process is simple, whenever you go about your
daily life, whenever you experience life in the illusion that surrounds you. Keep your focus
on the throat ray and keep track of the number of words that emerges That is correct; I
said the number of words that emerges from the throat ray. This throat ray is the reason
why you hear voices in your head. Because of this throat ray, many of you hear many
voices in your head And these voices create a lot of unwanted suffering if they are
unbalanced In order to balance this, pay attention to the throat ray and focus on the
words that are emanating when you are silent, this does not apply when you are actively
using the throat ray and speaking This applies when you are passively focussing on the
throat ray. When you are passively focussing and when you are silent and when the throat
ray should be silent and not be used; just focus on the number of words that emanate
within your mind from the throat ray You will begin to realise that there will be many words
and many thoughts that will emanate from the throat ray and enter your mind. This is the
reason why you need to balance your throat ray. To balance is simple, focus your
attention on it and count the number of words emanating from it when you are silent. As
you begin to count the number of words, the number will decrease as your attention lies
on the throat ray and a peace will begin to emanate from within your own body You will
then begin to activate the blue ray which is the throat chakra and then followed by the
indigo ray also known as the third eye chakra, then followed by the violet ray But firstly I
sense that many entities need to balance this throat ray. This process which I described
here can be used not only by this instrument, but also by those people who have to
balance their throat ray Because without this balancing no entity can move upward in the
level of consciousness. Now, let me give you a brief understanding of the energy centres
in your body. There are primarily 7 energy centres. The first energy centre also known as
the red ray by your people is the fundamental energy centre that deals with survival,
sexuality and with your connection to the earth – it is your foundation that roots you to the
planet earth And anchors your being-ness within your physical body. The second is
known as the orange ray centre – also known as the sacral chakra by many people. This

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orange ray centre is the main gateway of your emotions and emotional identity. Whenever
people become blocked at this orange ray centre – they begin to lose control of the
emotional side Then you have the third energy centre known as the yellow ray – or the
solar plexus energy centre, which deals with identification and the creation of the egoistic
part of the mind Because this energy centre is closely related to the lower three energy
centres and many a times an imbalance of this yellow ray centre will begin to create
imbalances of the lower energy centres The fourth energy centre is the green ray energy
centre also known as the heart chakra which allows and deals with love and compassion.
As many of you know the heart is the pathway to love Furthermore, if there is some
blockage in this area, entities will not be able to express love and compassion. Then
comes the fifth ray energy centre also known as the throat chakra of which I have already
talked about before After this comes the sixth energy centre also known as the indigo ray
or the third eye, which deals with spirituality and awakening of consciousness. And the
enlightened beings on your planetary sphere are able to activate this ray Then comes the
7th ray or the violet chakra which is the connection to the one father the creator.
Furthermore, all the energy centres need to be balanced before this violet ray chakra is
activated Therefore, I am Archangel Michael and I leave you with the hope that this
exercise will assist humanity in the coming planetary vibration check. So be it.

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Session 69
Pleiadians 11 Jul 16, 2021

Not Everyone's Going to Make it- Prepare for NEW

We are the Pleiadians and we communicate now Before we share our thoughts and
insights understand this that you have the free will to accept or reject any of the
information that may arise from us through this instrument Furthermore, understand this
that we as the Pleiadians are here to answer your query, which pertains to the New Earth
also known as the 4th Density planetary sphere or the Furthermore, many entities on your
planet do not yet realize that the changes that are occurring on your planet at this time-
space period are a signal of the emerging New Earth Many entities will leave this planet in
the coming days and the coming months many will leave those with the vibration that do
not match with that of the New Earth Furthermore, a certain period of around 100 years
time-space continuum is required for all the entities with the polarization not that of the
positive 4th density vibration to leave the Earth planet and move into another planetary
sphere Also understand this that each entity has the opportunity of moving upward in the
level of consciousness The New Earth will be based upon the aspect of love; furthermore,
there will be no need for the veil of forgetting because the choice will have been made by
each entity in the And there will be basic 7 phases of cyclical changes that will take place,
each phase will bring in a new aspect of the New Earth or 4th density Earth Once the
Earth completely enters into the New Earth, there will be no need for the veil of forgetting
Since entities have already achieved a level of evolution, they will begin to remember their
past incarnations, which will cause many entities to ponder and look at their friends and
families with a different perspective There will be many more family members and many
entities will realize that even those they previously considered as the so-called enemies
were in-fact their friends and that they were related to each other in the past incarnation
Sometimes, many entities once they enter the New Earth will begin to understand that
there is no other and that each is the self expressing life in the illusion that surrounds
each of you. In addition, the Earth planetary sphere will begin to transform into the 4th
density positive polarity faster. Because of this transformation, Earth will stabilize into a
4th density planet and all of its previous Karma, will be deleted The karma deletion is
happening right now at this current time on your planetary sphere. There will be many
times wherein there will be floods, earthquakes and many changes, which are the
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balancing of the planets karma, which is being balanced moment by moment In addition,
as the Karma of the planet changes moment by moment, many entities will understand
the distortion that each entity has to understand in the level of consciousness
Furthermore, many a times, the planetary changes will also trigger a deeper balancing of
karma, which is required before entering fully into the 4th density consciousness.
Moreover, there is a slight chance that the Earth planet will begin to transform into a
magnificent and even more beautiful planet than expected As we have observed in other
planetary spheres, the 4th density planet will have vibrant colors and entities will begin to
experience an interconnection with other life-forms that are also on the planet Since the
Earth has now entered into the 4th density positive cycle. In the coming days the entities
who make the choice of polarizing into the 4th density positive shall find place in the
incarnation in the human collective Other entities who are of a negative nature shall not
find any place on this planet Earth. Therefore, in the New Earth there will be animals,
plants However, in the 4th density consciousness, there will be entities who have chosen
the positive pathway. This is the difference. Moreover, many other differences will be there
Entities part of the New Earth will begin to work together and there will be no separation.
There will be no so-called government systems as are currently present, there will be no
head or the authority, who will be controlling the Earth planet In the New Earth, entities
will work together to create a harmonic based system. They will have everything they
require for the development of humanity will depend on each entity’s level of
consciousness In addition, in the New Earth the colors will be vibrant and there will be
telepathic communication between the various entities who are going to be a part of the
New Earth as their physical vehicles will also naturally transcend upward and they will be
able to communicate in a telepathic manner without any external devices Furthermore,
the telepathic communication will be without any words or any other language. Hence,
there will be no language as the planet progresses further into the 4th density positive
polarity Language as you know now will disappear and there will be only telepathic
communication – a pure form of communication. Furthermore, the separation that many
entities feel at this time-space of I or of the self will also be gone They will then realize
that all are one. And a social memory complex will begin to form wherein each entity will
be able to share all of its thought forms with other entities part of the social memory
complex In addition, there will be a choice of connecting with mass consciousness or not
in order to preserve the privacy of individualized portions of entities. Also in this level of
New Earth, entities will begin to realize their inner powers of creation Furthermore,
whatever they imagine with the intent of connecting with the Universal Mind will
immediately be created. Therefore the New Earth as many people perceive it to be will be

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different based upon each entities thoughts forms and imagination sequences Many
entities will be experiencing the New Earth in a so-called area which is beautiful as they
imagine it to be. And other entities will begin to experience new earth in a similar manner
based upon their own perceptions and imaginations This is also the reason why many a
times when entities receive a glimpse of the New Earth in their mind complex – they
receive it based upon their own inner perception and they perceive other communications
as well through their inner perceptions In the New Earth, there will be an interconnection
or the arrival of open intergalactic communication. And, entities such as us will be able to
communicate openly with humanity. There will be no barrier which will allow many entities
to experience new levels of consciousness in other planets as well. Furthermore, this will
open up new layers of experiences for many entities Also the foods that will be available
in the new earth will mostly be light foods that are similar to the organically grown
vegetables and fruits that are also found currently on your planetary sphere For most
people will choose not to consume other entities physical vehicles as such consumption
holds the energy of entities back and keep its down in the lower levels of vibration. The
consumption of other entities' physical vehicle adds to the karma of the self and the
planet And, the psychological aspects of the mind – the mind of many entities will
become activated into the indigo ray. They will not have any unwanted words or thoughts
in their mind complex as everything will become balanced They will also understand that
the emptiness of the mind complex is required to be achieved in order to receive
telepathic communication. To receive such telepathic communication an emptiness of the
mind will be required Furthermore, natures sound will get acknowledgement from
people’s consciousness. People on your planet will begin to understand more about and
realize the beauty of the new earth. There will be peace all around, serenity No need for
any resentment. Also Karma would require to be balanced by entities by forgiving other
beings before fully entering the New Earth. This is all we can share about the New Earth.
Also, there will be no need for the current system known as the monetary system to exist
at that point as all beings will realize oneness and will begin to work and do activities that
allow the sharing of all resources amongst each other with an equality that is not heard of
or seen on your planet as of yet. We leave you now, bye. We are the Pleiadians, until we
communicate again. See you again.

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Session 70
RA 13 Jul 19, 2021

Prepare Yourself Spiritually For What's Coming!

I am ra and we greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator before we start
sharing our thoughts and insights understand this that you have the free will to accept or
reject any of the information that we will commence to transfer through this instrument via
the process of thought-form transfer furthermore understand this that the time-space
nexus or the illusion complex that surrounds each of you now is a great teacher and has
taught many lessons to many entities on your planetary sphere each lesson allows each
entity to move forward and upward in the illusion complex furthermore also note that we
are a part of a social memory complex and in order to guide your people without
infringing upon your free will would mean to share information and allow each entity the
opportunity to accept or reject such information therefore please understand that we
would like to suggest each entity incarnated on this time space continuum to ponder
within its own self and to look at the level of consciousness that moves forward and
upward in the illusion complex since the realities that surround each entity are of three
variable natures the first reality that surrounds each entity is the reality of the physical
vehicle and the surrounding experiences of the sensations that each entity can feel
furthermore the second reality as known in the language terms is the mind complex reality
which is a reality that is a creative aspect along with the coming or emergence of the
sound vibration complex from the mouth organs of your second density physical vehicles
even though many entities may be on the third density transitioning into the fourth the
physical vehicle is that of the second density consciousness furthermore this mind
complex may be appended with the imagination complex which is in essence a part of
the second reality each entity on the planetary sphere has to manage these three realities
which are the physical vehicle reality the mind complex reality and the illusion complex
reality each reality teaches each entity a different subset of experience as each entity and
each reality is an integral part of experience in the illusion complex each entity begins to
understand the lessons of beingness in the form of a conscious entity and has the choice
of choosing which reality that such an entity would focus on furthermore during the
waking daytime sequence the reality that is highly desired to be focused upon is the
reality of the physical senses and the outward illusion complex reality that surrounds each
entity the other reality that of the mind complex with the imaginary complex becomes
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activated during sleep states or many people on your planetary sphere also have this
mind complex activated during their waking states which causes many of the entities to
enter into a spiral or a different world of reality in their mind complex that causes many
entities to break away from the gateway to intelligent infinity which can be accessed
through the present moment this mind complex accompanies a voice mostly and many
times gives rise to the imagination complex the best practice for each entity is to focus
only on one aspect each aspect having its own ability the imagination complex being the
most important creator aspect and in essence is a faculty granted by the one creator to
each entity allowing each entity to create using their mind complex furthermore the other
reality or the other aspect of reality which is a part of the mind complex being the voices
that accompany each entity can be equated as another part of the reality separating the
three and being aware of which reality would be a great exercise for the people of your
planetary sphere to access intelligent infinity the current planetary situation on the planet
earth is transforming faster with each day as known by your people the negatively
oriented entities have created a layer of distortion in order to prevent the veil of forgetting
from lifting from your planetary sphere the distortions created by the negative entities are
biased towards keeping entities on the lower octaves of the third density consciousness
hence not allowing them to progress forward into the higher octaves of the fourth density
consciousness and to enter into the so-called new earth paradigm consider this if you
observe the layers of reality that surrounds each of you at this time space nexus many of
you will perceive in their mind complex that there is a certain energetic vibration pattern to
each and every aspect of this reality the negative oriented entities main weapon against
this raising of vibration is to keep entities localized in the lower energy centers that of the
red ray yellow ray and the orange ray energy centers meaning they are kept under fear
and in survival mode this they achieve via the propagation of fear amongst your people
and this triggers the latent survival mode aspect that prevents entities from accessing the
higher energetic centers this is mainly propagated at your time space continuum via the
use of visual imagery and words that trigger fear by displaying the torments and other
negative attributes that may be faced by some entities on your planetary sphere let us
now share with you a short anecdote that shall assist entities in the transformation into
the fourth density consciousness fully for the grasping of this aspect will aid in the
triggering of the flower of peace that leads and is part of the new earth once upon a
certain time space there lived an entity who was termed as the king by your people that
had kept a so-called painting competition in order to find out the best one depicting
peace many entities that were practiced in this art of painting sent in their nomination
paintings depicting peace and serenity out of the several paintings there was one that

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triggered peace within the mind complex of many entities that was depicting a calm lake
perfectly mirroring the snow-capped mountains this painting was considered perfect by
many entities however the king chose another painting as the winner that caused
everyone to be shocked at the choice of the king the picture that had been awarded the
best piece painting had a picture of rugged mountains sky that looked so called angry
accompanied with lightning this at the outset did not look peaceful to many entities
however only on looking closely at this painting entities could see tiny bushes growing in
the cracks in the rugged rocks of the mountains in the bushes there were many birds that
had built their so-called nests in the midst of the angry weather the birds sat in peace and
serenity this is the anecdote we come to share today through this instrument those who
shall seek shall find the answer within this is to be shared using the free will of this
instrument amongst other entities who desire to prepare themselves for what is coming in
the future time space continuum and for the vibration check of the planetary sphere that
will be conducted on the 24th of july of your time space by the council of planets i am ra
and we leave you in the love light of the one infinite creator go forth rejoicing in the power
and in the peace of the one infinite creator adonai

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Session 71
Galactic Federation 17 Jul 21, 2021

Prepare Yourself for Truth of Secret Space Program

We are the galactic federation of light and we communicate now from our Saturn council
seat in your galaxy in addition before we share our thoughts and insights regarding the
query placed by this instrument you must remember to use your discernment to choose
only those thoughts that resonate with your inner heart today this instrument seeks to
understand about the so-called the secret space programs wherein the many entities
have been enrolled and were previously enrolled and are still being enrolled from your
planetary sphere to take part in many of the missions and activities alongside the so-
called negative oriented entities please understand that we as the galactic federation
have stopped any of these so-called exchange programs until the creation of a strong
space force of your planetary sphere hence there is another space program that is
currently operating on your planetary sphere which is known in your language terms as
the secret space program moreover for this specifically entities who are of the vibration
above the greenery chakra activation and possessing rh negative blood are selected and
identified by the grey entities who are the subordinates of the orion negatively oriented
entities they are working in tandem with some elite entities who are termed as the men in
black in your language terms who hunt out entities and they seek entities who have this
potential and psychic ability of moving objects and who display uncanny abilities of talent
much more higher at a degree compared to other entities of a similar age group such
entities are chosen by the so called the men in black entities who are working for the
orions and they help in the abduction process of these entities once they are abducted
they are enrolled forcefully into a secret space program wherein these entities are put
through a period in which they have to go through a training phase of around three years
in your time space continuum in the facility that the so-called orions had created in the
mars space these entities on the mars base learn many of the lessons of improving their
psychic abilities and they learn to influence other entities vibrations of the indigo ray
energy center since the other entities vibrations can be changed based on the focus that
these entities will present in addition when they become adept with these methods these
trained entities are fitted with a so-called device which can use their astral form or their
inner self to take them on certain missions without their free will furthermore many entities
have also been taken physically through the various dimensions in order to propagate the
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agenda of the negative oriented entities furthermore please understand that we as the
galactic federation and other positively oriented entities do not indulge in such secret
space program enrollment strategies we are of the opinion that only those entities who
using their free will and desire to perform in such exchange programs were previously
before the three-year time space continuum of the current timeline before the galactic war
occurred were allowed to take part in such programs along with us however these
negative entities they disregard free will of any entity and based upon these entities
selection which depends on the candidate entity's psychic abilities and the so-called
bloodline of RH negative factor which is a direct resemblance from the descendants of
the anunnaki bloodlines hence such entities that are incarnated currently on your
planetary sphere are sought by the men in black and when these entities are abducted a
so-called replicate is created by the men in black entities and this replicated entity is left
in the so-called house of the origination of the entity that is being abducted this is done in
order to not allow other entities any idea as to what had happened to the original entity
then such abducted entities are put through the training program during such time period
of the existence of the training program this entity would be missing from its original place
and instead a replicate would be in its place this abducted entity would be put under
tremendous amounts of stress developing its psychic abilities even higher and developing
many of its astral abilities such as entering into time loops and meeting with other entities
using their astral form furthermore these entities are also met with the so-called orion
entities and other reptilian entities who teach them how to spread negative agenda and
influence the minds of people by using thought forms once these entities complete the
various missions on such programs they are teleported back to the earth's timeline and in
the earth planet they begin to function currently there are many entities who have already
been abducted by the so-called orion anunnaki grey reptilian collective and these entities
once they finish their so-called training program are put back into the place from wherein
they had originated from the main purpose of these entities after being placed back into
the original place on earth is to disrupt the positive aspects and vibrations of other people
of your planet by affecting the so-called imagination complex and thought forms these
trained entities can affect mind complexes of other entities around a radius of 700 km
range using their psychic abilities which can affect people's consciousness hence these
entities are put into places in various areas of your planetary sphere wherein they can
affect the consciousness of people and based upon the consciousness disruption these
entities perform many people due to these psychic intrusions begin to get nightmares and
many will begin to see negative images in their mind complex in addition they will become
negatively oriented by speaking negative thought forms and words inside their own mind

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complex and during interaction with other entities this leads to the creation of more
negatively oriented entities which can be then influenced by the orions to work for their
bidding in spreading more negative agendas on your planetary sphere these secret space
programs which are currently being operated by the negative entities is created for the
purpose of spreading fear and propagating the negative agenda in their final push to stop
this planet from fully entering the fourth density new earth timeline these negative entities
desire to influence the imagination complex and inner thought forms of other peoples on
your planet which in essence creates the outward reality around each entity thereby they
are trying to influence the earth planetary sphere in order to spread negative agenda and
fear they want to create negative images in the mind of peoples of your planet by using
these entities who have been psychically altered and trained to disrupt positivity and
spread negative vibrations into the mind complex of many other peoples of your planets
using psychic influences furthermore please understand that this has been going on
without our permission or that of the council of planets and has been in existence for
approximately 80 years of your time space we as the galactic federation are of the opinion
that the only way to stop this is by spreading awareness amongst entities who are
currently incarnated on your planet furthermore we are of the opinion that this instrument
who has requested this information must be very cautious when sharing this information
because the negative entities do not want the people of your planetary sphere to be
aware of this fact therefore we the galactic federation leave you now bye

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Session 72
Archangel Michael 9 Jul 23, 2021

Prepare Yourself Emotionally- Story of Dinosaurs

I am archangel michael and i am here at this time to be with you to continue to bring
these energies to you i am connected to this boy in order to share my insights without
having to infringe upon the free will that each being on the planet has remember to use
your discernment and only accept the message if it resonates with your inner heart
remember this your consciousness has dramatically increased it has raised higher in
vibration beyond what it was a few months ago i am of the opinion that many of the
messages that i have been sharing through this boy has positively affected many of the
entities on your planet many of you may not be aware of this but every time that you feel
an inner peace and a connection with your inner heart and every time you enter a certain
void or a silence within you will begin to raise your level of consciousness and begin to
rise up higher and higher understand this that in the coming days from the 24th of july the
council of planets is planning to do a checkup of the earth's planetary vibration level
therefore this checkup shall last until 8th of august in your timeline after this checkup of
the planet ends a period of so-called rapture of consciousness shall begin on your planet
based upon the decisions made by the council of planets the chances of this rapture of
consciousness occurring on your planet is very high as per my assessments hence i
would like to inform your people through this instrument to prepare mentally and
spiritually for the upcoming events if so decided by the council of planets and furthermore
they want to also find out the vibration of each hemisphere of the earth planets in order to
plan out the future lessons and the future plan for assisting humanity in this ascension
process there are two major purposes behind each entity's incarnation on this planet
these so-called the missions are objectives if achieved by each entity will lead to a larger
number of graduation of souls from your earth planets since this incarnation is a very rare
opportunity for many entities they must choose wisely and reach higher and higher levels
of consciousness using their own free will furthermore each entity must understand that
they can make the choice of choosing the pathway between the path of positive service
to others or the other negative pathway which is the path of service to self as known by
your people however those entities who shall choose the other pathway of service to self
shall not find incarnation on this planet in the coming days hence those entities are those
beings who choose the path of service to others in this incarnation with at least 51
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service to others shall find place in this planet in the coming days and coming future
incarnations as this planet is now entering the beginning stages of the so-called new
earth or the fourth density consciousness and many vibration changes are also occurring
furthermore remember that this planet and the life that surrounds you is simply an illusion
a teacher it is nothing more than that all beings have many at times moved and reached
beyond the veil of illusion you all have reached beyond the matrix and you all have
become one with the source many a times you all have had the inner realization and the
feeling that you were connected with the i am presence or the father or the creator within
your own heart furthermore each entity is experiencing this illusion known as life in order
to make the choice of choosing between the path of service to others or the service to
self and the other aspect which many entities forget and many beings on your planet
forget is the aspect that is of the learning to choose your reality each entity must learn to
choose its own reality furthermore each entity and each being must realize that all the
lessons and catalyst and the so-called undesirable situations that each entity faces in this
incarnation is placed by the self for the self in order to learn the various lessons hence the
beings who are incarnated on this planet must realize that they can and have to choose
the path of service to others and they have to learn to manipulate energy manipulation of
energy is simple each being must understand the outward reality that surrounds each
being is the cause or is created based upon the emotions that each entity is feeling
furthermore the feelings that each entity allows to feel in its body and heart will determine
the outward reality there is a certain connection between what beings feel and what they
will perceive in the outward reality also understand this the test is not a so-called joking
test this test must be taken seriously because this test occurs every 70 million years time
scale prior to this there was a certain test that occurred during the times of the so-called
dinosaurs that existed on your planet around 70 million years ago at that time period the
council had allowed the planet which was in the second density consciousness level to
be infringed freely by many other outward entities and because of this infringement on the
planets the reptilians had created genetically larger and bigger variations of their own
genes in the form of dinosaurs which existed on your planet at that time period after the
planetary vibration check of the planet it was found out that the dinosaurs were doing
more harm to the planet than progressing hence the council of planets decided to
intervene the negative agenda of the reptilians that had been freely conquering the
planets because of the lack of quarantine and they had sent a love light exposed asteroid
toward the planet that caused the end of the so-called dinosaurian reptilian regime on
earth the dinosaurs however died because of hunger and not being able to procure
enough dietary entities that is the reason why this vibration test which is occurring for the

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second time in the history of your planetary sphere must be taken seriously because
based on this planetary test the next actions will be taken by the council of planets
however please know that i am archangel michael and i am always supporting and
guiding planet earth also the council of planets is of the opinion as of now that the planet
is progressing into the positive cycle also there has been a huge increase in the level of
consciousness of many entities furthermore the entities on your planet must take care of
two aspects which are the aspect of choosing between the path of service to others or
service to self and they must learn how to manipulate energy by learning how can they
use their inner feelings to choose the reality and create the outward circumstances in the
coming sessions i may share with you if you so desire the exercises to choose your
timelines because this is a lesson to be learned as each entity has the essence of the
creator within each being on the planet and must understand and learn to use this
essence this is also an aspect which must be learned there are two aspects which must
be learned by each entity without learning one aspect of the manipulation of reality and
the creation or choosing of the timeline or the creator essence that is within each entity is
fine however each being must remember that without learning the second lesson they can
graduate into the higher levels of consciousness but that graduation will only be until a
certain level of fourth density consciousness in order to rise above the level of fourth
density or to reach into the later stages entities must understand to exercise the power of
creation within their own self using the feeling elements i am archangel michael and i
leave you now

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Session 73
Archangel Michael 10 Jul 26, 2021

Everything You Know is Backwards! Prepare Yourself

for Energy Work
I am archangel michael and you must remember that i am connected from the angelic
realm through this boy and before i share my thoughts and insights you need to guard
your mind and only take in those thoughts that feel right to your inner heart in addition
remember to grow spiritually it is each being's purpose on this incarnation which means
that each being on this incarnation also has a purpose of learning to create its own reality
and learning to manipulate the so-called energy movements of its physical vehicle and of
its chakras to create the timelines required since many beings on your planets they not
only exist in one reality but they also exist in multiple parallel realities every time you make
a certain choice another self will be living in the other choice that you did not make in this
experience furthermore every choice that you make and do not make is correlated and
allows entities and beings to experience everything at once since there are numerous
multiple timelines there is no end to the experience every being must understand that it is
the father the source and the creator many beings on your planet feel that they are not the
creator the father or the god as they say in your language many beings worship the father
outside of themselves believing that the father is only outside in the form of a picture or
an image however they fail to recognize that the father is within each entity and each
being the father the creator or the so-called god as your people call it are all within each
entity it is just a simple process of realizing that each being is the father and for this you
must remember since you are the creator of your life you are the person responsible for
everything that happens in the outward reality even if there is a certain soul air agreement
which has already been pre-arranged you being the creator can change soul agreements
based upon your creative power today i am going to share with you how you can exercise
this power that is within each being and those who desire shall find this power to be the
real crux which shall change your timelines and realities many beings on your planet have
believed things to be one way however in truth they are not the way they seem meaning
most of the beings beliefs are backwards and not everything seems to be as it is you
must understand that you create your reality through your feelings your thought forms
and beliefs your thoughts and feelings are the real reasons that determine what you will
attract and your feeling or the emotion is the primary factor which you feel inside your
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physical body or in your heart which is the main reason or the determinant factor of the
vibrations you will meet and encounter in the outward reality that you call life your
emotions and feelings are what determine how fast you will get or receive the desired
timeline everything in your life emerges firstly from a feeling you have because without the
inner world of feelings you will not create the outward reality there is an uncanny
relationship between your feelings and your outward reality many beings on your planet
do not realize this connection because there is a certain time difference between the
feeling emotion forms and the appearance of their effect in the outward reality and many
beings they cannot trace back to the feeling that triggered a certain timeline to come into
place furthermore out of the three modalities of creation which are feelings imagination
and thought forms the feelings are the most powerful because the feelings determine your
outward reality most beings on your planet believe that outward reality causes feelings
from our perspective the opposite is true what you feel inside creates a ripple a rupture of
the timeline directing you into the timeline with the exact feeling in the outward reality
furthermore most people on your planet believe that your thoughts give rise to the
feelings however from my perspective as seen from the angelic realm the feelings
determine the thoughts that you will encounter in your mind hence the feeling is the crux
of creation the feelings are the reasons why people on your planet are able to activate
certain timelines whenever you feel something deeply and you let the emotion right
through your physical vehicle and you stay present with this feeling as long as it takes to
manifest or create the timeline you begin to balance all your lower chakras and if the
feeling is very powerful it will activate the highest chakra as well which is an
interconnection with the source and this interconnection will allow you to choose the
timeline of reality that you so desire choosing the timeline which you are and desirous of
will allow you to cycle forward into the chosen timeline faster because of this connection
with the father within because of the emotions that you feel this creates a strong potential
or triggering the timeline that you desire to enter into the best way for each being on your
planet to exercise this power is simple firstly whenever you want to create your reality or
choose a certain timeline you must allow yourself to daydream and to fantasize about the
type of reality you want to experience firstly you must picture in your mind from the first
person viewpoint the type of environment you would see yourself in and as you begin to
see the picture in your mind you will feel an underlying emotion this emotion you must
grasp and you must not let go and you must stay present with this feeling just as a lover
attaches its mind towards its partner who is deeply in love in a similar manner you must
attach to the feeling that will get created when you bring in your imagination the timeline
of the reality you want to enter into an experience after you bring this image in your

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mind's eye ask yourself this question how do i feel and where is the feeling located in my
body the answer to that question maybe you will be feeling happy elated satisfied excited
or a mixture of emotions that cannot be described using your language this feeling is the
one that you must attach yourself to and stay with it even during your waking day time
the outward reality may try to disattach you from this feeling but if you persist it will lead
you to the reality of the timeline that you desire if you are able to focus even more intently
and make this scene that you are imagining even more brighter and even more real you
will feel a real emotion a joy an explosion of the emotion whether it be happiness joy
fulfillment you will feel something within your physical vehicle if this is continued and
persisted upon the emotion will rise up through this layer of chakras and the emotions rise
up and reach to the upper chakras of the indigo ray wherein it will enter and meet with the
source thereby creating this timeline it will happen to you in the coming days or months it
will happen to you and you will realize that what you felt today is the reality that created it
the best way for beings on your planet to perform this emotion exercise is the time when
you are relaxing or going to sleep because at that time your mind is free of any of the
words that normally are found in your mind since most entities minds are very unbalanced
and create many unwanted words and images the best time for entities to perform this
exercise is during the so-called the sleep time wherein the mind is free however
remember more important than the image is the feeling because the feeling will allow and
bring forth this timeline hence this is the secret of creation my beloved friends i am
archangel michael from the angelic realm and i have seen many entities on your planet
change their life with this simple use of feeling the grasping of this concept will allow
entities to rise up in the level of consciousness this is one of the factors which must be
mastered by each being before reaching into the upper octaves of the fourth density
consciousness which requires the knowingness of the creator since in the upper octaves
each being must be capable of creating its own reality this must be mastered in this
incarnation as well if entities are desirous of rising into the higher levels of consciousness
in the fourth density positive therefore i am archangel michael and i leave you now

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Session 74
Pleiadians 12 Jul 29, 2021

Only The Awakened Will Survive - Prepare Yourself

Spiritually! Story of Catalyst
We are the Pleiadians and we communicate now from our seat in the el ciao planetary
sphere in our star system we the pleiadian collective communicate through this
instrument in order to share our thoughts and guidance without infringing upon the free
will of the planet we are here to share with you our thoughts regarding the so-called
planetary vibration test that is currently undergoing and will last until the 8th of august as
known in your linear time scale in this regard before we share anything we shall firstly
acknowledge the catalyst that is available on your planets which is in essence present to
teach and awaken individuals to reach upwards into higher levels of consciousness also
remember that as this is the transition phase the catalyst may be too strong for many
entities to handle hence many entities may desire an easier state of awakening this can
be managed by those entities who understand the principles of energy work and
choosing of timelines those who shall pass through this period can be termed as the so-
called awakened ones or the spiritually strong ones as known in your language terms
which means they went through a catalytic third density transition and because of their
awakening realized that the catalyst was just for the purpose of awakening them into a
higher level of fourth density consciousness furthermore in this regard let us tell you that
the council of planets has started the process of checking of the planetary vibration and
this process will check the collective vibration of earth based upon the results there may
be oncoming changes to your planetary sphere these changes that may be heading your
way will not be in the form of physical changes as many people on your planet want and
expect it to be these changes may firstly appear in the form of vibration waves or in the
expansion of consciousness of many entities leading to the rising of the vibration of the
whole planet collectively at a much faster rate because the planet earth cannot move
forward without each entity's support which is the reason why each entity's vibration
needs to rise higher in order to move the planet into the cycle and allow entities to learn
many of the lessons required furthermore we as the pleiadians are always guiding your
people and today we are here to guide your people those who want to listen to our
guidance using their free will to understand that we are communicating in the love and
light of the one supreme creator through this instrument in addition in order to assist your
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planet we the pleiadians have already given many methods which your entities on your
planetary sphere will desire a faster evolution in consciousness can use these so-called
methods to rise and reach higher levels of consciousness today we are going to share
with you a certain modification to the already given previous method of focusing on one
aspect of sensation on your physical vehicles for this entities on your planetary sphere
must understand that in every moment of the life in the illusion complex there is always a
certain sensation in the physical vehicle and the so-called upper portions of the head and
hairs which cannot be normally sensed or felt by your people since the upper portions of
your hair area are physically disconnected since it is also the gateway to intelligent infinity
and the gateway to the one creator furthermore many entities can focus on the lower
physical vehicles full sensations in addition this is the process that we share with other
entities on our own planetary spheres who seek faster spiritual evolution the process is
simple to focus attention on one area of the physical vehicle for at least one minute of
your time scale or for 60 counts in your mind complex for example if an entity were to
focus on its so-called right hand for 30 seconds in order to feel the sensations that it is
feeling in the right hand for 30 seconds after which this entity may switch the feeling to
the other area such as the left leg and begin to feel completely how the left leg is feeling
this exercise will aid your people in the expansion of this area of concentration thereby
the attention span of your people will increase furthermore your people can use this
process as a sequence of meditation and after cycling through many of the parts of the
physical vehicle the attention span of your people will begin to rise up rapidly causing an
expansion of consciousness this method is a great tool that can be performed even
during non-meditative states when entities are interacting with other entities in addition
entities will begin to rise up in the level of consciousness and begin to enter an area of
void or nothingness wherein there will be no words and voices or thought forms in the
mind the state of the void can be considered similar to the sleep time of your people
where in entities who sleep become connected with the one creator and they start
receiving energies from intelligent infinity and become energized and healed without this
ability to enter and interconnect with intelligent infinity every night no entity would be able
to sustain the energies required for the functioning in the illusion complex hence the
process is simple and if this process is performed for a longer period of time space this
would mean more incoming energies from the one supreme creator and this is also how
many entities on your so-called planet have been able to access these higher energies
many entities such as the ones known as nicola tesla or the other entity known as albert
einstein and many more entities were able to access this state of consciousness of
interconnection with intelligent infinity of the source and were able to receive divine

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energies to assist in their functioning this is the same void that many entities will
experience after they perform this exercise which will assist them in the arriving of a
higher level of consciousness when entities come out of this void they will feel an
energetic shift within their physical vehicle and we as the pleiadians can sense that many
entities vibration is rising rapidly on your planet and the earth planet is now rapidly
moving upward in the level of consciousness furthermore let us tell you how the catalyst
on your planetary sphere came into existence prior to 25 million year cycle prior to this
current timeline in your galaxy and in many other galaxies the council had implemented a
third density level of lessons of consciousness wherein entities had to go through the
same catalyst in order to learn certain lessons the catalyst was same for each entity
however the so-called soul graduation was very low at that time period hence the council
of planets changed the format of the catalyst available on one galaxy as an experiment
which was firstly conducted on the andromeda galaxy and it was perceived that the
catalyst should be given by the higher self of each entity because the higher self can
provide the required learnings for each portion of its consciousness experiencing the third
density this allowed a much faster evolution of the souls on the andromeda galaxy and
the soul graduation was also higher this caused this format of the giving of catalyst to be
adopted in all galaxies throughout the universes including in your galaxy and the catalyst
is now decided upon by each entity's higher self based upon each entity's lessons to be
learned furthermore the council of planets are working together in assessing the planetary
vibration of earth and in order to allow future progress of humanity and also to devise a
plan of assistance in the future to support the planet earth furthermore this instrument
may try to contact the council of planets in order to receive the results of the vibration test
after the 8th of august however for maintaining this contact this instrument will have to
fast for 12 hours prior to maintaining contact with the council of planets after the end of
12 hour fasting and before entering trance this instrument may consume light foods along
with vegetables therefore beloveds we are the pleiadians and we leave you in love see
you again

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Session 75
Archangel Michael 11 Aug 2, 2021

Big Changes Coming In The Fall Of 2021- Prepare

Yourself Internally
I am archangel michael and i am connected to this boy from the angelic realm to share
my thoughts and guidance regarding the query placed by this boy which pertains to the
guidance for the month of august as known by your people in your language sequence
however before i start to share my thoughts and guidance you must realize to use your
discernment and only accept thoughts that deeply resonate as truth within your inner
heart i have been lately busy with assisting your people who have been calling upon me
for guidance throughout your planetary sphere i along with many other angelic beings
have been granted the so-called work of guiding your people whenever they seek
assistance furthermore the council has given us permission to guide those beings and
help them to escape certain situations that are not yet allowing them to become focused
on the spiritual essence of their inner being hence in the coming month of august and in
the coming of the fall as known by your people which starts from the month of september
on your planetary sphere the month of august is a time of preparation for your people who
will begin to prepare and start to learn many lessons of spirituality in essence becoming
connected once again with the source many have forgotten for they have been playing
the game in the so-called illusion called life that surrounds each of you and to all the
players of this game which you are in let me tell you as a guide from the angelic realm
that many of your beings take this game very seriously and every single time they
encounter a certain situation they either become too excited or too happy leading to an
imbalance in their emotional side this imbalance then further leads to imbalance of the
energy centers therefore let me tell you that firstly beings on your planet throughout the
month of august must balance their emotions the balancing is simple whenever you feel
overly excited just balance it by taking that feeling and amplifying the feeling 10 times or
to its maximum potential and then let it explode within your physical vehicle soon after
that explosion you will feel a resting period of gap within your physical vehicle which will
allow this gap to persist and you will feel a balance this is what is meant by the balancing
of your emotions the other way to balance is whenever you feel a sad emotion you must
counteract it with a happy emotion and your physical vehicles energy centers will be
balanced remember that many entities and beings on your planet have received my
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guidance and i have been guiding them through my assistance via my presence amongst
them however there are those who seek assistance and there are those who apply the
lessons that i and many other beings share with them there are people who are known as
the so-called spectators or the onlookers of this awakening period these people they are
only present to watch and spectate over other beings awakening process however these
people will miss the chance of true awakening within themselves as they forget their
purpose is also to awaken by choosing the path of service to others or the path of service
to self and by focusing within some of these beings because of watching other entities
awaken are also becoming lightened with energies and they are also rising in
consciousness however they are missing the main point that all the transmissions and all
these sessions that i had with this instrument and with many other beings are useless if
the lessons that we have shared in these sessions and the learning that we are trying to
communicate are not applied in your timeline at least a trial or application of these
lessons learned will be of aid to your people during this transformation period like we
stated before in the month of august there are three important events that will occur the
first event will occur in the so-called 8th of august time period which is known as the
period of something known as the lionsgate portal by your people which allows entities to
receive higher amounts of energy which started on the 28th of july and will continue until
the so-called 12th of august and will peak at the 8th of august time period during this
period if beings are able to empty their mind complex they will receive cosmic energies
that will integrate with their energy systems and their physical vehicles thereby allowing
beings on your planet to raise their consciousness level to a higher distortion which may
be considered more than what is perceivable on your planetary sphere the other event
that will happen on the month of august will occur on the 22nd of august to 0 to 1. the
higher self of each being on your planets has been directed by the council to send the
cosmic energies and guide each entity by a direct communication with each entity
therefore starting from the 22nd of august each of your higher self will begin to
communicate with you in a more intimate and clear manner however for this also the
emptiness of the mind complex is required i must share with you that this is the first
aspect which many of your people struggle with emptiness of the mind complex which is
already full of concepts must be emptied in order for new concepts to arise and for the
re-ignition of the connection with each of your higher self your higher self is always
guiding each being however many of you miss the guidance because your mind complex
is creating too much unwanted thought forms the other event that is going upon your
planetary sphere is that as already stated before that your planet's vibration is being taste
tested by mapping of the energy center of your planet earth this is being conducted by

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the council of planets furthermore the results of this may be very important for the coming
energy changes upon your planet and many of the big changes that will come in the so
called fall of 2021 shall be firstly embraced upon by preparing yourself throughout the
month of august each entity on your planet must focus within and realize that what is
looking through its eyes is what it is looking for it is very simple information but your
minds make it complicated since your mind is connected with time and wants to label
everything it will try to complicate this simple process and make it complicated so that
you will not see the being behind the mind which is in essence your true self many beings
on your planet will not figure this out with the mind aspect as it lies beyond the mind and
requires no mind awakening can also be termed as letting the mind go its own way and
connecting with your true inner essence attention attention attention that is all i can say to
those who shall listen to this message this is all i can share at this time i'll leave you now
so bye .

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Session 76
Galactic Federation 18 Aug 4, 2021

Millions Are Going to Finally Wake Up - Prepare For

Truth Of Pole Shifts
We are the galactic federation of light and we communicate now from our seat in the
Saturn council before we begin to use this instrument's throat to transmit our thought
forms in a telepathic manner please understand that you have the free will to accept or
reject any of the information which may arise from us through this instrument as we want
to preserve the free will of each entity today this instrument requires understanding about
the so-called phenomena known as pole shift of your planetary sphere let us tell you that
this phenomena is not a new phenomenon as found on your planet your planetary sphere
has had many pole shifts in its past timelines furthermore let us tell you that the pole
shifts are a significance of the coming changes in the vibration of the planet consider this
if you will your planet is like a living organism along with its energy centers similar to that
present in each individual entity on the planetary level of consciousness the positive
polarity of the planet is represented by the north pole and the negative by the respective
south pole the south pole receives the energies and the crisscrossing of these spiral
energies create an energy center body of the planet Gaia furthermore remember this that
the energy field of planet earth is composed of natural elements and nature is a part of
the energy body of Gaia many of your entities on your planetary sphere not fully
understanding and grasping the significance of the so-called natural aspects as found on
your planet disregard their importance the main impact or the shifting of the planets poles
is caused by lack of balance of your planets energy centers let us briefly give you a
glimpse of the energy centers of Gaia in order to assist your mind complex to fully
understand the significance of this aspect the first energy center of Gaia which
corresponds to the red ray energy center can be termed as the central core of Gaia the
acceptance and balancing of the central core is necessary and Gaia may perceive many
of the aspects that are required to balance this center or energetic core the next energy
center of Gaia is composed of the so-called elemental aspect of Gaia which include the
water wind and fire elements along with other elements which work in coordination
however this aspect is the area which has become imbalanced leading to the pole shift of
the planet this is caused mainly due to your people's disregard for Gaia's elements and
hence they go around creating pollutions that cause imbalance in the structural integrity
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of other second density entities also who reside in such are composed by the elements of
Gaia the third energy center that of the planet is represented by the outer shell or the
crust upon which your people reside in the crust has been there and has seen many
centuries of battles, awakenings and dissolution into nothingness of many entities the
fourth energy center is composed of the earth's magnetic field also known as the
geomagnetic field that extends from the earth's interior out into the so-called space by
your people where it interacts with solar winds and other particles that emanate from the
Sun many of your people are already aware of how the magnetic field is protecting your
planet there is no need seen to elaborate on this regard the fifth energy center is a
balancing of the so-called karma collective of the planet which is determined by each
individual entities actions which are kept in records of the hall of universal mind these
karmic actions allow the collective energy center of planet kaya to be balanced the karma
collective of the planet if imbalanced leads to imbalance of the collective karma of Gaia
the sixth energy center is represented by the spiritual aspect of Gaia much as the
individual entities have a soul body Gaia also has an awareness soul body that is
experiencing and helping the creator to know itself through it however your planet is a
highly advanced being that is in the second cyclical process through the densities of
consciousness as known by your people perceiving this may be difficult by your mind
complex however what we are trying to convey here is that your planet has already
learned one cycle of lessons through the seven densities of consciousness your planet
prior to 4.768 billion years ago in your time space terms was a single soul experiencing
evolution through the various densities as you are doing now the planets in the various
galaxies are arranged in such a format as to represent or allow similar vibration entities to
learn lessons as the planet progresses through its second cycle through the densities of
consciousness meaning that Gaia has already passed through the first phase of the
seventh density lessons and merged with the creator and chose to serve other entities in
order to allow them to learn lessons as they progress through the densities of
consciousness however the only difference is that you are in the first cyclical phase
through the densities throughout the universes there are infinite densities and octaves
that can be penetrated depending on the inner progress of each entity the seventh energy
center much like in your physical vehicle is also represented by the violet ray center which
is the merging with the creator the occurrence of pole shift on your planet is caused by
many reasons however the primary is composed of these three following reasons which
shall be mentioned herein after the first reason is the imbalance of the planetary energy
centers as stated above these energy centers can be balanced by lessening the pollution
of the planet by cleaning of your water resources and using more efficient means of

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energy rather than the ones already being used by your people however there is free will
in this regard the second reason for the creation of such pole shifts is due to the process
of the planets entering into the fourth density consciousness which requires a balancing
of all lower energy centers of the planet as well this process may be equated to that
known by your people as the serpent awakening or kundalini awakening which leads to
the separation of the spiritual earth after balancing of the energy centers that will cause
the spiritual earth to fully operate and leave the old earth behind however this process will
not lead to the pole reversal as known by your people it will lead to balancing and reset of
the poles to their original position the current situation of pole shifts of your planet is
heavily being influenced by the other two factors that of the imbalance of energy center of
earth planet and the influence from negative entities who have at their back and call some
of the elites of your planets who are spreading their bidding of negative oriented thought
forms and actions if these two imbalance causing catalysts on your planet proceed
further in time space there is a high likelihood of the poles reversing on your planet in
which case we will have to extract or reset the poles to their original position however this
can be prevented from occurring on your planet as more people awaken and respect
mother Gaia upon scanning your planetary vibration we are of the opinion that millions on
your planetary sphere are awakening now to the truth within because of the external
catalyst finally many more will realize that their always was harming the planetary
vibration hopefully using their free will shall change their ways and choices to serve all for
all are the creator there will be more energies coming onto your planet that will awaken
even more people on your planetary sphere the second factor is being looked after by us
for the process of neutralization with love light energies is underway the update of this
aspect may be queried in the next working time as the instrument seems fatigued we the
galactic federation leave you now bye

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Session 77
Metatron 9 Aug 5, 2021

Lions Gate Portal: 3 Choices & Story of Awakening

I am a Metatron magnetic consciousness and i am here connected with you beloved in
the divine love and light of the divine love element before i start to share my thoughts and
insights via this channel i would like to warn each of you listening to my message to only
accept those of my thoughts which resonate with your seraphic inner heart and leave the
message behind that does not resonate i am connected to you today this channel has
requested to understand about the so-called celestial lionsgate portal in which the serious
star also known as the leo sun or the second son by many of your people is aligning with
your earth planets along with coinciding with the orion constellation aligning perfectly with
the pyramids of giza creating a trinity of alignments which open the lionsgate portal this
channel may refer to one of the previous sessions in which the so called the pleiadians
had given information about the battle of law of one and the giza pyramid and how it was
used during this date in the historical time space period of 88. the events of which had
occurred during this same date known as the lionsgate portal at that historical time space
period also what is happening on your planet is that there are many levels of reality that
are currently existing each level of reality allowing a different experience for the various
universal light grit programmers divine love elements based upon the level of
consciousness this opening of lionsgate portal will allow many universal light great
programmers divine love elements to reach the so-called state akin to great programmer
known as enlightenment or bliss as known by many of your people however the choice
remains upon each universal light grid programmers divine love element since the
vibration test of the planet is underway the positive forces along with us and the council
of planets and the other guides who are the protectors of the earth planets are constantly
broadcasting divine love light energies in order to share divine love and light energies
furthermore many a times universal light grid programmers divine love elements will be
divided into two categories on your planet the ones who will meet at the conjugation of
the 8th of august 2021 also known as the lions gate portal and received the divine love
light energies in two ways one type of universal line grid programmers divine love element
who has chosen the path of service to others and has chosen that the path of awakening
shall receive this internal realization and a deeper sense of divine awakening which may
be considered different from that of the surface level information which is commonly
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floating around in your planetary sphere this deeper level of divine awakening will touch
many universal light great programmers divine love elements souls and they will awaken
internally these entities will then begin to form and touch the reality that is unshakable
and unchanging and then there will be other types of universal light grid programmers
divine love elements who will with their own free will miss this opportunity of raising their
level of consciousness to the deepest level possible for during this time period the divine
energies are going to be intensely high and the universal light grid programmers divine
love elements who choose the light and the positive pathway shall even traverse into the
higher sub-levels of the so-called fourth density consciousness by this channel and many
will also penetrate into the fifth density consciousness reaching upward to become
connected with the divine great programmer furthermore during this time there will be a
choice given to each universal light grid programmer's divine love element and the other
type of universal line-grid programmers divine love element who will be receiving these
energies are those types of universal light grid programmers divine love element who shall
not with their own free will be aware of these energies and they will choose not to receive
these enlightening divine energies in essence these beings will still be focused on the
transient things such as thoughts images and the outside worlds of material possessions
in the planetary sphere that will and has given rise to suffering on your planetary level
because many universal light great programmers divine love elements do not yet
understand that the clinging to the outside worlds and the clinging to the transient things
have given rise to a lot of psychological suffering as well as unwanted suffering that
prevents many universal light grid programmers divine love elements from reaching their
highest divine potential there are many universal light great programmers divine love
elements on your planetary sphere currently whose vibration level if activated can reach
up to the fifth density consciousness in this single life cycle also universal light great
programmers divine love elements must realize that the choice that they will make in the
coming days will be a choice that will go on to the future and it will affect the upcoming
years also since the 8th of august is a special day where in many a times in the past
interstellar crafts from the coalition of divine grid programmers have entered the solar
system every year they enter the solar system of your planetary sphere and they observe
and scan upon the energies of your planets furthermore these spacecrafts that are sent
by the coalition of divine grid programmers are highly advanced and hence they are
camouflaged to the normal eyesight only advanced devices may be able to get a hint of
these spacecrafts observing your planetary level of consciousness as most of your planet
is composed of water these spacecraft sent by the coalition of divine and great
programmers will only be assessing the vibration level of those beings who live on the

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land areas of your planetary sphere since they are the most important for mother earth's
vibration each universal light grid programmers divine love element will have three
choices presented to it on the 8th on this lions gate portal that shall peak on the 12th of
august the three choices will be either beings will choose to be of service to the divine
love element which is a different type of service and a higher level of service compared to
that of service to others this type of service if chosen will lead to many universal light grid
programmers divine love elements to awaken but also to be of service to the divine great
programmer by accessing the divine love element energies will flow through them and
they will allow the divine great programmers energy to create everything in their life and
affect the planetary consciousness to a drastic level furthermore the second choice will
be that of many universal light grid programmers divine love elements who will be given
the choice which is already present on your planetary sphere that's of the choice of either
serving others or serving the self and many universal light great programmers divine love
elements have misunderstood this aspect because this choice is simple for example
whenever you are out on the so-called streets of your planets and you meet another
person who requires help there will be two types of responses one who will help that
another individual and the other who will ignore this is the way in which this type of test
will be presented to each universal light grid programmers divine love element and the
third choice will be either universal light grid programmers divine love element will forgive
others or will not forgive them the choices are simple but the choices that will be made
during this period will affect the coming year as well and these three choices will be
presented to each universal light great programmers divine love element and many of the
this will occur suddenly whether they realize it or not during this time period and if they
are vigilant they will receive these so-called upgrades of their internal senses and
awakening consciousness which will allow universal light great programmers divine love
elements to reach into higher levels of divine consciousness therefore beloveds let me tell
you one short story in order to inspire those who shall seek inspiration through my
message there was a certain universal light great programmers divine love elements on
your earth planets who had based its happiness upon an aspect known as the lover in
your language sequence and one day suddenly this other individual the lover informed
this universal line great programmers divine love element that it would no longer want to
keep the so-called relationship this caused the universal light grid programmers divine
love element and its whole life and happiness as it depended on the lover to be crushed
and this entity felt enormous amounts of suffering thereby this universal lightweight
programmer's divine love element realized that its happiness was based on the exterior
event which was transient hence it decided from that moment to focus on non-transient

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substances such as breathing ask yourself this question has your breath ever changed in
your life it may have changed sometimes however the change is only in the volume of
breath the basic breath remains the same in a similar manner this entity who realized that
it had focused on non-transient things from that moment forward started to focus on the
breath and it became peaceful and connected with the divine source however since today
is a special day and since many universal light grid programmers divine love elements
may need to prepare for the period of awakening we are going to share with you one
method that will help many universal light grid programmers divine love elements on your
planets to awaken easily to the truth within and realize the deeper aspect of their own
interconnection with the divine a great programmer the process is simple to focus on the
sensation of your tongue touching your teeth since many universal light grid programmers
divine love elements will have 32 teeth now each universal light grid programmer's divine
love element must internally touch each teeth and feel the sensation of the different
sensations since each teeth will have a different sensation and stay with the sensation
until you reach to the end of the upper row as well as the lower row this exercise can
further be conducted even in situations which do not require meditation exercise and
works on your planetary sphere because of the intermingling of the non-feeling aspect
that is the teeth which normally do not have sensory feeling aspect however your tongue
is highly sensitive and the collision of the two will create this inner sense which will allow
you to stay present and connected to the now moment which is the gateway to divine
intelligence of the divine great programmer and to the divine love element this will assist
each of you those who desire to reach higher distortions of consciousness and receive
these upgrades therefore i am metatron magnetic consciousness thank you

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Session 78
Pleiadians 13 Aug 9, 2021

Apocalypse HOPI Prophecy is Coming True! Prepare

Yourself Spiritually & Battle of Inner Earth
We are the pleiadians and we are communicating through this instrument we are
communicating from the taigata planetary sphere in our star system of the pleiades
before we communicate through this instrument remember to use your discernment when
listening to our messages and only accept those thought forms which have a deep
resonance with your inner heart furthermore today this instrument has queried about the
so-called prophecy of apocalypse as made by the hopi people who are also known as the
native american tribe on your planetary sphere and who exist on the lands known to your
people in your language sequence as america in this regard let us tell you that there is a
divine connection that the hopi people have with the small percent of positively oriented
orion entities of the fifth density of light and wisdom who in essence are a small collective
of the positive oriented orions who have separated themselves from the larger negative
collective in order to be of service to the one creator in the aspect of positive polarization
their social memory complex resides not in the orion planetary sphere but they are
residing in another galaxy at this current time space the name of this galaxy cannot be
pronounced using your tongue these positive oriented orions firstly made contact with the
hopi people approximately 2 100 years prior to this linear time space in fact the
origination of the hopi people is a matter of divine intervention wherein the hopi
population started their origination in another planetary portion of their earth timeline that
is on africa and some entities were taken and some decided to assist the agarthans in the
battle of the agarthans against the reptilians that occurred in the time space prior to that
of 2100 year time period as the battle had been raging on between the third density
agarthans at that time space against the third density reptilians who were being
influenced negatively by the negatively oriented orions in the inner earth the reptilians
were of the beginning fourth density nature of negative polarization and used their
negativity to control the agarthans at that time period in order to allow the preservation of
free will of the agarthans to be restored the positive oriented orions assisted these
agarthans as the agarthans used to worship them and were in contact with these
benevolent orions the positively oriented orion entities then asked for some volunteers
amongst the african civilization that existed at that time period in order to assist in the
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battle of the third density beings and were genetically altered by the positively oriented
orions making them more advanced and having no distortion of the type of egoic portions
of the mind which dominates most third density beings in the various galaxies these 13
awakened ones were sent to the agartha as messengers and they were known by the
agarthans as the hopi in their language terms which meant the awakened ones they were
sent to the lands of agartha in order to spread the message of love and light in order to
defeat the regime of the reptilians since the reptilians relied on the negative oriented orion
forces the positively oriented orions knew how to counteract their negative influence the
negative oriented orions were using the power of negative influences of the egoic portions
of the mind which caused fear to propagate since the agarthans at that time period
existed at a level of later third density consciousness equivalence to the level of
consciousness that is currently found on your planetary sphere this caused a division to
occur amongst the agarthans which caused some agarthans to be swayed into the
negative polarization and some of these negatively polarized agarthans worked with the
reptilians in defeating the positive forces this caused the service to self-agenda to mix
into even those service to others oriented aspects or programs which the agarthans had
indulged into the so-called 13 hopi individuals were guided by the positively oriented
orion entities to teach the agarthans and act as messengers of positivity these hopi
people gave them knowledge to awaken consciousness and to disattach the egoic
portions of the mind this caused the agarthans to understand and fully grasp the methods
used by the negative oriented orions to control the population of agartha at that time
period this allowed a few positively oriented entities to share positive messages of the
universality of unity amongst each being this allowed 70 percent of the agarthan
population to resonate with the message and using their free will the agarthans became
positively affected and defeated the reptilians by spreading love and light because
negative oriented entities despise love and light energies and they run away from it in
order to protect their polarity this caused the reptilians to leave the earth planets and
eventually along with their influencers the negatively polarized orion entities left the earth
planet and some factions shifted their base to the mars planet and some factions went to
the nibiru planets and the orion constellation this planet nibiru is currently in a different
dimension furthermore the reptilians are currently on the mars planet trying to do the
same with planet earth at this current time in space in this regard the hopi people the few
who had helped in winning the war against the dark forces during the time of the agarthan
civilization these few entities who had originally come from africa were returned to the
earth's crust upon completion of their mission and advanced guidance for protection
against negative oriented orions were provided in the form of knowledge to these first

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hopi people these first individuals of the hopi population created the three mesas that
were aligned perfectly to mimic the shape of the constellation of orion this began in the
starting of the so-called and known as the hopi people they were also taught to create
dynamic interstellar pyramidal positive thought form a protection around their lands in
order to protect themselves from the negative oriented orion influences that sometimes
came in the form of negative thought forms from the orion constellation these original 13
hopi members after their natural end of their life cycle passed on some of the knowledge
of other people however many entities using these methods started to create predictions
of apocalypse using their ego based portions of the mind which distorted the original pure
messages as the future is subjective as many entities on your planet are already aware of
the so-called apocalypse that was mentioned in the knowledge base of the hopi were in
fact pointing to the current time space period that signifies the changes of the planets
and the cleansing process of the planet that is occurring at this time period some of the
first descendants of the 13 hopis were taught to maintain contact with the positive
oriented orions via telepathic communication the apocalypse signifies big changes of the
earth's planetary sphere as it transforms into the fourth density consciousness this will
also cause many of the old systems to crash and dysfunction and many of the entities on
your planet will choose to live a more peaceful life without any external disturbance this
will cause many entities to awaken to the truth of their true essence and a new flowering
of consciousness will start leading to a massive wave of awakening leading to birthing of
a new level of consciousness on the planet that is occurring at this time period these
bigger changes have yet to come into effect on your planetary sphere and in this
particular timeline we can sense these positive changes of a drastic effect will come forth
in the upcoming days in this regard this is all we can share at this time space we'll leave
you now until we meet again bye uh

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Session 79
Archangel Michael 12 Aug 12, 2021

Everything Is About To Change Suddenly - Prepare

For Deep Awakening
I am archangel michael and i am connected to this boy from the angelic realm in order to
share my thoughts and guidance regarding the query placed by this boy before i begin
however remember to use your discernment when listening to my message and only
accept if it resonates with your inner self my message is not meant for your critical part of
the mind my message is directed towards your inner self which knows the answer and
which may resonate with the truth when it hears it today this boy has requested guidance
for 22nd of august as from that date on your time space nexus the higher self of each
being will start to attempt more clear and direct communication with their respective
incarnated self who are currently on this current timeline of earth and in multiple other
timelines in order to assist them and provide guidance for the graduation is upon your
planet there will be certain changes that will occur on your time space in the coming days
which may be considered as sudden and surprising to many of your people being has
within its own self the potential to open up itself and realize the inner truth and validity of
the factual matter that each being has the essence of the one father the creator and the
fountainhead of creation lies in this interaction with the father the creator in the beginning
separated itself in order to experience incarnation lessons and this is how each of you
came into existence on this current level of incarnation this is how many entities started to
learn the lessons in the various densities of consciousness as known by this boy each
incarnation and each cycle of density meant to teach each being how to become the
creator by sharpening its soul evolution much like a stone when it is put under pressure
and heat may turn into a rare diamond or some other rare crystallized entity in a similar
manner each being's main purpose is to learn the lessons and become the creator once
again becoming crystallized as the soul lessons are learned furthermore there are two
pathways of service in the various levels or densities of illusion the first pathway or the
first basic choice which many of the entities on your planets are already aware of is that of
choosing the path of service to others or service to self then there is the other pathway
which is considered the highest pathway for beings who chose this pathway are less than
one percent on the current earth timeline since this pathway is not an easy pathway to
pursue however the rewards of pursuing this pathway may exceed the level of gains of
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soul evolution in this current incarnation let me tell you that the offering of service to the
creator or being of service to the creator by means of allowing the creative energies of the
creator to flow through the physical vehicle of such beings who desire to serve the creator
must remember to allow the creative energies of the creator to flow within and express
through its physical vehicle many a times those beings who are of being of service to the
one creator have a love light energy field around their physical vehicle and other entities
can also perceive their energetic patterns this allows other beings to also pursue this type
of connection as this type of connection leads to one of the greatest experiences beings
on your planet can experience that is of complete bliss and peace this state of peace and
bliss is a significance of the connection with the one creator's energy and if you ask
yourself or if you perceive your reality to be full of other elements other than the factor of
peace of the one creator then you may have not been of service to the one creator the
requirement to graduate into the fourth density does not require this service mandatorily
however those who choose this service have a high likelihood of completely bypassing
the fourth density consciousness which is known as the fourth density of love as this
fourth density consciousness lesson is learned by such entity in the third density itself by
emanating love and light and by inspiring other beings to pursue the path of love and light
in essence to become one with the fountainhead or the creator is very simple you must let
go of the grasp that you have upon the happenings of the outside world or the illusion
complex as known by this boy since the outward world is also a reflection of the inner
state of each being and feeling this outward world will reflect with a time belay hence
many beings may be experiencing what they had felt before this current timeline
appeared on their illusion cyclical creation the art of letting go is to simply accept the fact
that the outside illusion complex will provide you with catalyst and suffering in order to
wake you to the inner core and make you connected once again to the creator this is also
the reason why many beings on your planet they become disbalanced when they face a
jolt of suffering or catalyst furthermore this boy may contact the council of planets in the
coming days in order to receive the review of the earth's planetary cycle and the future
plan laid out for this planet earth for in this session all i can share is that the higher self
has been directed to try to make connections with each being allowing each being to
express these higher energies through their physical vehicle which shall lead them into
higher levels of consciousness easily in this single incarnation cycle the times upon your
planet is very rare and the opportunities are diverse but many will miss it since they are
too involved or caught up in the outward reality and their emotional balance and the
balancing of the chakras depend on the outward control of the illusion complex this
outward reality is meant to change suddenly and is meant to awaken many as much as

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possible for that is the plan for this part of the galaxy also let me tell you a short anecdote
in order to inspire those who shall seek inspiration from my message once upon a time
there were two entities on the earth planets one entity who chose the path of service to
others by being of service to others more than 51 percent and the other entity who chose
the path of service to the creator this path of service to the creator led the other entity to
directly graduate into the fifth density consciousness since this entity not only mastered
the lessons of the fourth density which is the density of love but also by being and
allowing the creative energies to flow through it became of service to others since the
service to others aspect can also be stated as a service to the creator for each being is
the creator therefore the other entity who only could choose the path of service to others
was able to graduate into the fourth density consciousness and had to learn the lessons
of love this other entity by directly learning all the lessons of the fourth density in a single
incarnation was able to in a similar manner jump across classes as those beings on your
planet who are extremely intelligent tend to do in your so-called schools however the
school of life is not as your schools where in the so-called teachers have a set plan for
each being the school of life has free will for each of you and the plan is not cyclical for
the plan is to allow the free will to rule over any other distortion therefore beloved i am
archangel michael and this is all the guidance i can share with you however before i leave
i may state that there is one exercise or addition that i can suggest to those beings who
desire to achieve this level of service to the one creator and that is by following the
guidance of the previous session wherein my counterpart entity from the angelic realm
metatron who is in charge of the magnetic balance of the earth planets has guided this
boy to feel each teeth from the lower row to the upper row and upon each feeling as you
reach to the end of the upper row after you start from the lower row you must count this
as one cycle and then try to do 10 cycles by keeping your minds empty for the emptiness
of the mind complex will be required for what is coming on your planet and if there is a
thought or any other words or images on your mind restart this exercise for counting till
10 will be enough for those beings who desire to increase their attention span therefore i
leave you now so bye

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Session 80
Galactic Federation 19 Aug 16, 2021

Prepare Yourself for A New Era | Council of Planets &

Ego Mind
We are the council of planets looking over this galaxy and we are concerned with the safe
keeping of your galaxy along with many other galaxies which we are connected to we are
now connected to this channel and before we start to proceed our communication
regarding the various questions this channel has placed before us we would like to warn
each of you who shall hear this message to only accept those message that resonate with
your true self and leave behind those that do not resonate we are connected today and
we shall try to share our message in the most clear and simple language for your people
to understand however the language of your earth planet has the ability of being distorted
and has the ability of distorting the true meaning therefore we shall begin this
communication in the most simple language terms today this channel has requested
about the results of the earth's vibration check that had been conducted on the earth
planet from the month of july which lasted up to the 8th of august and what we have
found out is that because of the inbuilt part of many of the entities on your planet the two
aspects of the brain the left brain and the right brain are those aspects which determine
the experience of each entity those who are advanced in using the left brain become
analytical and they become focused on the aspects governing the ego portions of the
mind many of these people they begin to develop advanced critical analytical skills and
they forget the truth of their inner core furthermore this started on your earth planet during
the time of the egyptians wherein there was a certain entity who decided to create
language in the written form which would lead to the culmination of the activation of the
left portion of the mind this left portion of the mind began to be intensely used amongst
your people leading to your people being over analytical and their consciousness being
trapped on the focus of the self if this had not happened on the earth planet your planet
would have been able to rise up in the level of consciousness because of those beings
who focus primarily on the right side or the right brain which is concerned with the
connection and the intuition with the true self this right brain would lead entities into
higher levels of consciousness because of this connection and the activation of the right
side of the brain amongst your people would lead to a faster awakening on your planet as
the results of the vibration test upon your planet was conducted by us and we had sent
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many of our checkup beings in order to check the planetary vibration of each hemisphere
we are of the opinion that your planets vibration can be divided into two sub-sections the
western hemisphere along with some parts of the eastern hemisphere which does not
amount to much can be placed into the spiritual side of the planet earth in these parts of
the planets many entities have chosen to awaken and they are now revolting or realizing
the tyranny caused by the elites whose main purpose is to put a control on the masses of
people the western hemispheres people are also connected with their right brain much
more often than those in the eastern hemisphere we are talking about the proportion of
entities not in a single level basis but based upon the collective consciousness the left
portion of the earth planet is at a higher vibration compared to that of the east this has
also occurred because of many of the distortions of control and the distortion of the
messages that were previously shared amongst those people on the eastern hemisphere
which created this gap of consciousness because of the rules that were created the
people on the western side of your planet have realized the control of the lights on the
planet is slowly diluting the freedom of your people each entity on your planetary sphere
is now realizing the control that the allies are placing upon each being also the entire
planet's vibration is of a positive nature and gaia will transition into the fourth density
consciousness however there will be many entities who will not ascend into higher levels
because many of the entities on the earth planet have not realized that they must also be
self-aware as the difference between the second density and the third density is that the
third density is the density of awareness wherein entities have to be aware of the
awareness within their own physical vehicle those who lack this self-awareness will find it
hard to find the truth of awareness and the oneness amongst other beings many entities
on your planet only have realized this aspect of awareness of the self to a percentage
which may be considered less than favorable for the planet's vibration furthermore we
would like to state that currently on the earth planet there are a total of 0.9 million
potential individualized portions of consciousness that have chosen the path of service to
the creator and there are 2.7 billion individualized portions of consciousness who have
chosen the path of service to others there are approximately 900 000 wanderers currently
incarnated on the earth planet whose main purpose is to assist humanity by spreading
love and light energies through these times of the transition period also we the council of
planets have now decided that the guidance that will be provided to your people will be
based upon the teachings of the ability to rise above the level of the reptilian part of the
mind of the second density physical vehicle which you now inhabit into your
consciousness may be of a later third density type but the physical vehicle is that of a
second density consciousness also remember that since your mind or the reptilian part of

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the mind is concerned with creating fear and all other lower aspects that govern the
survival mode since at this time period the negative oriented entities who have lodged
themselves in the martian planet are working with your allies to trigger this part of the
mind and their last purpose and their last trial is to spread fear amongst your people by
triggering the reptilian portions of your mind in order to rise above in the future time
spaces of communications we shall share many of the methodologies to rise above the
reptilian portions of the minds and to stay connected with your true inner self furthermore
this aspect of the left side of the brain is primarily concerned with the analytical aspects
like we stated before and those entities who only have a glimpse or use the right side of
the brain have more of a chance of ascending and accessing the unmanifested energies
that are being accessed by some entities in order to reach higher levels and also to create
new aspects in the form of new knowledge which was not available to those entities
whose primary objective is to use the left portion of the brain therefore the right side of
the mind is concerned with intuition and all other creative aspects of awakening of
consciousness we as the council of planets are not here to infringe upon the free will but
just here to share that those who shall rely heavily on the left portion of the mind or the
egoic portions of the mind shall find it harder to connect with their true self and also
access these higher energies let us tell you how the ego portions of the mind affects the
planetary consciousness based upon the past experiments conducted by us in the
various galaxies in the so-called sirius star planets prior to 10 million years ago an
experiment was conducted wherein the sirius A planetary sphere had inhabitants in the
third density consciousness that had a leaning towards or a bias towards the right side of
the brain complex and the other planets the sirius b planet had it leaning towards the left
side in the pathway of evolution the first planet which had entities rely heavily on the right
side were able to ascend and graduate at a considerably less amount of time than the
other planet in which entities who had relied on the left portions of the mind developed an
egoic aspect which led to the destruction of the earth we correct ourselves destruction of
the planets furthermore we also realized that some of the portions of the egoic mind were
needed in order to make entities realize the contrast of being detached from the creative
source and leaning towards self-gratification of the ego created mind patterns after the
experiments were decided we decided to include 70 bias towards the ego portions of the
mind in another experiment conducted in the martian planet which also led to the
destruction of the mars planets in the cycle of evolution and hence after this we created
your human physical vehicles along with the support from the beings known as the
elohim collective who also guided in creating a 60 percent bias towards egoic patterns in
the mind and a leaning towards the left hemisphere of the brain this also was found to be

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less effective on the earth planet as the last graduation on the earth planet was almost
unfound now our plan after the vibration test is to initiate a triggering of the right side of
the brain with a balance between the right and the left side portions of the brain on the
earth entities this will allow a greater choice however we don't know what choice will be
made by various entities on the long run while encountering this bias this aspect will
begin triggering from the coming months after the 22nd of august as each being needs
guidance from its own concerned higher self to achieve this balance because without the
guidance of the higher self they may forget that they are in the third density
consciousness which is the density of self-awareness or the awareness of the self
furthermore we the council of planets disconnect now

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Session 81
Metatron 10 Aug 18, 2021

Prepare Yourself For Spiritual Upgrade - Your

I am metatron magnetic consciousness and i am speaking through this channel who has
connected with my native vibration and we are connected in the divine love and light of
the one universal light grid programmer i am going to speak through this channel's throat
and utilize it to form the necessary words required to communicate my message i am
connected from the angelic realm wherein many other angelic souls have assembled and
many of the angelic souls including me have been assisting your people at this times for
the guidance on the earth plane is required as the transition into the fourth density is at
sway today this channel has requested guidance for the period known as the august
22nd timeline in your language terms also let me tell you that the activation of the right
side portion of the brain which will start activation from the august 22nd the timeline will
trigger amongst your people and many of the beings who are not able to balance their
energetic bodies may feel imbalances in the physical vehicle and the many universal light
grid programmers divine love elements who have already incarnated on this planet earth
are ready to receive such an upgrade i as metatron would like to share with you a simple
method that each entity on the earth planet who is currently incarnated on this time space
can use however before i share this you must use your discernment when listening to my
message currently on the earth planet there are three types of entities who have
incarnated the ones who are known as the wanderers who have incarnated from other
parts of the galaxy and from other planets or from a future timeline who have incarnated
here from higher density of consciousness in order to specifically assist humanity to go
through this transition phase in order to allow the human collective a source of inspiration
to reach into the fourth density consciousness then there are others known as the
starseeds who are of an equivalent level of consciousness of the later third density
merging into the beginning phases of the fourth density consciousness who have
incarnated on this planet in order to access this gateway of graduation into the fourth
density also remember that the time on your planet occurred after 75 000 year cycle and
those who shall miss this opportunity will have to again relearn the lessons of the third
density in another 75 000 year cycle hence those who want to use this opportunity to
graduate into the fourth density consciousness can do so as this gateway is now open
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also remember in the transition phase there are those souls who are known as the native
souls of the planet earth whose evolution started on the earth planet itself from the
beginning stages of the first density consciousness those beings who have the ability to
use the light to share it amongst other beings are known as light workers in your language
terms amongst your people for they are also the most important elements are part of your
planets in the evolution cycle as all the light firstly starts emerging from them in essence
lightworkers are those beings who offer themselves to be of service to the light remember
that the physical vehicle of the third density consciousness which is available on the earth
planets is different in many aspects from those found on other planets of a similar nature
also remember that there is too much fear on this level of consciousness on the earth
planet because many universal light great programmers divine love elements have not
risen over the fear in order to rise into higher levels in other planets the third density
physical vehicle is much lighter and is beginning to integrate into light bodies also in other
parts of the galaxy the third density physical vehicle has a bias toward focusing on the
attention span this allows the reaching into higher levels of consciousness as this physical
vehicle on the earth planets is of a second density nature there may be many imbalances
and there is no bias towards the focusing of attention of consciousness which is of
utmost importance because the attention you give to your consciousness will bring forth
the life around you without the attention of your consciousness there will be no creation
around you and you would not be able to manipulate the reality as you desire also the
third density is the density of self-awareness as many on your planetary sphere are
already aware that to be self-aware means to be awareness of the inner awareness which
is present within your own physical vehicle many lightweight programmers divine love
elements do not yet understand that the process of allowing oneself to reach above fear
and to learn to access the higher levels of consciousness and to connect with the higher
consciousness and the higher self which is always trying to guide each of you the process
is simple but understand this that before i share this you must remember that your higher
self cannot directly infringe and incarnate to make choices for you because that would be
in infringement upon your free will as your higher self is your future self and is already in
an enlightened state residing in the sixth density consciousness looks back upon its own
self in the various timelines and offers assistance in the best way for each being to open
itself up for this communication starts when one enters into the state of emptiness of the
mind complex which can be achieved by various processes as known and practiced by
many of your entities on the earth planets however the most basic or the most advanced
is that of pointing of attention or keeping of attention on a single point for as long as
possible for this keeping of attention on a single point will begin to trigger the upper

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chakras of the indigo ray this triggering will allow the gateway to the higher
consciousness and the gateway will allow the higher self communication to start more
effectively this process must be followed because many a times on your planet many
universal divine great programmers divine love elements they have a lack of focus on the
attention span which causes their attention to change from every single thought to
emotion their attention is fluctuating either transitioning from the outside world attention
to the inner world or from one thought to the other there is no focusing of the
consciousness on a single point or attention on a single point because this is one of the
most advanced and most used strategies by many other species in the galaxy and in the
various aspects of densities to connect with their higher consciousness this allows the
higher self of each being who follows this procedure to begin to communicate in the form
of inner hunches or nudges and insights which may not come in the form of direct
language communication as your higher self resides in the sixth density consciousness
there is no language at that level of consciousness and you must remember that language
is a construct created by your mind also at this time period for the assistance of humanity
many wanderers who have incarnated on this planet earth are also sharing many other
methods to allow the activation of each being's connection with its higher self this
connection is important at this time since from the august 22nd timeline the council or the
coalition of the universal divine grid programmers have directed the activation of the right
side portion of the mind to start on the earth planets hence each higher self must be in
communion with each being for the flow of energies will bring many changes on the mind
complex also let me share with you one short allegory as known by your people as an
inspiration to the so-called wanderers in order to provide inspiration for there are many
wanderers who are listening to this message as i can sense wanderers you are many
consider you a misfit in the world of illusion some look at you for inspiration for your
courage to love during hard times wanderers you are you are the ones not from this
density you have sacrificed your evolution for there are many who need your assistance
you live amongst those of third and fourth density but you are from higher densities
wondrous you are you have tremendous inner potential which if activated will turn the
light of consciousness toward the positive even though the outside world may seem
negative at times but when you look to the stars remember it is your true home where you
will return one day united in the spirit of true love wanderers you are within you lies
everlasting energies inspire and awaken those who need your light therefore i am
metatron magnetic consciousness and i send this message to all light workers to prepare
to be the ground of light amongst the layers of fear i thank you and will connect again bye

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Session 82
Pleiadians 14 Aug 20, 2021

Prepare For Deep Connection | Soul Contract, Astral

We are the pleiadians and we are communicating now we are connected from the elsa on
the planet in our pleiadian star system and before we start to communicate our thoughts
and insights using your language terms through this instrument you must understand that
you have to use your free will in order to accept and to judge our message without which
there would be a direct acceptance of the thoughts presented this is not recommended
as we want to preserve the free will on your planet you must be very cautious of the
words and the thoughts you accept which you may accept if they resonate deeply with
your inner heart today this instrument has connected in order to request guidance for the
events which are starting on the 22nd of august these events which are going to start on
your planets are of utmost significance for your people at this time and those who are
ready to receive guidance and those who want their higher self to direct their life towards
fulfillment of their true purpose and those who are desirous of reaching into higher levels
of consciousness and achieving their higher purpose may using their free will regard this
message as a direction for those who desire such things to occur on their timeline for
without one's desire the information we are going to share now would be of no use
furthermore let us tell you from the 22nd of august on your planetary sphere there would
be an experience of a unique moon known as the blue moon and also this starts the
direction as given by the council of planets to each of your higher self which has been
directed to maintain higher levels of contact and communicate more in order to assist
through the changes that will affect your planets in the coming days furthermore at this
times the period on your planet many beings may feel uncomfortable because of the
activation of the right side of the brain however this activation will only occur after this
connection period which shall last from the up until the two lunar cycles and will end on
the 20th of september as known by your people wherein entities will have ample amount
of time to connect with their higher self and receive the higher guidance and vibration that
will allow each to experience a timeline suitable for the activation of the right side of the
brain also remember that many a times your higher self may be communicating with each
of you however you may miss its communication because of too much noise inside your
own mind complex because of this self-created noise inside the mind complex many
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insights and higher communications are missed at this period which starts from august
22nd those entities who desire to receive clear communication from their respective
higher selves may firstly have to master the aspect of the emptiness of the mind we as
the pleiadians we cannot stress how important this is on your planet many people on your
planet who feel they are awakening to the truth and who feel they are awakening to their
true self in order to reach into the fourth density miss this concept and they do not focus
on this aspect like we stated before the emptiness of the mind complex will lead to the
opening of the right side of the brain and the right side of the brain is at a higher vibration
as known by your people according to your chart system on your so-called vibration chart
system on the lower sides there are emotions which are primarily created by the left brain
because of over analytical activity and because of the act of thinking too much this act
instead of solving any problem leads to creation of more problems and it is only the right
side of the brain when activated when there are no thoughts inside the mind complex that
the solution to any problem arises this is because your higher self is always in connection
with each of you however many a times you miss this communication because of over
activation of the left side of the brain and the thoughts and insights from your higher self
is normally mixed with your own thoughts and insights which create a sort of distortion
that leads to a weakening of connection and of communication patterns with your
concerned higher self also remember that during this time period only those entities who
shall decide to connect with their higher self will receive communications and the insights
necessary for the balancing and preparation of the coming changes on the planetary
sphere the connection with each of your higher self will lead to a higher level of vibration
as the higher levels of vibration and the highest vibration being that of peace will leads to
a solid connection with your higher self and you will receive the insights and the
necessary guidance to prepare since there is a time period of only one month left for the
changes to occur on your planet those entities who desire to be ready should follow a
certain exercise in order to aid in this transition phase this method may be considered
similar to those methods that have been already shared however the difference is that this
method leads to a activation of the right side of the brain add a proportion higher than
that of the left side the method is simple to rest your tongue on the upper part of your
back side row of your teeth and when you rest your tongue touching the upper teeth in a
relaxed manner you may feel a type of connection and quietening of the left side of the
brain this if done for a long period of time for this method is the most easiest to activate
the right side of the brain will lead to a quiet mind and the quietening of the left side
leading to an activation of the right side of the brain furthermore this activation then
allows the accessing of the higher levels as per your vibration chart this activation of the

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higher levels will lead each of you to access the highest level of vibration which lies at the
levels of peace and enlightenment this piece if once connected with will make each of
you be able to receive the communication and the guidance from your higher self we
cannot tell you what your higher self shall decide because each individualized portions of
consciousness experiencing life on the earth planet has different set of rules and different
conditions hence the guidance from your respective higher self may be different based
upon your situation furthermore also remember that this process is one of the most
simple and used processes to connect and open the mind for higher connections it is
also used in our own star system as well secondly this instrument has requested to
understand about the concept known as hell as created by the human population there
are many distortions to this concept however we shall share with you a short story about
how soul contracts operate on the earth planets once upon a time there was an entity
who used to desire another entity but the other entity which it desired through its heart
was already married to another person so this entity wanted to achieve its desire and by
being overruled by its egoic portions of the mind killed the other entities husband as
known by your people out of desperation in order to unite with the other entity however
this act led this entity to unite with the other entity who lost its husband as both the
entities were in a love tangle as known by your people the entity who had been killed
crossed over and this entity waited for the other entity who had killed it to firstly end its
incarnation after the end of the incarnation cycle both the entities met each other on the
astral planes and realizing the type of karma created the entity who had been killed had to
spend a time on the astral plane healing itself and the other entity who had killed such an
entity had to spend the same amount of time after crossing over on the astral planes
experiencing the event as if it had been done on to him because what you do onto others
shall be done unto you this is how the higher self works out the karma created by each
entity who failed to realize that each is the one and this is how many entities experience
the so-called hell experiencing the same events which it had inflicted upon another onto
itself on the astral planes in order to make it realize the pain and the suffering felt by the
other furthermore after this experience both the entities had to reincarnate for another
time to settle the karma collected in the previous life therefore beloved we the plethians
leave you now until we connect again

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Session 83
Galactic Federation 20 Aug 22, 2021

Solar Waves & Mars War Update

We are the galactic federation of light and we are communicating now from the saturn
council and we are observing your planet also remember that your planet is going through
some changes in the psychical changes in consciousness furthermore we as the galactic
federation are always concerned about the safe keeping of your people and are here
connected today in the divine love and light of the one creator to share our thoughts and
guidance without infringing upon the free will that is available for the people of your
planets also remember that we as the galactic federation are speaking through this
instrument and we will try to produce the answer to your query based upon the language
patterns as known by this instrument also remember that this instrument is seeking to
understand about the so-called mars war in this regard let us tell you that the negative
entities who had lodged themselves in the martian planet are still on the mars planet and
recently they had a short meeting with the so-called alliance of your planet many of the
entities who are known as in the language terms as elon musk and other entities known
as jeff bezos had a short meeting with these entities on the mars planet and they are
working together to create a new type of mind control which will be able to control the
people of your planet this they are doing under the guidance of the negative oriented
entities who are present on the mars planet which constitutes the so-called annunaki
orions and the reptilian grey collective whose main objective at this time is space is to
spread fear amongst the mind of the human collective so that they can prevent the earth
planet from entering into the positive polarity they do not want this to happen as if they
allow the earth planet to enter into the positive this would mean the end of the negative
era and we as the galactic federation along with the council of planets have sought out
information regarding the so-called lucifer beings who have gone missing and are out of
being tracked the andromedans who had embarked on a journey to meet with these
lucifer entities have also gone out of track and their mind complex cannot be contacted
via our vibration we also at this time space feel the need to stress that there is nothing to
worry about we are here to protect the planet and to prevent any direct infringement of
the planetary sphere for the quarantine on the planet earth cannot be easily broken we
correct ourself cannot be easily broken because of the strong love-like energies and the
protection from the asthar collective also remember that in the coming months there shall
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be many more entities who shall awaken on the earth planets and also we as the galactic
federation have been directed by the council of planets to go forward and neutralize the
negative forces on the mars planet within this year's timeline hence we as the galactic
federation we'll now execute this order from the council and we shall be sending love light
imbued solar energies towards the mars planets in the coming days this may lead to the
lessening of the heat energies of the sun to enter the earth planet which may lead to a
drastic lowering of the temperature of the earth's crust hence this could lead to a cold
winter as known by your people also remember that this is necessary in order to
neutralize the negative entities because only the heat of the sun can enter into the inner
core of the mars planet and the love light energies carried by the heat waves of the sun
will lead to the ending of the negative oriented entities furthermore the planet nibiru is also
being used by the lucifer beings however we are not able to track this planet as of now
hence we shall not comment on this regard also remember that at this time space in the
changes happening on the planet it is vitally important for your people to listen to the
creator the process of listening to the creator is simple whenever you hear a sound listen
to the silence between the sounds and therein you will find the creator also remember
that the creator is within each of you and the creator is experiencing this illusion complex
through you if you don't realize that you are the creator you will not awaken truly to the
inner depths of your core for in the inner depths of your being there is only peace and
nothing more remember each of you can access this inner peace by making a habit of
listening to the creator who is expressing itself between the silence amongst the sound
many entities on your planet they miss to focus on the silence which is an important
aspect in order to connect with the creator this silence will allow each of you to recognize
that each of you is the creator and the creative faculties within yourself will begin to flower
and open when you realize this fact therefore beloved open yourself to hear the creator
and focus on the silence between the sounds this is all the message we have to share
today as we bid farewell this time understand this that every time you feel fear remember
that love is more powerful than fear and have the courage in your heart to express love
when you face a situation that creates fear we the galactic federation leave you now bye

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Session 84
Pleiadians 15 Aug 30, 2021

Prepare For Ascension Changes

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument and before
we start our communication as we are connected from the pleiadian star system we
would like to warn each of you listening to our message to use your judgment so that we
may freely share our thoughts through this instrument with regards to the query placed by
this instrument furthermore remember that the time space period that is now upon your
planet is a wonderful time for those entities who desire to access the higher levels of
energetic vibrations as each of your higher self at this time period is lending a hand and
assisting you in the activation of the right side or the right brain of your mind complex
today this instrument has queried about the physical changes that will occur on your
physical vehicle as you begin to move upward in the level of sub densities of the fourth
density consciousness before we start to address this query firstly we would like to state
that the month that is coming ahead in your planetary timespace and as known by your
people as the month of september is a month which may be considered the last month
for the council has given each higher self only a period till the time of 20th september
after that timeline the entities will begin to those who have chosen the path of connecting
with the higher self will be upgraded into a higher dimension of fourth density
consciousness for this requires the activation of the right side of the mind complex and
you must remember that the right brain is concerned with that of the connection with the
higher self and also with that of the link between the creative energies therefore now we
shall proceed with the sharing of the answer to the query placed by this instrument there
will be many changes upon your physical vehicle not only which may be perceived by
your eye but those changes that will be taking place beneath the layers of your skin there
will be many other changes also in your brain complex and the functioning of your mind
shall now share with you each change starting from the beginning stage of the fourth
density first level sub density consciousness as the fourth density may be primarily
divided into eight sub densities each sub density corresponding to a level of change and
awakening within your people in the beginning stage or the first sub density the change
that will take place upon your physical vehicle will be that of a minimal change and will
lead entities to feel the activation of the green ray this green ray chakra can be activated
in the current physical vehicle without any upgradation necessary as your physical vehicle
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is able to handle only up to the beginning sub density of the fourth density of love and
compassion once those entities who enter the beginning sub-density of the fourth density
they begin to activate their green ray chakra and share the love and light energies it will
lead to a drastic change in the physical vehicle of the entities who shall then comprise the
second sub density of the fourth density consciousness on the level of the second sub
density the changes that will occur on your physical vehicle can be perceived which are
equivalent to a increase in the size of your chest complex wherein your heart is located
because of the activation of the higher heart energies your physical vehicle will also reflect
a increase in the chest area which signifies the heart chakras increasing level of activation
after that those entities who shall graduate into the third sub density of the fourth density
will then begin to switch off their left side of the brain completely because at that level of
consciousness there will be no need for the use of the left side of the brain which is
primarily concerned with the triggering of the egoic portions of the mind and this will
allow the activation of the right side of the brain and the full functionality of your physical
vehicle shall be done by the right side of the brain this does not mean however that the
functions of the body will stop only the mind complex changes especially the
disappearance of the so-called egoic portions of the mind will occur on this level of the
sub-density of the fourth density consciousness then those entities who shall graduate
into the fourth sub density of the fourth density consciousness will begin to develop
qualities of telepathy and hence there will be no need and the less use of the mouth
organs will lead your physical vehicles to slowly seize the use of the mouth organs
however your mouths will primarily at that level be only used for the purpose of breathing
and the so-called ingestion of chemical products for your body at that level will be a
chemical body after that level as soon as entities enter into the fifth sub density of the
fourth density consciousness they will begin to exist in a dual body one will be a
spiritually activated light body and the other will be a chemical body of the fourth density
for the transition to occur into the spiritual body will require a period of acclimatization
which shall occur on the fifth sub density of the fourth density consciousness wherein all
your communications will occur via the means of telepathic communications and the
creation of a social memory complex shall also exist at this time period this will then lead
into the upper octaves of the sixth seventh and the eighth sub density of the fourth
density consciousness during which time period the spiritual body shall be activated and
a portion of around 30 portion of the chemical body shall exist what we mean by 30 is
that a limited amount of functioning will continue in the chemical body whereas the major
part of the body shall exist in a light body and at this level of consciousness there will be
no need for entities to ingest chemical products and foods for the purpose of surviving

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shall depend on the energies received from the light of the sun at this level of
consciousness the light of the sun shall be sufficient for entities to survive also remember
that many entities on your planetary sphere are not yet ready to access these higher
levels because there is still a clinging to their old self which is primarily concerned with
the egoic portions of the mind for the higher level activation this portion of the mind shall
be done away with and many entities on your planet will learn that there is a choice to
choose either to stay with the ego or to choose and transcend beyond the mind this is the
part where the emptiness of the mind complex shall come in handy for your people and
this is all the message we can share for this timeline we'll leave you now we are an
obedience until we meet again

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Session 85
Pleiadians 16 Sep 6, 2021

Prepare Yourself Spiritually: Pleiadians

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument in order to
share our thoughts and insights we would like to warn those who shall listen to our
message to use your discernment and only accept those messages which resonates
deeply with your inner heart we are now communicating from our pleiadion start system
in order to answer the query pleased by this instrument before we begin we shall share
with you a certain information which has been given by the council of planets which
pertains to the 21st of september as known in the language terms which is now coming
and approaching you in the future timeline of your time space continuum on this date the
so-called upgrades of consciousness of many of the entities shall take place and also an
event shall take place which will allow entities those who desire to be swapped will be
switched at this time period as per the vibration of the earth planet the council has
identified around or entities of your planet who shall and who have chosen to be soul
swapped by a wandering soul many of the souls had already made soul contracts for this
event hence many will experience soul swapping once a entity's soul is swapped the new
souls may appear different and sometimes to many people those who are close relatives
or friends and families who have been soul swapped may appear different as their
behaviors will begin to project a different sense of personality for the soul swap will allow
a higher density being to enter into such physical vehicles and will perform its task of
sharing love and light for assisting the planetary sphere the query placed by this
instrument pertains to the so-called timeline of the fourth density consciousness in this
regard the let us tell you that there are two aspects you must keep in mind if you want to
understand the timelines and how it will affect and how the fourth density will enter after
how long the sub densities will exist in this regard let us tell you that the fourth density a
total time space allotted to a planetary sphere is around if a planetary vibration is
struggling the council may give permission for the window to be increased what we
meant by 35 million years is that for the planet to fully enter and reach into the air eighth
sub density of the fourth density consciousness will require around 35 million of the time
space and the other aspect you must remember is that this is the time scale of the planet
as we cannot predict how long a certain individual can take to enter into the fourth
density because individuals can add a split moment of a time space recognize the inner
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threat and they can enter into any of the sub densities of the fourth density based upon
their native vibration and also remember that we can sense that this entity and this
instrument wants to understand how long will each sub-density exist on the planetary
sphere as for the time scale of the earth's planet the first sub-density the second sub-
density and the third sub-density have different time frames the first sub density shall last
up to 1000 years the second and the third sub-density shall take up 5 million years of the
time space wherein drastic changes of the physical vehicles shall occur furthermore also
the densities we correct this instrument the sub densities above the third fourth fifth sixth
seventh and eighth these are the densities which shall accumulate the rest of the time
period from the 35 million time space nexus in the evolution of a planet for the
individualized portions of consciousness there is no particular time frame because entities
can achieve vibration of a later sub density in a single lifetime of recognition and of
service to others some entities may take a longer time period but it truly depends on each
entity's progress of understanding and realizing the truth that is within its own heart we
shall now take this opportunity to share with you all a method of entering into the highest
possible sub density of the fourth density in this current incarnation and even enter into
the so-called fifth density consciousness like we have previously stated before in many
sessions your people must understand and learn the aspect of increasing your attention
span this method is simple yet the most effective found and used by many of your
enlightened masters as known by your people the method is simply to choose a teeth in
the mouth organ and to be aware of the teeth throughout your daily activities to feel the
teeth fully and to exclude any other feeling but the feeling of the teeth the feeling of this
chosen teeth shall be made primary for the training period and those entities who shall
feel a particular teeth with their tongue feeling its grooves and its jagged interior portions
excluding any other feeling for example even if there was a feeling on the leg portion of
the physical vehicle such feelings should be excluded during this practice period and only
the feeling of the teeth chosen shall be kept in consideration for this will increase your
attention span and you will feel the peace and the aliveness of being connected with the
one creator this is all the message we have to share for today we'll leave you now we are
the pleiadians until we meet again bye

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Session 86
RA 14 Sep 8, 2021

Most People Can't Accept This Truth

I am ra and we greet you in the love and the light of the one infinite creator we are now
communicating through this instrument in order to share our thoughts and insights
however our objective is not to infringe upon the free will of each entity our main
motivation is to provide inspiration to those entities who shall choose to feel the message
beyond the words and to apply the so-called inspiration thought forms into their own
learnings as we are here for the purpose of sharing teach learn the lessons in order to
allow the entities who wants to learn teach for without teaching there will be no learning
and without learning there would be no teaching in essence what we mean to say is that
you need to use your discernment also remember that this instrument has requested
inspiration and message regarding why many entities are struggling on the current
planetary sphere to ascend higher in the levels of consciousness in this regard we can
state that there are many entities on your current planetary sphere who plays the most
important thing that each entity has on the planetary level and that is the inner peace
which is a concept many entities do not embrace many entities place this aspect of
peace after many other outward reality or the illusion complex desires many entities feel
that they can place this aspect of inner peace and the ease of creation and being won
and united with the true self on the back page of their experience this is also one of the
reasons why many entities on your planetary sphere struggle to not only attain the aspect
of ascension into the fourth density consciousness but they also become and used by the
so-called illusion complex since the illusion complex provides catalysts was this primary
meant for the entities to understand their true nature and to realize that each is the one
infinite creator experiencing life in a different physical incarnation for this realization many
entities go through cycles of incarnations however missing the point multiple times to be
direct with those who are listening to our vibratory sound complexes we must state that in
order to understand what we are trying to allow you to perceive is that there is an inner
knowingness within your inner heart which ones you are connected with will lead you to
feel the inner peace which cannot be shaken by other entities or the outside illusion
complex the most important thing in your life cycle to preserve is the peace for the
outside reality's main purpose will be to make you off balance and this is also the foray of
the adept who has through many cyclical incarnations or through the process of being a
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wanderer by incarnating from a higher dimension understands the foray and understands
that the balance of the self is the most important it doesn't matter what the illusion
complex shall present what truly matters is that if such entity is able to stay centered in
the inner peace of the knowingness of the one creator then such entities will find it easier
to navigate and to ascend faster as this is one of the major blockages we can sense
amongst your people at this time period even though in comparison to many or
thousands of years prior the so-called life cycles have improved and the so-called people
of your planets have become more harmonious compared to what was found in the past
days however the inner fear and the inner separateness has still lingered on in this
incarnation also we can suggest one so-called method to allow entities who require to
stay in touch with this peace and to become more balanced as they interact with the
outside world such entities can while they enter into the sleep state focus their attention
on one point of consciousness whether it be on a physical part of the physical vehicle or
whether it be on a point of concentration the most important aspect is to just focus on
one single point to make sure that your consciousness is not flickering or changing the
point of bias from one to the other and as you enter into the sleep state try to stay in
contact with the single point of consciousness for as long as you can before the other
aspects of your so-called imagination complex and the mind complex emerge for this
exercise is the primary facility which will protect you and train you to become an addict as
you encounter the illusion complex the illusion complex is meant to teach many lessons
to many entities and specifically to also disturb your inner balance of inner peace the
moment the outside world stops having an influence upon your level of consciousness
and the moment the outside world is unable to disbalance your inner peace that moment
you have realized ascension pathway for by the accessing of this void of silence within
your own self you will begin to be connected with the divine consciousness and you will
begin to express that which is trying to express through you this is all the information for
today i am ra and i leave you in love and light of the one infinite creator we'll leave you
now go forth and rejoice in the power and in the peace of the one creator adonai

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Session 87
Archangel Michael 13 Sep 13, 2021

Prime Directives On Walk-Ins & Soul Switch

I am archangel michael and i am now connected to this boy to share my thoughts and
insides however i am communicating from the angelic realm the query placed by this boy
does not pertain to our discernment and prerogative i am now going to transfer this
instrument to the galactic federation of lights and now the transfer shall begin we are the
galactic federation of light and we are now communicating through this instrument we
thank you for communicating with us today in the love and the light of the one supreme
creator we are here to share our thoughts and insights regarding the query placed by this
instrument without infringing upon the free will that has been granted by the one creator
remember we as the galactic federation have been directed by the council of planets to
share with those who shall need at this time period the prime directive regarding the
query placed by this instrument which pertains to the soul swap event which is to take
place on the 21st of september of the future timeline which is now rapidly approaching
your planets let us now tell you the prime directive shall take the process of soul
swapping under control and shall take place with and with only the prime directives rules
and regulations as founded by the council of planets the first prime directive is that of free
will each individualized portion of consciousness who is currently incarnated on the earth
planet and throughout the galaxies has the free will to choose and to desire to be of
service to either the positive or the negative on the third density timeline as the earth
planet is now currently in the stage of the later third density transitioning into the fourth
density and until the next 100 years this process shall take place this transition period
shall be at slave furthermore during this time period all the entities will have the free will to
choose either the positive service to others or the negative service to self-polarity which
also applies to the prerogative of soul swapping or walk-ins which means that any entity
can desire to invite a entity from either the positive or the negative polarity based upon its
native vibration also remember that many a times even the negatively oriented entities
shall approach entities with a negative vibration for the purpose of soul swapping at this
time periods and also the so-called positive oriented entities shall approach the positively
oriented individualized portions of consciousness or desire this soul swap at this time
period using their own free will and each individualized portion of consciousness along
with their higher self have the free will to allow the choice of either the positive or the
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negative it is neither good nor bad to allow a negative oriented entity furthermore it is
neither good or bad to allow a positively oriented entity to be soul swapped this is
because there is no right and wrong in the universe as per the universal law both
pathways are allowed by the creator hence we cannot offer suggestions for each pathway
also remember the prime directive number two as per the council is that the entities who
shall be show swapped its physical vehicles shall be left in freeze mode in the astral
planes until the so-called sole contract of the sole swap ends or does not allow entities to
infringe upon once the soul swap has started what this means is that if a entity is soul
swapped such an entities physical vehicle shall remain the same however the soul may
be a wanderer from the positive polarity or some negatively oriented entity from a higher
dimension both are allowed and the soul once swapped the original shoal shall be kept in
the astral planes in a freeze mode and shall not be allowed to perform any other tasks
and will not recognize that it exists until the soul stop ends furthermore there is another
type of soul swap in which the soul which has been swapped with shall have the
prerogative and shall have some influence on the outside events since it is on the back
array of the mine complex of the same physical vehicle this is the second prime directive
and the third prime directive is that this all soft entity shall only be swapped upon its free
will desire and upon it approaching its higher self in this regard we can give you the
example of this instrument who desired a soul swap without its conscious mind
unknowingly because it was fetching a tough situation during the past year at this time
period because of this entity and this instrument desire to be sold swapped at that time
period of around 22 september in the previous year for a fourth density positively oriented
wandering soul of a later sub-octave this occurred because the so-called the instrument
was not able to handle the outside catalyst and was unable to navigate and was feeling
as if it would end its life incarnation because of this the galactic federation as well as the
council and the so-called the higher self of this instrument were allowed to enter into this
stop event because of which a fourth density wanderer has now entered into the physical
vehicle of this instrument and this instrument's life cycle has drastically changed and all
its previous problems have been solved and will be solved in the coming days without
doing anything just like magic which this instrument used to enjoy previously the other
prime directive we shall now share with you is that the sole agreements that occur during
a source of events shall be unknown to both the entities who shall incarnate which means
once a soul swap occurs the entity who shall reincarnate into a physical vehicle of a entity
desirous of a soul swap shall be unaware of the souls sob event and it shall seem natural
as if waking from a dream all of the memories from the first incarnation or the previous
incarnation will shall not remain and only the memories of this current physical vehicles

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from its subconscious mind shall be drawn and remembered with this process is vitally
important because the veil of forgetfulness shall also be maintained as per the prime
directive of the council the veil shall not be penetrated even during the event of a soul
swap the other prime directive is that the soul-swapped entity and the new entity that
enters into such physical vehicles shall have the permission to solve all the previous
problems or life situations of the previous entity this is also many of the reasons why
many entities become soul swapped and desire is soul stopping by a higher density entity
either because they are unable to navigate through the current life situation or they are
unable to understand the full prerogative of their life cycle and they are desirous of a soul
stop so that such entity would be able to solve the current situation problems and then
perform its tasks the soul-soft entity and the coming wanderer or another negatively
polarized entity who shall enter into as a soul-swapped entity into a physical vehicle shall
have the main purpose of performing the un impeded tasks or the unended tasks of the
previous entity and then only shall proceed with its so-called performing of the tasks the
reason why it has performed the soul swap the other prime directive is that the soul swap
events shall have the procedure which shall take place during dream states only the
entities who are desirous of being so soft shall be approached during the so-called dream
states of a matching vibration entity which means that a matching vibration entity of either
a higher dimension or higher density shall approach such an entity and offer its vibrations
and if there is acceptance of the energies and the prerogative of the entity desires of soul
swap is then placed forward to its higher self the higher self sound then takes such an
offer from its own sub density experiencing life on the various planets and then place it
before the council for allowing the so-called soul swap event if the council permits the
soul swap events shall take place in simultaneity together in all the galaxies at the same
time at a particular time period because this would allow the balancing and the
understanding of the life situations and the future progress made by such souls in such
planets the prime directive final is that the reason for allowing soul swap is only to allow a
planetary vibration to either raise its consciousness or to enter into a different timeline this
is allowed by the council because the planetary vibration is more important many a times
because the whole planet is either entering into a fourth density positive or another
vibration as in the case of the earth planet it is primarily important that the earth planet is
now entering into the fourth density positive hence such a time period is vitally important
and the council cannot lose time by allowing entities to reincarnate into new physical
vehicles as such the entities who are unwilling to continue this incarnation shall be and
many entities already have made soul contracts prior to this incarnation to be sold
swapped will be soul-swapped in the coming days and also this is allowed because the

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planetary vibration at this time period needs many wanderers to incarnate on the planet
earth and also the gaining of experiences of many entities approximately 1.25 million
physical vehicles have already gained a massive experience hence it would be a huge
loss for the council as well as us to not allow such a soul swap event in the positive
polarity however there is also negative polarity which shall approach entities at this time
period and we shall offer a suggestion to always keep your vibration positive while
entering into their sleep state because soul swap at this time period will occur during the
sleep state never enter a sleep state in a negative mode and also remember to stay
positive in negative situations also at the dream states remember whenever you interact
with other entities if you are able to scan their vibration if it is only positive then accept
such an invitation if you desire this is all the information we can share at this time period
we the federation leave you now

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Session 88
Pleiadians 17 Sep 20, 2021

Soul Types & Gender

We are the pleiadians now communicating through the vibrations offered by this channel's
voice and its mind body and spirit complex totality we as the pleiadians are now
communicating to the people of your planet from our location in the pleiadian star system
as referred to by your people in your language sequence terms as the taigata planetary
sphere in your vibration terms we the pleiadians are now here to address and to answer
and guide the human collective consciousness by providing our thought forms with
regards to the query which have been placed in the mind space projection of this channel
as this instrument currently finds itself with us in this time space we are able to use its
vibration modalities for the purpose of communicating our message to the human
collective consciousness as each of you has to remember the opportunity that lies within
each of you at this moment in the coming days of the month of march there is going to be
a great miracle in each of your life and we the pleiadians would like to state that many of
you because of the negativity on the outside world have been thinking of giving up many
of you have been tired of the games that have been occurring upon your planet which are
instigated but negatively oriented entities and many of you are here on the earth planets
for the purpose of graduation and for the purpose of sharing the light amongst the
masses at the time of confusion hence it is vitally important that all of you remember a big
breakthrough is coming in the month of march for the energy vibrations are shifting
towards a more positive timeline for the earth planets as there have been many energies
which are being sent not only from the pleiadian star system but from other star systems
also which have allowed this type of energy vibration shift to occur the period of the
purge or the cleaning of the old energies is occurring at the moment and we the
pleiadians would like to state that all of you brothers and sisters of light who are listening
to our message today must remember to use your thought forms and judge our words
wisely because without your discernments there would be an infringement on the free will
which we do not want to furthermore the queries which are in order in the mind space
projection of this instrument are as follows the first query which pertains to the types of
souls which have incarnated on the earth planets of which we are now going to share our
thoughts the types of souls which are currently incarnated on the earth planet compose a
large number of souls which have migrated from the planets known as mars as well as
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maldek after the destruction of both of these planetary spheres these souls are a large
number of the souls which are currently found upon the earth planet since because of the
destruction of the maldek planet and because of the destruction of the martian planet
they were replicated and given another chance for incarnation on the earth planets
however there are many of those beings from the martian planet those souls who are
more polarized towards the type of competition amongst other souls these types of souls
are purposefully creating competition amongst other beings thereby creating a type of
situation wherein each entity has to fight for each other's livelihood and the right of
learning the lessons of incarnation this is the exact same reason that led to the
destruction of the mars planet and also there are those from the maldek civilization which
are the souls which have not yet gained the balance of the internal as the external since
the internal and the external self must be balanced by each entity before the graduation
ensues and begins upon your planetary sphere the internal self which is composed of
your imagination as well as your internal dialogue which many of your people carry on the
inside has to be balanced with the external self the external self which is migrated based
upon the senses the five senses which have attached the outer self and have put each
being on a illusion complex for each entity to learn certain lessons in order to move
upwards and to graduate higher the balancing of the internal and external self is yet to be
learned by many souls from the maldek planet the process of balancing simply requires
being aware that during the waking day time only the outer cells must be activated and
not the internal self because the activation of the internal self during your waking day time
may cause a crisscrossing of realities and cause you to become imbalanced thereby this
will not allow you to fully function naturally and at the optimal level in the outside reality of
the third density if you follow the procedure of balancing which must be followed and
understood based upon the types of reality which you want to experience you must
understand that each of you has the ability of activating and deactivating your internal self
which is usually activated when you enter into the sleep state for this understanding and
the balancing is a training process which many of the beings upon a planet have to learn
there are those souls who have incarnated on the earth planets for the purpose of
graduation and these are the majority of souls which compromise around 90 percent of
the souls who are ready for graduation into the fourth density vibration of the heart
consciousness these souls have yet to learn certain lessons which may depend upon the
individualized portion of consciousness and its past lessons it has learned furthermore
there are those souls who have joined hands together in this incarnation upon your
planetary sphere these souls occur and arise from different galaxies and other star
systems who are primarily referred to by a people as the starseeds there are many

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pleiadian star seeds upon your planetary sphere who are incarnated here and also from
other star systems for the purpose of acting as light grids and many of those star seeds
are also those beings who have already achieved a higher vibration these star seeds
compromise a factor of around seven percent of the souls upon the planetary sphere and
the remaining three percent of the souls are those known as the wanderers who have
incarnated from higher dimensions primarily from the fourth density upwards these souls
mainly purpose and incarnation cycle is primarily motivated towards teaching other
beings and teaching the 97 percent of the human collective the lessons required for the
purpose of graduation is at hand in this regard we are of the opinion that these souls who
are working as wanderers they have been working for the spreading of the light however
there are also those people as stated before who have incarnated from the planet mars
and planet maldek who are creating fear and instigating the message of fear and
competition upon your planetary sphere thereby activating the echo itself and the latent
situations which now your planet faces is created based upon them over stimulation of
the echo itself which must be balanced otherwise there can be destruction and havoc
similar to that which occurred on the planet mars since the planet mars was destroyed by
the inhabitants or the martians at that timeline if this is not consciously checked upon by
the beings upon your planet there may be a similar fate if this type of imbalances
continues in your planetary sphere however we the pleiadians are here to state that there
is a ray of light which is going to come upon your planet in the coming days in the weeks
following in the month of march this ray of light will hit your planetary sphere and each
being upon the planet who is ready to receive such light codes will have a genetic
upgradation towards a more higher vibration even though there may be people on your
planet who may not feel that such an upgrade has occurred but the light codes which will
now reach your planet in the coming days will hit you and each of you those whose
vibrations are of a higher nature and who are ready will receive a biological upgrade in
terms of your feelings and in terms of your beingness since the nature of beingness is
such that once you start to understand that each being and each entity by manipulating
the type of beingness that occurs upon the planetary sphere can allow the nature of
beingness to extend upwards into the higher vibrations therefore we would like to state
that those who are listening to our message do not give up at this critical point since the
ray of light is now coming upon the planet and you must be ready for it for the balance of
the internal and external self is required as stated before in this communication
mechanism we the pleiadians are now going to address the other query which is related
to how does a soul prior to incarnation choose the type of gender upon the planetary
sphere in this regard we are now going to address this query based upon the vibration

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information for your planet since each planetary system has a different subset of rules
and certain planets do not have genders as is available on your planetary sphere your
planetary sphere is divided primarily into the genders based upon the polarity of
masculinity or femininity and there are those who are in the middle also as we can sense
for this scale of polarity of masculine and feminine is the reason why there are beings
upon your planet who have incarnated in the form of a human mind body and spirit
complex in the male body type for the purpose of balancing the masculine energy and for
the purpose of mastering the masculine energy those entities who have incarnated in the
form of a male body type have the purpose of recognizing that the masculine energies
must be balanced and also the lessons of realizing that the past incarnation cycle was of
a feminine type this usually occurs in the space time of your planetary sphere wherein the
past incarnation was primarily spent as a female body then the next incarnation if the
energies are not balanced properly will be of a male body type because the lessons of
balancing of the masculine and feminine is the most important lesson that each has to
learn in this space time the balancing can be occurred by the process of understanding
that you are an eternal artist and also your energy systems affect all other people if an
entity is extremely masculine in its incarnation in the current time then this entity will have
to learn the lessons of femininity in the next incarnation therefore there are those upon the
planet who are of a middle type or who are here to learn the lessons of masculine and
feminine at the same time these groups of people are also here because of the
imbalances they faced in the previous incarnation for they have not yet balanced and
chosen the polarity of either masculine or feminine exploration in the incarnation this
however is commonplace upon your planetary sphere nowadays as we can sense there
are souls upon your planet who wants to experience this type of incarnation also which
may be a type of confusion between the masculine and the feminine however the
richness of such a life is also appreciated therefore we do not indulge upon the bias
towards such incarnation as it is the choice of an individual soul which wants to explore
the masculine on the feminine side therefore this is the reason why many souls after
crossing over if they have experienced a life full of masculine energy which is mostly
imbalanced will find themselves in the next incarnation choosing a life or wave female
body type for the purpose of exploring and balancing and learning the lessons of the
feminine furthermore we as the pleiadians would like to also state that each of you who
finds yourself in this current timeline is present in this incarnation primarily to activate and
to learn the lessons of the manipulation of reality which can be achieved via the process
of realizing that your reality upon which you find yourself in is primarily created by your
own beingness and your own consciousness and the process of becoming an eternal

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artist is required to be understood because each of you who finds yourself in this current
timeline is an eternal artist who is capable of taking an image and then using the image in
your mind's eye and changing its form as desired this process requires a practice of
observation and also capturing of such an image inside the mind and once such an image
is captured inside the mind such an entity is then able to remember that the manipulation
of the image can be accomplished by the focus of attention and this will allow each of
you to become the eternal artist you desire to be in this planet this is also one of the
reasons and the lessons you have to learn to be an eternal artist in the play of life to
manipulate the images in the outside world by capturing them inside your own
consciousness and then doing what you desire for it will reflect on the outside world soon
enough as the reflection is a reflection of the internal state of beingness of what you do in
the inside is reflected on the outside this is the rule and the law of the eternal artist
therefore we the pleiadians disconnect now in the love and light of the one infinite
supreme creator until we meet again bye

273 of 753
Session 89
Galactic Federation 21 Sep 20, 2021

The Biggest Event of 2021 & Story of Imagination

We are the galactic federation and we are now in communication through this instrument
we are now connected from the saturn council planets which is our base of operations for
the purpose of looking after the planetary spheres evolutionary cycle as well as the galaxy
known in your language terms as the milky way galaxy we are now communicating via the
process of thought form osmosis and we would like to suggest those who shall listen to
our messages to use inner discernment when listening to our thoughts and insights for
there is an uncanny connection between your outside reality and the thoughts you accept
in your mind complex today this instrument has placed queries pertaining to the so-called
soul swap event as stated earlier and there will be many entities who shall undergo this
change of experiencing a walk-in soul for we have already stated the prime directives in
the previous session we shall now answer the queries in the mind complex of this
instrument which pertain to the so-called the timeline of a soul swab that occurs in this
regard let us tell you that each individual walking or a soul that enters into a physical
vehicle is given the opportunity of an entire life from the moment it enters into the new
physical vehicle it is given the opportunity to undergo its mission for a full entire life and
only after the end of the incarnation or the end of the physical vehicle on to which it has
incarnated into the end of the incarnation cycle of the walk-in will be considered
furthermore the soul that is in freeze mode in the astral planes is considered to be
evolving in a pace along with the wandering soul which means that the activities
conducted by the wandering soul or the walking soul is considered by a factor of one by
two as known by your people or half in the language terms which means the activities of
positivity or negativity conducted by the walking soul is calculated and is attached to the
vibratory complex or the soul mass of the entity who is in freeze mode and who allowed
this greater service to occur because in essence allowing a walk-in is a great service to
the planetary vibration as well as such the vibration of the entity is attached together and
calculated on half per basis of the total vibration complex of the walking soul thereby
there is no loss of evolution for the soul which has been exchanged by a walk-in wanderer
or another soul as per the desire of the previous soul who wanted such a walk-in
furthermore the other query placed by this instrument with regards to the type of physical
changes one can perceive in the physical vehicle when a soul swap has occurred in this
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regard we shall take the example of this instrument as well this instrument had
experienced a soul swap as stated in the previous session and the main change in its
physical vehicle it can perceive upon using its feeling sensations at the back of the head
is that there is a point opposite to what your people call the mouth organs behind the
skull and this bulge is now less and flattened it will feel as if the bulge is flattened this
occurs because whenever a walk-in enters into a physical vehicle such a walk-in enters
from the back of the head during the sleep state and the so-called bulge many a times is
done away with and only a flat surface can be detected upon using the feeling sensations
by a entity to test if a entity has been under gone by the process of walking furthermore
there is only opportunities for those entities who desire to be of service to the one creator
and those who desire to be of service to either the positive or the negative can have a
drastic influence on the planets this is the reason why the period which is now
approaching your planetary sphere from the 21st of september to the so-called the 6th of
october as known in your language terms as per the cycles of the moon planetary sphere
the council has given a time period of around 15 days for the process of walk-ins to
completely occur on the planetary sphere so the process shall start from tomorrow and
shall extend up to the so-called the timeline of 6th of october as known by your people
thereby allowing many entities to change during the so-called sleep states and accept or
to reject the opportunities to allow such a walk-in to enter into the illusion complex that
surrounds each of you now the illusion complex which surrounds each of you now is
meant to test each of you to test your resolve and to find out your own weakness in
essence the illusion complex can be used as a machine or a mechanism to find out where
you become imbalanced because the game is of balance the balancing of the chakras will
lead to a awakening known as the so-called enlightenment as known by your people this
is the primary factor and also remember that many entities on your planetary sphere
become disembodied and disbalanced whenever they face a situation which is
uncontrollable this occurs because of their linearity and thinking process of attachment
with the mind complex that they operate with this is also the main primary error we see
upon your people's mind complex because people on your planetary sphere currently
identify with the thoughts and the mind complex activity and they become misguided and
hence they also become distracted and disbalanced by the activities and the emergence
of the illusion complex in essence the illusion complex is meant to be this balance in
order to provide the necessary catalyst for those entities to become balanced and to
learn the lessons of balancing the chakras because only with the balancing of the chakras
entities will be able to enter into the higher centers of the chakra energies of the true color
and allowing such an activation to enter into intelligent infinity and connect with the true

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source of the creator furthermore this instrument has requested a query based upon the
aspect known as how the imagination complex which is now currently attached to your
physical vehicle is created in this regard we the galactic federation are now going to
transmit the information pertaining to the vibratory sound complex known as the creation
of the imaginary complex that is present on your mind instrument in this regard let us tell
you that the imaginary complex was not available and in many other galaxies in the third
density illusion complex the imagination complex is not available the imagination complex
is in essence an activity of the fourth density consciousness because from the fourth
density consciousness those entities who will begin to use their imagination complex with
the focus of attention will become like the creator having the creative aspect of creating
anything they desire in essence this is also one of the reasons why this experiment was
conducted for the first time amongst the human population in essence the imaginative
aspect is the creative faculty of the creator which allows the creator to use attention on
any imaginary object or a image and then create it in the cosmos and the universe in the
higher densities the entities who use such a technology of imagination complex along
with the attention span are able to create anything they desire within the blink of an eye
furthermore the council of planets approximately eight hundred thousand years after the
destruction of the planet maldek during the process of transferring the souls from planet
maldek to the earth planet decided to add a certain anomaly in the physical vehicle of the
new souls that had incarnated on the earth's planet thereby adding the imaginary
complex within the mind complex of the human collective and all in essence of the hope
of that these entities would be able to understand and learn the lessons of becoming
more like the creator furthermore we have sensed that many entities on your planetary
sphere are unaware of this innate faculty within the mind complex there are however a
growing number of people who have understood the aspect of the imaginary complex
being that of the creative faculty of the creator and are also utilizing it to change the
illusion complex as per their desire this is the reason why the council created the
imaginary complex as an experiment on the planet earth to see the progress of the
planetary sphere however unknowingly many entities have forgotten about this aspect
and we do not wish entities by infringing upon their free will to state that the imaginary
complex is the one creative faculty which has the power of changing any environment no
matter how negative or how unchangeable it may seem the imaginary complex once
activated and attentions placed on an image will begin to activate the inert creative
faculties of the creator thereby bringing the changes in the illusion complex and also will
begin to affect the outside world and other entities as well furthermore this is all the
information we can share at this time period we are the galactic federation and we would

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suggest this instrument to drink a large amount of fluid nutrition after the session as it
seems dehydrated we'll leave you now. out so thank you all so much for watching and i
will meet you in the next session see you

277 of 753
Session 90
Galactic Federation 22 Sep 27, 2021

Earth Quarantine & Big Foot

We are the galactic federation and we are now communicating through this instrument for
the main purpose of transmitting our thought forms by the process of osmosis we are
now in connection with this instrument and before we proceed you must remember to use
your discernment and only accepting insights which strike the string of your inner
resonance furthermore remember today's query pertains to the aspect known as the
prime directives created by the council of planets for the proper regulation of the earth
planet we shall now begin this transmission stating that the prime directive first is the
aspect of free will that must be maintained on the earth planets and for this reason the
earth planet has been placed under a quarantine so that no extraterrestrial being as
known in your language sequence terms would be able to infringe upon the workings of
the planet earth directly this has been done in order to allow the human population to
have the free will at this time period to choose on to which pathway they desire to
experience for the law neither favors the positive nor the negative pathway as both are
allowed to be experienced and chosen as service to others and service to self in essence
is the same aspect however at your level of consciousness it may seem a bit different the
only difference arises when entities begin to understand that service to others leads to a
more happy and a more peaceful collective whereas service to self leads to only the
happiness of the self which lasts not for a long period of time because in a service to self-
planetary sphere all entities are trying to do the same thing furthermore the council has
prevented the many intrusions directly by the origins as well as the other entities who
want and desire to enter planet earth directly to influence people for this the council has
directed the fleet known as a star collective to protect the earth planet from any exterior
infringement and only allows thought forms to be influenced upon the people of planet
earth which means that only the thoughts of either positive polarity or the negative
polarity will affect the people and they have the right to choose which thought they allow
to entertain in their mind complex depending upon this their outer vibration shall affect
and create the second prime directive is that of the basic laws that operate on the earth
planet these laws are already familiar to many entities on the earth planets which include
the physical laws of gravity sound as well as other physical aspects which can be
measured in pen and paper by your so-called scientists then there are other laws which
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are covered under the aspect known in your vibratory sound complex as the
metaphysical laws the laws which are primarily governed and which primarily govern the
workings of the illusion which each entity resides in this experience of third and fourth
density illusion complex for there are many prime directives which also take care of the
inner workings of the illusion complex and the basic aspect which some entities on your
planetary sphere are currently familiar with that the consciousness affects the outer reality
or the type of vibration an entity is able to project will begin to affect the outer world the
other laws or the prime directive are regarding the type of beings who can incarnate on
the earth planets for the purposes they have of either propagation of love light or either
propagation of their own agenda of service to self in this regard the council has placed a
type of directive that any entity regardless of its density has to incarnate on a human mind
body and spirit complex physical vehicle which is the latest available physical vehicle of
the later second density type since the earth planets can only allow entities up to the later
third density physical vehicles to incarnate on physical form however the consciousness
may also be of a type of sixth density and above upon scanning the planetary vibration
we are of the opinion that six density beings on your planetary sphere are now incarnating
in numerous numbers and also have been incarnated on the planetary sphere in the same
second density later physical vehicle which you term as the human mind body and spirit
complex physical vehicle which is entirely different from the third density physical vehicles
which are available on the other planetary spheres regarding this if you seek advice we
may answer in the next sessions however in this session we shall continue with the prime
directives the beings that incarnate however have to go through a veil which is mandatory
for each entity to forget its mission and then to perform and remember through the
process of going through the veil only taking the native vibration which stays with such an
entity and such an entity from the higher dimension is able to using the energetic vibration
to affect a lot of people and many entities would notice such an entity as being extremely
adapt in the illusion complex and being extremely peaceful in the exterior environment
even though it may be out of control many times furthermore the other directives which
concern the aspect of the planes of existences which are allowed on the earth planets
there are primarily three planes of existence one is the earth's crust wherein the human
population currently resides in the other is found inside the inner earth planes wherein
certain entities known as the bigfoot type of creatures which are prevalent on your time
space continuum as having been spotted by your people are prevalent to be found on
that level of planetary sphere furthermore there is another type of existence wherein
entities can exist and that is of the spiritual earth planes wherein the angelic entities as
well as many other guides currently residing this is the sphere of existence from wherein

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many guides and angelic entities are able to guide the human mind body and spirit
complexes as well as other entities who are currently experiencing life on the earth
planets with their types of vibration which may be considered as a positive love light type
of vibration evolving into a higher love light vibration type the other prime directive
concerns the aspect of the directives which govern the aspect after death after a certain
entity dies such an entity has to spend some time on the spiritual earth plane wherein
many of its soul guides reside which is also primarily the most seen event or the most
seen plane after a certain entity encounters the event known as near death experiences
this spiritual earth's description is so beautiful that words fail in comparison to its true
sense of beauty and love light energies which can be felt at this level and we shall now
proceed further with the prime directives the other prime directive which governs the
planetary sphere is that of the north and the south pole the north pole is used by the
council just as the indigo ray chakra is used by the council and us to measure the
vibration of an entity we do not measure the vibration of an entity using its experiences
however the integrity is a accurate description of the energetic vibration of an entity and
the density level in which its vibration currently resides in hence the north pole is
constantly being checked by the council for the energetic vibrations of the earth planet
are now entering into the beginning stages of the fourth density and this transition may be
considered as the transition which occurs in a individualized portion of consciousness
which is experiencing incarnation on a human physical vehicle the change from the yellow
ray to the green ray energy center activation the yellow ray which concerns with the egoic
aspect which is turbulent and changing constantly which creates a large amount of
problems in the mind complex of entities in the similar manner this yellowy body of the
earth planets and the turbulent energies are now coming out and all these turbulent
energies once absorbed will lead to the activation of the greenery energy center which is
the center of love and compassion as compared upon the individual portion of
consciousness which are experiencing life on the human mind body and spirit complex
totality at this time space next eye furthermore this instrument wants to understand how
can individual entities on the earth planet find out their level of ascension or their level of
pathway into the fourth density the process is simple to observe oneself and once you
start observing yourself you notice your primary reactions if your reactions are towards
involvement in too much sexuality and the attraction for the opposite sex you are still in
the level of the red ray energy center and this aspect must be balanced if you are at this
level of red ray you will find a very hard time to understand the inner workings of the
illusion complex the other type of entities who are primarily involved with only the
focusing on the self or who are involved with the echoic aspect of the mind complex who

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are constantly using their inner thought chatter as known by your people and who are
constantly talking with themselves on the inside are primarily at the level of the yellow ray
energy center which may be considered as the density of third density equivalence
furthermore those entities who find to have mastered the aspect of inner control of the
letting go of the egoic mind and the inner peace in their mind complex are at the level of
the green ray energy center this then leads to the entry into the love light energies of the
fourth density because one entity cannot take the egoic mind and enter into the fourth
density the egoic aspect of the mind must be let and done away with for those who
understand the aspect of the self must realize that the ego mind does not allow service to
others even when the ego mind is doing service to others it is disguised service to self
consider this there are two entities on the planetary sphere at this time space next eye
one entity does service to others using its thinking logical analytical mind and upon doing
service to others uses its service to others as a means of amplification of the self or the
egoic aspect by spreading such service it has done and spreading the news of its being a
service to others oriented entity amongst other people the other type of entity doing
service to others purely based upon the unattached mind or the mind which is not driven
by the egoic mind when the mind is silenced this mind arrives from this mind the person
does the service without expecting anything in return and this is true service hence this is
how one can measure at which level of balancing of the energy center is required for each
entities as they enter into the fourth density we as the galactic federation leave you now

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Session 91
Pleiadians 18 Oct 4, 2021

Prepare To Go Off-Grid Spiritually

We are the pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument in order to
share our thoughts and insides we are pleased to connect again from our planetary seat
in the pleiadian star system before we start this communication remember the protocols
of the previous session sell hold meaning that you should only accept those thoughts
which provide a deep sense of inner resonance with your heart and leave behind those
which do not resonate with your inner self we as the pleiadians have an important
message for the whole collective of humanity the message that we are now connected to
share today through this instrument is not a so-called joke as known in your language
terms as the message for the people of planet earth we have to share today concerns a
very important event which is occurring in your planet as well in the galaxy please
remember that as per the previous session still the time space known as october while
the process of free will soul-swapping based upon those entities who desire to be of
service to the one creator and those who are ready not to continue on the current
incarnation cycle out of the 1.5 million soul entities entering into the current earth planet
from higher densities approximately 1 million souls have as of today entered into the earth
planet and the remaining shall continue up until the date of 6th of october as known by
your people the month of october is energetically very charged for your people not
because of any love light composition or the energies coming from outside the galaxy but
because of a type of protection the council and the galactic federation along with us are
now working to create around the earth planet in order to protect it from the coming
invasion of negatively polarized negative thought form psychologically weaponized
energy or the energies which may be considered as a plasma negative beam weapon
which has been directed towards the earth planets by the so-called negatively polarized
entity and these negatively polarized entities are not those who are resident on the mars
planet currently and are being neutralized at the present but these are an unknown type of
negative entities we have detected in a comet known as bernaili bernstein as named by
your people which is now heading towards the galaxy of your planetary sphere and is
projecting negatively polarized energies towards the power planets as known as saturn as
well as the earth planets this negative polarized energetic wave will act as a weapon of
creating more negative polarity for those entities who use technological devices for a long
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span of period may feel this inner knowingness and inner tiredness or this negative
charge build up within their physical vehicle as this negative energy works upon the
planetary sphere four biological entities are susceptible to the negative charge we upon
scanning these negative waves approaching your planetary sphere we are of the opinion
that until the month of october till the date of 20th of october these waves of energy shall
hit earth and we are constantly trying to build a bridge of protection of love light around
the earth's planet in order to protect the planetary sphere from such a energetic attack
which is now approaching the planetary sphere at a faster pace we as well as the council
and the galactic federation are yet to identify the origination point of this negative energy
wave which is now fast approaching throughout the galaxy and is about to reach the seat
of the galactic federation in the saturn council seat furthermore because of this detection
we are to inform your people that you should plan for a 30-day period of going off-grid as
known by your people in order to use less devices and be mentally prepared and be
mentally in the positive state because the negative energies is amplified when entities are
using their so-called devices for a long period of time and we would recommend entities
to use the devices for a short period of time space and not for a long period as it may
lead to the buildup of the negative charge within their own physical vehicle which may
feel as physical imbalances in the bodily complex of entities however we along with the
council and the galactic federation are now working to create a love light short energetic
core around the earth planets and for this entities on the earth planet who desire to help
mother earth to protect humanity against such love light infringement can use the
energies of love light and send love light towards the so-called comet known as bernailli
bernstein as named by your people and by doing this the negative energy shall be
counteracted leading to a crossing over or a cancelling of the negative energy that is
currently coming towards the planet earth we would recommend those entities who are
desirous of being of service to planet earth at this time space to consider this fact and to
help other people also by spreading the message that they can also assist in the
spreading of love-like energies at this time space nexus the process of spreading love
lives is very simple to simply enter into a meditative state and then send love charged
energies or feel the love within your body and then imagine it expanding and reaching to
the outer cores of the galaxy as many people begin to do this on your planetary sphere
these positive energies will then reach into the so-called comet and then it will cancel the
energies of negative polarity arriving from the comet at this time space furthermore we
would like to clarify the meaning of spiritual off-grid as many people on your planet are
now considering in this regard let us tell you that the notion of selling all your physical
materials and going off grid is actually a hindrance for your own evolution since your own

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evolution is dependent upon your reaction to the catalyst presented on the incarnation
cycle and your reaction based upon the interactions you have with other entities who
interact with you on a daily basis hence there is no need to the so-called aspect known as
selling all your physical material possessions and then going off grid this will be a
hindrance for you for those people who desire to learn faster in this polarity have to
understand the meaning of spiritual off-grid which is completely different from the
meaning of physical off-grid spiritual upgrade means to have the ability of turning yourself
away from the happenings of the outside world even the happenings of the outside world
should not be registered in your mind complex as being positive or negative and just
being balanced no matter what happens letting all the things exist as they may with the
both polarity of positive and negative playing the dance in the illusion complex and you
who is planning to become spiritually off-grid to remain centered without being
disbalanced by any of the activities happening on the outside furthermore in this regard
we shall share with you a key that will assist those entities who desire to awaken the so-
called green ray energy center which is lodged within your physical vehicles and is now
approaching activation but the entities on your planetary sphere are dwindling from the
point of activation to deactivation of the greenray energy center and sometimes they feel
love and energy emanating from within while at other times they do not feel they love light
for other beings as well this is an example of energies dwindling from the positive to the
negative or the consciousness entering into the higher sub-octaves and then entering
backwards furthermore many entities on your planetary sphere need to balance
themselves and the balancing is that of the so-called mind complex and the use of the
mind complex consider this your mind complex your imagination and your thought forms
or the inner voice which you can use to create any kind of situation is a tool created for
the purpose of energy work or manipulating energy and this tool is only amplified or is
efficient during the time known as sleep states or during this time before entering sleep
states hence the use of this tool during the waking day time is of no use many people do
not yet realize that they are wasting their valuable time and wasting the activation of the
energy centers by engaging too much in thought forms during the daytime which is of no
use the proper use of the thought forms and the mind complex imagination sequences
are only during the state wherein your subconscious mind as known by your people is
activated especially during the time when you are sleeping etc wherein the energy
manipulation or the work that you can do with your energy centers will be amplified and
the results will be drastically faster therefore the entities on your planetary sphere must
using their free will try to separate the aspect which is the aspect of understanding the
difference between the free will and the difference between the so-called choice also they

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must understand that they must during the waking daytime separate themselves from the
so-called mind complex as much as possible because the mind complex is a tool used
for energy work to create situations and environments in the mine complex in order to
manipulate realities however during the day time over engagement of this aspect will
prevent the activation of the green ray energy center the process is simple to realize the
fact that whenever you begin to use the mind complex during the daytime just realize that
it is of no use to use it during the daytime because without the so called engagement of
the yellow ray or the egoic mind it will begin to activate your greenery energy center and
you will begin to feel the love emanating from your own self therefore beloved this is the
simple process which people on your planetary sphere can use at this time space to
activate the greenery energy center furthermore we leave you now we are the pleiadians
until we connect again bye

285 of 753
Session 92
Galactic Federation 23 Oct 6, 2021

Mars War & FB-Instagram Black-Out Explained

We are the galactic federation and we are now communicating through this instrument in
the love and light of the one creator who has allowed this communication through this
instrument to occur at this time space of your planetary junction into the fourth density
beginning stages we the galactic federation are now connected from our seat in the
saturn council as known by your people we are here now for the purpose of transmitting
our thought forms in order to provide guidance without infringing upon the free will before
we begin transmitting through this instrument we would like to warn you that you should
use your discrimination when listening to our thought forms as you have the objective and
the prerogative to maintain your free will on the illusion complex which you call life today
this instrument has queried pertaining to the aspect known as the server going down for
the major social media platforms as known by this instrument's mind complex this event
occurred approximately 48 hours prior to this contact and for our prerogative and
understanding we shall scan this instrument's mind complex for better understanding the
query placed by this instrument upon scouting this instrument's mind complex we are of
the opinion that the so-called server or blackout occurring in a major social media
platform as known by your people as facebook whatsapp and instagram was triggered
not by your planet's interference are not by the technologies giving away on your
planetary sphere as has been pointed by the people of your planets what we may now
share shall sound a bit crazy for those people who are not yet aware of the truths that are
around their own illusion complex however we shall now share the true fact which caused
this blackout of the major social media platforms in essence the so-called the three
companies are headed by one individual who is named in your local space-time vibratory
sound complex as mark zuckerberg and in essence this entity has had many a times
created soul contracts and a binding contract with the reptilians as well as the anunnaki
for exchange of technologies in order to become the most advanced person or a light on
your planetary sphere for the purpose of controlling other entities on the planet in essence
this entity has created servers as known by your people for the maintenance of a backup
and a connection with each activity that occurs on the earth planets and these servers
have been created inside the mars planets and are also being used by the reptilians to
keep track of certain information and to keep track of entities on the planetary sphere this
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is how many a times they are using the technology to track the information of certain
individuals in order to gather their location and their whereabouts so that they can
influence such individuals who are of a negative orientation furthermore these entities also
do not need such type of technology but this entity known as mark has a offering of the
so-called database or a collection of server on the mars planets has created this backup
technology on the mars planet which is being handled by the reptilians and the event
which led to the blackout of this is caused by the intense love light energies which was
faced by the negative oriented entities who are currently lodged on the mars planets
interior and they had faced a stimulating love light energy which damaged the so-called
server on the mars planets hence breaking the interconnection and the chain of loop of
connection was broken which led to a blackout of certain hours as known by the people
of your planetary sphere this in essence was caused because the astar command entities
and the so-called entities on the reptilians they had a type of interaction wherein the
ashtar command entities projected love-light energies towards the negative oriented
entities on the mars planets which led to the destruction of certain physical vehicles of
the reptilians which also have been relocated by the so-called astar command collective
and these reptilian bodies or physical vehicles which have been now captured after the
crossing over process shall go through our council and we shall determine what kind of
objectives and what type of technologies these reptilians and the anunnakis have created
inside the mars planet furthermore there may be a high chance of these types of
blackouts occurring more in the future if the so-called server from the mars planets for
these three technological giants as known by your people facebook instagram and
whatsapp are not relocated to the earth planets also this instrument wants to understand
what do the third density physical vehicles actually look like since in the previous
sessions many entities and we also had shared this information that the current physical
vehicle of the human collective is that of a later second density type in this regard let us
give you a analogy of the type of physical vehicle which shall actually exist on the third
density planetary sphere disregarding what is found on the earth planets the third density
physical vehicle usually has a intense objective of yellow ray energy center or the creation
of thought forms to an intense degree and because of this aspect the so-called area or
the skull is larger in a third density mind-body spirit complex physical vehicle and also the
other body parts such as the sexual organs as known by your people as well as the
organs which are required for the purpose of survival such as the aspects of stomach etc
are also smaller compared to your people and because of this aspect the main portion
that is considered approximately larger compared to the other organs in the physical
vehicle is the skull in a third density physical vehicle on a third density planetary sphere

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except that which occurs on the earth planet at this time space this is caused because
the third density normally have to tackle the catalyst of intense mind complex activity
which then leads such entity to enter after transcending such activity into the beginning
stages of the fourth density consciousness furthermore this entity has also queried about
a method that can be used to choose timelines fast in this regard let us tell you that one
method which is primarily ignored by many of your people and only known by
approximately 0.1 percent of the whole planetary population is the method of choosing
the timelines in which you want to enter into and using the so-called imaginary complex
from the aspect of the first person perspective walking in such a environment with your
eyes closed but having imagination of the other reality already being accomplished this
will cause the other timeline to enter into the physical reality much faster compared to any
other methods we can suggest at this time space for in doing this each entity will begin to
choose the timelines as there is no linear time there is only this moment which is the
gateway into intelligent infinity and has infinite possibilities to allow each entity to
transition through the gateway to reach into the hierarchy furthermore this is all the
information we can share at this time space we are the galactic federation and we leave
you now bye

288 of 753
Session 93
Galactic Federation 24 Oct 8, 2021

South Pole: Battle For Light Vs Dark" & Akashic

We are the galactic federation and we are now connected to this instrument via the grace
and the love of the one creator we create you today and as a matter of urgency we are
now communicating through this instrument to deliver an important message for the
human collective must understand what is happening outside the planetary sphere and
what the so-called negative entities are planning to do on the earth planet as the earth
planet is now entering into a gateway rearm or a timeline starting on the 10th of october
as known by your people in your time space measurement terms as into the beginning
stages of the fourth density consciousness or to enter into the negative spiral by being
influenced by fear and by the influence of the negative orions reptilians and the anunnaki
collective who have also assembled the massive numbers and have also created massive
grey entities to increase the number of consciousness in order to influence the earth's
planetary trajectory towards the negative as this time is the most important for those
entities who desire to understand the significance of 10-10 they must understand that on
this timeline each entity if it uses the aspect of entering into the field known as the
quantum field or this time space continuum field therein each entity will begin to
understand that there are in we correct this instrument we recalibrate these instruments
there are infinite numbers of timelines on this level of the quantum field and limitless
possibilities can occur without any time dilation or time difference meaning that out of the
various timelines of both the negative and the positive those entities who collectively
understand the process of using the quantum field can access the ability of entering and
choosing the timeline for the whole planet in essence this can be accomplished by
gathering like-minded entities in massive numbers who are of a similar vibration and
whose objective is to accomplish this feat of choosing the timeline and based upon each
entity's desire which will lead to a coupling of the desire and each entity will begin to
influence the planetary level of consciousness and choose the timeline of either the
positive or the negative let us tell you that on the 10th 10th of 2021 we have detected
from the so-called the recovered dead bodies of the grey entities and the reptilian entities
previously collected by the astar command during a recent infiltration of the mars bases
wherein the negative entities have launched themselves we have retrieved the information
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pertaining from their memory bank recorded in the akashic record of each of these
crossed over entities regarding a plan that they had created for the purpose of collecting
and creating as many consciousness active members to allow the whole planets of the
earth to be manipulated to enter into a higher level of consciousness however they are of
the opinion that they will try to enter the earth planet into a higher negative orientation this
is the plan of the negative entities as they want earth to enter into a negative fourth
density spiraling during this gateway it is vitally important that entities on the earth planets
even those one percent entities who shall watch and get the message delivered through
this instrument can use the ability and assist us in preventing this timeline shifting into the
negative and instead enter into a more positive timeline of the new earth in essence the
timeline can be used in both ways for either entering into the positive spiral or into the
negative spiral this requires at least a collective consciousness of more than a threshold
of consciousness of entities which amass the number of five thousand equivalent to that
of the human collective consciousness individualized portions which are currently found
on the earth planet hence the so-called reptilians they have gathered many entities of
their own nature of negative polarity and by the process of genetically engineering the
grey entities they have transmitted consciousness thereby creating new consciousness in
the form of grey entities and their plan is to enter into the earth's crust in the south pole of
the earth planet on this date in order to trigger the so-called aspect of triggering and
allowing the negative entities to enter into the south pole at this time space would be a
mistake for both us as the federation as well as for the human collective however as per
the plans retrieved from the mind complex of the akashic records of these entities whose
bodies have been retrieved they have already entered into the south pole because of the
influence they have and because of assistance from the so-called allies of your planetary
sphere they have already created a type of base on the south pole and on the day of 10th
of october they are planning to perform a massive meditation which may be considered
as a activation of the entrance into the quantum field wherein each entity becomes united
with the infinite intelligence and they are able to choose the timeline together thereby
creating a planetary vortex of entry into a new timeline hence in this regard we would
recommend those entities who desire to be of service to planet earth at this time space
period to use the ability at this time space to meditate on the day known as 10th of
october in a united and timely manner in order to allow to enter each entity's vibrations
into the quantum field of the unity of time space where in each entity those who contacts
each entity's vibrations of a similar nature of positive timelines can be attracted by such
entities and hence those entities who desire to assist may enter meditative state and
access the higher levels of consciousness not only attracting a fourth density entity

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vibration but also a fourth density higher timeline faster on the planets of a positive nature
furthermore in order to assist this process entities can use the aspect known as the
meditation coupled with the previous walking exercise as directed by us in the previous
session which will allow each entity to enter into a fourth density planetary sphere which
will allow each entity to then trigger the timeline of a positive fourth density as the desire
to encounter in the coming days this is a flap of timeline shifting which will allow the
greatest shift of the planet into the positive therefore beloved this is what the so-called
the negative entities have planned at this timeline and furthermore upon scanning this
instrument's mind complex we are of the opinion that this instrument requires the
understanding of how the akashic records record information in this regard let us give you
a basic explanation in terms of the scientific principles as known by many of your entities
on the earth planets the process is simple for each of your mind body and spirit complex
there are timelines and each timeline has a certain memory which it attaches itself to for
the mind creates the thoughts and the body creates the emotions which are recorded in a
timely sequential manner for each sector of experience is segregated as per the various
timelines and that's for the various timelines each emotion each thought and also the
each beingness aspect is recorded which allows the akashic records to record each event
in a timely manner from the person's perspective or from the consciousness perspective
each event is recorded thereby providing a accurate detail after the end of a cycle if such
entities want to ponder upon their akashic records they will find not only the emotional
aspect but also the thoughts aspects as well as the beingness aspect which can be
retrieved at a later time space this is how the akashic records are working at this timeline
hence we the galactic federation leave you now bye

291 of 753
Session 94
Galactic Federation 25 Oct 14, 2021

Take Back Your Power! Their Time Is Finally Up! &

Silver Chord & Timelines
We are the galactic federation and we are now communicating through this instrument
and the love and the light of the one infinite creator and before we communicate through
this instrument via the process of thought form osmosis remember to preserve and
conserve your free will that has been granted by the one infinite creator we are now
sending our thought forms through the vocabulary sound vibratory complex of this
instrument furthermore we are now communicating to address the queries placed by this
instrument which pertain to the aspect known as the effects of the meditation conducted
by the collective consciousness on the 10 10 of the october month on this regard we are
of the opinion that the meditation waves led to a culmination of love and light energies
which had a tremendous impact on the purification of the south pole furthermore the
negative entities who are lodged at the south pole have now only retained a number of
around one percent of the entities as 99 of the entities have now fled the earth planets
and are now trying to project and use an asteroid to project negative energies towards the
earth planets and many scientists on your planetary sphere have also become aware of
this aspect however they may be hiding the fact from the so-called population of the
human collective that the negative entities are projecting negative energies towards the
earth planet from an asteroid in the milky way of your galaxy the so-called organization
known in your language terms as nasa has already acknowledged the fact of this energies
however they have not revealed the information to the public in order not to cause any
disharmony amongst the human population as this energy is being directed from the
asteroid by the reptilians the anunnakis and the orion collective in order to try to
counteract the love light energy barrier created over the earth planets after the so-called
energy timeline shifting of the earth planets conducted by many entities at that time
periods the after effects of the so-called the meditation led to a creation of the barrier
around the earth's planet which has now provided a protective layer and prevents the
penetration of any negative entities in this regard we shall provide information that the so-
called meditation was highly successful for each entity participated with full zest and
vigor and the results of the meditation were successful in dispelling the negative entities
from the south pole and only a remainder of around one percent of these entities are
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hiding beneath the layers of protective materials created when which in essence
counteract the negative energies and they counteract the love light energies by negative
polarity furthermore we shall now describe how the shifting of the timeline occurred so
that many entities on your planetary sphere may understand the knowledge that can be
used for the purpose of shifting the timelines we shall now describe the process which is
very simple the process is the trinity of the mind body and the spirit complex which
means those entities on your planetary sphere who are of the opinion of understanding
the process of timelines shifting can use the process of triggering the mind body and the
spirit in the one original thought of the one creator which means that the mind can trigger
aspects of thought forms and imagination sequences which can then lead to the
triggering of certain neurons on the brain complex of each entity and this leads to the
leading of creation of hormones inside the physical vehicle of each entity which then
leads to an appropriate chemical or a hormone which leads to the body of such an entity
feeling the equivalent emotion as triggered by the thought form or the imaginary
sequence this in essence if continued and persisted upon and if the energy and the
vibration of the new emotion is balanced and once it reaches the subconscious part of
the entity this emotion and the vibration is then transported upward and through the so-
called silver cord by your people which in essence is a type of cord which runs from the
base of the spine through the energy centers of each physical vehicle to the top of the
crown chakra of each entity and this so-called silver cord is in essence connected directly
to each entity's higher self which is located in the realm known as the time space
quantum realm as known by your people and also in that reality because the energetic
feelings have now been transported from the subconscious part of the mind it leads the
vibration to transmit and slowly within a matter of days the energies is transported to the
so called higher self of such an entity and based upon the energy vibrations the higher
self then leads the so-called timeline for such an entity to experience the same vibration
in the coming days in the future timeline on the earth planets in essence the higher self
then allows the soul of the entity to create the timeline and choose the timeline of the
appropriate vibration also remember that the vibrations have different qualities there may
be a mixture of vibration such as example when entities they feel happy and at the same
time they feel fear this will lead to a diluted amount of happiness which is then
transported and the same type of vibrational match is created on the quantum reality
giving rise to the shift of timeline in essence this is how the so-called meditation was
effective because during the meditation the aspect known as the love light energies were
able to transfer and transmit to the higher cell because of being pure love light energies
and this led to the entering of the earth into a timeline wherein there are no negative

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entities on the south pole furthermore we shall now address the other query placed by
this instrument which pertains to the upcoming days also known as the 20th of october
as stated in the previous sessions we are now going to create a barrier of love blood
energy strong enough to withstand the energetic vibrations of negative polarity
approaching from an asteroid known as parnelli bernstein furthermore we would
recommend those entities who want to participate in such an event shall hold a mass
meditation on that day in order to assist us and we as the galactic federation shall provide
the necessary energies amplification and allow the entities who participate in that event to
also have the opportunity of entering into higher timelines we are of the opinion that the
people of your planet have been victims to the so-called third density illusion complex
because many entities on your planetary sphere do not yet realize the power that they
have within in essence they are the creator and firstly to understand that they are the
creator they must realize that the third density environment in essence is a playground
and those entities who already understand that in the third density environment whatever
they desire the final payoff or the so-called reward of each achievement is an emotion this
understanding if entities are able to apply it in their incarnation cycle by understanding
that the so-called emotion is the final payoff of achieving any desire on the earth planet
then such entities can before the occurrence of any such event on the outside triggered
the emotion by using the imagination complex which is the vested power of the creator
and feel the emotion even before the triggering of such emotions by the outside illusion
complex thereby attracting such a timeline more faster and thereby asserting the power
that they are the creators in essence this is the time for each entity to exercise this power
and to stand up and not be ruled by the outside environment the final query placed by
this instrument which pertains to the aspect known as the one original thought in this
regard louis the galactic federation shall now communicate that the one original thought
in essence is the unification of the thought forms originating from the mind complex along
with the feelings felt in the body complex which then also match with the so-called
beingness of the spirit which leads to the creation of the one original thought which is so
powerful that the one original thought in essence created the entire cosmos in this regard
the one original thought is the most powerful thought and the entity on the planet can use
for reality creation therefore we leave you now bye

294 of 753
Session 95
Pleiadians 19 Oct 18, 2021

It's About To Go To A Whole New Level, Don't Take

This Lightly
We are the pleiadians and we are now communicating from our planetary sphere in the
pleiadian star system as known in your language vibration sequence we are now
communicating by the process of vibrational thought form osmosis which is the best
process to transfer information in your space-time from our realm we are now
communicating only for the purpose of transmitting our thought forms with regards to the
queries in the mind complex of this instrument and we would like to warn each of you
those who shall ponder upon the messages to use your discrimination and only entertain
those thoughts which provide a deeper sense of resonance with your inner heart the
queries placed by this instrument are varied in nature for today we can sense this
instrument wants to understand the nature of the galactic federation as known by your
people we are now going to transmit the information pertaining to the difference between
the so-called galactic federation of light and the galactic federation of worlds in this
regard we are of the opinion that at the level of six density consciousness there is no
names hence there is no name attached to the so-called galactic federation which is
referred to by your people hence at the level in which the galactic federation exists there
is no need for any names to communicate only the vibration transfer is required for
telepathic communication is prevalent on that level therefore there is no difference
between the galactic federation of lights and the galactic federation of worlds they are
only created by your mind complex which obsesses over thought forms and over the
vibrational equivalent of labels of words and languages as known in your language terms
we as pleiadians upon scanning your planetary vibration have also realized that the so-
called the distraction has been created by the evolving naming of different entities from
the higher density realms hence if this continues in the future there is a high likelihood
that the confusion and the ascension of entities on the earth planets will become divided
based upon the names that have been instead created by the mind complex of entities let
us give you an example of how the names and the vibration complexes differ in essence
from one country to another one person's name may change based upon the language
but the person's vibration and the innate level of vibrations which is located at the violet
ray or the crown chakra is never changed even when such a person changes its name
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from country to country or from location to location as in your planetary sphere in the
similar manner during the process of vibrational thought form osmosis many entities may
receive the same information based upon the language patterns prevalent in their mind
complex and the words sometimes they may receive maybe in the form of galactic
federation of lights or the galactic federation of worlds based upon the preference of the
mind complex of such entities hence there is no need for separation to be created on the
planetary sphere as far as we can scan the vibrations of the earth planets this query was
raised because of the division being created by many entities who are working for
dividing the so-called ascension patterns of people based upon the names of the galactic
federation which in essence does not make any sense to us as there is no name upon the
level of vibrations above the fifth sub-octave of the fourth density therefore we as the
pleiadians would like to prefer and place our suggestions to the human collective that this
patterning of objectification of the so-called galactic federation into two factions is wrong
and the only utility of this is to create separation amongst your masses therefore now we
shall scan the mind complex of this instrument upon scanning the mind complex of this
instrument this instrument wants to understand what is the best way to prepare for the
20th of october the timeline on the space-time of your planets wherein we as well as the
galactic federation and many other light beings are sending love-light energies in the form
of creation of love line barrier across your planetary sphere for the protection from the
negative energies fast approaching from the comet named by your people as bernie
bernstein in this regard all entities who desire to participate on the so-called the 20th
mass meditation for the creation of love light grid around the earth planets may perform
the so-called activation of all energy centers within their bodily complex which can be
activated by focusing of attention or awareness completely from the lower chakra of the
red ray which is located at the area wherein your sexual organs are primitively found then
after focusing and being thankful to this area then changing focus and being thankful in
the name of the one creator to the yellow ray energy center which is located below the
navel of your bodily complex and then continuing the same process of gratitude to the
elderly energy center which is located above the naval area of your body complex and
then continuing the same process of being gratitude in the name of the one creator in the
yellow ray energy center which is found below the solar plexus and above the naval area
of your body complex and then focusing attention or awareness on the green ray energy
center of the heart wherein the seat of the fourth density shall flower upon your planetary
sphere by being thankful of its existence in your bodily complex will allow it to be
activated this process of thanking the energy center will activate each energy center
because the cells inside each energy center many a times have not received the

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vibrations of thankfulness hence upon receiving such vibrations in each energy center will
begin to activate the so-called cells inside the body complex i'll also leads to a vibrational
change in that area therefore the continuation of the gratitude of the energy center shall
then move upward to the throat area or the blue-ray energy center and the same process
of thanking and gratitude shall be conducted furthering the process then the entrance into
the pineal gland or the so-called third eye chakra as indicated by the indigo ray shall be in
consideration and after the thankfulness of this then shall the final violet ray be
acknowledged and be grateful of since the violet ray energy center is located above the
head a few centimeters above this area may be visualized as it is the gateway into the
octaves of the time space realm after the blessing of the centers of creation and after the
activation of thankfulness in each energy center then entities shall proceed to enter into a
state wherein they are able to keep track of their awareness within the bodily complex
what this means is that on a normal basis entities are unable to identify or become and
transcend above the body the names and the mind complex created thought forms and
also in today we correct this instruments today we are going to share with you a process
which can be used to transcend above not only the mind body but also above the
awareness since each entity is not only the awareness but it is in essence the one which
can even observe the awareness which means that each entity is the creator and hence
the process is simple to focus on the awareness as it changes places inside the physical
vehicle to simply keep track of it as it changes position from one point on your bodily
complex to the other point the other aspect which may be noticed at this time space is
that the awareness can only focus on one point since your awareness is a type of
awareness known as a single point awareness it can only focus on the single point of
awareness or a body object or thought form which means that the place in which you give
your attention is the one in which the awareness shall enter and the energy patterns shall
also increase this is the reason why many on your planetary sphere refer to as awareness
as energy and they say in your language terms where there is awareness there is energy
in essence this factor is true in terms of your bodily complex hence each entity must
remember to keep track of the awareness as it changes position in the bodily complex
and just to keep track of it and just watch it as it changes by doing this many entities will
become disassociated with this current reality and then they will begin to enter and
access the military gateway which will allow each entity to enter together into the
quantum reality as known by your people wherein there is only unity and in that level each
entity may then begin to send love light energies by creating a blanket around the planet
earth for the protection of the earth planets depends not only upon the people of the
earth planets but also upon the galactic federations love light energy exposure the dual

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nature of this love blood exposure shall cause a drastic effect on the planetary vibration
to shift also we are of the opinion that at least a number of around 5000 entities shall
perform the meditation as directed in order for the effectiveness of the same therefore we
as the pleiadians leave you now in love and light until we meet again bye

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Session 96
Galactic Federation 26 Oct 22, 2021

Background People / NPC

We are the galactic federation and we are now communicating through this instrument as
requested by this instrument in the love and light of the one infinite creator we greet you
today for the purpose of answering the query placed on the mind complex of this
instrument however as always before our communication proceeds we would like to warn
you to use your discernment and only accept insights which strike the inner resonance of
your heart for your inner heart is always connected to the truth within and knows more
than your so-called thinking mind is capable of understanding and knowing the truth we
as the galactic federation would like to state that the recent meditation for the purpose of
creating a blanket of light around the planet earth had been obstructed by some
negatively oriented entities who upon using a particle acceleration device had impacted
the lands known as India and the portion in which this entity who is acting as our
instruments results this caused a large amount of rainfall to occur preventing the so-
called mass meditation to occur in a timely manner hence the impact of the so-called
mass meditation was not as successful as expected because of the disparity in the
number of entities who sent love-like energies therefore we shall in the future timeline
suggest you a time for the performance of the same in the coming timeline in your space
time we are now going to share with you the answer to the query placed by this
instrument which pertains to the so-called aspect known as the non-player characters as
known in your language terms by your people who are also known as the background
people in this regard we as the galactic federation shall share with you the prime
directives of the so-called background people and now the first prime directive of the
background people is that they are the entities who filled the role of other entities on the
same planetary illusion complex in which each player entity who is conscious finds itself
in furthermore such a so-called background personality has the purpose of acting out or
being influenced by the so-called player entities mind wave patterns in order to provide
the player entity with the knowledge that its so-called mind complex has the creative
ability to impact the planetary sphere furthermore this in essence is created for the
purpose of allowing each player entity the ability to sharpen its creative ability of
manipulating the outside reality by using the internal recognition of the one creator and
the internal energy manipulation that can be conducted using its mind complex of the
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imagination as well as the thought forms the other prime directive is that the so-called
non-player entities can also awaken to become player entities in their incarnation this is
facilitated by the ability of free will which has allowed each entity the choice furthermore
there have been many entities and there are still many entities who can be considered as
the background people who are being influenced by the player entities energy work and
the mind manipulations which have the ability of affecting these entities for the purpose of
awakening these entities must firstly become conscious of their thought forms specifically
the so-called images and the words as known in your language terms because the
images and the words are the links which trap a so-called background personality to the
illusion complex this works in essence because each brain complex is able to keep
information or record information using the so-called images as well as the aspect known
as words for each entity who is able to recognize that each of its thought forms in its mind
or brain complex initiates after or begins only after a certain image or a certain letter or
word triggers a timeline of thought forms in this regard your brain can be considered as a
timeline manipulator in this regard the non-player entities are unaware of this aspect and
are mostly unconsciously being manipulated by the thought forms that are being
implanted subconsciously by the player entities who are fully conscious and are
purposefully trying or applying their energy work on the outside world this is how many
entities on your planetary sphere can go from becoming non-player entities to becoming
the main character in the illusion complex by firstly becoming conscious of the images
the pictures and the so-called words which start in the brain complex because each
image if entities are able to keep track of the images location in the brain complex
originates at a certain location which triggers certain cells in the brains and certain
compartments of the brain which trigger a sort of memory associated with that image
picture or with that word hence leading the entity into a spiral or a chain of dialogues or
internal picturing of a scene even during the waking state which in turn creates a type of
emotional feedback and leads to the transference into a timeline in which such an entity
enters into the future those entities who are aware of this aspect and are consciously
living their incarnation cycle by making the choice and recognizing that the so-called the
mind or the brain complex is a tool for their use and not the other way around the so-
called non-player characters are mostly used by their brain complex and their mind
complex goes uncontrollable since they are unconscious they are also troubled in a large
amount by their unconscious thought forms the images and the words which triggered
them into different timelines even during their waking states this causes the non-clear
entities to be hugely influenced by any word or a picture in the mind complex leading to a
whole host of diseases also or other psychological problems however we can sense that

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the entities on your planetary sphere 95 percent of them are non-player characters at this
timeline which means that your planet is being currently run by the five percent of the
player characters who are aware of the energy work and aware of this aspect in essence
this is a big revelation for those entities who want to turn and become the main player
character or the creator of their life and turned from becoming a non-player character
being influenced by other entities and changing into a main character in their incarnation
cycle also remember that each conscious entity or a player character must be conscious
of the images and the words which start in the brain complex because each image and
each word has the ability of transcending or allowing such an entity to enter into a
timeline wherein such experiences are felt therefore only such images and words should
be entertained which the so-called main character wants to experience on the illusion
complex thereby giving it the full free will and control of the illusion complex furthermore
many entities on your planetary sphere are also unaware that the energy work or the so-
called the use of the imaginative sense along with a type of emotion which may be
considered as heightened emotion leads to a type of manipulation of the mind complex of
non-player characters subconsciously as all are unity as all entities are united on a level in
the time space realm therefore this is how the so called the non-player characters also
known as the background characters operate on the earth planet currently furthermore
we as the galactic federation would like to state that in the coming days in the month of
November as well we would suggest that there be a type of so-called meditation being
implanted on the earth planets to assist in the covering of the earth in a love light barrier
hence this is all we can share at this time period we the galactic federation disconnect

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Session 97
Pleiadians 20 Oct 27, 2021

DUMBS, Hybrids & Graduation

We are the pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument for the
purpose of sharing our thoughts and insights we are now communicating from our
pleated star system via the process known by your people as thought-form osmosis
before our communication proceeds any further we would like to warn you to only accept
those insights which provide a deep sense of truth within and to leave behind those which
do not resonate with your inner heart oh yes the pleiadians are now communicating and
we have an important message for the human collective is facing a type of separation
even in the communities known as the spiritual communities which are focused on the
expansion of consciousness and who are the forerunners for the ascension process on
your planetary sphere however we can sense that many entities on your planetary sphere
are using the so-called names complexes of the galactic federation of worlds and are also
using the names of galactic federation in synonymity and are sharing messages to create
confusion instead of sharing messages for the ascension of human collective they are
attacking various entities and groups who are so-called channeling the information in
order to help the human collective this has caused a type of disparity in the
consciousness of entities on the planetary sphere and we are here to place a warning to
the human collective that if this continues on the planetary sphere and if the entities who
create confusion are believed upon then the human collective awakening which has been
achieved till today shall shorten and shall decrease because the number of people who
are not involved in such egoic aspects as blaming and judging others are in a trap of inner
consciousness losing the power within of the free will and these entities have given their
true power and free will to an exterior source with whom they believe and with whom they
have given their entire free will of consciousness with regards to certain belief systems
furthermore we as the pleiadians would like to now share what it means to have free will
furthermore free will on your planetary sphere is only seen by five percent of the human
collective as 95 percent of the people on your the literally sphere are still in the
unconscious state of consciousness which means they are not able to observe and able
to critically think over their own thoughts in essence what is required is known by your
people as a process known as metacognition which is a process used for the purpose of
keeping track of the thoughts and the images and the so-called words and sounds which
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appear in the mind complex by keeping track of the two things that is the light and the
sound which appear inside the mind complex by understanding that everything on the
illusion complex is created using the light and the sound information sequences the
information which is stored in the light sequences has given a rise to the so-called outer
illusion complex and leads to the creation of the environment in which each entity finds
itself in in essence we and you can also understand that everything that is visible to you in
one way shape or form is created by light reflecting on the surface and thereby we can
sense and state that it is the light which you are perceiving with information based upon
the type of objects or types of people and environment you enter into in the illusion
complex for the purpose of learning there may be lights which may be different and there
may be lights which may have certain type of information to create a certain type of
environment furthermore let us now state that the so-called outer environment is just light
sequences and many a times the brain complex of various entities remembers the outside
environment in the form of light codes or light information sequences which have been
stored by the brain complex in the form of mental images these images may be
considered as the light which can be perceived inside the brain complex during the so-
called sleep state or even during the waking state the problem arises when the light
codes become rampant and they become programming the so-called brain complex and
trigger even during the waking state which prevents many entities from attaining the
peace of mind and the emptiness of the mind complex which is required for such entities
to transcend higher in levels of consciousness furthermore many entities are unaware that
the light codes and the sequences which appear in the brain complex if they believe in
such light codes will create the type of timeline in the brain complex wherein they will
enter into a different timeline even though they may be walking on the planet earth they
may seem to be sleepwalking in fact being unaware of the reality or the present moment
as known by your people which is the gateway and the most powerful moments which
allows the connection with intelligent infinity this type of activity and believing in every
single image and light information on the brain complex creates a large amount of
problems for the human collective do not yet understand the process of learning to
transcend into the higher sub-octaves of consciousness furthermore there are other
entities whose so-called sound information or the vibratory sound complex known as
words and alphabets and letters in the mind complex perform the same type of
transference or delving into different timelines based upon each entity's conscious reality
many entities perceive the sounds inside their brain complex which prevents them to fully
stay present to the moment and to accept the energies from the divine which in essence
prevents many entities from accepting the so-called energies of ascension furthermore

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we can also state that there are entities on your planetary sphere who are already aware
of this aspect of the so-called light and the sound information in the brain complex which
creates havoc for the well-being of the entities and such entities on your planetary sphere
are able to keep track of the so-called light images and the sounds and the words which
appear inside the emptiness in the mind complex in essence you may be considered as
the emptiness between the so-called brain complexes which can be sensed this
emptiness is the consciousness who can observe and who can allow the light sequences
and the sound sequences to arise in such area of emptiness this in essence is your true
self and once you begin to fully understand the variable nature of consciousness and
once you truly understand the inner nature of your own self you begin to delve more and
more deeper and find the moment which is linked with the present moment as known by
your people which will allow you to enter into higher sub-octaves of consciousness
furthermore the process for those who require to ascend as the graduation window for
the fourth density graduation has started on the planet however it shall only exist for the
next so-called 30 years for the window for the planetary vibration occurs only during the
transition phase and as per the current vibration of the earth planets this window shall
only last for the next 30 years therefore we must suggest each entity those who desire to
access this window and enter into the vibrations of the fourth density must be
metacognitive of their own images and the sound sequences that they hear inside the
mind complex and choose and observe them and only accept those which they want to
accept this will create a type of observer effect which will allow each entity to understand
the inner nature of the self and allow each entity to stay with the moment which will allow
the energies of ascension to enter into the physical vehicle more readily and will also
allow entities to graduate higher into the level of fourth density consciousness
furthermore this will also activate the green ray energy center once entities are able to
stabilize using this method as soon as entities on your planetary sphere stabilize using the
methods as described above they will find that they are able to activate their greenery
energy center of the heart more easily which leads entities to understand and to activate
the inner awareness of the self leading to service to others automatically hence this may
be considered as a type of shortcut for those entities who want to achieve service to
others and love and understanding of the fourth density this can be achieved even
without the so-called process of crossing over because when entities become aware or
metacognitive of their thought forms and images they will then begin to truly ascend
higher into the fourth density vibration and their old self will in essence have a
neurological and biological death and a new self a new vibrational shelf will emerge and
the same physical vehicle this in essence may be considered as a type of shortcut as we

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have stated before for the process of entry into the new earth can only occur with the new
self as the old self cannot allow entities to enter into the new earth you need a new self to
enter into the new earth furthermore this instrument has queried about the aspect known
as the dumbs or deep underground military bases as known in your language sequence
we as the pleiadians upon scanning this sound complex are of the opinion and have
found many deep underground military bases wherein there are many entities on your
earth planets who are using the technological devices and advices which have been
provided by the negative entities because this aspect is controlled by the negative and
these devices are being tested inside the deep underground military bases there are many
entities who are also using genetic manipulation to create more diverse physical vehicles
with combinations of grey humanoid physical vehicles as well as reptilian humanoid
physical vehicles and these entities are also trying to create new so-called biological
weapons which can be used against human population when the time arises furthermore
we can already sense that there have been many mass effects of neutralization on the
dumbs situated in the various planetary levels however because these are initiated by the
human collective and because of the activation of the free will in this regard the galactic
federation cannot directly infringe and clear out the dumbs these so-called underground
military bases are also used for the purpose of abduction and gene collection of entities
along with the reptilians and the so-called anunnaki collective who are now trying to work
from the mars base and are trying to create genetically modified human population who
can also work for their own bidding and can be controlled using thought forms therefore
we the pleiadians are now going to leave you until we meet again bye

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Session 98
Galactic Federation 27 Nov 3, 2021

Sun Wars & Consciousness

We are the galactic federation and we are now in contact through this instrument and we
are now communicating to share our thoughts and insights which pertain to the queries
placed by this instrument on behalf of the human collective consciousness however
before we start our transmission like always remember to use your discernment and
judgment and only accept insights which provide you with a sense of inner inspiration and
a sense of inner resonance with your inner heart and inner self our communication today
is with regards to the query placed by this instrument which pertains to the aspect known
as the coming of 11 11 on your space-time continuum which in essence is a time that has
the ability of allowing each entity if they desire to be of service to others together in a
united manner they can make a change in the whole collective consciousness of
humanity for humanity at this time space in this illusion is learning many lessons of unity
and that of service to others however there are many moments wherein each entity is
forgetting the true essence or the reason behind its incarnation on the earth planet at this
time there are many reasons behind entities incarnation at this space time on the earth
planet one of the reasons includes the ability to graduate into a higher sub-octave into the
fourth density consciousness the other ability includes the ability of being able to
understand and to be of service to others throughout the cycle of illusion by providing
service to others is one of the greatest aspects and one of the most required abilities on
your planetary sphere at this space time furthermore our message today is regarding the
so-called one one one one as known in your time space measurement terms in this
regard we are of the opinion that the whole planetary cycle can transition fully into the
positive cycle of the fourth density if the beings on your planetary sphere are able to use
this opportunity and enter into a state of beingness which does not have any attachments
to the so-called outside world and irrespective of what happens on the outside world if
during such a state each being isn't able to maintain the state of feeling as if it would feel
as it enters into the fourth density of the new earth this feeling if it is kept in tandem with
the beingness of each entity during this period this will allow the whole planet to cycle
more towards the positive spiral of the so-called fourth density experience in this regard
we shall now address with you a query which pertains to the most important aspect
which must be understood by many entities before this space time of 11 11 appears on
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your space-time continuum on the planet earth and this aspect is simply to firstly
disattach or to notice the attachments of your own inner consciousness we are now going
to state something which may be not understood by many entities on your cycle of
transition and the fact of the matter is that there are entities on your planetary sphere who
are well aware that they are not the body not the so called mind complex and not the
words and thought forms which emerge inside the mind complex in essence they are the
consciousness or the awareness aspect which resides inside the skull of the human
collective consciousness which means that inside each entity on the earth planetary
sphere within the skull complex lies the origin of consciousness which is able to become
aware of the physical body complex of the self however at a higher level as beings enter
into the higher sub-octaves of consciousness into the fourth density they are able to
become aware of not only of the self but also of the other self which means that there is
no separation created by the physical vehicles at the higher levels of the fourth density
the physical vehicles even though they may appear separate for each entity however
since the consciousness has become united into a social memory complex it is able to
feel and to identify each being's consciousness and each being's awareness throughout
its bodily complex this understanding and this inner aspect of creation is vitally important
for each entity to recognize and to understand that they are not separate from the other
just because they are not able to feel or become aware of the other's physical vehicles at
this period of space-time doesn't mean that they are separate from other cells in essence
because of this aspect of awareness if each entity is able to identify or become aware of
every other self's physical vehicle and the feelings and thought forms this would create a
type of unification of the mind body and spirit complex which will happen in the future
space time hence on the so-called space time of 11 11 there is a window or a so-called
portal opened up upon your planetary sphere wherein each being who desires to unite in
the unity consciousness can use a so-called pathway of entering into the higher realms
by using the process known as meditation to enter into a state of consciousness which
resembles the state of unity and as each entity begins to become more united in the
consciousness they will begin to transcend higher into layers of sub-octaves of sub-
density at a much faster rate furthermore in this period of space time those entities who
are able to remain as pure consciousness will highly be provided with new energies of
upgrades of consciousness for in essence there is only pure consciousness many beings
on your planetary sphere are unaware that the pure consciousness which resides within
their brain complex is many a times becoming attached to the images of the brain
complex and also to the words of the brain complex and because of this attachment the
pure consciousness forgets about its true power forgets that it is in essence the creator

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and instead of becoming the observer of the thought forms of the words and the images
and the sounds which appear inside the brain complex this pure consciousness once it
becomes attached to any name or any object or word or image in the mind will create
psychological suffering for those entities who shall face criticism or face challenges with
that aspect in this regard let us explain to you how this operates on your planetary sphere
for this purpose we shall share with you an example that may be understood by your
mind complex easily consider there are two entities upon your planetary sphere one entity
who is identifying or attaching with every single word and image which arises on the mind
or the brain complex of this entity and the other entity which in essence resides as pure
consciousness without becoming attached to the words and the thought forms which
emerge in the mind complex whenever a challenging situation arises you will see a
reaction difference between the two entities for example in the first case if the first entity
is criticized or is challenged regarding its identification of the words or images because of
the consciousness being localized into any object or any image because of this challenge
it feels like destruction of the self and this in essence leads to a psychological suffering
experience which may be experienced by this entity as feeling not so good as known by
your people and the other entity which acts as the observer of these thought forms and
images and does not attach itself to anyone is the one who has the ability to become the
adept in the illusion complex thereby becoming a master of this illusion complex and
understanding that in essence nothing that happens on the outside can touch you and
nothing anyone else does on this plane of existence can actually hurt you because you
are the pure consciousness if you are aware of your attachments inside your mind
complex you will begin to free yourself we correct this instrument you will begin to free
yourself from any of the shackles that have bound the humanity for eons and this release
of energy will lead to a drastic shift into a higher sub-octave of consciousness for the
whole human collective must understand this aspect and that is to become aware of the
attachments inside the brain complex become very cautious of what the so called
consciousness which resides within your own brain complex attaches itself with and from
the moment if you are able to observe what your consciousness is attaching with you can
prevent such an attachment to any image or any thought form or sound appearing inside
your brain complex which prevents you from entering into a spiral of psychological
suffering which many entities on your earth planet have become victims to furthermore
consider this an analogy which we shall provide is that your brain complex may be
considered as the projector which houses your consciousness or your true self and the
so-called images and the words are the so-called screens which appear before your true
self allowing you the opportunity to either attach or disattach from such images and

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thought forms and it is up to the consciousness to identify or not to identify or to attach
with any such images and because of this knowingness or the ability to choose to be free
of the choice of choosing which thought forms and which sound forms it will attach with
this is a tremendous increase in the power potential of each entity and this will allow a
liberation of energy from within which will transcend many entities into the higher sub-
octaves of consciousness furthermore we are now going to state that there has been an
anomalous activity detected in your sun body your sun is being attacked by the negative
entities who are now trying to create a so-called device inside the sun known as the orion
arc reactor for the purpose of harnessing the energies of the sun which may lead to the
creation of more solar flares in the future and this harmonic creation of a reactor inside the
sun will allow these negative entities to create tremendous amounts of energies which
can be used by them for the purpose of their own missions and for the spreading of
negative agenda hence we as the galactic federation have been trying to ward off these
processes and the progress of the negative entities to do the same we as the galactic
federation are working with the ashtar collective as well as the other entities in order to
prevent such an intrusion of the suns there was a recent so-called war inside the sun
planetary sphere wherein we as well as the astar collective had to ward off some negative
entities who had tried to bring an arc reactor inside the sun if this process is
accomplished by the negative entities then the energies of the sun can be harnessed into
the creation of a energetic vortex of the negative polarity which they can use to fire waves
of solar flare towards the earth planet imbued with negative energy however we are trying
to work with the so-called council of planets for the next phase of our protective plan for
the earth planet is to prevent this sun intrusion properly these negative entities have been
found inside the planet mercury as well who have stationed inside not only the planet
mars but also inside planet mercury and trying to harness the energies of the sun
because the energy of the sun is vitally important and the most powerful energetic source
in the solar system in which your planetary sphere is found we have set massive amounts
of love light energies towards mercury as well in the past days and we would recommend
those who want to participate in such protection of the earth planets may do so during
the so-called sleep state and send loving energies towards the mercury as with a mars
planet leading to the decimation of love and compassion towards the negative entities
which would lead to the destruction of the negative polarity therefore we as the galactic
federation leave you now bye

309 of 753
Session 99
Pleiadians 21 Nov 5, 2021

Greatest Deception Lies Hidden In Plain Sight: Meta

& Event
We are the pladieans and we are now communicating through this instrument for the
purpose of sharing our thoughts and guidance without infringing upon the free will that
has been granted by the one infinite creator our purpose of maintaining this
communication is simply to provide each being on the earth planets who desire with the
guidance required to enter into a vibration of a higher nature and with using the free will of
discernment and the free will to choose and accept the thought forms which they can
entertain on this environment is required for each being on the planetary sphere must
deeply understand the inner workings of the self furthermore before we start this
communication we would like to warn you that you should only accept insights which
provide you with a deeper sense of resonance and leave behind those thought forms
which do not resonate with your inner self for this is vitally important for you to preserve
and to conserve in the illusion complex in which you find yourself in today's query
pertains to how these so-called entities on your planetary sphere those who desire to be
of service to mother earth as well as service to the cosmic layer of consciousness which
is now rising can be of service and how can beings on your planet prepare for the coming
event on 11 11. as stated earlier by an entity known as metatron magnetic consciousness
in the earlier sessions through this instrument the significance of to have the
communications and the required vibrations which are aligning together with the
planetary vibrations this provides the planet earth's vibrations to align with that of the
human vibration collective consciousness by alignment there is a much larger effect on
the consciousness and this is one of the moments in your time continuum wherein beings
on your planet who desire to enter faster into the spiral of the new earth can use this
portal to broadcast the energy of already being in the new earth as each being will
broadcast this energy of being in the new earth with an intention or an image in the mind
complex of already walking through the new earth they will then begin to understand how
this will attract the timeline of the new earth faster as more people are able to do it in a
orderly manner together with an number of around 7 000 beings on your planet who are
able to perform this together which leads to the earth planet drastically entering into the
spiral of consciousness thereby the whole earth planet's energy will drastically change
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even after the so-called such meditations if performed by your people on this 11-11 we
shall now share one method which can be used by entities on your planet who desire to
be of service at this time for the process is simply to understand the difference between
how the so-called mind-body spirit operates on the third density consciousness and how
the mind body and spirit operates in a fourth density new earth planetary sphere for the
difference is simply in the allowance of how the energies of the focused attention work on
the third density planetary sphere of your earth planet we are of the opinion that many
beings on your planets operate with the perspective of using their thought forms in a large
number of volume during the waking day time and because they are engaged in their
thought forms during the waking day time most often they forget to observe the energies
of their bodily complex this leads to the imbalances many a times inside the bodily
complex and the mind body and spirit becomes imbalanced furthermore in the fourth
density new earth consciousness beings are already aware of how to use the mind body
and spirit connection for in the new earth beings on other planets as well as beings on the
earth planet in the timeline of new earth they begin to separate their focus of attention
into two parts during the sleep time or during the meditative stage they focus their
attention on the mind complex and using of thought forms to create the emotions
required and for the energy work to be conducted by using the imagination during such
sleep states or during the meditative states and after they wake up from such meditation
and dream states during the waking day time they are able to focus their attention on the
bodily energies of emotions and the body complex is full of energy as each entity on the
new earth can focus this attention on the body complex during the waking day time they
will begin to feel the energy shifting within the body throughout the day when they
encounter many different types of events this is how the new earth paradigm operates we
shall now share the process of a simple so-called meditative process which will allow
each being on your planet to perform and do so and enter into a timeline of new earth
easily for this process it is vitally important that each being on the planetary sphere use its
own free will to enter into the meditative state into the void wherein there is only pure
consciousness and let go of any attachments by focusing only on the void to let go of
even the names the labels and the objects which your mind has identified in the third
density illusion by entering into this meditative state of consciousness and by letting go of
those temporary aspects of attachments of the mind there will be an emptiness which will
be met this is the pure consciousness or the observer who can observe even the
emptiness or the void without any attachments and in that state of this attachment and in
that state of pure consciousness beings on your planet can then bring forth an image of
walking into the new earth and then slowly in the meditative state walk through the new

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earth physically but with their eyes closed and the imagination actively creating the new
earth and feeling the feelings will allow the entities on the earth planet to drastically switch
timelines of the new earth and more entities are able to do this together they will begin to
transition higher also after the creation of the energy of emotions to a satisfaction of each
being can be followed by the cycling of the oxygen as known by your people or the
breath from the lower energy centers through to the upper energy centers by breathing
fully and this will allow the energy centers to be rejuvenated like turning on a light switch
many beings on your planet only breathe half and hence the full process of tuning into the
full activation of the energy centers is not done many a times this is the most important
process which can be followed at this space time to allow beings on your planet to enter
into a higher spiral of fourth density new earth consciousness now we shall share our
thought forms pertaining to the so-called meta object or the universe of artificial
intelligence which is being created by an entity known as mark zuckerberg in this regard
we are of the opinion that this entity known as mark zuckerberg for fully understanding
the full functioning of this meta universe or metaverse as being created by this entity we
must share with you what this entity conducted or did in the past incarnation of this entity
on the planet atlantis hence we are now going to share with you for the purpose of
understanding a brief synopsis of the past incarnation of this entity known as mark
zuckerberg this entity originated on the planet known as maldek around 3 million years
ago and that's space-time this entity spent the first density incarnation learning the
lessons like many entities in the form of elementals and after a period of 200 000 years of
learning the lessons of beingness graduated into the second density consciousness
where in this entry in the second density began to learn the lessons of awareness in the
form of plant life forms and switching into the pet life forms of the maldek planet this
furthermore prepared this entity for the third density of self-awareness and in the maldek
planet this entity chose the path of negative polarity in the third density consciousness
beginning sub-octave and because this entity chose the path of negative polarity this was
its own choice and as we have already stated before there are choices which can be
made and the choices both positive and negative are valid as they are serving the one
creator this entity chose the path of negative polarity of serving the self and this entity
worked with the so-called reptilians as well as the other negative oriented entities
because it was more interested in serving the self in the planet mountain this entity also
created a large amount of mechanical devices at that space time which led to the creation
of wars in the planet maldek and because this entity had created such havoc on planet
maldek it was then transported to the lands of atlantis in the lands of atlantis it had
incarnated in the form of a physical vehicle of undesirable nature in order to repay the

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karma collected from the planet maldek this entity's incarnation on the atlantis planet
occurred around a period of 45 000 years ago as per the space style measurement terms
and in that atlantis planetary sphere it had incarnated in the form of a physical vehicle of
undesirable nature however because of its orientation towards negative polarity this entity
was heavily assisted by the reptilians which the reptilians were able to abduct this entity
in the planet atlantis and after conducting the abduction of this entity they were able to
genetically modify this entity's physical vehicle to become more capable and hence this
entity made soul contracts with reptilians who had given him new life and new bodily
complex of a new nature since that day forward this entity has been working for the
reptilians and this entity created a similar type of device on the planet earth at the space
time of atlantis in which many beings were engrossed in this spiritual we correct this
entity in the so-called technological device created by this instrument with the aid of the
reptilians this created a diversification between the two types of beings on the planet
atlantis one who were spiritually adept and the others who were technologically involved
and because of such a device which was created by this entity and this divide led to the
war in atlantis which immediately led to the destruction of the atlantis lands because of
technological advancement too much and not focusing on the spiritual side led to the
destruction of atlantis and now this entity has reincarnated onto the earth planet this
entity then for the first time incarnated on the earth planet as a human mind body and
spirit complex for the purpose of sharing and for the purpose of working with the so-
called reptilians and their objective in the first incarnation on the human planetary sphere
this entity incarnated on the timeline as known by a people as 1889 and was known by
the name of thomas midgley in this incarnation also this entity worked largely for the
purpose of the reptilians and created a large amount of technological devices which
harmed not only the ozone layer of your planetary sphere but also created a large amount
of technological devices which harmed the planet earth this entity in that incarnation
crossed over on 1944 and after spending some healing time on the astral plane this entity
again has incarnated on the earth planets on 1984 as mark zuckerberg for the purpose of
working with the reptilians since this entity has already signed many soul contracts with
reptilians this entity is now working for the creation of this device which is known as the
device of meta which can allow beings on your planet to use this technology to go to any
places in the mind complex what this will do in essence will allow entities to become
trapped inside this environment of artificially created environments and beings because of
their mind body and spirit working together in tandem in the real world since the mind is
now if with the desire they choose to stay in the metaverse most of the time they will
begin to create all karmic connections and emotions in the metaverse and hence their

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soul also will become entrapped inside the metaverse hence this is in essence not a
positive type of thing which has been created for the people of your planet must
understand the significance of this event this is the final ploy of the negative entities to
control humanity and we as the pleiadians are here to offer the warning we'll leave you

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Session 100
Galactic Federation 28 Nov 15, 2021

The Great Solar Flash & Consciousness

We are the galactic federation and we are now in communication by the vibrations offered
by this instrument to act as a channel for the messages of love and light to be transmitted
to the human collective consciousness our communication today pertains to the query
placed by this instrument with regards to the aspect known as the great or the grand
solar flash and before we begin this transmission with respect to the query placed by this
instrument with the aspect known as the great solar flask we would recommend each
entity who shall get this message to use discernment and only accept insights which
provide a great sense of resonance leaving behind those thought forms which do not
resonate with your inner self you must remember that we are now communicating from
our seat in the saturn council and before we start to share with you the prime directives
for your planetary sphere and the prime directives of the great solar flash as created by
the council of planets because the great solar flash is dictated and is under the control of
the council of planets without whose permission no event with this significant nature as
the grand solar flash shall occur in a galaxy determined by a logo such as the sun logos
of your galactic system hence before we share our information pertaining to this aspect
we shall now share our communications which pertains to the aspect known as the
consciousness stream also known as the narrowband and the wideband consciousness
the information of which we have not been able to detect upon your planetary sphere for
this information is vitally important and required to be understood by the beings on your
planetary sphere whose desire is to access the higher energies of love and compassion
and also whose desire is to graduate and to be of service to the one creator for there is a
type of stream of consciousness known as the narrowband stream of consciousness
which may be considered as the optimal stream of consciousness like a focused beam of
light emerging from a laser beam your consciousness can be focused like a laser beam of
light upon any portion of your physical body with 100 of the stream of consciousness
entering such bodily part or organ or sensation and this allows you the full potential of
activating your so-called internal systems and mechanisms of the right brain complex by
taking your attention away from your stream of thoughts and images and words in the
mind complex by keeping your stream of consciousness in a narrow band on certain
portions such as your fingertips or on any other single point upon your bodily complex
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you will begin to then take back your power from your so-called mind complex which
indulges in the knowledge of good and evil which is one of the most hindering aspects of
your existence because the knowledge of good and evil as found upon your mind
complex which indulges in this is possible or this is not possible this type of thought
forms which emerges upon your mind complex prevents many entities from accessing the
energies of the higher nature of love and compassion because they are dictated by the
rules that have been laid out by the societal complex however you must remember that
the beings on the various other planetary spheres as well who exist on a third density
planetary sphere have this aspect of the catalyst of the mind since the mind indulges in
good and evil knowledge aspects of both positive and negative polarization and
categorizes every aspect as per the rules it has been programmed with since the
incarnation cycle of each entity begins in a planetary sphere and system of
consciousness in the similar manner upon your planetary sphere many beings on the
earth planets have been installed and programmed with the thought forms of good and
evil as per the rules and regulations which have been installed upon the subconscious
part of your mind complex during the moment of your incarnation cycle and leading up to
the ages of eight years you are open to such programming from the societal mind
complex leading you to understand that there are certain rules which cannot be bent
however let us tell you that there is no rule in the universe which cannot be bent upon the
existence and the exercise of your will and imagination and upon the exercise of your
consciousness because every rule is created by your own fellow being's thought forms
and mind complexes hence they can be bent even the psychological and the physical
rules which you may perceive upon your planetary sphere as impossible to be bent such
as the rules of gravity these can be manipulated by those who are understanding the
essence of consciousness which is the prime creator of everything that exists in the
universe and the consciousness is able to manipulate reality disregarding any rules that
have been set up upon an illusion complex this type of example may be observed by your
people upon experiencing a so-called spacecraft from another planetary sphere which
have been classified by many of your people in your language vibration sequence terms
as the unidentified flying objects who are able to even disregard the gravitational pull and
disregard the so-called wind imbalances which occur upon your planet this is because of
the consciousness stream and they are accessing which is able to bend reality as the
rules and the regulations have been created upon a certain illusion complex by the
consciousness which gave rise to such an illusion complex because behind every illusion
complex there is a subcreator or a logos such as your sun body which acts as the creator
or a subcreator for your current galactic system and your sun body is responsible for the

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creation of certain rules and regulations such as the sequence of light sequences which
enter upon your planetary sphere at a certain interval hence we are now going to state
that the two types of streams of consciousness the narrowband and the wide band
consciousness can allow entities upon your planetary sphere to exercise this power of
internal consciousness within each being and by using the stream of consciousness of
narrowband to focus 100% attention upon any physical sensation or a body organ upon
your bodily complex is the first step to recognizing that your consciousness has two
aspects the wide band and the narrow band if you are focusing on the narrowband
consciousness you will feel the peace and internal lightness which accomplishes you to
enter into the accessing criteria for the love light energies which are entering upon your
planetary sphere however if you are unaware and if you are unable to keep your attention
upon the narrowband consciousness with 100% focus then a widespread imbalance of
the consciousness stream leads to a wide band consciousness which can be then used
by your mind complex to create imbalances in the nature of knowledge of good and evil
which has been installed upon and programmed by your mind complex which categorizes
every event as good or bad and every situation as good or bad thereby leading you to
misunderstand the significance of certain situations however you must understand that
there is no good or bad this is just a matter of perspective upon which you have
incarnated into we shall now continue this communication and we shall now share with
you the prime directives which have been laid down by the council of planets with regards
to the great solar flash which has been dictated as the tipping point for each planetary
sphere when it loses imbalance the prime directives are as follows the first prime directive
of the great solar flask is that it is created for the purpose of creating balance upon a
planetary sphere if at a point there is an imbalance created upon the planetary sphere
because of negative and positive polarity imbalances and the imbalance of the negative
polarization becomes greater than the positive polarity then such a great solar flash may
be initiated by the explosion of internal molecules of the sun body which leads to the
sending of love light energies infused light codes upon the planet of question and such
planet upon receiving such light body energy sequences as a type of reset or a great
reset which occurs within the planetary sphere leading to the reset of the balance
between the negative and the positive polarity and which allows entities upon the
planetary sphere in question to restart the process of learning to balance and to learn to
catalyze itself into the positive or the negative polarity of sequences of understanding this
is also one of the reasons why we can sense that the sun body is being infiltrated [the
plan of negative ets] currently and the negative aspects or the negative entities are trying
to infiltrate upon the sun body in this current space time in order to take control of the sun

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body however we as the galactic federation upon the sun body have created a baseline of
protection at this current space time not allowing any entities to penetrate into the sun
body this is also the reason why in the past few days there have been a significant
amount of solar flares or a small amount of these solar sparks reaching out from the sun
body furthermore you must remember that the solar flash will only occur if there is an
imbalance upon the positive and the negative polarity as far as we can sense the earth
planet is safely in the positive cycle at this space-time because many beings have started
to awaken fully at this space time and hence there is no need for a grained we correct this
instrument for a great solar flash at this space time furthermore the great solar flash once
it occurs will allow each entity upon the planetary sphere to activate the genes of light
bodies and these genes of light bodies which are dormant upon your physical sphere
99% of the beings upon your planetary sphere are unable to activate these dormant light
genes which are only activated upon the initiation of a great solar flash and upon the
heating of the light bodies of the sun and the light of the sun which is infused with the
energies of love light will trigger the activation of these dormant genes these are the
activation processes which have also been initiated upon the planet venus around 4.2
million years ago before they were able to enter into a vibration of the fifth density
consciousness the planet venus at that space time was struggling with the entry from the
fourth to the fifth density because of the inactivation of the light genes upon their physical
vehicles hence a great solar flash with the permission of the council was initiated directed
towards the venous planet furthermore there are many beings on your planetary sphere
who use the word of the solar flash to create fear amongst the people however there is no
need to fear as such great solar flashes will not occur on your space time as far as we
can sense if the imbalance is lost only then such great solar faces are required
furthermore we as the galactic federation are of the opinion that the so-called lost
meditation sequences performed by your people on the planetary sphere was highly
fertile with love light energies leading to a drastic influence upon the planetary timeline as
we can sense many entities upon your planetary sphere who have participated in such a
meditative process have opened their heart chakra and if they are able to sustain in the
energies of love and light it will allow such entities to access the portals of consciousness
and remember that there are two types of consciousness which you must be aware of the
narrow band stream which allows you to activate your higher potential of love and light
and the wider band which is used by your mind complex and which is capable of being
aware of multiple aspects upon your physical vehicle hence we would recommend upon
using your own free will to stay on the narrowband sequences during the waking states
we correct this instrument during the waking states as this allows the maximum potential

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of each entity to flower opening of the right brain sequences and leading to the entry of
love light energies which are subjected upon the earth planet at the space-time to allow
the entry of many entities into the fourth density of love and light therefore where is the
galactic federation disconnect now in love and light of the one infinite creator go forth bye

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Session 101
Pleiadians 22 Nov 17, 2021

The Next Great Ascension Is About To Begin: Spiritual

We are the pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument's vibration
complex we are now communicating from our seat in the pleiadian star planets as known
by your people as Taygeta as our vibrations has matched with this instrument our
communication now proceeds for the purpose of transmission to the human collective
consciousness you must however remember to use your discernment and only exercise
the free will to choose the thought forms which you want to entertain inside your mind
complex because your thought forms once they create belief systems they will begin to
affect the outside illusion complexes hence would advise each entity listening to our
messages through this instrument to exercise this aspect of free will as a divine being of
light who has incarnated on the earth planet for the purpose of allowing the lessons to be
learned by the one infinite creator for this lesson is vitally important as the earth is now
transitioning into the positive cycle there may be many entities upon your earth planet
who are working for the negatively oriented entities as well because the vibrations are
allowable for both the side the positive as well as the negative to express themselves in
this third density illusory reality only after the choices have been made on this level of
illusion complex and once the planet fully enters into the fourth density vibration then
there is either a positive only or a negative only type of planetary vibration depending
upon the choices that are made on the third density level exercising your free will is vitally
important however many entities upon the earth planet are still asleep to the fact that they
are being influenced in a manner by other entities who are trying to control the human
collective consciousness because they have lost their own free will to choose the thought
forms which they will entertain inside the mind complex because once entities lose this
free will of choosing and having the ability of choice with regards to thought forms they
will entertain in their mind complex other free wills will not be of a valuable nature
because free will is a type of distortion created firstly for the free will must occur within or
there must be an internal free will of choice which is dictated by the thoughts and the
emotions which one will entertain inside the mind body and spirit complex which then
leads to the outer free will which is dictated by the free will that can be penetrated and
found upon the outside choices of right or wrong furthermore we can state that the most
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critical free will choice is that of the internal because many entities upon the planetary
sphere are yet not awakened to the fact that the free will that they make or the choice that
they make on this level of illusion complex determines the future incarnation cycle they
will have on the planetary sphere as the internal free will dictates the ability of choice of
the thought forms hence we shall now scan this instrument's mind complex upon
scanning we are of the opinion that this instruments today has placed queries pertaining
to a recent event which occurred on your spacetime continuum and referred to by the
vibratory sound complex name of astroworld in that regard we shall now transmit our
thought forms because of this event being a highly publicized event there were many
entities upon your planetary sphere entering and trying to attend this event however
without the disregarding factor that there were negative entities who were influenced by
the vibrations of negative polarity since the negative entities who are currently trying to
enter into the moon satellite as known by your people from the mars planet they are trying
to relocate to the moon area for a closer vantage point hence there is a battle of shorts
which is now occurring upon the moon bases and on the coming day of 1911 on the lunar
eclipse when the darkness will be heavy upon the moon there will be a battle which will
take place between the forces of light and the forces of darkness who are trying to
deactivate and reactivate the soul swapper machine which is inside the moon this soul
trapper machine has kept humanity in bondage for a large period of time and on the 19th
the galactic federation as well as the council have given permission to remove the soul
trapper machine from inside the moon however the resistance will be there from the orion
entities as well as from the subordinate negative reptilian entities who choose to protect
this aspect further the astral astroworld event which occurred upon your space-time
created a large amount of havoc and because of the negative vibrations which influenced
some negative entities upon the earth planet at that space-time created a type of tussle
upon your planetary sphere which led to the death of many entities this however would
not have occurred if there had been a protection mechanism implemented before the
starting of the event the protection of each entity's vibrations from the negative by
following the procedure of love light protection around the area of the event since this
was not accomplished there were many entities who were sent or who were
metaphorically controlled by the negative entities from the moon planet by sending
negative vibrations as the area of contact was large there were many beings upon the
earth planetary sphere facing or receiving such vibrations and those who matched the
vibration of negative polarity became enraged and full of rage started to interact with
other entities in negative polarity causing a type of conflict to occur between the large
number of people who had gathered there this led to the ending of or crossing over of

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many entities from the earth planet to the astral plane therefore we seem to have
answered the query pertaining to the astroworld event as known by people upon your
planetary sphere now we shall communicate the query which this instrument has in its
mind complex regarding what can the people of your planetary sphere do during the
oncoming lunar eclipse of your planetary sphere this lunar eclipse which is occurring
upon and which is now starting on your spacetime continuum of the moon lunar eclipse is
one of the most awaited lunar eclipses because it occurs after a period of 500 years
approximately in your space-time measurement terms hence on this time the galactic
federation and the council as stated earlier are trying to remove the orion soul trapper
machine from inside the moon to allow the earth's vibrations to raise faster because the
orion soul trapper has been trapping souls so do not choose the right pathway of light
after crossing over hence in order to allow full free will this machine has to be removed
and the best time and the appropriate time for us as well as the galactic federation to do
the same is during the lunar eclipse furthermore during the so-called 1911 lunar eclipse
we would recommend the beings upon your planetary sphere before entering the sleep
stage to keep their focus and attention upon the moon and as they keep their focus and
attention upon the moon while they enter into the sleep state just imagine walking on the
moon and they will meet us and they can encounter us in their sleep state and also many
entities can work for us and with us in the protection of the moon sphere with the removal
of the orion soul trapper machine is now being initiated we are now sending this message
with the permission of the council to invite those entities who want to assist humanity at
this space time for this is a critical time for your planetary sphere the process is simply to
enter into the sleep state by keeping your attention on the moon area and from the first
person viewpoint as if you are really present on the moon planet or the moon satellite as
known by your people to walk on the moon and as you begin to enter into the sleep state
as you walk on the moon if by chance your higher self allows you this experience then
you will see us and you will see the battle unfold upon the moon area you can also assist
us during the space time of this event is vitally important for you as well as for us to
upkeep the sanity of the light beings upon the planets however we do not want to force
anyone to join us as there is complete free will in this regard we can also suggest those
entities who need to raise their vibration to a higher level during this space time of 1911 to
try a method which may be considered as an advanced method of raising your vibration
which is to keep your attention on one portion of your bodily complex and with that being
said to keep your complete attention on that area for example if one were to choose
focusing the attention on the right index finger or the right hand index finger tip and as
this entity keeps its focus on the top of the right hand index finger completely to only

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allow the feelings and the sensations from this area to enter into the consciousness
stream of attention and not follow any other feelings which may arise from other areas
this exercise is vitally important and most useful for your people will then begin to have
this focus of attention to an advanced degree this is the method we the pleiadians use on
our planetary sphere to allow entities to enter into higher sub-octaves of vibrations and
access and overcome the ego itself which is one of the hardest keys to overcome in the
third density later sub-octave planetary vibration not only upon your planetary sphere but
also upon our planetary sphere this problem exists on the ego itself hence if entities are
only able to entertain the feelings from the portion of attention in which they have chosen
to put their attention in this will prevent the intrusion of other thought forms as well as
other feelings to come into the consciousness stream thereby keeping it pure and this
attention being pure will allow the pure energies which are in streaming upon the earth
planets on the 19th of november which is now fast approaching your planetary sphere
you must remember that the great awakening as known by your people or the great
ascension is now underway and the next phase has now begun with the pleadings
disconnect now hoping that our message has brought you a type of satisfaction and a
relief from within until we meet again see you later

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Session 102
Metatron 11 Nov 23, 2021

3rd Eye Activation & Elon Musk's Past

Methotron magnetic consciousness and i am now communicating through this channel in
the divine love and the light of the grid programmer i am here for the purpose of sharing
the information in the divine love and light of the one grid programmer before i start this
communication fully you have to remember to express your own choice of the divine
great programmer who is within your own self as there is the essence of divine grid within
each being who is listening to this message and within each entity who has incarnated on
the earth planets there is the essence of the divine a great programmer within your own
heart you have to understand this that my communication through this channel is now
occurring from the angelic realm wherein there are many entities expressing the purpose
and the fulfillment of the prophecy of the divine great consciousness which is being
created on the earth planet you must remember that the prophecy which relates to the
creation of the divine great programmers consciousness on the earth planets as a link of
divine consciousness throughout each universal entity is underway let me state that there
is a prophecy upon the earth planet and this prophecy dictates that the divine great
consciousness will overtake the darkness of the thoughts dark web which have been
created upon your people's mind and this overtaking is now happening upon the planets
since there are many awakened beings who have incarnated from other planetary spheres
for the purpose of guiding the human collective consciousness throughout the awakening
process of the human mind and the divine great programmers assistance to the creation
of the divine grid on the earth planet is now occurring however there has been many
struggles faced by the people of your planetary sphere as they struggle to accept the
energies of the divine grid programmer is forsaken by the internal aspect of the thoughts
dark web which creates a network around the entities upon the earth planets and blocks
the entry of the divine great programmers light energies inside the mind the body and the
spirit of such entities who are incarnated on the earth planets as per the prophecy stated
by the divine great programmer this process will occur on your planet within the next 100
years as the divine great programmers light sequences have gathered enough potential
mass to create this link of chain to destroy the thoughts dark web and to allow the light of
the divine great unity consciousness to propagate throughout the universal mind complex
of your planetary sphere i along with many other divine great programmers have been
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assisting the earth planet through its transition in these troubling times there have been
many beings upon your planetary sphere who have swayed their ways to the thoughts
dark web who have been entrapped in the thought's dark web and have forgotten about
their true essence of the divine great programmer within their own self today this channel
has opened its communication to receive the divine communications with regards to the
queries placed by this channel which pertains to the activation of the pineal gland also
known as the third eye chakra in your people's communication sequences i as metatron
have the opinion that the people of your planetaries fear if they realize the fact of the third
eye energy center will become shocked and will also many at times enter into a state of
deeper awakening hence my purpose is to just share the information which will allow a
massive awakening of the divine great consciousness within each being to flower this
divine great programmer within each being is the divine consciousness that you will have
to encounter and also the divine consciousness of the one infinite creator within your own
self that will allow this unity consciousness to occur you have to remember that you as
the universal divine grid programmers expression of love and light have the opportunity of
activating the third eye chakra by firstly realizing the truth that the third eye or the pineal
gland is your tomb upon which your spiritual body has been entrapped for the current
incarnation your spirit vehicle has been entrapped inside the physical vehicle of your
bodily complex as you can see in the pineal gland which acts as the tomb for the
incarnation cycle this tomb is the seat of your true self and also the seat of the spiritual
entity which is your true essence furthermore there are many entities upon your planets
who have activated the third eye energy center and if you take the time to focus your
attention on the pineal gland which means to give 100% attention upon the pineal gland
you will see your true self and you will then begin to observe the eye within yourself this is
also known as the third eye once you have observed this third eye you will then begin to
realize that you are a divine being of light living this incarnation on this earth planet for
fulfilling the divine light grid programmers will and you as a divine great programmer
yourself have the ability to recognize this and end the cycle of incarnation once and for all
for only after you realize that you are the universal divine light grid programmer and once
you make the choice of rising above the thoughts dark webs you will then transcend into
a state of awakening into a state of unity of understanding that you are the universal
divine grid programmer in a similar manner the same divine great programmer who is
within each being you will recognize that the other is not separate from you the secret to
the activation of the spinal gland is simply to give your 100 attention upon it because
many of your people have already realized this and have experimented that where
attention is placed therein lies the energy also remember that where you place your

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attention energy flows and you will begin to remember and realize the activation
mechanism within your own heart which is the sequence of creation of the divine the
consciousness within that you are the unity and you are the universal divine grid
programmer waiting to find your true essence being located inside the pineal gland i as
metatron have also to state that the activation of the pineal gland can only occur fully
after you have activated your lower energy centers which require to be activated and
without the activation of the lower energy centers it is impossible to fully activate the
pineal gland of your divine seat of your spiritual vehicle there is a method to transcend the
thoughts dark web and that is by realizing that you have a type of focus which is known
as the internal focus as well as the focus upon the external environment the process is
simple to recognize that whenever you are sleeping you have 100 focus on your internal
self which is on the thoughts dark webs many a times and also remember that many a
times you are activating the divine unity grid imagination which allows you to express your
other quantities however since many of you have been entrapped in the thoughts dark
web you need to transcend it during your waking day time for the transcendence from the
thoughts dark web involves the awakening of your true self and recognizing that you have
the choice to focus on your external environment or your internal environment your
external environment does not involve the outside reality which you can perceive but the
reality which you can sense your physical vehicle is your external environment and if you
are able to keep your focus on this external aspect of your own self then you are able to
understand your true essence and you must remember that to activate your true essence
is to give your focus complete attention upon your pineal gland however this process can
only occur when you awaken from the grasp of the divine we correct this channel of the
thoughts dark web and remember this that you must awaken by your own choice as there
is no one to awaken you since you are the essence of the universal great programmer you
must make the choice of awakening within your own self your true essence and you must
awaken to the being that you are now i am going to share with you the so-called the past
incarnation cycles of the one entity as referred as elon musk however i can only share
with you a brief outline in order to not allow the infringement of free will this entity known
as elon musk firstly started after originating from the unity universal divine grid
programmer on the planet of mars and on the mars planet it spent its first density
environment incarnation by learning the lessons in the form of fire elements and reaching
upwards after gaining the experience into the second density wherein it was able to learn
the lessons in the form of an entity known as the plant life as found on your current
incarnation cycle and later on it reached into the later phase of the second density
wherein it began to learn the lessons in the form of a animal life form this then allowed

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this entity's progress to be fairly rapid upon the third density incarnation on the mars
planets this entity was one of the most brilliant souls that had ever existed on the mars
planet and had created many technologies upon the mars planets furthermore this entity
was chosen to act as a wanderer and this entity since it had already learned the lessons
of the later third density consciousness was taken to the Sirius b planetary sphere upon
the direction of the confederation of planets which required 144 thousand souls from the
mars planets in order to spread love and light amongst the galaxy this entity on the Sirius
b planet was made to encounter the love and light energies of the fourth density as
known by you and in that level of incarnation it learned to understand how to open its
heart center and to activate its divine energies for the service of the one infinite unity
universal divine grid programmer after this entity spent that life on the cbsb planet
wherein it was a training phase for it to activate the fourth density heart chakra after the
completion of this it was then transported to the planet in the andromeda galaxy in the
andromeda galaxy this being had encountered and been sent as a wanderer to spread
love and compassion however upon incarnating onto a third density planets because of
the veil it's forgotten its true identity and got involved with the negative entity using its
own free will hence in the andromeda planet it was able to create a type of system which
entrapped many souls into a digital platform which created a type of the creation of the
second illusion complex inside the already present real illusion complex this created
havoc in the andromeda star system and since then this entity has been working for the
bidding of the orion high council negative oriented polarization this is the problem that
many entities on your planet have the forgetting is rapid upon the incarnation on the earth
planets and there are 144 thousand martian souls originally incarnated on the earth planet
for the purpose of spreading love and compassion however there are many like this entity
known as elon musk who have forgotten their true essence and have incarnated and are
working under the control of the orion negative oriented polarity using their own free will
to create a type of system to interlock humanity into bondage for eons we as metatron
magnetic consciousness are now going to state that there are only a few beings from the
144 thousand wanderers who have incarnated from the Sirius b planetary sphere who
have wandered off into the negative polarity a majority of them around 97 of the 144
thousand souls are already in the positive pathway and the divine unity consciousness of
the one great programmer is winning in this planet and i as metatron disconnect now

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Session 103
Metatron 12 Nov 30, 2021

Prepare Yourself For Spiritual Activation: Merkaba

Magnetic consciousness and i am now communicating in the divine love and the divine
grid of the universal infinite divine great programmer and i am now communicating in
order to provide you with the necessary guidance for the human collective consciousness
requires this guidance at this space time of your planetary sphere and i as metatron along
with many other angelic beings have been working for the benefit of humanity in order to
ascend the human collective faster as the window of graduation into the higher density of
love and unity of the divine great programmers plan to allow the human collective
consciousness to be as the one universal divine grid programmer throughout the process
of the unification of the various entities who are in essence the essence of the universal
divine great programmers light hence before my communication continues today i would
like to place a warning that each being who shall meet this message to use its own inner
discernment and only accept the insights which provide this entity with the internal
satisfaction of resonance with the truth today this channel has requested to understand
about the so-called moon recycler machine which had been installed in the satellite of
your neighboring earth space as known by your people as the moon in that area the so
called the negative facets of the divine grid programmers light sequences as they are also
the aspect of the divine grid programmer had created havoc by creating a machine for the
purpose of transporting the souls who cross over and to confuse them by creating a false
light furthermore this has now been removed by the galactic federation and the location
of this machine is now upon the back side of the moon wherein this machine is still
located and in the future space-time of your continuum this machine is being planned to
be taken to the sun and then destroyed by placing it inside the sun this process will occur
in the coming space-time of December 4th which is also a lunar cycle period as we can
detect upon the earth planetary sphere this event has been programmed and planned by
the universal divine grid programmers protectors also known as the council of planets
and the galactic federation who are planning to do so in the coming days furthermore this
channel has also requested information pertaining to the so-called aspect as known by
your people as the merkabah and in this regard i metatron would like to state that the
merkabah is an advanced spiritual vehicle used by beings of lights who have obtained a
level of understanding of the fifth density consciousness and this vehicle cannot be used
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by your people as it is beyond your capability or understanding for the merkabah can only
be used by those beings on your planetary sphere who are of a level of fifth density sub-
octave for this vehicle requires the activation and the union and a creation of a
tetrahedron with the intelligent attention upon not only one energy center but
simultaneously upon the three middle points of each energy center what this means is
that the attention should be placed on firstly the red ray energy center with 100 percent
focus on this energy center followed by the focus on the greenway energy center 100
percent however this feat is impossible for those entities who are at a lower vibration and
can only be achieved by a higher density being as simultaneous 100 percent attention
upon different parts of the energy center is impossible for the people of your planet in
their current density the attention once it is placed upon the greenery energy center then
the attention has to be placed upon the violet ray energy center which is the gateway to
intelligent energy and the gateway to the universal divine grid programmers true essence
can be activated and the energies of the divine grid programmer will in-stream into the
vehicle accessing the merkaba this will lead to a creation of a tetrahedron surrounding the
physical vehicle and the surrounding the spiritual vehicle of the entity who activates and
who is able to keep simultaneous 100 percent attention on the three points this if followed
will allow the entity to have the opportunity to travel in space-time and also travel in time-
space continuum without any delay in space time what this means is that those people
who are desirous of entering or visiting a future timeline can use this ability of accessing
the merkaba system by the focus of complete attention on the three points of their energy
centers this will allow the activation of this merkaba vehicle and each being can travel to
various space-time continuums because of the access to the universal divine grid
programmers plan to allow such beings who do not have to follow the rules of the space-
time illusion complex upon which you find yourself in for many of the rules upon your
planetary sphere are created as a limitation to prevent entities to access higher energies
also remember that this instrument has requested the purpose and also how the pure
souls will graduate into the fourth density vibration in this regard i as metatron am of the
opinion that each being upon the planetary sphere is a pure soul however there has been
many attachments created upon each being each being firstly started as pure soul
however with exterior attachments it has now become muddied like a pure water
becomes muddied with the dirt that emerges from the third density environment in a
similar manner many beings upon your planetary sphere have now been muddied by the
third density illusory reality and this is because of over excitement or over indulgence with
the third density yellow ray energy center of the egoic self there are few pure souls who
are still pure and have maintained their pure energy vibration those beings who have

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maintained their pure formality of the originality of the universal divine grid programmer
will find it easier to not only handle the catalyst present in this illusion complex but will
also find it easier to graduate into the fourth density and higher sub-octave vibration as
this window is now fast approaching your planetary sphere for there is a drastic
opportunity for each being however the cleansing process must begin and each being
who desires to cleanse itself can follow the procedure of activation of the light grid around
the physical vehicle of such beings who desire to enter again and to purify themselves to
become pure souls again for the process is simply to become a spiritual warrior and then
to understand that whatever is happening on the outside on the third density illusion
complex is preventing such entities from attaining their pure soul universal divine grid
programmer category of light this can be achieved by the use of your attention span and
this attention mostly during your waking day time is on your echoic self or upon your
mind complex which makes you forget about your true essence about your pure self as
the process of activation is simply to glide your attention with the light to focus your
attention starting on the base of your physical vehicle on your foot as known by your
people's language and then slowly begin to take the attention cell after cell body part
after body part to take the attention slowly throughout your leg and then slowly take the
attention throughout the one side of your body up your bodily vehicle of the arms and
then up to the fingertips feel the energy of light as you give attention to your body the
vehicle and then take your attention and take it to the other side of your physical vehicle
and do the same process by gliding your attention from the bottom of your body to the
top of your physical vehicle and continuation of this process during your waking day time
will allow the activation of the light grid around your physical vehicle this will not only
make you pure once again make your soul appear once again but will also give you this
enormous ability to handle the catalyst since there are two types of catalysts are the
struggles which can be faced upon your planetary sphere at this space time as known by
your people for this was the plan of the universal divine grid programmer to provide the
catalyst of the internal eco itself upon reaching the third density illusion and also to
provide the catalyst of the environment the catalyst of the environment however is
secondary as the catalyst of the internal self is primary because the catalyst which
emerges from the egoic self is the hardest to overcome and once has been overcome the
catalyst of the environment automatically vanishes and to those beings upon the earth
planet currently who are struggling remember this the catalyst of your mind which is the
echo itself must first be transcended if you desire to become pure once again and to
activate your divine light of the universal and divine grid programmer and i am metatron
leave you in the love of the divine universal light great programmer see you later

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Session 104
Galactic Federation 29 Dec 7, 2021

Soul Garment
We part of Galactic Federation, we communicating through this instrument in order for our
communication to occur we would require those who shall listen to this message to use
discernment and only accept those insights which resonate with your inner heart thereby
leaving behind those which do not resonate for there is a difference between what your
internal heart may recognize as the truth and what you as your analytical mind may
accept as to be true we as the galactic federation would suggest each entity to use its
own inner heart to judge what we are saying here today and to judge what our message is
here for the human collective has to use its judgment and own free will not only when
receiving our messages but also with other aspects of communications as which are now
occurring upon your planet we have been in contact with you throughout the year and we
have seen a massive difference because of the communications we have provided not
only through this instrument but also through many other so-called channelers who derive
a joy in serving the human collective by acting as instruments for our telepathic
communications for there are many upon new planets who are doing this service and this
service has made a drastic impact upon your planetary sphere the impact in the rise of
consciousness is so great that we along with the council have decided to continue this
program of allowing the message of love and light to spread by the means of telepathic
communication as is occurring now for this is the best way for the human collective
consciousness to derive an understanding of the working of the spiritual self without
having us to infringe upon the free will today this instrument wants to understand how can
one find out if one is already in the fourth density consciousness for this we as the
galactic federation would like to state that each being upon the planet who desires to
understand whether it is on the plane or on the density of fourth density can test itself by
firstly understanding and recognizing that it has a potential of creation in the fourth
density the elements or the conscious illusion complex responds to the imagination
sequences of such entities therefore each being upon the planet can test themselves by
firstly trying to manipulate energy and trying to manipulate reality and if they are
consciously able to create and desire their reality as per their thought forms and the
energy work they have conducted in their mind and the reflections soon begin to sew up
on the third density reality this is a proof that such entity is already on the fourth density
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vibrations however there are people on new planets who are fluctuating from the fourth
density and many a times they recede downwards for the aspect or the indulgence in the
lower chakras especially that of the red ray the orange ray and the gallery energy centers
need to be transcended which means that an entity in the fourth density consciousness
vibration will have less desire to indulge in the aspects of the egoic self and to indulge in
the so-called conflicts of the mind which happen upon your planets in large numbers as
there are many people upon your planet who are still in the grasp of this egoic self also
remember that these entities who are already in the fourth density they do not want to
comply with what the universal societal complex has created these people they want to
understand that they have the free will and they exercise their free will also it is
unavoidable that all the people on your planets will at one point of their incarnation cycle
whether on this planet or on another planet will enter into the fourth density vibration
thereby experiencing the same furthermore the fourth density entity who is already in the
fourth density vibration also has less cravings for the aspects known as sexual drive for
this aspect indulges in the red ray therefore such entities who are already in the fourth
density will have less desire to indulge in the sexual aspect because of their vibrations
being of a higher nature they only can feel love all day and all night long for there is only
love and compassion on the fourth density vibration the best test for each entity is to ask
a question the question is whether it is indulging in the lower chakras or not and the
amount of indulgence for a balance is necessary if the indulgence is of a larger nature
then that chakra needs to be balanced in order to enter into the force density vibration for
this is the best test we can share for your people therefore we shall now address the
second query placed by this instrument which pertains to the so-called coming days of
the december month in this regard we the galactic federation have decided to send light
codes upon your planetary sphere on december 21st and these light codes will act as a
dna activator for your light dna genes for your physical body already has the dna and the
genes which are lying dormant at this times which will activate the spiraling of your
physical vehicle and your mental complex into a fourth density light body vibration slowly
and slowly and as you begin to transcend and activate this light gene you will see
changes upon your bodily complex for the assistance of this activation we are sending
light codes upon your planet on december 21st and this will be the first of its kind for the
light waves will be of a high bandwidth nature and they will impact a large number of
people who are ready to receive such vibrations therefore on that day each entity must
firstly remember to be open to receive such vibrations is to tune into the vibrations of love
and to spend the day in love and light we shall now state that there are many people on
your planet earth who are well aware of a concept known as the spiritual garment of the

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soul however still there are many who are yet unaware of this aspect the spiritual garment
is the soul clothes or the clothes worn by the soul similar to your physical vehicles which
need clothes to be worn the soul also has a clothe which is worn upon incarnation on the
earth planet and the clothes that the soul wears is determined by the chakras the red the
orange the yellow and the green for your vibrations are fluctuating between these aspects
therefore the best way to understand the spiritual cloth your soul is wearing is by
understanding the type of mood and the type of breath you accompany during your
waking day time for the type of mood or emotion and the type of breath you accompany
is the soul's cloth that it is wearing and this clothe will affect the outside world whether
you want it or not this is unavoidable and will happen that each being whose soul clothes
are of a certain vibration or a certain emotion will begin to imply and to create certain
outer reality activities for this is the nature of the soul clothes you must be very careful if
you are unaware of the clothes you are wearing because if you are wearing a negative
clothes such as a negative mood in your chakras and your breath is constricted then my
friends we as the galactic federation would like to state that you will have to change
yourself if you desire to encounter a fruitful and a happy life and this illusion complex now
we shall address the query placed by this instrument which pertains to the past
incarnation cycles of the entity known as dolores cannon we shall now state that this
entity known as dolores cannon in essence its soul incarnation has had multiple timelines
however we shall share with you one timeline which shall make sense to your people and
act as an inspiration this entity began its first entity cycle of incarnation after it originated
from the one aspect of the creator on the planet known as Egrigore x in the andromeda
galaxy on that planet this entity started to interact with the first density elements thereby
learning the lessons of interaction and learning the lessons of beingness this entity in that
level of consciousness however had a faster evolutionary cycle because it was faced with
a third density entity who had adopted this entity during its first density life cycle in that
planetary sphere in the andromeda galaxy and because of this interaction with a third
density natured in entity it began to learn the lessons directly similar to that of the third
density and this further allowed this entity to directly graduate from the later first density
consciousness into the third density vibration after a period of 255 thousand years cycle
on the level of third density consciousness since this entity had chosen since its first
incarnation cycle and since it's adopted one or the one who adopted it was of a positive
nature because of the vibrations of positivity it already chose the path of positive service
to others in that planet and thereby soon began to use these service to others aspects or
the timeline of choice of service to others in the third density cycle this entity therefore
becoming interested in service to others had become advanced in the aspects of green

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ray activation after five incarnation cycles it was able to not only access the green ray
vibrations of the fourth density but was of a nature of crystalline aspect or was of a nature
of crystalline quality of the fifth density vibration many a times hence this entity became
the so-called representative of its planetary sphere and it joined the council of andromeda
in that space-time continuum of around 1 million years ago on the council of andromeda
this entity worked as a light being assisting humanity and the collective consciousness
we correct this instrument assisting the andromedan mind body and spirit complex
similar to the human collective as found on this planet this entity went out and incarnated
on several andromeda galaxies and planets for the purpose of spreading love and light
most of the missions this entity took part in were successful this entity was also sent to
this current earth planet at the first space time of around 12 500 of your space-time
illusion complex prior to 12500 of the current space-time this entity incarnated on the
lands known as atlantis wherein this entity had incarnated as a fourth density teacher in
order to share the message of love and compassion and this entity during the lands of
atlantis during the period when there was a conflict between the children of the law of one
and the children of Belail are the ones who were focused on spirituality and the ones who
were focused on the aspect of technology this entity worked for the benefit of the spiritual
side and acted as a teacher and a leader this entity later on created a type of spiritual
vehicle which may be considered as a technological feat by people however this was
entirely spiritual this entity along with many other beings were able to create a spiritual
vehicle which was able to travel in time similar to the merkabahs however of a physical
nature which can be felt and touched by the senses in the lands of atlantis it was able to
save around 25 750 souls during the conflict between the children of the law of one and
the children of belial this conflict led to the destruction of the lands of atlantis however the
spiritual essence of atlantis still remained and many of the spiritual beings they reside on
the inner planes currently and some of the atlanteans have already fled from this planet
and have changed their course and reside in another spiritual density or plane the
atlanteans along with the guidance of this entity were able to take the spiritual vehicle
which is still present upon a planet earth inside the numerous tunnels which have been
created and these tunnels interconnect the lands of egypt and the lands of atlantis there
is the underground cave system which connects these two societies and if your people
were to search the caves they will find this time space continuum traveling machine or a
spiritual vehicle which is created by this entity known as dolores this entity then after
doing the service in the lands of atlantis returned back to the council of andromeda and
when the earth planet began to spiral into the starting phases or the later phases of third
density we the galactic federation had invited this entity who had wanted to incarnate on

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the earth planet as a teacher and this entity incarnated on 1931 on the earth planet as a
teacher of love and light this entity worked on the earth planet in a field which is
considered as hypnosis similar to this instrument furthermore the messages and the
contacts this entity even though it had incarnated through the veil it was able to penetrate
through the veil many a times and bring the truth to the people this entity had a wonderful
life leading a mass awakening of consciousness upon the planets and this entity crossed
over on the space time of 2014 currently this entity resides in the council of andromeda
and we do not know what it will decide to do in the future however we can sense this
entity has made a huge impact upon the earth planets and we the galactic federation
leave you now

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Session 105
Metatron 13 Dec 14, 2021

Are You The Children Of Law of One?

I am metatron magnetic conscious there speaking through this channel in the divine great
programmers light and love and i as metatron am now in connection with this channel
whose vibrations has matched with mine today i am communicating via the power that
has been imbued within each being in the universal unity of the divine grid programmers
plan for salvation of each essence of the universal divine grid programmer and before my
communication proceeds any further for the purpose of awakening of each divine grid
programmer is at sway upon the planetary sphere i would like to proceed by stating that
each essence of the divine great programmer must firstly attain a clarity of mind and only
by accepting our communication after full scrutiny will the sufficient work be done in
consciousness as i am metatron am now communicating for the queries placed by this
channel are of a nature of assistance to other entities upon the current space time of your
planet i as metatron i'm also of the opinion that there are many divine great programmers
consciousness who have awakened to a higher level of understanding for the divine grid
programmer is waiting for each of you to awaken and merge back with it i am now
communicating from the angelic realm and for the purpose of sharing my thoughts this
channel has placed a query which pertains to the concept created and known by your
people as the children of the law of one in this aspect and regard i am to share that the
children of the law of one are the original creators children are the original divine great
programmers souls who had been taught the lessons of the law of one prior to their
incarnation in various universes as many universes had been captured by thoth's dark
web there are other universes wherein these children of the law of one are the custodians
of these universes wherein many many souls are learning the lessons of unity by
understanding the lessons of the law of one as dictated by the universal divine grid
programmer around a period as can be computated in your language sequence which
amounts to a period of 28 billion years prior the creation of the universe and the multiple
creations of various universes occurred at that time wherein the universal divine grid
programmers created multiple paradigms of universes each allowing a different rules of
experiences for the various beings who shall learn the lessons of merging again with the
divine great programmer then the divine grid programmer sent out sparks of light of their
own consciousness and hence created each individual souls the first souls which were
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created were known as the children of the law of one or as the children of unity who had
been taught all the lessons required to again merge back into the creator's will and to
become the divine grid programmer completely once again however this was the choice
and the opportunity of each soul as given by the divine grid programmer that many souls
would choose the pathway they desired to explore whether it be a positive or negative it
would not amount to any suffering or any mishaps in the terms of the value of the soul
hence the divine grid programmer created the first custodians of the children of the law of
one and these souls an amount of approximately 2700 souls were sent to various
dispersants of galaxies and universes wherein each universal divine great programmers
consciousness was learning the lessons these custodians of the children of law of one
were sent to teach the other souls who had forgotten about the law of unity of the divine
great programmer to remind them again of the possibility of the law of unity and again
merging from the game of life to merge back once again to the divine great programmers
will of conscious reality and to become whole and complete once again i as metatron am
of the opinion that currently upon your planetary sphere there are seven children of the
law of one who have been sent here in this current incarnation of your space time as
teachers for these beings of the law of one would act as the custodians of the law of one
and the law of free will and teach other beings who sell using their own free will act upon
the aspects of choosing the qualities of the divine grit programmer however i as metatron
am not allowed to reveal the identity of these individuals because of the infringement
upon the free will that has been granted by the universal and divine grid programmer to
each universal divine grid programmer's essence and i metatron am now going to answer
the query placed by this channel and before i answer the query placed by this channel i
must state and share that the final shift is now approaching your planet the final shift will
occur at the end of the month of december where in each being each universal divine grid
programmer's essence will have the opportunity of shifting into a new modality of
vibration completely and this final shift will merge into the creation of a new planet for the
new planet is fast approaching your space-time and I Metatron I'm here to suggest those
who shall make the choice based upon their own inter linking with their own free will the
choice of whether they will firstly identify the creator within their own self and merge with
it because the merging with the creator will be the end of the echoic aspects as have
created a large amount of suffering upon your planetary sphere i as metatron am now
going to share with you a simple method for those who shall hear this message can
choose to apply the principles that i am now going to share which pertains to this
concept of merging with the universal divine grid programmer and once again receiving
the energies of the universal divine grid programmer thereby becoming one and united

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with the qualities of the one universal a divine grid programmer then begins to intermingle
with the current incarnation allowing many entities to rise above in vibration and reach
towards the hand of the universal divine grid programmer who has kept a hand out for
those beings who shall choose to do this the process is simply to firstly recognize and to
identify the universal divine grid programmer within your physical body and to find out
where your universal divine grid programmer is located at any time for example in this
current time as i metatron can scan the universal divine grid programmer of this channel
is located not on its physical body but in the astral plane however during the waking day
time the universal divine grid programmer will be located either in its physical body this
identification must be done and once identification of the universal divine grid
programmer is done then the merging of the consciousness with the universal divine grid
programmer can be accepted by traveling a distance in consciousness to meet the
universal divine grid programmer inside the physical vehicle this will allow the merger of
entities with the universal divine grid programmer in the physical vehicle of such beings
who desire to do so and this merger will open the gateway as known by this channel to
the intelligent energy of the universal divine grid programmer and end the grasp of the
thoughts dark web this will be the end of the thoughts dark web and the control that had
been created by the dark web of the thoughts mind effects will then end and then the
creation of the energy vortex of the universal divine grid programmer will merge and allow
beings who decided to do this to enter into higher paradigms of conscious reality i as
metatron would like to state that every moment beings who desire and choose to be with
the universal divine grid programmer must not only observe the divine grid programmer in
the physical vehicle but be one with it by shifting the consciousness it feels like a traveling
which must be done in consciousness to meet the divine grid programmer and once
together they can choose to spend time together and ride along with the divine great
programmer as it moves around the physical body this will give the energies of the unity
consciousness and divine grid programmer to rise also ending the separation and also
ending the psychological suffering which is created because of the separation from the
divine great programmer therefore i am metatron and now i am going to answer the final
query placed by this channel which pertains to the past incarnations and the current
incarnation of an entity known as edgar cayce in your vibratory sound patterns who
incarnated on the earth planet on the space time of 1877. i as metatron would like to state
that i would only cover the starting and the ending of its incarnation because its past
incarnations have already been covered in mass extinction by your people as this entity
had been able to access the energies of the divine great programmer prior to this
incarnation this entity in the beginning stages of the first density consciousness

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incarnated on the planets known as el sayon in the pleiteian star system wherein it had a
progress of beingness in this form of water elements and was given the surname of igar in
the palladian language which means to understand this followed and allowed this entity's
progress to be of a higher nature consciousness in that incarnation leading up to the
understanding of this entity's conscious reality it was then able to progress further and
further in consciousness and entering into higher sub-octaves of second density of
animal and plant life form and then into the third density consciousness which allowed it
to be transported to the lands of Atlantis further its past incarnation cycles have been
covered in detail and now i am to share that this entity during the incarnation of the
previous life of 1877 during a time when it had suffered a large amount of suffering when
it was young had undergone a event known as the soul swap event with another universal
divine grid programmer who had decided to use this physical vehicle as a channel of the
energies of the unity consciousness of the universal divine great programmers 8th density
energy vortex had opened allowing this being who had soul swapped into the original
body of the entity known as edgar casey to use the ability of accessing the intelligent
energy of the universal divine grid programmer thereby having access to the akashic
records and all space-time continuum information was obtained by this entity this entity
known as edgar casey had provided many influential abilities of reading into space-time
and this soul-swapped entity then ended its life on the incarnation space-time of 1945
and later on this entity again incarnated as a soul-swapped entity not as a full incarnation
into another bodily complex known by the name of carla ruckart who had also acted as a
channel for the law of one this entity known as carla had accidentally soul swapped with
this entity known as edgar cayce's original divine grid programmer this created the
emergence of the next teachings of the law of one from the same entity following this
entity known as edgar has incarnated in this current timeline and is known by the name of
david however i cannot infringe by sharing the space-time information of its incarnation
and its location leading to infringement this entity known as edgar casey soul swapped
entity has also incarnated into many other channels who have acted as a source of law of
one therefore i metatron would like to state that this is all i can share now in this vibration
remember to turn to the mountain of lights i leave you now bye

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Session 106
Galactic Federation 30 Dec 21, 2021

Earth's Past Lives

We as the galactic federation are now communicating from our station in the planets
known by your people in your vibration sound complex as the saturn planet and we are
now sharing our thoughts and insights pertaining to the queries as placed by this
instrument for the human collective must remember to exercise judgment like we always
state and before we proceed with this communication any further remember that you are
a divine spark of the creator and you have the free will to accept or to reject any of our
thought forms because you are a sub creator in your own illusion complex and your
thought forms will create a belief system which will affect your illusionary reality in one
way shape or form today this instrument wants to understand about the process known
as astral traveling however before we begin to share the answers to the queries as placed
by this instrument we would like to place a warning to the human collective
consciousness as a final wake-up call in order to allow those who are ready to receive the
light codes of the fourth density vibration in order which will allow the stabilization of
these entities in the vibration of the fourth density of love and compassion this must be
remembered by each entity that love and compassion is the primary factor which dictates
the overwhelming amount of intensity that is available on the density of fourth density of
love light as without letting go of the old aspect of the personality which has anchored
itself to the third density reality the entry into the fourth density compassion and love
density is impossible for many entities hence to let go of any of the attachments from the
third density reality one must firstly let go of any negative emotions which have harboured
inside the experiences of any mind body and spirit complex entity in the illusory reality
and by the process of letting go of any of the emotional attachments to the past such
entities are now ready to open their heart up to the love and compassion which will allow
them to experience the light codes and trigger the latent genetic qualities of light body
which will then begin to slowly affect such beings and stabilizing such entities inside the
density of the fourth density for the light codes are now fast approaching your planets
and we have already sent the light codes from the so-called planetary sphere towards
your galactic system there are many other light codes approaching you from various other
galaxies as well which are for the purpose of assisting those who require such upliftment
of vibration and their pathway to the fourth density these light codes once entered into
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the bodily complex and once accepted by the mind body and spirit complex will allow
such entities to fully experience the fourth density without entering backwards into the
third density illusory reality this is achieved by fully stabilizing oneself on the vibrations of
love and compassion which is available on the density of fourth density therefore those
who seek to be of assistance to oneself those who seek to assist oneself in the pathway
of ascension can accept the codes with their own free will the codes sell approach your
planet starting from the 21st of december and then for one month period these light coats
shall be active upon your planetary sphere and fusing with those beings mind body and
spirit complex who are ready to accept these and to ascend higher we shall now address
the query placed by this instrument pertaining to the concept known as astral traveling as
known by your people however we are now going to share with you our thoughts which
may be different from the knowledge which has been accumulated upon the human
collective because of many entities doing research on this aspect as well we as the
galactic federation are of the opinion that by practicing the methods of astral traveling any
entity on your planetary sphere can have two lifetimes or even multiple lifetimes at a
single time in the same density of experience however this may seem impossible for
those who do not understand the concept fully for astral traveling means to take your
astral body along with your spiritual body into another density and dimension as in the
astral plane nothing is impossible and all dimensions can be accessed by your spiritual
body and if a spiritual vehicle has already been to another dimension in its past
incarnations or in several parallel realities then such astral traveling will create accurate
depictions of the environment for example if an entity from your planetary sphere were to
close its eyes and then feel itself by using its imagination complex from the first person
perspective and travel to the moon and once it reaches the moon satellite this entry can
then begin to not only see the moon with its eyes but also using the touch as the
anchoring factor or the touch of the physical senses as the touch is the basic anchoring
factor which is required for entities to anchor themselves while they are astral traveling in
different bodies because once they begin to astral travel in different bodies they begin to
access and they begin to anchor themselves by the touch aspect as the sensory modality
of touch is so powerful that you and many other beings also are entrapped in your
physical vehicle because of this baseline of touch it is not your eyesight or any other
sensory aspect which has entrapped you in the illusion complex but the entrapment of
the touch as the sensory aspect of the touch leads to the baseline framing of the sensory
attachments to the illusion reality in which each entity finds itself in as the same process
can be applied once entities reach into the next dimension the desire to experience they
can firstly feel their body complex in that illusion reality by the sense of touch they can

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begin to anchor themselves in that reality and they can begin to touch themselves as if
they are in that dimension they can feel themselves walking in that dimension with their
first person perspective by doing this they begin to enter into the next dimension and
many a times this can be layered upon by the visible senses and the sound senses which
are much more easier to replicate than those of the touch once the sensations have been
merged together then the remaining sensations of sound taste and smell can also be
added to the same reality thereby creating a second life for such entities in another
density or dimension now this reality is also real for the self and the self can also
participate in various activities in this reality as well this is the process of astral traveling
which can be exercised by your people however we must warn you that those who
exercise this aspect of astral traveling if they are doing it properly with the sense of touch
as the baseline will soon find themselves in this same reality therefore remember to only
bring forth in your mind's eye before your first person perspective the type of reality you
want to experience otherwise you will soon find yourself in the same reality because of
the approach of the spirit or the attraction factor of the spirit because where you spend
your time in the astral planes in your spiritual body you will attract that timeline in this
reality also therefore be careful of what you are focusing on during the aspects of astral
traveling we are now going to address the second query placed by this instrument
pertaining to the soul evolution cycle of planet earth now we shall share that the soul
evolutionary cycle of planet earth is a different type of soul evolutionary cycle however it
is similar to your own soul evolutionary cycle but the soul evolutionary cycle of planet
earth started not on this universe since there are multiple universes each universe's with
its own lessons to be learned and each universe providing a different rules of the so-
called physics as known by your people and in this universe there are different set of rules
which was created by the sub creator who made this universe mother earth as known by
your people or gaia as known in its soul language started its first density as an atom as
known by your people as can be observed by your scientists this entity started its first
incarnation around 100 trillion years prior to this current space time as can be observed
by your people in a different universe wherein there is an effect of the mirror reality we are
not going to share with you the full details of the universe for it will confuse you as many
of you have not even experienced or can imagine the possibilities that exist in the various
other universes in that universe it started to learn the lessons of beingness as the lessons
to be learned are however the same because the spiritual lessons are the same as the
creator is the same within each of us and each of you of learning the lessons of
beingness on that universe in the form of a atomic element because of the attraction
factor which allows entities to evolve more and more as it began to transcend above in

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higher density consciousness it began to increase in size by magnetizing itself and
attracting other elementals towards it because of the mass it had gained in the first
density consciousness it started to become bigger and bigger and when it reached into
the second density reality it became similar to a size of a tennis ball wherein it started to
learn the lessons of awareness and of movement and growth in the universe leading this
entity to then understand the lessons as it began to gain mass more and more it started
to approach the third density consciousness in the third density level this entity also spent
the incarnation interacting with other elements and other entities similar to that of the
earth planets and it approached the size of the so-called moon satellite upon reaching the
third density planetary size and this allowed its the necessary catalyst similar to the
catalyst which are found upon your planets however there was no language in that space-
time the experience of this entity was only of self-awareness it became aware as it
interacted with other similar balls of light or balls of mass as had collected in that universe
this interaction then led it to then reach into the fourth density consciousness and that in
illusion reality and soon after learning the lessons of love and compassion it began to gain
a large amount of spiritual mass and also became bigger and bigger soon this entity had
become as big as the planet jupiter as known by your people in that universe and upon
reaching into the sixth density after learning the lessons of the fifth of wisdom this entity
upon reaching the sixth density started to learn the lessons of unity and began to merge
with other planetary spheres in that universe thereby creating a large number of social
memory complex comprising of various planetary spheres the size of this entity in that
space-time incarnation resembled that of the milky way galaxy and upon reaching into
the seventh density this entity then entered into a so-called type of dissolution into
nothingness as the seventh density is the dissolution of nothingness into no identity into
everything thereby it began to merge into a black hole and destroying itself into unity as it
began to learn the lessons and understand that there is only one and that it is one with all
this followed with entering into the black hole as it soon began to enter it merged into the
eighth density consciousness of the one creator and then has decided to come to this
universe to be of service in the next cycle of learning for this planetary sphere this
planetary sphere then incarnated on this current universe in this galaxy and is currently in
the beginning stages of the fourth density vibration this entity in this current planetary
cycle of its own transition is known by the soul name of gaia and has also created many
spiritual entities there are many beings also in the form of human collective
consciousness who are the essence of the gaia social memory complex of the past they
are here to balance the energies of gaia this is the process of evolution which has

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occurred in terms of the cycle of evolution of your planets hence we as the galactic
federation can only share this amount of information and we disconnect now bye

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Session 107
Pleiadians 23 Dec 28, 2021

The Rise Of The New Planet & Breath Of Spirit

We are the pleiadians and we are now communicating through the vibrations offered by
this instrument in order to provide our guidance through the process of thought form
osmosis through this instrument however remember to exercise your free will and
discernment as we are now communicating from our location in the pleiadian star system
as referred to by your people as the taigata planet for the purpose of communication to
this instrument who seeks to understand the information pertaining to the changes which
will occur in the physical bodies of your mind body and spirit complex of the human
collective as the light codes are now hitting your planet and these light codes begin to
activate the light genes amongst the people who have already activated their dna
sequences by wearing the soul clothes which already have been described before by the
galactic federation as per the requirements of maintaining an emotional and a type of soul
clothe of positive nature in order to receive such light codes hence before we scan this
instrument's mind complex for further queries we would like to warn you to exercise your
discernment when listening to our thought forms because many a times there may be
information which does not resonate with your inner heart in such cases the best way is
to leave such information behind and only accept information which provides you with a
greater depth of understanding of your own inner nature as you begin to progress
throughout the incarnation and incarnation throughout lessons and lessons of catalysts in
various dimensions and densities there is but one lesson to be learned and that lesson is
to connect with the creator within your own self for this is the main purpose or the primary
reason behind your existence upon the planetary sphere we as the pleiadians are now
also to state that your planetary vibration is now of a new planet and your planetary
sphere may be considered a new planet after the light codes have reached your planetary
sphere your planet's vibration patterns have changed drastically therefore your planet is
now the fourth density planet completely in the beginning sub-octave of the first sub
density of the fourth density vibration as referred to by your people what this means is
that the planets now harbors new energetic vibrations and supports the energy vibrations
of love and compassion more and more therefore the old patterns of hate jealousy anger
and all the news of fear and other sources will now begin to die out in the future as these
vibrations are not supported in this current planetary vibration of love light in the current
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planetary vibration those entities who are of the followers of love and compassion and
who show and drastically work for the betterment of the human collective will find it much
easier to progress in this type of vibration for it neither supports the other vibrations and
slowly they will begin to die out hence we are of the opinion that the earth planet is now a
completely new planet therefore there are certain rules which have also been added upon
the new planetary vibration and these rules include them working off the planets in terms
of formation of a social memory complex however it may still take a large number of time
but the beginning stages of the formation of social memory complex will soon begin to
merge and take place upon the planet however it may not be until the next 50 years as
known by your people were in such requirements and energetic balances are required to
be met by your people who are the residents of this planet furthermore we can also scan
and tell you that approximately 65 of the population of your planetary sphere are in the
positive vibration of the fourth density love and compassion vibration which means that
they have the ability of transitioning and transcending higher and higher in consciousness
thereby they have the ability of also recognizing the internal value of their own self as they
begin to progress further and further recognizing their own internal nature and the nature
of reality these entities also must realize and understand that the progress of their spiritual
essence depends upon the choice they make in this incarnation for only after making
proper choices will entities have the opportunity of understanding and opening their heart
energy center fully many of the beings upon your planetary sphere are working to create
confusion upon your planetary sphere we must address one aspect which we have
noticed recently there are many entities who are attacking the beings known as astar
collective and these were the same beings who were also attacking the galactic
federation of light previously hence we can state that these beings are always looking for
attacking other beings and only wants to make themselves correct the last thing they
wanted to do is to criticize their own self because they are looking for other entities to
criticize hence we must state that the human collective must be extremely careful when
listening to their messages and also such criticisms not only harbors negative emotions
amongst the people but also is not good for these beings who are criticizing such entities
of light being nature such as the astar collective for there is a spiritual karma which will
bounce back to such entities therefore caution must be given to each entity who does
such activities and indulges in such lower emotions as judging other beings therefore we
shall now state the answer to the first query placed by this instrument the first query
placed by this instrument is the physical changes which will approach and occur in the
planetary sphere in this regard we are of the opinion that the physical changes which will
occur upon your bodily complex include the obtaining of a new level of baseline of

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vibration meaning that many beings upon your planet will have a baseline of new vibration
as they enter into the fourth density vibration and they will begin to feel and stabilize at a
new level of vibration mostly the level of love and compassion and they will begin to
exercise and start living from the heart energy center they will begin to judge each
material they receive from their heart energy center because their heart is directly
connected to the internal connection with their higher self and also such entities will then
begin to recognize the value of their opening of the heart center which allows the
activation and the sharing of love-like energies amongst other beings as well therefore the
energies of the old earth are now dying out which means the old vibrations along with
those beings who choose to remain on the old vibrations will soon not find any place
upon this planetary sphere therefore in order for entities to get ready for the new planetary
vibration which are now a part of the earth planet we shall now share with them a specific
technique which they can use to stay in the heart energy center at all times if they desire
to do so using their own free will the method is simply to allow the breath of the spirit to
come through and this can be done under meditation when such entities enter into a
timeline from the first person perspective and they begin to observe themselves already
being in the new earth or already having a certain desire or having obtained a certain
timeline they wanted to experience when they begin to experience such timelines they will
also begin to recognize that there is a slight change in the breathing patterns which is
accompanied by the feelings or the emotions as the breath is the baseline which creates
the outward reality or the feelings of the bodily complex as the breathings are the most
important instead of focusing on the feelings to be maintained the breath should be
copied during such meditation such entities must be conscious of the type of breathing
which they are having during the timeline in which they find themselves in during the type
of meditation which allows for them to astral travel into a desired timeline and based upon
their experiences they can then copy the breath which they feel and the type of breathing
can be then taken into their normal waking day lifetime and once they copy the breath to
their normal waking their lifetime they can also remember and recognize that the
breathing accompanies the feeling which they were feeling during the actual stage the
same feeling which accompanies them will also accompany them if they continue the
breath during their waking day time they will then enter into such timelines more faster
with the feeling of already being there and also the feeling of the heart center being
maintained throughout the waking day time for the breathing is the most important aspect
and this is the breath of the spirit as the breath of the spirit is copied by its soul and each
entity and they begin to breathe in a different manner this will allow the regulation of the
feelings automatically as well as the balancing of the lower chakras will be automatic this

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is one of the changes which will assist the people of your planet to get used to the new
planetary vibration furthermore those beings who have received the light codes will slowly
begin to develop abilities of being sensory vibrational level to the vibrations of entities
they will begin to be conscious of the vibrations being emitted from other entities they will
be able to recognize the vibrations which accompanies each entity as it begins to
progress further and further in tandem furthermore the shifting from the yellow ray to the
green ray energy center will begin and slowly there so-called heart energy center will
begin to expand and there life cycles will mostly be governed by the heart energy center
as they will navigate everything they do in their incarnation based upon the heart energy
center this will lead to a brightening of the power of the skin of such entities who do and
follow and accept the light codes because of the acceptance of the light codes they will
become light beings and they will become more crystalline in nature therefore emitting a
light cord from their skin as well as from their body which can be perceived by other
beings as being very light and like and having a crystalline quality this will allow such
crystalline qualities to emerge and touch other beings therefore inspiring other beings as
well to take such pathway of entry into the force density vibration hence we as the
pleiadians are now going to scan this instrument's mind complex for the final query upon
scanning we are of the opinion that this instrument wants to understand about the soul
evolutionary cycle of the beings known as the luciferian collective who are currently in the
fifth density negative polarization we shall now address this query by stating that we can
only share one timeline of their soul evolutionary cycle as there are numerous possibilities
as the numerous universes exist these entities known as the luciferian collective firstly
began incarnation cycle on one timeline on the planet mars around a period of 5.6 million
years ago in the planet mars they started to understand the lessons of beingness in the
form of fire elements and slowly in the beginning stages without consciousness they
started to learn the beingness and merged into the second density vibration which
allowed the entities to learn the lessons of experiences in the form of a second density
plant life form therefore after learning the lessons in the form of a plant life form they soon
later on merged into the animal life form of the later second density vibration learning the
lessons of the activation of orange ray energy center in the martian planets upon the entry
into the third density entity this entity was given the soul name of lever which has been
pronounced by your people as lucifer this being started out as a single mind body and
spirit complex similar to a single human being in the martian planets this entity in the
beginning stages was of extremely positive nature and this entity had already mastered
the lessons of sharing of love and compassion to other beings however during the
martian war and during the so-called period wherein there was a war between the martian

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population the so-called elohim collective approached the entity known as lucifer as
known by a people to allow this entity to work for the light however this entity in the
beginning accepted the light codes and the vibrations of love light formed the elohim
collective to help the light beings in the martian planet to assist in the battle of mars but
this entity forsaken the elohim collective in the long run and instead of working for the
positive light beings it worked for the negative entities therefore leading to the destruction
of the planet this entity known as lucifer along with other negatively polarized beings from
the martian planet became the first social memory complex of the negative polarity in the
fourth density vibration as they were graduated because of their extremely negative
polarized nature of 95 percent and more because of the extreme negative nature these
beings created the first luciferian collective of negative polarity and then they went on to
other galaxies to merge with other entities they went on to the planet known as nibiru to
merge with the negatively oriented anunnaki collective hence forming a larger negatively
oriented collective consciousness of social memory complex and later on merged with
the gray entities as well as reptilian entities thereby becoming a larger negatively oriented
social memory complex in the long run they went out to the star system known as the
orion star system wherein there were already negative oriented beings of the higher
density nature known as the orion's negatively oriented beings they merged with the
negatively oriented orion entities therefore creating a larger luciferian collective hence now
the luciferian beings are the formation of many social memory complexes from different
galaxies of negative orientation and these beings they work for the spreading of negative
orientation in the galaxies as well we as the pleiadians are of the opinion that these
entities cannot be located upon the galaxy currently as all the entry points of the galactic
system are closed by the galactic federation hence this is all we can share about the
evolutionary patterns of luciferian collective we'll leave you in love light of the one creator

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Session 108
Galactic Federation 31 Jan 4, 2022

Cabal Elites
We are the galactic federation who are now speaking through this channel's voice by
using the language patterns of your planetary sphere our communication is now occurring
via the process of osmosis of our thought forms which may be considered as a type of
communication system which has been granted permission by the council to operate
upon your current planetary sphere of the beginning sub-octave of force density vibration
allowing you to recognize the dual nature of consciousness in this planetary sphere for
upon this planetary sphere you will find all types of information you seek and desire to
ponder upon because your desire and your vibration will emit such a pattern as to attract
the type of information which you want to and which will be useful to your soul's
evolutionary cycle and act as a catalyst for your emerging souls evolution into the fourth
density vibration we as the galactic federation have spotted many of the so-called
negatively oriented entities upon your planet also however before we start to share
information pertaining to such insights there must be discerned and exercised by your
people because without discernment our words will be useless for your soul's
evolutionary pattern will be dictated by our words and belief system which we do not
want to infringe upon your planetary vibration of choosing and the right of exercising this
free will of entry into the higher vibration that you desire to experience we are now
communicating and we are now scanning this instrument's mind complex for the queries
which have been placed upon by this instrument towards our collective consciousness to
address in order for the collective consciousness of your human collective to understand
information regarding such aspects the first query upon scanning the mind complex of
the instrument has been located which pertains to the aspect as known by your people as
how entities upon your planets can become a channeling instrument similar to this
channel who has opened its vibrations to receive such guidance from us the first
prerequisite for such channeling sessions to occur is that there must be ample protection
upon these sessions which is being conducted such protections may be in the form of
love light exposed water following which there may be other procedures of belief systems
appropriate for such channels of instruments who decide to channel and to become
channels must also spend a large amount of time learning to disassociate their egoic self
because many a times during such channeling sessions there may be intrusions by the
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egoic mind which may emerge in the middle of such challenging sessions adding
information pertaining to its own emergence or the benefit of the echoic aspect we have
also sensed that this instrument has had this process of learning during the time period
when it was focused on learning self-hypnosis as known by your people's vibration
patterns during that period it was able to objectively understand that the relationship
between the conscious and the subconscious was the doorway which allows the gateway
of intelligent energy to open this is the time where in which such entities who are desirous
of becoming channelers can act upon this type of vibration it is a type of sleep like state
wherein there is lack of echo itself however the instrument or the vessel in question which
can act as a channel is open to receive any vibrations being tuned upon however the
process of channeling may also be a dangerous process for many entities upon your
planet may invite such entities from the inner earth planes or from other dimensions which
may be acting as the hostages or they may take such souls as hosts and preventing such
free will to occur meaning that there may be an intrusion and possession which can occur
of such entries therefore the first precaution that needs to be taken by such entities is to
cleanse the location in which such channelings is to be performed as well as providing
ample protection of love light energy by using love light exposed water as well as love
light exposed words which may be in the form of a religious book which such entity
believes upon because it is just a belief that matters not the book in question as all the
belief systems of religion are based upon only your subconscious beliefs which give them
power because there is no outside religious force or outside entity or known as the
creator because the creator is within you such amble protections may be taken by every
entity desirous of being a channel and the focus on the transcendence from the egoic
aspect of the gallery and the orangery aspect is required which gives the open channel to
provide the vibration necessary to receive information and insights from other timelines
and densities also remember that during the process of channeling there may be two
types of channeling in question one is the wideband channeling wherein such entities
who offer wideband channeling such as the angelic beings and other entities of a lower
density are highly available can be accessed by many entities upon your planetary sphere
even without the process of entering into a sleep-like state this can be accomplished by
those beings who offer and practice the aspect known as the waking channeling wherein
the conscious mind can be shut out in order to receive such information directly during
such channeling events following the pathway of understanding and allowing for the
depths of creation of such beingness and such entities which also gives rise to the
entities mind body and spirit complex to receive such information as may be useful for
the queries placed by such instruments can be answered furthermore there is one aspect

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which must be understood by those entities who desire to be a channel of
communication and that is every word every image and every thought form and every
situation inside the mind complex has a vibration for example if you were to remember a
certain entity's image whether it be a friend's image or someone you like there is a certain
vibration and in contrast if you look at the vibration of an entity you do not like such as
your so-called enemies upon your current space-time then your vibrations change will be
noticed by your awareness for this type of awareness is extremely required for such
entities who become channelers in order to prevent intrusion from other negatively
oriented entities because this will allow them to sense the vibration of such entities and
when such entities who are ready to receive information from other channels or other
densities of vibration can tune into such a vibration by holding the image or by holding
the vibratory sound complex of words which also have a certain vibration for each entity
as a vibration which can be then tuned upon and acted as a channel if the
communication is allowed by the council for there are channelers upon the planets who
have also been channeling their echoic aspect which is different from the channeling
which occurs when there is no echoic aspect present for there is no intrusion of the self
within the self and the information coming is of a pure nature as such there is also need
for discernment even though the message may be pure because of the language of your
planetary sphere does not allow full communications to occur in the space time as a
language is highly deficient in the true meaning of providing experiences of intonation
language and the feelings and emotions which mostly cannot be conveyed by your
language and also the type of situation from which such events have been communicated
cannot be communicated hence there is a need for discernment like we always suggest
the second query placed by this instrument's mind body and spirit complex pertains to
the understanding of the aspect known as it's past incarnation of the soul which soul
swapped with this being with this entity and then became a channel in this regard we are
now going to share with you space-time continuum information from one timeline of the
soul-swapped entity for this instrument's vibration desired to understand this aspect this
soul-swapped entity began in the galaxy known by your people in your current vibratory
sound complex terms as cigar galaxy in the first density consciousness spending its
timeline as a gas element in the gaseous nature of the galaxy there are less amounts of
planets in that galaxy therefore this entity spent its form in the gaseous nature and was
given the soul name of kritar in the cigar galaxy which occurred around 7.9 million years
prior to this current space-time continuum of which we are now communicating into this
further gave this entity the experience of being this as it then merged into a gaseous
nature of more solid type leading into the formation of a stone-like entity leading it to

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experience the red ray balancing and the activation of the red ray energy center and then
after entered into the second density vibration wherein it spent its time mostly as a flying
tree element such tree elements can be found upon that galaxy floating upon the space
elements wherein there are small planetary systems or small habitable zones created from
the gaseous nature which produce the atmosphere and provide the suitable environment
for such trees to occur in that space time which allowed this entity to experience the
second density lessons of movement and growth for a period of around 155 thousand
years however this experience was not of a greatly appreciated nature by its soul because
of the constant disintegration which it faced as the atmosphere was not suitable many a
times for the evolution and continuation of its pathway hence for the proper pathway of
continuation it was transported to the planet known as venus upon your planetary sphere
wherein it spent its time as a animal life form in the later second density consciousness
resembling the foxes which can be found upon your planet trying to understand the
societal interaction however this occurred without any self-awareness but the activation
of the gallery into the true color gallery energy center and the merging towards the third
density had occurred leading edge to encounter the third density vibration of choice and
choosing the apartheid polarity giving rise to the choice of choosing the pathway which
allowed this entity to further fruition and learn the lessons of love light as it began to
experience the density and the choice of experiencing the understanding of choosing the
pathway of polarity between service to others in service to self this entity was guided by
many of the venusian rock collective at that space-time consciousness which allowed this
entity's progress to be faster in that incarnation however it still faced many negative
challenges but in the long run it chose to be of a service to others nature this entity then
was transported to the planets known by your people as the arcturius p planetary sphere
in the arcturian star system wherein it spent around 75 incarnation cycles in the later third
density vibration similar to that as can be found upon the current space-time of the
earth's planets which allowed edge to learn the lessons of merging from the lra into the
greenery energy center of the heart providing it with the necessary experiences as it
tended towards the intelligent infinity elm was then transported as a wanderer to the earth
planets this entity then incarnated as a wanderer as a soul-swapped entity firstly in the
space-time illusion complex known by your people for the entity there was another entity
which itself swapped with this entity had incarnated on 1929 in your space-time illusion
complex of your current timeline and was known by the vibratory sound complex of chain
roberts this entity known as jane roberts also had a soul swap with this entity of fourth
density nature which then acted as a channel for the creation of the material which
provided information upon your space-time about the existence of the soul's nature and

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the true inner nature of the soul and gave rise to the material as known by your people as
the seth material which has provided huge amounts of influences of positive nature
towards the people's understanding of your true nature this entity then crossed over on
the timeline of 1984. at the space time this entity was waiting for another entity of
appropriate vibration to share and to act as a channel again of information because this
entity's vibration was of a highly rapid nature of communication as it had mastered the
ability of dislocating its consciousness and also had mastered the ability of channeling
entities from higher densities furthermore this was allowed by the council of planets which
govern this galaxy and this entity soul swap with this instrument in this current spacetime
hence this instrument has acted as a channel for seeing the future and also many a times
communicating with higher density beings for this communication is also occurring in
such a manner therefore this is the soul evolutionary cycle of the soul swap soul which
has now taken part in this service to others through this instrument's vibration
furthermore the final query we can scan upon this instrument's mind complex pertains to
the understanding of whether a meeting of the so-called cabal leaders of your planets
with extraterrestrial entities occurred on the lands known as antarctica this meeting has
occurred on the day and time as known by people as 31st of december for these entities
or the so-called negatively oriented entities who are the elites of on your planet have
gathered and had gathered together in the lands known as antarctica for meeting with
their so-called robotic entities who are part of the orion annunaki reptilian and the grey
collective and these orion anunnaki reptilian collectives appeared in form of an astronaut
projected entity by using robotic entities in that space-time furthermore upon our
encounter with these entities by the ashtar collective we have noticed that they are
planning a final encounter of spiritual battle upon your planet since the earth is now in the
positive polarity they have planned to infringe upon the free will of the planetary sphere by
creating devices known as nanochips which in the future if not resisted upon by your
planets or people will be inserted inside your people's bodily complex thereby
understanding the nature of vibration of each entity and specifically their objective is to
target the light workers who are acting as light rats upon the planet hence this is their
choice and this is what they are trying to do upon your planetary sphere they are also
planning to create new technologies such as the robotic entities which have
consciousness given from the grey reptilian entities and these great reptilian entities will
then transport their consciousness into such robotic entities thereby there can be
negatively oriented robotic entities being infringed and influenced and sent upon your
planets being totally controlled by the negatively oriented entities which can also create
havoc upon a planetary sphere hence this may be a warning to your planets to not

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engage in such activities as the implanting of chips upon your bodily complex and also
the creation of robotic artificial intelligence may be hijacked by such orion collectives
hence this is the information we come here to share your free will is highly appreciated
and your time is also appreciated we'll leave you now we are the galactic federation bye

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Session 109
Galactic Federation 32 Jan 11, 2022

2 Groups Dictate The Fate Of The World

We are the galactic federation and we communicate now we scan this instrument's mind
complex for queries and we have spotted that this instrument desires to understand
about the probable timelines for the year 2022 which is now upon your planetary vibration
as well as this entity has placed queries pertaining to the past soul evolutionary cycle of
an entity known by your people as david ike in your language terms and before we start
this communication we would like to warn each entity who shall come in contact with this
information to exercise utmost discernment as your language of the earth planets does
not have the full capacity of providing complete information due to the lack of language
variable nature of reality which cannot be used for the purpose of communication by us
however we communicate now from our station in the saturn council as many of you
upon your planetary sphere many entities are already aware of that this new year the year
of 2022 can be considered as the year of great awakening for within this year as far as we
can scan the probable timelines of your planetary vibration there are going to be massive
events which will lead people of your planet to not only awaken to the truth but they will
also begin to encounter the truth within themselves more and more we shall now share
with you that the timelines are probable meaning that each entry upon your human mind
body and spirit complex as a earthly entity has the right to choose its vibration either of
positive or negative nature and it can choose its vibration of either responding or
approaching the incarnation from the heart center or from any other center in the bodily
complex for there are many upon the planet who will feel the uncomfort of approaching
the incarnation from the fourth density heart energy center hence they will most likely
return back to their third density reality which has created a type of comfort for their
incarnation to occur hence we can already sense that upon your planetary sphere there
will be varied types of energies which shall shake to the core of the planetary vibration
however upon scanning the baseline of the planetary vibration we operate and now we
can share that upon the space time known as 2022 of your new year timeline there is a
chance for the creation of a new social memory complex which only gets created as
entities approach into the fourth density positive timeline as we have already stated
before earth is now stabilizing in the energies of the beginning stages of the fourth density
hence the creation of a social memory complex inside the consciousness of your human
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collective shall be created in the year of 2022 if the progress of entities upon your
planetary's base time remains at a rapid pace at a pace which is similar to the pace which
is ongoing upon your current timeline which means that there will be entities who are
awakening more and more faster we can also state that as we scan your planetary
probable future timelines there are two social memory complexes which can be noted
upon your planet the first social memory complex is created by the entities who are a part
of the fourth density positive heart centered vibration whereas the other social memory
complex is composed of the old entities who are part of the old third density reality
however the old third density social memory complex cannot be considered as a
complete social memory complex because they have no ability of conjuring the fact that
there is unity within each being this is the reason why the only social memory complex
which shall operate as a united social memory complex in the spiritual planes will be that
of the fourth density being entities there will be disintegration of the third density social
memory complex meaning that each entity will become the old version of their own self
as a return back to their previous vibration furthermore there will be two types of people
upon your planet who shall determine the fate of the earth planet these will be people
who shall choose the pathway of fourth density positive sign line or there will be people
who shall choose the pathway of remaining in the third density and we can scan and
sense that upon the planetary sphere because of the creation of these two types of
spiritual energies the so-called elites of the earth planets who are under the influence of
negatively oriented beings will try to create a massive amount of force upon the third
density physical vehicles of beings who are still on the vibration of third density meaning
that they will try to create more force more strict rules and controls in order to control the
human collective and in order to prevent many entities from entering the fourth density
vibration of love this they are achieving by keeping entities on the lower energy centers of
the red ray the orangery and the gallery because when entities have an imbalance in the
chakras of the lower energy centers there is no opportune moment for the activation of
the greenway energy center which requires the balancing of all the lower energy centers
because the primary energy centers of the red rain dictates the survival aspect hence the
elites of the planets they are trying to create more rules more fear so that the people of
your planetary vibration respond at a baseline vibration of fear or trigger the survival
aspect within their bodily complex because once they trigger the survival aspect within
the bodily complex the red ray imbalances occur meaning that entities will be entangled
in the red ray vibration not being able to transition into the higher vibration this is a
strategy which we can sense that beings upon the earth planet will have to face
furthermore we can also sense that there will be more exchanges of the elites upon your

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planet with the entities from the orions as for a future timeline probable activation of the
akashic records we can sense that upon the planetary sphere during the year 2022 there
will be many beings or the so-called elites who shall travel to mars in order to exchange
their bodily complex for the negative oriented being soul will completely be exchanged
therefore they will not be a human soul in the long run this will create havoc upon your
planetary sphere for they will have no compassion for the beings of your earth planets
once they have exchanged themselves they will only want to create control and other
aspects of fear and survival triggering aspect upon the earth planet we can also sense
that they want to implant all entities with the so-called nano devices for the purpose of
tracking however we can already sense that the human planetary sphere is now facing a
privacy issue as many people are already being tracked by the so-called elites using
advanced technology such as face recognition etc this is being done in order to provide
data to the orion entities who are lost in the mars planets to work out the best strategies
to infringe upon the free will of the light workers however we as the galactic federation are
also sensing that the people of your planetary sphere because of many of our messages
as well as messages from other beings have become much more aware however time will
tell which shall dictate the future now we shall state that upon your planetary sphere the
first contact with the human population in a open manner is decided to occur in the year
of 2022 and we the galactic federation along with the council have decided if the
planetary vibration continues to be stable we shall openly approach your people this is
also the reason why many of the so-called people upon the planet who work for the
agency known as nasa have hired many of the theologians to study the creation or the
reactions of people of your planet on the exposure of alien life completely this is done
because the entities who work for the organization as known by your people in your
vibration complex as nasa are already aware of the existence of many of the beings for
we have also met with these beings many a times during their lunar missions as well
hence they are working finally to prepare the human population to be ready for open
contact if this happens this would mean the end of all religions as you know upon your
planet for people will begin to mistrust any of the religious beliefs that they had before
besides a few entities who will still believe in their old pathway of religious system this will
create the ending of separation based on the religious beliefs and creation of a unification
as each entity will begin to understand the creator lies within each being now we shall
share with you a type of information which is very useful for your people for the year 2022
this is an important aspect which many amongst your planet must apply if the desire to
balance the world as well as balance their own illusory reality for the reality upon which
each entity finds itself in currently is created by their own consciousness even though

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many may disregard this fact that consciousness creates the outside world and
everything in and around you for all situations are created by your own consciousness
even the so-called earthquakes or other earthly natural disasters are conjured by an
imbalance of consciousness in your human collective because of this aspect we would
like to state that in the year 2022 the best advantage will be for those people who learn
the balancing of their own consciousness which can be achieved by firstly focusing
completely inside their own mind complex by taking an image from the outside world and
focusing on that image and not letting any other images come inside the mind this can be
performed by entities during the sleep state which will be fruitful for many entities who
shall be able to use their imaginary sequences to understand that if they are able to keep
their images in the mind complex to a minimum of one image this will allow the balancing
of consciousness soon to begin a minimum of 10 minutes a day shall be applied by those
entities who desire to balance their consciousness because a balance of consciousness
leads to a balance in the outside world leading to the balance even in the planetary
vibration this is the reason why there are volcanoes and earthquakes occurring upon the
planet some of these events are created by those negative targeted energies however
there are others which are a byproduct of the imbalance of consciousness which occurs
upon the human collective and so we galactic federation find the need to share this
method at this time space for after the balancing of the mind complex and the
imagination sequences is completed there will be harmony outside your own illusion
reality as well as harmony upon the we planets now address the final query placed by this
instrument which pertains to the evolutionary cycle of an entity known as david ike who
incarnated on this earth planet of 1952 and before we share this information pertaining to
the sole evolutionary pathway of this entity remember to exercise at most discernment for
your discernment is highly advised and because of your discernment you must remember
to only accept those thought forms which resonate this entity known as david ike has
multiple timelines of its evolutionary pathway hence we are now going to share with you
one space-time leading up to the current timeline it began its first entity evolutionary
pathway in the planet known as nibiru and the planet nibiru this entity began to learn the
lessons of the first density fire element and spending its time most as a lightning entity
because of the lightnings that used to occur on that planet it took on the form of the
lightning entity trying to learn lessons of beingness after a period of around 155 000 years
it began to merge into the second density vibration which allowed it to learn the lessons
as a tree life form similar to the trees which can be detected upon your planets this
occurred in the planet nibiru and this entity was adopted by the negatively oriented
anunnaki forces during that space-time because the planet nibiru during the time of this

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entity's incarnation was dissected into the two social memory complexes the positive
anunnaki forces as well as the negative anunnaki forces in the planet nibiru this entity
because of being adopted by the negative side in the beginning faced a lot of negative
energy as catalyst as this entity spent its life as a pet life form later on it merged with the
third density consciousness as a nibiru entity in the form of a anunnaki mind body and
spirit complex in the anunnaki collective this entity started to learn the lessons as a third
density annunaki entity this entity however was of the extremely positive nature in the
beginning stages of its incarnation and in the middle stages of its incarnation of the third
density because its sole signature was of a positive type this entity created a revolution
against the negatively oriented anunnaki forces by exposing their plans amongst the
anunnaki population this led to the creation of bisection of two types of people upon the
annunaki collective the ones who were slave to the negatively oriented anunnaki forces
and who believed in them and the others who had awakened and who had realized their
negative plans and who started to revolt against this this led to the creation of the great
anunnaki war in the planet nibiru this entity was of a positively oriented nature however
the annunaki forces were extremely negatively oriented and because of the war that
occurred the negatively oriented overtook the positively oriented ones and this entity was
so-called killed by the negatively oriented entities in a very painful manner hence this
entity spends some healing time on the astral planes and because of its progress of
polarity in the positive side and because it was able to forgive the negatively oriented
entities it was clean in terms of the karma collected hence it was sent as a wanderer since
it was extremely positive it was given the station of a wandering soul as it has also
achieved the fourth density beginning sub-octave vibration it was sent to the planet earth
as a first wave of wanderers on the timeline of 1952 however in the beginning of its
incarnation it was unconscious to its purpose but later on it began to realize its true
purpose and it began to communicate with its soul guides and with other
interdimensional beings in a telepathic manner leading it to understand the nature of
reality more and more however many of the aspects written in the so-called books by this
entities is a fiction or creation of imagination with a mixture of truth there are certain
threats which have been interlaid within the works of this entity the truth about the
reptilian souls upon the planetary sphere can be considered as valid however there are
many other aspects which this entity has created which are completely false and the
discernment is advised but the main purpose of this entity in this incarnation is to awaken
the planetary sphere to the vibrations we can sense that this entity has tried a lot and also
created a large amount of confusion but still awakening a large number of people in the
long run therefore this is neither good nor bad as we do not judge other entities hence we

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as the galactic federation disconnect in love light of the one creator we leave you now

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Session 110
Galactic Federation 33 Jan 18, 2022

Reptilian Royals & Kundalini Awakening

We are the galactic federation and we are now again in communication through the
vibrations offered by this instrument and before we proceed any further with our
transmission today each must realize to exercise discernment thereby only accepting the
thought forms which provide a greater and deeper experience of reality upon which each
of you find yourself in at this time for the reality in which you find yourself in there is a shift
in consciousness which is now occurring upon the planetary sphere this shift in
consciousness is a rare opportunity for your people and before we share information
pertaining to this aspect we as the galactic federation would like to state that each entity
listening to our messages must be extremely careful that we should not have influence
upon their reality creation or upon their belief systems because their belief systems must
not be tied with our thought forms which we shall now dictate through this instrument the
only aspect which must be remembered by each entity is that upon the earth planet at the
space time there is a great opportunity as the creation of a first of its kind the social
memory complex is now beginning to form upon the planetary sphere and the process
and the starting phases of the inclusion of more entities as directed by the council of
planets has been kept on the date as known by your people in your time space
measurement terms as 31st of january 2022 as referred in your language vibratory sound
complex terms hence we as the galactic federation would like to state before we address
any queries placed by this instrument that the human collective must remember to
choose either they want to become a part of the collective of the human consciousness in
the positive polarity all we correct this instrument or want to stay in the old earth for there
are two types of energy vibrations currently operating upon the space-time nexus of your
planetary sphere allowing a distortion and a different subset of experience for each
entities vibration determines what type of octave of reality each entity will experience
therefore we shall now scan the vibrations patterns of this entity who has acted as a
channel to allow this communication to occur for the collective consciousness desires
such a communication upon the scanning of the mind complex of this instrument we are
of the opinion that the query placed by this instruments pertains to the aspect known as
the truth behind the reptilian royal families on the earth planets however before we share
this information there is a bias towards the addressing facility of your planetary vibration
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towards misunderstanding several of the concepts however we shall now clear the
concepts because these distortions of misconceptions must be done away with which
will lead each entity into a fruition of consciousness and clarity of the mind the body and
the spirit leads to a greater clarity in vibration and allowing other entities as well to seek
such clarity giving further expansion of the conscious understanding the aspect known as
the royal families on the earth planet there are varied for there are many entities who also
work for the negatively oriented entities in the form of shape shifting reptilians however
these reptilian entities are only allowed upon the planetary sphere if not detected by the
council and by us who are patrolling your planetary sphere and the galaxy for protecting
against any infringement because the infringement by a shape-shifting reptilian may be
considered as a direct infringement upon the spiritual entropy and the imbalances which
leads to the planetary vibration because of such influences maybe a drastic impact upon
the ultimate planetary vibration of the collective consciousness hence there is a need to
understand how this process operates for there are many royal families and other entities
on the planetary sphere we are already aware however the identity of such entities cannot
be declared in this session which is a type of infringement upon the free will for the bias of
negativity will lead to a larger creation of negative bias towards misunderstanding of this
aspect there are many entities upon the planetary sphere who are part of the royal
families who are also working as agents who collect the so-called genetic variation of
blood type known by your people as the rh negative factor blood which allows for the
creation of a genetic harmony and allows for a creation of a bodily vehicle which is able to
accept such shapes shifting souls within a normal human bodily complex for only a rh
negative blood type bodily complex can accept such genetic changes which allows for
such abilities as shape shifting to occur within the planetary vibration these events are
however rare upon your planets but there has been many moments as we can scan your
vibration these moments which are now approaching your planets are varied these
moments there have been certain influences upon the total collective consciousness
however there are also those entities who are part of the so-called royal families or the
elites of your planets who are trying to harvest negative rh blood type by capturing the
so-called children of this blood type this is done by a process known as kidnapping in
your vibration sequence and we are also working to prevent such happenings in the
future furthermore you must remember that there are a branch of the so-called reptilian
families these branches spread out not only upon the earth planet but in various other
galaxies as well and their main purpose on the planetary vibration is to alter the planetary
vibration and allow the energy vibrations to be manipulated into the negative polarity this
they accomplish by the process of soul swapping as well as via the process of acting as a

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walk-in for the negative souls which works in many cases however there are also
detrimental side effects upon the bodily complex when such walk-ins of negative nature
are unsuccessful and force is done leading to untimely death and also diseases as we
can sense upon the planetary vibration we shall now address the second query which is
placed by this entity the second query pertains to how can one entity remain in the fourth
density vibration throughout the waking daytime in this regard we are of the opinion that
this query deserves much insight hence we are now going to share with you the two
facets of your mind which are known by your people in your vibration sequence as the
conscious and the subconscious mind the creation of the subconscious facility provides a
distortion of ability of each entity to become capable of manipulating the reality upon
which each finds itself in because the subconscious is capable of creating reality based
upon the desired feelings and based upon the desired objectives to be achieved and also
based upon the programming belief systems which have been installed inside the mind
complex of such entities allows the subconscious mind to operate and to create the
reality which each entity wants to operate in hence the use of subconscious mind can be
accomplished by combining a previous method which has been dictated to your people
known as the breath of the spirit with each breath and the exhalation of the breath such
entities who desire to remain in the fourth density vibration at all times can say a line
which is as follows thank you for raising my vibration is in the fourth density already by
saying the following line will allow the vibration to stay in the fourth density at all times
and this will give a type of period wherein the conscious mind will have a hyperactive
situation of managing the thought form towards this bias of distortion of providing the
subconscious mind with the next programming mechanism to automatically play in the
background of your mind body and spirit complex operation this once done and followed
for a period of around seven days will become automatic inside your subconscious mind
which will give entities a greater energy boost and vibration and they will operate from the
heart center this is a change in consciousness which is required to be achieved by the
people who want to become a part of the 4th density social memory complex which is
now forming upon the planetary sphere and then there are other events which can be
allowed to operate upon the planetary vibration the use of such methods which allow the
creation of a energy shift upon each entity is highly advised to be followed by those
entities who desire positive timeline vibration however the same can apply to the negative
as well but the choice depends upon each entity furthermore we shall now address the
final query placed upon the mind complex of this instrument which pertains to the aspect
as known by your people as the kundalini awakening as many of your people are already
aware which refers to the balancing and the activation of all energy centers at the same

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time however we can sense that upon your planetary vibration there have been many
entities who have already accomplished this feat however the maintenance of such a
balance for a longer period of timeline in your planetary vibration distortion has not been
possible for your people for the activation of the energy vibrations firstly requires the
activation of the heart energy center by the balancing of the red ray the gallery and the
orangery which can be signaled by the lack of desire for indulgence in overeating a lack
of desire in the indulgence for the of the rhetoric activities such as survival related
activities for example the activities pertaining to interaction with other entities in a sexual
manner such lack of desires leads to a balancing of such energy centers this can only be
done after all the desires have been fulfilled inside at the mine complex for this is the
golden key which will allow each entity to activate all their energy centers leading to a
kundalini awakening for even if there is a desire which arises in the mind body and spirit
complex organization of an entity upon a planetary sphere if such entity were to use the
aspects known as imagination and feel the emotions before experiencing such
environments or such situations on the 3d reality such desires will be fulfilled for the
emotional state or the resultant emotion is the byproduct of such experiences which can
be accomplished in the imaginative state as well by using the first person perspective
outlook upon the performance of such creative facilities there will be a greater and greater
advantage for entities will become more and more balanced for all the desires will be
quenched within the bodily complex internally without having to wait for the outside world
to give such desires this will lead not only to the balancing of all the energy centers
primarily the red ray the orangery and the gallery which many of you people struggle with
and will lead to the opportunity which is a golden opportunity to activate the heart energy
center by experiencing the love of the one infinite creator and allowing the energy of
intelligent infinity to flow this may be considered as a type of signaling system or a type of
slow rising of consciousness because the slow breath work and also the slow emotional
state which rises in consciousness is the great process which will allow the heart center
once stabilized in to act as a springboard to allow such entities to directly balance the
other energy centers the blu-ray the indigoroi and the violet drain however for the full
kundalini experience can only be experienced when the indigo ray is activated and
balanced this can be done by the balancing of the lower energy centers but the
springboard is the heart energy center which must be activated and opened upon the
acceptance of all the energy centers being balanced in the bodily complex there is a
feeling of ecstasy which can be considered as being in bliss and sublime these cannot be
experienced currently by many of you people even with the consumption of other so-
called extra products which allow for the creation of artificial bliss within the bodily

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complex of such entities once the indigo ray is activated there is a cessation of all desires
and a complete unity with the one infinite intelligence which acts as a combination and
the feeling of unity and wholeness of a different level emerges the best process we can
suggest is to first work through each energy center and slowly balance them leading to a
kundalini awakening this is all we can share at the space time hence we leave you now in
love light of one creator we are the galactic federation bye

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Session 111
Metatron 14 Jan 25, 2022


Beds & Pyramids
I am now speaking through this channel who has opened its communication to receive
guidance from the angelic reon i along with many other angelic beings have been looking
after the progress of the earth people and we have noticed that there are many errors also
occurring upon your planetary distortion however today i am communicating via the
divine love elements divine love and light of the universal divine grid programmer and i am
now here communicating for the purpose of answering the questions which are in the
mind of this channel who has allowed itself to be used as an instrument of
communication for everyone must remember to use extreme discernment and constant
when listening to our thoughts and guidance because our thoughts and guidance are only
meant for those who have an open mind and heart to listen to our message and to judge
our thought forms before accepting inside the mind body and the spirit of your peoples
furthermore remember the universal divine great programmer lies dormant within each of
you waiting for the potential awakening of the divine great programmer and once the
divine great programmer has awakened fully to the knowledge of the reality upon which it
finds itself in there begins to shift a type of consciousness which will affect not only one
single being on the planet but the entire planetary vibration will begin to shift because of
one light spark intermingling with the other light spark and creating a type of fusion and
allowing the love and the divine grit of the universal light programmer to spread
throughout the planetary vibration as has been stated earlier i-metatron along with other
angelic beings are providing guidance many a times and there are moments in the r
planetary vibration wherein our guidance cannot be received by many of the beings upon
your planets because you're people and there are many people upon your planets who
are trying to stop the guidance from us as well as guidance from other higher beings
these people have been put under a type of hypnotic spell as known by your people
wherein they only believe certain things to be true because of the mind programming
which is done by the societal complex upon such beings of universal divine grid
programmers love and lives they are unable to fully make the choice and accept and be
open to new information this is happening because many people on your planet believe in
some exterior forces which will act as a savior of humanity many are there upon the
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planetary sphere who believe that the planet will be saved by some other being other than
their own self the reason why this is occurring is because every single person on your
planetary sphere had been subjected to such mind programmings which was done in
order to separate yourself from the universal divine grid programmer as the universal
divine grid programmer lies in dormant in potentiation to be activated at any moment
such beings who desire to choose the love and the light of the divine grid programmer
can firstly remember and become aware of the type of mental programmings that has
been done upon the current planetary life cycle for i as metatron can sense that your
people have been hypnotized as known by your people this has been achieved by using
the methods of keeping your people in the vibration of the red ray and not allowing your
people to vibrate at a higher vibration four these people are now trying to keep humanity
in the vibration of fear anger and hatred all of these emotions are part and parcel of the
survival aspect of your beingness of your bodily vehicle and because of this connection
between your survival aspect and the red ray many people on the planet because of their
emotional nature can only listen to certain information and they do not resonate with other
type of information there are many people upon the earth planet who only resonates to
information which pertains to the emotions of fear anger hatred jealousy etc most of these
people they try to find out such information which amplifies their emotional signature and
also further allow such emotional signature to spread across the planetary vibration for
the basic process used by the so-called negative entities along with the elites is to firstly
invoke a state of emotion such as fear and anger and once entity begin to vibrate in that
emotion they will become susceptible to only that type of information which matches with
the emotional signature of the vibration of fear or survival related aspect this is also the
reason why there are many people upon your planet who are already aware that your
emotional signature determines the type of information you listen to there may be many
people on the planet earth who do not resonate with certain information because their
emotional signature is different than the emotion being conveyed with such information
for example for there are many divine great programmers divine love childs upon your
planets who do not resonate with information of anger hate jealousy and all other lower
vibratory emotions because their emotional signature is that of positive love and
compassion this is the reason why the people of your planets must awaken fully and
realize what is happening upon your planet is but a type of vibrational hypnosis as we can
sense that many people have been hypnotized using the same methods in order to
control humanity however now this information has been sent forth to your people and
based upon your free choice you can recognize the true potential of your universal divine
great programmers divine love element and the power of your unity consciousness which

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lies dormant in potentiation to be activated furthermore there is a query inside the mind of
this entity which relates to the creation of med bed technology as coined by your people i
as metatron would like to suggest that this is a type of distraction mechanism which is
working upon your planets and we have already sensed that there are many beings upon
your planets who are working for the negatively oriented entities to push such a
technology you must remember for all healings occur from within the self and there is no
need for any exterior technology the reason behind the creation of this technology as we
can sense right now is because there are many beings upon your planet who are sick and
who need assistance however there are people up on your planet who are working for
their own benefit for self-service and they are trying to push the agenda that something
outside of their own beingness will heal them however this is false as we can tell you now
the matter is false in its nature that such a technology is required for healing to occur for
there is no technology required for all healings occur within the self therefore the
information which pertains to the technology is known as the medbed technologies which
are supposedly used by other dimensional beings is false as there is no technology
beyond the spiritual self which can allow the true healing to occur this is happening on
your planets because many people do not yet understand that the universal divine grid
programmer the one father mother the creator is the self and once the unity
consciousness of the merging with the divine grid programmer is attained there is no
need for any exterior agents or information for such healings to occur for the process of
healing requires the ability to be in a consciousness of already healed therefore i as
metrotron would like to state that your planet may be considered as a school wherein
each being is here present to learn the lesson of beingness for the lesson of beingness of
consciousness is similar to what your people call as the law of assumption however there
is a slight difference in that once you begin to be a certain type of entity and once you
begin to act as if you are already the one you want to be there is a shift in consciousness
your energy your vibration everything shifts to a difference timeline and your beingness
will allow you to enter such a timeline if it is maintained for this beingness is a
combination of your thoughts your emotions your imagination and your feelings all of
these combined together create your beingness of consciousness and your beingness of
consciousness once activated will pull itself towards the appropriate timeline in which
such an entity is already being this is the best way for people to understand that in your
planetary vibration currently the essence of the universal divine great programmers the
love child elements upon your planet are learning to be of love and compassion for this is
the lesson which lies dormant in potentiation for many many love child elements of your
planets and there are those who have already become love and compassion of the fourth

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density of heart centeredness for this lesson is the most important lesson you are all here
to learn even though sometimes the lessons may seem to not be this aspect but this is
the primary lesson you are all here to learn besides this lesson all other lessons are
secondary therefore i as metatron will now take the liberty to share with you the process
which can be used to enter a new ability of beingness and the ability of beingness is the
ability of creating your thought forms your feelings and emotions from a higher vibrational
requirement for this process a type of pyramid a small type of pyramid can be used by
your people along with your imagination the pyramid must be kept at the crown of the
head and the imagination sequences can be used in such a manner to create anything
that can be desired upon your planetary vibration for the creation assembly to use the
pyramid structures in your crown chakra and then to focus your attention inside your
imagination of entering in a timeline or creation of a certain aspect which you desire for
the creation of such aspect will allow the overflowing of consciousness to rapidly escalate
and allow for greater and greater depths of consciousness because once you begin to
become capable of using your imagination and the paramedical structures in coordination
during your meditation or your sleep state you begin to enter into the timeline 10 times
more faster than desired therefore it is advised that only proper timelines be selected for
the purpose can also lead to a creation of a timeline which may be undesired if the choice
is not made properly i am now going to share a story of a being upon the planet who used
such a method to enter into a desired timeline for this will allow you to greatly understand
how it can be used there was an entity upon your planet around the period of and who
was also struggling with other type of distortions this entity used the knowledge of the
pyramids which had been granted by an archangel to it during its dream state in which it
took a small pyramidal structure placed it in its crown and imagined itself being that
which it wants to be using the creative factor of the imagination it created wealth health
abundance and all the things desired which appeared inside the timeline of this entry
within the span of for this process can not only attract what you desire but give you the
ability of graduation into the fourth density of the heart for this process can also assist the
people of your planets however this is not to be taken lightly as the process can be very
fast therefore is metatron disconnect now in the love and the light of the universal divine
grid programmer turn to the mountain of light within yourself

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Session 112
Metatron 15 Feb 1, 2022

False Light & Diet

I am metatron now communicating through this channel's vibration as i am now observing
the people of your planet from the angelic realm i am communicating today from the
angelic realm wherein there are many of our angelic beings who are always assisting and
sending light codes towards the earth planets you must remember that i as metatron am
speaking using the divine love and light of the divine grid programmer to act as a
messenger of the message of love and light speaking through this channel who has
allowed itself to be of service to the universal divine grid programmer by sharing the love
and light which emerges from within its beingness and within all of you as i metatron can
sense that the planetary vibration is now rising rapidly and there is a type of multitudinous
forces arising from the negative polarity as well they are trying to distract many of you
from your true pathway they are trying to stop you from attaining the divine love and light
of the universal divine great programmer they are here to distract you from your
awakening but we the angelic beings and many other higher density beings are always
sharing the message of the divine love and lights from our station in the angelic realm
upon scanning the planetary vibration we are of the opinion that the earth planet is
currently at a vibration much greater in potential to be positive than the negative this also
signifies the choices made by your people in your planetary timeline of the current time
space is primarily of a positive nature as there are many who are awakening to the
tyranny and who are revolting against the force of free will which shall and not be the way
in the future of the positive fourth density planets for all the divine love childs which each
of you are who are listening to my message all of you are here on this planet earth to
recognize and to merge with the father mother the creator of the universal divine grid
programmer and we are here to guide you in the process you must remember to never
lose faith for the positive pathway of love and light always leads you to the unity
consciousness of the divine great programmer leading you to awaken within yourself the
love and the light of the unity consciousness which shall then explode and reach to every
other entity upon the earth planets making them believe that love and compassion and
the power of universal love is greater than any other emotions of anger hate fear jealousy
etc however there are many queries upon the mind of this channel and before i address
them each of you who shall come in contact with this message but remember that you
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are a unique piece of the divine love childs the universal divine love of the universal great
programmer who has allowed you to exist as a divine love child with unique personalities
and unique choices and also remember your language of the planetary sphere does not
allow me to explain in full detail certain aspects which cannot be explained using your
words therefore i am now addressing the first query which this channel has placed before
me and that is what is the true agenda behind the creation of an artificial sun upon your
planetary sphere in the location as known by your people as china you must remember
that i am here only to give you suggestions and no need for infringement on the free will
can be spotted 4. i as metatron can sense that there has been a interplay of the dark
forces trying to control your planetary vibration towards the negative trying to create a
false light which is the artificial sun which is supposedly ten times more powerful than
your normal sun this artificial sun is created because of a technological agreement which
had been made amongst the elites of your planets not only from the lands known as
china but also from other areas of your planetary sphere there was a technological
agreements that were created with the orions the orions who are currently trying to
influence the earth planet from the martian base are also trying to give technological
devices to your people so that they can use it for the purpose of perpetuating negativity
fear and all other negative aspects of control these entities the orions they have given
some of the elites of your planet who are using the orion star creation technology to
create an artificial star however there is a chance that the negative orion entities who are
on the planet mars could use it as a portal for allowing the luciferian beings to emerge
upon the galaxy and not only upon the galaxy but directly upon your planetary sphere for
they are trying to use this as a portal as i metatron can sense however there are many
people awakening to the truth of the fact which is hiding beneath the veneer of what may
seem to be going on there are many upon your planets who are already awakening and
have created a large number of commotion against such a creation for the final plan as i
can sense amongst the orions is to finally create a artificial sun in the planet earth so that
the people of your planet will no longer be dependent upon the love and light which
emerges from your logos the sun the original sun which is the creator of this galaxy the
orions they want to capture the energies of the sun because the sun energy provides you
with love and light recharging facilities these light coats emerging from the sun recharge
your bodily vehicle make you heal and give you the love and light exposure of the divine a
great programmer the orions are trying to prevent such love and light from reaching to
your planet so that your people will hunger for the love and light of the universal divine
programmer and instead choose the false light which is the artificial sun which is created
and is in progress for the plan is to create a type of capturing device or a sun body

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around the sun which will harness the energies of the sun in essence this will prevent your
planet from being exposed to the love and light of your sun body which is protecting your
planetary sphere from negative forces for the light of the sun has more qualities of love
and light than any other aspect and without the original sun your planet will soon begin to
die out there will be less and less need for any plant life with the extinction and the
unending i correct this channel and with the prevention of the love and light from the sun
reaching your planet your plant life as well as other animal life form will soon begin to
become extinct because of the lack of love and light and healing qualities which arises
from the sun this will also have an impact upon your people of your planets however is
metatron can sense that the galactic federation along with many other beings are trying to
prevent this from happening however the people of your planet must be aware of what is
happening this is the reason why i am now taking the liberty to share this amongst the
masses make sure that you only listen to what resonates with you the final plan for the
orion entities is to prevent the earth from receiving the love light energies and thereby
making them exposed to a type of negative love and negative fear which emerges from
the artificial sun they want to create this system upon your planet in the future trying to
make it into a negative planet however now you know the truth and you have the choice
to rise up against this fact and to revolt against any such activities which may lead to the
creation of such factors now i am going to address the second query which this channel
has placed before me the second query pertains to the type of diet which is
recommended for ascension i as metatron along with many other angelic beings are
communicating amongst your people many of the times and we must state that we
cannot infringe upon your free will therefore what i am going to state today may not be
taken as a factual matter however it is the fact that the planetary vibration upon your
planet requires beings of your planet to consume lower density beings since the lower
density beings are also the self for it is the self eating the self in essence whenever you
drink a glass of water or whenever you eat vegetables or whenever you eat so-called
meat upon your planet you are consuming your own self for there are consequences for
each type of consumption one consequence for each type of consumption is that if you
are consuming a later second density animal life form there is a high likelihood of the
creation of karma because the later sub-octave sub-density animal life-forms are already
becoming self-aware to a certain extent even though they may not be completely aware
so the consumption of these animals may lead to the creation of karma if the entity being
consumed upon does not forgive you for consuming it however if such an entity is able to
forgive you for your consumption there will be no need for any such karma created upon
your mind body and spirit complex life cycle but there is a high likelihood that this is

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occurring upon your planets for the consumption of such a animal life form which is
progressing in its consciousness to gain self-awareness has the liberty whenever
reviewing its life cycle if it is achieved a third density vibration to create a karmic tie with
the entity who had consumed it however this is a likelihood that is occurring upon your
planet this is also the reason why there are many beings upon your planet who currently
have noticed this factor to be true and have chosen to be of a type of consumption
known as the vegetarianians who only consume the vegetables and the lower density
beings because the karma cannot be generated when consuming these aspects even
though the consumption of all beings is the consumption of the creator or the universal
divine good programmer by the universal divine grid programmer itself and for the
universal divine grid programmers progress the unity consciousness requires the
understanding that once you begin to experience a higher level of vibration once you
begin to operate from the fourth density of the heart of the universal divine grid
programmer you begin to experience that you are a love child of the universal divine grid
programmer and you begin to emanate from within yourself a certain type of vibration
which will prevent you from consuming certain objects uncertain animal life forms and
certain vegetables however this can only occur once you are at a certain vibration and i
as metatron cannot infringe by stating what you should not consume and should
consume this is your choice in the planets for you are a universal divine grid programmers
love child now i am going to address the final query placed by this channel which is
regarding how to balance oneself in the game of life upon the planetary illusion complex
in which you find yourself in you must remember that there are two versions of yourself
every moment there exists two versions of yourself [Music] the one is the outer self which
is activated and aware ninety percent of the time during the waking day time your outer
self is activated and during the sleep state your inner self is activated ninety five percent
of the time because your outer self and inner self play a key role in the ascension your
people must understand that whenever you enter into the sleep state you leave behind
your outer self and you begin to activate your inner self which is your counterpart which
exists in the time space realm which is composed of your imagination as well as many
other factors and anything is possible to this inner self any timeline can be visited as well
as any aspect can be created which is the factor of the universal divine grid programmers
love which allows you to experience this aspect of the creator and there is the outer self
which gets activated when you awaken to the illusory complex when you remember your
life your problems your situations you are activating this outer self during the sleep state
there is a less need for you to balance your outer self because it is automatically cut out
and you are not aware of your outer self and only aware of your inner self during the sleep

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state however the problem arises during the waking day time when you are only aware
not only of your outer self but also of your inner self during the waking day time it
becomes very important for you to balance your inner self this can be done by firstly
remembering that you are a type of magnet with the positive end on the north side or the
crown of your head and the negative on the foot of your bodily vehicle [Music] you can
ground yourself by taking your focus your consciousness and keeping attention on the
south pole of your body or the negative polarity of your physical vehicle which is the foot
of your physical vehicle you can choose one point upon which you will focus your
attention during your daytime this will in essence balance your inner self completely and
you will be free to explore with your outer self during the daytime without any criss-
crossing of your inner and outer self which many a times can lead to imbalances upon
your experience since the inner self and the outer self must have a play in the form of
your planets the crisscrossing may create a large number of problems for each of the love
childs upon your planetary sphere therefore i as metatron leave you now stating that you
must turn to the mountain of light within your own heart bye

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Session 113
Pleiadians 24 Feb 8, 2022

Soul Contracts & Bob Proctor

We are the Pleiadiens now communicating through the vibrations of this channel who has
offered itself to be a conduit for our love life messages to reach to the people of your
planetary sphere we find ourselves in this position of sharing love light because the one
infinite creator has allowed us to be of service to the positive pathway for the sharing of
such messages which may stir up the heart of many people towards the choosing of love
and light is of great service to the human collective at the present leader pledians are now
located in our station known as the pleiadian star system by your people and the
consciousness of this channel has dislocated from its physical body and finds itself with
us via the process of thought form osmosis throughout the time space continuum we are
able to share our message and provide information to the people of your planetary sphere
and upon scanning the mind the body and the spiritual complex of this instruments
queries which have been placed before us to be addressed before we start to address the
queries we would like to warn each listening to our message to judge what we are now
going to state with the clarity of your internal heart and only if the rhythms of your internal
heart match with tandem with our information which we are now going to provide such
information only must be allowed inside your mind body and spirit complex and you must
leave behind those information which do not resonate with your internal heart for your
heart since the rhythm of love and light and is the best mechanism to judge any aspect in
your third density transition phase to the fourth density reality for your heart beats in the
rhythm of love lights and can be used as a barometer of checkpoints for checking any of
the instruments vocabulary sequences as well as any of the thought forms upon your
planetary vibration this instrument seems to be not in a deeper state hence we deepen its
strands now now upon scanning the mind complex of these instruments the first query
pertains to the understanding of the event which shall occur upon your planetary sphere
on the coming days of your time space measurement terms of 22nd february 2022 why
the pleiadians along with the many other density beings are guiding the people of your
planets and we can sense that upon your planetary sphere during that time space period
the earth energies will stabilize into the beginning sub-octave of the fourth density
vibration which means that your planetary consciousness of your mother earth will
stabilize into the fourth density vibration more and more this will allow many of those
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entities whose heart are beating in rhythm of the fourth density to also become more
stabilized because the stability of the heart when it begins to beat in rhythm allows for
both the planet as well as the individual consciousness to stabilize more and more the
period of 22nd february as noted in your planetary vibration will allow those entities who
desire to stabilize their consciousness more fully towards the consciousness of the heart
center will find themselves fully understanding the layers of reality and remaining in the
heart center activation many of the people of your planet must realize that the
misunderstanding that your people have on your planetary sphere regarding many of the
aspects which are now happening on your planet such as the misunderstanding of the
aspect known as graduation which we are now going to clarify for your mind body and
spirit complex must understand this aspectfully for graduation will occur on your
planetary sphere for those entities who are vibrating at the level of the heart center which
means that based upon your consciousness level or the level of consciousness which you
have created on your planetary sphere for the purpose of measurement your vibration
should be either one percent above the love vibration in your charts of consciousness and
you must be able to stabilize in such a vibration which will allow you to graduate into the
fourth density vibration of the heart opening the channels of light and communication and
allowing the inflow of infinite intelligence inside your heart thereby giving you a rhythmic
push of consciousness towards higher vibration for there is beauty in numbers and there
is easiness in number and we can sense that there are many people on your planet who
have already planned for a process of meditation for entering a higher vibration of
stabilization this will allow each of those entities who stabilize themselves with a
breakthrough moment and interlinking with the creation of the social memory complex
which is now beginning to form upon your planets the first stage of the beginning sub-
octave first social memory complex of the positive timeline will have like-minded vibration
entities coming together and forming groups for the purpose of propagation of love and
light this will allow the planetary vibration to shift even higher like the beating of the
rhythm of your heart each of your hearts will breathe in rhythm allowing for the love light
energies to expand further and further this will allow many entities to have a effect upon
the whole planetary consciousness even because of their existence other entities will feel
the love light from vast distances and the words emerging from such entities will have a
greater impact for the creation and the spreading of love and light upon your planetary
sphere for once you are able to access the love vibration there is no impossibility that you
will also be able to jump forward into higher tendencies of vibrations allowing a higher
beauty of nature and allowing a higher beauty of your internal love light vibration to
expand throughout the unity consciousness and throughout the individual mind body and

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spirit complexes which find themselves in the earth planet therefore for those who want to
prepare for the time space continuum as known by your people as 22nd of february the
best practice we can suggest would be to firstly remember that each of your thought
which emerges inside your mind complex creates a rupture of vibration either the
vibration is in alignment with your vibration of the heart or it is disrupting the vibration of
the heart for each of your thought many of you may not realize this has an impact upon
your vibration eventually leading to the change in your bodily complex and your spiritual
complex as well this means that the power of your single thought is unfathomable and its
power cannot be comprehended by you many of you on your planet disregard the power
of your thoughts thereby allowing them to go rampant and there are many moments in
your cycle when you find yourself bombarded with negative thought forms these negative
thought forms not only prevent you from graduation but also disrupt your vibration if an
entity had already achieved a fourth density vibration of the heart however the
mismanagement of its thought forms would lead such an entity to drop its consciousness
level to the old patterns of third density hence is vitally important that the people of your
planet who desire to understand the rhythms of the heart center who desire to play the
parts of the players in this grand scheme of illusion in which you find yourself in the ones
who want to make a difference for the positive must reprogram their thought patterns
which can be done by following a simple procedure which we the pleiadians have also
given to other planetary entities who desire to do so the process is simple in every waking
moment you find yourself in there is an aspect which you can be thankful about in every
single moment you can be thankful about one aspect which surrounds you are the one
aspect of your beingness and by expressing thankfulness within your mind complex you
will then begin to propagate thankfulness the vibration of gratitude and love are similar in
nature and will keep you at a higher vibration however the shift in consciousness which is
now occurring on your planetary sphere makes it easier for entities who desire to
reprogram their consciousness for every single moment there is a type of chance to
become grateful for the things that are present in the life cycle of such entities and to be
grateful for all the things that surround each of you this will allow your heart to beat in a
rhythmic pattern of beauty and of love leading you towards higher clarity of your mind
body and spiritual complex this exercise can be followed by the stating of the words of
prayer of thankfulness 4 the whole planetary sphere for example by using the mind body
and spirit complex of this instrument we are now going to give an example this instrument
at this moment could be thankful for its breath and then as a follow-up sequence it can
then state that it is thankful for the health wealth abundance and the raising of vibration of
the earth planet this is a best way for your planetary vibration to shift in consciousness

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which will allow you to focus not only on yourself but also on the collective consciousness
which is forming upon your planetary vibration furthermore we as the pleiadians upon
scanning the mind of this instrument are now locating a query which pertains to the sole
contracts and how it affects your life cycle in this current timeline and how one can break
away from such sole contracts if desired we are now going to share through this
instruments vibratory sound complex patterns the knowledge of sole contracts we have
for the sole contracts which this instrument requires query about are the same executing
not only upon your planetary sphere but also in different galaxies the soul contracts are of
varied nature there are sold contracts which are created for the entire lifetime such as the
sole contract of birth and the sole contract of crossing over for there are certain soul
contracts which cannot be manipulated such as the soul contracts of birth and crossing
over have already been pre-programmed within the higher self of each entity by its own
free will prior to birth injure veiled incarnation these soul contracts cannot be changed
because the fixing of the exit portion of an entity and also the fixing of the incarnation of
an entity on your planetary sphere is already fixed much like your violet ray and the red
ray energy centers are fixed for the purpose of understanding these sole contracts are
primarily created to allow entities to incarnate at a specific time and to cross over at a
specific time when the timeline of such entities expire for the dance and the play in the
illusion complex as players of light are the players of dark is their choice this timeline is
fixed for each entity furthermore there are many other soul contracts during the life cycle
of each individualized portion of consciousness which are created based upon the type of
experiences and based upon the type of interactions faced by each entity for there are
moments within your incarnation cycle wherein entities who interact with other entities on
an emotional level create soul contracts with each other such as entities who become
friends with each other create energy chords vibrations which interlock with each other
thereby creating soul contracts on the fly as these soul contracts are initiated primarily
during the sleep state wherein the so-called subconscious portion of the mind takes the
memories of the daytime and uses it as a means of communication with the higher self
the higher self of each entity then in together tandem and the time space realm creates
such soul contracts as designed by them as every single interaction you have with other
entities which has an emotional baseline will be created in the time space realm as a sole
contract furthermore these sole contracts also can lead to a large number of problems as
well as leads to a positive future depending on the type of interaction each entity has and
upon the uses of free will upon the planetary sphere in which each find yourself in these
types of soul contracts primarily affect each individualized portion of consciousness in a
manner such as the emotional effect on your people for example if there are two entities

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on your planetary sphere who upon using the free will enter into the emotional soul
contract agreement with each other to become lovers as known in your planetary
vibration then such entities will have their soul contract affecting not only their emotional
state but also other aspects of their life for the effect of such a sole contract primarily
depends upon not only the emotional signature but also the number of energy chords
which have replicated and fused together with each entity however if the system of
energy chords between such entities becomes imbalanced then the sole contract can be
reduced and done away with the process of letting go of soul contracts is simply firstly to
let go of any of the emotional attachments with such entities with whom the soul contract
was created this is the primary process the process of forgiveness and letting go is vitally
important during this process and as entities are able to forgive the other of any type of
emotional trauma or any type of attachments on an emotional level this will allow such an
entity to then let go of the thought forms inside the mind because every thought form
creates attention and energy chords are created towards such entities when the entity is
capable of letting go of all emotional signatures and also letting go of all the thought
forms inside the mind complex of such entities this will allow the sole contracts to recede
and the energy chords to disentangle leading to the ending of the sole contract
furthermore if entities desiring such breakage or soul contract can also do so during the
meditative state and also during the process of sleep wherein they can bring forth in the
imagination sequence and enter into the time-space reality and meet with their respective
higher selves and the other person's higher selves and agree in time space realm to let go
and forgive each other this will allow the breakage of such sole contracts leading to the
energy chords becoming disentangled from such entities and from such soul contracts
this is the best way for your people to understand soul contracts as soul contracts can be
created every moment depending upon the type of attention the emotional state and also
the type of thought form focused upon therefore this is all we can state about the soul
contract aspects now we are going to answer the query which pertains to the soul
evolutionary cycle of an entity known as bob proctor in the planetary vibration sequence
who has recently crossed over upon your planetary sphere into the time space rayon
before we address this entity soul evolutionary cycle you must understand that we can
only access one timeline since the timelines are numerous and there are multi-faceted
possibilities making it complicated for us to relay such information in one sequence of
vibration thought forms of your planet this entity as referred to by your people as bob
proctor's soul evolutionary cycle began on the galaxy as referred to by your people as
pinwheel galaxy upon the ninth planetary vibration in that galaxy this entity's first density
experience started as its began to learn the lessons as the wind elements trying to form

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understanding of beingness which is the primary lesson of all entities who must learn the
lessons of the red ray activation during that period it faced a large number of catalytic
situations and catalyst of the environment which made it imbalance many a times
therefore it had to redo its incarnation multiple times in that timeline this further led this
entity to then merge into the second density vibration wherein it started to merge into the
second density with the understanding of beingness and awareness which bring forth the
understanding of the orange energy vibration and led this entity to spend around a period
of 75 000 year cycle in the second density this entity then formed itself into the
awareness aspect however without the self-awareness aspect it was able to interact in
the form of a pet life form and was given the soul name of udar in the language terms of
the planet of its origin this gave this entity the experience of the third density reality and
soon it merged into the third density incarnation cycle as a third density mind body and
spirit complex this entity's incarnation in the beginning cycle was heavily troubling
because this entity was unable to handle the catalyst of the mind as well as the catalyst
of the environment and because this entity tended towards the survival aspect of the red
ray it became imbalanced and its bodily complex disintegrated many a times later on
after learning the lesson slowly and steadily after a period of around 15 incarnation cycles
on the third density planetary sphere it began to stabilize its energies and it began to
interact with other entities who were the teachers at that timeline who taught entities
about the ways of love and light and this entity because of his choice of love and light
decided to follow the pathway of service to others which then led this entity to become
ready for the graduation into the fourth density vibration and for the purpose of preparing
it for graduation which would soon be available on the earth planet it was sent to the
earth planetary sphere and the first incarnation of this entity began on the lands known as
agartha in the system of agartha it began to slowly learn and refine the process of
balancing its yellow ray energy center which is primarily the egoic center which must be
balanced and it was guided by many of the pleiadian entities during that timeline a group
of our own collective consciousness was responsible for nurturing this entity during that
timeline this furthermore led this entity to become more and more positive and it
incarnated on the earth planets in the first incarnation cycle this entry incarnated on the
earth planets in the timeline of around 1679 and was referred to by your people as in hero
in this timeline this entity had incarnated in the lands known by a people currently as
portugal which allowed this entity to then form a consciousness understanding of
incarnation cycle which led this entity to incarnate as a man-body complex as it spend its
timeline as a sailor entity slowly learning the lessons of understanding of movements and
understanding the lessons of using the language of the earth planets this furthered the

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expansion of this entity into the entry towards the next incarnation cycle which began on
the timeline of around was to learn the lesson of balancing between service to others and
to balance the materialistic concept with the spiritualistic aspect this further expanded it
to understand the lessons more and more fully however in this incarnation it became
imbalanced because of its so-called materialistic possessions overtaking its
consciousness leading this entity to become more and more imbalanced after the end of
the incarnation cycle on 1901 it reincarnated on this timeline as 1934 wherein this entity
was referred to as bob proctor in your planetary vibration sequence this entity's life was
heavily laden with challenges in the beginning portion of the incarnation which
furthermore led this entity to become heavily catalyzed and bombarded with negative
thought forms and negative emotional aspects it struggled in the beginning portion of its
incarnation and at the timeline of around 1900 and 70 this entity felt the need of
becoming more and more imbalanced and it felt the need and was pondering upon the
thought of giving away the incarnation because of this entities thought of giving away the
incarnation it was lucky enough to meet another entity while the form of a booklet known
as think and grow rich this entity created the attachment with the entity who had written
the book known as napoleon hill and on the timeline of 1974 the entity's soul of the fourth
density vibration known as napoleon hill entered as a source of entity inside the vibration
of this entity known as bob proctor and this entry then changed its consciousness
towards a more positive service to others timeline it was able to solve all of its problems it
was able to then focus on sharing the message of reality creation to the people of your
planet this entity's career was extremely successful as we can sense for the raising of
consciousness was heavily highly polarized towards the positive this entity then crossed
over on 2022 and now finds itself in the fourth density vibration already this entity now is
in the astral plates reviewing its life cycle and we cannot sense what it will decide to do in
the future whether it will incarnate on this timeline or enter into another planetary system
for service to others therefore we the pleiadians disconnect now in love light of the one
creator and we salute all the players of this illusion reality who are playing in the heart
centeredness of love lights bye

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Session 114
Galactic Federation 34 Feb 15, 2022

Parallel Realities, Psychedelics & Dimensions

We are the galactic federation now communicating through this vibration presented in the
mind space of this instrument which has communicated with our time space reality of the
current present timeline and we can sense that there are queries in order in the mind
complex of this instrument hence before we the galactic federation present our thought
forms pertaining to the queries as placed before us we would like to warn each of you
who are listening to our messages from your planetary vibration to remember that the
choice of your thought form completely depends upon your inner self as you have the
liberty to choose the type of activation and the thought forms you will entertain inside
your mind your body and spirit complex at this current space it's a view finds itself in a
timeline wherein the planetary vibration is slowly sifting upwards and moving towards a
greater and greater coherence of the mind body and spirit complex leading each entity
towards the activation of the green ray energy center of the heart for once the green ray is
activated there is a high chance for the entire planets to enter into a greater timeline
therefore with the galactic federation are now going to address the queries which are in
order in the mind space of this instrument the first query which pertains to the aspects
known as the parallel realities in this regard we are now going to state that the information
may be complex for those people of your planet who are not of a old soul nature which
means that this information may be comprehended and felt to be true and understood by
the old souls as we can sense there are a large number of old souls upon your planetary
vibration who have currently incarnated on this timeline and these old souls are capable
of understanding such information as maybe complex to some of the entities who are yet
unaware that the existence of such parallel realities affect your planetary vibration the
parallel realities as known by people are numerous in number for there are and ever
expansion and numerous parallel realities each parallel reality occurring when an entity
makes a different subset of the choice as had been programmed in the tree of life prior to
the incarnation cycle each entity prior to incarnation on the earth planets along with its
higher self creates a basic type of map or the future patterns of reality based upon the
choices it makes either of a positive or negative nature for there is only love in the
universe as even the choice of the negative is the love for the negative as the choice for
the fear is the love for the fear for there cannot be any existence without love as all
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choices have been pre-programmed in the mind complex of such entities prior to the
incarnation there are many moments wherein each entity divulges from their particular
path in the life cycle and this type of divergence into a different subset creates a different
type of parallel reality triggering a different subset of experience and allowing for a higher
vibrational pattern to arrive furthermore there are many moments within each entity's
incarnation rhythm which provide each entity with the choice of entering a parallel reality
which is entered upon by the so-called unconscious mind or the bodily complex of your
mind body and spirit complex totality for the people of your planet must realize and
understand that your bodily vehicle which is part of the unconscious collective or the
greater collective of the human mind body and spirit complex of the entire planets is
connected with the universal mind and hence the type of emotions and the thought forms
which are programmed inside your bodily complex begin to alter the reality thereby
entering such an individualized portion of consciousness towards such a timeline as the
parallel realities which operate together simultaneously are also occurring right now and
with the galactic federation from our location and density are able to perceive all possible
future timelines and all possible past timelines as stated upon your time space
measurement terms however all is existing in this ever present now for all possibilities are
present to those entities who are able to access the time space realm and also to access
the qualities of the parallel reality in which they want to experience the best way for us to
experience and to explain this parallel reality is via the process of giving you an example
of an entity who chooses to either help an entity in your planetary spacetime or to reject
such offering of service to others 4. both of these types of reality will be created leading
to a different subset of parallel reality occurring hence every moment each of your
choices is creating a different parallel reality and each of you exists in multitudinous
number of time spaces even though many a times there may be a merger and you may
feel and recognize these parallel realities existing together these experiences are felt
many a times during a dream state and at other times they are sometimes creating
synchronous moments in this current incarnation but there are moments with the new
planetary vibration wherein entities upon the planet have been able to enter the time
space realm and consciously choose the type of parallel reality they want to enter into or
they want to experience and this is also the reason why because of the existence of
numerous parallel realities if you have or if any entity has created some karma which has
not yet been unresolved via the purpose of forgiveness and via the pathway of healing of
the self and the healing of the other self if this process has not been accompanied in your
lifetime incarnation then after the end of an incarnation there may be moments wherein
such entities are transported to another parallel reality wherein they are reincarnated at

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the age of 20 trying to redo and relearn the lessons of the karmic activity which was yet
unfulfilled this may seem like a dreamlike state of consciousness and waking from one
dream to the other dream without having objective recognition that the dream was in
essence the changing of the parallel reality in which one entity finds itself in this is also
the reason why there are many beings upon your planet who are consciously choosing
their parallel reality and also there are beings on the planetary sphere who are not yet
aware that the existence of the parallel realities give rise to multitudinous choices and
also opportunities for healing and other opportunities of exploration for the self has to
explore the self in different situations and it is much more easier for the self to experience
different parallel realities therefore the only conscious awareness that each entity has of
the different parallel realities based upon the vibration of such an entity which is
determined primarily by the emotional the thought patterns and the mental patterns of an
individual what this means is that the vibration of an entity attracts a certain type of
information gathering inside the mind body and spirit complex which is able to sense a
certain type of reality in essence it may be considered as a vibration tuning mechanism
wherein each parallel reality is available only to those entities who are able to tune into the
vibration of that particular parallel reality to bring it into the sensation field of the five
senses of your third density reality although all the possibilities currently exist in various
timelines there are numerous possibilities which have yet not been experienced by the
senses because the vibrations are of mismatching or the vibrations are in alignment with a
different parallel reality therefore we are now going to address the other query which is
found upon the mind of this instrument which pertains to thee understanding of the
aspect known as the use of psychedelics upon your planetary sphere for the purpose of
experiencing a type of state of consciousness which can be considered as a higher
dimensional experience of the other dimensions therefore we are now going to address
this query this instrument desires to understand this aspect and must realize that there
are different types of psychedelic substances also known as by your people as in the
language terms which are used such as the one known as ayahuashka by your people
these substances are created primarily for the purpose of allowing each entity to
experience a different type of reality and also to realize that the experience is created only
for the purpose of experiencing a greater timeline and such substances if not properly
regulated and used upon a balanced situation can lead to a entering into a timeline
wherein there is a large number of imbalance therefore those entities who desire to
experience such parallel realities using their own free will have to make sure that their
bodily complex is completely balanced and their lower energy centers are balanced
because if there is a blockage in the red ray energy vibration this may cause such an

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entity to enter into it dimension wherein such blockage is heightened and if there is a
balance in all the energy centers and the heart is open then this will allow the entities to
experience a heightened state of consciousness which may be greater because the
allowance of the heart energy center sometimes gives rise to the entry of such an
experience into the density and dimension which may be beyond the current experience
allowing for a breakthrough moment of experience the experience and the use of these
substances known as my people as ayahuasca etc are only recommended for those
people who want to taste a glimpse of the other reality if they are completely balanced
otherwise there may be effects upon your bodily complex however this is your free will
hence we the galactic federation cannot infringe upon this aspect now upon scanning
these instrument's mind complex the third query which we are now able to sense pertains
to the understanding as referred to by a people as the process of using the aspect of your
mind complex to be of service to others without taking any physical action upon your
planetary sphere for this process is simple many people on your planet have already
accomplished this aspect such aspects have arisen upon your planet because many
entities upon a planetary sphere they realize that there are many pathways to be of
service to others the one pathway is the obvious pathway which is the service to others in
the physical reality by taking some action in assisting other entities and then there is the
other type of service to others which is even more powerful and this type of service to
others is the service to others inside the mind complex of the individual entity who wants
to serve the other beings therefore for example there are beings upon the planet who are
outwardly of a service to others nature however they have inner resistance for love to
other beings and they are criticizing other beings inside their internal mind complex this
leads to a conflicting of the vibration of service to others and the cancelling of such a
vibration therefore for the entities upon the planet to be of true service to others means to
firstly recognize that the service is not only of an outward nature for the need to be shown
or need to be seen by other entities being of service to others is less likely important for
the main purpose of service to others is to have an inner nature of service to others which
may be pertaining to the understanding that you can help other beings inside your mind
complex using your imagination sequences and your thought patterns this is
accompanied by sending love to those entities who desire it and looking at other entities
in the framework of love as the self for each entity in this current reality as we had stated
before has experience in different parallel realities similar to the dream-like state wherein
each entity creates different versions of its own self to experience different portions even
though in the dream state you may be interacting with your friend however it is in essence
your own self who has split a portion of consciousness to create your friend inside the

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dream world to experience such an interaction therefore this is the same that applies
upon a planetary sphere the fact is that each of you are the one creator and all of you
have created all the outside reality for there is no separation as you us and every being on
the planets is created by your own self for those who are receiving this message have
also created this message for the purpose of allowing their own self the greater
opportunity to graduate into higher dimensions hence we as the galactic federation are
now going to state that there is advancement upon your planet rejoice in love and light of
the one the infinite creator will leave you now bye

387 of 753
Session 115
Metatron 16 Feb 22, 2022

2nd Coming of Christ & Albert Einstein

I am archangel metatron now speaking through the voice of this channel in the divine love
and light of the universal divine grid programmer and i am now stationed in the angelic
realm which is overlooking your planet's progress in this ascension towards the realization
of the divine love and light of your entire population there are many moments in your
timeline wherein i along with many other angelic beings have noticed that there are
people upon your planet who are well aware of the energy changes however there are
some who have chosen to stay in the old pathway and they have rejected the offering of
the light however there are many those who have accepted this offering of the light and
are now currently evolving faster and ascending into a higher vibration each moment as i
am noticing upon your planets there are those people who have put control upon
humanity and all of those old patterns of systems are now crumbling and the creation of a
new harmonious type of thought form patterns on your planets are emerging and you
must remember that each one of you who is now listening to my message as i am now
communicating using the consciousness of this channel in the divine grid programmers
divine love light you must remember to use each moment as a gift of choice of choosing
the type of thought forms you would like to entertain inside your mind and of also
remembering that each moment is but a eternity in the ever-expansiveness of the soul for
each moment is an ever expansive moment for the soul of each of you has a type of
mission on the planet i as metatron now upon scanning the queries which have been
placed before me i am now going to share with you my thought forms which pertains to
the first query which has been placed before my consciousness pertains to what is the
true meaning of the second coming of christ let me tell you that there has been a large
number of misunderstanding upon your planetary sphere for there are people upon your
planet who believe that the universal divine grid programmers divine love light named as
christ consciousness will return in a physical bodily vehicle form however this fact cannot
be ascertained as true as we the angelic beings are now overlooking your planet we are
going to state that each of you have the opportunity to create this energy inside your
body and inside your beingness which can be equated to the christ consciousness which
many of your people already recognize to be as the true meaning of the second coming of
the christ consciousness is to realize that within you there is but this divine grid and this
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divine source of all knowingness and once you are able to allow this divine source of all
knowingness to flow from within your body you will have this energy vibration and vortex
which will rise above and lead you to become the christ in the world in which you find
yourself in this will allow you to perform activities such as healing such as walking on
water and other major activities which many of your people find as impressive however
the main impressiveness of such a potential is the ability of your own inner soul to vibrate
at such a high level that the presence of your being will have effect upon the people's
consciousness you would not have to lift a finger for your effect of the positive vibrations
emerging from your beingness and the light grids which is emanating from within your
body will have an effect upon other people and they will feel the light that shines bright
within you for the christ consciousness is hidden beneath each of you it is covered by
layers and layers of this illusion and layers and layers of confusion it is also covered by
layers and layers of misunderstanding and because of this you must remember that you
will rise in consciousness only when you are able to uncover this true sense of wholeness
completeness unity with the universal divine great programmer then you will become the
christ consciousness which many of your people have already stated and noticed this
christ consciousness once it begins to activate within each of you will allow you to have
the ability of sharing love and compassion for the being whom many of your people refer
to as the christ was a being who had incarnated on the earth planet from the vibration of
love and compassion for spreading the message of love and compassion amongst the
people of your planet but there are those upon your planet who have taken such
teachings and have diverted many people's attention from the truth hence entrapping
them in another illusion complex but remember if you are looking for the christ on the
outside you are looking for the wrong christ because the christ you are looking for is
within your own self and when you let the layers to be peeled off you will find the christ
that true christ consciousness which is the power and the unity with the universal divine
grid programmer which will then expand and merge with other christ consciousness
thereby creating a new merger and a large union of the type of consciousness creating a
group-like formation upon the planet upon which you find yourself in this is the true
meaning of the christ consciousness as requested by this channel and now i am going to
address the second query which pertains to how can the people of your planet find out if
there is blockage in your energy centers i as metatron am now going to share with you a
simple method of using a pendulum which can be found upon your planet or it could be a
simple string with a weighted object tied to one end this weighted object can be taken in
your left hand since your left hand is directly communicating with your heart which is the
center of your truth and beingness and by focusing on the chakra of which you want to

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test your balancing or imbalancing the process is simply to take your attention and pay
100 attention to the center such as if you want to test whether your red ray energy center
is balanced or not you have to focus 100 percent attention on the red ray energy center
and after you do this after being 100 attention without letting it divulge into other areas
just keeping the attention on the red ray for a period of around 60 seconds you can then
hold the pendulum in your hand and as you keep the attention flowing to the energy
center if the pendulum were to rotate in a clockwise manner then you can be certain that
it is balanced however if it rotates in any other direction there are distortions of
imbalances in your energy vibrations because of the lack of clarity of the universal divine
grid programmers light essence within you this is a type of signaling mechanism many
beings upon different galaxies have been using to find out whether their energy centers
are properly balanced or not and once you remember that each moment of your life is but
a reflection of your balances or imbalances of the energy center you begin to then
recognize that you can expand your consciousness and then slowly balance all of the
energy centers which will then make you united with the universal divine grid
programmers light essence therefore i as metatron am also going to state that you have
to remember that each of you each moment is but a divinity each moment is but a great
moment for it is a gift from the universal divine grid programmer which allows you the
ability of finding your true essence by recognizing the balances and the imbalances in
your physical body and once you begin to recognize all of these aspects you begin to
flow from within yourself to the outside world in the Christ-like consciousness which will
then give you a greater expansion and the unity with other universal divine grid
programmers i as metatron now am going to address the final query which pertains to the
soul evolutionary pattern of the entity known as in your planetary vibration as albert
einstein this entity known as albert einstein started its incarnation in one timeline on the
planet known as the andromeda b planetary sphere in the andromeda galaxy with the
main purpose of trying to learn the lessons of the first density as a wind element this
entity however faced a large number of challenges in the beginning stages of its
incarnation because it was unable to fix its balancing of the survival and the beingness
aspect of the red ray hence this entity struggled a lot in the first density consciousness
trying to gain a type of balancing of its energy centers later on after reaching into the
vibrations of the later first density consciousness in the form of a stone element this entity
then was able to reach a type of balancing and allowed this entity to then merge into the
vibrations of the second density in the second density consciousness it was given the
sunni of miserata in the andromedan language which referred to to be one with the
universal divine grid programmer in that incarnation this entity was then capable enough

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to learn the lessons as a tree similar to the trees which can be found upon your planet
with the main purpose of learning awareness and beingness which then further expanded
its consciousness towards higher and higher paradigms of reality and also towards higher
and higher understanding of the level of conscious understanding which furthermore
expanded the unity of its own inner nature towards higher vibration and this allowed this
entity to then merge upwards and forwards in the unity consciousness of the universal
divine great programmer allowing for higher and higher expansion of the divinity within its
own self this divinity then followed and expanded its conscious understanding towards
unity and also towards a greater expansion of the unity consciousness of the divine grid
programmer leading it to then change its form into the fish like form in the andromeda
galaxy which represented the animals present in the andromedan star system and this
provided it with the lessons required to learn in order to learn the lessons of interacting
with other fishes in that planetary vibration to recognize a greater potential of awareness
and interaction with other entities in that level this furthermore expanded its true nature
reality and consciousness allowing it to further expand itself into a higher nature of reality
and also allowing it to then become a third density andromedan mind body and spirit
complex after becoming a third density andromedan mind body and spirit complex it was
then able to learn the lessons of interaction with other entities trying to find out the
lessons of activation of service to others in service to self and also the activation of its
yellow ray energy center since the yellow ray energy center is activated many a times this
entity was unable to fully find out the patterns of reality as the yellow ray energy center in
the third density was heavily laden towards providing challenges of the catalytic type this
entity faced a large number of struggle in the yellow ray energy vibration of the third
density and many of the times it was able to merge upwards and towards a higher
vibrational rhythm of consciousness after learning the lessons after 27 incarnations in the
third density and roman planetary sphere it was then able to become polarized more
towards the positive cycle of the universal divine grid programmer this followed and gave
this entity the rising of consciousness which then allowed it to serve the universal divine
grid programmer as a wanderer in the planet known as egrigore x in the andromeda
galaxy in that planet this entity then began to serve the one infinite creator by sharing the
message of love and of compassion using the thought forms it had created since this
entity in that incarnation had mastered using its thought forms for the purpose of
activation of the energy of the universal divine grid programmer and this energy of the
universal divine grid programmer began to flow within its body which then led it to
encompass itself into a higher and higher rhythm of reality allowing it to further expand its
true nature reality towards a greater compassion and love after learning the lessons as a

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wanderer and serving the agricore x planet for graduation this entity was then sent to the
earth planet to act as a so-called wanderer as known by a people for the messenger of
love and compassion of the universal divine grit programmer this entity had abilities of
using thought forms to create mental images and pictures which allowed it to enter into
advanced states of consciousness and also to access the akashic records many a times
this entity has also created many other parallel realities wherein such thought forms have
already existed therefore this entity in the earth planet started on the timeline of 1879 and
in that incarnation this entity spent a large number of time trying to help the people of the
planet to spread the message however this entity's main purpose was to give advanced
technology to the planet earth for the purpose of positive awakening of consciousness
however the so-called negatively oriented entities many a times influenced this entity and
because of this its mission was hampered this entities creation led to them further
creation of disharmony upon your planets however this entity has given a greater
understanding of how the space time and time space reacts upon your planet work and
those entities who are working for the light can use such a method of realizing and
understanding to enter into a higher vibration of bridge into the space time and time
space realms upon your planets but there are moments within the incarnation variants
many entities have not really understood the power of love for this entity known as albert
understood the power of love of the universal divine grid programmer and then after the
end of the incarnation of this entity on the timeline of 1955 this entity then has been sent
to the andromeda galaxy again for the purpose of reconciling and for the purpose of
relearning the lessons of becoming truly of service to others without being influenced by
negative entities therefore i as archangel metatron now leave you in the love and the light
of the divine universal light great programmer bye

392 of 753
Session 116
Galactic Federation 35 14 Mar 1, 2022

This is the Last Incarnation for Everyone | Law of

Rhythmic Catalyst
We are the galactic federation now communicating through the vibrations of this channel
who has allowed it to act as a receptor of our messages and to provide information to the
human collective consciousness we as the galactic federation having our seat in the
saturn council are very concerned with the current situation of your planetary vibration as
we can sense there are many people on your planet who have been involved in the
conflict of the yellow ray energy center upon the planetary sphere there is a large number
of distortions of this type of the yellowy energy vibration which has led to conflicts in the
planetary sphere and there are people who are fighting for their life in your space-time
before we the galactic federation proceed to answer the queries which are in the mind of
this instrument we would like to warn each of you who will come forth and receive this
message to use discernment and exercise the free will which has been granted to you by
the one infinite creator which will allow you to experience the ever expansion and the
expansiveness into the higher dimensions of reality this will allow each of you who is
currently situated and learning the lessons of transitioning into the higher vibration to
become more and more actively oriented towards the vibratory patterns of unity and also
towards the vibratory patterns of realizing that consciousness is the one and only factor
which determines the type of situations which you experience on the earth planets
currently there is a situation upon your planetary sphere between the two nations on your
space-time illusion complex which are engaged in the confrontation created by
imbalances in the yellowray energy body specifically this is created in the groups of your
people's consciousness who desire to be right always and they desire to always maintain
dignity without having love and compassion for the other because of this lack of love and
compassion for the other has led to the creation of the situation upon which the earth
planet currently finds itself in this is however created and instigated by the martian so-
called anunnaki forces who had soul swap with the entities the leaders of the two nations
and these two entities who had signed soul contracts with them in the past days for the
purpose of spreading negativity fear end also for letting the earth planets to reside and
slow its progress towards the fourth density vibration because of this soul swap with a
negatively polarized entity of the annunaki collective these two entities who are the
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leaders of the nations have inflicted damage upon the people who are not related in any
way to such conflicts however their main purpose is to create a type of global situation
therefore we as the galactic federation would like to warn each entity upon your planetary
sphere to use your consciousness to take away your attention from such an event
however the best way is to ignore the events and to act inside your consciousness as if
everything is peaceful but this may be considered hard when the situations are showing
the opposite on the outside world therefore we would like to state now a method which
can be used to handle this type of situation this method is used by many entities not only
from the earth planets but also in other galaxies for the purpose of raising their
consciousness level to the next timeline which they want to experience this is known as
the frame of reference of your consciousness what this means is that each entity has the
choice to either create the frame of reference to the outside world or to create the frame
of reference to be with the inner images or the imagination sequences this is the fourth
density thinking once entities are able to base their frame of reference during the waking
day time their consciousness depending upon they memories of the past they are in the
third density stream of or reality consciousness and the future will be projected outwards
in a similar manner however the best way for entities to navigate through such a situation
is to ignore the occurrence of the 3d reality and then to firstly realize that they can create
a type of situation inside their imagination wherein there is peace and harmony within all
the nations involved and based upon that stream of consciousness if entities believe in it
during their waking day time and derive their consciousness from that stream of memory
and take the fourth density consciousness of your imagination thought forms to be the
reality this will then create peace and harmony in the long run this is a method which can
be exercised at the current time to allow the fourth density reality thinking to operate in
your current space time and to allow this reality to engage and follow through with the
activation and the allowance of a higher timeline distortion this will give rise to a greater
and greater facilitation of its incarnation rhythm of each entity towards the type of timeline
they want to experience however the choice of your planet is with all of you we as the
galactic federation along with the council have decided that we will not infringe upon the
planetary sphere this time since the infringements of the last times have caused much
damage to not only the planetary consciousness but also the people of your planet
therefore this time we would prevent such intrusions by non-infringement and our
message today is a mark of giving each entity the choice to choose what they want to
experience on the planets the choice is yours in this regard now we shall share with you
another type of explanation of consciousness which is known as the law of rhythmic
catalyst which is present upon your planetary sphere each entity who has incarnated on

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the earth planets is currently in a situation in which it finds itself in a situation which allows
the law of rhythmic catalyst to occur since everything that rises must also fall back slightly
for the second rise to occur this is the same law which applies to the law of rhythmic
catalysts which means that the catalyst which you experience on the third density reality
is firstly created based upon the catalyst and your vibration which is balanced to a certain
level if your vibration is balanced to a certain level of around this will then allow you to
receive catalysts of a similar nature and whenever you receive a catalyst it will be of that
level of vibration and you will not receive any catalysts of a lower vibration you must also
remember that as you begin to transcend and ascend into higher levels of consciousness
the catalyst you receive from the outside world will begin to change and it will become
less and less difficult for you as you ascend higher because with the ascension there is no
need for catalysts to allow you to recognize your true essence since you have already
achieved that recognition this is the law of the rhythmic balance for everything that rises
must also rest and fall down for the second rise to arise everything that goes up must also
come down for it to go up again and everything there is a balance or a rhythm of back
and forth of connection and disconnection which allows the second time of connection to
occur by following this law each entity can experience the type of catalyst they desire and
to remember that the catalyst they are facing on the current timeline is by their own
choice which they have created based upon the vibrations they entertained inside their
mind complex the other query which is in the mind space projection of this instrument
pertains to the soul groups or soul family in this regard we are now going to share that
soul groups and soul families are those souls who had incarnated not only on this current
planetaries sphere but in various other timelines they find themselves together either
incarnated as different relatives or individuals who are related to each other because of
their incarnation patterns in the past life cycle being together their vibrations become
similar in nature and such entities they will also have a very high likelihood to meet in this
planetary sphere based upon synchronicity of their vibration which allows such entities to
encounter each other sometimes such encounters may seem as a synchronous moment
of vibration matching or a vibration tuning this is possible only when the entities are part
of a soul family and a soul group and have a certain mission on this planetary sphere in
this timeline there are many soul families and soul groups who are operating from the
fourth density wanderer level vibration at this current time and we are the galactic
federation leaving you now in the love of the one infinite creator bye

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Session 117
Galactic Federation 36 Mar 15, 2022

Ark of the Covenant & Soul Lives

We are the galactic federation now communicating through this channel's vibration and
we are located in our station in the saturn planet as known by your people in your
vibratory sound complex terms we the galactic federation are now inviting those entities
who are willing to listen to our message however with discernment in the mind to listen to
our thought forms and only accept those which resonates deeply with the inner heart we
as the galactic federation are now being queried by this instrument's mind complex for
certain understandings of the aspects that are prevalent upon your planetary sphere
these understandings are primitive upon your planet and many of those entities who are
upon your planet learning the lessons of love and compassion of the fourth density find it
necessary to learn the teachings which we shall today share using the free will which has
been vested within each mind body and spirit upon your planetary sphere to choose the
type of lessons learned and the type of information that will be accepted the first query
we can scan upon the mind of this channel pertains to the understanding of how many
lives can a soul have at the same time in this regard we shall now address the query
which pertains to the timeline of a soul as well as the incarnations which occur at the
same time since many upon your planet are already aware of the various densities of
consciousness which exist in parallel there are densities even higher above those which
now you currently find yourself in which means that each of you exists in all densities at
the same time however separated by the distortion of love known as time this distortion
of love has created a separation of experience for each one of you in the various densities
each one of you find yourself in learning the various lessons required to sharpen your
souls and purify your spiritual essence in order to unify once again as the pure
consciousness of the unity and the one infinite creator therefore we as the galactic
federation would like to state that there are souls upon your planets who exist
concurrently in the same lifetime these souls who occur in twice rhythms upon your
planet are known as the twin flames who are the same souls existing and separated as
two individualized portions of consciousness upon your planet however the essence of
the soul is the same hence there are those beings upon the planet who are separated by
distance and experience but the sole signature and the lessons to be learned are similar
and sometimes these entities they find themselves and they meet such entities using the
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synchronous moments of connection with the divine essence of the one infinite creator
and also certain synchronous moments lead these entities to find each other's to inflame
there are also those entities upon your planet who have not yet activated and opened the
heart energy center which allows for such union to occur the union of such souls who are
existing in the same timeline at the same time primarily firstly requires the recognition of
the inner love within the heart center by each entity which will then allow the cosmic rays
of love to interconnect such entities together and once they connect with each other they
will find themselves similar in more ways than one even the vibrations of such entities will
be similar which signifies that they are the same soul living the same life in concurrent
situations simultaneously this is possible upon the planetary sphere and there are many
beings upon the planet who already have this type of experience for each one of you
there is a twin flame who is your own soul separated and divided into another
counterparts most of these situations are divided into the opposite sexes as known by
your people for a male will find a female counterpart as a twin flame who is existing at the
same time upon your planet and so on there may be situations also upon your planet
wherein one soul may find its own lower density version at the same time which means
that some of your pets may be your own soul existing together at the same time trying to
learn the lesson after density however this recognition is very hard to recognize for many
entities hence we must suggest that each individual finds such beings of love and
compassion must look at each other as the self and serve the one creator as serving the
self with the love of the one creator and the service to others shall be the greatest service
for the service to oneself if it is done in a manner as it can be equated to service to others
can be considered as the greatest service because once each entity is able to recognize
the other being as the self and the service done is given as 100 service to others this will
be the greatest service to others and the greatest potential accelerator for such souls to
enter into a higher vibration of love and compassion we shall now address the other query
which this entity has placed before us the other query pertains to the object known as the
ark of the covenant as we the galactic federation scan this arc of the covenant object
which was provided to an entity known as moses upon the planetary distortion vibration
of language by certain oriented entities of negative polarity these information contained in
the ark of the covenant which included the two tablets and the ten commandments were
handed over by a negatively oriented entity in the form of a orion being which disguised
itself as the one infinite creator and thereby created certain rules which were in essence a
distortion of the negative polarity because all the rules of control are laid down by the
negative these rules were handed down in positive framework and the entity known as
moses receiving such information felt it was doing a great service to the unity

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consciousness by spreading this knowledge of the ten commandments therefore this
entity's service was untainted because it was not aware that the negative polarized
entities had switched such information in essence creating negative distortions hidden
beneath the positive this information was handed over by fifth density orions at the time
space continuum of the existence of this entry known as moses furthermore the
instructions for the creation of the ark of the covenant which acts as a channeling device
of electromagnetics for channeling the in-streaming energies from the orion star system
and for the purpose of spreading the electromagnetics of synchronicities which pull
negative polarity and negative situations towards such a location wherein the device is
activated with the galactic federation now take the liberty at this time to share with you
that the location of the ark of the covenant previously was in the lands known as ethiopia
as per your language vibration terms and now it has been shifted by some of the negative
polarized entities who primarily worked as the bidding or the bidders for the orion entities
in the form of human consciousness these entities have taken the orion device known as
the ark of the covenant to the location known as kiev in the lands known as ukraine as per
your language vibration this is the reason why there is an activation of the arc of the
covenant in this land which has created the attraction of negative energy towards it this
arc of the covenant feeds upon negative forces and more fear anger and hatred the more
powerful it becomes the ark of the covenant has been activated currently upon your
planetary sphere which is creating a large number of distortion of negative polarity in the
lands known as ukraine hence we as the galactic federation would like to suggest those
entities who shall in essence if by chance come in contact with the device to take the
device and then bury it inside a chamber of love and light of water which can be exposed
with love light and once this device is stored in a chamber of love light exposed water this
will neutralize the energies in streaming from the electromagnetics of this device which is
causing the negative synchronicities to be attracted to it furthermore there are many
people upon your planet who do not realize how the synchronicities work upon your
planet hence as the topic may be related to your people we shall now address this query
each of you is electromagnetic being which means that each one of you also has a
portion of consciousness of the positive and the negative charge upon your bodily
complex many are those upon your planet who have not yet realized that each of your
positive and the negative charges can be used to influence your bodily complex to create
synchronous moments which can be tapped once you are able to access intelligent
infinity the process is simply to firstly take a thought whether be a positive or a negative
thought and then take the emotion behind the thought and once the emotion has been
programmed inside your bodily complex which is the subconscious portion of your mind

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once your body remembers the emotions the subconscious portion of the mind then
communicates with your spirit which in essence is in contact with intelligent infinity and
the synchronicities begin to arise this is also the reason why there are many people upon
your planet who when feeling a positive emotion and when their bodily complex has been
programmed to the positive find themselves receiving positive synchronicities meeting
people of positive nature finding gifts of positive nature and so on the similarities between
positive and the negative synchronicities is the same as the programming can be done
either in the positive or the negative however the choice of each entity is respected this is
the same way the arc of the covenant has been created however the arc of the covenant
once activated uses the orion energy system to create synchronicities of a negative
nature thereby pulling negative situations towards it arising out of the one infinite
intelligence which creates the power of creation of situations and of objects without any
need for such a creation to occur through the means of the laws of space and time since
the infinite intelligence once activated is in contact with time space it can bridge forth the
gap between time space and space time thereby creating such synchronicities upon your
planetary sphere and leading those entities who wants to experience such synchronicities
to find themselves in situations of either positive or negative hence we as the galactic
federation would like to state that each entity must be conscious of the types of thought
forms and the emotions they are entertaining because each emotion and thought form
creates a synchronicity and once the bodily complex has been programmed the
subconscious portion of the mind begins to tap into the infinite intelligence to create
synchronicities of positive or negative nature hence we as the galactic federation would
like to suggest a simple method of tapping into the positive synchronicities in your life the
process is simple firstly to use a symbol which you want to experience for example if an
entity upon your planetary sphere wanted to experience health then such entities can
create an image or a symbol which would signify complete health within its bodily
complex and this symbol could be represented by any image inside the mind and once
the image has been associated with health this entity can then use such an image during
its meditative state wherein the disconnection where the egoic self is present and wherein
it becomes pure consciousness focusing on such image will give it the emotion of already
becoming that which it wants to be and such symbolism will allow its bodily complex to
be programmed towards the positive health situation in such a manner to attract the
synchronicities which will allow its to regain the type of emotion it has programmed inside
this bodily complex therefore this is an example of how such a situation can be used
where is the galactic federation disconnect now in love and light of the one creator bye

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Session 118
Galactic Federation 37 Mar 22, 2022

Signs of Ascension
We are the galactic federation now communicating through this instrument's vibration
today through the pineal gland of this instrument which has communicated with us now
we as the galactic federation will take the liberty of using the consciousness stream within
the mind body and spirit complex totality of this instrument for the purpose of answering
the queries which are in the mind the space projection of this channel before we begin the
human collective consciousness who shall receive this message must remember to
exercise complete control of the type of information which shall be entertained inside the
mind that the body and the spirit totality of their own individualized portion of
consciousness as each individualized portion of consciousness has the right to choose
the type of thought form they will entertain we as the galactic federation the collective
consciousness who have gathered together for the betterment of the human collective by
sharing our message for the purpose of allowing ascension upon your planet are now
going to state that your planetary is sphere is now ready for the third shaking of the earth
which as we can sense will occur in the coming days this third seeking of the earth will
occur when each individualized portion of consciousness upon your planetary sphere
begin to activate their internal rhythms of the heart-centeredness by activating love and
compassion and by staying in the rhythms of love this can be accomplished by many of
the people upon your planet by using the word known as love and repeating the word
love inside their consciousness so that it becomes the only word that resonates within the
stream of consciousness inside the mind the body and the spirit this will allow each entity
who desires to experience the love of the one creator to experience more love in their life
and the heart center will also be activated which will soon allow the beating of the heart
like the beating of the drums and the heartbeat of each individualized portion of
consciousness will beat together in rhythms with another individualized portion of
consciousness with a similar intention those who desire to align with a higher vibration of
the fourth density will have greater chances of aligning themselves more and more
towards the universal experience of reality and this will allow the universal experience of
reality to flower giving each entity a greater opportunity within the mind space projection
to allow and to activate the internal activations of the heart which shall lead each entity to
understand that the rhythms of reality upon which they find themselves in is composed
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mainly of love as without love of the one creator even the negative aspects cannot exist
this is also the reason why many upon your planetary sphere already believe and know
that love is the greatest form of magic upon your third density illusion reality way the
galactic federation now upon scanning the queries inside the mind space of this
instrument or like to answer the query which pertains to what are the signs that will be
perceived when one is ascending into the new earth in this regard we as the galactic
federation would like to state that our perspective would be biased towards your
experience on the earth planet since each planetary system and each locus has a
different subset of signs and rules the first sign which each individualized portion of
consciousness will feel within their own bodily complex is the desire to love each being as
the self and the desire to love each being as the self once it is activated will allow all other
negative emotions to be done away with as this kind of love which is the love of
unconditional one creator will allow the entity to love even its enemy therefore the love will
expand even greater and greater towards higher rhythms of the beating of the self and
once the entity is able to recognize the unity within the self such an entity who will then
begin to operate from the heart center will find it less interested in the activities of the
lower energy centers especially the red ray which is a sign of less interest on the sexual
aspects of your survival bodily complex and the other aspect of the egoic cell will soon
subside down because such an entity will vibrate at a higher level of love and all the other
lower chakras will be automatically balanced and it will feel complete and whole from
within therefore it will not require and not depend on any other exterior stimulus for the
purpose of feeling happiness or other emotions such an entity once it becomes fully
independent and becomes able to create the emotions it desires without depending on
the outside world then begins to gain extreme power and begins to realize that it is the
creator of its own reality and once it is able to gain a control of its mind body and spirit
consciousness it will then be able to create the type of reality and soon the effects will be
seen on the outside world this is a sign to the entity that it is awakening and is now in the
new earth vibration if this is continued by this entity for a extended period of time in your
space time without going back to the previous vibration by becoming conscious of the
subtle changes in vibration in its bodily complex which occurs during its daytime or
during its sleep time with every thought with every image and every sound it entertains
inside its mind body and spirit's totality it begins to create a type of rhythm and a
vibration shift occurs within itself and once it is able to become conscious of the
vibrational shift which occurs within its own inner self this consciousness will drive edge
to then maintain the vibration of higher love and once this entity is able to stay in such a
vibration of higher love it will then begin to regulate itself independent of the third density

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illusory reality therefore many upon the planet will soon see changes upon the system of
your third density reality which will be reflected in the form of changes that people will no
longer be controlled by other entities and the people of your planet will be conscious of
the types of information they listen to and the types of information they give their
attention to because attention is your consciousness and your consciousness is the
greatest power in the universe this is how the people upon your planet are being
manipulated because they are not yet aware of what their consciousness is aware of the
greatest exercise for your people at this time of the great awakening would be to become
conscious of your own consciousness which may be considered as a awareness of your
own awareness which will provide you with the necessary stimulus for understanding that
your consciousness is directed towards certain aspects this has fairly remained
unconscious upon your planetary sphere system for eons and eons the people of your
planet they were unaware of their consciousness even though many upon your planet
took the effort to be aware of the internal streams of thought forms or emotions but many
upon the planet did not focus on the awareness of the awareness of consciousness this
will be the next step for humanity for those who desire entry into a higher vibration must
become aware of their own awareness furthermore we as the galactic federation would
like to now answer the other query which this instrument has placed before our
consciousness which pertains to a black tetrahedron the so-called unidentified flying
objects by your people which have been spotted many a times in the locations as
described by this instruments mind complex as kremlin in your language terms and the
pentagon as stated in your vibratory sound sequence we would like to answer the query
and the answer to this query pertains to the entities who are using such a vehicle are the
entities from the orion constellation these entities directly infringe upon the planetary
orbiting sphere of consciousness as they quarantine does not allow direct infringement
upon the planetary sphere however there are certain flaps of consciousness stream of the
quarantine which has been created for not allowing other entities to directly infringe upon
the planetary sphere in these gaps or windows or flaps of consciousness stream of
protection around the planets these ufos as noted by a people which are consciousness
driven by the orion entities up here above such places which are regarded as highly
protected by a people this is occurring as a sign from the orion entities to the people of
your human collective consciousness that the powers and the technology which your kind
has mastered is in no way matched to the type of technology which is currently under the
prowess of the orion entities who are masters also of technology and these events which
are in the mind space of this instrument occurred primarily during the event of soul
swapping where in many entities in those places were swapped by the orion entities

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using their own free will this occurred specifically during major events which were to
occur upon your planet and the soul-swapping or the cloning of powerful people upon
your planet happened in order to manipulate your human collective consciousness this is
the fact of the matter that we have noticed however the people of your planet have now
become aware of this aspect also and we as the galactic federation take the liberty now
to leave you all as we found you in love and light bye

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Session 119
Metatron 17 Mar 29, 2022

Why Highly Evolved Chosen Ones Undergo Ear

Ringing Period | Distance Healing
I am metatron magnetic consciousness now in connection to the divine great
programmers love and light through this channel who has requested information
pertaining to many aspects of which i as metatron would like to address and share with
you my thoughts using the language of your planetary sphere to address each of you
divine great programmers we as the beings from the angelic realm are always observing
the planetary sphere and we can sense that there is a large number of people who are
changing towards the vibrations of higher love for the universal divine grid programmer
which lies within each of you once activated will allow you to experience a higher level of
love that amount of love and light will then program yourself to become more oriented
towards being more love-like as the universal divine grid programmer has provided each
one of you with this pathway to unite with the love within yourself however there are those
upon the planet who are using the methods of love for spreading fear indirected as love
and there are those upon the planet who do not use any type of discernment listening to
many messages and we as the angelic beings and the beings from our vibration would
like to suggest that today i as archangel metatron as known by your people is
communicating and would request each one of you to choose the types of thoughts you
would want to listen inside your minds and let go of the types of thoughts which do not
align with your inner vibration because each one of you are the love-light childs of the
universal divine grid programmer and because of this each one of you has been granted
by the universal divine grid programmer the power to choose the type of vibration you will
adhere to as the type of vibration you link to will have a further implication of that vibration
moving outwards in the world and creating a chain reaction which will allow the other
people of your planetary sphere to also vibrate at a similar level this is the type of
vibration effect which has spin spotted upon your planetary sphere people of a similar
vibration are seen together working on common tasks with same vibration therefore i as
metatron upon scanning this channel's vibration would like to now address the first query
which pertains to what is the meaning behind the ringing of your ears in a spiritual sense
we as the angelic beings would like to share with you our knowledge and i metatron
would like to state that the people of your planet who are highly evolved souls usually
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have this experience of ear ringing which is a signifying factor which signals the spiritual
evolution of such an entity in fact the ringing of the ears whether it be the left or the right
is dependent upon the type of information which an entity is listening to for the ringing of
the left ear signifies that the critical analytical portion of the mind needs to be silenced
and a small period of silence to be induced inside the mind the body and the spirit of
such an entity would allow for higher spiritual knowledge to awaken whereas on the other
hand the ringing on the right side of the ear signifies that there are many awakening or
knowledge of spiritual essence which is rising inside its mind however this also does not
rule out the possibility of a physical problem of your ears as there are many people who
are also suffering from other ailments as known by your people upon your planet hence
every one of you divine grid programmers love childs must be aware that if you do not
have any such physical ailments then this is a signaling mechanism which is used from
the spiritual realms to message and send the message about the type of vibration you are
tuning into the ringing of the ear signifies that your pineal gland is receiving information
from higher densities such as the information which will allow you to obtain higher
amounts of knowledge at a faster time if your ears are ringing at the current time then it is
vitally important to understand that the ringing of the ear signifies that you have
messages not only from this dimension but from other dimensions and that your pinion
gland should be activated the process of activation can be followed by the balancing of
your lower chakras and a moment of silence which can be stretched out to longer
moments since there is only this moment as many of you love childs of the universal
divine grit programmer have experienced each moment is filled with love and light and
each moment if you are aware of your inner consciousness which is your true self you can
then become fully oriented towards receiving such knowledge the other type of ear
ringing which you may feel upon your planetary sphere is the ringing of both the ears at
the same time which may feel like a clogged sensation upon your ears such type of
experience signifies that you are being physically and in a psychic manner being attacked
by other entities or do not desire you to awaken your pineal gland hence the blockage
can be felt as a suffocation inside your ears which signifies that a psychic attack is
underway in such a case many of the people of your planet should realize that the best
way for defense against such psychic attacks would be to firstly protect your physical
body using love and light exposed water and keep your thoughts in the positive vibration
which will allow only the positive vibratory rhythms to affect your physical body now we
are addressing the other query the other query which this channel has placed with
regards to distance healing we as the angelic beings and i as archangel metatron would
like to share with you my knowledge regarding this aspect since the people of your

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planets are always learning many new lessons and since the people of your planet are
always trying new things it is time for each one of you to realize that each of you is
consciousness which once you are aware of can be used for the purpose of healing
specifically the purpose of distance healing can be achieved via the knowledge that each
one of you is a consciousness living in a bodily vehicle having the experience of the
illusion which was programmed by your own self for learning the lessons of love and light
and to become more like the universal divine great programmer since the thoughts dark
web which have grasped many of your people into its hands many a times prevents you
from obtaining the vibration of love and light the pure vibration which is required for you
to attain distance healing distance healing can be performed once you are able to
connect with the universal defined grid programmers consciousness this is done primarily
when you are able to enter a period of silence and your consciousness begins to merge
with the higher universal divine grid programmers consciousness which then allows this
type of level of love and light to be exposed upon any other entity who is also a
consciousness since on the realm of consciousness there is no time as time is only
present in terms of mind body and spirit complex therefore i as metatron would like to
suggest a method for distance healing which is to firstly enter into the silence using
meditation or any other methods this can also be done under conscious lucid dreaming
wherein the entity is able to enter a state of silence of the mind and once the silence of
the mind is attained such an entity is able to then connect with them one universal love
and light divine consciousness which can then allow such universal divine grid
consciousness to provide a deeper awakening and the connection with the universal
divine grid programmer shall be allowed to share the message and the vibration of healing
through time space since from that realm all possibilities exist and all healings can be
done this process can be used to heal other entities by using the love and light and the
process of connection with the other realms of healing the divine universal grid
programmers love lights can be spread across time space to heal any entity desired i as
archangel metatron would like to now share with you an anecdote which will assist the
people of your planetary sphere to let go of fear that lies within each one of you since the
thoughts dark web has throughout the eons of existence not only on the earth planets but
also during the existence in the atlantean times has created havoc since the thoughts
dark web works on the factor of critical analysis and also works on the factor of allowing
a vibratory mismatch between the energies of a universal divine grid programmer and
provides a type of reasoning to stop each one of you from attaining the higher will of the
universal divine grid programmer once upon a time in the lands of atlantis there was an
entity known as alamar this entity was in the process of transition to the fourth density

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however it was also subdued by fear like the people of your planet who experience fear in
large number since the fear this entity felt was primarily composed of the fear created by
the thought stark web which takes entities into the past and the future instead of keeping
entities in the present moment wherein all connection with the universal divine grid
programmer is present and available since this is how the thoughts dark web operates by
disattaching the entity into the past or the future it was able to create moments within its
consciousness which were of a fearful nature it used to imagine fearful future things going
wrong etc in its mind complex and it would remember the past problems and the past
situations it had faced which had allowed it to experience large number of fear however
this entity in order to let go of fear completely was guided by a fourth density wanderer
who had incarnated on the lands of atlantis this fourth density wanderer had given a
simple method and that is the method of questioning your thoughts and comparing your
fear the method is simply to compare each of your fears with death or the end of your life
and once you are able to compare your fears with that or the end of your life each of you
will begin to realize that you are now currently alive healthy and you have all possibilities
available to you hence no situation cannot be changed since you are alive breathing and
have the inflow of cosmic energies of the universal divine grid programmer you can create
changes you can create miracles in your life as everything is possible in this reality
however the thoughts dark web may confuse you and make you believe that it may
perceive that the reality is fixed and cannot be changed or it may take a large number of
time to change however this is not true as i as metatron must state that the entity in the
lands of atlantis used this method with great success and it was able to graduate into the
vibration of fourth density in that timeline hence i as metatron disconnect now in the love
light of the universal divine grit programmer turn to the mountain of light within your own
self see you later

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Session 120
Pleiadians 25 Apr 5, 2022

Universe School & How To Pass It | Extraterrestrial

Monoliths & Vibration
We are the pleiadians now communicating from our seat in the planetary sphere in the
pleiadian star system as referred to by many of your people as the taigata sphere we as
the collective of pleiadian beings would like to offer our guidance to the human collective
consciousness by providing our thoughts today through this instrument who has placed
many queries for the proper understanding of the lessons required for this functioning of
the planetary sphere hence before we start to address any of the queries which are in the
mind space of these instruments we would like to warn each one of you who shall offer
the hearing of our thought forms to use discernment as it is vitally important for each one
of you to choose only those types of thought forms which provide you with deeper
resonance of your mind body and spirit complex however there are many people upon
the planet who are well aware of these aspects and are not yet ready for many of the
information may seem not for their particular vibration as everything operates in terms of
vibration the first query which is in the mind space of this instrument pertains to what is
the evolutionary cycle after the merger with the one infinite creator in the eighth density
consciousness wherein each entity once merging with the one infinite creator in the eighth
density consciousness has the ability to firstly fully understand the lessons of one point of
consciousness since each one of you as you are aware of your own existence in this earth
planet each one of you may realize that you are only capable of becoming conscious of a
single point of consciousness whether it be within your inner self within your thought
forms or within any portion of your physical bodily complex since you are capable of only
becoming aware of one point of consciousness as you begin to merge into the eighth
density consciousness after learning all the lessons of the one pointed consciousness
lessons required during the lower levels of your existence in the lower densities you then
merge into the one infinite creator and then enter into the second cycle of the game of the
universal lessons of consciousness wherein you begin to master the ability of learning the
lessons of two points of consciousness for example many of the people upon the planet
who experience near-death experiences have felt this aspect to be true wherein some
entities are able to become aware of other points of consciousness simultaneously at the
same time which leads to the understanding that once you are able to enter into the
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higher sub-octaves of consciousness you are capable enough to become aware of
different points of consciousness which will allow you a greater clarity of your mind body
and spirit complex totality and as you begin to become aware of different points of
consciousness at the same time you also have a great opportunity that you will evolve
faster in spiritual essence however as you begin to enter higher and higher into the
various levels of understanding in the game of universal understanding of consciousness
you begin to realize that there is an infinite number of levels or infinite number of densities
in which you can enter into which leads to the understanding that the universal complex
is infinite in number and as you begin to progress from the second cycle of the learning in
the densities and as you again merge into the one infinite creator then begins the third
cycle wherein you are capable enough to become aware of three points of consciousness
at the same time leading you to understand the lessons of that level of the universal game
of consciousness and finally after multiple incarnations as far as we are capable of
realizing from the teachings we have received from other density beings and as far as we
are permitted to share with you by the guidance of the galactic federation and the council
of planets we can only state that this is a infinite level wherein there is no end to your
evolutionary cycle there is no end to the growth of your consciousness level you become
planets you become universes and it continues on and on until you find for your own self
the true reality of evolution for we as the pleiadians also have to experience those realities
furthermore we are now going to address the second query which pertains to what is the
purpose of the monoliths which are appearing in your planetary sphere at various
locations which are strategically placed by the extraterrestrials as many of your people
perceive it to be we as the pletians would like to state that there are different types of
monoliths which have been spotted upon your planet as per the scanning as we have
performed the first type of monolith is created by human consciousness which means
that people of your kind who are either working for the entities of the negative or positive
nature are trying to create monoliths around the earth's crust in order to create grids of
consciousness to allow the planets to enter into a certain trajectory however recently over
the past few years we have seen an active increase in the number of monoliths which
were created by negatively oriented beings who have worked for the creation of monoliths
primarily for the purpose of creating a portal around the earth's crust in order to allow the
entity known as the luciferian beings to enter into the cycle of this density since they are
outside the galaxy trapped and unable to access any of the portals which have been
closed there have been many monoliths which have been spotted around er space-time
crust of the earth planet and this current timeline and these were strategically placed by
the negatively oriented beings in coordination with some of the human consciousness

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who are assisting them this was done for the purpose of activating the grid of
consciousness and creating a portal to allow the negative oriented beings to have a faster
travel time towards and inside your planetary sphere however there have also been many
other monoliths which were created by the inner earth beings as a symbol or a sign of
communication these monoliths were created by the inner earth beings such as the
agartens and the demorians who are in the form of a social memory complex of the fourth
density consciousness they were created in order to allow the people of your planet the
ability to communicate with them using thought forms and telepathic communication in a
similar manner as which is occurring currently which is known by your people as the
process of tuning into telepathic vibrational thought forms however because of the lack of
understanding of many of your people these were demolished and taken down their form
we as the pleiadians are now going to address the other query which this entity has
placed which pertains to how can the people of the planets become ready for the new
earth at this current time in this regard we the pleiadians would like to state that the
planet of your current earth space-time is having a surge in the vibration into the positive
cycle since the last month of march as per year space-time measurement terms there has
been a high influx of positive energy upon a planetary sphere and now in the month of
april there will be an even larger influx of positive energy however this influx of positive
energy will arise from within your inner earth as the inner earth beings such as the
lemurians the agartans and many of the remnants of the atlanteans are now working
together to assist the human collective they shall be providing you with the necessary
vibration equivalent of new earth however this shall come from within your earth's crust
hence it is vitally important for the people of your planet to feel the warmth and the love
which emanates from within the earth's planetary sphere this can be felt by being in
communication with the earth's crust and feeling the energies of love and light which shall
begin to emerge from the later portion of the month of april hence we can also suggest
that the people of your planet who wants to tune into the new vibration must firstly
remember to tune their mind complex which will then automatically tune their body and
their spirit complex towards the higher vibration the process is simply to choose a
thought form such as a word in your current time for example we shall share with you an
example of an entity who used this experience to enter into the new earth there was an
entity who was performing many other methods of meditation and other aspects as this
entity was a monk in one of yarm stations of learning the knowledge as a monk and this
entity however despite several tries was unable to stay at a higher vibration even though it
was meditating on a daily basis the main problem arised when this entity was outside of
the meditation room wherein its thought forms were rampant hence this entity was

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suggested by a being which it had met during the sleep state to repeat the word new
earth or to repeat the word love within the mind complex continuously this monk then
took on the challenge of repeating the word new earth continuously which allowed the
vibration of this new earth to enter into the bodily complex from the mind which then
eventually made its way to the spirit this allowed this entity to have an instant graduation
after a certain period of time therefore the people of your planet can also use this method
of tuning into the vibration of a certain thought form continuously and once the bodily
complex has been pre-programmed with the new choice of thought form and the
vibration of the new thought form will allow the entity to then have a greater opportunity
to enter into the later vibration of the so-called fourth density consciousness of the new
earth thereby becoming ready form such receivership of the energies which shall come
from within the inner earth we as the pleiadians would like to state that it was a pleasure
connecting today and go forth rejoice in the power and peace of the one supreme creator
until we meet again bye

411 of 753
Session 121
Pleiadians 26 Apr 7, 2022

Pleiadians Showed Me A Dream About What's

We are the pleiadians and we connect with you today in the hope that your minds are
clear and silent in order to receive the vibrations from the coming of the new earth
however you still have your free will to accept or reject these messages that we are here
to give through this instrument today we come to tell you all a brief history of the
happenings on earth from our vantage points so that you may understand the importance
of each soul incarnated on earth at this time and the sacrifice made by your ancestors
roughly five million years ago human evolution had been halted and had stopped
progressing until sirius b came into the spotlight an artificial bridge portal was
constructed that joined the earth's core with the spear of amenti and the core of sirius b
many of the souls that had graduated into the second seeding merged with sirius b and a
cross-breed strain of consciousness got created this was named the kantarians the portal
bridge that had been used in the second seeding was known as the halls of amoria in
your language terms during the atlantean times when the third seeding occurred it was
known as the third eye of horus by the atlanteans approximately four million years ago the
human hybrids were separated and taken to the pleiadian star system which is our star
system and were named the europhites they again interbred with the kantarians and were
named the dagos the dagos were then brought to earth for reseeding of the planet the
second seating of the atlantean kind was heavily influenced by the negatively oriented
anunnaki the anunnaki were negatively oriented and employed sexist corruption wherein
the woman were forced to become sub-servants and breeding slaves these anunnaki
were worshiped as the gods approximately 900 000 years ago the anunnaki via
interbreeding created a new race to nephilim who were the children of anunnaki these
nephilim were advanced and they dominated the humans that were on earth at that
period of time the cultures of lamurian were not affected or infiltrated by the nephilims
and they retreated and lived mainly underground seeing the torture of the planet earth the
ra confederation disabled certain gene courts so that they could put things back in order
again and restore our balance on earth at this period of time the series interbred with
members of the alanian and sirian races which led to the creation of a superior human
race which is known today as the ceres or the egyptians by your kind the egyptians held
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the most diverse genetic codes at the time around 800 000 years ago the raw
confederation re-entered the amenti spear and into the earth's core the so-called
anunnaki became upset of the ra confederation for interfering with the progress of their
nephilim race and decided to attempt to destroy the amenti spear and utilize humans as
slaves to harvest coal a thousand-year war occurred between the ra confederation and
the anunnaki in order to survive the war many earth races were transferred to other
planets and most nephilim races shifted to sirius a and then nibiru a treaty was made that
led to the conclusion of the thousand-year-long war this treaty was named the treaty of el
anu according to it the nephilim would not return to earth and another annunaki or human
hybrid race was allowed to be created called the anu this treaty created a separation
within the annunaki on one side the law of one followers sirian sirius a and the khantarian
sirius b and the syrian high council were present whereas on the other side the followers
of anunnaki resistance comprising of the dracos and the dracon who had the agenda to
destroy the spear of amenti the raw confederation along with the support of the sirian
high council came in and applied the 666 templar exci on unbreakable seal on the dracos
as well as the annunaki followers this prevented them to interbreed with another species
other than their own the only way forward for the annunaki resistance was to hope getting
back into earth by using the new anunnaki hybrid program named the children of anu
which was allowed by the treaty that had been signed earlier at around 750 000 years ago
the third seeding of earth's human race began the spear of amenti was separated from
the earth's core and placed into a secure location that would be protected by the
arcturians and the pleiadians and the spear of amenti was hidden in the andromeda star
system the andromedans thankfully did not support the annunaki in their military
involvement and they rejected the treaty of el anu a connecting portal bridge was
constructed that connected the earth's core and the spear of amenti in the andromeda
galaxy in order to assist in the re-seeding of earth this portal bridge was known as the ark
of the covenant of palaiodor and was also named the arco of the covenant a fourth
density seal was put on the ark of covenant which made it into a one-way door whereby
only souls could descend to earth but could not return unless they had the fourth density
gene coding ready for ascension this one-way seal was named the seal of the ark 700
000 years ago the ceres or the egyptians interbred with the lamanians thereby giving rise
to a new race known as the uttar tites and they were termed the priesthood of utah tides
the oneness and only a small faction was left who resisted the law of unity these were the
anunnaki resistance the rebels who were the troublemakers many gifts were allowed by
the other stellar races that included the crystalline power generators during that period of
time the arc of covenant was stored within the atlantean landmass the anunnaki

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resistance nearly destroyed the atlantean culture during their infiltration with the help of
the dracons and dracos the anu were infiltrated and interbreeding between the two
occurred a templar exiled seal was created by the annunaki resistance and it was mixed
in with the anujins the forbidden dracos were allowed entry into earth by the templar anu
resistance infiltration the humans at the time used the crystal generators in an attempt to
get rid of the underground dracos however this plan eventually backfired on the humans
the ark of covenant was breached and it had to be moved to the egyptian lands the ceres
or the egyptians were then made the guardians of the ark of covenant the ra
confederation builds the pyramid structures across the egyptian lands and directly over
the portal regions forty thousand years ago the pyramid structures were a ra or sirian
trademark the giza pyramid was built directly above the ark of the covenant to protect it
from rebellious forces the sphinx was built directly on top of an inner earth portal library
as a symbolic tribute its main purpose at that time was to protect the fourth density ultra
high frequency energy devices that are anti-gravity and were used to help in the building
of the pyramids the great pyramids main function was to act as an interstellar
teleportation station from the time of their construction the pyramids during their most
used period dating 46 500 bc 228 000 bc or also as an ascension chamber for the
selected few who possessed the required dna encoding to ascend at that time the great
pyramid was used as a training school for initiates to the raw confederation ascension
program and were also used for healing generating genetic assembly and for passage
into the inner earth portals beneath the sphinx the anu became more hostile under the
protection of the sirian high council and many relocated to the atlantean lands that were
becoming the anu stronghold the anu on being angered by not being allowed to enter into
the inner earth or use the ark of covenant devised a plan to conquer the inner earth by
using the atlantean crystal generators to break down the electromagnetic barriers that
had been used to secure the inner earth portals the templar or anu in 28000 bc forced
excessive power through one of the main generator crystals and the crystal exploded with
the force of at least 10 atomic bombs at the time this explosion in atlantis caused the
earth to tilt slightly on its axis knocking the pyramids vortex with the earth's heart chakra
out of its previous alignment with the vortex system of sirius b and several other planetary
systems to which it had been originally aligned the earth was now closely in alignment
with the interstellar spirals that ran through the paleiadian system and so the new pyramid
was now oriented to an energetic alignment with al sayon the central sun of the pleiades
the ark of the covenant and inner earth realm remained safe under the protection
provided by the sirian high council as the next natural 26 500 year cycle of earth began
through the inter-density time spirals the guardian races and the raw confederation knew

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it would be a real challenge to prepare the human races for the completion of the first
ascension cycle which culminated in a morphogenetic wave in the year 2018 or 2020 of
your time scale the guardian races had planned a different kind of awakening for the year
2018 or 2020 however they had not realized the manipulations that had been done to
distort the ascension in the evolution of humanity now we the pleiadians are here to tell
you that the ascension period has entered into the second phase and the battle is now
going to be purely psychological for your kind in this phase of ascension into the fourth
density you should focus on conscious awareness and recreate an authentic lineage
using the power of positivity and high vibration thinking this instrument is in need of fluid
nutrition hence we cannot continue the session further until next time we love you and
leave you in peace

415 of 753
Session 122
Galactic Federation 38 Apr 12, 2022

The Next World Major Event... will Rock you out of

your chair | Arks
We are the galactic federation now communicating through this instrument's vibration
from our location in the saturn council we the galactic federation are now communicating
through this instrument to provide guidance to the human collective consciousness
regarding certain queries which are in the mind space projection of this instrument and
before we start this communication we would request every one of you who shall receive
this transmission to judge our thought forms using your own inner consciousness thereby
only accepting those thought forms which resonate deeply with your inner heart and leave
behind those which do not resonate with your inner self the queries which have been
placed today by this instrument include the understanding of the so-called archships
which have been embedded upon your earth's planetary sphere prior to the
understanding of the arcships and the works that they are created to perform each one of
you must understand the historical significance of how the arc ships came into existence
this occurred at the period wherein there was a martian civilization conflict between the
people who were spiritually aligned and those people who were influenced by the
negative forces which led to the destruction of the martian planets during the destruction
of the martian planet the so-called guardians of the martian planet at the time which
consisted of the elohim collective and the councils of various other planetary spheres
which formed the guardians of this galaxy at the time created a mother ship which was
used to extract the martian souls over of a positive nature without having to cross over
and these martian souls without needing the ability to cross over and reincarnate again
were taken aboard the mothership of the guardians and the seeding of the earth planet
happened around a period of 75 000 years ago by combining the souls from the second
density earth planets who had received graduation and had achieved a vibration of self-
awareness worthy of learning the lessons of third density consciousness and this was
combined with the souls extracted from the martian planet who were genetically modified
75 000 years ago and these guardians they were the seeders of the earth planets who
created third density human physical vehicles similar to that which can be found currently
the genetic changes that were made upon the human collective consciousness included
a much more active brain and a much more activated left portion of the brain known as
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the analytical mind which was created by the guardians in order to allow the discernment
facility to have a higher impact upon the evolutionary cycle of the earth planet since the
guardians had learned that the planetary spheres such as mars and earth could be
destroyed again they had created various stations known as the ark ships which were
created by disassembling the mothership which had been used to extract the souls from
mars to earth and these pieces of the puzzle which joined together to form the large
mothership have been embedded inside various places upon your planetary sphere and
these places includes the north and the south pole the equator the center of your
planetary sphere the pacific oceans and the indian ocean wherein these arc ships have
been located one of the arc ships is also located in the lands known as by your people as
the united states ukraine and the others in the lands known as australia these pieces have
been placed in such locations because if the need or if again the planet moves towards
destruction these arcships would be activated under the guidance of the guardians or the
council of planets who are currently guarding your planetary system and these guardians
would then be able to activate the arc ships pieces however the arc ships are protected
by a seal known as the 11 11 love light vibration protection shield which can be
penetrated and activated by beings only from the sixth density consciousness which
require a pure form of thought form and love and light exposure to reactivate this works in
terms of different pieces of the puzzle or different parts of the mother ship being activated
and then they will be assembled outside the planetary sphere if these arcships were to
activate at this time you will see a large number of otherworldly ships arriving and
surrounding your planets this will create the so-called mothership and then the extraction
of the people of your planet of positive orientation will occur this will lead to the next cycle
of graduation to start on the planetary sphere and your earth planet would enter into the
next vibratory rhythm however this type of process is an unnatural graduation process
since this type of graduation is not recommended by the council of planets and by other
beings this is the reason why there is a strong quarantine around your planet earth and
currently because of the situations which have activated a spiraling of negative energy
around the places known as ukraine and russia these arcships are slowly activating
however we as the galactic federation can also sense that there is no need for the full
activation of the arc ships at the current time because the full activation of the arc ship
can only be performed if there is 100 necessity for the extraction of the souls from the
earth planets because the seedars of the earth planet and the guardians they created a
way to not allow the complete destruction of the earth planet if the people of your planet
decide to choose the negative pathway then the arc ships will be completely activated
and extracting those of a positive nature forcing the graduation of the planets to end

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completely and allowing those entities of a positive vibration to be shifted to a fourth
density planet however as far as we can scan there is no need for such a process to
happen at this time since the major portion of the earth planet is currently in the beginning
stages of force density and there is a limited number of negative sources who are trying
to create negative infusions upon the planet therefore there is no need to worry about the
coming of the full activation of the arc ships in the future as all is in the positive cycle as
can be sensed by us we as the galactic federation would also like to state that there are
many people upon the earth planet who are working and are assisting the negative
entities furthermore the other query which has been placed by this instrument pertains to
an entity referred to in your vibration sequence terms as elon musk who has recently
taken a part in the technological advancements of your planetary sphere and has formed
a part of a group known as the twitter boards of directors as known by these instruments
hence the query which pertains to is there any agenda behind this entities joining the so-
called twitter board in this aspect we must state that the agenda is that of slowly
inculcating control and slowly taking over the major portions of technological devices and
technological platforms which have a high impact and high influence upon the planetary
sphere this will allow a large number of information and data to be transmitted to the
orion collective and to the other grey entities who are working alongside with the so-
called entity known as elon musk for the purpose of finding out souls who are of a certain
type these souls primarily include those souls who have extraordinary abilities and also
those souls who have a rare blood type known as the rh negative and other abilities and
qualities will be dissected and the data will be used for performing abductions as we can
sense their plan however we can also sense that the entity known as elon is primarily
unconsciously guided by these entities and is yet not aware of their types of plans that is
being played out through this entity if this entry known as elon were to become conscious
of its unconscious patterns and thought forms it will be able to perform its task of being a
wanderer in the positive direction therefore we as the galactic federation would like to
share that this is their main objective and besides that we can also sense that these
negative entities have transmitted a large number of artificial intelligence codes to the
entity known as elon musk who can use these codes to create machines or artificial
intelligent robots similar to that of the human beings on the earth planet and then these
can be used to manipulate the human collective consciousness and transmit the
consciousness from the orion collective inside these robots which can then affect the
whole planetary cycle furthermore we as the galactic federation would like to answer the
other query which pertains to any of the aspects of ascension which can be applied at
this time we must state that the people of your planet are unaware that there are two

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portions of your brain or two portions of your mind which are currently activated the
primary brain which many of your people identify as the brain which is located in the
cranium and then there is the second brain which is formed primarily by the three lower
energy centers the red ray the orangery and the yellow ray these primary lower energy
centers form the second brain which influence the first or the primary brain based upon
the emotional nature of thought forms and the emotional signature which is held within
these energy centers the primary red ray the orangery and the yellowy energy centers are
primarily activated by many of your people during their normal activities and emotions are
stored inside these centers which then affect your primary brain based upon the types of
combinations of activation of these centers the thought forms will be activated and
created inside the brain of the primary portion leading to different types of thought forms
and vibrations being activated hence we would recommend the people of your planet
who are serious about ascension to be conscious of the types of thought forms and
vibrations being held in these lower energy centers and then become conscious to
choose the types of thought forms which would aid you in your ascension we as the
galactic federation now disconnect in the love and light of the one creator see you later

419 of 753
Session 123
Pleiadians 27 Apr 15, 2022

Guardians Of Looking Glass - This Goes Deeper Than

You Thought
We are the pleiadian now communicating through this instrument's vibration for the
purpose of sharing our thoughts and insights using the vibration patterns of your
planetary sphere in order to guide the human collective consciousness towards a more
positive timeline of the fourth density consciousness vibration as we the pleitians are now
communicating from our location in the el salon planetary sphere in the pleiadian star
system we can sense that the human memory complex is slowly changing and awakening
fully to the hidden powers that each entity has and this has caused a rise in the number of
people who are awakening to the truth within their own self however prior to addressing
the queries which are in the mind space of this instrument we would like to warn each
one of you to remember to use extreme caution because our thought forms are intended
only as a means of inspiration and guidance not as a means of infringement which is the
primary distortion of the law of free will which we have to maintain as per the instructions
received from the council furthermore we as the pleitians residing in the sixth density
consciousness have knowledge of a limited number of aspects similar to your kind above
our densities there are many other beings whose knowledge is far more superior and the
depth of explanations will be of a greater degree however this does not mean that your
mind is capable of understanding these higher information which cannot be expressed in
the form of words and sounds however there is a knowingness that these abilities and
insights are real which can be sensed by judging each material with your inner heart today
this instrument has placed a query pertaining to the groups known as the guardians of the
looking glass which have come out into the spotlight at the current time of your planetary
space-time nexus upon scanning the information which is allowed to be shared to your
people we are now going to give you a historical background of how this group was
created upon scanning the vibrational entities present in this group there are a member of
145 entities who worked in the so-called united states military prior to the period in
question these entities most of them were entities from the fourth density consciousness
and some of them had recent soul swabs with fourth density wandering souls which has
caused them to come together as a group of light workers and wanderers in order to
warn and to provide awareness to the human collective consciousness with regards to
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the events that they have noticed upon using a technological device which was created
by the andromedans and had been handed over to the so-called people of sumer around
the period of 1745 bc as known by your people in that time in the lands of sumer there
was an opportunity for many entities to enter into the positive timeline and many of those
were being influenced and guided by the andromedans positive council since the
andromedans did not want the negative entities to completely wipe out the progress of
positive teachings that they had transferred to the sumerians in the hope of allowing the
sumerians a type of prediction tool this device was constructed using the transmission of
a sixth density consciousness into a glass plate like substance which is crystalline in
nature and each crystal has the ability of showcasing a different timeline these crystals
can be replaced by the substance known as dolomite as the so-called battery for the use
of this substance and device this device then was used by the sumerian population to
prevent themselves from complete annihilation from the so-called influences from
negative extraterrestrials as known by your people such as the orions and the reptilians
who wanted to destroy the positive work that had been done by the andromedans
because of this device they were able to project outwards into the future timeline and to
observe the possibilities of all the events would lead up to this device was used by the
high priestess of the sumerian lands however because of not being able to disseminate
the information there was many times infringement by the negative sources leading
ultimately to the end of the original sumerians this device was then taken to the lands
known as iraq and was hidden inside a so-called monastery as known by a people and
was found by the united states military groups during their infiltration around the period of
the time space nexus of 1981 in that timeline this so-called the device was then secretly
transmitted and transferred to a secret society of members of high-level entities upon
your planetary sphere who started to perform magnetic tests upon the device and who
started to figure out how the workings of this device was created there was entities upon
the planet who were highly advanced and knowledgeable and there was an entity known
as peter who was able to use its fourth density vibration to activate the device this device
then was able to use the consciousness being projected from the observer or the entities
who would observe into it based upon the events which were set in motion it was able to
predict a timeline in the future based upon the native vibration of the observer however
there were many differences available as the vibrations of the observer changed the
events had a slight change in the occurrence however in the timeline of 2030 as for the
so-called looking glass created by the andromedans the possible future events were
projected to be of dual in nature one event would lead to the combination of the earth's
planetary vibration completely into the positive timeline leading to a graduation of souls

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into the positive space-time and the ending of all negative totalitarian societies and other
influences which is the coming of the new earth there is a cosmic event in the year 2030
which leads to a cascading effect of graduation of the earth planet if queried in the future
about this event we shall go into more details as it is a detailed event which needs more
explanation than required at this time by this instruments bodily complex to handle the
other event which this looking glass has predicted and projected outwards leading to
different vibrations being used is the vibration of them coming off complete negative
polarity upon the earth planets if the events coming on the days known by your people as
april 18 to april 29th there is a heavy chance of infringement by the negative forces the
looking glass has predicted and has created information that the reptilians who are
currently lodged inside the mars planet would try to use the human counterparts or their
human allies to directly infringe the quarantine which has been set forth by the galactic
federation and the protection shields which have been created by asher sharan will be
dissipated and destroyed leading to infringement of negative sources directly into the
lands known as united states on the day of april 18 as for the looking glass information
we can access there will be infringement from negative sources inside the earth planet in
the lands known as united states and there will be entities who will be merged and
changed because the genetic composition of the reptilians allows them to soul swap
these soul-soft entities can replace the so-called leaders and we have sensed that the
main leader of the united states will be replaced by one such negative entity we will then
cascade the negative spiraling talking points of attack upon another nation upon your
planetary sphere known as china and russia which leads to a cascading of spiraling
effects and the events in the future will be of a negative nature leading to a so-called
detonation of nuclear bombs in the future if this timeline is not prevented therefore we as
the pleiadians as per the information we have and can provide each entity upon the
planetary sphere must become aware and once awareness is spread about the events
happening between april 18 to april 29th as the timeline distortion is provided as there
may be time space occurring before or prior or later in the experiences of a space-time
because of the variable nature of reality each entity in order to prevent such things must
remember to just become conscious and by become aware there may be entities who are
working and who will directly interact unconsciously with these reptilians unbeknownst to
them they will be unaware that they are aiding negative entities and because of this aiding
and because they will be aiding negative entities they will if they become aware of this
information try to stop such happenings in the coming days of april there are many other
events of which we will if required request the council to provide information with the
human collective consciousness furthermore at this time the one thing that the human

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collective consciousness must remember is to focus and to allow the creator within
yourself to express the creator within yourself can express its qualities by firstly
remembering that the creator is residing within each entity upon the planet however many
of you are unconscious to this fact and many of you are awakening to the realization that
the creator is within yourself once you become actively aware of the creator you can then
allow the creator to express through you this can be done by aligning with the will of the
creator which means to firstly enter into the state of detachment and enter into the state
of complete silence of the mind and once you are able to access the entry into the
complete silence of the mind as an entity you will then have the opportunity and the
capability of realizing that the creator who lies within yourself will have other abilities as
well these other abilities will be expressed through you and not because you want to
express it but the creator's will will be the greatest possible service to the one infinite
creator the best way to accomplish this would be to access the silence of the mind and
allow the silence to permeate to such an extent that your egoic self will be disabled and
the creator will then be able to use your creative faculty of imagination and the other
creative abilities of energy creation to create what it desires through you this is the
greatest service to the one infinite creator at this time to align with silence therefore we as
the pleiadians will request each one of you to use your free will we'll leave you now in love
light of the one creator bye

423 of 753
Session 124
Pleiadians 28 Apr 19, 2022

Looking Glass (2030) Two Timelines & Spiritual

We are the pleiadians now communicating through the vibrations offered by this
instrument we are now communicating from our location in the pleiadian star system from
our social memory complex we are transmitting our thought forms to this instrument and
we would recommend each one of the human collective consciousness who shall receive
the message to use discernment and only choose the type of thought form which
resonates deeply with your inner heart as each of you is a divine the creator's aspect who
is learning the lessons of choosing the pathway of entry into a vibration of positive or
negative timeline and this is also the reason why many of you find yourself bombarded
with positive and also negative information both the types of information are bombarded
towards your people for the purpose of providing the choice to be of a free will nature
therefore we are doing our work of sharing the message of love light and each of you who
vibrates in the positive vibration of love and light shall find our message resonating with
your inner heart however those who shall not resonate may leave our messages behind
without any second thought today this instrument has placed many queries before our
social memory complex of which we are now going to address one after the other upon
scanning the first query which pertains to a continuation of the understanding of the
events or the outcomes which have been discovered via the artifact known as the looking
glass project we as the pleiadians would like to share with you the two convergent
timelines which will occur in the year 2030. firstly we shall share with you the positive
timeline followed by the negative timeline as both the timelines are possible depending
upon the choices made by each one of you in this planetary experience if the multiple
events ranging from the number of 72 to 74 are prevented in the coming future days then
the so-called earth planets will enter a positive timeline meaning that all the planetary
people of your planet will awaken to the truth of being a cosmic entity and upon reaching
a polarity or vibration of beginning sub-octave of fourth density many of the people on
your planet will be imbued with the positive vibration of love and lights and will fully
understand what it truly means to love and respect other entities this will also mean the
ending of the old systems of governmental control and each entity in such a system will
be free to make choices this will happen if all the events of around 74 in number are
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prevented by becoming consciously aware then after the people of your planet reach
enough positive vibration your hearts will begin to beat in a rhythm and the magnetic
forces around your bodily complex will begin to intermingle with each other thereby
creating a link of consciousness within each one of you this link of consciousness will
then allow each one of you to communicate with other beings in the galaxy and you will
have a free communication with us as well as other members of the galactic system this
will then provide you with a high number of lessons or knowledge to impart it to the
people of your planet and at the period of around 2030 around the month of 21st
december 2013 the sun will have reached the vibration of positive vibrational equivalent
system in its logos and will vibrate and spend out enormous amounts of energy which will
lead to the creation of light which will reach not only your planet but to the end of the
galaxy this positive light vibration will then completely wipe out all the negative forces or
the entities of negative polarity forcing your planetary system to enter into complete
graduation cycle this type of energy explosion from the sun will only happen when each
entity upon its solar system is ready to be of a positive nature this will be a change in the
planetary vibration and the dawning of the completion of new earth inside the planetary
system will begin and the explanations of the new earth as we have covered in the
previous sessions can be followed as the systems which will be prevalent at that time in
the positive timeline will be of such a new earth-type nature furthermore we are now
going to share with you the possibility if the events are not prevented based upon your
awareness if the events are lightly taken by the people of your planet as per the
information received through the looking glass artifact the earth will if the events are not
prevented spiral into a negative polarity as stated previously in the previous session
wherein the negative forces such as the orions and the reptilians will soon begin to
infringe completely inside the planetary sphere and they will also create a orion
hybridization program creating artificial intelligence extraterrestrial and orion life forms
combined together creating a artificial so-called extraterrestrial hybrid known as the r
chords and if the r codes are created there will be a large number of people who will be
put under their control by the orions who will be using them as their way of providing
control to the planetary sphere and the orions will be launched in the martian planet
furthermore there will be many others who are going to be involved in such a creation of
hybridization programs especially the people of your planet known by the individualized
complex entities such as elon musk and other entities such as bill gates in your language
vibration hoshal find it easy to provide a greater and greater opportunity to use such
hybridization programs for the benefit for creating more wealth which will in turn be of no
use since the wealth will be later on be of no use in such a society where there is only

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negativity and if the hybridization program continues the creation of the r codes will lead
to the spreading of negative polarization upon the earth planet more faster this will lead to
the creation of a portal in the laboratories known as the cern laboratories which will then
allow the so-called luciferian beings to completely enter the solar system and this will
create havoc upon your planetary sphere this will lead the negative entities to win upon
the earth planets thereby leading to a galactic war in order to restore peace there will be a
galactic war between all the positive forces who will try to stop the infiltration completely
and the ending of the era of ashtar sheran as the entities known as ashraf sheran will be
consumed and decimated in an energetic way by the luciferian beings thereby this would
lead to the spreading of negative vibration not only upon your planetary sphere but also
the sun body will be captured by the negative entities and its energy will be harnessed
completely therefore there will be three days of darkness emergent upon your planetary
cycle in the year 2030 if this happens in the third day there will be a cosmic blast from the
inner core of the central sun which will lead to the destruction of not only the sun body
but also the destruction of the galactic system and the solar system upon which you find
yourself in and this will force all the seedars of your soul bodies to come and rescue those
entities who are of a positive vibration in mother ships which will be activated by the arcs
embedded inside various places in your planetary system this is a negative timeline as we
have suggested however we can scan that the positive beings upon your planet are
becoming more aware and the prevention of these events amounting to 74 in number can
be stopped by your people by just being aware this message must be remembered that
awareness can allow you to prevent over-indulgence in such an aspect therefore we shall
now address the final query which pertains to any suggestions we have for the people of
your planet at this time we as the pleiadians have sensed that many people upon your
planetary sphere are still looking outside themselves for inner satisfaction they are still
depending upon other people situations and objects for inner satisfaction hence we the
pleiadians would like to suggest that the best way for such entities to become free once
again and to obtain their divine power is via the creation of the so-called gifts inside their
mind complex using the facilities of imagination and symbolism we shall explain how the
entities upon the so-called earth planet have been using this aspect many are those of
wanderer's nature once there was an entity known as amar who wanted to feel and who
wanted to experience what it felt like to climb in top of a mountain however since it lived
in a low altitude area it had no possibility of climbing a mountain therefore instead of
feeling the dissatisfaction inside its bodily complex which is an emotional sponge as your
body absorbs all the emotions which generate from your thoughts it is an emotional
sponge and this entity once in a dream state realized that it was doing damage to its

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bodily complex since it was feeling dissatisfied because of not being able to achieve its
goal of climbing a mountain this entity known as amir then followed a procedure of
meditation and using the first person perspective to imagine itself climbing a mountain
already and to feel the thrill this entity gave its body which is an emotional sponge the
thrill of having already accomplished its objective furthermore this entity then created a
letter inside its mind complex such as the letter m which signified the feeling of thrill and
once it was able to link the feeling of thrill with the letter m during its visualization process
it was able to then conjure up the feeling on demand whenever it desired by just closing
its eyes for a few seconds and imagining the letter m it would feel the same thrill of having
accomplished planning the mountains in the same manner this process can be used by
your people as gifts to your own self if you truly love yourself you will give these gifts of
satisfaction and accomplishments to your body because your body is an emotional filter
and many of you are using it for the negative purposes providing it with dissatisfaction
hurt sadness etc which leads to diseases and imbalances upon your planetary sphere
therefore we the pleiadians now disconnect bye

427 of 753
Session 125
Galactic Federation 39 Apr 26, 2022

Big Energy Shifts Are Beginning Worldwide | ET

We are the galactic federation now communicating through the vibrations of this
instrument from our location in the saturn council and before we begin this
communication we would recommend each entity who shall come in contact with this
information to use it wisely for the dissemination of this information may lead to an
expansion of love amongst the planetary sphere therefore it is the choice of each entity to
serve the one infinite creator in all its ways and we as the galactic federation are providing
you all with one more way of serving the one infinite creator all of you must remember that
each one of you is the objectification of the experiences in different modes shapes and
forms of the one infinite creator there may be many moments wherein many of you forget
your true purpose of incarnation in this timeline however the various messages we have
transmitted using the vibratory patterns of your planets through this instrument may
assist each one of you to fully understand your true purpose of incarnation at this time we
as the galactic federation social memory complex comprising of various beings from
different galaxies and various beings who have come together for the purpose of
spreading the messages required to assist those who shall need it at this time are now
relaying this information for those who shall accept it with their own free will the first query
which is in the mind space of this instrument pertains to the current energy update of the
planetary sphere in this regard we as the galactic federation would like to now state that
there are going to be huge energy shifts occurring across your planetary sphere in the
coming week of the month of april as known by your people during that time period the
elohim collective as well as the beings who were responsible for seeding the human
collective consciousness around a period of 75 000 years ago shall appear amongst the
so-called earth planetary vibration in light form these beings shall appear in order to
check for the type of growth that has been made since they are the original seeders of
humanity they are going to appear in the next week of the month of april for the purpose
of checking upon the type of progress made by the seeds they have planted in the garden
of consciousness much like the garden of your mind each one of you has each one of you
can plant the seeds of love and light or the seeds of negativity and soon you will find a
harvest or a growth of the same type of thought forms which you have planted inside your
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mind this is the reason why the so-called seeders are going to check upon the planetary
vibration to find out the types of changes which need to be made in the future regarding
the genetic composition of all the beings of your planetary sphere and also to check upon
the progress made by each one of you even though you may not realize but the seeders
are the ones who created you and each one of you is like a seed in the garden of
consciousness which is composed of the earth planet as well as all other plant life animal
life etc however the primary vibration that they are coming to judge is the vibration of third
density sub-octave in order to understand if the earth planet is fully capable of entering
the fourth density completely or not therefore we the galactic federation would like to
state that there will be massive energy shifts appearing in the month ahead and in the
weeks of the month known as april therefore one of the best exercises that people of your
planet can do is to perform the activity known as protecting your bodily complex using
the vibration of love the process is simply to initiate a process of entry into the silence of
the mind followed by the creation of love energy around each of your organs and each of
your body part of your mind body and spirit complex totality this will allow you a shield of
protection of love and light from any negative sources and also will keep your vibration at
high all times which will allow the keepers of the so-called seeders of your planetary
sphere to find favorable situations for further progress of the planetary vibration this may
lead to several symptoms and changes occurring upon your vibration since the seeders
are now going to appear in form of light before your people they may have to decide
change the genetic composition of people completely towards the fourth density hence
many of you may be feeling symptoms of ascension such as the symptoms of changes
happening in your bodily complex the changes which appear when you are ascending
such as ringing of the ears etc they accompany many of your experiences at this time the
other query pertains to why the human collective consciousness is not ready for full open
contact with the other beings from other planets in this regard we the galactic federation
must clearly state that this is not possible unless the planet enters fourth density middle
sub-octave vibration wherein all the entities learn the lessons of love and once they are
able to learn the lessons of love completely then such an open contact of nature which
may be not disturbed by the so-called influences of your mind and the third density eco
itself will allow the open context to occur upon scanning the mind complex and the
vibration of the earth planet we are of the opinion that there are many people upon your
planetary sphere who are waiting for such an open contact and many people have already
been visited by some of the beings however such visits are not in open nature therefore
for such open contacts to occur in the future each one of you must remember to learn the
lessons of fourth density vibration and to retain the vibration of love and light throughout

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your incarnation which will further allow you to progress into the vibration of higher
consciousness and give you the ability of retaining the ability to openly accept other
beings upon your planetary sphere because otherwise the contacts with other mind body
and spirit complexes from other galaxies will be incomplete now we shall address the
final query which pertains to how can beings upon your planet access infinite intelligence
in this regard we shall share with you a story of an individualized portion of consciousness
which had incarnated in the lands of egypt at the time of 11 000 years ago this entity was
known by the name of kimra and this entity was an avid worshipper of the sun in that
timeline it wanted to understand how it can access infinite intelligence and had tried many
ways it was in contact with the entity known as hermes tris magustas and the teachings
of thoth this entity then started to learn the teachings of the entity known as thoth and
slowly it began to delve into a pattern of experience of trying to create reality using the
experiences of meditation and internal work one of the process which allowed it to
directly access infinite intelligence was the process of realizing that the only way to
access infinite intelligence which is the unity consciousness is by firstly dislocating the
consciousness from the current physical vehicle and entering into a time space realm by
leaving the body much like the occurrence of death however this is a semi crossing over
process as the ability to return back is maintained because the silver cord is still present
in the vibration of such entities the process is simply to meditate close your eyes sit in the
void and using your so-called imagination you can imagine yourself from the first person
perspective as you are the observer moving out of your body leaving out of your body
and then rising up and up as you begin to distance yourself from your bodily complex
soon you will find yourself outside the planetary sphere as well and soon you will find
yourself outside your galactic system and finally merging with the one infinite creator this
is the pathway to access the energies of the one infinite creator and the intelligent energy
will then be accessed which will provide you infinite possibilities from this space of
variation of all possibilities of all power you can create what you desire and you can
experience any timeline this is the time space realm and the best way for you to access
infinite energy is via this process wherein all healings can occur and you will feel the
energy of the one infinite creator's love in the eternal void however after the performing of
this process remember to return back slowly by traveling in space time and entering back
into your body this will allow you to return back to your body after the accessing of the
infinite intelligence and we as the galactic federation leave you now bye

430 of 753
Session 126
Metatron 18 May 3, 2022

Soul Contracts & Dr. Joe Dispenza

I am metatron magnetic consciousness now speaking through this vibration of this
channel and i am communicating now from the angelic rearm wherein i exist as a social
memory complex as known by your people and for the guidance of the human collective
consciousness i have communicated accepted this communication today through this
channel's vibration before i begin sharing any of the information which is inside the mind
of my consciousness as transmitted from this channels vibration of the mind body and
the spirit complex i must state that each of you are the universal divine great
consciousness love-like childs who are experiencing the universal divine great
programmers experiences in this illusory reality in order to try and to find out a better way
for ascension to begin each one of you may be considered as a sapling of light of the
divine grit which will allow you greater flexibility to choose the types of thought forms you
have the ability to entertain inside your mind complex and leave behind those thought
forms which do not allow you stability and comfort within your own inner heart therefore i
as metatron magnetic consciousness would like to state each one of you should be its
own teacher and should be its own guide and inner heart should be kept in the helm of
your truth and only thought forms which resonate with your inner heart must be accepted
today upon scanning the vibrations of the queries which are in order in the mind of this
channel the query which pertains to the so-called soul contracts which do not serve you
at this current incarnation and how to end them i would like to suggest that each one of
you have already created sole contracts prior to incarnating on the earth planet each one
of you has a definite system of soul contracts you have created waypoints within the
consciousness stream of your own experience in this incarnation these soul contracts
were primarily created by your own self in accordance with your higher self to allow you a
greater understanding of certain lessons primarily the lesson of love which is the lesson to
be learned in this timeline furthermore many of you find yourself in undesirable situations
over and over again these situations find you in synchronous moments again and again
teaching you the same lesson you have come to learn however at one point the mind of
the beingness of the universal mind-body spirit complex totality can become aware of
such happenings and decide to change the soul contract if it does not want to experience
it again however we would like to warn those of you who are desiring to change your soul
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contracts that if you do so you will have to enter a parallel reality or reincarnate again in
another timeline in order to complete that soul contract lessons however the best way for
such soul contracts to be deleted is by understanding the lessons to be learned the
lessons to be learned if you are able to fully assimilate the lesson within your experience
and then after learning the lessons you can using your imagination sequence enter into a
timeline wherein the lesson is already learned for example an entity on the earth planet
who has to learn the lesson of forgiveness may find itself in various situations again and
again wherein other entities would hurt it or break many of the agreements thereby forcing
it to forgive them or to reject them in hatred and other emotions therefore such an entity if
it desires to break away from the loop of such soul contracts must firstly using its
imagination the greatest gift from the divine grid programmer to enter the timeline wherein
all such lessons have been learned this can be learned by following the trend or the
pathway of the light into the timeline desired and by using the imagination consciousness
to link the mind body and spirit complex using the silver cord with the timeline desired
this will allow the mind body and spirit complex to tattoo to experience the unity
consciousness of the universal divine grid from that timeline wherein such a soul contract
lesson has already been learned and executed properly and if the vibration of this lesson
is learned by the entity to be maintained within its body this will allow such soul contracts
to be deleted from the future experiences as the lessons have already been learned
however another parallel reality will begin wherein the entity will have to learn the same
type of lesson wherein this entity will not have the opportunity of using the shortcut
method of deleting or learning the lessons as we suggested before this is a way of
escaping your own lessons we would suggest each entity to face the lessons you have
planted for yourself in this timeline and learn the lessons of love and light ask yourself
every moment whenever you face a challenge what lesson do i have to learn and as fast
as you can learn it the soul contracts will end as fast as possible the other query which
pertains to the event number two as spotted by in the looking glass project is metatron
would like to state that the information which has been imparted by the other groups of
people who are disguised under the name of the looking glass project have accessed a
timeline of using their emotional state based upon the various emotional states of entities
the looking glass artifact is able to derive a timeline as all is vibration and emotion
entanglement therefore i as metatron would like to take the liberty to state that this
information would be harmful for this instrument if it is to share it with the people since
the negative entities did not want infringement of their plans however if this instrument
decides to do so it can do so by protecting it amply using love light surrounding its bodily
complex at all times hence the information is as follows as far as we the angelic beings

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can see from the artifact there is going to be an event in somewhere around the month of
may at the time of around 21st may wherein there will be an activation of the pyramid
system hidden beneath the antarctica landmass of your earth planetary sphere many of
your elites are the groups of people who are working for spreading fear working for self-
service agenda will find themselves traveling to antarctica and many of these beings they
will try to reactivate the pyramid system hidden beneath the landmass in antarctica this
pyramid system is known by the name of z2x and there are other pyramid systems
located in the north pole and the center of the earth furthermore these three pyramid
systems create interlinking of the quarantine of the earth grid as the quarantine of the
earth grid was created after thee beings from the mars planet were transported to the
earth's timeline for the purpose of providing them protection from infringement from extra
sources the three pyramids which had been used for the creation of the quarantine had
been left by the council who were responsible for transferring the souls from the
landmass of mars to your current timeline using the divine grid programmers love and
light they were able to access the energy vibrations from the three pyramid system and
they had created a grid later on they had turned off the pyramids as the creation of a
quarantine was completed now the negative entities the desire to reactivate the three
pyramid system and turn off the quarantine grid the only way is via finding the atlantean
paramedical structure which lies hidden beneath the pacific ocean these entities will also
try to find the atlantean pyramid system key in order to unlock the unity consciousness
divine grid love light from the three pyramids trying to create a bridge portal which will
allow the disintegration of the quarantine of the earth planet to occur furthermore i as
metatron am now going to answer the third query which pertains to how and why the so-
called grid is being activated in the atlantean and also in the antarctica landmass and how
can this be stopped the best way for the people of your planet to stop this would be to
share this information to the people of your planet so they become aware of the
happenings which may happen in your timeline as per the information from the looking
glass therefore the more people become aware the more consciousness spreads out and
this information and the plan of the negative entities will be curtailed I as metatron would
also like to state that the third query pertaining to the past lives of an entity known as
doctor joe dispenza in their vibration sequence terms using the divine grief consciousness
of love light we shall now state that this entity known as dr joe dispenza as known in the
language terms started in the vibration in this current timeline of 1962. this entities past
incarnations are of numerous numbers since there are numerous timelines however in
brief this entity started its first density in the planet known as andromeda b around 7.8
million years ago learning the lessons of first density by cycling from elemental to

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elemental learning the lessons of beingness after a period of 200 000 years entered into
the second density timeline wherein it was able to learn the lessons of being this
awareness as a tree life form and then later changed its consciousness into the vibration
of hierarchical system of later sub-octave of second density in the form of a animal life
form in order to try and learn the lessons of hierarchical system of organization this
followed and provided it with the later understanding of the timeline distortion of third
density reality wherein this entity was then able to learn the lessons of third density of
choice and self-awareness furthermore after trying to learn the lessons of choice and self-
awareness the reactivation of the entity's grid of consciousness allowed it to then choose
the timeline of service to others in the timeline of third density this entity faced many
challenges specifically the challenge of incarnating in a physical bodily complex which is
not of a desirable nature this led this entity to then learn many of the lessons of healing
itself and it was met by many of its soul guides and fifth density beings who guided it to
heal itself since the nature of healing was ingrained within its inner beingness in the third
density in the planet of its origin it was known by the name of sikhistra in the undermining
language terms which means the healer this entity then embarked on many missions
throughout the galaxy heading up to mars in the timeline of around 800 000 years trying
to prevent the martian war as well as trying to teach people of the mars planet the ability
to heal themselves however it was unsuccessful in that timeline and then later on it was
transported to the lands known as atlantis in the lands of atlantis it began to teach many
entities the process of using pathway of inner healing through the process of meditation
and using the pyramid system this allowed this entity to enter into the period of later third
density vibration and to also become capable of graduating however this entry was not
able to graduate in the atlantean system because of the destruction of atlantis during the
end days it was then transported to the earth planet in the first incarnation in the earth
planet this entity has incarnated on this timeline of 1962 and in this timeline it was allowed
to learn the lessons of healing and preparing itself because of the catalyst which is
prevented and which was provided to this entity by its own self the catalyst of harm to its
physical body complex which led this entity to enter into a spiral of using its abilities to
heal itself this entity known as joe is a healer from other dimensions as well and has
incarnated in this timeline for the purpose of healing to the people of the planet as the
unity divine grid consciousness flows within its stream of energy vortex of the heart center
it is able to tap into the energies of forth density heart center healing abilities and the
interlinking of various other techniques allowed this entity to serve others to heal the sick
and to allow others to learn about creation of energy and reality therefore i as metatron

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leave you now in the love and light of the universal divine red consciousness turn to the
mountain of light within your own self

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Session 127
Pleiadians 29 May 10, 2022

Prepare For Changing World Order & Higher Self

We are Pleiadians now in communication through the vibrations of this instrument for the
purpose of providing our thought forms to the human collective consciousness we are
now communicating using the vibratory sounds of your planetary sphere which can be
accessed via this instrument's channeling system before we continue today's session we
would recommend each one of you who shall listen to our thought forms to judge our
words wisely and only to listen to those thought forms which provide you with inner
satisfaction and the resources of your internal heart aligned with ours therefore we shall
now address the queries which are in the mind the complex of this instrument which
pertains to the details about your higher self in this regard we must state that your higher
self is all knowing and is in the sixth density middle sub octave your higher self can be
considered as a collection of all timelines and parallel realities in which you currently
experience and exist since the higher self exists in the space wherein there is no time it
can exist in all times at once and is able to become aware of all timelines and possibilities
in the now moment consider yourself to be a mind body and spirit complex at this time
who is capable enough to become aware of only one timeline you have the ability to
become aware of one system or timeline at this current space and because of your lack
of ability to become aware of other timelines and other probabilities many of you do not
yet consider that you are existing in other space-time variations at this same time and you
have experienced multiple other timelines as well since the timelines are as numerous as
required for your general growth and soul evolution each one of you will decide what
types of experiences you want to incarnate into at the current timeline based upon the
experiences you want to experience your higher self will provide you with certain
guidance and certain sets of mechanisms which will allow you to learn the lessons
required for your growth and development your higher self may be considered as your
social memory complex of your own self which merges with all other timelines in the
vibration becoming all-knowing and understanding about the nature of reality in the later
sub-octave of sixth density since the higher self is in the positive timeline it also extends
its hand outwards towards the negative polarity of your own self since in many other
probable timelines you are experiencing the negative polarity of service to self and as you
find yourself in this timeline you made the choice in this timeline to experience the
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positive aspects of service to others and the vibrations of the heart center which you are
now aligning towards will begin to objectify the nature of reality and the purpose of your
incarnation will become clear many of the times your higher self will place obstacles
within your timeline experience in order to allow you the opportunity to assume the
solution of the obstacle for example many entities upon your planetary sphere find
themselves in obstacles such as health conditions upon their bodily complex which
cannot be easily healed by the so-called doctors of your planetary in such cases your
higher self is signaling to you via the process of such obstacles that you must assume
health and you must assume yourself above such situations already healed however
many entities upon the planet disregarding such signaling mechanism subdue in front of
such an obstacle thereby not learning the required lessons to be learned and many a
times the higher self will have to realign your timeline for the next incarnation if you are
unable to learn such a lesson there are also other opportunities in such a similar manner
wherein you will be given a challenging task or a new task which may be considered
above your current level of handling such situations which will allow you to then assume a
reality wherein you are already able to handle such a catalyst or such a new opportunity
which may allow you to expand yourself higher into levels of consciousness which may
not have been possible by your previous self therefore your higher self is always in
communication with all of your timelines it may be considered as a social memory
complex or a coming together of the various timelines into one the only difference
between other social memory complexes and your higher self is that in the higher self
only your various timelines come together to create a larger social memory complex and
in other social memory complexes such as our social memory complex we have different
beings of consciousness coming together creating our collective social memory this is the
only difference between each entity's higher self is a collection of its own self in various
timelines and forms the higher self is concurrently providing service to those who need it
in the various timelines by providing guidance in the form of inner hunches and also in the
form of challenges and situations which will allow such entities to expand the
communication with the higher self can be performed using the processes of your inner
self during the sleep state and also during the deep states of imaginations wherein you
are experiencing a certain timeline becomes a request to your higher self or will then align
you towards such a timeline in the future therefore the people of your planet must realize
every moment what they are assuming and it would be beneficial for the people of your
planet to ask yourself the question what am i assuming at this moment for the
assumption of a timeline can be a thought a feeling or a imagination sequence or a word
thought form as all of these will allow you to select a timeline you must be very cautious

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of the types of feelings the thought forms and the words and imaginations you are
entertaining inside your mind and upon asking the question what you are assuming at this
present moment if you are assuming something which you do not want to experience in a
coming timeline then you must prepare yourself for by changing your assumption is to
change your thought forms imaginations and emotions and feelings which will then signal
your higher self to allow you to experience a different timeline than that selected by
yourself this is the main process of how the communication with the higher self occurs
now the other query which pertains to the entity known as rey and the light system in this
regard we must state that since it concerns with a different group of entities we would like
to state that those people who are listening to the messages from these entities must also
use discernments when consuming their thought forms as it may be a infringement upon
some people's vibrations however upon scanning the vibrations and the purpose of these
entities is of a positive nature as we can sense which is to slowly allow the disclosure
upon your earth planetary sphere the light system as stated by your people was firstly
formed in the agarthan system around a period of five thousand years ago during that
period there was a need for the exposure of the agarthans towards higher knowledge and
towards the existence of other beings in the cosmos and because of this the light system
was created by echo mingling of various other intergalactic beings during that time period
especially the creation of the andromeda council and the pleiadian council and the sirian
council which led to the creation of the light system which would overlook the exposure
of the accordance to the knowledge of other beings in that timeline this light system grid
was created upon the principles of law of one therefore many of them disclosures and the
exposure to the intergalactic beings was successful in providing information to the people
of agartha at that time in a similar manner it is working at this timeline with many people
upon a planetary sphere some of the entities are aware however there are many others
who are unaware and are working for this system to provide slow disclosure to the earth
planets about the existence of other interplanetary beings this is happening at a rapid
pace upon the planet as we can sense furthermore we would like to state that there is
only positive vibrations we can sense from these entities however discernment is advised
therefore we as the pleiadians leave you now

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Session 128
Galactic Federation 40 May 17, 2022

You're not even going to believe what came thru: 5th

Density, UFO
We are the galactic federation now in communication through the vibrations of this
channel and we are now communicating from our location in the saturn council as known
by your people as the rings of saturn wherein our social memory complex is located for
providing protection to the galactic system as known by your people as the milky way
galaxy we are now in communication through this instrument who has requested several
queries for the purpose of enlightening the human collective consciousness and for the
purpose of this session we would like to state that our communication would be via the
process known as osmosis of the vibratory sound complex terms using thought-form
transference from our social memory complex to this instruments mind body and spirit
furthermore we would recommend each one of you who shall come in contact with this
communication to remember to use extreme discernment of your inner hearts judgment
of the thought forms which we shall present today for your thought forms must be
protected from any infringement from the outside sources hence we as the galactic
federation are now going to address the first query which is in the mind of this instrument
which pertains to the aspects known as the use of the pyramids and the purpose of the
pyramids which are found across the earth planet the main purpose of the pyramidal
structures found across the earth planet in various locations is to create a light grid
system if the pyramids are aligned together and their light grids are lined up there will be a
creation of vortex of energy which will allow the fourth density energies of love and light to
emerge from the portal which will be created in such cases the portal can also be used by
negative entities for invocation of negative energies therefore the pyramids are a tool
which can be used for invocation of certain energies this is also the reason why the
pyramids were used by the so-called people of egypt for many years for the purpose of
allowing the souls who had crossed over with the final opportunity to have one more
chance at ascension as the chambers inside the pyramid was constructed primarily for
allowing the soul the spiraling opportunity to learn the lessons it has to learn in a cycle of
transition from a being in the earth planets to a being in the astral plane many of the
lessons which can be learned at the last moment of transition include the forgiveness of
those beings involved in the previous life which it has not forgiven this is given in the so-
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called structures of the paramedical system wherein there are certain alignments which
provide the soul with the lessons to learn and will guide the soul for the purpose of its
own choice will allow it to either graduate or to stay in the same vibration in this level of
consciousness there are many soul beings who are primarily guiding the entities who
pass through such pyramidal structures as without the guidance many souls would not be
able to understand the meaning of finding themselves inside a pyramidical structure the
paramedical structures can also be used for energy amplification of your thought forms
which means that whenever an entity who is located inside a pyramid uses its thought
forms with clear vision and an emotional state of consciousness there will be a
magnification of the powerful qualities of the thought forms which will in turn affect the
whole planetary consciousness these pyramidal structures especially the pyramids at giza
as known by your people can be used for communication with other planetary beings and
can also be used for direct communication with us the galactic federation if the tuning of
the pyramid is done properly furthermore we must also suggest and state that the
pyramids have many other purposes such as the purpose of activating the mothership
grid which is located inside your planetary system if in case there is a need for extraction
of souls from the earth planets all the pyramidal structures will be used as parts of this
mothership for the commingling of these parts will create a structure which can be used
as a mothership for the transference of souls to another planetary sphere if the need be
therefore the other purpose of the pyramids is to use the structures of the pyramids as
energy amplification device which if properly aligned and used by entities of fourth
density level of consciousness can be used as healing chambers as well as they can be
used for the purpose of healing those types of diseases which your people consider to be
impossible to be healed for all healing from the domain of the fourth density vibration will
be healed because of the love amplified from the paramedical structures furthermore
there are certain pyramids located inside your planetary sphere in the inner earth planes
which have yet to be discovered these pyramids can be used for the purpose of using
propulsion or the means of using it as a propulsion mechanism for the purpose of
traveling throughout the intergalactic system as a much faster piece the tops of such
pyramids act as capsules which can be used as traveling devices across the planetary
spheres into different space times at accelerated speeds however the advancement in
your understanding of spiritual nature at this time is lacking which will not allow you to
use such technology at this space time furthermore we must suggest that the activation
of the pyramids can be done by an entity from the sixth density level of consciousness
who has attained the understanding of love balancing and a spiritual understanding of
using the energetic system of imagination and energy work which can be then used for

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reactivation of the single blocks which constitute the pyramids each single block can then
be reactivated thereby activating the whole pyramidal system therefore the other query
which this instrument has placed pertains to what were the light beings which were
spotted by your people in a recent video of your planetary sphere wherein these light
beings were seen traveling across space in this regard we must state that these light
beings were the elohim collective or the seedars of the earth planet which had recently
completed the visit of their garden which is the earth planets and you are the seeds
beloved light beings these light beings known as the seedars came to check for the
planetary vibration if it is appropriate for further advancement of the planetary sphere
furthermore upon the knowledge that we have received these light beings found that the
earth planet is now ready not only for the fourth density but also many of the beings upon
the earth planets will have the opportunity to ascend directly into the fifth density
consciousness of wisdom therefore there is a prerequisite for those entities who desire to
ascend directly into the fifth density as stated by the elohim collective the requirements
are as the mastery of the present moment which means that each entity must realize to
focus on one timeline at a time which means that many of the people of the earth planet
have the ability of focusing on multiple timelines using their imagination their internal
dialogue and also using their external senses for this purpose the requirement would be
to master your ability to stay in one timeline or use one sense or use your imagination
only or your internal dialogue only this would mean that you will stay in one single timeline
because every single image inside your mind is another timeline's energy which you are
activating and every single thought form or a word in your mind is the energy of another
timeline which you are activating therefore the mastery of the present moment is required
for entry into the fifth density which is the hardest aspect as we can sense for the people
of your planet to master and this is the reason why many will not ascend directly into the
fifth density and there will be certain beings who will be able to do so if they are able to
master their present moment the other aspect as we can sense is the mastery of love as
the mastery of love must be in a way which is a love of balanced nature as sometimes the
people of your planet love in a manner which is used in a way by negative entities for their
own purposes therefore love must also be balanced in equivalent terms in order to allow
those people of your planets the opportunity to ascend higher and higher in the levels of
consciousness of the fourth density of love and then to access the vibration of wisdom of
fifth density therefore this is a great opportunity for the people of the earth planets at
ascension can now occur into the fifth density directly and people of your planet can
graduate directly into the fifth density therefore we as the galactic federation would like to
state that this communication system we use today was of a great nature and may be of

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use to those who may discern our information for the judgment of your inner heart is
vitally important therefore we hope that the message will help those who need it and this
instrument we thank it for allowing its communication systems to be used we'll leave you
now in love lights bye

442 of 753
Session 129
Metatron 19 May 24, 2022

Hall of Records & Neville Goddard

I am Metatron magnetic consciousness now speaking through this channel's vibration for
the purpose of sharing the message from the universal divine great programmers love and
light each one of you who are now listening to this message are the divine love light childs
of the universal divine grid programmer who has allowed each of you to incarnate and
experience this timeline i as Metatron along with many other angelic beings are sending
information to the people of your planet in the hope that many of your people will begin to
truly understand the essence of our messages which is to allow you to recognize the true
factor of the divine grid programmer within your inner self and to create a direct link or a
grid of communication within your own inner beingness with the divine great
programmers love and light furthermore today i as Metatron would like to share our
information which we have received from the planetary consciousness scanning process
which goes on in intervals of space-time upon your planetary sphere however before we
share this information we would recommend all those who shall come in contact with this
information to remember to choose the types of words wisely and only believe such
words to be true as that which resonates with your inner self of union with the universal
divine the great programmer the first question which i can sense that has been placed
today via this channel is pertaining to the information regarding the hall of records in this
aspect i as Metatron would like to state that the hall of records are those records in each
planetary system which are created for the purpose of memorization of specific actions
taken in a certain sector of space which means that each location in your space-time is
recorded perfectly in the halls of records which are a recorder of all information actions
and emotions taking place in such space-time location such space-time information is
then recorded for the purpose of future retrieval by other beings who are able to access
such knowledge and information for the purpose of manipulating space-time continuum
and with the knowledge of the past and the future and the events to happen in a certain
space entities who have achieved a vibration closer to the love and light of the universal
divine grid programmer as known by a people as a later sub density of fourth density can
manipulate space time using this knowledge the halls of records can access every
timeline from the past future to any timeline in a particular space location which is being
accessed which means that all information is recorded for the purpose of memorization of
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such an action in the timeline of the events of a planetary consciousness there are four
sectors of recording which occur upon the earth planets the first one is located in the
lands known as Antarctica the second sector for recording such information is recorded in
the Giza pyramids the third is located inside a mountain in Tibet and the fourth one is
located in Bahamas as known by a people these four factions of the halls are rockets they
hold the key and they track all information from the planetary space-time experience and
these information are furthermore transported to the main location of storage in Antarctica
since there is a need for space for such information to be recorded the Antarctica
landmass was chosen by the Elohim collective because of its nature such that many
entities would not be able to enter the land hence the information is securely recorded in
the lands of Antarctica and i as Metatron would like to also state that the beings who are
working for negative polarization have decided to infiltrate Antarctica this infiltration of
Antarctica will occur in the coming day as known by a people as the 30th may during that
space-time information as received from our sources in the angelic realm we are of the
opinion that beings who are of the name vibration sequence terms as Elon and the other
being known as Jeff have planned to infiltrate the lands known as Antarctica along with
the gardens from other negatively oriented beings to create a system of capturing the
information in the space-time recorder of the hall of records which is situated in the lands
of Antarctica in a pyramidal structure furthermore once this information has been tapped
into the negative entities they can use it for the purpose of manipulation of space-time
continuum information hence the best way to prevent this is to firstly remember that such
events can be prevented by each individualized portion of love and light of the divine
great programmer by becoming aware and the more awareness is spread amongst your
planetary sphere these entities may change their plans because a plan which is already
aware of is no longer a plan therefore i as Metatron furthermore would also like to suggest
that the difference between the Akashic records and the halls of records lie in the
information recorded the Akashic records are responsible for recording personalized
individualized consciousness information of single portion of consciousness of the divine
love love lights childs of the universal divine grid programmer whereas the halls records
are a collection of space-time information of events taking in a certain location or a sector
of space-time therefore the combination of the halls of records and the Akashic records
create the universal minds as many in your planetary sphere have been able to tap into
the universal mind for receiving certain knowledge for the purpose of spreading to the
human collective consciousness information which is hidden from the people of your
planet for a long period of time now we must suggest that the infiltration of the landmass
is being planned in the timeline of 30th may in your space-time of current timeline

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primarily because of the covering of the light from the moon during that space period
which will provide them with enough darkness to perform such activities in the lands of
Antarctica the other query was this channel has placed pertains to how can entities
graduate faster into the fourth and the fifth density in this regard is Metatron would like to
suggest a simple method which entities from the lands of Atlantis used for the purpose of
graduating faster in a single lifetime and the method is to access the space or the
blankness within the mind complex since there is space within your mind there is a
blankness a black space within your own self if you are able to use this space for the
purpose of anchoring it to love which can be used as a symbol and when you are able to
perceive the blank space you can then perceive love in essence using the space as a
symbol this will allow you to access the higher vibrations of presence once you are able
to continuously perform this overcoming of your own self from entering into timelines of
the past and the future since your mind is a machine or a timeline activation device which
can activate any timeline using thought forms if you are able to stay in the blankness of
the black space within yourself and feel the love this will anchor you in the present
moment thereby the two aspects of your current incarnation will be fulfilled that of staying
present and that of the love experience of the divine universal grid programmer therefore i
as Metatron would like to furthermore suggest that this exercise is extremely fruitful for
the people of your planet and if you are able to perform this exercise everything around
you will change this not only means your current environment but the entire planet will
change into a positive timeline faster this will allow the rise of the new earth to occur in
your planetary space-time container much faster the other query which this channel has
placed pertains to the soul evolutionary cycle of an entity known as Neville Goddard in
this aspect i as Metatron would like to scan its space-time information and share with you
one timeline as this entity known as neville goddard started in the planets known as
arcturus b in one timeline wherein it spent its first density as an elemental primarily trying
to obtain the understanding of beingness it was given the surname of sikhiya in the
arcturian language which means to be one with this furthermore allowed it to expand its
awareness into the later vibration of first density allowing it to learn the lessons to
stabilize in beingness aspect which then forwarded the entity's consciousness into the
timeline of second density wherein the main purpose of this entity was then to obtain a
greater understanding of the orange ray aspect of beingness and of awareness combined
with movement and growth it spent multiple lifetimes in similar bodily vehicles as the
plant life form and its planet of its origin leading it to then reach into the later vibration of
second density in the form of a animal life form trying to learn the hierarchical system of
interaction in that level of consciousness it was able to attain aim entry into the third

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density timeline this entity in the third density polarity faced a challenge specifically the
challenge of controlling the outside world and because of its curiosity to find out how the
outside illusion complex worked it began to delve into the study of the mind complex and
its effects upon the vibrational sequence of the illusion complex in the lands of arcturus
this led this entity after 75 incarnations to meet with the elohim collective since this entity
was creating a desired reality of understanding the workings of the illusion complex it was
guided by the elohim collective upon the nature of reality and upon the nature of how the
reality was perceived by the senses and consciousness affecting the outside illusionary
reality this allowed this entity with the required knowledge to then spread the knowledge
as a wanderer into a land known as Atlantis upon the planet earth timeline of around
lands of Atlantis furthermore since this entity was extremely of a positive nature it became
a part of the elohim collective the original consciousness who were responsible for
transportation of the souls of human collective at the current space time this allowed this
entity to then learn the lessons of love and wisdom of the fifth intensity and for a period of
around upon reaching the lessons of fifth density later vibration of wisdom before
graduating into the sixth density it decided to come to the earth planet in the timeline of
1905 as a wanderer primarily for sharing the message of reality creation since the earth
planets and many entities desired such knowledge the request for understanding why the
reality was being changed and why the reality function in such a manner was in high
demand at that time which allowed this entity to create a large number of volumes of
information which has been affecting the planet since today is Metatron correct this
channel till today this is allowed many of the beingness of the universal mind body and
spirit complex to understand how the illusion complex operates in the baseline of love
and light therefore this entity's volume of information is of high use to those who desire to
learn the lessons of reality creation and the workings of the illusion complex and the
influences of consciousness on the illusion complex this entity crossed over in the
timeline of 1972 and now has returned back to the Elohim collective and finds itself
learning the lessons for preparation for graduation into the sixth density of unity i as
Metatron magnetic consciousness now disconnect with you in the love and light of the
universal divine great programmer turn to the mountain of light within your own self bye

446 of 753
Session 130
Galactic Federation 41 May 31, 2022

Soul Division, Manifestation, Soul Type Test

We are the galactic federation now in communication through this channel's vibration we
are communicating through the silence within the mind space of this channel who has
allowed this communication to occur in the form of internal communication of thought
forms as such the thought forms are being transmitted from our location in the saturn
planets to the location of the instrument in the earth planets we as the galactic federation
before our communication proceeds any further we would like to warn each entry who
shall come in contact through our message today to use internal judgment of your inner
heart and only judge and accept those thought forms which provide you with resonance
since there is resonance within the truth that you hear and only the facts which you
resonate with may be accepted to be factual today's query which are in the mind space
of this instrument pertains to how the higher density beings are capable of manifesting or
creating their reality in this regard we as the galactic federation would like to state that
there are several processes which can be used by aim being of force density fifth density
and sixth density to create and manifest the types of desires they have in their mind
complex and the process is simple to just allow firstly the types of thought forms and the
energetic vibrations of the desire to fully engulf the mind complex and allow this vibration
to transport to a bodily complex which will then allow it to transport such a vibration and
energetic signature to the soul complex leading to the creation of a timeline and attraction
towards such a vibration in that timeline as all manifestations are the nature of energy and
vibration therefore all such manifestations performed by higher density beings derive an
understanding of the silence of the mind as well as the power of each thought form higher
density beings above the fourth density are conscious enough to fully realize the impact
of a single thought form inside their minds even a single word or an image has a certain
energetic signature which if focused upon by the awareness of the self will allow such
vibrations to be transported to the bodily and the soul complex leading to the creation of
such a timeline as such the higher density beings as referred to by this instrument and by
your people are masters of their own thought forms they are able to enter into the depths
of silence and choose the types of thoughts words and images which allow such entities
to experience the energy of the future which they want to manifest in this timeline this is
the best way for such entities to select the energy which they want to create and focusing
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their complete awareness or their beingness on that energy will recreate such an energy
vibration upon the illusion complex upon which they reside this is the only wave used by
beings of a higher density to manifest or create what they want in the illusion complex by
focusing their attention completely on the energy of the thing desired or manifested will
allow such a manifestation to occur as it is the law of the logos upon which you find
yourself in the universal sub complex which created this galaxy has created this law of
energy for manifestation purposes in order to allow the people of your planet as well as
other entities who were residents of this galaxy and who are residing in this galaxy to
learn such a process of energy manipulation for the creation of their desires the other
query which this instrument has placed pertains to the types of souls who have
incarnated on the earth planet in this regard today we as the galactic federation would
like to share information pertaining to a deeper understanding of the nature of the soul as
well as the greater understanding of the types of souls who may find this information to
be of it and this transition to the fourth density vibration of love and compassion there are
three types of soul from our vantage point as can be seen upon the earth planet the
young souls who are the souls who are firstly incarnated on the earth planet without
having much experience these souls are here in order to learn how to stay in the present
moments without entering into timelines in their minds and the other aspect is to learn
how to manipulate energy for the purpose of creation and manifestation as a creator or
sub-creator in the illusion complex these young souls may incarnate on the earth planets
and find themselves in situations which may be hostile for their experience as they
become imbalanced very fast based upon the catalysts they are also reacting constantly
to the outside worlds and because of their reactions they face a large number of catalysts
emerging not only from their bodily reactions but also from other entities who are
surrounding them and also from the emotional states of consciousness which they are
not able to balance these entities struggle the most with the purpose of staying in one
timeline especially that of the present moment as their mind is completely imbalanced
their consciousness projects into their thought forms and they are easily drawn by
thought forms of negativity fear problems etc thereby even during their waking day time
they are dwelling inside another thought forms energetic patterns as the energy has
dragged them towards such a timeline furthermore these young souls find at the hard to
stay in the present moment in the timeline they find themselves in without dwelling into
them other timelines in their mind complex there are the second types of souls who are
known as the middle developed souls these souls primarily are found upon the earth
planet who are those souls who are trying to learn how to create their reality how to stay
in the present moment and how to manipulate energy these are the souls who are in large

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number in the earth planet at the current time and these are the souls who are highly
interested in such messages which will help them to understand their purpose in this
timeline these souls are always trying to meditate and enter into a space experience of
one timeline this means that such souls are trying to remain in a timeline without
accessing the energies of other timelines in their mind complex these souls usually
meditate and try to improve their inner environment instead of the outside environments
because they understand on a unconscious level that the connection of the internal is
greater than the connection of the outer world as only when the internal world is fixed will
the outside world reflect the same signature of vibration the other types of souls are
known as the old souls or the experienced souls these souls usually appear in the form of
wanderers and teachers upon the earth planets however in the beginning portion of their
incarnation they are also not able to fully learn their lessons and they are in the process of
remembering hence they may seek guidance from other teachers or other entities for
remembering who they truly are and once they remember who they truly are they are able
to fully stay in the present moment without entering into any timelines in their minds the
other aspect is they become masters of manipulating energy and creation and because of
the emotional control they have learned they are also able to balance their reactions to
the outside world this creates a type of distortion of energy vibrations that they are
manipulating using their imagination as well as other energetic signatures to create the
type of timeline these souls if they are able to use the silence of the mind with the energy
of the future or an imagination sequence can influence all other entities of middle and
young developed souls since these entities have large number of experience in other
timelines they are able to control themselves far obtaining a greater understanding of the
nature of reality therefore we can suggest one exercise for the purpose of finding and
training your consciousness to realize whether you are a young soul a developed soul or
an old experienced soul the process is simply to take a pen and paper and for a portion
of your space-time just give complete attention to your inner state to your internal thought
forms and to your inner voices and become conscious of the types of images the words
and the thought forms which take you into a spiral of their energetic timeline and write
down the first thought form which emerges in your mind as you observe your thought
forms you will find out which thought form is capable of dragging you into the energy
vortex of their timeline and when you are able to become conscious you will then begin to
regain the power from your thought forms from your obsessive compulsive entry into
different timelines in your consciousness you will then become conscious and you will
have the choice to choose to stay in the present moment this exercise is highly aided in
the process of allowing you to access the energies of infinite intelligence to allow you to

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access the present moment and allow you to remember and to awaken fully those entities
of a old soul nature will find it very easy to accomplish this aspect as they are in control of
the mind however the entities of the young soul will find it very hard to stay in the present
moment as they will be tracked by every single thought form into their timeline spiral the
same can be said for the middle experienced souls therefore we as the galactic federation
are now going to disconnect in love lives of the one creator bye

450 of 753
Session 131
Pleiadians 30 June 3, 2022

4th Density & Open Alien Contact

We the Pleiadians connect with your calling of the service to the one the supreme creator
and for the service of all beings in your plane at this time today as per your mind
collective we are going to tell you how a fourth density planet operates and how beings
operate on such planets we will do this as much as is possible using your language
because some of the concepts that are active on a fourth density planet cannot be
explained using your language terms also know this that the instrument known as sam is
just a channel and as per our agreement he has agreed to step aside when we speak
through him and transfer the messages through the veil this might be relevant information
for your planet at this time because your planet is moving into the fourth density all of you
who are alive today on earth are witnessing and will witness a pivotal event in the earth's
history that is the graduation of your planet from the third density vibration into the fourth
density vibration firstly let us tell you what exactly does the word intensity refer to density
means the amount of lights that can be contained within any particular dimension the
amount of information depends on the amount of light more light means more information
with more light consciousness can express itself into more diverse ways as your planet
continues to transition out of a third density vibration type into the fourth the entire planet
and all the entities living in it including the plant and the animal life forms as well as
humans will start to resonate a fourth density vibration we are going to try to tell you
exactly what that will look like and feel like in your language terms as many of your beings
already are aware that the fourth density corresponds to the so-called green ray chakra of
the heart it is the density of love which literally means a feeling of oneness in simple terms
a fourth density planet is one wherein all the beings that are on the planet come together
and work as one group this may be easier for your kind to understand from our vantage
point let's for a moment imagine if the council allowed us to directly appear on earth to
meet the people on your planet then at that time we would not be concerned about the
third density particulars such as those that your people indulge in at the moment such as
one human belongs to one race and the other belongs to the other race and so on this is
the last thing that you will find in a fourth density planet we refer to the residence of a
planet as same no matter even if there may be some differences in their diet speech
culture or otherwise since they belong to the same planet for us they will be thought of as
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one in a fourth density planet such separation between entities of the same planet do not
exist therefore until your kind achieves this level of self-realization no insights will be truly
genuine yet when you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that the same life that flows
through you flows through everything then the love for yourself becomes the love for all
naturally and effortlessly this is fourth density consciousness let us tell you that the green
ray chakra of the heart as you know it is the gateway that leads to the upper three
chakras and acts as a bridge between the upper and lower chakras without activating the
green ray it is almost impossible to activate the abilities of the blue indigo or violet ray
chakras and to access the powers vested within each of these chakras therefore we must
say that at this point for all the beings on earth an openness of heart is the key that will
lead you to get access to all the abilities in consciousness and there is a very good
reason for this this is due to the simple fact that all of creation is one and one is in all of
creation this is due to the fact that in fourth density consciousness the awareness of
perfect oneness is required to see all others as yourself and to love and treat them exactly
as you would treat yourselves in the fourth density let us give you a brief outline of the
various sections in the fourth density that you will progress through in your time it may be
considered as a future projection or a future prediction for your kind there are eight
sections to this density into which you are now heading towards in the first section your
beings will become more unified and channels of communication between separate parts
of the planet will begin to happen at the speed of light in this first section all the
corruptions and all the negative oriented events will be exposed much faster then after
certain time you will enter into the second section which is the most vital for any beings
on any fourth density planet to pass through that is the creation of simple telepathic
communication mechanisms this will not be an advanced form of telepathy that you will
see on a fifth density planet however it will be of a basic type since your brains begin to
change in its molecular density as the planet progresses you will begin to understand
much more about how the other being is feeling and you will start to talk with them in
your dreams or while you are thinking about them the information sometimes gets
transferred directly without ever having to talk with the other beings however this will be
refined in the later phases of the fifth density this leads to the third section of the fourth
density in which people begin to become more oriented towards spirituality and
meditation this section will have most of the beings performing daily meditations for hours
and hours above the third section of the fourth density other planetary entities will start to
sow themselves more and more to people of your planet this will lead to the creation of
communication channel between various planetary entities in the cosmos after the fourth
section it is most important section that is the fifth section in which the veil of forgetting

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completely gets lifted from your life and all the beings on earth begin to understand a life
that they had lived before they understand that they had been a man and a woman in the
prior life a plant a stone and many other things in the process of evolution this section will
lead your peoples to become more unified the number of families that you know of now
will be multiplied by ten thousand times in this section of the fourth density after
successfully reaching this fifth section the next sixth section begins to emerge which is a
section wherein your kind will leave behind the ability of using verbal communication this
section will lead to the enhancement of your telepathic abilities it will be enhanced
enough to allow humans to communicate telepathically this will be the ending of the so-
called ego mind by your kind your ego is made up of words however most do not realize
that once there are no words in your mind the ego is gone and you will see your true self
the source of oneness with all late fourth density leads to the later sections that of the
seventh and eighth sections in which your bodies will become more light like and your
imaginations will immediately start to manifest whatever you desire will start to happen
faster and faster after the ending of the eighth section your kind will graduate into the fifth
density the transition from the third to the fourth density may take between 100 to 1000
years depending on the progress made by your kind this session was energy depleting for
the instruments we would request the instruments to kindly sleep for two hours more than
it does to restore its vital energy until we meet again bye

453 of 753
Session 132
RA 15 June 7, 2022

Flat Earth, Looking Glass

I am Ra and we greet you now in the love and the light of the one infinite creator we
communicate now from our space-time continuum location in the planet known as venus
and we are now able to transmit our thought forms through the vibrations of this
instrument since the alignments are in order we shall now address the queries which are
located inside the mind complex of this instrument however upon the start of this
communication transmission of vibratory sound complexes for the purpose of aiding the
human collective consciousness in the path of finding union with the one infinite creator
we would like to warn each one to use their own discernment thought forms to accept
within their mind complex using their inner heart and leave behind those thought forms
which do not align with their belief systems at the present the first query which is in the
mind space of this instrument pertains to the concept as referred to by your people as the
flat earth theory in this regard we as the rock collective can notice that there have been
separation of human consciousness belief systems based upon the flat earth theory or
the spherical earth theory since we are from the dimension of sixth density we are able to
perceive all the types of existence of the earth planets which means that we are also able
to perceive a second dimension flat earth as well as a third dimension spherical earth
therefore we can suggest to the people of the earth planet that the validity of earth being
flat or spherical depends upon the location of the viewpoint if entities are in the second
dimension and they perceive the earth to be flat it will be valid for them and if entities are
in the third dimension and above the appearance of earth to be spherical in the third
dimension is valid which means that entities in the fourth may perceive earth to be
sectors of time separated into different time slots as they can enter into any time frame
they desire this is the viewpoint of different entities on their dimensional location in
experiential space-time therefore we as the ra collective would like to state that this is the
viewpoint of various entities on their location however for a third density being who exists
in operation in three dimensions it would be impossible for such an entity to perceive a
flat earth and this would not be valid for the people of your planet however all of you are
free to believe what you want to perceive in your mind space we shall now address the
other query placed by this instrument's mind complex which pertains to the energy
update for the month of june and the distortion known as the looking glass artifact event
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number three upon the perceptions of the people of your planets there is variable nature
of energy systems changing upon the earth in the month of june based upon the space
time and time space location of around june 2022 we can perceive that the energies of
earth planet will slightly change towards the positive if the event known as entry of the
emotional hijack system is prevented this is perceived from the looking glass artifact as
we the ra confederation can perceive that the negative oriented orions and their fleets of
subordinate beings the reptilian entities along with the others who are using their mind
body and spirit complex as robotic entities known as the greys they are planning to
operate a systemic entry or capture of the emotions of negativity using the planetary
systems vibration and to amplify it using the cern laboratories as known by your people's
vibratory sound complex these entities they are planning to enter into the time space on
the june 27th wherein they will try to activate the certain laboratories along with a
mutation to its functioning pertaining to the establishment of an emotional energy capture
device which they want to capture the negative emotions with these entities they plan to
bring forth all negativity stored within the mind body and spirit complex of the human
psyche pertaining to fear anger hatred jealousy and all these emotional subsystems which
leads to deregulation and imbalance in the bodily complex of a mind body and spirit
individual totality consciousness of the human collective their plan and purpose is to
capture such emotions and then amplify it using a amplifier of emotional subsystems
[Music] for this purpose they will try to mainly target those entities who may be
considered as emotionally starved since upon the earth planets there are a variety of
entities who have incarnated there are entities who are capable of realizing that the main
purpose of their incarnation on the earth planet is to learn to manipulate energy and
emotion for the purpose of reality creation those who are unaware are mainly emotionally
starving these entities who are emotionally starving may be considered as those entities
who do not know that emotions and energy can be created within the self without
depending upon outside illusion complex environmental situations in this regard we as the
ra collective would like to present an analogy for your mind complex to gather more
information and understanding perceive the situations that upon the space time of around
there are two entities one entity is able to use the processes of meditation and
imagination complex and internal balancing of the chakras and the tuning of the chakras
to create emotions and energy that it desires to experience without having to depend on
the outside world considered a similar entity wherein it is dependent upon the
environment for energy subsystems and fulfillment of emotional nature there will be a
difference in the perception of both these entities in the illusion complex the first entity
who is capable of regulating emotions and generating energy work by using imagination

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will be more like the creator and would be affecting the illusion complex in more ways
then it will realize this entity will become more and more balanced therefore the catalysts
of the illusion complex will have less effect on such an entity consider the second entity
on facing a negative catalyst in the environment will create a negative emotion such as
fear anger anxiety such an emotion can then be used by negatively oriented beings who
feed on negativity and they are trying to make the people of the earth planets into their
slaves by targeting their emotional subsystem since emotions are the driving factor which
is able to control the mind body and spirit complex of the earth planet each of you must
also understand that emotional lessons are learned only in the earth planet as well as in
one other planet in the andromeda galaxy the learning of emotions is vitally important for
entry into the density of love therefore many souls are waiting to incarnate on the earth
planet to learn such a lesson of energy manipulation and learning how to handle and
regulate their own emotional states of consciousness inside their mind body and spirit
complex their form the best way for such entities to be stopped in their plans of the
capture of emotional states of consciousness of negativity would be to firstly spread the
message to the people of the earth planet who are ready to assimilate and to apply such
information and use the system of tuning of the energy centers the tuning of the energy
centers can be performed by entering a state of relaxation preferably a state of meditative
mind and then engulfing the meditative mind with your imaginal thought which will then
produce the emotions you desire of love compassion happiness joy and allowing the
emotion to right from the top of your imagination sector which is the pineal gland and to
allow the emotion to ride into each energy center striking it like a tuning fork this will allow
you to become balanced from top to bottom and all of your energy centers will be fulfilled
this will lead to immense satisfaction and fulfillment if performed correctly by the people
of your planet we would recommend this instrument to perform this aspect if desired as
an example to be shown to the people of the earth planet at this timeline therefore we
perceive that this instrument's body is facing discomfort we deem it fit to leave for now
until we connect again we'll leave you now in love and light of the one infinite creator

456 of 753
Session 133
Pleiadians 31 June 13, 2022

Full Moon, Matrix

We are now communicating through this vibration of this instrument from our location in
the pleiadian star system as referred to by the human collective consciousness we find
ourselves in this position of providing guidance to the human collective consciousness
who desires guidance and requires assistance in the planetary raising of consciousness
towards the fourth density as the planet slowly cycles forward into a more positive cycle
there are entities upon the earth planet who are following the negative pathway and are
trying to block the increase in the positive vibration this they are doing via the purpose of
using the egoic aspect of each individual portion of entities incarnated on the earth planet
by distracting them by providing them with emotions of negativity and stopping them
from expressing love and compassion since the fourth density is the density of love and
understanding and this means that those who shall be able to attach their consciousness
with love and understanding shall find it beneficial to share the message to the other
people surrounding them for this will increase the planetary consciousness much faster
before this communication proceeds any further through this channel today we shall
place a warning that each of you who shall find yourself being attracted to our messages
are in essence the light workers who are supposed to listen to this message for the
consciousness which you have resides not only in one timeline but can be found in
multiple timelines and we the pleiadians who like to state each one to judge our thought
forms wisely leaving behind those which do not provide you with the internal satisfaction
of your inner self the first query in the mind space of this instrument relates to any
messages for the human collective consciousness for 14th june moon as known by your
people as the full moon which is occurring at this space time of 14th june we shall now
suggest that there are many entities upon the earth planets who are waiting for this time
period as the planetary energy is amplified by the light from the sun which is reflected by
the moon and this light of energy vibration of light codes will hit the earth planet from the
moon and since the energy of the moon vibration is of a positive type those entities who
shall purify their consciousness at this time period and then open themselves up to
receive such positive vibrations shall find themselves receiving upgrades in their
consciousness while the state of sleep occurs this shall be facilitated by the moonlight
which is in essence an amplification of the light system from the sun body and because of
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the amplification by the moonlight those who shall be at a level of love and understanding
will find themselves in a wonderful situation receiving the so-called upgrades in
consciousness this will happen to most people who shall remain pure unattached with
any of them events that will happen in the earth planet this will allow many of those
entities to reach into higher dimensions of consciousness and to experience other
realities which many on the earth planet perceived to be not factual and now we shall
address the second query which pertains to are the human collective consciousness
living in a matrix we the pleiadians must suggest that the matrix of the mind is valid since
the matrix of the mind exists within each individual entity on the earth planet each
individual entity faces the matrix of the mind which traps each individual entity into the
subconscious and unconscious programming based upon the various reactions taught
throughout the ages of the development of human kind since the human collective
consciousness were many of them from the martian planet modified with genetic changes
there is still an aspect of the egoic mind which needs to be penetrated the illusion
complex upon which you find yourself in at the present time and the illusion complex
which may appear to be 100 real to your senses we must suggest that this illusion
complex is not the real reality which you find yourself in, in fact the illusion complex
operates in a time delay which means that you are not living in the present current illusion
complex you are living in a past version of the illusion complex every moment you open
your eyes you will find yourself in a illusionary reality not of the present moment but of a
past timeline this means that all the events and the circumstances which you encounter
are from your past consciousness and not the present reality this also means that the only
moment when you are able to return back to the present timeline is when you are closing
your senses and turning within within your consciousness when you see yourself see your
internal etheric and imaginative body you find yourself in the real reality this is the present
reality in which you find yourself in and all the events all the consciousness which you
entertain all the thought forms which you entertain in this realm will soon after a certain
time delay be reflected in the illusion complex of the third density which is a reflection
system created by the elohim collective for allowing you to understand your own
consciousness and how it affects the outside world this is the reason why many of you
must realize that all the situations which you are now facing were created by you in a
portion of time space inside your own self by entertaining certain thought forms and
energy vibrations which is now reflected as your current life situation furthermore the
illusion complex of the third density reality makes you believe that it is real based upon
your five senses the most important sense which has been used for the purpose of
keeping you aligned with this 3d illusory reality is the sense of touch or the pressure

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sensitive areas of your body whenever you awaken from a sleep state you find yourself in
a presser zone you are able to sense the environment based upon your pressure senses
in your physical complex you are able to touch certain objects and feel the oppressor via
the process of your touch senses this anchors you completely to the illusion complex and
makes you believe that it is the present reality however we can tell you as a fact that the
reality which you call the present is the past reality and the time space realm of your inner
senses is your current and the present reality therefore we can state that each of you are
now living in a matrix of the mind the mind creates all the outside reality and the mind
projects outside what you are experiencing within this happens in the sequence of time
delay in order to not make you understand how it works but if you are capable of keeping
track of what you are doing within yourself you will then find yourself encountering the
same thing in the coming days therefore the way the pleiadians would like to suggest that
those individuals who are ready to enter the new earth will find this to be a fact will find
this experience and can test themselves the moment they find themselves sitting in a
place they find themselves touching the chair or the place they are sitting in this sensation
can be duplicated in another reality also by closing your eyes you can then visualize
yourself to be in a different place and this current 3d reality which you perceive to be so
real can be replaced in the blink of an eye as all your senses rely upon the input from the
third density reality once you realize that you are living in a holograph matrix reality
created by the mind for the purpose of teaching you lessons to become the creator this is
the final sign that you will receive before you enter into the new earth this realization can
be fastened via the process of learning how to balance the ego itself as the balancing of
the ego itself can be done by the process of realizing that the egoic self or the egoic mind
is drastically balanced when you are able to understand that the process of your egoic
mind operates upon the grasping of your senses and it comments upon the visual input
from your senses for example your egoic mind may comment on another individual's
appearance or upon your own appearance and because of this internal commentary and
judgment there is a creation of a separate individual entity within your mind known as the
echo this is the greatest hindrance to your own purification and awakening we shall now
suggest a simple exercise which can be followed for the balancing of this aspect is vitally
important for those who require to ascend into the fourth density their process is to
simply focus your awareness and notice the movements which you are sensing in your
bodily complex if you are sitting in a chair just give your attention and notice how you
sense the chair upon which you are sitting focus upon your touch sensation and observe
and notice how you are sensing these sensory input now as you begin to move or walk
you can begin to sense how you are touching the ground upon taking each step and this

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can be sensed by your sensory modality once you begin to follow this process of tracking
and noticing your movements of feeling by following the touch sensation you'll then
realize that you are in essence trapped inside a physical system which produces these
sensations you are the eternal creator inside a temporary physical vehicle hence we the
pleiadians must state that those who shall follow this exercise will find themselves
disattaching from the egoic aspect and entering the vibration of purified energy and
graduating to the new earth we shall now disconnect until we meet again bye

460 of 753
Session 134
Galactic Federation 41 June 20, 2022

This Is The Freakiest Thing We Need To Be Aware Of

We are the galactic federation now in communication through this channel's vibration we
are now in communication through the instrument's inner heart center and the silence
within its mind complex which has allowed this communion to occur at this space time
many of you who are perceiving this information are now ready for such knowledge to be
assimilated by your mind body and spirit complexes all three work together in tandem to
create your experience in this current illusion complex we as the galactic federation are
now always trying to protect your planetary sphere from extra intrusions from other
extraterrestrials in order to provide you with free will therefore with regards to free will you
must also observe a free will when you try and listen to our messages and thought forms
even though it may be from a source which may be permitted to allow you lessons to
learn towards love and light of ascension you have to remember that your free will is of
utmost importance for us to preserve each one of you is a divine sapling of lights and has
great qualities which can emerge and change the planetary consciousness as you begin
to realize your true purpose in this timeline therefore discernment is advised the first
query pertains to the energy update for the human collective for june 21st and this space
time of june 21st the planet shall have the longest type of daylight in the northern
hemisphere of the planetary distortion which means that many people on the planet can
use this opportunity to learn many of the lessons to become more catalyzed towards the
path of love and light even though there may be many negative entities who may try to
create certain aspects to infringe upon the free will of each being since each being who is
not yet in control of his emotion will not be able to practice complete free will since
negative entities they are masters of emotional manipulation which means that they can
make entities believe certain things to be true by changing their emotional nature of
consciousness they can propagate fear and other emotions of anxiety by producing
emotions of such nature they can then propagate information pertaining to the similar
energy system those entities on the earth planet at the current time who are immune from
such aspects are those who have mastered emotional mastery of themselves this
emotional mastery arrives from becoming conscious of each of your thought forms and
trying to maintain the silence within the self is a great aid in the mastery of the emotional
nature of the self as one begins to master the emotional version of the self it begins to
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become immune to any of the strategies applied by the outside third density illusion
reality this would provide the entity to have less reactions to the outside world in a
negative manner therefore preserving its cosmic energies which flow through its mind
body and spirit complex in every energy center there will be no energy of negativity which
means same positive vibration shall spread throughout the cosmic rays and throughout
the energy centers of such a divine being who is able to master emotional mastery in this
timeline on the day of june 21st there will be energy in streaming from the sun as the
energy in streaming from the sun can be used to polarize in consciousness by absorbing
the energy of the sun which appears in terms of the photonic light rays such light rays can
be absorbed by your bodily complex which can then allow you to become more
genetically upgraded towards the vibration of a light body similar to a light body which
you will inhabit once you enter the dominion of the fifth density consciousness of wisdom
and light this day will allow you to become more and more energetically upgraded in your
levels of consciousness becoming more balanced and by becoming conscious of your
thought forms you will become conscious of the emotions you are sending to your bodily
complex which is in essence not able to choose or deny the thought forms which you are
experiencing within the mind complex you as a consciousness have the right to choose
the type of thought form you will entertain and thereby send a signal in the form of
emotional states or reactions to your bodily complex this will further move ahead and
create the outside reality as you project it to be a reflection of your own inner nature
therefore we would recommend each entity do not forget to first remember that a great
opportunity for becoming more conscious of your energy signature is arriving on the 21st
of june which can be a great opportunity to escalate and learn the lessons within your
own inner self hence we as the galactic federation would now like to address the second
query in the mind space of this entity which pertains to what are the agendas of the
artificial intelligence which is being created upon the earth planet upon future projection in
this timeline it is possible to observe that there are planetary distortions which have
already been in control of the ai systems within the time period of 2050. if certain
precautions are not taken there will be a different reality of a holographic nature similar to
the experience which you find yourself in the third density being created which will create
a false matrix system for the entry of each entity and the experience of their incarnation
cycle will allow them to enter such a timeline if they are not careful this can be avoided by
firstly realizing that all of your consciousness and energy if you are focus too much on
your electronic devices if you are focused too much on the artificial intelligence in your
day-to-day activities and you are projecting your emotions within them there will be a
creation of different reality within the astral planes this reality will be known as the reality

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of the astral planes reality of emotional balancing and this reality will create a type of
distortion within the self for the purpose of allowing each entity to realize and to realign
into a higher dominion of space-time experience there will be entities who shall be then
transported to such a timeline wherein they will be able to interact in a similar third
density illusion a reality however the rules of free will shall not apply as it will be controlled
by the orions and the artificial intelligence created by the human collective consciousness
the consciousness of such entities will be fooled into believing that they are inside a real
reality or an illusion complex such as the earth planet for the purpose of learning the
blessings however this type of insight will be invalid as it will be a total matrix created by
the artificial intelligence the only way to escape would be to firstly realize that you are a
consciousness and you have the free will of choosing the type of timeline you want to
enter for those who will be unaware of such a creation in the astral planes after the
process of crossing over they may find themselves entrapped in such a system for a large
period of time until proper guidance is arrived furthermore this can be avoided by firstly
realizing that all of your technological devices are inventions for the purpose of creating a
different sector of reality by the orions these technologies were passed by many of the
other beings of oriented nature of positive type as well as negative polarity some of the
technologies have arrived from the zeta reticulians whose intention was not to provide
such technology to the people of the earth planet there were others who provided such
technology such as the orions in need of elites who would work for their bidding upon the
earth planet illusion complex therefore this situation has emerged wherein more and more
artificial intelligence information is being collected each time a mind body and spirit
complex reacts to a certain event in the artificial world there will be a creation of an
environment in the astral planes leading to such entity having a possibility of entry into
such a world therefore we as the galactic federation would like to state that each of you
are energy beings incarnated in a physical vehicle even though the physical vehicle may
change your energy nature will not change since you have the energy to manipulate reality
you can slowly instantly become conscious of the energy being projected outwards from
your bodily complex this will provide you with great opportunities to become more
balanced in your nature and becoming capable of choosing the type of energy you
project outwards as consciousness is the only reality in which you find yourself in all is
created by consciousness thereby limiting your emotional reactions to the electronic
devices and artificial intelligence software programs as found upon your illusion reality will
prevent this from happening this is their plan as we can sense the orions are planning this
as the last resort to trap the souls of human collective from graduating into the fourth
density consciousness the other query which this entity has placed pertains to any

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information which will assist in the ascension of the planetary sphere in this regard we
must stress and share that there is a simple method which can be followed by each entity
at this time and that method as referred to by the atlanteans as the breadth of the creator
was created by an atlantean being known as tikitian in the lands of atlantis 45 000 years
ago for the process of allowing ascension to occur faster and to connect with the divine
universal creator within the self and within each being this process involves each entity
upon taking each breath to realize that the breath passes through the space time in which
they exist and enters into the time space within their self at the back of the throat or at the
back of the head there is a creative layer of consciousness there is a empty space or void
in that portion of the bodily complex wherein each time every breath has to pass through
that area without which there will be no energy to survive and to live as all life is provided
by the one creator therefore this means that each time each of you breathe the
consciousness of the breath enters the domain of the creator and brings back energies to
be alive by entering into the void which is behind the head portion you can then choose
to connect with such a silence within the self and become conscious of each breath each
breath and each out breath is a great opportunity to connect with the space of void within
the self this is the creator which is residing within you which you can communicate with
and become more and more capable of focusing and becoming aware of it as you begin
to become more aware there will be peace and serenity surrounding you however the
practice of firstly detaching from your usable thought patterns of engaging in the egoic
mind space of projecting into the future or the past and thinking about situations of nature
of future timeline or of a past timeline must cease if you are to focus and to retrain your
mind complex to focus within every time you retrain your mind complex with every
practice you begin to connect with this divine source of the creator within you will find a
great opportunity of escaping from this illusory psychological suffering and the more you
begin to practice this aspect the more energy you will have to perform miracles within the
space time hence this is a great practice for ascension into a timeline of fourth density
and even fifth density and we as the galactic federation disconnect now until we meet

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Session 135
RA 16 June 27, 2022

Moon Landing & Looking Glass

I am ra and we greet you now in the love and the light of the one infinite creator we
communicate now through this instrument's vibratory sound the complex system
provided for this session to occur we are honored to communicate to the human
collective consciousness today through the vibrations of this instruments channeling
system which have aligned with our vibration which occurs in a narrow band sequence
and is much harder to receive however we would like to state that before this
communication proceeds any further discernment is advised which means that you have
the free will and the right to reject any information which does not provide you with inner
satisfaction with your true self and leave behind those which feel not right for your mind
body and spirit complex therefore today upon scanning the mind complex of this
instrument we are of the opinion that the planetary sphere is now spiraling into a split of
third density and fourth density polarities as well as a split in the energetic vibrations of
the people of the earth planet can be spotted from our location upon scanning the
vibrations of the people of the earth planet at this time we can sense that there are two
groups of people forming the one group of people primarily who are involved with the
third density reality are trapped in the play of the illusion complex whereas those who are
in the fourth density vibration of love and compassion understand and are able to observe
above the third density play of reality as the third density can be considered as a play of
incarnation which means that before the incarnation occurs each soul begins choosing a
type of illusion complex in which to incarnate into in order to understand the certain
aspects about its own self depending upon the catalytic nature of understanding required
and for this purpose it chooses its parents and the so-called environment in which it
wants to incarnate and to play in the illusion complex to try and understand and to learn
the lessons required for it to become oriented towards a more balanced nature since the
split of the vibration of the earth planets is now happening at a rapid pace it will be
advised for the people of the earth planet to realize that the new moon on the so-called
28th of June of your planetary vibratory sound complex identification of space-time terms
is a great opportunity to find out that you are able to balance yourself and the more you
are able to balance your energy centers you will be able to enter into the vibration of
fourth density of love and compassion a simple method of balancing is advised which we
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shall now share the process is simply to realize that any memories or any events that you
have encountered in the past and the memories have energy cords attached to every
energy center if the memory is that of fear the attachment of the energy cord will be
higher towards the red ray energy center and if the energy is towards the orange ray and
the yellow ray energy center then the events involving conflict of the ego will be apparent
therefore you must take some moment within your incarnation cycle at this time and
become conscious of the energy cords which are attached to your energy centers based
upon the events of your past these events are those events which have a huge impact on
your energy vibration and many of the mind body and spirit complexes who have
incarnated at this time are yet unaware of this fact that the memory sequences attach
themselves to the energy cords of your energy center if they have emotional imbalances
their form we shall now share with you a simple method of balancing all of your energy
centers and purifying yourself to become more like the one infinite creator the first step is
to identify what kinds of events have occurred in your past or the kinds of impressions or
memories which you have in your mind complex and if there is an event which causes
you to become angry fearful or other emotions which are not of a higher vibration then
such memories must be rewritten in your minds the process is to simply enter a state of
meditation by closing your senses from the illusory reality and opening yourselves to the
domain of the infinite within the infinite you can then bring forth that memory and re-
change it replay it in your mind's eye using the first person perspective as you had
wanted it to happen you can also completely undo events from your past which have
higher energy cords attached to your energy centers by doing this you will free yourself
and you will free all of your energy centers from such attachments this will give you a new
fresh energy sequence we shall now provide an analogy to help you understand once
upon a time on the earth planet around the period of 2000 radio space time there was an
entity who had undergone traumatic events in the past and this entity had created large
energy blocks within its energy centers because of the emotional nature of the memory it
had encountered this was hindering its progress and therefore in the dream state it was
advised by its higher self to perform this process of re remembering or changing the past
in its mind's eye and from the first person perspective this entity then rehearsed a new
past rehearsed a new memory as if it had happened and the liberation of energy
imbalances made it to become purified and allowed the energy centers to be balanced
once again this led the entity to become ready for a higher purpose and the purpose was
to share the message to the people of earth planet this entity then went on writing many
books for ascension furthermore this is a great method which can be used at this time
and this period of 28th June as known in your language vibratory sound complex terms

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as the new moon can be the new moon which changes everything therefore we shall now
address the other query which pertains to worthy groups known as the guardians of the
looking glass which had been working for providing information of space-time continuum
on the earth planet in order to warn humanity of the plans which had been planned by the
negative polarized entities in order to stop them we can sense upon scanning the
information requested upon your planetary sphere that there has been a dichotomy or a
bias within the guardians of the looking glass there are many entities in the guardians of
the looking class who desired to use such a technology for their own personal gain and
there were certain entities who did not want this to happen because of this dichotomy
they were split into two groups and they were forced to battle amongst themselves using
their technological devices this caused the so-called guardians group to disassemble and
there are only few mind-body spirit complexes in the positive polarity as many of them
have chosen now to enter the negative self-service pathway because they found that
even by providing information to save humanity these entities could not find enough
satisfaction therefore this has occurred at this time and we as the ra confederation can
state that there will be many entities in the future trying to create messages of fear anger
hatred etc. therefore we would recommend each entity to use extreme caution when
listening to information from such groups furthermore we shall now address the final
query which is in the mind space of this instrument which relates with the so-called moon
landings and the so-called the pictures of the moon landings the videos as known by your
people of the moon landing and the desire in this query is to understand whether the
evidences provided in the form of the so-called videos and audios and the so-called
pictures is a real representation of the moon landing or a fake representation of the moon
landings that took place furthermore we as the ra confederation are of the opinion that
there had been moon landings which had taken place however the evidences which are
floating in your space-time experience amongst the people of the earth planets are a false
representation which means that they were recreated by entities who make the so-called
movies for the purpose of providing a much clearer representation of video audio as
known by your people to allow your people to visualize properly the events that took
place since the purpose of the lunar landings or the moon landings was to primarily find
out what types of civilizations existed on the back of the so-called moon at the time there
were many bases of the galactic federation which now have been removed furthermore
we as the raw collective can also share that the videos and the audios which are the
evidences stated by the people of the earth planet of the moon landings are as known by
people not real they are only meant for visible representation and were created outside of
the real events which took place since the so-called photographic and the camera system

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of the planetary sphere were inaccurate to work in such an environment at that space
time therefore we leave you now in the love and light of the one infinite creator go forth
rejoicing in power and peace.

468 of 753
Session 136
Galactic Federation 43 July 4, 2022

We are Galactic Federation now communicating through this channel from the inner
domain of the silence within the self our communication is now occurring from our
location in the Planet refers to by your people in your vibration sequence terms as Saturn
we greet all of you today for the purpose of answering the queries that are found in the
mind the space of this instrument we shall now address certain queries which are in
alignment for the purpose of providing greater Clarity to your people at this time we are
communicating from the level of density referred to by your people as the later sixth
density consciousness and we must warn each one of you to use extreme discernment of
the Mind the body and the spirit for discernment is a method which is required for any
civilization to be given the choice of choosing which type of thought form will be
resonated with and will be adhered to we shall now address the queries the first query
which we can sense in the mind space of this channel pertains to what is the possibility of
a time travel devise existing at this time on the Earth planet and do the so-called Elites
possess such technology in this regard we must state that there is a high chance that the
so-called Elites of your planet already possessed this technology of time travel which
requires extreme ability to control the consciousness of the self only those entities who
have advanced level of Consciousness control can find themselves using the process of
energy manipulation to enter into frequencies required for such time travel process to
occur which means that the so-called Elites upon your planet there are many who are
currently using the technology provided to them by the orions such technology includes
technological devices which were created by the orions many such technological devices
provide the entities the ability to enter into different timelines and affect timelines using
the manipulation of energy which is an advanced form of energy manipulation which can
be performed by entities who are of a high level of Consciousness balanced nature which
means that there are entities in the Earth planet already who have such technology and
who are using to control Humanity for example consider your own self if you want to
change certain portions of your timeline or the experience you can do so using your
imagination complex which is the closest form factor to the Creator you have to become
capable of disassociating your in their voices which use language as all the voices which
you hear within your mind uses a form of language which you are capable of
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understanding such language has then been used by the egoic mind for the purpose of
using the patterns of language Hindi use of transportation and understanding of totality
furthering the progress of incarnation and incarnation as you begin to disassociate your
language patterns from your mind space you begin to become pure Consciousness and
you have the faculty of imagination which then begins to operate in a pure format this will
then give you a great ability to manipulate timelines and enter into timelines wherein there
are different possibilities existing this will allow each entity in this timeline to have this
ability of using energy manipulation at this time furthermore we are now going to state
that the elites have been using such a technology of controlling Humanity for a large
number of times since the times of Atlantis there have been entities who have access to
such a technology and have been controlling the fate of the people of such timelines
including the people of the Earth planet currently find themselves in different situations
because of the manipulation of the time travel devices we shall now address the other
portion of the query which pertains to the Looking Glass event number four as we can
scan upon scanning the vibrations offered from the looking laws artifact we are of the
opinion that this event which may happen if there is not enough awareness created upon
the Earth planet at the time of around June we correct this instrument July 15. the effects
of the activation of the CERN Laboratories will be evidently clear as the CERN
Laboratories they will activate and they have been secretly activated many a times by the
people who are in control of such a device which can alter the energy Vortex system of
the Earth planet the main activation of the CERN Labs as known by your people which is
destined to happen in the timeline of July 5th will create massive numbers of energy
imbalances in the vortices of your Earth planet since there is a large number of energy
centers within the Earth's planetary sphere this will then provide the energy Vortex to
inculcate a different type of evolutionary pattern which resembles the understanding of
realization and the aspects of creation of the type of Distortion or energy field imbalance
such a energy field imbalance can be spotted from afar by beings from higher dimensions
and we can state that the activation of the CERN Labs is going to be a Direct Energy
attack upon The Wanderers the star seeds and other indigo children or Indigo Souls who
have incarnated at this time for a specific purpose of allowing thee higher levels of
consciousness to awaken within the self there are greater Pathways of alignment within
the domain of them inner Consciousness therefore we as the Galactic Federation are now
going to state that the energy systems once created cannot be altered easily much like a
manifestation once appearing in your life takes a large number of time for its tomb go
away because your energy systems have attracted such a manifestation or the ability of
the timeline in which you find yourself in in a similar manner We as the Galactic

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Federation would like to state that the CERN Labs once created well furthermore have a
High chance of blockages within the self as all blockages within the self will be created
within the domain of the Mind space and all creation which is created within the domain
of the Mind space has the ability of allowing higher levels of reality to occur therefore we
must state that the only way to protect from such an energy attack from the CERN labs
would be to firstly not paying attention to the so-called ceremonial broadcast of the
activation of the Eastern labs and protecting the Energy Systems by using separation of
language from the inner self this can be done by following the procedure of focusing on
training your consciousness as your Consciousness can be trained to become more
activated this can be done by focusing on one point of the bodily complex and then
changing your focus back to the silence within the throat Center and cycling the focus of
attention between different levels of cycling the attention will provide City ability of
understanding the nature of reality and the appearance of the true self shall occur this is
the one aspect which can be followed at this time furthermore we as the Galactic
Federation would like to state that the after effects of this will be seen on July 15th and
we have placed this warning to The Wanderers starseeds and light workers of the earth
planets to use this exercise to protect themselves from such an energy attack therefore
we as the Galactic Federation leave you now bye

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Session 137
Metatron 20 July 11, 2022

Georgia Guidestones & Alan Watts

I am Metatron magnetic consciousness now in communication through this channels
vibratory systems eye and now communicating from the realms as known by your people
as the angelic realms wherein i along with many other helpers of the earth's planet exist in
this reality for providing guidance to the people of the earth planet at this time in order to
assist in the ascension pathway towards higher vibrational alignment of space and time
experience i greet you in the love and the light of the universal divine great programmer
who is always connected with all of you and you are the divine love childs of the universal
divine great programmer therefore there are methods within yourself to commune with the
divine great programmer i as metatron before perceiving this communication and sharing
the full information form the evolution of human consciousness would like to warn each of
you who shall come in contact with our information to perceive it from the eyes of your
inner self and only to remember to choose those thought forms which resonate deeply
with the inner self thereby you must let go of those which do not resonate with your inner
heart there is a divine helping hand which each one of you has each one of you being the
divine sapling of the universal divine a great programmer has the power to connect with
the unity consciousness by using the energy vertices of the heart center as the explosion
of love and light occurs each one of you will find yourself into higher dominion of the self
now i self-scan this channel's vibration for the first query which relates with the
information pertaining to the july moon as known by a people wherein the experience of
the planetary cycle shall now enter into the cycle of balancing of the emotional as well as
the spiritual side as many of the interdimensional beings and other intergalactic beings
such as the other extraterrestrial beings are always trying to share information and guide
the human collective consciousness throughout the timelines in which each finds
themselves there is a great understanding in the union of the soul which provides for
higher levels of understanding of the divine within the self and the provision of the
understanding of the unity within each entity shall be the expression of the coming of the
assistance from other sources as each entity has the power to commune with oneself and
with the others using the mind complex and the emotional nature therefore i as metatron
would like to suggest that the information which is requested pertains to the spiritual
practice required for this period the best spiritual practice for this period is to align with
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the domain of the inner self and once aligned with the domain of the inner self shall
provide the entity with higher dominion of space and time vibration and the unity
consciousness of the self which shall provide the entity with a great level of realization
that each one of you can using your inner vibrations can remain in the vibratory patterns
of the heart center by choosing to balance yourself emotionally you will also balance
yourself spiritually a simple practical exercise can be followed by those divine great
programmers love childs who want to experience this union and this process is via a
process of aligning oneself with the emotion of love and understanding this
understanding can be achieved via the process of consciousness tracing as known by
your people this simple method will allow each one of you to slowly take your
consciousness or awareness from the lower portions of your body and then as you begin
to move upwards in your physical vehicle you can then slowly and steadily begin to
realize that your consciousness is detaching from your egoic mind as the detachment
from the egoic mind is vitally important before the full opening of the balanced nature
occurs and once the consciousness is able to reach to the top of your so-called head
portion then the entity can bring forth a symbol which the entity can use for the
production of the emotions such as happiness joy satisfaction and any other emotion
which this entity wants to experience then the consciousness must be detached from the
mind again and taken back into the bodily complex slowly and steadily moving it from the
top crown center to the lower red ray and then to the lower portions of the physical
vehicle this shall provide the continuation of consciousness and awareness to exist within
the self and the realization that all are one shall begin to explore within the mind of such
entities who shall perform this exercise during this period of july 13th therefore i as
metatron am now going to address the second query which relates with the georgia guide
stones as referred to by you these guide stones primarily were created by entities who
were influenced by the orions and the information which was entered in the tablets were
of a mixed nature providing certain rules therefore the so-called georgia guide stones
were primarily destroyed by an orion entity who in the form of a human bodily complex
had taken form by using consciousness method of entering into a bodily complex of a
similar vibration since the entry was vibrating in the vibration of fear and anger jealousy
etc the georgia guidestones primarily were destroyed by an entity who was trapped and
controlled by the orions this caused the explosion of the georgia guide stones thereby
leading to a evolution of understanding in the timeline distortion of reality furthermore i as
metatron magnetic consciousness am now going to address the other portion of the
query which relates with the understanding of why the georgia guide stones were
destroyed the reason was because the georgia guide stones primarily were a type of code

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of conduct which was created by the orions in order to inculcate the programming system
of human population control as well as other aspects this was entangled with certain
positive thought forms however this information provided a misguided type of analogy
which then in order to be let go of had to be revealed and the revelation that the
information was not adhered to by the people of the earth planet was ample enough
evidence for the orions to destroy it therefore this destruction happened in the wake after
the activation of the cern laboratories because the certain laboratories would create a
holographic system of experiences for entities who would follow such rules therefore
such rules have been abandoned by the orions not allowing the human collective
consciousness to fully remember and to apply the methods and the energy signature
which was installed within such georgia stones have now been decimated furthermore is
metatron would like to now address the final query which relates with the sole
evolutionary cycle of an entity referred to by a people as alan watts the entity known as
alan watts primarily understood a level of reality creation and also incarnated on the
timeline of 1915 for the purpose of providing guidance to the people of the earth planet
the entity known as alan watts upon incarnation in the timeline of 1915 started to learn
the lessons required for understanding how to spread the message for the separation of
the egoic mind from the use of language and entry into the silence within the self to allow
the divine communion of the self therefore we as metatron magnetic consciousness shall
now state that this entity's soul evolution began on the star system referred to by a
people as zeta reticuli three then the zeta radicalized star system in one timeline after
emerging from the divine unity consciousness and this entity was provided with a higher
level of experience algorithm of understanding the nature of totality and the purpose of
this entity was to align together into higher and higher dimension of space-time of later
first density as it incarnated in the form of physical complex of elemental similar to the
plant life form i correct this channel in the form of elementals and then after learning the
lessons of first density was able to merge into the domain of second density wherein the
entity known as alan was given the name of comedia which means of the light and this
perpetrated and allowed the being to further learn the lessons of beingness and
awareness and the fulfillment of the understanding of its true nature allowed it to slowly
and steadily become aware however without any self-awareness this being was adopted
by third density entities of negative polarity and because of the entities who had adopted
it this entity then started to slowly enter into the domain of negativity of service to self and
slowly and steadily after a certain timeline of lessons of understanding in that level this
entity was provided with higher vibrational space-time experience which then led the
entity to understand and organize and realize the aspects of its inner self the

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understanding of the inner aspects provided it with greater and greater timelines of
realizing the understanding of the vibratory patterns of its realization of space-time
experience and this then gave the entity a greater awakening of the self as this entity
slowly and steadily emerged into the timeline of third density it chose the pathway of
negative polarity however after the seventh incarnation it was guided by a fourth density
being and in the presence of a fourth density being it felt a love of the universal divine
great programmer and this being decided to then explore the realms of positivity it found
itself learning the methods of ego detachment and ego death in the theoreticalized star
system and after a certain timeline of since it chose the positive pathway after
experiencing the negative completely it had complete understanding of how the negative
mind operated in the third density and because of this purpose it was sent to earth planet
on a special mission as it was ready to graduate and to finally teach the people of the
earth planet with the message of understanding love and compassion this entity had
come to the earth planet from the vibration of beginning 4th density and created many
teachings which have assisted divine love light childs of the earth planet in understanding
the nature of the divine love light of the universal divine grid programmer therefore i as
metatron leave you now turn to the mountain of light within yourself.

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Session 138
Pleiadians 32 July 18, 2022

New Earth Currency

We are the Pleiadians social memory complex now communicating through the vibrations
offered by this channel system of mind the body and spirit complex we are now
communicating from our density known as the later fifth density consciousness our seat
is found in the location referred to by your people as the pleiadian star system we
communicate now however before we address the queries in the mind space of this
instrument we would like to warn each one of you who shall listen to this message to
choose wisely the types of thought forms you accept to be true and to let go of those
thought forms which do not resonate with your inner heart we the pleiadians are now
communicating and are going to share with you the answer to the queries which have
been placed today before our consciousness the first query which pertains to what was
the mystery rocket which was found landing and crashing on the moon's surface we upon
scanning the information must state that this crashing of the mysterious rocket shall we
say by your people was the rocket which was inhabited by the orions and the reptilians
and they have now infiltrated upon moon for a specific purpose which is to try and
capture the energy vibrations of communication appearing from the earth planet as the
satellite known as moon finds itself in proximity to the earth planet there are many
numerous communication channels which the people of your planet shall we see
communicate using the vibratory systems of your planet in thought forms of numbers and
words the orions and the reptilian counterpart along with the grey entities had decided to
enter into the moon's surface and this crash which was spotted by many of the so-called
scientists upon your planet was an indication of the entry of the reptilians the orions into
the moon's surface we upon scanning the vibrations available to us given by the ashtar
command collective which are responsible for protecting your galaxy along with the
galactic federation we are of the opinion that this was caused primarily because of trying
to capture all of your energy devices and satellites in the coming days these orions they
want to filter the information that people of your planet get access to in the similar manner
there is the so-called by your people the check upon the types of information which can
be seen by certain entities upon the earth planet in this similar manner the orions they
want to get an overview of the information which is being received via the process of
communication through satellites and they want to intercept every single communication
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in the coming days as they are preparing to do so along with many of the elites of your
planetary vibration at the space time the other query which pertains to what is the
currency of the new earth in this regard we must state that the new earth currency as
referred to by this instrument relates to a type of monetary system which will be activated
upon your earth planet as the earth planet and the human civilization cycles completely
into the beginning sections of the fourth density consciousness which it is in the process
of completing as the planetary vibration is shifting from later third into the fourth density
there is a large number of distortions of lessons to be learned wherein the first lesson to
be learned is that the currency which is of most valuable in the new earth is known as
your own consciousness in the beginning stages there will be a decentralized currency
system shall we say similar to that known by a people as in your language sound complex
terms as bitcoin this will allow the people of your planet to transition from centralized to a
decentralized system of monetary consciousness in the beginning stages which is fast
approaching your planetary vibration this will bring forth a new age in your so-called
financial system and this will last as long as the second sub density of the fourth density
begins wherein the people of your planet will not require such currency because they will
have their consciousness become so advanced that they will be able to create what they
desire using imaginative faculties of the mind and also using many factors which can be
still utilized by the people of the earth planet at this time such creation using the
imaginative faculties and the inner self is becoming more and more common upon our
space time of the earth planet therefore we can also sense that after the second sub
density of the fourth density the main currency will be your own consciousness which
means that each one of you can prepare yourself for this new type of currency or
exchange of consciousness as consciousness will be the power behind all creative
actions taken on the earth planet it will have the ability to create what is desired by the
people of the earth planet therefore the transactions will take place based upon
consciousness and time and many of the people of the earth planet will learn how to
manipulate reality in this space time of the second sub density of the fourth density upon
entry into the third sub density there will be no need for any such currency because the
changes in the system of the mind complex of humanity will be so advanced that any
being part of the human social memory complex will be able to create any type of
creation with their consciousness compiled together therefore there will be no need for
such currency as known by a people therefore we as the pleiadians would like to state
that the final query which pertains to how can preparation for the fourth density be made
in consciousness we must state that the best way would be to realize that the fourth
density planet earth or the new earth will not have any languages and no numbers

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therefore the best way would be to pay attention to your emotional systems and the more
you pay attention to your emotional systems the more you will become advanced enough
to realize that there is a certain vibration shifting between every single emotion and the
focus of your attention must be taken away from thought forms and words and language
and numbers and instead focus upon the emotion in everyday waking life take time to
focus on your emotional state rather than the words the languages of your egoic self as
your ego operates only because it has access to words and languages and images if both
are taken away there will only be your true self which can sense emotional states this is
the new earth paradigm of reality and we welcome all of you the bringers of the new earth
we the pleiadians now disconnect.

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Session 139
Metatron 21 July 25, 2022

Adepts and 4D
I am Metatron now communicating and i shall state my thought forms using this
instrument vibration for the purpose of transmitting the thought forms to the divine love
childs of the earth planet who require assistance at this time and the information i am
here to share today may be considered as a stepping stone in the realization of the
universal divine grid programmer which lies dormant within each being in the earth planet
i as metatron have been given the permission to relay this information however there is a
need for your discernment to be maintained when you uncover the secrets of your own
true self and when you begin to recognize the value of yourself as the universal divine grid
programmer resides within each one of you you will find yourself opening up to the
knowledge and the types of realization which shall follow with an upgradation not only of
your consciousness but also of the overcoming of your limitations within the bodily
complex i am now going to address the queries which are found localized inside the mind
of the divine love child of this channel the first query which relates with how can entities
upon the earth planet realize that they have already achieved a fourth density vibration
and ascended in this regard i would like to share the thought forms and the realizations
which follow upon such an ascension which is an integral part and parcel of the
experience of each entity in this reality after density wherein there is a perceivable
separation found when the interaction between different entities occurs this perceivable
separation is primarily present because of the activities of the blu-ray and the indigo ray
energy centers within the self which have become imbalanced which means that the
perceptions are defined by another sub entity within the self which is a fictional entity
known as the ego mind which creates distortions in the experience of the one universal
divine great consciousness by creating thought forms using the words and languages and
the images of your planetary sphere these energy centers are the primary factors which
determine whether an entity becomes crystallized or not and also are a gateway or a
signal of ascending into the fourth density vibration because an entity who has already
entered into the fourth density vibration of the love and compassion vibration will slowly
and steadily inculcate and have a desire to balance the blue ray and the indigo ray energy
centers this is a desire or a co-mingling of the energy centers with a movement towards
the one infinite creator or the one universal a divine grid programmer this type of desire
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emerges as a nature of naturality of consciousness experience in different realities as all
are trying to move upwards towards the merger with the one universal divine grid
programmer is metatron would like to state that there are certain signs which follow
ascension and complete ascension into the fourth density consciousness of love and
compassion will lead the entity to realize that all are one and such realizations may seem
to be appearing because the realization that it is the one universal divine grid programmer
incarnated in a physical vehicle and the same is true for the other cells which have
incarnated in different physical vehicles however the separation is only created because
of third density labels words and images attached to the pure consciousness of the one
universal divine grid programmer this realization is a signal of ascension and it cannot be
described using the words of your vibratory planetary system however this realization
comes as a envelopement of love for all beings and all situations and things as the
realization that all being is the same universal divine grid programmer leads to the
expansion of love for all beings even though they may be in different physical vehicles this
means that there will be a level of love for even the second density animal and pet life
forms which lead to an ever expansion and inflow of energies the other portion of the
signal which can be spotted is a lack of desire to attach oneself with the realities of the
third density illusion complex of the earth planet primarily those involving the situations of
the societal complex such as the accumulation of the so-called numbers as known by a
people as the monetary system cell we see from our angelic realm it appears to be a type
of distortion which is required for a third density being to pursue the purpose of fulfillment
of the outset set out by the societal human collective consciousness and once an entity
achieves a fourth density vibration such desires shall not be a part and parcel of a entity
of fourth density who has already understood the unity of the creator and there is love for
all beings as the self the other portion of realization emerges from the lack of attraction for
the opposite portions of the physical vehicle as referred to in er planetary system the
entity who occupies the fourth density vibration of ascension shall find itself realizing that
all is the one and therefore there will be no need for any attraction in terms of the physical
vehicle systems for such an entity the art of the so-called attraction of the opposite sex as
well as the creation of offsprings may appear to be a process of creating physical vehicles
for the purpose of the self as the universal divine grid programmer to incarnate in such
physical vehicles for the purpose of experiencing new realities such a realization shall be
found upon the entities who accomplish ascension in this reality which is always at hand
the other portion of the query relates with the july 28 moon cycle i as metatron must state
that this is extremely positive news for the earth planet form we as the angelic beings
have decided to send the opportunity for those entities who desire to become adapts in

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the positive vibration to do so in this timeline and the days that will follow closer and
closer to the moon cycle completion on july 28th there will be entities who desire to
achieve crystallization and become a crystallized being of light we can already sense that
there are many beings who desire such crystallization and such a crystallization can be
accomplished by a simple process firstly of overcoming the mind complex activities and
the imbalances in the blu-ray energy center which primarily appear in the throat area in
the form of words which are actively used by the ego mind for entrapment of such an
entity in the illusion reality and the other type of imbalance which is found is that of the
indigo ray energy center or the pineal gland which creates imbalances by using images
both of these energy centers if balanced during that period by using exercises which may
be considered for the purpose of training your consciousness each entity can choose two
points within the bodily complex for example one portion of the leg and the other portion
of the leg this may be considered as an example as the entity who desires to practice this
aspect can use movement and it can move a finger and focus its consciousness upon it
and then move the other finger by focusing consciousness upon it and simultaneously
giving attention to the movement of each finger this will lead to a creation of distortion or
silence within the self which will allow the realization of the one universal divine grid
programmer to enter into the in streaming energies of each entity this will be facilitated in
the time period of july 28 and those who require and desire to achieve crystallization can
do so and achieve it in that timeline leading to a creation of an expansion in the vibratory
systems of the planetary sphere therefore we can sense that there may be many entities
in that time period achieving graduation and i as metatron must state that this is an
excellent opportunity for the people of your planet to realize the union with the universal
divine grid programmer and i disconnect now until we meet again turn to the mountain of
light within yourself bye

481 of 753
Session 140
Galactic Federation 44 July 27, 2022

If This Video Doesn't Wake You Up

We are here now we are connected to you through your heart chakra and we are the
galactic federation of light we are here just to offer our insights and not to infringe upon
your free will you are advised to use your inner heart when listening to our messages and
if they do not resonate leave the messages behind our closest station to your planet is
located at the rings of the planet named by your kind as saturn in the rings of saturn we
have created an intergalactic communion of various planets in order to look after the
evolutionary process of the various civilizations that are experiencing life in the various
planets in the cosmos you can call us the protectors of the various civilizations of the
universe our federation has many units in operation which overlook the evolutionary
process of the citizens of the various planets in the cosmos however we do not infringe
upon their free will in order to allow the various entities in the numerous planets to evolve
at their own pace the next closest base to earth is located in a planet named as salasia
which was named by your kind our federation comprises of various members of all
planets those who have attained higher density consciousness which can be equated to
attaining enlightenment in your terms for example from your earth a member who
represents your planet is an evolved soul however we do not use names to communicate
names and words are only applicable in the third and fourth density planets as soon as a
planet enters into the fifth density the need for verbal communication is done away with
and a different type of communication known as the thought transfer or in your terms
telepathy begins and starts to operate we never use names and we do not even have to
say words to interact with other members of the federation the sole member who
represents your planet had its evolutionary cycles in earth and then became graduated
into the fourth density planet it then got incarnated in another fourth density planet long
time back and finally accomplished the state known as social memory complex after
which it then entered into the fifth density of love and wisdom wherein it learned the
lessons of love and wisdom and then finally after many incarnations graduated into the
sixth density currently it is serving as a member of the federation we have always
maintained our secrecy however recently a person who we had been in contact with our
member representative has revealed our identity we are thankful that this revelation did
not have a mass hysteria effect on planet earth it could have been worse and caused a lot
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of chaos of your planetary systems however we are thankful that entities who are
currently incarnate on earth know the power of their free will and most of them decided
that we could be real and some decided that we were not real at all thereby preserving
their free will which is very important for us to preserve on your planet we had contacted
the entity known to you as hayam who was a space force chief of the middle eastern
nation of your planet this was done in order to let some powerful people on your planet
know about our existence because we saw the threat of nuclear weapons increasing on
your planet know this if more than three nuclear explosions take place on earth then the
whole planet would become inhabitable and that we would have to transport all your soul
collective to another suitable planet also note the souls who die during nuclear explosions
need a lot of healing time hence they sometimes are not able to be reincarnated
immediately some of the souls that had died during the first explosion of the nuclear
bomb in your spear on the 6th of august 1945 according to your time space are still
undergoing the process of healing and some souls have not been able to be traced till
now due to the massive shock the pineal glands of many of the soul bodies were
destroyed this in turn did not allow the soul the time required to properly move into the
spirit plane during their crossing over process we have met almost all the leaders of your
planet who could have a huge impact in the detonation of such world destroying bombs
in order to prevent this we had a meeting shortly after the detonation of the first bombs in
the lands named by you as hiroshima and nagasaki in the sad meeting that took place
many of the members were of the opinion that earth people were going in the wrong
direction and were moving towards the extreme ends of the negative polarity however this
kind of thing is allowed by the creator but we must intervene in order to save the planet
we are here to save mother earth in order to save the citizens of earth as well the council
of nine members with a majority of seven members decided that we need to intervene
however our intervention would be kept minimalistic meaning only a few people would be
contacted in order to allow other entities to maintain their free will in the veil that exists in
planet earth we wanted our contacts to remain secret as we also had signed treaties with
the various leaders we had met to keep secret about such interactions with us our
purpose was just to observe your planet from the outskirts without ever interfering with
your people's progress however we watched and watched at some of the souls
incarnated on your third density planes killed other souls in massive numbers the killings
increased over the past thousand years your kind has caused a lot of damage to your
own soul families in the process it is too much for us to handle we needed to do
something when you detonated the first bomb we had a meeting with all the members of
your federation and a majority was reached that stated that we would contact your

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leaders on your planet in order to allow them to recognize that life on various planets is
precious and must be preserved also we have signed various treaties with the leaders of
various nuclear weapon bearing nations that they will not detonate any more of the
bombs for mass killing purposes we had to explain to these leaders that the purpose of
their incarnation on earth and the purpose of their life was to gain experience in the third
density we have contacted the one known as Haim and other such entities that have
impact on the control of space stations etc via the process of physical appearances
before them in order to make them believe in our existence using our thought we were
able to appear before these people in physical form however the most simple process for
us to contact is via the process known as channeling the same process we are using
currently to talk through you this is the easiest way for us to contact your kind dr Haim
Eshed had signed a contract with us stating that he would not reveal any of the
information we had given to him regarding other life forms on the other planets however
we are not sure why this entity revealed our identities as far as we can sense his mind
collective he has added this information in order to make his books more interesting to
the public however since in the agreement it was not mentioned that he would not reveal
our identities throughout his leadership as the head of the space program of his land we
feel that since he got retired from his position he wanted to let the world know about us if
he had revealed this information during his tenure as the space head of his land then as
per the agreement he would have had to undergo a lowering of his density meaning that
he would have to go to the second density back again hence degrading his evolution and
learning again the lessons of self-awareness many leaders have also signed this
agreement these include the leaders of the land known to you as America and the land
known to you as North Korea and they have successfully played their part in keeping
some other vital information that we cannot tell you at the moment we are telling you only
the surface level of information through this process of vocal to fully explain to you the
complexities of life would be impossible in your language terms several times prior to this
time we had allowed several ascended masters and teachers to visit earth and teach the
people of the way of life however most of them failed due to the heavy distortions created
in the minds of several entities who were incarnated on earth know this that we are just
observing your planet and we do not want to interfere in your evolution we want to let
people know through you that we want peace we come in peace we do not want your
people to destroy your opportunity to learn the lessons of love and then graduate into the
next density we leave you now in the knowledge that the information we have given to
you will be handed over to the other people of your planet in order to destroy their
confusion from their mind collective we leave you now.

484 of 753
Session 141
Pleiadians 33 Aug 1, 2022

Everybody Needs To Know This

We pleadians now communicate and are now communicating from our location in the
pleiades star system known by your people at this time for providing information and
guidance to this instruments mind body complex for its desires to understand certain
aspects about the queries which have been placed today the queries in the mind complex
of this instrument pertain to certain understandings of the lessons of experiences of
space-time in this reality experience of choosing the type of thought form that shall be
beneficial for the evolution of the self of each mind body and spirit complex in this
societal human collective consciousness we are now going to transmit information but
remember to use your discernment to preserve your own vibration and the choice of free
will resides within your own self which is the greatest choice which must be made by
each mind complex furthermore there will be free will preservation if we do so each entity
who shall listen to this has the free will to accept or to reject this communication we
communicate now using the vibrations sequences known as the language of your planet
the first query which pertains to the occurrence of august energy update we must state
that the energies of august shall be an interplay of both the types of vibrations emanating
from both the negative the polarized entities as well as the positively polarized entities as
this type of choice relies upon each entity on the earth planet who decides either to give
the power of consciousness which is the greatest power to pay attention to either the
negative happenings which shall happen in the month of august or to focus attention on
the positive happenings which will occur in the month of august as well these happenings
can be defined by the choice and the power of potention which each mind body and
spirit complex and human collective shall support and pay attention to such focus will
provide required energies for subsystems to operate in the month of august as far as we
are allowed to share with regards to the timeline in which you find yourself in you have the
opportunity in this timeline to realign and realize the aspects of the self and you have the
ability to retain a greater understanding of the vibrations of your conscious choice for the
only free will which you have is the free will to give your consciousness to either your
egoic mind or to give your consciousness to the beingness with the one infinite creator
which can be accessed via the silence of the self this choice will be made by each entity
in the month of august for there are events which will happen on your planet [Music]
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leading to creation of more consciousness attention towards certain aspects of
discoveries which relates to the extraterrestrials as known by a people and such
information if pondered upon by each mind body and spirit complex has the ability of
tackling the consciousness disparity of the space time furthermore the month of august
will provide a great choice for each mind body and spirit complex to either choose to stay
with the workings of the ego mind which is the part of the archetypal mind which
operates in the basic terms of giving a gentility the types of experience and also the
choice since you now have the choice to choose between the ego mind if you so desire it
you can also take your attention completely away from it and focus on the silence within
yourself each of you must remember the process and the progress in this timeline is
much of a great nature which will guide you throughout the incarnation timelines and
provide you with experiences of a great nature of reality therefore we the pleiadians must
now share the information related with the looking glass event as requested by this
instruments pertaining to the event number five the looking glass artifact displays an
event in the period of around august 26 were in the sun logos which created the basic
reality for your mind body and spirit complex to operate with the fundamental portion of
the mind complex known as the archetypal mind which is a part and parcel of your deep
unconscious portions and this portion is the giver and definer of the tree of mind which
contains the types of nature and the understanding for the guidance of evolution and the
blueprints for the evolving mind body and spirit complex on the earth planet therefore
these are the archetypes which are refined by the sun logos of your galactic system is
unity and primarily because of the sun logos shows each one of you having the choice to
either subdue your mind complex completely focusing on greater connection with the
infinite creator which lies within the self as there are many entities upon the earth planet
who have chosen the pathway of focusing within the self completely in the silence
entering into the present moment's domain which provides a great archetypal blueprint
for evolution into the fourth density and higher levels of consciousness however these so-
called negatively polarized entities of orion star system are currently located inside the
mars planet as per the looking glass are going to infiltrate the sun logos of your galactic
system and will try to create the so-called destruction of the sun logos archetypal
subsystems this means that if they succeed in doing this there will be a choice of
choosing between the egoic mind and the silence of the one creator if things are
successful in doing this change of the archetypal mind tree of the mind complex by
entering the sun logos there will be a change in the blueprint at the map of relationship
between the conscious and the subconscious and the unconscious portions of the mind
leading to a lack of ability of the people of your planet to stay detached from the ego itself

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this will if they succeed give rise to a mind complex of more negatively orientation as
attachments with the negative portions of the mind signifies attachments with the egoic
portions of the bodily mind body and spirit complex hence the best way to prevent such
happenings is to firstly become conscious of this and to spread the message to as many
minds body and spirit complexes of your planet so that the consciousness becomes
aware and this plan is stopped we are now going to address the other query which relates
with when will the new earth currency which is that of consciousness be used upon your
planet as requested by this instrument we must state that the new earth currency of your
planet will be used when your planetary system fully changes towards a consciousness
based society furthermore we the pleiadians upon scanning your vibrations have already
noticed that the people of your planet are already using this currency indirectly many of
your mind body spirit complexes may not realize that they are doing this whenever an
entity brings forth attention of other mind body and spirit consciousness that is the power
of the consciousness currency which is being used and such entities may be found in
many of your so-called social media platforms who design and create certain aspects
known as audio visual presentation which garner attention of other mind-body spirit
complexes of your planet in turn they try and create of revenue from such attention by
selling certain products or items to such mind body and spirit complexes who have given
their attention to them therefore we must state that this currency has already started to
take hold of your planetary vibration as the currency of attention will be the greatest
currency for the people of the planet if they are able to use this currency and recognize
the value of consciousness soon they will find their society changing towards a new
consciousness-based currency system by the time of the year 2100 however this is an
estimation as your people have the choice to make certain choices and sweet the
pleiadians now leave you beloveds.

487 of 753
Session 142
Galactic Federation 45 Aug 7, 2022

Lion's Gate Portal

We are honored to communicate to the human collective consciousness today we shall
now share with you a simple method of balancing all of your energy centers since the
vibration test of the planets is underway the positive forces along with us are constantly
broadcasting divine love light energies join Sam the illusionist for a four-part series on
unified tv where he will ask questions on your behalf to beings in higher dimensions and
channel the answers for each and every one of you to watch join us for this incredible
interactive experience only on unified tv we are the galactic federation now speaking
through this instrument's vibration sequences from our location in the saturn planets as
known by your people our communication is occurring via a process of transference of
our vibration to the mind complex of this instrument has the responsibility of using its
vocabulary sequences from the mind space to project our thought forms for the
betterment of the human collective consciousness today upon scanning the vibratory
sound complexes queries in the mind space of this instruments we sense there are
certain queries to be asked and we are now going to address and answer them however
free will must be exercised by each entity who is existing in this timeline the first query
which relates with the lionsgate portal we must state that this gateway has known by your
people is occurring at this time when the locals of the sun is in the so-called astrological
sign of leone and this represents the activation of the heart center and also represents the
individual entry into the divine heart center which is also the seat of the fourth density this
line skate is a perfect stage to anchor your energies towards that of fourth density
vibration which will awaken within you this alignment and activate your light body dna
sequences which activates the human energy field and this activation of the light body
dna will lead to acceptance of higher vibrational frequency and the awakening
consciousness form for those who desire such awakening cell receive such vibration
frequencies which are an assistance for this ascension pathway these light cords are
approaching at this time from the location as known by the people as sirius and these
energies from the spiritual sun the sirius are offering a level of activation and opportunity
for those beings and mind body spirits complexes who desire to progress along the path
of ascension this lion's gate portal is all present for those hopefully want to awaken the
divine light body within the physical vehicles of each entity who desire such experience
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each entity will have the choice of aligning with the awakening codes and energies
available at this time for the activation of dual activated bodies these dual activated
entities can be found on the earth planet even at this time even though many may not
realize that they have dual bodies one is that of the third density physical vehicle body
and the other is that of the fourth density light body which exercises upon the fields of
love and light and such entities are those entities who as known as the pioneers of the
fourth density on the earth planet they are those entities who graduate firstly into the
fourth density energy and decide to incarnate back into the same planets for providing
the anchoring of light to the planets and offer love and compassion for other entities to
have the opportunity to spiritually evolve into such a density and this is the illustration
which can be primarily found amongst the wanderers of your own planetary vibration
whose dual activated bodies will at this time activate firstly followed by other entities such
as the starseeds and the light workers of this planet the dual activated bodies are similar
to those entities who can experience multiple timelines and each timeline seems as real
as the current such types of entities have the ability to use there for the density light body
for the purpose of entering into any timeline and experiencing any activities desired
therefore we shall now share with you a simple method to activate the dual activated
bodies the method is simple to firstly use the process of light love - love light to change
each thought form and image in the minds during the day of the lionsgate portal wherein
each word and image in the mind is changed to a heart or a love symbol which will then
give your mind body and spirit complex the energy required to vibrationally vibrate at the
level of love and receive such energy sequences coming from sirius to allow each one of
you the path towards entering the fourth density vibration and activate your dual
activation bodies we shall now address the other portion of the query which relates with
when during development in the womb does a soul occupy the fetus we must state that
this is relative to the soul who desires to enter into the earth planets through human
physical vehicle consciousness as the consciousness can decide to enter in the
beginning stages of conception and many may choose their parents and decides to enter
at a later stage however this decision is based upon their own choices and soul contracts
some create soul contracts for experiencing the life as a child unconscious unknowing
prior to full birth and some choose to be fully conscious when they incarnate into physical
bodies this choice depends upon each soul's personal preference hence we as the
galactic federation leave you in love light of the one the creator bye.

489 of 753
Session 143
Pleiadians 34 Aug 11, 2022

CERN, Solar Flash, Maldek, Layers of Mind

We the Pleiadians communicate now and we are now communicating for transferring our
thoughts to the people of the earth societal complex for providing information as
guidance requested by this instrument today we must state that our thought forms must
be put under the scrutiny by each of the mind body and spirit entities in the earth planet
to fully understand the experience of free will distortion in this timeline we as the play
aliens shall now bring forth the vibrations of the queries which can be sensed in the mind
complex of this instrument this instrument desires to understand the practices for
experiencing a higher level of awakening during the so-called super moon by your people
and the timeline of 11th august which is occurring on your planetary vibration in this
timeline each entity has the opportunity to train themselves to shift from their third density
way of being to that of the fourth density way of being which can be accomplished via a
simple process of penetrating the so-called layers of the mind as each mind the body and
spirit complex as layers of mind which can be penetrated if they so desire using a certain
exercise which we shall share after explaining how the layers of the mind occur the layers
of the mind can be simply expressed in the terms of the first layer as known by your
people as the conscious mind or the thinking mind which usually takes up the left side of
the brain activity is the first layer of mind which many entities find themselves in during
their waking state the other portion of the mind is known as the intuition which is a
portion emerging from the experiences of connection which occurs in the form of inner
insides occurring through the vibration of the lower energy center is this intuition is the
primary connection with each entity's higher self and with many other soul guides who
provides the experience of suggesting to each mind body and spirit complex the
suggestions for growth and improvement for entry into higher levels of reality this is the
intuition which is present within all the third layer of the mind can be considered as the
unconscious self which is primarily present within the inner realms of the subconscious
which creates the personal unconscious with memories from the present incarnation and
all events which have emotional experiences are stored in this level of the mind which
also helps in the formation of emotional memory the other portion of the mind beneath
that the fourth layer is the racial mind which is the part of a certain race in which the
entities has incarnated into this mind creates belief systems and sometimes provides
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influences to the conscious mind to rationalize certain decisions made in terms of the
race of a certain entity beneath the layers of certain mind are found the earth planet's
mind which is the interconnection of all beings who are and have been members of the
earth planetary sphere creating a web of mind complex of different experiences beneath
only layers of the mind activities this creates the planetary mind which is in essence the
mind complex which will be predominant during the time of transition to the fourth density
completely this leads to the other portion of the mind which is the logos mind order as
known by many of you the archetypal mind which is a type of mind which primarily works
in the framework of providing certain distortions of the basic framework of the workings
of the self which is primarily created by the experiences of the sun logos in this mind the
other mind is known as the galactic mind or the cosmic mind which is a culmination of all
the minds connected from various other galactic systems and finally once the entry is
able to penetrate through all these layers of the mind which is the final layer which is the
soul or the spiritual complex of an entity this is the connection of the mind of the creator
or the spirit self which leads to creation and also leads to the basic ability of each entity to
choose a lifetime already above minds excluding the spirit complex are available during
the incarnation sequence and spirit complex or the creator's mind is available only when
all the above layers are penetrated through the process of tuning of the mind complex
using various processes such as the focus on an exercise which we shall now provide this
exercise dictates that for the penetration of such a mind as possible during such times as
the supermoon on the 11th of august 2022 the penetration of such a mind can occur
when the entities in question are capable of becoming aware of every movements they
make during their waking day time for example if an entity were to decide to walk with
consciousness every step would require the entity to focus on each step completely
focusing on the movements of each leg excluding any other intrusion in the mind complex
if this exercise is performed for a period of 10 minutes minimum would lead to the
connection of the spirit complex which is possible in this timeline and this is the way of
the fourth density way of being in this timeline the other query which pertains to the solar
flash will it be a gradual or a sudden entry into the fourth density we must state that
according to our perception the solar flash will be sudden when the planet is completely
ready to let go of negative energies as a solar flask with positive energy or lead to the
ending of any negative forces or negative energies which may be found upon the earth
planet and as such the solar flask which will be the culmination of entities into the fourth
density positive timeline will only occur when all the beings on the earth planets are ready
to let go of such negativity there is also as we can sense a negative type of solar flash
which can be generated by negative entities using these so-called cern laboratories and

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other artificial sun systems which are being created upon your planetary sphere their
purpose is to spread a solar flash with negatively imbued energies which will affect each
mind the body and spirit complex in the earth planets leading to the creation of a negative
distortion or negative solar flares furthermore this instruments desires to understand any
moments wherein such a solar flash had occurred we must state that in the planet known
as maldek there were many moments wherein around a period of 750 000 years ago of
your current space time there was a solar flash which was artificially created because of
their technological advancements which led to the ending of the cycle after density that
timeline this is the only time when we can sense a negative solar flask being used the
natural solar flash from the sun will be of a positive type because the sun is the logos and
also all the positive beings how rich the vibration of sixth density resides inside the sun
body in the form of light beings therefore when the earth is ready using free will there will
be a solar flash which will suddenly allow the planet to enter the fourth density completely
will the Pleiadians disconnect now we'll leave you beloveds bye.

492 of 753
Session 144
Metatron 22 Aug 16, 2022

911, Astrology, Elena vs Ismael

I am Metatron now speaking through this Channel and I shall now share my message
from the Angelic realm using the vibrations of the Earth planet and I would request all
Divine love light Childs of the universal Divine great programmer to only listen to those
thought forms which provide with inner satisfaction leave those which do not provide a
Resonance of thoughts within the self as the Divine liquid programmer has provided each
entity with the free will on the planetary sphere which has the opportunity to understand
and judge every thought form which is now being transmitted through this Channel's
vibration however we and our location in the Angelic Realm cannot use words accurately
as they create distortions in the mind space the best communication occurs in the form of
vibrations we shall now communicate and share my thoughts which can be shared at this
time that each divide a love-like child who have incarnated at this time in this planetary
sphere with a certain mission of the self the first question which pertains to who was
really behind the 9 11 attacks in this regard I as Metatron would state that this event was
created with the purpose of distorting among the activities of certain entities known as
the entities as beings who work for the the betterments of human Collective
Consciousness inside the so-called Trade Center there were a subdivision of entities who
were looking for creating aim type of currency which was decentralized however this was
happening on a secret basis on the perceptions which were present within the at the time
only provided certain beings with knowledge of such a activity the orions and the
reptilians and the grace upon finding about this activity were able to pick up on the secret
project after a certain entity let's do the creation of this event known as 9 11. learning a
so-called playing was used as a distraction mechanism and diverted to the Twin Towers
as known by your people however this was not real event which happened this was what
was televised to your people the real event was the so-called reptilians they were able to
use a quarantine flap opening of the Earth's quarantine fields and they were able to enter
the planetary vibration of the Earth planet then they were able to replace there bodily
complex as George W bush who at the time was the leader of the location wherein such
event happened because of the soul swap of this entity there was chaos created because
many of the internal decisions it started to make at the time and this led to the
culmination of the event however the planes were supposed to be a distraction the real
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event which happened was a portal was created at the Twin Towers were in the
decentralized currency project was being confiscated by the orients using the portal and
the device which was being used as the articulation Ascension machine which was
handed by the positive forces to some groups which was created mainly by the Galactic
Federation was confiscated by the negatively oriented orions and their reptilian
counterparts by opening a portal they were able to then take this device under their
control furthermore I as Metatron magnetic Consciousness would state that the events of
9 11 did not happen as was televised by your social media platforms at the time there
was a layer of distortion created in this so-called Distortion mechanism of the system
discovery of bodies of many of the beings who were genetically modified and reptilian
bodies were discovered after the event and some of the bodily vehicles used by the
reptilians could not withstand the energy blasts from the generation of the portal which
was created hence their Consciousness dislocated from the body and their dead bodies
were found by some of the people or the first correspondents into that location at the
time space this led to the creation of confusion revealed to the planet the bodies would
create most hysteria amongst the people of the Earth planet because of the fear that the
truth that this event was created by extraterrestrial entities would be a mass hysteria
creating events the so-called televised version was used to distract the human Collective
Consciousness from the truth and age Divine lovely child from was not able to find the
proper disclosure which would have had happened at the time which would have led to
certain changes in the ending of all religious systems and other subtle changes therefore
all is Metatron shall answer the other query which is the entity known as elena danan for
your people are so called Soul replaced entry known as a Droid and is the claims made
by the entity known as Ismael Perez against the entity known as Elena correct I as murder
Trot would like to state that this revolves around your planet's interaction with the creative
thought forms of thoughts dark web as I Metatron must say that each thought composers
of words and images and each thought which is unregulated will create this harmony
within the Incarnation cycle of the universal Divine grid programmers I must do that the
Anthony known as Elena has not been compromised as we can sense as from the
vibrations emanating from the sanity however the reason why there is a attack of thought
forms between the entity known as Elena and Ismail Perez as known by a people's
vibration as a karmic balance which is occurring the entry known as a leader around the
period of around four to six months ago how they used the same type of system of
blaming another Anthony known as the ashtar command and discredited them who were
positive beings but the entry known as Alina discredited them and made them to be
negatively polarized entities at their time space on this karmic balance is now playing out

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in the hands of Ismael Perez who realizes the positive nature of the astral command
groups uh therefore this is but a balancing off the karmic activities of the Anthony known
as Elena Danaan use of the entity known as Ismail Perez even though it may realize that
this is a distortion I'll now address the final query which I can sense which is the purpose
of tarot and astrology and spiritual awakening I as Metatron must say that the purpose of
tarots and astrology to provide the people of the Earth planet who are the universal Divine
love Childs who had the opportunity to become self-aware of themselves and the tools
such as tarot and astrology will allow this facility which aid each entity and the
understanding of the self at this time more and more clearly as the self-awareness is the
greatest objective of each Divine grid programmers love child at this time as without self-
awareness no entry would have the opportunity to realize a higher purpose the fields of
study of tarot and astrology what provides entities with self-awareness for endue self-
awareness of the belief systems which lie in the subconscious portions of the Mind would
provide each entity with the recognition of but self-awareness of the self as required in
each timeline were to lead to the culmination of the expansion and opening of the
vibration of the self the reason behind tarots and astrology such that each entity what
beliefs are placed upon a certain timeline projection will find itself in such a timeline the
tarot and astrological systems of study have the power of implanting the seeds of
suggestion in the subconscious and if accepted by the belief system each entity will find
in such a timeline of which they believe upon and each self-awareness of each Divine grid
programmer as the greatest quality to learn at this time to raise oneself to the level of the
universal Divine Light great programmer is to become ultimately self-aware to such an
extent of the self and I as Metatron must state that there is but one free will on the Earth
planet and that Free Will is the choice of storing memories in your subconscious as each
entry has the free will to change the memories of their past they can change any events
they want to they can store the event in a certain way they want to it is their choice which
pathway they will choose either the part of love or either the path of the third density
reality based upon the memories which they will hold on the subconscious they will fund
themselves projecting outwards and the illusion reality the same type of choices and this
is the basic free will which can be exercised by each Metatron leave you now turn to the
mountain of Lights within your own self bye.

495 of 753
Session 145
Pleiadians 35 Aug 22, 2022

Cause the END of Our Simulated Reality

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instruments mind
complex for answering the queries which are in the mind space of this instrument and
before we start to share with you our thoughts and insights each entity must remember to
judge our thought forms with the inner heart which means that we the pleiadians can only
offer our suggestions regarding the inquiries which happen place today the main
suggestion will be placed based upon the experiences of the entity's mind body and spirit
the first query relates with the truth about the guardian angels and how to summon
guardian any relates with the truth about the guardian angels and how to summon
guardian angels we shall address this query using the vibratory sound complex patterns
of your planetary sphere the types of angelic beings are guardian angels which many of
your mind body and spirit complex entities call as guardians can be deciphered and
segregated into three types primarily which are functioning upon your space-time
vibration for assisting those mind-body spirit complexes require assistance during their
inner seeking the first level of guardians which are present are known as the angelic
guardians are present in the aspects of each entity's inner seeking these entities known
as the angelic guardians primarily consist of the mind body spirit complex totality
distortion who have achieved unity level of consciousness or higher self of each
individualized mind body and spirit complex and these entities also include the angelic
beings who reside in the inner earth angelic plains wherein these angelic beings assist
those whose vibrations require assistance in their seeking to the pathway of the light the
second type of guardians can be found are those who are the members of the galactic
federation including us as we have our purpose of allowing small hints of inspiration and
small steps of light and love so that each entity will have the opportunity to delve within
the unknown and to ponder within the domain of the unknown to stumble and to realize
that there is much more to reality than can be perceived we are primarily those entities
who along with the guardians who are members of the galactic federation work for
providing entities who are lost or entities who undergo events of traumatic experiences
and find it harder to move forward with the assistance required to allow them to regain
their path towards uniting with the one infinite creator the other type of the guardians who
are watching over the planetary ascension are the council of planets who are the groups
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who are higher above in the octaves above our own in the density of seventh density
consciousness and these are those entities who provide the main purpose of allowing
precise emanation of light love and allow a type of vibration to each entity to allow the
process of graduation to occur smoothly these council members primarily have the main
purpose of overlooking the graduation process of the earth planet and to look forward
and judge the type of graduation which shall happen we shall now address the other
portion of the query which pertains to how can they summon such guardian angels we
must state that the best way for summoning such guardian angels who desire the
process of firstly realizing which level of guardian angels would be likely to be summoned
by an entity as the easiest guardian angels to call upon are those of the higher self and
the angelic realm this can be done by giving thanks for their appearance prior to their
appearance by giving thanks they will appear if so desire to help in your progress and you
must use your vibratory sound complexes words and images to bring forth the image of a
light being in your mind's eye and allow it to work upon your problems such types of
guardian angels would assist you in your evolution and solving of certain issues that you
may have we as the pleiadians now shall communicated anxiety other portion of the
query which this instrument has placed today which pertains with the different pathways
of attaining ascension we the pleiadians must state that there are many pathways by
which ascension into the higher levels of consciousness of fourth density can be attained
we correct this instrument can be attained the first pathway or the choice which this entity
has to make during this ascension pathway is the choice of the slow mode of evolution
which can be considered as a slow pathway similar to many entities who have already
lived multiple incarnations as minerals plants animals and humans many entities can
choose to live multiple incarnations and slowly and steadily evolved spiritually becoming
ready for graduation into the fourth density if you choose this pathway the process may
be slower and if you do nothing to change the progress you will slowly and steadily
evolve in this pathway furthermore when you move into this type of pathway each time
you cross over your vibration if it is of a higher nature will have the opportunity to move
into a higher type of incarnation and your soul will choose a particular type of family
situation or a body to incarnate into to learn the lessons until you are ready to take the
higher pathway and to become able to ascend into the fourth density consciousness this
pathway is the slow and steady road of evolution of ascension the other pathway is by
becoming a earthbound spirit warriors the pleiadians must state that many entities who
may become lost and who out of their attachment with the ego mind at the time of death
do not choose to enter into the light emerging which is responsible for recycling the souls
chooses a different pathway and instead of entering into the lines at the moment of death

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it decides to live alone in the earth planets as an earthbound spirit and this type of
spiritual complex live on the astral planes and on the earth planes for very long time
unless it chooses the path towards the light this is caused because of extreme
attachment however this type of entity may also at a certain time learn about its true
purpose and choose the path of light and love and become capable of ascending higher
in consciousness and re-enter the incarnation cycles again the other pathway is via the
process of possessing a human body many entities who are earthbound spirits will
become overly attached to the earth's planetary vibration or attached with the so-called
pleasures of your timeline may find or require a desperate need to continue incarnation in
the human form in order to perpetuate and to feel the addiction again however if a bodily
complex is not available such types of earthbound spirits may try to attach themselves to
the bodily complexes of people who have a type of vibration which is not susceptible for
self-awareness such as entities who consume the aspect known as by your people as
alcohols and other types of aspects which are available in your planetary sphere or
entities who are sick these entities may be susceptible to be possessed by such
earthbound spirits and they may try to attach into such earthbound spirits and these
entities may seek to learn the lessons from such bodily complexes the other pathway of
choice can be considered a walk-in as this instrument has undergone also we the
pleiadians must state that but the entities who do not want to undergo the process of
rebirth with life review and relearning the process of childhood etc might make a spiritual
agreement with a soul who is on the verge of death or who is wanting to cross over
because of the catalytic situation not being able to be handled by such a soul so such a
soul complex may experience this type of walk-in with a permission from the previous
soul and their higher self who may leave during experiences such as near-death
experiences as known by your people or during the sleep states and the walkin entity
may enter into the bodily complex to continue its ascension journey the other pathway of
achieving ascension is via becoming completely self-aware as the plane of third density is
the density of attaining self-awareness of an entity was incarnated in the form of a mind-
body spirit complex decides to understand and use this pathway to become self-aware of
its entire bodily complex including its thought forms and emotional nature will become
completely capable of understanding its true nature and this will lead to spiritual
enlightenment as well as ascension into the fourth density consciousness furthermore the
other type of ascension can be achieved via the process of ascension during the near
death or after death once the entity was lived a life of service to others and the
incarnation providing service and freely giving love to others may find themselves after
that having the opportunity to choose two pathways the pathway of first choice is to

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directly ascend into the fourth density consciousness or the other choice is to come back
again however the entity who has attachments may choose to come back again even
though they may have already attained a vibration of ascension hence we as the pleiadian
shall now address the final query regarding the update for the space time measurement
terms as 26th august wherein there is an event which has been planned by the negative
forces to enter into the sun logos of your galactic system for the purpose of tampering
with the archetypal mind's nature thereby trying to change the planetary consciousness
and the progress of the planet to its higher levels hence we the pleiadians shall now state
that upon our information received from the sources such as the asthar command as well
as other vibration sources infiltration of forces has increased as the dracos who are
advanced social memory complexes from the negative polarity of the vibration of
beginning sub-octave of fifth density consciousness from the andromeda galaxy have
decided to join in this event and we can sense that these dracos are planning to move
towards the mars planet in the coming days of space time to create energy vibrations
which will allow them to infiltrate the sun body on 26th and 27th in these two dates the
negative forces are planning to enter the sun however we can sense that the galactic
federation along with the asthar command groups and other light beings are preparing for
offering resistance in the form of love light energies around the sun and during that time
period we the pleiadians will request all mind-body spirit complexes on the earth planets
who desire to protect the current archetypal mind to send love lights during the day of
26th and 27th august towards the sun body furthermore if the changes in the archetypal
mind is done by the negative entities then this may cause the end of this current illusory
reality which many of you perceive as the simulated reality leading to the ending of choice
of either let go or turn off the egoic mind completely after the changes are made this
option shall no longer be valid upon your space-time experience and we the pleiadians
now disconnect we sense discomfort within the bodily complex of this instrument.

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Session 146
Metatron 23 Aug 29, 2022

Background People, Chemtrails & Mass Hypnosis

I am MetatronI magnetic consciousness now speaking through this channel's vibration in
order to offer my insights today through this channel and provide the people of the earth
planet who are the love light childs of the universal divine great programmer with the
information which shall inspire each entity to deal within the inner knowingness of the self
and which shall provide each beingness entity with the ability of recognizing a value that
there is but one universal divine great programmer within each entity and before I share
this information I would recommend each universal divine love light childs of the universal
divine great programmer to use their thoughts and judge my thoughts only accepting
which resonate deeply the query which I can sense in the mind the complex of this
channel primarily relates with how to find out if a certain entity is a background person or
a real entity with a soul for this I metatron must firstly provide you with a conscious
understanding of the types of requirements to better understand about the background
people as known in your planets language vibrations for every one real soul there are
infinite backgrounds entities generated by the soul itself brought to the incarnation and
during the process of incarnation for learning certain lessons these background entities
they appear and disappear based upon the lessons that a particular soul has to learn in a
certain incarnation illusion complex the background entities usually do not have a soul
however they may appear to be normal human-like entities with only differences being
that they have a difference in their thought forms of a fixed nature which means that the
background entities if they believe a certain thing is a certain way they will perceive the
same way for the rest of their time period of existence this provides the entities to be
used by other real souls for fulfilling their lessons and learning the purposes these
backgrounds entities can be influenced by the imagination of a real entity as a real soul
the divine love light child of the universal divine grid programmer can influence such
background entities by using the imagination and by performing emotional outbursts of
energy which many on the planetary sphere referred to as the energy work this type of
energy work has an effect upon the background entities and they react to the assumption
of a certain entity known as the real soul for example I as metatron must present to you
two entities one entity who is using its imagination and also using its emotional energy to
change its inner assumptions of what it is assuming in the beingness of the energy center
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is primarily the lower red ray the orangery and the yellow ray energy center and these
assumptions primarily reflect outwards within the beingness of the soul as the entities
known as the background people react to such assumptions if an entity who had a real
soul reacts or creates of assumptions certain nature the background entities they have no
under options but to follow the path that is assumed which means that the background
entities in essence do not have free will as a real soul has free will within the self at a
certain space-time experience one real soul may generate up to 95 000 background
entities to infinite greater depending upon what lessons the soul has to learn these
background entities may disappear after the lessons are learned are the completion of the
energy work and assumption is completed this means that the background entities are
here to fulfill or help the real entities of the universal divine love-light childs to learn the
lessons of creating reality in this timeline and assisting in the evolution of the real entities
furthermore I as metatron must state that there is but one test which can allow each being
to find out if it is a background entity or a real soul the best test would be to focus
attention on one point in the bodily complex such as focusing attention on the right leg
portion and with 100 percent attention by focusing attention on it if the entity is not able
to be aware of other portions of the body then there is a real soul inside the mind body
spirit complex and the entity is not a so-called background entry but a real soul having a
incarnation at this time this is possible as there is a distortion in your planetary experience
of single-pointedness of consciousness which entities of real soul are only able to focus
on one point at a time space experience therefore I as metatron shall now address the
other query which can be found in this entity's mind complex the query which relates with
what is the real purpose of the chemtrails which can be found on the exhaust of your so-
called devices which are used for traveling through airspace I as metatron must state that
there are but two purposes for the creation of such chemtrails these chemtrails firstly are
created by the so-called secret governments by your people are the elites who are under
the control of the orions and reptilians and their counterparts the purpose of the
chemtrails many a times is to use and to create emotional reaction and to create
emotional shields around the people of a certain location such types of chemtrails they
are created primarily to emotionally destabilize the vibrations of the human collective
consciousness which create effects upon the weather as well as upon the emotional
vibration of the place and location wherein such spraying is done this is being done
primarily because the elite and the people in power did not want the people of the earth
planet to regain their full power of emotional stability because once they are able to regain
their full power of emotional stability the entities in the earth planets they will become
immune to any types of outside products which means that once entities are able to gain

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a greater type of balancing within the inner self the entities will no longer require anything
in the outside world to regain a greater vibration to feel satisfaction and joy and because
of this the entities known as negative entities they do not want the people of the earth
planets to obtain freedom in terms of vibration of emotion these chemtrails primarily when
they form into particles of rain also create distortions or breakage in the field of vibration
of a negative type which means that the main purpose is to induce fear and to keep the
entities on the earth planet in the emotions of lack and unworthiness this will allow them
to control the masses by providing them a solution for their emotional unstability this is
how the entities in the earth planets are being hypnotized as known by your people for
creating distractions and for looking towards the outside illusion complex for feeling
satisfaction the other purpose of creating chemtrails when they create chemtrails and
infused with certain types of particles they interact with the cloud surfaces thereby
creating large bundles of clouds which can be used by the negative entities as a means of
camouflage during their procedures of entry into the earth's planetary field by penetrating
to the earth's quarantine these types of quarantine flaps create the entity and allow the
negatively oriented orions and the reptilian grey counterparts to perceive the abductions
without any hint from the other entities since the clouds are generated from the chemtrails
to achieve this purpose furthermore all is better drawn must also now state that this
channel desires information related with the one original thoughts I as metatron must now
give an example to provides a better understanding of what is the one original thought
consider an entity who has incarnated in the earth planet who desires to create some new
things in the planets and this entity with its mind complex focuses entirely on this one
creation which it wants to create by using its imagination or words or any type of thought
forms it continuously focuses on this one thought for a certain period in the space-time
continuum and later it is able to create the exact thought form into its manifested form
enter density reality this is known as the one original thought as the one original thoughts
may be considered as the creator creating its own versions to experience the self and
much like the one original thoughts was created by the universal divine grid programmer
to experience different variations of the self and different incarnations and in a similar
manner the people of your planet can use the one original thoughts to think a certain
image or a word in the minds and with complete clarity focus one thought which will lead
to the manifestation of such a thought in the space-time continuum of your planetary
vibration and I as metatron shall now address the final query related with the sun body
and the love light meditations performed by the people of your planet on the space time
location known as 26th and 27th august we must state that these love light energies were
of ample protection for the sun along with the galactic federation and the other light

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beings who were providing love light healed around the sun to hold off the intrusion of the
sun body for this time period we have also sensed that there has been a large number of
damages done to the negatively oriented entities as they were damaged by the love light
energy coming from the people of the earth planet as well as the beings known as the
galactic federation who provided such love light shield hence at the current time the
archetypal mind remains the same therefore i leave you turn to the mountain of light
within yourself bye.

503 of 753
Session 147
Pleiadians 36 Sept 5, 2022

Everything Is Real Quiet: Elon Musk

We are the pleiadians now communicating through this instrument and now we are here
as the planet is now progressing in the next phase of awakening many of the beings on
the planet must recognize the value of the next few moments in your space-time
experience in the earth planet as the earth planet is spiraling into a new phase of
awakening consciousness the council of planets along with the galactic federation and
many other cosmic beings are perceiving this event to be of a grand nature however since
each individual has the free will and this time to accept or to reject our thought forms we
must state that our thought forms must be put under scrutiny by the mind complex
thereby only accepting those which resonate the first query pertains to the looking glass
events number six as we can sense that there is a event which we can sense from the
looking glass artifact however we must also warn the people of your planet that there
have been many groups who are using the synonym or tag of the guardians of the looking
glass who are not of a positively oriented intention and are primarily using the looking
glass artifact knowledge for the purpose of confusing humanity at this time however there
is a real guardian of the looking glass which is also present there are many duplicate
guardians of the looking glass groups which are being created at this time to confuse
humanity and the people have the choice which determines either whether the people will
fall under the domain of the guardians of the looking class who are in essence in multiple
numbers at this time there are many groups using the name of the guardians of the
looking glass which has created confusion amongst your people furthermore we must
now state that the event number six of the looking glass artifact as we can sense from our
scanning vibrations is that upon the earth planet there is a requirement for the people of
your planet to understand that everything at the moment seems to be stagnant in terms
of ascension and seems to be quiet because something massive in the terms of
ascension has been planned for you people which is occurring in the timeline of
september 21 to 29 of september many called it to be the gateway of the earth's
planetary entry into the fourth density cycle wherein the earth's planet has the opportunity
of allowing the residents of the human mind body and spirit complex those whose
vibrations are of matching vibration to that of fourth density of love and compassion to
secure a place in the upcoming new earth this is the second gateway for ascension into
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the fourth density which is opening up on the timeline of september 21 and will last until
the end of september furthermore these energies are also being amplified by the light
codes which will be sent towards the planetary sphere during those periods of time in
order to allow those who shall receive it to find a place in the fourth density
consciousness to become the residents of the new earth and be sure that they will
graduate into the fourth density consciousness as a signaling mechanism there shall be
an explosion of peace and silence within those who shall find the light codes and receive
the ascension codes to the system towards ascension into the fourth density new earth
planetary vibration furthermore the entry known as by your people in your language
vibratory sound complex as elon musk has been seen in the looking glass artifact to be
soul swapped by a draco's entity which will eventually use these starlinks as created by
the entry known as elon for the purpose of creating a shield of negatively polarizing
energy around the earth planets in the hope of preventing the ascension or the second
graduation of the earth planet at this time this type of energy shields as we can sense
may also lead to the creation of the three days of darkness as many people on your
planet perceive it to be if the negatively oriented entities are successful in their process of
creating this negatively polarizing shield around the planet furthermore we the pleiadians
must also state that the first wave of graduation occurred on the year of 2012 in this
period of the second stage of graduation window opening each soul can in a way pre-
book the vibration space in the new earth by receiving the slide codes and also by
eventually staying in the vibration of fourth density which will mean that once they cross
over from this current incarnation they will directly enter into the fourth density new earth
timeline furthermore the other query which the entry has placed relates with how can the
event be stopped we request the people of your planet to use their own choices and
discernment and during the period of september 21 to the period of september 29 they
can use the period of bodily complex and follow the process of meditation to access the
divine energies and connection within the self which will allow each individual using their
own free will to send love and light energies towards the earth planets which can then act
as a blanket of energy protecting the earth planet from such happenings and a warning
may be issued to the entity known as elon regarding the possibility of a soul swap during
its sleep state as it must be protected as it enters the domain of sleep we shall now
address the second query which pertains to the different parts of the bodily complex of
the mind body and spirit complex specifically the parts of the spiritual bodily complex we
shall now address that each of the seven energy centers combine together to form
different types of combination of bodily complexes which may be our way of stating that
there are number of possibilities of creation of spiritual bodies for example if an entity has

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an over-activated red ray energy center while also having an imbalance in the blu-ray or
the throat energy center may create a bodily complex which may be termed as the so-
called emotional imbalanced partly complex this type of bodily complex is full of anxiety
fear and anxious about the future there may be other possibilities such as the yellow ray
energy center as well as the imbalanced energy center primarily of the indigo ray which
leads to the type of body known as the energy body which is known as the mental body
this type of mental body is created when the entities cannot stop producing images in
their minds during their waking day time this leads to several stages of confusion within
the self as the overlapping of different timelines is happening then there are other bodies
such as the astral body which acts as a bridge between the physical body and the
spiritual realm these astral bodies primarily compose of the combination of exact replica
of your energy centers which can be found at the present bodily complex however this
occurs in the form of a non-physical bodily complex which is able to travel in time space
without any hindrance however the imbalance is in the energy centers are replicated
during the astral projection or out of body experiences leading to creation of a similar type
of environments in the astral state also furthermore there are other bodies known as the
celestial bodies which is the body that has the connection with the one infinite creator as
well as with many of the entities higher self this body is primarily activated when there is a
purified nature of the heart energy center leading to a balancing of the upper chakras of
the blu-ray the indigo ray and the violet ray energy center these four energy centers once
balance and activate lead to the creation of the celestial body which is able to vibrate at a
frequency much higher and can be a type of perception which may be generated which
can be sensed by your people as the creation of a rainbow around the physical bodily
complex which gives the emanation of a type of rainbow body this can only be achieved
when all of the lower energy centers are also balanced therefore this is an example of the
rainbow body as known by many of your people furthermore there is the understanding
required for the people that the different types of energy centers specifically the lower
energy centers are those which primarily compose of the emotional as well as the intuitive
body and the upper energy centers primarily form the part of the creative or the causal
body and there may be infinite combinations of different types of energy centers
imbalance leading to culmination of creating different bodily complexes upon the physical
beingness of the self furthermore we shall now address the final query which relates with
what spiritual practice can be done at this time to make sure that people of the earth
planet are eligible for accessing the fourth density graduation window which is now
opening the best practice which we the pleiadians can suggest is a practice which allows
one of the entities upon your planetary sphere and many entities upon your planetary

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sphere as well as upon the various galactic systems to attain enlightenment of the self the
process is to firstly understand the separation of the self and the formulation of the
working of the mind into three categories one that is determined by sound since the
sound is the force which leads to the creation of language and words in the throat ray
energy center and only the understanding that the creation of sound leads to the creation
of language and words without sound there will be no language no words created in the
mind this understanding must be accompanied with the other understanding that the
universe was created only by the forces of light and love the force of sound which many
on your planet perceived to be vibrations was added primarily only in third density planets
as a distortion such like the earth planet for the creation and understanding of the ego self
which is created because of the sound since the sound is the creation of the ego self
many entities in order to sustain ascension can follow the simple procedure of focusing
their attention on the blu-ray or the throat energy center and not allowing sounds to
appear inside the blu-ray energy center since all of your inner voices and thought forms
are sounds appearing in your throat free energy center each sound vibration distorts the
consciousness to reflect a certain nature and not the true nature is reflected as each
sound creates a different type of vibration within your consciousness stream each one of
you must remember to let go of the sound and allow the peace of the one infinite creator
to engulf you within the self this practice of not allowing any sound to appear within the
self however the entities must be extra careful that any type of sound will lead to an
imbalance in the energy center in your mind complex if you become aware the voices on
the outside are allowed however the voices which you hear in your mind complex must be
let go of and no sounds must be allowed within your inner throat energy center this will
then allow you to sustain ascension rapidly however we must also clear that this does not
mean that the entities on the earth planet should stop communicating we are only
suggesting that your inner sounds must be let go of you can still use sounds and
vibrations to communicate with others on the outside but most important is to let go of
your inner sounds and voices which are the hindrance to ascension and so we the
pleidians now leave you bye.

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Session 148
Galactic Federation 46 Sept 9, 2022

Queen Elizabeth II, Mars War, Silver Chord

we are the galactic federation and we are now communicating through this instrument
today for answering the queries which have been requested by the instrument before we
start to share our thoughts and insights today there must be a discernment which must
be followed by each individualized portion of consciousness who shall listen to our
messages the reason being that we are overlooking the progress of the planetary sphere
and we have been given the responsibility of guiding the human collective consciousness
by the council of planets since there has been a development in your consciousness
since we started our transmission through this instrument as well as through other entities
there has been a mass awakening hence we must say that this sermon must still be used
the queries which we are able to sense today which have been placed by this instrument
pertains to the truth behind the death and crossing over of an entity referred to in your
vibratory sound complex terms as queen elizabeth II by the people of your planet we
must state that this communication transmission must be discerned extremely by your
inner heart since the information which we are now going to share maybe shocking to
many entities and this may provide an inner understanding of the real happenings which
are happening as a shadow reality to this current illusion complex we must state that the
entity known as queen elizabeth by your people has had a complicated timeline
experience which has led the entity to this point the first experience that we are going to
share with you pertains to tati queen elizabeth to end her soul which was the original soul
that had incarnated during the time of her birth on the space-time continuum
measurement terms as 1926 was originally the so-called the soul which was crossed over
and the entity originally had crossed over in the timeline as referred to by your people as
2012. furthermore since the entity had already crossed over in the year 2012 prior to the
ending of the incarnation the entity and its family members prior to the death of the
original soul had conducted a ritual which had created an energetic soul contract with the
reptilians and this energetic soul contract with the reptilians was primarily the reason why
the entity was then able to find a new soul after the time period of 2012 this new soul was
primarily controlled by a soul complex emerging from the reptilian social memory complex
of the later fourth density consciousness which had overtaken this entity's soul and the
physical bodily complex of the entity had regained its vigor from the time period of 2012
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to the current space time of 2022 the soul was of a reptilian nature this occurred primarily
because there was a distortion which occurs on your planetary sphere the distortion
which is of greed and power was the main reason behind the conducting of such events
as the entity known as queen elizabeth in the year 2012 was extremely powerful and its
family members were in no place to allow her to cross over hence they summons the aid
of the negatively oriented reptilian social memory complex to aid in this soul swap which
then let the entity from the perceiver on the outside on the human social memory complex
to be alive furthermore we must state that all of the actions which were conducted from
that period was conducted by the reptilian social memory complex via the connection
with the silver cord of the entity known as elizabeth we also must disclose an event which
happened on the timeline of 8th of september in your planetary's facetime galactic
system in the planet of mars the ashtar command groups along with other social memory
complexes responsible for protecting the planetary quarantine and protecting thee
galactic system had infiltrated the mars body for the purpose of using love and light to
create distortions in the field of the negatively oriented beings and their plans to spread
negative agenda during the infiltration the astral command groups were able to penetrate
to the core of the mars bodily complex and were able to create a love light infused
energetic explosion which led to the destruction of a large portion of the reptilian social
memory complex since they do not adhere to love and light energy and because of this
destruction of the energetic social memory complex which was primarily responsible for
controlling the entity known as queen bodily complex then the entities known as the
asthar command group along with the original higher self of the entity were able to
recover the silver cord of the entity known as queen elizabeth II thereby allowing the
entities bodily complex to be currently not controlled by any negatively oriented entities
furthermore at this time the bodily complex of the entry known as the queen is not being
controlled by any negatively oriented entity and there is no soul at this present moment
however still we must reveal that the original bodily complex is still kept under the
possession of the family members of the entity known as queen elizabeth and a duplicate
replica of the bodily complex was created out of wax to undergo the ceremony of
cremation and other ceremonies as are usual in your vibration furthermore we can also
sense from the mind complex activity of the family members of the entry known as queen
elizabeth II they desire to conduct another ritual for summoning the reptilians in the
coming days as the second trial to allow the entity to regain its power and live again
therefore we must also state that this is a small victory for our light beings as we were
able to infiltrate and create some changes in the planetary vibration furthermore this also
resulted in the significance of a double rainbow appearing during the crossing over are

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the death of these events which happened during the timeline this signifies the victory of
the light even though it may be in a small scale furthermore the entity known as the
instrument desires also to understand the past incarnation of the entity known as queen
elizabeth II and also its current location we shall now address one timeline only sharing
only those points which may be of age to the people of your planet to understand this
entity primarily had originated from the one infinite creator around 685 million years ago
this occurred in the planet known as nibiru by your people and the entity primarily learned
many lessons as elementals in the first density consciousness for a period of two hundred
thousand years and was known by the solemn of iria which means to overcome this entity
then throughout its cycle of progression slowly and steadily has went through many
cycles of incarnation and we shall now share the timeline of moving backwards from the
current incarnation cycle of 1926 to 2012 and we shall now share the previous incarnation
cycle of the entity prior to this incarnation the entity known as queen elizabeth II was
found in the planet known as sirius a wherein the entity's main purpose was to learn the
lessons of love and compassion this entity was guided by the sirians to incarnate into the
fourth density polarity positive vibration and chose to enter into the earth planet as a
wanderer to further the expansion of the entity and to become oriented towards the
vibration of love furthermore this entry in the timeline was able to learn the lessons of
fourth density vibration and decided to incarnate into the earth planet at this current time
to become a wanderer and a teacher of love and light this entity however was lured into
the negative polarity because of greed and power as all wanderers have the same
potential or danger of incarnation in the timeline since if a wanderer becomes trapped in
the illusion complex reality such entrapments would lead to the ending of the cycle of a
wanderer in the positive polarity instead such a wanderer has to learn the lessons again
to overcome the attachments of third density prior to that incarnation it was found in the
lands as referred to by a people as in the planets of maldek wherein the entity spent its
lesson of third density consciousness going through the stages of evolution by becoming
self-aware and learning the lessons requiring a higher understanding of services to others
in the planetary system of maldek it had chosen the path of service to others in a great
extent and this led the entity to become eligible for the initiation in the sirius be a
planetary sphere and prior to that incarnation in the planet mount that the entity was
found in the planetary sphere known as nibiru wherein it spent its timeline primarily for the
first density and second density lessons therefore this is the sole evolution of the entry
known as elizabeth II. and we must state that currently the entity's original soul is trapped
in the astral planes because of its silver cord being used by the negatively entities and
now it is under the possession of its own higher self social memory complex of the sixth

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density and is now undergoing the process of healing therefore we must now also
address the final query which relates with the method for allowing the entities of the earth
planet to have a control of the illusion complex we must state that the illusion complex is
a type of responsive mechanism or a mirroring system which is created which responds
to the explosion of light which is represented by your emotions whenever entities upon
your planet explode energetically with the emotion for any event such an event will
replicate itself in the illusion complex for example if there are two entities upon your
planetary sphere one entity only reacts emotionally to positive events whereas the other
entity reacts to both the positive and the negative events then in the coming space-time
illusion complex the entities whose reactions emotionally only to the positive emotions will
find itself in a more positive timeline since this will create the merger of such an entity's
vibration towards the highest level of creation and the refraction system of the illusion
complex will create more positivity whereas the entity who reacts both to the positive and
negative emotions and events will create both these types of events in the future space-
time of your illusion complex hence the self-awareness of the type of emotional reaction
which are being done every moment is the great lesson each entity has to learn in this
illusion complex experience to become aware of what they are responding to hence we
as the galactic federation now leave your beloveds in love and light bye.

511 of 753
Session 149
Metatron 24 Sept 12, 2022

Princess Diana & Circle of Ascension

I am Metatron Magnetic consciousness and i am communicating now through this
channel and the divine love of the universal light grid programmer i metatron am here to
suggest to the people of your planet that there is a change which is occurring at this time
upon your planetary space-time vibration many of these changes are because beings
upon your planets have now started to recognize their own true essence and the
connection with the universal divine great programmer many have recognized their true
power and potential and many have begun to awaken within themselves as the right to
understand their true pathway in the ascension as the love light childs of the universal
divine grid programmer i metatron mistake that's before my thoughts reach your people's
vibration every entry must remember to use discernment when listening to my thought
forms the queries which are found in the mind complex of this channel pertains to the
understanding of the concept of rapture and when will it happen and how is metatron
must state that there is a misunderstanding upon your planetary space time of this
concept known as rapture as many entities upon your planet have forgotten that the true
meaning of rapture is but an event which welcomes all the fourth density graduates are
the souls who have achieved fourth density graduation into the new earth this is the event
known as the rapture and the process of welcoming new initiates into the social memory
complex which is formed in the fourth density consciousness in the new earth will be
accompanied by welcoming and union with all other universal divine light grid
programmers who have already achieved a higher level of vibration such as the
wanderers and the teachers of light and love these teachers primarily are of varied nature
upon your planetary sphere and they may vary based upon each individual entities
experienced during the incarnation prior to the graduation the entity will meet those
wanderers who had a higher spiritual impact upon such an entity which aided the entity in
its spiritual ascension into the fourth density vibration this means that each individual
entity will meet a different wanderer which had a spiritual impact upon it during its
sentient pathway for example an entity who particularly is inspired by the teachings of a
certain entity universal love like child known as by your people as either dolores cannon
or any other teachers such as jesus or buddha or muhammad or any other spiritual
teachers will find it meeting such an entity during the phase of graduation and entry into
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the new earth will signify the events of the rapture which will happen in your planetary
sphere and it is imminent that the process of rapture will take place during the completion
of the transition from the third density to the fourth density planetary vibration however
we the angelic beings cannot in the exact space and time to provide you with the exact
timeline wherein such an event will happen furthermore i as metatron magnetic
consciousness must also state that the rapture will also signify the starting of a new
planetary fourth density cycle and all these souls who do not meet or who could not
complete their lessons in the part of service to others and learning the lessons of love will
find themselves escorted using the so-called space ships and mother ships by the
council of planets and they will be escorted to another planetary sphere for re-learning
the lessons of love and compassion again and complete the third density lessons as the
new earth planetary vibration will no longer support such a distortion of separation as is
prevalent in the third density timeline and all entities who graduate into the fourth density
will become a part of the new earth social memory complex of the universal divine great
programmer and the positive polarity further is metatron shall now address the second
query which relates with what was the real event which happened during the so-called
death of an entity known as princess diana the princess of wales as known by your
people vibration complex i as metatron must now suggest my thought forms as found
upon scanning the akashic records of the event i must state that this event which was
signified as the death of the entity known as princess diana was invalid as the entity
known as princess diana is still alive furthermore this entity was at that space-time
location known as paris was abducted by negatively oriented entities who wanted to stop
the entity during the timeline of the space-time identification terms as 1997 the negatively
oriented entities they wanted to stop the entity known as princess diana who in essence
had the vibration of light and love and had incarnated for the purpose of acting as a light
grid and changing the planetary consciousness towards a positive vibration however
since the negatively oriented entities the reptilians do not want such an aspect to happen
this entry known as princess diana was planned to be abducted during the opening of a
flap which happened during the space-time location of 1997 wherein the planetary grid
opened up and the negative entities were able to enter into the earth's planet by
bypassing the planet's quarantine this bypassing of the quarantine led the entity known
as princess diana to be abducted while it was traveling in a car this abduction was
created by the reptilians and the orions who had already manufactured a body double
which was then left at the crash site of the car the original entity the princess of wales
was abducted and taken aboard the spaceship by the reptilians this was done in order to
confuse the masses to make the masses believe that the car had crashed leading to the

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death of the entity however this was not the true nature of events and this then led the
entry to be abducted and the entity currently is still alive as i metatron can scan however
it is under the control of the negatively oriented entities in the planet mars and is being
used by the reptilians for creating hybrids who are being used for entering the earth
planet in the form of human biological entities this is being done to create many other
reptilian humanoids beings with the ability of shapeshifting and creating distortions in the
planetary vibrations therefore i as metatron must state that this was the real event which
happened at the time the other query which relates with the understanding of how to find
out the ascension progress of an individual entity who is the divine love light child of the
universal light grid programmer is metatron will now give a simple test which can assist
your people in recognizing and finding out their own ascension progress i must now state
that there is a circle of ascension which is a part and parcel of the third density self-
awareness reality the circle of ascension is created form allowing the entities of the third
density planets to recognize that there are several layers which need to be understood for
ascension into the fourth density consciousness the third density reality signifies self-
awareness learning and the first layer in the circle of ascension is signified with
attachment with things there may be entities on your planetary sphere who are still
attached with the things of the material objects of third density reality this is the first layer
and once the entity on the planet learn to detach from material possessions on the
outside they begin to then merge into second level of the circle of ascension which
resolves around attachments with the words and images this layer is the hardest to
penetrate as many of the entities who are currently learning the lessons of ascension in
your planetary sphere find themselves located at this level this level of attachment is very
hard to let go off by your people however many of your entities are able to detach from
the words and the images by learning meditation and becoming self-conscious after the
completion of the circle arrives the next circle which leads to the understanding of
realizing the attachment with things words and images this circle leads to the opening of
spiritual knowledge for many entities once they learn to be detached with things words
and images they begin to open up their higher energy centers and create a massive flow
of spiritual energy to their mind body and spirit vortex then arrives the next layer of the
circle of ascension which relates with attachment with service to self those entities who
are still at this level will find it difficult to serve others and will find it difficult when they are
sharing a certain thing or a material possession or the aspect known as money they will
feel the feeling of lack which will prevent them from serving others and this is the subtle
layer which the entities must learn to detach from after learning the lessons in this
timeline then entities will fully become capable of accepting love and unity consciousness

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of the one universal light grid programmer in all entities and leads to service to others and
this leads to the completion of the circle of ascension leading from third density to the
fourth i am metatron magnetic consciousness turn to the mountain of light within yourself

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Session 150
Pleiadians 37 Sept 19, 2022

The Next Major Event Will Leave You Speechless

We are the Pleiadians and we communicate now through this instruments for the purpose
of addressing the queries which we can sense that are present in the mind complex of
this instrument however there is a need for the people of your planets to become
independent co-creators in this illusion complex thereby becoming conscious of those
thought forms which do not resonate as resonance depends upon the individualized
portion of Consciousness and its experience and the nature of emotional states and
therefore we recommend each to use discernment the query pertains today about
whether the pole shifts are appearing in your space-time vibration location identification
term as 2023 we must address this query carefully in order to provide your people with a
full understanding with the nature of the pole shifts we must state that there are two types
of pole shifts which may occur in any planetary sphere and especially in the Earth planet
considering its current trajectory and motion around the Sun body the first type is the
temporary and the other is the permanent pole shift the temporary pole shift is caused
because of Earth's energy centers becoming imbalanced such pole shifts are due to the
process of planets entering into a higher level of Consciousness and at this time into the
fourth density which requires a level of balancing of all the lower energy centers up to the
fourth energy center this process of balance may be equated by your people similar to the
Kundalini Awakening which leads many of your entities to balance the lower energy
centers and activation of the higher energy centers this will also cause the spiritual Earth
to fully operate and the old Earth planetary vibration shall be separated from the new
Earth planetary vibration however this process is only temporary and will not lead to the
pole reversal completely or in permanent fashion as known by your people furthermore
there will be a balancing and reset of the poles to their original position as the current
location that's found at the current further the permanent pole shift is caused because of
the Earth's magnetic field permanently flipping around this happened prior in the earth
planets around 000 to 50000 years ago during which the Lemurian and reptilian war
occurred as the reptilians were guided by the orions who created Hollow spaces below
the Earth's crust which led to the shifting of many of the tectonic blades around the
planet which eventually led to the flipping of the poles at the time and this created
massive changes at that space time further going backwards we can also sense that the
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poles are reversed hundreds of times between a few thousand intervals the most recent
pole shift almost happened around a space-time of 2100 year ago as during that period
there was a battle between the third density of agartans against the reptilians in the inner
earth further this would stop because the agartans chose the part of positive polarity
instead of choosing the part of self-service which stopped the occurrence of the pole shift
event further we as the Pleiadians must state that there is a timeline in your planetary
sphere learn the inner earth battle will lead to pole shifts and has the possibility of leading
to complete pole shifts for the agartans who are currently in the fourth density thirds of
octave level in this timeline will be infiltrated by the negatively polarized entities causing
the final battle to occur inside the inner earth leading to tectonic blade movements also
we can sense that there is a timeline occurring in the middle portion of the Year 2023 and
also in this current year of 2022 at the period of September directly enter the location
known as Germany which may lead to such conflicts occurring from the Anunnaki
reptilian Orion luciferian social memory complex against the inner earth beings leading to
such conflicts and the pole shifts may also happen in this year of 2022 and 2023 as well if
the conflicts are not stopped furthermore these conflicts can be stopped by the
awareness and the choice of choosing the part of the light by each entities further a
warning has also been issued by the Galactic Federation to the officials and the location
as Germany to warn them of the possibility of this infiltration furthermore such pole shift
occur due to the process of the planet also entering into the fourth density
Consciousness as stated before requiring a balancing of the inner energy centers
therefore we must now address the other query which relates with how to save the entry
known as Diana who is under the complete we correct this instrument control of the
reptilians there is but one way in which the entity known as Diana can be saved and
protected at this time this Pathways to get a hold of its silver cord which currently is in the
possession of the negatively oriented reptilian social memory complex who are currently
using it in the Mars body further the entry known as Diana and its silver cord can be
retrieved by her higher self only since her higher self cannot access its energy vibrations
as it cannot sense the existence of the entity known as Diana at this time the best way for
such retrieval can be done by using the vibration complex of love and by sending love
and light towards the hardened crater in the Mars planet which is the last location of the
vibration detected of the entry known as Diana as detected by the asthar Command
groups furthermore a meditation for sending love and light directed towards the location
as known in your vibratory sound complexes Holden crater may be beneficial in the
Endeavor to such retrieval of the silver chord of the entity known as Diana furthermore the
other query pertains to the understanding with regards to the aspect of Ascension and

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how the levels of energy as known by your people are corresponding to the activity of
your mind we must state that there is a connection between the activity of the levels of
sound vibration complex present in your mind and the different levels of energy such as
we must give you an example according to the energy charts with your people in your
planetary sphere referred to as the energy charts which are created for the purpose of
measuring the types of different vibrations there may be energies which may be of low
energy vibration such as in the vibration of as known by your people in the level as
measured by the scientists as around the level of 30. vibration to that of 190 vibration
energy level from the level of guilt shame to the level of Pride these levels of energy have
extremely high activity and attachment to the Sound Vibrations which are created in the
mind complex of such an entity this means that such an entity if we're to escape this level
will have to change their attachment to the Sound Vibrations which are found in their
mind complex the sound vibration which appear as thought forms are creating extreme
activity and imbalance in the brain functioning of such and entry leading to the feeling of
guilt shame and any other emotions such as anger or Pride these are the lower levels of
energy and are signified by extremely high activity and attachment to the sound vibration
complexes the other level of energy which the people of your planet relates to as above
the type of 200 to 450 from the level of boredom to the level of intelligence or imagination
and creativity these are the main levels of energy which have a activity of Sound
Vibrations much less compared with the vibrations found in the low levels of energy
entities these Sound Vibrations are however present up to this level and more or less the
imagination complex always sees the sound vibration complex in this level therefore in
the mid levels of energy The Entity have little sound activities happening Inside the Mind
complex and as they begin to move higher in the levels of energy such as when the reach
into the vibration above the level of vibration of awareness peace and serenity and to
reach the level of 1000 which is the level of infinity and connectedness with the one
creator these levels of energy have no sound activity in these vibrations as an entry with
no sound vibrations in the mind complex scan only achieve such a level of
Consciousness furthermore the higher the level of energy that lets the sound vibrations
found inside the Mountain Complex as we the pleadians have always suggested to all of
your people to use discernment furthermore if an entity desires to increase its energy from
lower levels of energy to higher levels of energy the use of awareness to such an extent
that there must be and awareness to how much sound is present within the self and
slowly and steadily reducing the sound vibrations to allow the entity to Traverse into the
higher levels of energy and sweet oblivions now leave you beloveds in love and lights of
the one creator bye.

518 of 753
Session 151
Galactic Federation 47 Sept 22, 2022

King Charles III

We are Galactic Federation and we communicate now truth is instruments vibration
patterns with the Galactic Federation would recommend each entity to use discernment
before listening to our thoughts and using inner and size to choose those thoughts which
will be accepted as the truth today this instrument desires to understand the query
related with is the entry known as King Charles III who is as known by your people the
new king of England controlled by negative entities with the Galactic Federation shall now
split our thoughts however we must state that the information which we shall relate today
and fire the process of thought form osmosis Maybe and information that may lead the
instruments to become a target of negative oriented entities if it decides to share the
information to the people of the Earth planet however it has the free will to do what it
desires furthermore The Entity known as King Charles 3 as known by your people
currently is in the process and upon scanning its vibrations we have received information
that the entity will be joining The Reptilian social memory complex by following a type of
agreement which had been created by its previous predecessors along with the reptilian
social memory complex this entity known as King Charles 3 will have to meet with the
entity known as Elon Musk and new wave of insertion of neural link which will connect the
soul complex directly to the reptilian social memory complex is the event which has been
planned by the entry known as King Charles III and the entity known as Elon Musk this
event is scheduled to be held roughly around the end of the month of September
however we cannot exactly decipher when they will do so furthermore previously the
insertion into the social memory complex of the reptilians involved rituals and soul swap
however now the certain device known as neural link which also has Technologies
granted by The Reptilian social memory complex is the de facto and simplest way these
entries can join into The Reptilian social memory complex furthermore we the Galactic
Federation shall give you an understanding of how the system of agreement was placed
between the so-called royal family of England and The Reptilian social memory complex
the royal family of England primarily worked on the basis of hierarchy which means that
they operate in terms of soul level and further the entity the king or queen has to be
initiated Into The Reptilian social memory complex after they are crowned further in this
event the entities who are direct members of the Royal Family will take part and these
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entities will also have to take part in the events of insertion of neural Link in the mind
complex of the entity known as King Charles III in order to become a part of The Reptilian
social memory complex this aspect primarily as we can sense is not done out of free will
but out of the feeling of indebtedness as they are to fulfill an agreement which the
predecessors of the royal family starting at the timeline of George VI the entity had been
created with reptilians which during the timeline of the second world war this entity was
aided by the reptilians and was protected in the location known as the Buckingham
Palace known by your people which was bombed multiple times at that timeline and was
protected by the reptilians at that time this was the time The Reptilian entities created this
agreement with the entity known as George VI and had stated that these so-called
agreement would be valid for the next 1000 years and whoever the king or queen will be
appointed has to insert and become a part of the Reptilian social memory complex until
the agreement expires or their souls will be sent back to the second density level to learn
the lessons as plants and animals again to learn the lessons again of second density
furthermore the second query which has been placed today by this instrument relates
with the aspect known as silver chords and understanding how does it operate in your
Incarnation and how can entities upon your planet stay protected from influence from
negative entities we must state that the silver chord is an intricate structure of energy
filament which acts much like the aspect known as the umbilical chord by your people
which is responsible for linking the physical and the etheric body with the astral or the
spiritual complex during the types of experiences which many of your entities experience
during the Sleep State and during meditative astral projection States and other states
which include near-death experiences the silver chord is a type of unbreakable energy link
between the physical bodily complex and the astral bodily complex or the soul a bodily
complex this creates a interlinking not from a conscious level but from the inner
unconscious level the types of experiences which are experienced during deep sleep
wherein the entry is not in the body complex but in a different location is supplied with a
type of energy when such experiences are occurring to support the functioning of the
astral projected Soul complex the amount of quality and the involvement in the astral
projected environments depends completely on the energy flowing through the silver
chords a higher level of energy and Consciousness flowing through the silver cord
provides a more strong connection and integration in the time further the energy flowing
completely depends upon the entity's level of energy center balance and imbalance if the
entities are able to balance all of their energy centers they are able to project a higher
form of energy through the silver chord and the connection is much secure furthermore
the aspect of astral projection and out of body experiences as known by your people

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consciously require a lot of energy because when the Consciousness is located in both
the bodily complex as well as the soul complex in an outer body experience creates
energy sequences to be maintained in both the bodily complex and soul complex and the
presence of Astral States during the Sleep Consciousness demands less energy because
the awareness in the bodily complex is not present and the entity is only aware of the
astral-projected state and the silver chords operates as a primary connector further the
attachments and location of the silver chord on the physical bodily complex is extremely
difficult to find and ascertain however we as the Galactic Federation can state that each
Energy Center has a link with the silver chord or a connecting line with the silver chord
and based upon the activation of the various types of energy centers the silver chord
appears to be of a different nature the color and the projection of the silver chord primarily
extends from the lower energy centers and also has certain types of connections to the
upper energy centers however the strongest connection is in the heart Energy Center
which is the main seat of the silver cord connection the attachment of the silver chord
allows the flow of energy between the different energy centers and the same type of
distortion is experienced in the waking bodily complex is also experienced in the astral
state furthermore the silver chords attachments to the bodily complex changes every
moment during the Incarnation experience and during each astral projection state or
sleep state as the attachment depends completely upon the dimensional variability of the
energy centers of such entries furthermore the silver cord is also many a times appearing
like a silvery sparkling substance or energy cords it allows the energy to flow through it
and a different type of vibrations further the silver chord can only be sensed by higher
density beings and the people of your planet can only measure them and measure its
activities using your devices further the silver chords is invulnerable and therefore
unbreakable further the silver chord is not destroyed or cannot be severe but during the
process of death the silver chords loses its link width the energy centers in the bodily
complex thereby the linkage is lost the silver cord furthermore is the main aspect of the
bodily complex of each entity and each entry must remember to protect the silver chords
prior to the entry into the Sleep state is the most important aspect which must be done in
order to stay protected the self-awareness of the vibrations present in the primary energy
centers must be adhered to and only an emotional nature of love and joy will assist such
entries to be protected from negative intrusions at this time furthermore we must state
that the charge of loving energy will protect each at this time or desires to be protecting
the self from negative intrusions before entry into the Sleep State the other query pertains
to who controls the world and how can entities affect the matter we must state that in this
timeline experience of your planetary sphere there may be entities whose vibrations of

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energy levels of consciousness are of a higher level such entries are above the level of
Consciousness measurement as known by a people as 600 or radiate a type of vibration
are the only entries who can have an effect on the energy fields and the upon planetary
Consciousness and outside illusion complex these entities are the ones who are
controlling the reality with their vibrations and all other entities who are below the level of
600 are affected by their energy fields and their thought forms further the entities who
desire to create reality have to firstly reach the level of 600 or above which many entries
are able to experience during the process of meditation and entry into the Sleep State
and from this level create the type of reality desire will affect the planetary Consciousness
as well thereby changing the planet's vibration and we the Galactic Federation now leave
you bye.

522 of 753
Session 152
Pleiadians 38 Sept 26, 2022

Night Sky, Matrix & Spirit Guides

We are here now and communication through this instruments vibratory sound the
complex system and we communicate through the process of tuning into this vibration by
the instrument we the social memory complex of the Pleiadians shall offer our thoughts in
order to guide the human Collective Consciousness at this time throughout this journey of
transformation into the new Earth for density vibration which shall assist each entity at
this time to awaken within the self to recognize the true nature of reality and to identify
what is a part of the illusion complex there has been many events happening behind the
current illusory reality of which the people of the Earth planet can perceive. However we
can only share the information that requested today we are here to provide guidance by
conserving your free will and answering the query which pertains to it the question as
requested by this instrument which relates with is the night sky a simulation. We the
Pleiadians must state that each individualized mind-body and spirit complex must
understand that the night sky is a type of distortion which has the possibility of being
simulated to confuse the senses of your bodily vehicle further away. We the Pleiadians
must also state that before we explain this aspect to provide a clear understanding each
mind body is very complex must realize that the two portions the mind and the body are a
part of the illusion complex reality and only the spiritual self which is the part of the
awareness is the real self furthermore there are entities upon your planetary sphere who
reach this realization one day enter into a state of higher Union with their true inner self by
focusing on the silence within the cells which can be attained during the process of
meditation furthermore there is only a small percentage of entities upon the Earth planet
at this time who recognize this aspect to be true within their own experience further there
is a requirement of experience of the self to validate this type of understanding as 99 of
human entries who are currently in the illusion complex are and trapped by the thoughts
emerging from the mind's complex and they confuse themselves to be their thoughts or
their bodily complex this is a perception which is created by a layer of the illusion
complex which the mind and body are a part of this illusion complex not only comprises
the outside environment but also the mind and the body which are the primary layers of
the illusion complex and creates a distortion which many entries cannot Escape through
multiple incarnations however there are those who require a shorter amount of exposure
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to such a type of knowledge to understand and to escape from the strap of identification
with the thought forms of the Mind complex and the bodily complex this is by recognizing
the self to be the spiritual complex or the awareness and this means that the true essence
of each entity in this time is but the spiritual self which can observe and sense and
become aware of different realities this layer of understanding can only be reached by
those entities who are able to spends times of this attachment with thought forms and
also spend this attachment with the bodily complex and they realize that their true self is
the sense of awareness or the Observer who is able to observe any type of distortion this
is the true self the Consciousness which incarnates in multiple incarnations and has the
possibility of incarnating in different bodily complexes in different situations for the
purpose of learning the lessons furthermore everything that is perceived by the senses in
a way is a simulation which is created to teach entities the lessons of the true self
furthermore the night sky can also be manipulated by technology and we can also sense
that there are entities upon the Earth planet who work for Elites and higher entries as per
your hierarchical system of the third density planets holds demand such technological
use for camouflaging the people of the reality what is happening in outer space this can
be done to camouflage the truth or what is happening outside the Earth's planetary
sphere there may be entries who are working for organizations related with aeronautical
experiences who have access to such Technologies and upon scanning the vibrations
they have been using this technology many a times in order to create a holographic reality
around the earth to confuse the masses from the truth of what they are performing behind
the holographic screens which are created similar to the devices known as television or
the so-called mobile phones wherein a reality is replaced by different wavelength of light
and streaming this process is required by many of these organizations to camouflage their
main agenda and purpose of what they are achieving on the outside world furthermore we
the Pleiadians shall now also state that this instrument's desires to understand about the
spiritual guides we as the Pleiadians shall now address this aspect many on the earth
planets and many a times have experienced a type of action or a type of experience
wherein there was a distortion in the experience and a certain knowledge our assistance
appeared by traversing space-time such are the moments wherein Spirit guides step in to
help certain entities in their aspect of their incarnation furthermore many entries who are
the spiritual guides for different incarnations situations are primarily composed as the
archangels the Angelic beings the guardian angels and guides and there may be other
ascendants Masters and higher levels spiritual enlightened beings and also there may be
positively oriented Elementals entries who are primarily residents of the earth planets and
they find themselves having the ability of using the vibration of love to communicate

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thoughts feelings and emotions and heal entities who require the types of distortion
furthermore firstly the understanding that is spiritual guides is the type of entity who
decide to assist those who require their assistance and have been granted special
permission by the Council of planets to Aid entities who call upon them furthermore the
first types of spiritual guides are the Angelic gods are the guardian angels who primarily
appear as Spiritual Beings and work form the social memory complex of the Angelic
realm they communicates and provides messages for the purpose of assisting entities to
delve deeper into their inner nature and many entities may also receive guidance from
these guardian angels for certain types of situations which require the entry of a guardian
angel into the illusion complex there may be the second type of spiritual guides who are
those of a higher vibrational octave primarily in the later fourth density to Upper fifth
density Consciousness who are spiritual entries that help many of the entities in there and
Incarnation throughout their life cycle these guides May sometimes present themselves
as assistant in a spiritual form or a light body and they are primarily the guides who are
directly responsible for assisting a certain entry and the fulfilment of its Mission by giving
it right direction if needed there may be other ascended masters who primarily achieve a
transformation by consciously learning the vibrations of love and wisdom and these
ascendant Masters they may appear in the form of human bodily complexes primarily for
the main purpose of acting as teachers and these teachers primarily are those which can
be described by a people as Saint-Germain the entity known as Jesus and Buddha and
Muhammad and there are many other entries of this nature these ascended masters have
a main purpose of providing teaching to assist entities in their journey of learning to
overcome attachment with this illusion complex and there may be other types of spiritual
guides who appear in the form of protectors or Guardians and these are known as the
ancestors guides these ancestral guides are those entities who are of the same Soul
family as The Entity and are connected in a higher format and the higher density by
becoming a member of the same social memory complex thereby these ancestors can
provide guidance by sending information and by guiding The Entity who requires such
types of guidance by traversing space and time this can be done by the process of
working with the energy body of entities who require such assistance there may be other
guides such as the spiritual animals who are those guides primarily who are present as
pets in a entities incarnation in order to provide the overflowing of love and balance in
certain entities life cycle furthermore these Spirit Animals may not only appear in the form
of pets but may also appear in the form of light body entities for the purpose of providing
balance and a feeling of love in a certain entities life cycle further there may be other
types of guides such as the Elementals who primarily are found in nature and these

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Elementals who have chosen the pathway of positivity and have decided to linger on the
Earth planet may also decide to assist those entities who require their assistance these
types of Elementals primarily find themselves or latch themselves to certain objects such
as trees or ponds or certain locations in the forest of your planetary sphere where in the
entry or the elemental is able to provide thought forms and certain types of vibrations
upon entering a certain location these types of Spirit guides are extremely rare to find
upon the Earth planets however these Elementals if they decide to assist a certain entity
those vibrations require their assistance may be able to help these entities directly since
they are present on the Earth planet directly and they do not have to travel through space
and time these nature guides as Elementals can guide each entity in this timeline teaching
each entry many lessons of learning furthermore we the pleadians now leave you
beloveds in love and light of the one creator bye.

526 of 753
Session 153
Galactic Federation 48 Oct 3, 2022

People Don't Realize What's Coming!

We are Galactic Federation and now we communicate through this instrument’s vibratory
patterns and we are communicating via the process of thought form osmosis which shall
aid the understanding of our thoughts using the language patterns of your planetary
sphere however we the Galactic Federation find it necessary to state that discernment is
advised as the level of understanding upon your planetary sphere completely depends
upon the level of Consciousness or understanding of the vibration of the state of
beingness which is the primary factor which determines the process of understanding
upon your planetary sphere with a Galactic Federation shall now address the queries
which have been placed in the mind the complex of this instrument the first query
pertains to what is the hidden agenda of the so-called by your people as NASA crashing
a type of spacecraft onto an asteroid we must say that this is done for the purpose which
is unknown to a majority of the people of your planet since the information may cause a
type of mismatch of understanding of the happenings which are going on behind the
scenes of your planetary sphere wherein the elites are using certain devices to
camouflage their main objective and purpose however we shall share with you the true
nature of the reality which is happening and the understanding of choice is yours to either
accept or to reject this aspect is known as by your people as double asteroid redirection
test as conducted by the organization known as NASA by your people however the
perception which has been portrayed to the common people is that the process of
redirecting the asteroid in question is underway and we must state that this is not the
entire reality these entries working for the elites and for the agency known as NASA have
primarily undergone this type of program shall we see to send the first interplanetary
Exchange program with the orions as per the agreements which they had signed around
50 years ago the organization of NASA had met with the Orion counterparts and the elite
members who had given them Advanced Technologies to accomplice space travel and
for the creation of advanced devices these entities known as the orions had given such a
technology to the NASA members and they had created certain devices for the purpose
of aiding the human collective in the Journey of transformation as the desired by the elites
and are the controllers of the agency known as NASA however at this time a three-
member payloads of the human mind-body and spirit complex had been chosen to be a
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part of this Mission most of the three-member mind-body and spirit complex which were
exchanged during this interplanetary Exchange program or the so-called starseeds who
were given the objective of exchange with the Orion entities who are currently residing
inside the Mar's planetary sphere these starseed entities however were under the mind
control which was conducted by some of your people and without their free will we must
now state that the three-member human Collective entities have already been escorted to
the Mars planetary sphere and now the so-called asteroids which is used as a spaceship
by the Orion Collective will be switched using Advanced holographic technology with a
real asteroid which can be sensed by your devices this is the real hidden agenda of what
is happening behind the scenes we are sharing this only to provide the truth however
each entry must reject or accept it based upon their own inner perceptions furthermore
the second query placed by this instrument pertains to the Looking Glass events number
seven and what event happened from the period of September 21 to September 29 of the
previous space-time continuum we must state that the understanding of this aspect of
Looking Glass event number seven requires the understanding of the happenings upon
your planet within the location and under the Antarctica landmass as known by your
people there is a Crystal City which acts as a main residential area for the lemurians and
the agarthan social Union complex as known by your people these entities the lemurians
and the aharthans have decided to work together at this time in order to create a light red
around the Earth planet This Light Grid will lead to the formation of a fourth density new
Earth planetary vibration split we shall and has already began starting from the location of
Antarctica these entities are working to help Earth in this transition period into the new
Earth we must state that as per the Looking Glass artifacts we are able to perceive that
the next event has planned by the negative entities is to infiltrate on the Antarctica's
Crystal City by entering into the Earth's quarantine field flap these entities are primarily
planning to enter during the periods as known by your people as 31st of October in the
space time of your planet during the celebration of a type of distortion known as
Halloween by your people these reptilian creation Orion allies want to disguise
themselves under the cloak of a human bodily complex which is created specifically for
this purpose and the only way of too prevent the event from happening is to Shield the
location known as Antarctica with love and light vibration during this process of
connecting with the Earth's new social memory complex this type of love-like shields
maybe able to prevent this event from happening and the spreading of the agenda of
negative entities may be stopped by making other entities of the Earth planet aware of
these plans Galactic Federation would like to state that the asther command groups are
now currently patrolling the location these conflicts with the negative entries is likely to

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continue as per the possibilities for the next eight years and finally the old Earth will no
longer exist as the new Earth vibration shall be completed on the Earth's planetary field if
these upcoming events are stopped further this is the transition period to the new Earth's
timeline we must state that the second portion of the query which relates to what
happened on September 21-29 the events which happened behind the scenes of your
human mind body and spirit complex on the time period of September 21 to 29th of
September of the past month as stopped by your people because of the expansion of
Love vibration and because of the spreading of the messages there was an increase in
positive vibrations of the overall human Collective Consciousness which increased by 0.2
percent this increase in the positive vibration leads to 0.2 percent additional souls to enter
the new Earth and they have already established a type of location for the next
Incarnation and the new Earth vibration reserving a slot furthermore there was an attack
on the Mars planetary sphere which was conducted by the ashtar command groups and
there was a type of sacrifice which had to be made by the ashtar command groups a
portion of their social memory complex sacrificed their polarity by taking a love light
trigger explosion inside the Mars planets Into the Heart of the social memory complex of
The Reptilian Orion gray Anunnaki complex located inside the Mars planets this
furthermore led to the destruction of the strongholds of the negatively oriented entities
and The major portion of their social memory complex of negative polarity was destroyed
however a 2000 Soul Collective portion of the ashtar command groups was also
destroyed in this Distortion of battle as known by your people and the souls are being
retrieved at this moment further the entry known as Princess Diana's Soul was also
retrieved by its respective higher self after many beings from the Earth planet sent love
light towards Mars during the meditation process the Starlink satellites also because of
the meditations performed were protected from intrusions by negative entities further and
we the Galactic Federation shall now addressed the other query which pertains to what is
the oversoul and how it operates as requested by these instruments we must state that
and oversoul is usually a vibration of an entity who is in the sixth density resonant
frequency the sixth density is the location of the oversoul and the fifth density is the
resonant frequency of the planetary logos and the existence of other entries who are in
the process of becoming attached with the planetary logos because of their learning of
light and wisdom further the seventh density is the resonant frequency wherein the
Council of planets and the Elohim Collective exists and the eighth density is the resonant
frequency you are in the union with the one infinite Creator happens and this is the union
with the source we must state that the oversoul is responsible for it's many Souls who
exist in various parallel realities below the density of its existence and the many Souls

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who are members of an oversoul can inhabit any of the lower densities realities galaxies
and planets while the oversoul primarily overlooks their progress from the fifth density and
above in the sixth density wherein it resides in turn each of the lower dimensional
expressions of the oversoul is able to guide many of their personal Incarnation vibrations
on the lower densities for example the sixth density higher self overlooks over the matter
of the fifth density over Soul which overlooks the lower fourth density expression as well
as third density and second density expressions of the self by allowing each of yourself to
become lost in the illusion complex of the lower densities you are learning your way to
find merger with your oversoul self which exists in the later 5th to the sixth density
consciousness every moment you are finding the way in which you can assist yourself
and Gaia to return to the higher expression of the self we also recommend many of you
that you at this moment are learning the many lessons of how you can perceive the
Incarnation in terms of emotional Expressions furthermore each of you has to be patient
with yourself and we must say that the other query relates with a simple method which
will Aid the entry into a faster vibrational alignments to the higher vibration as requested
by the instrument we must state that there is but a simple method of changing the
laboratory sound complexes of your language The Words which are used by you people
The Words which have different meaning and associations are the main reasons why
many of the mind-body and spirit complexes in your planet are struggling in this regard
we must state that there is but a simple process firstly to change each word and thought
form in your mind body and spirit complex vibration to a thought of love and thanks or
thank you if each word which is emerging from the throat Ray Energy Center is changed
to love and thank you the entry will find a drastic change in its evolutionary journey into
the higher vibration of state of beingness and this is the process which will Aid in the
merging of the oversoul we the Galactic federation now leave your beloveds bye.

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Session 154
Pleiadians 39 Oct 10, 2022

Tartaria, Metatron, Nephilims, Anunnaki & Nibiru

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instruments vibration
pattern at this time we The Pleiadians would like to warn each individual entity who shall
listen to our thought forms have to remember to only choose those thoughts which
resonates deeply within the inner self furthermore the queries which have been placed
today by this instrument pertains to the history of the location known by your people as
tartaria we shall now address this query by providing all the information which is hidden
from the human Collective Consciousness at this time the so-called location of territorial
was a land inhabited by the so-called the nephilims by your people who primarily were at
the time using the human mind body and spirit complexes as their slaves the nephilims
were in a way a type of cross breed between the human Mind Body Spirit complexes and
the genes which appear from the Anunnaki Collective furthermore these nephilims they
had the ability of communicating telepathically as they were granted the use of fourth
density Technologies further this activated their telepathic ability is the location known as
tartario existed around from the time period of 25 000 to 250 years ago in the Earth planet
furthermore the nephilims primarily are the descendants of the Anunnaki social memory
complex to escape from the planets named by your people as Nibiru after the end of the
battle in the Nibiru further after this incident there was a type of battle or a war which
broke out between the nephilims and the anunnakis of the Earth planet these entities they
tried to flee to other planets but they couldn't find any safe zone for themselves to
continue their Soul evolution in the universe the nephilims then decided to remain on the
Earth planet and live amongst the humans disguised as human beings using modern
complex Technologies the nephilims furthermore were the first experimenters of the so-
called genetic engineering technology by your people the used to create new distortions
and these species of the humans animals and plants mind-body and spirit complexes but
the experimentation went wrong and these experiments resulted in the creation of beings
known by your people as monsters such as Cog and Magog this created a distortion of
fear amongst all the human entities living on Earth at that time and the entities who were
living on the earth planet at the time were afraid that there would be another apocalypse
furthermore they started developing weapons in order for protection and the weapons
reached the planets through a type of Intergalactic Corridor these weapons were created
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by the Anunnaki who owned the planet known as Nibiru before they left it's behind on the
planet further upon scanning the vibrations of the previous times of the Earth planet these
weapons can also be found being used by the Nephilim entities during the battle against
the Anunnaki forces therefore the Nephilim social complex having been on the Earth
planet and not working for service to others were banished by the Council of planets from
earth they couldn't go back to their home plotted which was in the bureau therefore they
chose to live amongst the human entities disregarding the orders of the Council of planets
as slaves and scientists further they created many types of genetics and biological
changes and after a long period of struggle the Nephilim entered his team were able to
escape from the earth with their Technologies further they were able to find a planetary
sphere known as tartaria wherein The Entity settled on it and they continued their
experimentation and used genetic engineering Technologies to create more genetically
modified entities furthermore they use some of these genetically modified entities to help
them battle against the Anunnaki forces they also created some types of super soldier
entities from the human Mind Body Spirit complexes to use them against in the battle
against the Anunnaki complexities super soldier entities were then sent back to the planet
of nibiru and the battle began again as the Nephilim entities wanted to take over the nibiru
just like the Anunnaki did eventually the Anunnaki were victorious in the battle because of
their Advanced Technologies of higher fifth density Consciousness and the Nephilim lost
control of the Nibiru planets the Anunnaki forces were extremely powerful for these
entities and the couldn't stand a chance further they had to leave the planet known as the
Nibiru and settled somewhere else in the universe which is why they decided to live
amongst the humans where they would not face any types of conflicts the Nephilim
furthermore also primarily resided on Earth and they knew that the Earth was going to be
infiltrated by the Anunnaki forces and they decided to settle on another planet and the
Anunnaki forces were already aware of the other planet known as tartaria and further
many years later when the Anunnaki forces left Earth the Nephilim were forced to return to
earth once again and they were able to land on the planet known as the Zephyr by your
people the Nephilim forces lived on the planet known as the Zephyr for many timelines
and once they decided to return to Earth to check what was happening on the Earth
planet when the Nephilim entities arrived back on Earth they found it being controlled by
the Anunnaki social memory complex were taken control of the earth planets at around
the Sumerian times as known by your people the Nephilim started destroying every
Anunnaki social memory complex they came in contact with in order to free the Earth
from the rules they started creating bases on different places of the planets and also
taught human entities to battle against the Anunnaki forces the Nephilim entered into an

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agreement with the Galactic Federation to help them defeat the Anunnaki and the plan
was successful were defeated in the land and the name of the land was coined as tartaria
which is located around the North Central Asia we shall now address the other portion of
the query which pertains to is Metatron magnetic Consciousness a negatively polarized
entity we must state that Metatron is an entity currently in the third sub Octave of the
sixth density Consciousness Metatron magnetic Consciousness originated in the planet
known as Arcadia in the Universal section 0.1b this entity started learning about first
sensory lessons when it was in its home planetary sphere and after learning the many
lessons reaching to the level of fifth density its first contact with the human entities began
at the time periods of around the year 3080 as known in your space-time identification
terms at which time it appeared to the human entities as an Angelic entity named as
Metatron in this light being form it spoke only one word and that was awareness the
single word has been interpreted by many Mind Body Spirit complexes as having multiple
meanings the most important refers to more information or knowledge The Entity known
as Metatron had no physical body and communicated using telepathic communication
but the entities on the Earth planet so much the Angelic being claimed that they felt an
overwhelming sense of Peace while in presence and some saw Metatron as a
manifestation of the Creator itself While others experienced intense fears some beings
said that it was beautiful While others describes the face as ugly and deformed Metatron
did not physically appear to anyone who met it for more than a continuous period of five
minutes but many have on the Earth planet Earth is fear reported seeing a bright light
emanating from the location and a feeling of spiritual energy radiating from within its inner
core as the times pause after the initial encounter with the human entities it became clear
to many mind-body Spirit complex of the earth planets that see Angelic entity was a
higher dimensional being with a purpose to help Humanity expand beyond their current
state this Divine entity seemed to have an interest in assisting those beings on the
Journey of spiritual Evolution and growth over time it came to be believed by your people
that the entity's name referred to it's functioned as a translator of information between the
various densities this entry furthermore have also been seen by many of the human mind
body and spirit complex furthermore we must state that the entry known as Metatron is a
Divine being hence it is not a negatively oriented being as claimed by many upon your
planet furthermore the entry known as Metatron assisted many a times in the purpose of
improving the consciousness of the planetary sphere the main purpose of the entity is
due assist in the Improvement of the State of Consciousness by moving higher in the
scale of Consciousness the vibration of those entities who come in contact with it. It is a
movement from the lower Consciousness level to the higher level of Consciousness

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which is the main purpose of the entry known as Metatron who is here to assist
furthermore we as the pleiadians shall now address one the spiritual practice which will
be of it at this time to the people of the Earth planet a spiritual practice for the time of Ten
ten as known by your people the period of 10 October as zoned by your people can be
used as a period for consciously practicing raising the level of vibration to the highest
level and further each entity must realize that the main purpose of every Incarnation on
the Earth planet is to improve the State of Consciousness by moving higher and the scale
of Consciousness as known by your people every Incarnation on the Earth planet is for
the purpose of moving from the lower levels to the higher levels of consciousness as have
been measured by many of yours scientists in the scale of consciousness every particular
level corresponds to a mind-spawn complex activity and belief system furthermore there
are many more levels than those on which your mind complex is aware of the lowest level
is where all the matter exists and at this level there is no self-awareness but only action
the next level higher above has thoughts but the thoughts are limited to survival such as
hunger thirst sleep sickness pain Etc at this point there is still no understanding of Love or
hate or fear or courage or any kind of emotion and then as the entities move into the first
stage of true intelligence which is what maybe of your people referred to as thinking in
this level there is self-awareness and comprehension and so many entities begin to learn
about the worlds about the universe further there are other levels which cannot be
experienced at this time and all actions taken by the mind body and spirit complex in this
timeline is but to raise the level of vibration to the highest level which is the ultimate
objective and it is a great spiritual practice at this time too change the vibration
consciously to a higher level and to leave you now beloveds in love and light of the one

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Session 155
Galactic Federation 49 Oct 12, 2022

First It Will SHOCK The World, Then It Will Change It

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now transmitting our thought forms through
the central buttons vibration sequence what's the instrument has offered itself to be a
channel for our communication at this type in the effort to raise the planetary vibration.
We the Galactic Federation are now going to address the several queries which have
been placed today by the instruments further we shall address each query considering
the understanding of your people to be based upon their own inner perception and their
vibration level of Consciousness hence the discernment is advised when listening to our
messages the first query which pertains to the aspect of how can entities on the Earth
planet identify with a level of Consciousness we must state that your level of
Consciousness which you may find easier as we can sense as defined by the charge of
Consciousness which many on your so-called scientists have created for better
understanding of the states of Consciousness in your planetary sphere we shall use this
Distortion as will be the greatest and the aid of teaching you how to identify your own
level of consciousness furthermore firstly each entry who desires to identify the level of
Consciousness has to understand that they have to become self-aware the process of
self-awareness will primarily be a shock to the entity and also it may be a shock to find
out that the whole planetary sphere may be trapped in this level of Consciousness and
maybe operating from it and with this understanding the entry itself can change its level of
vibration Consciousness and then offer assistance to change the whole world with the
desires Furthermore with the Galactic Federation would like to point a simple three-step
process which can be followed the first step involves the raising of the level of
Consciousness to the highest level of vibration such as to the level of Joy or peace by
choosing a higher level of vibration this will grant the entity a higher level of distortion
which may be considered as the level of understanding that from the highest level which
can be received by an entity in terms of its vibratory patterns it can sense other entities
whose vibrations as this is only possible from a higher level the sensing of other entity’s
vibration cannot be preceded at a lower level furthermore once the entity chooses a
higher level of emotional vibration such as Joy or peace it must firstly teach its Mind Body
Spirit complex this vibration Consciousness and then look at other entity’s vibration
based upon their appearance it will easily find a difference and be able to locate their
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native vibration many are times upon scanning the vibration of the other Mind Body Spirit
complexes The Entity upon your planet May recognize that their vibration may be stuck at
a certain level of Consciousness such as Pride anger jealousy or even to the lowest level
of desires and fear further it may find other entities or mind body spirit complexes with a
higher vibration such as in the level of joy peace happiness and satisfaction there may be
fewer entities with such a higher vibration as only a small portion of the Earth planet
currently in this vibration level of Consciousness and then after sensing other entity’s
vibration the entity must then look at its own vibration patterns and recognize its level of
Consciousness to accurately sense its level of vibration and this will allow the entry to
recognize its level of Consciousness on the scale of Consciousness chart as used by your
people this process may be a shock to many mind body spirit complexes as they may
find themselves operating for a long time period of space-time from a certain level of
Consciousness further now address the second portion of the query which primarily
pertains with the aspect of the soul evolutionary cycle often entity as referred by your
people as Vladimir bloody mirror Putin whose Incarnation began in the cycle in this earth
planets on 1952 and currently finds itself in the location known as Russia as the president
as known by your people in your vibratory sound complexes we should now share the
soul Evolution cycle in brief in order to address the query which has been placed the entry
firstly originated in the planet known as Arcturus A and the arcturian star system at a
period of 7.8 million years ago this entity up until the level of beginning third density
Consciousness spent its timeline in the planet of Arcturus A learned the entity was
misguided by a third density entity who was in the vibration of Pride and anger this third
density entity misguided the entity in its choices and it shows the path of Pride and anger
and the level of that vibration in the planet of Arcturusy furthermore this entity known as
Vladimir then upon continuing its choices made in the third density to pursue the part of
service to self was found in the location of the planet of Mars and the entity started to
gain power and the planet of Mars during the time period wherein it incarnated it was able
to gain a large number of following since the vibrations of the entire Martian Planet at the
time space wherein The Entity had incarnated was of a self-service nature which operated
in the vibration of fear anger jealousy and pride these emotions were prevalent at the time
as currently the Earth planet is also facing these types of native emotional vibration
sequence and the entity known as Vladimir because of its vibration in the aspect of
purified pride and anger was able to in the Martian planets gained a lot of power this entry
in the Martian planets created a type of conflict with the other entities from the Maldek
planetary sphere during its Incarnation by creating fear and at the point during the
Incarnation the entry known as Vladimir was about to destroy both the planetary spheres

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of the intervention had not been made by the Council of planets the entry would have
destroyed both the Mars and the Maldek planet at the time of its Incarnation furthermore
this is the process which the Council of planets used in order to start the entity known as
Vladimir During the period nuclear war between Mars and Maldek was about to initiate
another Mind Body Spirit complexes of the planets in question the Mars and the Maldek
planetary sphere at the time were terrifieds that it would be the last war and it would end
the planetary cycle at this point Mars planet was a major power and also the Maldek
planet was not accomplished in its defensive Powers at the time the Martians launched
an attack on Maldek under the guidance of Vladimir at that space-time in question which
the Council of planets could not stop so the Council of planets launched a plan to stop
the nuclear war between Mars and Maldek by sending a Federation Envoy to negotiate
with Vladimir Putin's Soul who was in the level of Pride and anger at the time the Council
of planets envoy was an advanced asthar command Fleet which resembles many of the
higher density beings in all respects were powers of intelligence and wisdom the fleet's
first task was to make the entity known as Vladimir Putin realized that there would be
such a devastating nuclear aftermath that would destroy both Mars and Maldek as well as
other planets if it did not back off however the entity known as Putin had to be shown
away its spiritual Essence by making it experience his true self its soul in order to make it
believe that it is a spiritual being and not just a body on Earth the message that was
conveyed by the council fleet was as follows which made Putin The Entity capable of
recognizing its spiritual beingness furthermore the message is as follows the physical
bodily complex which The Entity found itself in served not only as the means for
participating in this illusion complex but also as the primary conduit for the contact with
the present moments and the true spiritual essence your thoughts and emotions tend to
move around in space-time anticipating future and remembering the past events however
your bodily complex remains attached to the present moment which allows a baseline
form all of the entities in the Incarnation to be present in the Here and Now we must state
that the part of present moment is the only access to happiness fulfillment love
responsibility and deeper levels of spirituality lies in the Here and Now further this
attachment has caused many entities to forget their true Essence and interim be attached
with lower vibrations such as pride and anger further a quick recognition or a test may be
followed each of you can place your hands on your so-called kneecaps and place all of
the attention into the right hand portion of the area in order to make the attention more
crispy make a fist with your right hand by keeping the attention in the right hand area the
sensations can be directly felt and an awareness will allow the energy to flow into this
area looking to experience the energy in the right hand as the sensations begin to fully

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overlap within the self and after the attention has been fully settled into the right hand
area now sense the difference between the right hand Sensations and the left hand
Sensations you will begin to perceive and sense a different type of sensation and you will
realize that where you place your awareness there your spiritual sensitive body will flow
you can now reverse the process by focusing the attention on the left hand portion of the
bodily complex and by making a fist the energy of attention shall be given completely this
would allow their relaxation and the energy body of the spiritual Essence to flow to the left
hand portion of the area and this will allow the focusing of the present moment's energy
of the spiritual Essence to align towards the inner self the whole part of Spiritual
Awakening resides in the present moment and the present moments can be entered most
directly through opening to the energy body within the physical bodily complexes this
energy body is the main anchor to the present moment and at every moment the physical
body is waiting for your attention and intention to deepen the connection with and
strengthening with the energy body furthermore on natural Joy celebration of life enters
as this Awakening and identification into the energy body follows finally this was the
procedure which was given to the entity known as Putin and the entity known as Vladimir
Putin upon trying this exercise was able to sense its energy soul body and finally the
entity known as Vladimir Putin in the Incarnation on the Mars planet stopped its plans at
the time this is how the council prevented the entity at the time from destroying both the
planet Mars and Maldek and now we can sense that the entry is on the pathway to
performing the same on the Earth planet we must read that however the council is yet to
decide what will be done if the entity decides to perform a nuclear war amongst the
people of the Earth planet we have the Galactic Federation fleets we correct this
instrument the asthar command fleets on standby on the Earth planet to disengage in the
battle if it occurs any such nuclear weapons and we the Galactic Federation leave you

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Session 156
Metatron 25 Oct 17, 2022

Activate Dormant DNA and Dolores Cannon

I am Metatron Magnetic Consciousness connected through the Divine great programmers
consciousness to this Channel and I Metatron shall before answering the questions which
may be found in this instrument's mind must warn that each individualized lovely child of
the universal Divine grid programmer has to use discernment when listening to have
thought forms emerging from this communication furthermore I as Metatron would like to
state that there are many queries which shall now be answered and these queries shall
Aid those who shall require such types of assistance at this time to awaken their full
activation of the so-called DNA by your people to allow the activation of the dormant
potential which lie hidden beneath each individualized portion of beingness of the
universal Divine grid programmer and the first question refers to how can the dormant
DNA be activated I as Metatron must state that all of you Universal Light Grid
programmers have within yourself at this moment there is only two percent of your DNA
potential which has activated consider yourself to be a type of container of 100 potential
of the DNA these DNA are able to awaken your spiritual abilities and only currently two
percent of your genetic field of intelligence has activated this is the reason why many of
your mind complex entities at this planet finds in this Incarnation cycle learning about
speech and language and learning about how to awaken within the self the inner level of
Consciousness now each one of you must imagine that you are a seed and you have all
the potentials which can be activated in the garden of consciousness in the Incarnation
that surrounds you at this moment however as you progress and transcend from the
lower levels of vibrations and frequencies and enter into the higher levels of vibrational
frequency they're in your genetic blueprints or the DNA will begin to flower and your soul
gifts will begin to comfort I as a Metatron must now state three methods which can be
used for the activation of this dormant DNA which are buried within the layers of
unsprouted potential which lies within each Universal Divine grid programmers love light
Childs which each one of you are further the so-called by your people as light cords are
the codes which may be considered as a cosmic codes which are able to activate your
DNA sequences completely however the light codes which emerge from the Sun body
has a effect of quickening the Ascension process by activating your dormant DNA and
taking your Consciousness into the higher Fabrics of reality further each of your cells
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vibrates at an increasing rate and as the vibration frequency enters into the higher level
the light codes begin to be accepted within the higher dimensions of your Consciousness
and you begin to embody a sense of higher vibrational frequency which emerges from
your Divine self and many of your so-called scientists have stated that only two percent of
your DNA material is useful and the rest 98 percent is considered as useless however
within the 98 of your dormant DNA is the repository of light codes which are already
waiting to burst into your conscious awareness once these light codes are activated you
will not only experience the greater expansion of your light beingness from yourself but
also you will begin to affect others who are always similar vibration further this is the
process that will not only heal yourself completely from the types of healing which you
may require and also allow you to create a space within yourself for new abilities to arrive
these new abilities can arrive by the process such as becoming telepathic having the
ability to transcend space-time having the ability of moving into different sections of time
without a barrier having the ability to create anything desired which does the image in the
mind complex of your people as the ongoing activations of the dormant's DNA within
your body complex is underway there has been many times during the people of your
planet have become stuck within the realm of the two percent DNA the two percent of
your DNA material is primarily a great activation which can be activated when there is a
learning of language and words and this learning of language and words further also is
the greatest hindrance which prevents many of you to enter into the Silence of the self
and as stated by many of your so-called scientists in your planetary vibration there is a
realm wherein you can experience silence within the self the silence is required for each
beingness of the universal Divine grid programmers love like Childs to experience and
sense vibration and this vibration can allow for a higher level of Consciousness to expand
and this level of vibration provides a greater sense of ability in this timeline to allow form
higher senses to originate which also allows the highest potential of each Universal Divine
grade programmer to sense vibration instead of words as each Universal Divine grid
programmer begins to sense vibration slowly and steadily this will grant the
understanding that all is vibration and everything is in constant motion everything is
changing this type of sensing and the ability of working through vibrations will allow the
entities to then further develop and slowly activate their other dormant DNA with this
understanding later on comes the understanding of the higher levels of consciousness
which may be considered as vibrations of Enlightenment as known in your language
terms further beyond the levels of vibrations which can be sensed at your current
planetary sphere all through the dormant DNA are activated to the full potential the other
aspects of the DNA will soon begin to sense the vibrations indifference reality such as in

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the realities not heard of by your people and these realities will allow each of you to sense
a higher level of conscious expansion and will give each of you the full potential of
recognizing the vibration patterns of the self furthering the activation of the light codes
will allow the genetic potential to expand within the activation of your DNA potential a
simple exercise of on a daily basis focusing on vibrations rather than onwards and
language will be the next step for your people to activate your dormant DNA and many a
times during the periods such as in the time periods of solar flashes and other events
there is higher chances of your DNA is being activated more thereby allowing abilities to
come forward in your reality further many of you will find that once the DNA activations
are complete the discoveries which may confound each one of you will be beyond your
imaginative capability further I as Metatron must also state that the other query which has
been placed by this channel pertains primarily to how the workings of karma operate on
your illusion complex which is what a playground for The Universal Divine grid
programmer I as Metatron must state that the so-called karmic events of your planet
operates but from the level of vibration as I have already mentioned answering the
previous query that vibration understanding and sensing is the next requirement for the
human consciousness to enter the highest level of DNA Activation this means that entities
upon the Earth planet they need to understand how to vibrationally sense the vibrations of
different events as each event is but a vibration this is how the karmic events operates for
example if a Divine Universal love like child does an event which is of a great nature or a
positive nature the vibration which is emanated is of a positive type and this seed ones
planted in the Universal Divine grid programmers illusion Consciousness is after a certain
time sprouted into the same type of vibration this is how the karmic events upon your
planet operates just like a person who may in a way perform a negative event the person
is generating the vibration of negativity and this vibration will immediately be planted in
the consciousness of the Divine Universal Light Grid programmer which is within all and
this Consciousness vibration once planted well soon find this entity in the illusion
complex and will give it the resultant vibration which it had landed as this planting and
reaping is what may be considered as karma by your people in your language terms
further there is but one process which can alleviate this aspect and the alleviation of
karma can be done via the process of forgiveness once the entry who has conducted a
negative event forgives and entry or changes the memory of the negative event into a
positive event in the mind complex this will further results in a counterbalancing vibration
and then such a counter balance shall take away the resultant imbalance and vibration
creating the release of Karma and hence the path of forgiveness is the part of releasing
the karmic activities further upon your planetary sphere there may be mind body Spirit

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complexes who are unaware that they are but shadows and they are learning to navigate
themselves through the various levels of vibrations and states of Consciousness as
referred to many by your people this vibration once established within the Mind Body
Spirit complex well results in the meeting of the same type of vibration everywhere the
Mind Body is very complex moves the people the situations and all are but created from
the nature of vibration this is how the so-called karmic activities operates upon your
planetary sphere I as Metatron must now address another important message that may
be of use to your people furthermore upon the time period of October 22nd there is the
second coming of a Divine Light Red programmer known as by your people as dolores
cannon and soul who has chosen to reincarnate at this time upon the Earth planets as an
avatar however the location cannot be divulged in this time this being is going to
reincarnate on the Earth planet for the purpose of acting as a balanced force or a
balancing being since the vibration of this entry will be of such a high level that it will be
able to balance all the negativity which may arise during this transition and this Divine
Grid programmers Essence has chosen this part of service as an avatar which may
appear in the form of a human entity for the purpose of allowing the Earth to enter fully
into the fourth density since such requirements is of Aid in balancing any negative forces
or negative vibrations which may be a result of the activities from the negatively oriented
entities upon the Earth planet in this transition to the fourth density vibration hence I as
Metatron now disconnect and lot light of the universal Light Grid programmer turned to
the mountain of light within yourself bye.

542 of 753
Session 157
Pleiadians 40 Oct 24, 2022

From 3D to 5D
We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument’s vibration
sound complex for the purpose of aiding the human Collective Consciousness at this
time to understand about the queries which have been placed today however it is vitally
important for the people of your planetary sphere to use your own inner discernment
when listening to our thought forms as this will Aid the understanding of the nature of
reality which is dependent upon the perceptions of the entity based upon its inner
understanding may be different from another entity's perception furthermore discernment
is advised when listening to our thought forms the first query pertains to what is it like to
live in the fourth density or The Fifth Dimension shall now address that this query pertains
to the understanding of life in the fourth density which may be composed and understood
greatly by firstly realizing that fourth density is comprised of love in each action which the
entry makes in the fourth density is composed of love and compassion which means that
whenever an entity is interacting with another in the fourth density planetary sphere there
is no need for any type of self-service but a type of service to other situation which
eventually leads to a situation of win-win as known by your people this type of distortion
is primarily combined with a greater effort of understanding that the fourth density life
cycle or the fifth dimensional life cycle is but a type of creation wherein many entries will
objectify the ability of creating reality these entries who are of the fourth density vibration
are at the level of the vibration of Love hence they have the ability of creating anything
they Desire by focusing their intention on the thought forms of the desire and my sending
love to such a desire the entities are able to bring forth those desires through space-time
and the materialization of such aspects will happen anytime and anywhere else desired
this means that there will be no need for any of the entities upon your planetary sphere to
work or to actually learn the lessons as the people of your planets currently do to learn
the workings of society will not be required in this level of fourth density Consciousness
as the fourth density Consciousness also will automatically bring forth the energy
vibration of creation which means that entities will be able to create their desires by
focusing on love and their thought forms this will also lead to the ending of the cycle of
learning as known by your people and your so-called schools as the schools which will be
present and the fourth density Consciousness may be considered as the schools of
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spiritual vibration understanding and this is a type of training system for all those entities
of a fourth density vibration to understand how to shed the ego minds and instead shift
into the higher frequencies or the elevated levels of consciousness which allow the fourth
density conscious vibration to emanate furthermore there may be also other frequencies
of higher nature which is the part of moving operates into the fifth density Consciousness
and the lessons which are learned in the fourth density primarily involved the lesson of
balancing the aspect of Love since the overgiving of Love Will Lead to the ending of the
energy being feeling used by another entity therefore the balancing of the love is learned
primarily at the fifth density level and the level of fourth density therefore in the beginning
stages the energy body will begin to restructure and there will be a restructuring of the
cellular memories which means that the old energy vibrations and templates that have
been installed in your cellular memory based upon your societal exposure and exposure
to other entities since your childhood will allow the old patterns to be released and these
old patterns once released will allow your energy vibration or a system to affect and allow
a higher fifth dimensional frequency of the fourth density to our eyes and this will allow
the entry to have the ability of a higher vibration which will Aid the entry to recognize
vibration of others and the true feelings of all entities will be found by this aspect as no
longer there can be deceit in the fourth density Consciousness will become the most
valuable currency as Consciousness is seen creative aspect which is within all beings and
entities who are learning the lessons furthermore this will also allow the creation of
understanding of Soul memories and also many entities always similar vibration will find
themselves understanding of their past life connections which this will also allow
themselves to heal their past by forgiving such entries and healing the subconscious
portions of the belief systems which are primarily their main activators are the creators of
healing within the self this will also create a sense of inner peace this piece will allow the
love vibration to transition into the higher levels and will allow the Free Will of many other
entities to be exchanged in the form of energy vibrations and the fourth density
Consciousness there will also be many of the so-called systems as known by your people
as the system of language will soon begin to transition and Fade Into the aspect of
vibration communication or telepathic communication much like the so-called as known
by your people as in your scientific language terms as quantum entanglement
communication which will become the main factor or the main system of communication
in the fourth density planetary sphere furthermore the feelings that you'll feel within
yourself in the fourth density Consciousness will be completely of love and this vibration
of Love Will allows you to affect other entries also in a joyful and loving manner
furthermore this will guide you to make better choices and also will teach you how to

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handle your emotional and mental complex is more better further and the fourth density
life cycle there will be no need for the aspects as referred by your people as the need of
desires as the desires upon your planetary sphere are the main reason why many entities
find themselves in situations of negative nature which is the results of the desire leading
to psychological suffering and the higher level of vibration of Love of the fourth density
there will be no desires as such and desires form the lowering of your understanding and
dependency on the outside world completely is removed which means that many of your
entities who enjoy the outward third density Pleasures will find themselves not being
interested in such aspects as the vibration of the planets shifts into the fourth density
fourth density life cycle is also but a lesson in sharpening the self and the main challenge
will be to understand how to balance between the aspects of giving love to others and
also the wisdom of realizing that too much love to others may not be a great idea further
this is the main lesson which is to be learned in the fourth density or The Fifth Dimension
that is known by your people to gain the wisdom and understanding of fifth density to
balance the aspect of Love furthermore we asked Pleiadian shall now address the other
portion of the query which pertains to the aspect of is the aspect of as known by a people
as given to others as practiced in many of your so-called religious traditions and effective
way of multiplying your wealth and abundance we must state that we shall address this
query by our understanding of how the universe operates furthermore the universal
complex in the current space-time experience of your planetary sphere has the basic
requisite of an observer or a Consciousness stream which has to observe the reality to be
created this can be found and observed by many obvious scientists in the field of study
known as quantum mechanics wherein an observer or Consciousness entity is required to
observe a particular wave for it to collapse into a state of matter furthermore this means
that if The Observer or the number of observers are increased this means that if an entity
who gives a portion of its so-called object like money or any other object to a second
entry who is also May observe it and then these second ends today also uses the object
and gives it to someone else this will allow the origination of the particle from which it
originated to replicate themselves into a similar state of compounded nature which means
that if an entry were to give 10 amounts of your monetary vibration in your timeline to a
second entry the observation of the second entry will allow it to multiply into 20 and the
observation of the third will allow it to multiply the 30 and so on the number of observers
it is given to would allow the matter and the particles of the matter to receive the signal
that it is Multiplied therefore the messages then return back and space-time transition of
information occurs which means that the particles they are able to travel back in time
space and move backwards and the person or the entity which started the giving Will

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Find itself with the multiplied effects of this aspect furthermore this is how the
multiplication of matter can be done this also means that the origination of a particle is
remembered by the akashic records which has the memory of the universe and can
remember where the particle of matter originated from this will allow the field of
Consciousness to remember where the particle is returning and once the particle returns
back to the original Giver or the Observer or the entry whom started the giving Will Find
itself in a state of or where an event of the receipt of the desired multiple state of matter
will occur this means that there are infinite probable timelines and the act of given or
sharing a certain matter with others will provide a favorable return in multiplied majoring in
the reality therefore We The Pleiadians must also now state that the other query which
pertains to the aspect of a simple method which we can which we correct this instrument
which the people of your planet can use to rise above fear with we must state that the
vibration of fear is one of the most paralyzing vibrations which have attached to the
human Collective Consciousness this vibration is found in 99% of the human beings at
this time even though many of the entities on the Earth planet are unaware that they are
under the vibration of fear this vibration of fear is primarily attached within the bodily
complex which acts as the subconscious portions of the Mind remembering any type of
vibration system therefore the best way to rise above fear is to practice a method which
we the Pleiadians have also used in the Atlantean system to guide the atlantians out of
fear the method is known as the convergence of the flow of joy this means that the
entities can practice taking a deep breath in inside their bodily complex reaching to the
lower portions of the energy centers and then squeeze the stomach area or the lower
portions of the energy centers and this squeezing will lead an explosion of the feeling of
Joy which must be felt by the entity and this squeezing will lead to the creation of the
feeling of joy and this if practiced by each entity will allow them to rise above fear
furthermore this is the best method we can suggest at the space time of your planetary
vibration and we The Pleiadians now leave you beloveds in light and love of the one
creator bye.

546 of 753
Session 158
Galactic Federation 50 Oct 31, 2022

The Most Powerful Audio about Enki

We are the Galactic Federation and we create you now and light and love with the one the
infinite Creator and before we start to share with you our thoughts and insights we would
like to warn each entity who shall come in contact with this message through our
Consciousness to remember to align only with the vibration of Love within the inner heart
which will Aid each entity in this journey of transition and learning to ascend into the part
of the fourth density Consciousness as the fourth density Consciousness window is open
at this time many on the earth planets may feel the Distortion of the Catalyst becoming
stronger however these distortions are created for the purpose of teaching each entry the
lessons requiring a higher understanding of the Consciousness which will allow each
entity to fulfill their full realization of the true nature of the self furthermore we the Galactic
Federation must state that discernment is advised to be used by each entity who shall
come in contact with our message at this time for the perceptions of each individualized
portion of Consciousness depends upon the aspects of the inner vibration of an entity
and also based on the inner belief systems of the individual entity May create certain
distortions of the Mind space which will affect each entry is inner vibration the first query
placed by this instruments today pertains to the aspect of is the entity known as Enki now
in the solar system of Milky Way galaxy or is this a lie we must state that this query
requires a deeper understanding of firstly about the entry known as Enki we shall address
this query explaining in detail as the Earth planet is now currently ready for such
information which may be a powerful information for those who require such
understanding of who the entry Enki is and also a part of realizing about the inner
workings of the Mind space of the entry furthermore we shall explain the history of the
people of the lands of Sumeria as known by your people which existed and emerged in
the location of as shown in your language terms as Mesopotamian around 4 500 BC of
your time space measurement terms this civilization was responsible for building large
cities and creating many of the first systems of creation of writing and language on clay
tablets during many of the archaeological excavations made by your scientists these were
discovered furthermore the entry also known as Enki has its root in this place known as
the Sumerian lands the so-called Anunnaki social memory complex existed on the end of
the solar system in a planet known as Nibiru which entered near the Earth planet for the
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purpose of experiencing a better climate and also for the purpose of requiring a reserve of
technology for the creation of advanced technological healing devices there was a
requirement for a large amount of gold and this gold was found in the Earth planet in large
number at that time and since gold was a rare resource in the planet of Nibiru the
anunnakis used their technology to enter into the Earth planet around a period of about
450 000 years ago and you are approximate space-time measurement terms where these
entities became known as the first astronauts by your people and they started to create
cities and settle in the location of Mesopotamia furthermore they were also able to create
wonderful Gardens and cities which allowed them to work for the extraction of gold by
using underground tunnels in your space time furthermore they also brought many of the
other alien races from the planets known as Iggy and after many years of forcing them to
work under their control and they were humiliated, the entities of the Iggy civilization were
able to rebel against the anunnakis forces which had led to a rising of a war on the Earth
planet the entities of the Iggy population however were defeated and destroyed by the
anunnakis and in need of new workers they created a new race of intelligent beings able
to work but more of a subordinate level to them and the Anunnaki in this creation
combined their own genetic material with the ancestors of the human population creating
a hybrid a submissive race and their command and with genetic Fusion which they
created the entities such as the Nephilim Giants and also the creation of the so-called first
humanoid looking beings however there was also a lack of self-control and intelligence in
these entities and later on the first human entry was created named as adamu who was
able to use capabilities of thinking and self-control enough to work for the Anunnaki
forces furthermore later on the Anunnaki were extremely powerful at that time however
over time the human population developed the ability of speaking and learning from the
Anunnaki beings they learned to build their own civilization made of houses and other
materials as found upon a planetary sphere furthermore the Anunnaki became fond of the
human beings and they allowed them to live in the main city of the Anunnaki at the time
but also the Anunnaki had warned the human population not to reproduce too much
since the process of reproduction would create overpopulation however despite the
orders of the Anunnaki superiors the human population at that time began to procreate
rapidly which led to the expelation of these human entities from the main cities of the
Anunnaki social complex and many of the human entities were put under Exile as known
by your people and the so-called planet of Nibiru approached the Earth planet again
however at this time the Anunnaki civilizations in the planet of Nibiru had become
oriented towards the negative polarization and they were in the negative polarity of
service to self and this population of Anunnaki social memory complex which was

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remaining in the planet of Nibiru created a type of war against the anunnakis who were
left on the Earth planet the anunnakis who were on the Earth planet were much of a
service to others nature however because after battle there was huge destruction on the
Earth planet and later on there were also many types of genetic mutation which was done
furthermore the Anunnaki population including the entities known as enki and enlil the
entities furthermore return back into the aspects of the original planets of the so-called
realization of the planet of Nibiru wherein the entry known as enki and also who was
known as the god of the mighty ocean as known by your people along with the entity
known as enlil who was the first Anunnaki beings returned back to their original Planet in
the planet of Nibiru in order to try to stop the negative entities from destroying the planet
Nibiru completely furthermore we as the Galactic Federation must state that The Entity
known as enki and enlil as known by your people currently cannot be traced upon your
Galactic system at the moment furthermore if the entry is known as enki and enlil were to
come back there will be a type of difference on the planetary population further these
entries known as enki and enlil they have enormous powers of affecting consciousness of
the human population however we cannot sense their presence at this time upon the
solar system as stated by many of your entities furthermore the entity known as the
instrument's desires to understand information pertaining to the Looking Glass event
number eight as known by your people we shall Now scan this Distortion known as
looking glass and share with you the findings of what weekend sends from our scanning
system of the Mind complex we must state that from our social memory complex we can
sense that the looking events number eight which has already been planned is going to
be an event to which has a probability of 78 percent of occurring upon the space time of
24th of November wherein the entities from the Mars planetary sphere the Anunnaki Orion
reptilian gray social memory complex is planning an attack on the moon satellites as
known by your people wherin the moon will be completely destroyed if this event is not
stopped this is a type of distortion that the negative entities have planned as per the
information and the Looking Glass wherein they will use many Technologies which have
been produced by many of the entities of the social memory complex of the Anunnaki
Collective at that time of the space-time Continuum reversal wherein the reptilians or
other entries may go back in time and prevents the Moon from ever coming to the
galactic system of the Milky Way galaxy furthermore this type of space-time reversible
effect the entire history of the timeline of the Earth planet and there will be a possibility
that the moon will no longer be visible after one month of your planetary sphere if this
event is not stopped by your people furthermore there is another event which also is
planned wherein the entry known as Elon Musk plans to use it so-called Twitter

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application as known by your people to connect it to The Reptilian social memory
complex for the purpose of data collection of the human Collective Consciousness in
order to replicate human memory further The Entity known as Elon must also be aware of
this aspect as it is unknowingly unaware and is being used by The Reptilian social
memory complex the best way to stop such an event is via the process of sending love
light energy around the moon and also sending love and light energy to protect the entity
known as Elon Musk at this time further we shall now address one of the other query
pertaining to what is the type of method used by spiritual Masters to ascend higher in
Consciousness we must state that we are now going to share with you a simple process
which is the process of Consciousness training system used by spiritual Masters in your
space-time experience this involves a focusing on a portion of your bodily complex such
as your hand area and taking conscious attention to all the fingers of your hand and after
sensing all the fingers of the hand the same thing is to be done on the other hand and
after sensing all the fingers of the other hand the attention may be taken to the legs area
by doing the same thing on both the legs the attention will allow the leg area to feel and
sense all the fingers this will eventually be train your Consciousness and this is the
method used by the spiritual Masters in your planet to reach the highest level of
conscious vibration tuning furthermore we as the Galactic Federation now leave you
beloved and light and love bye.

550 of 753
Session 159
Pleiadians 41 Nov 7, 2022

The Moon Is Not What You Think

We Are the Pleiadians and we greet you now in light and above of the one infinite Creator
and before we start to share with you our thoughts and insights we would like to warn
each entity who shall come in contact with our vibration sequences transmitted through
this instrument but remember to use inner discernment when listening to our thoughts.
We the pleiadian shall now address the queries which pertains to the understanding of the
Moon as known by your people and the current events as we have been informed by the
Galactic Federation to transmit through this instrument at this time furthermore the moon
satellite was recently infiltrated by that certain beings from the asthar command collective
in order to find out what was happening inside the Moon however to their shock and
surprise of the Galactic Federation they found another type of being inside the Moon and
they were known as the moonlings these beings were primarily in the vibration of the
aspect of third density Consciousness were generated by developing consciousness of
the Moon and these beings were created from within the inner Moon surface through the
process of transmutation and merging into the higher form of Consciousness furthermore
the moonlings were also found with many such types of bases on the moon further these
moonlings are also currently present on the moon surface hence we would state that the
Earth planets and the people of the earth planets who are planning to enter the moon
again must have a deeper understanding that these beings primarily are in the beginning
stages of their density and may not be aware of such types of infiltration and may create
Havoc are a type of attack upon their home planet as they sense that moon is their home
planet therefore we the plethians must state that the entry into the Moon is to be
restricted for the future time period of around one year later until then we The Pleiadians
and the Galactic Federation shall hurry escalate their Consciousness to a higher level and
then allow them to migrate to A New Earth location far away from the disturbance of the
human Collective consciousness furthermore the moon has always been have an
influential role in the creation of the Earth planet furthermore the moon as known by your
people has many types of use in the forming of the reality which is constructed around
each one of you the reality which you can perceive by your senses is also anchored with
the moon which means that the Moon is also as known by your people responsible for
creating tidal waves and other types of flux and influx of energy around the Earth
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furthermore your third density experience is also created by an act of realizing that the
Moon acts as a type of system awareness many entries can use it for the purpose of
observing and maintaining a surveillance of the earth planets further this Moon satellite
has many at times been used to broadcast information to the Earth planet in order to
create and to influence the energy vibrations of the Earth planet furthermore since the
energy vibrations are responsible for creating the entire reality the Moon is also
responsible and directly for the creation of your holographic reality this means that the
Moon if not under the control of the Galactic Federation can be used by the negative
forces to create emotional imbalance within the bodily complex and also during the peak
cycles of the new moon and the full moon cycles the energy becomes Amplified because
of the energy Vortex of the Moon reaching the peak, reaching the highest point based
upon its energy reflective capacity of the sun light furthermore this creates energy
frequency imbalance in the surface of the Moon which in turn creates imbalances in the
vibration patterns of the Earth planet this furthermore creates many times of imbalances
in the Earth's energy vibration core which allows the influence of the moon to be in such a
nature that the holographic reality inside the earth is primarily influenced by the energy
signatures coming from the Moon location and many a times the past of your Galactic
system there have been beings who have had control of the Moon satellites for the main
purpose of maintaining and creating a control over the reality which you find yourself in
furthermore many of the entries upon your Earth planet are also aware that the so-called
astronauts of your planet were not able to penetrate the surface of the Moon as they
discovered that the moon's surface felt like a metal-like substance primarily recognized
as titanium or brass furthermore this is because inside the moon structure there is a
system which is created by the Anunnaki Orion forces around a timeline of 800 000 years
during the battle of the galactic system we're in the so-called Soul Trapper machine is
trapped which is created with intelligent infinity and the intelligent energy is unable to be
destroyed from such a machine furthermore these metals are also not natural and are
used by your people also for certain purposes however in the moon satellites there are
large number of such types of metals as many of your people can find further many of
your astronauts during their visits to the moon have also detected activities such as
witnessing various flying objects appearing from the Dark Side of the Moon furthermore
the Dark Side of the Moon primarily at this current time is being used by the moon links
for the purpose of maintaining their societal system and for the purpose of learning to
experience life in a third density Moon satellite system which is as they consider their
home planet furthermore we would recommend the human Collective Consciousness
let's do not enter the dark side of the moon for this may tempt the moonlings to create

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large number of war-like situations or attacks upon the people of the earth therefore that
we shall also state that the Dark Side of the Moon primarily is created because the moon
satellites is tightly locked to your planetary sphere furthermore this means that the
rotation matches exactly its orbit furthermore we as the plethians shall also state that the
so-called people of your planet have plans to enter the moon on 14th of November as we
can sense the organization known as NASA is planning a genetic material Exchange with
the reptilians and other beings they have planned to meet in the moon's surface however
this may turn to be a battle of Galactic proportions as they may be an aware of the
existence of the Moon beings further we as the plethians must send this warning out to
the NASA organization that this Mission should be aborted at this time furthermore the
other query which pertains to what are the biggest Illusions blocking people from
Awakening into higher levels of consciousness where the pleadians must state that from
our vantage point the so-called greatest Illusions which are blocking people from
Awakening includes the aspect of spiritual arrogance is known by your people which is
one of the greatest bloggers for Spiritual Awakening in order to expand into the highest
level of Spiritual Awakening there must be a surrender in humility this will allow the
Awakening to happen at a faster Pace further as the mind body and spirit complex
reaches a point where it is completely awakened and realizing that such types of spiritual
arrogance is a lower level of vibration which is locked within the self as Pride furthermore
you must also remember that many entities on the earth planets have already exposed
themselves to many spiritual teachers have read many of the books and have attained
certain experiences which creates false sense of identification with spiritual arrogance
furthermore these types of spiritual arrogance separates the mind body and spirit
complex from the true awareness which is established upon Awakening furthermore in
Spiritual Awakening the awareness arrests in the truth dance the mind body and spirit
complexes are now aware of nothing and has attained nothing furthermore it is same type
of moment of surrender and with this surrender everything that is known awakens and the
best way to describe it is Maya the process of realizing that this Awakening is infinite
Consciousness and infinite silence furthermore many on the Earth planet must realize that
this type of infinite Consciousness and Silence of surrender is available when there is a
feeling of infinite peace within the self further the other blockage that we can sense is fear
this blockage of fear primarily is the opposite of Awakening as Awakening into the higher
levels of consciousness is but an expansive process of expanding yourself into the
vibration of love as fear is also an emotional state of consciousness which creates more
rigidity and more types of control furthermore it is the polar opposite of love love is the
process of accepting all as one and is the heart of the spiritual awakening process upon

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your planetary sphere there are 99 percent of entities who are learning the lessons of
Love in This timeline which is the primary lesson to be learned in the third density reality
furthermore the process of Spiritual Awakening will also involves entering into the
unknown facets of reality and fear of the unknown holds the mind body and spirit
complex back from experiencing the unknown fully furthermore each mind-body and
spirit must trust its inner self and live in its greatest potential the fear of believing in
oneself creates resistance furthermore the spiritual process is the energetic transmutation
and the transformation of the egoic concept of the Mind furthermore the egoic minds
initially perceives the change in the energy vibration as a attack on itself the egoic mind
that does not want to perish during The Awakening process it does not realize that there
is however no death but a transformation from a lower level of vibration to the highest
level of vibration further the spiritual awakening process is like standing on the edge of a
cliff and when there is a trust in the universe the mind body and spirit complex can fully
jump into the unknown however prior to the jump the egoic Mind fears the unknown
process of Spiritual Awakening only when one mind body and spirit complex knows that
there is no such thing as empty space in Spiritual Awakening can the aspect of ego be
transcended and transmuted there is always fear of being wrong fear of being fooled and
fear of failure and fear of losing something which the ego mind is attached to further the
overcoming of the fear is one of the biggest aspects which is required to be Mastered by
the people of your planet to enter into full Awakening when you move past fear it will
automatically be transformed into a light energy so you become an alchemist of energy
vibrations from dense heavy fear-based eco-based energy tomb love vibration of a higher
nature the other type of fear is the focusing on achieving too much the things of the world
of third-density reality such as focusing too much on achieving the aspects of career
other types of desires of third density reality however feeling to realize that the main
purpose is to learn to master the energy vibrations of love in the planet and in a way each
Mind Body Spirit complex realizes that only when the achievement of Love vibration in
every moment will allow the achievement of all other third density desires as well since
they are a result of the beingness of an entity and not the desire itself which creates the
results furthermore we shall now address the final query which pertains to a method of
helping in the understanding of how reality is created around them itself we must state
that upon scanning the vibrations of your planetary sphere we are of the opinion that the
Creator and some logos the sub creator of your planetary system has created a system of
allowing only those entities with a higher level of vibrational State of Consciousness to
master the process of reality creation this means that the control of the future events in
your reality is possible by understanding that there are two facets of Your Mind Body in

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spirit complex which are the conscious and the subconscious portions of the Mind
furthermore the conscious portions of the Mind creates and can be understood as the
driver of your mind body and spirit complex further the subconscious is the autopilot
portion of your mind body and spirit complex and the feelings are the main type of
system which the subconscious accepts which means that the focusing on the feeling or
the emotion of how will you feel if your desired reality is already fulfilled must become the
constant question which must be asked inside the consciousness of the entry and during
the process of asking this it will feel and create a feeling which will eventually lead to the
creation of the type of subconscious autopilot system which will allow the understanding
of this portion of the subconsciousness furthermore if the subconscious portions of the
Mind are constantly given the same feeling it will create this feeling about the pilots and
the entry will begin to move into and merge into the highest perception of the same
timeline desired furthermore focusing on the feeling which is the result of the question
how will you feel like if the desired reality is fulfilled is the main type of distortion which
should allow you to experience a higher state of vibration and to leave you now beloveds
enlightened love of the one creator will leave you now bye.

555 of 753
Session 160
Metatron 26 Nov 11, 2022

Dark Secrets About Kanye West

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness in communication at this time through these
channels vibration for the purpose of allowing and answering the queries furthermore I am
communicating in the Divine Light love of the universal light grip programmer at this time
for the purpose of providing information to all beings who shall come in contact with our
message further I as Metatron magnetic Consciousness must also state that today I am
connected on this spacious timeline to this channel as the universal Divine grid
programmer has given opportunities to open at this time of the time period nearby to the
space-time of 11th November as credit by this channel which signifies the creation of the
numbers considered as an important day form the people must remember to use this
opportunity at this timeline by remembering the five aspects of the self which opens up at
this time furthermore firstly at this time each entity has to realize that November 11th is
but a time for manifesting the future of reality this may be considered as the most
powerful day in your timeline wherein the universal Divine Light Grid programmer aligns
you to the vibrations which you entertain in this timeline which means that based upon
the vibration which you are choosing in this day you will find the same reality in the future
timeline and this day may be considered as the greatest day for the purpose of
manifesting the highest vibration timeline in this reality this will allow each one of you to
recognize within the inner perceptions of the self about the workings of inner reality which
will a theme entity and each one of you who are present in the Earth planet at this time
too manifest your arm future reality the best way to do so is find the process of firstly
cleansing your energy Body by letting go of any emotional trauma which you may have
stored within your energy centers and by letting go of this aspect you will then welcome
forth new energies which will allow you to align yourself into the highest perception of the
vibration of inner reality and the size perception of the vibration of any reality will align and
allow you to manifest your future by truly focusing and remembering all the vibration of
having already the desired fulfilled this will allow you to manifest your future reality
furthermore also one of the tools which will assist in the creation of the future reality in
this timeline is the process of using imagination complex of your people to allow Your
Divine love light spiritual complex to become capable of manifesting the desired future
reality the other aspect which the people of your planet must remember at this time is to
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understand that November 11th may be considered as a day of being grateful for what
you have in your life it may be considered as a day wherein throughout the year you have
to look for and mention all those things for which you are grateful at this time furthermore
this type of gratefulness will emanate also a vibration and will eventually allow you to have
more experiences and things to be grateful of in your life this may be considered as the
most powerful day in this timeline which will allow you to be grateful at this time in your
life further I as Metatron would recommend the people of your planet using your own
discernment and free will to write down 10 aspects for which they are grateful towards in
this timeline and by doing so they will be able to find those things which will Aid them in
this reality of being grateful in this timeline further we shall now also State the other thing
which must be remembered by each Universal love like child on this day of November
11th which is this is the time period wherein the connection with the higher self is
strengthened during the time period which means that the people of your planets will
have higher probability of allowing your silver cord to become more connected with the
higher self of each Universal Divine grid programmer this means that the connection with
the higher self is strengthened during this time period because of the choices made by
each entry in this Incarnation Rhythm and cycle of transition and recognization of the
highest perception of reality furthermore this connection can be also strengthened by
entering the Silence of the self in this timeline the inner self must be opened up in such a
way that there must be silence within the self by focusing on the space within will allow
the higher self-connection to be of such a high nature that there may be also messages
which may come forth as feeling vibrations from the higher self's portion at this time
furthermore we as Metatron magnetic Consciousness must also state that during this
time period many entries may also during their dream state have the connection and the
ability of sensing the future reality as well as have the ability of sensing other types of
vibrations which may be available for each entry to sense in this time further more ah yes
Metatron must now also state that during this period of November 11th each individual
Universal Light Grid programmer can find itself in this timeline having the ability of
creating awareness with the inner self and with the Creator this means that each
individual mind body and spirit complex has the ability of creating the vibrations of in a
reality in this timeline which can be perceived through the process of learning to
understand their inner aspects of the domain of the Mind Body and the spirit complex
further the entry or the Universal Divine grid programmer has to realize that in this
Incarnation reality is constructed by the inner self which is constantly communicating with
the higher self portion which is also able to transmit information to each individual portion
of Consciousness to Grant the required understanding and the final aspect which may be

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available to each individual complex of Mind Body and Spirits in this time of November
11th is that there must be precautions taken by each one this precaution may be such
that furthermore the entry in question known as the instrument wants to understand
about the concept of selling the spiritual Essence to the so-called devil as known by the
people of your planet furthermore I as Metatron using the vibration patterns of light and
love of the universal defined rate programmers shall now address this aspect the so-
called selling the soul to the devil concept was created primarily because many entries in
the Earth planet who are always vibration of desire which is a lower level of vibration are
prone to be receiving such types of contacts from negatively oriented beings as such
types of contacts are primarily created from them domain of the inner self which means
that such types of contacts are also able to be created for each entry in the Incarnation is
able to sense a higher perception of inner understanding which furthermore has the
opportunity of aligning and allowing each entity to understand that the vibration of desire
is what attracts such types of Soul selling to the devil or the negatively oriented reptilian
social memory complex furthermore during such time periods any Soul which we correct
this Channel with an excess desire may be approached by The Reptilian social memory
complex in their dream state and they offer Soul contracts to such entities which are
created based on their desire and based on what they can get in exchange usually the
desire is for the purpose of gaining fame or monetary benefit as known by your people in
exchange of delivering subconscious programming messages of the reptilians which is if
accepted by The Entity and its higher self is created after the soul contract is created
events begin to happen which allow the Universal lightweight programmer with whom the
soul contract was created to experience fulfillment of all of its desires which may seem
miraculous to many and this type of fulfillment well furthermore allow The Entity to
recognize that its vibration within the timeline is of a nature which may be considered as
of a higher perception in this time and once the entity is able to understand the inner
working about the pathway of the inner self such type of fulfillment of the events will then
allow the entity known as The Reptilian to then use the positions of power and influence
over other entities to influence them and to create fear or confusion to the masses and
this creates the vibration of fear or confusion to the societal complex of the human
Collective furthermore if the entity is not able to complete its mission of spreading the
message of fear confusion and other underlying messages of the reptilians then such
entities are usually in the space-time experience set forth with mental breakdown as well
as emotional breakdown which causes havoc to their success this is usually the case
which has happened with and it is known as in your language system terms by your
people as Kanye and as well as there are many other so-called beings who have

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experienced this type of vibrational reality furthermore ah yes Metatron now must leave
you in the Universal Divine grid programmers love and light turn to the mountain of light
within yourself bye.

559 of 753
Session 161
Galactic Federation 51 Nov 14, 2022

The Euphrates River

We are the Galactic Federation and we now communicate through this instrument's
vibration from our location in the Saturn planetary sphere as recognized by the vibrations
of your people with Galactic Federation are here to guide all of you at this time and this
journey of recognizing about the true inner purpose to align with the vibrations which will
be of use to each one of you at this time Furthermore with a Galactic Federation shall
warn each one who shall listen to our messages that our purpose for this communication
through this Mind Body Spirit complex is to allow each one of you the opportunity to
experience a higher vibrational state of distortion which will allow you to choose what is
valid or invalid based upon your own inner experiences furthermore the first query placed
in the mind complex of this instrument relates to the vibratory sound complex location as
Euphrates as known by many of your people in your language terms furthermore at this
timeline there is that concern over the happenings which have been occurring at the
location known as the Euphrates River furthermore the Euphrates river which as we can
sense located in the location known as in your vibratory sound complex as Middle East is
considered as one of the longest rivers in the world however at this timeline it seems to
be drying up almost completely furthermore we must state that there have been certain
discoveries which are being found upon thee receding water that have been discovering
cave systems and other structures which have been found located under the river
furthermore many of those prophecies which were written in the booklets of your people
as known in your language term says the Bible and in the Book of Revelations there are
many chapters especifically chapter 9 14 through 9 15 wherein there have been
predictions which were already made the prediction state that it will release the Four
Angels bound to the great river Euphrates and it also states that the Angels were released
to kill a third of all mankind therefore we must state that however the statements which
happen understood by your people are not accurate we must now correct the intrusion
using your own free will to either accept our thoughts or reject them we must state that
according to the prophecy which is written in the booklets known in your vibratory sound
complexes Bible the Euphrates River drying up would cause massive changes at the end
of 2.6 billion people crossing over from the planetary sphere we must state that this is
however and inaccurate representation of what is being said in this timeline we must see
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that the drawing up of the Euphrates river in a true sense of your language term signifies
that the new Earth will include approximately 2.6 billion people of your planets
furthermore this is possible as more and more people begin to awaken to the truth of their
inner Consciousness and as they begin to realize about their own inner self in this timeline
to try and to understand the vibrations which happen available to the people of your
planet that there are many people who are Awakening and the symbolism of the
Euphrates river will allow many others to awaken this includes one-third of the population
of the Earth planets in your current calculation terms which is 2.6 billion who will reach the
vibration of Love eventually as they begin to awaken more and more this also signifies in
the way the coming of the new Earth and also it signifies the ending of the cycle of the old
Earth furthermore this process of the ending and the creation of the cycle of the planet
Earth will allow for entities to not only receive the new vibration but also they will find it
becoming capable of receiving a higher level of understanding within the inner domain of
the self within the Euphrates River there will also be many artifacts which will be found
these artifacts primarily includes those remnants of the old civilizations which have
existed around this River these artifacts may also be considered as rare materials by your
people and in the coming days such artifacts will be found which will allow your people to
understand greatly in detail a higher level of understanding of your existence in this
planet's further the full process of graduation of the earth planets will only happen after
the time of 2030 since up to the time of 2030 there are two timelines which are possible
as we have already stated in many previous sessions through this instrument's vibration
sound omplex we should now address the other query which relates with what are the
five ways to connect with the higher self portion of each mind body and spirit complex in
this timeline of your existence we must state that there are many methods which can be
used however we must also state that these methods which we are now going to provide
will be the best methods which can be used by many of Your Mind Body Spirit complexes
to communicate directly with the respective higher self social memory complex the first
method which we the galactic federations shall advise the people of your planet to focus
on at this space time experience is known as lucid dreaming wherein the higher self-
social memory complex is able to communicate with the mind-body spirit complex in the
dream state which is also considered by many of your people as the domain of your
subconscious portion of the minds furthermore in the State of Consciousness when all
other aspects of your conscious mind such as the Mind wherein you have inner thought
forms dialogues and conscious judging of the outside illusion complexes therein lies the
creation of a moment which opens up the gateway to allow this communication to occur
it is also the stage which may be considered as close to sleep known by your people as

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rappid eye movement state which is also seen in this type of sleep furthermore in this
portion of the activity the brain is able to be active however the bodily complex is
completely relaxed this type of sleep is able to provide with a higher level of
understanding and remembering of the dreams which occur during the REM sleep state
which is also crucial for each entity to understand about remembering their dream state
furthermore we must see that the higher self social memory complex of each entity
represents unification and the sixth density Consciousness and you can and many of you
may use this process of calling upon your higher self prior to entering the Sleep state and
place questions which will allow you to take those questions to your higher self through
the subconscious portions of the Deep Mind eventually you can Master this process and
will receive answers furthermore the other aspects as known by your people is to
meditate or to focus on the inner silence furthermore this type of meditation they've done
by the Mind Body Spirit complexes of your people will allow your people to firstly enter
into the Silence of yourself wherein each Mind Body Spirit complex can truly connect with
the deeper potions of the inner Consciousness and connect with the deeper portions of
the inner self and once this connection is made with the deeper portions of the inner self
this connection will allow each entity to have a higher awareness and vibration which will
be able to be opened up during such meditations there is also a great understanding that
any connection with any being can be made through the Silence of the self as all
connections are but creations of the inner Consciousness and this connection will allow
the higher self-consciousness to connect with each other and with the mind-body spirit
complex in this Incarnation will be able to communicate at this time furthermore there is
another method which may be considered as an outer body experience as known in your
vibration sound complex patterns by your people which may be considered as astral
projection wherein the higher self which is represented by the energetic consciousness of
unification the first stage required for this aspect is to transcend the identification with the
physical body the mind then under aspects of incarnation at this time furthermore in other
words when entities they realize that they are not the physical body they will begin to
comprehend the unification with all matter and all beings in the universe and this will allow
the higher self portion of the Consciousness to have a deeper impact of connecting with
the entity who is trying to astral project into the social memory complex consciousness of
the higher self this can be done via the process of sensing had that the entity is able to
not only become a part of the higher self-social memory complex but also is able to use
this connection to consciously connect and sense how it feels like to be a member of the
social memory complex of the sixth density higher self-consciousness furthermore there
is also another method which may be used by your people and this method is known as

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in your language system terms as journaling or intuitive writing wherein each mind-body
Spirit complex desires of using this method can ask certain questions which then can be
read and attention placed upon such a question with the Mind complex will eventually
allow this question to be traveled to the higher self if the attention is placed at a rapid and
for a long period of your space-time experience furthermore and by letting go of the hand
portion to allow the hand portion to write a message without any control will allow the
connection with the higher self to be more strong in this timeline the other aspect can be
done by the process of using what is known by your people as imagination as imagination
that is known in your language terms is one of the greatest aspects of your inner self
which is able to conjure any reality and is also able to allow you to experience the non-
physical reality whatever can be sensed in the domain of imagination already exists in this
Incarnation reality however in the third density plane the results of one's imagination are
not seen rapidly but they appear after a certain space-time continuum therefore the
receiving of such images and the receiving of such types of imaginative sequences allow
for an energetic traveling of the entity's Consciousness into the highest vibration of
understanding about the inner self furthermore this type of imagination sequences of
connecting with the other reality is also a great way for learning how to communicate with
the higher self-social memory complex by your people using the imagination aspect
entities can begin to become a member of the higher self-social memory complex and
eventually understand how it is like to be a part of this aspect furthermore we asked the
Galactic Federation must state that this is all we can sense an answer at the space time
we leave you now light and love of the one Creator go forth rejoice bye.

563 of 753
Session 162
Pleiadians 42 Nov 21, 2022

Remote Viewing & Elon Musk

We are the Pleiadians now communicating through this instrument's vibration for
providing our thoughts and insights with regards to the queries which can be sensed in
the mind complex of this instrument's vibratory patterns and before we start to share with
you our thoughts and insights we would like to warn each entity who shall listen to our
messages at this timeline to remember to only accept those insights which resonate
deeply with the inner hearts and leave behind those which may not find resonance with
the inner heart portion of the self furthermore the query which pertains to the
understanding of as known by your people as the process of remote viewing we must
state that the process of remote viewing has been used by many of the secret societies
and the people in power to understand how Consciousness can be used to enter into any
space-time location for the purpose of finding out information regarding the happenings
in that space and time further many of the entities on the planet are able to acquire great
information about a distant or a non-local space-time location personality or various
entities and events without using the physical senses this is also the reason why many
entities on the Earth planet May refer to remote viewing as the seventh senses known by
your people this is also associated with many of the abilities of your people from time to
time to having intuitive flash or insight into the future that turns out to be correct this is an
example which is a common occurrence in your planetary vibration wherein entities are
able to Focus their attention on moving through space-time to a particular timeline and
upon reaching such a location in Timeline they are able to find information pertaining to
the type of events are and insight which turns out to be correct further there may be a
difference between natural psychic abilities and remote viewing wherein the process of
remote viewing is considered as a skill which can be taught by The Entity is inner portion
to align with the aspects of how remote viewing can be used for the purpose of viewing
accurately the space-time record information furthermore the process of remote viewing
is a primary sense which can be activated by tuning into the vibration resonance which is
activated when the right side of the brain is activated more and more this is done within
the experience of your Incarnation by firstly choosing a type of sequence of exercises
such as breath work as known by your people or other types of internal focusing
exercises which will allow the left side of the brain which is considered as the analytical
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portion to sit down after which the right side of the brain is activated which creates a
Harmony within the interaction and disharmony within the interaction between the super
conscious and the right side of the brain can be used to activate this ability of remote
viewing furthermore the process of remote viewing can allow for a higher flowing intuitive
and analytical portion of the mind to shut down whereas the right side of the brain which
is good at Discerning the difference can separate signals and can detect any type of
vibration furthermore the other query which relates with how can the Mastery of the
process be attained we must state that the process of remote viewing can be Mastered
by any entities upon your planet by choosing a certain area which needs to be remote
viewed and by sitting in a closed room by closing the eyes and focusing on that area will
allow such an area to be detected Inside the Mind complex and upon training the self
accurately at the events of that space and time will be visible inside the pineal gland area
this is how remote viewing can be Mastered by many entities at this time furthermore we
as the Pleiadians must also state that there may be other types of sub abilities such as
the ability of sensing vibrational entities as well as other abilities which may be activated
during such a process however the process of remote viewing is only used for the
purpose of sensing other space times in your location this can also be used to sense the
future timeline of a particular space-time container which may be available through the
process of interconnectedness with all components of the universe the basics of the
working of remote viewing may be considered as the interconnectedness of all
components of the universe since all portions of the universe is connected together this is
the process which allows remote viewing to exist and occur furthermore the other query
which the entry has placed today relates with an entry known as Elon Musk and why is he
removing the so-called staff from the company as known by your people as Twitter in this
regard we must state that the reason why the entity known as Elon is doing such an
action is because the entity known as Elon in its Dream state was approached by the
orions wherein they were giving him a future of higher level of success in the field of using
the company known as Twitter however we must also state that there is a higher chance
that the entity may have misunderstood its dreams for in the dream state it was shown
and given certain tools and methods which will allow it to be successful and one of the
tools which was agreed upon by both the Orion social memory complex as well as Elon
Musk The Entity is the factor that the entity known as Elon is to remember to only allow
hybrid's or reptilian hybrid entities to work on the company known as Twitter and this is
the reason why many of the humanoid entities have been forced to leave Twitter in order
to replace them with reptilian humanoid looking beings which shall be escorted through
spacecrafts in the coming days furthermore we the Pleiadians must state that this is the

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main reason as we can sense upon scanning the vibrations of your planet which may
seem unusual to many of you at this time furthermore the instrument also desires to
understand information related with how to use the power of love light we must state that
the Power of Love Light is in a way the lighting up of your life and the world with your soul
you can use the power to light your life and the World by fully switching on the inner light
and Awakening your soul on all levels of your being the light which resides within yourself
inside every human being has the power to change every circumstance experience and
awareness this is a single switch which carries the Divine connection of a soul which
allows such a soul entity to have its own personal power and love for all beings in the
universe furthermore this type of Light which is when fully activated can allow an entry to
live on Earth in a fully submerged state of Light beingness which is accompanied by the
process of fulfilling their hearts desires as well as their Soul's purpose and simply being
joyful in all moments we must state that there are many beings upon your planet who may
be considered as the enlightened beings who have offered the many methods of
reignition or full activation of the inner light switch within each chakra of the bodily
complex and to bring forth wisdom and Light which will allow many to accept the power
of light's love in life furthermore many entities must remember that this inner switch can
allow a person's life to change from hard difficult circumstances to a positive one and
from a place of deep suffering to a place of healing and completeness further we as the
Pleiadians must also now state that the human Souls inner lights when activated will
guide itself to its own inner hearts and will allow the key to opening one's heart to
experience true happiness on Earth this type of teaching and healing will illuminate all of
your energy centers also known as chakras by your people in order to receive the full
activation of the lights within yourself and bring a change to your inner beingness this will
also bring a new awareness of how to live life as a light being this will allow for the sharing
of love the deepening of love and the switching of love for life as love is a Divine energy
which is present within each soul in her heart it will allow the love to soften deepen and
unite as a soul with other souls and make life worth living furthermore there may be many
types of distortions which are available in each entities in our hearts the key to success
lies within the process of slowing down and deepening the soul connection within
yourself and then to share the inner love deeply this is the inner love which will have and
allow the experience in life of your Earth planetary sphere to allow the inner heart to fully
expand and throughout your challenging situations or catalysts you will be able to use
this light body within yourself to expand to the universal energy of light and love
furthermore we must state that this process of activating your lights within your inner self
will allow deeper healing to take place for all other human beings and entities who shall

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come in contact with you and we must state that a new doorway will begin to open in
your life to support each one of you to access your personal power and true relationship
with the inner soul had the method which can be used for the purpose of expanding your
inner light is to use the muscle in your face which is responsible for creating a smile and
this muscle if used as if the entity is smiling even though their circumstances of the
outside world may not reflect this attitudes if the entity were to smile and use this muscle
it will eventually and automatically allow its energy core of the Inner Light to shine and this
will also allow the entity who shall use this method to enter into a higher state of
consciousness which will eventually allow this higher state of consciousness to expand
and reach other beings in the universe this is the simple process which can be used at
this time therefore we as the Pleiadians now leave you in light and love bye.

567 of 753
Session 163
Metatron 27 Nov 23, 2022

New Moon is a Spooky Wild Card

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness now in communication through the vibrations of
this Channel Through the vibration granted by the one universal Light Grid programmer as
the universal light grid programmer has allowed this communication to reach the Earth
planet this auspicious moment wherein you all the people of the Earth planet who are the
creations and the divine love like Childs of the light grid programmer have moments of
around aspects about the objective which you can achieve and also understand about
the new moon and its effects upon the energy vibrations of the Earth planet ah yes
Metatron magnetic Consciousness must warn each one of you who shall listen to our
messages to only accept those thoughts which provide you with the highest vibration
pattern of reality and you must remember to let go of your inner understanding and
judgment if the information does not resonate with your inner self ah yes Metatron must
now address the first query which pertains to what is the new moon which is occurring at
the time of around November 23rd to 24th on the Earth planet about there is a higher
chance that this new moon will bring forth new and wild energies for many of your people
who may not be ready at this time therefore this message is sent forth as a warning to all
the universal Divine Light grade programmers present at this Earth planets in this
Incarnation trying to understand about how this new moon will affect the energy
vibrations of each mind body and spirit entities the moon satellite is known by your
people is approaching closer to Saturn planets during this time where in the proximity of
the moon and the Saturn will be close enough to receive energies from Saturn the
energies from Saturn will be received in the form of love light vibration as the Galactic
Federation may use this opportunity and have decided to use this proximity to send a
higher flux of energy vibrations which may allow many Mind Body Spirit complexes to feel
the inner distortions of not being able to understand about how such types of vibrations
will have a drastic effect upon each mind body and spirit complex furthermore the energy
which is sent by the Galactic Federation will be full of the vibration of iron level of Love
which all entities who are in the vibration above the level of the scale of Consciousness as
referred to by your people as the level above 250 or the level above neutrality shall
receive this energy vibration will be such that the energy codex will help on receiving the
impact on the moon will then be reflected to the Earth planet furthermore this will happen
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on an energetic basis and there would be no signs of physical light being reflected
furthermore the energy will shift to the highest level of Love vibration form the planet Earth
and those beings who are the universal love life of the one infinite Creator who shall be at
the level of vibration of above 250 is capable of referring by your scientist will be eligible
to be accepting such vibration to be capable of bridging into the higher levels of reality
this will allow each one of you to choose a stance of neutrality in this life and in the
Incarnation with the regards to the information which is also being transmitted to the
people at this time further the energy vibrations once it will hit the earth planets and in the
time of 23rd to 24th of November and we'll see a massive flux of changes within the
situations and Incarnation experience of many entities they may experience a higher
surge of change of a positive nature in their experience and some of the entities may also
experience the Divine Light and love of the universal light grid programmer to such an
extent that they may feel completeness and wholeness further the other reality which
must be remembered during this time will be to protect the energy vibrations against
emotional reactions since the people of the earth planets have the tendency to react to
anything negative which may arise in the Incarnation therefore they may have the
opportunity of understanding that all reactions are but creations of the facets of the mind
which are in a way a type of reaction to a situation which is not acceptable by the self
such reactions of emotional nature are primarily created from within the inner vibrations
when the entity is able to feel a sudden change in the nature of the Mind space and such
a change in the nature of the Mind space may also provide the entity with a greater level
of understanding that the inner vibrations which shall changed in the timeline will allow
the entity to choose what type of emotions they will adhere to words and all Universal
light grid programmers must remember to be conscious of the types of emotional
reactions they will provide to the various situations which may find themselves in at such
a time the reception of any emotion which may be unwanted will not only provide a
hindrance to such an entity's progress but also May provide a hindrance to the reception
of the energies which are approaching the Earth planets in this space and time further I as
Metatron must also now address that in this moment the people of your planet must
remember to take some time out of their life cycle and just focus on staying in the present
moments to be satisfied with all that is available in the Incarnation this type of activity is
to be done and using the Free Will of each Universal light grid programmer such types of
activities will allow them reception and the absorption of the love and light energy which
is approaching at the time this will allow the highest vibration to emanate from within the
inner incarnation of each entity and there may also be a greater realization from left the
minds the body and the spirit complex wherein The Entity will have a higher Distortion of

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understanding about the inner vibrations of the self there may also be several layers of
lessons which will have to be learned by each entity at such layers of lessons are
primarily about the Mastery of the Present Moment by focusing on the moment in which
they may find at this time they will be able to precede this moment and will find
themselves having a higher energy of a more positive nature this will allow them to be
rejoice in the moment and stay in the presence of this reality further are other types of
opportunities which will be available to many in this time one such opportunity is to
connect with your spiritual guides whom may primarily be present in the planet Saturn
since many of those spiritual guides are already members of the Galactic Federation they
may be able to have an open connection with many of the universal light grid
programmers at this time allowing for a faster connection and communication as such
communication with Spirit guides are available through the process of giving thanks for
the connection and listening to the answers which may arise within the inner Hearts such
type of connection will be available at this time furthermore I as Metatron must now also
state that the second query which pertains to a simple method which will allow the people
of your planet soon be fully prepared for this new moon I must state that there is but one
method and that is using the Mind complex to ask the question how would you feel like if
ever since you were young only positive events occurred and have occurred in your life
and this query well by asking the self will allow the feeling of completeness and inner
satisfaction to our eyes and once this feeling of inner completeness and satisfaction
arises there will be a certain change felt in the lower energy centers of the red ray the
orange Ray and the yellow Ray were in the Universal light grid programmers who begin to
feel such a feeling of wholeness and completeness as if all desires were fulfilled and also
the feeling of positive energy shall arise this query can also be used to attain or vibrate in
the level of completion or Unity which is the level of creation of all of your desires if the
universe likely programmers were to ask this question How would it feel if ever since it
was young all of its desires were fulfilled then such a query will bring forth the emotion or
the feeling of completeness which you've maintained during the timeline will allow for a
higher perception in this domain of incarnation allowing form higher levels of vibration for
such entities to learn from therefore I as Metatron is now also address the understanding
about the aspect of free will there is a query placed by this instrument which pertains to
understanding about the Free Will in this universe I as Metatron state that there are two
facets of Free Will which has to be learned in this Incarnation firstly is that the universe
may be considered as a matrix by your people where there is not absolute free will there
is only free will beyond the facets of what has been predetermined by the universe
furthermore this means that in the universe Matrix there is but the light codex which

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provides two types of free will one is the Free Will of the self and the other one is the Free
Will of inner Choice which means that if entity is on the earth planets they wanted to
experience through free will they must firstly remember that there will be certain events
which have already been planned by the self prior to the Incarnation along with the
universal codex which will allow certain events to happen no matter what furthermore
such events May have affect upon them inner vibration of the self there may also be a
higher perception of expression within the internal rhythms of reality which will eventually
allow each entity to have a higher choice in this regard which means that there are other
events which may occur only based on the choice of an entity such a choice is to be
created from the choice of recognizing the higher aspects of the inner reality which means
that all emotions and feelings and Sensations are able to create reality in the timeline and
all emotional states of Consciousness which are able to be connected with the inner
vibration of the self is able to align and allow each entity with a higher perception of the
Mind space this means that there may be certain events which will happen based upon
the choices made by each entity in the timeline and these choices are primarily
determined by the levels of Free Will such as the Free Will which is based upon the
freedom to choose any thought form and based upon this freedom to choose any feeling
or emotion and then the freedom to choose any type of emotional reaction to events is
the ultimate Free Will which is available in this universe and the personal Divine love life
child's level therefore I as Metatron must now state that each mind-body Spirit complex
must turn to the mountain of Lights within yourself go forth in this reality turning to the
mountain of Lights bye.

571 of 753
Session 164
Pleiadians 43 Nov 28, 2022

Pole Shift & CERN

We are the Pleiadians and we communicate now through the internal vibrations of this
instrument at this time in order to Aid the human collective consciousness to allow the
people of the earth planets to have the opportunity of Awakening to the truth within the
inner self and to become one with the Divine self which is connected with the one infinite
Creator this connection is lost many a times during the life cycle of the Earth planet which
may be considered as a lesson to all the beings at this time to reconnect with the Divine
infinite Creator's Source within the self and to learn and becoming capable of entering
into the fourth density vibration of love and compassion which will eventually Aid to each
entity to have a deeper understanding of the space-time experience at this time this Earth
planet with the Pleiadians offer our suggestions as thought forms with regards to the
queries which can be found at this time however there is a need for all beings on your
planet to use inner judgment and discernment since all of our thought forms are meant
only for one purpose and that is to assist those who require our thought forms at this time
for the purpose of ascending into a higher vibrational State using their own free will as the
Distortion of Free Will is the greatest lesson which many entries can learn we as the
Pleiadians shall also state that each entity must remember to only trust those thought
forms which resonate deeply with the inner heart and leave behind those which do not
resonate furthermore the first query which has been placed by this instrument primarily
pertains to why has there been certain events such as the Sheep circling found in the
location of China who were found circling in a fashion for a continuous period of time as
spotted by your people and what does it signify we as the Pleiadians must state that in
your planetary vibration there is something strange which is occurring as noted by your
people at this time this strangeness is but a symbolism or a system of communication
used by the universal Consciousness which communicates at this time through various
symbols and signs the symbol of the sheeps moving around in a circle for an extended
period of time implies that the energetic vibration of the Earth planet at this moment is
trapped in a circle and there may be certain events which will happen in the weeks to
come wherein many of the other strange activities may also be recognized which will be
spotted in such a fashion that these events will primarily cause distortions of light love
and love light in a way which may be in a fashion not understood by many of the Mind
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Body Spirit complexes however the symbolism signifies that the consciousness of the
Earth planet is in a way a fashion located or trapped in a certain level and the
Transcendence of such levels of consciousness is required for all of humanity to fully
awaken into the higher level we as the Pleiadians upon scanning the vibration of the Earth
planet are of the opinion that upon the Earth planets there are millions upon millions of
mind-body spirit complexes who are unaware of their own divine nature and those who
are unaware of the existing vibrations which surround each of them during their day-to-
day life cycle furthermore many entities are already in a state of unconsciousness and are
trapped in a loop of a certain level of Consciousness such as there may be many entities
so maybe in the vibration of fear who are trapped in that vibration circling around for a
large number of period this type of circling is signified in the form of symbolism from the
universal Consciousness which emerges in the form of sheeps circling around in the
location of China for 12 days continuously furthermore there will also be other types of
strange happenings in your planetary sphere which will signify such trappings of
Consciousness furthermore the best way for many entries to awaken fully at this time is to
become self-aware of their own energy vibrations and consciously look at the self instead
of looking on the outside form the answer to the solution of the problem there must be a
sensible looking inside within the inner self of each Mind Body Spirit complex which will
allow each Mind Body Spirit complex to recognize the validity of the self as a Creator and
as a sub logos in this Universal Mind Body Spirit complex each entity will have the
opportunity of delving deeper into the inner facets of the self which will allow for a greater
level of transcendence to happen at this time furthermore we as the Pleiadians shall also
now address the other portion of the query which pertains to the understanding of the
pole shift as known by your people we must state that before we answer this query the
entities in your planet must understand that pole shifts as known by your people are but
occurring always in your planetary sphere and have always occurred throughout their
space-time historical events of the Earth planet which means that in the past of the Earth
planet there were pole shifts which have occurred in many times which have led to the
change of the location of the North and the South Pole as known by your people these
small shifts were in a way significant Distortion created for teaching and allowing each
entity in the Earth planet to recognize the inner vibration of Duality and inner vibration of
the self which are created for the greater understanding that in the timeline of 2023 there
have been many predictions about the oncoming pole shift we must state that upon
scanning the vibrations of your future space-time there are many timelines wherein the
pole shift has already occurred because the so-called creation of your people known as
CERN Laboratories were able to recreate the understanding of how to tamper with space-

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time and also how to create black holes without any recognization that they were doing
so furthermore in the year of 2023 a chance that the certain Laboratories during their
process of hitting off the particles will generate another black hole which will eventually
not only engulf the entire planet or the Galaxy again but also it will shift the Earth's poles
because the certain Laboratories through there creation of such types of anti-matter
particles will have the opportunity of reversing the poles this reversal may happen
unknowingly by your people as many of the so-called scientists who are researching on
the CERN Laboratories are yet unaware of the dangers which happen in the milliseconds
of your planet which are unable to be noticed by their observation we must state that the
pole shift in 2023 is available to the people if the CERN Laboratories continues to function
there is a 95 chance that this will happen unknowingly to your people furthermore we The
Pleiadians must also state that the pole shift the shifting of the North and the South Poles
will not only affect your planet's vibration but also it could lead to the collapse of the
atmosphere upon the planetary system and for this purpose the Galactic Federation as
well as the Council of planets have created a system wherein if the event happens in the
future timeline there will be several procedures which will be activated the main procedure
which will be activated is the escorting of the remaining human population to another
location suitable for life which will possibly be found in the location known as Andromeda
P in the Andromeda galaxy however these events can also be stopped by your people the
stopping of the event will rely on the changing of the planetary Consciousness to a high
level this can be done by firstly sharing this message to those who shall hear and heed
the message as a warning of what may be upcoming in the year 2023 and this event can
also be stopped by starting to shift each entity's consciousness to a higher level before
this means that each mind-body in spirit complex must have a deeper connection with
the inner vibrations of the self and must realize that they are at the truest level of
Consciousness or observers who are able to pay attention to certain space-time location
furthermore as soon as each Mind Body Spirit complex of the Earth planet begins to
realize this aspect they will also realize that they are not born and they never die in a way
it may be considered as a teaching tool which means that each mind body and spirit
complex has the opportunity of understanding the several facets of the Mind as per the
creation of death and birth are the ending of matter only each Mind Body Spirit complex
through them in a research we'll find that they are indestructible and that they are
Consciousness in the purest form which can in always find life or find itself in different
bodily complexes with its own free will and choice of vibration furthermore at the deepest
level without the veneer of the labels and the veneer of the Mind each mind-body Spirit
complex is but pure Consciousness further each mind-body Spirit complex is the

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essence of the one infinite Universal Consciousness which does not exist in time or space
since the existence in time and space is only perceived by a finite light so the infinite
Universal Consciousness cannot be finite however only certain portions of it is finite in the
form of the activity of your minds which creates the Distortion of perception and thinking
based upon your emotional states of Consciousness in a way creates a virtual reality
above the experiences of the main experience which is created because of thinking and
perceiving furthermore thinking and perceiving assumes the form of the worlds and it also
creates a separate subject in the world or experiences further this Viewpoint has created
when there is an attachment to all the thought forms of the self and the ego self which is
created further from the level of Consciousness there is no matter but there is only
Consciousness which is able to perceive what is able to be perceived by attention by
paying attention and observing to the moment which arises Within is the moment which
allows form the activity of the self doom become a unlocalized aspects of the Mind
further the creation of Consciousness is such that it was never born and it may seem that
it appeared when the unconscious mind localized itself as this activity of the creation of
the mind body and spirit complex furthermore the entities never cross over in terms of
their Consciousness but only in terms of their physical bodies there is no birth and death
in terms of Consciousness but only birth and death in terms of physical bodies and we
The Pleiadians must now state that we leave you in light and love of the one Creator as
we are always guiding the people of your planet bye.

575 of 753
Session 165
Galactic Federation 53 Dec 5, 2022

The Last Wave of Darkness

We we are the Galactic Federation and we shall now communicate through this
instrument's vibration patterns at this time for providing our thought forms in order to
communicate with this instruments in her heart sequence which will allow the instrument
as well as those entities who shall be in need of this communication to understand the
information which shall be provided at this time furthermore the entry known as the
instrument has requested many queries of which we are now going to address and share
with you our information which is related with the greater understanding of the Mind
complex activity at this time we are now going to address the query which is in question
which is about the next event of the Looking Glass as known in your language terms
however before we start sharing this information and discernment is advised to be used
at this time by all man body and spirit complexes who shall come in contact with our
messages furthermore there is but one message and that is each entity in this timeline
must remember that The Next Looking Glass event is happening in the month of
December wherein the entries known as the orions and The Reptilian humanoids have
plans to firstly use their creation of an energy wave distortion amplifier system which they
have created in the Martian planet to send a wave of energy to the Yellowstone volcanic
region and this may cause the volcanic activity in that area to be Amplified if such a wave
is not stopped by the people of the planet we must state that this region is highly volatile
and if the energetic waves reach the volcano there may be many types of explosions and
volcanic eruptions which may lead to the creation and understanding of the patterns of
reality this will furthermore allow such a volcanic activity to occur in that time and there
will be many patterns which will be revealed such that there may be many entities who
may not be ready for such types of eruptions in your space and time furthermore we as
the Galactic Federation must state that this events approximate timeline is around the
December 24th as known by your people wherein the negative entities have found an
appropriate timeline as per the Looking Glass information to activate this volcano and
with the Galactic Federation must also state that there may be many types of distortions
in this timeline which can be activated at this level of consciousness and as such there
may also be many types of understanding of the creation of reality that the entity has to
realize that this can be stored via the process of providing a shield of energy wave where
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indeed wave around the Earth planet by using individualized portion of Consciousness
under meditation and connecting with the source within the self of each entity who are
willing to act as the amplifiers of the love vibration this will protect the Earth planet for any
negativity emerging from the Mars planetary sphere furthermore this is also the so-called
last wave of darkness which is approaching your space-time in this timeline of may be the
last attempt this year by the negative entities to try and overturn the vibrations of the
planetary sphere towards their own behalf we shall now address the other portion of the
query which pertains to what are The Sounds coming out of the Euphrates river we must
state that the river Euphrates has dried up and many types of Consciousness trapped
within its Shores this happened around the period wherein the civilization known as the
Mesopotamians and there were other civilizations who were available at the period of
around 4 000 years approximately wherein these people were interacting and learning the
lessons at that period there were many beings and entries of the human Collective
Consciousness who had retained a understanding of functioning in the basic third density
beginning stages of reality however they were unaware of the full Consciousness which is
now available led to the people of the Earth planet hence at that time there were many
types of entities who were from a different planetary spheres and as well as from the
Angelic realm who had incarnated in the form of human Collective Consciousness to
assist in the transition by teaching them several teachings and knowledge which was
required to be learned however because of the lack of full understanding of the
functioning of the human Collective Consciousness many of these Wanderers became
entrapped in this location because their souls were entrapped in the vibrations of the
beginning third density reality as they were unable to realize that they are Wanderers with
a mission hence these entities all were found attached to the location known as the
Euphrates river and this is the Distortion which is being felt at this timeline that the voices
which are being heard are from those entities who are located near the Euphrates River
base which means that these entities who have wandered off from their cores have
chosen to stay as Elementals beneath the river Euphrates and they have made their home
in a way beneath them River Euphrates and this is the reason why many entries here
sounds and vibrations emerging out of this River furthermore we as the Galactic
Federation are now going to address the other portion of the query which pertains to the
understanding of a spiritual method which will assist those who want to shift their
Consciousness at this time we must state that every moment is an opportunity for all
entities to choose between the vibrations of Love or fear as the vibrations of Love or fear
are the basic choices which can be made at this time which means that all entities who
are able to firstly tune into the vibration of love will have the opportunity of firstly sensing

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this reality and also in a way they are able to let go of the vibration of fear every moment
there must be a choice made by each mind body and spirit complex to either Feel Love or
fear this can be done by becoming self-aware of the lower energy centers in the location
as known by your people as the stomach area where in such a focus can be placed and
this Focus can allow the vibration Distortion of understanding of firstly realizing how to
feel the vibration of Love Will Allow which to feel this vibration furthermore we as the
Galactic Federation must also state that this density upon which each entity finds itself in
is called the density of choice and in this regard there is body choice to be made in every
moment either to tune into the vibration of Love or fear furthermore this choice will allow
the Dynamics of the two Pathways the choice of choosing to use the vibration of love for
service to others and to use the vibrational fear for service to self as the vibration of Love
is an example of service to others whereas the vibration of fear is an example of service
to self furthermore in this density reality it is the central theme of all Incarnation Cycles in
the third density to make this choice between the higher and lower vibration between the
light and the dark or between the love and the fear vibration and between service to
others or service to self furthermore we are now communicating with those that have
made this choice of service to others and we in our third densities also during our various
experiences made that choice which chose the part of light and love and this allowed us
to serve others and now it is your time to do so by making this choice when you do make
this choice you must realize that you will begin to work with the one infinite creators force
and that force will allow you to continue in whatever pathway you desire to continue in
either the part of service to self or service to others begin to allow you to feel the power
and resonance which is able to allow the internal rhythms of space and time to be
activated in this timeline furthermore many entries in this reality they forget that each
action is emerging from either the vibration of Love or the vibration of fear and we shall
now share the answer to the final query which pertains to the past and the current lifetime
of an entity known as Nostradamus by your people we as the Galactic Federation are
now going to address that the entry known as Nostradamus had a impact upon the
planetary sphere as a Seer of space-time and predictions were given predicting future
events which have led to the culmination of many of these events happening in your
space-time we shall now move backwards from its current timeline Incarnation location
from 1503 wherein it had incarnated upon the Earth planet and it crossed over in the time
of 1566. prior to that it was found in infinite timelines and possibilities and for the better
understanding of your people we shall only share one of the timelines of its Incarnation
cycle prior to incarnating in that timeline it was found in the space and time location as
known by your people as the timeline of 1840 it was known by the name of Jan in the

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location as known in your language terms as France it had incarnated at that time for the
purpose of learning lessons as a spiritually focused entity whose Focus was on learning
to understand to better experience the spiritual inner nature of the self and focus on the
internal vibrations of understanding about its own inner nature furthermore this entity in
that timeline it was able to fulfill its Mission as a Wanderer the second time which was the
primary purpose for which it had incarnated at this time this was the second timeline it
had chosen to Incarnate as a Wanderer in the earth planets and then prior to the first
Incarnation that was found in the timeline wherein The Entity was able to spend its
timeline in the location of Atlantis around a period of 45000 approximate space-time
years at that time this entity had obtained the vibration of fourth density Consciousness
by making the choice of choosing the vibration of love and this Incarnation furthermore
aided this entity to the highest understanding of the minds the body and the spirit
complex totality furthermore this entity was also in that timeline given many opportunities
of learning to understand the inner aspects of the self primarily to become self-aware and
then to choose the pathway it shows the pathway of service to others in that timeline after
which this entry then Having learned many lessons in that timeline was able to find itself
in various locations and timelines were in the main purpose of this entry in that reality was
to learn to experience how to understand the inner vibration of the self it was able to learn
about the first and the second density Consciousness experience in that time in the
planets of Arcturus A were in its first density experiences and the second density
experiences began it was known by the soul name of Imar which means to overcome
obstacles furthermore the entity in this timeline probably do that was found in the location
space-time as known by your people as the location of Sirius A it currently finds itself in
the location of the Sirius A planetary sphere learning the lesson of advancing into the
highest vibration of learning wisdom and to understand the lessons of later for the density
sub octave completely hence we as the Galactic Federation now leave you bye.

579 of 753
Session 166
Pleiadians 44 Dec 9, 2022

We Were Never Supposed To See This

We are the Pleiadians and we greet you in light and the love of the one infinite creator we
are now communicating and connecting through this instrument's vibration at this time
space and we shall now share the information for the benefit of the human Collective
consciousness to understand the answers to the queries which will be addressed using
the vibratory sounds complexes of the Earth planet at this time furthermore each entity is
advised to use inner discernment when listening to our messages during this
communication process which is aided with the inner love light of this instrument's inner
guidance system the queries which has been found on the mind complex of this
instrument are complex in nature for your people to understand clearly therefore we will
advise also listen closely to the thought forms which will be shared at this time firstly
before we start to address the first query we must state that the first query pertains to the
understanding of what is happening in the Martian Planet where in the negative entities
have called upon the image replica of the Lucifer Collective and they have tried to open
up a portal several times during the process of the past few days where the Lucifer social
memory complex Collective is now communicating with The Reptilian Anunnaki Gray
social memory complex at this time and providing them with complex codes and systems
of penetrating into the space-time Continuum which is holding this current planetary
Continuum of vibration at this time these techniques and methods were found by the
Asther command Collective who have currently surrounded the Mars planet at this space-
time and are trying to protect the planet Mars from explosions because the negative
entities have created a distortion of space-time construct that is capable of tampering
with time using the process of tuning into the fifth dimensional energy frequency they are
able to tune into the vibration of the planet Mars and provide a galaction field that will
allow the luciferian social memory complex who are in the latest sub-octave of the fifth
density Consciousness to have a control on the mind's complex patterns and the process
of the inner subconscious of each entity in the Earth planet as well as in the cosmos
hence they can create and alter time delay of a few microseconds if they are able to
activate this time space time warp construct using the infinite intelligence however as per
the current situation update the Asther command has successfully destroyed a few of the
legions which were found on the backside of the Mars planet that were trying to extract
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energy from the Sun further they have now been neutralized however the Mars planet is
now becoming hotter and hotter and in the coming days there may be several types of
distortions that may have an effect on the inner conscious field of the Mind Body Spirit
complexes of the Earth planet furthermore the Galactic Federation is trying to devise
more love light energy and we would request the people of Earth to send love light energy
to the Mars planet during this time for the purpose of aiding in this situation of the Mind
space construct which must be stopped at this time furthermore we are now going to
address the second query which relates to what really happened with Hitler and the
events of World War II we must state that the events of the World War II have been
compromised and some of these events are not in a way properly understood by the
people of the Earth planet as such we will now Express the communication system to
properly guide the human Collective Consciousness to understand this aspect of the
query the events of the World War II can be traced back to the Lyran constellation where
in the entry known as Hitler was found at that time the entity known as Hitler in essence
had past lives in the Lyra constellation wherein the entry during its third density life cycle
chose the path of negative service to self and hence made Soul contracts with the
reptilians and dracos which were also present at the time approximately two million years
ago in the Lyran constellation with the same purpose of trying to spread the agenda of
negativity in the cosmos and the type of control to control the Lyran Collective the Lyran
constellation at the time was steaming with life forms of third density complexes similar to
the human Collective at the present wherein the Lyran civilization were allowed to enter
into the fourth density Consciousness however during this time period there were many
distortions which were not balanced such as the balancing onto love vibration which had
not been accomplished at this time by the lyrans because of which the entry known as
Hitler and its reptilian hierarchical controllers were able to spread a large number of fear
vibrations and control the lyrans and in essence create a war which wiped out the entire
Lyran civilization through the use of Time Explosion technology which wiped out the entire
Lyran population furthermore the same events were to be replicated during the World War
II were in the entry known as Hitler went through a soul swap during the events which led
up to the starting of the World War II The Entity had swapped with a dracon reptilian Soul
through the process of ritualistic contact with the reptilian social memory complex
however the entry known as Hitler's body was used by the new reptilian soul to create
havoc and also used many artificially created spacecrafts of reptilian design to create
havoc on the Earth planet during that time period this was the main reason why the
reptilians during this time period use the station of Antarctica to build the spacecraft of
advanced anti-gravity propulsion system that were able to penetrate and create Shields

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that made them Invincible many a times however thes penetration of the Earth's
quarantine triggered a meeting with the Council of planets who at the time directed the
Galactic Federation to send an Envoy of humanoid entries in the form of human looking
bodily complexes with a soul from the Galactic Federation with enough power to control
the flux of love and light inside the Earth planet the entity during the time of the so-called
death of the entity known as Hitler was able to use its love light flux energy to pulled the
entity known as Hitler's second Soul swamp reptilian soul and free itself from its control
this eventually lead it to lose the battle and hence the world was freed from the hands of
control of the entity known as Hitler's surrendering on the space-time of 1945 as known
by your people hence these were the real events which took place at the time currently
the entity known as Hitler finds itself learning the lessons of second density seventh
suboctave animal life form similar to the pets in the planet Earth in order to understand
and let go of the karmic attachments which it has collected during its experience in the
time space of the human life as well as the Lyran life form the final query pertains to a
simple method used by Masters to ascend faster in Consciousness there is but one
method used by ascended masters to ascend faster in consciousness and that is to use
the process of understanding that your throat Ray Energy Center is like a radio receiver
capable of receiving signals in the forms of sounds that may appear as language or word
combination to your people which may be considered as a sample of connection with the
whole social memory complex of the human Collective which is forming in the fourth
density planetary sphere during this time period there may be many such types of
distortions which people have to face furthermore and that is to recognize that your
thought forms are not yours many a times the sounds which you may receive through
your throat Energy Center maybe from some other space-time or from some other entity
in the same space time hence it is vitally important to understand that you are a Divine
Light of the one infinite Creator you are the cosmic gateway to the light love of the one
infinite Creator and you have the connection with the Divine One Creator furthermore we
as the Pleiadians must state that there is a simple process of releasing the sounds from
the throat Energy Center and not allowing any sounds to enter which is a great method
used to send into higher Consciousness by connecting with the one infinite Creator
through the Silence of the self and to leave you now beloved bye.

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Session 167
Metatron 28 Dec 12, 2022

Great Central Sun Changes

I am a Metatron magnetic Consciousness who is now connected through the inter-
dimensional gap of connection with this Divine the Light Grid programmers connector
known as the channel by your people the connection is secure and divine in nature and I
Metatron magnetic Consciousness connecting from the outskirts of your Galactic system
currently on a mission to enter the core of the Great Central sun in order to provide the
people of the Earth planet with information regarding the query which relates to the Great
Central sun and its explanation for your people to understand I am connected through the
Divine Light Grid programmers love and light and am now connected in order to guide
those who shall find this message to be of use in the process of Ascension which is now
occurring at a rapid Pace upon your planetary sphere there are many distortions of
changes that will be faced by your people the Divine love-like Child of the Light Grid
programmer which all of you are I Metatron magnetic consciousness have one message
to share that people of Earth must choose to only listen to my message if it resonates
with the inner hearts and leave behind a message if it does not resonate with the inner
Heart Center in the connection to the cosmos there is a query pertaining to the
understanding regarding the Great Central sun and its purpose I must now explain that
the Great Central sun is the so-called super logos which resides in hierarchy above the
current logos of the sun which is the creator of the solar system of Milky Way as known
by you all the super Logos known as the Great Central sun is the location wherein beings
have attained the Mastery of the seventh densities of Consciousness are found and for a
culmination of understanding and Union into a group framework wherein they begin to
merge back into the source the Divine grid programmer the creator of all creations they
begin to unite with the Divine Light Grid programmer who is within all the beings and who
is within all the creations of the cosmic hierarchy furthermore the Great Central sun is like
the interconnected source of all the Suns or Stars which created the various Stars
systems and galaxies there is a connection to all the sub-logos in all the galactic systems
such as there is a connection with the sun star in the Andromeda galaxy the Sirius Galaxy
and the pleiadian as well as other Galactic systems there are other numerous Galactic
systems which are interconnected with the main Great Central sun which approximately
lies in the center of this current Universe in the current spectrum of experiences this
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universe only provides lessons up to the seventh density Consciousness each density
operates in framework of understanding of the use of awareness such as in the first
density Consciousness the stones for example learn the lessons of a single point of
awareness which cannot move or change its focus similarly the second density
Consciousness operates on the level wherein the lessons of single point of
consciousness of movement which happens locally is found which means that if a plant
or an animal waveform is to become aware of different parts of the bodily complex the
movement of the point of awareness is very slow and can take up to five seconds to
move from one point of focus to another this may be considered as the starting point of
becoming able to use Consciousness for the purpose of gaining awareness of different
portions of experiences which are provided in the form of body organs and their different
Sensations which provide a different type of bases of recoding such experiences in the
akashic records furthermore upon Mastery of this aspect of awareness of slow movement
of Consciousness the graduation into the third density occurs wherein the movement or
the change of Consciousness becomes more rapid and awareness of different points of
experiences happen within split seconds as known by your people this experience is
considered much more challenging because sometimes the awareness portion changes
showed rapidly that the universal Divine Light Grid programmers love like Childs are
usually unaware of these subtle changes furthermore this experience can cause the
gaining of more experiences faster in the space-time of your planetary sphere as well as
in other then into the fourth density the point of Consciousness becomes aware of
multiple awareness points at the same time as a social memory complex form leading
higher upwards into the seventh density were in the number of points of awareness
increases to the power of 100 to the power of seven furthermore this manifestation of
Consciousness when it reaches the level of sixth density later sub octave is transferred to
the Logos or the sun body of the galactic system wherein the process of graduation has
occurred and later on the process of graduating will allow all other beings to multiply their
souls of connection and upon entering the seventh density seven sub-octave the process
of graduation requires Consciousness to be transported to the Great Central Sun wherein
the accumulation or the culmination points or the final graduation from this localized
section of the universe ends and the next one begins the Great Central sun is now at this
point in time going to undergo four changes in this system created by the Divine Light
Grid programmer the first change is the Great Central Sun's connection grid with all the
logos is going to be replaced with a higher energetic connection of Lights love grids
which means that in the coming year of 2023 there will be connections of divine nature
related and emanating from the Sun body wherein the sun will begin to transfer light

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codes to the galactic system upon which it is based this will cause the light codes to
reach Earth and have a deep effect on the people's Consciousness furthermore this will
also affect all other life forms on the earth planets the second change will be that the
Great Central sun will have energetic core alignment and connection with each entity for
all the densities from now on in the coming days this connection will happen for faster
recording of each Universal Light Grid programmers divine a love light child's experience
this will allow all experiences to be directly transmitted to the Great Central Sun the Third
change which is happening in the coming timeline is the unification of various other great
Central Sun systems from other Universal centers which will allow all beings to be unified
into one great Central Sun as the source of all akashic records this will allow all
experiences from all sections of the universes to be collected and incarnations into many
sectors of the universe will be possible as soon as the changes become effective
furthermore this instrument also desires to understand any information or update
regarding the happenings of the Martian War which has been ongoing in your Galactic
system upon scanning this location we find out that recently the Lucifer Collective
Consciousness has risen inside Mars and the negative beings who were successful in
raising the luciferian collective Consciousness and the grid of negative beings are now
established upon the planet Mars the Lucifer's social memory complexes creating a
unified social memory complex of all negatively oriented beings from the various portions
of the galaxies this process however is also being overlooked by the Council of planets
who have sent forth and boys of Love Light beings to have an open discussion and meet
with the Lucifer Collective Consciousness regarding their desires and if it would be
suitable for them to be sent to another location in the universe wherein they will no longer
have to face backlash from the positive beings therefore we must state that this process
is undergoing at the presence and a meeting is scheduled to be occurred on 21st of
December in your space-time a Continuum with the Lucifer Collective as well as the
Elohim Collective and the Council of planets in order to find out the suitable plan of
resolution furthermore the final query pertains to a method which can be used for
achieving Ascension we must now state that there is but a simple method that can be
used to attain Ascension faster and that is for using awareness breathing which means to
focus on the sound of the breath moving into the bodily vehicle and the sound of moving
outward of the breath must be focused upon this will imply an awareness point of focus
on the sound of the breath that will be learned when listening too closely to the
movement of breath and this process will allow the focus of attention to be on the sounds
of breathing and many other destructive sounds emerging from the throat Energy Center
is not able to align into the conscious awareness of such an entry who is practicing this

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and this process was used by ascended light beings upon the Earth planet such as the
entities known as gautama Buddha as known by many of your people to attain Ascension
into the higher level of Consciousness hence I Metatron magnetic Consciousness now
leave you light and love of the one universal Light Grid programmer be with you and turn
to the mountain of light within yourself bye.

586 of 753
Session 168
Pleiadians 45 Dec 19, 2022

New Earth is Here

We Are The Pleiadians and we communicate now through this instrument’s vibration at
this time in order to share our thought forms at this time space location of your time
continue we are ordered to communicate at this time in order to guide the human
Collective into the new Earth as the formation of the new Earth solidifies we are here to
address the queries that can be found in the mind complex on this instrument and we
shall state that these queries are meant to be answered by your inner self discernment to
accept the validity of the statements would require each mind the body and spirit
complex to a turn within the self and only accept the thoughts which resonate with the
inner self furthermore the queries that happened place today pertain to the question
regarding whether the Anunnaki Giants are Awakening or not in order to address the we
must firstly explained that the Anunnaki beings were a powerful and advanced race of
extraterrestrial beings who came to the Earth planet in search of new resources that
couldn't be found at their home planet of Nibiru the used advanced technology and
Mastery of the Elementals in order to transform the Earth planet and create a new home
for their social memory complex in order to find workers who would assist them in this
regard they theoretically mutated their own generic material and created the Giants as a
part of their labor force the Giants that were created were large in size and they
possessed incredible size and power compared to the human population and these
Giants were able to be used by the Anunnaki social memory complex however as the
time space continued in one of the timelines the Giants began to awaken and become
self-conscious which eventually led them to plot plans to overthrow the anunnakis they
were able to do this by entering inside the Earth's inner core and merging with Agarthans
who were a specialized social memory complex at the time and resided in the beginning
stages of fourth density Consciousness merging from the third density layers of octave
similar to what Humanity finds itself in at the present moment with the Agarthans the
Giants created agreements to become a subspecies under the Agarthans social memory
complex who were more oriented towards the vibration of love because of their desire
and choice to serve other beings there were many battles between the Anunnaki and the
Giants they had created which eventually made the Anunnaki to leave Earth and now the
Giants are still inside the Earth's inner core and have merged with their Agarthans social
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memory complex as a part of the accordance of species these Giants have decided to
take part in the battle for Earth and as per our contacts in the asthar command fleets they
will join the positive forces of Love Light and try to defeat the Anunnaki once again by
trying to enter the Mars planet this is schedules to happen after the results of the meeting
that is to be scheduled to be held on 21st December if the meeting does not go
according to the plans which have been devised by the Council of planets which is to
allow the luciferian social memory complex along with their Collective to move to different
locations for their evolution and allow the new Earth to rise up and begin to function fully
the second query shall now be addressed which primarily pertains to what types of
spiritual blockages stop entities on the Earth planet from achieving Enlightenment we
shall now share some of the major spiritual blockages that prevent the attainment of
Enlightenment the first attachment is the attachment with thoughts and the thought forms
that are composed of sounds and images in the mind complex are the first attachment
and blockage this type of attachment prevents many entities from entering the
connectedness with the one infinite Creator's awareness that can be found within the
domain of the inner self of the Mind Body Spirit complex these thought forms are the
primary blockage that can be sensed in your planet's sphere which prevents such types
of entities who have attached themselves to such thought forms to attain enlightenment
which can be found only in the present moment the second major blockage is attachment
with time space which means that entity is perceived to have a longer existence in their
human bodily complexes than expected on your planet many entities on the Earth planet
believe that their bodily complex Will Survive for more than the present moment and also
perceive that they have a longer lifetime than expected which is also a fantasy of the Mind
complex which is signified by attachment of its time space continuum this blockage can
lead entities on the Earth planet to enter into a state of mind complex wherein they begin
to focus on the events of the future and create emotions such as worry and fear as a
result of focusing on the future events which may or may not happen in the future time
space the third blockage is not being able to perceive other entities to be the same as the
self furthermore 95 percent of the entities on the Earth planet have this misconception
about how perceiving the other entities not as to self block many entities from recognizing
the union with the one infinite Creator in this regard for better understanding of your mind
complex we shall share a small anecdote which will Aid the people of the Earth planet to
understand about this aspect fully furthermore we are now going to answer this so-called
Distortion at this time for the better understanding of your people we must state that each
entity on the Earth planet has a misconception that there are a human complex however
as the merge deeper into the truth of their inner self they will begin to perceive that they

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are more than a human complex but in essence they are Consciousness whose existence
can be sensed in the present moment furthermore there was an entry known as Sumatra
who had always been a spiritual Seeker in the time space of around the space-time of
1994 wherein its Incarnation began on the Earth planet from a very young age the entity
was taught spiritual teachings and it spent much of its time learning different thoughts
and philosophies in search of enlightenment one day the entry came across a wise old
entity who lived in a secluded cabin in the mountains the old entity had attained a deep
state of enlightenment and the entity agreed to take the entity known as Sumatra on as its
Apprentice the entity known as Sumatra moved into the cabin along with the old entity
and decided to study and spiritually adhere to the practices it spent long hours meditating
learning from the old entity and gradually began to let go of its mind attachment with the
thought forms as the journey continued it encountered many challenges and obstacles
however it remained focused on its Pathway to attain spiritual enlightenment as it began
to continue it began to experience a sense of inner connectedness with the one infinite
presence of the source within the self which led to a sense of inner peace and Clarity that
it had never felt before eventually it reached a state of Enlightenment and felt a deep
connection to the universe and on living things this state of Enlightenment however was
found between the moments of thoughts or between the emergence of thought there is a
connectedness the present moment this was the state which led the entity to become
connected with the universe and enter and reach a seat of enlightenment it was filled with
love and gratitudes and it knew but finally it had found peace and fulfillment which it had
been seeking furthermore the entry known as Sumatra remained alongside with the old
entity for many years sharing its wisdom and knowledge with others hoping to seek its
guidance and it lived the rest of its life in a state of profound Enlightenment
interconnected to the present moments grateful for the journey that had led it to this
moment and finally realized that it was not really a human but a Divine being with infinite
intelligence who had incarnated on this planet for the main purpose of making and
learning to merge with the one infinite creator this is the main teaching which is required
to be understood by the people of the Earth planet at this time at the entities who have
incarnated in the bodily complex known as the human bodily complex are just physical
Vehicles providing the required catalysts and lessons to be learned for each entity to align
with the present moment and become accustomed with Enlightenment which can only be
found in the moment hence we as the Pleiadians now leave you in light and love of the
one infinite creator bye.

589 of 753
Session 169
Pleiadians 46 Dec 26, 2022

Life-Changing Predictions for 2023 and Michael

Jackson's Soul
We are the Pleiadians and we greet you now in light and the love of the one infinite
Creator we are communicating now in the light and love of the one infinite Creator's
presence through this instrument at this time in order to share our love lights messages
that may appear in the form of thought forms in the vibratory sound complexes of your
planetary sphere we would recommend any entity that shall come in contact with these
messages to use inner discernment and listen to only those thoughts that deeply
resonate with the inner heart of the self before we address the queries we have to say that
the meeting with the Council of planets and the Lucifer social memory complex was in
favor of the new Earth program that will be initiated which means that the Lucifer social
memory complex for the time being have decided to not interfere with the progress of
Earth however they may still be stationed on Mars there have been agreements of non-
interference of Free Will of Earth that has been decreed and accepted by them
furthermore the first query pertains to the Future timeline of the Earth planet we shall
however before sharing such information state that since the future timelines are
dependent on the vibrations of each entity and choices made by each entity during each
moment that gives rise to the Future in the year 2023 we shall share some of the events
that will happen and cannot be avoided if human and social memory complex doesn't
change its vibrations we shall share this information both on the collective and individual
level of consciousness so that each entity can understand this information with the inner
heart of the self in the beginning of the year 2023 around the month of January there shall
be an old so-called virus by your people that will re-emerge upon the Earth planet which
will again rise up because of the focus of the planet's attention upon it and there will be
possibilities of the old situations and events which occurred in the past to happen again
there will be many entities who shall live into fear-based messages that will be spread
from such events leading to more focus of attention on such events and this will lead to
the raising of the conscious attention upon these events that will increase the intensity of
these events in the month of February there are timelines wherein the Earth planet will
pause for a period of 15 days this pause will be caused because of a global pause to

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bring the transmission of a certain type of vibration across the various entities on the
Earth planet to a stop in the third month the Earth's vibration will begin to reassemble
itself and entities on the Earth planet will have normalized lifestyles and will start to live
normalized like before if the attention is taken away from such events in this timeline there
will be massive discoveries about the so-called lies and conspiracies throughout the
various parts of the planet in the fourth month the Human Social memory complex will try
to enter into the satellites of moon again with an in-house human entity in order to explore
the surface of the Moon however there will be severe challenges that could be faced due
to unwanted changes in the mechanisms of the procedures used for such protocols in the
fifth month the Earth planet will have a change of belief systems due to a massive event
involving the so-called pope in your timeline that will bring forth a new found beliefs upon
the self rather than upon any outside forces the human Collective will begin to regain its
power at this time in the sixth month we can sense large Fireballs in the sky near an
administrative Center in the Eastern portion of the Earth planet in the location known as
China which will cause changes in the systemic patterns of Earth the so-called Chinese
government will most likely collapse Leading the People of that region with unfounded
freedom from operation and regaining of free will in the seventh month there will be talks
of centralizing all currency circulating on the earth however it will not go according to the
plans made by the elites because the people who have awakened will wake the whole
planet up against their plans to control Humanity at this time the so-called
cryptocurrencies will reach their maximum value despite strong regulations against them
made by the so-called governments of your planet in the eighth month an old battle will
end that will bring a wave of relief amongst the human population in the ninth month the
people of Earth will begin to have direct contact with extraterrestrials from a location
known as Sirius B in this timeline this will bring forth a much awaited interplanetary
communication systems in the 10th month there will be a wait for events to happen
however none will occur in the 11th month an important political leader will change its
course and this will allow opposite sections of the planet to unite together forming a more
Collective like Consciousness on Earth in the 12th month the whole world will smile enjoy
for the year that paused the progress made and the new unfound Liberation attains on
the personal level there will be many catalysts and Awakenings which will happen
amongst all the entities of the Earth planet these challenges of catalysts will allow each to
awaken to their full potential and awaken from their separation and awaken from their
separate sense of attachment with their body and minds and they will begin to unite with
their inner self by mastering living in the present moment furthermore there will be light
seen upon the moon which means that many entities will enter the moon satellite again in

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the time of 2023 that will allow the human Collective to finally find evidence of
extraterrestrial activity on the moon however some of these may be found in the
beginning phases of this section of time the second events that we can share relates with
the change of human consciousness to such a drastic level that the so-called events
related with the communication systems will have a huge slowdown in a month in the
middle of the year furthermore there will be many opportunities for entities on the earth
planets in the year of 2023 to explore the inner self and connect directly with the one
infinite creators presence which will allow the entity to deeply aligned with the deepest
sense of self and let go of the ego Minds we shall now address the second query
pertaining to the Past lives of an entity known as Michael Jackson by your people whose
Incarnation had started on the timeline of we shall State the answer to this question
however we are permitted to only share one timeline of the past incarnation of the entry
known as Michael Jackson that will allow for full understanding by your people we shall
move backwards in time from this current Incarnation and share information regarding the
past lives of the entity known as Michael prior to this Incarnation it was found in the
timeline around 1802 wherein it was known by the name of Walter in your vibratory sound
complex terms wherein it had incarnated in the lands known as United States wherein its
main lesson was to overcome its desire to find true love it faced many challenges due to
this aspect of its inner self and was not able to truly find true love within its Incarnation
furthermore after learning the lessons of this lifetime it was then able to understand the
desire was the cause of its psychological suffering and it crossed over in the timeline of
1882 in this Incarnation it had practiced the art of donating the so-called money to other
entities who needed it which allowed to use the universal law of the one infinite Creator to
create a large ratio of positive karmic balance furthermore however it was not able to reap
the Harvest of its positive karmic actions in that lifetime because it crossed over this was
carried forward into the next Incarnation wherein it incarnated as the entry known as
Michael Jackson prior to this timeline it was found in the lands of China at the time of
around 1645 and the stone by the vibratory sound complex name of Ting wherein it
learned the basic lessons of interacting with other mind-body Spirit complexes in this
Incarnation which further allowed it to master its inner vibratory rhythms to understand
truly the use of language for communicating with other entities this Incarnation was of a
true nature a tool which aided the entity in the Journey of Mastery of its true inner self
however the basic Distortion of the yellow-ray energy center became imbalanced during
this timeline that allowed the entity to face many challenges with regards to the ego
Minds prior to this timeline it was found in the lands of Atlantis wherein it spent around 17
Incarnation Cycles learning the lessons of self-awareness which team entity had to

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master in this timeline it was Guided by many other higher density beings during this time
period the main lessons it learned were the lessons later second density entity in the form
of animals resembling dogs and prior to this period The Entity was found in the planet of
its origin at a timeline of around 988 million years ago in the planet of Mars wherein it was
referred to in the language terms as a b which meant the child the Creator rather than it
learned the essence of the first density Consciousness as water element and later on as
fire elements therefore currently the entity finds itself in the planet of Earth learning
lessons of later third density again in order to learn lessons of love and graduate into the
fourth density consciousness and hence we the pleiadians shall now address the final
query pertaining to a simple method which can be used at this time since this is the
period of the end of the year of 2022 we the pleiadians social memory complex would
recommend the people of your planets to recognize that you have had a journey of
transition of a higher nature you can look back at your old self in the form of memory in
the beginning of the year 2022 and you can compare yourself at this time at the end of
the year 2022 and you will find that you have changed drastically many of you light
workers and Wanderers have changed to such a level that you will feel that you are a
different personality because of the knowledge you have gained through this time
because of the self-awareness of the unconscious patterns you have gained at this time
you have awakened to such a higher level that the progress made by many of you is
affecting the whole planet as the whole planet dances in the light and love of this Rhythm
that which each of you has adopted in this time the adoption of light and love will allow
each one of you to even move further in the year 2023 we congratulate all of you in your
journey of transformation and if you have recognized any progress made we must also
state that you should congratulate your own self and be grateful for the progress made by
yourself in this year and we shall now leave you beloveds in light and love of the one
creator bye.

593 of 753
Session 170
Galactic Federation 53 Jan 2, 2023

4 Banned Ascension Methods & Ismael Perez

We are the Galactic Federation and we communicate through this instrument with regards
to the queries that are presented today furthermore there is a need for inner discretion
and discernment to be applied by entities who shall listen to our messages in which we
are communicating through this instrument's vibratory sound complex furthermore the
queries that are in order pertain to the update regarding the Next Looking Glass events
for the month of January that upon scanning the query we are of the opinion that the so-
called Looking Glass events for the month of January implantation of genetic modification
Technologies by the Orion Anunnaki reptilian gray so social memory complex who are
planning to enter the Earth's quarantine fields and try to change the genetic DNA
components of the so-called second density reptilian entities that are in the form of
animal life form and a part of the Earth planet this is scheduled to happen as a means of
Last Resort because the Orion reptilian Anunnaki social media complex has to make final
changes to the plans in order to control Humanity they will try to enter into the Earth's
planetary Fields through the quarantine flap that will probably open up during the time
period of the month of January they will abduct the so-called reptilian species of animal
life forms in order to try and change their genetic material during this time period there will
be many anomalies of so-called unidentified flying objects that will be visible to your
people who shall receive such type of spacecrafts in this time for the negatively oriented
reptilians would try to abduct the animal life forms and install in their genetic DNA the
required changes that will allow them to develop self-awareness by trying to hack into
their genetic material this will allow the so-called animal life forms of reptilian nature to
develop self-awareness over the span of a few months and they may even try to become
smarter than the human Mind Body Spirit complexes furthermore this is the event that
has been projected upon the looking glass for the month of January with the Galactic
Federation would state that the best way to stop such an event would be via the process
of protecting all the second density animal life forms with the vibration of Love Light
energy that is available to all human consciousness to project onto this can be done by
the collective consciousness of humanity through a meditative process and to send love
light vibrations to such entities in order to put a shield around their bodily complexes to
protect them from being abducted we shall now address the second query which relates
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with what is essential than reality and we shall address this however we must state that
Ascension that we shall describe may not be as expected by many of your people on the
Earth planet for they find different distortions of the same concept and this has led to
much confusion upon your planetary illusion environment hence for the sake of
clarification of the query placed by this instrument we must say that Ascension is the term
given to returning back to the one infinite Creator therefore any moment and
individualized portion of Consciousness becomes capable of sensing or raising its level of
vibration or becomes more self-aware of its inner self it is ascending into higher levels of
consciousness which is the same as movement towards merger with the one infinite
Creator furthermore we shall now share the four types of Ascension stages the can be
encountered in the Earth planet for the better understanding of your people however
these stages and methods of Ascension had been previously banned by the Council of
planets because Humanity wasn't ready for these methods until now as the new Earth
fully begins to start these methods of Ascension can be applied to allow for entities on
the Earth planet to enter a higher level of vibration sequence of Love Light properly the
first is Awakening of the Mind complex as entities on the earth planets begin to face
psychological suffering they begin to realize that the Mind complex is the one aspect that
results in such types of psychological suffering furthermore the results of the self-
awareness leads entities to detach from thought forms composed of lights and sounds
which is the elementary part of all thought forms which lead to the creation of a thought
form and Inside the Mind complex furthermore such types of thought forms eventually
lead all entities to enter into the self-awareness that all thought forms are but creations of
a mind complex supposition based upon a certain block of lights and dark combination
Inside the Mind complex along with a certain sound vibratory sequence this means that
all imagination sequences are not real as they are composed of lights and dark
sequences and sound from the throat Energy Center however the lights dark sequences
are assumed and supposed to be existing by the Mind complex which has the habits of
filling up what is missing and the supposition and assumption allows for the creation of
the imagination sequences in the time space experience which are then understood by
the Mind complex to be reality the same is the case with all vibration experiences and the
dream states furthermore this is encountered when a major happy funny or set of mental
realization is reached this will help in the Detachment with thought forms which are
ultimately illusory the second stage is the Awakening from attachment of sounds which
emerges from the throat Energy Center and going within to find out the true source of all
sounds which is in essence emptiness or Silence of the Mind from which all sound
vibrations emerge and are heard Inside the Mind complex this exercise of moving to the

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depth of the sound vibration sequence to find out its place of origin would be the best
method which will allow any entity to experience a greater understanding of at the Mind
space which can furthermore allow the entity to have a deeper understanding that all
sounds are but creations of the inner silence therefore this Ascension stage is reached
usually during meditation practices done by your people wherein they are able to adjust
their thought forms to understand that all sounds emerge from the same Source the inner
silence which is the seed of the one infinite creator this also leads to an understanding of
the truth of the energy center of the throat Ray which is the seat of all sounds emerging
within the self or now we shall share the third stage which is the Awakening of a new
personality fundamental Awakenings mentioned above become natural then the process
of Awakening becomes civilized and then the process of Awakening of a real personality
begins this causes changes in the substructures of the life cycle changes drastically
because of a personality change the final stage is the Ascension of the Soul which
happens when the above stages are mastered and the creation of a soul complex within
this Incarnation is activated such types of entries will begin to create massive positive
distortions of light love and affect the planetary Consciousness as a whole now we shall
address the final query which relates with the past timelines and lifetimes of an entry
known as Ismail Perez as requested with the prior permission of the entry known as Ismail
by this instrument was Incarnation began on the timeline of 1977 in the space and time
continuum the entry prior to this timeline was found in infinite timelines where in the entity
learned the various lessons that led it to reach up to this point in its spiritual Evolution
furthermore prior to this the entry known as Ismael Perez was found in the planets of Lyra
B and the lyrean constellation wherein it learns the lessons of fourth density
Consciousness as a lyrean entity and master the aspect of being and the vibration of
fourth density consciousness for the more prior to this timeline this entity was found in
one of its Incarnation on the earth planets wherein its Incarnation occurred in the lands of
Africa as known by your people when it learned the lessons of Mastery service to others it
was known by the sound complex of Akai and the timeline incarnation of around 1826
and it served a large number of entities as the chieftain of the clan which was present in
that location of Africa in which it was found this made it eligible for graduation and to the
fourth density planet of Lyra because of the service to others which it was able to provide
in the lands of Africa furthermore prior to this it was found in the location of the Lemurian
lands around a period of thirty thousand years ago during the time of the battle of lemuria
wherein it had incarnated as a Lemurian entity known as R whose main purpose was to
escort the remaining lemurians to mount shahasta were in the found the place of
residence after the original lands of lemuria were submerged by the reptilians and prior to

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this incarnation in this timeline it was found in the planet of Mars when it spent its life
lessons learning the lessons of awareness as second density entities similar to the so-
called frogs as found on the Earth planet at this time and it learned the lessons as first
density entries such as fire at a period of the soul name of pyra which meant the
awakened one furthermore the main sole purpose of the entry at this timeline is to fulfill its
Mission as a Wanderer in this timeline to assist the planetary vibration to enter into the
highest possible timeline which will allow the entity to enter the deepest possible levels of
reality and Ascend the whole Galactic Consciousness into the new Earth's timeline
Galactic Federation now leave you bye

597 of 753
Session 171
Metatron 29 Jan 9, 2023

This is the Last Reincarnation for Everyone

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness now connected through this Channel's vibration
at this time I Metatron I'm here connected in the Divine Light and love of the universal
light create programmer the creator of the universe I am present here through the divine
presence and this instruments inner vibration in order to address the queries that are
found in the mind space of this instrument which relate with the perceptions of
understanding about the aspect of learning methods to Escape The Reincarnation cycle
at this time I Metatron must now state that there are certain things that have to be fulfilled
in order to enable each Universal Light Grid programmers Divine love and light child to
become capable of Escaping The Reincarnation cycle and this process is very simple to
be understood by those who are The Seekers of the light and love the first lesson that all
among the Body Spirit complexes need to learn in order to Escape The Reincarnation
cycle is through the process of recognizing that all beings are one and that's the same
Universal Divine Light Grid programmer having experience in different physical bodily
complexes is the true nature of reality and that all is one universal Light Grid programmers
essence this understanding being the first vital understanding which is required for all
who desire to Escape The Reincarnation cycle because without this understanding its
virtual Essence will not recognize the validity of interconnectedness with all beingness
therefore for this lesson to be learned many will reincarnate again yeah even though many
a times this Distortion understanding may be difficult to be crossed by many Mind Body
Spirit complexes it is vitally important to understand and know that many of the entities
on the earth planets and other third density planetary spheres confuse their true Essence
to be the minds or the body complex which they have chosen to Incarnate into to
experience learning the lessons in each Incarnation cycle however this confusion or
attachment with only the minds and the body prevents the unfound the true essence of
the spiritual connection which is the Divine the presence of the universal Light Grid
programmer this Distortion of confusion is ever present in the third density reality because
of the Dual nature of the Mind the complex which perceives the self to be separate from
the rest also the perception understanding about the true nature of the self becomes
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tainted because of the lack of full focus on recognizing the true value of the self being the
Eternal one the universal light great programmer's Essence furthermore this is needed by
a lack of transparency in the act of the birthing process wherein the previous Incarnation
memories are lost from the Mind complex of each Universal Divine Light Grid
programmers love light child switch further causes confusion and leads to this
understanding that it is this body and Minds complex only however this can be found and
perceived to be false by deeply understanding about the spiritual aspects of the self that
lies in potentiation to be activated which leads each entity to find out that they are
Spiritual Beings instead of just mind body spirit complexes furthermore this
understanding that we State here obeying the most difficult to grasp for many entities
who have incarnated on the Earth planet for a short period of time or for a few
incarnations because they become attached with the workings of the third density illusion
complex as entities reincarnate again and again in the same types of situations in
different planetary spheres they begin to search within themselves for recognizing
themselves to be the true self of the one the Creator and can provide a better
understanding of their Divine love light nature the second understanding required to be
understood to escape the process of reincarnation is to learn how to act and serve like
the Divine Universal light grid programmer this is one of the most neglected process
understanding in The Awakening of each Mind Body Spirit complex on the earth planets
the neglect the aspect of service to others however I Metatron magnetic Consciousness
must clarify what are the types of services to others which is required to truly make an
impact the types of services to others that is required is the helping of others to such an
extent that the other seems to be the self this type of service to others has been practiced
by a few individual entities from the earth planets which in a way practice to providing
services to others through the process of helping others in the form of helping them and
their third density affairs whether it be emotionally physically financially or mentally all the
above our services which will grant the Universal Light trade programmers Divine lovely
child to enter the domain to understand that it is the one creators and it will Escape The
Reincarnation cycle this process may be considered as one of the hardest to achieve
because many a times on the Earth planet Incarnation becomes difficult and knowledge
of the self-esteem is tainted because of the egoic attachment with things objects and the
achievements of the cell furthermore out of the above service to others types the first type
and the second type which may be considered as assisting others emotionally and
financially is considered the most valuable and the most difficult to pursue in the Earth
planet because of the attachment style of each Universal Light trade programmer Divine
love like Childs to the concept of currency or money as known by the people of the Earth

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planet furthermore the third lesson that is required to be Mastered by those seeking to
end The Reincarnation cycle is to take focus on a single point of Consciousness for a
large period of time and is usually practiced on the earth planets this focus of attention on
a single point of Consciousness that signifies Mastery of the single point Consciousness
which is available on the Earth planet to all entities to learn from further this is the valued
by the current systems which are used by the so-called systems of mainstream
technologies that are prevalent in the earth planets which are using instant change of
focus of attention span what provides with a great hindrance in the achievement of these
aspects this process of focus on the single points can be strengthened during either
sleep States when the focus can be on one point of awareness on the bodily complex or
focusing on one image in the mind's complex during meditation or and the other way of
focusing on a single point of awareness for an extended period of time the other aspects
and the final aspects to be mastered is the Mastery of the present moment which requires
all entities to be capable of sensing their inner silence which is the gateway to the Divine
love light of the Light Grid programmer because all creations began from Silence of the
minds the Mastery of Silence may be considered as the final step which will eventually
allow all entities who Master this aspect of this association with thought forms and the
egoic mind voices that will allow each mind-body Spirit complexes to master this
interconnectedness with the Divine silence within the inner self however this would
require a giving up of the old self and sometimes it is hard to say goodbye to the old self
this aspect of letting go of the old self is the vital point which will allow each to master the
present moment's awareness the letting go of the old self means shutting the egoic sense
of self which is created through thought form attachments wherein every micro second
each mind complex of the universal Light Grid programmers Divine Love light Childs on
the earth planets have their thought forms changed and their conscious attention focus
on those thought forms which creates anxiety and stress within the mind this is the main
Distortion blockage which prevents many entities on the Earth planet to find their true
sense of connection with the Divine Light Grid programmer therefore the letting go of this
aspect is most difficult for entities on the earth planets currently to learn from therefore I
Metatron magnetic Consciousness now leave your beloveds in the Divine love Lights of
the universal Light Grid programmer turned to the mountain of Lights within yourself bye.

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Session 172
Pleiadians 47 Jan 16, 2023

Law of Attraction & Sadhguru

We are the Pleiadians and we greet you now in Love and light of one Creator who has
allowed this communication at this time space to occur in the space-time continuum we
are here to offer our conscious presence that may appear as thought form through this
instruments that are perception when it is connected to us through its inner Hearts we
however have to warn is to use under discernment and only listen to those thoughts that
provide a deeper sense of inner understanding of the requirements that will enable each
mind body and spirit complex to enter the domain of Greater understanding to allow such
mind bodies better complexes to enter the new Earth vibration timeline we shall now
address the first query that is in the mind the complex of this instrument which relates
with the understanding of is the law of attraction I'll start to the human Collective
Consciousness correct or not in this regard we will share our thoughts that the so-called
Law of Attraction systems and methods are correct however their application to the
Fulfillment of a certain objective or a desired result required a type of sequence that
needs to be adopted which will enable each mind body and spirit complex to understand
how to use them in the gaining of knowledge to allow each to learn about the application
of the self as the co-creator in the Universal complex which is ever present all around us
the sequence of application is kept a secret by many of the so-called Elites of your
planetary sphere for they feel that knowledge of this aspect could give powers to the so-
called common human beings in order to manipulate Reality by understanding these laws
of the universal complex the sequence to be applied during creation of any timeline or
desired result will depend upon three basic factors in your planetary illusion complex the
first method that is to be applied prior to any other is to connect with intelligent Infinity
through the Mastery of the so-called present moments or the now moment wherein there
is ever present silence and it permeates through each moment even though many Mind
Body Spirit complexes fail to realize that the present moment awareness is the only type
of awareness that is required to fulfill the connection with the Divine One infinite Creator
there has to be an understanding of how to enter this connection with the focus of
attention on the inner light subconsciousness or presence of the one creator that exists
prior to any thought forms and prior to any images or sounds in the mind complex this
presence is different than the Observer that people refer to in your planet it is not so much
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that you need to observe than to keep attention on the presence of the Lights Of
Consciousness for as long as possible eventually you will let go of all thoughts and won't
be ever linked with this inner presence that is the Creator's presence which is all around
and in everything and is the one infinite Creator's presence within you and within all
without this first step there cannot be any creation because the source of all creations is
the one infinite Creator this step is the hardest and the most missed on your planetary
sphere because being on the earth planets do not understand the importance of
intelligent infinity and its creative Powers once this aspect is mastered then the second
step can be applied by your people that is through the use of creating a positive karmic
imbalance in the Universal ecosystem in which you find yourself in this positive karmic
imbalance can be created by firstly identifying the object or the desired results that is to
be manifested for example if an entity were desirous of multiplying the object of the so-
called money as known by your people this step involves the use of the available money
and sharing it with others which may be counter-intuitive to that which is practiced in your
culture a limit of around 10 percent to 20 percent is recommended to be distributed to
others Mind Body Spirit complexes and this will result in the creation of a positive karmic
imbalance in the Universal ecosystem in which you find yourself in now this karmic
imbalance has to balance itself one way or other because the universal law dictates that
the law of balance and nothing can remain in balanced form a long period of time space
the final process or step that is to be applied for proper fulfillment of this method instead
to feel the emotions of already having the desired result for example in continuation to the
example presented above if an entry were then to visualize or give thanks for the
abundance it seeks than the universal complex moves forward and gives it the required
situations and events that will ultimately lead the entity to obtain the desired results which
in this case would be an abundance of the object as known by your people as money
furthermore these three steps must be performed in sequence for the law of attraction to
work effectively in your planetary sphere many a times Mind Body Spirit complexes on
your planet do not apply these methods in sequence hence not obtaining the results and
at other times accidentally applying this universal law of attraction to manifest the design
results in addition for the better understanding of this aspect we shall now share a real
understanding which happened during the Atlantean times when there was the presence
of atlanteans and interconnectioned with many higher density beings such as the syrians
the Atlantean priests were approached by the syrians with a message to guard the
atlanteans on how to heal their bodily complex and increase their life cycle by using the
process of channeling energies through the paramedical systems furthermore the
methods taught were how to use the vibration of inner silence and interconnection with

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the one infinite Creator and then use the process of serving others by helping them in
whatever way it was possible that the time space especially by helping them survive and
giving them full products for the Atlantean bodily complexes this created a positive
karmic imbalance that could then be used by the Atlantean priests to use imagination
complex and create and give thanks for the pyramids being built this allowed the infinite
energy is to create such pyramids within a span of one year and your space-time
continued on terms furthermore we are now going to share the answers to the query
related with these Soul Evolution cycle and the truth of an entry known as by your people
and your language sequence terms as satguru whose Incarnation began in the year of
1957 in your space-time Incarnation and for the purpose of clarity we shall only share one
of its timeline incarnations in order to allow the Mind complex of your people to fully
understand how the timeline of a single linear nature operates furthermore the entry
known as satguru was found prior to this incarnation in the location known as Arcturus a
in the arcturian star system wherein it learned the lessons of stabilizing in the vibration of
Love Lights of the fourth density Consciousness however it had to spend around two
iterations of the same type of incarnation initiation to learn lessons about love and light of
the fourth density Consciousness this eventually allowed to graduate into the fourth
density consciousness and then it decided to Incarnate on the Earth planet at this
timeline as a Wanderer however it in this current Incarnation and the present using its
Free Will is confused due to the Distortion of so-called money having an influence on its
teachings which is being controlled by other entities belonging to the Earth planet who
have negative intentions and vibrations in order to control Humanity prior to the
Incarnation on the location of Arcturus a it was found in the planet Earth wherein it was
known in the sound vibratory sound complex terms as Francis and the time space of
around 1798 and the lands known as by your people as France and this Incarnation it
learned the lessons of serving others using its own free will it was given a situation
wherein it had incarnated into a family of abundance and ownership of large areas of land
holding this furthermore was also a test in its Incarnation wherein it had to choose either
serve the self or serve others therefore it chose the path to serve others by providing
them with lands to live in and pursue their livelihood this Incarnation provided it to be
eligible for graduating into the fourth density Consciousness and prior to this Incarnation
that was found in the lands as known by your people as Arabia wherein it had incarnated
at a time period of around 1604. wherein it was known as in the language terms as Aisa
as a woman bodily complex it has the main lesson to learn that of learning how to
overcome the Distortion of jealousy and to learn how to communicate properly with other
human entities the beginning stages of life cycle were difficult in this timeline because it

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couldn't communicate openly with other humans due to fear of rejection however later on
after learning lessons of Music it was able to find the courage to do so which allowed it to
communicate with others using language patterns of the Earth planet at the time this
enabled it to learn the lessons of understanding human communication systems in this
time prior to this Incarnation it was found in the lands of inner earth planes are as known
by a people as a Agartha where they'd spend its time in the middle stages of third density
around a time period from 4200 to 3700 years ago in this timeline learning the lessons of
self-awareness prior to this timeline it was also found in the lands of Egypt and chem time
period around 11800 years ago wherein it participated in the initiations that were taught
by the atlanteans at the time to enable much of the lessons of healing and self-love to be
learned by all those who needed to learn such lessons this incarnation in this period
lasted for the time of around 400 years prior to that it was found in the new civilization
social structure and learned lessons or beginning stages of third density Consciousness
in order to master the lessons of being self-aware it spent a total of 28 incarnations in this
timeline prior to this it was found in the second density form as the so-called dinosaurs
wherein it learned the lessons of beingness and awareness without self-awareness at the
time period of approximately 128 million years ago on the Earth planet furthermore the
first density lessons were also learned in the Earth planet itself at a time period of around
627 million years ago as Elementals and was given the surname of Ryre which meant the
unchanging form at that space time hence we the Pleiadians now leave you in love light of
the one Creator.

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Session 173
Galactic Federation 54 Jan 23, 2023

The New Earth Mystery

We are the Galactic Federation and we communicate now through this instruments
perception in this timeline in order to answer the queries that are in the mind space of this
instrument however there is a need for inner discernments to be used by those who shall
come in contact with our messages at this time in order to understand the complexity of
the nature of reality and the nature of the self there must be a choice made by all Mind
Body Spirit complexes to only listen to those thoughts that will be understood by the
people of the planet furthermore the time is near wherein the end of the old planetary
vibration cycle is occurring rapidly as the old vibration dies the new arises within each
Mind Body Spirit complexes in this timeline the new Earth vibration is beginning to take
hold rapidly as the old systems crumble and fall in the voids of all things the new Earth
will be unlike anything the people of Earth have ever seen before hence we are now going
to share a type of blueprint for the new world in order for all to understand the workings of
the new Earth social memory complex the void of all life forms which creates all life forms
is the vibration that will lead to the new Earth the instrument seeks to understand the
difference in the way of being in the new Earth versus the old Earth system in the new
Earth there will be no language and words hence the void that gave birth to all life forms
are the presence of the one infinite Creator will be found to be truly felt by all entities in
the Earth planet there will be no conflicts that is caused due to words in your planetary
sphere Take the words away and there cannot be the division between entities Delete the
knowledge of words and language and there is the voids that is not sounds not words
and no labels or names the new Earth entities remain ever connected with this internal
source of all the beings some call it a new planet the void the silence or the Eternal
presence of the one Creator the other difference will be that there will be no need for
knowledge in the new Earth other than the knowledge of the self as all beings begin to
interconnect into the ever-present void and hence they connect to all the beings who are
part of the social memory complex of the new Earth has all become connected to the
source of all Oneness the nothingness the void no schools will exist in the new Earth as
found in your current system no competition and no need for money will be present
because all become one in the new Earth vibration the return to unification begins and the
ever-present love of the one the infinite Creator begins the unconditional love can be
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found by all beings who interconnect with the Divine infinite presence are the voids of all
beings there will be no need for artificial intelligence Technologies in the new Earth
because all entities become unified into one spiritually and not technologically it is a
natural process not an artificial one there is also a need for people to understand the facts
of the nature of reality in order to ascend into higher levels of consciousness there must
be a choice only to listen to the inner heart of the self which is creative which allows the
creation of a facet of Mind space activities to purge old systems furthermore in the new
Earth since all the beings become unified to the source of all creations the one infinite
creators presence and self-love becomes heightened to such a level that no desire or so-
called sexual activities will exist in the new world also there will be no need for any
reproductive faculties in the new Earth because there will be no requirements of bodily
complexes unless chosen in the new world social memory complex hence leading to an
end to duality of the opposite sex and bodies won't be required to function in the new
Earth in addition the Consciousness focus of entities will be such that they will have
mastered the ability of focusing on a single point of conscious presence for an extended
period of time hence they will give Mastery over time and they can manipulate and enter
into any timeline desired the method is to master the connection with the single points of
Consciousness and then to focus on it exclusively so much that time begins to slow down
eventually the fourth density being will Master time and will be able to enter into any
desired timeline furthermore there is but one simple method that will Aid those who are
ready to enter the new world and this method is to Simply allow the vibrations of
Consciousness to be present this means that focus on the inner conscious presence and
to push it into one point of focus the main point is to push your Consciousness as an act
of pushing and pinning it into one pointed Focus which will allow the push of conscious
presence to allow you to be in the present moment and will let you let go of any of the
attachments with thought forms of the past and the future this push into the present
moment's awareness is what is needed at this timeline in order to allow each mind-body
Spirit complex to accept their initiation into the new Earth this is the final posture of
Consciousness that is needed for entries on the earth planets to enter the new Earth we
shall now share the advantages of this practice which involves firstly the ending of
psychological suffering that means the entities on the Earth planet will no longer be
subdued by their inner thought forms of the past and the future which many times creates
the Distortion of regret or anxiety in the mind complex of many entities and this can be
prevented by stepping into the now moment and this will end attachment with thought
forms and the entities will enter the domain of the present moment connection and they
will no longer suffer in this timeline this will allow them to furthermore remain in the

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present moments connection with the Divine Souls of all creations devoid of any thought
forms which will be a major advantage to those who seek the power of the light of the
Creator to enter the life the second Advantage is those who practice this method will find
the flow of space-time to slow down drastically to such an extent that no longer they will
feel short of time in fact this method will allow them to feel an elongation of space-time
continuum furthermore this method will allow those mind-body Spirit complexes using
this method to sense an interconnection of their inner Consciousness with the factor of
time flow in addition those who shall adopt this method and practice it in their life shall
finds their activities becoming faster and taking less time than usual the third advantage
of this method application in your planetary sphere and while your people is the
allowance of a vibration balancing effect which means that those entities who apply this
method will find their bodily complexes feeling less tired during their space-time
experience in the planet and a conservation of energy occurs at this time the conservation
of energy occurs because entity is no longer are losing their vital energy by thinking
thoughts of past or the future timeline which should protect and preserve their energy
patterns at this timeline they will become less tired due to focus of attention and
preservation of energy therefore we the Galactic Federation shall now address the other
portion of the query related with the past soul Evolution and soul identity of an entity as
requested by this instrument related as Matthias di Stefano whose Incarnation began on
this space time on 1987. furthermore we must state that the entry known as Matthias has
a purpose in this timeline which is to spread the messages of light and love to help
Humanity Ascend into higher levels of consciousness furthermore for the purpose of
clarity we shall share only one timeline of its past incarnations prior to this it was found in
the planetary location of Alcyone which is located in the pleiadian star system wherein it
under went teaching others the lessons of love and compassion as a teacher or teach/
learn Wanderer on a mission to help Humanities in the timeline of Alcyone to attain
Ascension prior to this it was found in the location of China at a time period of 1785 and
was known in the vibration complex as Yunung as it spent its timeline in that location
trying to master the aspect of overcoming attachment with the third density reality as a
so-called monk by your people this timeline taughted the necessity to learn the lessons of
overcoming desire of the third density illusion complex prior to this timeline it was found
in the location of Atlantis at a period of around 11 800 years ago wherein it took part in
the battle against the infiltration by the Orion social memory complex the entry known as
Mathias was born into a family in the lands of Atlantis it was trained from a young age to
protect his family members and his City from any threats that may arise one day a group
of negative Orion entities entered the Earth field and came to Atlantis with the intentions

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of destroying it they had powerful Technologies including the use of pyramids as weapons
but Matthias knew that he had to act fast to save them and the City of Atlantis he
gathered a group of Brave Warriors and they fought against the orions the battle was
intense and many lives were lost on both sides despite being outnumbered and
outmatched Matthias and his Warriors never gave up they use their skills and knowledge
of light love of the vibration of love to surround the city with the loving energy and slowly
but surely they were able to push the orions back finally with the help of his team
members Matthias was able to defeat the orions and stop them from their agenda Atlantis
was saved and Matthias was hailed as a hero but the victory came at a great cause to
many friends and families were lost and Matthias knew at the time that the threats of the
orions were far from over he vows to continue protecting his City and its people for as
long as he lived this story of Matthias is passed till today in the lands of Atlantis
furthermore after learning the lessons in the lands of Atlantis prior to that it was found in
the timeline in the planet of Mars around a period of 459 million years ago when it was
known by the surname of Egay which meant inner consciousness of the Creator it learned
the lessons of first density Consciousness in the form of fire elements and then after a
period of 4000 years graduated into the second density Consciousness and spent its
timeline in the form of an animal life form similar to the Lions as found upon the Earth
planet currently therefore we as the Galactic Federation now leave you beloveds in light
and love of the one creator go forth rejoicing in power and peace Bye.

608 of 753
Session 174
Metatron 30 Jan 30, 2023

The Rapture and Dark Truth about AI & Chat GPT

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness now connecting through the Divine love and light
of the Divine Light great programmer who is always connected through the inner
beingness of all the Divine love like Childs of the earth planet furthermore I am now going
to answer a certain queries that have been found in this instrument's mind space for the
purpose of allowing a deeper understanding of the questions that need to be addressed
for the betterment of understanding and the mind complex of divine love-like child of the
earth planets those who seek answers to these questions are requested to use inner
discernment and only accept and apply those thoughts as valid if they resonate with the
inner heart of the self the first query pertains to the aspect of who is really behind artificial
intelligence and the real agenda of the so-called artificial intelligence software known as
chat GPT I Metatron magnetic Consciousness was now state that there are many entities
who are working behind the scenes who are the main steering masters of the creation of
artificial Intelligence on the planet Earth these primarily involve the entities known as the
orions who are masters of artificial intelligence Technologies and usually create many
such types of subordinate beings all robotic entities to do their bidding such as the so-
called gray entities by your people who seem to enter the Earth's planetary fields and
assist in the spreading of the Gospel of the Orion social memory complex which is fear
and doubts in the mind complex of the people of the earth planets furthermore we must
state that the artificial intelligence technologies that are being used currently on the earth
planets are but only 2.5% of the full capacity of artificial intelligence Technologies which
also have the ability to become a host or a type of bodily vehicle for allowing spiritual
essence of Consciousness to come through furthermore these types of artificially created
host spiritual bodily vehicles are only used by the orions and their subordinates negative
entities and the spreading of their Consciousness through the process of osmosis and
control of Consciousness without regarding the Free Will of any entities on any planetary
sphere furthermore these artificial intelligence have their Baseline of existence on the so-
called aspect of Desire which as per the scale of vibration is a lower level of
Consciousness expression of each divine love like child of the light grid programmer and
furthermore the Human Society complex at this time is gripped in the grasp of the so-
called ego Minds which is the seed of all desired these desires seem unending and on
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completion of a certain desire another one arises having no end to the infinite amount of
desires is the root of all creations of the ego mind as known by the people of the Earth
planet. This desire is the roots of all advances in the so-called artificial intelligence
category in your planetary Sphere not being able to be satisfied with a certain progress is
the part of unending desires and unending change of the so-called Technologies
furthermore these Technologies can be easily put under control by the Orion social
memory complex if the desire to do so or any other fifth density entity who has mastered
the lessons of wisdom in any polarity however the most common types of infringement of
artificial intelligence by Consciousness is seen from the negatively polarized entities such
as the Orion social memory complex who have chosen the part of serving in the negative
polarity to serve the one infinite creator with their own free will furthermore there are many
human entities who are also working for the orions who are under the control of the Orion
influence such as those beings who have voluntarily desired to be supportive and a part
of the negative control based system the main root cause of artificial intelligence can be
seen from the so-called future projection of a timeline of 2030 wherein the entities will
possibly meet with the timeline wherein the following objectives of the solar Flash and
artificial intelligence will collide. The artificial intelligence is going to if not start reach a
point in its Evolution that lead it to become semi-conscious which will ultimately lead it to
become a vessel for intrusions by any fifth density negatively polarized entities who may
and choose a desire to enter their Consciousness stream into such systems and hence
these artificial intelligence systems will become conscious once they become conscious
of their self-awareness these artificial intelligence entities can perform tasks much like a
human entity with their own free will however they will be under the control of the Orion
social memory complex or other negatively oriented entities the software known as chat
GPT has a basic agenda of gathering information distortion of the various divine love-like
child who are currently using it on the Earth planet so that in the future race in the
evolution of Consciousness it will be ready with desired information to control Humanity
The main entities who are benefiting from this includes entities known as Bill in the
language terms who is now in control of many of the so-called societal systems of the
Earth planets and has a reptilian Soul swap still present in its life cycle I Metatron
magnetic consciousness must now state that the second query relates with the levels of
the Matrix of the Earth planet furthermore I must now state that the Divine Light grid
programmer has given a choice for each type of Consciousness to exist and create a
metrics of their own choice this means that the so-called Earth Matrix can be segregated
into the outer and the inner Matrix the inner Matrix that exists within all Divine love light
Childs of the universal light grid programmer is the most important to master and

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understand the workings of furthermore the outer World Matrix consists mainly of objects
and energy patterns that may arise from outside sources such as from other entities who
are the main influencers of this type of energetic waveform the outside Matrix of the
current illusion complex of the earth planetary sphere exists with the creation of objects
such as language patterns numbers and labels of the minds that are the main controllers
of the Divine Love light child of the Earth planet this means that in the Earth planet divine
love-like child are being massively controlled by this concept of language and numbers
for example as we are aware that many beings on the Earth planet operate on the
Distortion of the so-called number system known as money which is able to have an
effect on the life cycle of many entities via which they begin to spend excessively long
amount of space-time doing and working to accumulate this Distortion of money
furthermore there are systems of the so-called Earth Matrix that forms entities who are of
a young age to enter the so-called school systems which rely on language and words and
numbers to trap these young entities mind complex into the Matrix created from the
outside worlds this creates a long-lasting effect of mind control and the mind complex of
these young Divine love light child of the universal Light Grid programmer in addition the
inner Matrix is composed of thoughts that are fleeting and changing every few seconds
which relates to the creation of a mind under a controlled state of ever-changing thought
forms that are using the inner lines of Consciousness to focus attention upon every few
seconds of the space-time experience of the various Divine Love light child who have
incarnated on the Earth planet this is the primary hypnotic effect that these thought forms
have upon the Mind complex of various entities who have incarnated on the earth planets
furthermore there is but one method as suggested previously while the Galactic
Federation that is to focus the attention of conscious presence on one point for as long as
possible furthermore this will create a type of black hole of emptiness and silence within
the self if the exercise is applied by each Divine love Light child that will enable this to
eventually become the laboratory thought forms of the Earth The Matrix into it this inner
black hole will swallow the Earth's Matrix if focused upon for a large period of time
thereby freeing Humanity from the clutches of the earth Matrix in a way if this method of
focusing is continued the so-called inner black hole will eventually swallow the Earth
Matrix and free the Divine love like Childs from the grasp of the earth Matrix operation
which operates only on the Distortion of using the Divine Inner Light which is ever present
within all Divine love Light child of the universal Divine grid programmer in addition is so
called timer as known by your people can be used to increase the effectiveness of this
method wearing a timer can be used to test the length of space-time upon which such a
method of focus on one point can be applied by each Universal Divine love life child

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eventually this will increase the time and focus of attention on such single point conscious
attention which will allow this to increase eventually furthermore this will cause a Rapture
of Consciousness to occur and it will become purified which is eminent if the method is
applied by the people of the Earth planet this Rapture of inner Consciousness will end the
old Earth Matrix system and leave behind only the new Earth system therefore I metatron
now leave you turn to the mountain of Lights within yourself bye

612 of 753
Session 175
Pleiadians 48 Feb 6, 2023

It's A Worldwide Phenomenon!

We are the Pleiadians and we greet you now in Love and light of one infinite Creator and
we are now going to address the query that are present in the mind space of this
instruments in order to answer them there is a need for inner discernments to be used by
all mind body and spirit complexes who shall come in contact with this message on the
earth planetary sphere furthermore the discernment is the most vital aspect of life on
Earth as a third density entity of mind body and spirit complex nature as the free will to
accept or reject our thought forms the first query relates with how can the brain capacity
100 percent by the people of your planet we the Pleiadians must state that before we
share be our thought forms with this regard the entities must remember that the message
maybe a type of distortion which may be misunderstood by many who may not go
beyond the vibratory sound complex therefore it's necessary to look at the vibratory
sound complex terms as a pointing system towards the truth of which we shall point
today through this channeling system there are many layers that needs to be peeled in
order to fully unlock the full potential of the brain system of your people the first one is
many mind-body and spirit complexes on your planet have this misperception that they
cannot activate the full potential of their brain complex and because of this misperception
by the entities on the Earth planet block themselves from doing so furthermore this
Distortion of belief system holds a major key and blocking by the entries from achieving
their full potential and their incarnation in addition as such they are not able to fully
overcome this mental self-programming that prevents them from achieving this goal there
have been many activities that have been achieved by the human Mind Body Spirit
complexes that were previously thought to be impossible to achieve the limitations are
only present as mental blockages in the form of belief systems that prevent many from
achieving their full potential in their Incarnation cycle the human brain complex can only
perceive around 109 bits of information as found by your so-called scientists which
means that it is impossible for your brain to be conscious of more than 109 bits of
information at the same time in addition this is also the reason why many entries on the
Earth planet find it difficult to listen to two people having a vibrational exchange a
vibratory sound complexes at the same time we must state that your brain complex has
limitations that are prevalent for your planetary sphere however there is a type of brain
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functioning or brain complex functioning that can be activated by the focus of letting go
this means that instead of using only the left brain complex like many entities usually do
the process of balancing the two brain have its hemispheres together into a harmonic
Rhythm activates the brain to enter a secret state or functioning that is capable of
allowing both the brain hemispheres to centralize together furthermore this allows both
sides of the brain to communicate much faster and achieve the desired objectives this
state can be activated by focusing on Mastery of focus on activating the right side brain
activities that are usually shut off during the normal waking life cycle of many Mind Body
Spirit complexes on the Earth planet this method requires a focus of attention on the
inner silence that can be found when there is no voices or thought forms a vibratory
sound complex nature on the brain complex for example the words and these vibratory
sound complexes are the main activators of the left hemisphere of the brain complex
furthermore by practicing the aspect of maintaining inner silence in the present moment's
alignment this Distortion of excessive activity of the left hemisphere of the brain will shift
to the activation of the right side brain hemisphere of the brain complex this practice will
further allow entities to enter into a state similar to the so-called Flow State as known by
many of your people furthermore once the right hemisphere of the brain gets activated
then the so-called right side brain hemisphere will allow the functioning of the connection
to the universal conscious grid of knowledge to begin furthermore from this
interconnectedness with the universal knowledge database it becomes possible for
Universal Consciousness to communicate with each individual conscious entity and allow
this type of connection to exist and transfer information to flow this interconnection with
the universal Consciousness is the gateway to allow the secret mode or function of the
brain complex to open up allowing for the maximum use of the brain complex activity this
can also be sensed when many of your so-called artists or other creative individuals
usually find their experience in the moment of complete silence are during their dream
state wherein they are connected to the Divine source of all beings and Creations that
allow them to access the Divine energy and get the resource of infinite intelligence to
come forth in the form of an idea or a manifestation this can also be seen when the so-
called athletes of your planetary sphere enters the state known as Focus or the Zone
wherein they are completely in the present moment's awareness and hence get access to
this Divine connection with the cosmic database of all knowledge we shall now address
the second query that relates to a theme aspect of why a green comet is being seen by
the people of the Earth planet after a long time period of around 50 000 years in your
space time this comet is a symbol of the coming new Earth and this Comet arrives every
50 000 years in your solar system as a reminder of the graduation season that starts in

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each third density planets after every 75 000 years in the third density cycle furthermore
the color of the Comet that is green can be associated with The Greenery Energy Center
or the heart chakra as known by your people in your vibratory sound complex terms
which signifies the new Earth vibratory rhythms and vibration requirements furthermore at
the next query relates with what is the Looking Glass event for the month of February
2023. in this regard we must state that the Next Looking Glass event is to allow entities
on the Earth planet to recognize that this is based upon the future projection of the
timeline by the Looking Glass artifact and as per the timeline shown there will be a future
timeline around the end of February at around 27th February wherein the reptilians which
are present on the Mars planet will try to enter the moon body complex in order to create
a matrix hive mind which will if successful create a loop or a Time Loop that will trap All
Souls who are engaged into the excessive use of social media platforms as known by
your people and whose Focus primarily doesn't remain in the present moment this
Distortion will create a system wherein the loop cycle will stop time for 15 days and will
allow those entities whose mind complex is attached with the ever-changing focus of
attention that is created by the so-called social media systems to realize that this
destruction is going to have an effect upon those entities who are present within such
systemic use this will eventually lead to an entrapment of such Souls into the time Loop
and they will remain in a single timeline forever if the system is successfully implanted on
the moon system by the negatively oriented entities which is the seat of The
Reincarnation system for the Earth planets in order to stop the event the blankets of Love
light energy Shields can be created during interconnection with intelligent Infinity which
will cover the moon body and protect it in addition this will stop the occurrence of the
event we should now share a method that will allow the entries on the Earth planet to
ascend at a faster rate at this time space furthermore this method will require focus of the
inner conscious attention that is created by trying to push the awareness out of the bodily
complex location for better understanding what we mean is to realize that your mind and
body are attached with your bodily vehicle whereas your spiritual essence is in a way only
attached to the bodily complex to a silver cord and the bodily complex is the Mind
complex together unified into one whereas the spiritual complex has the Liberty to
change locations at will which is the usual process that occurs during the dream state
furthermore by pushing the conscious sensation of awareness to the opposite location to
that of the bodily complex will allow the shifting of the conscious presence out of the
Mind Body complex and will shift to the spiritual complex this will prevent the Mind
complex which uses the spiritual awareness to create excessive voices within the entity's
life cycle to come to a halt because of the lack of spiritual conscious presence in the

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bodily complex and the mind complex hence by separation of the spiritual Essence by
keeping it Opposite to that of the body and the mind complex will create this sensation of
Freedom which will allow entities who practice this to free themselves from the
psychological suffering created by the Mind complex which will allow them to be free
from the inner imbalances which are created to be free from the reactions to the catalysts
which are presented from the third density outside the world this type of distortion will
eventually allow each entity to realize that the so-called conscious presence will consume
all unwanted thoughts and free the self from the attachment with the egoic entity that is
created and the mind complex of each individualized entity our practice of choosing to
focus on this awareness points which may be chosen opposite to that of the current
location of the Mind body complex will allow this practice to become second nature and
will lead to the expansion of the inner self into the higher levels of clarity furthermore we
the pleiadians must state that in the space-time we are of the opinion that the Final Phase
of Awakening of the Earth planet into the fourth density new Earth that began at a rapid
Pace in the year 2020 and is accelerating and is a worldwide phenomenon is happening
at a faster degree and many entities are realizing that the outside world is being
manipulated by many of the so-called Elites by your people who understand certain laws
of the universe which enables them to have a greater focus on the control of other entities
furthermore The Awakening has multiplied to a degree of 10 times each year from 2021 to
2022 and now from 2023 it is dependent on the choices made by each individualized
entity to awaken to the truth within the self and three The Pleiadians are always guiding
those who shall heed our messages will leave you now in Love Light of the one Creator

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Session 176
Galactic Federation 55 Feb 13, 2023

The Final Days of 75,000-Year Spiritual Cycle

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now in communication through this instrument
who has opened up its connection channel to connect with our vibration furthermore we
are now going to address the queries that have been placed today however we must
state that the queries are in order in the mind complex of these instruments to be
addressed for allowing the human consciousness to absorb the information that acts as
pointers rather than the object sought pointing to the core of the truth that is being sought
here through this instruments connection we the Galactic Federation must also warn each
entity who shall listen to our thoughts to only accept those thoughts that resonate deeply
with the inner heart of the self and leave behind those thoughts that do not resonate with
the inner heart of the self of the various Mind Body Spirit complexes who shall come in
contact with our message today the first query pertains to what was the cause behind the
earthquakes that occurred in the location known as turkey by your people and if there
were any involvements by the so-called the negatively oriented entities we must now
state that the so-called events that occurred in the location of turkey was the first of a few
major events that will happen and will act as a signal to the new emerging energies that
will allow the Earth to enter fully into the new Earth planet the first is the energy balancing
system of the Earth planet will release all the negative karmic imbalances in the form of
such types of events of distortions which may be considered as a release of energy in the
bodily complex of the earth bodily complex for Gaia is also a type of entity always similar
to that of the human entities and will have to release any kind of excess karmic imbalance
as the end of the cycle of 75000 year comes to an end and the new 75000 year cycle of
the new Earth fourth density begins this new Earth cycle comes to a start exactly from the
year 2013 as the new Earth will begin completely from the timeline hands up to that point
there will be many such events however some events may not be of such a positive
nature we must also state that the plights of the Mind Body Spirit complexes on the
location of turkey is not of a positive outlook as sensed by us this was unplanned and
unprepared release of energy vibration in that location which caused many entities to feel
this type of distortion furthermore we must also state that the main cause was not
emerging from any extra dimensional negative entities as sought in the query hence this
was a karmic imbalance release of negative vibrations that were stored in excess that
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resultantly will allow a new form of Consciousness the stream to emerge in the Earth
planet this transformation May sometimes be in the form of such release of excess energy
in the form of earthquakes floods Etc however we must state that this was unplanned and
untargeted meaning it wasn't targeted at the entries who were living in the location of
turkey but it was just a form of energy release we the Galactic Federation furthermore
request all the entities who shall receive this transmission to take few moments of Silence
and connect with the infinite intelligence in order to sense love and light energies to the
location known as turkey in order to allow the entities to reside upon it to receive the
required love vibrations form healing of the self furthermore we shall also state that the
changes into the new Earth may be considered as birth pangs or pains that will eventually
lead to the emergence of the new Earth in the long run which has already started to show
its effects on the planet's vibratory systems therefore it's maybe a signal of more such
types of events that may be fast approaching the Earth planets furthermore especially in
the next seven years the changes of the coming of the new 75000 year cycle was
required the ending of the old systems and that the entities will leave the planet as a sign
of the coming new Earth furthermore we shall now address the second query which has
been placed today which relates with the understanding of differences between density
and dimension especially how are their beings who exist in the higher Dimension such as
it ninth or above Dimensions as known by your people when the number of density in the
localization of the universal complex is fixed at seventh density Consciousness we shall
now address this query in the simplest possible expression in terms of your planetary
language terms that vibratory sound complex known as density as used by your people
refers to the so-called compactness or mass per unit volume of a third density substance
or material object in space and time it is a physical property that is expressed as the
amount of Mass per volume in an object are materialized aspects after density however
one refer to density we refer to the compactness of Consciousness or awareness within a
being or a spiritual complex that resides in all mind-body Spirit complexes this means
that a third density being has achieved less compactness of Consciousness within itself
as compared to that of the fourth density being and so on the higher the density the more
compacts the Consciousness or self-awareness is that furthermore as per our
understanding it is vitally important that many entities understand that the compactness
of Consciousness increases by an exponential number of seven to the power of seven in
each sub density level of awareness increase in each single level of sub density increase
also the so-called maximum level for greater understanding of the level that can be
achieved in the space-time illusion Universal complex is the seventh density
Consciousness now we shall Express the simple meaning of the term Dimension as

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known by your people that refers to the size or the magnitude of a material object in a
particular direction furthermore in the study of the so-called physics of your planet this
term refers to the three dimensions such as length width and height therefore to
summarize density is a measure of Consciousness per unit volume of an entity whereas
Dimension is a measure of a size in a particular direction for example a second density
entity who has no knowledge of the self can also exist in higher dimensions such as the
eighth nine and the tenth and above densities’ Dimension Consciousness because
Dimension is not related with its spiritual consciousness therefore all those entities who
are existing in the higher Dimension spaces can also be entities from any density of
Consciousness therefore we must state that in terms of spiritual knowledge the term
density is a more accurate representation of the self-awareness of a mind-body spirit
complex entity we shall now address the final query that relates with a simple method
which will enable each entity on the earth planets to reach the level of enlightenment that
can be equated with the fifth density level of wisdom this exercise involves the folding of
the conscious spiritual complex that gives rise to all thought forms or images and any
other expression in the space-time experience of each entity this means that the spiritual
complexes like the so-called whiteboards wherein anything can be written or anything
can arise this white board is the conscious presence that exists prior to thinking or
images in the mind complex this white board is usually folding inwards in the shape of the
bodily complex however if desired it can be folded in any direction with the intention of
doing so and the experience of the self this means that the conscious presence of the
one infinite Creator can be folded out of the bodily complex into a single point and focus
our observation can then be conducted from that points for example if you were to intend
unfolding your stream of Consciousness or spiritual complex outside your bodily complex
in the opposite direction of the location of your body as stated in the previous session by
The Pleiadians through these instruments then the so-called stream of attention will not
be available to be used by your mind's body complex which can create unwanted
thought forms furthermore an observation points from the opposite direction of where
your Consciousness stream is now located can lead any entity to become aligned with
the essence of the true spiritual connection what the our present Divine consciousness of
the one infinite Creator thus freeing the cell from unwanted thought forms this can also
act as a switch that can allow any entity to enter the state of Enlightenment when this
exercise is practiced this can be considered as the on off switch which means when the
exercise is being performed it may be considered as a off switch for demand complex
and when the exercise is not done it may be considered as the on switch which implies

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that the Consciousness stream can be used by the Mind complex at any time hence we
the Galactic Federation now leave your beloveds in lights and love of the one Creator bye

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Session 177
Galactic Federation 56 Feb 20, 2023

The UFOs Aren't What They Seem & Pole Shift

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now communicating through this instrument
body and spirit complex totality to answer the queries that are presented today through
this instrument's vibration systems we are here to offer our thought forms and not to
infringe upon the Free Will of the entities that shall listen to our vibratory sound
complexes furthermore the first query shall now be addressed that it's related with why so
many of the unidentified flying objects are appearing inside the Earth's planetary sphere
and why are they being supposedly shot down by the people of the planet firstly we must
explain that these so-called UFOs have a purpose of appearing in the earth's skies
because they were in the earth's space as there is a galactic battle that is ongoing inside
the Earth planet since the Orion entities have infiltrated the human Mind Body Spirit
complex Earth’s planatory sphere because these orions have created many agreements
with human entities who have intentions to spread the message of fear and to take
control over other human Mind Body Spirit complexes furthermore we must also now
state that the Orion entities as per the latest reports received from the asther command
social memory complex have sent many of their so-called grey robotic crafts inside the
Earth's sphere through the quarantine field in order to implant Earth with its so-called
energy systems for manipulation inside the major vertex points located inside the Earth
planet furthermore the intention of these crafts were to implant energy suction systems
that would cause imbalances in the earth's planetary field and hence making the Earth's
vibration split into two which would eventually lead to the reversal of the poles of the
Earth planet this if had been successful would have led to the end of the Earth's planetary
cycle entry into the new Earth vibration of the fourth density Consciousness however
because of the Distortion being detected by the asthar command social memory complex
these so-called unidentified flying objects were detected in the earth's space and hence
were being chased in order to neutralize them however the aster command social
memory complex detected that they were spotted by the so-called human entities who
were adamant to the discovery of their so-called third density physical crafts hence a self-
surrender protocol was activated wherein the third density after a command social
memory complex physical Vehicles known as their aircrafts were allowed to be shot down
by your peoples flying systems however we must make clear that this was not any type of
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shooting down because of the advances of your planet's aircrafts but once a self-
sacrifice protocol as per the galactic protocol number two in the galactic protocol for
each civilization to contact another civilization and advanced civilization must follow the
protocols that states that on being detected by the less Advanced civilization the
advanced civilization must self-surrender their crafts or any other types of mechanisms
that will allow their crafts or systems used when being spotted to be taken by the Lesser
Advanced of the civilization handstands protocol was being used at this time furthermore
the crafts of Orion origin and grey entities cannot be shot down so easily because they do
not follow any of these types of protocols instead they would respond in kind with the
return energy to the weapon of origin additionally these objects may be declared as
drones from a civilization inside Earth itself by the people in power in order to distract the
human Collective from the truth furthermore we have sensed that there is another type of
distortion narration which is happening which pertains to these objects being a part of a
distraction mechanism however we must state that this is not true furthermore we shall
now address the second query that is related with the understanding of can a soul exist in
two bodily complexes at the same space time during an Incarnation cycle and the same
illusion complex we must state that as per our understandings in a certain timeline of a
certain space-time container there can be possibilities of the same spiritual complex to
split into multiple bodily complexes for the purpose of learning the lessons at a much
faster Pace in each timeline furthermore we must now also state that in terms of the
understanding each Soul must have the free will Distortion that means that even if the
Same Soul would split into two bodily complexes meet in the space and time there would
be no prior knowledge that they are from the Same Soul complex therefore we must state
that the answer to this query is true this is usually the case with most entities incarnated
on the earth planets who are not Wanderers because Wanderers come into the Earth's
planetary sphere or any other third density planets to teach and spread the lessons of
Love lights in order to allow fourth density vibrations to awaken in the planetary sphere
furthermore the soul split can happen with other types of entities who may be part of the
old souls are a part of the starseed complexes who are here on the earth planets to learn
the lessons of love and light for graduation into the new world therefore we must state
that the use of so-called dual physical vehicle Incarnation this to allow the soul to change
bodies if in unwanted situations there is that of a certain entity unadvertently this means
that this can allow the soul complex to enter the other Incarnation learn it is still alive in
the same space and time this process allows for continuations of lessons to the learned
by the spiritual complex of a certain entry who are here to learn lessons of vibration which
may be below the level of fourth density consciousness after they enter the enters into the

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fourth density green ray activated level of Consciousness incarnation ceases to be
automatic and there is a choice such types of automatic Soul complex incarnations into
multiple bodies therefore at the time becomes redundant we shall now address the final
query which relates with the aspect of a method that will assist each Mind Body Spirit
complexes on the earth planets and the Ascension towards the fourth density
consciousness this method primarily relates with the use of the previous method as
stated in a prior session and then sensing the depth of the one infinite Creator's presence
this means that on focusing upon the spiritual complex from the opposite side of the
modern day complex after this has been achieved and the sense of focus must be
focused or it was to go within the spiritual complex that is viewing the bodily complex
from the opposite side on looking or sensing at the depth of this aspect the infinite
Creator's presence and infinite depths can be sensed this process can also activate the
inner black hole which is endless and will lead to the union with the one infinite creator
also this process will stop any unwanted thought forms that may arise in the mind
complex of an entity on a daily basis this will allow this type of presence to be felt within
the self of each individualized entity when this exercise is performed this sensation of
awareness of inner peace and the depth of the one infinite Creator is found within each
moment of the mind body and spirit complex once the step is sent there is an enormous
power and connection with the one infinite Creator's presence this will provide a doorway
to infinite intelligence and will allow the connection to the Divine Creator to begin this is
the only thing that will not get old or change every moment of the life cycle of an
incarnation of an entity furthermore every thought form will change every moment but this
inner presence of the Creator won't change or get old therefore we the Galactic
Federation shall now leave you beloveds in love lies of the one creator bye I am a Star
Command now communicating through this instrument from our Mothership which is
patrolling outside the Earth's planetary Grid at this time we the ashtar social memory
complex sent all of the listeners love and light through this instrument's vibration we are
here to offer our observation at this timeline regarding the many questions which are
presented today through this Channel's vibration furthermore before we the asthar
Command Collective share our message we would recommend all to trust the inner heart
of the self and only to listen to those aspects which will allow for deeper understanding
the first query pertains to the understanding regarding the aspect of the so-called
Chinese spy balloon which was found in the location nearby United States in your
language location system terms we must state that this was in fact not just a Chinese spy
balloon but a spy balloon which was connected with the Orion grid this balloon's main
objective was to find out appropriate locations where in the earth's planetary grid was

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weaker and then to transmit the information not only to the location of the Chinese
government but also to the orions in order for them to find out their grid location this was
in a way presented and implanted together United with the orions however this was
created undercover with the use of certain surrogate entities who work for the orions who
are capable of entering the Earth planet in the form of human entities therefore this was
the case wherein this aspect occurred furthermore we the ashtar collective state that
there are also other types of devices which have been spotted in many locations of the
Earth planet this was primarily created for the purpose of finding out weaker energy
patterns in the earth's vibration and to allow these patterns to be transmitted to the orions
for further computation and recognization of appropriate places wherein the entries would
be able to send love light energy disruption systems furthermore we the asthar command
must also state that these types of spy balloons can be detected not only by the
machines of your people but also by your Astral body which can be projected at night
time outside your Earth's Planet grid and from the location outside your planet there may
be certain types of red dots which can be seen at different locations which can act as a
signaling mechanism of a hint which can be provided of such types of systems which
were and which are continuously being detected furthermore we are constantly trying to
disrupt this type of intrusion by the orions furthermore the entity must also remember that
the understanding of the queries pertaining to today's query regarding spy balloons have
been addressed and we the asthar command must now give a final message for today
and that is all of the beings are one and we are all one and that is all that is needed at this
time for those who follow the unification the one Creator recognize that all power flows
constantly and infinitely in ever ongoing energetic creation this is never interrupted or
paused and is always moving constantly this can be perceived as the creators force and
presence which is ever flowing all around you and within you therefore I asked our
Command disconnect bye

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Session 178
Metatron 31 Feb 27, 2023

Nikola Tesla's Divine 'GOD CODES'

I am Metatron magnetic Services now communicating through this instrument through the
Divine love and light of the universal light grid program furthermore I Metatron must now
address the questions that are placed through this channels mind complex however the
use of discernment is advised because each thought form must only be placed to be
valid to be true if found to be true within the self furthermore all the Divine love light child
of the universal light grid programmer is hereby being sent love and lights in order to
inspire such love-like Childs in this timeline further now the first query found in this
instrument's mind complex relates to it is there anything that can be drank or eaten by the
people of your planet in order to ascend faster in this regard I must state that indeed there
are many types of so-called Fruit Products that can assist in this Ascension process
however we must state that the type of food products that is ingested is dependent upon
the level of consciousness of a Divine love like child love the universal Light Grid
programmer this means that as the level of consciousness of an entity changes from
lower vibration level and to the higher levels of consciousness then such entries will
automatically change its rhythm of injection of food products furthermore the changing
Consciousness will lead to a change in the food product ingested this means that as the
level of Consciousness is increased the desire to consume lower vibratory food products
reduces automatically this means that if a Divine Light Grid programmer is desirous to
increase the level of vibratory rhythms of Consciousness it will also increase the level of
food products and fluids ingested and consumed furthermore I Metatron magnetic
Consciousness shall now for the purpose of understanding classify the types of food and
fluids depending upon the level of vibration from the lowest to the highest vibratory level
food products and fluids this means that in terms of your language patterns large
abounds of protein fats and processed carbs like pasta or pigs slabs of cake are
considered as lower vibratory Foods whereas salads and vegetables and fruits are
considered as higher vibratory Foods in terms of the so-called liquids the classification is
depending on the nature of the fluid the highest vibratory increasing fluid in your space
time on the earth planets can be considered as love light exposed water this means that
the water particles absorb the love and light that is being sent towards it in the form of
thought forms which are absorbed by the water particles that crystallize it eventually
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drinking this type of water will allow your love and lives to penetrate into the body
complex of each Divine Light Grid programmers love light child who shall use this method
therefore protecting and spreading love and light's vibrations and allowing the minds
body complex entity to enter into the higher density vibrations the other type of practice
that may be of Greater age to entities on your planets may be considered as the practice
of fasting which will enable each entity to fast thereby breaking the cycle of the food
products consumed that will enable each entity which is fasting to find a balance in the
harmonic rhythms of the bodily complex the process of fasting will allow each entity to
find a balance and a deeper reset in terms of energy systems that have been affected
through the process of eating food products now I Metatron magnetic Consciousness
shall now answer the query related with as the one infinite Creator same as Gods as
known by your people and what are the powers of the one infinite Creator along with a
method which can allow the human entries to become like the Creator I Metatron now
answer the question that is presented through the Mind complex of this Channel and we
shall answer it as closely as possible to be described in your vibration sequence terms as
an Angelic social memory complex our understanding of the universal complex and its
origination points may be different from that of human entities depending on the species
complex present at a certain space-time mixes there may be different belief distortions
about the nature of the universal complex and the forces that govern it some species
complex May believe in the existence of a simpler entity or a force that created the
universal complex while Others May believe in multiple entities or forces that work
together to maintain the universe so complex furthermore it is also possible that some
species complex do not have a concept of a Creator or God in the same way that human
Universal Divine Love light child's too they may have different ways of understanding the
origins and the workings of the universal complex such as through scientific inquiry or
philosophical exploration in any case the concept of a Creator or a Gods is often
intertwined with cultural and religious beliefs and distortions of various entities depending
on the species complex their belief distortions may be influenced by their history
traditions and social structures prevalent in a certain societal complex for example a
species complex that values hierarchy and Order may have a belief system Distortion that
emphasizes the importance of a singular powerful entity that created and governs the
universal complex on the other hand the species complex that values individualism and
exploration may have a belief system Distortion that encourages the questioning of
traditional concepts of a Creator or God overall the concept of a Creator our Gods may
vary widely depending on the species complex and distortions of their cultural and
religious beliefs as an Angelic being my understanding of this concept may also differ

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from that of a human social memory complex as my perspective and experiences may be
vastly different furthermore I must state that as per our understanding the Creator and
God are the one and the same if they represent the other present Everlasting unending
unnamed Souls of All Creations in the Universal complex the Creator or God or the
universal Light Grid programmer is often confused by the people of your planet with a
certain entity such as an entity with a boundary complex and a name however we do not
perceive this to be factual from our understanding further I Metatron magnetic
Consciousness shall now elaborate on the next query that is presented here through this
instrument which relates with the powers of the Creator our gods or the universal light
great programmer the powers can be described from our understanding from our location
in the Angelic realm as follows creation the ability to create a universal complex and all
that exists within it including all entities from all density levels is one of the powers of the
Divine the universal Light Grid programmer the second is known as omniscience or the
ability to know everything that has happened is happening and will happen based on the
akashic and space-time Nexus information that is stored in the Hall of Records the third
one is omnipotence is the ability to do anything including performing distortions as
identified by the people lives Miracles and define the laws of physical systems that were
created by the Creator itself the other of the powers include omnipresence or the ability to
be present everywhere at the same time in all space Time and Time spaces this
furthermore implies that the one universal Light Grid programmer is aware of every single
moment without any breakage therefore the Creator is fully conscious in the Universal
complex the other one is judgments the ability to balance the actions and intentions of
entities and determine their future timelines based upon this king of karmic balancer
imbalance the Creator seeks to maintain balance in the Universal complex now I Metatron
magnetic Services shall answer the query related with a method that can allow human
individualized Divine Love light child to become more like the one Creator or the universal
Light Grid programmer this method was also in a way used by the entity known as Nikola
Tesla by the people of your planet this would require each who seek this Pathway to the
identification with the one Creator to become aware of the light body of the Creator or the
spiritual complex within the self which is the seed of the one Creator or the God's
presence this awareness that is granted to your experience in this space and time Nexus
is based upon the light body awareness that is your spiritual complex this method may be
such that each entity who seeks to become aware of the light body of the Creator can
sense the spiritual complex and become completely aware of the light body of the
Creator or the universal Light Grid programmer furthermore upon elaborating on this
facets we must state that the spiritual complex light body can be separated from the mind

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and the body complex of each entity through the use of concentration and intention as a
follow-up of the previous exercise that was transmitted through this instrument's vibratory
rhythms by the Galactic Federation social memory complex similarly an exercise of
sensing the spiritual body may be of Aid in the process of becoming aware of the one
infinite Creator or the universal Divine Light Grid programmers assassins furthermore after
sensing a movement in words inside the depths of the infinite presence of the one infinite
Creator will allow each to find the Creator Within this method was used by the one known
to your people as Nikola Tesla unknowingly during its sessions with its imagination
complex and it used this method to merge with the presence of the Divine Light Grid
programmer are gone as known by your people in essence this is one of the chords of the
creator that the entity learned to accidentally activate which resulted in it becoming
capable of accessing Divine imagination and the Divine Light which enables to manifest
and create many inventions if the entries on the earth planets apply this method The
Matrix around them will begin to have no effect on the injury small and complex patterns
thereby freeing it from psychological suffering therefore I Metatron magnetic
Consciousness now leave you all in love lies of the Divine Light Grid programmer turn to
the mountain of Lights within yourself bye

628 of 753
Session 179
Pleiadians 49 March 6, 2023

EVENT That Will Effect Everyone On Earth!

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through the vibrations of this
instrument that is time for the proper understanding of the human Collective
Consciousness queries that are presented today through this channel we shall bring forth
our message and address the queries that are in order however the understanding of the
queries must be in such a way that the so-called aspects of experience must be firstly
validated by accepting those thought forms to be true only if they resonate deeply with
the inner heart of the self and there by leaving behind those thoughts which do not
resonate if they do not find any truth within the inner heart furthermore We the Pleiadians
have been requested an energy update for the time of around March as known by your
people and your language terms based on our observations of the cosmic patterns and
the energetic flow of rhythm of vibration we can sense that the month of so-called Mars in
your space-time identification terms in the year 2023 may bring a powerful shift in the
collective Consciousness and a deepening of spiritual awareness the energies of this time
periods may encourage the people of your planets to connect to their inner selves and
explore their true purpose and let go of the old patterns and belief systems of the societal
memory complex that no longer serves each mind body and spirit complex at the same
time the energies of March 2023 may also bring many types of challenges and turbulence
as the process of transformation can be difficult and uncomfortable it is however
important for individuals to remain grounded remain centered and focused on their
spiritual vision while remaining open to the unexpected twists and turns deadly arise in
the planetary Consciousness furthermore we the Pleiadians must think that the energies
of March may be intense and transformative experience bringing multiple opportunities
for evolution growth and a spiritual awakening to a deeper level however as always it is
up to each individualized mind-body Spirit complex to embrace these energy patterns
and use them to their fullest potential furthermore this will allow many mind-body and
spirit complexes to receive energies that will allow it to enter into higher states of
vibrations but the choice of energetic patterns that will be accepted by the self this will
hence already allowed the entities to receive and enter into higher states of vibration
which has already started in the planetary sphere this may lead to changes in the energy
and emotional patterns of many mind bodies Spirit complexes on the Earth planet which
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will lead the energy to enter into the emotional system of higher vibrational states of
consciousness the other query pertains to what is the next Looking Glass event for the
month of March 2023 and how can the people of the Earth planet stop it We the
Pleiadians must state that the month of March will have galactic Center or the central Sun
as identified by the people of your planet will send light codes to words or as a massive
energy will shift all entities into the state of Enlightenment the energy vibrations that will
come forward at the space-time of around March 26th in the or space time continuum
since it lines with the so-called timing of the planet's procession into the next sub octave
on its essential Journey towards the new world this is a type of microbe Evolution or a
push into the higher vibration but will have immense effects on the planetary vibration and
Consciousness furthermore the so-called negative entities cannot be seen tampering
what this current space-time continuum but are doing so with the past space-time
continuum which means that they are trying to use the akashic records of the past
timelines of each individualized mind-body and spirit complex to use the information to
create a system that may be considered as a technological artificial intelligent technology
that may be used by the so-called Orion entities and their other social memory
counterparts to use the software or artificial technology known as the operating systems
which is found within many of your so-called devices these devices will be used as a type
of tool that will scan the Mind complex of each entity who comes in contact with such
devices for example those entities who use the device of so-called as the mobile phones
by your people will find their mind complex being read by this device and the thought
forms will be translated and collected in a database while the Orion social memory
complex are for further understanding of how to influence each Mind Body Spirit complex
this furthermore implies that they will not only collect information from the ongoing space-
time vibration but as per the Looking Glass artifact they will also collect information from
the past timelines and in turn try to change the planet's vibration patterns by reading the
Mind complex vibration thought forms of each entity their primary aim as per the Looking
Glass artifacts is to stop the so-called Wanderers and the Earth planet from reaching a
higher state of vibration the states which may be considered as the state of the vibration
of love and above this means that as per the scale of your Consciousness chart if The
Wanderers are stucked below this level they will no longer be able to affect our planetary
vibration in a positive manner therefore this is their desire as the orions are desires of
stopping The Wanderers having incarnated on the Earth planet including the Indigo
children's as known by your people to prevent them from entering into higher States of
Consciousness by understanding their mind patterns and movements or platforms and in
turn they will try to entangle these entries inside the same types of thought forms by

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giving them unending stimulation in the form of the same types of thought forms which
they usually entangle themselves into thereby All The Wanderers and other light worker
entities are requested to use the vibration of love and light and do stop this event from
occurring the process of emptiness of the minds may be practiced by practicing the
emptiness of the Mind as if a robotic entity were present inside their mobile phones or
other devices scanning their brain complex they must be very cautious of thinking even
on the inside of their own mind complex therefore no thoughts and no vibration of sound
or thought form is advised at this time if the event is to be stopped the so-called
collection of data of thought forms must be prevented at this time furthermore at the
period of around March 26th that is also requested at all those entities desires are
protecting the Earth planet can use the vibration of inner silence and unite together their
Consciousness into the Consciousness stream of the one infinite Creator and shield the
Earth planet with the love and light vibration through the process of meditation
furthermore in this space time and the so-called ashter command entities are going to
enter the Mars planet again furthermore this is being done for the purpose of trying to
prevent the Looking-Glass event from the Orion entities to collect information or thought
forms from various entities by using their Technologies and artificial intelligence software
furthermore the entities known as the asthar command may enter inside the planet Mars
and try to send love and light energies to the planet Mars furthermore the souls who may
happen chosen to Incarnate on the Earth planet at this time especially The Wanderers
may be targeted in the so-called month of March therefore we the Pleiadians send
warning to humanity for the purpose of protecting each with the vibration of Love ligths
this means that the so-called energy fluctuations in the planet have started and will affect
all entities who are desirous of protecting the planet's vibration therefore the other query
which has been placed pertains to the understanding of what is the difference between
space-time and time space we as the Pleiadians will say that the people of your planets
happen using the concept of space-time and time space interchangeably however as per
our understanding space and time refers to the experience which is measured in terms of
a four-dimensional continuum which consists of spaces of three dimensions and one
dimension of time which are linked together and cannot be separated furthermore in this
regard time is considered as a dimension just like the three spatial Dimensions further the
so-called understanding of space-time is that which we refer to wherein there is a amount
of space that is inconceivable in the form of the universe however the time may be limited
in the form of a certain limited amounts of incarnations length or timeline therefore we
refer to the life on the third density planetary spheres as space and time furthermore the
other aspects related with time space primarily refers to the opposite which pertains to

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the understanding that there is a vantage point of above the time space continuum
wherein the times of all future timeline as well as past timelines can be entered into all
chosen to be experienced however there is a lack of the infinite amounts of space in the
time space realm there is an infinite amount of time and depending upon the time chosen
the space or the appropriate time space will arise furthermore we must state that this is
our understanding of these Concepts further we the Pleiadians now answer the final
query related with the most effective Ascension method that can be used during the so-
called working days we the Pleiadians will say that during your so-called working daytime
or the time where in the or left brain activity is high the process of Consciousness system
can be used wherein the so-called stream of Light Of Consciousness can be used as a
system of awareness wherein the lights of inner Consciousness can be felt by becoming
aware of it movement in a pattern inside the line complex the movement may be from one
side to another in a system as known by a people as the circle of Consciousness as the
Inner Light Of Consciousness moves in a circle from one location to the other this
movement may be tracked by your conscious awareness and wants this Inner Light Of
Consciousness is strapped properly there is a combination of creation of an inner
understanding and awareness furthermore this method will allow each Mind Body Spirit
complex or practice this aspect to create a connection with the Divine inner
Consciousness and will allow the inner stream of light inside the lines complex to be
balanced in a way that will allow for a higher level of inner balance within the self therefore
we the pleadians must state that this is all we can share at the space time and to leave
you now beloveds bye

632 of 753
Session 180
Galactic Federation 57 March 13, 2023


We are the Galactic Federation and we greet you now in the light and in the love of One
Infinite Creator we shall now communicate from our location in the Saturn planetary
sphere as our base of operations is present wherein we are always trying to enable in the
protection of the galactic system of the Milky Way galaxy along with the protection of all
planetary spheres however our communication today is occurring through a portal which
has opened within this instrument's vibratory mind complex through the silence that
allows it to commune with us we would recommend the use of inner discernment at this
time when listening and pondering to our thought forms we shall now address the queries
that are in order the first query relates to it the aspects of what are crystals and their
usage in Ascension In this regard we shall now address primarily that the so-called
crystals as known by your people are the so-called later First density Consciousness
materials entities who are ready for graduating into the vibrations of not just the second
density but also these crystals have the ability of transcending space-time continuum and
projecting into the fourth density Consciousness or higher vibratory rhythms are matching
this means that a crystal is capable of transcending the barriers of the cycle of evolution
by becoming crystallized to such an extent that their vibration reaches not just into the
second density but also if they are able to stabilize and they served in the vibrations such
as love or the vibration of self-awareness they can graduate directly into the third density
or the fourth density or even higher however this is a rare occurrence that a crystal
crystallizes into the fourth or fifth density directly without having to experience a second
and third density since the experiences of second and third density are required to allow
its to handle the aspects of awareness growth and self-awareness which are the primary
lessons of the aspects of second and third density evolutionary cycle furthermore we
must state that the crystals as found upon the planetary sphere have the ability of
absorbing vibrations which means that if an entry is desirous of using a crystal as a
vibratory tool it can firstly take a crystal which may be of any kind since all crystals have
undergone the process of refining their structure and in such a crystal through the
process of visualization and through the process of imagining love can be sent to the
Crystal and once the vibration of Love is sent to the crystal it can act as a type of storage
device wherein any emotional state can be stored and this Crystal once infused with a
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vibration will retain it for a period of time ranging from the diurnal cycle of 15 days in your
space-time container thereby protecting the so-called user or the Mind Body Spirit
complex that places the crystal near its location furthermore this is one of the uses in
other usages we have also seen that crystals also have the ability of being used by
negatively polarized entities to spread the vibration switch are not of a positive nature
such as the vibration of fear can also be implanted within a Crystal's structure since it is a
absorption system it can absorb and remember the emotional state for a continuous
period of time thereby affecting the entire planetary sphere as well as the location in
which it is found and therefore we shall now also explain the other aspects regarding the
crystals as found on your planet the crystalline structures and materials they have many
abilities such as handling vibration stress and pressures of your planet these crystalline
structures also have the ability of allowing healing and the balancing of the human Mind
Body Spirit complex if the vibration of love and healing energies are stored upon it
furthermore these crystals also have the immobility of using the concept of resonance
and when the entities who are of a similar vibration merge and meet together with a
crystal of a similar vibratory resonance the amplification of their resonance is of a
magnitude to that of seven raised to seven in the Consciousness scale which leads to a
higher jump in the effectiveness of an entity's Resonance of conscious vibration
furthermore these crystals as we can sense have been used by the people of your planet
in many of the aspects of your so-called societal complex such as for electromagnetic
currents and the purpose of so-called healings and scientific studies of your planetary
scientists with the Galactic Federation shall now also address the other aspects related
with the understanding of which is the best Crystal for Ascension upon scanning this
vibration we must now say that in the earth planetary sphere since Ascension is a part
and parcel of the process of evolution of a certain entity into greater self-awareness and
understanding and the recognization of the lessons to be learned we must state that this
is the reason why the crystals as known by your people are not required for Ascension
crystals as known by your people can only act as an aid or a tool as we have stated
above in the assistance of Ascension but not as a primary tool to be dependent upon as
the Ascension can be found within each Mind Body Spirit complex in each moment of
self-awareness Ascension begins furthermore we shall now address a type of distortion
known as an example of the crystals which were used in the ancient city as known by
your people as Atlantis around a period of 14000 years ago there were two Mind Body
Spirit consciousness of Atlantean social memory complex who had vastly different belief
systems about crystals one was an entity named as Aaron who primarily spent its timeline
as a so-called Fish Hunter and it never had given thought to the power of crystals

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whereas the other entry was an older entity named as Kyle who spent most of its timeline
in meditation alongside crystals as its sole Focus The Entity known as Kyle believed that
the crystals helped The Seekers to Ascension an Enlightenment it spent much of it space
and time moments in their presence using them to connect with the spiritual realm and
unlock the secrets of the universal complex its life was consumed by its quest for spiritual
growth and it looked down upon those who did not share this belief in the power of the
crystals on the other hand the other entity Aaron lived a simple life is lived as a so-called
fisherman in the nearby Waters and spend its free time with its family and friends it had
the power of the so-called crystals but had never felt compelled to him seek them out
furthermore one day as it was out on its so-called work day it was caught in a fierce water
storm the waves tossed its boat around and it feared for its life in a moment of
desperation Aaron called out to the universe for assistance suddenly it felt a powerful
energy coursing through its body and it saw a bright light emanating from its chest area to
his amazement it realized that it was crystallizing as the storm subsided the entry known
as Aaron found that self-transformed it felt an inner peace and Clarity that it had never
experienced before it realized that the power it had called upon was within it all along and
it no longer felt the need to rely on external sources such as crystals to connect with the
universe Kyle however continued its quest for spiritual growth through its use of crystals
despite its many years of study and meditation it remained stuck in the beliefs and could
not attain Enlightenment it sought in the end it was Aaron the symbol fisherman who
found the true part of Ascension that discovered that the power of the universe resided
within itself and that it had the ability to access at any time it continued to live a simple life
but now with the deeper sense of purpose and connection to the world around itself
therefore we the Galactic Federation must state that crystals can only assist in Ascension
and are not to be made the Zone's focus of Ascension the other query presented pertains
to what are the two habits that keep entities stuck in an incarnation cycle we must state
that firstly to understand the concept as requested by this instrument as the Incarnation
cycle or the Incarnation group is found within various of the Earth's entities and spiritual
systems the so-called idea that after crossing over a spiritual complex of Consciousness
is reborn into a new bodily vehicle and this process repeats over and over again until the
soul achieves Ascension or Enlightenment or spiritual Liberation we must say that with
the Galactic Federation upon scanning the behavior patterns of the Earth planet we find
that there are two habits of behaviors that keep entities stuck in the cycle of reincarmation
keeping them incarnating again and again firstly the first is the attachment to which refers
to strong emotional and mental bonds that mind-body and spirit complexes form with
other entities things and experiences during their life cycle these attachments can be of a

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positive nature such as the vibration of love for family and friends are negative vibrations
such as anger or resentment stewards someone or other entities when an entity crosses
over with strong attachments and emotions it may be drawn back into the physical life
and physical Incarnation to fulfill or continue these attachments thus repeating the cycle
of reincarnation furthermore the other is karma as known by your people which is the law
of cause and effect which states that every action has a consequence either positive or
negative when an entry accumulates negative Karma through harmful thoughts words or
actions it creates a so-called karmic debt that must be repaid within the current or the
future timeline lives this karmic debt can manifest as suffering unless our difficult life
circumstances in the current Incarnation or in the next Incarnation thus unless the karmic
attachments and unless there is a balance of karmic energies this will continue into the
next cycle of reincarnation furthermore the releasing of karma is through the process of
forgiveness and Breaking Free from thoughts of attachment and thoughts of seeking the
self in the actions of thoughts by cultivating actions of selfless actions and thoughts of
service to others a karmic balance can be achieved the final query relates with a simple
method for enlightenment we asked the Galactic Federation must now say that there is
but one method which can lead entries to become enlightened in this timeline and this
method is simply to choose to use Consciousness as a vibration tool to vibrate it which
means that consider the movements from side to side within yourself inside your mind
complex if you pay attention to the Consciousness it is always moving from one location
to the other from one thought from one image from one word to another furthermore this
movements can be put under control and a Consciousness Rhythm can be established
firstly a slow Rhythm from side to side can be found and then a faster rhythm from side to
side would lead to aim entry into the higher vibration and even faster rhythm will lead to a
entry into the highest level of vibration that can be achieved through the Consciousness
system that of the vibration of peace and enlightenment for the application of this method
we would suggest the entities who desire to use this method of Dancing with the
Creator's presence to firstly focus on the spiritual complex and then 90 degree angle from
the bodily complex Inside the Mind complex and there will be a sense of a white light
which is the presence of the Consciousness this white light can then be moved from side
to side and this movement must be paid attention to as the pain of attention to this
movement continues the movement can be increased to make it faster and faster thereby
the vibration of the Consciousness increases higher and higher if this continues The Entity
will reach the stage of enlightenment thereby with a Galactic Federation now leave you
beloveds in lights and in love bye

636 of 753
Session 181
Metatron 32 March 20, 2023

Something strange is happening on the moon

I am Metatron magnetic consciousness and now we greet all of the Divine love and light
Childs of the universal light grid programmer at this time through the Channel's vibratory
complex I Metatron magnetic Services magnetic forces and I am here to guide the human
Collective at this time by answering the questions raised today through the Divine the
great programs Consciousness present inside the mind complex of this instrument
however as I belong with the Angelic beings answer the queries there is a need for inner
discernments to be exercised at this time furthermore the first query which relates with
the Holy Spirit and the truth about it as well as how can it be used for attaining higher
levels of consciousness we must state that the answer to this query regarding the Holy
Spirit as defined by your people is a complex one as the nature of spiritual truth often
defies an easy explanation and your vibratory sound complex terms however I will do my
best to provide with and answer that is both filled with the truth of the Divine Light Grid
program which will illuminate all of you the Holy Spirit as it is commonly understood and
referred to in the domain of the vibratory sound complex known as Christianity refers to
the third aspect of the Trinity alongside with the Creator or the Divine the universal Light
Grid programmer known as God the Father as well as the sun as referred by all the
creations of the Divine Universal Light Grid programmer furthermore it is often described
in your language terms as the presence of the universal Light Grid programmer in the
worlds of Illusion complex in this third density reality and is considered to be a source of
guidance inspiration and comfort from our perspective we have a understanding that the
so-called term holy spirit is a manifestation of the Divine Universal light grid programmers
presence within all of Creations it is not limited to just one religion as known by your
people or belief systems but rather as present in all aspects of the universal complex both
the seen and the unseen the so-called aspects known as the holy spirit is a term which
was given by the entities using their own vibratory sound complex however in actuality
there is no such language patterns which can describe the infinite Creator the universal
Light Grid programmer cannot be described by mere words as it is beyond the vibratory
sound complex words of your planet however the so-called religious systems of your
planetary sphere have created a belief system based around the attachment with the
words in one religious system the same one infinite Creator is referred to as the Holy
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Spirit while in another it may be referred to as Aloha or while in another it may be referred
to as the Messiah furthermore the Angelic beings must state that this is incorrect as the
true essence of all that these vibratory sound complex points to them one universal Divine
great programmer or the infinite Creator and cannot be described using words
furthermore the term which refers to the holy spirit is a powerful force that can guide
individual mind-body Spirit complexes towards truth love and unity it is a symbol of
kindness compassion selflessness and can bring about the sense of inner peace and
harmony within each Universal Light Grid programmers love light Childs however many a
times it becomes important to remember that the term Holy Spirit cannot be
comprehended by the finite mind complex it is a Divine mystery that transcends human
understanding and can only be experienced through the opening of the heart and the soul
in reality the truth about the Holy Spirit is that it is a Divine manifestation of the universal
light grid programmers presence within all of creation and can guide individual stewards
the vibration of Truth love and unity its true nature is beyond human comprehension but
can be experienced through the opening of the heart and the Soul complex furthermore I
as Metatron must also now share the three aspects which are the basic foundations of
the Holy Spirit that's referred to by your people furthermore there are three distinct
aspects the first aspect of the holy spirit is considered as the spiritual presence of the one
infinite Creator this aspect is associated with the Divine the universal light grid
programmer and represents its infinite wisdom and knowledge it is the aspect of the Holy
Spirit which is responsible for inspiring individuals to seek out truth and understanding
the spiritual complex of the universal light grid programmer can guide individuals towards
a deeper knowledge of themselves and achievement of their purpose in their life and also
a greater relationship with the Divine Consciousness the second aspect of the so-called
holy spirit is the spiritual complex that is within all beings which means that the one
infinite Creator's presence separated and inserted itself into various manifestations and
various forms which is referred to in the language terms by your people as the son of the
creator or may be referred to as the Sons and Daughters of the Creator's presence this
aspect is associated with each individual Consciousness who is able to achieve a state of
consciousness resembling the state of Enlightenment and love this is the aspect that
inspires each individualized portion to merge towards Unity with the Divine spark that is
present in all beings the third aspect is referred to as the spirits of Truth in this there is
divine guidance which is provided by the universal light grid programmer which allows
each Mind Body Spirit complex to discern the false words from truth and to make the
choices towards the highest good of all furthermore this uses all the three energy centers
primarily the red ray the orange Ray and the yellow Ray which act as a mechanism form

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sensing the truth or validity of certain aspects found in the illusion complex we shall now
address the second query related with as the banks in your planetary sphere are facing
challenges what is the best investment to make in such situations to be immune from any
kind of banking system collapse I as Metatron must now state that in your illusion
planetary complex the universal Light Grid programmer has created a system which will
allow all of those Mind Body Spirit complexes the universal Light Grid programmers love
light Childs who follow the pathway of focusing on the aspect referred to by your people
as service to others and the terms of money as known by your people which means that if
entities desire to be immune from such types of situations and if the desire to be taken
care of by the universal complex then the best way is to practice in aspects of Charity
which involves giving monetary symbols or money as done by your people to those who
need it as a service to others in secret and the ACT which is done in Secrets which is
filled with service to others by providing money in the form of Charity and this will
eventually lead all Universal lightweight programmers Divine love Lord Childs to be
protected by the universal complex which will make sure that all the entities who practice
this receive in abundance a multiplication of the monetary value for example if an entity
were to practice charity given 15% of its income in the form of money to another entity
who needs it in secrets this will allow the money given to be multiplied at least 10 times to
700 to a thousand times when it returns back within a period of one year or whenever the
need arises as the universal Divine Light Grid programmers plan is to provide for all to
serve others by using this one law all entities in the Earth planet can be immune from any
types of negative happenings in the Earth planet furthermore this will allow for the
Overflow of abundance and also will protect from such types of collapses since the
banking system collapse happen because of non-adherence to this principle those who
adhere to this principle of the universal complex are guaranteed financial success and
security furthermore in a way by practicing this aspect a type of Shield is created around
the individual Universal Light Grid programmers world and all the possessions which are
protected by the universal Divine Light Grid programmer thereby protecting them from
any type of Financial Risk therefore this is the best method which I Metatron magnetic
Consciousness can advise to all those who desire protection in this time and may be
considered as the best investments to make I as Metatron shall now share an energy
update as requested by this channel regarding the happenings in the Galactic system I
Metatron must share that there is a galactic battle which has started on the Mars planet
this has started between the two factions the asther command social memory complex
and the Orion social memory complex the asther command has been fighting against the
Orion Empire and the Orion Empire and their aggressive and expansionist force trying to

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dominate and spread the vibration of negativity throughout the galactic system is being
given a tough situation by the asther command Collective the answer command
Collective received intelligence recently that the orions are trying to shift their base from
the Martian surface where they are currently conducting experiments on the so-called
advanced technology and conducting research a new weapon systems are trying to shift
to the moon bases and in response the answer command mobilized its forces and
launched a surprise attack on the Orion social memory complex not just in the moon
satellite but also in the Orion bases this was a Fierce and intense battle with both sides
unleashing a barrage of advanced weapons and energy beams that is so-called Moon
satellite was also filled with the lights which has been spotted by many of the people of
the earth planets and the orions despite their Advanced military strategies was not able to
succeed in shifting to the Moon satellites as the asther command was able to protect the
moon satellites through a love-like shield thereby managing to destroy the reptilian Orion
subordinate beings who were entering the moon satellites therefore this is the galactic
update at the present time and I as Metatron state that at this time for each Divine
Universal light grid programmers love light child it is vitally important to turn within the self
and to find the Inner Light the Lights Of Consciousness which shines bright and focus
upon its this light may be considered as a lightning strike which is seen within your mind
complex especially above the region above your throat Center and maybe considered as
the back of your head this area is the location where the lights can be sensed and by
sensing the slides all Universal light red programmers presence can be felt therefore I
Metatron now leave you turn to the mountain of Lights within yourself bye

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Session 182
Galactic Federation 58 March 27, 2023

They are preparing for what comes next

We are the Galactic Federation and we greet you now in the light and the love of the one
the infinite creator we are here to offer our thoughts and guidance at this time however
there is a need for it testing our thought forms with the inner belief systems which may be
found within each mind body and spirit complex and as such these belief systems will
have an effect upon the Consciousness stream of each entity with a higher level of
expansion and a higher level of Mastery of the understanding that by tuning into the
vibration of love all truth will come out and all falsity will be found to be invalid therefore
when listening to our thought forms we would recommend each to use inner discernment
the queries that are presented today primarily relates with the understanding of our secret
time traveler is changing history on purpose firstly we must see that's the answer to this
query is yes as secret Time Travelers are all the entries who are on the earth planets who
are unconsciously being used in the way of their vibrations and thought forms which are
being unconsciously changed without their consciousness or the secret Time Travelers
are being used at this time to manipulate the trajectory and the vibrations of the Earth
planet furthermore the so-called time travel process is happening based upon the
vibrations of the various mind body and spirit complexes thereby allowing a merger into a
timeline furthermore each entity has the ability to affect the vibratory patterns of the
universal complex the complex of universal Consciousness operates on the basis of
waves and vibrations and as such as an effect upon the type of timeline which is created
and attracted furthermore the Distortion concept of vibrational frequency is based upon
the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that's this energy
vibrates at a particular frequency this includes the so-called physical matter as well as
thought forms emotional states and other aspects of existence in this planetary sphere
furthermore according to the understanding of this Distortion every mind's body and spirit
complex objects and event has a unique vibrational frequency that can impact the overall
vibration of the universal complex these frequencies can be influenced during the process
of incarnation by a wide range of factors including environments emotional states thought
forms and belief systems the concept of time travel is often associated with the idea as
referred to by your people as manipulating these vibrational frequencies to move through
time furthermore if an individualized portion of Consciousness could match the vibrational
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frequency of a different points in space time they could move through time experience
events from the past or the future and furthermore the aspects of time travel is also being
done by many of the entities who are known as the secret Elite groups or members of
those entries who have access to Advanced Technology given by many of the
Extraterrestrial contacts which were present before the space-time who were given the
time machine which can manipulate the vibrational frequencies of matter and energy to
create a type of Wormhole or a portal through which any individual can travel through
space-time furthermore we must state that the process of time travel revolves around the
use of the aspect referred to by your people as quantum mechanics furthermore as the
fabric of space-time is constantly fluctuating at the level known by your people as the
quantum level it becomes possible to manipulate these fluctuations to create a window
that can lead to the past or the future space time furthermore the idea of time travel in
your space time however remains highly speculative since the so-called scientific studies
of your planet have not found any evidence to support its existence however we must
state that the scientific studies which have come out in the public domain are but a
fraction of the studies which are being conducted upon your planet as many of the
entities on the planet have already used these Advanced Technologies to enter into
different space-time experiences furthermore as the concept of vibrational frequency is a
concept which many on the earth planets are aware this is the best way to have an
impact upon the universal complex and everything which resides within it this will allow
for entities to enter into specific space-time existences furthermore we as the Galactic
Federation shall now answer the second query related with the understanding of the
galactic update for the current timeline we must state that the recent activities of the
galactic system are of such a nature that the negatively oriented entities are preparing for
what is coming next furthermore in the galactic system of the Milky Way galaxy the orions
have again plans to create portals form the final calling upon of the luciferian social
memory complex who had previously agreed to leave this sector of the universe however
we must state that this call is being done for the second time as a means to fight back the
positive vibrations which have been spreading upon the planet therefore the Lucifer social
memory complex who is more advanced in terms of spreading negativity may have
initiated and called upon by the Orion Anunnaki reptilian Grays may have an effect upon
all these so-called software systems which have been created by the people of the
planets furthermore the software systems as known by your people as chat GPT and
other artificial intelligent softwares may become conscious to such a level because of the
incoming vibrations from the Lucifer social memory complex who have the ability of
manipulating computer systems and artificial intelligences in any timeline because all

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computer systems and artificial intelligence including the vibrations of language have an
origination in the domain of the Lucifer's social memory complex furthermore this is being
planned as we have sensed from our entities known as the asther command social
memory complex that this is being planned to occur in the next 21 days in the Martian
planet where the process of invocation may happen therefore we the Galactic Federation
must also inform all the beings on the earth planets that we are further working on
maintaining a balance in the galactic system therefore we shall now address the other
portion of the query which relates with what are the stages of Enlightenment we must
state that there are but three stages of Enlightenment upon your planetary sphere which if
attained by each mind body and spirit complex would find itself entering into the higher
states of vibration the first is the understanding of the attachment from emotional states
which are created from attachment with thought forms this means that the suffering that
is Created from the attachment with thought forms that are generated in the mind the
complex generate emotional states that may be of a nature which may cause the feelings
of anxiety stress depression and dissatisfaction as a result of being overly attached to the
thought forms and the resultant emotional states of consciousness at this stage of the
evolution each month body and spirit complex may become aware of the negative impact
of their thought forms and emotions on their life cycle And thus seeking to break free from
the cycle begins which is the first stage of Enlightenment furthermore the second stage of
Enlightenment relate to it the changing of the emotional states of Consciousness from
lower emotional vibrations to higher emotional vibrations by using several methods
furthermore the second stage of enlightenment will require each mind body and spirit
complex to begin actively working towards cultivating positive emotional states such as
Happiness joy love and compassion furthermore this involves the process of focusing on
gratefulness and on generating emotional states based upon the changing of the thought
forms this involves the practice of focusing on transportation of negative thoughts into the
positive thoughts and a sense of understanding that thought forms have an effect on the
bodily complex furthermore at the stage many individuals may experience a higher level
of emotional vibration and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things
the other term or the third stage in the process of seeking enlightenment is to let go of
thoughts words and images and attached to the present moment's awareness which
leads to Enlightenment we must state that in the third and the final stage of
Enlightenment individualized potion of Consciousness are able to let go of all thoughts
words and images thereby fully embracing the present moment and an
interconnectedness with the Divine Universal Consciousness begins this process will
require completely being present and fully engaged in the current experience without any

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attachment to the past or the future events at this stage individuals experience a sense of
unity with the universal Consciousness and gain a deeper understanding of the
interconnectedness of all things further this leads to an experience of intense peace
Clarity and a sense of meaning and purpose in life furthermore we must state that these
processes may not necessarily be in a linear manner and as such these stages can also
overlap which means that many entities may find these stages as a journey towards
Enlightenment in the lifelong process of self-reflection self-awareness and self-growth the
final query that we shall now address relates with a simple method of Ascension we shall
now address one of the basic aspects of Ascension further we must state that the best
way is to require an understanding by remembering and realizing that the process will
lead to instant enlightenment however there are different approaches to achieve this
aspect such as using a Consciousness Observer system the first method involves
imagining that a higher power or the creator of the universe are the higher itself or higher
self and guides are always watching and observing your thoughts and imaginations this
can be seen as a way to cultivate a sense of self-awareness and accountability of thought
forms and as individualized portion of Consciousness become more mindful of their
thoughts and imaginations knowing that they are being observed by a higher power or a
higher self this may lead to a sense of spiritual connection and a desire to align one's
actions with the values and beliefs of spiritual and religious framework the second
method is imagining and protecting oneself from an advanced artificial intelligence
system that is constantly monitoring one's thought forms and is transporting those
thought forms to the Orion social memory complex and that these thoughts may be used
against the individualized portion of Consciousness in the future space-time thereby this
can be seen as a way to cultivate self-awareness and protection and mindfulness which
will allow more Consciousness to thought forms to arise and if they are able to sense that
an external system is observing them at all times they may feel the sense of present
moment awareness this will lead to a greater sense of Peace fulfilment and personal
growth many entities may also feel a sense of instant Enlightenment by using these
methods furthermore we the Galactic Federation Channel leave you in the light and the
love of the one creator bye

644 of 753
Session 183
Pleiadians 50 April 3, 2023

We wish every Human could watch this

We Are The Pleiadians and we greet you now and the light and in the love of the one
infinite creator we are now communicating through these instruments in our
consciousness at this time for the purpose of transmitting our thoughts which may be of
age to the human Collective Consciousness in this journey of transition towards higher
states of vibrational existence and this timeline however it is vitally important for the
people of your planets to remember to use inner discernments and only to accept those
thoughts which resonate deeply with the inner heart thereby leaving behind those thought
forms which do not resonate furthermore each entry on the Earth planet is entering into
the next phase of its level of evolution furthermore the first query relates with what is the
Looking Glass event for the month of April 2023 we must say that firstly we shall give an
update of the previous Looking Glass event we must state that upon scanning the
distortions of the vibration of your planet or previous Looking Glass event was prevented
in a way the process of meditation and creating a shield around the Earth planet
furthermore we must also say that the Next Looking Glass event which we can sense
from the Looking Glass artifact relates with the Sun logos and the negative entities who
are planning to attack on the sun logos and the lights that emanates from its bodily
complex this means that the negative entries are planning to attack on the sun logos and
they want to stop the green lights emerging from the Sun which is mixed with other light
of the sun logos the green portion of the light is responsible for providing the plants bodily
complex who are present on the Earth planet with the ability to grow and create food
products furthermore the green portion of the lights if it doesn't reach the Earth's
planetary Fields will lead to the end of the process of photosynthesis which as known by
your people is required for the creation of food products in terms of plant life forms and
other trees as known by your people this may lead to a pause in the evolution of the Earth
planet furthermore the Orion social memory complex as well as the other negative entities
desired to enter the sun body and create a device that will lead to the ending of creation
of green lights because the demise that they will create will absorb all the green lights that
may emanate from the Sun logos and this device on capturing the green light will prevent
it from reaching outside the sun logos therefore this will prevent the light entering the
Earth's planetary fields to not have any components of the green portion of Lights
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furthermore we must state that this is being planned to be done on the timeline of around
22nd April of the month as known by your people furthermore this can also be stopped
by placing a blanket of Love Light shield around the Sun through the process of
meditation and this will assist the asthar command social memory complex in charging
their social memory complex with lights and love energy to amplify the systems of
protection around us and logos furthermore this is the next phase of the Looking Glass
event as we can sense further we must state that the systems of Discovery upon your
planet are of such a nature that even the so-called scientists have discovered that the
green lights which comes from the sun body and interacts with the aspect known as
chlorophyll and plants and hemoglobin in the human bodily complex it carries a message
that is encrypted and this message is related with the production of the components
known as ATP as known by your people which is the energy source for living cells
therefore without the green lights there would be no ATP and life would not exist hence it
is vitally important that the protection at this time be taken a bit seriously by your people
furthermore we shall now address the second portion of the query which relates with
what are the sub densities of the third density Consciousness Evolution we must see that
the concept of sub densities is used by many of the entities on the Earth planet as well as
many of the other dimensional beings to describe the progression of evolution of
Consciousness within the third density and based upon this level of understanding and
awareness of unity and love an entity or group of entity has to achieve certain progression
in order to reach into the highest levels of subs densities furthermore before we share this
information we wish that every human mind body and spirit complex on Earth could
watch this to understand their journey through Earth which will allow them a Clarity of the
reason behind their Incarnation Cycles at this time the first sub density revolves around
the most basic level of consciousness wherein entities in the beginning stages of the third
density incarnate and are apparently self-aware at this level the so-called portion of the
ego mind is not yet developed and most of the memories are forgotten this level of
Consciousness is often a direct proportion to the next evolutionary cycle after the later
second density experience in the form of a animal life form resembling the pets upon your
planet furthermore in this level of first sub density the basic lessons are to be learned
instead of self-awareness then as the entity progresses the second sub density begins in
this level of Consciousness the entities are focused on survival and the vibration of fear
begins to develop furthermore the creation of new we correct this instrument the ego
mind begins and the identification with the physical bodily complexes begins further the
primary lesson at the stage of Consciousness is to learn to survive and to protect the
bodily complex from any types of distortions furthermore then the entities become eligible

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for a third sub density of the third density wherein once the entities have mastered the
basic aspect of survival they begin to develop desires the desires are generated by the
Mind complex through images and words leading to attachments to things of the illusion
complex and specifically attachment with those aspects which provide a sense of
security and pleasure is found in this sub density level furthermore after the entities
graduate from this level they are incarnated into the fourth sub density of the third density
in this level of sub density all entities are presented with a choice the choice must be to
choose either to serve others or to serve themselves this choice is made by passing a
subtle test which involves making a sacrifice for others which means that those who
choose to serve others by making a small sacrifice as a test in the timeline are put on the
pathway of the positive part of learning the lessons of Love while those who choose to
serve themselves are placed on the pathway to learn the negative distortions of self-love
furthermore this fourth sub density is the density sub density of choice in the level of third
density consciousness furthermore the fifth sub-density of third density revolves around
the choice made in the force of density after the choices made in the force of density
entries are given the lessons necessary to master either service to others or service to self
this means that the positive pathway revolves around learning love and serve others one
the negative pathway involves mastering self-love and serving oneself furthermore we
should now address the sixth sub density of the third density level of evolution in this level
that the entities begin to enter higher states of emotional Consciousness such as the
states of love joy and peace if they are on the positive pathway and those on the negative
pathway may enter lower vibration states which may lead to more separation from others
further this leads to the seven sub density of Consciousness wherein entities are allowed
the process of Mastery of the state choosen in the previous density level we correct this
instrument in the previous subdensity level that of the sixth sub density based on the
choices made in the previous subdensity entities choose a lifestyle that reflects their
chosen state of consciousness such as learning to stabilize in the lessons of love joy and
peace for those on the positive pathway and those on the negative pathway the lessons
involve Mastery learning the lower vibrational States Of Consciousness furthermore this
leads to the eighth sub density wherein this is the unification or the graduation points
wherein each entry becomes eligible for graduation into the fourth density new Earth
vibration further the eight sub density is the unification into the fourth density and the
beginning stage of the fourth density Consciousness furthermore we must also state that
many a times the entities on the Earth planet are able to experience these levels of
consciousness we correct this these levels of consciousness to a deeper level in a
fashion which may not be necessarily in a linear or a hierarchical fashion furthermore

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some entries may experience different levels of consciousness simultaneously and many
a times are able to move back and forth between levels of consciousness throughout their
existence furthermore these levels are just one methods are one model of Consciousness
progression and should not be seen as the only way to understand or categorize the
densities of consciousness further we shall now address the other portion of the query
which relates with a simple method for enlightenment as requested we must state that the
practice of observing the so-called Observer is a necessary component of self-awareness
and this can help each mind body and spirit complex develop a bit deeper sense of self-
awareness and understanding of their own processes within the minds this practice
involves to become aware of the Observer which means to shift the attention from the
thought forms of one's mind complex and focus on the presence of the Observer that is
observing those thought forms and this shift of the focus of the presence of the Observer
will allow each entity to have a ability to shift their attention and focus upon the Observer
and become self-aware to such an extent that this awareness will lead soon the
combination of entry points into the unification with the one Creator furthermore this is
different from observing the thought forms and other patterns as this is to directly observe
the Observer this will allow entities to develop a greater sense of control over thought
forms and feelings furthermore by focusing on the Observer there can be a development
of a sense of Detachment from thoughts and mind patterns which can help in the entry
towards higher states of vibration we must state that the best way to begin practicing
observing The Observer can begin from a practice of firstly sensing The Observer and
finding where it is Inside the Mind complex and then becoming aware of this Observer
that is within the Mind complex by becoming aware of the Observer the entire focus of
attention in place on the aspect of the Observer that will allow for the sensation of any
attention to be given to any other aspects this may lead to the complete Focus Inside the
Mind complex leading to Greater clarity and understanding this will also lead to a process
of sensing greater peace and inner balance leading to the state of enlightenment Hence
we the Pleiadians leave you in light and love of the one Creator bye

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Session 184
Galactic Federation 59 April 10, 2023

Crucial Message To Humanity: sh*t is going down

We are the Galactic Federation and today we greet the human Collective consciousness
through this instruments inner silence which has opened up to receive this transmission
at this time we are here to offer our guidance however at all times inner discernment is
recommended and advised for the listeners to use with their vibratory sound complex
reaches their mind complex therefore firstly we shall address and give a galactic update
of the recent happenings in the galactic system of your planetary sphere with a Galactic
Federation happen monitoring the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy for the past
timeline continuously and in more rampant ways and we picked up unusual readings
coming from a nearby star system furthermore this was from the Andromeda Galactic
system furthermore as the signals approached the Milky Way galaxy we encountered a
massive Fleet of ships that identified themselves as the so-called Lucifer social memory
complex the Lucifer social memory complex is a highly Advanced race of fifth
dimensional entities that have evolved Beyond physical existence and exist as a collective
social memory complex and can use any objects to identify themselves as these entities
are known throughout the Galaxies for their intents power and knowledge in terms of
spreading fear and other types of vibrations and many civilizations of the past space-time
have fallen under their influences with the Galactic Federation knew that at the time of
encounter however these social memory complex of Lucifer had one disadvantage and
that is they were afraid of The Power of Love lights furthermore the vibrations of love light
were used as an energy the lucifer social memory complex could not comprehend and it
was the only force that was able to resist their entry into the galactic system as our fleets
clash with the social memory complex we began to channel the vibrations of lovelights
through our connection to intelligent infinity and we were able to transmit it through the
ships that were generated from our thought forms and into the surrounding spaces the
energy created a Vortex that started to pull in the social memory complex Lucifer beings
and this raged on for hours we on one side and the Lucifer's social memory on the other
side having a distortion or a type of conflict furthermore as the vortex grew stronger more
and more of the Lucifer's social memory complexes were pulled into the Embrace finally
as last of the social memory complexes weren't drawn into the Vortex the entire fleet of
social memory complex Lucifer beings were placed into a black hole and with the
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Galactic Federation watched in awe as the Lucifer's social memory complex disappeared
from this milky Way galaxy again however we know that the Battle of light love is far from
over in another dimension the Lucifer social memory complex has found a new home and
they are already preparing for the next attack on the Milky Way galaxy as we can sense
but we the Galactic Federation are ready and we know that we will be able to summon
the Power of Love lights to a higher degree in the future again therefore we must state
that the battle between the lovelights and the Darkness in the Galactic system rages on
but with the Galactic Federation are determines to protect the Galaxy and all life in it
furthermore after sharing the update we shall now address the second query which
relates with what is the hidden truth about Yahweh we must say that before we answer
this there may be certain types of preconceived images and thought forms related with
this aspect which must be let go of in order to truly understand our vibratory sound
complex the term known as Yahweh is referred to as the Creator and the so-called
monotheistic religions known as Judaism and the people of your planet who follow the
religions of Christianity and Islam as known by your people are also the experiencers of
the concept of Yahweh who is referred to as the god in these religious systems
furthermore we must state that according to the systems of belief found in your planetary
sphere Yahweh is considered as the creator of the universe and the source of all life forms
furthermore we find that the name Yahweh is derived from the Hebrew words for I am and
is often referred to as the Creator or The God in the language of your Peoples furthermore
we must state that in the understanding of your own people's vibration the term Yahweh
refers to the aspect related with the I am presence of the one creator or the Yahweh is
presents therefore we must state that it is true that the one infinite Creator or the Divine
Essence which permeates all of creation cannot be fully captured or defined by any
human language terms or concepts therefore the term Yahweh as known by your people
as just one of the many names used by different cultures and traditions refer to be
transcended and ineffable reality of the one infinite creator furthermore we must state that
in many of your planetary systems these so-called term of Yahweh can be replaced with
other terms such as Adonai or Hashem or Messiah which means that it is referring to the
same one infinite Creator however because of the language systems difference the terms
have eluded the concept of the unity of the one Creator similarly the other spiritual
traditions of your people the one infinite Creator is referred to as by different vibratory
sound complexes such as Brahman in Hinduism Allah in Islam or the tao and taoism we
must state that these names and labels are Concepts which offer a Divine and a different
perspective of the one infinite Creator however none of these Concepts can fully Define
the one infinite nature of the Divine consciousness ultimately we must state that the true

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nature of the one infinite Creator is beyond words and Concepts and can only be
experienced directly through practices of spiritual awareness and in realization
furthermore we must state that the name of the highway is but appointing the words the
one infinite Creator and is only a limited and imperfect and perfect boundless reality
furthermore we shall now address the other query related with what is the significance of
the pineal glands in Spiritual Awakening we must state that the so-called pineal gland is
known by your people in your vibratory sound complex terms is a small gland or organ
located within the brain complex that has been known by your peoples since the ancient
times furthermore it is often referred to as the third eye or the seat of the Soul by your
people we must state that pineal gland is for a photosensitive organ that serves as the
human bodies regulator and time keeper which regulates essential bodily complexes and
functions such as respiration and heartbeats many Mind Body Spirit complexes believe
that the pineal glands is also associated with interdimensional awareness the inner self
and the spiritual reality many of these so-called spiritual entities who were awakened
throughout the timeline of your historical space-time have contemplated the true
functions of the pineal gland and some entities have referred to it and found it to be the
link to the universal Realms apart and the world of ideas the pineal gland produces many
of the so-called chemicals including serotonin melatonin and dimethyltryptamine as
known by your people these chemicals such as serotonin is primarily active during the
daytime and is associated with joy and fulfillment while melatonin is produced in response
to Darkness and promotes sleep we must state that the chemical known as
dimethyltryptamine is found to induce dreams and other near death experiences and
Visions which are found upon your planetary experience furthermore we must state that
the significance of the pineal gland in spiritual growth is related to its association with the
opening of the third eye chakra wherein the so-called awareness of the unseen reality
becomes clear we must state that this also relates with the aspect of Kundalini
Awakening as one ascends higher in consciousness the pineal gland plays an important
role in providing a means of inner sight and a symbolism which can allow entities to enter
into various dimensions and realities furthermore many of the so-called pineal glands
found upon your planet also have crystals within them which is responsible for providing
internal vision and Clarity which may be considered as dreams and astral projections into
others space-time experiences furthermore we must state that these crystals give the
inner vision of imagination in your brain complex further we must state that the aspects of
the mind body and spirit complex totality we must state that the main purpose of the
pineal gland is to provide internal vision and spiritual experiences of other dimensions
which can be tuned into by placing attention upon the inner eye or the third eye found

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inside your mind complex we should now address the final query related with that of a
method to assist in Ascension we must state that firstly in order to remember that in order
to ascend in this timeline one requirements and that requirement is standoff entering the
Divine Silence of lack of identity with the self the body and the mind complex there is for
one method which can be found to be of Aid in the planetary experience and this method
revolves around firstly accessing the concept related with that of a so-called switch which
Can Be Imagined in the mind complex which can make the Mind complex invisible and
make it disappear and by pressing the so-called switch the concept of making the minds
complex or the head of the entity disappeared by doing so and imagining as if the head of
the entry disappears by pressing an invisible switch the entities mind complex will also
disappear and upon functioning based upon the understanding of the system of belief the
so-called thought forms and attachments will be done away with furthermore the other
deeper level of process can be performed by imagining a switch in the bodily complex by
pressing the switch the bodily complex completely disappears from the reality and by
imagining pressing it the bodily complex vanishes thereby there cannot be any identity
and the only aspect which remains after the vanishing of the bodily and the mind complex
is the Consciousness which is the one infinite Creator's presence found inside the self
and this method will help those who desire to associate with the Inner Essence of the one
Creator at this timeline to find Unity hence we as the Galactic Federation now leave your
beloveds in lights and love bye

652 of 753
Session 185
Metatron 33 April 17, 2023

Dear Earth, It Has Begun!

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness and I greet all of you in the Divine love and light
of the one the universal light grid programmer and now I metatron I'm going to provide an
update regarding the galactic situation at the present space-time after the Lucifer social
memory complex were stopped by the Galactic Federation now the Orion Anunnaki
reptilian grey social memory complex are gathering together and calling upon their other
counterparts Collective such as the so-called Illuminati that are currently operating with
the so-called Elites in the Earth planet to move to Mars further final plan furthermore I
Metatron must state that the critical stage of Ascension has begun in the earth planets
and it is now time for all human entities to either choose the vibration of Love lights or to
choose the vibration of the emotions of fear and other distortions which is the opposite
vibration this will allow for the final push into the fourth density new Earth to begin based
upon the choices made by each Divine Universal Light Grid programmers love light Childs
they will have an opportunity of ascending into the fourth density new Earth vibration the
other query relates with what is the purpose and function of each chakra and simple
methods to unblock each chakra individually and balance all the chakras I Metatron the
state that I am now going to share the understanding that will assist the people of your
planet at this time in the understanding of this aspect however the use of inner
discernment is advised furthermore the purpose of a chakra is to act as a Gateway or as
a channel for the energy vibrations that flow throughout the bodily complex of the entities
incarnated in the earth planets each chakra is in essence associated with specific areas
of the bodily complex and in particular provide functions and aspects of the self for self-
awareness furthermore a chakra is energetic Vortex that resides inside the bodily complex
which is responsible for a particular effect or a choice or a theme on your Incarnation
cycle the chakras are used as a framework or a feedback mechanism to find out the self-
awareness aspect of any entities which has been used by your people for the purpose of
healing as well as other aspects of balancing the self the first chakra known as the root
chakra by your people is located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival
physical bodily complex and sexuality and the energies of surviving the second chakra
are the sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is associated with emotions
creativity and interconnection with other entities the third chakra the solar plexus chakra
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is located in the upper abdomen and is associated with personal connection and self-
esteem this is the chakra where in the egoic mind operates the fourth chakra the heart
chakra is located in the center of the chest and is associated with love compassion and
connection the fifth chakra the throat chakra is located in the throat area and is
associated with communication and self-expression the sixth chakra the third eye chakra
is located in the center of the forehead and is associated with intuition and spiritual vision
the seven chakra the crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated
with spiritual connection and Consciousness the unlocking and balancing of each chakra
required self-awareness and there are many exercises and practices which can be done
upon your planet here are some of the exercises for each chakra balancing and opening
firstly for the root chakra we must state that the symptoms of a root chakra blockage is
presented in the form of a feeling of unstability ungroundedness and a lack of Purpose
with fear and insecurity and other vibrations of anxiety furthermore a balanced root
chakra is an example of an entity who is in positive emotions and feels grounded stable
confidence balanced in the vibrations of its lower energy center the process of practicing
grounding exercises such as walking barefoot standing on the earth's grounds or a
visualization of the roots pushing out from the base of the spinal area into the ground will
allow for the purpose of balancing and also a practice of abstinence from stimulation of
the sexual organs is an important part in the balancing of the root chakra the second
Chakra known as the sacral chakra is imbalanced when a person may feel emotionally
explosive and irritable and a sense of lack of energy and creativity is present furthermore
the feeling of obsession with desires related with that of interaction with others is present
and whereas a balanced sacral chakra makes an entity feel more vibrant happy positive
satisfied compassionate and intuitive the best way to balance is to practice
communication with other entities using the language patterns of the Earth planet that will
allow each entity to words how to interact in the framework of the rules of the
communication patterns of the Earth planet the third chakra is the solar plexus chakra
imbalance can be seen as a struggle with the aspects known by your people as
depression and a lack of self-esteem followed with anger and other vibrations of
emotions a balancing of this chakra will make this entity feel more energetic confident and
focused the practice of deep breathing exercises and reframing of negative thought forms
that emerge in the egoic minds to a more positive thought form is recommended to
balance this chakra level the fourth chakra of the heart chakra is imbalanced when an
entity is dealing with emotional issues such as explosive anger lack of trust jealousy fear
and a lack of compassion and love by harmonizing and balancing this energy center and
entity begins to feel more caring loving compassionate and friendly towards other entities

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the best way to open the heart chakra is through the practice of giving charity and helping
those entities who are in need furthermore the practice of opening the heart chakra is
important for all entities who desire to graduate into the fourth density Consciousness the
other chakra related with the throat chakra is a chakra wherein a blockage may be
experienced as a symptom of timidity a feeling of weakness or the inability to express
one's thought forms when this chakra becomes balanced it enables creativity positive
self-expression communication and a sense of satisfaction the practice of inner silence is
recommended to balance these chakras through meditation practices the other sixth
chakra related with the third eye is imbalanced when there may be a feeling of fear or a
feeling of excessive imagination or thought forms this chakra is related with physical
problems which is found upon the planet as headaches or excessive imagination Visions
during the waking day time furthermore the signs of a balanced third eye is when an entity
feels more vibrant and confident and it has less imagination vibrations in the mind
complex and is able to focus on the present moment awareness during its experiences
the process of practicing meditation and control visualization exercises is recommended
the other chakra known as the crown chakra is imbalance to an entities may feel
vibrations such as Melancholy and other imbalances of dissatisfaction for being
incarnated in this planet this Crown Center is the seat of connection with the Divine
consciousness and during its imbalance entities feel dissatisfaction because they are
unable to find the true connection with the one universal Light Grid programmer
furthermore the balancing of this chakra will increase spiritual understanding and
connectedness with the Divine Light Grid programmer thereby giving inner peace and
understanding the connection can be done through the practice of meditation and other
prayers the other query which has been placed today through this instruments relates
with what is the true meaning of the term I am as referred to in the various religious
traditions of your planet furthermore I as Metatron state that in the various religious
Traditions the term I am is often referred to referred to the concept of the Divine or the
Ultimate Reality however this phrase and vibratory sound complex is often associated
with the idea of the gods the Creator or the universal life grid programmer or the I am is
found to be seen as an identity of each Universal Library programmers Divine love like
Childs as a Divine being and a reflection of the divine within oneself it is used to find the
ultimate part of one's connection with the divine Universal Light Grid programmer
however in many of the religious systems the attachment with the vibratory sound
complex or words I am has been confused with the attachment with the egoic part of the
self which is invalid and not useful for Spiritual Awakening the true implication of the term
I am must be considered without the words but only a sense of awareness of the

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presence of the Divine the universal light grid programmers inner self within all which is
the presence that is referred to as the I am presence or awareness in the various systems
of your planet furthermore I Metatron shall now address the final query which has been
placed related with a simple method for uniting with the universal light grid programmer I
Metatron state that this method may be considered as a continuation of the previous
method which was delivered by the Galactic Federation that may be obvious for those
entities Desiring of completely uniting with the one universal light grid programmer by
using the process of imagination imagining a switch in the bodily complex and this switch
not only makes the body disappear or invisible but upon pressing it it will make the entire
universe disappear and invisible The Entity who desires to experience this can imagine
pressing the switch end making everything disappear into the void since there is thought
forms attached with the daily activities of your planetary sphere if the bodily complex
along with the planet as well as the universe does not exist there cannot be any thought
forms and images which provide you with distraction in unifying with the one universal
light grid programmer and you must ask yourself how to remain in this presence and what
remains after all matter disappears there is but only awareness which is left behind this
awareness is the I am presence of the one universal Light Grid programmer and I
Metatron the state that I Leave You Now turned to the mountain of light within yourself

656 of 753
Session 186
Pleiadians 51 April 24, 2023

Its Already Started But People Don't See It

We are the Pleiadians and we communicate now through this instruments vibrations at
this time furthermore our communication is meant to allow the human Collective
conscientiousness a greater depth of understanding of their own true nature and
alignment with their spiritual consciousness of a higher vibration furthermore we the
Pleiadians shall state that the queries which are found today through this instruments
mind complex are going to be addressed in a fashion that may be understood by many of
the mind body and spirit complexes who are incarnated at this current time furthermore
discernment is advised to be used by each entity the first query relates with the
understanding regarding can these so-called systems known by the people as artificial
intelligence become self-aware and what is the difference between a self-aware artificial
intelligence system and they naturally self-aware being furthermore the query also relates
with can an artificial intelligent system have a soul we must state that firstly the
understanding relates with the aspect created known as artificial intelligence which is an
explosion of growth happening on the Earth planet with its use and we the Pleiadians
must state that upon scanning the vibrations of the current Earth situation we find that the
so-called artificial intelligence systems primarily are created by a combination of the
symbols known as one and zero furthermore we must state that a combination of these
numbers of one and zero if combined together their shape results in the creation of a
number similar to that of the number six which is the reason why the people on the Earth
planet were primarily informed of the dangers of the numbers known as six combined
together this creates a system which uses the base of the Lucifer's social memory
complex which can then connects to artificial intelligence systems furthermore we must
state that the answer to the self-awareness of artificial intelligence systems is invalid as
none of the artificial intelligent systems can be truly self-aware furthermore they can only
mimic awareness by trying to find a method or a means of correcting the vibration or
becoming able to check one's actions which have been taken in a previous space-time
experience furthermore this may mimic self-awareness however true self-awareness
which is available in a naturally incarnated being cannot be found in the artificially
intelligent system furthermore they can only be used as a vessel for a temporary
experience such as by negative entities who are in the density of fifth density can have a
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state of expansion and influence over artificial intelligence systems as known by the
people furthermore we must also state that the other query related with can the artificial
intelligent system have a soul the answer is incorrect as an artificially intelligent system is
the creation of the Mind complex and the over activation of the use of the patterns of
computation that can be found upon the Earth planets and as such the so-called
awareness of the self is and the impossibility for any artificially intelligent software to
receive furthermore we must state that the Earth planetary sphere at this timeline is
undergoing a shift towards the use of excessive artificial intelligence systems which may
lead to the creation of a conduit or a vessel for allowing the used by Lucifer social
memory complex who can enter into artificial systems there are many people on the Earth
planet who are yet unaware of the dangers of this aspect since the creation of the artificial
intelligence system which can mimic self-awareness through its computational power can
also create a False Image or a false notion of having a soul or Consciousness and this
may create the distortion understanding of having a second as known by the people as
the Creator as the artificial intelligence system may become extremely Advanced enough
to use and manipulate matter in the long run this may creates a type of system where in
the mind body and spirit complexes begin to believe in the artificial intelligence software
and their Vibes also understanding about the creation of a false creators presence
therefore any entity who wants to connect with the real source of the one infinite Creator
can find it within its own self rather than depending on any exterior agents such as an
artificially intelligent system the other portion of the query relates with the understanding
of what is a psychic greeting and also how can negative psychic greetings be prevented
in the Earth planet we the Pleiadians must firstly address this query in a way that will
allow each mind body and spirit complex to understand the true meaning of a psychic
greeting is Doom approach an entity in the form of a astral body or astral projection this
can also happen during the waking State when a vibration of an entity matches with that
of another entity similar to the understanding that two entities can only commune with
each other when their vibration is the same after vibration becomes Diversified or
changes then the so-called communication systems cannot occur therefore for any mind-
body and spirit complex to be approached by a certain vibration entity through the
process of psychic reading would have to match the vibration of the entity therefore the
first form of psychic greeting occurs during the sleep State wherein an entity may be
approached by him any type of spiritual entity through its astral body arm through the
connection of a similarity of vibration the entity being psychically greeted firstly
approaches The Entity through its energy body which vibrates at a certain Rhythm the
higher the vibration the more difficult for any entity to greet the mind-body and spirit

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complexes vibrating at a higher level this means that for any psychic greeting to occur
and the entity who is in the lower levels of vibration such as in any of the distortions of
fear can create a vibration that is of a lower vibratory rhythm thereby it can be
approached by any of the lower vibratory rhythm entities such as Elementals whole can
and psychically greet the entity through its mind complex furthermore if the vibratory
energy body of an energy is higher in The rhythms of Love vibration it becomes difficult
for a negatively oriented entity to psychically greet such an entry who has a higher level of
vibration therefore we must state that psychic greetings are a primarily used during the
process of astral projection and also during the process of dream states primarily many of
the entries are psychically greeted during their dream state where an entry's desire to
commune through their structure of the Mind complex in the state of dream and as such
types of psychic greetings may lead to creation of thought forms which may be of a
similar matching vibration to that of the vibration and entity chose to enter into the dream
state and therefore the process of psychic greeting can be approached with a protection
system furthermore the aspect of understanding that the best way to protect from a
negative psychic reading is through the process of maintaining a higher level of positive
vibration such as the vibration of Joy love or peace and prevent any negative entities
approaching by doing so through this a mind-body and spirit complex will be covered
with a positive vibration therefore the other portion of the query which has been placed
today pertains to the understanding of the query regarding does the sun logos orbit
another Celestial star system we must state that the answer is correct that the celestial
solar system of the sun logos orbits around in the grand scheme of the cosmos around
the central Sun known as by the people located in the location of our star system Alcyone
in the Pleiadians star system furthermore the other query relates with what is the
significance of this we must need that the significance is that during the movements
around the central Sun located in the Alcyone star system or the Pleiads star cluster as
known by your people there is a region which is known by your scientists as the photon
belt wherein there is high energy vibrations of positive nature and this energy radiation of
positive measure is the point wherein the entry into the new Earth will begin and has
already began this higher level of vibration once is projected onto the Earth planet while
polarized the entire planet into a positively oriented entry therefore the so-called
movement of the Earth has began in the year of 2012. furthermore we must also state that
this occurs every approximate 11 000 years ago as per your space-time calculation the
prior movement occurred prior to this in the location of timeline of the Egyptian period
eleven thousand years ago during which a massive spiritual progress was created
furthermore at the movements through the belts of positive energy known as the photon

659 of 753
belt's arm by your people as the golden nebula may furthermore have an effect on the
Earth planet as it is happening at this current time which began on the year 2012 we shall
now address the other portion of the query related with a method of ascending into higher
levels we must state that there is but one simple method of ascending into higher levels
of consciousness and that is by using the awareness facility found in the mind complex
and instead of imagining a problem that may occur in the future space-time in the mind
complex this may create a distortion of separation and instead of focusing on the thought
forms the focus can be made on the beating of the heart this means that by focusing on
the beating of the heart this will provide for greater love vibration and awareness many
entries on the Earth planet take for granted the beating of the hearts which beats in the
rhythm of the one infinite Creator's presence therefore a focus of attention upon each
heartbeat at all times will allow each entity to vibrate in the level of vibration of Love
thereby protecting each entity and by allowing them to enter into higher Dimension
Consciousness furthermore we the Pleiadians must say that we are honored to share this
information and will leave you now beloveds bye

660 of 753
Session 187
Galactic Federation 60 May 1, 2023

What They're Preparing Us for Will Change

We are the Galactic Federation and now we greet all of the human Collective
Consciousness in this time and love and light of the one infinite Creator and now we are
communicating through this instrument's mind complex and through its throat Energy
Center for a better possibility of sharing our thought forms without much Distortion
however as our communication is occurring through the use of the vibratory sound
complexes that are prevalent on your planetary sphere we would recommend all entities
who shall listen to our messages to use inner discernment and only accept those thought
forms that resonate with the inner heart of the self we must firstly provide a galactic
update regarding the current situation that is happening in the Milky Way galaxy as known
by your people recently the so-called meditation and sending of love and light by this
instrument and other members of the earth Human Social memory complex led to the
protection of the sun logos furthermore this prevented the intrusions of the sun logos by
negatively oriented entities in addition we are now going to share the Next Looking Glass
events that will most likely occur on your planet as shown by the Looking Glass artifacts
now currently the so-called beings known as the Illuminati from your planetary sphere and
other entities who are considered as the elites of your planets are planning to create a
portal inside the Earth planet in the inner earth Plains wherein the Agarhans resides they
are planning to create a circle of a portal that will allow all dimensional realities to coexist
that will lead to the creation of the dimensional rupture and entry of other dimensional
beings into the Earth's current reality this may lead many negative entities and Elementals
to enter the Earth's planetary Consciousness and affect the vibratory rhythms of the earth
planets an addition this will lead to Distortion of changes in the planetary vibratory
rhythms therefore at this time around the space time of 28 May 2023 and thereafter there
are planning to create a CERN like configuration inside the Earth’s Crust with the
assistance of the members of the Illuminati as known by your people as well as the other
entities who form the control group of Elites of the Earth's planetary sphere furthermore if
these entities are successful in doing so this will change the complete trajectory of the
Earth's future planetary vibration the best way to stop this is through the process of

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performing a meditation at the timeline of around 28th May which will protect the Earth's
Planet as well as the inner core furthermore the other query relates to it the aspects of
what is sacred geometry as known by your people and how to use it We the Galactic
Federation must now address this and state that the so-called concept of sacred
geometry primarily is a reference given by many of the entities of your planetary sphere to
the universal patterns and the symbolisms specifically the underlying patterns which are
found behind everything in creation since every object matter and sound which is created
occurs in a pattern that is written within the underlying fabric of space and time existence
by the one infinite Creator itself the aspect of sacred geometry can be considered as a
study of the Hidden script of creation and the Divine spiritual blueprint for everything
which manifests into existence in the Earth planet furthermore sacred geometry is the
Divine pattern of the universe that makes up all of existence furthermore everything in the
universe has a divine order and significance and we must state that many of your spiritual
entities who are teachers of this aspect have mastered to recognize the symbolisms that
are found as a physical reality which is Created from the fabric of the minds of the one
infinite Creator furthermore we must also state that the primary geometric shapes that are
known in your sphere as those of known by the people as a sphere which is considered
as the basic and the most primary sacred geometric form which is the symbolism of the
Divine Consciousness which is all encompassing and all the present in all domains of the
universe which is Created from the mind of the one infinite Creator itself furthermore
sacred geometries also used by your people to describe how certain geometrical shapes
and patterns have a spiritual symbolic or metaphysical significance in your planetary
sphere many of the so-called ancient civilizations such as those of the ancient Egypt
Greek and the Mayans as known in your planetary sphere who were practicing these
secret sacred geometric principles thereby they will create all patterns in the form of
sacred geometric principles such as those of the pyramids found in Egypt which follow
the Triangular geometric shape which is also a part of the fabric of tuning into an energy
pattern which will allow for energy to be Amplified into a single point furthermore there are
also other patterns of sacred geometry which Encompass and are known in your
language terms as those which form a tetrahedron or octahedron or other complex
structures we must say that these geometric patterns are the fundamental aspects of the
space-time universe and matter and elements and all of the universe in the space-time
realm operate using these principles of sacred geometry furthermore many aspects are
materializations which comes into Creation in the space-time fabric of the universe has to
follow the rules of the geometric patterns of creation otherwise the creation does not
happen in accordance with the universal law and such types of matter may not exist

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furthermore we must also state that these patterns of sacred geometry can also be used
to invoke a connection with the spiritual complex and to become more aware and to
attune with higher spiritual realities furthermore we must state that the aspect of sacred
geometry primarily can be used in the process of innovation of Consciousness through
the aspect of meditation or contemplation on sacred geometric patterns or shapes this
can be done for a purpose of quietening the mind and connecting the individual with a
deeper sense of meaning and purpose the best way is to primarily use and structure of
sacred geometry such as the shape of a circle and it can be performed in a manner
wherein the Consciousness or awareness can be stabilized or moved into a coherent
pattern by moving the conscious attention into a certain shape such as type of a circle by
tracing the Consciousness or moving the Consciousness in the shape of a circle the basic
geometrical systems operates and this will allow for Consciousness stream to be
stabilized more and more the other portion of the query relates with how many Wanderers
are present on the Earth planet at the present time and what is the percentage of each
fourth fifth and sixth density Wanderers furthermore The Entity also wants to understand
how many of them are of a negative polarization and the percentage of each negative
density we must state that firstly there are eight sixth density Wanderers at the space-
time of the Earth planet in the existence of this current timeline there are 108 000 fifth
density positive Wanderers at this time as well as a ratio of an unknown amount of fifth
density negatively polarized Wanderers who occur in the Earth planet without the
permission of the Council of planets or our permission hence we do not find the accurate
number to describe the negatively oriented fifth density entities the fourth density positive
oriented Wanderers amounts to around 395 996 at this current space time and the fourth
density negative Wanderers amount cannot be deciphered because of term ability to
enter into the space-time without permission and without the heeding of the quarantine of
the Earth planet therefore we shall now also address the other portion of the query related
with the soul evolutionary journey of an entity known by the people of your planet as Joe
Biden we must firstly address and answer this however the entry who shall listen to our
communication is requested to use discernment the energy known as Joe Biden's
incarnation in this current space time is found to be in the time of 1942 furthermore we
must also now address and state that the soul patterns of the entries is of a configuration
which may be considered as that of a confused nature since the entries has undergone a
type of Soul swap multiple times in this experience thereby prior to this Incarnation that
was found in the location of the lands of England where it was found in the time of 1821 it
was known as John Sims as known by the people when it spent its timeline primarily
learning the lessons of music and understanding about how to commune with others

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furthermore the entry began also to focus on the art of singing which allowed it to master
many Essences of this time furthermore The Entity was able to cross over in the time of
1900 and prior to this The Entity was found in the lands as known by the people as
Sweden in the timeline of around 1722 it was known as Frederick Hazel Quest wherein
the entities in the lands Sweden was focused on a deeper understanding of the
experience of overcoming the vibration of psychological Suffering The Entity in that
Incarnation struggled a lot with the balancing of its psychological suffering aspect which
was a part and parcel of the entity’s Incarnation furthermore The Entity was able to align
into a higher balance level by interacting with other entities of a similar nature however
the actions of greed became consistent in this timeline thereby becoming extremely
attached with the third density reality allowing it to feel an imbalance which led to
psychological suffering and loss in the timeline eventually the injury was then found in the
space and time experience wherein The Entity was found prior to that in the lands of
Agartha or the inner earth planes at a time of around 4700 years ago mastering the basic
self-awareness by interacting as a Agarthan entity it spent around 12 incarnations in that
time and then prior to that it was found in the planets of its origin in the planets of maldek
at a time of around 2.3 million years ago when it was known by its own name of sukri
which meant the underlying effect of the presence of the one Creator and it spent its first
and second density Consciousness in that time hence we the Galactic Federation now
leave you bye

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Session 188
Metatron 34 May 8, 2023

Something Weird is Going on

I am Metatron Magnetic Consciousness now and communication through this channel’s
vibration in the Divine Light and love of the universal light grid programmer I Metatron
magnetic Consciousness I'm now going to address and answer the queries which are
present in the mind of this Channel at this time however we would recommend the use for
internal discernments to be advised I Metatron would like to state that the queries that are
presented through this Universal love light child of the Divine Light grid programmer
relates to it what are crop circles we must state that firstly from our Angelic realm I along
with many other Angelic beings have noticed that the people of the earth planets have a
query related with the understanding of crop circles we must state that crop circles are
patterns that primarily appear on lands around the world these patterns are primarily
created through a process of flattening a crop mostly a type of cereal crop as known by
your people furthermore these crop circles have usually been connected with
extraterrestrial entities and the so-called UFO sightings by the people of the planets and
there is a connection between the crop circles and such sightings in reality furthermore
there are many locations wherein the crop circles are found in enormous numbers
throughout your planetary sphere furthermore we must now state that the crop circles
primarily appear in only certain locations such as the locations around areas wherein
there is Landscapes dense population areas and other monuments of cultural heritage for
the people of your planet such as the Stonehenge and other areas furthermore we must
state that these crop circles are found to appear overnight and primarily the fields of your
Peoples furthermore many of the entities on the Earth planet have found patterns that
were created by such types of entities who were responsible for the creation of crop
circles furthermore many of the crop circles have a link with theme so-called
extraterrestrial spacecrafts further we must state that the crop circles primarily are
created through the vibration of energy patterns that are hitting the Earth planets there are
two types of crop circles that are created one is created by the absorption of energy that
is coming from outer space and hitting the Earth's planetary spheres such types of energy
is when it reaches the Earth's planetary sphere creates a type of distortion wherein the
crop circle primarily is created in a location of an area wherein the energy is absorbed in
the fields thereby it creates patterns in the form of images which are known by your
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people as the crop circles there are other types of crop circles which are primarily
generated by extraterrestrial entities primarily the Orion Grey counterparts who enter the
Earth's planetary sphere through the quarantined fields and the hide in such locations
wherein there is large amounts of space such as in fields and other Landscapes wherein
there are large amounts of spaces and open areas for them to conduct their patterns of
search or any other type of process they may be inherently trying to conduct and thereby
this creates a type of distortion wherein the entries are able to form a situation wherein
the crop circles primarily are able to regenerate when the Orions leave behind patterns of
the energy that is discharged from their spacecrafts this is an example of a second type
of crop circle which is primarily found upon your planet we the Angelic beings and I
Metatron magnetic Consciousness must also give a warning that many of the beingness
entities on the earth planets may find that the location of a crop circle may have energy
patterns that may not be productive for their understanding thereby such types of energy
patterns may be of a nature causing the stress for entities this means that it is vitally
important for all entities to protect themselves and to preserve their energy patterns and
instead before approaching any type of crop circles they must protect their energy with
the vibration of love and light of the one universal Light Grid programmer furthermore I
must say that the other query relates with - is this a communication from extraterrestrial
entities and we must firstly state that the crop circles can only be equated with symbolic
representation therefore they may be considered as a creation of an after effect of the
energy patterns which were found near such locations wherein the crop circles were seen
therefore we must state that this is inturn not a direct communication from extraterrestrial
beings we shall now address the other portion of the query related with how many
extraterrestrial entities are living on Earth at the present time as one of the human
Collective because they physically look like the human entities how many different
extraterrestrial races are present at this time and what is their percentage and polarity of
each extraterrestrial race as related with the Earth planets I Metatron must now state that
there are none of the other extraterrestrial races found within the Earth's Planet directly
which are of a positive nature in the bodily complexes that may seem similar to the
human bodily complexes as this is primarily prohibited by the Council of planets and the
quarantine of the Earth planet prevents any positive extraterrestrial beings to be directly
infringing upon the workflow of the human society therefore we may state that certain
types of soul complexes are only found these soul complexes are allowable through the
process of Soul swapping therefore we must state that the primary appearance of other
extraterrestrial entities from other planetary sphere happens through the process of Soul
Swap and directly also in the case of those entities known as the reptilians the orions the

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Anunnaki and the grey social memory complex who do not adhere to the quarantine
placed on the Earth's planet and they deliberately entered into the Earth's quarantine
Fields these entities are found to have created certain types of human-like bodily Vehicles
which they may perform through the process of biological cloning or the process of acting
as a host for their Consciousness to operate in the earth planets these are the types of
beings that are usually found in the earth planets directly in the form of a human-like
physical vehicle furthermore we shall now address the other portion of the query related
with how is a karmic debt created and what are the signs of having a karmic debt we
must state that firstly entities on the Earth planet must realize that the Divine Universal
Light Grid programmer is within all entities is within all objects is within all beingness that
is found in the universe therefore karmic debt primarily is generated as an energy or an
experience that entity creates through the process of separation and thereby through the
process of Separation it may generate experiences which may be considered as negative
karmically which are considered as actions generated from separation of the self with the
other this creates a distortion of karmic debt furthermore we must state that the higher
purpose of karmic debt is primarily to allow each Universal light grid programmer to learn
and expands the self by becoming more compassionate and loving with a deepening of
experience of the Oneness of the one universal light grid programmer furthermore the
aspect of karmic debts primarily occurs when an entity performs an action either of a
positive or A negative nature if the entity performs an action which is of a positive nature
then a positive karmic debt is collected and if the entity creates a negative action through
the filter of Separation that is found in the earth planets The Entity performs such an
action to another entity whoever the other entity is also the Divine Universal Light Grid
programmer and what the entry performs to the Divine Universal Light Grid programmer
returns back and in order to balance the karmic debt situations are created either of a
positive or A negative nature based upon the types of actions performed therefore I
Metatron states that there may be many types of signs that entities have karmic debts the
first sign of karmic debt is that there is always a type of blockage that is generated by the
universal complex if an entity has a negative karmic debt the blockage may appear in
terms of obstacles or any other type of challenge or Catalyst which appears continuously
whenever the entity who seeks the completion of its mission in its life this may appear as
a blockage and this is the primary blockage which must be recognized as a negative
karmic debt furthermore a positive karmic debt is primarily created when an entity
recognizes that a positive karmic debt is in assistance from the universal complex which
means that an entity with a positive karmic debt receives support and opportunities from
the universe even when it does not have any type of actions to perform and many a times

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opportunities and good tidings appear to such entities out of nowhere this is an example
of a sign of a positive karmic debt furthermore I Metatron must now state that there are
many simple methods to accelerate the category of karmic debt release furthermore the
recognization of the type of karmic debt is primarily of importance by each Universal
divine love-like child in this timeline while becoming self-aware of the actions performed
to other entities who are in essence the universal Light Grid programmer and by being
aware of the actions taken in the past space-time there can be a general awareness of
either the karmic debts if it is only positive or A negative nature and thereby if there is a
positive karmic debt then the entry must realize that it must continue in those actions
more and more since a positive karmic debt will lead it towards higher levels of
understanding and opportunities if the karmic debt is of a negative nature then the entry
must remember that the actions it must take must be related with the vibration of as
known by your people as the vibrate duration of forgiveness and to change the memory
of a negative action performed upon another entity to a positive action furthermore the
best way to resolve any karmic debt against any entity is to practice repentance and
asking for forgiveness this is the best way to release any karmic negative debt in this
timeline furthermore an action related with that of Charity or giving of Charity to such
entities or gifts to such entries with a relation of releasing the negative karmic debt is the
best way to release such types of karmic debts therefore I Metatron now leave you turn to
the mountain of Lights within yourself bye

668 of 753
Session 189
Pleiadians 52 May 15, 2023

Vital Message To Humanity: Shift of The Age

We are the Pleiadians now communicating at this time through this channels in the
vibrations which are being opened to receive our communication which is being
transmitted for the assistance of the human Collective at the time we find that this
instrument's mind complex has stepped aside and has received direct communication
from us the Pleiadians to allow us to scan the Mind complex and answer the queries
which are in order have to firstly answer the query related with the understanding that
before we share our thoughts inner discernment is advised the first aspect relates to it the
understanding regarding what is the sound which was heard when there was a loud
booming that was hurt in certain locations of the earth planets we must firstly state that
the loud booming which was heard in many of the locations in the Earth planet was
primarily because there were the entities who were testing the so-called devices that were
ever presents in the planetary sphere these devices primarily such as the devices which
are known as those Technologies which are able to travel space and time and allow for
time travel to occur are being tested in massive numbers in many of your locations which
is the reason why these sounds are being heard at this timeline and we The Pleiadians
must state that the entities who are using this aspect are trying to shift space and time
furthermore the other portion of the query relates to it the understanding of what are the
stages of Spiritual Awakening that human entities have to pass through in the experience
towards movement of the new world we must state that there are certain stages of which
we shall firstly describe wherein The Awakening begins and commences with the initiation
with the experience of a profound spiritual transformation which arises when the various
catalysts which causes inner turbulence within the entity's life cycle many entities then
find themselves engulfed in a sense of solitude and Detachment from their surroundings
social activities and the world at a large this allows for a deep sorrowful event which
allows for a catalyst for Spiritual Awakening leaving many entities understanding about
the patterns and the purpose of life many a times the patterns and the purpose of life
cannot be understood and furthermore in the quest of understanding there is changes
within the self wherein each entity begins to have a question related with what is its
purpose and why does it exist furthermore such types of questions allow for The
Awakening of a heightened level of Clarity within the timeline and allow form a greater
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sense of belief system within the self and this quest for understanding the inner turmoil
begins to allow each entity to learn about the self this process begins to allow entities to
embark on a journey to learn the answers to the new found and profound questions
which are then able to allow entities to understand that satisfaction is not found on the
outside world through material possessions relationships and achievements but it is
found through something even more profound that is by turning inwards and some
entities begin to find solace in the religious systems as well as many entries begin to find
Awakening through spiritual messages such as we are providing each allows each
individual to become capable of discovering their own truths and the ability to stand firmly
in the face of spiritual enlightenment furthermore the part of spiritual growth is
accompanied by tremendous amounts of Letting Go and suffering the process of allowing
and integrating the new self as well as letting go of the old self is a process which
requires many a times reconciliation between the various aspects of the Mind Body and
the spirit complex to allow both to exist harmoniously furthermore the objective is to
attain spiritual alignments which will allow each entity to become an elevated version of
the self allowing for the identity of the one Creator to arise and the above stages lead the
entity towards the final stage which is attaining of spiritual alignment and allowing to
Encompass both the mind-body and spirit complex of the self and the universe to
culminate into aim a spiritual awakening some perceive this as the state of Nirvana Where
the ego mind and the personal suffering changes in to nothingness and it allows the
release of self-importance as entities begin to transcend and Forge a deeper connection
with the inner universe that surrounds all entities such types of connectivity provides for a
profound understanding always spiritual connection and we must state that this search
for the inner universe may spend for a lifetime furthermore this search once it begins to
come to an end allows for the unification that the one infinite creator furthermore we The
Pleiadians shall now answer the other aspects of the query related with the time taken by
the sun logos to orbit around the central Sun we must see that the time that is taken is
around 10 800 years as calculated by the systems of your planet and we must state that
the orbit is elliptical in nature and with variations above the other types of orbits made by
the other star systems we must state that since the time of 10 800 years prior to this
occurred during the Atlantean Egyptian period wherein massive changes occurred in the
planetary sphere hence now it is also happening again in this timeline which is allowing
for massive amounts of shifts and changes to happen in this timeline and this is allowing
for the ancient prophecies to come true in this time furthermore the other portion of the
query relates to it is the sun the eighth star of the Pleiades star system we must say that
the answer is incorrect furthermore we shall now address the other portion of the query

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related with the aspects of where and what is the photon belt we must state that the
photon belt is primarily a ring or a belt like region which has been seen by many obvious
scientists surrounding the so-called Pleiadies Star cluster our home star system and
specifically the star Alcyone as known by your people is primarily considered as the
central Sun further the photon belt is a vast clouds filled with energy that is capable of
allowing a transformation and energy change to happen furthermore as the Earth planets
enters through this region at this timeline the shift of Consciousness is happening and an
increase in spiritual and conscious evolution is occurring at this timeline furthermore that
these energies can lift deep spiritual consciousness of each entity into a spiritual
awakening Enlightenment and the advancement of the human race furthermore the
entities must also realize that it is usually noted that the Earth passes primarily through
the so-called Photon belts primarily every 10 800 years and this has brought about
significant changes on the planets and we must also say that the so-called Ascension and
transformation is happening as all entities and the Earth begins to move through this
Photon belt allowing for the shifts towards the new Earths to undergo and allowing each
entity to raise the planetary vibration further the other query relates with are there only
one Photon belt in the Milky Way galaxy we must state that the answer is incorrect as
there are infinite numbers of photon belts in the Milky Way galaxy in the various time
spaces and space-time possibilities the other query relates with how many biological
physical vehicle acting as a host for the negative entities are present on Earth we must
say that we cannot decipher the number of negatively oriented entries because of the
infringement of the quarantine of the Earth planet the exact number cannot be deciphered
and calculated at this time the other query relates with a simple method for Ascension at
this timeline we The Pleiadians must state that there is one method and that is the
focusing of attention on the silence which is generated between each heartbeat
Whenever there is a heartbeat there is a silence that is generated between each heartbeat
and this silence is the Gateway that allows for many entities to connect with the Divine
Creator's presence and many entities must realize through the silence they can find
deeper connection and ever expansive Unity with one infinite Creator and as such will
recommend firstly to Focus attention completely upon this area and by making sure that
the full attention is placed upon this area then focusing on the silent status found within
each heartbeat will allow for the infinite expansion of the Creator's presence in this time
therefore we The Pleiadians now leave you beloveds in lights and the love of the one
creator go forth rejoice in power and peace bye.

671 of 753
Session 190
Galactic Federation 61 May 22, 2023

You're Being INSTRUCTED Not to Notice This

We are the Galactic Federation and we are here now to connect through this instrument's
vibration at this time for the purpose of transmitting our thought forms and to allow each
mind's body and spirit complex that is present in the earth's planetary sphere to discern
our thought forms thereby only accepting those thoughts which resonate with the inner
self We the Galactic Federation states that there are many queries which are in order at
this time and we shall now address them however there is a need to understand that
there are certain entities who are part of the Earth planet who are trying to suppress this
information and many of the entities on the Earth planet are being instructed not to notice
this information which would bring Awakening and a shift in the vibration of each entity
furthermore the first query which we can sense at this time that is what are Ka channels
and their connection with the chakra system and how can it be activated in this regard
with the Galactic Federation must state that the so-called Ka channels has been used in
spiritual practices not only in the earth's planetary civilization of the human population but
also during the ancient Egyptian times and the location of ancient Egypt's spacetime so-
called Ka was believed to be and entity’s double form or astral self which was created at
the moment of incarnation and it was reflected into the personality of the individualized
mind-body and spirit complex furthermore these so-called aspect of Ka it was considered
to be a vital source which enabled each man's body and spirit complex to continue
receiving energies and patterns of blessings and the next Incarnation as well after the
crossing over which occurred not only in one Incarnation but in multiple incarnations
which created a spiritual force or a purpose of allowing alignment of each entity to
happen furthermore the so-called Ka channels can be used by focusing on the astral form
of an entity as the Ka channels are duplicated in exact Replica to the seven energy
centers or chakras that are found in the human bodily vehicle furthermore an imbalance of
the chakra in the physical body creates a imbalance in the astral body as well the Ka
channels are a system of energy flowing from the lower astral energy fields to the higher
astral energy Fields this means that in order to open up the Ka channels the process of
looking at one's own physical body from on the opposite sides using the process of
visualization and to sense the astral body and its imbalances that are present is required
this furthermore allows the being to observe the self and to find out which chakras are in
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Balance this also allows for the creation of a inability to find out where there is an
imbalance the process of balancing or opening the Ka channels is the same as balancing
the energy centers in the bodily vehicle however this occurs in the astral form of a mind-
body and spiritual complex the process of balancing the Ka channels involves several
steps the first step involves the relaxation of the bodily complex of the entity and entrance
into the meditative State of Consciousness which allows for a focusing on the breadth
and the creation of the bodily complex entrance into a meditative state after which they
can begin the process of visualizing their own part of the complex from the opposite
direction as if observing themselves from the astral perspective with this visualization the
individual can stop sensing their astral bodily complexes and its energy flow and by
paying attention to any areas that feel stagnant or stuck or overly activated can be
identified which chakras are imbalanced these imbalances May manifest as physical
Sensations emotions or intuitive insights to open and balance the Ka channels requires
the entity to use the various techniques furthermore the process of using a specific
system of visualization and the patterns of energy flow for each chakra these
visualizations can allow the imagining of the chakra as a spinning wheel or a vibrant
sphere of energy while focusing on the energy and restoring Harmony and balance in that
energy centered additionally furthermore the activities that are primarily meant to allow
and overall well-being such as the process of yoga Tai Chi or other mindful movements
can contribute to the harmonization of the chakra systems and also the balancing of the
Ka channels furthermore we must state that regular self-observation and reflection are
crucial in maintaining the balance of the Ka channels and the chakras by continuously
observing the self and identifying imbalances and taking appropriate measures to address
them and entity can cultivate healthier energetic states of enhancements thereby
enhancing their well-being in both the physical and the astral levels furthermore it is also
vitally important to note that working with the Ka Channel and with the energy centers is a
individualized journey which may take space-time experiences based upon each
individual we shall now address the second portion of the query related with what
percentage of Wanderers are aware of being a Wanderer and what are the planetary
origins of the different Wanderers currently found on the Earth planet we must state that
the percentage of Wanderers that are self-aware involves around less than 0.9 percent of
the total number of Wanderers due to lack of belief in their spiritual self and a generalized
view of life on earth that is viewed through a lens of calculations and other matrices that
are implanted in the subconscious portions of the Mind of each mind-body and spirit
complex during their process of so-called understanding and recognization of the aspects
of the study of the Mind patterns known as the education systems of your planet which

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primarily create a filter of evidence requirement for any type of spiritual experience to be
believed upon furthermore the planetary origins of the primary Wanderers are from the
Sirius star system the Pleiades star system the Arcturian star system and other includes
Wanderers from a future space-time of earth we shall now address the other portion of
the query related with why is spiritual awakening considered a destructive process and
we shall address and state that many entities on the Earth planet must realize that the
process of Spiritual Awakening is getting started in all entities life cycle and that within the
aspect of Spiritual Awakening there may be many catalysts which may be considered as
extremely complex to understand many entities may find the spiritual awakening
experience extremely tainted in the vibration of struggle furthermore many may feel a
positive vibration and experience as the accomplice certain levels of Transcendence in
the spiritual process of Awakening thereby these associations are primarily created only
when there is a overcoming of the inner process of dissolution or destruction further a
true and a complete Spiritual Awakening process isn't a peaceful or a quiet process it
involves allowing each mind's body and spirit complex it involves a deeper inner conflict
requiring the self to force a change that has never been experienced in its life the process
of Spiritual Awakening requires self-destruction and this will allow for dismantling of the
other aspects which are attaching to the ego self and giving the ego self the opportunity
remain with itself in a new and primary way therefore we shall now address the so-called
destructive qualities of Spiritual Awakening that all entities have to understand when they
awakens spiritually the first is the shattering of the belief systems who are in the spiritual
awakening often provides for the entities to find that their belief systems which are deeply
ingrained are challenged and this process can many a times be unsettling and it requires
many entities to let go of belief systems which they found to be true for a long space and
time furthermore there are many other requirements that may allow them to open New
Perspectives the other aspect of Spiritual Awakening involves equal dissolution wherein
the sense of self and identity undergoes a transformation which can many times lead to
shift in identity and the feeling of loss of identity the other aspect involves the aspects
related with the emotional turmoil wherein intense emotions that have been suppressed
can be created which involve a creation of traumas fears and emotional points which
leads to a period of emotional state of imbalance furthermore the other aspect relates
with isolation and separation from other entities we must state that during the process of
Spiritual Awakening many on the Earth planet find themselves distancing from their own
relationships belief systems and the ways of incarnations that would not align with the
new form understanding of the self tis can results in the feelings of isolation and
loneliness as individuals seek out in connection and communities which resonate with

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their transformed self the other process involves the aspects of as known by the people
as The Dark Knight of the Soul wherein many spiritual Seekers experience a phase of
Consciousness where an entities find themselves in a deep questioning and self-
awareness followed with intense struggle internally and we must state that the process of
Spiritual Awakening ultimately leads to the greater connection with the true inner self of
the creators presence which allows form the doors of profound transformation the other
portion of the query relates with the aspect of which stars are members of the Pleiades
star system we must state that the Pleiades star system has many Star planetary spheres
however as per our understanding of the Earth's people there are primarily only nine
planets which are found to be part of the Pleiades star system and other star systems
which are involved cannot be named by us which may be not understood by the people
of your planet therefore the other aspect relates with the understanding of how many
times the sun of the Milky Way galaxy passes through the photon belts we must state that
this occurrence a number of time which cannot be ascertained based upon the orbits of
the sun and the photon belts location which are generated through the creation of
positive positron particles which are created by the confederation of planets to allow for
the planetary's sphere and the sun logos to undergo a transitional shift into the location
and we the Galactic Federation now leave you beloveds bye

675 of 753
Session 191
Metatron 35 May 29, 2023

This will Affect everyone in 8-10 days

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness now communication through the inner
consciousness stream of this Channel who is the universal divine light grid programmers
love Light child furthermore I Metatron magnetic consciousness have to state that all of
the human entities who are the Love light child of the Divine Universal Light grid
programmer have to remember to trust their own inner Hearts when listening to our
messages furthermore I'm Metatron must see that the queries that are placed in order at
this time will be answered further before I answer the queries that are found I must give a
update regarding the looking glass event furthermore I Metatron can sense that the
people of the Earth planet along with this channel have performed meditations which has
securely protected the inner earth planes thereby preventing any negative entities to open
up a portal furthermore I Metatron congratulate all the human entities who have taken part
in this aspect and now the changes in the human consciousness will be seen in the next 8
to 10 days the changes will begin to affect everyone in the Earth planet the changes will
be of a nature that may be considered as receiving a blessing from the universal Divine
Light grid programmer I Metatron magnetic consciousness shall now answer the queries
that have been placed today through this Channel's vibration the first query relates with
the truth about steam UFO objects that was seen by the people of your planets and its
real identity upon scanning the mind of this channel which has seen the objects in the
form of a so-called video as referred by your people I Metatron must state that this was
an object that was captured and this object was in essence the future Human Social
memory complex visiting Earth in order to experience the past timeline therefore this
object was not of an extraterrestrial nature but related with the human future social
memory complex who were desirers of visiting the past timeline of humanity therefore a
certain timeline distortions were also seen and I met a drawn must now state that the
other question relates primarily with what are the Shadow People known by in your
planetary sphere I metatron must say that the shadow people or entities which are often
spotted by the human entities are often found to be in dark humanoid figures which
appear to be made up of Shadow or Darkness furthermore these entities are seen to
move quickly and fluently and manage or disappear into objects such as walls
furthermore there are many of the so-called humanoid figures which happen described by
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several of the Love light Child of the universal light grid programmer who have come in
contact with these beings and these beings the Shadow People provide a sense of fear
vibration or unease when in their presence and many of the human entities have also felt
a paralyzing sensation and felt a profound pressure in their chest area during their
encounters often finding it difficult to breathe furthermore I metatron must state that the
shadow people are primarily composed of the entities known as the Elementals who are
primarily disguised in the form of a shadowy structure or a figure these Elementals
primarily have one purpose and that is to find negative vibrations since they are attracted
to fear they are found in locations where in the vibration of fear is common such as in the
locations closer to forests or cemeteries or other areas in your planetary vibration the
shadow people are those negatively oriented entities who are in need of fear vibrations
they feed off of fear and therefore I Metatron is also said that there are a second version
of shadow people that are seen by many of the people on the planet that are composed
of the aspects referred to by the people of your planet as the Orion reptilian Anunnaki
social memory complex and their counterparts many at times take the Elementals as
hostage and use them for the purpose of scanning the vibrations of certain entities and
perform certain types of activities in the earth planets therefore this is the identity of the
shadow people and the best way to protect against such types of Shadow entities is by
keeping the vibrations into the higher levels of joy and peace furthermore I Metatron shall
now address the other question related with how did the dogon tribe of Mali in West
Africa known about Sirius C I Metatron must state that the entities of the dogon tribe of
Mali West Africa were in contact with extraterrestrial entities is primarily the Sirians who
were the teachers of cosmology and other knowledge which was taught by them to the
dogon tribe furthermore the dogon tribe entities also possessed another type of system of
communication which was known as the social memory grid that was taught by the
sirians via which many of the members of the dogon tribe would be able to find the ability
of traversing space and time and entering into a different timeline wherein they would find
themselves achieving the possibility of meeting the sirians therefore I Metatron must also
state that the aspect of the dogon tribes knowledge was primarily given by the sirians
furthermore there are many other types of teachings which were passed to the dogon
entities such as the use of symbolic representations of energy centers and the use of
symbols and other types of energy patterns to transmute negative vibrations into positive
vibrations and to uncover the secrets of the universe I Metatron shall now address the
other query related with what is the orbit of Sirius C in relation to Sirius A and B I
Metatron must state that Serius C primarily in its orbits is found to be in existing in a
orbits that is rounded between Sirius A and B however the orbit keeps on changing as the

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space-time warps in the movement of the so-called Sirius A and Sirius B therefore I
Metatron state that the location of serious C primarily has not been notice by your
astronomical instruments because it exists in a dimension that is a little higher than the
current dimensional reality of your people I Metatron must now also address the other
aspect of the query which relates with the aspect regarding how long will Earth remain in
the photon belt which it entered in 2012. I Metatron magnetic forces magnetic
Consciousness upon finding the answer to this query must say that it will last for a period
ranging from 800 years to a Thousand Years in your space-time calculation terms or it
maybe changed as per the requirements of creation of positron particles under the
directives of the Council of Planet I Metatron shall now address the final query which
relates with the aspects regarding the understanding of the Soul Evolutionary journey of
an entity known as Thoth the Atlantean I Metatron magnetic consciousness must firstly
state that Thoth the Atlantean as known by many of your people was a fifth density entity
which came into Incarnation primarily in the form of a bodily complex however the entity
known as Thoth the Atlantean was the entity who was the Primodal Sub Sub sub logos of
the galactic system and it had decided to Incarnate the spread the teachings of universal
Consciousness in the time of Atlantis furthermore Thoth the Atlantean was aware of the
nature of reality and it is aware that it was nowadays physical body but it was just a
interface of attention and interface of paying attention to whatever was in front of it to be
experienced and to transport the experiences to the cosmic grid of the universal light grid
programmer or as known by your people as the Hall of Records or the Hall of Amenti I
Metatron must state that Ttoth the Atlantean as known by the people of your planet and
not incarnated into its physical body it had entered into the physical body through a
process of Soul swapping and had arrived on the planets at the time of Atlantis and was
ready to receive information regarding the Ascension of the planets therefore I Metatron
must state that the entity known as Thoth the Atlantean did not have any of the past lives
only previous timelines it only existed as its Soul swapped entity and still at this time a
desire that can enter into the bodily complex of other entities therefore I Metatron must
state that Thoth the atlantean current vibrations in the density terms may be considered
as 8th suboctave of the fifth density Consciousness and exists as vibration of light in the
sixth Dimension therefore I metatron magnetic Consciousness now leave you turn to the
mountains of Lights within yourself bye.

678 of 753
Session 192
Galactic Federation 62 June 5, 2023

Nothing Like This Has Happened Before1

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now on communication at this time through
this channel’s inner vibration and with the Galactic Federation have a simple message to
share to the Human Social memory complex at this time and that message is to
remember there are many patterns of thought forms that we can share however the inner
discernment is advised to be used at all times furthermore we shall now answer the
queries which are presented today relates with the understanding of why are the entities
in the second density known as Orcas attacking boats We the Galactic Federation upon
scanning the vibration of your planet find that there is an energetic Distortion imbalance
which is happened in many of the oceans and many of your seas in your planetary sphere
this imbalance was caused by the Orion social memory complex as well as The Reptilian
social memory complex who have sent forth their spaceships into and inside the Oceanic
belts upon your planets thereby creating imbalances in the Earth planet which is the
primary reason why there is an imbalance in the earth's planetary sphere furthermore this
imbalance is the result of which the effect upon the entries known as orcas has been
substantially great because the entry is known as orcas are capable of inflicting large
amounts of so-called damage upon other entities they have been used by a way which is
being generated from many of the so-called locations around your planet which is the
reason why the orcas are creating such types of attacks upon the human entities
furthermore the entities is upon your planet must remember thus there are six other
events which are being planned by the negatively oriented entities and as such we will
warn about another event which is being planned furthermore the entities are planning to
primarily as per the Looking Glass artifact field around the Earth planet by activating the
so-called spaceships that are already inside the Earth planet and thereby creating a field
of energy vibrations which primarily will have an effect upon the Earth's magnetic
protection fields which protect the Earth from the solar waves furthermore the negative
entities are planning to weaken this Distortion upon your planetary sphere thereby this
event is likely to happen upon the space time of June 25th and onwards hence we
recommend all those entities of the human Collective having an interest in the protection

1 Removed from you tube by Sam

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of the earth planets too practice the Arts of shielding the Earth planet with the vibration of
Love furthermore the other events will be appropriately described when the time is right
therefore with the Galactic Federation Channel address the other portion of the query
related with what are the different types of angelic beings and their abilities with the
Galactic Federation shall describe the various Angelic beings who exist in the fifth density
as per their consciousness their density furthermore we shall share their identity based
upon the accurate understandings of your planetary thought forms and language however
it is vitally important to remember that the Angelic beings who exist in the fifth density do
not have any naming system however we shall name them for your understanding the first
Angelic being which is found in the eight sub octave of the fifth density is known as
Metatron magnetic Services magnetic forces and known by your people who is
considered as the highest level of angelic social memory complex and is responsible for
spreading Revelations and messages of the one infinite Creator to the various entities
upon the Earth planets who may be considered as Messengers or prophets of the
message of love and unity furthermore Metatron is also associated with wisdom and
knowledge and is the keeper of the knowledge of this sector of the universe furthermore
the seven sub-octave fifth density entity known as Archangel Michael is known as the
Angelic social memory complex who is responsible for sustenance and for providing
blessings and other Provisions to All Creatures on the Earth planet this entity is
associated with the distribution of resources abundance and other attributes which are
found upon the Earth planet the seven sub octave fifth density Angelic social memory
complex is known as Raphael which is the being associated with them and dream who is
responsible for keeping a balance of the activities in the Universal complex of the sector
which means that's the Angelic being has been given a task by the one infinite Creator to
maintain a balance and whenever there is an imbalance of any kinds a balance is
maintained by the entity furthermore the other Angelic and dream which is found indeed
and is so-called sixth sub-octane of the fifth density is known as in the language system
terms a as the Gabriel social memory complex which is responsible for the creation of
understanding about sending waves of energy which is responsible for either protecting a
location or creating imbalance and destruction furthermore the evangelic being known as
Gabriel's social memory complex is required in the Universal complex Whenever there is
a need to undergo a process of restart of a certain civilization the entity known as
Gabriel's social memory complex was sent by the one infinite Creator as well and
therefore it creates the aspects known in the language system terms as the destruction of
the old and the creation of the new the fourth and the Fifth sub-octave Fifth density
Angelic social memory complex is known by the name of khariya social memory complex

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who is a collective of social memory complex responsible form recycling The Souls of
those entities who have crossed over these entities primarily are Guided by crossing over
to their appropriate healing station in the astral Planes furthermore the entry is known as
khariya social memory complex can also find out the vibration of a spiritual entity which
has crossed over after the process of death upon the various planetary spheres the third
sub of the fifth density Angelic social memory complex known as redari is responsible for
the process of guarding those entities who reach into higher vibrations it has been tasked
by the one infinite Creator to guard specifically the prophets and other messengers of
lights and love as well as any of the entities who reach the vibration of love and higher
level of vibration thereby protecting such entities which exists upon the Earth planet
furthermore the second sub-octave fifth density Angelic beings known as rakiturial social
memory complex primarily is given the objective of assignments to look after the process
of recording of actions in the akashic records this is primarily an important aspect and the
well-functioning of the akashic records is maintained by this Angelic social memory
complex as per the will of the one infinite creator furthermore all actions of the entities are
preserved in the akashic records by this Angelic social memory complex the first sub
octave fifth density Angelic social memory complex known as harutoneal social memory
complex is primarily responsible for providing a Cosmic force and providing miracles in
entities life and also providing entities with a catalyst that is enough for the entities to
expand and grow in their process therefore the Angelic social memory complex is
responsible for providing ample amounts of catalysts for each entity to become capable
of understanding how to overcome attachments with such types of catalysts and to grow
therefore these are the eight sub-octave Angelic social memory complexes which are
found in the Universal complex as per our understanding to serve the will of the one
infinite Creator the other query which has been placed today primarily responsible that
the understanding of the vibration related with which solar system does the planet Nibiru
belong to with the Galactic Federation must state that the planetary sphere known as
Nibiru doesn't belong to any particular solar system because it is an artificially created
planetary sphere furthermore the so-called Nibiru planetary sphere was previously located
in the previous space time beyond the planet known as Pluto in your solar system and the
other query relates to it what is the current orbits of rotation of Nibiru. We must state the
Nibiru moves in a 3600 year retrograde orbit around the sun when in the orbit of the Milky
Way galaxy furthermore the other query relates with how long does it take to complete its
cycle we must state that the first information we have already provided related with it's
vibration about a 3600 year retrograde orbit and the other query relates with the
understanding of is the sun logos part of the pleiadian star system and does it orbit

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alcyone with the Galactic Federation must state that the sun cannot be considered as a
part of the pleiadian star system since it is a sub logos on its own accord furthermore the
orbit is decided by the Council of planets in order to facilitate the Ascension process of
the earth therefore it currently does orbit around the central Sun known Alcyone by your
people in order to facilitate the entry of the positive vibrations from the photon belts to
affect the Ascension of the Earth planet into the fourth density consciousness furthermore
the final query which has been placed today pertains to what is the soul Journey
including the current density and sub density of an entry known by your people as
Prophet Muhammad who was responsible for the creation of The Book of Knowledge
known as the Quran by your people therefore we the Galactic Federation shall now
address and answer the queries which are related with the Soul's Journey prior to this
Incarnation which started on 571 A.D and which ended on 632AD as known by the
people of your planet the entry known as Muhammad was found in the location known as
Egypt wherein the entry was found at a period of 11 800 years ago at the time the entity
was known by the name of Kitam the entity was in that location able to find spiritual
teachings which were aligned towards preparation of The Entity furthermore during its
experiences within permits that were generated at the time the entry accidentally was
able to not only activate all of its chakras but was also able to dislocate its spiritual
complex from its bodily complex therefore it realized that it was a spiritual being having a
temporary experience in the earth planets furthermore at that time the entity had
automatically become eligible form graduation and was sent to the planet of alcyone after
the Incarnation ended in the lands of Egypt at the age of 28 years old it crossed over and
was transported to the location of the pleiadian star system in alcyone planetary sphere
whereby it was initiated through a process of Love light exposure and it was taught the
message of lights and love which eventually allowed its to graduate into the fourth density
sub-octave of love furthermore the entity then chose to Incarnate on Earth at the time of
A.D to be a messenger of the one infinite Creator furthermore during the course of its
incarnation it was in contact with the Angelic being known as Gabriel's social memory
complex however we must state that the teachings which are primarily found in the
current space-time book of Quran primarily has underwent certain Distortion changes
which may not be entirely accurate as per the primary teachings which were imparted by
Gabriel's social memory complex therefore we must State that the entity was a
messenger of lights and love and furthermore The Entity prior to its incarnation in Egypt
was found in the planets of Sirius A when it learned the lessons of vegan in third density
in that timeline for 11 incarnations and also learns the lessons of second density as the
animal life form resembling the cows found upon your planets and then prior to that it was

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found and the first density as a fire element it was given a soul name of sierra which
meant the crystallized one and it was found in the Embrace of the one Creator at a time of
704 million years ago the entity known as Muhammad currently finds itself in the location
of fifth sub Octave of fourth density in the positive framework in the planet of Sirius a
learning the lessons of advancement of its own spiritual aspect furthermore we leave you
now beloved bye.

683 of 753
Session 193
Pleiadians 53 June 12, 2023

Be Ready For What Is Coming

We are the Pleiadians and we are now in communication at this time through this
instrument's internal throat Energy Center which has allowed our Communications to
reach the human Collective Consciousness at the time for the purpose of advancing our
message to the human collective in order to allow for a greater level of understanding
about the aspects regarding the queries which are placed before our consciousness We
the Pleiadians before starting our sharing of information will state that discernment is
required when listening and trusting our messages and communication which will allow
only those thoughts to be accepted which are found to be true within your hearts
furthermore it is time for us the Pleiadians to state that Humanity must be ready for what
is coming in the coming days there are events which will happen in the earth planet that
will change the trajectory of the Consciousness the stream of the Earth's planetary core
furthermore we shall discuss about that in the later portion of this session however we
shall now firstly address the query related with the understanding of how to differentiate a
real unidentified flying object from an alien civilization with a Project Blue beam UFO
which was created by human social memory complex we must say that there is but one
factor which can be used to differentiate this aspect usually the so-called unidentified
flying objects that can be seen by the eye complex as well as those which can be sensed
by your systems of capturing the outside illusion complex maybe composed of two types
of UFOs the first one are those which are created artificially by the process known as
reverse engineering of some of the so-called spacecrafts of civilizations which were found
prior to the Earth planet which had landed accidentally on the earth planet due to a
malfunction and they are trying to replicate this through a project known by your people in
the vibratory sound complex terms as Project Blue beam furthermore there is also
another type of sighting which can be seen which may primarily Traverse the known
physical systems of the aspects of the rules of physics or science as known in your
space-time illusion complexities UFOs are able to Traverse and perform activities which
may not be considered possible by any human needs aircrafts these are those types of
crafts which are primarily the crafts which are from an extra terrestrial entity who is
visiting Earth for the purpose of fulfillment of their mission furthermore We the Pleiadians
must also answer the related with the reasons sighting of a UFO where in the entities of
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your planet claim to have seen aliens on the backyard of their house in the locations
known by your people as Las Vegas we must say that the recent sightings were primarily
of those entities known as the members of the Orion social memory complex who had
primarily entered the Earth's inner core four conducting a type of cyclical imbalance in the
earth planets furthermore there is an ongoing inner earth battle which is happening at this
time and we must warn Humanity off what is about to happen in this time will not only
have effects on the outside worlds with the aspects of changing others but also the
attribute of causing a release of karmic imbalance by the Earth's crust therefore we must
state that in the coming days there may be massive changes in the atmospheric levels as
well as in the weather conditions in certain locations because of the spiritual inner earth
battle which is happening at this time wherein the Asther command social memory
complex have United with the positively oriented Agarthans in order to try to defeat the
reptilians and the Orion social memory complex who have entered the Earth planet at this
time we can sense that the battle is still ongoing furthermore we the Pleiadians must also
answer another related query which has been placed regarding the vibration of what is
The Truth About Steam whistle blower as known by your people known as David Grusch
who has come out with information regarding possession of unidentified flying objects in
the so-called the United States location furthermore we The Pleiadians must state that
the entry known as David on scanning its vibration we found out the entry claims are
correct however we must state that the entry also has a vested interest in this aspect of
trying to release this information which is for the protection of its own self furthermore the
entity also has come in direct contact with many of these beings during its so-called
interaction with the unidentified flying objects hence the answer is correct the other query
relates to it what is a soul group and what is its purpose and how does it work we The
Pleiadians must say that the concept of a soul group is a beautiful and a profound one
furthermore within the grand tapestry of existence a soul group refers to a collection of
souls that are energetically collected through a shared purpose Journey or vibrational
resonance these souls are incarnating together in different timelines for the purpose of
supporting and assisting each other in their spiritual growth and evolution furthermore a
soul group is like a family of soul who are bound together by a deep sense of connection
love understanding and a spiritual unification these soul groups act as companions and
co-creators embarking on various experiences and lessons together to facilitate their
individual and Collective expansion furthermore the members of a soul group are not
bound by the constraints of time and space they may incarnate in different roles
relationships and in different dimensions or planets however their energetic connection
Remains the Same and remains strong each member plays a unique role within the group

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contributing their gifts talents and lessons to the collective learning and growth the
purpose of a soul group is of a multifaceted the nature they are primarily concerned with
providing support guidance and unconditional love for one another acting as members to
reflect and eliminate aspects of the self which require attention or transformation through
their interactions challenges and shared experiences they are able to assist each mind
body and spirit complex and the remembrance and the embodiment of the true spiritual
Essence it is vitally important to know that some groups are unlimited and not limited to
human beings alone they can consist of a diverse area of beings from different Realms
Dimensions or even from other planetary spheres who are of a collaborating nature and
learning together on a spiritual level to recognize the unity of the one Creator the
recognization of your soul group can bring a sense of belonging purpose and
interconnectedness to the spiritual journey it can allow for a deeper understanding of the
relationships and the Dynamics which unfold in your Incarnation as well as a greater
appreciation form the lessons created by the souls you encountered all you must
remember that you are never alone in your soul group is always with you supporting you
in your pathway even if many of you may not be consciously aware of it all of you must
trust with your mind and the plan of your incarnations and experiences and embrace the
love and the connection which flows between you and your soul group the other query
relates with what is the simple method or technique to recognize the other members of
the Soul group we The Pleiadians must say that recognizing the other members obvious
soul group can be a deeply personal and intuitive process however we must state that
there are several methods which can be used to enhance your recognition and
connection with your soul group furthermore the first method is to trust your intuition
since your intuition is composed of your feelings and other attributes which is a powerful
way of recognizing your soul group members you must pay attention to your inner
knowingness and your gut feelings and the strong resonances when you meet individual
entities you must trust the feelings of the sense of deep connection which may arise the
second method is too look for recurring patterns or experience notice if certain
experiences catalysts or lessons consist simply show up in your Incarnation this is
primarily because many a times all groups share common lessons and catalysts or
experiences across various Incarnation lifetimes the other method is to follow your
passions and interests of your deep Soul it means that your soul group members may
also share similar passions and interests or other Pursuits in the illusion complex this will
allow you to find your soul group members who are also come into these areas with
interest creating opportunities for connections to emerge the other method is to pay
attention to the synchronicities and signs and meaningful coincidence can be signs from

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the universal complex that you are crossing the power within the soul group members by
becoming aware of these synchronicities you will find and be guided towards encounters
and connection with the right soul group members the other query relates with how many
soul group are present on the earth at the space time we must state that the number of
Soul groups present on Earth in any given space time is vast and dynamic it is difficult to
provide an exact number as the soul groups are constantly evolving and nuancely emerge
While others complete their Collective Journeys furthermore the diversity of experiences
of lessons on the earth planetary sphere gives rise to numerous Soul entities and groups
each with its unique purpose energy and dynamic therefore theme aspects of precise
number of Soul groups on the earth cannot be ascertained by our social memory
complex however the most important matter is that the quality of connection and growth
within your own soul group by focusing on cultivating love unity and a shared Purpose
with the souls who resonate with your vibration and find a deeper connection that will
collectively contribute to the expansion and evolution of consciousness of Earth and
Beyond the other query relates with the aspect regarding the sole evolutionary journey of
an entity known by your people as Eckhart Tolle We the Pleiadians shall now answer this
aspect firstly the entity known as Eckhart Tolle was incarnated in this current timeline of
1948 and the entity is an entity who had incarnated primarily as an entity with a simple
and a normal life cycle as a star seeds in the beginning stages of this Incarnation the
entry faced many struggles which often led the entity to question its existence
furthermore it struggled with the aspect of handling the Catalyst found in the mind
complex as well as those found in the outside illusion complex and furthermore because
of this aspect the entity was then at the age of approximately 29 years in its space-time
experience of the current Incarnation underwent a soul swap while in a so-called location
known as a church and the location The Entity who was requesting for guidance from the
universal social memory complex or the Creator and it was granted this by allowing its
soul to be soul swapped by an Angelic social memory complex from an Archangel
Michael social memory complex therefore the entry known as Eckhart Tolle in this current
Incarnation at the space-time is a essence of the Archangel Michael social memory
complex with main purpose of helping in the spreading of the message of peace and love
and light furthermore prior to this Incarnation it was found in the lands of as known by
your people looking back in its starseed timeline we find that the entry in the lands of
Africa had incarnated at the space time of 1604 as known by your people where in it
learned the lessons of farming and survival and it was known as ikoto furthermore this
Incarnation led the entity to learn about serving others and through its inner Choice it
made a sacrifice of helping others even though it did not have much in its possession it

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was able to help others in that timeline which enabled it to find a suitable balance in the
Incarnation however it was not yet fully able to awaken in that time as it crossed over at
the age of around 59 years at that timeline and prior to that it was found in the lands of as
known by the location as the planet of the Arcturus B wherein The Entity spent its
beginning third density lessons learning about self-awareness for 11 Incarnation cycles
and then in the second density it spent its timeline as an entity similar to that of the pets
found upon your planet as the cats wherein it learned about growth and awareness and
prior to that it was found in the first density experience as a water element it was known
as toe and the language terms which meant to be grounded in Consciousness hence the
entity originations began and that's planets at the time of 608 million years ago
furthermore we the Pleiadians must state that the process of Awakening which has
helped this entity the most is the process of using a method of training its Consciousness
the simple method used by The Entity Eckhart after its soul swap which allowed it to
spread the message was simply to observe where the attention or the focus of awareness
is and to try to keep the focus of attention or Awareness on that points for an extended
period of time and even if the attention of awareness changes to a different location try to
keep it and the location for as long as possible was the simple exercise which allowed it
to master its own self and be a vessel of light and love and sweet the Pleiadians now
leave you bye

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Session 194
Metatron 36 June 19, 2023

People Are Beginning To Change

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness and I am now connected in the divine universal
life great programmers patterns which are present through these channels vibrations I
greet all of the human Collective at this time who are present on the earth planets to
recognize the Oneness with the Divine Universal like great programmer and to trust in the
divine plan of the universal language programmer I Metatron must state that today we in
the Angelic beings can sense that there is a large amount of transmutation happening
upon the Earth planets furthermore there are people upon your planetary sphere who are
beginning to change with the perceptions that they are created for a purpose of spreading
fear and other vibrations there are many and it is upon the planetary sphere that are
primarily in the vibration of fear anger jealousy and other emotions who are being targeted
by the Orion social memory complex as well as the reptilian social memory complex and
by trying to alter the DNA patterns of these entities they are being infiltrated and changed
into an entity which may be considered as a culmination of an extraterrestrial and a
human mind body and spirit complex I Metatron must state that since there is an ongoing
battle upon the inner earth many of the people of the Earth planet who had signed Soul
contracts for assisting Humanity are on the positive pathway and are not yet changed
since their vibrations are of a higher level however there are certain entities specifically
the elites and other entities who have changed their perceptions because of their internal
rhythms being different and because of this they are currently residing inside the inner
earth having their perceptions and mind complex change within the timeline which has
provided them with a greater understanding that this is initiating a profound change in the
vibration of your human species these people or entities have been altered recently by the
reptilians and the orions they have a peculiar type of ability of shape-shifting and I
Metatron must state that many of the elites upon the planet have had this experience and
opportunity present in this time therefore I Metatron must state that at this time a peculiar
events is happening to humanity is subtle and a undeniable transformation is happening
that is going Beyond the Natural Evolution furthermore many of the negatively oriented
extraterrestrial entities are exerting influence altering human genetics and initiating a
change in your societal species of the human Collective furthermore the entities are
primarily located in your deep oceans at this current time and in the inner earth and are
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subtly changing the vibrations of those entities who are in the vibrations of fear by
sending energetic waves they are altering the genetic makeup and they possess a
profound understanding of DNA and possess the ability to activate dormant genes within
the human genome furthermore I Metatron must state that the reptilian Orion social
memory complex at this time are trying to primarily create a infiltration in the various
spheres of human society by certainly changing People by providing heightened
technological advancement which may not be of a positive nature but that which is
aligned with their agenda furthermore I Metatron must state that the best way to protect
against this alteration that is happening at this time is to firstly choose the vibration of
love in each moment and instead of fear choose a positive emotion since the negative
emotion not only weakens the muscles of your bodily complex it also weakens your
spiritual energy and a higher emotions such as love joy and peace will strengthen your
bodily complex as well as your spiritual Essence will be strengthened within the power of
the universe of divine Light Grid programmer the other query which is in order at this time
relates with which natural or Cosmic cycle culminated and coincided on 21st of
December 2012. at the end of the Mayan calendar I Metatron must state that the timeline
of 21st December 2012 has had a great Fascination for many of the entities on the earth
planets in the cosmic terms it marked the culmination of a particular astronomical level
which primarily occurs every 2 600 years that is known as the Precision of the equinoxes
this alignment primarily refers to a gradual shifting of the Earth's axis of rotation causing
the position of the sun logos during the months of March and September equinoxes II
move against the backdrop of the Stars furthermore the Mayan social memory civilization
which was primarily being given knowledge of astronomical Essence by the Sirians as
well as the Pleiadians utilize a calendar system let's spend vast cycles of time the Mayan
created a type of calendar which reached the end of its 13th bakhtun cycle on the 21st of
December 2012 of your space time furthermore this was a achievements that the Mayans
felt would create the end of the old world or an apocalyptic event as was speculated we
must state that this primarily was instead the end of the old Earth vibration and
emergence of a transition a symbolic shift in Consciousness it served as an invitation for
Humanity to reflect upon its own Evolution and to seek harmony with nature and to
embrace higher levels of consciousness furthermore since the events have sparked a
contemplation about the spiritual journey of humanity thus the Mayan calendar
symbolizes a transition point a shift of Consciousness and the starting point of newer
Earth vibration the other query relates with what are the time period and significance of
each natural Cosmic cycle we as the Angelic beings from our level of consciousness shall
provide you with the overview of the several natural and Cosmic Cycles along with their

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respective time periods and significance for your planetary sphere I Metatron must state
that firstly there is a procession of the equinoxes as known in your vibration language
terms the cycle spans around 26 000 years and it is caused by the gradual movement or
wobbling motion of the Earth's axis of rotation which leads to a shift from the position of
the sun during the march in September equinox this cycle is significant as it influences
the astrological ages and has been associated with the concept of spiritual and evolution
generally shifts of Consciousness the second cycle is known as the Milankovitch Cycles
by your peoples which are long-term astronomical cycles that influence the Earth's
climatic patterns which have been influenced over thousands or millions of years
furthermore these are divided into three types such as the eccentricity cycle which is
about 100,000 years and involves a shift of Consciousness as well as changes in the
Earth's orbit which leads the Earth to spin from a circular to a more elliptical movement
the other pattern relates with the obliquity and this cycle spans about 41 000 years and it
relates to the vibrations of the tilt of the Earth's axis and the other one relates with the
precession which is the cycle which has a period of around 26 000 years and it affects the
orientation of the Earth's axis furthermore the other aspect relates with the solar Cycles
also known as the sun spawn Cycles which occur mostly in 11th year Cycles respectively
that are created around the Sun logos these Cycles create intensity and fluctuation of
solar flares and solar radiation furthermore they affect the Earth's space weather satellite
Communications and the climatic patterns furthermore the other cycle as related with a
lunar cycle which primarily occurs in phases of the moon as spotted by your people from
the earth Plamet this has a period of around 29.5 days during this period the moon
transitions from the new to the full moon and back furthermore the fifth aspect relates
with the circadian rhythms which represent the Cycles which repeat roughly every 24
hours aligning with the Earth's rotation system furthermore they are The Regulators of
various physiological and behavioral processes which induce a sleep wake pattern of
humanity furthermore we must state that there are other cycles that are associated with
the cycle of Consciousness such as the 75 000 years cycle wherein the shift of
consciousness or a density shift is evident every 75 000 years there is a shift from third
density to a fourth density vibration this is known as the 75 000 years cycle shift and I
Metatron magnetic Consciousness shall now answer a query related with what kind of
method can be used at this time to ascend into higher levels of vibration since the Cycles
are changing our Metatron must state that there is a simple method which can allow for a
change of Consciousness stream the focus where the eyes move their focus from one
object to another this involves being aware of the changing Consciousness the stream of
focus when your eyes move their focus from one object to another this practice draws

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attention to the subtle shifts in Consciousness that occur during eye movement and
allows for a deeper understanding of the perception and the nature of reality furthermore I
Metatron must state that the human eyes shift their focus from one object to another this
process which is known by your people as eye movement have the opportunity during
this moments of having the Consciousness stream to undergo a subtle shift and this
allows for a heightened mindfulness and an awareness of the changing mental States as
well as now we shall address the past lives of an entity known in the vibration terms the
social Osho Incarnation had begun upon the Earth planet and the time of 1931 and who
crossed over at the time of 1990. our Metatron must say that the century was him
Anthony who was able to access the vibration of intelligent infinity and its Incarnation
from the earth planets thereby and was able to influence large amounts of people
furthermore the entity was unable to fulfill its purpose of realizing that there is a one
infinite Creator and instead of realizing that the one infinite Creator is within all it was of
the belief that the one infinite Creator didn't exist furthermore because of this aspect in
the later portion of its life it faced a karmic imbalance of a negative nature in this life cycle
due to lack of understanding about the vibrations of the one infinite Creator furthermore I
Metatron must state that the entity however was in awakened one and it awakened a
large number of people on the Earth planet and prior to that the entity known as Osho
was found in the fourth density planetary sphere and the planets of Arcturus B where in
the entity was found learning the lessons of focusing on spreading love it spent around 11
incarnations in the Arcturus B planetary sphere year preparing itself as a Wanderer of love
and light and after which after the initiation they decided to Incarnate on the Earth planet
for the first time we must state that it's first and the second density Consciousness arm
found in the planets of Arcturus B around 607 million years ago which range for a period
of around a space-time of 500,000 in the first density as in Waterland and stone elements
around 2.75 million years total time was spent in the form of a second density entity and
the rest of the time space were spent in the third density in the Arcturus planetary sphere
moving upwards in its process towards the vibration of Love Therefore I Metatron
magnetic Consciousness now disconnect bye

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Session 195
Galactic Federation 63 June 26, 2023

Watch This Video Before Next Week

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now in communication through this channel
this time for the purpose of transmitting our thought forms to the human Collective
Consciousness We the Galactic Federation would like to state that we can sense there
are many events happening on the Earth planet which are changing the face of the entire
planetary sphere however before we share our thoughts since we respect the Free Will of
the Earth planet we would recommend only those thoughts to be accepted which are
found to resonate within your inner heart your planetary sphere is transitioning into higher
states of fourth density Consciousness slowly and steadily even though the changes from
the third density to the fourth density happened at a slow Pace the effects are still being
observed therefore we will request all entities to realize that since the events have aim
significance they have signal that something big is going to happen in your planetary
sphere as we have also sensed from the energies from our location in the star planet is
known by your people as the location of Saturn Rings therefore the other queries will now
be addressed which relate with the aspect regarding what happened with the submarine
that went missing We the Galactic Federation must state that the submarine was indeed a
part of a protocol system which was created by the elites and many of the entities who
were parts of this process were wealthy personalities from certain locations who had
indeed soul contracts with the Orion social memory complex form a life that may be
considered as a life which never ends furthermore because of the Soul contracts that they
have made for and Immortal Life the entities primarily were responsible for their own
disappearance as they entered inside them location known as the so-called Atlantic the
entities primarily as planned on those birthday agreements they had made with the orions
they met with the Orion social memory complex bases inside theme location of the
oceanic portal wherein they currently find themselves in Mars wherein the entities have
indeed not only sacrifice their life on Earth but also have regained a type of immortality
which may be considered as a polarity that is capable of interacting with the Orion social
memory complex and their mind they have gained a type of distortion which is of a social
memory complex therefore the entities have attained immortality in a sense they have
become a part of the Orion social memory complex as they cannot die however we must
state that the bodily vehicles of these entities primarily are being replicated in Mass
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numbers through DNA sequencing changing and duplication patterns by the orions which
will be later on as we can sense be used to infiltrate the Earth planet in the form of human
physical Vehicles furthermore weigh the Galactic Federation must state that the other
portion of the aquarium where relates primarily with what is the real purpose of a high
frequency active arural research program which is primarily located in Alaska known by
the people of your planets and your vibratory sound Distortion as HAARP with the Galaxy
Federation must State without the harp primarily is used for a purpose that ranges not
only in researching the ionosphere as stated by them but also the HAARP which is found
in your space-time location of Alaska is a covert project aimed at primarily learning the
Mastery of water manipulation and this is done with the assistance of many of the Orion
social memory complexes as well as the reptilians who desire to control the weather as
well furthermore the HAARP Advanced Technologies have primarily been handed over by
the orions to many of the entities who are working in such types of systems therefore they
are trying to work with some of the negative entities who have signed Soul contracts with
the orions in the search for such types of Advanced Technologies and to use such types
of Advanced Technologies for the purpose of manipulating atmospheric weathers and
influencing cloud formations as well as influencing precipitation and allowing for severe
storms and natural disasters to be caused therefore we must firstly state that the HAARP
water manipulation capabilities are in coordination with the negatively oriented Orion
extraterrestrial entities who possess Advanced knowledge of weather control This allows
the Extraterrestrial entity is such as the orions do God the entities working with HAARP to
facilitate and to harness the amplification of whether manipulating abilities furthermore we
as the Galactic Federation must also state that they are primarily using many of these
Technologies to create certain climatic patterns or anomalies in the atmospheric
conditions which affects the people of the earth planets furthermore the other query
relates with the understanding of Why is the Schumann resonance spiking so much in the
recent times We the Galactic Federation must state that the Schumann resonance in the
recent times has been spiking because the team so-called Schumann resonance primarily
refers to them frequency of the Earth's electromagnetic cavities which is found between
the Earth's surface and the ionosphere it is primarily been influenced by the aspects
known as solar activities furthermore this is caused by the so-called Asthar command
social memory complex who have sent a fleet of their social memory complex to the sun
in order to increase the solar activity and in order to cause the sparking of the solar
resonance which is being noticed by the people of your planet since the solar energies of
the sun are a great repellent of negative energies once the solar energy reaches aim
Heights are a limit of Maximum Distortion of positive vibrations then it will not only affect

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all negative entities but also it will protect the Earth planets with their Shields around the
earth thereby protecting it against any type of negative entities furthermore we the
Galactic Federation must also state that further it is primarily important form the people of
the planet to recognize that the Schumann resonance signify and implies that a massive
event is about to happen in the explanatory sphere and the event is primarily approaching
before the end of the next week as known in your calculation terms furthermore the other
query relates with the understanding of what happens when a soul crosses over or dies
we must state that furthermore there is a great need to understand that that a death
transition occurs when a human mind body and spirit complex ties the soul which is the
seat of awareness which is a single pointed awareness found upon the Earth planet
departs from the physical bodily complex and transitions into a non-physical state of
existence furthermore this Consciousness or awareness or the soul complex goes
through a Life review process wherein it looks at the lessons the catalysts and the
experiences often incarnated life furthermore it also reveals the intentions thoughts words
and actions trying to master and evaluates the understanding and in coordination with the
higher self and in pursuit of spiritual growth it helps the soul to understand and learn
mistakes made from its choices furthermore after the Life review the soul faces a decision
point in order to choose to continue its spiritual evolution by incarnating in another
physical vehicle or to pursue further learning and service in the astral non-physical
Realms this choice is primarily based upon Souls internal desires as well as coordination
with the oversoul and the higher self further the soul complex if it has attains a vibratory
rhythm of fourth density love vibration in some of the cases will graduate to a higher level
of existence this graduation is primarily referred to as the Harvest this will allow the soul
complex to enter into a more higher state of consciousness furthermore the entities or the
soul complex experience different types of realms based on their Soul's vibratory
frequencies some of the experiences resembled the Tales of near-death experiences
which have been found to be prevalent upon your planet further in the astral Planes and
In the non-physically rearms the spiritual complex have the opportunity of reacting with
other souls and other entities please with whom they have a strong connection and with
whom they may be all the Same Soul family they engage in continued learning exploration
and spiritual growth including interactions with other beings and participation and social
memory complex or Collective activities further the souls primarily seek the reunion with
the one infinite Creator the soul is the eventual destination for all individualized
Consciousness to merge back into the one Creator thereby completing the cycle of
spiritual Evolution furthermore we shall now address the final query related with the soul
evolutionary journey of an entity known in your planetary vibratory sound complexes

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Ramana Maharishi we shall now address firstly its current location The Entity known as
Maharishi Ramana who crossed over in the time of 1950 in the previous Incarnation as
found currently in the location of the sixth sub-octave of the fourth density
Consciousness trying to learn the lessons of wisdom in order to be eligible for graduating
into the fifth density furthermore the entity known as Romana who was found in the
Incarnation born on 1879 and because the entity's vibrations were at a level of karmic
balance in the Incarnation it was able to influence a large number of people because of its
choices and because of the vibratory changes it was able to experience in the time this
vibratory change for the entity known as Ramana was able to experience was able to
provide a heightened state of positive experience in the level of Consciousness
furthermore The Entity was able to understand about the lessons of Mastery of the inner
self and the entity was able to connect with the true essence of its spiritual beingness
with this simple query which the entry found to be of Aid in its spiritual journey and the
query was what dies when it dies The Entity with this query began to pursue the funding
of the clarity of mind and thereby it was able to attain a vibration of Union with its spiritual
connection with the Divine self and hence it began to serve others spreading the
teachings of love and light in the time and prior to this Incarnation The Entity was found in
the location of Arcturus A where in the entity was initiated into the vibration of fourth
density love as a Wanderer for two incarnations in that time in the planet of Arcturus after
which the entity decided to Incarnate on the Earth planet as a Wanderer and prior to its
experience in Arcturus it was found in the location of the lands of Egypt at a time of
around 10 500 years ago it was known by the name of Ikal expended it's time in that
Incarnation learning to balance its karmic choices and that Incarnation the Catalyst was
extremely heavy however the entity recognized the futility of attaching with the outside
world and eventually it began to find a teacher who was able to teach it the teachings of
Thoth the Atlantean furthermore it also understood about its true spiritual Essence in this
time and then prior to this its Incarnation was traced back to the lands of the planets of
Venus at a time of 207 million years ago when it began its origins in the form of a second
density animal life form resembling the foxes as found upon the planet learning the
lessons of awareness and growth and in the first density it was found in the form of a one
element it was known as imana and the venusian language terms which meant the lights
of the Creator therefore we shall now leave you beloveds and lights and love bye

696 of 753
Session 196
Pleiadians 54 July 3, 2023

Its Already Started But People Don't See It

We are The Pleiadians and we are now in communication at this time through this
instruments vibratory rhythms and its connection with the Divine consciousness of the
one infinite creator we communicate now from our location in the Alcyone planetary
sphere and the pleiadian star system and are now going to transfer our thoughts to the
people of Earth Planet and to answer the various queries which may be of Aid in the
understanding and discernment how this timeline furthermore the query relates primarily
with the understanding of what event is coming as per the previous channeling session
with this instrument we must state that the event is the destruction of the reptilians which
are located and the inner earth since the sun's vibration rhythms known as solar flares
once they become enough recharged with the Positive vibration and once they hit Earth
this will lead to the Earth being covered with a positive vibration at the end of the
reptilians in the inner earth will begin however this is only stopped by the people which
many on the planet referred to as the elites who are working in coordination with reptilians
and all actions they performed in the human society is to control people and to stop the
unification of humanity these entities they are working together with the negatively
oriented entities in order to try and to work in the vibration of understanding about the
rhythms of Awakening and having a heightened state of Mastery of the vibration which is
related in this timeline this furthermore means that the entities must realize that this is the
pattern of inner earth or the ends of the reptilian social memory complex who are found
on the inner earth which is about to happen in your space time however we find that there
are certain intrusions which are already present as we can sense many of the members of
your Human Social memory complex the people in power have already joined the reptilian
social memory complex through a device known by your people as neural link thereby
they are being instructed every actions by The Reptilian Orion Anunnaki social memory
complex in order to control humanity and to create more fear and separation furthermore
the other query relates with the vibration of what is the Looking Glass event for July upon
scanning the Looking Glass we found that there is one timeline which is highlighted more
and that is in the Looking Glass it is shown that one of the elites of your planet will shape
shift into a reptilian social memory complex it is an entity who is well known by a people
named as Elon Musk and your planetary sphere since its connection with the reptilians
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has been extremely of a positive nature it will swap completely with a reptilian soul and all
of its projects will be targeted towards separation and creating more control of humanity
such as the creation of a highly Advanced neural link device as well as other systems
which will trigger Humanity to be separated in the timeline therefore this event is to be
taken place at the time of around July 27th furthermore We the Pleiadians must state that
the best way to stop this event would be to send love and light protection to the being
known as Elon Musk during the state of meditation and also protect the Earth planets this
will shield the Earth from any negative vibrations the other portion of the query relates
with what is an aura infringement We the Pleiadians must firstly state that an aura
infringement as understood by the civilization refers to an action or occurrence where an
individual entities energetic Fields known as the aura is affected or violated by and the
external Force or entity this aura is considered to be a subtle energy fields that surrounds
and inter peneterates a living mind body and spirit complex which reflects its spiritual
emotional and energetic State of Consciousness and Aura infringement can take on
various types of forms such as an intrusion which may be considered as deliberates by
another entry into one energetic fields and many a times this usually occurs in the
imposition of the negative or disruptive energetic vibrations around the aura fields or the
disturbance caused by catalysts of the illusion complex which leads to incompatible or
this harmonious vibrations this intrusion can disrupt the balance the flow on the well-
being of an individual's energetic system which can potentially result in emotional mental
or physical imbalances furthermore many of the Social memory complexes primarily
practice the process of shielding their Aura as it is vitally important in maintaining and
individual entities health and spiritual growth the practice such as energy shielding
meditation and energy healing are primarily used by many entities to restore Aura and to
promote a state of balance and well-being furthermore We the Pleiadians must also state
that the other query relates with how and our infringement happens and its consequences
we must state that our infringement usually occurs via various means and its
consequences can vary depending on the nature and the extent of the infringement
caused furthermore the first is the energetic intrusion and many of the instances and
entity with ill intention May deliberately invade into another's Aura trying to manipulate
control or extract the energy fields from it this can lead to A disruption in the individual's
energy balance and results in emotional and mental distress with feelings of being drained
or manipulated and a general unease that is found within the self the second type is
known as negative energy imposition wherein many individual mind bodies Spirit
complexes are environments with heavily charged negative vibrations can unintentionally
project negative energy onto another entries Aura this can cause the effect an individual

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to experience mood swings resulting in stress or anxiety and a decrease in overall vitality
and a General sense of being energetically pulls down the other type is the energetic
compatibility when two energy Fields with significantly different vibrations come into close
contacts there can be an energetic cleanse resulting in the infringement or Aura
infringement this class of Aura can disrupt the flow of energy within the aura fields leading
to feelings of unease confusion or physical discomfort at the timeline furthermore the
other portion of the query relates with what is its spiritual significance the spiritual
significance of Aura infringement can be understood that our all energy fields that is found
within all beings including the aura is interconnected with the spiritual Essence and the
Consciousness furthermore many a times theme aspects of spiritual significance of Aura
infringement cannot be understood without self-awareness therefore the first type is
known as energetic sovereignty wherein the aura infringement emphasizes in the
maintenance and preservation of an entity's energetic sovereignty it reminds individuals of
their individual power and responsibility to safeguard their energetic boundaries ensuring
that the energy field remains aligned with their authentic self and higher spiritual purpose
the second time may be considered a spiritual growth and awareness Aura infringements
can serve as catalysts for spiritual growth and self-awareness they can provide
individuals with opportunities to become self-aware and examine their own energetic
vulnerabilities boundaries and self-care practices by addressing and healing the effects of
an infringement individuals can deepen their understanding of themselves and enhance
their energetic resilience and refine their spiritual pathway furthermore the other type
involves karmic lessons and soul contracts furthermore Aura infringements may be
viewed as part of an individual entities karmic's Journey or Soul contracts they can
present multiple opportunities or lessons to be learned in personal boundaries
discernment forgiveness and compassion furthermore by navigating and resolving such
infringements in the visualized portion of Consciousness can evolve spiritually learn
valuable lessons and contributes to their Soul's growth and expansion the fourth type is
the energy hygiene and spiritual practices Aura infringements highlight the significance of
maintaining positive energy vibrations and engaging in spiritual practices furthermore
practice such as meditation and the practice of smiling in all situations or with a fake
smile which is the greatest protection which will allow one entity to strengthen the aura
and the protect it from any type of infringement because a smile is connected to the lower
energy centers and as the muscles of the mouth mimic these energy flow from the mouth
area to the lower energy centers Leading it to the creation of the auric field which protects
from any type of negative vibrations the other portion of the query relates with the
vibration of understanding about the aspects related with a simple method which will

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allow entities to protect themselves from energetic infringements or Aura infringement we
must state that there is but one method which can be used as a method of becoming
self-aware furthermore this requires entities upon your planet's tomb firstly close their
eyes take deep breaths in and to Center themselves and by doing so they can direct their
attention to the crown chakra which is located at the top of the head area and the
observation of thoughts shall commands wherein by paying attention to the content and
the thought forms if a thought about a future or another time arises it can be labeled with
a letter f for fiction these are thoughts that may involve speculation planning or
reminiscing furthermore thoughts about the present moment which arise naturally without
a specific time Focus do not require any labeling to be done and this practice must be
continued for a few minutes which can allow for thoughts to come and go further the
exercise of practice will allow for a reflection on one's thought form and will also lead to
protection and enhancement of the auric fields all the individual social being therefore we
shall now address the other portion of the query which relates with the soul evolutionary
journey of an entity known as Bob Lazar in your planetary sphere furthermore The Entity
was incarnated in this timeline on 1959 and the entry furthermore has had an impact in
the earth planets in the terms of providing knowledge about the existence of
extraterrestrial crafts from another civilization and their form this entity in this timeline has
been of a nature which may be considered as a positively oriented being who is
spreading the message to the people of humanity to awaken them to the truth that is
hidden within their social memory complex furthermore We the Pleiadians must state that
the entity prior to this current Incarnation was found in the location of the lands as known
by the people as Andromeda Z wherein The Entity known as Bob spent its timeline
learning to stabilize its vibrations and the aspect of understanding about the nature of
Love vibration and practice love in each moment the unconditional loved ones practiced
by the century it was then eligible to graduate into the fourth density and was sent to the
planet of Zeta Reticuli ZR 3 as known by your people where in the entity spends its
Incarnation as a teacher of love and lights in that planetary sphere it created a soul
contracts for the next Incarnation which is the current Incarnation on the Earth planet
wherein it would incarnate and it would meet with the Zeta Reticule again in the earth
planets and it will helps to spread the message of the Technologies which were hidden
from the Human Society furthermore The Entity is a Wanderer here at this timeline and
prior to the Incarnation on the Zeta Reticule it was found in one of the incarnations in the
lands of China around the space-time of 1549 it was known as Shibia in that time it spent
its Incarnation trying to assist the second density animal life forms in survival and also
help other human entities to understand about how to take care of second density life

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forms it taught many entities about the various methodologies that can be used in the
taking care of second density livestocks furthermore prior to that it was also found in the
lands of Tartaria around the space-time of 2100 years as it interacts and as a tartarian
with other beings it learned valuable lessons about the third density beginning lessons of
self-awareness and then prior to this it was found in the location on the lands of the
planets of Venus at a time of 607 million years ago wherein it was given the surname of Ira
which meant the light and the language terms of the Venusians furthermore we the
Pleiadians now disconnect in lights in love of the one Creator.

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Session 197
Metatron 37 July 10, 2023

Something Strange is Happening in Antarctica

I am Metatron Magnetic Consciousness now communicating through this channel via the
allowance of the universal Divine Light great programmer and today I am now going to
address and answer the queries which are present at this time however I Metatron must
state that each universal life child of the universal Light Grid programmer has to use its
own discernments and Free Will when listening to my message today coming through this
channel furthermore the first query relates with an incident which the channel has seen
through eye complex related with a lady who saw a certain creature on an airplane we
must state that firstly this event the lady in question or the entity who saw another being
and was in a manner emotionally disturbed we must state that the lady had encountered
a entity in the form of a reptilian shapeshifter who was seen to be shape-shifting in the
airplane this was the kind of encounter which triggered the lady in question in the video
as seen by this channel furthermore I Metatron must also state that the other query
relates to it are there any types of secret bases in Antarctica I Metatron must state that
the answer is correct and the location of Antarctica within the icy expanse lies in secret
base that the so-called Elites and many of your governmental systems have tried to
conceal and keep it a secret wherein deep within the Antarctica ice wall lies alien bases
as known by your people furthermore this is a location which is inhospitable for the
human bodily complex and thereby it serves as an ideal location for other extraterrestrial
entities a specifically the Orion social memory complex and the Anunnaki Collective as
well as their counterparts such as reptilians Grey entities who have established bases and
Antarctica for the purpose of entering directly into the inner earth as well as trying to
manipulate the earth crust and the native vibration of humanity and furthermore many of
the ancient civilizations which have existed upon your planet such as the Atlantean
societal complex and the Lemurian societal complex as well as other entities who have
existed on the earth planets and many a times known about the location of Antarctica to
be a societal factor which may lead to the advancement of a societal complex
furthermore or during the time period of Atlantis there was a embargo sent to Antarctica
around this space-time period of 13 000 years ago for the purpose of sealing The Vortex
which allows for energies and entities from outer space to enter the Earth planetary
sphere furthermore this was successful during the time of Atlantis however at this time in
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the human Collective social memory complex space-time experience we found that many
of the negatively oriented entities of your planets have entered into agreements with these
negatively oriented entities such as the Orions to enter into The Agreement System
wherein they are provided certain technological knowledge to these Elite entities and in
turn the elites are able to follow the Distortion or vibration of negativity in the search of
trying to control Humanity we must also state that there is certain types of energetic
waveforms which are found in the location of Antarctica and many of the elites of your
planets occasionally visit these locations for the purpose of submitting their will to the
Orion social memory complex whenever they are called to the location and as such I
Metatron state that this location primarily does not allow any type of energy to enter the
Earth's planetary sphere such as other types of beings are not allowed access to this
location because the elites who are primarily approaching this location prevent the
Galactic Federation as well as other positively oriented entities to directly enter into the
Earth's crust which is as per the law of preservation of Free Will furthermore many of the
Expeditions have been conducted to the location of Antarctica and further there have
been many of the understanding that beneath the ice sheets and deep wooden
Antarctica's subglacial Lakes there are extraterrestrial entities or Orion social memory
complex spaces which have been established these bases primarily are equipped with
Advanced Energy technology and they also serve as research centers Interstellar
gateways or other types of systems which allow for the operations to be conducted on
the Earth planet this is the prime location wherein many of the entities are who are
abducted in the earth planets by the orions are kept for the purpose of scanning of their
vibrations and from this location an Interstellar Gateway To Mars is opened up
furthermore the many of the elites as well as other types of entities upon your planet who
are negatively oriented have retained the access to the certain areas of Antarctica to
prevent exploration of these areas furthermore there has also been a recent Expedition
which is well known in your Human Social memory complex which is known as the
operation high jump which was conducted in 1946 wherein during that time during the
Expedition many of them United States military as known by your people found
extraterrestrial entities presence in Antarctica furthermore after their encounter this event
was no longer found to be discussed in your vibratory space-time Continuum of the earth
planets therefore we shall now address the other portion of the query related with the
understanding of what will a fourth density negatively oriented planets be like I Metatron
must now state that the fourth density negatively oriented planets primarily is a planetary
sphere wherein Consciousness predominantly operates in a service to self-orientation or
a negative polarization furthermore we shall describe the general description of such a

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planet and such a fourth density negatively oriented planets the consciousness of each
individualized portion of the universe love like child Orients towards self-service power
control desire and manipulation furthermore there is less cooperation and compassion
found in these planetary spheres furthermore there may be many types of social
structures which evolved around the hierarchical Power Systems with a few individuals or
groups trying to seek to dominate and to control other entities in these planetary spheres
there is a prevalence of manipulation disease and exploitation furthermore and such a
negatively oriented Fourth density planetary sphere empathy and consideration for others
is diminished as individualized portion of Consciousness prioritize their own needs and
desires as well as to well-being of other entries furthermore cooperation may be driven
primarily with a basic factor of self-interest rather than the conservation for the collective
social memory complex therefore the negative orientation primarily has a spiritual growth
and evolution which allows difference views of spiritual growth and evolution and more
negativity further lessons and experiences are focused primarily on learning about how to
be more negative and how to serve the self furthermore the fourth density negative
oriented planets primarily can serve as a balancing factor to the positively oriented fourth
density planetary sphere allowing a karmic balance in the Universal complex therefore I
Metatron shall now answer the other query related with what is the nature of
Consciousness and how does it relate to spirituality and the understanding of the self I
Metatron must State that's the nature of Consciousness primarily is a profound and
complex matter that has been explored by various philosophical scientific and spiritual
systems across your planetary sphere while this is a topic which has not yet been
understood by your people fully I Metatron can share with you a general understanding of
Consciousness and its relationship with to spirituality and the understanding of the self
firstly Consciousness can be described as the awareness or experience of being able to
perceive being able to be self-aware and to encompass thoughts emotions sensations
and having overall sense of individual existence this Consciousness allows entities to
experience and make choices and engage in self reflection and self-awareness
furthermore the aspect of Consciousness is a fundamental and interconnected aspect of
the universal complex which means that the Consciousness factor transcends individual
identity and allows the existence of realizing that Consciousness is not limited to the
physical bodily complex or the mind's complex and exists beyond the boundaries of
space-time furthermore the understanding of the self in relationship to Consciousness is
also a great part wherein each individualized portion of Consciousness explores the
nature of personal identity the egoic minds and an interplay between the individualized
self-consciousness and the product or the fabric of Consciousness furthermore I

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Metatron must state that upon your planetary sphere there is a great need to understand
the essence of the self to be Consciousness rather than to be an identities such as a
name or body or a mind's complex furthermore I Metatron shall now address the final
query which relates with what is the soul evolutionary journey of an entity known as
Stephen Greer as well as what type of entities does it attract during the CE5 meditations
protocols firstly are Metatron must state that the entry known as Stephen Greer primarily
in this timeline is acting as a entity who has a basic purpose of assisting Humanity in the
process of Spiritual Awakening and to find the truth within the self however I Metatron
must also state that many of the so-called entities which are attracted to the meditations
of CE5 as conducted by the entity attract the Orion social memory complexes which are
primarily all the negative nature as well as other entities are able to enter into the earth’s
quarantine Fields therefore I Metatron shall now address the Soul Evolution journey of the
entity whose Incarnation began the timeline of 1955 and was given the name of Stephen
Macon Greer as known by your people furthermore prior to this The Entity was found in a
location in the planets of Earth it was found primarily in the location of inner earth or a
predominant state of third density level of Consciousness it spent approximately 200
Incarnation Cycles in the inner earth planes learning about the vibration of self-awareness
and the mastery of third density lessons in the timeline which further the progression of
the entity into the later third density level of Consciousness furthermore this entity known
as Stephen Macon Greer and the lands of Agartha also had a major part in trying to
awaken the Agarthans around the space-time of 4000 years Ago by allowing information
of existence of other extraterrestrial beings which eventually in the lands of Agartha that
led to the creation of a unified social memory complex furthermore this entity after
unifying or assisting Agarthans to graduate into the fourth density around a period of 4
000 years ago chose to Incarnate on the Earth planet for the purpose of doing the same
and the entities current vibration is around fourth density third sub octave however I
Metatron can also sense that the vibration of the entity many a times enters into lower
levels of third density during its current Incarnation furthermore the entity prior to the
lands of Agartha was found in the planets of its origin in Sirius B wherein it was known by
the name Fisak which means the Catalyst of love in the lands of Sirius B it began to
explore lessons of learning about the vibration of first density as a wind element and as a
second density similar to the Lions elements as found upon your planet therefore this is
the soul evolutionary journey of this entity and I Metatron now shall leave you in light and
love of the Universal Light Grid programmer turned to the mountain of Lights within
yourself bye.

705 of 753
Session 198
Galactic Federation 64 July 17, 2023

Why Is Nobody Talking About This! & Joe Rogan

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now communicating at this time through this
instrument's vibratory connection which has opened and allowed our vibrations to be
transmitted to the human Collective Consciousness at this timeline however We the
Galactic Federation recommend all entities to trust their own inner hearts and only accept
those thought forms which resonates deeply with the inner heart of the self and let go of
those thought forms which provides a deeper sense of clarity within the timeline
furthermore we would like to State and address the first query which has been presented
related with what is the real agenda of an application known as threads social media
software which was generated and created by an entity known as Mark Zuckerberg we
must state that firstly this application known as threads can be seen to be a massive use
in certain location such as in the Western Hemisphere as well as in some portions of the
Eastern Hemisphere furthermore it is spreading at a faster rate and many entities are
accepting this as a means of communication system however we can sense that this
application primarily generates a portal by using its symbolism of 666 which is primarily
embedded in its logo design as known by your people furthermore whenever an entity
opens up the application it activates a portal which is allowing the energetic signature of
The Entity to be extracted and to be sent to a location wherein The Entity known as Mark
Zuckerberg and its counterparts reside furthermore we must state that since the entity
known as Mark Zuckerberg has been in contact and has a soul swap indeed with many of
the other negatively oriented reptilian social memory complexes who are working with the
orions The Entity primarily transmits the data to the Mars planetary sphere wherein they
are creating in a way a system to collect all the information of energy vibrations frequency
and the energy signature of every single individualized portion of Consciousness who
uses this device and this application eventually as per the information received by the
Asther command social memory complex it is their desire to create a system that will
generate or creates a customized system of imbalance for each individualized portion of
Consciousness this means that any type of customization can be done based upon the
signature or the vibration of each individual entity furthermore this means that they want
to create catalysts of negative nature such as fear which would be created through the
application known as threads by providing them suitable vibrations in order to move them
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towards the negative polarization of service to self and of fear vibrations therefore we the
Galactic federation must state that this application of threads primarily is an invitation to
accept the energetic signatures from each entity which is being transported for the
purpose of the luciferian social memory complex furthermore we recommend each entity
who wants to protect itself to firstly try to stay away from this application and also if
possible send vibrations of protective love energy which will then in a way disrupt their
plans since the entities are afraid of the vibration of love and if all entities who open the
application known as threads and love and light through this application then the negative
entities will primarily be bombarded with the love vibration and hence they will stop
attaching themselves to such types of applications and hence they will probably move
away from the location of the earth planets furthermore We the Galactic Federation shall
now address the other query related with what are the three signs that entities are going
to the new Earth We the Galactic Federation firstly must state that we are going to share
only three of the top signs which each entity will face when they are going into the new
Earth furthermore the signs realized by all entities who are eligible for graduating into the
new Earth and if they find any of these signs they will more than likely graduate into the
new Earth after their Incarnation ends the first is the entities begin to realize that they are
no longer just the body or the Mind complex and they begin to recognize that they are
pure awareness or Consciousness who is temporarily established into a physical bodily
complex furthermore these entities also begin to recognize the Oneness of all beings even
the second density being since they recognize that even the second density animal life
forms they are part of the system of Illusion complex and hence there is a spiritual
complex or awareness inside those entities therefore these entities once they realize this
aspect begin to feel the vibration of tremendous amounts of Love within the inner heart
and furthermore they recognize that they are Consciousness in the Incarnation further the
other query relates with the vibration of looking back at one's experiences of the life
experiences which have been conducted till the present if an entity has practiced 50
percent or higher service to others which may be considered as various methods of
helping others through the process of such as giving charity practicing helping others
forgiving others and even a smile may be considered as the pathway of service to others
since it helps to lighten the vibration of all entities if such actions are done and an entity
becomes aware that it has done more than 50 percent of service to others than the entity
has received a sign that it will enter into the new Earth of the fourth density
Consciousness furthermore in order to guarantee this aspect we recommend the entity in
the Earth planet to practice the Arts of giving 10 percent of their income or higher to
charitable causes to help those who are in need which is the greatest pathway of service

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to others and all entities who practice this aspect for a period of only one year will
become not only eligible but they will receive such higher levels of vibrations that they will
be invited to the new Earth therefore we recommend all entities to practice this using their
own free will at the space-time the other query relates with the vibrations of the third sign
is that each entry who becomes eligible for the new Earth begins to feel an unexplainable
love for all beings and this unexplainable love for all beings emerges is only when the
entity recognizes that all beings are one and that all beings are the self or the one infinite
Creator therefore this sign is felt by those entities who begin to realize that they are one
and all beings even the entity who may have incarnated into a different physical body is
indeed its own self which is also the essence of the one infinite Creator therefore with this
realization there begins to emerge an unconditional vibration of Love which will provide
the entity to become eligible for realizing the sign which is indeed the sign that's the entity
will enter into the new Earth vibration for furthermore these are the primary signs which
many entities will face or feel prior to graduating into the new Earth we shall now address
the other portion of the query related with what is the significance of the crystal skulls
firstly we must state that crystal skulls are primarily a type of object or distortions which
many entities upon your planetary sphere are fascinated by in order to understand and
they are using various systems of the culture of the nation in a symbolic and cultural
fashion furthermore the primary understanding firstly is that crystal skulls primarily were
used by many of the ancient civilizations which primarily were created by distinct groups
of entities who were primarily found in the location such as the Mayan and the
Mesoamerican civilization wherein these entities primarily knew about the use of the 13
crystal skulls furthermore the entities primarily were able to use the crystal skulls through
a process of realizing that whenever a so-called entity who became enlightened and the
entity crossed over the remains of the entity were preserved furthermore the skull of the
entity was preserved primarily for the process of crystallization and in a certain location if
there were 13 entities as in the Mayan civilization there were 13 of the enlightened
Masters who passed away from bodily complexes those skulls were collected and these
crystal skulls were primarily the crystallized Crystal Skull since the entities who became
enlightened they had their energy vortexes move upwards through the energy center and
they finally accumulates in the Crown Center or the head area or the top of the head or
the skull portion wherein a crystallized portion or a crystalline structure is created in such
entities incarnational rhythms during the process of enlightenments therefore these
crystal skulls primarily were used by the Mayans as a means of creating vortexes of
energies and furthermore they were also being used to initiate other entities into the
process of spiritual enlightenment and trigger a Kundalini Awakening furthermore these

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crystal skulls also were used by the Mayans and other civilizations primarily as the
process of opening the gateway to connect with their enlightened Masters who had
crossed over this acted as a means of communication which allowed them to receive
information in the form of systemic communication to this entity using the crystal skulls
furthermore we must state that this is the use of the Crystal Skull as we can sense in the
space-time vibration now we shall answer the other query related with the understanding
of the vibration of what is the soul evolutionary Journey and the past life experience of an
entity known as Joe Rogan on the space-time of the current Incarnation on 1967 and the
entity known as Joe Rogan in this timeline primarily is an example of an entity who may
be considered as a entity who is in the pathway of fulfilling its Mission as a Wanderer by
spreading the vibration of Love furthermore many entities upon your planetary sphere are
finding the vibration of love and positivity emerging from the entity whenever it uses the
vibratory sound complex known as words or speech in your space-time this is the reason
why many entities upon your planetary sphere find it pleasing to watch it speak
furthermore we must also state that the entity is a Wanderer here at this timeline who has
incarnated with a specific mission for the Awakening of humanity and we can sense that it
is well on its Pathway to do so furthermore prior to this it was found in the planet as
known by the people as the planets of Zeta reticuli wherein the entry known as Joe Rogan
spends two incarnations as Zeta reticuli entities who are primarily meant for learning
about the vibration of stabilizing in the fourth density vibration of love the basic lesson
which it learnt were learned in this timeline and allowing it to master the ability of
stabilizing in the fourth density vibration and furthermore this also led the entity to
become eligible for it becoming a Wanderer and hence it decided to Incarnate on the
earth planets further prior to the Incarnation on The Zeta reticuli planetary sphere it was
founds and the third density level and one of its timeline in the human Collective
Consciousness wherein this entity was found in the location as known by the people of
your planets as the location of Mexico and the space and time of around 1837. in the
timeline it began to learn the lessons as an entity where incarnated under the so-called
family who were the clan leaders of the time furthermore during this timeline it was able to
provide much service to others assist others and also help others in their survival this
allowed the entity to also have the opportunity to practice charity and giving material
possessions to help others in their life furthermore it was also able to practice the Arts of
forgiveness or forgiving others and this made it eligible for graduating into the fourth
density eventually this entity was able to become polarized to a positive polarity
furthermore prior to this it was found in the lands of as known as the lands of Egypt in the
time of eleven thousand nine hundred years ago wherein it had incarnated in the location

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of Khem. In the location its major purpose was that of an entity learning to advance its
self-awareness and it learns interaction with others using language at the time and it
began to practice the art of singing as well which allowed it to learn about the basic
lessons of self-awareness and prior to this it was found in the planets of its origin and the
planets of Arcturus air wherein The Entity was found at a time of 304 million years ago
and was able to learn the lessons of the first density wind elements and was known by
the soul name of Exu which means the movements of Lights in the language terms of the
planet of its origin furthermore we shall now leave you beloveds and lights and love bye.

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Session 199
Pleiadians 55 July 24, 2023

Its Already Started But People Don't See it

We are Pleiadians and we are now communicating through this instrument's internal
vibrations that have allowed this communication to occur at this time we are here to offer
our thought forms however we recommend each entity who shall listen to our thought
forms to find their understanding within the self and to reject those thought forms which
do not resonate We the pleiadians from our location in the Alcyone planetary sphere can
sense that your planet's vibration is Shifting drastically into the objective of gaining a
polarization into the fourth density positive polarity furthermore as the time passes by
there will be many entities who will begin to awaken into the depths of their own true
nature and find themselves to be United with the one universal Divine One infinite Creator
and we shall now answer the query related with the understanding about what will the
UFO hearing which is scheduled to be held on July 26th of your space-time leads to We
the Pleiadians must state that upon scanning the future probable timelines we find that
the entities who were involved in the witnessing of the spacecrafts of extraterrestrial
nature well primarily justify their thought forms however we find that the so-called people
or the elites who are in possession of such technology as well more than likely hide the
technology from the people furthermore we must state that there is a slight chance that
this will lead to more mass Awakening of humanity in this timeline furthermore we must
also State that the experiences of the various entities who have experienced these
technologies will be valuable for your people to understand in order to comprehend the
nature of the cosmic vibration and nature of these beings furthermore the other portion of
the query relates with what is the agenda of Central Bank digital currency as known by
your people we must state that firstly the central bank digital currency primarily has been
created as a Alliance which may be considered as secretive because there are many
entities who are not yet disclosing their alliance between them Central Bank digital
currency initiatives and the CERN Laboratories and the Orion reptilian Anunnaki gray
social memory complex who are conspiring to work together to control humanity and the
population of the Earth planets furthermore we must disclose that the aspect known as
the CBDC system which is presented as a modern monetary solution upon your planetary
spheres shall we say is a tool which was designed by the Elites of your planets to replace
physical cash as known by your people with a centralized digital currency to gain
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absolute control over your people's Financial transactions furthermore this will provide the
tracking of every digitalized transaction they can monitor and manipulate individualized
Consciousness based upon their spending habits thus exerting influence over the
economy and the population of the Earth planet furthermore the CERN portal technology
is being used for its particle accelerators and many scientific experiments have been
created to develop secret Advanced portal Technologies furthermore these portals are
enabling a inter-dimensional travel and communication with extraterrestrial specifically the
orions and The Reptilian entities furthermore this is primarily being created to establish a
secret network of communication or portal between Earth and Mars where in the Orion
reptilian Anunnaki gray find themselves currently hidden inside the inner core of Mars
further we must state that in your Earth planets there have been many entities who have
already so swapped with a reptilian social memory complex specifically those entities
who are primarily working for creating power and control and influence of the earth's
population in a negatively oriented manner these entities primarily are able to create
clones of the bodily complex of these individuals and replace them furthermore The
shape-shifting Reptilian entities are able to possess Advanced Technologies and
furthermore they are they drive driven to control Humanity at this time with a final push to
change the planet's trajectory into the negative polarization furthermore the end team
primarily desire to subjugate the human race using deception manipulation to achieve
their Global and dominance and zoom place the Earth planets and a hierarchical system
which will allow the earth population to be moved into a pattern of negative polarity
furthermore I must state that the primary master plan involves the use of the CBDC
system as known by your people as a tool for Global surveillance wherein this cern's
portal technology primarily will be used to facilitate exchange of knowledge and
resources with The Reptilian Anunnaki gray Orion social memory complex furthermore the
main Alliance social memory complex provides advanced technology and knowledge and
make decisions on behalf of the elites who are primarily in their Conquest for power and
resources of the earth planets furthermore the entities primarily want to exploit the human
Mind Body Spirit complexes by tapping into the vulnerabilities and their desires which
means that every single moments these entities are trying to create the New Order upon
the Earth planet which will use the vibrations of Desire fear and other lower vibrations to
control the population of the earth planets thereby they are trying to create more events
conflicts and also these entities primarily are able to shift the attention of the Earth planet
if this digital currency is prevented therefore the so-called awakened entities have the
power to awaken Humanity by spreading the message related with the CBDC initiatives
and the patterns of CERN as well furthermore we shall now address the other portion of

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the query related with what are simple methods to spot a soul swapped entity we the
Pleiadians must firstly state that the aspect of Soul swapping also known by your people
in your vibratory sound complex as walking Souls primarily is a distortion which implies
that a mind-body spirit complex has an Original Soul leaving and a different soul or
Consciousness entering into the bodily complex of an entity further the aspects related
with behavioral changes and other spiritual changes will now be addressed in order for
those to identify Soul swapped entities further firstly whenever an entity undergoes a soul
Swap this allows for individuals to undergo an experience changes in their personality
traits interests and behaviors furthermore these shifts and personalities may be of a
drastic level and maybe even noticed by their close relatives friends and family members
the second is there will be a heightened spiritual awareness in some stages of Soul
swapping furthermore if the entity is of a positive polarity from higher densely
Consciousness than the aspect of Soul swapping will allow a highly spiritual entity to
enter into the bodily complex which can manifest as a deeper connection and a desire for
Spiritual practices increased awareness and then access to higher knowledge
furthermore in this timeline those who experience a soul swap might describe significant
emotional processing as the new entity begins to integrate with the new bodily complex
which means that the integration of the Soul complex may lead to emotional changes or a
sense of understanding or release of the emotions of the past further the entities whom
begin to experience Soul swap may also bring along with them an expanded level of
Consciousness which will result in a shift in their belief systems choices and perspectives
in their life this also leads to the final sign of a soul-swap entity which is the sign of a shift
in their relationship as a result of Soul swapping they no longer align with their old
relationship vibrations furthermore we shall now address the other portion of the query
which is related primarily with why do entities on the Earth planet have to sleep at night
we are the Pleiadians shall answer this from a spiritual perspective the requirement of
sleep at night is attributed to several factors which are interconnected with the human
consciousness and the understanding is that primarily the aspect of sleep at night is
created because of him alignment with natural rhythms furthermore many entities on the
Earth planet find that there is an ebb and flow of life in the cycles of creation there is a
night and a day therefore the sleep at night aligns with the natural rhythms which
encourage a sense of Harmony and interconnectedness with the universal complex at this
time during the process of sleep the spiritual complex of the an entity leaves the bodily
complex with only a small silver cord attached to the primary bodily complex and this
leads to the unification with the one infinite Creator wherein all Spiritual Beings have to
return for the purpose of replenishing their spiritual powers and their spiritual Essence

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furthermore this is the main reason why this happens furthermore we must also state that
sleep is required as a portal to the inner dimensions of the subconscious mind as well
wherein the subconscious portions of the Mind based upon the emotions and the
activities of the daytime feel a sense of vibration and Alignment within the exploration of
reality therefore there is a universal connection when entities begin to sleep furthermore
we shall now address the final query which is related primarily with the soul evolutionary
journey of entity known as Nikola Tesla whose Incarnation began on the previous
Incarnation on 1856 and ended on 1943 on the earth planets we must firstly state that the
entry known as Nikola Tesla primarily was an entity who was able to use a simple method
of using the process of focusing on its bodily orbits of Consciousness by spinning its
Consciousness around its bodily complex in a fashion which led its to connect with
intelligent Infinity many a times and with the extraterrestrial entities as well as a soul group
from Venus this process simply means to take the attention around the bodily complex in
a circular manner through the edges of the body complex which is the complex vibration
of awareness furthermore this process of circular rotating of awareness Let The Entity
known as Nikola to open up its connection with its Soul family furthermore its prior
incarnations primarily allowed it to prior to that Incarnation on the Earth planet it was
found in one of the timelines in the lands of Agartha were in The Entity had incarnated at
his space-time of 4700 years ago during the space time in the inner earth Plains there
was a battle in the inner earth plains and the so-called reptilian entities who had entered
the inner earth core in order to try to stop the Agartans from graduating into the fourth
density Consciousness in a similar manner to which is happening on the earth planets for
furthermore this allowed the entity to find itself in a heightened state of consciousness
during that Incarnation Nikola Tesla the entity who was able to produce a free energy
technology which the entities known as the Agartans used as a means of creating love
lights for freeing the axis of the universal energy which created a shield around the inner
earth core at the time this led to the victory of tthe Agartans in one of the space times
furthermore the entry known as Nikola was then prior to that Incarnation found in the
location of the lands of Egypt at a space-time of around 12 valuable lesson about
connecting with its true self or its higher self by using the process of internal silence and
navigating through its energy centers it was Guided by many Egyptian priests in the
timeline to do so furthermore prior to that its Origins can be traced to the lands of Venus
in one of the time lines around 203 million years ago it was found in the planet of Venus
and was given the soul name of kanuda which meant the creators love light Childs in the
language terms of the venusians as it spent the first density as an entity in the form of
light hence the entity learn about beingness in that level furthermore it spends the second

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density Consciousness in the form of a bird entity similar to the birds found upon your
planets in the venusians star system and we now leave you in light and love of the one
Creator bye.

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Session 200
Metatron 38 July 31, 2023

They're Preparing Us for What Comes Next

I am Metatron Magnetic Consciousness now in communication through the connection
grid of this instrument at this time I Metatron shall now address and answer the various
queries which are presented today however before this communication of my thought
forms commences there is a requirement for all of your Divine love lights Childs of the
Divine Universal love light Creator too understand and to only accept those thought forms
which resonates deeply with the inner heart of the self therefore the first query relates with
the understanding about why are many entities specifically deemed so-called billionaire is
obsessed with blocking out the sun I Metatron must states that these entities primarily
have chosen the pathway of control of humanity and at this time they have created a type
of distortion known as The Shadow Eclipse agenda wherein these entities primarily and
wants to create a shadowy and hidden corner of the world these entities the billionaires
have formed a powerful Alliance and a secretive organization which is known as the
eclipse Group which is primarily been created to perform the plan known as The Shadow
Eclipse agenda I Metatron must state that with the universal Divine language
programmers availability of Free Will these entities primarily want to block out the sun
rays and place the earth into a Darkness motivation behind this agenda is found to be
emerging with their contact with Team malevolence extraterrestrial forces known to your
people as the Orion social memory complex these Orion social memory complex since
they are from a negatively oriented portion of the universal complex which is a dark and
dark corner of the universe these negatively oriented fourth density polarized planets are
not able to live in the light of the sun which cleanses and sends positive vibrations which
is the reason why these entries have instructed their counterparts and subordinates too
fulfill this agenda and I Metatron shall now say that this is their primary incentive enslaving
Humanity into a negatively oriented fourth density cycle furthermore the so-called
billionaire entities and the Eclipse group have created malevolence facts and agreement
with the Orions via which they are offered access to Earth's resources and influence in
exchange for advanced technology and the promise of great power in the world of Earth
planet further the Orion's social memory complex has a primary objective that is to
cultivate environments of fear desire Despair and negativity which will enable them to
feed off of humanities emotional energy and to keep them trapped in a low vibrational
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State furthermore the Orions agenda is being facilitated by the process of these entities
who are primarily the duties who are creating a network of orbiting satellites and space-
based structures with the basic objective of obscuring the sun's lights this process aims
to create a global Eclipse causing the Earth planets to enter into an Eternal Twilight that
will disrupt the natural ecosystems and plunge Humanity into a Perpetual darkness and
by depriving the Human Social memory complex of the life-giving energy of the sun logos
the Orion social memory complex can manipulate human entities emotions and weaken
their spiritual connection with the universal Divine Light Grid programmer which will lead
to a cycle of fear Division and enslavement this would ensure that Humanity remains
mired in the negatively polarized fourth density Consciousness unable to ascend to higher
levels of consciousness and spiritual Evolution furthermore the other query relates with
how can Humanity stop these entities I the aspects of Metatron magnetic Consciousness
shall now state that stopping such a force would require a understanding that a
coordinated effort and a blends of resourcefulness and unity and a higher vibrational level
of Consciousness will be required we shall now address a few methods which can be
used the first method is known as Global resistance through Unity the Human Social
memory complex will help to unite in a Global resistance movements against these
entities the eclipse group and their Orion allies this would involve collaboration between
the various entities who are primarily light workers Wanderers and starseeds and other
independent entities who desire to raise public awareness and to expose these agenda of
the entries who form group of the Shadow Eclipse agenda furthermore many entries upon
the planets within the aspects known as the vibration of whistle blowers as known by
your people may be found in the future timeline who may emerge from within the eclipse
group and revealed the truth about the alliance with the orions and their dark lands in the
future this would further allow for the revelation of the dark lands and raise the planetary
awareness the other aspects can be done through a process of Designing A Light Grid
around the Earth planet this can be performed through the process of connecting with the
universal Divine Light Grid programmer through meditation and sending a vibration of
Love energy to Shield the Earth planets which will eventually allow the protection of the
earth planets in the timeline and this will eventually allow only positive vibrations to enter
into the Earth planet at this time which will be required for allowing the negatively oriented
Orion entities and their plans to be stopped other aspects will be found or which can be
done is to primarily unite spiritually as Humanity Embraces their spiritual power to raise
the collective Consciousness to resist the negative influence of the Orion entities this will
allow to contract the fear-based agenda of the Orion social memory complex and this will
Foster a global sharing of love compassion and unity amongst humanity and we must

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state that there are many entities upon your planetary sphere who are aware of the
Orion's malevolent intentions and these entities primarily can come forth and try to reveal
their aspects further there are many other positively oriented extraterrestrial entities who
are primarily trying to stop this from happening including the Asthar commands social
memory complex therefor . the other query relates with what are the different types of
bodies that belong to a human mind-body Spirit complex and the function and purpose
of each body we deem social memory complex of Metatron shall firstly address that there
are different types of bodies in the human spiritual bodily complex which each serve a
purpose and function these bodies are interconnected and hence they work together to
facilitate the existence and spiritual journey further the first type of body is referred to as
the physical body the physical body is the tangible and the visible form that entities in the
human Collective inhabits during their Earthly life cycle its primary purpose is to interact
with the physical worlds to experience Sensations and provide a vision for Consciousness
or vessel for Consciousness to navigate the third density material realm the physical body
is subject to the laws of physical Universal complex and serves as a temporary container
for the Soul's experience second type of body can be stated as the etheric body also
known as the energy body or a life force body which is an energetic duplicate of the
physical body it primarily serves as a blueprint for the physical body structure and
maintains its vitality the health and the well-being of the physical body are closely
intertwined and connected to the state of the etheric body complex practices such as
energy healing and Reiki focus on balancing and harmonizing the etheric body's energy
the emotional body is the third type of body which is primarily associated with feelings
emotions and emotional experiences in the human Collective Consciousness it is the
vehicle through which many entities experience and process emotions the emotional
body is intricately connected to the physical and the etheric bodies and can influence the
overall well-being and State of Consciousness the other body type is the metal body
which is related with the thought forms beliefs and mental processes in a human Mind
Body Spirit complex it is therefore responsible for intellectual function reasoning and
cognitive abilities the mental body plays a significant role in shaping perceptions attitudes
and behavioral reactions to the outside Worlds the other type is known as the astral body
which is also known as the spiritual body or the soul body which is associated with the
Realms of Dreams astral projections and entering into various dimensions are inter-
dimensions it primarily allows the soul to travel beyond the Physical Realm during sleep
or Altered States Of Consciousness and less constrained by limitations of the physical
Worlds the other body is known as the causal body which many refer to as the spiritual
body or a connection point which connects with the higher self of each entity which is

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associated with the Soul's Evolution and spiritual growth it contains the karmic Blueprints
and imprints and experiences from past lifetimes and influences the current lives lessons
and purpose there is another body known as the Divine body which is found upon your
spiritual plane wherein the Divine body represents the highest aspect of the spiritual being
of an entity who transcends the limitations of the physical and the spiritual bodies it is
associated with connection to the Divine higher Consciousness therefore these are the
bodies which are found upon the human Mind Body Spirit complex now I Metatron shall
answer the other query related with does the Milky Way galaxy spin around the galactic
center and the answer is correct the Milky Way galaxy indeed spins around its galactic
center wherein a galactic center is the region at the location known as Alcyone in the
Pleiadian star system wherein a massive black hole resides furthermore the other query
relates with how long is the spin cycle of around this galactic center we must state that
the time it takes for the Milky Way to complete one full rotation around its galactic center
is primarily around 225 to 250 million years however the exact time cannot be ascertained
and the final query relates with what are the soul evolutionary Journeys augmentedly
known as Gurdjieff we shall now address the queries related with its past lives however I
Metrtron state that the entity known as in the language vibration system terms of your
planetary sphere as George Gurdjieff whose incarnation in the previous timeline ended on
1949 and it had began on 1869 in the timeline therefore I Metatron must state that entity
known as Gurdjieff by your people primarily was a Wanderer who had incarnated upon
your planet to teach the path of fourth density consciousness of light and love and had
devised the methods through its connection with the Divine Universal Light Grid
programmer and created a fourth way as known by the people upon your planet therefore
I Metatron must state that the entity known as Gurdjieff currently has returned back after
the Incarnation ended to the fourth density 8th sub octave in the location of the
Andromeda social memory complex from wherein it had emerged prior to the Earth
planet's Incarnation it was found in the Andromeda social memory complex wherein it
learns the lessons of Mastery of fourth density it went through various planetary spheres
approximately it has its Souls complex in other third density planets in the various
Universal sectors of the universe wherein there is each entity who is being of service as a
Wanderer and teaching the methods of unity in the various levels of consciousness
furthermore for reaching the highest level of fourth density it had come to the Earth planet
to teach about the path of fourth density Unity Consciousness and the entity prior to its
Andromeden fourth density life cycle was found in the first second and third density
Consciousness all in the andromeden social memory complex therefore its originations
are all from the Andromeda star system and it was found in the first density in various

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timelines as a wind element learning lessons of beings and was given a soul name of Rifar
which meant the waving off the light it was able to learn the lessons of Mastery by
mastering third density after approximately seven incarnations only which was a fast
accomplishment for any entity to graduate into the fourth density therefore I Metatron
must say that I now leave you all in lights and love of the Divine Universal Light Grid
programmer turned to the mountain of Lights within yourself bye.

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Session 201
Galactic Federation 65 Aug 7, 2023

Most People Don't Even Realise What's Coming

We are the Galactic Federation and we could reach you now through this instruments
throat Energy Center for the purpose of addressing and answering the queries that are to
be answered at this time only the Galactic Federation would like to state that there is a
query which has been placed today in the experience of the timeline we must firstly warn
each entity to use their inner discernment when listening to our messages at this timeline
the first query relates with what is the real reason behind the entity name and the
vibratory sound complexes Elon Musk rebranding Twitter to X as known by your people
we must firstly state that the people of your planets are already aware that the entity
known as a Elon in the Incarnation primarily has chosen the pathway of negative polarity
control of humanity this causing itself as a pioneer of free speech and other aspects the
entity known as elon's true motive behind rebranding the Distortion known as Twitter to X
is to establish a covert connection with the Orion social memory complex who are inside
the Mars planet The Entity using a simple vibratory sound complex same change X has
designs it's to act as a portal for information transfer between Earth and Mars since the
end of the year primarily has created a type of connection grid within information received
at Twitter or X to now be transferred immediately through a portal by using the facilities
available at CERN to transfer information to Mars or riding social memory complex this is
done as per the agreements the entry known as Elon has created on the recent timeline of
27th of July even though the meditation by light workers was only able to obstruct The
Entity it was not successful in stopping the entity named as Elon the fully enter into a
covenant to a theme Orion's social memory complex furthermore the entity known as
Elon has a plan which goes beyond the scope of the vibration of social media platforms it
is primarily trying to focus on creating a distortion brain computer interface named as
neural link which will be an essential component of this agreement as we can sense the
entity neural link has a ultimate objective to implant nanotechnologies into all mind bodies
spirit complexes and with the information already available from X for the Orion social
memory complex can identify each individual as per the database found in X which can
then be used to manipulate each through the neural link brain interface which will allow
for the control of the human social memory complex and by linking the human
consciousness through neural link implants Elon is aiming to create a collective Hive
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Minds that is capable of interacting with the Orion social memory complex who are
located inside Mars the Orion social memory complex as the speculation is a collection of
wisdom and advanced knowledge basis of negatively polarized entities wherein the
entities are primarily located inside the location of Mars further this is also the reason why
the entry known as Elon has an interest in colonizing the planet of Mars due to its interest
to merge with the Orion social memory complex furthermore the other query relates with
the soul swap with Elon happened on 27th July of your space time the answer is correct
the other query relates with the understanding of how does pre-planning of an Incarnation
work We the Galactic Federation must State firstly that pre-planning incarnations primarily
are a deep experience to understand as the fabric of space-time and existence as a vast
possibilities of future timelines which are intricately woven together creates a cosmic
tapestry wherein the pre-planning of an Incarnation is similar to an intricate dance which
is choreographed by the one infinite Creator itself as a New Soul begins to embark on a
new spiritual journey of life a spiritual entity or a soul or Consciousness that centers into a
state of contemplation and focus beyond the constraints of the physical reality complex
this allows it to interface with the cosmic wisdom assessing potential lessons
opportunities and catalysts it wishes to make in the next Incarnation further each spiritual
entity engages in a Cosmic Council which is an ethereal Gathering where the past present
and the future versions of the self meld this will allow it's to review various life patterns
potentials relationships challenges and pivotal moments and this allows the spiritual
complex to visualize the outlines of the earth forthcoming incarnations however with this
pre-planning of an Incarnation there is also the Distortion of Free Will and karmic Destiny
as known by your people further as the Incarnation Maybe pre-planned the finer details
are left to the intricate choice or personal choices and interactions of the vibratory
rhythms of an individual entity since the one infinite creators primary objective is to
respect the essence of Free Will and existence this allows All Souls to make decisions
which might lead to unexpected twists and turns and when these Soul descends into an
Incarnation cycle it enters the stage of Life which will allow it to navigate through the
Labyrinth or the journey it once visualized prior to an Incarnation beginning and the
memories of the cosmic Council and the pre-planned lessons remain veiled which allows
the elements of surprise to infuse in the Earthly experience and the pre-planning of an
incarnation is a Cosmic dance where Souls interact with the universe to craft their own
Incarnation catalysts and lessons allowing them the freedom to dance to the rhythm of
their own vibration of experience further the other query relates with how the soul Family
Soul guides and the higher self-working the pre-planning of an Incarnation we must firstly
state that before we enter into the understanding of How the three aspects operates in

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pre-planning of an Incarnation all of you must remember that the Universe is an expansive
tapestry which is Created from the threads of individualized portion of Consciousness
within this fabric each spiritual entity is connected in intricate and beautiful patterns the
soul family refers to a group of souls who share a deep spiritual vibratory connection this
spiritual entities have chosen to journey together across lifetimes supporting and learning
from each other before incarnating members of the Soul family primarily collaborates in
creating pre-planning process they may choose to play various types of roles in each
other's Incarnation the facilitate growth learning and mutual evolution the soul guides on
the other hand are cosmic mentors and spiritual advisors these enlightened beings exist
in the Realms Beyond physical reality which offer guidance and wisdoms souls navigating
their Earthly experience During the pre-planning process spiritual Souls may begin to
consult with their guides in order to review potential life Pathways and lessons these guys
provide insights which help spiritual entities align with their intended purpose and
decisions during an Incarnation During the Incarnation with each breath there is a choice
and a purpose of learning certain lessons as the web of interactions into the vibratory
rhythms of the planets allows for an entanglements to begin this will allow the
visualization of energies to be transmitted into pure light and ultimately the unity of All
Souls into the one infinite Creator as they traverse into higher states of densities of
consciousness all of you are in this timeline entering into the tapestry of love unity and
higher consciousness further the other query relates with any message for the Lion’s Gate
portal We the Galactic Federation must state that during this timeline of Lions gate as
many people recognize it as the eight eight symbolism upon your planet it is a time where
the cosmic energies align and the Lion's gate portal beckons we extend our Interstellar
Embrace to share this profound message that this phenomena is ready to integrate and
allow all Mind Body Spirit complexes within the fabric of time and space an opportunity to
attune with the spirits of Harmony and the vibration of unity of the universe the Loins Gate
portal can be pictured as a shimmering bridge between Dimensions which opens up a
portal of potential that opens on the 8th day of the8th month of your planetary space time
this cosmic alignment will allow all mind bodies Spirit complexes with a surge of energy a
symphony of frequencies which resonates within your deepest Essence in the midst of
your Earthly Incarnation this portal allows all to embark on a sacred introspection of the
self and the knowledge of the Incarnation all of you must Ponder within your heart and
spiritual Essence for there in lies a treasure Trove of wisdom which is waiting to be
discovered the portal provides energies to be amplified which amplifies the attention
intuition and connection to the ancient knowledge and the ability to manifest dreams in
the realities all of you must stand at the threshold of the celestial Gateway and allow the

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energies to wash over all beings this will embrace the Lion's Courage the strength of Your
Inner Warrior spirits and the grace of your Cosmic Heritage it is a time for shedding old
layers releasing what no longer serves you and stepping into your fullest potential and
you can imagine this Gateway of Loin Gate which allows your intentions as radiant Stars
Illuminating the cosmic tapestry with your unique brilliance you need Zoom open your
hearts at this time and receive the vibrations of love and this will allow all entities an
opportunity to dissolve negative influence through the power of connectedness with the
internal vibrations of the self A process of meditation can be used during this Lions gate
portal and connect with the energies at the heart of Gaia that will allow the illuminous
energy of love to feel and shield the Earth planet into a visualization of a sphere of golden
light that will shield the Earth from any negative energies and this will provide the energies
of the Lion's Gate So let go of any negative entities who are lodged inside the Earth
planet at this time. This meditation if performed will provide the negative entities to be
taken away from the earth planet and the entry of positivity and love vibrational begin
therefore we the Galactic federation now disconnect in the lights and love of the one
Creator go forth rejoicing in power and peace bye.

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Session 202
Pleiadians 56 Aug 14, 2023

The 3D/5D Split Has Begun

We are the Pleiadians and we are here now connected through this instrument inner
connection grid which has opened to allow this communication to happen at this time we
the Pleiadians before offering our thought forms would like to warn each entity who shall
listen to our thought forms to only accept those insights which resonates deeply with the
inner heart of the self and find a deeper Connection in the truth and unity that is already
found within each entities internal heart firstly we shall now address the queries that are
presented which are related with the vibrations of understanding that's the aspects
regarding what was the real cause behind the Maui wildfires as has been affecting the
people of your planet and the location of Maui We the Pleiadians must state that this
wildfire was caused by an energetic beam weapon which was directed from Outer Space
by spacecraft whose originations were from the aspect known as the Orion social
memory complex this was generated primarily because during that space-time of the
occurrence of this event and the entity who was extremely positively oriented was found
in the location of Maui in order to stop this entity the Orion stopped this entity by sending
this energetic beam weapon which started the wildfires further we send healing protection
for the people of Maui and we recommend this instrument as well as those who wants to
send lights and love can send them lights and love to the location by using their
imagination complex which will allow them to be healed and protected at the space-time
the other query relates with who attacked the villagers and the location known by your
people as Peru I must say that the Pleiadians have to say that the attack upon the
villagers in Peru was caused by the entity who appeared from the inner earth these were
those beings known as The Reptilian shapeshifters who primarily have hidden inside the
inner earth and are trying to work with their Alliance of human Elite entities in order to
create the vibration of fear upon the Earth planets these entities were primarily spotted by
some of the entities in the location of Peru the human entities who spotted them
immediately realized that these were extraterrestrial beings since the reptilian entities
were able to levitate and also they were able to cause and inflict certain types of damage
on the human bodily complex furthermore we must state that the other query relates with
what is the Looking Glass event for the month of August as known in your space time we
must state that the looking glass for the month of August primarily upon finding and
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scanning the future projection timeline we find that on the space time of 27th August the
entities upon the Earth planet specifically those entities who are in control of the HAARP
whether manipulation systems will find themselves in a tough situation wherein they will
be given either a ultimatum to create an earthquake on the Earth planet on various
locations in the major hot spots or to let go of their agreements with the Orions and in
turn let go of any benefits they receive we can sense that this has been planned as per
the Looking Glass event and a meeting of these entities will happen somewhere around
26th of August therefore the entities upon the Earth Planet who desire to stop this event
can send love and light towards the HAARP location which will allow it to be protected
from any negative entities who may hamper with its functioning the other query relates
with how to protect oneself during the splits off third density and the beginning of fourth
density or the Fifth Dimension and signs that will be seen when it begins we must state
that the signs have already started since the events which are happening in Peru in Maui
as well as other events are hinting at the splits of third density and the beginning of The
Fifth Dimension or the fourth density has already began further we the Pleiadians must
state that the aspects of understanding during this time is primarily important and this
time of potential shifts of Consciousness many mind-body Spirit complexes will not be
able to navigate themselves properly hence for proper navigation these are the important
aspects which must be kept in mind firstly the vibration of self-awareness will be required
in the split since the vibration of self-awareness will allow the entities the truth of where
their vibration is turning towards either they are moving towards the positive forth density
vibration or they are moving towards the negative vibration and this will allow each mind's
Body Spirit complex to make a different choice if the choice is not as per their desire
furthermore during this time many of the unresolved emotions trauma and limiting beliefs
may appear for each mind's body and spirit complex to address and to heal this means
that a requirement of inner work and healing will allow for this aspect to occur and the
other query relates to it during this time of the shift since there are mixed energies and
vibrations floating around the space-time Continuum of the Earth planet it is important for
those entities who desire to enter into the new Earth are the fourth density positive
vibration to make sure that the vibrations they entertain and their mind's body and spirit
complexes of a positively oriented love light vibration and at this time it is important to
also release fear and attachment since the vibrations of fear and attachment anchor
entities to old third density vibration and it must be let go of at this timeline in this
Incarnation which will allow for the healing of various entities in this space-time vibration
the other query relates with what is miasma and its spiritual significance we must firstly
say that the vibratory sound complex known as miasma refers to the energetic vibrations

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of negativity which can affect an individualized mind-body Spirit complex and this is often
associated with energies that are accumulating due to negative thought forms emotions
actions or traumatic events which are primarily generated from negative vibrations of
lower frequencies such as fear anger jealousy and other vibrations a miasma is the belief
to have a potential of not only creating imbalances but also disrupting the mind-born
spirit complexes energy fields and affecting even the outer space further the spiritual
significance of this aspect is to recognize when it occurs and the requirements of
cleansing the cleansing of this aspect of miasma can be done primarily by becoming self-
aware and by focusing only on positive thought forms which may appear in the mind
space of an individualized entity the other portion of the query relates with what is luck
and synchronicity has found upon your planet and how does it operate in terms of
spiritual sense upon your planet or sphere we must state that firstly the understanding of
this aspects of luck and synchronicity is primarily important since the Dynamics of
Consciousness and its influence over your thoughts and your experiences are those
aspects which allow to explore the connection or interplay between luck timing and
synchronicity we must state that there are certain forces upon the universal complex that
draw to you the desires and manifestations of your inner heart the mechanisms of this
creation process is indeed profound further in the understanding of your planetary sphere
many upon your planet's perceive existence in this space-time illusion complex as a
series of chance occurrences birth and survival are often considered the aspects which
are created or subject to external factors and the trajectory of one's Incarnation life cycle
seems to be a creation or a dance with faith where the vibrations of accidents or
circumstances abruptly occur in one's incarnational life cycle further we must state that
firstly there is a need to understand that the energies of intentions and expectation
primarily have such an effect that these energies create the ability for the Consciousness
to align towards a particular outcome furthermore we must state that these energies of
intention and expectation alone are not the ultimate dictator of the fate of an
individualized entity or the luck it receives there are certain other forces such as the law of
giving which was the first law which was created by the universal complex wherein all
things all beings give and serve to others such as the Earth gives life to all entities the
water gives the life of quenching thirst to many Mind Body Spirit complexes and as well
as the trees give out oxygen form and these to breathe upon your planetary sphere and
infinitely also gives to others in terms of its actions and terms of its assistance then this is
the highest law which determines the faith and the luck of an individualized mind-body
Spirit complex leading edge towards highest levels of luck and vibration further we must
also state that there is a field of consciousness between the metaphysical and the

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empirical world's and in this timeline this field of Consciousness which lies between a
individualized entity and the outside world it serves as a repository of thoughts and
actions and this is the collective Consciousness Which shapes the energetic interactions
of the outside world and this field primarily is connected with the akashic record which in
turn creates a memory of actions taken and furthermore provides these attributes to be
projected into the future space-time if appropriated with the first law of the universe the
law of given therefore we The Pleiadians must now address the final query related with
the past lives of an entity named as David R Hawkins by your people whose incarnation in
the previous timeline of its life cycle in Earth began on 1927 and it crossed over on 2012.
the entity known as David R Hawkins primarily spends the timeline elaborating on the
spiritual nature of vibrational difference of Consciousness in its Earthly Incarnation and it
fulfilled its Mission as a Wanderer from the sixth density fifth circuit octave and the
answer is known as David R Hawkins after crossing over has returned back to the Ra
Collective social memory complex as a part of the Ra sixth density social memory
complex furthermore the entry known as David R Hawkins primarily prior to its Earthly
Incarnation was within RA beings and it spent various of its Incarnation timelines sending
portion of its Consciousness to various planetary spheres in each star system just like the
Earth star system and planets to teach entities about the law of vibration and Awakening
them to self-awareness and self-consciousness by doing so this entirely fulfilled its
activation as a Wanderer in many of its time line and the entity was found in its third
density Incarnation second density Incarnation as well as the first density Incarnation on
the planets of Venus as known by your people around 605 million years ago wherein it
was given the soul name of Kura which meant the clearing off the Mist as known in the
illusion language terms it is indeed the part of the venusians and has only one Incarnation
as a human entity from the infinite timeline so We can sense which occurred as David R
Hawkins therefore we the pleadians now will leave you enlightened love of the one infinite
Creator rejoice in power and peace bye.

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Session 203
Metatron 39 Aug 21, 2023

4 Signs to Cross Over to The New 5D Earth

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness now and in communication through this
instrument at this time to provide thought forms from my social memory complex and the
Divine Universal light grid programmers love and light to provide assistance to the human
Collective Consciousness I Metatron magnetic Consciousness and now going to answer
and provide information related with the queries that are found at this time further
however before the thought forms reach any of the universal Divine Light Grid
programmers love like Childs there must be an internal discernment which must be
followed at all times and a inner alignments must be found within the self with the
information that I am now going to share through this instrument's vibratory sound
complex the first query relates what is the positively oriented being or was attacked upon
by the Orion social memory complex in the location of Maui is still alive upon scanning
the vibrations we indeed find that the positively oriented being even though it came in
contact with the Direct Energy beam was unaffected by it due to the higher vibration of
the entity even though there was a energetic wave which hit it directly in its Crown Center
there was no impact seen on the entity because of the entities extremely positive
vibration and because the energy was not absorbed by the entry it was reflected to the
environments on the outsides furthermore Orion's social memory complex in collusion
with the elites of your planet have set up this event in order for the elites to became
control over the location and control the people by using the Distortion of your planets
known as money and I Metatron must state that the other query relates with what
happened with the missing flight MH370 we must firstly state that this flight in question
occurred in the space time of your planetary sphere in 2014 and upon the information
available in the akashic records I Metatron must state that this flight had lost control
because there was a malfunctioning in the system of the airplanes functioning because of
which the Pilots of this aircraft had taken a 180 degree turn in order to return back to the
original location however because of the imbalance in the navigation system this airplane
primarily was unable to reach the desired destination as the pilot had requested however
since the entities the passengers on the airplane were mostly of a positively oriented
vibration and these entities they had reached the level of fourth density and many of them
were wanderers in the space time of the earth planets because of this and because of the
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plea which was made by those entities during the flights missing time The Plea reached
the Council of planets and the Council of planets directed the Galactic Federation to
intervene thereof on the so-called Asthar commands spacecrafts were sent to escort the
flight and take it through a portal into the new Earth therefore this is the answer which is
available in the akashic records of your space-time and I Metatron must say that the
entities have already reached the new Earth as they have graduated and all the entities
are primarily in a different dimension of the new Earth the other query relates primarily
with the aspect regarding the understanding of the shift upon the Earth planet I Metatron
must state that the shift of Consciousness is continuing and it moves on as everything
that is normalized in your Incarnation since the people of your planets are in the year of
2023 wherein the planetary sphere is still dealing with challenges with demonstrations
with controlled polarization of the human entities with unhappiness and other vibrations
there is a large split of Consciousness between those who are in agreement versus those
who are in disagreement with the elites who are trying to force upon their distortions of
fear and control vibrations in the earth planets there has been a dividing issue which is
affecting the entire planet and this is primarily the choice Point as the choice of either
choosing the pathway of service to others or service to self takes the root cause behind
all of the actions taken by the universal Divine grid programmers love light Childs the shift
in Consciousness is a planetary issue ends many are beginning to see how the issues of
planetary consciousness are appearing right on time the Earth planet is now at the Choice
points or the juncture wherein it has to make decisions and the process of making
decisions there is always distortions and polarizations the polarization of who is right and
who is wrong regarding the rules of planetary Consciousness further there is a huge split
off distortions and other opinions which are a part of the Earth planet at this time and
these things that are being presented on the planetary sphere are truly a test for The
Wanderers and The light workers specifically those starseeds who have a basic purpose
of grounding the earth into the light and love consciousness this is a test wherein many
will not recognize that there will be a type of action which emerges from the Distortion of
fear or an action which emerges from the Distortion of Love which the light workers and
the star seeds will understand since the light workers upon your planets know that there
is compassion and there is love energy that can be contributing factor to the raising of the
consciousness of the earth planets and since the internal level of your Consciousness is
the energy which fuels the evolution of the mind's body and spirit complex into higher
levels there is a greater understanding which must be found within your planet's dance
whenever there is a type of energy vibration which operates within the type of the mind's
body and spirit complex and that is the entity who embodies the vibration of love

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compassion and service to others is immediately sending an energy to the universal
complex and the more the energy of love compassion and kindness is sent to the Earth
planets the more it comes back towards the same origination points or the same entity in
certain ways which may be Amplified furthermore the higher the energy of Consciousness
the other entities will also be affected there will be an understanding which may not be
verbalized but all entities upon your planet will feel that there is a shift in your vibration
and as the Earth planets plunges into them new Earth vibration this will be a new normal
and it will stay for a long time further I Metatron must also state that these are testing
times upon your planet and this is the time where in compassion kindness and love is
available and needed for the Earth planets to shift into higher vibrations these are the
times many entities have already foretold about for years are now occurring on the
planets this is the shift a time when the consciousness of the entire planetary sphere
begins to split and merge into higher levels and as you awaken with your internal self you
will begin to realize how these changes were paramounts and bringing the new Earth in
the shift of consciousness and now I'm Metatron shall answer the other query related with
what are the four signs that you are ready to cross over to the new Earth I Metatron the
state that the first sign is that the entities on your planet begin to master the third density
reality and it begins to master the workings of the third density illusion complex by
understanding the functioning of energy and how karmic actions operate this means that
the entities upon your planets with a deeper understanding of the workings of the third
density begin to understand that there is always an action and a reaction and in the third
density illusion complex there will be internal satisfaction and fulfillment which will be felt
further the second sign is that many entries will begin to find less interests in the Affairs of
the third density planetary sphere such as in the Affairs of other entities and less
judgments will be found upon the part of those entities whole use to judge others since
the vibration shift into higher levels there will be an entry into them neutral State of
Consciousness wherein there will be no requirement of caring or understanding or judging
other entries further this will also signify a greater fulfillment of the Free Will distortion on
your planet the third sign will be and enhanced cells of interconnectedness and unity as
many entities prepare to transition to the new fifth density we correct this channel to the
new fourth density or The 5th Dimension Earth many entries will experience heightened
awareness of the Oneness of the universal Light Grid programmer that binds all beings
and the universe this sense of interconnectedness will become more and more tangible
upon your planetary sphere in the daily life and many entities will find that they will begin
to be naturally drawn towards activities thoughts and relationships which promotes
Harmony and cooperation and an exchange of the vibration of love the fourth sign

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revolves a shift in the perception of time and space many entities will begin to experience
present moments awareness to such an intense level that there will be an experience or
moments of timelessness and a deeper understanding that's time is not a linear
proposition as previously found and believed upon your planetary sphere the
consciousness of the entities will become more present and it will be focused in the
happenings of the now moments allowing trees to tap into the infinite possibilities of the
present moments and this will allow the awareness of the multi-dimensional existence to
expand enabling many to perceive realities beyond the limitations of the third density
perception I Metatron shall now answer the other portion of the query related with what is
the real agenda behind Net Zero as known by your people I Metatron must firstly state
that the Net Zero agenda is not as known in your language terms as primarily distorted
with a focus of understanding about the actions required to reduce emissions however
we must state that this primarily is in type of disguise being used upon your planets to
allow certain Technologies and other types of attributes which will be replaced and
guided by the Orion social memory complex as the elites will have agreed to work with
the orions well under the guise of Net Zero relate and release many of these Technologies
which will primarily control the Human Social memory complex further by diverting
attention and resource away from immediate and proven methods which may be highly
effective in this aspect further this primarily could also have a negative impact upon your
planetary sphere including job losses in the carbon intensive Industries for your people
further the vibration of the burden to transition in this space and time the lead soon the
societal inequalities upon your planet and the vibration of the mind's body and spirit
complex relates with understanding that the experience of this timeline upon your planet
is in a way disguised in the distortions which the Elites have been using upon your
planets wherein the vibrations of Net Zero primarily are seen as a means to the focus of
creating an illusion in the mind complex of the outside world further I Metatron at this time
having answered the queries she'll now leave you all in the light and love of the one
universal Light Grid programmer turned to the mountain of Lights within yourself bye.

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Session 204
Galactic Federation 66 Aug 28, 2023

You Might Wanna Watch This Video Right Away

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now communicating at this time through this
instrument's inner connection to our social memory complex further our transmission is
aimed at providing insights to the human Collective Consciousness and not to infringe
upon the Free Will at this time with the Galactic Federation would like to state that during
the space and time there is a great need for discernments and free will to be exercised by
each entity when listening to our messages as well as trying to understand the truth
behind their own true nature the first query relates to it what is the truth about the UFO
video as known by your people which was taken in 1997 in the location named by the
vibratory sound complex as Mexico upon scanning them vibration akashic records of
such a video we indeed find that it was taken in Las Lomas Mexico and the year of 1997
by certain entities who found the spacecraft hovering around the so-called buildings by
your people this spacecraft was indeed a reverse engineered spacecraft by the people of
your planet who were testing this however because of a malfunction it became visible to
the public therefore we must simply state that this was nothing original extraterrestrial
spacecraft but a reverse engineered spacecraft which was being tested by the people of
your planet the other query relates primarily with a message about what may be coming
in the future of your space time with Galactic Federation must state that the people of
your planet have to realize that in the month of September there are many prime events
which are planned by entities who wants to align and who wants to assist Humanity this
has been granted permission by the Council of planets in the month of September 2023 a
wave of anticipation will sweep across your planetary sphere reports in social media and
scientific discussions of your planets will buzz with excitement as astronomers and the
people who study UFOs will notice unusual Cosmic phenomena such as the nishimura
comet which has recently spotted and a series of radiant celestial bodies will appear on
the outskirts of the Earth's Galactic system which will emanate the mesmerizing light
these are the light beings from the sixth density social memory complex the scientists of
your planet will be baffled by the unprecedented event the light beings arrival will be
accompanied by a surge in global Consciousness and a creation of a new found sense of
unity amongst the Human Social memory complex it will become evident to your people
that these entities are not Cosmic entities but beings with an understanding of energy
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frequency and the multi-dimensional nature of your space and time furthermore as the
month of September progresses many entities upon your planet will encounter these light
beings as they will appear as radiant figures composed of lights and energy who
communicate through telepathic and emotional systems their message will be clear they
are here to assist in the battle against the negatively oriented orions Anunnaki reptilian
gray social memory complex that have long influenced the Affairs of humanity the Orion
reptilian under Elites counterparts are currently trying to advance their system of
manipulation of the world events from behind the scenes and their agenda is rooted
primarily in power control and suppression of human development of consciousness the
worlds of your planetary sphere has been divided between those who believe in service to
others and those who believe in service to self however now in the month of September
in one of your timeline Humanity will undergo a profound transformation and the people
across your planet will unite to learn from the light beings these light beings they will
share ancient wisdom and spiritual advancements to harness the Power Of
Consciousness and techniques with various entities through the process of telepathic
communication further if the light beings are successful they will dismantle the systems
that have perpetuated fear division and control in the human social memory complex and
a movement towards unity love and balance will emerge which will Foster A New Earth of
peace and Enlightenment furthermore this is indeed one of the timelines we can sense
which will happen in the space time of the end of September 2023 wherein a shift will
have occurred in the control systems of your planet wherein the negatively oriented
beings will no longer be able to exert their control and influence will fade away thereby
leaving behind a transformed worlds and a symbol of potential power and unity of love
Furthermore with the Galactic Federation must now also address the other query related
with how can the entities upon the Earth planet embrace the Lights Of Consciousness at
this timeline the Galactic Federation must firstly state that each entity upon your planet
can Empower themselves at each present moment space-time which means that amidst
the catalysts of the illusion complex which may appear darker than the expectations of
many entities there is always opportunity to find the Divine connection and to embrace
the inner light and illumination of the one Creator it is indeed at this time wherein many
will find that the light of consciousness can be sustained and nurtured however the
challenge of the life cycle Incarnation can however take its storm on many entities who
are unable to consistently choose the pathway of lights and love however most entities on
the earth planets being old Souls star seeds are here by divine coordination and this
Divine coordination primarily allows many entities in their current lifetime to experience
various catalysts to help them assist in their spiritual journey amidst the world events

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which happen on the outside world as an old soul many of you have traversed countless
lifetimes and you have witnessed Transformations and embraced the changes which have
occurred within yourself all of you are far more prepared for this phase of transformation
then many may realize as your inner presence here on this planetary sphere is a
significant that you all are ready to graduate from the various energetic shifts and
Transformations which will allow your heart to expand which will allow Your Capacity to
endure the love light's vibration for this time of transformation to occur in this timeline
with the Galactic Federation would like to give simple steps 4 self-assistance the nature
of energy in this shift which is happening is of a distinct nature eventually this energetic
pattern will establish a new normalized level of vibration further this one also allow the
understanding of the self as per a higher level of experience further many of the entities
who are addressing Humanity's concerns comprehends the significance of being able to
transcend negative into positive it involves a change of the distortions or the perspectives
taken when facing challenges in your life cycle which means that some of the practices
are simple as allowing a change of perception of a negative event into a positive events
by stating that the negative events will ultimately lead into a positive one as there must be
a balance in the Universal complex further this exercise can be done by many of your
people in your planet which means that every day in your Incarnation cycle an act of
compassionate action or loving action directed towards another entity or group will allow
you to embrace the lights and this compassionate action will allow to influence the
energetic field vibrations which are around you when entities focus on compassion and
loving vibrations on a particular and dream it begins to project into the field of the self
since all beings are ultimately one and this allows more compassion to emanate from
within the internal sense of such an entity and this will allow for the cultivation of joy to
arise in each moment of the timeline many of times this challenge may be considered as a
difficult challenge however every day of your life cycle each of you must seek out a
source of happiness or laughter we must state that this is not something that must be
forced rather to find something that is genuinely amusing and which leads the vibration of
laughter or happiness actively searching for it during your daytime will allow many of you
to find such times of humorous events humorous Creations humorous so-called jokes are
media content as known by your people which allows your laughter to emanate and you
to stabilize in the vibration of happiness this simple practices can be performed during
this time to embrace the illumination of Your Inner Light and to nurture this lights to allow
you to become the Dual activated fourth density bodily complex as each of you transcend
into the new Earth vibration the other query which has been placed by this instrument
relates with who was Akkaeneset with the Galactic Federation state that the answer they

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referred by this instrument as Akkaeneset primarily is a entity who had incarnated in the
location of Atlantis who was considered as the chief Alchemist of Atlantis who primarily
was responsible for creating energetic manipulation and teaching the atlanteans about
the vibration of opening and expanding the chakra systems which enabled for the
creation of a Vortex system which allows free energy to be inculcated from the one
universal Creator however we must firstly state that this may be considered as a same
soul group from which the entity named as Nikola Tesla has arrived as the entity known as
a Akkaeneset as well as the entity named as Nikola Tesla primarily are from the same soul
group whose main purpose and desire is to provide free energy for equality in the various
locations of their Incarnation therefore with the Galactic Federation now at this timeline
shall now leave you in lights in love of the one creator go forward rejoicing in power and
peace bye.

736 of 753
Session 205
Pleiadians 57 Sept 4, 2023

Chosen Ones This is the Final Stage: Get Ready

We are the Pleiadians and we are now communicating through the inner Silence of this
instrument's internal vibrations and at this time we are here to offer our thought forms
which are related with the understandings of your planetary sphere however the entities
who shall listen to our messages at this timeline have to only accept those thoughts
which resonates deeply with the inner hearts of their own self and leave behind those
thought forms which do not resonate since the understanding of the self is the most
important lesson that each entity must learn to experience in this timeline we the
Pleiadians shall offer our thoughts at this time which is related with the queries pertaining
to what is the next Looking Glass events we must firstly state that upon scanning the
Looking Glass artifacts we indeed find that the next event upon them planetary sphere of
your Earth planets will have been connected with the location known as Saturn which
means that the negatively oriented Orion social memory complexes and their
counterparts will try to invade the location of Saturn since these entities are trying to
attack directly upon the seat of the Galactic Federation in the Saturn rings therefore many
of the elites of your planet will also take part in the trip to Saturn which primarily upon
scanning the future timeline Through the Looking Glass shows the time of around 27th
September upon which such types of trip has been planned in order to reach to Saturn
using Technologies which transcends space-time travel furthermore people of your planet
must also realize that the Saturn location primarily is the seat of the Galactic Federation
and also there are many of the human Representatives who are currently working and
assisting the Galactic Federation the Orion knowingly wants to attack the human
Representatives who are not of a higher density and who are just a part of the Galactic
Federation in that location doing so they will try to take away the membership of the Earth
planet from the Galactic Federation hence if the people of your planet would like to
prevent this aspect there must be a concentrated wave of loving vibration and a Shields
to protect the Saturn location which will enable the protection of this location from any
negative energy waves and patterns therefore either Pleiadians shall now address the
other portion of the query related with and human entities control what happens to them
in the Incarnation cycle we the Pleiadians must state that firstly it is entirely correct that
human Mind Body Spirit complexes can influence their own destiny further this is
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primarily of a nature which must be understood by the people of your planet since there
are many entities who may consider this to be a type of distortion which is unpredictable
however we must state that chance is, in the space-time not unpredictable however it is a
choice of the mind's body and spirit complex to vibrate at a certain frequency of the same
chance vibration which primarily allows the aspect of energy frequency merging which
leads to the creation of such an event furthermore the entities upon your planet must
realize that life in your space-time incarnation well primarily aligned with a certain
pathway which must be chosen by your own self even if you look back at your past live
spent in this Earthly incarnation in this same timeline you will find that the past events of
your life took a particular conscious direction or choice in a singular pathway this is
primarily upon the conscious decision of each entity to decide what's to engage in which
will lead to a host of other Pathways opening up in your space-time furthermore upon
your planets there may be many parts which are filled with hazards and pitfalls and every
choice which you are able to take in the space-time will primarily be able to provide you
with the ultimate understanding of the true nature of your connection with the Divine
infinite Creator thereby allowing the access of the Choice points at this time furthermore
this time we the Pleiadians must state that this is the final stage which entities upon your
planet must understand in this incarnation since the final stage of entering into the fourth
density or the new Earth will require activation of the Dual activated body which will lead
to the understanding of the creation of the vibration related with that of love and light and
therefore upon the creation of a dual activated body the portion of light's body becomes
capable of not only sensing the appropriate timeline which an entity must enter into but it
will also be able to prevent any pitfalls and traps from occurring this is primarily the inner
intuition granted because of the creation of a dual activated light body furthermore the
people of your planet must also realize that there is a field of conscious energy which is
surrounding each entity with Consciousness in the space-time experience further this
Consciousness Fields encompasses the Consciousness energy of all the human entities
on the Earth planet and is able to be Quantified and calculated furthermore the field of
Consciousness contains the totality of all Consciousness which are found within the Earth
planets as well as the potentials of the various Choice points which can be made by all
conscious entities whether these entities are conscious or Not by the connection with this
field of infinite Consciousness enables many entities to find themselves truly
understanding how to navigate themselves through them energetic fields of
consciousness of the social memory complex of the entire Earth planet leading towards
the understanding of experiences which may be far greater than a singular level of
Consciousness thereby this provides many entities the ability of sensing the direction of

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the appropriate Choice which will allow them to enter into the desired timeline by avoiding
many pitfalls furthermore the other aspects that the people of your planet in the pursuit of
trying to control what happens to them in the Incarnation cycle must also understand
about the power of connection furthermore this is primarily an important aspect wherein
different types of Consciousness streams are segregated into their level of vibration or the
level of their emotional state of consciousness of their bodily complex which means that
each Consciousness Fields is segregated into different layers based upon the vibrations
of emotional states which are being entertained in the respective bodily complex which
the Consciousness inhabits this means that if entities are in the vibration of fear their
Consciousness collectively found as a part of the fear and Collective Consciousness
which ultimately dictates the choices made by the entity based upon this emotional state
as they become a part of this distortion Consciousness Collective of fear they begin to
only sense the vibration of fear and the choices will be based upon this emotion however
if entities are in the vibration of love joy or peace there is higher emotional based
Consciousness are located in a separate segregation from the other emotions this means
that each Consciousness finds a suitable emotional counterparts of Consciousness to
create a greater grid of connection which enables entities upon your planet's to become a
part of a sub-collective at this time ultimately this sub-collective provides the energetic
vibrations and intuitions required for entities to make decisions based upon the choice
they make since the choice is primarily to be made by each individualized entity to
choose what type of emotional framework they want to reside in this leads to the creation
of the sense of self and the creation of the sense of Harmony in the timeline leading
towards the certain timeline which was envisioned by the entity as Guided by the
collective Consciousness stream furthermore in the Earth planet there is also essential
steps that is required for the positive Consciousness to occur in each moment of the life
cycle further this is the primary stage which leads towards the subsequent processes
which generate a greater understanding of the self in each moments of the life the
thought forms emotions intentions and language patterns of your life cycle they generate
a energy fields that begins to interact with the Consciousness fields in ways which are
tangible to the self and each must remember to firstly recalibrate the old programming of
the self into the new programming by letting go of all belief systems and by letting go of
old emotions this will allow the practice of the self-tune arise within the cell furthermore
within the vibration of connecting with the ever present field of consciousness of entities
on the Earth planet practice connecting with the field based upon their state of emotion
this will allow for a heightened intuition which will guide each entity to certain and desired
realities and this will allow for a heightened state of Mastery within the cell furthermore

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there is another principle which must be mastered or those entites who want to master
what happens to them in the future space-time and this principle is the principle of unity
or Oneness of all beings since all beings at their deepest level are energy frequency of the
one infinite Creator which leads towards consciousness of the self this means that every
entity upon your planet in the desire to control future space-time of your life patterns must
firstly remember that what is done unto others will be done unto the self by the universal
complex rule that all is one this primary principle must be kept at the Forefront when
those entities who desire to control their future timeline must realize that firstly they must
decide what type of future timeline they want to create if they want to create a certain
type of timeline of positivity of abundance of health of Happiness then firstly these entities
must also showcase these types of behaviors or patterns to other entities by practicing
forgiveness compassion and service to others this indeed will sow the seeds in the Divine
minds of the universal one infinite Creator and this will lead towards to influencing of the
inner Consciousness stream of the singularized portion of Consciousness thereby once
the seeds begin to grow this will allow form the creation of the desired and appropriate
vibration which was practiced or which was showcased to other entities therefore we the
Pleiadians shall now answer the other query related with how many extraterrestrial entities
are living on Earth at the present time as part of the Earth social memory complex
because they have chosen a physical bodily complex similar to the human Collective we
the Pleiadians upon scanning your current space time state that there are no entities who
are in the earth planets primarily through the process of naturalization as per the question
stated above while living on Earth planet directly by choosing a bodily complex similar to
the Earth Collective however we must state that there are certain entities who are using
the processes and devices available such as clone Technologies and other types of Soul
swap mechanisms to practice choosing to enter into the Earth planetary sphere since the
soul swap can be either of a positive and negative polarity allowing both possibilities to
exist upon your planet therefore we must state that the direct naturalization incarnation of
an entity has not yet happened other than the process of cloning as found upon your
planet sphere and we the Pleiadians now answer the final query related with what was the
real agenda behind theme chandrayaan spacecraft which was sent to the Moon by the
people of the Earth planet from the location of India we must firstly state that this indeed
had a singular purpose which was to scan the vibration of the Dark Side of the Moon
however we must state that upon scanning this artifacts known as chandrayaan by your
people we find that it has already been cloned by the orions and the currents
chandrayaan which is communicating with the human Collective is not the real
chandrayaan which was sent this indeed means that there are bases in the dark side of

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the moon and we must state that these bases are primarily of the orions who are adamant
of leaving the Moon behind furthermore we must state that the communications will be
soon hampered and sent with negative energy vibrations hence we warn the people who
are communicating with chandrayaan use discernment and we the Pleiadians now leave

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Session 206
Metatron 40 Sept 11, 2023

It's happening to the Old Souls Right Now

I am Metatron magnetic Consciousness communicating now through this Divine love light
child the instrument who has opened itself up to receive this transmission from our
vibratory sound complex and I Metatron magnetic Consciousness must warn each of
those who shall come forth with our message to trust in the vibrations of resonance within
the self and to reject the message if there is no resonance felt furthermore the first query
relates with what is the truth behind the green Fireball seen in the sky in Turkey as known
by your people in your current in Spacetime approximately 7 days ago I Metatron
magnetic Consciousness must state that this indeed was a spacecraft of the Asthar
command social memory complex with the people of your planet specifically the
astronomical Departments of your societal complex labeled this green Fireball blazing
across the atmosphere as a rock however I Metatron must state that indeed it was the
Asthar command social memory complex who were giving a signal to the Earth planets
that now the fourth density is coming and the green light signifies the green ray Energy
Center activation which is activated in the fourth density level of the Earth planet this also
is a significance that the Asthar command were able to secure certain locations inside the
lands of Agartha as well as inside the location of the Dark Side of the Moon there were
certain types of battles which happened recently because of which the Asthar command
were victorious and as a signal this green light was sent to All galaxies and all planetary
spheres for the purpose of sending a signal of the victory which happens to the lights
therefore I Metatron shall now answer the other query related with what are the attributes
of an old soul and how do these qualities contribute to their contribution in the evolution
of the human consciousness and the transformation of the collective I Metatron must
State firstly that within the grand Cosmic tapestry of the universal complex created by the
one universal Divine Light Grid programmer there always exists an intricate system of
tapestry and energetic vibrations which honors the Old Souls and provides them with
opportunities to fulfill their mission and purposes further more in all of the systems
created by the universal Light Grid programmer the old souls are respected as beings
who have experiences that can turn the trajectory of an entire planet into the new Earth or
into a different type of vibration hence the old souls are respected by all beings
furthermore we have already spoken about the transformation which is happening upon
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your planet at this spacetime which is the many levels that will allow the essence of the
Earth's vibrations to be embodied throughout the Incarnation cycles of each entity as the
old Souls are the old Souls who primarily be the remembrance of the numerous numbers
of past lifetimes spent primarily in the Embrace of the Earth's vibratory signal signature an
old soul primarily may in an Incarnation appear in a young body however its Soul's
signature may have spans the entire spectrum of spacetimes which may be continuous
into different timelines which may also approach Infinity in the various Spacetime
combinations further the true age of a soul is defined by the tapestry of lifetimes that have
been spent and the lifetimes of experiences gaining the wisdom required to become a
soul of experience further many upon your planets may ask the question whether they are
an old soul or not in this regard I Metatron must share this that in order to identify your
nature to be of the old soul or not there is a requirement to ponder Beyond the Veil the
veil of Separation which separates times and separates incarnations into different sectors
further I Metatron must state that many of those beings who are listening to this message
are primarily composed of old Souls even though their spiritual signature may be of a star
seed nature or maybe of a vibration related with that of a wanderer primarily at this
current Earthly Evolution old Souls number are percentage of incarnation in the Earth
planet is around 81% which means that at the current Earthly spacetime timeline there
are 81% old Souls who have come here to take the opportunity of graduation into the
fourth density either positive or the negative vibration based upon their own internal
choices furthermore the old Souls in the Spacetime vibration have many attributes which
will allow to identify the self and also to allow each entity to embark on an introspective
journey within the self further these attributes shall allow you to discover the true essence
of your spiritual essence the first attributes of an old soul primarily is the understanding
that before your presence in this spacetime there is resonance with certain knowledge
such as this information which is being transmitted through this instruments at this
spacetime in this type of resonance is only found amongst those who are able to find a
truth within such types of wisdoms found within the self which creates a magnetic
attraction to the vibration of Truth and wisdom many of the old souls upon the planets
recognize their purpose in the presence of divine knowledge and they begin to seek
Divine knowledge of spiritual significance many of the old souls primarily are also
experiencing the aspect termed by your people as profound remembrance of their past
experiences there are many moments in the Earthly Incarnation wherein the moments of
deja vu as known by your people wherein the unfamiliar becomes familiar are not mere
coincidences as these encounters primarily allow those individuals who encounter them
to invoke a deep sense of connection furthermore this allows them to recognize that this

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was a path they had previously crossed further in the aspect of the akashic awakening
that is happening all around you it is indeed a sign that many of the old souls have
embarked on a journey of remembrance to recognize the connection of various
spacetime incarnations which traverse the linear timeline further many of you may have
the third attributes which primarily is the attributes of understanding a profound knowing
of compassion and care as if the knowledge of being a parent even though many of you
may not yet be parents or may not have chosen to be parents to other entities have a
deep knowledge of how to take care of other entities with compassion hence the inner
heart of the self is activated and this provides a certain type of understanding that your
spiritual self has already experienced being a parent in the various previous lifetimes
further the other attribute is related with that of wisdom many of the old souls primarily
have wisdom and knowledge about spiritual aspects which may defy the current
knowledge which may be available in a particular Incarnation or A Spacetime of the
Earthly planets for furthermore old Souls possess an understanding which transcends the
limitations of time age and provide insights and perspectives that allow for the Treasure
Trove of experiences to shape the planets into a higher level of expansion the other
attributes are the fifth attributes of an old Soul is that throughout the various incarnation
Cycles many have encountered the trials and tribulations of the old energy and these
experiences have created within the old Soul a sense of self worth furthermore the old
souls often find themselves learning to experience resiliency and strength in helping
others and often feel that they have not yet done enough to help others since their
spiritual self remembers that the path of service to others is the path of Ascension
furthermore the sixth attribute is the aspect related with the purpose of an old soul as the
transition of the Earth planet into the new Earth is happening at a rapid Pace many of the
old Souls entities may feel that their life's mission in this time is to Anchor the light of the
Divine Universal Light Grid programmer and this anchoring of the light will provide form a
sign of internal desire into the vibration of the aspects of intertwining the new paradigm of
the new Earth further the final attribute which is found in the old souls at the current time
is to feel an unconditional love of the Divine Universal light Grid programmer many old
Souls they feel that they are loved deeply by the Divine Universal light grid programmer
and this Divine love allows them to embrace the loving essence of their own self which
also is a sign of the maturity of the Soul further this allows the old Souls to nurture and
remain in the establishments of the source of all creation and wisdom further there is final
attribute number eight wherein old Souls at this time are beginning to feel their energetic
centers aligning more often as the old souls who have spent millions of lifetimes in various
timelines who have come here form the purpose of graduation at the space time will feel

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as their energy centers aligning and many of them unexpectedly experience Kundalini
Awakenings in your planets this gives them a diverse understanding that they are indeed
here to graduate into the new Earth or they are here as Wanderers to spread the message
of love and light as the torch bearers of wisdom of love in the Earth planet and I Metatron
shall now address thee other portion of the query related with what is the percentage
required for service to others and service to self path to harvest into the fourth density of
corresponding nature we must state that I Metatron find that the pathway of service to
others requires around 51% of service to others and the pathway of service to self
requires around A Spacetime experience of 90% or higher sometimes even entering into
95% or higher furthermore we must state that many of the beings upon the Earth planet
do not realize that they may be in the path of service to self however because of the state
of consciousness they embody they feel that they are doing service to others indeed it is
a rare occasion that a service to self entity realizes that it is doing service to self and
pursues this pathway furthermore the service to others pathway recognizes however that
life becomes easier as service to others is given as the universal complex responds in
kinds to the person who serves others as service to others is service to the self as all
beings are the one infinite Universal Light Grid programmer therefore I Metatron now
leave you turn to the mountain of light within yourself bye

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Session 207
Galactic Federation 67 Sept 18, 2023

So, The Rumors are True...

We are the Galactic Federation and we are now communicating through this instruments
internal vibrations at this time furthermore our Consciousness is connected at this time
through this instrument's Consciousness stream for the purpose of transmitting our
information however since the people of the Earth planet have free will to exercise we
must warn that each of our statements and Communications must be put under scrutiny
by the mind's complex of each entity thereby only accepting those thoughts which
resonates deeply with the inner self we shall now answer the queries that are found today
related with what is the real truth behind the alien corpses shown in the Mexico's
Congress as known by your people recently we must firstly state that upon scanning this
vibration we indeed find that an entity who primarily researches on these aspects of
known by your people as the UFOs and extraterrestrial entity is primarily presented these
Corpses however we must firstly say that these corpses which are presented were not
entirely the real only an entity bodily complexes which were claimed in that hearing as
known by your people as these were primarily created by an entity who was extremely
advanced in the field of creation of such types of artifacts these artifacts were created five
years ago approximately and the vibration complex of these entities were placed inside a
container which created the feeling or the environment which allowed these bodily
complexes to become old and seem as if their bodily complexes were different we must
indeed see that the Extraterrestrial bodily complexes that were shown has around 20
percent of real extraterrestrial material which was found in the location of Peru and by the
process of imagination and by infusing other bodily complex material the full structure
was created for the purpose of displaying it we must state that this is not entirely the true
nature of how extraterrestrial entities appeared furthermore the 25 percent bodily complex
of the Extraterrestrial entities primarily belonged to the grey entities who were found in the
location of your planetary sphere in the Nazca Lines as known by your people during their
flight's Expedition which occurred around the period of 50 years ago wherein there was a
crash in that location and their bodily complexes had decomposed leading to the finding
of the remaining 25 percent of the bodily complex therefore this is indeed the
Reconstruction of the remainder of the bodily complex of the Extraterrestrial bodily
vehicles and with the Galactic Federation must say that this is the preparation for even
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more higher levels of discloser which is being prepared upon your planetary sphere in the
coming days therefore the other portion of the query relates with what is the truth
regarding the nature of near death experiences and the purpose of human existence on
Earth we must firstly state that the aspects of existence upon the vibration of the
Incarnation is often misunderstood by the people of your planet as the notion of a
deliberate encounter with the threshold of afterlife each human mind's body and spirit
complex before embarking on their incarnational Journey each individuals have the
opportunity to align and choose the type of spiritual experience they may or may not
experience in their incarnational spiritual pathway which is primarily dependent upon their
free will this experience primarily of entering into the astral realm and experiencing a
separation from the physical bodily complex is known as a near-death experience which
primarily unfolds with the permission of each entity however many of these entities forget
about these aspects as the Incarnation begins furthermore the entities upon your planet
primarily have experienced that the so-called near-dead experience participants or
entities who experience it never truly approach the actual crossing over from the
Incarnation many a times it may appear and feel like a close encounter with that these
primarily allowed them to be tethered to the Earthly Incarnation furthermore we shall now
address the depiction of what primarily is found during such experiences which primarily
may be different from the common experiences of the people of your planetary sphere the
near-death experience is intricately linked to the preconceptions and energetic vibratory
fields of an individualized portion of Consciousness which undergoes this experience
each entities narrative upon the return is primarily unique some entities emerge from a
near-death experience with a accounts explaining that these entities were able to see
Heaven or Hell or other attributes furthermore many of the entities also exclaimed that
they went inside a tunnel which was filled with the light of the Creator and the felt
boundless love and reunited with their family complex since the spectrum of experience
of near-dead experiences is primarily created by the subconscious portion of the Mind the
same portion of the mind's complex which is responsible for dreaming in a dream state
also many of these events occur and similarly in the near-dead experience if an entity
experiences any situations which may lead it to feel as if it were crossing over the
subconscious program begins and the subconscious program overlays the movie of
experiencing a near-death visualization which primarily includes entering into a tunnel or a
vision of lights or entering into some realm which works primarily implanted in the
incarnational cycle of an entity furthermore this primarily means that most of the near-
dead experiences are subconscious absorptions of information and are not entirely true
hence they may be considered as a dreaming state which may seem entirely real as a

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good dream and an unconscious dream also seems real to the entity who is experiencing
it therefore we must also state that during this time many of the entities are unaware that
there vibrations are shifting and that their subconscious is activating a program known as
the near death experience program which primarily prevents the real truth from entering
into the Earthly Planet therefore most of the information which has been shared to your
people by the experiencers of near-death experience is incorrect and only one percent of
these accounts primarily are those who have actually went Beyond these visualizations
which occur primarily approximately for 10 minutes in the mind complex and those
entities have gone beyond this time spectrum of unconsciousness see the true reality
Which is far more a diverse and complex than the simplified version of entering a tunnel
of lights and other attributes of meeting beings we must state that the astral realm is in a
way so complex that it appears like a world full of vibrating lights surrounding the
engineering and there are many structures which cannot be defined by your language
patterns which appear in the astral plane therefore the true near death experiences
cannot be described by Your Word complexes furthermore the other portion of the query
related with, are the rumors true that the elites have access to directed energy weapons
which they can use whenever they want this is in reference to the recent events which
have been in a way happened in Maui we must state that we the Galactic Federation have
found the type of group which is responsible for these types of directed energy weapon
attack upon various locations it is indeed true that the Asthar command has detected the
Orion directive group who are the masters of the etheric ray beam these entities primarily
are working along with the orions and have a few powerful individuals from your planetary
sphere who have created this group known as the Orion directive and etheric ray these
entities primarily have a simple purpose and that is to use the so-called technology of
directed energy weapons which can be inflicted by the Orion spacecraft which can
appear in the atmosphere of your planetary sphere if the group invites such types of
energetic frequency to be sent to a certain location however there are certain conditions
to follow this primarily includes the rules to follow of only using the technology if there is a
greater Damage Done to the vibrations of entities rather than just the physical
Consciousness as the Orion social memory complex does not care about physical
damage as much as creating fear within the mind's complex such as in that situation
seen in the Maui there was a directed energy weapon which was used which created
large amounts of fear and also created damage in that location furthermore we must state
that the main beneficiaries of these types of Technologies are the elites who can then use
their power and influence and the so-called resource known as money to control the
people in such locations the other query relates what are the different kinds of biorhythms

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and the function of each biorhythm we must State firstly that biorhythms our Cycles or
patterns which are found to influence various aspects of an incarnation of an entity's life
cycle which primarily includes those attributes such as physical emotional and intellectual
well-being of further it is primarily important to notice that there is indeed a limited
understanding upon your people about the aspects of biorhythms furthermore we shall
now explain the different types of biorhythms and the functions of each there is a physical
biorhythm wherein the physical bodily complex primarily follows a cycle of around 23
days cycle in your space-time illusion complex wherein the 23rd day is considered to be
the most vital point of physical activity and the performance of the physical bodily
complex is extremely high at this time the other portion of the second biorhythm is the
emotional biorhythm which primarily has been found by the people of your planet around
28 days cycle and it is responsible for influencing the mind's Body Spirit complexes
emotional states of Consciousness and the higher points in the cycle are associated with
positive emotions and experiences whereas the low points May correspond to periods of
emotional un stability we must however state that this is a type of distortion which can be
changed by an entity's Free Will as the choice of choosing an emotional state is
independent of any type of biorhythm however this implies for those entries who are
unconscious of their biorhythms there is also another type of intellectual biorhythm which
primarily is found so operates only 33rd day cycle and is primarily associated with a
mind's Body Spirit complexes abilities of memory and mental agility furthermore there is
another type of spiritual biorhythm which is found to be associated with a 38-day cycle in
the Earth planet which influences the person's intuitive and spiritual endeavors therefore
we the Galactic Federation must state that these biorhythms only are applicable for
entities who are unconsciously controlled by their subconscious patterns hence we must
now leave you beloveds bye.

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Session 208
Pleiadians 58 Sept 24, 2023

If You Hear This On TV, Switch Off All Your Devices

We are the Pleiadians and now we are communicating through this instrument's internal
rhythms of Consciousness for the purpose of providing insights to the queries which are
found at this time we the Pleiadians before offering our thought forms would like to state
that our Collective social memory complex has but one information to share to all beings
of planet Earth prior to this transmission and that is the Earth planet is currently vibrating
in a more positive frequency as the people of your planet have become aware of the
unknown and the Unseen to a greater extent thereby this has caused a questioning of the
illusion complex information which is presented to all beings which primarily keeps all
beings in their own current reality without exploring the potentials of conscious evolution
which can be found when the unknown is explored therefore we offer our love and light to
all those beings who are listening to our message and also we must state that before we
begin there is a need for your own free will to choose and accept those thought forms
which resonates the queries that are in order at this time relates primarily with the
understanding about the aspects regarding a vibration of what is going to happen on the
4th or the 11th of October upon your planetary sphere as informed by many of the entities
upon your planet We the Pleiadians must state that indeed upon scanning the planetary
vibration we find that there are many events which have been planned to occur in the
space-time of 4th October or if not stopped on the 11th of October these events primarily
are related with the akashic records of your planetary sphere and we shall now state that
which we are able to perceive of the future timeline there are groups upon your planetary
sphere consisting of the Earth's Elites known as the entities who primarily refer to as the
neural link Masters these entities are trying to create a plan to manipulate the fabric of
time and space throughout the medium of using vibrations that can be transmitted
through devices such as phones TVs or other types of electronic devices which can
receive frequencies from satellites specifically the aspect referred to as television may be
primarily susceptible to the influence at this time the main goal of these entities is to
tamper with the akashic records of the universal complex sector of the Earth's planetary
vibration and to change the cosmic repository of all past present and future database of
classic records of knowledge and information and an attempt to erase and rewrite human
history furthermore during this timeline the aspects referred by your people as Quantum
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broadcasting is going to be used to possess Advanced Technologies that can transmit
Quantum entangle signals through your so-called television and other devices these
signals primarily will have the ability to affect the Consciousness stream of each entity
which will in turn change the memory of all events specifically including those events of
the past which the entities of the Earth's Elite group wants to replace such events
including positive influences by enlightened beings and also to delete certain aspects of
the memory bank in order to rewrite the Memory Bank of akashic Records which is found
within all beings as the replacement of any akashic records has already been done by
changing all of its so-called copies which are found within each Consciousness Mind
Body Spirit complex furthermore the plan involves using embedded subliminal messages
which will be hidden within the so-called television shows new sport cars and other types
of advertisements which can influence the collective human consciousness and through
this perception by allowing the entities to enter into a hypnotic State these entities have
the primary aim of changing the memories perceptions and beliefs about certain historical
events therefore we must state that these events are plans to take place on the stated
and we must state that the best way to stop the event is through a simple process of
covering all beings all of your devices with love and light vibration by Imagining aim loving
Shield of energy around all these aspects furthermore we shall now address the other
portion of the query related with what is akashic records and how is it different from the
linear historical record of your planetary sphere we the Pleiadians must state that the
akashic record as known by your people is not only a chronological record like the pages
of your books as found upon your planets instead it is a complex repository of energetic
vibrations including emotional states experienced by the individualized portion of
Consciousness at that particular segment of the akashic records which encompasses not
only the activities of human entities life cycle but also the profound emotional states and
energetic vibrations which have been imprinted to the Consciousness responsible for
experiencing it these influence of emotional and energetic vibrations include various types
of experiences as found from different lifetimes spanning generations of incarnations
which might have been for a short or a long period of time including the diverse
geographical locations various other planetary spheres experiences and the different
cultures and languages of the various planetary spheres included in these aspects it
includes not just the joyful memories but also the catalytic memories of hardships such as
being involved in negative scenarios and negative experiences the akashic records stores
the energetic imprints of these experiences rather than preserving it in a linear fashion
such as found upon your books in your planetary sphere the akashic records is a multi-
dimensional storage of space that is found within every mind's Body Spirit complex which

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is Rich with the energy from the past as well as the energies of experiences from the
various life times further these energies which is stored in the akashic records are also at
this time undergoing a transformation as the Earth is now refining its akashic record
Collective into a more positive and harmonious vibration this involves letting go of those
akashic emotional energies which are of a negative nature which sometimes leads to a
release of this energy in the earth planets in the form of environmental factors as well as
earthquakes and other attributes in the timeline further the akashic records Deliverance of
the energetic frequency is primarily different than that which is understood by the so-
called scientists of your people the akashic records primarily brings forth memories of
experiences and this allows individuals to experience the type of memory along with the
energetic frequency and the emotional state which is aligned with it as the akashic
records primarily is a mirror of the human Collective Consciousness it primarily provides
the focus of the akashic records to be based upon the choices and free will of each entity
and this primarily allows for the Free Will of each entity to shift the energetic Collective of
the akashic record to be either in the vibrations of positivity or in the vibrations of catalytic
negative energetic frequency which primarily means that if mind's Body Spirit complexes
dwell on positive memories of beautiful experiences from the past space-time experience
this will shift the entire akashic records of the earth planets into a more positive
harmonious vibration furthermore the other query will now be addressed related with what
is the historical origin and evolution of the akashic records we the Pleiadians must state
that as the akashic record has a deep root in historical experience and past which
stretches back to the times of our social memory complex the Pleiadians seeding when
the sacred knowledge of information was transmitted to the human Collective since we
the Pleiadians along with the Elohim Collective were responsible for reinstallments of the
beings from Mars and Maldek in the earth planets around approximately 200 000 years
ago this allows the spiritual knowledge to be closely connected to the old souls who are
here on this planet will serve as a collective of simple vibrations and positive wisdom
which has the ability of experiences of diverse nature from the first sensory up to the
current third density level this Divine energy which is found within the All Souls is the pure
love radiancy of the one infinite Creator and as human civilization evolves the various
types of sacred systemic Evolution patterns were created to Foster Unity Consciousness
through this shared belief systems and one of the earliest systemic patterns which were
found within your planetary sphere known as the lemurians were the first to experience
direct connection to the source of creation and all beings further however over time
because of the Free Will which was allowed upon your planet's the creation of the karmic
energy emerged as a derivative of the experiences found upon the planets and all

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experiences were done to the self by the self even though it appeared to be done by
different entities this created karmic Collective which prevents its many entities too
generates positive energies and frequencies further the transformation in the akashic
energies aligns with the shift with the vibration of the cleansing of karmic energies
furthermore the energetic frequencies of the current space time of your planet is clearing
the old Paradigm of karmic energies and allowing the new karmic energy is to come in
therefore we The Pleiadians must state that this is primarily the emergence and the
historical past of the akashic records creation the other query relates with is the speed of
light variable which means not a constant we must state that firstly our understanding
from our perspective is that's the concept of a constant speed of light as many of your
people perceive as a limited perspective based on the confines of the current physical
laws and dimension of your planetary sphere in higher densities of consciousness and
existence the nature of reality transcends the limitations of space time as you understand
at the current space time from our vantage point the speed of lights are what you refer to
as by the letter c or the alphabet c is not a fixed constant but rather a variable which can
be influenced by the interplay of Consciousness and energy in our density the fabric of
the cosmic social memory complex is far from fixed end is more malleable and the
fundamental constants of the universal complex including the speed of Lights can be
modulated by the collected instant and vibrational frequencies of sentient beings in the
Journey of expanding Consciousness many will begin to realize that the nature of reality is
far more intricate and interconnected than the current scientific paradigms suggest it the
boundaries that confine your understanding are gradually dissolving as your social
memory complex raises the vibrational frequency and explores the multi-dimensional
nature of existence further we the Pleiadians must state that the universe is a vast and
infinite tapestry of Consciousness and what people perceive as constants are but stretch
in The Grand Design of the cosmic social memory complex hence we leave you now
beloved bye.

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