Lección 24R

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Lección 24R


E-mall invoice #397 togmeathe@skd.org; the $7 will be paidJane and Ken may go to town
to handle the pale and sick dog The answers to pop quiz #12 are; (1) a, (2) c, (3)b, (4) cUncle Jeff
rented a burgundy minivan for three days a monthCheck #42 was sent on 6/15 for the amount of
$89 as payment. Zale played amazing pop jazz on a saxophone and a xylophoneL& D Bank pays 7%
interest on savings accounts, 10% on CDs


Do you find yourself forgetting the names of people thatyou have known for quite some
time? Did you put something down and a few minutes later were not able to find it again?Memory
lapses like these are normal, and there are things you can do to prevent them from happening as
often. Just a few simple lifestyles changes can easily help improve your emory. Everyone can take
steps to better their memory; it will take both thime and practice. It is important to get enough
sleep and to eat properly, Exercise both the mid and the body.Read, write, and do puzzles each day
to help develop your memory. Make time for family and friends and have a good time with them.


Anyone who expects some day to fin a great job should begin now to learn the value of
accuracy. To be worth anything final work must be Correct, without any questions. Of course, we
realize that the aspect of the work equation raises always the chance of errors; we should
understand that those same errors can be found and fixed. Every job completed should carry at
least 2/2stamp: the stamp of true pride in work that is exemplary.

Lección 25

deny many canny tiny nymph puny any puny zany penny ponyyenJenny Nyles saw many,
many tiny nymphs flying near her pony.bran barb brim curb brat garb bray verb brag garb bribe
herb Barb Barber can bring a bit a bit of bran and herbs for her bread.cede neck nice deck dice
heck rice peck vice erect mice echo Can Cedric erect a decent cedar deck? He erects nice condos
nun gnu bun nut pun numb sun nude tuna nub fun null unit gunnungnu bun nutpun numb sun
nudetuna nub fun nullunitgunEunice had enough ground nuts at lunch; Uncle Launce is funACESD


Is if he do rub ant go and am pan do rut us aid ox ape by isItis an end |it may I to pay I and
so I aid us I he got I orOwn| to goDid the girl make the ornament with fur, duck down , or hair?Us
owl rug box bob to man so bit or big pen of jay me age itIt |it is I time to go I show them how I plan
to go I one of theAimsIlt is a shame they use the autobus for a visit to the field

The term career can mean many different things toDifferent people. As you know, a career
is more than just an Occupation. It includes the jobs an individual has over timeIt also involves how
the work life affects the other parts ofOur life. There are as many types of careers as there are
People. Almost every person has a career of some kind. A career Can help us attain unique goals,
such as having a stable Livelihood or a rewarding vocation. The kind of career you Have will affect
your life in many ways. For example, it can.Determine where you live, the mony you make, and
how you Feel about yourself. A good choice can thus help you realice the Life you want.

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