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Amedun Conlml Conltmna

Soallle, Wuhlnglon 0 June 1985

A New Approach for Filtering Nonlinear Systems

Simon J. Julier, Jeffrey K. Uhlrnann a n d Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte

Robotics Research Group, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford,
Oxford, OX1 3PJ United Kingdom

Abstract-In this paper we describe a new recursive lin- 3. Sufficiently small timestep intervals usually imply high
ear estimator for filtering systems with nonlinear process and computational overhead as the number of calculations
observation models. This method uses a new parameterisa- demanded for the generation of the Jacobian and the
tion of the mean and covariance which can be transformed predictions of state estimate and covariance are large.
directly by the system equations to give predictions of the
transformed mean and covariance. We show that this tech- In this paper we describe a new approach to generalising the
nique is more accurate and far easier to implement than an Kalman filter to systems with nonlinear state transition and
extended Kalman filter. Specifically, we present empirical observation models. In Section 2 we describe the basic filter-
ing problem and the notation used in this paper. In Section
results for the application of the new filter to the highly non-
linear kinematics of maneuvering vehicles. 3 we describe the new filter. The fourth section presents a
summary of the theoretical analysis of the performance of the
new filter against that of the EKF. In Section 5 we demon-
fuse together: 합쳐져서 하나가 되다. I. INTRODUCTION strate the new filter in a highly nonlinear application and
we conclude with a discussion of the implications of this new
Filtering is one of the most pervasive tools of engineering. filter'
Whenever the state of a system must be estimated from noisy
sensor information, some kind of state estimator is employed 11. THEFILTERING
to fuse together the data from different sensors to produce an
accurate estimate of the true system state. When the system The filtering problem of interest in this paper is to find the
employ: 합쳐 dynamics and observation models are linear, the minimum best (MMSE) linear estimate of the state vector x ( k ) of a
져서 하나가 mean squared error (MMSE) estimate may be computed us- system of interest which evolves according to the discrete-
time non-linear (and possibly time varying) state transition
ing the Kalman filter. However, in most applications of in-
되다. terest the system dynamics and observation equations are equation [I]
nonlinear and suitable extensions to the Kalman filter have
been sought. The optimal solution to the nonlinear filtering
x(k + 1) = f[x(k),u(k + 11, + 11 + v(k), (1)
problem requires that a complete description of the condi- where f[., .., .] is the process model x(k) is the state of the
tional probability density is maintained. Unfortunately this +
system at timestep k, u(k 1) is the input vector and v(k)
is an additive process noise. It is assumed that the only in-
exact description requires a potentially unbounded number of
parameters (such as moments) and a number of suboptimal formation available about this system are its control inputs
approximations have been proposed [5]. These usually em-
and a set of noisy observations z(k 1). These observations
are related to the state vector by the nonlinear equation
ploy unwieldy analytical approximations to probability dis-
crude: 대강, 대강하다. tributions, derivatives of the state transition and observation z(k + 1) = h[x(k + I ) , u(k + 11, k + 13 + w(k + I), (2)
equations, or Monte Carlo methods which require the use
of many thousands of points to approximate the conditional
density. In many high-dimensioned applications these meth-
where z(k 1 is the observation vector, h[., .] is the ob-

servation mode that transforms the state space vector into

observation space and w(k)is an additive measurement noise.
ods are rarely practical. For these reasons the most widely
used filter, the extended Kalman filter(EKF), is also the crud- It is assumed that the additive noise vectors, v(k) and w(k),
est generalisation. This filter closely resembles a Kalman fil- are Gaussian, uncorrelated white sequences. E [v(k)] =
ter except that each linear step is replaced by its linearised E [w(k)] = 0,for all k, and their respective covariances are
equivalent. Although the EKF is conceptually simple it has,
in practice, three well-known drawbacks: E [~(+7(3')] = bQ(4, (3)
E [w(Z)w'(j)] = &,R(i), (4)
1. Linearisation can produce highly unstable filter perfor-
with cross covariance
mance if the timestep intervals are not sufficiently small.
E [v(Z)w'(j)] = 0, Vi,j. (5)
2. The derivation of the Jacobian matrices are nontrivial
in most applications and often lead to significant imple- The true states of the system are not known; they must
mentation difficulties. be estimated and since the process and observation models
full discussion of the results outlined in this paper can be found on the WWW at


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are disturbed by random processes, the estimation errors are actual distribution of the errors on the state prediction. Fur-
random variables. For any distribution of these errors, the ther, it is assumed that the state errors propagate through a
MMSE estimate coincides with the conditional mean. We let separate linearised system and the covariance of these errors
A(i I j) be the conditional mean at time i conditioned on all evolves according to
observations up to time j,

A(i I j ) = E [x(i)lZ3] (6)

where Jf is the Jacobian matrix of f[.,.,.] evaluated about
where Z J = { z ( l ) , 2(2), . . . ,~ ( j ) } The
~ . estimated covari- k(k I k). Similar assumptions are made in predicting
ance is i(k + 1 I k) and Pzz(k + 1 I k). However, the assumptions
that (a) the mean can be accurately predicted without re-
P ( i I j ) = E [ { ~ ( i-) a(;I j)}{x(i] - k ( i I j)}TlZ3] . (7) gard to the distribution of the errors and (b) that the state
errors propagate through a separate linearised system rarely
hold and this leads to the difficulties outlined in the intro-
Since these equations are difficult to calculate in practice, the
duction. In the light of these problems we have developed a
class of recursive linear estimators is usually employed in-
new filter which uses the recursive linear estimator structure
stead. These estimators apply the nonlinear state transition
(Equations 8 to 12) but avoids the EKF's linearising assump
and observation equations to the current estimated state of
the system, x(k I k) with covariance P(k I k), to predict the
state at a subsequent timestep, X(k 1 I k) and P(k 1 I k). + 111. THENEW FILTER
The system is observed at k 1 and the information is in-
corporated linearly into the state estimate, hence the name We begin with the following intuit#ion: With a fixed number
linear estimator. It can be shown [I] that the best linear of parameters it should be easier to approximate a Gaussian
MMSE estimate is such that the estimation error is both distribution than it i s to approximate an arbitrary nonlinear
unbiased and orthogonal to the observation z(k 1). This + function [3,8]. Following this intuition we seek a parame-
necessitates a prediction of the observation at time k 1 and + terisation which captures the mean and covariance informa-
since x(k 1 I k) is a random variable, the predicted obser- tion while at the same time permitting the direct propaga-
vation is a random variable as well. It is distributed with tion of the information through an arbitrary set of nonlinear
conditional mean i(k 1 I k) and covariance P z z ( k 1 I k). + equations. We shall show that this can be accomplished by
The linear update equations are generating a discrete distribution composed of the minimum
number of points which have the same first and second (and
%(E 1 I k 1) + = X(k + +
1 I k) W ( k ) v ( k ) (8) possibly higher) moments, where each point in the discrete
P(k+lIk+l) = P(k+lIk) approximation can be directly transformed. The mean and
- +
W(k l)PV,(k 1- 1 1 k ) W T ( k + 109) covariance of the transformed ensemble can then be computed
as the estimate of the nonlinear transformation of the original
The vector v(k 1) is the innovation, which is equal to the distribution.
difference between the actual observation and the predicted
observation: Given an n-dimensional Gaussian (distribution having covari-
ance P, we generate a set of O(n) points having the same
v(k + 1) = z(k + 1) - i(k + 1 I k). (10) covariance from the columns (or rows) of the matrices
(the positive and negative roots). This set of points is zero spurious: 거짓된
The covariance of this quantity is mean, but if the original distribution has mean X, then sim-
Pw(k + 1 I k) = Pzz(k + 1 I k) + R(k + 1). (11)
ply adding X to each of the points: yields a symmetric set of
2n points having the desired mean and covariance. Because
W(k+ 1) is the Kalman gain and its value is given by the set is symmetric its odd central moments are zero, so its
first three moments are the same as the original Gaussian
W(k + 1) = P,z(k + 1 I k)P,-(k + 1 I k), (12) distribution. This is the minimal number of points capable
obscure: 모호하게 하다.
of encoding this information. A random sampling of points
where P,,(k + 1 I k) is the predicted cross-correlation matrix from the distribution, on the other hand, will generally intro-
between li(k + 1 I k) and i(k + 1 I k). duce spurious modes in the transformed distribution even if
the set of sample points has the correct mean and covariance.
The prediction phase is vital for overall filter performance.
In a filtering application these modes will take the form of
However these equations do not specify how this process is to
high frequency noise that may completely obscure the signal.
be carried out. The EKF assumes that the errors in the state
estimates are small. As a consequence, the predicted mean is
To restate the general problem, we have the mean x ( k I k)
approximated by
and covariance P(klk) of the state at time k and would like
k(k + 1 I k) = E [f[x(k),u(k +
l), k l]lZk]+ + +
to predict k(k 1 I k) and P(k Ilk) through the nonlinear
function f[.,., .I. We summarise the basic method as follows:
z f[E [x(k)IZ'] ,u(k l ) , k 11 + +
= f[k(k I k ) , u ( k + l),k + 11. (13)
1. Compute the set a i ( k l k ) of 2,n points from the columns
That is, the predicted mean is equal to the prior mean pro- of the matrices &dm. This set is zero mean with
jected through f[-,-,.]. This estimate does not consider the covariance P(k1k). Compute a set of points with the


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same covariance, but with mean k(k I k), by translating The basic method is generalised in two ways. First, any of
each of the points as X,(kI k) = a , ( k l k ) k(k I k). the infinite number of (not necessarily square) matrix square
roots can be chosen. If the orthogonal matrix square root is
2. Transform each point through the state dynamics equa- chosen, then the sigma points lie along the eigenvectors of the
tions as X,(k 1 I k) = f[X,(kI k), u ( k l),k l]. + + covariance matrix. Second, K copies of the prior mean k(k I k)
can be included in the set of sigma points. Although the mean
3. Compute k(k + 1 I k)
and P(k +
Ilk) by computing
of the sigma points is unaffected, the distribution of the oints
the mean and covariance of the 272 points in the set
is scaled (since they are now found from Ad-).
X,(k 1 I k). In certain circumstances this scaling leads to improvements
Process noise is injected into the state transition model by in performance, which is discussed in more detail in the next
adding a dynamic noise covariance matrix Q ( k ) to P(k I k) section.
before the sigma points are calculated. To predict i(k 1 I k) +
and P,,(k 1 I k) we apply the same intuition to h[.,., .] us- We now summarise the general formulation [3] of the new
ing the set of projected sigma points X,(k 1 I k). + filter:

1. The set of translated sigma points is computed from the n x n matrix P ( k l k ) as

2. The predicted mean is computed as

3. And the predicted covariance is computed as

P(k+ Ilk) =
{ n[Xo(k+l I k) - Z ( k + 1 I k)l[Xo(k+ 1 I k) - Z ( k + 1 I 41T

4. The predicted observation is calculated by

5. And the covariance is determined by

Pz,(k + 1 I k) = -2-
{ nE2o(k + 1 I k) - f ( k + 1 I k)][2o(k+ 1 I k) - i(k + 1 I k)lT

where P y y ( k + 1 I k) = P z z ( k + 1 I k) + R(k + 1).

6 . Finally the cross correlation matrix is determined by

P d k + 1 I k) = 1
n[Xo(k+ 1 I IC) - Z ( k + 1 I k)1[.20(k+1 I k) - i(k+ 1 I k)]T

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Iv. THEPERFORMANCE OF THE NEW FILTER the predictions of mean and covariance are more accurate
than those made by the EKF. Errors are injected into the
In [3,4] we have analysed the performance of the new filter
fourth and higher orders. By choosing IE such that n IE = IC,
then the error in the kurtosis is minimised.
and the EKF in terms of the accuracy of predicting the mean
and covariance of the states of the system given that the cur- v. EMPIRICAL
rent distribution is Gaussian. It is not possible to present
this analysis here and so we provide a brief summary of the We illustrate the effectiveness of the new filter against that of
results. the EKF for a real application which is currently under devel-
opment at Oxford. We are designing a navigation system to
Assuming that the state transition equations can be expressed estimate the position of a conventional road vehicle with sub-
in terms of a unique Taylor series, it can be shown that the metre accuracy. The vehicle will operate in an unstructured
new filter predicts the mean and covariance correctly up to environment (the road surrounding Oxford) and at typical
the fourth term in the Taylor series. That is, the error is of driving speeds (up to 25ms-1 .) As explained in [2], the pro-
the order of the product of the fourth moments of the state cess models for vehicle motion become complicated by the ac-
errors and the fourth order derivatives of the state transi- tion of appreciable nonlinear dynamic effects. As an example,
tion equations. As a contrast, the EKF predicts the mean we present an eight-state model which describes the motion
correctly up to the second order and the covariance up to of a conventional road vehicle. The control inputs are vehi-
the fourth order. Therefore the new filter predicts the mean cle steer angle 6 ( k ) and the angular speed of the front drive
more accurately than the EKF and its estimate incorporates wheel w ( k ) . These states are: the position and course angle of
the so-called second order “bias” terms which are normally the centre of mass of the vehicle [ z G ( ~ )y, ~ ( k )+(k)lT,
, mean
considered to be the principal advantage of using the modi- tyre radius R ( k ) , front and rear tyre forces F,r(k),Fgr(k) and
fied second order Gaussian filter [5]. Further, the new filter front and rear tyre stiffness parameters Ca, (k),C a , ( k ) . The
predicts the covariance at least as accurately as the EKF but discrete state transition equation of this system is:
without the need to undertake the difficult and time con-
suming task of determining the Jacobian matrices. By an
appropriate choice of n we can strengthen these statements
further since the magnitudes of the higher order errors can
be reduced.

For any choice of K: the first, second and third order mo-
ments of the sigma point distribution are unchanged. How-
ever the fourth order moment or the kurtosis is scaled by
n + n and all higher order (even) moments scale geometrically
with n n. All odd ordered moments are zero. Therefore (E
can be adjusted according to the higher order moments of
the prior distribution to reduce the errors in these terms’.
For example consider the case when the prior distribution
is Gaussian. By linearly transforming the state space using where p ( k ) is the radius of curvature of the motion, P ( k ) is
d(n + +
n)(P(k I k) Q ( k ) ) this distribution is equivalent to
the angle between the course taken by the vehicle and its ori-
n independent, Gaussian, zero-mean random variables each entation, and af(k)and ar(k) are the side slip angles. These
with covariance of one. From the moment generating function
intermediate quantities are calculated from
it can be shown that all odd moments of these independent
distributions are zero and that the kurtosis of the ith state
of these independent distributions is given by E [zt] = 3.
Higher order even moments scale factorially. By a similar
transformation the distribution of the sigma points can be
expressed as n independent discrete distributions each with
a covariance of one. The kurtosis of the ith state of these
distributions is E [z:] = n n. The higher moments scale
geometrically with n n. Therefore, if n is chosen such that
n -+ K = 3 then the kurtosis of one state of the sigma points

agrees with that of the Gaussian distribution. Further, the

higher order moments of the sigma points scale geometrically
with common ratio 3, which is a slower growth than the higher
moments of the Gaussian distribution. The EKF, however,
The position and orientation of the vehicle is observed. The
effectively assumes that all of these higher order terms are
nonlinear observation equation is

These results imply that for any symmetric prior distribution

with kurtosis k, if n is chosen such that 0 < n n 5 E then
2The matrix square root should be able to handle non-positivesemidefinite matrices in a robust fashion.


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From the analysis we expect to see significant differences in To test this hypothesis the ADAMS mechanical systems sim-
performance between the two filters if (a) the kurtosis and ulation software package was used to simulated a vehicle as
higher order moments in the state errors distributions are sig- it drove around a test track. Both the EKF and new filter
nificant and/or (b) the fourth and higher order differentials were incorporated into navigation systems to estimate posi-
of the state transition and observation equations are appre- tion and orientation of the vehicle. Figure 1 shows the errors
ciable. However in this application the magnitudes of the in the estimates of position and course angle along with the
covariances are significantly less than unity and so the kurto- two standard deviation bounds. The plots for the new filter
sis is small. Further, to ensure good performance for the EKF are given in Figure 2. As can be seen, there is little difference
the time steps are of short duration, and the system behaves in the magnitude of the state errors committed by each filter.
in a quasi-linear fashion. The principle benefit of the new fil- Similar results have been found in other practical applica-
ter in this case is that performance comparable to that of the tions such as satellite tracking [6] and map-based position
EKF is achieved without the need to evaluate the Jacobians determination [8].
or, indeed, any partial derivatives of the above equations.

X slate ermr Ycdademr X siab ermr Y atate m r

1 n n l

g O;. Io
a 0.1 l0.1


0 500 1Mo
Ume step

Fig.1: State errors in position and heading estimates Fig.2: State errors in position and heading estimates
using the EKF. Position estimates in metres, $ estimate using the new filter. Position estimates in metres, 11,
in radians. estimates in radians.

VI. DISCUSSION sociation. The Academic Press, 1988.

[2] S. J. Julier and H. F. Durrant-Whyte. Navigation and Param-
In this paper we have described a new method for filtering eter Estimation of High Speed Road Vehicles. To be presented
a t t h e 1995 Robotics and A u t o m a t i o n Conference, Nagoya,
nonlinear systems. This method uses a recursive linear esti- Japan.
mator structure. However, unlike the EXF we do not make [3] S. 3. Julier and J. K. Uhlmann. A general method for approxi-
crude linearising assumptions in order to predict the new mating nonlinear transformations of probability distributions.
state of the system. Rather, we approximate the prior distri- WWW,811994.
[4] S. J. Julier, J. K. Uhlmann and H. F. Durrant-Whyte. A new
bution using the minimum set of points that capture the first approach for the nonlinear transformationof means and covari-
three moments of the prior distribution. Our new filter pro- ances in linear filters. Submitted to the IEEE Transactions o n
A u t o m a t i c ContTol.
duces predictions of state and covariance which are provably [5] P. S. Maybeck. Stochastic Models, E s t i m a t i o n , and Control,
more accurate as those of the EKF but without the need to volume 2. Academic Press, 1982.
calculate Jacobian matrices3. [SI B. M. Quine. Fault detection in spacecraft guidance systems.
Technical report, University of Oxford, 1994.
[7] B. M. Quine, J . K. Uhlmann and H. F. Durrant-Whyte. Im-
For these reasons we believe that the new filter should be pre- plicit jacobians for linearized state estimation in nonlinear sys-
ferred to the EKF in all nonlinear applications where linear tems. T o be presented a t t h e 1995 A m e r i c a n A u t o m a t i c Con-
estimators are employed. trol Conference, Seattle U.S.A., 1995.
[8] J. K. Uhlmann. Simultaneous map building and localization
for real time applications. Technical report, University of Ox-
REFERENCES ford, 1994.
[l] Y.Bar-Shalom and T. E. Fortmann. Tracking and D a t a A s -

3An alternative parameterisation of the basic principle is presented in [7]. This parameterisation converges to the EKF but without
the need to explicitly calculate the Jacobian matrices.


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