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Cooling by evaporation

1. The boiling point of water is 100 °C.

Copy and complete these sentences about water using words from
the list.
Each word can be used once, more than once or not at all.
least most different the same
evaporate condense freeze
The energies of the particles in water at 25 °C are …different…….
Particles with the …least………………. energy stay in the liquid.
Particles with the …most……………… energy can leave the liquid.
When liquid water turns to gas, the water is said to ……

2. Hot water at 80 °C is placed in a beaker and left in a room

temperature of 20 °C. Most of the cooling of the water is caused by
radiation and conduction. Which of these also causes the
temperature of the water to decrease?

A freezing B condensation C evaporation D boiling


3. a. Explain what happens to the average energy of particles in

a liquid during evaporation.
During evaporation, particles at the liquid's surface gain enough energy to
turn into gas, lowering the liquid's average particle energy.

b. What happens to the temperature of a liquid during

Explain your answer.
The temperature of a liquid drops during evaporation because the high-energy
particles leave, reducing the overall temperature.
4. a. Explain how sweat can cool the skin.

Sweat cools the skin by evaporating, taking heat from the body
b. Explain why skin can become too warm when sweat cannot
Skin can get too warm if sweat doesn't evaporate well, like in humid
conditions, limiting the cooling effect.

5. Isopropanol is a liquid that can be applied to the skin to reduce

the chance of cuts becoming infected. Isopropanol evaporates
quickly. Isopropanol at room temperature feels cold when
applied to the skin. Explain why.
Isopropanol evaporates quickly because its molecules gain enough energy
from the skin to overcome intermolecular forces and transition into the
gaseous state. This rapid evaporation absorbs heat from the skin, providing a
cooling sensation.

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